Notes ox Dcll Times. To cure dull times apply an advertisement to the af flicted part. A sign-board can't tell iiny thins. It takes an advertisement to do that. All ho advertise do not get rich, hut precious few get rich without it. The world is foil of advertising, yet everyone wants Vj sec ''Vhat is n?: ' The world's memory is tliort. It will ! forget if you do not jog it frequently. i Early to bed and early to rise will all be j iu vaiu if you don't ad vert ice. j The world is always sure to lh.d an lion- j et man ; but it will nul him tit srreni deal quicker if he advertises. l.iTir.i: Li:m:i:- Matilda. t.wi litll;l!)N :ire i-burs:---si i ;T-h1 uiw mill il lnoks to mi- jiiM :iz tho tb-y j'ii:; to ! mure i-kai- r. Vu kant ketch g..l !nihauds ii tiro mui-li fur tln'iu : th-.y aie a piwc ii.-l. and are very pai lik. rlar a'x.iit the bait, and bw it 17. handled. There is $;rate skill too iu seeliii!: them iu after they are fairly hooked. Menny a fine fish haz been lost by kareless reeling it. Morris. I am an advokate ov Fashion uot bekauz I luv it for itself, but bekaz i kno its power, aud am anxious to hav it kept az hi toued az possible. Fashion controls the aektious more peo ple to-day than religion daz. IlAnnoi.n. The usual substitute for a baby in the household iz a lap do, and I have al'wuss pittyed the dog. Doss luy to run around out doors, fights, i sleep in the box, have a skirmish now and i then with some other purpin the tn.ighhor- j hood, hunt for ileas, and Lurry and dij; up j bones on their own account. It iz tufTon a dog lo Im held in Iho laj) all ! the time, to be fed with a spoon and hav ! Liz ears put up in kurl papers, and Jiiz tail i braided it iz mortal tuH'on the dog, I tell : yu- (JEUTKruK, Vu tell hie that yu hav Ijeen ." years at a loardiu5-s!o(l, afid hnv just finished yure edukashutn :md want, to kno what yu shall do next. Listen, mi cushing Certruii', and I will t. ll yu. (it up in the i.nomicg in good season, go down into the kitchcu, seize a potato by the throat with one hand and a koife with the other, skin the potato and a dozen more just like it, stir u;i the buckwheat batter,! look in the oven and we how the Liskits j are doing, bustle around generally, step on j the cat's tail and hclnyuiv good old mother ; git brckfast. ; After brekfasl put u the yuug children's ! luncheon forskool, help wash up the dishes, I sweep sum, put things in order and sum- j time during the day nit at least two inches ' and a half on sum one of yute brother's I little blue wool- n stockings ihr next win- I ter. Iu other words go to work and make yvtrrsclf useful now that yu hav becum or namental, and if yu hav enny titne left af- I ter the beds are all made and the duks hav ! been fed pitch into the pianua and make ; ihe old rattle bos skream with tnusik. ! Do this for one year, and sum likely yung fellow in the uaborhood will hear ov it, and 1 i will begin to hang around yu, and say ! sweeter things thau yu ever heard before, ' and finally will give yu a chance to keep j Lous on yure own hook. j Yu follow tuy ad vie, (rerty. and se1 if he don't. Peck. ili opinyutu ov the lottery bizz- '. cess is very well developed, and i hav no tisse.1 that putting a very little money to ! ketch a good deal with haz allwuss been the plau ov very cunning tnenT but not the : plau ov very wizc men. Thare iz plenty ov folks in this world who, if they buy dollars' worth ov lot- , tery tickets and draw dollars back, think they are on the sure road to suekeess, ! pnd this iz just what makes the lottery ritch, and keeps the fellow who iu vents iu j in it allwuss groiue poorer. j The chances ov drawing a large prize in a ; lottery iz just about az certain az the riorih ! pole gitling struck with litening. Lottery- are legalized iu sum States, but ' they arc the very wust kind uv gambling, bekauze ther are so sekret. A man better thro the money into the lire that lie invests in lottery, for he mite i git sik ov that after a while and quit. Mrs. Tucker. Neatness iz one ov the j virtews, and it ain't one ov the leat ones ! neither. Hut thare iz a certain kindov hail ( 'olum- 1'ia ! Deatnesg that makes the possessor ov it and everybody else around thetn mizera blo. I hav seen good square Christian wimmin 1 who would skrub sumthing from Jan. , 1V7I, to Jan. 1, 174. and deklare all the time 'that things wuz too filthy lar enny thing.'' I hav known them to git up at four o'clock in the morning, and hunt for dirt hi kandle lite, and keep hunting until bedtime, and then have a cockroach ui'o mare, or dream haffthe nite that the old lions kat waz in sum kind ov mischief. i-:.,i .... .: :.. i . i.m ii itu-.-n: muu uv nKiimiu nave nny i:illl- dren they wear themsclf out. and the chil- ' lrcn loo, trieiug to keep the molasses oft from their bibs and following them around :elnt- . J ' a At i 1 to si-e it they brought tnny mud into the hous on their s.huze. There iz no peace and ouietness in a hotixhold ov this kind : every boddy iz tin eay, and the kat iz mi the jump all the time. "' nVze.s, X. )'. WuKJ-i. Skilled Ovsi I KS 'Ilafe. you got some of dot kind of oysters fwhat haf been shpil cd 'C 'Spiled oysters ! Yes, we have a few cans loft over from lat week that I think will tit you.' 4IIow you sold 'cm V 'Oh, I'll sell "cm right ; you may have all you want fi.r a nickel.' 'Veil, den, mffie good Trent. vi!l you be so kind to prinir me four doz.-n foa dot damaget lot.' The oysters! were brought, and the customer put them i quietly dowu into the nit of his stomach, i and having finished the job, he said to the i restauranteur : Xow, my very kind frent, j yon hafe got some sood oysters, nint it ?' i 'Votir're mighty right I have.' 'Veil, 1 takes half a dozen raw uud some pickles.' These were in turn served and quickly put ; down on topof those gone before. Rut the ' restauranteur was troubled, and when the ; patron came lu settle the bill, said to him : ; 'Look here, pard. I don't like to ! too in- j quisilive, but blowed ef I wouldn't like ter , know why you took a fancy to so many j spiled oysters and so few good ones ! . 'Veil, you hafe hern a good friend to me and so I told you something. Vou see I hafe got tape worm, unt efiy t ime dot is de way I hate to do. Vou n-e, dutlast half i dozen, dem was for me miueself, but dot damaget lot, deru was for de tape worm. You know dot I ain't dot kind of a Com- ' modore Vanterpilt dot I can afford it to prcak up mine whole peeeness to feed a tani tape warm on goot oysters. A 1 OOli comet for home ue ci n be made tying a bunch of lighted fire-crackers to the ' cat's tail. A kew proverb says : 'The man who ; sets out a bingle 6hadc tree is better than I the founder of a bae hall club. Fr2 a? Tlie Largest .Stock of Stovoa Stvl."'. Jil rT. 33. REED'S New Slove aafl Tinware EstaWisliet, Tkiri Street, opposits Central Hotel, ("OOIv. "N'BT 1 Mv ?t Ueuhitor (.'.". k. Cam iiination. I'aiN.-.'. Ir-.n Ki.ij. Viiti'iinia!, :.:il a Jarf variety "I i er (.'no!: Sioves Han-es always hand or proi-nri'i order. Also a larire assortment of repairs of all kinds for the Comhinntum and Regulator (Jock Stove. 1 have the largest assortment of Stoves over seen in Sunbniy, that will be soM at priees to suit the times. Tinware ami .Sheetiron ware of every doseription in large quantity. Alo ;,ti assorfment of Cleveland iion-eplosivo Lamps. licofing and Spouting lny t tenl to ihe public are -tm-k. and he r-onvitifM that Mini jurv. -e-it. 1S74. whit; Invito an i-xannnati"!! of I li:r.?S ;HS. lM.t Hssorlineul which Ili.T nr s'Hiiit priors lw'r than ewr. BLACK ALPACA.8, j Call and examine hefore j'Urchasimr itom . cts. 1 Jents, EST BRANDS OF -MUSLINS 1 vard wid ami 12', i-ent. mi t it ii i in nt l ; TKLPBL A I M l Si: Sunhtirv AHPET S in tt, WM. (.)-(. It, 1874.- lm. HEW f3 :tt In immense ouantities. have lyvn received daily, fr the last two months. Over Comi.- ! Over Con Is ! ! for Men and Hoys, endless variety, and at astonNhini: low prices ! Dress Slits, rxDKi: cL(n niXG : from ! cts. a full suit U t the finest ! ISEIRTS! C5-I01TE3S! ijEEA.'XS AND CAPS, f.r Men and Uoys, in immense variety, and of the latest styles. ; He invites everybody to call and examine his xtock. Astonishing bargains will be ; ollercd and goods will be sold cheaper than they have ever been in this town. Nobody is able to undersell us ! The place t save money during these hard times. The place where honest and upright dealing is the standing rule. The place where you can find the largest stock and best assortment. The ptoce w!i-re you are welcome, whether vou buy or not iat ItANDClNTI.'ALCl.OTIII.Vt' STOIIK, 'or. :;d A Muket Sn., Sunbury, l'a. Putilfiuy, l'a., S-ptetntHT 11, l";. iv :("i l-!.l"i"s. ipVTo 1! Aw Ti.N 1 -Ht.OOO 1...Z. H Ctiui.K !.;mk -' ill liiimth. nbi'i-( iitj mil' in ri n-ti I Hiurt cjll.ii f aii 1 i-ufls eijiul li 'uv!'. niil inn- cl tu ilo . 1. r;-- liAiiinu. unil i'---i".'ii lh Llji-ii. n c Hcai-v at Htijn .iti-1 s iln til mlil. ! '!, Uiiiji-ii, r."- nil (irl" iwriii-li-!! withhii-miy fiiij'lim"Tit, '!ii-tn-i;!.ii" 1'!'. All ll.illlf I 111"' 'III" lfCTI nl'Il i'.li.l Il I ur ! ' , .,;, .,,.. .: .,,;. . 7 i u. ii..n. ( 'iS.s'l ' t n!i:n.e. ' i lrlli iti.i . - 1..M I'LiA .Ml N l -r J: .tr:l.l 'l. il Mitlri i. , . ( I:..--. V. ill.:- MjI,' i.' ri'ipiln-i. Aii. It.- -Hi'!". h ivmm i v i ami INS I I- UTI ;. IiHrlcsSt tl.l. 4.e...Ts'. I: Hull'.'. M. I.IlTi- Vril ill ll-"t -rii' Slll- iii 111'. W.ipJliryT'M' C 'H'!!'!!;. Siim;""Ii in Vmive. Th Uic' 1i!.1m iihi. ritlt'iii' .! tiic lulc 'i.'Ti.-- i ' -r- Full l.'l- 1 ' 11 t lip V- tU all fu . In I'!, i -!!!! .1.1.1 .1 - "i 111 I l:iloil SriiiHii-hi l;i.'iii.-, 1-ij-tfi" r ;'f il'l llll'lll ii Oi.r !llf HI ill" ..i f". ;i'lv il liit- 1' r.tollHl" I'.l.l l.l.v., M. i.,it-,.,.i nit..,. COCCUS, CO L )S, 1 1 0 I S K X Yi AND ALL TIIHOAT DISLASKS, lVi:i.I-S" I IH'.LTV I'I 1 l PliM.V IN Hl.t I. Hol.. A TIMED AND SURE REMEDY. Nf ami S.-roiid-Ka-ii'!, uf i nn!-tI; s Mh1:-ih, ;1 U noJI at i. v.v jir1!-"! ir t--thljt r mi I uhUllin-i.., r :! rut. in r;l v or t-u;i1r , Ktrn;p th-t' 1 in 1 I nn it ut 1 n' H'll'i.tH, ." Mstf' U sft'l'n mi'i M'.ii, Ni. 4-l Itrf.niv.ay, tliniif.t r U ;ir "l5 rr-i m NVv, V nk. Av hht''1 to V;itT' t-W S(';i!" 1-l.ilio-, ; t. 1 t tttt-rU riiiib. iiii'Mrr;i--i t ui.''.i' itt .M'::t-'i. ti'jt jinln---iiit-iiif ti. .Jit- Ti-mlf. A lMt't'- a;-i'i.tiiil t- T- i-'jni, jliislHi 4 (iM'ihfK. L .(Iff', S'ii" 'N. -''. Sm . JVf . fP 17 .4 4? KKTAI. 1 14jLj Iiiiorlr4 Iri', j v Tin: I Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. id Fifth Ave.. IMttsbiirfr. I'h. ) Tli in an orgntii.ttf ion of r;i.itiptrt to ; I.irOKT AI mSTKIKI TK TIMS tor o:jp PTiiail nniitlt. navint? Uie Hoiutnnjcr nil ntitw ' tiij l-iUu.en, i -out rnl a la-;.-" f drt t;t- 11- -n 'I fas l.rouiit to liii. ivuiiin, whicfi itr y hjj-h-'1' . ' v,-m.ttj. biiyip ti tthT 1 I t it' n i !; oati tlJs- ; tvH!tKf' 'ur Loump iji i."tii:ia :iuJ 4iiji tu-.- fli- ! vtv b-i f iliti'- ot -tIfri!i-7. r-L:ti Ln n1 vm t V. ( LAf blt Jiili. A H.n-t Ir tM;rilntiPiK ' o'.ir 1 ,1" in all i J jti'iiu al o: u r.f J !':t.-i v-i, Keitiifiliil Oil i hronio, vttkii frora tb rirb'Jrt piup ArntTintu utnl wi4(t ; jtnmtM) which, jf )xupht at I i 'nr Htm , I r,mr ; rmifh innr ttian tlie j-ric 1 ttn Ti-;1. I -ti .ji:mw :,r- ) u i-rw-pnt to (,r ruHt!.niT. A1J (fooi tii:c! VVarraiiN-Mu i-m;-i -v iihr. mil . or Lr tiun-j rnf uinid. ' Urvut Atlantic A I'm ill c Tea o.v 1 r fifth vp. TiT-ff, I:5. ?Jf,v. 07. 4v. flit- Comity, of the improved R,Y 8 A ((ii-its of the following AND PAKLOK Morning Light Par lor Stove and Ii'nihlo Heater, Home iK-iif-ht I'adinnt Home. Twiliffhl and ;i larjie assortment i l(V thers such its aa Gas IJurneis, FL'g Stoves, Etc., Etc. . . , , respect fully united to call ami cx- T am wllins thr eheai-est. .1. T5. liEKD. their immense new stock of ils - where. (ur Aljiacas range in j.tiees j to M.mi. of Prints, 5 UtiTV. WIIITMER & CO. "I U Business Slits, undkk clotihn(; : Wffl. A. HELLER'S, KIIOKT I'KOM'OXKMK.M' HAY lI A id) il 1,1. OIVlKIIil TIOV I'irst t'raiiitl .ilt t'oneert. Moiitpeller Female Hnrnane Association, AT Al.r.XANDHIA, VA. II A IK II 21. I ST I. j.isini-oiris. i (iiauu ( jmi (Hi fjiw.iim i l.Mlli.t I'l-Nli lliil .Vl.lMKI I l.,.illil I'usll (ill! J"'.1H'J III n-li ilil'ln, vui'tl '.mi.lKlll 1 t I .-ii I ill ' . i.(Hf rjch 7'i.lMMl 1 tin :i-li till.-. 1,(HI t.t 'i "i'l,iil ; urn e.,-1, ititt-. ..mi i':,i :i .'.ii.ikii) j i,i m : -L lilt'l. !"! ' .i.:!l iHI,i(MI i i.iimih h cm-, :m c.irii .vi.euu i .u hum ".i-t . it'-. .ri-icii 4'.i,iitij -. M i:ts, iiiiiuitntiiiK t .(IiWhukm M IKI i:OI TirKKTS. 100,000. Wiioli 'Ji.-J:h.- fft.o HUM ;..oo ii i ',.,! .in VJ liMi.yi r.' l:-kt Tlif t .: 1 li-- t i.ii. rl tup a in- AH.M-iiit a-u, fh:irtr t d h ti.- I,vi'.il;ii n jr-:ii:a :iiit t It- i'irtuit Court -t t r;iiit(- k ,. jti'j-tiHff liy a Cirjiitl 'iiJt )i;'-rt to h-Ti.1i-!j .i'l.l h.i.m ;i "H-itit ior the l.If JiiDrm, aul 1 1 --umi'. I . in - 1 it v iij:t," ;it !MoLit' lir, The iiirnwr 1 ! ; u l'rt"ilt-nt .lurut-H Mtniioii. ImiU.K .HI.V itl HI I., lll HVuMi, Jtllv Ii, ! t u',,- j ,n t ,Kty that I am .ir-juaJhl- flvin. ;. i it't 111:: I'.y i th etlit-vri" ol thr Motitj l;-r i'.iir"" Mn-!.- . ..;. .in.. n, win rt?i'l- in tbt- 1n111ty ff Tils ii- :m . . 1 ' 1 . ; t 1 iijt-.r 11 ihi't-iji ' uud fhi-ii- viwrth f . ( ' i .1 1" .(i - tl! hliit'Ii, af at th' 1 llhilC roiii.'lt ii, , 11. lit:. )) i-.ii-l i-ii ;i ut jul ui'uiir lihTal1y r'- ,l'..s. -t.-.i ;.rMU::' T hlll . vi I s I . K 1 ri'I'K. o..-. Virginia. Ai t f a., J'lly 174. I t'djunn-iitl : ijt'ii, p 'tits k,i Ij.iiir uiii i:tt-Mty. aim ! itily entitle! tu i 1 1 J . 1 i h : 1 i j - I'l'hiir. j.'. . I". S. . i!jjp L'hi'n lt.t-1.oi Va. V t li tu--- i ; ijKioli ; H Ifl ' im".". . W n 'k'-r, l.x-tov.-ni'r ol :i. ; Hon. Hib:-t 1". Witli'if, 'iiii. .m.t,t Va. aud I. S. S-nttur i-Uct; S-''i;i"r- .id Mti.lMTH ol on-,- Irotn Va. I;. j..: .. -.-f lor t: lu ty Y1 uiau hy jpri ir I'niii. .-f- '?ti.-' Tiiom-;. -ot iii i-hntou, I. ('., or -y uv ,-'. ii-iTfi. J-i - ; i ..i ui.;:f, t--t jitioiiiul-, '., tnul ior 'ir ( ul. .. VhW-, If N. .IAMI S HAUli"! I!, I ii 'r M. I'. 11. A., At indkia, a. i ' i s i ",.Tyrtijt n-. Nov. ivr. 1MK J'.Ks'i JIAl.Mil i; 1!(M)K. 'i a h m-ut io-t-VHid f Tweuu i-1h. A'l-ivfMM ;-.v. W. H KINOS- : IM'ltY, I'arrytowi', 'vu; York. Nov. V7, 4. What I Know aimet Asm'to, " bo to eli-:r jl'KI to $'.hwj jicr rnoiitb fci-'Iieit .'liriii:iup, Sti-ie'.ipropic ii-wh, Mi-, ami chart.-. Aj-pW ni wni-ioli. !..41EHNSEY. Ore.iiii. V H. Nnv. 27. 4w, i liiltlrtMi lo Itiiid Out. Overaecr" of the Poor of the borough of !'!! nf different ages, supported from the taxes oft tu- borough, who under the law can be bound out. persons desirous of obtaining either boys or girls would do well by conferring with the im liersigiird. I'RFJJERieK MERRILL. GEORGE HARRISON, SE'J. liOCGHNEK. Overseers of the Poor. Snnb'iry, n?. f. 1-74. Sm. Serfiiiitilt. I SISI AL IMHTKIKXTfi. New fend iittr.-ietivc Goods, in every Department At ATCilES, 1i!11iK1, JKWF.I.RT, SILVER . I1AT1.1I V. HK. Cutlery, (.'looks, ItroniKK, Knu'lish, Freru-ii and German Fmiey tioods. In vi(AV of the JecMne In (iOl.I), we itiuo.l i'n so:i our !:lu - ol i -haii'li l I'nv tiuUt U ::!. ami ;io,r-h: rir will iai1. : liaki' tlieiy el'ftioi:- N" i ( th.-ir . ' liil- ti i' SS( MKNT I IIOHBIN'S. ( L.MIK .v BIHDI.E. 11-t CitnsTM T St., Pait.AKia.pou 1)H. C. M. M.UIT1N. (iCO. W. HllillM NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Bnffife Solitary, Pa. m. C. M. MARTIN & C() ill AVE.iut reoeiveil n freh lot of Pun mid Patent nie(licine. Pi -uji-a We have aKo a full assortment of DRESSING. AND PACKET COMBS. ; fiair. Tooth, N;ii!, Clothe, Shoe antt other hnv-lie?. I TO! MIT AM I'A V AKTHI.KS. ' fini: rXTttcTs, io ki.i nHr.s. knits, ic. i: REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the s'V( iact jierfam; in Amer'f a. t'urisiHii.H Kil iie IVastt, warranted to cleiin rtrfefllv tlie nir.t lelieite . slia'li s without injury tolhf !i. ' All IIip leading jre :ir.'itioii- for th- Hair. m:;aics. the rest in market. Pine Wiiie .it"! l.iijiioi-, for i'ieili,-ai inr'ose, pliysi-i:in Prcscrii lion? and t.unily i.-f.-:j t eotnionniled with care. lhankful for pn.'-t tV.vors we lioj.c y fairdra'- mi; to rei eivc a Sf t?uilir 1 1 Fhurt'. of yo'tr patrona'i'. Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Coeds, Queens, Villov and Cedar Ware. E s. y. n -a o o a a j. -3 v. Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. tuisssmsBesasl K. G. 31aize & Co., Saiwessors to Ceo. F.vans A; "o., 110 Market Street, I'liiladfli.l.i-i. m?:rchaxt tailoi:s and MILITARY CLOTHIERS. Men am) Hoys' suits made to order in the style, of t lie bet cloth nnd rassimflre-s in ket, at piices suit:ili!i' to the times. iileft fiiir- Military, Uiiii'l & Firo Orgnnizntii'iis promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent j free on application. j Ours tieintlii: lemliu house oil Military work, ! we fi d that we can oiler indueenient which can- ! not he attained anywhere. lre. i Nov.7. 1S7.'. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, KIrF.CTITl.LY inform he has jtii-t n eeiveil his the citizens t'l !. N)rin him! Kniiimer iitnnln, 1 :.t Lift TAILOR SHOP, ! on I'dUrth Street, helow Market, in the. Mullen j tiuildingr, and thnt lie is jirepureil to make n;i ull j kinil-i of liKXTW A.D ItOVW M ILS, j of the latest style. Having had much exnori- I encc in the business he i'eires the public lo i;;tc him :i trial. Clotliinic will be maile up in the Intent I'aris . and American KaMiiuni in tli iuot Batltifnetcn'T ! niHuner. ' al-V?:. CHA11I.ES MAIIIi.. STAR i'l.ASS IV OK US. j NOP.RISTOWN, PA., j M ANL'FACTt RES a superior Quality of: Window Glass single and double thick,; (iroumh Cormi'iUed. Obscured and stained. Shade of all patterns; all gl;iH warranted not to Ftain. Orders solicited. J. M. AI.lir.RTCN. October, 2 1ST4. WATt llES. JEWELK' A SILVER. WAKE. John VV. NtevrnNon, j Comer Third and Market Sts, Sunbury, Va. i IT A3 completely renovated his Store Room.' tnd opened the largest assortment l WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL- ! VER AND PLATED WARE, j ever exhibited iu this part of the State. Every- thing iu the Jewelry line is kept In .-tore. SII"r- are. Hiwelet. Kings A Oiaiiit, i of every description pnl of the Quest quality, j Particular attention paid to repairing VI nt ti, Clock. JowHrj, HAIR JEWELRY made to order. !.:..V. iv i-'.i'Il I H i (iocls m.. on ,t,:.rov,. lor s. -W-r..n,. Jfeffft' Article- purehrthM now, IV.r the Holi.1:i. will ! tpSnNSIfSiH S.fc-"-. " l.e purked :iiul ri'ta in-cl until sue!: turn- j, -le-ir- i iggymm'S&SaM Sisftilaneans. "'V 1 US' ......... ... ............... . ......... ...... .. .?... . ......... qaki:ia.i:n, i:i ;g9i:n &v. H. K. FAGELY & CO., respectfully inform the public t'lai tiicy have commenced the iniir.iil'iit mn r.r BUGGIES, &C. at the new shop rect-itiy erected by J. F. Lcrch I Corner ot'I'onrlli nnI liestnnt Sts.. j Pt'NUrKY, PA., ' ami solicit a fair share of PutrouHge. April :;-Ciin. .r. r. i.r.Kcn, s tp'i. 1 UK NEW IMPnoVEJ) REMINGTON SEWINfi MACHINE. AWARDED The "Medal for Progress' AT VIKXXA. 17S. ' Th U:glipst Order of Medl','. at the r.sposition. 'o Si ninr Mneliine reeeivi:.! : Ili-'.'-r Pri A Few iootl Ilea-iiH : ; t. A now invention thoroughly t:;sted urn) ee j pnrcj by Ltters Patent. 2. --.Makes a perfect Lock Ptitch. alii:'- on tint h ' slues, on all kiml! of gooils. ! o. Huns lii;lit, r month, noio'.cfs and r:ijjid ; lmt ronibin.itioti of ii:ilitii?s. 4. Ilnrablc runs fur years without repairs. .". Will do all varieties of woric and fancy .' MiUhinr in a superior manner. ! K. 1 most easily manard liy the operator. Lencth of Btitch may he altered while runnine, ' and niaehine end be threaded without. usiui; thread through holes. 7. Denign Simple, Ingenious, F.U'u'ant, form ; in the stitch without ttie ush nf eoi; whewl gear, ; rotary ranis or lever rni8. Has the Automatic t Drop Fed, which insure uniform length of ' rtiteh ut nny Rpeed. Has our ucw thread ron ' tro'.ler, which c.llows easy luovement of needle. ; bar urd prevents injury to thread. s. Construction mopt careful and linished. It i is inauufuctured by the most skillful nnd ex- i perienced mechanies. at the ce'ebrnted Reming I ton Armory, Ilion. N. N. Fliiladelphiu Oillce, ! ; 10 fhestntit street. ( rt . 0, 1ST l.-'Jm 1 I. I 1 I It H T O It K ! CHRISTIAN NKFF, ! ; Pecond Street, opposite the Court House SL'N- ! ; lit iiv, fa., i ' Kespectfully invites the intention of TIetailers j j and others, that hi? has on hand, aud will con- j ; st.intlv keep all kinds of I ; FOkEK'N AND DOMESTIC LIQfORS, Con.-ifting of Pure Brandies: Cegnia-, t lu riy, j ' Cinder, Uochclleand Otard. j j Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Distilled, Vo'-mi- j : g;ihel;i. Apj.le aud S'eetar. i PCRE HOLLAND (ilN '. I "ft'iiH's: CLampa'ne Wiae, Sherrv. port and I ! Caret. ! ; C rab Cider, Champagne Oiler, X. F. K':ui, ; Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. ! STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS. i ! And nil others Liquors which can be found in the city markeU, which will be sold at Whole- ! sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as j represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS j and BOTTLES, always on hand. i ' t-r? Orders promptly attended to. nd ye.tilic i i patromij;e respectfully solicited i ! C F.FF. I I Sunbury. July 3, 1ST3. ly. ! T. - e a. - '' m. il ?! ? 5- V -3- i - s y. - ; ?! S 1 - s 9 i n v: "i W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, IN WELKF.R'S BflLDING. Market Street. SI NBI KV. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Pruj;i-ti' Fancy (ion.l. r.MXTS. OILS. CLASS, PUTTY AC, I cunM.tntiy on iiaiiii. j I'aitirular attention jianl to coinj ouinlin ;'hy t (iciiitip jr .'eerijition and family reeeijit. I himtmry, April IT. ISTt. JoHN " SEL'" John M. Si iniMii n. si:i.i. A M I10.UI If. feCDiHl Street, WoiiEi.snour, Y.i. rOREIGX AND DOMESTIC LKjrOHS WINF.S, IJUANIHKS, CINS, I'urf Old Itje tVhili, Ari'i ': C'ouhial, Ai'. Alt Linuurs sol-J anrrai'tee 1 a reprefenteJ. t f iiITr promptly uttemletl ti .nn) pelslie pa tt .' i!.'e reipert fully Fo'.ieitcit. SELL & SClUlNOl'll. -ill St., Womels.l&rf, lierk!- Co.. Pa. V. 1S74. ly, 1IA HIM' KIIOI AM) IKO. I Ol XIUCV. lil'.O. ROIIEWACII !t SONS, Sun bury, IViin'n. INTOUM Cue public that they are picjiared to do all kinds of OA.STlNtJs", and havinir added a new Machine Shop in connection with their ii'iijui , umi mi: aiiL'iiiiiu nil-ill" i iv iiiui .ii. n .....i t......... .....i:.t i.....icii...... .... i. v...., i hath.-s. Planing and Boring Machines, with the Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest, improvements. With the aid of skillful inn liii.iiic.-i, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, tin. t may be given them, in a .atifactry man ner. ratett to suit hiij Ktov. ! IRON COLCMNS, for churches or other build I bigs, of all sizes. I BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing ! FOR GRAVE YARD hOTS ; i VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, Af. The PhOWS, alrcad;; celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, mid will always be kept ou hand. Also. THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May SO. 1S7-L FIIC I. ! I1KEI For sale a good Hand Fire Engine ; Brass j Pumps ; ran be. worked as suction or suplied from tank. Hose cart, ;J0O feet gum hose new, i Ml iu good workiug order, for price and particu- I 1 ir.'. Adiireca 11. K. GOODRICH, Machinist, Sunburr, Pn. S'lnbnrv. Nov. r.. 74.-.. "t 5 r.' J)r. J. Walker's (.V.Ht'ornia Vin1 prar Hitters me v. pitrr-iy W'.'f t JirepitliUiiii!, liiiuli' c i:ii-ily frm:; trc ;)..'!:'''( hei!:5 Iouik! .iii tie- 1'iv.i r rnnc-. the Sit-il.t Nev;n(a li.i.:!;;; ,'i:is i..' ( iii'lunii.-, tlif! liielif.-iii::l j.ionei r'vi i i' v.liii.'i t'J:tractcl ther f:'ii!i v-. it ! I ' : f tl:c -'.-r i '' Alcohol. T'ie !!ii'"'i.'ii is :;: '--t ! '' ;t:sk:;l. " Wlmt the cjiis-e (,(' tlio i-ni'- r .'illelfl sitecc-is if Vin::i;a!: Hi Our answer i-. tli:U tin-v iv! ih;; CauSP of 4is(!isc. ;:ll! t!:e !i;;tii!li !.(.'.- rrs ins lienltti. 1m nn- ri:e blood purifier a.v! a life -hvs pie, a perfcet Innovator imk! be, i:v of the fynteni. Never liei'ure : ti;' tory of the v.iirM lins ; ineiii. ::-a: ConipoutuK'ti li.'Me.;.,i!ii; i I ,- i-i:-: : ;r-:'. riiici- o-ualitiesof Vixkua i: Un ruis i: 1 ial:t'-- th(3 sick of every iliscur-e i.imu i 1 t .. They are a peutle i'urir.ttivv a '. .- Tonic, relievim; (.ni"--!i i: .; ..: . . . of the Liver and Vkeenti .ra! ii !'.:. WnnaseiJ. Tlie properties ft ,v VlSEOAS iJn TK1SS a:" A ;i- i . ! ' Crmiua.tive, Nutririoiis. t.-i..i-i. , Sedative. ConnW-irrifai::. Mn'.e.i:; Aireru tive. and Anti-iiilioua. Grateful ThonsancLs proclaim Vix- eoar Bittbrs the most -wondarful Invigor ant that ever sustained the sinkinir cystetii. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent, and Inter mittent fevers, which are so prev alent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Tearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country duriir the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea eons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influeucrt upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dk. J. WALKER'S YntEGAU BlTTEES, OS they will speedily remove the dnrk colorcd viscid matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at the same time stimulating tho secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its lluids with Vixegar Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, f'aia in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Che3t, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in tho region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are tho ofl'springs of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of irs merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Soro Eye3, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the most ob- ctlunto auil iuli actable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Itheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad der, these Bittere have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, tts they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walk er's Vinegar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ttr, Salt-Kheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimple?, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, cald-bead, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, scurfH, Piscolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases t.f the Skin of whatever came or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system ia a short time by the use of those Bitters. Tin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the yster:i of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. So 5Vstem of medicine, no vermifuges, no an tLelminitics will f.-ce thn system from wonn3 like these Bitter. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or sioglc, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that im provement in soon nereeptible. Cleanse thetitiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimple?, Eruptions, or Sores; tleanse it when yu find it obstructed and sluegish in the veins; cleanse "it when it is foul : your feelinps will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure, ar.d the health of the $yntem will follow. II. II. Ml DOV.VLD & CO., I'ruitKisU anrtGon. Ants.. Pan Fracoim'o, ( "all torn in, aii'i cor. of Witibiinrtiio ami Charlton fits.. S. Y. Mold by Mil Iru;Elt Mini Ira.ler. hll(treu ollen look l'a If nml Sick from no olLer c-.hhrc tlirn hftInff worms in the totnai ti. BROWN'S VEUMIFL'GE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury t" the child, beititr perfectly WHITE, und from nil ttie coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparation. CURTIS . BROWN, Proprietors, No. 210 Fulton Street, New York. SM lij Vi ujgistt aui Chen-.ift, and ('.'altrs in 3licit ut Twestt-Five Cems x Box. July 12, 1?7::. ly. .Tlanliood : How I. OKI, nivi m. a Hon lie- Jut' published, a new edition of Dk. Ci Lvni; w ell's Cei.f.hkatei Essat on the radieal cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhea or Semi nal Weakuesc, Involuntary Seminal honcs, Im poteucy, mental and Physical Incapacity, Impc drtiients to Marriage, etc.; also, consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexunl extravaaance, Ac. X-?"Price iu a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author. In this admirable Es sav, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' sucesfful practice, that the alarmiujr conse (liicuces of self-aiiube may be radically cured without the danpeions use f internal medicine or the application of tin; knife; polntim? out a mode ot cure at once simple, certain, anu eueci I , , i- i i i .. ,. ,, ..., ! al- " nl.H!I1 i. " ,- ter wnul In4 condition may uc, iuh vum mmn clieiinlv. iirivalelv. and radically. If"Tliis Lecture should be iu the bauds of everv youth and every man In the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents or two post stamp. VI-Ivhhh Hie Publisher", C7.1.S'. J. C. KLIXE, t CO. 127 Bowery, N. Y. Vast OnVn Hox, 4.'St" Jan., il. lS-a-ly. i . t . . COAL! COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ! WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, 8UNBPRY, PA. (LOWEIl WHARF. ) Orders will receive prompt attention. 1 Ituildiug I.otm For Sale. : ""VfTNETEEN LOTS, 25x100 feet, froutlng on ; i Vine street, in Sunbury. Price ?12.. Also ! shirty lots, 25x137, fronting ou Spruce aud Pine i treets. Price $1S per foot. Also eight lots, 2:" 1 iW, fronting on Fourth street between Walnut ami Spruce, nice --iu. ahojuuis, -jiuu, fronting on Third and Spruce streets, between Walnut and Spruce. Price 400. Also 5 lols 24x2S0 ou the north side of Spruce street. Price $000. Also 10 lots iu Caketewn. The above prices do not include corner lots. Persons de siring to purchase will do well to call soon. Terms easy. IRA T. CLEMENT. i..n. 2". :tm. s, " ' ' t ' ' ' - - ' ' 'a ! 1 On R Tri ms Oi. I fiion wiil r " Will ia msiu,rt "arr. at hock Haven ' loaves Philadelphia, Frio Mail i " ci " Sunburv, i " " Williamsport, ; " " " hock Haven, I " " " Renovo, li " an at Erie, ! Klniim Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Harri-tiiir,', , " ' " Smitmry " " '' Williamsport, li " air at I.oek Haven, j XiiiL'iiia F.ipreus leaves Phi'.aiJelpUi.i. " " iiarrislmr. '" " " Puiitiiirv. Wliliamsp't, " ' " hock Haven, " '' " Renovo, " " arr. tit Kane, i EASTWARD. 8. It. n.. 8.0. 8.(10 1.2(1 , 4.2(1 p ti.20 p t.. T.'SO p m 7.20 a in 10.40 a in 12.ui a iu "-! p 111 a. 10 p m 4.20 p in 'Ur. p m j Philin.iel. Express leaves hock Haven. 6.20 a m ! " " " Williamsport, 7.45 a m ! '' " Snnbury, 9.:t() a m I " " arr. at Ilarrisburij, 11.4", am " " " Philadelphia, 3.35 pm I Erie Man leaves Erie, n.o0 a In ' Renovo, H.20 p m ! " " " hock Haven, 9.03 pm ! " ' " Williamsport, 10.50 p m ! " " " Sunbury, 12.40 pm . " " arr. at Harrisburff, 2.40 am ; " " arr at Philadelpliui, 6.40 a m j Elmira Mail leaves hock Haven, 9.45 a in i " " " Williamsport, 11.00 am ." ' " Sunbury, 12.40 p m arr. at narrisbnr? 3.05 a in i " " ' Philadelphia, f,.sr, p m 1 Niasrara Express leaves Kane, 9.00 a m " ' Itenovo, 4.05 p m " " " hock Haven, 5.25 p m I " " '' Williamsport 0.50 p m i " " " Sunbury, 8.40 p m j " '" arr. at Harrisburg, 10.55 p m j " " " Philadelphia, 2.50 am ! Mail East connects east and wes-t at Erie with h. S. V M. S. K. W. and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West with east and west trains on h. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corrv and Irvineton with j Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. 1 Elmira Mail and BufJ'alo Express make close ! connections at williamsport with N. C R. W. ; trains, north, and at Harrisbur? with X. C. R. j W. trains south. j WM. A. BAhDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Ihilalel3hial- It end in? ICailrottd. I WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. ! NovEMBru 9th, 1ST!. TlUINS l.KAVE IlERNDON AS FOLLOW EsrKPTEn.) : CSrsDTi For Sbnmoki.i, 10.40, 11.00 a. in. and 3.40 p. m. For Mt. Carmel, Ashland, Taiiiaijita, Pott-vi:ie, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Tl'.AlNS l Ol: HeI!NIO.N, hKAVE AS Fol.I.oWS : (SoriAYS ES'T-l'THD.) heave Sluunokiii at 8.00 a. in. 1.50 and 3.55 p. in. heave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. til., Rea,!in 11.30 a.m.,Pottsv'dle,,Tamatm, 1.20 p m. j tht5 ingredients which make up the whole sub A::!auil, 2..J. p. m., Mt. Carmel, 3.21 p. m. i , ... , . Tkains Leave Hakrisbubo, as Follows : stan,:tt of 'tvheat' r-Te bar'e-'r .ts, peas, and For New York, 5. -'(, 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 -7. U) ; beans exist in the air in inexhaustible quantities. v. m. ..20, 9.45 a.m., 2.0...' and For Philadelphia. : p. ni. SlSDAV. i Fur New York, 5,20 a. ni. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. in I Thains fok Harkisbi'ru, I-eave as Follows: heave New ork, 9.00 a. in I 7.45 p. m. 12.40 and heave Philadelphia, 9.15 a in. 3.40 and p. m. j SrXDATS. I heave New Tork, 5.30 p. m. j heave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. i Via Morris and Essex R. R. I J. E. WOOTTEN, I General H'tp't R- adhis, Pi. Nov. 13, 1374. ortlieru C'cntrul Railway. On aud offer Pee. 1, 1ST3 trains on tnii road will rim r. follow : LEAVE NORTHWARD. Leve Washington . . JJultimor rhikiclelpbw... Harrmburg. . . Hunbury Arrive at : ViJlinmf.orl . Elmim . r". DuflftR'.- I.rie. . . Kri Renova Elmira BuiTalo Mail Ancom. . S.SM p m .11.15 ! m .10.1H) p m . 3.ui a m M.2S a ui Mail. Expreiisi 4.4S a m 11. 30 a m 8.-5 a m 1.45 p m H.OO a m 11..VI p m 1.H0 p in 5.05 p m . j.M a ra 11. Iu a r.l 4.15 p m . ,1. p m 9.00 m . 7.10 a iu 12.5J p ra .11.50 am . 8.30 p m 7.10 p iu lU.W p m ;M p m All duily Mi'rpt Sunday. i.eave: Buflalo Express. Erie buffalo Elmira Elmira Harrin'g Accots. Erie Mail. ll.'A) a m Mail. 9.M p ui i.t a tu 9.m a m ".Jo am 2.48 p m 6.30 p ni 11.10 p ni S.40 p m 12.55 a m Willianmort.. Sunbuiy Arrie at : IIarri8bur(f . Philadelphia.., . 1.10 a m a in 11.1) a m 4.50 a in U.IO a ni 1.50 p m 10.50 p m 3.05 a ra 5.55 p ni '2.50 a m 8.00 a m 6.M p ra 2.25 a at 8.40 a in Maltimorv . S.40 a iu Vtanhiajftou 10.:i5 a m S.SO p ui S.13 a m 10.H5 a m AU pas Sunbury ilaiiy except Sunday. A. J. BASSATT, E. S. YOUNG, T. GUCKER, C.enT Manager. Ueu'l PaM. Agent. Sup't. HIXTEK STOKES. RYE WHISKY, 81.00 a Kallou. $11.00 a dozen. YEhhOW SEAh SHERRY, In lare bo.- $11, Ot) a dozen. fiOhP SEAh BRANDY, 118.00 a dozen. APPhE JACK, JAMAICA RUM. SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WINE. OhD PORT WINE, CHAMPAGNES, SEGARS, &C. II. 4& A, V. Van Bell, The Wine Merchants, 1310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Oet. -U, ls7:l. TIIK K1N. ISA It It EK SIIOl IS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and Ion has been ; ask history and she will tell you Men have rrowu old in our patronage liabies on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver jrniy. And atnong the honored and "astiis impres sions of time, nnd the crash of revolutions in circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the inrcuuity aud perseverance ap pertaining to the identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art anil perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances nnd es- j tablishnient are always wont to inspire. j Always to please , We shave with ease Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow me politely request you to stop, Mill t.t. - r - -- - : t -.- ..Hop. To (it.iiavcd on the basis of ability nor as some ha.'e done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor under the common secret and iuvidions guise of enmity tocomplex- inriue cm oi a man s coat, or the color of bis skin, ought not to affect his usefulness nor his qutl.neations. A fair chance is all that we detuaid, to L'ive the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Suimiry, April 5, HT;i ; No. 91. Market st. CENTRAL DRUG STORE QB.CrXDVLLADErl 1 the place to buy pure aud fresh MLTCIXES, DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, ULASS, PERFUMERY, XOTOXS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for mlicinnl purposes, and all other arti- K.i 1t1.1l!? 1-aat.f ii .n fi r O - V.i. .- '--i"us-. 11C( 1 ftt.tntinn nni.l la nnmnnnn nir Sa" ".vir v r. for ni'iius anu luiiiiiy receipts oy corapeieni druses. I amrepared to furnish iu quantities to suit puri h:rs aud nl Philadelphia prices, CALC ED PLASTER, l'lhADELPHl A LIME, FlNISIlINt; SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Po:tnd, Roman, Rosendale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land ister for Farmers, Timothy and Clover BeedsAlso, Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall and f Rural Register for 1874. GEO. B. CADWALLADFK. P'irrv. Teb. fi. 174. -ly one ! on ce a Catakhii OH uu siss of a discharge whieu. is sometimes very o from a cold or au attack of o. treatment is to give half-ounce doses of sulphr (not sulphate) of soda, with five graiDS of pow dered Spanish Hy, at night, iu cut feed for seve ral weeks, or until the discharge is stopped. The nostrils may be washed with chlorinated soda, solntion, and chloride of lime should be plenti fully sprinkled npon the stable floor. It is not at all improbable that a confirmed case of catarrh may degenerate Into the dangerous disease, glanders, thronga absorption of the pus or dis charge into the blood and its consequent poison ing. The distinguishing marks of glanders are an enlarged gland under the jaw, ulcers upon the liuing membrane of the nose, and a greenish dis charge which often dries npon the nostrils. This discharge is a virulent and deadly poison to both man and beast. There is no cure for glanders, and the diseased animal should be destroved. j A Remarkable Cow. On June 3, 1S71, a cow I belonging to John Harmon, a colored man living j on a farm belonging to Mr. Joseph Colgan, and ( situated about five miles from this place, dropped j four calves. They were a male and three fe ! males. The male calf was deail uhon found, j but all the others survived some time. On Aug. j 2, 1S72, she dropped three more calves at one I time, all of which were perfectly formed. On ' Saturday night, November 14, she dropped tbn-e j more calves, all of which, at this writing, are alive and doing well. This makes ten calves j which this little cow has dropped in the short j space of three years, five months and eleven j days. The cow is only six years old, and was ! raised and sold to John Harmon by Mrs. Conrad j Opper, of this place. Priitreim Ann (Sonurrt County) Titie MaryUm'hr. AoniciLTfRAf. CiiEMiSTisr. Dr. hee, a dis ! tinguished agricultural writer and chemist, said j in au address before the New York Agricultural Society : "J regard it as one of the greatest dis coveries of the age, that aboat 97 per cent, of i i uaiiMiiit laeee aernorm ooaies into the plants above named, and Into grass and roots, at the j smallest expense, is the object of nearly all your hard work." This was spoken thirty years airo. j and the doctor says that views then expressed j will uot now be called in question. The use of clover and plaster to enrich the land he advises j as the most ready means to accomplish the ob i Ject of transmitting these gases into the plants j named by him. Insects on Cattle. A correspondent after ; having experimented to his heart's content with ; several kinds of grcese, tobacco water, kerosene. ashes, anguentntn, &c, for killing lice at. cattle, has arrived at the conclusion that snlphnr sprink led on the animals, and well rubbed into the hair, and atablespoonful of ginger in meal daily for a week, is the simplest, safest and surest remedy he has ever tried. The Model Sheep Man. The best sheep man we ever heard of was a soldier of Stonewall Jack son, who saw somewhere how valuable are iheep for renovating worn out land, and after the cruel war was over, he went home to his poor farm, j nnd bought thirteen ewes all that, fortunately, I he was able to buy. He pnt them in a small field or briars and weeds, which they oon de stroyed. Then he fed them on bran and meal in the winter, and in the spring he had thirteen fine Iambs. Saving the manure, he planted the old briar patch with corn and harvested a fine crop. All his spare time was devoted to caring for the sheep. The next spring he had more lambs ; he was able to plant more corn ; then came more lamb3, when he sowed clover and grew turnips ; aud now, to-day, as a result of such small beginnings, be has several' hundred fine young sheep, free from disease, bringing him ?2,P00 a year, while his farm has become extremely fertile, and he is a rich man. We know thousands and thousands of poor yonng men have a free course open to them to become wealthy by beginning in the same way. But the trouble is, the way is too hnmble and slow ; they want to get along faster ; they have no pat ience, no faith, no plnck. Truly, it does seem small bnsiness to watch a dozen sheep, as if it were beneath the attention of a bright Ameri can youth ; but if said youth will look the sub ject ull over, he will see it worthy of all his pow ers. A young man can well afford to sit down with a dczen sheep on the plains, live in a dug out, and feed on antelope meat, rather than un dertake to become independent in a city on a clerkship of $1,000 a year Tribune. We see it stated that the cheese-makers in the "western reserve," Ohio, purpose to send a mammoth cheese to the Centennial Exposition. The weight of this mammoth, should the project be carried out, is set down at twenty-eight thou sand pounds, or fourteen tons, and will be thir teen feet broad by eleven deep. It is to be made iu two days' time, in May, 1376, and will be em braced by an iron hoop made in Pittsburg. A car to carry it will be made expressly for it. The statement goes on to say, "After it has been looked upon sufficiently, it will be cut np and distributed to the four quarters of the globe." Should this proposition be carried out, it will be a very tall feather in the cap of the western re serve lactiferans manipulators. Ocnnantovit Teltarauh. HOUSE II OLD. j Imitation Otteb Sot p. One quart of toma I toes ; one quart of n:i!U and one quart of water; J boil the water and tomatoes together about 1 twenty minutes, and then add the milk, with j one teaspoouful of soda ; season as yon do oys ter ao.ip wrth turner, pepper and salt ; add crackers, if you desire, aud yon have a delicious preface to a pleasant dinner. Something Tru Siior t-Cakk. Make nice, light, white gems by mixing flour and mil!; nearly as soft as for griddle cakes, and bake quickly in hot gem pans. Break, not cm them open, aud lay in a deep platter and pour over strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, peaches, (or even nice stewed apples,) mixed with sagar and a little rich cream if yon have it. Ten times better than any pastry or short-cake, and yon get rid of soda or baking powder and shorten ing. Lave of Life. Boiler Floi-r fok Invalids. Take a pound of tine flour and tie it in a linen cloth as tigrOt as possible; after frequently dipping it n cold water, dredge the outside with floor liil a crust is formed round it, which will prevent the water soaking into it while boiling. ben boil it until it becomes a hard, dry mass, ("irate two or three spoonfuls of this and prepare, it as yon would ar rowroot, for which It is an excellent substitute. Oli-e fok P.eadt UsE.-r-To any quantity of glue nse common whisky 1 nstead of water. Put both together in a bottle, cork tight, and set it away for three or four da vs. It will then be fit J - " luU oe Ql nse, without the application of heat. It will be found a nscftil and handy article in every household. ; cold Silav.-. Yolks of two eggs, a tablespoon i fnl of cream, a small teaspoon ful of mustard, a I little salt, and two tablespoonfu.'s of vinegar, j If cream is not used, pnt in a small lump of but j ter rubbed in a little Hoar. Cut the cabbage very tine, heat the mixture, and roar it on hot. MotAssrs Pouxd-Cakb. Two teacups of mo lasses, two of brown sugar, one cup of butter, one of milk, two spoonsful of ginger, six eggs, one teaspoonful of saleratus ; make as stiff an pomd-enlce.