JOrll IilLLIXOS ox Love. Luv is a jiasliuo that is easier felt than deskribed. It it. common to the yuujr, middle-aged, and even old fellows Lav thought the y lied the diseazc. It generally makes victims feel phoolish, and akt phoolish, too. Sum times it brakes out sudden, without, eny warning, and then agin it cuine cm slo, like the rumatUs. I hav known ium pashuute to be in luv for six months and not know exactly what did ail them ; then I hav known other cases whare the partys thought they was in luv, ami nothing was the mat ter of them all the time, only they w;is out of humor. Snir tiling to d i all wnz kun these kind nv a! lacks. 'A'ken a jursc n really iz in luv they nin'r lit for Miyt'iin : else. It unfit a iar-M-r and a Mai ki'iitli for bizziness just az nmeli az it duz a stu dent at law ola l.oanliuj sk-xl miss. ti-.i-xuvi' !uv never fas'eus i:s fangs onto a X 1 i being lilt or.w, he often cts nipped by i! j before aud afterwards, hut the fut r-kar ; sticks to bins for lift". Sum people fall in ! luv every ninety days, just for the plum of! the thing, lint luv won't divide its pos session ov the heart with eny other ov the pashuus ; it drives out arubivanity. A man is never more pure than when he iz ; sensibly in luv. Luv iz a great humanizer ; it makes the rude az gentle az a duv, and polishes up the rustik like three month's tuition at a dancing school. It is hard work to be in luv and not akt phoolish ; i but luv iz in the. only thing i kno that j makes phools excusable. We alhvuss lafl'i at the young, when they are in luv, and ' pitty the old ones. An old man desperate ly iu luv iz az helpless az a loss child. I He Talked ix his Sleep. There is a man in Jersey City who owns an elevator. The other night he was asleep and his wife was awake. lie dreamed, and he muttered words in liissl.ep. She listened. He said: 'Dear Ella- darling Elia sweetest Ella She would hear no more. She grabbed him by the shoulder, shook him till he woke, and then shrieked. 'Who is dear Ella ?' ho is dear what ?' he asked, with a sur prised look. 'The dear Ella you have been calling darling and sweetest in your dreams." 'Oh ! I must have been thinking of the dear elevator which has cost me so much thought and trouble for the past two months. It's Uh-ii all outgo and no income with it.' The wife subsided. She may have been fully convinced that he was whol ly truthful, but she keeps a very suspicious eye on him. He chuckles when he's alone, and says. 4I)y (ierge, that elevator was a lucky thought. If she only knew?' Then he chuckles a little more, and g'H-s and elevates his elbow. The Lawyek ani Diu mmkh. A member of the Saginaw county bar was re- cet'tlv in one of our thriving interior towns was from. The I.'jpil pentleinan nt ex- j nctly relishing the stranger's fatnili.irity, . answered shortly. 'From Detroit.' The! m-xt question was. 'For what house are j you traveling V 'For my own.' 'You ! arc ! May I ask your name V "Vim may.' j Fa Use tiijoy.'ible to the lawyer, cnibnrras- fing to the other. 'Well, (desperately,) what is your name V 'Jones.' 'What line J are you iu 'i "I don't understand you, sir. ; 'What are you Helling J" (impatiently.)! Drains,' (coolly.) The drummer saw his : op'xu tuuit-, and looking at the other from , head to foot, he said slowly, 'Well, you tip- j jiear to carry a deuced small line of sam- i pies.' Rlackstotie says he owts that drum- ! mer one. I Ax old-fashioned naval captain stood up to g'i who was shocked to observe that at oi nuuuuu ai 111 uauus were not covereu i aceordiug to etirjuette. 'Captain,' said his fair partner, 'you are, perhaps, not aware that you have uot gut gloves on.' '(Jh, j never mind, ma'atu,' answered the captain, i nev r mind, I cau wash my hands when we've done.' j 'What are these cups for !' asked a well- : dressed man of a jeweler, pointing to some ! elegant silver cups in the showcase. 'These ' are race-cups, to he iven as prizes to the i hest racer.' 'If that's so, suppose you and i I rare for one,' and the stranger, with cup ' in hand, started, the jeweler after him. : Th stranger won the cup. 'I Miot'LD he glad to accommodate you,' : &aid an Iowa damsel, n whom a young IJosinnian had proposed," hut I am partial- ly engaged already. There's rna, though, : who's only thirty-five and wishes to marry 1 again, and I think she is just now without an engagement.' The young man took the '. next train east. A Yorxr. Leanderswam across the Ohio from a lower Kentucky town the other night, to interview his lovely Hero on the , Indiana side, hut the old man stood ou the hank with a revolver in his hand, and Ieander swam back again. Said a New Yorker, to his will- : 'Have you heard of that Dew decision of the IJos ton courts ?' money to her husband she cannot get it back.' Humph !' sneered the ' wife, 'that's nothing new." Tin; u Louis Christian Advocate has no ear sacrilegiou- when the line 'We are going home to die no more' is rendered : 'We're going home to Dinah Mure, tol'inah ; More, to Dinah More.' A minister asked a tipsy fellow, leaning ; up against a fence, where he exjiected toso when he died. 'If I can't get along any! belter thau I do now," b;iid he, 'I shan't go anywhere. I'll stay where I am.1 'You may retire,' said Clover imt Moses I to a colored waiter who was standing be- hind his chair in a South Carolina rcstau rant, "Scuse me sab,' said Sam. -but I"se ; sjKinsihlfi for de spoons." ! TllK question f ir discu'sion at a recent meeting of scientists was. 'What travels : r 't it... ! I.IHU-M, neat or coin r it was uecnieu in ; I....... .,r l.nn ... I , . r. '""I ne.ii, iiiiiiiv iirt'sriii nau oitcn i u.,n awe t catch old. j What is the dii:n'U:e bettvecu a innr- di rons attack and jiis-killiri ? One is as- ,. ..... I , 7 i s.iult will) intent to kill.anil tlic other ir a kill ...:,l. !... t. - Willi llll'llt t'l .11L. A 'A'Sa woman complained to I)r. .Iohnon that he had put had words into his dictionary. 'Ah,' he replied, 'but yon have been looking for them.' A sua i:r talking lady was reproved bv her husband, who requested her to kttep tier tongue in her nioaMi. 'My dear,' slie said, it's aaitiMt the law to earry concealed j , j weapons. , AN experienced old -entlein.m says that j all that is necocssary in the en ovuicnt of lovi or pausagc is couliJonfM. I SA V,' Paid n rOUph fi lloW to a f-D. With . ', conspicuous bowlegs, 'I say, don't you have to have your pautaloons cut with a circular ,, , taw . A TEKSON lofjkiD" at Some Skeletons the . , , , other day asked a voung doctor j. resent where he got them. He replied, M raised them.' TlIERE are many Who Can't read Who i , . t know A I'ee9e. era k 9 The Litrirosl Stock of Stoves in tlx; County, ol' the latest improved stylo. :it ,T. J3. EEED'S New Stove ani Tinware EstaWisliiet, TIM Street, opposite Central Hotel, -VJNBURY, PA. My slock rnists of tln following AXD COOK Regulator .,k, Com Moat ion. I'alao . Inn KiiiL'. Centennial, ;m.,1 a la fee variety .if nili er C 'ik s and H inges a! a, s o n hand or procured to order. Also a laiire assortment of repairs of nil kinds for the ('oinliinntion :iml Regulator Cook Stove. 1 li;ive tlie largest, assortment of Stoves ever Peon in Stinbnry, that will be sol.l at trices to suit the times. Tinware ami Shoetiron Avare of every description in large quantity. Also r. ii assortment of Cleveland non-explosive Lamps. hoofing and Spouting promptly alienlel to. The public are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my -took, and be convinced that I am sellin?; ihe cheapest. Sunbnry, Sept. 1x7-1. T T C3IOO V V DH ! Invite in -xaminatioii of ii' IHEI.SS ;mfS. Uvsl ;Nsortni'ii wliiHi t !iv Hr i'Iliii)6f Ht prieos loner than ever. B LClv ALPACAS. Call and examine Ix fort' purrhasino; elsewhere, our Alpaeas r.Tnp;e in prices from 'J" ets. to SI. Oo. Mil Bssf rSa&es cf Faints, BEST BRANDS OF MUSLINS, 1 vanl wide. 10 ami liliectifs. Sunlnuy, (let. 1, ls74. -Tin. ASBESTOS ROOFING PAINT old Slii'ifli, Tun, Kd', :n Ik iil;nl- a:j'- t r'flitif' rwt II. iV. JOII VS PATKXT ASKDSION ASi;Ksrei l:H)l'ISii. t..i -t.-. v .r fl.a rcif in all ilun :t"-s. A SHI.S I S I'M SYS. bll inloi--. .r L't-ni-inl urj --, can, kt-ifs. kiii 1 mrrvlK. ASI1KST'S Hi '11,1 It KKl.TI N I. util l.lniliK till-. K'lell IdKilil.t! MktermN, e'r. Tiit-s, Vlteri.-l- r.-',.ai l M utU for iin , rail Ipe iimjJv :n ll-l lv Jinv el:e. Nrtnl tor dt Tl't 1 1'iilupll- i-. I'nce I.i.-4In Ih-iik-iiiu, i t. . I.JIIOI.W. I N ni l !.M liN' i S To lil NKUAI. MKiti'H ANTS A N I HKM.KIl. ;.1."AI"J"IUN". V hr Hihiit-itic hTi'ly c:iullinid :eAlje't )'IH'!i:smii ,r lirtlill' Ia.ieri.tlh lur tile atxf.t ttr intents ami MMitir.ntm'er.t s.n-'u-i""'-1' l" - - UAoJiitfA. "M111111 s illustrated ration. Jiaziuir. The ONLY Magazine tunt IMFORTS Only ONE LCLLAii i iN CLMS a YUUt, mm Hief 30IS into ... . ll s UIHilO.V !' UII .Hll.f. I ,i!i,ti;if '. v ! .nt, l si; :., , J s '.- ill l;'i"imifi All -!.- - I'nft.-ui. Witii ii.lli Mw'rl. VOI4. Mafir '.-' utile I ii,iii- '1 in. - Si.iii m nr,r !'.. i. lMnyr I.nt il ..ri.'li , boy Sail Si.-, s Iu f. yem. Pa-i 2815 2815 ' V- w5 2515. IjidvCot Viz'."- - A!' :r - !' . v SHIS. imkOvTkci I-nil v I 121IS. I.dTOvep-Kiii - I.i.i. si ami .!-1 s; -Iv.: t.-ru. v.i.h (::ii. 't:tel,.' u'ti;s. ZH h. NucQne ( I. I; i il ntn r- ;l Sjc I'tiiT n , it!. nil '.. I. .n't. ZHOI. Lady's Wlkiin- ii ..r .?,: Let All S..-.--,,..t'..Mi. .ili( l,.tl . :, i.ts. Werlvepei1ft I.OTII ll-Mit.!. v v, i.. )i hle.ivi e i I ..i t.i .;t Ile fT- mtlit tncetli-r, j:. r ; . I!.- . u. 'I i y a:,- ITH t-1 . .'.! i;i:. Any Pattern on this r tu:iilet njimt re, riil oi ii itrl., t prirr. Saili'l "Xsruii Irsci ru-iur." I-IT 0 f re?, f r ' !"2 : : ,! i'""'s iit the l'litVCT.'jev.'ivV I fairl if rliB-.c. .i,... a ; ... li.t Sir. x t rr.c: Vt I ti.'t f fr I.. I !:i:"1'ii'.?r : s.'.firiP5 n j i:ni.ii.riic 1 Unlyl'lir I.'i.iji und Kul 111I1 o Irnr. S!-,.,',..'l.k!; j And a sejlenc:.:t ptJEMIUffl to each Sub 1 ?',?.: soriherFK EE ! i c helov. 1 T- ' t ' i i ".! TWO "- ' '! twt' '- '! Smith's In- 1.1 I I. -:.J Siiirit t HI K '" It - .- I' i !! v.. 'j : . . . 1 .,-..! ;i Oi? '':' t t':" I. ...t I- iM I I! !! !l C:? '1 M: - ANI II!'!! I'l . I - i nwfi 1 ::: -i- !'":. "I ' . 1 1 1 1 1 1 I. . 1 1 L I .. I.'.. ! i.l .-A!- ' .Ml i tbu TWO NlKCl ' "i ' , .r.D BUT ONE tuh A i'Ji, - Chromot extr for wviii ; Vo K r 1 T; umber of lx-ati!i!'i:l Prentiun".b three tni. t i''y r. '. p. -i.. LI! !'v, two1 : ' ti- . .. E ACAAf-:. b'twet.'U now bud i-u.-t ii. l-.i.,-. .. . I7B iu pold coiu, and . l"r--i .. coin, etc, et". Wit CAVE SI, O t- titmed and tlilr'' iil ropy and Me. Sample cojiv n. .:'' I - OLD llrnwmaiciDe, i weenie, tniiiu;-.. AddreM, rrr pliiiii; i:vi:itviui:v'.i nu :tisi( i ,,v w- "". m. '. ih.h'i.hh-.-. 4HS 'etav i-!tk' s ut :tul iiiiir-: i .e d .. i.uu.i. i-..,,i.,m , j,:.t .i.i, t.,i t., t. 'St -lit'r;i I.t' lmt r,,,i. , !H.t) 'M Mi . Hli'i i'l.- AGENTS WANTED VZ,l.,, 'Zt. '"' "' N h'" v.M'. "J- " . - V ASTI.n M.I.NTS il.. lt. s.-:ii.i? 1'. . S!..- ti.ii..i v i-u i.i.r uut. s..ii in i'a,-k-.2e. i..-t-i t::.i. i..r '. 'i:'iilaf Ir:-.-. I. Mil!"!". 11mm Si v.' lur!,. .n. n.tvi: vor TitiKi JURUBEBA ai:k vol WF.AK, NFKVOI S, Oi; HKI!I!.n ATF.Il ! Al Vol! to 1.iiii?ii.i1 thjl iiliv -tti. hi it'.iiiiti iiior- of an effort than yii t. I fH aMf 1 ULikinp ? Tb-u try J uruiM-l., tbe tM.ii.lei 1 ill loior .nut iu v ..i..rj- Inr itctM m lHl.4-li(i:ilK on thi 4. i-i t.- iiii.liiis :. J ' miiiart vior to n vimi It m liO!ioJie uo4-u.i-r, winch stii.iiiut-s for u Hhort time, only to lit the nitl. r r 1.1! tu !.. r ft li iif'l v"-"t:,l1 ' ,"n'",y "u ' "!.;""- '"e i.. ip, qui. ti' me n.-rv. . ami uviii t--i like n w 11111. IlB iT3tlHI IS lldt ml ntf lmt lt -ll,u:n'U l l.t I 1 1 f prt-at piiti-in,s; tut- Ktj-ut xj.n.-nm iui Mitf.ii .i rbaiiK, Ho iu;Lik-tl rultHt hut fradiiullv !,:- iicu-ls ..K(lM ,,,,, ,e A,.: u "Wu,y awi.y.- Tbi if "o tiw an.l tintrkil iliseoverv, t.ut lm liei u lonK uaetl with wotiilerful renipiliiil rrsultK. ami nounoed by the hihi-nt ui.lit-al autbotii.-u, "th- uiof! 'ert ul tonic anil lternatne knowu." Ak vour ilrii).'''" for it. For ai ir Johnston, iioi.i.oway o.. Xov-4'v' Il'i"a- WOUK I'tiKAl.I. at Inline, male or female; $33 per 1 WM-lt ft n V nr rv.ittu it ...n.i .-.tii.tiln package of roodn ty maU fre. Aitilret-R witU ix cent return 'tamp. M. Vorvo. 17:1, Orwuwieh Ht., N. Y. v .v.M. 4iv. TOY i 9 PARLOR Morning Light Far lor Stove and Double Heater, Home I'elight. Radiant Home. Twilight and a lare assortment ol tilers, such as (Jas Uumers, Egg Stoves, Etc., Etc. J. KhKR their immetisi- new stork of III tlio roiinty. WM. AVIIT.TMER & CO. tl r-l r-.' ici'j)iv for ui. ny jt-art ut :t v. r h KOOHi PAINT A.M C'KMEXT. II. W. JOHNS. 57 MAI li;N LANK, N. V. STYLES n.d FLI.LS rttteim of tiem. witbai-pie-idid rhtMilir?.. be. Big Oiler below my -ftierr-- if!'. M ; M m i.t I' 111. ( lih I. . , ! Clil. t. 'i -. My s:imi, 1 nt. .Tofl. 1, 11.00. it . i . i. : i ,.t!: .!.nV!.M.:-Ltt. - Put let !. t:i l.l'. .INK 1, f 'I li LI;, n, Wii'.ii lolli M. ili 1. H i .. s. M tv.h rA .i Vf t S'?i2Wf tiUL,"uUi I!- !'.; !i ':l.liO. tot $3 rMin w ho u tu the -wn:!1! ... 'I I!, :l nil1 "Hie ir.t FREE. H out i 1111111111-. 1 1 m im i kii ia-it:i: razaar. s F 'rf '.or 1 l;r.E, 1're- t , - .' .. I rt'i -! i(KK.ti Ix-frlfxted : any time after, OtU CKROMOS- 11,1 .r. mvi i.i:s." OR Of?'1 MAVIfll.N,"OR CHROWOS" ule- .Miiiu, : ud : : .... l.i JJ1L lot J'nm. In v ei'l.. 0331? TTiP JT CXiTJIJ. v.. vi;i r" one Chromo oxtra i-r-'m v.Lo . i !ain- ;.i:ii l(ii!cl.-j 1 ulc l:ii.-. ' -i-T'ri f.r.'ivepiibiK'n!ertt;threO li-I I! !i()J( K t mi rmitinoui Lich Subscriber tu"teiia .: 3C.OO iii Cold Coin to :i v .'. r i itni mi tin-Bazaar i L ripest Club -ni (' t l: , luiu-. st J25 in Ku'd I AAJt, Ik 30 erouB lio t : ..-r i-.jt fni Ii one .-nt. (et a i.. . .. ::.,u JjuuL,'' nr "VeerctB ot A. kiUSniTTE SMITH, irondway. New York Clt. I '( XTl't ) KM EXTS IMI'O.SI HLE. --H20 wil l, m y a I'irt Mori srj I'rcini tim lloml or Tin: N. V. IMifS'IHIAI. KXnilUTION CO., Aiiili.H i.-it ! tli- !. 'iliitnrr of ILe Stute of N. V. till I'reiiiiiuii OriiMiut;. !. 7, 1ST I. :tl Series llriiwing, Jhii. I, 1H7I r.VKKV liiiNU will l ll.'.liiMiii.l witu a l'r. iniuui, ua un eijlliviil-lit lr lutefrst. AI'ri'AI. l'ISKMIl lI, l(0,00O. A..ln-fn for HoikIk aii'l full inifuniiatkin. VIOICf. t:TII l . IIIU .VO A ., l iiiH!Mi:il AirriitH, '.'.I TVllK HOW, N. Y. 1'. o. mi wi.l: if i. Nov. I t, '.. I I : I I. .iiii l,x to a,.;iiilR. I.ahii.k' :ommiitiov Ni i'i.i..''M.K, w iii I'liMin.oh. S ml Htatnji. ft f a N Ai i'o.. .--.i 1!.-oom1, 1!;.... Nov. l;l, 4w. H'ATI II KS IFWKLKV XV A It K. John W. SleveiiMim, l'"' Tl'irJ '! Market St Suiiliur.v, a n.S completely renovated his 8tore Room, and opened the lar(eht nssortmcnt of V. I t IIF.S, Ch( KP, JF.WELI'wY, SOLID Slb VF.P. AM) PI.ATKI) YVAUF, ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing iu the Jewelry line is kept in .-Lire. Silver-H are. IJrneclelw. King A liain, of every dc-iciiption nnd of the finest ijuality. Particular attention uid to repnhie iVHt'be, Idclts, Jewrlrj, Ae. HAIR JEWELRY ninde to order. Snt.litiry. Mtrcb rt. 1ST4. JHcrcantilr. t . l SUA TL 1 X I) I CE.TI EXTS. Now ami Attractive Goods, in even- Department WATCHES, niAMOxn, jewklkt, silver r pi ated wari:. Cutlery. Clocks, Bronzes, English. French and German Fancy Goods. In view of tie' decline m GJ il. I), we '.a v- n-! duerd prices on nr entire Slue!; ,' Foreign ic r- chaiidUe Id j I'nr ;M 3";it-. j and Miireli: sirs will find it : tlieir in'erot id t make tlie'r -cleelions NOW. while tin- Si ':'!' MKN'T I COAIIM.ETE. Goods sent on approval for select io-in. Articles purchased now, fui tin- Holiday, viil! i hi- iael;'il :iiul utain.'il nnlil -m-i: tiin - j ed. ! KOHBIXS, CI.AKK .V 1511)01.. ; 1121 Chf.stm t Sr., I'iiihi.i i i ' mi vm opkmm; of sriiix; nni si iimki: ; ns. of every description and variety such :is Iresw (;onlt eotnprising all the novelties 'm fabric and shade. Full Assortment of Xotioxs, which arc beiii! sold at the lowest Cash Prif i-s. Also, (Jroceiiies and Pkovisions, pure and fresh. queexswaue, (.5 lassware, axd wood and AVillow Wake, Nicest TJrands of Flour constantly on ha ml. A very lar-;e ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAI'Elt. both chized and common, ahvav on hand. 1J O O T S A N I) S II O S FOK MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. EA I) V-MADE V LOTH INC, of all size? and of the latest f les. F L o i; R . A constant supply of western white wheat, a speciality. The public are invited to cai! and examine our (ioods tree of charge. Our motto is 'Oiiok Sales and Small Protits," and to please all. The highest price will be paid for ::'.! kind- ot country produce. By strict attention to business and keeping at all times the most complete stock, and selling at thelowcgt prices, wc hope to merit a fjl! share of stitch at any speed. Has our new thread con patronage, j troller, which allows easv movement of needle RF.F.D BROTHER A: SEASHOI.TZ. i b:,p :tr'1 prevents injury to thread. Sunbnry, May 1 s; . s. Con-truction most careful and linished. It - -- - " -- - is manufactured bvthe most skillful and ex- Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, WS I Iwas onrl If OtUlt UIIVJ Cedar Ware, t -- 1 ? I o r, T fcU B Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. ;ko. kvaxs. k. c. maize. Geo. Evans & Co., 1U4 Market Street, Philadelphia,' TAILOIiS and MIWTAttV lILOTIHEftS, ; 1 1 o f . i .Militarv, r.aixl & I- ire Organizations ! - 1 rr.i i, nt t ! i ! r., niA.l ; Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent 1 free on application. j )iir. lu-iiisrtln' leailiiii; lioiiseoii Militarv work, j we feci that wr can nfl-r iinliU'eiiKMit uiilrh can- ' imt be attained anywln-re elsf. .Ian. -::. sr-i. ; Tailoring! Tailoring!! : CHARLES MAIIIL, 1"Kri:'TI TI.LY inform-the eiliein tint : V lie has jui-t received Ills I Spring mail Si: miller ;hI. at hi : TAILOR SHOP, mi Fourth Street, hcli.w Market, iu the Mullen i ; bnililinir, and that he is prepared to make up all : kind-' of i GKXTS AM KOY'W SI ITS, t..t.. ci.-l. IT..,.:.... i... .1 i. s '" -i. rtjii. I i.v , lilt; ii.lli iiiiM-.i ' K"Il- I enee in the business he diwei the nubile to eive I i him a trial. ("lothinir will bo made up in thf latest rutin nnd American Fashions iu the most satisfactory manner. al'.'.'T.". ('HAKI.ES MAIIIh. ; 1874. FALL MILLIXEKY. IS7I. ! Selected with great taste and care have been i j opened at Miss L. SHISSLER'S Store, i ' Mnrkot Siiare, SI'MU HY. I .. all the new shapes iu HATS A XI) HOXXETS. Kiblions. Flowers, Feathers, Ac., and all kind ; of Millinery (ioods. j Fancy (joods of every description. Bonnets and Hats trimmed in the most exH.'ditiou.s man- tier with the utmost prceicion. A full line of i ladies' caps- Call and examine before pnrehas : in"; elsewhere. MISS L. SHISSI.EK. I'Hshionulilo .Millinery Goail JUST OPENED! MISS M. L. (JOSSLEK, On Fourth St.. below S. V. R SUN HUH Y, PA., R. II is just ocned ii full line of J Spring Millinery (Joods. The latest styles of Hatsand Bonnets, Tiiumiinirs, Handkerchiefs, Liidies' (Joilars, (lluves, aud Notions rene- rally. rartu'iilar iittenlion nfulli the ladies iu the eoufltv is directed to her assortment, as her stock is larger than ever, and (foods sold cheaper. Senlitirv. Viv 1. 1ST4: f: y tneens. QAKKIAGES, KI ;;iES At'. H. K. FAGELY & CO., respectfully inform juiltlie that tliy have eomnienet-d the manufaet nr of ix . i i u n -j krj K I 1,1, h A.I xo;tSCN ltl)JK imJi WVJn at the now slio recently eroc toil by J. F. l.erch Corner of'I'onrlli ami Chest met Ms., SCNIU'RY, PA., ami si!ifit a fair sharo of Patronage. April ::-r.m. .T. F. I.EUCI1, Pnp't. THE remington vyon(s; jr." rat?--.-? . m THE new improved REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE. awarded The "Medal for rrogress," AT VIEXXA. 173. i j The Highest Onto of "Medal' Awarded at the ; Exposition. I No Sewin; Machine received a Hil.-r Prize. 1 A few ool Retisons: i j 1. A new invention thoroughly tested and se I riirod dy Letters Patent. ! 2. Makes a perfect Lock Stitch, alike on both sides, on all kinds of goods. j . Runs liht, smooth, noiseless and rapid I lint eombimition of qualities, j 4. Durable. runs for years without repairs. ! .1. Will do all varieties of work and fanov stitching in a superior manner. . Is most easilv managed bv the operator. Length of stitch maybe altered while mnninir, and machine cad be thread! without pasMnu thread through holes. 7. Dc.-ii;:) Simple, Ingenious, Elegant, form ing the stitch without the use of cog wheel gears, rotary emits or lever arms. Has the Automatic Drop Feed, which insures uniform length of periencod mechanics, nt the celebrated Reming i ton Armory, Ilion. N. N. Philadelphia Oftice, I Sin Chestnut street. Hi t. '.I, lsT4.'Jm i. I l I' H S T IC K ! j CHRISTIAN NEFF, I Second Strert, nppobite the Court House, SUN j Bl'RY, PA., ! Kcsiectfully tnviteR the attention of Retailers and otherR, that lie has on hand, and will con ; sMntlv kcpp all kinds of j KOKEKiX AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consistiii'r of Pure Brandies: Cocaine, Cherry, (iitiirer. Koehelleand Otard. Whiskies: I nre Rye Coiiper-Distilled, M(imn ir.ile !:i. Apple ainl Neetar. PURE HOLLAND (JIN Wines: Champiiirne Wine, ilierrv, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Kuril, Brown Stont and Seoteh Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors whieh can lie found in. the eity markets, which will be sold at Whole sale und Retail. Every article guaranteed a? represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. t-if Orders promptly attended to, Hnd jiuhlic patronaue respeetfully solicited r. F.FF. nnlpiiry, July 3. 1H73. ly. j -i - -r. V- W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, IN WF.LKF.K'S BUILDINC. HarliCt St reel. Kl.MIl ICY. 1M. drugs, chemicals, Driints KllltrV (ilMtlls ' T . , I V1V All . ' f ' 1 .' 1 1 T - rr"T , - L 1 I 1 .-, 011.. t.lj.l.", I I. Ill, ll., iust:ii:t!y oil Ikiih!. l'lirticutar attetition :t id to cotniouii(lini: jliy ntfiani .rcrritioiis ami family reiripts. Smiinirv, Ajiril IT, 174. cektralrug store q.b.cXdvllader Is the place to buy pure and fresh mi-.djcixes, imr(;s, TAINTS, OILS, CLASS, I'EKFUMEltV, NOTIONS, CIGARS, T015ACCO, LKUOK for niediciual purposes, and all other arti- . .. , , - .. . ... 'I't a lirst-flass JrU!. More. SiH tial attention paid to coinnouudinj; pre ficriptions and family receipts by competent dru;rists. I am prepared to furnish in .inantities to suit purehasets and at I'hiladelphi i price-, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Roscndale and Lehigh C EM EXTS. Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy aud Clover Seed.". Also, Garden Seeds of hII kinds. Aall and iret a Rural Register for (;eo. h. cadwallader. Sunbnry, Feb. , lT4.-lv. New Millinery Store. ' MISSES L. t S. WEISER la villi; removed their Millinery Store into the I lar;e buildimr adjoiniii); Zeltletnoyer's stove store, on Market Street, where they have just opened a lare and eleiJ'iut assortment of I'HsliiOMuble .Milliuery dloods. embracing everytliinsr usually kept in ii Well j stivked Millineiy establishment. Their slock is i entire new and consists of the latent t x- i- i- i i il : i i . 1 i . : t-i..l .rn' x ors aim i iinauuituiii oijiva. DRESS MAKIXfJ in all its branches will receive particular atten tion. IXFAXT ROBES IX STOCK. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting attended to, and Chi'drcn'8 and Bovs clothing made to order. MISS L. WEISER, MI3S S. WEISER. ?nn.!iry. April 17. 174. Stf9 t-.-:-' .... Dr. J. Walker's Califoriiia Vine par IJitters are a juirely Vejjetalde pi t prtintion, mailecliielly from the native herbs lonnil on the lower ranges of the Siena Xevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom witisotit the use? of Alcohol. The (uestion is almost daily asked, " What in the cause of the unpin' alleled success of Vjxe;ar Bittf.i:s : " Onr answer is, that tht-y remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers Lis health. They are the preat blood purifier and a life-jrivinfr princi ple, a jierfect Renovator and Invijrorator of the system. Xever Leforc in the his tory of the world has a medicine Leon compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bittkks in healing the siek of every disease man j:; heir to. They are a penile Purpative a? well r.s a Tonic, relieving Conpe.stion or Inflammntion of the Liver and Visceral Organs iu Biliojs Diseases. The properties of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Hitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Xntritinn, Laxative. Diuretic, Sedative, Connter-Irritant, Sudoritie, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilioua. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin egar Bitters the most wondrful Invipor nnt that ever sustained the sinking system. 'o Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones arc not de stroyed by mineral poison or other meane, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. liilious. Remittent, and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so prev alent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat aud dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walker's Vtxegar Bitters, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at tho same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. Xo epidemic can take hold of a system thu3 fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Ileart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One hottlo will provn a hettei guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Xeck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of tho Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker's Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the most ob stinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad der, these Bitter3 have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. Tg guard against this, take a dose of Walk er's Vinegar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Kheum, r.lotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Rinfr-worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the Skin, Humors aud Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nntnre, ore literally dufr up and carried out of tho system iu a short time by the use of these Hitters. Pin, Tape, and other "Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Xo system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an thelmintics will free the svstem from worms like the? Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, thee Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that im provement is soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when ever you find it impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; eleanse it when you find it obstructed' and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelinps will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. h. h. Mcdon ald & co.. Prifrpisfa nnd Gen. Acta.. San Frantiiteo, CiUiforcia, anil rr. of Washtnctou nnd I Lurtton ts.. N. Y. Sold by ull Drucs'"' I-lrr. Children often look I'ale and Sic1? from no other eaiisi than having worinn iu the Moinarh. BKOWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, beiiur perfectly WlIlTK.aml from all the coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. C URTIS & BROWN. Proprietors, No. 21. Fulton Street, New TorU. Sold by Drwijiits ivul Chemitts, anil tltaltn in Metliciiit at Twestt-Five C'r.NTs k. Box. July 12, 1STX ly. .Manhood : How I.onf, How Ite Ntored ! Just published, :i new edition of Da. Ct l.VER wki.l's C'ELEiiKATtn Essat on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermalorrhira or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Im poteuey, mental and Physical Incapacity, Impc dements to Marriage, etc.; also, consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by sclf-indnlgenee or sexual extravagance, Ac. Price in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author. In this admirable Ei- ! say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years sticessful practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangeious use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; lointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, acd effect ual, by means of which every sutlerer, no mat ter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, anl radically. ;-?"Thi Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man iu the land. Sen under seal. In a plain envelope, to any address, nost-paid, on receipt of six cenls or two post stamps. AiUIreHH the I'ulilifherN, VII AS. J. KLINE, fc CO. 1J7 Iluwery. N. Y. Font Ottice Box, 45t Jan.. J4. lH"-ly. COAL! COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUXBURY, PA. (LOWER W1IAIIF.J Order will receive prompt attention. ltuildius Lot) For Male. "VJ" I NETEEN LOTS, 23x100 feet, fronting on Vine street, in Sunbnry. Price $125. Also shirty lots, 23x137, fronting on Spruce and Pine trects. Price $18 per foot. Also eight lots, 25 xOO, fronting on Fonrth street between Walnut and Spruce. Price $450. Also 21 lots, 25x110, fronting on Third and Spruce streets, between Walnut and Spruce. Price ?400. Also 5 lots 24x230 on the north side of Spruce street. Price $000. Also 18 lots in Cakefown. The above prices do not include corner lots. Persons de siring to purchase will do well to call soon. Terms easy. IRA T. CLEMENT, i .Ian. IZ. 3m. iln'dtonbs. PEXXSYI.VAXIA RAH. ROAD. rniLADELPrriA & erie k. r. iivisios. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and il after Sunday, June 23th, 1974, the i the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi- Trains on sion will run as follows WESTWARD. Lii.e leaves Philadelphia, " ' Harrisburg, " " Sunbury. " Williamsport, Fast 12.55 p m 5.00 p m 0.55 p m S.50 m 10.00 p nr. 11.55 p m 4.25 a in 0.30 a in 8.35 a ni JI.45 a m 11.10 a tn 8.05 p m 8.00 a in 1.20 p in ! Erie Mail "dir. at ioen Haven leaves Philadelphia, i " Harrisburg, " " " Sunbnry, " " " Williamsport, " " " Lock Haven, I " " " Renovo. i " " art at Erie, i Eimirii Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Harrisburg, j " " " Sunhurv, " " " Williamsport, 4.20 p m t'..20 n tn arr ut Lock Haven, Jiaven. 7 :.n ,. ... X-: . f ... .. .... I " .uiiirn ca press leaves rniiarteiplua, 7.20 a m Harrisburg, risburg, 10.40 a m Snnbi ,v:it: llllilllisp I t;.u; p 1 t 1. ,1 Renovo, 4.20 p in i.ut K ii:iveit. ti n ... arr. at Kane 0.15 p m EASTWARD. Philadel. Express leaves Lock Haven, 6.20 a m ' " " Williamsport, 7.45 a ra ,, Sunbury, u.-.iO a m arr. nt Harrisburg, 11.45 am -. .., " Philadelphia, 3.3.5 pm Erie Man leaves Erie, 11.20am " " " Renovo, 8.20 pm Lock Haven, 9.35 p m 1 tt Williamsport, 10.50pm " Sunbury, 12.40 pm . ' arr. at Harrisburg, 2.40 a ni ! " " arr at Philadelpnia, G.40 a m I F.lmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, 9.45 a m I " ' " Williamsport, 11.00 a in ! ' " Sunbury, 12.40 pm arr. at Harrisburg 3.05 a in ! " " " Philadeluhhu (LS5nm Niagara Express leaves Kane, 9.00 a iu " ' Renovo, 4.05 pm " " Lock Haven, 5.25 p ni " " Williamsport 0.50 p 111 : '' " Sunbury, 8.40 p ra " arr. at Harrisburg, 10.55 pm " " " Philadelphia, 2.50 am Mail East connects cast and west at Erie with L. S. fc M. S. R. W. and at Irvincton with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West with east and west trains on L. S. fc M. S. R. W. and at Corry and Irvincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Elraira Mail and Buffalo Express make close connections at williamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north, and nt Harrisburg with N. C. R. W. trains south. W.M. A. BALDWIN, Geti'l Sup't. Philadelphia fc Reading Kailroad. WINTEU ARRANGEMENTS. November 9th, 1S74. Trains Leave Herndon as Follow: (St spat EXCEI'TEP.) For Shamoki.i, 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and ".40 p. m. For Mt. Carmel, Ashland, Tanu.iua, Poltsville, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Trains roil Hernoos, Leave as Follows: (SfNDATS Excepted.) Leave Shamokiu at S.00 a. m. 1.50 ainl 3.35 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m., Reading 11.30 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p.m., Mt. Carmel, 3.21 p. ra. Trains Leave Harkiiu:kk, as Follows : For New York, 5.20, 8.10 3. m. and 2.00 7.40 p. ni. For Philadelphia, 5.20, K.10 9.45 a. m., 2.00 and 3.5C, p. m. SlNDATS. For New Tork, 5,20 a. m. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. TiiAiNS for H.RRism itrt, Leave as Follows: Leave New York, 9.00 a. in., 12.40 and 5.30, e7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m. "40 and 7.13 p. m. SrsPAis. Leave New Yor.;, 5.30 p. tn. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. Via Morris am. Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTE.V, General Sup't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13, 1874. Northern Central Railway. On and offer Dec. 1, lH7a trains on this road will run an folluvH: I.KAVE NORTHWART. Leave F.ric lienura Klmira Buffalo Mail Accum. Mail. Express WanhiDKlou .... 8.3H p m 4.40 am UJioam Baltimore 11.15 p m K.25 a in 1.4-" p m Philadelphia.... lU.'AI pin S.llO a m 11.55 p in HarriHburg 3.05 a m H.i". a m 1.30 p ni 5.U5 p m Sunbury 5.20 a m 11.10 a m 4.15 pm 7.15 p m Arrive al : WilliaiiiMjHirt... 7.10 am 12.55 pm 7.10 pm 9.01) p m Klmira 11.50 am 10.20 pm Burfalu H.m p m Krie T.'JO p m AH daily ex?pt Suudi.y. I.eae: Bnffalo Klinira Harris'g Erie LijreHg. .Mud. Accom. Mail. F.-ie ll.iu a m Untfjlo ti.jopm Um Klmira 5.45 am 2.48 pm Willuuj-.flrt.... 1.10 am 9.:J a m 6.50 p in 11.10 p m Nnubury .'.Warn 11.15 a m 8.40pm 12.55am Arrive at : Harnshurir 4.50 am 1.30 p m 10.50 p m 3.05 am l'liiladelphia.... K.10 a 111 5..V. p ui 2.50 a in 8.00 am Biltimoi-e 8.40 a m 6.:) p m 2.25 a ai 8.40 a m WaHhiufrtou . . . . 10.35 a m M. Klpru 6.13 a 111 10.S5 a m All iusn Sunbury daily exeept Sunday. A. .1. BASSATT, K. S. YdUXO, T. GUCKKR, (ten'l Manager. Ueu'l Pax. .tjent. Sup't. NEW GOODS for SPP.INC AND SUMMER at .Mis Kate Black's. Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. LA DIE'S DRESS GOODS or every style ana qualitv. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND Trimmings a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. The finest assortment of Ladies' goods. Everybody is invited to call and see them and buv cheap. .May 8, 1874. WI.V.EK ST OK K.N. RYE WHISKY, $4.00 a gallon. 11.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottles, $11,00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, JlS.OOadozon. apple jack, jamaica rum. scotch whisky, catawba wine, old Port wine, champagnes, SEGARS, &C. II. A A,C. Van lleil. The Wine Merchants, 1310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Oct. 24. 1"73. Till: KIX; It A It HER SHOP IS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long has been ; ask history and she will tell you Men have grown old In our patronage Babies on tlieir mothers breast To bouncing boys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver gray. And among the honored and lasting impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions in circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the ingenuity and perseverance ap pertaining to the identity ol progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspiring to achieve the hijrhest reward of merit attainable in onr humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave with ease Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, Aud color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow mo politely request you to stop. And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor under the common secret and invidious guise of enmity to complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of his skin, ought not to affect his usefulness nor his qualifications. A fair ehance is all that we demand, to give the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunbnry, April 5, 1S73 ; No. 91, Market st. John H. Sem.. Jons M. SritoxorR. sr.i.i. v sciioxoir. Second Street, Womei.soorf, Pa. FOREIGN AXD DOMESTIC LIQUORS WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, ln re Old Kje Whiskey, Arri.K Wki-key, Cordials, &c. All Liquors sold gaurranteed os represented. Orders promptly attended to and public pa tronage respectfully solicited. SELL A 8CHONOCR. 2d St., Wonielsdorf, Berks Co., Pa. Feb. 27.1ST4. l v. riralfural. Manuring Fruit Tar.1c3.-One would hardly suppose that it was necessary to say to people that they should manure trees. Over ami .,c orgcu s in our columns. But universal experience is ,at fruit trees are neglected, and experience e.anj nniversal shows that it Is only by callinK atten. lion to these matters that people till do better. Now is a paiticnlarly good seas for atten tion to this. The heaviest of farm wwk i9 OTer and nothing particular pressing, aid jnot this kind of thing can be done with ad-antaOT aI romd. When orchard trees are jouDg, anj op3 .u tivated between them, they get alou tolerably well. Garden or farm crops c-yjioth., without manure. Ever kows are manured mngtn, steal some of it. But the time comes ,len the tNn meet branches, am' rrnm . . l.:itr. iitiv mriro on. I .!..... .... . ' -" "-"""os oe grown to aduu- , " ' "e uiiriure fnnlie l fn.'il tmu . ...... r I " ''"r. mer efler:,IlY i h:'ck afc" this. The leaves get vello t!ke frnit 1 Ju;" bere comes in another idea. fcervbodv wants or onget to waut good roads. On. of ihe best ways to keep roads good is to keep dtcles open and clean. This lets off the water easil- it is water on roads that spoils them. Then this ditch stuff is capital stuff for trees. It will pay to keep the road dry, it will doubly pay when drying the road s the stuff under the fruit trees. Many think fruit trees require good rich man ure, and when one talks of manuring fruit trees he has an idea that valuable material at so many dollars a ton must be procured. Nothing of the kind. A ride around our good old Germantown will show many an old pear, apple or cherry tree so situated that simply earth every year washes down around the stem over the roots nd it is wonderful how they grow and bear Some of these old pear trees are Seckels, and th fruit is of a size generally to excite astonish meat. This dirt, or dirt similar to it, haulet and scattered under the large tree has a wonder ful effect on the growth and productiveness About one load to three or four trees does no take long to haul and spread as a general thins; aud the good effects will be visible for severa years. We have also seen excellent results fror. the use of kitchen ashes spread under the trc? in the same way. We know that the analytical chemists tell n that there is no value whatever In coal ashes that it is the ashes of wood used ia kindling v. the potato parings, slops, or some other matte thrown in, that does all the good. Perhaps it ? no matter about that. These ashes, with wha ever may be in It, are capital material for to; dressing old trees. We say old trees. It will r as well for them so far as that goes, but gene ally there is grass to mow around about ti trees, and men do not like to have ashes ahoi where there is grass to cut, as it is annoying 1 the scythe. These things are seasonable just now. It is good time to do the job, and there is time to 1 the good thing. It will pay back all it coats good fruit, and give good roads, and genet cleanliness and tidiness besides. GerrtMntn Telegraph. Storing Celert. We notice a number ways recommended to keep celery through t winter, and all doubtless do pretty well, thou; some better than others. We have tried mt ways, but prefer this one followed for m: years : A trench is dug from twelve to Cft inches in depth, and as long as may be snitab place the roots iu this singly side by side, at angle, that is leaning somewhat : three iuc of soil are packed against fhem ; then anot line of stalks, until the bed is as large as ma.' convenient for covering, when another if quired can he made. Soil should then be an until within six inches of the top of the stal then a layer of straw, then a layer of dry lea the whole to have a good board covering to k out water. Of course n.ther high ground for bed or beds should be 1 elected, and a trench around the bed deeper than ths bottom of celery trenches, so made so at to be sure to e. off all the water. If this plan is followed st ly all others may be abandoned, as the ce will keep not ouly till spring, but as long in spring as may be dt.-ired and It is not all ei beforehand. We have tried standing the celery up ia f barrels, tilling them full without any soil la on the heads, first having sunk the barrel ir ground some six inches below the surface, c ing it with soi!,rfmd have found St to do p' well, though the celery was not as sweet fresh. We have tried it, well protected In rows, and found it to do well for early use. i ry, cabbage, beets, turnips, &c., should nev j kept in the house-cellar. They seldom do ' and frequently decay and canse serious illne; Oerinaiitovn Telegraph. Work is Good Season. There is a pr I time to do almost everything. Yet many attempt to perform. They are always behi seedtime, and are at the rear in every re during the period of baying and harvest, rise early and retire late at night, yet tht ever behindhand. There seems to be a torp lae'i of judicious planning and executive a in all '.heir operations, hence they are alwa a fretting sweat. Without proper plannin may rise at the dawn ot day and work ha the mystic revolutions of the earth darki vision and shnt off from him the light of hei he may sow with diligence and reap with but unless his work is done in proper titn in a proper way, guided by the influence well trained, intelligent and disciplined that work will be in vain. Now, then, 1 have corn to husk, kike your breakfast morning, (not at midday,) march lively t field and apply yourself resolutely to hu until noon. Do one thing at a time, and pe the task thoroughly. Train yourself to e resolutely iu a job and stick to it until tin is completed. Then take up something els- I HOUSEHOLD. j To Make Siperior Mince-meat. A B lady sends the Centumtoirn Telegraph the f lug receipt for making mince meat, which i in seasou : Take seven pounds of currants picked over and cleaned ; of finely choppe suet, the lean of a sirloin of beef mincet and finely chopped apples, (the golden ; or Smith's elder preferred,) each three half pounds ; citron, Iemou-peel and oralis cut small, each half a pound ; Cue moist two pounds ; mixed spice, an ounce ; mi and pnt in a deep pan. Mix a bottle of and white wine, the juice of the lemoi oranges that have been grated together ii sin ; pour half over and press down tigl tlie hand, then add the other half and closely. This will keep a whole year or 1 and is frequently made one season to ktV for the next. Breakfast Rolls. Take a coffeecnp new milk, two beaten eggs, half a cup o yeast, a teaspoonful of salt, a teaspooi sugar, two tablespoonfuls of bntter or lard, stir iu briskly enough sifted flour t a stiff batter. They should be mixed in tb' at tea time, and covered up to rise. Late evening, wheu the dongh is light, mold it the board and put back in the pan, an- again. Iu the morning tear off, but do n in pieces of sufficient size to twis', up int working it as little as possible ; when tb up, bake in a quick oven, and eat ther hot. To Remove Warts from Hands. Pi a dime's worth of spirits of hartshorn warts, or, if very numerous, that portion hand whee the warts are, with a small of the spirits of hartshorn each night and ing for about three weeks, not wash! hands immediately after. The use of it ' cause any pain unless it comes in cent, a cut or bruise. A cure is usually effc about three ijeeks. Tde best way for drying boots which a through, says the Agriculturist, is to fil' full cf dry oats. The oats rapidly sbso last vestige of moisture from the leather, so doing swell and fill the boot as with a fitting last, keep Its form good and dry leather without hardening it. When the ; is concluded the oats can be shaken r placed where they can dry and be ready vice on the next wf nteht.