Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 20, 1874, Image 3

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    Sunburn SUmcait.
SUNBURY, XOVEMBElt 20, 1874.
Railroad Time Table.
. C. R. tV., East. I T. & E. R. R. Wert,
'hila. F.v. 0.30 a ni I Erie Mail, 6.20 a in
'.Imira Mrtil,12.0 n m Niagara Ex. 12.30 p in
'rie Mail, 2.05 a m j Elmira Mail 4.10 p in
."iagara Ex. 8.40 p ra Fast Line, G.iiO p m
Jeave Sunbury for Lewistowu at 6.35 a. m.,
nd 4.20 p. in.
Arrive at Sunbury from Lewistown at l.STi
vid 0.40 p. m.
S11AMOKIS ItiVlSloN, x. c. n. .
!t.2r, a m
.press, 12.4 sp tn I
tail, 4.25 p m Express, .5.i p ni
An accommodation train loaves Shamokin at
.10a in, arriving at Mu Carmel al 7.40 a in.
.tnriiK". leave Mt. Carmel at 0.15 r ni, arnv-
t ui Shamokin fi.4. p m.
Lackawanna & 3LOOMsmw; U. K. Trains
ave Northnmlerland as follows 9.45 a. tn.
id 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10..Va.rn.,and 5.45 p.m
Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had
Shipman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
ii minor Arrangement lor Hie lo.t
OHIee nl finubnrj, Ia.
flirt Ojn f.-om C.50 a. m., to 8 j. m., crept
on .Vtmda'.
rrives as follows :
om the Eaiit at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m.f
" South, 5.15 a.m.. 4.10p.m.
" West, 5.15a.m., 11.15a. in., l.S.i r-m.
and 4.10 p. m.,
' North,l.r0 a. m.,11.15 a. in., 4.10 p.m.
Suaniokin and Mt. Carmcl, .- a. in.
Shamokin proper, 4.00 p. ui.
Mails close as follows :
.r the East, 0.45 a. in., 10.50 n. m., 4.50 p. in.
R.00 p. in.
South. ".0.50 a. in., 4.50 p. in., 8 p. in.
' West, 10.50 a. in., S.W p. in., .00 p. in.
North. 3.50 p. m.. S p. in..
Shitmokin proper 11.15 a. n.
Shamokin and offices on that route; 4.20
p. ra.
Money orders will not he issued nflcf C p. m.,
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
Os Monday night last the hardware store of
j Cotilcy, Ilacket f: M.".teer, in this place, was bur-
.aiiuubiv euicreu ana luuutu i mru h.,
a half dozen calf f kins, a lot of pen knives, and
four dollars in cash. Entrance was ell'eetud iuto
the cellar by breaking n grate on the east side of
the building-, and from thence into the storeroom
above by breaking open the cellar door. Ilnihj.
It is reported that a young man from the coal
regions arrived in this place armed with a revol
ver, fome day this week, for the purpose of shoot
ing some one against whom lie held a grudge.
He kept hit- murderous intentions to himself while
here, but his mot her hearing of the fact, followed
him to Sunbury and tock him home. A little
hanging in that region might have a tendency
to curl) crime.
l'.nt good tobacco, segars, pipes, &:, go to J.
Y. Wilvcrt fc Co., near the Court llonse.
Ahkkstfi). Win. Keating, a brother of Ca
tharine G ribbon, was arrested on Saturday morn
ing last, and brought before A. N. Iiric p. J. P.,on
the charge of larceny, attempting to poison her
husband, and other matters. Her husband was
last week eouvieted of murder in the second de
gree, and sentenced lo eleven years and sis
months in the Eastern Penitentiary. He is held
for a further hearing.
On Saturday evening, "th itist.,nlinoM another
fire occurred in Sclinsgrove, at about half past S
o'clock. The lire originated in a pile of rags,
and is supposed to have caught through a match.
Fortunately the night was calm, and the flames
were soon brought under subjection, otherwise
great destruction would have occurred. Mr. A.
F. Schoch, was nearly suffocated in the smoke
from a ware house, from which he was carried.
feral Sffairs.
nuary 1st publishers will be compelled to pre-.-
the postage ou all the papers they send to
.eribcrs who do not reside in the county
ere the paper is published. Of conrse pub
ier will not tic expected to do this and give
dit too. It wiil be necessary, therefore, for
h subscribers to remit the amounts due by
in together with an advance payment ol at
it six months. We make no additional charge
postage, but in place of It, demand advance
inent. During the present and followiug
lib we shall viid statement of subscription
to number of our subscribers. We would
nretly request all who may receive them will
it at once the amount they owe as we are in
1 ot the fund. In all cases where advance
nient is neglected, we will add twenty-flvc
s per year to the subscription price, but in
most cases of such neglect we intend to dis
linne the paper until ndv.mce payment is
!e, and to require immediate payment of the
ULt due.
ibcribers within the comity will have no
age to pay. But they are reminded that
lishers are compelled to pay cash to their
kimn, to the paper makers, for ink, type,
, fuel, their own living, and everything that
it into the business. Wc, therefore, can not
-d to give long credits. Every subscriber
it to pay up within the year, and where it is
rr neglected they ought at lea"t to pay as
h in advance a they have been in arrears,
oti'd require, a much lsrer capital than we
. were we to give nnlimited credit, or in
. fi'.ra'.cry long lieriod. Necessity that is
orable demands that payments be made
promptly than heretofore has lieen the
jm, and as every body else demands cash or
s but short credits, we must do the same.
-ToKl Wnonno.l. lectured in Williamsport
nesday, Sd inst.
to J. W. Wilvcit cc Co., near the Court j
e, for a good cigar. j
NCMbnR of English Sparrows have made
appearance in Danville.
Family Vatit is being built in the new
fret Manor Cemetery at this place, by Col.
W. Cake. !
i. C. M. Mikhn has removed his residence j
e new building in Chestnut St., opposite the j
rnee of John Haas. j
. Monday a Scotchman by the name of.
;ht. employed at the Danville Insane Asy
as a painter, fell from the roof of that insti
n and was instantly killed. He was a siu
tan. iL Conrad, of l"pwr Augusta, raised tweu
re of corn thU fall, from which he husked
bushels, and has yet 300 bushels to husk,
hat he Las htiskod there are not 10 bushels
CnANf.r of time hat tasen place In running
ifTcrent passenger trains. The Niagara Ex-
has been withdrawn, but au accommoda
t rain has been put on between Harrisburg
Lock Haven.
i- Rickets dropped :i roll of money on Mill
t, Danville, Pa., containing f 1200. It was
ned to him by a young man who was walk
onie distance behind him. . Honesty is right
les Wing the best policy.
hurt MokEIs is the first colored man ever
. n on a jury in Montour county. He will
; at the next term of court and will make
We regret to annouuee the death of Mr. C. S.
IIazeltinc,ou Tuesday night last,aftcr a protract
ed illness of six mouths. Mr. Hazlelinc was
about 50 vears of age. He came to this place a
few years since, and engaged in mercantile busi
ness, jte was highly esteemed for bis industry,
moral worth, and integrity of chnracter, and his
early death is sincerely regretted by all who
knew him. His remains were taken to Littleton,
N. II., his former home.
Wi: are pleased to see that our neighbors of
Seliusrove are rapidly recovering their spirits,
and earnest iy going to work at rebuilding their
burnt district, and in doing so they have taken
steps to widen the streets in which the. lire oc
curred, under the impression that they may turn
the misfortune to some advantage. Quite a num
ber of those who were burnt out have arranged
to rebuild, some of whom have already com
menced. Ail Fpeak of putting up brick houses
and as nearly lire proof as possible. After all
build who certainly will, there will be but six va
cant lots left, which will be buiit upon within a
hhoit tirc.e. EtTorts r.rc also being made to ee
cure a sufficient amount of hose to reach all
parts of the town, a want they experienced at
the. r late urj. The paper of that place speaks
in gratifying terms of the growing efficiency of
their lire department. Perhaps they have learn
ed something from.tbc fearless energy of late vis
itors from sunbuiy, who are not ensiiy beaten in
j this part of the State.
i i:kpoutei iit John P. Haas.
Rni-oitT of the Tenth Annual Anniversary Exer
cises of the Sunday School of the Evangelical
Lutheran Church, Sunburv, Pa., held in their
Church, Friday Evening, Nov. i:;th, 1874.
The large Sunday School having been arranged
in their proper places in tin: audience room of
the Church, the front door was opened, and very
soon the large room was tilled to overflowing,
The exercises commenced at 8 o'clock, p. in. .am!
proceeded in the following manner:
Prayer by the Pastor, Rev. ;. W. Hempf ily.
Singing by the choo! : "It is Good to be Here."
Singing by the Infant School : "We Can Tell."
Teacher Mrs. P. M. Shindle ; Sunerintendaiit,
James Heard, t oiitntmtion 14 00.
St. Matthew's Class ; Teacher, W. S. Rhoads.
This class was represented in a speech by Wal
ton F. Rhoads. It was neat, appropriate and
well received. ontilbution ?10 00.
Lincoln Class ; Teacher Win. Rohrbach. De
ricn : "The Wreck or St. Paul.- Motto Acts
2S. 1-3.
Tut name of Marx is, we notice, spreading far
and wide in this county. Last week tie Shamo
kin papers noticed the new firm of Marx & Co.
opening a new store in tliafc place. We feci con
fident that if the Shamokinites experience the
character of the goods found at their 6torc, they
will extend them a fullshareof patronage. They
not only supply snch goods as cannot be found
in other stores, hut. they sell them at prices
which other storekeepers have to pay for them
in the cities.
The Haptist Congregation hold a festival in the
large hall on the third floor of the Clement block,
which conimenceu on Tuesday evening of this
week, to continue during the whole week. This
congregation is worthy the liberal patronage of
the Christian community. After a long struggle
of thirty years they will establish themselves in
a Cue church edifice located on 4th St., in this
plaeo, w hich i an ornament to the street. It is
not quite completed, and the proceeds ol the fes
tival are to be applied t. the completion of the
"met n re.
Skntknted. Thomas Gribbous, who was con
victed of murder in the second degree last week,
was sentenced on Monday, to eleven years anu
six moiitln imprisonment in the Eastern Peni
itentiary, and to pay a fine of ?10 and coMs of
Gribbous made a s)'ecli denying his guilt, and
attempted to show the Court how the shooting
occurred, to the effect that Keating shot himself.
The evidence clieited on the case was conclusive
as to the opposite. The sentence, no doubt, was
a just one. A few more such would have the ef
fect of putting an end to the violence existing in
the coal legions as well as in our midst.
Tun residence of John Snyder, on Front street,
was accidentally set on fire on Monday night un
der the following circumstances :
Mr. Snyder had an occasion to go up stairs.
He had a lighted pipe in his mouth, and carried
a lamp. He returnee" and started down towards
the dam, anil hud gone but a few minutes when
a light was discovered up stairs by his daughter
who gave the alarm. Mr. C. Woodcock and Ly
man Hilkert succeeded in extinguishing the
flames, after the bed with all the bedding, alitbe
clothes in the clothes basket, and part of the
floor has been burned, it is supposed the tire
originated in the clothes tucket from a spark
from Mr. Snyder's pipe.
Ki.ack Bass. On Tue-day last, fifty of these
fine tish, of tood bize. were forwarded to this
place by Mr. Dully of Marietta, and place 1 in the
liver by W. Cameron Packer, .v.c.
If they are properly protected, the basinatthis
place will soon abound with bass. It is only a
few years since when au equal number were
placed in the river at Harrisburg. They seem to
prefer deep water, and now the fishing at Dau
phin attracts hundreds of petsous, and large
numlers of bass arc caught daily. Perhaps
there is no pool of water iu the State equal in
depth and capacity to that formed by the Shatno-
J kin dam, and better adapted for breding these
I lish. What we wuut is, that these tish shall not
I be caught or disturbed for several years, after
which the basin will be swarming w ith bass. The
law iu such cases will ne enforced, and the pe
nalties are severe.
One of those events to which one. can refer iu
the future as a pleasing reminiscene of the
past, took place at the City Hotel last Saturday
night. Mr. Drumheller, the proprietor, ever on
the alert to please his guests, aud show his ap
preciation of their friendship, took this occasion
to present W. J. Steele, better koovru as "Jack,"
with a handsome pair of gold spectacles as a
of the best jurymen our county has ever ( birth day present. About S o clock the friends
assembled in one of the parlors, and organized
by calling T. II. ii. Ka"e, Esq., to the Chair. The
presentation was then made by Mr. Kase in an
appropriate and eloquent address, and accepted
on behal f of Mr. Steele by J. Snyder, Esq. Jerry
was almost as happy as the donor or the donee.
His ponderous eloquence, and poetical effusions
were stiietly original and smiling-like. Several
other addresses were made with equally happy
results. Singing was somewhat indulged :u till
all felt happy, and satisfied that all had enjoyed
a pleasant evening.
We refrain from giving the age ot Mr. Ste;!c,
as he is something of a lad v's man. and if it were
.n. So says the "Montour American.
i Monday night, 9: h inst., a stranger carry
i valise, walked out Broadway, Milton, to
'anal bridge, and, being unacquainted with
.cality, walked from the bridge iuto the ca
He saved himself from drowning, but lost
M. P.i ARnsi.rT, of Rer,ov.. has been appoint
Taster Mechanic for the Pa. R. R. Co., at
rilace, vice Martin Walls, and James Me
et his assis'snt snperiutendant nnd paymas
t the P. & E. shops in the place of Chas.
i. kkat display of barnyard fowls was made
ic Democratic editors throughout the State
the late election. They had been hanging
n-. ragged ledge of uuxiety for many years
their their l jte rele i-e heiu-e the display
W. Wiivert V Co. Keeps the trf'st
j known it might have a tendency to injure hii
; prospects among them.
J. W. Wiivert A; Co., near the Court House,
' keep the .-t brands of cigars and tobacco.
brands of ' I-"T Tuesday morning, about 2 oVlock, a
ceo, segars, &.C., near the Court. House.
n;r Ei.wei.l held so adiour.ied Court during
week, which commenced on Monday morn
A case iu which F. W. Hughes and John
;, ( f PottsuHe, and Frank Gowan and S. P.
-erton are employed, w ill take np the largest
of the week.
jjtTAKn J. Jones, a brukemnn on the N. C.
., wt thrown ont of employment from which
? he took to hard drinking. In a state of
ieation he attempted to cros the bridge at
amsport. He fell through the trestle work
.was drowned in the canal.
.niel C. HorrMAN and wife have returned
e from the West. About a year ago Mr.
man left Delaware township, this county,for
aska where he purchased C40 acres of land,
his Intention to locate four of his sons and
n-law on his Nebraska property.
farmer residing a few miles below Halifax,
e name of Ronch, caught a spark from a
eg train, iu a load of cornfodder which he
Irlriug home. The fodder burned so rapid-
it mi with great difficulty the harses were
Nothing was saved of the wagon
.e i;vn.
ire ircnrr 'u k"" borough of Dauphin,
14tU inst., which for some time threaten-
destruction of A large portion of the place,
ginated from a spark from a locomotive
i fell upon the vouf of Isaac Nace's house,
aming it and on 4ljiuiug building. A ior
of the furniture w.i iwrnt ; insurance light.
ie report that the f Mr. Chaifant, of
7iile, had shot a fellow student in a political
ite, is untrue. It was u accident occur
tirough the premature discharge of a pistol,
all inflicting a slight wonnd ou his friend,
you wish to g;et the best 5 cent segar in
larkct, po to J. W. Wiivert t Co., near the
t . i. .......... r t .. i .. ... : 4... :.. c
j IllttU 1 LliC li.tllic UI r ilt;t l . 4 riuili 111 JYillluls-
town, Schuylkill county, who happened to be a
witness attending court, was ascaultcd, as he al
leges, by four men, in Market Square, east of the
railroad. He states tht't he wns on hi way
to his hotel when he was assaulted without catue
or provocation. He w;is struck several times,
but escaped from them, and reached the Ceutral
Hotel where he saw a liht. The cry of murder
was heard by fuperintendatit West fall. I'. F.
John, Eeq., and the porter Win. Garinger, who
came to his rescue, and admitted him to the ho
tel. Some of the parties were identified who
made the assault, and have been arrested. A
young umn by the uuine of Allison, and William
Martz were arrested, and gave bond for their
appearance at court Mr. Fagely says he lost
eight dollars in the scuffle. There might be ame
liorating cirenmstances iu the case, had not one
of the assaulting party paraded in front of the
Central Hotel with a baseball club after the oc
currence, demanding admittance to get at him.
If an example is not made, our town will soon
enjoy an unenviable reputation.
Miss Com.ev, of Northumberland, stoped a
runaway team, a little child being alone in the.
Saviei. Kostenhai iieii, proprietor of the Ca
tawissa Hotel, died at his residence on Monday
afternoon last, from injuries received by being
thrown from his buggy during the Fair.
On Sunday night, Tlh inst., the Presbyterian
piirsonsgc at Lewistown was entered and robbed
of all the provisions and $40 in cash.
A Veteran Officer. We are glad to hear of
the re-election of W in. C. Johnson to the office
of Register ami Recorder of Montour county.
Mr. Johnson has held that office (or twenty
three succejsive years ; ever since the establish
ment of Montour county. He ii a praiseworthy
oTIeer, ik nf Dmv" !' sf irjiichesf r'lipns.
This was a beautiful representation of Paul
after the wreck ou the .sea. Sinudiuz on the
shore, conversing with the heathen, while kind
ling the fire a viper fastens on his arm. He
thrust it from him suffering no harm, thereby
convincing the natives (who supposed the judg
meut of their Gods had come upon him as a cri
minal) that he was an innocent man, and they,
seeing uo harm befa.ll him from the bite of the
viper, exclaimed; "One of the Gods have Coinc
Down to Cs." Contribution, $8 40.
Faithful Class; Teacher, Daniel Knouse. Con
tribution, $2 25.
Zion's Class; Mrs. A. Tweed, Teacher : "Eil
Tree." Motto, "Every Tree that Urmgcth forth
not Good Fruit is bewu down and cast into the
lire." This was an evergreen tree with the
words "Selfishness" high in its branches, repre
senting depravity, and the fruits of it by indulg
ing propensities, and practising that which is
averse to the will of God, and to the injury of our
neighbor. The figure of a man standing in front
of the tree, with an axe in his hand, about to cut
it down, was plainly seen. Contribution 8 45.
Reformation Class ; Teacher, W. L. Moore.
Contribution ?2 25.
Hemperly Class ; Teacher ; Geo. W. Geringer.
Contribution $13 00.
Sinking by the school : '"Minday School War
Little Flower Gatherers Class ; Teacher. Mrs.
David Hertz. Contribution ?2 50.
James May Class : Teacher, Jacob Bartholo
mew: Contribution ?4 50.
The Bright Class ; Teacher, Mrs. Mary Mel
linger. Contribution !t 50.
Miriam 1as ; Teacher. Mrs. Peter Bright.
Contribution $3 40.
Singing by the School : "Happy Sones."
Darlimr Class; Teacher, Mrs. Iac Beck.
Contribution $3 20.
Rev. J. P. Shindel Class ; Teacher. Newton
Shindle. Contribution $1 35.
Young America Class; Teacher, Daniel
Boughn-r. Contribution 50 cent. This is ji
class organized but recently
Melanchton Class ; Teacher. Mr. Crousc. Con-,
tribution $1 0". This class organized but re
Lady Washington Class ; Te.ieher, Solomon
Weaver. Contribution (3 00.
Purity Class; Teacher, H- K. Goodrich. Con- J
tribution ?15 00. j
Bible Class ; Rev. J. J. Reiinensuyder, Tea
cher. Contribution not reported.
Luther Class ; Teacher, Jacob Wiivert. De
sign, "Chribiiauna on her pilgrimage."' Moito.
Prov. 3i!-3.
Representing a man in bed, dreaming. In his
dreams he sees another bent over him with care,
using a muck rake gathering '.he riches of the
world. Au angel standing on an eminence of
fering the worldling u crown ot glory in ex
change for his rake The whole represeiitine
the folly of giving the whoie heart and life to the
world and self gratification, and refuse the high
er pleasures, aud heavenly possessions. Contri
bution 12 00.
Singing by the School : "On for the Prize."
St. Johns Class ; Teacher, James Lyon. Con
tribution t 00.
Brave Boyo' Class ; Teacher, Nathan Wil
liams. Contribution $2 (W.
This is entirely a new class, nue-t of the seho
hits coming from the infant department.
Rosebud Class ; Teacher, Mrs. K. M. Fahne
stock. 1 his class was represented a beautiful ta
bleaux: "Wc are Marching lotiie Heavenly
Laud ;" all ol them iu au atlitude ready to
move, and with eves fixed uin the cross. Sing
ing by the class: "We are little travelers." Con
tribution t4 00.
Dewdrop Class; Teacher, Mrs. Benj. Meckel t.
Tableaux, "Evening Prayer."
Representing two littls girls kneeling beside a
bed all ready for retiring. After the curtaiu fell
and closed the scene, in another moment it was
raised, and they lay "in their little bed," appa
rently in angel'.c dreams. Bcf:re the curtain
was raised, little Emma unu Charley Heckert
fiang,"I am praying for You,'" itc.,carrying both
parts. This tableaux had a melting effect ou all
Intelligent and impressible hearts. Contribution
$3 25.
Golden Link Class ; Teacher, Mrs. Susan Go
bin. Design ; the class representing the four
seasons. They were all dressed in white w ith
rcjralia, representing by their colors, Winter,
Spring, Summer anil Autumn, each also bearing
a bouquet with colors of flowers and leaves,
adapted to the seasons. Thee wore all placed
on a wooden cross, forming a cross of flowers
and leaves; singing at the same time as they
stood tiefore the audience, the Vautiful Verses :
"I would not die iu Summer," Jcc.
Immediately after this they apearcd on the
stage and represented a tablaux : The sad sc-eue
of a Missionary farewell. Our young friend.
Wm. Druckemiller, hat in hand, standing with
sad countenance, turned toward the many weep
ing friends old and young, in the act of saying
for the last time: Farewell ; while the school
sang, "Yes, my native laud I love thee." Wc
imagine we could see. the parting scene ol our
own missionaries who recently bid their native
land farewell for India and Africa. Contribu
tion, 00.
Cross Bearing Class ; Teacher, Mrs. S. Wea
ver. Tablaux, "No Cro's, No Crown."' The
class standing around a large cross, with a gilt
crown elevated above the cro-s, they pointed
with right hand to the crown, w bile their eyes
were fixed on the cross. Contribution, ? (Ml.
Star Class ; Teacher, Jennie Wei.-er. The
class a paired and sang beautilullv, "Alwavs
Cheerful." Then aceumug the stage,
iu a tablaux, "Clinging to the Rock."
billion, ?2 00.
Singing bv the School. "Zion, thv King. He
boid "
Pearl Gather Class ; Teacher, Emma Hem
perley. The class often young ladies appeared
with lighted lumps iu their bauds and rendered
very impressively in song the woids, "Thy word
is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my
path,'" Vc. One oiing lady holding an oin-ii
bible iu her hands. Three of this clufs immedi
ately appeared on the stage, and in tablaux rep
resented the grand symbols of christian f.iitii,
viz: "Truth," "Hope," "Love." Truth held
the bible, Hope all anchor, and Love spread her
w ings of protection. Conn ibMion, i'.i sis.
Catharine Van Bora C lass ; Teacher, Mrs. J.
E. Smick. Tableaux : the oldest member of t lie
Church, (over SO,; one of the foundcis of the
first Sunday school in Stinbury, sal leaning on
his cane, while a little grand daughter held a
cup of watei toward him: at the same time the
angel of love with wings outspread, stood be
hind the little child, extending its arms indica
tive of protection and blesslnr to the little child :
the whole illustrative of "He tbnt giveth ii ciiji
of cold water in the name of a deciple, shall not
Court Proceedings.
SfNT.DRY, Nov. 16th, lfsVL
Com. vs Thomas Gribbius ; murder. The jury
on this case was empannelled on last Saturday
a week, and held undei strict survcilance by tho
constables until the second week of criminal
court, when the case was continued. Upwards
of one. hundred witnesses were examined far
aud against the prisoner. On Friday afternoon
the case closed, and the Judge delivered his
charge, which was clear and impartial. At 0
o clock the jury returned a verdict for murder in
the second degree. A motion for a new trial
was made which was refused by the Court on
Monday. The prisoner was then sentenced to
pay a fine of $10, cost of prosecution, and under
go an imprisonment of separate and solitary
confinement, ;p the eastern penitentiary, for the
period of uleven years and six month'?. The
longest period that I lie Court could "ve him U
twelve years.
Gen. Clement, was counsel for the Common
wealth, and Wolveiton and Oram, Esiirs.,for the
prisoner, it was one of the most closely and
carefully contested criminal cases tliut has ever
been tried in our courts, and the manner in
which the attornies acquitted themselves elcarly
proves that the Northumberland rouiity Bar has
talent equal to anv in the State.
Com. vs Charles Oiner; Larceny. True Bill.
Matbcw Nolan, absent witness on the Grib
bius case, was brought into court by an attach
ment, and sentenced by the Court to pay 25 fine
and costs of prosecution, and stand committed
until the sentence of the Court is complied with.
Com. vs. Harriet Gordon ; arson. Sentenced
to the House of Refuge. Harriet is a poor fa
therless girl about fifteen years of age. She ev
idently has had n hard life, and when she com
mitted the, deed, was doubtless in such a distress
ed state of mind, that she did not know what she
was doing.
Th new rule of court appointing certain days
for motions, meets the hearty approval of all the
attornies. Heietofore it was customary for the
attornies to make motions whenever the oppor
tunity offered.
Judge Rockefeller having been counsel in the
East wick case, Judge F.ltrell is presiding this
Tun best brands of cigars, toliaccn, Ac., are
kept by J. W. Wiivert A Co.
Lives of the Governors op Pennsylvania
Bv W. C. Armor. A second addition of this
work has just been issued, bringing it down to
and including the administration of Governor
Hartranf. It gives a sketch of the lives and the
history of the administrations of the Governors
of our Commonwealth from the days when it
was a colony under the Dutch to the present day.
The work is compiled with care and is really the
only "handy book" which we have upon this ex
ceedingly valuable subject of public, interest. As
Professor J. P. Wickersham says : "A State is
what its great aud good men make it ; and this
effort to acquaint the public more fully with the
lives and characters of the men who have filled
the high office of Governor of Pennsylvania is a I
pnise-worthy one, and Major Armor seems to
have performed his task a laborious die with
industry, ability and impartiality. "' Nothing
serves so much io stimulate and enconrrsge the j
youth of a country as the examples of it great,
men, and just such a work as the one bc-forc ns
should be read by every young man. Some of
the ni"n who have filled the Executive tdiair of
our Commonwealth have not been great in the ;
ordinary sense of the term, but they strove faith
fully to do their duty, and the. history of their
administrations is really the political history of
our State which should be familiar to every citi
zen. The work of Major Armor ought to be a
text book in our schools. Messrs. Chcsbrough
& Hempstead, the General Agents Tor this work
for Central Pennsylvania, desire to secure the
services of a few Agents to canvass for them.
Good territory and liberal terms will be given.
Their address is Northumberland, Pa. Mr. C.
Grubb. local agent, for Sunbary.
Si'Eciai. Mektinc of Covkch,. Council met
at T'V o clock on Saturday evening, hn-r Bur
gess Malick in the chair.
Members present Messrs. Bowen, Hendricks,
Haas, Miller, Bueh:-r, Giecnough, Goodrich,
Ileini and Irwin.
Minutes' of last meeting reap and approved.
(.In motion, t lnef Burgess Malific w-as ex
cused. Ou motion, Mr. iaas was elected to the chair.
On motion of Mr. Greciiongh, it was
Jifsul'-eJ, That the committee to receive pro
posals for tilling up the culvert be instructed to
open the bids, and repoit the lowest bid to Coun
cil. Committee report that Wm. Hoover is the
lowest bidder, at :5 cents a yard.
On motion of Grcenough, it was
liciolred. That the committee that received
proposals be authorized to enter into a contract
with Win. Hoover to liil up the culvert.
On motion of Mr. Hendricks it was
AVsoe,7, That Mr. Greenoegh tie adipil lo the
above committee.
L'tsolred, Thai in case of a refusal by Mr.
Hoover that the committee be authorized lo enter
into a coutract with the next lowest bidder.
On motion of Mr. Miller, it w;is
UrmUttl, That the old committee on proposals
be instructed to superintend the work of filling
the culvert.
On motion Mr. Markle, it was
A'trt'l' fi!, the Finance oiuiniHfi look up
the liens of the borough against al! par'.ies, and
make out a list to be presented to Council.
Resolutions of Washington Fire Company
against going into u tile department, presented
by Mr. Heim.
On :m lion, adjoin ned.
I. O. O. F. OF Noiuacwiikhi.ank Co.--'l'he
following shows the names ol the ollieers of the
several lodges of Odd Fellows in this county, tor
the present term, ending April 1-t, 1ST"), and also
a synopsis of the strength of the lodges :
Mutual Lodge. No. e4. Milton V (., David
N. Ilulshouser : V. G., Win. Koliler ; Asst Se
cretary, Isaiah Dilzler; Treas., G. W. Overpcck;
Kepiesenlative, is. II. Tildcn; Se'letary, 11. M.
Frick. Membership. 111'.
Mt. Tabor Lodge. No. 125. Shamokin N. G.,
Peter Drumheiser; V. G., W. F.Lake: Assl ,N
iTctaiy, David Roberts; Treas., .1. Mutehlei;
K'jpicsentativcJona-. L.Giiger; .-secretary. Einx li
FJoues. MeiiilH-rship,
Nott lilimbei laud Lodge, No. 1!M', Northum
berland N. G., JoM'ph Wenz ; V. G., ticorgu
W. Riehley; Ass't secretary, T. G. Morgan;
Treas., Joseph Row; Representative, John C.
1'or.sWh; v, John F. Rediiue. Member
ship," 74.
Suiibiiry Lodge, No. 203, Sunbuiy N. G. Sol.
M.mtz; V. G., Wei. Humtnel: Ass't Secretary,
C. Woodcock; Treas-.. Val. Dictz; Representa
tive. A. N. Bricc; Secretary, A. N. Briee. Mem
bers dip, 142.
Eureka Lodge, No. 2-0,L.ike Hill N. G., Jno.
II. Gcist; V. i., ,Iere H. Beissei: Ass"t Secreta
ry, Jonas Kuorr; Treas., George Ost-man; Secre
tary, Samuel H. Geist. Membership, tl".
Chamokin Valley Lodge, No. 527, Snvdertown
N. L, J. A. Gass; V. O., J. M. Campbell;
Ass't Secretary. A. T. DeWitt; Treas... A. Moore,
ji.: Representative, A. T. DeWitt; Secretary,
John Klase. Membership, f-3.
Trevortou Lodge, No. 52S, Trevorton N. G.,
John Bergcr; V. G., John Wright; Treas., II. J.
Renn; Representative, H. J. Reim; Secretary,
M. G. 11 ry in ire. Membership, 55.
Elysburg Lodge, No. 54S, Elysburg N. G., A.
W. Sikes; V. G., Johu L. Campbell; Ass't Se
cretary, II. II. Sweuk; Treas., John Tilsworth;
Representative, Thomas D. Hotf; Secretary, Da
vid Recder. Membership, 71.
Mahauoy Lodge, No. 541, Mahanoy N. G.,
D. S. Ileitis ; V. G., J. II. Treon; Ass't.Secretary ,
A. K. Treon; Treas., J. E. Kobel; Secretary,
Ileury Kembcl. Membership, 44.
Stone Valley Lodge, No. W4, Dalmatia N.
G., G. W. Smick; V. G., Isaac Dribelbis; Ass't
Secretary, J. M. Dilty; Treas., John Bingami.n:
Represc'Ltntive, Em'l Wiivert; Secretary, J. W.
Diibelbis. Membership, 35.
Augusta Lodge, No. il4, Lower Augusta N.
G.. John B. Snvder; V. G.. Geo. W. Hetfiier:
Treas., E. H. Ressler; Representative, Saul ;
Shipman; Secretary, Daniel Ketteruiau. Mem- '
bership, H4.
Watsontown Lodge. No. Cl'.t, Walsontown .
N. G., Luther F.verhart; V. G., J. Mottcrs; Ast !
Secretary, Win. F. Bcrger; Treas., G. P.Straub; '
Representative, ;. P. Slratib. Secretary, I'.ilis j
Doctor. Membership, i5.
Fort Augusta Lodge, No. 020, Sunburv .C.
upiearcd i Henry Petery; V. (., R. A. Ga-1?; Treas., John i
Contri- : 'lark ; Ilepri sentativ-, S. B. Hover : Secretary, j
S. I'.. Buyer. Mcmher-hip, 5;i.
Ml.. Carmel Lodge, No. i'mO, Mt 'arme!. N.
;., J. II. Thomas; V. G., James H. Smith;;
As.s't Secretary, John ; Treas., John Stiue ; ;
Representative. Frederick lirnf; Secretary, l ie- ;
deriek Gross. Membership. 7!l.
Warrior Bun Lodge, No. ii' t. Tuitmt vilie N. !
;., E. '. Troxel: V. G., L. B. Wagner: Ass't :
Secretary, C. A. Stalilneckcr; Treas., David
Fowler: Representative. B. F. Boyer; Secretary, 1
Johu. Membership, 71 .
Shamokin Lodge, No. ilf., Shamokin N. G., ;
I'ezekiah Floyd ; V. G., Andrew Knchelrix ; I
.s't Secretary, William K rouse; Trca., S. II. J
hapman ; Representative, Frauds Hoover;.
Secretary, Francis Hoover, Membership. So. I
Moutandoii Lodge, No. 701, Mont.mdon N. j
G., E. II. Stiver; V. G., Isanc Wagner: Treas., !
T. T. Baker ; Representative, T. T. Baker ; Se-
List of Letters remaining in the Post Office in
Stinbury, November IS, 1S74 :
Lincoln Brooks, Alice Barnhart, Chr.s. Brink,
U. C. Bryson, John W. Clark, Breaden A Corn
ray. Chas. II. A. Gable, Lizzie German, George
Hubcot, W. H. Leader, L. C. Miller, Samiiel
Mons, .Mary McClod, Ida Marsh, Louisa A.
Reeser, L. A. Snyder, Samuel Snyder, William
Snyder, Mary Snyder, Caroline Sailsn, Emma J.
Fay, Tentaina. Ins. i'o., .1. p. Waninbnst, Miss
A. E. Weimer, Mrs. P. P. Wheat, Miss S. A.
Persons calling for letters will please say tlry
are advertised.
J.J. SMITH, v. m.
The Republicans in this State lost four mem
Iiers of Congress in the 15th, 23d, 20th nnd 27th
districts by only 475 vote.
Who will draw the gre-.t cash prize of .2.V,
000 in the fifth and hist grand gift concert of the
Public Library of Kentucky, is now the agitat
ing conundrum. Some one will do so with a
ticket costing only ?50 ; and the name of the
'.ncky man w ill be known to all the world on the
first day of December next, for the drawing will
certainly take place on the 30th of November.
Two and a half million dollars wiil then be dis
tributed in among twenty thousand ticket
holders. This lllagui'ieellt scheme is under the
management of Gov. Thomas E. Bramlctte, of
Louisville; and the same high-toned dealing
will characterize this final drawing as was shown
in the I'leeediiig ones. The Public Library
founded by these gift concerts is an honor to the
State of Kentucky, whose best men are concern
ed in seeitig that precisely what is promised is
pei formed. Orders for tickets, iiceomjianied
with the cash, can be sent to Gov. Thomas E.
Bramlett.1, Louisville, Kentucky, or Thomas II.
Hays A Co., Eastern agents, Gty Brw.dway. New
List of Jurr
For Adjourned Couit of Norlhumbt rlandCouu
ty, for Decern tier, 1 SI I :
Kent-., Samuel ('., Lower Augusta ; ShctTly
George, Mt. Carmel bor. ; Albright Jones, Nor
tliiimb rhind ; Pearson John, Point; i'hilijis,
John B., . hainokiii bor., F.. W. ; Berger Jack
son, Snydeitown ; Burns Sam'l P.,; i tjie
Sliuyler J.din, Lewit. ; Middieton James, Tui li'it; j
Genti.emes Attention. We Lave made it a
sjiecialty in men's underwear. Wc have select
ed our stock with great care. As we only buy
from manufacturers and importers (which no
other dealer in this country can do) we can,
therefore, sell at prices at which other etorekceri
crs have to pay at first cost in the city. Call and
examine our stock and prices before purchasing
elsewhere. Marx A Br... next door to Post Of
Ot ii stock is too large lo enumerate nil our
articles. But we assure tin? jmblie that theycan
find everything and anything in our line. We
also keep goods which cannot be found anywere
else iu the conntv. Such as Ladies' undergar
ments, also children and youths' Union suits, !
children cloaks, and other clothing f every
inscription. Hoods, hats and cas for boys and
girls, also for ladies. Come one. come all -md
! examine the Mock, at M.-irc A Bro., next ibmr '.
to the post office, Siiiihiiry, Pa.
Frits! Ft ks! '. Fries !!! The largest and j
best stock of Fur ever seen in Northumberland
county, will lie found at Marx A Bio., next door I
to the Post Olac-c, Suiibury, Pa. i
Hn.i li's t 'LoniiNi: Stokf, 'oi ner ". and .
Market St., Sunbuiy, has now on hand un enor
mous stock of new and fi'shinabie goods, which
he oilers ut the lowest juices.
Faim.ok Oi:i:ass and Pianos. Some of the
finest toned Parlor Organs aud Pianos, are sold
by John .P Kecfer, No. 7!) Walnut street, in this
place. The Chickering and Weber Pianos, Ma
son and Hamlin, Wood and Spang's Parlor O'
gans, constantly on hand. Mr. Keefer keeps
none but the best quality, and all who buy of
him can be assured of getting the' instrument he
rojireteiits it to be.
Blankets and Cointekpanes. The only
jilace where you can find a large assortment at
low price?, is at Marx A Bro., next door to the
jiost office, Sunbury, Pa.
Shawls and ladies" cloaks, a large variety at
Marx A Bro.. next doer to the joM. office. Sun
bury, Pa.
Miss J,. Shisslei: hr.s taken the agency for E.
Buttcrick A Co.'s pattern?, and has now for sale
two thousand of the latest styles for Ladies,
l Misses, Boys, Children and Infants, also for
ient's Dressing- Gown. Smoking Jacket and
Real Hair Goods of every description ; also,
linitationsand combings, put up in any desirable
style, at Marx A Bro., next door to the Post Of
Saui;i:nt3 Secuet of Beaitt, a delicate
beautitier, which smooths out all indentations,
removing tan, freckles and scars from the skin,
leaving; the complexion clear and beautiful.
Sold by Miss L. SMssler.
Excki.mok Still Ahead. Having just re-
ccived a full line of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers of i
every description, we are prejiared to sell them
at astonishingly low jirices to snit the time.
Our motto is small profits and quirk sales. We
desire every one to examine our stock before
jiiirchasing elsewhere, and be convinced that wc
sell cheajier than any other dealer in the county.
We have ail the late styles of Boots and Shocj,
including the celebrated Klinirn and Townnda
Boots. No goods misreiresented to effect a sale.
No trouble to show goods. Call nnd see them.
Respectfully, Yours,
Successors to W. H. Miller.
Em: Kent. The Drug Store Room now occn-
j j'icd by W. D. Melick. Also the room adjoining
I Faust's hat store. Enquire of II. B. Masskk.
J Tin: light running "i'sfie" Sewing ma
chine, ou account of it many Jioints of superi
ority, has a better demand thuu any other manu
factured, and takes the lead w ith the public over
machines long regarded as the best. Orders for
these machines will be promptly filled by Miss
t aroluie IJalius
I'irlor fV7.u1
9 02) I Z
In immiinsc: quantities, have been received daily, for the last two months,
Over Coats ! Over Coats ! !
for Men an.l Iloys, undlcss: variety, and at astonishing low prices I
!u!iii .u.
from 7-1 el, a full svti: to the finest !
md Gents Furnishitij; woods of every description.
for Hen and Boys, in immense variety, and of the latest styles.
J 1 SL i3i
He invites everybody to call and examine his stock. Astonishing bargains will be
offered and goods will be sold cheaper than they have ever been in this town.
Xobody is able to undersell us ! The place to save money during these hard times.
The place where honest and upright dealing is the standing rule. The place where
j'ou can tind the largest stock and best assortment. The place whore you are welcome
whether voti bin or not is at
O HAND CENTRAL CLOTIII.Vf: STORE, for. a & -Market Sts., Sunbury, Pa.
Sunbury, Pa.. September 11, 1ST1. Formerly ITerzfelder.
n virrtkhlt for m iny year-
oiit Sliipjil-, Tiin, tYP, tin! nthrr Hooij -iu Jne maiie irf---?i(iit, arm ivitlt--it1 .
ASUt.STOS ll KJFINi. fur steep or flut roofs iu all eiiiiutcH. '"
AHHKSTOS PAINTS, nil color?, for eeiieral pcrpo.M-1, in caui, keif sail I arre'u.
ASBESTOS WJII.KK fKLTINt. Sbea'uim; ou.l Limn F!ie,' iren-ral ftn-n,,- M-ri- U cte
Th-se M.iteriatH re prepared renily f,.r use. n,l run lie ea-ih pj.!,e,l bv anv one. Stn.l for ils.-rii.-ive P-mnh"
let", I'riee Linn. lunTuctloii. etc. I.IHKHAL ISDLTKMK.NTS TO OKNKltAL MFRC HNTH Nn 11F if V?""
JiTAimOS. The public me hereliy enunoneil mrainnt purclkwiuK or niiig anv lua'cridii for flic iboVe or
iiiiilr pun-wen, purporting to contain Wjetn.t mileiw tlier liesr onr name aiM ilati- m 1 -,ienm
v":m;-TKr- II. W. J0ILS 87 .MAIDEN LANE N. Y
Nov, i3, 4 w. y
FASHIONS. "Smith's Illustrated Pattern Bazaar."
Onlt oiMBt a 11 i TS'rvWl STLI3 and 81X18 Pattern, of then.
Onlj 0HE DOLLAR & XIM CILNI3 a IAJi, un Splndid FREMIUM. Se2igOffer"x:o-
l'l-binold Michael. Dehr.v.ire : Kntrle Jitcl, Lo.ver
.Malmuoy; Mnitti Mm., L J. .vlnluinoy ; Hopper j
Jim. W., Miubiiry W. W. ; itowers (ieo., Milton !
N. W. ; Newman'l, Northumberland ; Kline
Andrew, (.'hilINiiuajue ; "wenk Wm., Milton S.
W. : Iviielmiim i'liiiiji, shamokin V. W. ; i
Oaks Samuel, T'.irbut ; Malick John K., Lower !
.Augusta; Uachmau Martin, Lower Malmuoy;
bright John ., l''!ei Augusta ; liummei SoId
lilon, hhiimokiii ; Heard Jolm 1'., McKweiisville;
Unfile Wiison, Lewis; Foilmer, Samuel F.,
Tin hut; l.atehlor James, Nm thumliiTiand ;
bees S.1111111 1, Helaware ; Miller Thos. I., Sili Ell -ki:i
; Fetter Wm. A., Sunbury K. W. ; Fullmer
llaniel, Delaware; iteverly Samuel, Sunbury K.
W. ; Coble Joseph, Waahiuirtoi: lioiisel Jus.
1!. McEw-Lii-ivillc ; Verger Samuel, Jordan ; 1
Smilh JamcH S., Suiibury W. W.'; Henry !
1)., Jack-on ; Kothermel Alir ihani, Lower Ma- '
haiKiy ; Lii;litcii) Henry, Turbut ; Slminctoii '
Benj., Tlirliut : Hoover Jonathan. Mt. Carmel
boro. ; Kline Wm. F. Snv.iei town : Willianison
Marsh, Milton S. W. ; iass .Iii-epii, jr., Loner I
Augusta; Kuekt'iau K.i!i.i c.. L--is;
nian Kins;, Delaware: Unas 1 1 1 : m. l'. ii'iis-
1 t.i ; l.atsh.i Adam. W.i-hini;toii ; sdmll oioinon
I y.-r'u- '.: ,, ', -ii.'.. ..,.1
' , .
Startel Daniel, Shamokin bor. K. W. ; Cully
lame., McK-.vcnsville : Fry mi re Martin C, Zcr- ,
be; ( hurch'.ll Thomas," .Mt. C.unie! t'. ;
Hou;'.ie Daii'l (.'., ; F.veritt Wm., '
Delaware; Kline ;ideon, erbe : UlacJ; Jo-eph,
Mt. Carmel bor.; Weir Jacob, Delaware; KU-'
worth Alex., do. ; Hotlman Samuel do.; Farley
lieni. F., Mi. Carni.'l bor. ; Strine Ilenrv Milton, .
S. W. ; Caldwell John, Sliamo!.;Ti K. W. ; Mc-
William Win., Coal; liroody Michael, Mt. 1
Carmel bor.; Maehert Wm., Sunbury W. W. ; :
Klase Wm. Shamokin F.. W. ; Keiser Albert, :
Lower Augusta ; Hintjerich Christian K. Jordan; :
Mctealt' Thomas, l. ji. Augusta ; Ilornberjrer
lienj., Cameron. '
Ni.w Goons I Nrw (inims ! ! Simon '
j'eiiheimer have attain been to the city and
brought jitiotlier iiinucnse Flock ot reaiiy-made
clothing. The l'i.est and largest stock ever ex
hibited in Sunbury will be found at their store,
on Third street, below .Market. F.vcry article
of gentlemen's wear of the best (ju-ility and the
lowest jirices. Quick sales and small jTotits is
: their motto. They have the largest stock in
Sunbury ; cal! and see it.
ScitniNnt's Mosini.v ron IH-ci:miu-.k. 'Notes
( on Kentucky and Tennessee,' in the December
I number of Scribner', form the final regular in
! stallmeiil in the (ireat South S''r:e by Mr.Kiui;.
! A defcrijition of the Mammoth Cuve forms a
I larire Jait of this article. The other nrtichs il
j lu-trated, either by meaiis 01 pictures or dia
I erratiip, are 'The Transit of Venus,' 'Tlr- l'rolia
; bilities of River,' 'The Silver A-e,' and 'Kam
; hies in Madoiia.' In tie! ion continuation of
Jules Verne's 'My-terious Island' with illustra
tions ; and of Saxe Holm's curious story, "My
i Tourmaline ;' als) Jeiiunetle.'Jiy Miss Wooi-ou,
I and 'In a Tl limpet,' a Thanksgiving story by
i Miss Hojikins. Mr. Studman ives us another
' ol his essays on 'The Victorian J'oets." 'I li tre
are Jioems by 'i lia Thnxter and other.
Dr. Holland writes about 'The (treat Sourh '
Series of l'uper,' 'Christinnity and Color," 'In-'
vestments for Income," 'Nalutv and Literature. i
The Doctor says that Edward K'liir traveled in
all twenty-live thousand miles iu hei ini; the .
materials for his pajn-rs. In the department of
F.tehins there in nu HTiiifiiiif account of 'The
Devil in Literature.'
Mis C. Paliu is the ajf;nt foi
lie of I'ai lor Organs, l'ianos, and all kinds
of musical instruments. The vcrv best instru-
i meets are furnished, furnished on shoit notices
al ni K'es t suit times. Call or address.
No. '.::, Market St.. Sanlimy.
tsar- u-- fettaSiiii,
tJ AB17
T, , ur,.- nirii.i., or V I.SUI.
K . u e . OI -''". sdth Cloth .-Iadel,tL00'.
i.1R!i:"".n,''rl "'tiT'1''"'- oiie-j'afiein, with CIoili Motlel.eocenbl.
;,ilr"""w.:; 71 S!"--J"" loth .Model, CO cents.
r"y 8 suit-u:ei, -i iu 6 e ., ; :., j.i, i lulk i,jr, jn cents.
a & .
a in
! r. '! Freezers.
A new lot just received
Tho 'uIVstioiiH ot mi Invalid, I'ub-li-!n
ii as a warning and lor the benctit of Voiini
M-n and other who sutler from Nervous Detiili-
! ty, l.o's ot Manhood, etc., 6npjly iutr the means
: of self-Cure. Written by one who cured himself
! alter iiiideiL'oiiiir considerable iUiickery,iind sent
i free on receivinir a post paid directed envelope.
Siilleiers are invited to addrt-is the author.
sep! 1.74 -Km. 1. O. Hot 1:, Hrooklyn, N. Y.
I r is useless to attempt to cleanse a stieam
w hi'e I he fountain is impuie. Dyspejisia, eoin
J.'.iiuts of the liver or kidneys, eriijitioiis ol the
skin. -( -lol'. I a. h.a 1 idles, !U,J aJ illseases aris-
ir,' tiMin la p iri MoiJ.aie at once removed by
Dr. Walker's .ui:'.ii nia Viurtj ir Bitters, pmilier
ol the blood, an 1 r.-aovator ol tin- .system. It
has never been know n to fail. 4w.Nov.O.
2815 2815
V.Mh T.rtV1. IVMf WM ut 'I Hi-ja: l'..r...... . T.. I- -r lii- 4-
7 ' . . ... - - ' ' "i.iii imn .noiiri, u ltuib, Jint
CH15. Greek OversiirtB -.iiit.likl -Ps;!,.-;. e.nm 251:
1816. LadT'sOverskirt l.Kvt mid Me.-i st . Ii?1. - P.trern ifh Imk wv.l.Hinn
291 3. Sacque Clonk nil otnsrs A II si7".J'auern with Cloth .Iodel, 50 cents.
ITOOl. Lady's Walkic('ol or J:;. !:ei - All S'y. -fsttern. ith lotb .Model, 23 cents.
We give a perfect I' LOT I .MOI;l. wlia r-r r..r re, ix hirU hows jest bow to pat the gir
inent together, mt.-r Iwiuir cut by lUe uir. u. 't h y are PEKFEt T ;L'IDS.
Any Pattorn on this puffe niaileti upon rript of marked price,
aiii'l ".IttU&t SrMI 27i:jt." IWUni COtll C Tor 2 worth of Pattema at the
ti ltUlil.uiil.tii marked price send $. SO. For 13
wurtii fcen.l $2-25- For $4 worth send $3. The peraon who
perils J3 lor 4 worth of pattern, will be entitled to the
B a 1 3 f5 r i or cue year F R E E , without premiiima.
Only One Dollar and Ten Cents a Tear.
And a splendid PREMIUM to each Sub
scriber FREE I See below.
tr- Anv TWO of the above patterns and Smith's In
stant Dress Elevator will be mailed FKEK, as Pre
mium, or O N E dollars worth of Patterns FRE,to be selected
3 A
THIS rCTilKiMfccw
MuUfillT s LONJ
Skirt U eLaofi intA
Slrjrhl Freol WlkiOj
Vnm by Uio lastaal
Klator. Von can mM
jemi .kirt wbil fminx
muaaj piacv, aaa ua
Mt it lallaryoitcaD
aavp it raiaM. it
, kMpa lb. altlrt
when you receive jour MitL'a.ine, or at any time after
OR me of thetollowing beautiiulOIL CHROMOS
ly knuwn, and SELL R&UjILY for from is to 6 each.
ileto bbfrtiscmcnts.
Filth uiKi Last .ill "oii-frt
November 30, 1874.
One CiMiiit tsli Gift sii.Vi.Otlt)
One Gr.iiKl ':isli Gift liHi.OfK)
One tinincl C.isli Gift Tfi.i.HlO
One Graihl Cirli tiil't .r)H.0-2O
One Grand Cash Gift "ii,tXK)
5 Cash Gifts, f ii),0(H) eac-n 1Ui,0IM)
HM'asli (iifts. H.OHOeaeli HO.000
1.1 Cash Gifts, 10,iHi0 each 1 My 100
'.'O f'asli G'itts, .1,000 e.icl 100,000
t. ush Gift, 4,000 each lOO.(JiH)
:,() Cash Gifts, :;,000 t.ieh 00,000
.10 Cash Gifts, -.',000 eaeh 100,000
I" Mt Cash Gifts, 1.000 eaeh 100,000
M0 Cash Gifts, '.100 each 1-20,00
MiO Cash Gifts, 100 eaeh .10,000
I'.l,oo0 ChsIi Gifts, r.'leaeh S10.0O0
(iiai'.l To'.al, iO.OllO Gift, -ill rash, ....100.n0()
Wtiule Ticket o
Tenths, or eaeh Coupon ...
11 Whole Tickets for
: Tickets ffr
.... S'.MJ 00
... T 00
.1 00
.... .VJ0 00
..1,000 00
Iir. Holland's new novel, Tlif t'
veno.iks,' will I ii-ir 'ii in the J.-iirinry
Km tickets or inforiniitlmi,
.Xiiont nnd Mnnaircr,
Pulilie Libritrv l'uildin. Lnuisrill, Ky.
. fremth FiLTa.
IT LOOP ilia
, .kiiin iin
l NtR It (ATM
Mfc.NT, Kiat,
and (iRiCK-
t'h Tom I GET UP -A.
SsIStiiir8!. We will give one ChromO extra to th. person wto
IIS Ihaa TWO MINUTL3. YOU : 'ir, " "I"-s u iaiata
)KC8is. fttasiituitt I Wewm(rivetwoCTiromoseitrarorflvestibBcril)erB;three
CUrorooa extra for seven : four Chromos extra for eitit, orYOCR ;HOIC of an eodrmous
number of beautiful Premiums! See BAZAAR.) Each Subscriber must scad
three stamps to pay return postage on fhromo and tor rotletu. i . ,
4001 V nOM CIVES,330.00mOoldCon to
VlUlala WWlll SO Persons who fret np the largest dab tor the Bazaar
Ix-tweeu Dow and I irst ot 4'rbruary. Thepersun who gets np the LarKOSt Club W'Ul KC
9175 infrold coin, and Premiuni on Every Snbecriber Sent In. Nexflargeet $I2S Iff (fold
luln, etc, etc. WeCAVE tl.OOOtn COLD on last BA2AAK, to 3o person wSom
Barnes and addresses will be found In this BAZAAji, with the number that eacL one sent. Get
copy and see. Sample copy mailed for 23 cents. Smiths' Instruction, Hook," or "tecreta ct
TeMinakin?. 10 cents. CaUlojae mailed for one stamp.
r.o. box so5 gi4 Broadway, View York City.
Dr. C. M. Martin
tiy '. V. liL:"ON, 31. I. A Illa(.'littl.-elll vnhlOiu i.i
4sHi;etjvu j .itfi-M tejiltuiilh ilins. i-.iieil ami elixiitlr
txinnil. i;njraiii. niatier jtiiit ailaj red to tbe watiti. et 1
every :'ul!l:Jy. Over .-"ill elirc vines, t'-nc aut-lit Hold I
loo eiien in elm iH-k( iiuullier :it in ibreediivs, uul au-
ttrt. Atiiirtun at out1, il. X. M Kint k 'o.t 7-r '
Sau-wtni f.. Fh:lu. liov .I.i, -jsv.
WANTKD AliKN IS tor th Hvtit Slliu l'rix- Sta.
tionerv i'ackatfv out. S imple Puck:tf;p, j twr-r-"l, li,r
VtH:. Niv. lit, 4w.
--si '(-.
First .HortKUKC I'rciniuiil Ilontl
Authorized by the I.t'jilaliire ..f the Stiite of X. .
2d IVrmium Drawliic. Irr.7. 171.
itd Series Itrnwins. Jan. 1. 1H74
EVERY HONTI will be Redewueil with a Pmniuni, au
an eiuivulent tor IutereKt,
CAPITAL Pit EM I III, 1 00,0(i0.
AiMriss ft.r Bonds and full unforxr.atinii.
Finaneiii! Axcntn. ii I' :;K Itnw, N. Y.
P. O. IHtAWEK W. N -.. 1 Jw.
1'KKl". tam li to i(t-iini.
NFEDLt-BOUK, With Cliri.'lUUH.
Co., New ili'ili.inl. Mi-..
f.ui.s' ro-ii.iM-iuiN
Send Htllllip. IFN &
Nov. 1:1. 4iv.
male or l-imile: :r er
i-.fcl-i: il. te Heiid VHliubii'
v:tt Ic, il::V or i-vei-m. -So
I'ltcLuxc oi M'HJils l.v trull tree. Ailli,-Hf with aix cent
reMirli iilurnii. .".1. VoT Ni.. 17:1. C.ieeuv.ich St., N. Y.
Nov. 1H, Itv.
VOI Till El
.'.nr. lor
sruvous, on
Ti'I'iitii-r nf
I t.
!n:t.-iry, O. II. Hiivr.iy. Mcinlji-rsliiii, !.'S. i
No. ol Loilci-s in the count y IT i
Membership l'itr
Nil. of Brothers relieved for term fiid-
itiir Oct. 1, 1 W74 71
l';iil for relict of lirotliurs S 1,1. VI lit j
I'aiil for relief of wid. fiimilic '' "0 j
I'ai'l for Inn Villi: the dead LI0 IN) "
Fuiuls invested bv loans, Ac...
business locals.
llr. o! the liiisrest an.l ino-t riiiiileti: stoek el
clothing ever cihiliiteil In this ilaee, can be m'en
at Heller" ''iotliiil Store, '.'orner oil anil Maiket
St ., Sniiluii v. t iivi; them ii call and he eonvinec l.
Yon will Pave inmiey by pnr hasin there.
l n:i n.i i u ' i) tirrnA is ! Dress Shirts!
Business Shirts ! X'nderwear, full mit for 7.V-ts.
at Hi ller's 'lothin Stove. ( oi ner " I mul Market
St.. Snnliiiry. A!o, alovc. tiuiiks, valises,
hat and eaj's, and peni' film i-liin- imii l. at
14 Ct. WJ Broadway, New York.
I'lie liHiiiiou il'Anieri-H.
lose a deciple s reward.
7 he scene was deeply 6o!:iiiii und impressive, I Kimils on hand
and all who did not close their heart by prcjn- I Widow ' and Orphans' r un I
dice, and tlin terit tho cflect, were not only ilc- I The practice nf the prineiiles
17'-D TiT 1 the tno-n reasoiiahlc jirices.
'''I,'' I -VKiivf.uDv who eonte.-niihtt
FPiiemlshiiK i M,it '""''- '""! t!l'
i nc
lighted, but moved, many ercn totearH. These I.ovc u;id Truth in the Lodges is oin on with- i " -imei s, whei
were real rcprcseiitulions and illustrations cf i out much noire in our midst, hut liaviiiir their i Ih-milt d r ise I
New lots .ip.
Bible teac liiuirs. Contribution 4 00.
Lady Huntingdon Class t Teacher, J. H. En
gle. Decigu, "The Spiritual Tclccrnph.
This was quite a structure, with posts and
wires starting on earth in a low pluse. on the de
sign, with three steps marked, 'Knith, Hope and
Prayer." An intake standing on the ateps pre
sents his telegram or request, which pusses on
the wire to the highest point on the desigu, where
stood a crowned ungel receiving the request, il
lustrating the passage of Scripture, "While thou
urt yet sjcitkiiig I will hear. The Lord hears
nnd understands our prayers.'" Contribution
t?r0 55.
fsinging by the Si liool.
Benjamin Kurtz Class. Motto, "The Lord lo
ve', h a Cheerful (liver. " Teacher, John Hans.
Contribution Jill SO.
This class raised, besides the amount reported
daring the year, for sundry purposes, t-3
making the aggregate of ?l"ir O'l. This is n large
Bible class taught by the Superintcndaiit of the
Conclusion. Master Charles Heckert made an
elegant nnd sprightly tinalc swell. Tho whole
closed with a benediction.
Thus closed one of the most interesting anni
versaries ever known in the history of the church
iu this place. The anniversary of 1S7L, will
long be remembcrad. The school is In a very
flourishing condition. Only twodeatlis occurred
!n the eehfKv d"rlui' the t-ii f vv:r
I due weight in helpiug on the improvement f
mankind, ami in moulding men together iu com
mon sympathy, making an impression upon
' them tor good iu all our communities. We ate
' M riving together w ith the consummation of that
i period, still hidden in the wo.nb of time, when
j all men, of every i-liiue and tongue, shall know
each other as Brothers and believe in the F.ttliei
I hood of Hod.
A. N. Bkk t, D. D. i. M.
getting a new
moil v Oppen- !
largest stock in maikelis !
u! at t.stoiiisliingly low price. '
pencil dailv, of the very latch
styles, and iinncscll cheaper than they do.
Tiinu: is no uilViculty in --elecling a line sett of
I'uiiiituie at 1!. L. Bamleiibiish's store in Sun-
tuny. He keeps all the latest styl'-s ut the low- ;
est prices, and none go awav from his store dis- i
s.ilirtied, whi'-h is an evidem e that he please, all. :
Vi'i: advise ivcrylioilv who wants to bnv I
Illustrated by a corps of the best American ur
. tist-, and coiitriliutt'd toby the most popular hu
morists and satirists of the day.
Wii.ii Oats now enters successfully upon the
; six; Ii year of Its existence, and has heroine the
i established humorous and satirncal paper ol the
: country. It was started and continued the first
I year as a monthly, then, to satisfy she ilctuand
j if the public, it was changed to a fortnightly.
, Still continuing its good work of hitting lolly ns
. it. tii-s, nnd showing up the political and social
; sh.mis by its masterly cartoons and pungent ed
j itoii;:ls. It achieved even greater success than
i before, and was recounizd as the ablest and
brightest of its class. Since then we have yield
ed still further to the put.lic demand, tiud now
publiah H'.W Ihitu weekly! It has literally
grown into its present shape on its intrinsic me
rits, being the first successful weekly humorous
paper ever published in this country.
Among the aitists especially engaged to fur
nish illustration for Wii.t Oais are Frank Bel
lcw. Thomas Worth, Hopkins, Wales, Shelton.
Wolf, Jump, Kecttels, Stuckhurdt, Day, Poland,
and sevral others who are yet unknown to
Fmr. tin Thursday evening, ."ith inct., at
o'clock, the house of Abraham Williver, in Mon
tour county, was destroyed by fire while lie
and his fa mil v were iu Danville. All its con- I
tents, including clothing, bedding, furniture,
notes, deeds and about $500 in money were con
sumed. It is supposed to have been the work of
A Hoi sf: ami Lot located on one of the prin
ciple streets in Sunbury, wi.l be sold chenp, on
application to this office. Terms easy.
Tnr. planet Venus is now viable in broad day
light, eastward of tlic sun. On (he 8!h of next
month she will he seen as a black fpot, moving
"owy i"rr? );i d'-l-r of the vn.
In its literary depart metits Wii.ri Oats will. as
it alwavs lms. stand alone and !unari)roachable.
anything in the line of furs, sm-h as ladies, j ,t h-a-t one llrst class serial story will always
be found iu its pages, by the best humorous, sa
tuacul, and character writers in the United
misses and childiens" furs, also for trimmings,
to go to Marx A. Bro. and examine their stock
before purchasing elsc-where. Their store is
now in existence nearly two years anil always
undersold any other place, and they nw have a
better stock than ever, which is all fresh and
new, and cheaper than ever before. Buyers will
save from '.'o to ."0 per cent. Ladies' setts from
?2..r0 upwards. Call at Marks ,t Bro., next
door to the post office, Suiibury, Pa.
Fai.i. ami Wintsh Hats. All the latest style
of hots nre now open ut S. Faust's ntorc on
Market square.. Most beautiful i-tylcB adorn
his windows which are sold cheap, lientlcmcn's
furnishing goods are supplied at the lowest
States; while its sketches and squibs will be
iparkliug, original, and pointed.
j Wn.n Oats will be first-class in every particu
: lar, and on this account may be taken into the
best families -without fear or suspicion, ns no
word or illustration will apjicar that can ofTeud
the most fastidious.
i-ffSend for a Sample Copy aud Convince
Subscription Price.
One Year 4.00
Six Months 2.00
Three Months l.OO
Single Copies 0.10
One person sending us a club of flvo subscri
bers for one venr will receive a copy hr''l"
Add'essCOLUN i SMALL, Publishers.
I " Fn'toil Street. N. Y.
Are c lat'iiid lii ii al r:-lioM renuirea. more of
uu eifort tlii'.o you iei-1 chimoIi- ct muLim?;'
Taen liy .lurulietiLi, tin- wen. !-! ful tome and inviora-
tnr, wUie'i :.cts ao l-ic iiei)l oe the secretive onfuQn as
to imrrirt . :-:"r to all Vital to're-.
I; is- no i.leobolic n't eiize,-. winch stami'utea tur a
shoit t'tui . ouiy to let tile .mlteti-r d to u lower depth
oi misery, tcu it i:i u,' tmiic aitilu; illreeily ou
tli" iiver i-cii j Vi v.
It leiuateH u.e iiowili, iiiil'-'- tie- in rve.., an-i 'ivs
such a he ihliy toae to ' h: '., u-r - s:.-im j- to s.h:i nciUe
tlie invalid te 1 lie a uevv t -. -.n.
Ita Oieistioi is not Molt. ill. but is vLji aoerized to
jTi-eat (.'elitlen.!.: Hie eterie.ic.a i.o sllditen
cliil'i;e, lo inalkcd lJitIln, lint Ki-n-tiuiily tiw tr-iuhles
J.ild i In ir ti ills, like the i j'.s,
Aud sili'h.'ly s:e .l ;
This is no lie .md lUjti ied disi-ovt-ry, but has lieeli
louf used vita vvtiinirful reim dml resiiltn, aud Is iinv
iiounced by the liiiSu-ni medical authorites, "the most
poweritll totue ami alleriiative knovvli."
Ask vour di icfiiHt lor il.
1-orsale liv liiHNSTi'N, Hol.I.OWAY .V HO..
Nov. 11, 4v.. i"hiladcJhiu, I'a.
.liillreii to ltiiil Out.
Geo. W. Bloom
2fo. 13, South Third Street,
Clement House Buildim, Mnrj. Fa.
j DR. C. M. MARTIN &" CO,
HAVE inst received u frcrh lot of Pure Drugs
and Patent medicines.
' Vi'e have also a full assortment of
; ll.iir, Tooth, Nail, ("ot hs.Shix-and other brushes.
the sweetest jicrfuiue in America.
1'rtrlslitn. n liitl ;iuve U mkIi.
' WiiiTiitited to clean perfec tly the mosc delicate
shades without injury to the kid
i Ail the leading preparations for the Hair,
; Pine Wine and Liquors, for medical pnrposes.
Physicians Prescriptions and family leeeipr
i compounded with care.
Thankful for past favors we hope by f ifr deal
ing to receive a share of vour patronage.
September II. 1"T::.
jiaohm: kiioi axi iro.
(;ko. noiiRBAcii & sox,
Snulmr.T. l'enn'a.
INFORM the public that thev fin- preparenno
J. do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added
a t;.w- Machine Shop in connection with their
Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New
Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the
latest improvements. With the aid of skillful
mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders
hat id
HIE Overseers of the Poor of the borough of
Sunbury, have in their charge several chil
dren of ditleii-ut ages, supported from the taxes
of thr borough, who under the law can be bound
out. Persons desirous of obtaining cither boys
or girls would do well by conferring with the un
dersigned. FP.F.PEBI K M ERBILL.
SE'l. BortillNF!:.
Overseers of the Poor.
Sunbury, Aug. 13, 1S7I. 3m.
.New .tlillinery ;ool
Have just been opened at the store of
MISS. tl. I.. .OSSLF.I.
Fourth street, below the Shamokin Valley R. R.
Where all kinds ol Millinery goods of tne latest
New York and Philadelphia styles are now open
for inspection.
Laces, Flowers, Ribbons, Ffathers, Trimmings,
Gloves, Hankershicfs, and every kind of goods
usually found in a Millinery store.
Ladies arc invited to call aud see the immerse
.1. Merrill I. inn. Andrew H. Pill, Jr rank. S. Mnrr.
In Hattpt's Building, Market Street,
;n?-7.Ts71. NTo'tbinj,vrttnd Co.. Pa.
"iV'Mi l hem. :n a s:.tisf.ietor mun-
; rut e f soil hiiv Stove.
M.T'V COLUMNS, for chnrches or other bniU
iiiL's, of ail sizes.
Ornamental Iron Fencing;
I the n-UM already celebrated for their su
' periority, have been still further Improved, and
i v. 1 1 1 always be kept ou hand.
; Sunbury, May i0. 1S74.
MANUFACTURES a superior Quality of
Window G!as, single s.nd donble thick,
( Ground. Corrugated, Obscured aud stained.
I rnaiics oi an patterns: all etass warranted
. to slam, unfers solicited.
October, 1 lsT4. 3inos.
For sale a good Hand Fire Enjine ; Bras
Pumps : can be worked a suction or suplied
from tauk. Hose cart, 'MO feet gum hose new,
all in good working order, for price; and particu
lars. Address
Machinist, Sunburv, Pa.
Situbury, Nov. 6, 174. .It
Market Square, Banbury, Pa.,
nas Just rectved a large and elegant assortment
Hats and Bonnets,
For Fall and Winter Wear.
The choicest shades of ribbons, and all kinds
j ot Millinery goods always in stor,
'"all and sp them.