Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 30, 1874, Image 2

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    U. b. JEilSSER.
' Editor.
' V SY.V RY, OCTOBER 30, 71.
We have just seen
.iH'tiinr-nl in tin- shape of
:ir, purporting to have lieen
. signed by a laboring man, and
who has always voted the lb-
Republican State Ticket.
roni irrTAN'Tncnxr.xoB
Airrnuno. olmstfap, f . -otter 'o.
fob ai-wtor 'tr.;Ar.,
TI AH UISOX ALIXN, Van-en ( '-omity.
FOR sE T.ETARV r is t.ns al ArrAiiit-,
llOBEllT It. BKATli, c.f Schuylkill Co.
rort 3riv;r r ttie sitreme covet,
IT'WAP.D M. L'AXSOX, r Philadelphia.
vou conohii,
HON. JOHN 13. PACKF.l., of Sunbury.
Republican County Ticket.
roil AS-EMI I.V,
JOHN I. 1'AliKEK, of McF.wansvilie.
DR. JESSE J. JOHN, of Sbauiokin.
:EST. JNO. K. CLEMENT, of Sunbury.
AMOS VASTINE, of Sliamnkiri Twp.
ror. Ai-mroit,
l.'.t . IH'CKMAN, of Lewi,
ron county siT.vr.vou,
DAVID HOCIvEEEEEEll. of Sunbury.
That Cinc'Vi.
an electioneering
a flaming oircu'
written anC
on too,
p .n tick. I. This is probably mie of
J1 mo-i. glarim; "' that lave over yet
oeeri attempted in !i political way
stead of it having been written by a L
t,vJ,1 ;;,) anJ ?iV,j.,i, ;)', "m rntli i!. was
written by a lifelong an J mont blatant
Democratic leader,- an ev-lrfclalor and
ox-editor,-- fui'l then it was written on the
Sabbath lav, too. When did be entitle
himself to the honorable cognomen of a
1oln.-rlv:i man : Surely not jiiFtly by the
"sweat, of bis brow"' in the Legislature:
anil when tore since tbeti 'i Ami yet be
owns lands and bouses and lives on the
most lordly seal.'. No ''.) '. c man eoiild,
. oiinri i imin ! . diil. nenuire sue! i
in .- . i
extensive estates and such a princely n-si- j
.Li....,, no ib-if lie lilliM "lid flOW M -'t 1 1 ( I '
Pehold bis lordly mansion on tin- bill rid. ' ' 1
And be only enjoyed the fruit - of tin- , m-i.i
f.a..e of his fellow -citizens- laborin" men , 'hat
in,l others - for the short period of t wo : private fund
legislative terms, ami that, loo, a-, a i'- j
ward for his service, as 'v.'i.n.'f;- (''' j
r.oi.rrAL'i.iiKD -ri !.i.iN';TUKWMii. J innion Honesty uol Ilie I'olicj of
IIi.-m.-u i. ITS .T in i iirimn rn. ..
Di in der pair, and as a last resort,
just bf fore the election publishes the fol
lowing wonderful statement :
When i he present Kepiibliean Hoard of
Commissioners took possession of the. coun
ty, it was out. of debt., then fore, the claim
that thai paid oil" the debt, is a bold false
hood. Here are the figures by one of the
Auditois. who the .li,.n'-". admits is a
gool calculator." j
.1 in. i . is -.sei jji.ivi.i:; I
" - 'JO.'.uil.S'. i
i cap- :i?i.if. ill i
.!e!ir.tu.'J-: .A,lU.-:o !
The. following conversation is the sub
stance of what was said, some short time
since, in a discussion between an intelli
gent and well read fi'in. r, and u shrewd
politician. The tanner it will ! seen, was
too much lor tin: political trickster :
l'i.i;t'ir'i,t. We!!, Mr. 1!., bow arc
things moving, and what are the prospects
of the party in your in i:;lihirbood V
J '"I ii, -. --The prorpeets .-ire far f:om be
ing favorable or encouraging.
',, ,'..'!,(. (o'ln rai rij):iiliy and vvr 1 1 1. of
x- . ... ... ivniibli. ' int-r.'st. I uri'f.ume. , ,.u imjv, : t .! tu
o one ever nieii-ini.-'i i ....i ...v. - ,
. . i .w.t. lon.U in llieir I Ui, ar. i ei tu: some eX( itenn !:!. ti.-t them
own ooelo... and naid the. above debt, i to und-istan.l that tl.e party is i dui. r.
Vet the editor of Ibe iMmrot being corn- i Iemo.rai are always ready to :isain the
. i i ...n :...-..n iv.iol over Mirtv without arguiii'.' whether it is light
ercii suauieiuuy una i j..... ...v. .
, i',!... :..n,.r.ini in nn ntt.emtit to , or w rong.
III'.- tu 1111- ijiij. ... " i
make, hem believe such an absurdity. j '--That u ed to be die ease some
What we slated was that our Jtepublicau j years ago ; but it i not so now as a general
i.i.mss;,,,,... V,v their L'ooJ maungeUHnt thing. I il are
nn: cAxnio.iTK.s
The two candidates for Congress in this
district fully and ftir'y represent the two
parties. Mr. Trc-liu 1 as been a radical
Democrat, going with )- party in its most
advanced position ir. justification and
defence of the. K.uf In 100 he gave his
support to Job.!! !::. : i.eniidge for the
Presidency, who v r.fminj in the inter
est of rebellion . in pivf'Toje.. to supporting
Stephen A. iK'tigia -s, a loyal Jlenioerat.
He ?torMl tirmly by Huchanan, through all
MEMS' l.VV THE I.ROOKI.YM i roi y. T.
New York, H. 7, IsT
j his whob mind to his suits ; and Tilton
j has announced that he will accept no en
( gagemenls till after the first of January,
I for the ?irac reason. He is with his coun
! sel every minute of the day, and is as busy
S ns he ca rnm-.illy be. Mrs. Tilton, con
: trary !o exj.ectation, maintains her atti
tude of lostility to Theodore, and is co-opi-iut
in with his enemies. Florence, the
. . .t ir . .t
THE PA V OF THE PEOPLE WHO AMl'-E ". eliter da'TMer fit ine oisunueii nair, nas
They who do the -voilii the Ilio-.t gooi
are not t hose who get the bet pay for it.
The clergyman who gets ."-TOO :i year in tlv
country !ia" to bring to his pr ofession
taken a -msition in one of the public sehools
in Brooklyn as a teacher. Theodore is
v ry pnnr. I lis lect nre business was ruined
by tin- Woo.!!. u!l business, and his enforced
tp.iitiing of the hiili isnilritt was another
blow from which h;r never recovered. lie
ins oieauoii i.u-'i ".iuu'mi ..i... ... ..
- .- ... , ta etit ! tlu-hiahe-1. pos-il.I.; order, :.iel
and others of that stripe in inagnrating the 1 rii,.,i .
1 . , comntil'i ! ' do :m amount "f labor that
rehellioii ny .scauermg our..mj a..., . Wu,(l an in,;n u an,i the j is financially ruined. Tieceher is not
and giving the. rebels every opportunity to , ',inirv ,..i;,nr. ! troubled in that wav. for he. holds his mil-
i. ..!.: .!..; f,l,..t,..,.;,. ft,, ml on " " J '
Ill.Uv - IIH.1I o in ."r
inning to think for
.i i ..- :.n. .1 ...II... Ac
I ib.- .o'inty fund';, and pant on me i nem-eive.,, rsM, mi.-,- n.?.
i,.,i idiui.-e would sntipo-.e ! educati hi advances, they arc not only
was paid out ..I the t.'ommissioners
! i.ioin Inf. lK.-r.1t t 1 1 1 I tl fT- . n. . fit fit nil it .t
I I ! i II I I I I I ; ;.!, I'M' lll'M 1 lU'li I '.Mm ll.i
. 1- I 4 11 t t
lit the artiel.. above Ibey a.-m.l Uiai ine oo i..-,..,.,. ., ..,. ....
cunly was in debt ..-'o.oou, and of . ouise : well as r-ad. Thjy think the Iemof-raey
vvin'r. i.i..-re,i. on that mm. umounling to ; of tl,o present day is not the Demoeraey of
' J . .,,,1.V
u b'i e it. alSO SIIOWS 1 lull : .o ie i 'o :i no o t. n
Jle em orse. tie re.-,o.u i , . sinwr,-tiiev have all I off when the trouble be'an. J5ut Tiiton
of the Democratic State convention win. ti j .l,1I.n ! i,,, fri,.,,,!, tvt.o ;:! fomisl, him will, the
I ill' mi ii uiio imoi.iii-- -. . . . ..... ...... ......... ...... ......
met ar narusouo.. u ... . v. .j, , j , r,ln..f.(l r.rrn- Dundreary ! munitions of war, and he will make a des-
l: OJ, wnicn .-o.iveoi.i.n, ,.u,i"uV. , W .. . ... . . , (.:vr.,i sl ; n(.nt fl,i., fm. h:. !;r.. Such men don't
lived ! " : ., . ..
average ot S )U0 lor each periormaiice, uie eaMiv nr nmciiy.
mnkimr the nun of t?2,0fif,0oii for the , iu'msf--
one piece. Joe Jeffcr-on bar, jilayed Hip 'is pieking up a little, but it. is not what it
Van Winkle ,lt00 times, and has averaged . ought tr bp at this season of iho year. The
over r')"') for eaeh performance. He has , nierchat from nhrnad are buying just as
made land has it. yet; over a million of dol- little, as they can buy, and buy anything.
bets were in anna to destroy us, recu
to ' and prevent any fit- j
tempt on the part of the Kepnblicanv in j
power to make any armed aggressions on j
the South'--thus pledging the whole D -
niocr.itic power of the State, againrt any
They have learned
and all "in thc line of a jy .' trii. of'
t i. . nni 1 v io; i i.-r ."i i-
ar lemoi ratie ponncum . ' i C', o,,:, Js di e the county which was not to know that the party which sustained
iiior.i,.!-.. nn ef mr.iarv lii'iinuiieuo. ii"" ' - - '
most honorable and distinguished lalmring i
. . . T... ......
V Why can not other laooring men ; n"j.
;...u... lortnnos-lands ! We repeat .1 that il.e i.epuoncaii v,o.
.. - 1 I...1- .... C- !-.,..:. I I ..nrt n o rtn '..tot
collected, and brought no interest into , .o-.i- i-". ..--.,.,. , ......., -.....a.,.-
lite leijcraiisis, were called i;epuoiienn",
and that the name of Democrat was as-
! lars. I loot h gets .tiOti a night when he None of them know what is the matter
SO SOOII amass i rn I1 im e--. - , , r n, l" II' lllil I'limi i.ei , j
Udho ses and large estates-as well as ! missioncs paid off the ,20,000 deb. referred . sumed sonie ye r af, In t c b y
r"U .. . ....?. ...... i..... nn,.u. The 1hn.f rot admits that the county : have learned that the l.epubhcans who,
movement to put down the rebellion.
. .i .i fll... I r.
tnro.tgtioiu. inc. war, uiqumo.. - . . ,nr n wrh;)v u. 1V(.,.iv.,.(l tlifv all .xv there is oroduce enough in the
mo-ratic candidate was with his party m ... m rnmnnrP rmintrV nnd that times ought to be good,
its bitter nntagomrm to those who were la- , J ( ', hv . .u.,)rs : ' hnt lhoy arf! nol, ; and thev dare not risk
boring to put down the rebll.on ami restore 'f ,1fV ,.oU flf lll0 anytll;n.j. 0 trade languishes. But the
lican-. .in ll. 'si: niiii- ii.) in...-. ...... i
' . .. . . . . . . : neotil
to the full Democratic vote, nut certainly i -
' sistcnt Republican the thou'jhl giving
fitillemnt . .... . i i...,. ...t li. The Uihir
lORU.e nim.u . .tier t lie only answer is, u.ey -- ...,..., ., ... :..,. ,.v governed bv the
we have madeduring the present campaign , , j j , cnioyr,i "the j was ,n .iei,t tnai sum, .um i.m , - , at Ibe poi;..
m reference to the financial attairs of the wA , PX dlJnces for Ibe county is now out of debt. Who paid same pnncples that were h-ld by the he- throughout, the history of
county, we refer every one to the present speaks of itUhis marvelous cir- t that deb, V Crlainly not the I ..ratic I- ' ,1, Republican party, has !,,, its consis-
Democratic county Treasurer. cular a,,dres9, and therefore , i, no, "re- Couunissioi.ers who themselves adm t, a, 1 ; M f m nd Mr. K, yn nab R rtpr Throt.ghont the
the i.yv- shows li.iuai uiey were j..-, - . j. j-.- ; war he was an earnest, unfaltering Mip-
., .,t,.i l ol M'JI tl. Willie nn; in ine i.ui o.
IMS .1 J' "'J
county bid ;i0.O'Hl uncollected.
nTRthe Republicans paid ofl the whole duccd to beggary" Ac.
of the county debt one of the Ring said.
'well its more tlun the IV-mocratic party
would hive ever lxn able to d . As our
party was continually increasing the debt,
and our arrangements were such that we
could not curtail the expenses.'
Nilsson does not open her mouth ; theatres do not, and the bar-rooms arc do-1
short of .S-2,000 a night, and Lucca and the , m? a rushing business. In fact the kinds
other song-birds get but little less. Thev of business that one would suppose hard
live like Princesses and throw away money times would kill, are doing well. The
with both hands. traffic in articles of necessity is dull, and
Hut the writers and artists do no: fare 'he trade in articles of luxury is as brisk
asw.-ll; .--Itio for. i mfigazine article looks, as it can he. Curious world this! It is
rather large, but then it, 'takes 1'arton weeks ' fing to take the country a year or two to
li vrrito one When :l ooet cets I Iv Iol- . "Cl naf'K MUSS HOI ll'ai COIIUUIOU.
mano'vixings, of such ghosts as ttns: io,
they would have hones' men believe they
were au army of red men, come to deliver
them from evil, but whose real mission is
to deceive and delude by false assumptions
! of character and by their tender, vapory
lonn,r.-i by the faith you mean Ibe rorter of toe loyal cause. Hrs heart, m t ,()oks ,ike in2 a . P.etp.o.
,lin of modern 1 lemecracv. which is ex- PlKSl' horeS an" 1,13 W,!r.,! WUh .teal for a small niece of work, but ! "
omplificd bv the Ring, of corrupt politi- j Washington who were laboring ; -njcmbu lh;U tUc Mmntl wo,.ks and j -Many valuable h-s .die from the ef
...,., , , ,,, 1 in the cabinet to put down the rebehion, .:..., Ki:i. fects of colic. The best thing to do in a
eiaus, ii no nan: .r.-cii iiiuii'i.:. 111 i..v ... , , W CCKS uonsii nui nii; 1111: i.ji-iii, .niu wiii.i.-in- i
the IVmocritic ticket, for Mr. Henry, the
candidate f.r commissioner. P.e careful of
the dodge. Every vote cast for Henry is
in opposition to the interests of every lax
payer in the county.
The Voters of .Northumberland county
have a duty to perform on Tuesday next,
which is of direct interest to rhenwlvcs.
Eor the first lime in the history of thecoun
tv do thev vote, with the knowledge
tin, the countv
The Democrats having had control since : Vii .,,.,.... t,i ,,aw of the I ,ainl-v' in a choice bctwmi tww mA ,an'
payers for the lust 20 years then you judge
rightly. 1 have no faith in such Democracy.
! and with the men in the lick! who were
1 meeting the serried ranks of treason, and
1 bearing their breasts to storms 'if rebel
wix.l-m cniiiiriieiiniT inn noem. in nun
in.' and f.nisVmg the lines after they were ! case ot "3 Kina " loP0Ur 0ot::c 01 Jonn
cmstructed. The highest pav journalists I son's Anodyne Liniment into a long-neck-m,iv
Vnrk is mid Whitelow n,.;,! edjunk bottle, add half pint of molasses and
'e ;-iJ
jY Virtue of certain Vrils of Fieri Facias
3 unit Vftmlitioni Fxponas. ifincl out of the
Court nf Common Picas of Nortlinmticrlaml
County. rint to me directed, wi!! h; cTpfmcct to
public sale or outcry, on
Saturday, 31t day of October, 171,
nt thc Court Ilouse in tlie borough of Sunbnry,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, tbo following pro
perty :
The ril.t, title and iutevc-t of John McKrc, iu
and lo six certain tracts of land, situate la Dela
ware township, Northuiahcrluud county. Pcnn
PVlYania.(l) ndjoinin lnntt of II. Hower,Simon
Metzzir, 'l'liomas Vi'alliice, Anion Moore atet
Benjamin HofTrnan, cont.iiniuir oti! hundred ami
seven acres, or.c hundred and fifty four perchc.,
mor.-" r.r Ic-, with the nppnrtenaiices conaiftiny
of a two Ptory brick dwelling house, barn and
t!iiT buiidiiifr ; (f?) a.ljrmiinr lands of Simpson
Smith, Ptcph-n r.'.iis, l.. I . .McKoc and iiobrtt
McKee, one hundred and fonrten
acres auj two perches, iu.rc or h .":.. with the ap
purtenances con'ii-tin of a t'.v: story brick
(lwt'llinir heus, bam and other buildings ; (5)
adjoining lunds of DuviJ Stahhiecker, nd An
drew Aril. strong, eontainintt sevru acres, one
hmiJrcd and thirty nine perches, more or le. ;
(4) ndjoinins lands nf James Everett's hc.irg.Pa
vid Stahineckcr and Andrew Armstrong atd ot!i
ers, contaiidnhig two huadred and five acre,one
hnndred and one peiches more or less, with the
appnrtcnanccs cor.sif ting of a. two story brick
dwelling house, two harns and other bnildins ;
C.) adjoining of Samuel M. Miliar, G. C.
McKce and David DeiiTenbacher, containing se
venty four acres, one hnndred und Cfty live pcr
chcn, more or les ; (C) adjointnir lands of Sam
uel Whitmcr, (.. C. McKee, Philip Winter.sfin,
Win. F. Rink and Samuel Caldwell, containing
fift v fonr acre?, eiity one perches, more or less,
with the nppnrfenanres, consisting of a brick
dwelling hon.-ie and harn.and other buildings ; .-.s
the property of JOHN McKF.fc.
All that certain let or piece of land, situate in
thc borongh of Turbntville, county of Northnm
besland, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows: beginning at a post in
Front street, along said street south forty
four decrees, wesi; three and eight tenths perche
to a post ; thence by lot occupied by William
Johnson, south forty six degrees, east thirteen
and four tenths perches to a post at an alley:
thence by said alley, north forty four degrees,
east three and eijht tenths perches to a post :
thence by lot of Michael Header, north forty six
decrees, "west thirteen and four tenths perches to
the place of beginning, containing one fourth of
an acre, more or lesa, with the appurtenances
consisting of a two story log honse, weathpr
boarded, a two story frame furniture store, and
cabinet-maker shop, frame stable and other
biiiidiiiirs ; as the property of JOHN W. OIL
l.Esl'IK. ALSO :
H..T ..... .1... 1 .... 1, 'I...,., a n r...
iirni-iiMetvs '. offers are plenty to trade j Tories. ... ... ........ :., ...:.i.. f. of debt. . . ... .... . ... .? ' shells and bullets, to save the nation. er- j . ., , . ; water, then nour the whole down the horse's I All that certain lot or piwe of ground situate
..... v - - , i h it i ne i-iium 1-. . n.ii. .. - oei ier. n on r i lev "row i-orriiiii in nine. : nt i n i.ihic won 'eis .)r iht ' . v- i i i .......
nfib mMt tirotnineiit candiUsitcs oa i nd now. iu this hame circular, we are , , , .Iin,V(1i Cm.-e : . .. ..... ., . r : tainlv. in a choice between two such can- : . ' P., ' ,' .. . . throat. In ten minutes the horse will be- " ,.on:aV r"'W';u"
"" .. - ..... ! ne in ii.iini" ...... . - - n sii' nil reeo ecr. ine n . i in ine . -. - ni.m I' .-v v 10 is I he c earesi wir on i ------- r:i..nounnen nonnwara ot ianu 01 tons r ui-ii ,
told by tins real lH-mocrauc ""'."":.,,..,, ..... from ,,ato have , ..,....,-. . didatcs, no Kcpumican can nesuate in his - .,..,:..v,r, 1 gin to eat
Ti...i i,...,i.t;,... .,.l l.horin- man. ... ox aim mcs. , x-.,... r v,,.. tneew iuin p.., nv- .... ,.,y,,u,.
prcieuocu - " , V" - ' not had the debt of the county wipe,, om. yrmfr.-l don't bciieve in that kind ; l" u,,i '
who has inms.-ii oeen so hh-iiuu '.
spoils of office ah eady, that we must vote
for "a change."--What for V Why maui-
ruon .l,,.;r..o ;t (In, tie and his those
DF.MrKltATi.- farmers who have not t , ' ' ri,.
turned to the offif es the hones! voters have
lately turned them out of, so thai, as 5k fore
they Uid, they may make the public ollieen
the eat of stioils whence they may draw
Rut two years since the Uc-publicans got ' of ,,,H.lrin,.. j j.,, for turning out all cor-: Tiik A AV to Win".
to examine the records iu icference to our
statements, are referred to the prenent De
mocratic County Tren; urer. Mr. Haag. for
ih tnuh.
AVottKlsiiMFN, n-memlwr that every j new acquisitions, and lhar all ih oibcial
vote von cat for ibe so-cilled -Demoera-! leeches may build grand, prin.vly houses
fc" candidates, i a vote against protec- j and enjoy large estates as he d.H-s.
t'iou to home lalx.r : a vole apainst a sound lfehold what they did with the county
for low wa'fs. and avoir j dumioales ! The real hiU-umj " had
I III I VTll' J t
for hard times. It you .ion i warn io - i
industry completely parnly7.ed,and business
of all kinds entitly prostrated, don't train
in th anti-protective ranks.
u,jm thTs time uulii Ibe polls close on
the ?A of November, every Ik-publican
hould up and doing. A full vote can
le R..cure.l only by hard work, and a full
vote, as every one know, will insure an
overwhelming Republican victory and a
,iu?t rebuke to the En-c Trade and Repudi
ation Democracy.
No KErvELiCAN should look anywhere
for a man for office than on his own party
ticket. It is a good one, from top to bot
tom, and i? well worthy of a united sup
part. It wa , nominated fairly and honest
ly. There wa" no irick.-ry rec.rted to iu
ibe Convention, v,hi h wa' one of the best
-i-er assembled in the county. If ba iven
pr.irs747faiisric,'ion , o t he people-. I et Hip
' -- - - - J. upvt
rTid vdr- for each and every candetnte.
rigidly to pay h.s taxes, and only that a
large share of thb fund should go into the
private pockets of tmch as o-.svuic to be
laboring men for ,be purpose of deceiving
and misleading.
Witness Harrison Henrie's duplicate
which was -nbi (.') 'u'' ImndnJ cud forty
s.'r d'V-irs ;ie. t ' iic wtunl ir.-fvrJ, and
the arrearages of more than a score of
others of the- county under ' nioci dti' iatle.
Is it any wonder, then, that this bloated
lord of Democratic ejM,ils should .H-aire,
and actually palm himself off, to In- a Re
publican ard laboring man? That is a
nart of his deep-laid plot. Otherwise,
J -
control with a debt resting upon the county
of over thirty thousand dollars. To-day
her citizen-, have the cheering it:fima
tion that out of about six or eight counties
in the State rive of debt, old' Nort hutulicr
land f.-rnis one of them. In i'lam-in over
the .i."iii..l i.le la'."- Ihp .lt .ii fiod N'l-
thiunberland paid up in full, while the debt
of eome countii reaches il.e enormous
sum of ..yi r one hundred thousand dollars.
The tux payer cm Mill boast more. The
treaMirv of tie' oi;:ity is in a condition that
ned I
rnpt and ntilaitt.tul servants ami electing -h lniK0Wann neighbor will do
no man to office who does not come up to j
the Jefferson standard: "Is lie hones,., is :
he eapal.'le."'
7'.J7,'co(.i. Except the liltie mutters f
selling the oflTn e of (a x collector, and charg
ing the collector with less amount of taxes
than be received, and a few other irregu
larities, I do not that the Republicans
have done any better.
7 ';,. Not done any belter! Have
not the lit t.uuucan ommrisi oners naul oil ,, ... i i , i.t ,
., ... i Ol me IKllIV rooui.i 'r; i.ii'ei 11. j-.tii ir, .11. i. .. .it. ....
i""" - ttie rnure county ueui, anu at in
(arcasm on the T, ihunv for 8"),000 a year.
ti tifinr's rinici i Hut there are exceptional cases. From
"20 to ?G) a week is considered good pay,
more to arouse him to an earnest support : and lie- men who get it are counted as
of the Republican party than a dozen stump lucky.
1 ... . r .... 1-. 1. 1-wl..
soeer hes. Mass-meetinzs impart enthusi- me autiioir.oi oooi.s mat.c out very una-
asm to organize bodies and keep them ne- by their work
live in thc good work but a personal cau
vass by the right kind of men makes con
verts and thus adds to the party strength
"Parsons' Purgative Pills will greatly re
lieve, if not enttrly cure, dyspepsia when
everything else fails. They have been tried
in some desperate cases, and have given
more relief than any other medicine.
There is occasionally an
Uncle 'Tom's Cabin, which made a f runt"
for the writer and two or three for the pub
lishers, and the Lamp-Lighter war. ju'.t.
I C'Vi rv .IiHT
! taxes r. l'eed re vera I nulls .n tin- tionar. fw mU(.(ti Hi. taxes. Has not the coon- I
i Voter ibink "f thi: bet. -re you cast your j Jy j,, .rt . t. i . Ik en paying :12tK a year in-
i 1 1 -1 1 . . . . i ,.iiiin ,rv twin !1 n il i , . . , . .
Vote. N HI ou .i. ........ ...... , teres,, on a ilet.t oi SH'UJIJII, Wlieii 'miv
were 4,iiM due the comity uncollected.
He-sides, lias not the State debt been reduc
ed from forty milllioiis toabout twenty, tin
tier Hepublican rule V And is a'l this ti.
go for nothing ' You may ret assured
that when p.-ople l.ieg'n, to examine thee
matters,thev will have tiu ir rtT'cet, and they
will vote accordingly.
2V.'.'iiv(.,. Weil, I sec you care h rs for
A thorough canvass should be had or the about as MiccesMul. J.ut Ihese are two
voter in every district. The poll tics of out. of a million. One out of one hundred
every man should be known. The strength ; hoc!:-; published, n.nety are Hat Heart ta:i-
j ' ....... . . t. . l . .
ure. CM ttie remaining ten, prouaoiy one
same i i i, i..,vt , - ti,.-. nr.1V. Our i mav reach a r.ale ot iijjh.hi comes. 1 lie
MtiitiMi ijc: t'iuui:ii i'iii ill tin '..-
eastward by land of Josiuh Swartz,sonthward by
Innd of - and westward by land of Peter
Thomas, containing ahont fourteen acres, all
wood land.
Also, all that certain lot or piece of land, situ
ate as aforesaid, bounded northward by land of
eastward by land of Bradley Donahue,
southward by land of George Shartle, and west
ward by Peter Kohle, containing twenty Ave
acres more or less, about fifteen acres of which
are clearei!, whereon is erected a frame dwcllini;
house log barn, and other outbuilding? ; a. th
property of AARON T. KOBLF..
Taken in eTe. ntion and to be sold by
SAMI FI. n. ROTriERMr.L, Slie'lf.
Sunbnry, Oct. 16, lSTt.
-I rc-l.-vcl a l(rfrau.lrt'!nas'ortiiie!it i 4-l RT PROtXAMATlO.V. Notice
' i hereby pireu that the several Courts of Cora
tff. 1 r.ntl TlftTit-t ! raonPieai. General Qnarter Sessions of the Peace,
i ur ThII und H lator wear. ' anil f;Pnpral Jail Dellvpry, la and forthe county
of Northumberland, will commence nt tne conrr
cbJ Abbcrtismcnls.
tlurkrl v.inni-e. Siiiiburj, la..
! leaders should work from now until thc j author gets lor nis copyright ten per cent.
It lo?e of the ballot-box as if the -wcr.n of ' of the retail price, which on a ir.l.GO book
j run the r;-k of bavin- t axes mcreaspo. ir
! you (': not want to pay higher taxes than J
you j.a tli's year, cast your vote fir Mr.
; Valine. !! has been tried, and having this
i (to. id re.-..rd to back him, no tax payer can
I Ju-silae to believe otherwise that his e!ee
I tion will be the menu" of a further rednc
, tion.
the party depended on ju:-t one vote. This
h the wav to win great victories To re
main inactive, presuming on the popularity
of the ticke' or thc former strength of the
party i t to invite defeat. We can not have
too large a majority, we may through in
activity lack one vote of a triumph. Cr-
would be fifteen cent1?. If i, cedD IO.UiO
he gets 21..rl". Hut the chancer. :ir. a", a
hundred to om against its having any such
sale. A book that sells ?,r.o0 i", considered
a fair success, which gives die author i'M'
for his labor. The mo! of I hem manage
T Ur choicest shades of ribhoii?, an.i all I md
of Millinery pooil? always In store,
I Hon-e, lu the borongh of Snnburv, nt 1ft o'clock
A. M.. on MONDAY . NOVEMBER the ?d, 1ST!.
I .IOI1.N 1. 1 A r. r-rv una i't"-', i r i n i .
. . t-rrty lhaii vuii d f-r dollars and r-nN
1 T ....tit.ft' in tliin ( .OtliTCS- .
V.liJ?''H l I'nui'ii .until j n j
sional District. The C'-ta-.t. ot me cit oi ,
TiiK Hinsj. formerly managed ail the busi
i,e ji.rtlie liemoer.iti;-party, are working
.i bitter and .1epf-rai ligtii a
th.r-e ami the inousanu oiner p.-emauou-. , , , ., tll
and public plunders which have so taken , W1(iu. iHial papers in Ibe Snte, notices
place under Dmr-t,- rule, like so many : j.,m .(, t)(. fj0",vjn., complimentary term"
phosts might rise up and say lo this '',.:.- ; v j .( )( wi!) ij.t.l y appreciated by imnter-
t i i 'i iii-in." "thou art the man, an.l lie. , . .....- ,. :j ....;,- h- t.-ih n.-ditica!
- - 1 ' . . , Ol '1 II I' ll" tt; i .i i ' 1
could not 1 Ii.- ti -ay lor Innr eti ana m tis-s.H-iates.
'-thou cans't no, say that 1 did pari a
it, " ,uch is "tne cnaiige'" Itici geiuiem iu
w u.t- 1 rt us ree how soon be will '-, ic
. ..... ,. ,,a j mi;,.(. , ,
such meii Mile.
to run their work through a paper fust,
raniratinn, hard work, devotion to the thus getting double pay. P.ret llarte ; TIiE .it .iOTJRNAL OrAMEKICA,
"ood cau-e for which we labor will crown ' make a good fair living by hi-, pen, but a- ; issr FD MON'TIII t .
, . . i .i - r rr.,: i
our eliort" with success. I he J louse oi yei na-. saveu iioiuui;;. -n-.-n-n. i.-m
representatives must be kept in loyal Hiown, Col. W. Knok, and that clas- of.
I care le-s foi party than ; hanj9. To lo-.e control of it is to again writen make more money becaire I hey
when iiint party .s . the Ufa of the nation to the deadly i work harder
J . iir.iiniti uu L. tlftf 1 tt.ll;iTl lUnl . o 1 ... r- . .. ,1
,,t ,.,,,lucied ! 1 ' " 1 . . 1 V " ;e-rpo3e the hia 01 ttie nauon to me ueaoiy ..woe., r-nre-entntion of the productions of our great
' " J tr loo,' lior. nil linlltultlpti find H'hoga i . . . . . - t 1 rl- . t-. j-c- . a .net 'iliiilir IliA . . . . i 1 :
iiiuii;;i" no" j- 'v., " a-llli ol ta PnPmi0 It n II.P KCy i' huiuui i i.--.t- w . l " :t rii-t r.Ta-i nt?n rwiii.t'ii, ami wuii) j
only obic ; or -v y,.n ".v doMnr, ! ,he polifirril potion, and mu,t be held by name a, their brethern -Shirley Dare,N.-l-!
and cents. tbo friend- of freedom and human;; v : lie Hutchison, -Mrs. l?unkb "Olivia. " and ; ..,,, ..,.., ia ,1.?, count rv to estabiifh an art !
I ana win ronunne inri-e wi-t-K-.
The Coroner, Justice or tne ren.-enmt eonw.i
hles in and the county of Northumberland ar-f
rcoucrtedto he then and therein their proper
per-ons, with their rolls, records, inquiotions.
an.l other remembrance-, to do there things t--
their several offices appcrtainin-rto be done. And
all witnesses proecntin? in behalf o' thet'om
nionwea'th neain;t any prisoner, are rcqncsfeJ
and commanded to ho then and there attending
in their proper person" ,o prosecnte a?ain"t him
as shall be in;t nd not to depart without leave
at their peril. Jnror are reqtie:ted to be punc-
i Mil in tiirir attendance, at the time appointed,
.. i r ,i Given nndr mv hacd at Snnhary, tte :h day
A .Magnificent Conception, Tromlertuliy of October, in the year ot onr Lord one thonnd
carrieil out. ee'h, hnndred and serfnfv-fonr.
I he ne.-os'ity of a popular in-dinm f.irtliel :.
A Kr(iicsintaiivc anU huiu)iosi of
liiirrscan Art Tasti!
riinsi'F'.'Trf for i -nniiTrr tear.
"Me. I'm i i i:,!li. I
t..t . ..Tigre-- oi thi
fi.iing a
di- n i
an ."ii'didale
-.. In.- '-en
IT 111
l.t- 1
thi- i 'eint
,. I.e.
' ll.t.
Til I" ni tic!.- in t !e- 1. 1.. ill r. e l .-in
,1 ,he feeu of Will. . Soh.-r. I '"(.. a coin-
'P' oared with "I lemocratic l.awver'." when
. ii Clemen, . ", hy ir it ttial in -y so .-ir-. ouniy o:i-, tor, only illustrates tlie .-m i
......If Id ilef.-.t, llilil
' J ' .i - i-. ll . .. l - I.
' III eiliw.l s III ll'io:- n:. m-o lis III?,
;n.tiL'itrioin officer 'f that he bai done this
i o v.. 1! known that it is nowhere denied,
t nring bi l rm criminal cases hive not
!,r m I, led, but criminil- brought to jus
tice. Tie rnanaces the business of the
. hinisr If. and ha. ' V his pnidi-nce
ai.d intcerity saied the county thousands
..t liars. Crime have
.niejit. nnd ,be rw'ip'e are f.-e!'ri more
.in.. li.-Mi r a. "" i
rv i!:'.r --'ion b- h i. made I. ; - !..i mo'-t
f;.... He, : pi. -"-.lilt, -oci it.!.'. 1111-
a. iiiuoi- " iith-'ii-Hi in fill ' mp'it'iv ."ith
ibe ma' . Ml. Co 1 i like mo t others
ot oil!" Ml, -ccs in! lie Ii hi- l.e.-'iibe "al'cbi-
. So far removed from the ,riilh are his ,,r j,.., , ,,(,,,. . .. u.. - tailed life
Mat.-mer.ts that irt the i;em of fees paid to ,( m, . . ;m ,ih . .,.;,,, crps, tm,
Mr. SoImt, an.l his liemocratic predeci-fi- ... . i
...... fl, C,Ur.H:.T .. ..r.rrc,nt sot. ....lelitly ..1 :, W. Oll-I I- HOW I'gat.l-
statement ta' u from tbe Audi'oi-j' ?,.. j ed as ..n- of the abl.t
ports of the years in question : p.,;ni!aiii in his
i V.'i ;.-.'.. i.- fumi all u am to .(t- :
snme that vo.i intend to voir the Hepubi;- Sen r. of the war the ltepobh
can ticket. Congrf-.- lia ? reduced the rVderil
in,,.,,: - i c intend lo vole for laral.on i-.M-.f. .I,ih.o, nnn nave t:it:en ,hent who oughl not to have twice I hat.
the he-1 men -and, in that iew, I i'halL'ne c.ti:en. raii.'ii nuruiena piacci on if.v ihe-e ladie-nur-l envy Nils-f.n will
flu- erea army of correspondent" an. I ma- ionrnnl. did not prove the indifference of the pco
. .. . t r .. iio ' t ic of .m.-n.-a to the claims of hii-h art. 5o
garme writer-, manage to make from -...UOO ; wn :1, ., T 3,,,.rec;.ulnn of the want an.l
to c'i, ooO a year, though there k;n't one of :.n ability io mul it were rhown, thc pnblic at
liiili liii.i l.nist f'iit Tourfrt
Is it because j oils fa'-uliy of mendacity which cut rols all
hss ina-b- ;m pflifi'nt, nble, honest
i-inlv vcie f.r 'Tr. l'-acVer for Cnngrcs, them t.y tte- itemocra'ie r.-tK-u.on,
ii I- i. r.r:nwn mivw nn.l worthy . now the -mount of .-; .'..'.of for r;up
Representative of our great interest':. 1'or porting the Tederal govt -mrm-nt isless Ibao
Distric, Attorney, I "b ill -upp..r, f'eneral i was under Jit'e ll 4N .M. The r-du. lion
Clement, because Ji has been a most etu-!of taxes has been a- fo'lo-v ; in Infernal
ient oiHc-r, which is a great savins to the : lleveuue :
countv in shortaning our courts. I'or ; Kv ai t of July lJ,
I'll.- . il,
i .' r ii"f;
a-ou I.. r
l'lc! lioi-
"ciif and confident
In 1871, the "Democratic Lawyers ' re
ceived the very large sum of iioi,n .oi-
dinl ';e' M."f' d'ii!o,. instead of I'i-ft If ilol-
rown less fre-. 1 ' seventy-live dollar'.
; in J..'., .itr.s. received nmy -. aiei
i instead of havintr ass.y iate council with
i him, 1o whom l.tree additional fees had to
j be paid, as w.'ii ibe case when the Di-mo-
K.i: -i -li-. mechanic and l.iboring men t Ii:t t otlicer, le- h id noj..-. and n
-b..iiM l'Kk up tl.eir lav receipts of f.-nr additional fees had ,o lie paid.
years rgo, and compare it with the tax of Hesides, they ;,be Demoera, ie ,oiuim-I.
,. . .. i'i, ,- . .., i i ' w.-re. paid foi allowitig and passing large
l-.l and see , tie delict ml made .y ,li I " .r r t-
'.-" ' In lv of .Iii'.al feis of , he various Ilemocia-
i i . . . . .. : i 4 .. . . . c I ... . . . . i - i ... . i
....-,..4UH. oi- ,- j ticoiiicer-, win;.- .mi. Mioi-r, t.y ms jkiu anu " - . ,.Vcs : lor the iiohticiau and o!
va-tiiie. Jn every iiistr.nce the .leoitclion , ability n a lawyer, saved the county over , is an iieoiir.iging ixunpie to mi poor : (.(. lt,tjc.r i,,u IUit for ii" f aimr who ha v
wiil amouri, t-i more llian a .lay s wages. I u-mi-v i iwwr" in i in-e anu . boy, .' . Ie. have HI.
whom, mid.-r ou
i '.v ! in the State,
o-.vti c.titi' v shows
the estimate.!! in lit h be i- held am. dig
hi-1 nei-hbors .ho know him intitmlely.,an.l:tig 'orthuml-r,'ind i a
D tiHi' iatii itity b- has cai-rii-if it by a tiiai'uitv cvr-ry time )-.,' has bri n a
candid ate. Di public life I..- ha-showti
vie b !. ir -1 : i.-rno rs hi ji. otc'i attention to
hi- leiblie .Di ' ii -. and won - .. worthy a
.''iMrici.r for iu'rilv, that b- now
w iiieiv sjio! !! of ill connection with the
' Commi"siotfer, I will vote for Vastine, for
, reasons I hate already given. Tor Arsnm
i bly I know on.- of the eandida, a a flr-t
j rate man, and the other is abo -aid to he
' an eveellen man.
Well, we are going to make
; people believe that : change W necessary
j as they did in Ohio and Indiana, voting
I for the tariff, free iifjuor, free niggers, and ;
I inflation in one Slate, and against theni in
; the other.
lUfinf,;- - And thai i your Democracy ? ;
'o?,7.'Vi)i.- - It in the right, kind of Demo-
oracy lo win, nnd that, after all. is the itn-
March 2, 1 -;.
February Isi
March ::,
1 i
iniyjo, j
Idly 1 !. lo'ti,
'day 1, 1ST '.
c.nre ral.e ..t w:i li entlin iiatin to its r.npijn, ana
I lie re'iit ifn; a crcat artist!.- and i-oramraril
: i iuTiij.h if uy .u.iiisr.
I III ALI'IXl', while issue, w'nh all the r.-'.'.i-
; oily, has none of t!,e temporary or liLir.y m-
f.-n st chara.-teiMti.-: of r.rdinary periodicals. It j
i . an .-loint ini.-.-ellany of pure, light, nnd i
..-r-.. . !,:! i:r..,-ri,r. - n mtlcetlfm C.f !ictlir. ;
park- and ?: thc trn veiin:- ro'td-i in the ',fIP ff speeim. ns of art'etic skill, in Mack I '"ie I rai.d rah Gift
'Hi- ceil i-ri o weat'oer i,n! and wh te. A thniiali each f nnmwr enc t.uiu .....m ii
1 te . ooi, i n p w. aim i maui s f,,,i? .i,,. r..i , One (irand Cash Gift
di iving a delight, and I doubt if any city : Value and beaut v of the Tilt. AU).K will be One Grand Cash Gift....
:.. f,.. ..-..-Li ..or, !.,,.. '.r. .1... .. innt r.niwIitH.l -ifir it k bound nnattbe close -iuc i.rana ea-u ooi....
ill 111. ,.. Ml, l. IIIUV,, III I II' '.,, -- -. I - -- - .
r.l'tlievMr. While oilier nublicaiions mav claim ,
.. O' i r ii F "i -,'''!. . .'i.i i.i .... . . i .in'., i i,i,t i.-
VI" 1 1 : I V -
1..',,(h H I.I M M
10,1k i. ). 000
- 1-6S-.
Add lav latreil oil
'Ither reduction in
te ,i and
1 frlOMHl
...".,( HI' ),tUH
' H.i'. ".1, "id' I
".,. ".-'I villi
i ommoiiore v anuernur v? ttie ... -,,,,.,., ,. :,h rivii ,.r .1 :
heavie. I patron of rapid horse-rlesh m-xt ; similar class till! ALU IS F. i.i a nniqnc and
, , c ,i, ),... i,,, ,i,,. - ' conception alone and nnapproached f
to Lomier.ol the ..; ,, but there are . .ltlS;)lmWv wi,l01Il rornfit;on iu prif eor ch.arr.o-!
plenty of men unknown to fatue who keep j i,.r. The po'.sefsor of a couipleto volume can '
slock finite ris oro-ressive a-, cither of i "ol ""Pi-" mwi I'-u-" - ;
' . . eraviii" in nnv other r-hape or number of vo,-
inetn. i in re is one icnm io ue -eeu every ,im,.3 r ...u tme?t -,t c.vt ;
day on the road that can make it-, mile in
nines fur ten time it;
a ehrnnio, Ix'-ldes '
..nd then, there is
in life
portant. object.
I irand tot i'.
The rate of la-. a! ion i, .
support of the eov-l nment. piop'T.
18",'i '.', und.-i the li ( I i.-moeratic Pre
il-ni. " ! i P.: i -i," it was .-1.
:.':'2 easi! . 'i'he horses have been driven
singly, one in l':P, and the other it; 'J:l.
.-.'.ii,.t,:'.,0,l II : It was sold to a California speculator last
'-. ."'. for tk.e ; week for --10,i ;i
And by the way there i.-, no bitvincs-. so
-.eviPOTFD To
; C-50,ii.
1. -.OJlfiO
100,000 '
5 ':i?h Gifts. fJO.fXiO each...
10 Cash Gifts, 1 1,000 each...
15 Cash Cifts. 10,000 each. ..
f.'O Cash Gifts,
Cash Gifts,
Cash GifU,
Ml Cash Cifts,
100 Cash Gifts,
'.'AO Cash Gift.-.
.-00 Cash Gifts,
5,000 each..
1,000 each....
2,000 each....
;,000 each....
l.OOO each....
50 each
The nation -i! l.-atui'.- of Till AI.OISF tmift ! i ."" ' a,n
he in no narrow .-ens.-. True art i cos- ., a rM
While 'A' Al.l'lSL U a strictly i.rana in'ai, f,vt 'on-, nil rnsii. '-..v '
phu t: of tp kft;.
11 Whole Ticket", fir
Ticket-: for....
, ?5) 1K
nr. oo
coo oo
l,ooo mi
--' far in I hi:.
i .. .-a. r i
,,l.;,w.,.,i,,!v is tree of deb,. we oiner parucjiar-.
may i-vp,.,-, :l further reduction, fins is j (1.,ma,., miriy (,f which arc notorious in hi ;let phic
more t ban wa-evenioiie tu any Democratic . i,;s eojnmunity, he saved the county, in : ly be a
Loud of counii'-sioii.-rs tu thi-. county. I three leading cases, over . ! tlmttMind '' ,u,
Thor who vote against Vastine are pre- j -i that too afur the reports of tho j
I . 0 --h
for.- lb. in, and lo i fn pay , a-e
itn-titlilions, the
I : would certain- !
j jectjon or charge again t the- l.'-pnblican
..iimed lo te- infavorof bi-h 1aveSand c-r- , Lepn j.r,nollI1(.e l "invulnerable by l.i-I pre-
t i nly oie aeiiiHt tin-ir own tnterebts, arm nP4.fnor?, arid the great nniorif; lo-.
in favor alone of the iut rest of the King, ( brchern in the profesniou.
ho are making fuich deMK-r,,e efforts to So. also, in the item of large .illegal
i cioir;.. n 1 11 i in- 11:1 j . n i -ni. h i :i . rni 1 ic-
'. bill", and Democratic Prothonotary's bills,
a- ure
I li.v
Pre.-idel :. .
I ebanon cooi
to bill) i ti-1 i Il
I N( .N istf V 1 . Win n the Democratic
candidates began to announce themselves
..'.it .t it", no . .1' I t,i
', . . this fall, a correspondent -n the lk.n'. itt.
i tthoin they have r ,
. .. ... : and t-te lor -e, bv lb.-editor of that paper,
i.-vati-d to He ice ; - 1
, .. ! warned Democrats no, to support, strangers
I ior any nunc i un ihu' i i-i,irnuj- 0.1.1
iiteii-'ri riot
Candida, es on the Stnte or 'onniy ticket
worth noticing ha? been made ti-,- il-,e De
niocratic pres. Nothing defna,
Ihcir election but a Democratic ma jority,
and ,'nat. none but the tnosi. fiatitic D.-mo-crats
have the slightest -Np ctalion ol'
U- li: 'hen.S:lve-
c..- f'Fiop.r Vnris,;
! . - 1- 1 I l. , ,1.. 1...
Til'' ele - j .e., ,- n:ti i:o '. in.- iimiiui, ny . ..r,.-ij
eTiinininf nn.l rr-diicinir I he a me in n le-
.1. of the Pepublican candidates lo the , al .lan,ja'r.i 110t :, f,an hur'.ur.d
overv r id-- you w ii
I be pn
W vi
sed '.
i reference to tli,- Cerman and ltih liorn
; citierifi, as they wen- cut from beginning j the Pej.ublican ti !.et is reliable, u in.-t,
- i in ! to end in the convention. Put what do uinl competeT.t lo I'ii the position with
1,1, ti .
Aiuerl'Mn in t.t.Uioii. if does not roiiUne itel, (
nlir.;; fo the n-prohielion of tctiver.rt. Its
:".?. .:-..... .. l....l r.-,.l n,.Frtn:t., ' li
i.ti" -1 J 1 . 1 i'i i',i....,- .... I, .... ... , ......
:irt lar-l-. one fhit v.i:l discriminate only on ' llalvt-.
ei-iiiin.tA of ;nir',iii!c merit. Tlias. whi nhicin-r Tenth-, or cacti C'.'.npon
proiilaojc, that I know ol, as the raixng, , i f,ire ih.- patrons of 1'Jlh ALhl.M , as a lead
training and matching of carriaL'e hor-es. : i' hara'teri-iie, the production of the most
noe-.i .m,-r.cjn ariui, aii.-ijiiun in nin-.n -riven
to --p.-ciieen from foreign masters, giving
ihs.--rit-r -ill the pleaiure and instruction oh
t.i"n:,t.le from home or fon i-m sources.
The artislic illnstratiou of Anu-riciii M.-cneiv,
original Till: ALIUS 1 . is an impoilaur
no pic.ensions to sp(.,, r anv apnroi. h ,o ; " :;" .m-'-'; M ,p;
i 4 41 . in, ir.. "T,nr,ii,r,.-.; !.- rl,e ntil:ietor Ir.-'itmcet
'I hey ate simply handsome. Well- i ,,- ,,. .,it. . ,,;. ,.:1M . ntlorded bv any inferior ; - ZwVii n lLwnRk
d, stylish hor-es, that have fairly : l' -- The oi.liei.... iiiterspeMion of landscape, j voP,eWv
.!. i!i: adion and look well m plate.' har- naa'jaied interest, imno.-i.ih'e where the swpe.of i ASLTACTCHES a pnperior Quality of
tiers, 'l iiey must havi: Some blood in tfiem j 'he work confines the arfi-, toi clojetv to a sin- j window Glass, siDtfle and double thick.
-ie bi in- ui Mn.jL-i i. i in: ni.-.ui u. i.round, corrnateit, iinsciirctl ana i.iaiiie.1.
Any kind of a matched team that will do
at all for a carriage, i worth s'l.'jo.t ; and
teams icll anywhere from I hat figure ,o
S.-..KHI. These teams, understand, make
to i!
I'-.: ti. 1 or inforra-itioii.
Aeent and Man.-nrcr.
I'libiic Library Bnildiffg, I.onistilte, Kv.
Oct. '&r. 009 Broadway, "cw York.
iil I i:- ! examiiu imtli ticl.ti in tie- .. mu.-t 1- well broken anil kind, but above
11I V- a light and graceful accompaniment, i shades of all patterns j all rla-s warranted n.-.f
lief), and you will find that ev ly man on mii-.l look well. To look well in luir'e- ! worthy of the artistic tVutnri -, with only sn.-h ; tri ,tri;n. urj,.ri ro'.Ici;.:.!.
vote the ! we
i i the 'amp in Xew 'or!. a- :! i. in every
thing else. Most e ,t ryf hing goes here by
I t'-eliiiic-.l .inquisitions as do ne, irjierf.-re wi,h I
j),.m,.r:iti, -tid c to briii" about a chnnge. j Daniel I., -dii r.ooj, a stranger and carpet i iy. Can the rrim,. he sael oi lh Demo- ,s always brisk, and the market is always
their ' bagger in Northuiuberlaiid county, for .A a- j rrati.- ticket when it is known 'hat ad arc certain. The life of a horse in thi? city i
!:r intere'l of the work.
I PPiMI l 'M TOP. 17...
rv - nbsrrihei for 1S75 n it rieeiTe .-, h.-:i,iti-
.1. M. AI.EF.RTCN".
loh. r. ? 1V.7I. - .hno.-.
4 l.UJren to Rim Out. ,
on (lie te kel l r As-emMy, . honr.r and credit to tte j.eop:e ot the conn- ; look-,. Tie- demand for hoiesof this c'ass ;
! f! nortt lit, hi oil colors of the aiiie nt.le dojr I rPnE Overseer, of the Poor of the borough of
... . v, I litlinpv h iv in thip chirr upvpral rnit.
mrd lime- are , idun-d to you in their ! har in .Mu tiiuiuiiei ianu county, ior a- j rrat,.- ticket, when it .s Known -hat a, l arc certain, 'lb- bte ot a horse ,n thn city is ! P"""' r i.-uc .iir.i.". i - .uifnorted from the "tayrs
... -. . i.i . .1 . .i. i .. .I. ..11. ..... 1 r .1 -1 ......I .ri:- -.i, .. .. 'tlOllLlHIt. ... .
I enisjature is mo-1. imnoriani io i in- oeo- u,t. cacti tngc.iiirr amounting io ine , ,iV., ,,,.-. n,ri,i Thev nroniee von ' semoiy. nu, comoeicui auu iniiunaiui , nnimiii!-,! in i;ip mriii'-Hii.' i:iii, hi n:r; iieccsjati v Unct. even tlmu'li tliev are a- .... i of thr berou?'u. who nndcr the lw can be bound
r v- .1 1 . l- 1 .1 .. l.r... t.,n, ,.f. ,1 f .f.,,,,,., , ,. ,lr - . . .. . ........ ... t ...... I. . .- - .. . . .. . .l-'vl .'l il l..i...l.'
pif oi rinnumuermiKi -oiiiiiy. i-o. n i m- , .-, , i.oimI . on. -o vmi V"'e '"i'" I ! m n n.iu 10 -oano a .io..- m i.a nn- ;,iiaii;n ; ouro y. carettiliy taken care ot aa carnage li.irr.c3 i
.. i , . i: i. l . .. l . . Iiraill. Willi IK'illU III ine iivill u . . . . ; . .. ,,- . C..-:.. ii, - - , . i . i . , . , Will wei.'orn." Ml e.-r, i-.eini..
I,,- .UUI.ij.oj , . , - , C . r.r i I'd, nr .,.11 (Din III VOIir-elVC IO tll.-U H. I -.- . . ...... 111'-. 1 Ue lio.i- .-...inn -; .ill.; ,1 no . I 1 I -1 1 H" 1 1 1 -
- , ... . mi on ixii ii i ,i in-; .-iiw-ii-,;- ,ii c. ii,-, ----- i ... ,1 I ; ir,,1 I hint liiwi i,"tri,l I I iris. ;
lull)-competent for the. pos.tion. an-1 will ; T(V!ld ha, atwl nol : ruFPi :e ;nXo consideration that they are ; horn. U hat. do you think ot the pretended , rv , . , " ," ' finish t hem rapidly,
roller, credif rp-'n the peo, of the county. ; r9i f.r.i.san.i dollnrs, and in the HM!on,niv pk-d-e to free trade. Tree trade ! frieud-lup of the Democracy. l.s it look 'f'1". ' -m'crat, haa tieen eleele.i to on- cicfh vn.vr- CI I.
Their election important from thi" fact item ofo.iunty duplicates, fie lus saved ! wa.,M and low wages is priva ! as if they an-the friends of tho'e horn on . " M,MU'" l" """ l" " ""-'",
lhr.1 nr county should he represented by I l Z 1 tion if .,.4 ab-.d,,,.. .i.-rv. I.o.-k at their ! foreign soil, where our forefather came , a- on ......-s .o... i., .,-
I,,.:.,.. ,!.., ,....;.. c...c:...i r' " - - . ,..,., - lieniii liiere fio.v f tio re-'rci mat ii,e uni
, 1 1. ii--i. iiiit iii-iiii" .in- , "; - - -. i-.-i.. . .i ... ...... i,..nn ,,.. i ,n ii.. i. .,,....? ,t-,' .ii.Tirx... -iriii l .ip i, r vii r- , 11 ...... ... ,. r. .
o'.e, i;.t w- nei ,i not u,i a - tar a i , ' ' i"" 11 .o. ,.,.101 . jo.ih ,i i.
means l-w wageo an
tion if ii,.? ah-i'lut- misery. I .ook at their
declined to nnv their taes Wcanse. the Dc- .'i'oi wor! iicmen, and tudge tor your-
i uieot (f.e important and respon-ible dutie1 rnocratic t'ommissioner neglected to require i r,,v.. whether under the change you would
, . ... ..... T r. 1,n .liit-Ti.r, tl.n ..i rpnix.v nf tll.i I'i.i, r l',,r . , , . r.
.W-V" un: yn mil n ..' 'in-niv i in i ( .aj.i.u., ....... JV IrtV" !f-f U' t i n n rl y Ml 1VIUIVI- i P;,t Wi tliiM
..... ...,;..V itropo nrjcncDfid fl.A IPim tnni f.t 1 ' ,,il,-i " 1
I., vt -.shion of the I.rg,sialnr-, Will in Hie "- ' V, T . ..r,-. ' ' ".'.V-"': .1." vanii where free trade will a once shut I
. ..-I...- . 1 ' .'-" f fn'jiiifi 'i ooiiiirs, s.:tii:i.- 1 i.e i-i 1.
. he! ioi of a ( ''t. s N-nator, and j fm Jha rstion ' up ( very mine and iron t
iWim jl.l.e:ir.-ilicii. NorthlilllW-r- , I n ..,1.1 it'.on In nil lliia he hoc, ,oll,cle,l Tl .r.. it... I..11. r ion. tliil ire ".lo- !
Some of the workingmen of the city have
made a move in a direction v.hich I count
I . - I l. -.1 . . ,1 ... i 1, . nf hta,ninM aitlt.r lllMT
, . j , , , . ri-.,i- . i. ji, . .ii-. 111 , '.Attiiiic, ....... - -
F fi-rvhodv I or jirli would do well by conferrinK with thenn-
l..v... 51!. ti n dm- nn,! the rorrrait !-. erecitte.l so . ter'-..'r.c,l.
tree f.i ihe life, tii.U It si-em lie- ver-tablc pre- '
r-it. e of tlie aiiiim.1 iieeif. The K- v. T. De Witt i
Va'.iil C'e tel!
Hint, his o-.m Newfoundland d.-
(ihe i'iii.-. t in BrooLlyn) harhs a' il 1 Aithoiii'.li '
o n H ur:i!. no on,' who r-- this premium rhromo '
v.i;! have lb- r.'.i.Jite- t f.vir nf t.i ii..; bitten.
lii'i.l. 1 iie r In oil. 1, 1 1 v :,, lvalue r.tili. 11 ib, r
f;Fe. UOt'CHNFi:.
Ori rrecri of ihe Pcr.i
1 1 -r - I". "in.
It is amiisintr how honest Iho I em n ratic
onntv has tiecome of late.
' Iowa for evidence to establi !i the necessity
mi.iiii.-v uom. slmoilarlv anathclic and the vote ii rhl.
are Lie Hint r time- urn an- - ...... r .. y 11v lliev nroinise netfer , ,. .. . .. . .,
.... . ... :ov.i: .1.. . .l ininll.. rn ir .fli .i...n1i. 1nr..n . . ... .. .... - ' ' . A II" nun, wai iik: vatns. 01 7 u-i 1: io-io-
1 inn roiiiny in ui... ..1 ....... ...... ..... .... wj m-s,.( yon ior vo'in- er to-- .11 time" f on v the olliees are restore! lo i v f.
i iiei-i 01 ' eoii:
..I.,... ... .... 1-... .1.. .- 1
1 i tti"tn. n IH-tl tl.ey Ul-I nave ...e o,.i... we ,hcy n)atc 1P is .tl.,.v(, ;a th- f.
did not see ton, any one nao netter times i , ,.. .
, j 1 1 11 . i' 4 . v '
s ..I,. it irnct .n"ihiiin Mo cnnia til iMrnv
I n. a nuranerol our evciianges inrougnnni ...... - - , , ,
, .. .. ! from dclinnuanl tax collectors, and cut. ,,,v"'
(be Mj'e urg.n" the el.-et.on ol a K'-ntle-, , . , , . f, v,-nll4 .-,
1 1.. -,'l,i 1 Ti ' V f.. 15" . I j pi,ct;i,it 1. 1 t itinm .
interest. There is located at 11 ! l.r. nnd .-tiil.':l H -ill ,h: nr:i!e.'e. 1.1
1 nt'a th, iron, di nartv or-'ani atimi and a full ! V.'er! Twentieth rtreet, a W"rkingtnen's : a ii r VT.DIV ii' I'Mir..
a once -hut I They make all kinds of promises if the j Jn i7. Hip--nvk-s in li-rn-'vlviui 1 ' ciub, modeled after thov succes-fuiiv ! 'Die fni.m r. in ih- ...risinaN f !i rut: Al
mmtifictory. I ,)fll(.(, r,.,.op., , Jhe.n. Didlh-vdo-o ....,i....;' , .,...,,.:'.... ! mnintained in Pn AllhoiMh of r.-."- 1 p, tar,-Miich, i.h o.iier pait.tmgs ,,,id
, llli;i .1 . Ill -, ;.i. 01 inj liiji.iuii,. .. "
cent origin, it. ha" a mem'ier- bin of one i meml,. 1 -. i .i every :eri. of .Mih.-i-nlier,
I,. .(' ... .. I -., . I'-U liiU.Tl'l.l r-;.-. -, vanie I ni. out .lie liu-
man from thisi-otinty to that position who j o( f.0.,,, ;n t VimmomwenlLh cases, rerailfing 'ri'-'' 1 ' 'C'T iis want lo bring our cin u- ( ( t(i .p Mfl
latill" lii"o tliil to t-ec e, lie- pom , ,. . . . . , .
i.i.iu j j ; and they did have a glorious good tune.
is l.iehly c-ifwrncl by nil partiec, and whoe in raving o the county i.oi.'i' of d.dlor.i h
r.onnlaritv is no,, .-c elled by any ether ' every term of court, uch indeed ns ha-l i
I . I, ...... .,11.-...,...! on, ll.,.'.,,. 11,..
man in the
Cir, U Inow every man in :'l''.''"' -V,- i- :,:
ihe i onnly would f I hofmr.-.l to have her ow ja nn these (ascs, and il.e mull it tub-, rl !' !"
floored s in and thi' wori ingniao s friend 1 ot others we have not time or soaee here j demon-" r
.ira-ej.i ih'il no alc.i, .' te uld be on l io eniimenue, vir. . ti'ii rjn-n u-tn ueu-
. ii, ,-. . ...-ii, . tiou and estabii'hcl pi--, r-d.-nts of law
,ent .to be a i audio ate l.u h ,s p,,v ,b!e, , (,ay the pr-ure made t.y h.s uiimerous ; Rn r : Mf,r .. r,,a,lt in ,ni!1..
A'riid: throii"l; the t::l, v.e vh ou, ,oiinty im 'i!--ulable : treat, ir.deed, the
. . t . . ...:.. .1,1 i
l.t volt not led 'Oiiyl.. Ih- t!e- eU-n, llieieol. over Mii'l o-"iei lie- itic
I.- c.iilil aVe,' i alloy: points!
rn !,c .ti t.toi ia-r. , i.tnterr.uan.i tne ei
fee-Is of tlii- . baii 'i It 'voul, 1 make the
I H-,1-1 V. VI t'. - The Ping ha- he. ome dea
i:,.- j p...-.,.-!-, a-is easily perate. Already do they give Up nil hop. ..
Tl..- ii. h man I.a- a mort- ' of ele. tin-- their i nLiie fickrt. Their only
loil irs hope is to get pie-, a's-ion .il nn-1 .oiiimissioii-
..t-r, woo
u o .e of Ii is
... .. . ii... i I toi i:l I In" e:i o. if oi n. on- 1 1. II.
l.i.uon Ti.e'day ri' n-t in lhi iintl.-t is ;,.,,,.;,.-,, ' ..t.o '. . out ..(,
than ! for a and b.-vond what ih
d.f-:., t.y yo,,r .ee lor a e . i ''.
fii.- rite- cinili.Uie i,.r -t seifii.iv i
'an.e means and laws
ot vr i more-itorirtiiii e nun i., i"i :i : :imi H'-'ani'i r.n.' ...
., , .- , , liich tver.' r,l the iomiii.iiid of, hot not
,. as ,. .:e. i!. to v..,.r own p.-r- J h ( ,t.nUi(.r.ili(. ,Ur.
.r, d iiit.-re-f. We .it.- it', ni i TtVf,l (,rilyp 1. 7, f,.r fl5, serv'ici -, against
circid imii ' ii" doiin. lili. en Imndi cils dol
I'll 1 1 .1. --I Ie- vain- of m..l.e by IQ'll - j
ill-- lh ut'.tioli 'I ' ti"' i- one, and vour !
h ., . , 1 oi!'. 111. ne than a ihou-aiiii ! hav
,!,o, (, , ,, . .pien.iv ...or . re.litor . I'l'-muient caudid i!.-. on Ibcii lickello
la! .- ibe wh '- ..I' V'.ur le-cin-Hy for v-mr i cure a Pepublican !. f..rMr. llemie, lb.
.I.,l.i .,. ! ., .!.,.,i.....,i:l th,- d. i.iit , Demo, r ife
I . -t 1 .. 1.
S.-n-nlei i t! . .
I i-Oltei-ilt ti
1 v.. nii ;t.
I .iii it',
fr tiuee i. ;!-
lli. lii-i 1 11:
,11 tSel. Ill !.'
.. 1 lit
ii ;.i"M
'. Vt.-H 1,-1 :
7 V.i 1 ,!'.'.!
i!n,-e ditiii li the D '.'ie- I mind til l, Ibii
Dehi.irrat',1.' maiorily war only liiiv- t mov.-iii.-nt. thai alt (In- memi.ei
- . 11 , .,.. I. ,11 .- 101 a 1 -i in t dollars,
I,,.,,.,. i, i.,, 01 tl. 1.0.I, r ..or ,1,1 1 11 oitice 10 i.iver 111. all tlieir irnn nction".. gat.
1 - . i.i....... 1 ? ).. 1. 1 . 1 , 1 -,
They ote oiicriiig to trade sny man on , inree voi.-. - oi.o.n..o , , i.j.
tbeit tick-.! f.r Citiiiiii e.ioni r. Iii -ev. i .1 1 The above iT a warning to the Jh-pobli
1. ...,,)...,. 1 ...,...,-., 1 ...,i;.l,. ..f .......1
111111.11 io, 1 .,0. i-o . 1 ,-iu o ' . i'i ii.' ; . . . . . ,. , , , 1 ,, 1 i.
1 j I t il.illt'.l :i? -oo;i , ,- r,i. - I- 1,10, ..i . ;
; men. The reading, game and convert- 1 nwm.i of ca. li sni as in.ide, are to be pub- j
i tiui, rooms ni not .mJy neatly but. ta-te-! INhed in th,- ncit -nc. is,n- of THF 4 L
I . ,, - , , ., .,- , I JUS)', thi-feature app.i.-I -. subscriber- ,
j fully furnished, tbll - priMibn' a pI.aS3n, who r,iV l'.,r on. y.-ai- in rolvti-e. full'.ieu- j
I home-like place in which they may spend j lars i,. cir-,il r -nt on npplir::ion enrloMng j
I 1 heir cveniuys. AH the daily 'ind weekly TPPM-'
! paper.-; ar on tile, not to '-peak of a library . ,, . r . .. . , ;
1 ' . ' 1 , . . in. .nt.'.-nption. rat it die' ,0 111 I' Al Hi IF
; of fair pr.iori.oi.. It mu-.t be Ixnne m I ,rar, the ri,i-r.m,- and il.c A:t 1 . n'.oo.
eniii.iv a v,. r;.iii.'inen ". 1
TiIF :;nv IMFF.OYri.
limrtYi ni.itinTi Mifi
1 ti ni vu uu 1
IT I U 11
are poor,
i..M all ilVHI10C.
I o eliarc. for peeua.-e. 1
and hence the success is m
Att n he ' to the- club ill
more of a eurpri. 0. ;'uiicn 'npe? of THF. AIPINF, .".' I'cnt.:. j
th" Lever p-i.t olj 'V'r -'niIi!l. hereafter b- tai.tahte I h- th.
inctan, we are leliabicv i!im,,l. t hey -. an of thi". county loliirooli!. it they Wish 1 the budding c: a . -to,
liler. d to s ,( r.lice fv-.o ol lie
.l . -.. 1
m,ii.( , ineir priie -ipn-s .iiiu- j ..m
lli i! e ti e ion.
i ne vo.'e may
i,r,!i- l,v r-iil.scrii-.l:on. There will be n re lnecl
where , or r nl, r it,; r:i-!i rr "lib' mn:t b--
1.1" -.'I ilicriiilion-- -ne n.l.l -ills.i,, to i he euhiiiticrs d.rv-,-,, or lian-t.-.l to t lie
1 .nan to n-preien'
v.i,.-) ha-, ie ve, Jietiaye.l out uvui.
andidale and formerlv coj-
menlv .-I Hid.- :,,( OHoe-Uy lie- 1 ii h lecloi oi .ShamoKili, lio lift Ins .tup, .eat
would be U n, i.c.-d ai ihe i-.ner,. ,.f. th- ! counted t, oil -Jb". no.
.'or. I
1 1:1: 1. vi:t:i ( 1 . The . urn , ni va ys a
cert titi candidate u ill 1 . lainly he p'.ini-b-i
d. "link v- tin lini'dit v has abandoned
Vol 1 1: reineinlx r ;!i-h by good man
ihe r.ttatf-.'.l ihe xaiioti, an.i .1. to.; (tf ,,. Twivel l.y iiemocrati. lawyer--.
'.vi.o v. e I now r.tid 1 10, a hiiode vear, and he ia to 1; ccn-ured
fir Ciiai. What must ihe r,tn.i ol Hie
il , r il, ,.,iil.!n,ia CootU. ,if
. . i,-rt ,-i , c.ottm v iiuiir. 01 : :ni iii'-ii-i..- i-o,.-
,...,den..ef.,ber ,1, li.vate or pobhe bte. , Mii1fr ,, tn r ;,u :
U', f. el cor,,i,b-rt that I lion.-an, Is of fiemo- They jiaid counsel only for the inni" "!
i f.i- ill 1 hi- iiio-diinrt liool woot-I mil -e rely ' i,, and licit they might the mere ;-uecc 3
ihcir cati'-e '.v-re fie ,0 m dcfteitcd I fully cover up Hacks which were ugly, and
1 '-' , , we i.aid conn'-' I riot iie,,,t, a ; much to
f.v iheif voter, toa Dumoent.c mimher to 1 (nty vtock 'nnd the peo- l,..'
i!:e i.i-gi .laturc who woul-1 finve no power. : (n?.,.H nn,j r-sfablish, in a single year, tlie
H,c IMmbli-an candidate- ar- acKi.ow-. I:IW , punnr. r,g ., n; y;"y ' p (. n ailV ! ,.i,rlion, as Ihe Kepuhlicana will not ven- lo ihe polls and deposit, his vote for Ibe P.e
1 l 1. .-1 civ.t -. i-:l. -lt r iTl.-irirTT tf .- r.-k tl
who'c: ale j. rices. This branch, only a few j piii'iH. h. r--, eve. j.t j0 ea-. t wh,.- -.- the . enitK-nte ;
wee! old has be.-n attended with gratify- j is civet:, t .-a ring It;.- ii.'--iiniie -i-'ti it nr.- ri .1 , -.
; ..'1 -.. -., - " -. !?riro". I'n;,!en,.
... . 11": 11 -.MM n -am.- ii1- iiiTic-inai. on. I ;ii:i- .. - . ...... r
ay-men! th- H. i.tibkcnu f.ommiv-aoners - . , . . VVASSIn.s U f.T! f.
Icu-e paid otflhc county .b-b, of some twenty "0' -,'Mi rf"" :!;""' lhe ! I- "Z ac, per,.,a.,.-,,.lv a ;
"''.,, , , .. .... . " I but I am clllileh ...ore a; to the reaibn" 1,1, il . nor. -iU receive fall and prompt in- !
thousand dollars, and Ihe j.ohce lll ot. some: ; ....-... r...-!,, .tic.., t.v anolvin" to
.... . . , ,, 1 , : I'l'-ll. .Ill, l . 1.11. I.llt ! 11. -Ill, llllll l.iai' : ...
Democratic papers ot hn. claim eleven thousand dollar, all in one yen,, ' ' . ; - f 1 1 . Al nrr. COM1' AN . 1
the ttititniib ot theit-nartv there last week, atid snllliave made nil the nceestaiv Im- j , . , , I Maiden lane, Ncv "i ork.
1 .1 . ,. , j and give iheiii rational amnsemerit com- --
i as a irei inde victory. All light- it Ihe ; pi ovf mints lor tbe comity. Ihe taxes . .,,,,1 ( . ieani
i . ... . , ., ,u -n ,i.i.'. ,r! . ... -. 1 ..1 ' blind Willi in-:! 1 net inn, is a .mod tlnne.ind : " oiinuuu 1 n u
; Ki.,i...ii 111.11 i:ii-- n .,.'! 1 wi." o, , nove luen letiucen nine nine ,anu vet 1 te'ie , .
I.i . . . . . il.. ........ 1 ..... ..... t .- I... ! ..illTiol 1 loo mii,ti i,ii.iinporri.,l If , 1
,'':ryr'' ! ' is money in the treasury to pay off ord-rs .-..,- , Vhurol neeonnf of .Taeor. t.
I', .t 1 1 11 y out. t 1 ... . 1 m 11 rt-.i, ii 1, n 1 i ii'i. v i n 1 ipt ':i 1 .
. , as last nr. irsned. Keep Pepnbhcans in ,. ' , . . , . I "
11 At in (e j im' 1 ,11 1 111 f 11 .itui n ny :ih
i7irlal for Pvogit'"
r 'tt.'S i. l!:t.
t,--t 1 f.ler .-i'lf.,.k-il" Aurir.le-t at the;i.ii.
.vie, Machine rc.:circl a fl'iiicr Pi ire
1 1 ?w :Ma itfui
; there shouid not ).-.! hundreds of them in j
I ..: , . : ,..
1 ;iiin my, :iu.i i.c- ' 1 iiioit- in i-,i-i y i:j i i
Noi l Im .ol.erliinil County.
r K.-ilph H-iy'e. jr.. an drinil:-
11..I.. 1 t.rm. l?:. To -r. d:i.-.r- ..t IMIpU
I ?.'. To .r..i:i
liovle, jr.
dged iv a!i to be ill
every way worthy n-urily and n itiv--
thai policy.''
I hew D iii.ici.i lie editor , have as little. M a : J I Mocs )k,kh ! A I.ou- . jjtni 0icf. nnd taxes will lie Mill further re
reverence for the Deity as they have for . jsinna Democrat write the X. V. IL rnl,t ,hteed by another year,
tin. truth and I ill is cliblv about tin' poii- , he Demoera,' will carrv that. Slate. - -
I r in the ilf.ty every liepunm an to go ii,a
IRF. r.IIenit.I.YN Ti:.l I'.t.i: ; Itovie, jr., has lieen tileil in iiieeourt in torn-
. ,., , ', - , ,. . 1 - - ' inon picas of Northumberland cunly, and will
has set tied down info tbe courts, and it i j 1m. printed 1.1 -aid (.'011 rt f .r confirmation, on
to be hoped il will slay there till it is de- j Tue.-.Iav lhe third day of November, A. 0. 1S74.
cv ol (!:! reator of the I inverse, as it He 1 and that there will be no bloodshed at the-
r(1 rj(.r to turo to so to t!e polls. Thia is 1 rmocracy r.MIntn randMnlos. One vol mav
ihe.tipport m uicv...-.r, ... . ...... c ,il().rjn- M, Kiel,- , ' - - i oi ,., Moutt.crn mie i.eague narader. , , nlMi vonr ,atP. will be
- v1 ..nrrPPI ,1 Otl '1 w.l IIlII I I IMill. , m Clif (Ka Poi.nh ,ina . t hmr ilor.i trtn-n ' ' ' '
I X T i IU T U li.-r.-Sy civvn, Uo .uvoiiiit of
' . .. '.. ... T, 1
.la. -oti 1. I. auger, i,iiiimiii.:e oi uaipu
;.. sei
vonn ils ofour free qovernmeu
lleechcr lias withdrawn all his lee-
. ,' . ,. . l, l,,!-n,t l'r
III. in- il " . i.i. ..,.1 I I.i ntorwla ' ' ' - , .HIWI Hi'-. ... ,...o... .i.n .... j .v..,., , , . ,
(ho rerv ce the. man V. noP . mm., b..m j.'" " " ' ' ""- i lim,u.rnt;n ni,.n ,.r I il- (,.im- i u , nm oml ll.r. remit vv-i lio n 1 lemoeratV- raiseu again to uiu .lamu ui; uum . ve.1.0.
is acknowledge. m tti" ' your ar-Krinwicig ; 'p,v- u.-.,, i victorv ; former Democratic officers of the county, j ture engagements, hecau--e no ins to mve
I hticai nspirams, . ...,..-..
1 . T. Uitlir.l'ACll.
tfnnbiirT. O.t '.- ltTl lOd
t. new inrenticn thori-,n"-My tctftt an.
nr.-d by l.elt.'n Patent.
'.'.--Makes a perfect I.OekSiit. h. nlit'' on boib
;.i. -,on all l:md-. of rood"..
t'..--Knn light, smooth, nniscle-'r f n.t r.i i.t
Imt combination ot na'oties.
I I. I Hi ruble - run"- for years without rep.iir:.
1 ."..--Will do all mrietics 01 work :m.l ( 01,
! ii, hing in a ?uporbr manner.
ti. Ii inot c.i-.ily managed by the operatoi .
f.ciigth of railed may t olfere.I wbila mnnina.
.and 'machine cad be tlirrad'-d without pa-;ie:
thread through hole-.
lv ion Simple. Ingenions, Flemr, for'ii
ing the stit. h without th' nse of cog hI gar ,
rciary cam 1 or lever arms. Has rhe Anto uaTi..
Drop, which inrnrei uniform lcniili of
stitch s? any speed. Has onr new thread e.m
troUcr, which allows eay mofement of
bar ai d prevents injnry to threid.
S. ,'onstrnction most careful and tin'rhft. Ii
is mannfactnred hytb mont skillful .and e;
pcricneed mer-hanies, at the celebrated Tieniint;
ton Annorv, Ilioo, N. N. Philadelphia OiTioe.
in (Tie,DUt itwl Oct- , 1b74 -?m