SUicrican. I SUXHUKY. DEl'EMUKU 4, 1S74. Knilroixl Time 1 able. until. I. and pr-rntnm: "F tkains atmnwuy. N. C. K. W.. K;-t. P. .1 E. R. R. West. PNW Fa. IO O.i a m j Erie Mail, o.-fi a :n l"'.-,ira Mail, TiS I i" I L'k Haven A. 11.55 a in Erie M-iil, !"" i ni ! F.lmira Mail 4.1" p m Hiurisbnrg A.N.40 p m I Fast Lino. " P SINhl'llY AND M.VVIMOWN It. K. Leave Siicbury fo I.e-Tistovn at "..,;0 a. '" inn; 4. -ii J'. :i:. rrive ut Snnburv from I.ewistov.n :it 1.15 am! p. n:'. MIVMOSUS l'tVIs;:N, . '. K. W. I Aiiitivi: l .rPS, 12.01 p ill I Mail, c.:; 4 " p in I Express U.2. a m 3..V v m n accommodation train leaves Shamokin 7. nia m. arriving at Ml. Carmel t 7.40 ;i at in. Returing, leave Mt. Carmel at "..15? in, arnv- itur ut Shamokin O.4.. p in. i .,i,.v ,v Hi.ixvisWKi; I. K. Tkmns leave Northumberland as follows '.1.45 a- in., i i in t. m arrive ut,nnd .ri.4.ip.m. 1). 11 & W. R. R. Trains leave at .." and arrive at :i..VI p. in. a. in. ccidental Insurance Tickets ran lie lia.l of .1. Sh'.pmun, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Summer Arrcrnient lor the lot Oflice at sunbury, I'a. nffl.-c Ojvit f-oin C..50 J. ", ' s !' elcrl'1 Oil ,S'(US. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAIL?. Arrives as follows : Fiom th East at 5.1 li a. m., 4.10 p. ni.. South, 5.15 a. in., 4.10 p. in. West, 5.15a. m., 11.1 5 a.m., I.ojJ'.iii. ..n.l 4.10 n. m.. North,1.50 a. m..ll.l" a. ni., 4.10 j Shamokin and Mt. 'nii l, '.'.-5 a. i. in. , in. Shamokin proper, 4.00 p. in. close as follows : For the Eart, 5.45 a. tn., 1. r.O a. m-, 4 "10 Y- "' K.00 p. m. - South, :o.50 a. in-. 4.50 V- ,rt s P- '" West, 10.50 a. m., o.50 p. in., .00 p. in. North, 3.50 p. in.. 8 p. ni-, Shamokin proper 11.15 a. in. Shamokin nn.l office on that route; 4.-0 p. ni. Money orders will tit e Wsued after 0 p. in., on Saturday. J. J. SMITH, P. I. toczl Xffahs. To Sri! uim K To THE A MFliii'AV. A fter Ijnuary lt publishers will be compelled to pre pay th-prtar,e on all t'"" Wrs they "end to .ubcrit.ers who .lo rot reidc in the county .there the paper is published. Of course publ ishers will not he expected to do thin and give redii too. It will tm nectary, therefore, lor u. h subscribers to remit the amounts due hy hem top-thor with an advance payment ol at Mist six 'mouth. We make no additional charse or poMa-c, Imt in rlace of it, demand advance aTuient. Purii.g the preM-tit and fnHowinK loinh wc ha;l fend statement of subscription ue to a nnnihc-r of our subcnher.. Wc would arui-tly request all who may receive them will .milt at once the amount they 2we as we are in ed 1 the funds. In all cases where advance ivnient is neglected, will add twciity-tue -nts per year to the Mihsciiption price, but in nv.t rae if such lielert we intend to dis ir.time the paper until advance payment i adc, and to require immediate pyment of the nount due. Sti'cribers wi1iin Le county will .ive no -t:i-e to pay. Hut hey are reminded that ublisher are compellec; tc pay cash to their oiknu'ii, to the paper water', for ink, type, ut, fnel, the-r own livitiir, tfad erj ytliinir that iters- into the hUFine. We, tlref,i-sil not lord to pve long credits. F.vcry mwriber lght to pay up within the year, and where it is ni-r nej'.ected Miry ought at least to pay as m h in advance as they have been iu arreaie would require a much larger capital than we ,.ef were we to give unlimited credit, or in- j ed, for a very long lTiod. Necessity lual i xorable demand that payments be made ore promptly than heretofore has been the stom, and as every body else demands casli or ves but hort credit, we must do the same. Lom.-A lady's light striped, woolen shawl is lost on the Fair ground during the late Fair the Vnion Park and Agricultural Society, at is place. The Cuder will confer a favor, and eive the thanks of the lady by leaving it at is office. Pi'.KT" of all kinds of printing reduced at this lee. Pl'.K ts of all kind of Job Piinting reduced at Is. office. Prices of all kinds of Plain and Fancy Print- g reduced at the .4v.Vflt office. The mild season has Wn very favorable to lildillg. Time for the annua! donations to country rgym.n. The mild Autumn wa a great comfort to the lp!e poor. Hens should be entirely satisfied with the price g are 'fcrrging. In these liart :.ine a tweuty-five cent bill iks a big as an o!d-f.'-hioned coverlid, and a e cent uicklc ls large us a cart wheel. What more heartrending auguish cau be im ined than biting into .. ,.!..,-,. i ..n.i il.en : diirg a big fat w.nm wriggling ngue ? over your , ! unburn iu't coins jjut of fashion, as re- . a nanuso,,.-: pe--... iii.sKii. ir h i j( i remove the surplu hair, which i nev- irted This informat ou our reiiortrr ha from i W1' ' 1 inen. i nm " i , better stvle than when cut bv his luas- ladv who has a bald head and Cflv dollar ; " r"' '" ",u' ' ., , . . ... iaav "' ler hand. io to his establishment, and you vvid orth of false curls. 1 . conn out a new man. Thr phmnet Venus is now visible in broad day j iht, east wrd of the sun, under favorable con- . A ,lllTlurTE Tl'.ui.- One of the longest tioiiB of the atmosphere. She U t een in W) i,:,Ve ever had in this count y, is now je. afternoon. She attained her ;:rcateh! blii- i ,),..,.-. , :, ,-lo-e. Il is the case of Hem y Say ancv on the2:a nil., and "ill now pradtully . .,";,t. Samuel John and others, and has e her liljht till the V,h inst.. wheu she will be I sible ouly a" a black spot moving slowly across j je dire of th.: sun. oniKK Railroad Schedule w.nt "nitocflect on I on.' a v hist. The M0 p. in- ti.iin has been ilhdrawn, and trains will now ran as follows : oilC Fast Vail l i.:;0 a - n: , Fast Line 2.30 a. i. Phil. F.rpresn ;.40 a. m. Fxpress 2.00 p.m. Ye-t ward train- remain unchanged. ,v, ... .... ...... ihe Iu::, , C..1. Neil", of ihe .. ii....... ,.i..,.,n! .t.- rebnildiiiL' and vauinpioii ii. - v- i - tiiaririntr his hotel Tl. I'ol.ifiel lias, un.iues- oiiablv. the most d.'rimble and val'iable lnca- on for a hotel in sut-bury. and !..' how to y n hotel. S, hi.)" IIE41H. We leeiet to b am that the v.le of Mr. Abraham liliiss.-r, of Lower M.i'ua .oy township, whs utlaiked with paralyiln on londay moruini:, from the . fleets of which she la-d n Wednesday morning. Mrs. IMnsscr was i, estimable lady, esteemed by all who ku.-w ,er. She was a cousiMant member of the church d b, loved by le-r neighbom and fi "lends for her any christian virtu.-., and who will great .y uourn la r lo? . Cr. printed letter heads, bill heads, stale ,.et and have your card printed on envelopes .11 to be hud cheap ut the v oflice. Wc .ave jun received a larpe variety of pnper, rn felopes. ,Vc, for that pnrjow. Who Tti.ii nvT T-.;. The lin.hj of .Vednesday, has t!a- following : "Lost, on No r.'Oth, a whit.- dog, about eighteen inches i'h, having two brown pi'tehes on back, and a -.ieh over one eve."' Will the editor eX- .lain how the dog bream- yi,7.f ; whether ne ; mmd fully very soon io mum mho- i.c -l id been at a Ieinoeratir i iub meetin..', mid j dy hit uion the size and style or architecture, .'ii.awtt.rv. old or new patches. There is room for just such a hotel near the Notht.. We have scut out a number of bills o dili'iuent subiscribers wit'niu a few weeks, and I lave received rcsjxiiises io only two. We will state that if there are any snbscriben in the ountj who have more money, more gram, Hour, urkev, chicken, geese, ducks, and such like ban tbev can "s'-w away" these time. and bo are" indebted for the Avr.itirs, why M hem fend them on and g'l receipts. KeiMon. The 1111st ne.jimenl Pennsylva- ',j Volunteers will have a review at this place on the 15th iii4t.,to form a permanent organ-zn-lion of that P.eEitneut for the j.nrpose of keeping il'.ve iV friendship and memoiies of their army life. Col. P. IT. AHabaeti, commander of thnl P.egimeut, wi'l be prcbcnt. Ii is hoped that all Ihe members of the orgnui rat ion will be present at the reunion aa the proceeding will be beneti al and interesting. Arrangements will "be -i.ade to get special rates wilh the railroad rom- -..iliies. !..i.:iay Pi;ii TN. -'nr rraUers are remind cd 1h:it b'jslniss men who advertise are the host to d.-a! with, and oo.Js an- found to "ic lower in pri.-c, prneraiiy, thau elsewhere. This may be accounted f. r by the fad that they buy cheaper, s.-!i more goods, which '.eaves them jut r.s handsoiiie a prolit as thore who sell goods with out ajverisit!,-. As the hoiidavs ;:ie apj roa. h a number of j rescuts will be cxehanirt d, a !)irecteiy f.r their purchase w ill not b:: out of place. In the Dry Good.- li-ic, W. II- Whit nicr V Co., h::v.- oon:p!--te r-loi-W where l;io-t :my aitiele of drcs may be f jund. Messrs. Mau. A Rro., l:ecpti: r !.Mjc-t n.-soit-meiit .f Notions in this place. Their piod? arc of a (litV-n lit nature 1 1 those of i.-th' r stores. Woolen ..nd Futic-r ;-ds of ftVs a '1 y never before seen in Siiibuiy. Messrs Reed Bro., .c Scasoitz, have a lar-re Mm.k of all kind., of the b.-t Piy tieods, Groce ries, Ac., in M:irfcit. and sell cheaper than rvr be fire. I. mops" Iln-s Goods. Woolen Good. t: Miss Kate Murk has all the latest styles that can be found in the city markets. Goo)s. Miss L. Shisskr has a ;e i.eral variety of Miliinery Goods, Filch as hats, bonnets, ribbons, flowers, and an immense assort ment of notions suitable for holiday presents. Miss M. L. Gossi ek's store looks payer than ever with its splendid display of millinery poods. Her stock is being constantly replenish ed. Tnr. store or Miss L. & S. Wei-er is attracting the attention of the admirers of the beautiful, and maidens srnile as they gaze upon the nume rous presents to be found there. Beaux remem ber the above places during the holidays. All are sure to please their sweet heffrts by buying presents at their establishment. John W. Stevenson has replenish ed his stock for the holidays. Everybody can tind an article there that will he appreciated, not only by the ladies, but by gentlemen and 'the rest of mankind. Pi:kfi-mf.i:y, A.c G. H. Cadwallader, l)i. '. M. Martin & Co., and W. W. Melick, have each opened an entire new supply of perfumery, and notions generally, suitable for the holidays. Cl.OTHiNn. Gentlemen who want a good suit made npto order, are directed to ciul at J. r. chaffer's. Third st., or on Charles Maihl. At cither or these establishments Utter fitting suits are made up than can be hart in the cities. They are first class cutters, and keep all the latest t tyles of winter goods. RrviiTMinr CioTiitMi. In this line Sunbtiry was never belter supplied than at present. The goods displayed at Simon iV Oppcuhcimcrs store on Third street, and W. 15. Heller's on the coi ner or Third and Market, arc filled lo ouerflow iug with an cn'ire new stock of readymade clo thing, and gentlemen's furnishing goods. Full suits from head to foot, all of the latest styles, can be had at prices "I per rent, less than any w hi ic else in the county. There is no article of gentlemen's wear that may not be had at these establishments. Haktiw'arf.. The boys and also the girls will N- plad to learn that Messrs Haekrtt, Con ley v. Mateer have jnt opened a fine assortment of skate. Cutlery of every description will be fonnd there, besides a general assortment of eve- j rv description of Hardware. j Should any of our readers be without a good stove on which to prepare their holiday dinner, they will find a better stove at J. B. Reed'?, j North Third street, than has ever been used in J this section of country. Any article of tinware, or (sinking utensils, are ki pi nt his ttore, and most beautiful parlor stoves as presents. GnocF.riEs. In this line G. W. Smith takes the lead in supplying everybody with a fresh ar ticle. Every article! in the grocery line, is kept at his store. Numerous articles never before found at stores in Sunbtiry can b- had at prices as low as iu the city. Cin.. rioNAitv imi Ovsn its. Capt. S. F. ... . r 1 : Nevin. beside having a tall assortment 01 uuie c.,miie. toy. Xc , keeps a constant supply of hc ,t ystrrs found in the market, (let your oysters from him, wholesale or re'.ail, and a Cook Book will be presented to you, teaching everybody how to prepare the bivalve, so as to constitute a palatable holiday dinner, thus in creasing the joy of the day. Order promptly filled, and delivered at the residence of the pur chaser. Nf.vvlt married lec,ple, and also older ones who have worn out their furniture will find a fre-h supply at ft. L. Roiidenbush's More, in Ma sonic buildings. His slock is hansomcr than ever, besides much cheaper, corresponding with the times. Handsome bedroom suites, and par lor furniture expressly for the holiday will be found there. Boots ank Shoes. Messrs. Smith Bro., suc cessors to W. II. Miller, nth a stock of millions of pair of boots and shoes, are still receiving a large assortment for the holidays. They do a leading business, and keep the finest and best qualitvto supply their customers. Gumshoes of every style for ladies, gentlemen and children w ill be found cheaper then before. The above place w ill be found to contain any holiday prcseui that may be. desired. Gentle men making their purchases will lind that the ladies will admire their good tate by making se lections at these store", and their admiration of their liege lords w ill still be increased if they, be fore returning home with their presents, call up on Mr. James Wushinglou, at the 'King Tonso ria! Sainou,' where you will 1m; 'just in time' to im.leri'o mi entire renovation oi your numaiu appearance uy naviu a mii.shu -. sVnifnl hand, luakinir T""i I ' look IlKC I . . : Tl... flifL-imr i,f Ids sci-orft ( j)( Jiro:,rr. u,.Hrly three weeks. Jud-e Fll- j w) )1 of K;IHJtl)!ti,u t , presidini:. J ud-e liockefel- j l.-r having b u previously interested as council. The suit wah brou-'ht lor the lent, i nrs and ,,,,;. ,it a tract of coal laud iu th- shamokiu r,.gion, recovered reveral year since iu an actioti j ,- ,.j-tmeiit afaiust the defendants and their I The amount in controversy is con-idc- : rable. The plaintiti is represented by F. W. llut:l-es, and John Kyan, Ks.j., of Potsvilie, and ! S. P. Wolvrrton. E., f Sunbtiry The coun- II. Packer, and I se lor (lelenuaill-l un: imjii ! Ceo. Hill Fs.irs., ul this place, . h.voiihj, 1 .... .T,l-. ... : F.S'its., of Ianvn:e Di:aiii or .Ioiinsi.t Siuhir. lutelliirence of the friends of Mr. Joht.sey Shatter wai. rereiv rd.on Saturday last, of his sudden death. Mr. Shall', r whs a rcident of this place for a number of years, and followed the oreupation of railroad engineer. He was one of the tirst engineers run ning on the Shamokiu Division, and was employ ed on that road until the !. H. t W. P.ailroad commenced ojieralioi.s, when he run on that road until hi removal to the West, about two years ago. His death will be regretted by hi numer ous friends in this vicinity. T.... li..:!., n.i S il in ila V hlht . meld ioned the f .et that .!.' NefT is considering the appeals of r.i ... welt . from many oi i ne eniAenn , different sections of the county, to enlarge his "Washington Hotel." The Colonel" idea is to make the building 100 feet deep on 2d street by f.0 on the Square, and three tories high, with French roof. No doubt he will make up his i I Court House, an. t tin-v , . . . -. .. i is iuM the man to run il . Hr.NKY Wii.iim.m, an old citizen of Milton.died at the hotel in Danville, recently occupied uy nis , son, on Friday, the 2oth inst. His death occur- . red some time during the night, as whetihe was visited on Saturday morning life had fled. He leaves a widow and several children to mourn , his in.-s. Mr. Wilhelin was about '. years of: lf;!in;n.(. ! - - i N'i 4T Fr.N'r.. A very neat fence is being erect- j ed around the church lot of th" St. Matthew" ! Fpiscopal ( 'htireh. On Wednesday evening last, the members of Phohomokiu Tribe No. C'.', I. of R. M., of this place, made a donation to Mr. Daniel .art man, one of their members, who has been sick for f.e v,.rol vto'i'hc. Clnrdv wotthtly bestowed. A l!i r.c;ni; Cai ti i;r.i in Scmu ki-H Hoi se Sr.xhf n -.! Stocks (if Goois Rrccovri:i:i Tnr lii iKii ak in Jam.. A couple of years ago a man natiird MeCi-rmiek was arrested in this place for pel pel rating a series of rohbeiies in stores, dwellings, VC., and a large lot of pluuder was captured in his bouse. We now have a bimilar case to chronicle. During the last few months nuinero'is robberies have again been perpetrated. Wuilnier .t Go's store, Driesbach's store. Super's jewel! v store, Brit: store in Cukctown, John ) IJ. Ilaar." confecticnerv. Conley, Hackett .V Ma- ; Ma- j leer's l.jrdare store, Keller's and watch maker shops, and other plan-: were enter- ed. and a I iilc amount of roods in th e aggre- t gate, were carried ofT. Every attempt tocapture , the Libber frilled il bnr-'larv was irrtting to ! be a verv romiiiourfeei;ir- nce. But at least one of the burglars of all the above stores has at last, been captured in the person of David K. Shoop, who Iia- been living In Sunbtiry for the past year. He was formerly a r.iilroad employee, but has been out of constant employment for some time, lie is about thirty years of a;-e, and has a wife and several interesting little children living in David Hatipt's house, on the west side of I I Fifth street, between Chestnut and Market st?. The credit for hi detection is dne to Mr. Win. j M. Shafler, bricklayer, for whom he worked as a hod rarrier in the erection of Sol. Boyer ncw honsc. Mr. Shaffer had placed a large pistol iu Driesbach's store fir sale, but it was taken otf with other things stolen from that establishment soon after. Sha Her overheard a suspicious con versation in the depot between fchoop and seve ral strangers, wherein something was said about "our club numbering twenty-live," and ''being scattered over the country,'' and that "more members were wnited." nr somethimr to that ef fect. Mr. ShnhVr got no clue until I liaiiKsgiv- j lug day. He had been ill, and was vihii.eii oi that day, among others, by Mr. Dav. Ilaupt, Shoop's landlord. The conversation turned upon the recent robberies, and, among other remarks Mr. Hatipt made, was one that Shoop was not working, but that he still paid some rent. Shaf fer, knowing that Briggs store in Caketown was j robbed of money as well as goods, aeked Mr. Ilaupt what kind of money he paid him in, w ho replied, "ten dollars, nearly all in pennies." Mr. Shaffer tbereuiion had Mr. Ilaupt to bliug htm three one dollar packages, for which he gave him biuk bills. Mr. ShnfiVr said nothing to Mr. Ilaupt about his suspicious, but kept the penny packages until he was able to go out, when he took them to Mr. Briggs, who identified them as having been wrapji-il up and marked by him. A j search warrant and a warrant for Shoop arrest were issued yesterday by Squire Brice, and Con- j stable Wm. Bright repaired to Shoop's house and arrested him. Mr. Brigg.s and other victims of his thieving propensities, put in an appearance, and the house was searched, and stacks of goods of all kinds were unearthed in different parts of the house, packed in chests, boxes, bags. .Vr When the search commenced, Mrs. Shoop show ed great nctivity in leading off, opening bureau drawers andjeupboard- where nothing was found. But when a chest wa demanded to be opened, she refused. I'pon being told it would tie bro ken open,she unlocked it but immediately swoon ed away. She lay in an um-onseious state for a long time, Dr. Shindel being summoned to at tend her. The chest wan found full of stolen goods. A huge amount of the stuff found has not yet been claimed. H was all hauled to "Squire Brice's cilice, where nearly all of the above parties were present and recovered some of their goods. The hardware firm recovered two of the six call' skins stolen fiotii them, live of their revolvers, and a lot ol their pen knives and scissor. Mr. Briggn recoveied nearly all the goods stolen from him, about $50 worth. Some of Murray fc Vs pocket books, and .) forth, were identilicd by Mr. Black, one of thii linn. John B. Haas recovered a small lot of cigars and candle, and the key of his store door. A lot ol watches were found, doubtless bt, den from either Mr. Kesslei or Mr. Vogt, but neither ol these men are now in town. They will no doubt iden- tify some of the watches,most of which had been , left Willi them for repairing. One of the owners r I i.ic u.-,.teli .mom' the lot. and said he had I give,, il to Mr. Kessler to repair. Among the J goods not claimed so far, is a lot ol uinlerwear, gloves, men's hose, handkerchiefs, spoons, su gar, dried fruit, boot and shoes, a lot of fresh pork, revolvers of all, Ac, Vc. A dark lan tern was also found in the house, a useful thing to a burglar. Snoop confessed at ouce and was sent to jail. The scene at the house was heart rending. The wife lay iu fits, and the children were crying bitterly, persisting between their sobs that their father did not steal the things. Shoop said he had noaccomplice, at the hearing, to oth ers he said he had one, but that he was not in town now. There is but little doubt but that he had one or two accomplice. A number of bunch es of keys were found in the house, among them key to freight cars. Shoop came to this place from Montoursville, but previous to lesiding there, hailed from Millersburg. Da.'i of Wcd-in-sdav last. Tiiankm.ivino d:.v of Thursday of last week passed off very .jiiictly and was generally ob served by this whole community. A sermon was delivered in the Reformed, church by Rev. Mr. DeMover appropriate to the occasion. In i looking over our rxi-nu-es e nua uiai uic uav ; . . . . i . .i . .. i was made one ol juonee :n many piaee, nun ie minds us that the devotional part of Thauk'Kiv iii): in the observani e of that day. i pro -ins "small bv decrees and beautifully ...," al its every ret Jin. Those iu authority name a day and recommend mat it be devnted to r.-tuiniiiL' thank to the (iiv. r of ail i;il'ts for the many bles.iti23 we enjoy, and the people respond by gormandizing, and having a pood time generally. "iviti" lilt'" regard to the arknowietlgiiietil oi obiition. to the source of rve.y Uece?l,y luxury of life. Church service on that day ate n,.rW nitended. and uie ii-'aided more as an i - 7 ... episode of the occasion than as Uie principal duty of the day. Hut p-rhaps to b- "jolly"" is a piactical way lo be thanklul. TliV party who are so mean and stile.'' 'S not ((( j,ttt rnizt; the "ornau" of their puty, do not ! deserve recocnllloii uy lue voieis oi mm .ui,. When an oflice is to till, such Iie-n should be .fit out ill tne cold. on ly. The above applies to ali paiti. s. Hat then, brother F.iehho'.tz is probably not aware of a se ciet movement to withdraw the larger poition of the J-atiouaije ol hispilty from his ofllee. and that the honor of publishing the Democrat ir or "a:: of the county is to fall upon another h- id. C..i ni n. Pinx Tri'iNo". Council met at 7 o' clock on Tuesday rvenlilL', Mr. If:ta in the Chair. Members present, Messr.-.. Haas, Heitii, Mar kle, Hendricks, ilueher, Miller, Irviu and (ieod rich. Minutes of la' meeting read and appiov. d. (n inotien of Ml",, lrvin, it was Itesolved. That a romtnittee of threi be lit pointed to furnish a suitable sale for tin' rough, and report at the next leeeting. Committee, Messis. 1 1 vin, Mai kle and Hen drirks. ( Irdeis granted : (ias ( o. (Nov.) Fire Co. No. 1 (Nov.) ;iio no 00 50 :;5 oo 20 IN) u oo ; i:; 4 20 io no ! Washington Fire Co. (Nov;, Oood Intent Fire Co. (Nov.). J. K. Kieholtz Steam Fire Co. No. I Sol. Mantz James Farra On motion of Mr. Heiidticks, il vva- take Resolved. That the Finance ( ommittei I up all bills r-gainn the borouuh and present ' them to Council. ! ILK. (ioodrieh, ca'll 50 i On motion of Mr. lrvin, it was ! Resolved, That an order be granted to 1 own Clerk for t'iiT 50. Motion lost. Division called for Messrs. lrvin, Huchcr, Miller and Cioodr'u h voting aye. On motion of Mr. Hendricks, it was llesolved. That an order be gi anted to all par ties roncenied in paving Front street. On motion, adjourned. Lkwis Dkwaiit, Town Clerk. i i List of Let tern remaining in the Pot Oflice in ' S'ltibury, December 1, 174 : i Col. II. Cake, ( has. Kdelman, Miss Mary i (Iribbn. Alfred Hopp, Mrs. F.liza Kerlaud, Mrs. j Barbr'm K. Long, James Mayhotning, Mrs. Mary Morris, J. Shisslcr. Persons calling for letters will please sny they i irp Oil certified. I " .1. J. SMITH, r vt. Jn:vit:N rou 1ST5. The nuniber of per.ions fr:n each di.-trict put in the jury wheel for 175 was furnished to the JhtiUj, by I). M. Schwartz, one of the Jury Coimnissioiserp, as follows. They ni- niipiu tinned in each district according to the nh!i;Ic r ( f taxable S )0 .- Sntibui y, 11. W .... w. v:. Upper Augusta.... The to!.! number being 30 ".y.'.'.."".'.'.'.'. -M :2U 43 45 Lower Augusta. Shamokin township.. Shamokin to I M:Vi Nit. borough ... i; !2S Shani 'k'.n borough, K. W w W. . o n Ml. arniel biro:i"h... M4 :t 10 1? Is! I -' -1 li'.i'l:bil'. I'pper Mahanoy Cameron War; bin!: ton j Jordan I Jackson. Zcrbe i Little Mahanov... 16 20 Jl C ;:fi 43 Lower Mahanoy Norlhumberland borough. Point Chillisouaque Milton, N. W " S. W Turbut Turbutville Watsontown Delaware Lewis McEwcnsville Rush... Riverside 23 oo 37 11 V, 40 27 I 20 C "Pi.rAsr. Stoi mt " -What ?" "Times are hard, money is scarce, business is dull, retrench ment is a duty. Please stop my " "Whisky?"' "Oh, no : times are not hard enough for that yet. But there is something else that costs me a large amount of money every vear, which I wish j lo save. Please stop my " letiacco, cigars, snnff.'" "No, no, not these: but' I must re trench somew lere. Please atop my" "Rib bons, jewels, ornaments and trinkets?" "Not at all ; pride must be fostered, if times are ever no hard ; bat I believe I can see a way to effect nuite a saving iu another direct ien. Please stop my " "Tea, co!!'c. and needle- and un- ; healthy luxuries ! ' "No, no, no ; not these ; I j cannot think of such a sacrifice. I mast think of something else. Ah ' I have it now. My pa- j per costs sixtern rents a month ; two dollars a j . ... ... ..... ar; 1 inu-t favi- that. rieaM- sioji my papei : : That will carrv me through the panic easily. 1 j twiiere in retrenchment and economy, especially j in brain-. " t'htttch f uUu. j I llK Tlti: A'.ILHK AN. '..(" ( ., De 2d. 14. Mr.. Il!noi: : The people about the Ferry appeared to enjoy themselves very well on Thanksgiving day. But they were not ijiiite as well favored as their neighbors further down the river at the little town of llerndon. Mr. W. V. '.iveiwood had a flock of thirteen geese, that took a jaunt down the river on the morning of Thankgiving day, and as the good people ol llerndon do not olleu see such vihitois, they thought likely at first sight, that it was a fleet of Republicans just re turning Troin a trip up Salt River ; but by taking a closer view, they discovered what was coming, and as some of theni had neglected to provide for a Thanksgiving dinner, they thought it a good j chanre tosecure a goose orlwo lor me occasion, j They sallied forth to meet them in boats and ca- '. noes, with guns, gigs, anil likely some other in- j btruinents of death, and then the slaughter com- : meneed, and the result was that the entire flock w is captured. Wc do not believe that the few! of the good people of Ilerndou who were so for- tun.itc,neglected lo return thank to the bountiful j Giver of ail thing, for we lo in uuppose thai a i tieopie under religious training, f.s. the people of : llerndon are, would neglect to return thank., for i su' h tioui.ties bestowed on t hem. OBSERVER. Tkiai. List f.r Adjourned Court, ot;nieiieing j Monday, December 7th, 1S71 : J. K. Sanborn, vs the Washington Mov.--i.g Ma- I .a.:.... i J p jsh:lIUokill iU1. Tp vorton Railroad o.. vs i Hotn-n Philips. i M. Mimdcl and Henry I el vs Beni. Rjud- .,. No,1ni , enlral Railway Co. Henrv T. lleamer vs I . O. an Allen et a!. John McDonald vs Patrick Curran. Charles Glass vs Peter Baldy, owner, .Ve. Joseph Bacher vs Mathias Mnuck et a). Louis .Marquoidt v George Fegely. Moses Cbaniberlin et al vs Leonard Derwood mid Jos Bacher. Peter Armbruster and another vs W. R. F. W-i-mer. A G Frick and an Ex. vs Win. L. Ib-lfenstin,-. Henrv Reefer vs John Dow ney. Samuel John vs Fred J Anspach et al. j Com of Pa. for use vs John . I Keinieusnyd'-r et ai, Aaron Banel vs the Lycoming Fire Ins. Co. j Susan Wait, administrator, Vc vs Jacob iVif.-r- 1 James F.rwia vs Charles P. Smith. j Wm Minges, adm'r, c-:c., vs John D Stratton. j Isaac Zcrbe v Thomas Zerbe. ; .Mover v Kolb vs Augustus --prmgina:!. I Chailes Shell, adm r, dec vs Ileiilieii i li. il" . ! ami an. ' Mover A; Kolb vs Augustus Spnngman. ! Jo-eph W. Cake vs I lie P ,V E R R Co. : Same us same. i Abraham Lcrch et al vs Win J Haas. ' Tho H Tucker vs Jacob Wolf. : Big Mountain Improvement Co vs Francis Lou ' and another. ! John B Kurtz. vClirUtian II Kramer. ' Thos Bailing miner v Jno Cruik-ban!. and . . . K unb.-l vs .John Wrist. iher. ... . ... II : mi in tl i II I.-wan - " - - . -. iv.'fer"s nse. vs H'-Ziibeth Keu'elV vs .ios unm- ii an...... .. ' I. i T Clement v the Noith'd ( oal Co and a. . , . .-. i i W" j tirittlth. i ",., ll'.-rt f,iu).'nc;n! I'fcn'i'.- 14.7-. i ( alvi r llarb.-r v3 Samuel Slahlev, .: 1. Stahl. v. i T 1. Ashbride A: Co v Win Within-ron. j F.dward Jeipiius and another vstbe (' It It Co. j 1 lira in Keiin vs John Muuseh. Ira T Clement vs Mt Cartuel t'l. Wm Conrad vs Charles (,arini;er. I S tnon Jlandal vs James iao iu'i j P O u! " ' lUuu-X K Kehres. ,-,.n u iflVt r A Co v Job F. Smith .V Co. i . ... . ii ,...,,1- A Stroll indorsee, .ve., s nnu. dorser. .Ve. V .1 SI r.ih. indorsee. .Y.C.. Vs. UelllV Silllllloilds, indorser, .Vc llarcroft .; C vs rasliolil .v ive.iev. John M Michel et al vs John Kailier. , ; Abraham Sterner vs Sam'l I.Culp and another. Mix son K llirnie vs (ieoru'i! C Weiker. ' ! KJmiind S Doty V's Jasper Slayinaker. i Thompson Uower, F.i'r, Vc vs Cyrus I' Daniel Menkes vs John K Conner. ' It ivmou 1 .v. Campbell vs Isaac Res-ler. 1 K'.ias Hickcl vs Kiizabcth (i. hriu' i ( li Sillvman, ng't vs John H Heed. Ace Vaiin-11 and another vs Nairle .V F.shb icli. John Ma-ser vs Aaron K Tiouitnan. i The Su-.'ar Valley Lumber Co v. Kieh'd Co'..-. ' Wm V Silverwood, adm'r, now for Use. .Vc. v j Peter Smith and John Harlinan. i Win Fisher vs T II Palmer and another. ' Wood, Marsh Co vs II Y Krilinir. ' Ira T ( lenient vs (ieo. W Kinniv. ; Dani.-l la sher and another, u-c, vs David Dri er. Cook A: P.i i dee vs Ira T Clement. ' David Stra'.vs. r vs li. nj liivb r and another. : Joseph W Cake vs the P .V K II 11 Co. j Henry Otto vs the Hanover Insurance Co oi city , of New Yoik. I.isl oi Jurors 1 for Adjourned Court of Northutnbe: lat.dCmn- bee . ,v, for Jleeeintier, l".i i Renn, Samuel C, Low er Au-Usta ; ei !y . i "... .nr.. li I'iiriii.l bor. : AlbriL'lit Jones. Nor- tbimiberland ; Peaison John, Point; Philip-. John H.. rhainokiu bor.. F-. W.; Iteiger Jack son Snvdeilown ; Rums Sam"l I'., Walsontown; Sliu'yier John, Lewis : Midd'.eton J.iine-, 'I uiMU: Hobinold Mi.liael, Delaware; I'.nr'.e Joel, Lower Mahanov; Smith Wm., I'p. Mahanoy; Ibmper Jiio. W." Sui.burv W. W. : Rowers (ieo., Milton N. W. Newman D.iu'l, Northumberland ; Kline Andrew, ( ir.His.iUa.Uc ; Sweuk Win., Milton S. vv . Kri.-baiim PhiliP, Shainokin V.. W.; Oaks San.m l. Turbut ; Maliek John R., Lower j ! Vir'iista; Hachman Mai tin. Lower Mahanoy;! I Hri"ht John li., Cpper Augusta ; Hummel Solo- , I si ilIIii: Heard Joliu P.. McF.WelisVlile; i j llll-'llS Wilson, Lewis ; l olltner, Samuel 1-., ' Turbut : Iiatehlor James. Northumberland ; ... . l : nw Tlww 1 t:i'iitwi. I Sees SallllK 1. IM-iawai. , .... ! i !.. . v. h.t Wm. A.. Sunbui v K. W . : r o! im 1 Din'iel. Delaware; Rcyeily Samuel. Sutibury F. 00 1 v. ( oble Joseph, Washington; Houm-I Jos. I ip ' 'i,..-weiisvilic, : VeiL'er Samuel, Jordan; J Smith James S., Sunbury W. W. ; Bower Henry p.. Jackson ; Rotheriiiel Abraham, Lower Ma j hanov; I.ighlcali Henry, luioui; .-iiuuion lieni." Turbut : Hoover Jonathan, Mt. Carmel boro Kline Win. F. Snydertown ; illiamson Marsh, Milton S. W. ; liass Joseph, jr.. Lower Au.'usta; Ruckman Robert ('.. Lewis; Holl man King, Delaware; Haas Hiram. I'p. Angus H Latsha Adam, Washington ; Shull Solomon Zeibe ; Hatieh Charles, Nort huniberland ; Startzel Daniel. Shamokin bor. F. W. ; (iully J unes MeKweiisville ; Fryuiire Martin (i., er-t,e- Churchill Thomas, Mt. Carmel Iwp. ; Hou-Mie Dan'l C, Watontown ; l.veritt Wm., Delaware; Kline liideou. Zerbe ; Black Joseph, Mt.'Ciirniel bor.; Weir Jacob, Delaware; Fls worth Mex., do. ; llolliiian Samuel do.; lagley Beni. 1'., Mt. Carmel bor. ; Strine Henry Mi'ton, S W'". ; Caldwell John, Shamokin K. W. ; Mc Williains Win., Coal; (iroody Michael, Mt. Carmel bor. ; Machert Wm., Sunbury W. W. ; Klase Win- Shamokin F. W. ; Reiser Albert, I Lower Aii'.'Usta; ( iinirjei ieh Christian K.Jordan; 1 Met calf Thomas, I'p. Augn-ta : lloruberu'er Important Notice. E. G. Maize desires to inform the public, his friends and customers, and particularly the en touiers of the late linn of George Evans .t Co., nt No. 110S Market street, Philadelphia, consistiug of George Evans and himself, that the entire business of said tirm has devolved uoou him, he being the owner thereof by the purchase of all the right, title, and inter ett of his late partner, George Evans, therein; and that ail mailers and business pelt lining to said firm of Georgo Evans & Co. will be attended to, sc.tled, and continued at the new store, No. U0S Market strc-t, l'hi'.ulelphia, where said firm moved frcui their Into place, No. !14 Market street. And shut any firm now existing any where than at. No. 11US Market, street, Philadel I J phia, hy the name of George Evan & Co., lias nothing whatever to do with the settlement and continuation of. nor Is in any manner connected with, his said business of the late firm of George Evan .V Co., at No. 110 Market street, Phila delphia. That th.i business of said firm of George Evans A: o. is now and will continue to be at No. 1 10S Market street, Philadelphia ; and iu order to be fully prepared to meet the demands of his fi "tends and customers, and increase the facilities of his business, both in the Merchant Tailoring and Military Department, he has associated with him Mr. John S. Schwartz, the firm name now being Maize fc Schwartz, thus enabling him to say that, with their new improvements and thoroughly-organized departments, they are equal to any first-class establishment in tirsr-class Merchant Tailoring, and are the leading house in the mati- ufacturiiig of Military Clo.hing and Band I'ni- ; forms of every description, being fully prepared to till the largest orders foi military goods on short notice and at lowest rate. And for mili tary references we refer our friends and custo mers to the following : 1st Regiment, Philadelphia. 2d R ' giiuciit, Philadelphia. lid Regiment, Philadelphia. it!: Regiment, Philadelphia. State Feneibles, Philadelphia. Weccacoe Legion, Philadelphia. IVtsville Light Infantry. Heath Infantry, Pittsburg, Pa. Weccacoe Band, Philadelphia. McClurg's Band. Philadelphia. Oberkirsth Band, Philadelphia. American Band, Philadelphia. St. Michael's Band. Philadelphia. St. Augustine's Baud, Philadelphia. Holy Family Band, Philadelphia. I'nited Band. Philadelphia. d-ystoiie Cornet Baud, Summit Hill. Pa. Stockton Eng. Cornel Band. And many others. 11. G. MAIZE, HUM Market Street, Philadelphia. Now MAIZE - SClltt ARTZ, Sucrcfsirs to George Evans V Co. Tmieii ani i'KovKii. Hundreds of gentlemeu rejoice that they have found whese the best lit in clothing art made. Easy lilting and of the best of mateml gentlemen's suits are made up by John F. Schiller, Third street, below Market, Sunbtiry. Eviry day some one is .'.eased with new suit of clothing from hi Merchant Tailor slore. All who have not tried him should call and examine f..r themselves. II vim Times The evidences of dull times are unmisiak.ibly apparent on every hand through out our ciuntrv. Labor is far liom being as re munerative as in times part, and the money market ii. unusually stringent. Owiug to these j facts people generally are inclined to be ecotiomi- eal in their purchases. But were times inlinately wois;- iiian now, no one couiil oojeel tome prices at whh-h boots ami shoes are sold at the Excel sior stnre of J. B. Jmith it Bro., in Miller's block, Sunbury, Pa. Men, women and children's shoes Hie sold at most astonishing low prices. Gum shoes of every i-tvle and price. Since all is first-class in re-pecf to material and make-up ; tie- bargains offered ale -.'imply extraordinary and pr iving paiticular'y acceptable to buyers during the hard times and with the present ' reefy of money. i' I: good tobacco, segars, pipe", Arc., go to J. W. Wiivcrt t Co., near the Court Ho'is. IV:: Tin: Hol.l.invv. Marx V Bro. having j opened :: large assortment of holiday goods, give ; notice in another part of this paper, that the ! most beautiful goods in the New York markets i will b- euld at lower prices than they can be had in retail city otorcs. Their store eomparcs wilh any establishment in the city to .-!ret holiday presents fioin. The host brand- of cigars', tobacco, v.r., are kept by J. W. V.'ilv. rt .v Co. Ci;ow ls are dailv calling at Stevenson's to see Unix- elegant lien- goods. Watches. Cloek. Jev- ,.lry, Silver-Ware, .Ve., A.. i 0i; of the bn ee-t and most complete -tuck clothing ever exhibited in this place, can be seen at Heller's Clothing Store, (.'oilier:;.! and Market St.. Sunbury. Civc them a call and lie convince I. You will save money bv purchasing there. (.., ,o . ' ; ' ,nP ''",rt ..nse, for a eoo.l cigar. Oviioovis' Ov r.W'e.i is Dres- Shirts! Ilusiness Shirts I'lnl.-l w ear, full suit for V5cts. at it. -ller's Clothing Store, ( orner "d and Market St.. Sunbury. Also, gloves, trunks, valises, h its and caps, and ircnts' I'm ni-iiing, M the most nasotiable plie.-s. TinNKs. Marx V Bro., through the columns ni ilie t,ji'.-'vi. rviiress their hearty thanks io i ihe public for the liberal manner in which l hey ' have paironized them. And further proclaim j that on account of the liberal patronage bestow . rd upon them l hey have veiitut. d to pun base a I laiger stock than ever. They have just received the most extensive, stock they have yet purchas ed. These goods mu-t be largely reduced w ithin lie- net few weeks, if they must almost jive Ihein away. Any person ib-sii ing lo purchase go.xl of th. in now for presents, can do so at re diiced rates, and I lie same will be packed away carefully, and kept lor them till the holidays. J. W. Wilvert .v. Co., m ar the Court House, keep the be.-t brands of cigais and tobac o. l'ni:isivt is coining, and those wishing to jr.! chase a suitable present for old or young, arc invited to call on Stevenson, corner Thiol and Market slieet-, (Miller's Stone Building.) Sun buiv, Pa., where he has just received a large ! i-torK of good-" of the in-west styles and most ele i gatil pallet us, all of which will be sold at thr ; very lowest prices. His stock comprises in part : ' of Ladies' ai d Cent's (iold and Silver Wa' lies, ; Ladles" line liold and Plated Setts, lliea-l Pins ! and Kings, Seal Rings --Amelhist, Top. z. . i (iauiet. Onyx. Diamond. .Vc. (iold and Silver . ; ThiiiibVs. Necklaces, Lockets, Charms, Sleeve i i '..ins, St nis. Bracelets, Castors, Cake B i-kets, ! Tea Setts, Coll.-e I riis, Silver Mugs, Spoonhold eis, Pie Knives, Crumb Scrapers, !-e Pitcher-, : (lot. lets, Salv. is ; also, a very supeii .r atti' leof Silver-P! a led Folks, lea and 'fable Spoons. In ! fact, all articles usually found in a lir.-t-das.- e--! tablishi.iciil. All goods an. warranted to be as ) icpresenteil. N i trouble to .-how goods. Par- ti-u! ar attention paid to the repairing of Watch ! , Clocks. Jewelry, .Vc. (iold an. I Silver Plat ing done. Masonic Mai ks made to unlet, rug-raving. Oc ir-eutting and Fvp. ritnent .l Ma chinery made to olilel . Puti .iu oi'.i.vns imi Pi i".-some ol ihe linest toned Parlor Organs and Pianos, ar- -old by John .P Keefer, No. 7'J Walnut street, m this 'I l.e Cliiekeilii" anil Weber Piano. . Ma- ; 1 son and Hamlin, Wood and Spang's Parlor gan-, eoiist intly on hand. Mr. Reefer keeps 1 none but the be-t ipiality, and all who buy of J him can be a-surcd of getting the instrument he j tvpre -cuts it to be. ' J. W. Wilv. it V Co. Keeps the best brands of i tobacco, segais. .Vc, n-ar the Court House. i TitKiir. is no uiliiculty in selecting a tine sett of Furnituie at B. L. Ratidciibush's store in Sun ,uiy. He 1 ps all the latest styles at the low- , r . ! est prices, and none go away iioni io sioie ui-- ! -ati-lied. which is an evidence that he p!ea.seall. I A Hot sr. ami Lor located on one of the prin ciple streets in Sunbuiv, vn.l ne foiu cueap, on application to this oflice. Terms easy. Fit"-' III!!! Frits !!! The largest and best stock of Furs ever seen in Northumberland county, will be found at Marx V Bro., next door to the Post OHiee, Sunbury, Pa.'H Clotuinc. Stuuk, Corner lid and Market St., Sunbury, has now on hand an enor- . .. . c .i .. I. : ....I.l.. .r.nilu Wlticll lllOllS SIOCK-Ol liev. iiici i no on. t-i. ,,f!' r-- -t the Lure.f price;. Miss L.iHiiiss.u-1: has taken the agency for E. I'.utterick & Co.'s patterns, and has now for sale two thousand of the latest styles for Ladies, Misses, Boy, Children and Infants, also for Gent's, Dressing flown, smoking Jacket and Caps. SakoFnt's Sn i.Kr of P.factt, a delicate beautilier, which smooths out all indentatious, removing tan, freckles and sears from the skin, leaving the complexion clear and beautiful. Sold by Miss L. Shissh r. FaM. anii V.'intm: Hats. All the latest style of h::ts are now open at S. Faust's store oil Market sijtiare. Most beautiful styles adorn his window which arc sold cheap. Gentlemen's fiin.i.-hlng goods ar" sapplicd at the lowest prices. Fok Rknt. The Drug Store Room now occu pied by W. I). Melick. Also the room adjoining Faust : hat store. Kmjnlr? of II !:. Mtrn. I l ite, light running "l)-mirt;" Sewing ma-j chine, on account of its many poims of Miprri- j ority, has a better demand than any other manu- j fact 11 red, and takes the lead with tiic public over j machines long regarded as the best. Orders for these machines will be promptly 1ill. il by Miss Caroline I alius, agent. ! iWw 0,-.;.ix Miss C. Dalius istheagent for the sale of Parlor Organ-, Pianos, and all kinds of musical instrument. The yery best instru ments are furnished, furnished on short notices at i rices to suit times. Call or address. C. DALIES, No. !I3, Market St.. Sunhnrv. I. r. ( t:r i Freezers. A new lot just received II. B. MASSEK. bv TIh'CoiiIVmmioii ol an In valid. Pub lished as a warning and for the benefit of Young Men and others who suffer from Nervous Debili- ! tv, Loss of Manhood, etc.. supplying the means of Self-Cure. Written by one who cured himself I alter undergoing consiueraiue iiiacKery,aiui sem i free on receiving a post paid directed envelop.-. ! Sufferers are invited to address the author. ! NATHANIEL MAY FAIR. 1 sept 1,7! -Cm. P. ). Box 10;:, Brooklyn. N. Y. IrisiHi-less to attempt to cleanse a stream while the fountain is impure. Dyspepsia, com plaints of the liver or kidneys, eruptions of the skin, serofulii, hea laches, and all diseases aris ing from Impure blood, are at once removed by Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters, purifier of the blood, and renovator of the system. It has never been known to fail. 4w.Nov.C. If In Northumberland, on Wednesday evening, November 25th, 1S7-1, ut the residcuec of the bride's parents, by Rev. ("has. G. Adam, Fi:fh. BniKENMNF, F.S'i., and Miss Anmt Jenkins, all of that place. S I , It L It Y M A It K KTS. si'sbi'hy, Dec. ::, ist4. Gimin Wheat per bushel il.-lOM l.oO -.o I prime white l.fiOf't LtiO ": Bye per bush T.'ift Nl 4- Corn "' T5fi So -; Oat '; 50f'itil) Fun it Extra Family pr bb '..() ommon !..r'X'i.7.(M Buckwheat 5.00 Fr.i.D Corn .V Oats Chop pr 100 lb 1.5fd 2.00 Shorts v. Mixture J.oOfji 1.75 P. tatoi:s. Ac New per bushel SOfTi 75 Pkovision Main per lb Hifn 'JO Shoulder pr lb 14(Ti is r.aconprlb 10W.13 Beef, retail pr lb Hf'C'O Veal, do do 10(o,lS Dried Beef pr lb -.rifa:S0 Pori.TKV Chickens, dressed pr lb 15'a-lS Do. live weight Bt TTi:u Priuieier lb....... :i.Vi4i Eia.s IVr dozen of)( 35 iita Sbbrdiscmcnfs. ANOTHER CHANCE! Filth mill I.a.l -ilt (uirrl in aii or Tin: PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. ! POSTPONED TO J November 30, 18T4. DRAWING CERTAIN AT THAT DATE.1 LIST OF lilFTS. t One r and Caih Oift 2aO,00 i One Orand Cash Oi'.'t 10J,000 j on- Orand Ca-h Oifr T5.(kX) j Hie I. rand Cash Oifl .rHI,0J0 I ( Ine Crind fash Oilt L'5.000 5 Casht;ifts, fCO.DOOeach KKI.OoO Id ali Iv.fts, l tilllKleach 1 10.0U0 15 Ca-h (iifts. IH.'MMI each 150,0011 Cash ;ilts, 5,iKKicaeh 10t,0'..) '.'." Cash (iifts. 4,(Mi0cnch l0,tliO Ca-h (iifts, :;.(MK)eaeh m,ooo 5il Ca-h (.ills. -.'.IKHI each lon.UOO j loo Cash (iitts, l.ooocacii ioo.oiv Cash (iifts, 500 each Mill Cah (iifts, 100 each l' Cash (iifts, 50 each 1-0,00 j 50.000! 850,000 (irand Total. 20,000 (iift, all cash, $2,500,000 PP.K F. OF TICKF.TS. : Whole Tickets ?-V OO , I Halve- I Tenths, or each Coupon t 11 Whole Tickets' 'r ! 22' : Tickets for W 00 , oil .I.IIOO OO , , - or iniortuatioii, Address THOS. E. BR AMLF.TTF. Agent and Manager. Public Library Building, I.oui-villc Kv. ' Or THOMAS H. HAYS .V Co., Oct. ";i t'.t. o Broadway. New Vmk WII.I OATS. PROSPECTl'S FOR IS! TIm 'linmpioM f Amerli'ii. COMIC I'AI'ER. Illustrated bv a corps of the best Ameii -an ar- ti-ts, and contributed to by the most popular tin- morists and satirists of the day. '-".,, .i L-c.-sS.u!!y u,, 1 ,1.1 ).', 111.. ,11... I ll OvTS now enters slice .;vtl. v.- ii- i.l' Its existence, and has become the established humorous and satiracal paper of the j organa. Illiihtrated 4'ataloKiira MJul. Ureal iuduee ro.iiitrv. It was started and continued Ihe first n.eui to the Trade A ''' de.-unt lo l.u.jirrs. ' ,,, . , ,,,.... a, .,.,,,.,n,i ! Vliiiis'.ers, t'liiireh.-s. I.0.I111., s.cuds, e:e. Nov. -'.,lw. vear as a monthly, then, to satislv sue i ot Ihe n.iblic. it was changed to a loilmshtly. Still continuing its good work of hitting lolly as it dies, and showing up the political and siK'ial shams bv its master);- caitoons and pungent ed- id. re. i, ' Iturbieved even greater success than lu loie- and was reeogni.d lis the ablest and i t.ri. -litest of its class. Since then we have yield ed still further to the put lie demand, and now j , publish Il'.'t. "u'x weekly! It has literally grown into its present shape on its intrinsic uie- j i tits b.-in" the llrst successful weekly hut otis . ' ........ r ..v,.r tmt.lirilidl ill this eonnrrv- : Mmm.' the artists especially en'gasred to fur- to this e, ui.tiy. win. u ar. H.ld bv oi.rH. U. , tiiJh iUus-tration. for Wil.l.O.ysare Frank Bel- ; --tSCt lew. Thomas Worth. Hopkins, Wales, Shclton, j ry N, , .,.,, , -..,V-;,.A v.i.a K..e u Ktt d . Wolf. Jump, Reettels, Stuckhardt, Day, Poland, . vallti,.,,.,. vv in. v. st:.-.l t.... f..r awnbintwr land s.v.ial ofhers who are vet niikiiown to I llr tear in all tie- pru..-. M e .; .iiw I iiifnl ai.". . fim. i V r pil- lo Ol.r l-lishjilirm ! in its literarv departments Oats will, a' i ItfHlilillll Oil ( Iromo. ii. i I...V.I.. . ... . .. . i i.. :.... t a wavs lias, sianu aione aim iniai'i.nMen.i.... Ai lea-t one first-class serial story will always i. . i..,. ...I ;.. n T.-.e-es l.v ihe be;t humorous, sa- , t.raeal, and character' writers in the Cited Mr-t.-s: wnne i.h...i . si.aikling. original, and potnled. Wil li Ovt- will be first-class in every paiti U- lar. and on this tw-cotint may ne lauen inio me l,e't l.uni'ies without Tear or suspicion, as no .- ..r.i ..r iliiisiiation will appear that ran oilend ,..,1 on this account mav be taken into me i lie most fastidious. i-r"s.eiid for a Sample I'opy roil Convince; Yoiirelf. .:s; j Sub?criptii)ii Price. . our Year -I!0 i S.x Months '- j fhree Months I-0" Sin.le Copies .!0 : One person sending' no a club of live suh-cii- ; bets tor one venr will receive a copy gratis. Ad-lressV'oLLIN SM A I.L, Publishers. ' ID! Fulton Street, N. Y. LADIES TAKE NOTICE! .w Milliiierj' .onls Dav.- jusi been opened at the store of miss. n. i.. ;ossm:k. Kiiuiiti -t t. below the Shamokin Valley R. R. Sl'NiiCRY, PA., : Wliere all kinds ot Millinery goods of the latest ! N.-w Yotk and Philadelphia nyies ure now open j for inspection. j HATS, BONNETS, ! Laces, Flowers. Ribbons, Feathers, 'I riininings, ! Notions, 1 Moves, Haiikeishiefs, and every kind of goods usually loiind in a Millinery store. : ; 1 Ladies are invited t.) call and see luc stock. . . 3IISS L. SIIISSLEll, .Market Square, Simburj, TaM Has lust recieved u large and elegant assortment of - j j j j i Hats and Bonnets, for fall and Wluter wear. i The choicest shades of ribbons, and all kiud I .0 Mitiiiierv .roods always in store. j KCKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, AC. I " ' - - - i C-.jP .,,,! nee them. e Holidays are Approaching' ! Only a JTew "Weeks Distant ! SBBS3EE3SbS A.9 the Iloliflaysi i Ml w Must reduce their present 12,000 Worth of Goods now on ihe shelves fn be KEDl ED '.'.I FER CENT., to make room for our HOLIDAY' (tOoPM. one of the tirrn has just returned iron the Easier, i cities, where he select--.! GOODS to SUPPLY aid PLEASE EVERYBODY: Will .sho'.v for the next "- d:.v ihe Invest and handsomest as soament of Beaded Good:-, Ball GKds, fall shad-') ; also Buliiou Fringe, Vak Laces. Hosiery. Glove, Knil Zephyr Goods, and a general assortment of Hi m st O' u Our stock is complete, and in North'd county can't be beat. Furs ! Furs ! ! Furs ! ! ! Also, Fur Trimmings, Shawls. Blankets, Underware For Men Women and Children, Ladies and Childrens' Cloak, Jewelry, Perfumery, Embroideries and Ribbon. Also, Slipper Patterns, Woolen Blankets and Coun terpanes by the Hundreds, Will he Sold Mt .iMlonishingly how MARX & BRO.. . Masonic Building, Third St., SUNBt'RY, PA. Look out for KK 5 sir In immense qu:intitips, h:tvc Iwen receivel ilaily, for the Kts-t tvr months. Over Coats ! Over Coats ! ! for Men ami lioys, endless variety, and at astonishing low pricrs ! Dress Suits, Business Sis, 'under clothing: under clothing: from 7- cts. a full suit up to the finest ! SHIRTS ! CrLOTES!' and Gents' Furnishing Goods of every description. fur Men ami lk-s, in immense, varii;!', anil of the latest styles. He invites everybody to call and examine his stock. Astonishing bargains will be offered and gooiis will be sold cheaper thau they have ever been in this town. Nobody is able t undersell us ! The place to save money during these hard times. The place where hnest and upright dealing is the standing rule. The place where you can lind the largest stock and best assortment. The plaec where you :tre welcome, whether you buy oi not is at WM. A. HELLER'S, GRAND CENTRAL CLOTHING STORE, Cor. 3d Marker s., SiMOtiry, Pa. Siinbiirv, P i., September 11, S"A. S' 'j! il' 4 nVYTC! -1 H,O0 CiiauK Chaun sold j A'jtrj.N 1 lt ii:i. Ilnmblm iiny oueloi-oUsU ( hirtn,-uUi:su i ajfis equJ to new. '.t ouly one .hie. eiil Iu ilo c Lo ire irmiiuif, i.n-serr the linen n cnun us f.'iip :.! sells :! uht. Men, Women, Beys j an. I oirl.- Ii.riiisli. a Hith si. il tuii-kiyiiieur, .artit-ulais j -4Sto ems. M.' t.. li..sloii. 1 Sov.i7.4w. ! i roSSTNT i:lPLoYM2iT-M hon.e. Mle rilIlia'lr ,.r w-k warr.ll. No capital te.Uire.l. Wstwiilura Hint valuable Min.i.H sen: Iree. Address -with eent ktiiiiij.. (', Villjamhur, N. Y. i U.tKVUM) EYK M F.AK ISTI- ; i Tl'l'E ! 6X.riirl'sSlreel.MHHlM4 j ,,,ire KellliliH. . . ., . nil el J.yeaiitl l .r Srr- 1 Kery in tlie IVaHhiiTft.m I'mvets.tT. J Surtfeou in t'hure. i Tla- l irife luoidsoliie l-esidene ot the l-.te riiarles I'ur- rull has been titled up with alitlie lairr.i-.einems adop: ed In th latest School" vt tun) e, tor ihe npeeial tre,t uieut ot this cluss of disea.. Apply lij le;ttr ti. liF.l IROK 1:LITI.INC, M. !., Siu j-eeti iu I',.. No . . -tv. I'oir enrolls. eoLiw, .wausexkss, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, TTi-o MKMV CAKK01Y." T.IBLETJi. PI T I'PliNI.Y IN BIl'tlftiXKS. A TRIED AND SI LK REMEDY. Sold by Ininiit. Nov. -JT, (-. StM PIASO "nd )Ut;AXS. : srv.-nd Second-Ham!, ol rnst- M-ikeis, will W J hW t I ..wrr pries fr eah, "n.'miu.'I , '"i" ;."... Waters and s. No. M Bn.lw.y. ! HoliJav. ly Horace Waters and Sin. N j thjiii r betorv oflered iu Nr. irk. . ST U..l.. 1-1... Aruts nuuted I ... n w:.t.r' Scale Pic , imi I'oueerto rf-rr o KKTAIKl AT LjliiYO Importen Trlfesj. BY T1IK Great Atlantic ami Pal Tea Co. 26 Fiflli Af.. Iitlsurg. I'm. Thw ia an oricniizatiou of .jiitalmts to IMPORT AM niSTKIH TK TKAS for one s'ni-.ll prout, Kiviti Die solium r all protitH .1 ,..t.iai.....ii. We control tarife i.u ot I ie itrm i ran . (..,,,, j,.i,i il., n.-iie-t wi-i-ot ,.eru:;:i an.. :lT.i.-ts. v.hi.-li, n' Uiua! ! um. U nior- tbau in pi .o . iet in .stores, voi;i..i e . l-., I' .- ! Isent k, our ; ... K ol lu, a lt-rutll-.t. ;real Atlantic V Vmiilr TeH'.. Jt: Fiitii Ait., i'... ! MIOU I PUOJ.HOXK1II-.XT--! H.VEI VI i.l. IIS1K.III'IH. first ;raud UU't VfnevrX uG AT AI.rX N"Di:IA, YA. M iltl'II 2. 1S7I. i.isr of uin-. 1 il:.ud l ush Oil. 1 Ortud Cutdi (ii:t 1 l.raild I'HHtl Ititt itotiSHI . . I,l" . . vl') . . . . . . T. if ill . . . .Vitotl . .. 'Ull . .. ItHaNni . . . .".Wt . . . 4'.iii:ii Ill Tush Oifts, I0.IHM) taeh. I V Cash (lilts. ...noil each. . l.iNKl e:;eh. . .",ihi raeti . . list each.. :0 each. . jo e;(eii. . ."xi Osh outs. lo.j 'a"ii i'ts, I.inhi I'astiOuts, 1.1SH) I'ash l.ifts. JI,IHM Casll Ultts, .i i:s r.sii (iifts. iiiiioniitiiii,' 1 M Of TICKETS, ino,oon. 1'KIl i: 'K TK RKTS. Whole TieVets "j-JJ Hilvr' '.'.v.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '. Ilia.' r.r-. ......... . ...... t.u nf v ..h 1 '..111 oil r.,h. . . Iial.WI .", . liekets tor The M.mlltli.r Female Hilliui: Ass. ieit toil, yuaimr- ! ed l.v the l.ruadatiiir of Yirttinu and tie- ( ili-uit Court ot t)"ra:i!?r Co.. .r.iH.-M hy a liiund Oi:: ' lo es tablish and endow a "iionie o.r iur , .......... Iiettltute I.a.he, 01 Vn-.oiila," at Mou' Hie ior...-r residence 01 President .Ihiih-h Madiou. It alTord. me pleasure to say that I am well , ucnitamt OovKUNoli a ei n 1., . ".--.- ".- " -. ''bf.!"'."S . 11,,,.. . l..a-iatloll.whoreldelu the vieiulty ui home, ami 1 attest their intelbijeiice and their worth -...I loch rrl.iltation as K. "emeii. en as .ut 1 the i-iihiu- litH-rallv re- n.otidrlic. iiifllK lleeand slll.stantii.l uoalis pri-Mented fti.ou't them, 1 .1 V1KS! I.. KKFVi.l:. iov. V lri'linii. t.xvMKM. V .Inly , 1H71. ' 1 coam.-i.d them as (Htita ot honor and iiitei ity, and tiilly entitled to the eonlideiiee of the puhlie. " ' " It. W. Hi:iiHF.S, I'. S. Smite Fasiu Dist.of a. Further relerrnos hy iwnniasioii : 111s i.ioMru.j OiUert C. Walker. hx-loertior ol Va. ; Holi. Kohert K. Withe, Lieut. -liov. oi Va. and 1". S. Senator elect; Senators and Members ol Coiifrremi from Va. Kcmittauces tor ticket may l made hy evpresa pre paid, iKi-otrice moiie.-ordei 011 Washuiiricui, 1. C. or ...a i..,.t For lull particulars, testimonial", fcc. "end f" C'r C.I.V. Addnss, HON.-IAMISMARHOCK , Pnv T M. F. H. A., Ai.?.xai.ria, V s. IWI-We fl T.atttr.1 M"-l - Iter,-. No. -.. are Approaching 25 large stock of goods. 2 (O CO CO fa m Bargains ! m tPh W i 7 Formerly Herzleld.-'s. rPHi: RVI'f HIAI.tH.l'K 1M"H1K 1't he m-j; '-.wr-pii tl I i.r Trenty t'enf. Address It bi'KY, Tarryiown, N'- York. W. H hi Mis. N..i --T. 4w. What I Kuo ubout Aneiits, or h t. e'-ir !U0 lo Jw month Helliiiu Chromei. Ster-.itfei'ie Viewp, Mji . ami rtiurt. A 1'1 t ' to II. I" M.Nt. roneorit. N. H. "''- '-' - Dh. C. M. Mabtin. Cjo W". El-pom neW drug store, No. 13, South Third Street, Clefflent House BuMnt 5unliiiry, ?a. DR. C. 31. 3BKT1X & CO, TT AVE inst reeci'ed a .'res), 0, - PureDng 11 and Patent m.-dicip-s. W have also a fill 3-s'"""-nl DRESSING A NO I'Af'KF.T (OUBS. Hair, Tolh. Xail.fl'"""' iAUT "nshes. TOII.i;t AM f.X"1 AKTHUX riNi: F.ri:vri.'"' KEr B,,,,K-- knivf, REF.D's i-KAND DC( 1IFSS COI.OCNK .... ete-l p":':.iii i-. Anrira. I'Hrijiiau. a Kil ;- Masli. vvai iauled to clean perfectly the rnosl deliwt s without injury lolhe kid All the leading preparations for ihe Hair. SI. . AltS. THE BF.T IN" MAREET, Puie Wine and Li'iuors, for medical furposef Physicians Prescriptions and family iweipt compounded with care. Thankful for pant favors we hoi by fu'rdea, intr to receive a share of your patronage. Siptcnibcr 11, lTo. 'I'niliiestii.ii.iblv Ihe best sustain, d kind in Ihe woeld." .crkof II Harper's Magazine. ILL! STRATE1. Notices of the Press. The i ver-'iiicieasiiig circulation of this exee lent niotitiily proves its continued adaptation i popular resircs and needs. Indeed, when ll.iuk into how many hoines it penetrates evy month, we must consider il a- one of ihe edue tors as well as etitert liners of the public mill, for its vast popu ..lity has been won by no :y peal to stupid pr. iojr oi d. pravrd tat ; - .'.l.vfl.i tlltlb'. dlfl. anrf lit.-r- arv culture that ha- kepi pa w A a. . , i .i i hi. times, slioui.l ea'i-e Us ei.nduetorsM .. ird il with justiiiabl ' eouiplatency. It also entitles them to a great claim upon lb.; puhlie -i atiiude. The Magazine has done aKl ami ' p., ev'l a l tl-' dav of its Uf:-.--.-Vo'.i'v, h.l'V.r. T F.R M: ::li Subsciibers I'osl:, Ire. in the l liile 1 lUr.ri n s M aoazine, one yc r, 4 (to. r- j no include prepayment off. S. inistag" y tli- piildi-tiers. Subset :pl ion ! Haip-r's Magazine. Weekly, nd Haz tr, to one a jdres? for one year, 10 t'o ; 'or. two of Hanier's Prrioilicals, to one address for one vear. Si 00; postag'e free. u Extra Copy of either the Magazine, Week lv'.,r Baz;ir wiil be supplied gratis for every Uuv of Five Subscribers at -4 each, in one re mittance; or, Six copies for ?. without extra copy: postage free. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. Complete Set of Harper's Mairaaine, now comprising 40 Volumes, in neat eloth biudin. will be sent bv express, freight at expense ot purchaser, lor'si .': per volume. Single Vrl- l.v ... ,il t ostDaid. So. I loth ruses, for -'biiidii.K,' oS cents. inail, Itpaid. ddres. HAurr u DRonim, Nov. -M. I jT 1- io'v Y,,rK- ST A IE iIASS WOKKS, NORlll!?TOW N, PA., - j ,vri- U'TFRES a superior Quality of i M Window Class, Btagte-liml double thick, l.rjund Corrugated, Obscnred and stained. . f;l;,,.g ,,f nil patterns: h!1 glass warrauteU not. ... (,r.tri snlieite.1. to Maui. I ; ; i ; .1. M. AI.BERTON. October, 1ST4. flKK ! flltf! For sale a p)ol Hand Fire Eirgiue ; Bras Pumps ; can be worked as suction or suplied from tank. Hose eart. 'M0 feet sum hose new, all in good working order, for prire and particn lar. Address II. K.COODRKTI, Machinist. SiinnrT. P., Siinbiirv. Nov. r. 1M. :;t