i . , rl 111 f "111 i I Ullll j Sunburn v-nVVMHKl' OT mTJIf i;H1roul Time Table. iVniTAl. A" IPIRTrttEFTl:AlSATS!Mil I(T. S. C. B W.. F.A-t. PUU. ! 12'05 U m K.m',., Mai!, 7..:5piu CricMail. '-'.Main liairisbuie A.b.40 p in I 1. A E. U. K. V est. i Erie Mull, C.'-'5am l.'k Haven A. II. M h m i Elniira M:iil 4.10 Jim I Fast Line 7 s P m ki vnur ash i.ewisiown n. it. j.ve Sunbury for Lcwistown at COO a. m., jrrVe at Sunbury from l.ewistown at 1.15 nd f-5 p. m. SHAMOKIN 10VISION, N. O. tt. W. '.F.AVE I akkim: 12.01 p m I Mail, v.'j a m Express, ill, "".':'.. f..in 1. 'lives Shamokin at An , aeeommouauc... j Mt. Carmel M 7.40 a in. Jwu-ing, leave M- Carmel at U5 p arm wa v. SSUamokin '-4 P m- ,, Tl..1NJ KaW-NA 3l.H.MSItfK U. I.. H'AINS, i NorthJinn. rland as follows-tU . a. in., 40 p.m.: arrive at 10.5o a.m.,sind 5.4 p.m. , H .t W. R. U. Truins leave at t.o a. m. .ttidarrivc at S.50 r- m. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had of J. fMiinHWii, Ticket A-cnt, at the Hepot. 10 a ni. arrivins Summer 4rraneemeiit for lie P wiirc Mt Miubury, Ph. Oflicc Office Ojtni from 0.50 o. st., to t ;. --. trrtjn oh .Siow'ui' TIME OF AT -""-VV1. ANUCLOflNG OF THE - y MAILS. Arrives as follows : From the East at 5.15 a. ni., 4.10 p. m., South, 5.1 5 a. in.. 4. 10 p.m. West, 5.15a. in., 11.15a.m., l.oo p. m. and 4.10 p. m., orth.l.50 a. m.. 11.15 a. in., 4.10 p.m. Shamokin ami Mt. Carmel, H..'.-. a. in. Suaniokin projier, 4.00 p. m. Mails close us follows : For the East, 5.45 a. in., 10.50 a. m., 4...0 p. m. S.00 p. in. 8onth, Ki.50 a. in., 4.:i0 r- m., ) p. u. West, 10.50 a. m., Z.M p. m., .00 p. m. North, 3.50 p. in.. P- n-, Shamokiu rroper 11.15 a. m. Shamokin and offices on that route; 4..0 p. rn. Monev orders will not b issued aftef 0 p. m. on Saturdays. J. J. SMITH, I M. fecal Iffairs. To Srnsi-mnritH to Titn Amuhican. After January publishers will lc comp lled to pre pay tb p.:stase on all the papers they send to subscribers who do not resiJe in the county where the paper Is published. Of come pub lishers will not be expected to do this and give credit too. It will be necessary, therefore, for such s ubseribers to remit the amounts due by them to-ether with an advance payment of at least six mouths. We make no additional charge for postage, but in place of it, demand advance payment. During the present and following month we thall send statement of subscription due to a nrmber of our subscribers. e would earnestly request all who may receive thein will remit at once the amount they owe as we are in need ot the fund. In all cases where advance payment is neglected, we will add tweuty-fivc cents ir year to the subscription price, but in the most cases of such neglect we intend to dis continue the paper until advance payment is made, and to require immediate payment of the amount due. Subscribers within the county will have 110 postage to pay. But they are reminded that publishers are compelled to pay cash t their workmen, to the paper makers, for iuk, type, rent, fuel, their own living, and everything that enters into the busii e. We, therefore, can not afford to give long credits. Every subscriber ought to pay up within the year, and where it is longer neglected they ought at least to pay as much iu advance as they have been iu arrears. It would require a much larger capital than we itosscts. were we to give unlimited credit, or in deed, for a very long j-eriod. Necessity that is inexorable demands that payments be made more promptly than heretofore has been the custom, aud as every body else demands cash or gives but short credits, we must do the same "Wisjbi.f." Democratic poultry yards. Crow while you can, for the time cometh, Ac. Now for good times and plenty of money. Tub dearest spot on earth has at lat been found it is the store that docs not advertise. Ssow. The first snow of the season fell iu this place oa Friday morning last. Hr is a brave man who isn't afraid to wear old clothes until he is able to pay for new ones. A l-KETTT girl, a pitcher of cider, and a basket of apples arc nice things to sit up with these long eveulngs. Ol'H tailors, milliners, dressmakers and hat ters are ail busy supplying the dem:nd of their customers for winter wear. Sovr. people who have 110 business of theirown to attend to appear to te very much interested in regulating that of others. From all such busybodies "(Jood L01J, deliver ur.." Use printed lett-r heads, bill heads, state ments and have your card printed ira cuvclopcs all to be had cheap at the AvriiK an office. We Lave just received a large variety of paper, -velopes, S:c., for that purpose. Bewai.e how you leave your '-portable prop erty" lying around loose. Just now there seem to be plenty of jwrsons who are Milling to pick it up. without so much as saying, "by your leave." Fob a cold a hot lemonade is one of the Ib-i remedies iu the world. It acts promptly and ef fectively, and has no unpleasant after effects. One lemon properly squeezed, cut iu slices, put in eugar, and cover with a half pint of boiling water. Drink just before going to bed and do not expose yourself on the following day. Suamokix Ittms. Constable John Iliney ac cidentally shot himself on Monday, while reach ing in his pocket, which caused his pistol to dis charge. The ball entered Ills wrist, and lodgrd in the thick part of his hand. Nfw DrroT. Stone for the new lVnnsvlvania P.. It. Depot is being gotten out, and we are in formed the work wii! be pushed forward vigo rously, thanks to the energy of Supeiinteinlent West fall. Dir.D Si Mr.M.v. Mr. Charles F. Th:,ehrr, ' owner of the Mt. Carmel "louse, died juii sud denly of heart disease in Philadelphia on the 1 tit ii inst., nt the sge ot eixty-two. Though of a good old age, Mr, T. bade f.iir for yenr-: to come. ,v.aoJl.'H IhraW. A Fall in ftr.r.r imi k. Kai ly ou Monday woming last, II. K. Feely" horse, hitched to a hatcher's wiijoii, look a uCi''ii that fall in leef was tieecssary,aud therefore dashe.! through market sjuare M-tteiinn leef tteali at o lively rate an lie went, ami dcmolh-hing the v.agou. Srvr.llAL clothe line were relieved last week of their t-urdens, in t bi.- jiia. e, t.y some persous who hnvenotthe fear of the Lord before their eyes The voters of! ui but township having decided 1 by a small majority to change the place of hold- ' in; elections from Mr. Kissinger's residence lo ' the churcb Lane School House, it is probable j that an additional preeiuct will be rnacted for the voters living ot the eaBteud of the township. As there are over 500 voters in the township this can be done. Miltunian. The editor of the &'.; fie last week calls Mr.8. Miipmau, Couuty rsuiKriuteiident of Public Schools, "Professor." Is it only a Joke brother Voungninn, or have title fallen below par. For good tobacco, w ars, pipes, Ac., go to J. W. Wilvert fc Co., near the Court House. Absent Minuko. A young man In Northum berland, 1ms become so ubsent u.'luded that he take off all his olothes to shu-vc himself. So ays the rek. The towu clock and the Regulator t the de pot, do not agree by ten mioi tes. Oue of tlicm must be wrong, and we are sure it is not the re gulator. A Torso man by the uan.e of Garmauwas !rought lo prison on Tuesday evening last by Ieputy Sheriff Deppin, from Shamokin, for at tempting to shoot a friend of his. He ws boot less and hutiees when put in prison. J. W. Wilvert & Co., near tlie Court House, l.eepthe beft brands of cigars and tobacco. The Jury Commissioners have been wignged during the past week, in selecting names for ju rors during 1S75, to be placed in the jury wheel to be draw n to serve at the several Courts. The Court has ordered 800 names to be put iu tlie wheel. During the present year about fioi) were drawn n I'.rors. t.. . v... w..... Tlx fiiTir PMTiiniissioticrs 1 HA 1 L I. 11 Alii'. I I'. ...... - 1:l,0,.v appointed to divide tlie West ward in this i.01.ou,,i, i..,v. miortt'd favorable lo a division which will now Iu presented to the Couit fur a'- ... I'l ..-,....1 113 trt proval nt next urm. 111c piuijoscu ...u north bide of that si rett nest pf tlie r.iiiroal, with the place of holding the election at Cape town. This will make an additional expense an nually, a under this arrangement, there will have to be elided a board of election officers, Justices of the Peace, Constables, Overseers of the Poor, Street toiamisMiinei r As.-cssors and the tame number of Council, as in the larger wards. We can see no advantage in this organi zation, and it will undoubtedly prove a great disadvantage to a l:us;e majority of the people rctddiui; in the ward, who will be compelled to so at least a half mile from the lui-iness portion of the town, to transact bn-iness in the ward. He sides it will incur an t xlra opeie to its tax payers. The proposed new ward we believe to be decidedly objectionable to two thirds of the in habitants of the borough, ami petitions will un doubtedly he fiied piotetin against the move ment. If the ward is too large, and it is too in convenient to the voters in the tipper end of the ward to attend the elections, let them apply for a precinet in that part of the town to which no objection would be raised. There is no ncces.-ity for a new ward that we can see, and we hope the report of the committee will not be sanctioned by the Court. All who are opposed to the pro ject should petition at once tohavethe report set nside. rr.iiin on Hawk am Owi. Scalps. A pe tition is being circulated for signatures applying to the Court of Common Pleas of Northumber land county, as follows : 'your petitioners, the undersigned, respectful ly ask that the tburt, by the authority vested in it, will decree and order the payment of a boun ty for the killing of hawks and owls within the countv of Northumberland. And your petition ers represent that in view of the destructive ha bits of the above named birds of prey, and the losses and troubles arising therefrom, the sum of one dollar Tor e.ich l'uil growu hawk or owl, and fifty cents for each nestling or yonng hawk or owl, would be a reasonable and proper reward for their killing. Aud your petitioners will ever pray, &r.;' As the Democratic King is to be re-established iu the couuty, the above is intended to take the place of premiums ou skunk scalps, so notorious in the county several years ago. We should judge that those who desire to exterminate hawks and owls, will do so without a premium, and not ask the Court to grant a matter calcu lated to benefit a few ring politicians. Such a grant would afford them an opportunity to fleece tho county treasury through their agents who make it a business to canvass the neighboring counties, and come here to receive a premium. If the prayers of the petTTioners should be granted we may expect a nice sum evpeuded annually for that purpose, as this county will have to pay for every hawk and owl that may find its way hero from this couuty as well as any other. Tub Foot:. The city journals furnish fear ful and sickeuing accounts of dcstituliou and suf feilng in their midst. Although the most exten sive and liberal arrangements arc being made to alleviate want, they fall short of meeting the demands made upon charily. The fault is most ly with the poor themselves in not taking advan tage of op)ortuuities offered to provide for their wants. The New York U'urlil boldly asserts that much of the pauperism in that city is large ly owing to and nitogcther fostered by a system wbOfe only merit is to eueourage gratuitous mi nistrations by the women and clergy, and secure a sense of satisfaction to the upper classes. Ouc fact is instanced that at one institution :u New Yoik the Free Training School there are three huudred situations waiting to be filled, yet women refuse to take them, whiie at the same moment they are clamoring for aid. Charity is one of the most cwmmev.dable of Christian traits, but ii fchould be wisely disjensed. For several winters liirge numbers of poor from abroad came to this place, and were cared for by our citizens. Many of these were unde serving. This winter wc may naturally expect mauy more from the tightness of the times, and scare':l y of labor. As to our own poor the re ally deserving among us b-t us provid- for them first, and when "tramps- appeal to our charity, let them receive it, but show them how to earn it by honest work. Should they decline to work they will be undeserving of charity. Those who are chosen to c.ire for the poor, and whose duty it is to provide for thein, should make arrange ments to have labor at hand for '"ramps" as they come along. There is much needed work on our streets, and elsewhere around the town. To require them to work a few days will be a pro per exaction from those who solicit alms, and will not interfere with those who are already at work ou them. This plan has been tried in oth er towns and cities, and has been found to work well. It has had the effect of lessening the uum bei of whiskey soakers asking alms who have eurs'-l everv locality in the Slate. Tnr lfldie. connected will, the Baptist church ; held a festival in Moore : I)isinger's huildinc, during part of last week and part of this week. The attendance was large, and we hope that their efforts in raising money !i:, been such as will btimulate them to complete their handsome church iu course of erection. There is probably no congregation in this place who has woiked more faithful to build a place for worrhip as the BaptiH. Their difficulties have been uumerouA iu furthering the project, yet they are about to overcome all their obsticlef , and now deserve eveiy encouragement that can he given them by our citizen for their laudable enterprise. Aries of the Watsoulown Jifcird, intructed hii curlier not lo leave llio pajt-r at several places where the parlies have never paid up, and and thereupon thee honorary patron of the press wondered what the duce waB the reanon thev didn't eel the I!reori. Autcn cays iti rt range he hasn t a li:g pile ol money to nuy pa j per, ink, Ac. to furnish the people a pajn-r for i nothing. A 'HASf;E having heen in ad-; lately in th.-1'. t K. iiiaehine hops, at thi J.l.ice, in tlf ap i.ointiiiciit of William F. Hc.ird-iv, as Master ' Maehini"! in place of Martin Walls, I'.s the j K'-nova J'crort!, in noticing the thani; ', says; j "Mr. Beardsley has heen with us for six or seven 1 years, during which he has proved himself a val- "able citi-n. Ile served a full apprenticeship ' in the railroad compai v's machine, shoj h, after which lie was assigned a place in the draujjht iiiau'b olliee, where in a fctiort time he became a skilled workman in the execution of all kinds of drawing connected with the hush.'-". After graduating in Ihis I'lanch, he was chosen head draughtsman f..r the company's woiks, a .osi tiou which he held up to the t tn:t of h: new up poilltliieiit." On Thur-day Ut, Slieiiir I'othcruie!, aceom panied by Peter Bright and Joeph Moun-r, pio cee.ledtothe Kastern I'ei.itentiaiy with the pri soners recently sentenced by our Court. The prisoners were Tho. Giil.bous for murder in the I A .... 111 .-a . T..I... I' r.i 1..... ,l.i..t 4 ; jaraCB ievan, ni:msiauginer,5 ; r niuk norkr highway robtn-ry, 3 : Henry Smith, larceny, 1 ; a girl nainnd Harriet Golden, for setting a barn Refuge. The family of Gribhon tool; leave rt the cars. Tlie 'ife gac signs of great grief ns they parted, and her ciies could be heard several squares. The prisoners were safely lodged in their quarters iu the Kastern Penitentiary on the same day. We are happy to learn that the Council have provided the Hook and Ladder Company with two dozen fire buckets. The Company have also procured two lire extinguishers which will prove very effective at fires. It has won laurels at ev ery lire, and being now supplied with the neces sary implements to do service, they will no doubt continue to maintain the enviable reputa tion of being erne of I lie best organized companies in the State, am' do service, equally, if not more effective, than an; similar orani nation that fan be found anywherj. The company is composed of young men v. ho know how to work, and their willingness heretofore has shown that they never neglect their duty as firemen, or as gentlemen. Oi If neighbor of the f-'ar.,ttc, last week, in speaking of the rcpoit of A. N. Brice, D. D. G. M.of I. O. of O. F., In this couuty, says, "its prosjiitv will conliuuc to increase under his ac tive and able management." As the I). 1. G. M. states that there is already a dtcrtarc in the six mouths of his administration, will ur neighbor explain in which direction Its "prospe rl'v" wi'l eont'n'ie to incrcnce. Tin: Pkoimsed Nr.w lliunon. We observe that subscription hooks have, been opi ned for subscription of stock to this cntei prise. We re gret however that the location of the bridge is designated and lixed at Packer street iu Cake's additio.i, which must necessarily prevent sub scriptions from the town proper. The river at that point may, perhaps, be two hundred feet narrower, but if it weie 500 feet it would not be a sufficient, consideration to locate the bridge out of town. If the bridge is lucated at that point, the towage, of boats will not, of course, be co llected, as the boats loaded at our coal wharves would necessarily have to he towed up to the bridge, which would cost just as much in time and expense as to take them at once across the river. The revenue from this one branch aloue would be over two thousand dollars, and would pay eight iter cent, on the half of the estimated cost of the bridge. More thau that the bridge would be ouly a short distance from tho North umberland budge, and what is worsrfj-.vould land passengers and teams in the middle of the nar rows on the other side. These are only a few of the objections that niteht be urged ngaii'.st fixing the location at such a point. CiiAMii: or Time. A change in the time schedule ou the railroads, went into effect on Monday a week. The trains 011 tin: different roads now leave as follows : C.oing Fast N. C. K. W., Phila. Express 10.05 a.m. Elmira Mail l.:i5 p. m. Harrisbuig Ac commodation S.40 p. m. Eric Mail 2.50 a. in. (Joing West P. & E. It. IL, Erie Mail G.25 a. 111. Lock Haven Accommodation 11.55 a. m. El mira Mail 4.10 p. m. Fast Line 7.05 p. m. Sha mokln Division, leave 12.01 and 4 25p.m.; ar- I rive at 9.25 a. m., and H.55 p. m. ! . . . . . .It OA . - I Jewistown Leave ai o a. in. aim 1..." i--. m ; arrive at 1.1 5 p. m. and .45p. 111. Ilazleton Leave at '." a. m.. and arrive at 3.50 p. m. A Llsson TAfiaiT. Traveling from Hanis burg to Altoona, says a well-known physician, recently, we happened to occupy the next scat to a lady and gentleman who carried with them on their journey what was evidently their lir.-.t baby. It is but fair to the gentlemau to say that he took Uon him a reasonable share of the trouble of minding the little one. After a short sleep in the father's arms, it. awoke up hungry aud noisy. The baby cried aud screeched, it knew well for what. The mother dandled it, chirped to It, showed it the window and how to look out of it. but faiied to pacify baby of course. At length the father, pained and mortified enough, turned to me and said, "I'm sure, sir, baby must annoy you." I replied, "No; the child does not aunoy me in the least ; the crying and screeching, and useless efforts to pacify the infant, do aniioy me very much. They are all due not to the child, but to the mock-modesty of the infant's mother and, I suppose, of your self. The child I sincerely pity. It is hungry. Its mother knows that. And she is so modest, forsooth, that she cannot nurse her own babe in a railroad carriage ! Take my advice, ns a fami ly man, and it is this : Tell your wife to nurse her hungry infant, and get rid of this silly hum bug of mothers who are so modest as to starve their own children rather than let it lie known that they could nurse their babes." This as said loud enough to be heard all around. Of conrse, the mother listened 10 every word. After a few further fruitless efforts to quiet baby by drumming on the window and a few significant winks from the husband, the ! roaring young fellow was supplied by his mother with what he had made all the noise about. He taught that father aud mother a lesson that day which we expect they will never forget. .lroii 7Y.'.ve. Uoi.d Attlmit at Swini,lio. On Friday last D. E. Kobinson, Esq., cashier of the Miffliu County National Bank, received a tclegraphi'- i dispatch from Middleburg, purporting to be from Col. Wm. Willis, requesting him to forward S50) by express to the hitter's address at Selinsgiove. AoCol. Willis was in attendance at the Snyder county court as a wituent. the money was promptly forwarded without a shadow of suspi cion that a swindler was on the make. Ou the colonel's returt. to Lcwistown, the matter was incidentally mentioned, when it transpired that he had sent no such message It has 6ince been ascertained that the swiudler called at the ex press office at Selinsgrove for the package, but the agent being sharp enough to require known proof of indcntilicalion, faiied to get it. The money has been returned. Swindlers of all kinds are becoming so common, and under such plausi ble pretences, that it will almost be a safe rule to refuse dealing with strangers altogether where obligations iu money matters or money are con cerned. Ijvlft'j'VH f-'ttrrttt. Thanks. Marx it Bit,., through the columns of the American, express their hearty thanks to , ! the public for the liberal manner in which they 1 have patronized them. And further proclaim ' that 011 account of the liberal patronage, bestow ! ed iiiion them thev have ventured to purchase a , gtoct ,,l;in"pver. Xuu,. li:tVe jlHt received the most extensive block they have yet purchas ed. These goods must be largely reduced within the next few weeks, if they must almoM sive them away. Any person desiring to purchase goods of them now for presents, can do so at re duced rates, and the same will be packed away carefully, mid kept for I hem till the holidiv-. Dion ik'HiK'i.. The billowing W the report of the standing of pupils for the four weeks ending November "1. (Those marked "s" were absent s'n k) : MALES. Grade. Potuerils. Absence. Bucher F.dward Vl.H 0 O Bucher John '.tO.2 0 0 Dowser Charles 01.3 t "'.; Cum William t:!.S 2 Drumheller Seran 1.7. :i Farnsworth William Ml.2 1 2'J Furmau I'rban 5:5.1 1 tT'j Gearhart F.dward :t 1 Hannan Harry 7"v 2 1 Harimnn George ft!. 2 0 I : Heekcrt Charles '.'5.5 :: 0 I Heim Oscar ST. lo 0 I Hill Ambrose K. 0 Harrison John 117. 1 o j j Joues Isaac 77.5 . 2'.;) I Kroa.-c Geoige 5.5 2 ' Morgan Kngeue '.1.4 " II ! Mali, k Wiliiam i'.O.s - 2' : Neiri'hiibeil M.li 1 Nell (icorge M.5 :; 1 Khoades Walton '.. ' O Snvder C. N. '.'f l 'i Savldgc W. G. !0. i! 2'J Smith George M.O 1 I Stroh John 5.5 A 1 Vandvke Flwar.'. 2.3 f 1 Wilvert Auctin .4.'.l ." 0 Varuell Charles 77. 15 '',' Varnell John il. 4 10 I I.MAI. Awl Marv 50. ! s.'.'.: 1 lioyd Daisy 75.S O s4', Hourue Lizzie 0 5 Bverlv Lulu 72.5 o :: Campbell Susie ss.s 1 Farnsvvorth Mmy I10.2 1 1 Frilii.g Frances 'Ml. 1 I ' L Follmer Lizzie :o.5 n 7 ! Gray F.mnia U5.S I '. Gcnther Marv M. 1 0 I Mills Jennie ' HO. 4 2 O I Mart. Liziz.ie 71.2 2 l'j McClow Maggie 75.S 0 l'a j McClow Hallie 5:5. I i.' j Fuisell Flora M.2 15 1 Reun Jennie H4.4 1 '.; Smith Mary H2.H 1 2 Smith Nassie b5.5 0 1 Schneider Laura 1 O Sehaeffer Annie W.S O 0 Sylvia Ma S7.4 f. 1 Simpson Maiy 74.5 4 2'a Seas holtz An iiie 7S.4 0 1'.; Trimble Eliza IC.2 0 1 WeimerAmv -.2 2 tl Weaver Sallie 55.S 0 C; Young Gertrude 71. 5! '4Z Zcttlemover Koca . 1 1 Wr ditect attention lo the advertisement of Messrs. E. G. Maize ,fc Co., Merchant Tailors, and Military Clothiers. This tirm is one of the most reliable in the city of Philadelphia. Their stock is all new, and orders from the country for clothing will be promptly filled. Mr. Maize be ing well known in this vicinity, all orders sent to hi, n can be relied on being tilled promptly, and at rates lower than the same goods can be bought nt any other establishment in the city. Those who get their clothing in the city should give them a trial before purchasing elsevihere,n8 they have the best cutters in their employ. A Baiit. Mr. T. Cohcen, living on Rock St., on going into one of his bedrooms on Tuesday morning, found there a wash boiler and in it a paper box almiit 8x14 inches, and in the box a calico bundle, which, on being undone, revealed to hi attouiilud gaze a biby. How said baby got there, or "what's its name aud Where's its name" or parents, ls one of them things no fella .-St' And oet.-- S7.t ; A m'J. Stouk Kt KNF.n. On Monday night about 11 o'clock, the store of Messrs. Soyer t Son, at Kant., this county, was discovered to be on lire, and the buildings with its entire contents was destroyed. Wc are informed by persons who were present, that it, undoubtedly was the work of an incendiary, ns the ice house in the rear of the main building was the first part to burn. We are glad to learn that there is an insurance of $4,000 on the stock, in the Aetna. The Junior member of the firm was in the city buying goods, at the time of the fire. SeVntt.-ore Trihvnr. Fatal Acci dfnt. James Mangan, working at Locust (iap colliery, (Irai bcr, Kempel & Co., operators, was killed on Monday, tho 23d inst., by a fall of sia:e in West (iangway. He had just loaded his wagon, which was taken away to bottom of slope, and while he was standing by the schute the slate !'-!l, killing him instant ly. Mine Inspector Heminingr.iy held an inquest and a verdict was rendered in accordance with the above facts. Sluimokin ll- rnbi. Tun best brands of cigars, tobacco. Sic, are kept by J. W. Wilvcrt tt Co. Cm ck Fi ll. The store of Messrs. Simon and Oppcnheimer is chuck full of ready-made cloth ing just opened. All the latest styles are exhi bited, aud prices lower than ever. Everybody will be suited at their store in garments,furuish i:ig goods, Ac. Now is the time to select suits for holiday presents, as no better place can be found to make a selection. Wc are indebted to W. S. Khoartc for some fine bunches of celery for a Thanksgiving dinnci. It is tome of his own raising, aud will convince any one that he not only understands the coal bu siness thoroughly, but that he also knows some thing about farming. F01: tiii: Iloi.i.TPAYs. Marx A liro. having opened a large assortment of holiday goods, give notico in another part of this paper, that the most beautiful goods in the. New York markets will be sold at lower prices than they can be had in retail city store?. Their store compares with any establishment in the city to select holiday presents from. What baby wouldn't 'climb the golden .-tail ?,' if its parents were guaranteed such exhilirating soothing syrup as these simple lines taken from the rMie iMlgtf : Put away the weil-woru cradle Marked by Jimmie's little thumbs ; Put it in the garret corner, Till another angel conies. Ciiowns are daily calling at Stevenson's to see those elegant new goods. Watches, Clocks, Jew elry, Silver-Ware, A;c., &. At a meeting of the members of the bar, stu dents at law and attaches of the Court, held !n attorney's room at the Court House, on Thurs day evening, Nov. 10, 1S74, for the purpose of organizing a law Accadcrny.a permanent organi zation was effected, and the following ot'i.-ers were elected : Provost Hon. Wm. M. llockefeller. Vice Provost (ieo. Hill. J. K. Clement, L. H. Kase, Jno. McClcery, Wm. H. M. Oram, and Geo. W. .iegler, Esqrs. Piesidcn' T. H. B. Kase, Esq. Vice President Frank Marr, Esq. Secretary (ieo. B. Keiinensnyder, Esq. Treasurer W. C. Packer, Esq. Prothonotery Charles Clcm- nt, Esq. Librarian Edmund Davis, Esq. P.ccorder F. K. Hill, E.-q. This association wa6 oiganizcd under very fa vorable allspices, and promises a fair field to the gentlemen of the legal profession and others who are preparing for it, not only for pleasant recre ation, but al.-o for solid improve.nent. Geo. II. Hr.iMi-ssNYprn, Sec'ry. Christmas is coming, and thoie wishing to purchase a suitable present for old or young, are invited to rail on Stevenson, corner T'ird ami Market si reels, (Miller's Stone Bail. ling.; Sun bury, Pa., where he has just received a large ftocii of rood of the newrst styles and most ele gant patterns, ail of which w'll lie sold at tho very lowest prices. His stock comprises in part of Ladies' ami Gent's Goid :.ud Silver Watches, Ladies' line Gold and Plated Setts, Breast P1113 and Ear Kind's. Seal Kings Amethist, Toper. Garnet, Onyx, Diamond, iV.c, Gold and Silver Thimb'es. Necklaces, Lockets, (.harms, Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Bracelets, Castors, Cake Baskets, Tea Setts, Coffee Cms, Silver Mugs, Spoonhold crs, Pic Knives, Crumb Scrapers, Ice Pitchers, Goblets, Salvers ; also, a very superior article of Silver-Plated Forks, lea ard Table Spoons. In fact, all articles usually found in a fir-t-class e-tabli-buieut. All goods are warranted to be as represented. No trouble to show goods. Par ticular attention paid to the repairing of Watch- cs. Clocks, Jewelry, A:c. Gold and Silver Plat ing done. Masonic Marks made to order. En graving, Gear-cutting and F.xpcrinn-uta! Ma chinery made to order. One of the largest aud most complete stock of clothing ever exhibited in this place, can be seen at Heller's Clothing Store, Comer V and Market St., Sunbiiry. Give them a call and be convince. 1. Yon will save money by purchasing there. (Jo to J. W. Wiiv. rt .V House, for a good cigar: Co.. near the Court OvrnroATs '. Overcoats! Dress Shirts! Busine-s Shirts ! I'ndcrwear, full suit f.r75cts. at Heller's Clothing Store, Corner lid and Market St., Sunliiiry. Also, gloves, trunks, valises, h;.ts and caps, and gents' furnishing goods, at the ruot leisonable prices. IlEtt nu t.. Wc have before alluded to the chrouios Issued by the famous Seed-men and Florirt-1, Briggs fc Uro., of Rochester. N. V., and as we write the manifold beauties of their new Pallor Chroino for 174, in-pirc us. It differs greatly from the former chromes of this house, or from the ordinaiy clnoirio- unual'y issued, and affords the lover of it r t something nciv to rc H it upon. It represents vases of beautiful flowers and plants, including the tl'.r Htquaui standing upon a marble floor, uud reflecting a portion of the floral display in a large mirror. Thc-e w.uks of art are easily obtained, and at a very lo'.v price. They arc given as premiums to purchasers of seeds to the extent of $5 or up ward, or are post-paid by mail forjl. By en closing 25 cents to Brings ,V liro. one can become a subscriber for their four quarterly floral pubii catious, containing a complete guide to the amateur or professional florist. The January number alone costs llrigg- ,v. I'.ro. three times that amount, and should b" in the hands of every one inteie-ted in the growth of flowers or vegeta bles. The quality of Briggs .v. Brother seed is emphatically In. I. i sc. I by the pie-s and people all over the country. List of Jurors For Adjourned Com l of Northii'nb.-rlaiid in ty, for December, 174 : Reiiu, Samuel ('., Lower Augusta ; Sheteiiv George, Mt. Carmel bor. ; Albright Jones, Nor thumberland; Pearson John, Point; Philips. John B., : hamokiii bor., 11. W. ; Hcrg.-r Jack son, Snvdcitowti ; Burns Sa'u'l P., Waisontown; Sluiylir John, Le'.vi, ; Middleton James, Tuibut; Bob'inold Michael, Delaware; F.ngle Joel. Lower Mahanoy; Smith Win., L'p. Mahanoy ; Hopper Jno. W." Sunbiiry W. W. ; Bowers Geo., Milton N. W. ; Newman Dau'l, Northumberland ; Kline Andrew, Chillisqua.ue ; Swenk Win., Milton S. W. ; Kriegbauul Phi'.ip, Shamokin W. W. ; Oaks Samuel, Tuibut ; Maiick John R., Lower Augusta: P.achniaii Martin, Lower Mahanoy; Bright John G., I'ppiT Augusta ; Hummel Solo mon, Shamokin ; Beard John P.. McKwunsville; Hughs Wilson, Lewis; Follmer, Samuel F., Tuibut; Batchlor James, Norlliumberlaiid ; Sees Samuel. Delaware; Miller Thos. I.. Shamo kin ; Fetter Wm. A.. Sunbiiry K. W. ; Follmer Daniel, Delaware ; Beverly Samuel, Sunbiiry I".. W. ; Coble Joseph, Washington; Housel Jos. R. McKweusville ; Yerger Samuel, Jordan ; Smith James 8., Snnbury W. W. ; Bower Henry IL, Jackson; Rothermel Abraham, Lower Ma haiiov ; Lightcap Henry, Turbul ; Simingtoii Benj.", Turbut ; Hoover Jonathan, Mt. Carmel boro. ; Kline Wm. F. Snydertown ; Williamson Marsh, Milton S. W. : !ass Joseph, jr., Lower Augusta; Rinkiiian Robert C, Lewis; Hoff man King, Delaware; Haas Hiram, l'p. Augus ta ; Latsha Adam, Washington ; Shull Solomon erbe ; Banch Clrirles, Northumberland; Startzel Daniel, Shamokin bor. K. W. ; Gully James, McKweusville ; Frymire Martin G., Zer bc; Churchill Thomas, Mt. Carmel twp.; Houguc Dau'l C, Watsontown ; Fverilt Wm., Delaware ; Kline Gideon, Zcrbc ; Black Joseph, Mt. Carmel bor. ; Weir Jacob, Delaware ; F.ls worth Alex., do. ; Hoffman Samuel do.; Fagley Ben. F., Mt. Carmel bor. ; Strlne Henry Miltou, S. W. ; Caldwell John, Shamokin K. W. ; Mc Williams Wm., Coal; Grooily Michael, Mt. Ciirmcl bor. ; Machcrt Wm., Sunbury W. W. ; Klase Win. Shamokin E. W. ; Keiser Albert, Lower Augusta ; Gingcrich Christian K.Jordan; Metcalf Thomas, l'p. Augusta: Hornbenrer Retii.. t 'rinier"". Scaler of Weights mid Measures. Fuitvr of th( American : A communication over the signature of D. S. Kci'z, County Commissioner, apenrcd in the Sunbury Daily of Thursday, the 2Gth inst., in which ho gives the fees charged by law by the Sealer of Weights and Measures, which are the same that I have been charging in every instance. There have been no complaints, as he states, as to the charges, as every business man I have met with is most cheerfully willing to abide by the law, except Mr. Keitz himself, after showing him the fee bill. Mr. Keitz is the only person who has declined to pay the fees during my canvass iu the county in the performance of my duty as an officer. He gave as a reason that he ought to be exempt from paying because he was a I'onnty f'ommixion'r. Besides, ho informed me that he had but one scale on his premises when there were two. Any one is privileged lo examine and compare my li't with the one published, and they v ill find them alike. The reason he gave for refusing to pay, was that he did not hnow that an apxiintment of Sealer of Weights and Measures had been made, and because he was a County Commissioner he thought he should not pay anything. This is the only complaint that has been made, and I leave the public lo draw their own conclusions. As :i public officer I in tend to discharge my duty in accordance with the law, and if the law will exempt Mr. Keitz from paying because he is a County (Vii;.si-i-n; perhaps bv accident, I shall feel satisfied. THOMAS F. GERINGER. ri: tiik amkkk an. Si NBi i-.T, Nov. 25th, 1S74. .V,. f.Jitvr: The question of dividing the West ward of Sunbiiry, has been somewhat agitated by the Court appointing three persons to locate the di viding line. From what I can learn a majority of the Commissioners appointed, recommended the Shamokin Valley R. K., as the most appro priate line for the. division. South of that line there arc a majority of twenty-seven votes in the ward. Besides this Gve-e.igblhs of the taxes are paid by the inhabitants of the proposed division. Another matter is to be taken intoconsideration. According to a decision of the Supreme Court, "That citizens residing in a ward that receives 110 benefit from a borough or city from a tax as sessed for tin; benefit of the whole, is not liable to taxation." This relieves the people of the proposed ward of the gas t ax. If the liue propos ed is adopted, there will be but two lamps in the ward, ai:d the citizens will pay the expenses of thfve without a lax. Let ns hear from others. WARD No. I. Hr.KNOoN, Nov. 25, l'i. K'.lllor of the Ain'-ritnu Sir : I will give you a report of the Primary Schools at Herndon, for the first month, namely twenty two days for a month, ending November 24,1374. Those marked (a) were admitted the second week. Males. Age. Atten'd. Abs't. Martin Zeigler, llyrs 15 days 7 days Irwin Wilt, S 17 5 David Eichelberger. S 13 !) Harrison Yocum, 5 22 0 Wiliiam Z-iclrr, 17 5 Samuel McKinnev, C S 14 Daniel Kroh, fa)" 12 14 '. William Kroh, (a) 7 15 3 Abraham Ziegler, (a) 9 S H William Snyder, (a) 8 14 2 John Otto, '(a) 7 i5 2 Franklin Stepp. (a) 1.' 14 4 Hiram Achinutv, (a) 11 17 0 l:inc Powell, (a) 11 1" Females. Alice Reed. 0 22 0 Emma Kilheff. r 7 21 1 Mary C. iegler, U HI ,; Ellen Heddinger, 7 22 0 Sarah Deriek, -'1 1 0 Elizabeth Derick, ' 21 0 Mary Strnuser, 12 15 7 Canie Houser, 21 1 Catharine Ziegler. 7 21 I Marv Lnmii. S 22 o Francis Coble. S 22 ( Minnie Coble. 21 I Susan Meek, 22 0 Alice Ziegler, H 22 0 Carrie Meek. H 21 1 Marv Walp, l H Sarah Kroh, 11 20 C.illic Ossman, 21 1 Mary Ziegler, ' 20 Ellen Kiihcih r, 20 . 2 Alice Kroh, s IS 4 Amos Wo.verton, 12 10 Silvie Goodman, ' 14 s" k Lvdia Snyder, (a) '' L5 :' Ida Aelm.uty, (a) 14 11 4 Media Aehmuty, (a) 15 1 Emma Ziegler, (a) 13 1" :: Sarah Powell, (a) 1"' Hani. t Powell, (a) b s 14 Smiliiiry Horoiigh Oilioors. ( Ini f Hi. wis. S-.l. M-iul:ek, 1.; S. roli'l I:urj;--, W. I. irw-te.utu : .wiHt411t Jin; fs.s.. J.iba li.i:.-, W. T. viri.lit. l inn.'- J. IS.-um -. )". Ii. Markl- ; ivu;;i.i 11. li-nj. lleudrieks, l.d. M. liueher, Henry Cl.-m.-ut, Ii.ih. SeiiMMinack, J. '. Irwin, .l.ilm Ikiweu. II. K. ;.trieU. J-itiu '. Miller : town CluiU, I.eis I)ir, irl: llomiitfli 'ill.vt"'r, S.ilolnn.i WVaver; Ilironi:li Tiij urvr, M. '. ii'jrh;ir ; .W-xnor!', .. I'.' iai, Tl. t. fn.ff; Asls'Jlil Ae-;n.. 1. S. (kwsler. l:u'l W:l vert, T. M. l'urpt-1, II. Y. I'ryliiiH; Strict Omuiu.s-i.'Ii-Ki-lil. Sun. lli iiilrii Ls, Ji.lm LenVer, .Mm I.eesiT. T!i- rwljr me. nuns of the I!..roi;.j!i r.iaui il are held at tl:e cuum ;l eli.iuiU r, hut tt;e N'.i. 1 k:m' house on ClitstliUl srrvet, M ir Third, cli the U1 ri thud Tues.lay ewuinirs ol -.n-ii n.eiith. t.'lmvc-lioH of t-u 11 It wry. le U.-:h...lit r.'i--. al i hnr. 'j, n-hS-;.-c J. K. In-Moyer, (....-:. r. The l'n'MhvO-iiji. riiinrii. M.. S.ir.arc, K . S. M:lhk''li, 'iiit.'i". Tut- l.iiihi r;.ii riuireb, i'lunl Sue. i. It' . ' .V. lie j.rly. :iitiT. 'I hi- iviunii it r iiitrrh, c"r. S.-r.' Mr-l. lii-l. l. S. I itMrharf, pi-.e-:-. Th li.ijti.: t'lir.ii h, -na-i I .;;:ih Tl..l, IJ.sllT. The I j-iHiN'iil I'iiu.i'ii, llr.-:i't".i;. , ...h!it. ! r.ml ch.-u !;. v. le. H. The Hiiuiuii (' ithol'f Church, . r I h-imce, ustor. ii sll., lit V. l.itl.' Sct ivt Hotdollrsi of t-ixiiliiry. rrnioii.- Oi.nrn Sunh or Ami i:!.".. W.ulinu't.'M 'aiiip. No. 1!', P. . S. of A., n.ects iu Kvd M.-n'e 'I . II. ILoi.t'e I'.llil.lil.K. M irket uee!, -ry I ae.l:iy mmiim". SUH.Jeh.inuj 1 "ellllll .ii.ier v. N". M. A., I'. si. ..i A., ui.'i In tMHMiiii Ttiui-ii.. i: .' . itli, i" Hrii,Ut .i bull.Liii, M.iiLet M.tnof. Vuiei,vi.i 'iii No. I'll nie. 's ,-.- M mj I .. . . m in U-'t Men'H Hall. Km.iiit-io I'viirn . I'.iisten: s . or Loilj. . No. Ml, Klilt;liMel l'tlu:.s; llei le n) V. . il.es.. . ev.-iUI..'. in l:rii::n IhiiI.Iii.k. corner I im l i i I Mart"1 ne.T. (H'l-, I-l!,"-, No. I!'".. Kill'.'.''- I I'y.iuai. ii'.il i-iir; i nd.iy vi -uu.it ill llrnrtif- I::i:Mlnx. 'i.er i i 'l'niiil ami Marker Hrre.-;H. IM'F.I'KNIiINT (IBDKKOF OlIK l'KI.l.OWS. I'l H I All KtlNtn KlUMinpmelit, .N.i. 140. I. . ..I 1 1. 1 ., . nil tlie tlrB! alel l.lU'.l Monday : e. !l laoi.Mi, ;it Mi. ir hull in Clemi-iit'i. i.ini.liiiir, cor. Ttiinl :. Hint Market m.ii.i.-c. Smiliurv l.o.l;;.', No. JO'.I. I. . ul . 1'.. meet hhv S.itar.Liy vvnniiK. in I'lement's l.u.l.iii K. l''li. t s'w..r. Anna Lolie, No. .". Ucanv oi UrU-ti, 1. O. of i. i ., intvts mi tlie Ki-con.t Mini n.urtU M.n.iLiy el o :i liiooth. la l l. im i:t' I l.i 11 Mr k. ! ciu.i.'. Fori AiiKlii-ti Loiliie, No. (il.l.l'. of . '.. n.ee'.s every 1 iles lay eveimii;. Hi I'r:Kiit lnlil.llliK. SoVl Itl.IUN I'll lllo! If KnioHIs. I Jliee ali.i Sla-hl C.i.cluM', No. 11, S. 1". K., lun:s neon.! uiel lotirtli Mol. lny ri inn;' ..I e.ieii In. Mini, m Ui lK.'H" tulll.lint.', I'T. I' 1 1 1 1 . 1 I ; 1 Milt'" alreelM. I'Mieu Amkiiican .Mki hivi. Ura.ly I'uuia'.l, N... 2J1. l. I'. A. uiei-u vury liHi.ye.eiii.it;. . nielli's l.tnldins', .Mjiki-t Mi. .re. Iarmivpii imiu it or l'.i o Mi.:.. S!io-l -ijh .-iu Trll No. (':, 1. n. it. M.. ill!-.-'! e.-.y T.n:in.l-.y t-ven-ii'ir, in ibeir lii.ll, i:..ni:' biiililmi;, M .:U.-t r.tie -i. M ioNs. No. A. Y. M. ll.i-els -'i i;.wl.!e tl.lil, Tiar.l Btreei, on iiikU: oi full moon. Hhotiii:mi.iiio Lwononvr. tvi.ivn it-. s.o.l.u: y l:i.'.'iii, . 'Ji, B. oi I.. K... meets the nrst tnt ti.trU S MeLiV ol e .cii moiitli, on third fl ...r ol li;e fo-t i .In. -l.aii.iinfc., Tlnrd Ktri-et. In. i. I'. A. M. Mason Conreil, N ". i::i, meet- eer Thio-Hilay uiicht, nt thejr hiiiiii', in l ii ni'-ii. J 'ia!i, .M l:.-t nilt;:te. oi'tluimlorl!ind "o. llU-r. l'reNideiit tii.lire. Willi.iin M. Hot it. fi Her ; r-yo. lut. e, Jiwepli Na-ely ; pi'ii'iiotait-ry. 1,. T. liobibiieh ; SlienP, H. H. ll'i'Le. n,el ; Kii-ti i- aiid lteeord.T. I.eum.-I S!i ;. nun ; Tie.iMirer. .loUu lUafr : M.'uir-..i.e; . '.i" I. Sf-!a.., I. . Diuliut.i and luui.1 s. Iter : !ui I'.nu- m. li.it.iel M. Swart, end Win. II. l.' -V ('..!'. 11. r, f.e.leneV He,MT l AlHtllOtK -I. M. t ' I'.. '.i iiei.. !i out .l..i-i i.!i Eivi ; Cimiii' v Att.j. io A. S .le-i ; Mer.vuitlle Aiipraer, luili.'! Ii.'ilei' -in I. , Win. : ill.-;-. riiiini: Okoavs HI' ruNO". .Some ot tlie ' tine-t toned Tailor Organs and Pianos, are sold; by Jolm .1 Kecfer, No. T'.t Walnut trcct, in this place. The bickering and Weber Pianos. M.i miii and Hamlin, Wood mid .SpangV l'ailorO-- : gaiis, con-t in'ly on hand. Mr. Keetcr keeps j none lint tlie l.el iitialily, and ail ho buy of him can !); assured ol getting tbc instrument lie l-. ireneii!s it to be. ' .1. W. Wilvert iV Co. Mi ps the best bran. I- ol' tobacco, i-egars, A:c., near the Court IIhiim'. Miss L. rsiil-si.rit h:is taken the agency lor E. 1 Rntteriek it Co.' patterns, and has now lor sale j two thousand of the lale?t styles for Ladie", j Misses, Roys, Children and Infants, also for; (ielit'ri lbef-ing down, MIlol ing .l.i' ket and j Calis. SAW.rvr" KlU.T or l!ri iv, a deiieate ; lie.iutitier, whkh i-inoi.ths out all indentations, ; removing tan, freckles and ecais from the skin, i leaving Ihe coinple.iioii clear and beautiful. fSold by Miss L. Sltls.ler. Fxcn.ston Srili. Aiu:i. Having just re ceived a full line of Hoots, Mines and Rubbers of everv desciintion. we are prepared to sell them at astonishingly low pliers to suit Ihe times. Our lii.itlo is small tirolita and (iiiick sales. We dcMre every one to cxainine our stock before purchasing clsenhcrc, and be convinced that we sell cheaper than any other dcalci in the county. We have all the late styles of Boots and Shoes, inchidim: the celebrated Klmira and Towandu Hoou. No goods misrepresented to effect a sale. No trouble to show goods. Call and see thein. liespect fully, Yours, JOHN B. SMITH it liro., Successors to W. II. Miller. A Hors: ami Urt located on one of the prin ciple streets in Sunbury, will be sold cheap, on npplic tf :o?i to tl i; tifflf e. Term'- e.'iev. Fall and Winter Hats. All the latest style of hats arc now open at S. Faust's store on Market square. Most beautiful styles adorn his windows which are sold cheap. Gentlemen's furnishing goods are supplied at the lowest prices. F011 Rent. The Drug Store Room now occu pied by W. D. Melick. Also the room adjoining Faust's hat store. Enquire of II. B. Massf.k. The light running " Domett ic" Sewing ma chine, on account of its many points of superi ority, has a better demand tliau any other manu factured, and takes the lead with the public over machines long regarded as the best. Orders for these machines will be promptly filled by Miss Caroline D.ilius, aL'eiit. 1'arlor Oriaits Miss C. Dalins is the agent foi the sale of Parlor Organs, Pianos, and all kinds of musical instruments. The very best instru ments are furnished, lurni.-hed on short notices at "rices to suit times. Call or address, C. DALIES, . No. ;3 I r. CitrAM Freezers. rket M.. Sunbiiry. new lot just received IT. P.. MASSER. bv TlieCouFeNsioii of mi Invalid, Pub lished as a warning and for the benefit of Voting Men and others who suffer from Nervous Debili ty, Loss of Manhood, etc., supplying the means ol Self-Cure. Written by one who cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery,and sent free on receiving a post paid directed envelope. Sufferers are invited to address the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, sept4,74 fim. P. O. Box 153. Brooklyn, N. Y. It is useless to attempt to cleause a stream while the fountain is impure. Dyspepsia, com plaints of the liver or kidneys, eruptions of the skin, scrofula, headaches, and all diseases aris ing from Impure blood, are at once removed by Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters, purifier of the blood, and reuovator of the system. It has never been known to fall. 4w.Nov.O. la nrntmes. In Dauvillc, ou the 22d inst., at the M. E. parsonage, by Rev. F. B. Riddle, Mr. Roixut E. Camit.ixl and Miss Sallie Clakk, both of Sun b.iry. In Jackson twp., on the 14th inst., by Geo. W. Coble, Esq., Day i it Zir.iiLF.u, of Herndon, and Miss Sallie BicKi.r.. of Snyder county. On the 17th int.. at the. M. E. Parsonage, by Rev. James C. Clarke. Mr. John Wiif.nnf.n to Miss Kite Christ; both of Shamokin. 15. 'Jr1 In Shamokin. on the Kith inst., of membra nous croup, JENNIE WEISER, daughter of Wm. II. Muiselman, aged 7 months. SI XIII RY M.VKKETS. SfNBCKY, Nov. 20, 1874. Grain Wheat per bushel... .... ?1.40(7)-1.50 " prime white l.otV'i.1.60 " Bye per bush TSfnO ' Corn " 5ii..so " (tat " oOftOo Fi.orii Extra Family pr bbl S.T.Vyj.uO Common ).5iM'i'7.00 Buckwheat 5.00 Frcn '"i.-rn & Oats Chop pr 10) lb 1.500 -?.00 Shorts .t Mixture 1.50( 1.75 Potatoes. V:e New per bushel 86675 Pitovisios' Ham per lb 10(o.J0 Shoulder pr lit 14f'lS ltaeou pr It. 10fj,l3 Beef, retail pr lb HfaUO Veal, do do lOflS Dried Beef pr lb 2.VO.30 Poit tuy Chickens, dressed pr lb lTmls Do. live weight 10012 Bi ttek Prime per lb ;:rfu40 E.a.s Per dozen 30.35 iitto Subcrti5cmtnfs. ANOTHER CHANCE! Filth iiimI Last ;ift oii-or IN All! or THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. POSTPONED TO November 30, 1874. DRAWING CERTAIN AT THAT DATE. LIST OF GIFTS. ' One ( r ind r..h Gift ! Onu GrauJ Ciis.li Gift , S25!l,000 lou,ooo 75.000 50.020 25.000 loo.ooo lto.ooo 150,000 lOll.OOO ll.'O.COO 90.000 1(10,000 100,000 120,001 50.000 S50.000 One Grnml Cash Gift One Gninil Cash Gitt O'le Grind (ili Gill 5 l.'uMi Gifts, 20,000 each.... 10 Cash Gifts, 14,000 e;u'u.... 15 C:inh Gifts, 10,000 each.... 20 Cash Gilt.-, 5,000 cacl 25 Cash Gifts 4,000 carh. ... W) Cash Gifts. U.txM ea-h.... 50 Cash Gilts, 2.000 carh.... 100 Cash Gifts. 1,000 each... . 240 Cash Gifts. 500 each..., 500 Cash Gifts, 100 each. ... I'.'.iniO Cash Gift-. 50 each.... Grand Total, 20,000 Gifts, all cash, $2,500,000 PUICF. OF TICKET?. Wll.ll.' Tickets ?50 00 25 00 5 00 500 00 1,000 00 Halve- Tenth-, or each Coupon. 11 Whole Tickets for , 22'.; Tickets for Foi tickets or information, Address THOS. K. BRA MLETTK, Agent ami Manager. Public Librarv Building, Louisville, Kv. Or THOMAS H. HAVS V CO., Oct. 'j:t, '74 tit. tlO'J Broadway, New York. U II.I OATS. PROSPFXTl'S FOR 1S75. Tho liiiuipiou oi'.lmerioa. COMIC I'AI'KR. Illustrated by a corjw of the best American ar ' tits, mid contributed toby the most popular hu ! niorisU and satirists of the day. j Wii.n Oats now enters liuccessfully upon the . sixth year of Its existence, and lias become the ! established humorous aud Satiracal paper of the country. It was started and continue.! the tiril : year as a monthly, then, to satisfy she demand i of the public, it was (dunged to a fortnightly, i Mill continuing its good work of hitting lolly as it llics, and showing tip the political and social shams by its master!-; cartoon? and puugent cd : iinrials. It ucliieved even greater suece.-s than j before, and was rceognizd as the ablest and : brightest of in class. Cilice then we have yield . ed still further lo tiie put lie .leiiiaii.1, and now publish l!'ii(; On weekly! It ha liteially grown into its present ehape on its intrinsic me : i its, being the first successful weekly humorous ; paper ever published in this country. Among the artists especially engaged to fur nish illustrations for Wii.n Oats are Frank hVl 1. w, Thomas Worth, Hopkins, Wales, fheltou, , Wolf, Jump, KeettcK t'inckharut. Day, Poland, : and scvcihI others who are yet unknown to fa me. 1 in its literary department Wji.d Oats will, as it always has, sland alone and Juiiiipproaclmo!i . At least one llrst-class serial story will always be ti-titid in its pages, by the best humorous, sa tiracal, and character writers in the I'nited Males; while its sketches mid s.juibs; will be sparkling, original, and pointed. Wii.n Oats will be tiist-elass in every particu lar, and on this account may be taken into the best families without fear or suspicion, us no , word or illustration will appear that cau olt'end : tlie most fastidious. ,' .-?"' Send for a Simple Copy and Convince I Yourself.J Subscription Price. One Year 4.00 I ."i Months 2.00 .Three Moiilhs 1.00 Single Copies 0.10 One person sending us u club of five suh.-cri-.'is for one venr will receive n copv grulif. Address COLLIN k SMALL, Publishers. 111! Fulton Street, N. Y. ... LADIES TAKE NOTICE! j Veil Iillinery (uod Il.ive ju't beeu opened at the ttoie of j MISS. yt. L. CaO.SSLt'K. ! Ko'iitb street, below the Sluimokin Valley K. R. SL'NBl'HY, PA., Where all kinds ot Millinery goods Of the Iulest New York and Philadelphia styles are now open lor inspection. HATS, BONNETS, l.aces, Flowers, Ribbons, Ftatlier, TrimmingR, Notions, Gloves, llankershlefs, and every kind of goods usually found in a Millinery store. Ladies arc invited to call and see tho immerse stock. 3IISS L. SIIISSLEK, .Market Square, Siinbury, Pa.. Has just reeicved a lars;c and elegant assortment of Hats and Bonnets, For Fall and Winter f ear. The choicest shades of ribbons, and all kinds of Millinery goods always lu store, GENTS' NECKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, AC. ('0.' imd se Vm The Holidays are Approaching! Only a Few "Weeks Distant ! To ih& As the Holidays Must reduce their present & ' m O) $12,000 Wortli of Goods 011 the shelve to he RF.DrcED 25 J'1-.R ('!" rom for our HOLIDAV GOODS, ori-.ir has just returned Iron: the E.i-iri cities, wb- re In- si-lecie.i GOODS to SUPPLY and Will show for the next MO days tbr large-t awl liMmUoinest as sortment of Beaded Gi-ods, B ill Good.-, (all .-hades) : also Bullion Fringe, Yak Laces, Hosiery. Gloves, Knit Zephyr Goods, and a general assortment of Our flock is complete, and in North'd county can't be beat. Furs ! Furs ! ! Furs ! ! ! Also", Fur Trimmings, Shawls, Blankets, Underware For Men Women and Children, Ladies and Cbildrens' Cloak?, Jewelry, Perfumery, Embroideries and Ribbon?. Also, Slipper Patterns, Woolen lilaukets and Coun terpanes by the Hundreds, Will be Mold t Astonishingly I,v 1'ricew. MARX & BRO., Maonic Building, Third SL, SUNBURT, PA. &3 s aaratssssasaas arsaaewi i Look oul for Bargains I Iu immense quantities, have been received daily, for the last two moDtlis, Over Coats ! Over Coats ! ! for Mun and Hoys, endless variety, and at astonishing low prices ! Drsss Salts, UNDER CLOTHING! UNDER CLOTHING ! from 75 eta. a full suit up to the Cnest ! HIRTS! GLOVES ! and Gouts' Furnishing Goods of every description. - - - - - ... wr for Men and Poys, in immense variety, and of the latest styles. lie invites everybody to call and examine his stock. Astonishing bargains will be offered and goods will be sold cheaper than they have ever been in this town. NoboJy is able to undersell us ! The place to save monev durins these hard times. I The place whore honest and upright dealing is the standing rule. The place where ! you can tind t he largest stock and best assortment. The place where you are welcome, j whether ynu buy or not is at fJKAXn CENTRAL CLOTHING Sunliiiry. I'.i.. September 11, 1ST4. J. a j I AGENTS 10,000 KHZrh!if Chung tolil mut.tn. z.nblHsnv our to ixuu-h utl'H u:il t new. twtH nulv one mil to !' I..r ininni!;, mid iihtc5 tli linen, u csHHry j; :..! jin.l lfj :tt iht. Mn, Vtrn-ii, IkyB ' ami liirN itirittHhiMi with McHily -M.vlr"'-i. nriiciiUiJi free. At lu-tn rhroim ni-u miU mrh lx for I5it. Ctmn.; i n -it. i..iiL'f. '., T Wvt St.. Htfntj. CONSTANT r.MPLOYMKNT i b.n.f, Male or KauiiI'. f.'A) vr ft.'k waiiiitci. No ipitnl reijuireii. r-jrtit'iiljrB ami vahi;bl rfjinnlr t-iit ir- AtUlr with (tr-ut Htjmj , V Jtots, WiJliainfiburtf, N. . Nov. JT, 4w. 'I.tRYI.AM) FY. AXD F.AK IXSTI- Tl'TE Alt V. l.tArlPvStrprf.Kaltimor. Md. , ' Ileorif" I:.-iiln.if. M. D., Iite Prof of Kve i..l Eur Su.-- ; fcery iu the IVushintrtou University, Surgeon in t'tinrge. The l:i !i tijuilsome reidence of the l".te("u.-.r!ei (':: - I roll In," been titled up v itli all the liui'ioveim ntf ailojit- ed in the latent St:bool of Kurope, lor tlie Hiieuil trent i inent ot this vU of disease. At'Tdy by letter to (EoP.liE ltKULlNli. M. il., Sari-n in I'hurfre. I Nov. '.'7. I 1'or ! COUGHS, COL DS, HOARS EX ESS, AND ALL TimOAT DISEASES, Its j WELLS' 'AHIIOLIC TABLETS. H'T UP ON LY IN" BLUE IK X KS. ; A TRIED AND .SURE REMEDY. Sold by IriiKii8t. Nov. 27. 4t. 300 ri l.VO aud OKU AS. ! New ami Seeond-II.nii!, of First-fU M ilers, will I poii! at I)wer price for eiish, or ou Iuntiillmeuls, or for i reut, in city or country, during these Hiird Time utul the ; IliilnlHys, by Horace Wsterp iml Hon. No. 41 Uronlway. I thau eer before oftered iu New York. Aems wantej ; to nell Watr-rs' New SeMe llanos, -ml Concerto ) OrifHtil. Ibwlinled CataloKUiil MillKJ. tiie.it iuitllee- ' meiitrt to the Trade. A lurye dinoiu.t tu Teacher, j Ministers, ('hnrclu'.. Lodges, SUools, u. No,. -T, 4v. TEAS I in port e i RETAILED AT rn frier. ir THE Great Atlantic anl Pacific Tea Co. 26 FiHli Ave., PittNhurg. I'u. Thin la au organization of cajiitalieta to I.TII'OUT AXD IHSTKIBITE TEAK tor one smull iirmit, B-.in(? tlie notisutner all proiit.-i of middlemen. We eontiol a large part ot tho llest Teas t. mi '..'in tm iliw imntry, wbicb ar Klt i.y ourHt'lvt-s. j I r-j buyiniTol ot'i.-r .p;.1ors Uo w to rhur iv,ii d;-- ; ! utlv. iti -:;. Our huii in 'liina ami J-i-nn lia. ihf ; ; vitv l,"t UriiitifH oi Hflrttinw, which kv Xl i Kr:l j ; aiiTaK''. We hjvt Ktat'liNlj.'! Htore l.r iiHtriI)iitiiii i.nr teji in all ti print;; ni cilis oi' tUe l'mHit Mut 1 ! Wr to otir custoint-- m Ileaiitiliil Oil ( hromo, i ::keii ! rum tlie fiche ?HiiR ol' AineHc.tu sua Vorti(?i f ani-tvi which, il' toii''ii ut i.Mst-irt? oi'', votiM ccnu I inncU tu'tiv thtm Uir irice of ti;e T 'J. Th t ,Ft.ir:w;'-e j n i-rfst-iit to our custom-. i ! All jriM-H's stiitl Warrnutel to iAe iviU-- ji?ucUm ! (-r tht" monM rt'luuileil. f 4;rat Af iHiilic A raoillr Ton Co.. j -y i jltu Ave.. Tittshir, Fu. No.. 'T, 4. SIIOKT l'KOKlaO.KMKXT 1AY Mr l)-I I LL IIIKTKEltLTTIO. First (irauU Concert. MoRtpelier Female Hnmane Association, AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. -II AKCII 29. 1S7I. LIST OF GIFTS. 1 Grand Cash Gift 1 (iraliil Ciuih Gilt 1 Grand 'ah Gilt 10 Ca-h Gitts, tlu.oml each l.i (":iU (tlits, A.lWll faell TO Cn-li Gill". l.l"1 :ich l.J-.l (lilt-, eiieii I .DUO "itn illt. V eeli l.lHill 4'ali Guts. .'Ueaeli J.1,0111 1 --.!: Giit.-, -M neh . . i lon.imo ' . . . W.uoo I . . . 2.1,l I ... lno.imo . .. T.'i.ooii ... ."O.tWO . .. "iO.UOO . .. liNl.HOU ! . . . 'iO.UOO ! toii.uuti I 'J-i 17h Ca-h (iilts. liinoulitin;' to $1,IK)0,WI0 i l .Mil Kit OF TICKETS. 100,000. i lKliKcFTUKl.TH. Wuole Tickits Hal yuarter hijlitbs of eu-h ( iniiuu il'., Ticlitls for ln.wi J.W IU!..! The Mimti-elier Ki-nmlx Uninain: AnEociatioti, i"liai tr ed l.v th l(5i:il.iHiPi Virginia ami the Circuit Cum t of (Irani;- ii l.roj Dreii by Grand GUI ("ni'i-rrt to tl,lisu iml eiii'mw a 'Home for Hi hl, I'.rltiii. au.l Ih-stitu-e Lailiea of Vinriina," JIouti-iier, thetonner realilcuee uf l'r. snleut Jamrs '-13111011. lillVUMHl'H Ol-KICK, HlCHilOMl, Jll'v 3, ! It aflfoiila me i leanure toaay that I am well acquaint- ' ed with a larKc majority of th-oftic-rrs ol the Moutlier I F-mal HuniBtie AuMX'iatioti.who reside in the vwiuily of , my hum, and I attest their intelligence aud their worth and his'i reputation "ulli'niru, as well as the public confldenee, inflin uee aud mil'Slaiitial means lilHrallj re iinwntetl amonif tliem. -1AMKS L. KKFPi:it, Gov. VrfHm. i Ai iiiKiiKU. Va.. July H. 1874.- 1 commend I them as itents ol honor aud ;nts;riiy, and f ully utitlrd to the coniidrnce ;'f ti" lubUe. " " ' K W. 1 i f 1I1LS, V. S. Judge Eaat'n Iiiat. of Va. Fiirtlier l-iu'ereui-ee bv uerniisaion : Hie Exerllency Oilbert 0. Walker, Ex-Govenior of Va. ; Hon. EoUrt E, : Withers, Iii'.-Gov. of Vh. and U. S. Senator ele.it ) Senators aud Mernlieis of Conree from Vs. i Kemittaiicea for tickets may be n'ule by ejprea. pre. ! paid, poHt-utai-e money -onlor ou Wa-Liuron, v, U, or by reniatereil leltef. For full particulara, testimonialu, Jtc, send for Cir cular. Address, HON. JAMES BABBOl'K. Pur s' r M. F. U. A., Ai.hnpuia, Va. r.rtiable spent" w-nte.1 e--i"yr .en . Xnv. ".'7, 4v. JPeopl e ! .... . are Approaching "2 vra large stock of ijoods NT.. 10 ma !: ill.' f'rru PLEASE EVERYBODY. m CO 4 m Business Salts, P.! e 1 O WM. A. HELLER'S, STOHE, Cor. 3d & Market Sts., Snnbury, Pa. Formerly ITerzMiIfr". mHE IiKST iiALx;ie bkk 1 lor Tver ut y Outs. Aihlrc lirKY, Torryinwii, New York. To ! writ o"r.;,aid K:. W. H K1N;S- What 1 Kunw abont Ajjuif, or hon to tlfur to ?'il per mouth niiii:i; 4'iiroiiMM, SI.-eMcuiit- V'iwf. Ma, uml chart.'. j !v t mice fo 1:. L.(n:i:NSKl, 'oitcor,!, N. H. "J7. 4w. f)K. C. M. Maktin. Geo. V. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House WMi Sitoy, Pa. m. C. M. MAKTIN & CO, ' I-I -.jnsi received a iresu mtci rure wrugs 1 and Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DKESSIXG AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth. NaiI,Clothe,Shoe and other brushes. TOILET AXD FAXC Y A IJTK'I.ES. FINK EXTRACTS. PtW'KFT BM)KS, KXIVKS, ".. f". P, F.ED'S ;RAND Dl'CHESS COLOf;NE, the s'veetest jierfaine in Annerlca. I'ariMiHii. a HUl (;iove AVuh. warranted to clean perfectly the most delieiitu shades without injury loth" kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, SEGARS, TIIE BFvr IN MAP.KET, Puie Wine and Lionor-i, for medical purposes, Fhysii Uuis Prescriptions and family receipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by far deal ing to receive a share of your patronage. 8pt5inber 11, 1S7J. n.AiniM: shop ami n:o IOFMIRY. CEO. IIOIIRI3ACH iV SON'S, Sunbury, Fenu'a. INFORM the public that they are prepare-no do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with iheir Foundrv, and have supplied themselves w itli New j Lathes, Planing ftiid Boring Machines, with tin. lutcst improvements. With the aid ol" skilltu" 1 mechanics, thev are enabled to entente all oider-. 'of , NEW WORK OP. REPAIRING. that may be iiven th. ui, in a satk.fuctory tn::n lier. Grates tw stuit any .Slovr. IRON I'llU MNf, for ('..niches or o: her liiiild iiiijs. 'it'a'i -izei. lir.Ass r Tl(;i. Xc. Ornamental Iron Fencing YOU (,RAVR YARD i.OTj ; VERANDAHS, FOK YARDS AT KEMDENCE.S, If., AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated Tor their su periority, have been still further improved, .nut will ulw:ivg be kept ou hand. Also, THKESHIMi MAClTTXEsi. Simlmry, May SO. 1S74. ST. Ml GLASS WOK KM. NORRI3TOWN, PA., MANUFACTrRES a superior Quality of Window Glass, single and double thick. Ground. Corrn-rat.-d, Obsenrcd uud stained. Shades of all patterns ; all glas warrautel not to stain. Orders solicited. J. M. AI.BF.RTCN. Oetot.er. "J lTl.iliKOo. t u:i;: fikk! For uale a -rixxl Hand Fire Engine ; Brass Pumps ; can lie worked as suction or su plied from tank. Hose cart. :100 feet sum hose new, all in iriiod working order, for price and particu lars. Addres II. K. GOODRICH, Machinist, Sunburv, Pa. Sunbury, Nov. f, 1ST4. "t W. D. MELICK, Drusdst and Apotliecary, IN WELKF.Ii'S BUI1.DING. ! Market Street, SUXBIRY, PA. I DRUGS, CHEMICALS, : t)rug;it Fancy Goods, l'AIXTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, AC, constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to compounding phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts, fnnhnrv. April 17. 17t.