Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 23, 1874, Image 3

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    unburn American;
Railroad Time Table.
N. C. K. East.
FuiU. Ei. .:;o a in
Elmira M;iil,l'J.40 a m
'-Iric Mail, .-Oriani
n: uii r;i Ex. v4l' p III
r. a e. k. n. vst.
Erie Mail. (1.2(1 a in
Ninsara Ex. I'.'.iOpm
Flmirn. Mail 4.10 p m
V asi Line, t'.5ii p in
siMiiiiv ash i.nwisvowx a. k.; Sunbtiiy fur Lewistown ut G.;'.. a. 111.,
sru! 4."i0 p. ;n.
Arrive ul Suui.ii.y froiii I.c-.vistown at 1.S5
ntiil '"..40 p. m.
SU.V.iM I!VTs!iN, N. C. Ti. w.
LEAVE ! Ai;i;:r
Evpivse., r.'.J.) I- m I Ma:, ..-'5 a m
M-ii, 4.25 p in ( nxj-res, 5.55 p in
.in aecoiiimodatievi traia kaves tShamckin at
7.10a in, arriving at Mt. I'aiuiel at 7.40 a in.
Utfurius, leave Mt. C'anncl at t;.15p up, arhv
hyj l !-'a:im..kiu 0.45 p n:.
leave Northumberland as f.iiieiws '.'.45 a. in.,
r.m! 4.-5..I p.m.: arrive at l'.?.fl..n"..:iti.! 5.45 p.m.
Accidental InsKi-auce Tickets ran had of
.'i. Shipmaii, 'I ieket Agent, at tin- Ibput.
Suiiiiuer Arrau:iiiiit IVurlfic lot
Oliirrat Suubur, I'm.
Off.' Or from ti.."i,J n. in., f. S j. w., er (
rt Snu0iys.
Arrives as follows :
From the East, at 5.U a. m., 4.10 p. in.,
South, 5.15 a. in.. 5.10 p. in.
Vent, 5.15a.m., Ii.l5n.m..l.r5n.-ii.
and 4.10 p. iu.,
North.l.5')a. in. .11. 15 a. m., 4.10 p.m.
Shamokin and Mt. anae.:, :." a. in.
Sliainokiii pi'.ilcr, 4.00 p. in.
Ma:.i close us follow :
Tf.r the East, 5.45 a. n., 10.50 a. in.. 4.50 p. m.
.i.'u p. m.
South, lO.riO a. iu.. 4.50 p. in. S p. in.
' West, 10.50 a. in.. :l.50 p. in., S.H) p. :n.
North tt.bO p. in., p. at.,
Shamokin proper 11.15 a. m.
Miamokin and olliee.. on that route, 4.20
p. in.
Money order will not be issuH after f p. m.,
! SutnnUvs.
J. J. SMITH. 1. M.
focal Sfiairs.
New Mimnlt.t fioons. Miss L. Shifbhr hss
just o;efie.1 at mt More, all ih l:ittjt cfyies of
Fall anil Winter Millinery Cootls. Ladies are in
;lcdtocall anl oiam'.iie hr vxtonsive acMrt
uimt of liat, triii'inins Htn1 niiliinrry xks. pe
nTaliy, frc nf pf'ar-rr. Afivcrtimeiit r..ct
The LtviV" C'a-k. in U.c e.ic of Levant-,
unTi.'Ud of tnac'-lai' nt lat court, a new
rial has T.-ecn n-fused, and h; was scnte.need to
sn years in thf je!,itrnti.iry. A writ of error
;a? hcoa taken oi:t to thi Piij'.-cmo Court.
We . iiv happy to le-arn that Col. A. Cnldwi-'l
;s te'i adile 1 to tbe corjis of clers. in the em
.loy of tl-.e M. K. K. and M. 'o. Th; r.ilonel
ill make an fli rt oliietr.
Sveezci. A::J:tw New'K-rry. of thi place,
iad ono of his lr- ia.l'.y R.;ueezeu betwei n two
uinjKT6 of car' on the t-hainoUin I'lvWioii, on
'rihty laM.
A Wreck. On Friday i-vrnlrs-; the lrr!i;il
-!n on the Shamokin fack wa ew'tohed off
I the .fLrrti. n, twitch was left ovn and the
a in rmi into A fr'.iht car and cahooM. wrecked i earn which were thrown on ihe C.
a. k. No one icjared. !
ToNArUAS DPirLfK, or Miy.lerKiwii, on M'.u
ij week had the index of h. tii'.ccr torn oil iua
iier linn, ii wa? r.u.:ei.-.i io o i.-.-...,
, . .... 1 .1 . . T 1.. ..e...
.3 is doirif well under his tn-atmi nt.
Thi beat race at the Se ins-rove Fair was one
the teature of interest. The competitors were
mes Key and Andrew Trutt,of this place, imd
,1. A u ran), of Shamokin Dam. Hoy won the
:ze. The contest between Hoy and Trntt was
ry r-los?, a,vA thi mile w as made inside of seven
N. LiKP, niail a-;ect on the route between
place and Ml. Carmel. hes been conlined to
room fo'r several weeks by a severe ppell of
kness. We are happy to learu that he is re-
erin';. He is in the 4th year of his age.
4k. Amos C. Wr.vsNEit, ol MeF.wcnsTille,
die working oa a scaffold at a foundry in
cutowu on Fiiday week, fell some thirty-five
t to the ground. He survived until the Mon
, following. His remain brtmeiit home
lis parents for iiitT!uent. Me whs nbout 24
rs of ace.
aixru. Ou Saturday afternoon, 'Doubleday,'
fiiilhful wati h do1: of Wm. H. Miller, iu
ssUig the railroad ct corner of Third and
rket streets, was run over by the fshamokin
in, and his les cut off. II- was forthwith
t to end his sutferincs.
"nr Baptist Char-!, ou Tourth street, i com-t-d
ready for rontinf;. The buildiup is al
dy a fine appearance, and will be a
it addition to thut part of tbe town. Tbe
grejeatiou it mall, and the members certa'.n
eserve creat praioc for their enterprise. We
c that our citizens will give them liberal sub
pilons to complete their house of wor.-hip
rout any detentions.
ystek. Carit. S. F. Nevin has b-en ap-
ited H-jeut for the iar-;e oyster establishment
). D. Mallory i Co., of Baltimore, and wiil
ply Sunbury, su.imokit, Mt. Carmel, B.-aver-n,
Northumberlund, . Georgetown, Scllns
.c, Lewi5hurj; and oth.-r poiutu with the best
cis in the Baltimore markets, wholesale and
i!, at lower ratei th:in can he had from city
r. Orders will he filled for sh"ll, can or
, fresh every day. Dealers and families In
t.ury wiil have the-ir oysters delivered fre of
jme CurxK. Tbe editor of tbe Du.lij says
. wc are taking locals from his paper without
eg credit. We have alwivs been careful iu
n; credit when copying locals from that
er. But we have repeatedly found locals
ed from the Avihi".n without credit ; and
ie editor imagines that the Dally is the only
-t th it pets up any locals, or that i" should
e Ihe credit for all, we would just remind
that it might look htrvLge to see the J'tuiy
died with artie!-9 b-fore app-aiius in that
rVTI even Atttnuon. We have made il a
laity iu luen's underwear. We have s-let-ur
st.x k with grc.'t -are. As we only buy
1 mannfacturers and importer" (which no
r dealer in this country can do) we can,
-fore, sell at price- at which other storek-ep-nive
to pay at lin-t com in the citv. Gall aud
nine our stoek nu I prices before purchasing
vhcie. M:-rx .V Bro.. n.-it door to P,t f '
:' iTi'itri. Twool t lie prisoner- who i
d lest we-k have bti re-eaptured. Young
aael was eaj tured iu Jackson township, and
;ght heri 0:1 Monday. On Tnesday a polio
froin Danville brought down the man Kelly,
iae! w as released on ball to apcr at Court,
Ahum Deppin heonning his security.
tC auction room op-ticd hi Mass. r"s build-
is r.nv: the cetitr
of attiiictioii. tood are 1
witliout regard to cost
f ..... i,..i. .:,,,:. 1
e givil bargains. Auction sales every even
aud prlvat? sales during the day. j
con: the ii)-w 1 lection law no return Judg-s j
meet in Convention u form) r'.y. F.lection
ietn within twlve miles of the county seat,
if there is railroad connections not over
ity-four miies distant, must make their re-
to tbe Prothoni.'.ary the day foMowiujj the
ion before 2 o'clock p. in., and In all other
b-fore twelve o'clock on the second day af.
.he election. The Judges of tbe Court of
mon Pleas will perforin the duties of the
n judges on the thiid day, count i tig the
and filling up the certificates of c'.ectlnu of
rent offl'ts.
:v. 8. Dompr, pa.lor of the Trinity Lutheran
ch, of this place, rather surprised lusi con
itlou lust Sabbath evening by announcing
esi'juation as their pastor, owing to Lis h.iv
cccpted a tall Irom a congregation in Wash
)ii, D. C. Kev. D. has done much toward
linp up hi present charge, and the member
regret very much to part v ilh him. His
(nation will take effect tbe Urst Sunday in
m ber. Shanu-k In lf raid.
imocidk. Another hotnoeide has )icctirred
e coal rejfio'is on Wedn-!iday morning last.
11 what we can learn, a man iinmrj Thomas
e weut to the house of John Flyn, iu Douty
, about 3 mil' s from Shamokin, at ."! o'clock
1., aud aFkcd Flyn to come out and figl.t, on
succeeding he made an iitt-mpt to enter the
?e, when Flyn fired and killed Close. He
went to Shamokin and pnvc himself np to
uire Caldwell, who committed him to jail to
it a trial nt court.
A Fatal Accident. Ou Monday inorninf;-,ri:i
I Irishman !inme,I John Furgusoa, in attempting
I to jet ou a freight train when in motion, hi the
! P. c. E. yard, slipped and fell, getting one of his
j le.8 under the wheel of the car which waft bro
! ken and maniried in a terrible manner, lie was
j brought to town on a car, and taken to the Louse
of Mr. Kohle on Chestnut street, and Prs. Mar
Martin and Clark were called in. The man had
already lout a !ar;e amount of blood, and the
Drs. desire-d to perforin amputation at once, hut
the injured man w ould not permit it until he first
saw the pio -t, us he was i'.l.ihi of ih iiifr under
the operation. Father O'NVt!. of Mi'ton, was
tvlecrra! he 1 l'.:r, who iu eoriipyny w:ih Fatle'r
McGovcrn of Willian-.spr.i;. ;;rrivej i:i the r.'.40 j
p. in. trui.i. I!y tl:H time Kerens';:; bcci;'." too j
weak, a:id the itoe:or d'.vline.: jvi forming the;
ojHTstion. Ho iiaeiv(! until l.a'.l p.i-t t!m
elotk Hiie.n death ive-ii-'ed him k; " ; t'. j
iuu. He wes a niau about year of , weii '
drc-.-J-ii e.u t i-.,'.i';'i;"ii:i. hi-iyu1 a fc5:.-l teaelu'r.
IU- - tati-d lie had no rei.-.tiV' - m ru';"- ,
try, and ha'- :i ) it-oly e:np!oyi:a at f ir several j
yeai-. Ho !: iu lautht si hool ia .h-. -.y 1 iiy frr
abo '. ti n anaitiib. and having little ,:ia; h :net:t '
sliuv ijcta'xe d'-t:taie of means, a:.d was t . v;;i
t wo: Is 1:S way to l"i:i":i.-!--nhi. The t
:i l.-a i
j v.-as attcniptiii to p i on t.-; goi:i to S
kin, and he expected to ride on the cats until lis- i
covered by the employees of the road. 1 1 : - re- j
mains were iu'.erred in the Catholic burial ;
j grounds at Northumberland oi: Tuesday.
ii.vsKiUi.L. The. .iu;e of base hall ;.ppt.;i to
1m' an epidemic amorg the young lien foi wha l:
there is no cure until frosts interlere. !Ioy from
knee-high upwards talk base ball everyvhere.
Wherever a crowd congregates hasc hall . sure
to be the topic of .Mseussion. In ihi place there
ure two c'ubs organized who play admirably
well, and much interest has beci taken y t Tie
citizens to niaAe theui proficient. Several games
have lately tv en j.l.-.yed with clubs from other
tou;. In the last game with the High lioys of
H.nrisburg, they were, as was expected, defeat
ed. Ibit wc mo informed their defeat has r.nt
been discouraging to them, ns they will again
plaj the same club to-day (Friday, I on the
grouud of the met Club, en their re'tirn from
Willionisport, where they jdayed the club of that
city oti Tuesday afteroiwn, the score being ?.f to
7 in favor of the High Boys.
On Friday evening last, two females collided
on the platform of the old depot, and us usual
ut unch occurrences. eont-Ulerable liair-puilin';
and scrat ch:iir was done. The trouble crleinat
e.l from one s.-i::x h'-r W'Z" lord with the other
feiuisie, and --uppoMii!; him recreant his inar-ria-r.-
vow, hhc proceoil'-d to avenge htrtc!f for
the wron;. Quite a lively tin;.: was had for a
few ininule., which drew together a larj;e crowd.
The he'llgerentr were a married and iiinuie la ?y, it will !e iinpot-slhle for n:e to he present in p. r
tbe sin-ile ladv; otr second b'-t, with her j " 'U Tirit. Ilem.iuber me to each
, , , ., , I and t'Vei V odieei und mail present, I 1iojk v. Ml
face con,.dera'.!y raU-h-d, and th cranial co- (vl;. Juaktf ;t .,.,.. o.-izatio;,.
i venue most v.retetieiliv di.-e.r.i-.'iei:. melius-;
j band was an eje wi-uefs to the affair, and did not
I appear to a-ree with tl re ".) eyed monster"
idea, of better ii:i".f. ar.d ei i-i.vored ! j::i-ti-fy
his conduct with llt- !!?. h!m- had 1-It
hii'l iu the iii.i!i,;!;e; afl' r hr-akin-r a ie-v ihshes
on his head. The wile rteil t hat tie- : 'i-e
of ion wa 'ii it:-; her in a .Til'1! mrui
ncr. S 11 i i. and ladies"
M:.rx it llro.. n-vi d.
tmrv, I'.i.
cleeik-. a hii'1;. viri.-ly :iT
t-rtoihe p..t off.-c, Ii!l-
Ov the Tth of .l..!!t::.ry, 1 ';:;, Mr. K. .. M. Fit
ton, of the I; nil of I. M. Burber it Co.. was tab
bed by one of the wo:kniei i:i an aitereati-iii o;i
the tuiii a!. Monte, mi-rv. The r ound was inf.:. l-
Ci) jy H .),;,.),
!! ll eighth rio :::: !
Mr. Fillou leeovei.-ii
v a .
'i the dla' ii: a.'in:
. ;
. Out!
ii i mp;
e-t., he
las enseier
h ot-v
Hi! vo.nit'n:
i :it lin
ember hi
. a.. 1 oi
nit sei ee;
ken ill v-. i:
MfPi'ted b
:.t h :
iliuJ. l:r. A. T. l! i.l.
Crawiord and 1. von. of Wi'- I
lianispiirl, ma.'e a j'-t mortem e'::n.!.i:..ion of
the body ou Friday. Tin y discovered a. diaphra
uiio lJerahi, tbe r--s!:lt of the tab. There wi n
cut In tbe diaphrani :t:i inch and : ';':.irt"r :i
len-lh, which allowed the transverse colon, or
large intef tiue to pa-s tLrougii and adhere to the
left lung. Bhinewal;, ho iidlieted the wouuJ,
was arrested at the time of the (juarrei and lci
ed in jail at Wiiliiimsjiort, but what became f
him we know not. Vi'tonim:.
CoMoitK-si.NAL t iNrElti:. r.. Tin DcmncM
tic Congree-ional Conf-renee of the Fourteenth
District, composed nt the counties of Lebanon,
Dauphin and Northumberland, met at Boi:oi"s
hotel, Harrisburg, ou Thursday Oct. 15, IS ".'4.
Dr. A. ll. Light, William (iasscit and II. ?. Bof
buck represented Lebanon county; (ieu. .lo-;li
F. Kuipe, Matthew MAtl-er an.i Ceorge Bailey
re present '.-il Dauphin county; (.. V. Ziegler, Dr.
R. H. Aw! iind W. M. Weaver represented Nor
thumberlaiid county. Ccorgc W. Ziegler was
chosen Picf-ldent.aud H. !s. I'.o huck, ..-cretary.
General Knipe noiniiiatcl Wm. M. Brcsslin, of
Lebanon, as the Congressional nomiuee, juid
Win. M. Weaver nominated Geo. W. Ziegler, of
Northumberland county. Ou the first ballot Mr.
Kr-slin iceeiTed s'u votes, und C.. W. Ziegler
three voter. Mr. Br.-ilin having a majority was
declared chosen rs the Democrat!)- candidate lor
un inimon
On motion the nomination was made
G. W. ZIF.GLFB, Preside
Roi;ta)'K, hee'v.
Attest. W.
The Minnn' Jntinuil gives the followin; addi
tional particulars, of the suicide of John P. F.lliot
noliced iu our issue ol Inst we k :
'Yesterday Jouu Elliot, oiigiiiiilly from Bead
ing, Berks countv, P.i., but lately at Shauiokiu,
came to th's place with the noon passenger train
and put up :t ine tag:e Hotel, .vir. iicorgc r.
Fesslcr.proprictor. Notbicg unusual took jdaet:
during the afternoon, evening or night, Flliot be
haviug as a stranger at a strange p'jice would.
This morning he am and cmne down to the
bar room about 5 o'clock. After being about for
a short time he remarked to the barkeeper that
he would go back to bed, and that if lie were not i
Up at break fist t.'.ae they nee not 1 a!
there was nottiin unusual in this, it being done
ottcn, nothing more was thought of the. tn;.n un
til the inmates of the house were slariled by
loud cries proee-iling from his room nbo-it ;o a.
111. Tbe luudiord, upon r-m hing the tnd
Ei'.iot in extreme agony of pain, and at per
ceived that soiu. tiling of an unusual i-bara-orr
bad taken place.
He hastily S'linmoiied Dr. S. J. S-vfert, who,
tijion reaching the scene, at once declared it his
opinion Elliot had taken iwiison. Dr. J. G.
Dr-her wan at once sent for, aud the physicians
united their etlurts to save the miserable man,
but the deadly virus had already too far accom
plished its work Elliot dying about 1 p.m. Dnr
ing the intervals of pain Elliot conversed ijTiit
freely, said that he h..d taken live grains of
strvi lininc, purchased ut Shamokin, and that he
J" k:: - H-refused positively to
av from wtiom h- Lou-hl the iioisoti. or Ins rea
son for taking it. sun- on- proposed to tele
graph to Win. Lyon, at B.-a llni;, when the sick
mun feebly raised Ids be .d and said, "No, uo,
don't send lor ltul'.y. tic has tioub'e -iioiigh. 1
don't wan! in lilnkc I.111I mine."' Hi" fiierelsiil
Beading have been tel-gr iphed for, pending
w hose arrival notliin-r will "lone to t lie corpse.
We nnd-rstand that no on- knowing exa-tiv
what the law in Mich ii-is is. !). uty Goioner
1 Beadle has been ..unitiioii) to liolil 101 iti'iu. -t.
Tin Lutheran Sunday School of the Stone
Ghtircti ol Lower Auuu-t i. v.::i no. a an r.xnioi
J lion on Thursday and Saturday evenings, letotx r
.".ith and ill st.
An admission t
wii: t,c ch:ug-d
for Mi- b-netit
of th- hoo!.
i I I IS Ell;t.
p"l.;is ash ('01 i i;!:i-Asi s. The- only
pine- where you can iind a huge assottt.iei.l at.
kjw prices, is at Mart & Bro.. nert. door to the
post olliee, SnnViry. Pa.
GovnHsou Tlio'ts F. Kka'.ii r.TTT luariagcr
ol the Gift Concerts in aid of the Public Library
of Keutucky, of Louisville, in that State, will do
us a favor not to tempt us more with advertise
ments of that institution. The Inws of the State
forbid the publication of such advertisements,
and do not discriminate between one of this kind,
which is honest :'nd for a good purpose, and
shvster concerns. We know that some one will,
on the Mill of November i.-xt, bag $I50.V.iO,
and others smaller stuns, and that the money
will be promptly paid, as has been the case in
the four preceding on-s ; but the law v,
allow us to publish tb-lr advert is-m.-its.
them away from us.
Joi; Jj fieusOn, the renowned nctor, will ihiy
l:.p Van ir'J..'c,iii the Opera House in Duuvill-,
ou Thursday evening, the ??th inst. Price of
admission, reserv.-J s.-ats. SI 00, and T."i cts. tle
neral admission, if 1.00 and '') cts. As the Opera
House at Danville is one of the best arranged in
the State, Mr. Jefferson will no doubt give one of
his best exhibitions. He is considered the best
delineator of Bip Van Winkle on the stage, and
those who mny patronize Irs performance will
ner-r rejrret it.
.tleliii;; of the Nnrvitcrs f Ilie
Ittlsl Kru iiiicnl. I. V.
Uepresentativcs from eight eomjianies of the 1
lolst I.eiiiient, 1. V., met at the Central Hotel, j
Simbury, mi the 'M lilt., uud made the prelimi-
nary arrangeinente for an ar.uual rc-union of j
the survivor of the regiment hereafter. Lett ts j
were read from Coi. I'. II. Allabfieh, Capt. Joiks, ,
of Co. ('., i 'apt. J. II. Orwig, of o. A., and
Lieut. i. T. Watters. of Co. K. The following :
nuwerej to th'ir names at roll cai! :
U. W. I'attou, Major. '
bs. Waream, Capt. Co. K.
H. F. Keefer, Capt- Co. II. j
A. N. Hrice, 1st Lieut. Co. C.
A. !. Lundv, 2nd Lieut. Co. I.
.1 1
I". W tgo iselii.'i, -.hid Lieut Co. I".
I. Ii vin, :.'i.d Lieut. i. i'.. i
M. Vrirliin, Sad I.vut. Co. K.
. W. K r nued:. , St r-1. Co. II.
. W. Arin'id. Ser-t. I . '
s. W. N:
i;;.v, 'or
. Sla 'ici.
k, I-
I' HiMiver. ( ' ,. C.
W. H. FeilA. CO. i.
K. M. I.o:.e.i.;ore. ( -.
S. Marie-. o. D.
D. C. Ib .L'Ue, Co. 1..
i'hiu.'as Li'i.-er, Co. 1"
The time for ib'L' liar
'ill Decem'i.T i:'.;h, e'.ee
on hunday, v. h.o; ike u:
the Tuesday f I'lowin;:.
In vil a I :jii s heiii- exte
oi-i! me. f hie
'vhe-.i i.
was fixed
te occurs
hcl'i .01
u bv va ! ie'US i laces.
stiTibnry iv:is, ou luofioi:, p-jectet as the pHec
for 'iiecting this year. Tuesday, Dec-ember l.V.ii,
tiveil ,ts I f:e ililo ;ituI ncioclc p. Te.. th
Chus. S. MarkP. of Io-wJ-tow . .-.-'.ecfcl
as Ora. r of the dev.
Li on's. li.-iee, Lui.dy and Morton, v..- re a
poiated a lOnmiitee on Oi ga ah: .: h u.
Cvpt. W.tream. Lieut, l.nn.iy and S-rgt.Nic-
rsijii were appointed a cotatiihtee on ti ai'rpoi ta
t';o:,. Lieut. Hricr: e- e);.iuit;i ehainnan of com-
tnat.'o on si!iii.ic-, an.l tie.' renr.-M-nt.itiVes -el
ncs nusi ui- !vpr( ( Ti;.a,.fS vi . r(.i(1),(n !lu. wanjv- U).M, i,c ii;ut rut ii.n.k- a i One uvoii lov tue office ol Auditor l-cn-iip.'ui-
i:vn:i :v if'iucstod j, vu!d tin- nit-find.: s have nmtmrsed j oral of t 'V Coilimonwcatthof Ptti.Sjiva-
ihe various com
to send in the number that would probably at
tend th" re-nnion oa the dav named
,, ' , , ,,
1 lie woctii:- was a T..L-asaui on., aii.I all lw-
sent promise I to use lluir Li'l fii.i:ivor to Imw
alai irodok-atioiiat I hi r -uiii.m.
V.c give the follow:!!; eTtraeis from l.-ttors j
rere've l (Ve-Mi nlse:;t eon n-el.-s :
Sot)!'-- Point, N. Y., i-ei.t.
l.ieut. A. N. liiire .'' ';. .'... Yen. is of
the Vlt roachet- Lie to day, and I ha-ten (o re- j
ply. i am piea.-c 1 to hear tlj-il yon arc -oin to I
have h re-union of the olliceis ::r.d men .f the !
i:!lst Regiment I. V., I kn-.-w uolliin-; that
won.!.! -rive me more vlcasure tlia.i to meet my
comraile-i of the li;!rt, vt I am sorry to say that
Yu:i-rcM-ct liillv,
V. II.
o-.vs, r'
' ! .
I I.r 'V i s ; own, :'.. ::), '7-t.
j i .).. f -ft!-: 1-1 ..-: r. gift that eii'
' enmtMnces be.o;i(l niv . ent: ii ..i ; 1. vent m
f i part .ei; alii. g i.i yom in o i e . ing to-day.
j He a.-s-jied llr t nothing wi-u'd :i!i-io me tp.oD
plearine, to extend a l -r liai uu thill to the
well rememhered survivor-, ed tin i-i-i, with
whom I -ha red tie penis oi battle, the Ilia s of
camp, tli-glory of re-'ill, and the ever to be
! praio-d etf- els ot ;naiy a g.:lsi'.l buinber. A
; re n:'::i.!.itio:!, sneli ;ts .ei .-.'nii.-IT'p.i.U'. roust
m-.t ii;l!, nifo- and approbal i-n, te . us.j ).
j ol.jei t : to prune.!. e;,nj -.v . J mont; t lie lii in-,
and -eiuie lih-lity to !h- lie -aiori-
i ivhi' h -.i:-te .ir.jiM.i! I':e . oi.r !':l'-ii umi
! l.ilin i.t.-d d.-.i.i. that a.! thiliu'- tieiv
' w-:!: in li.irn.ony in ti..-.-e eiels. n:e! .lt!i my
1 i-i . ; e. s!j ...r t i:e aei'ar- ol c :'' and al! ot yo:.
) I ! Ml. till. M.U;s iVf.,
J. I . Wati i:.-.
j l-t Lie-.i:. of ( K. l;;it I'. V.
I V.'amiisoton, r.,.;:. 1-.
I. ir I, (. Yo n -loi" r. . ...-.!. 1 ti:o-t
ht.ulily approve ol' I he pioin.-e! i.-uiiiou of li.e
i and n.o:i!,l i'.ive i -.iing ..-.! t i ou i I
j v.ih yoj on the '-' '"til. 1 a:a atial'i leovev. r I. at
j I s Ii.i i J not livable l.. be w:!ii you a; that tin.. .
; Sho'lld 1 Lot lie Willi jou. be kind emuiiili to re-.
rii-ni'ier !:: Knui v to :i:,. 1 im;v v. mi-',
" I . il. .loS! s.
I.ihI ol'Juriirs
Tor Novemhi-r Term ot the Court of North.1;
berl.i:.I Cointy, 11:71:
ORAM) i:;;ok.
Sebastian Boushner, Sunbury; Ll.
I'oiut ; Alithonv Barber, Lewis : doliu
i... 1
Delaware; Fnrmaii Furnsworth, bhamoWiu ;
Peter Koust, WaUontown ; John Gllliu. Chillis-
M.r.,i i..; t r. - m . 1, ....... 'i .vi.i
quaque; Abraham (iei-t, L'pper Mahauov; David )
licit'. Sunbury; Casper Thnrp, 'oal; Henry j
Il.l.. Iff r......'..t I...- . .Turi.I f lPt.. Hit.tKi.rr. I I11
John Kramer. Northumberlund : Abnihaui K.ise.
Bush: John Long, Lower Mahauoy : Godfrey
Miller, Shaniokiu ; Wiiliaui M. .Miller, Lower
Augusta; I'eter K. Menges, Lewis ; John Niir- J
conk, Milton ; Samuel fersiug, shamokin bor. ; j
jonainau Mini 11, t nsniugion ; isaae vuieeiii,
Watsoutowti ; Daniel Wagoner, ('aincion ; W.
'. F. Wcimer, frunbury.
DaTid Adams. Miamokin; Levi Ballirt. Milton:
Geo. C. Banihart, Boint ; Beuevillu llut.b. Lower
Malianov; John Bourne, hunbiiry ; Francis
Co!don. Lower Augiii-ta; Jo-eph G.ilihvell. Mil
ton ; Knoeh Cole, Mt. Carmel ; David D. Conrad,
Lower Augusta; John t'awlcy. Chil!i--iuai)ue ; 1
Chiistiau DichI, Kusit ; John Dnic, Northum- I
t.erlani!; John Dutikie, Turbut ; Enoch Everett, !
iVatsonlowti ; Samuel Epler, fli.tmokiu : Lam- j
lj:rt F.ekman. Bush ; John K. Frank. Mt. Gar- .
iih'1 bor; E'.ias Fa-elv, Jordan: D-ivii Fry. 1
Sliamokin: Samuel K. (iilger. Shaniokiu; David
Gauld. Delaware; Daui-1 Gross, North'.imL.---
! land ; Joitn Qiilic!, Point ; Barnard Harvey, Mt. !
i Catm-I bor.; Benjamin Il-flu-r, Lo'.er Augusta;
! Jen aiiah Harvey. Mt. Carmel bor. : Kenjamm ;
! Hoy. Snyderlown ; Lawrene- Huff. Milton ; Gnu- !
! rad" Hofluiaii, funbury; lienj. 1". J.fliies. Slinino ,
kin; John Ivlase. Snydeiiown ; .lohn Kr.-ult.
Milton; John Kline, Jackson. Wm. il. Keni-
merer, Milton ; Abraham L .wieuec, Cpp-r Au- 1
glint a ; Clarence McAiister, Northumberland ; ;
Win. O'Ke-fe, Goal; Franklin l.ichaid-, Me-'
Evensvi:ic; Henry Bogers, Jacksoi.; Jacob Kider,
Northumueil.ind ; Win. Beah'-r, Shamokin ; An- .
I drew Rothermel, Lo. Mahauoy ; Mi) h o I Bo-rty. ;
i Mt. Carmel bor.; Henry B-ed, Shani),ki:i : Jacob 1
! Smith. Coal ; Geo. Seller. Lower Augusta: I-aae j
J Spatz, Lower Mahauoy ; Emanuel Seller. Shamo- j
kin ; John htitzel, Delaware ; Jacob, i
' Delaware; Solomon ."shiii-, Sunbury ; Joseph II. !
! "Shannon. Biverside ; Jueo'o V.'agonei, Turbut- 1
ville ; Solomon Walter. Chi!'is.ii.iiiu
I 10 .1 i.a.., . I....- e;',.,.. s. .a.,. 11- . i . ...
J ll.l.HCI, I Ol lib , I ' i 1 III....I1. . . .000. . , 1 .-. -
art man, .i.icKsou ; li-ury .erne, iai-K:oii.
1T.TIT Ji nous, for Novemher !'th, lTi.
Dauii l H. Adaius. shamokin ; Peter Bantam.
Tntbiit : Solomon Giimau : Washington : John
I liillman. Lower Mahauoy ; John Beaeham. Point:
I GiiitbChainberlin, Shamokin ; Ja ob t 'able,Sun
i bury; Isaae Duit-ry, Mt.Ci.rtiie! bur ; Win. W.
i Di.-iil. Point ; Everitt, Watscmtown : Sam
j u;i Foy, Goal ; Samtn 1 Fashold, t'jip r Augus
ta; Pliiiip Fullmer, Tiab'il : Peter ,-h:t. I pper
! Mahauoy; Isaac Harris. Lower Mahauoy ; ..u
! i. t K reamer. ( hillis.Hla.illi . Jacob Ki Vs. 1 . Ghil-
lis.ju.ejiie ; I.-i-er, Walsoi.iowi; : .1..
seph Little, Sh:. inokin ; Bobert I. eigne. r-. Mil
ten : Win. L. Moor.-. Sunbury ; Neiiianic! Mart 7..
Lower Mahauoy ; David Morgan. Mt. ai ni-1 tp.;
Jos-pli Myers, ('liiilis'iuai'iic : S itn'l MeMahan,
Miiton ; John P. Pursel, Suiibuiy ; Bcnj. Pardo.
Lewis: Wallace Puss-el, Lew is ; .lacoh Khouds.
Mt. Carmel; Samuel Sterner, I hi!lisiiaiUe ;
! Henry C. Sh idi i. t'pp. r Mahauoy ; llari ion
I Suyder, Shamokin: Abiaham M. in-r. I.o.-.ei
i Augusta; Isaac T'ruilt man. Lov. . r Aif;n-ta :
I'.t. r Itafiiirr, 1 url.c.' vii.e.
i i.n r si i.y for week coiiiuk ncln- MomViy. No
vember l'.'.h. lv7t
Leonard Bidleniaii, Milton; AlcX. Boy .1. Sjliii
bioy; to-or-e Conrad. I " I1 r Angi..-t t ; Jacob
Crawford, Delaware ; Albeit Dunham, Northum
berland ; ' har.i b iarii.g-r, Sunbury ; Levi Gut
shall, taimeron ; Dani.-i lli;l'i;-h, Jacl.soi.' : duo.
V. Ilopev.ell, Point; Kol.erl Highlands, Chillis-)iiai,u-;
Soiomon H-lwig. Shatiiokin ; .lils
Kirk, Watsoutown ; ti r Kei fer.l'ppcr Ai:-u-ta
; Samuel Echo, Lower Augiii-ta : Ahraham B.
Lawrence, I pp-r Augusta ; Nathan Linebaeii,
Turbutvilie; John Lew, Suuburv ; D.mi-1 B.
I Malicl,, Sunbury ; Henry Moer, Mt. Carmel ti';
! John Mus-rove, Milton ; Sain'i. l MeiiL'es Lewis;
William Pardo, Chil!isiua)Uc ; Jeremiah l'eimy
facker, Zetbe ; llcm v Beiiuing-r, Northtaiibi i -
land ; Isaac Bessl. r, Lower M.ih.itmy ; William
S. lleiin. Lower August i ; John Kuush. Milton ;
Li nus Stout, Milton ; John Siuil. r, Zerbe ;
David Smith, 1 pper Augnsla ; Geo. B. Syuton,
Shamokin; Joriah St t.i v.ser, Cniil ; Justice
Swank, Milton ; Ciisjier Sholl, ; Wil
lh.m Waldro-i, Terbti' . Si-ieu-I Shatiio
kin. Tin; larg-sl assortment of ilothing and fur
iiisliing goods ere seen at Ihc stop; of Messrs.
Simon tV Opjieiiheimer, on Third street, where
any kind of suit may be procured at the very
loweH price. Many of their good-, are Mild to
other towns liecausc they undersell eitrv dealer i
in this section of country. The beauty is, that
all who d-al with them are satinli-d with the ;
1 ""- 1 bar-aius that aie made i.n l recommend their
Keep I friends. All suits are made up well of good tn:i
j teri.ii, and cannot fail lo (jive satislaetiou.
Anotiii:!! large lot of new furniture is on exhi
bition at B. L. Kaudc uhr.slrs store, in Masonic
buildings There i.s nothing in the furniture line
that cannot be procure! :it that esiabliahincnt.
Full chamber suits, parlor setts, of'i and sit
ting room fiirnit.tiie always ei h in I nt tiie low
est prices.
Fail ami Wivir.K IIT. Ml th- lati-t style
of hats ai- no.. nt S. Faust's store on
M.iiket sijuare. Mort b-ntitif uf style.; adorn
his windows whi-h are i-o'd el- up. (ieutieun n s
furnisliitig t-'iD-Js ::r- -''I T'l - -1 ct t'.e l.e.v.-t
j tha followiag eommunieation from ac aued
I nnd higiily respected citizen from the upper ciid.
we are informrd of more nefarious transactions
by IK utie Commissioners. Will this da
uiauing i.roof aira'net the Democrats never cease,
or does the li-onvy exint to an immeasurable ev
tent :
f 1 ii: T!iiC AMIUIirAN.
Tlie SJoys wit Xever 'I'oIJ lln-ir
avii Fault.
.Ii:. KiiToj; : I picked up a Democratic paper
to-day, and read a column and more devoted to
'Tlie Hone.-t liov. who Never Steal," and when
done, we l'aiu-d to see the pom!, the editor was ,
unviag t ir
iii.'wr.iiT s..vs -There are nianV
Mi si-
v. l.o cannii: be, maile t; b ?!;evetiiat
Ya-line and I i: h .in. would allow one
l"a:i siicli a i
wii he'iil nial.iag a
Now, this mav l-.
h a ;ii as they
lee coil ui ;', litem
true, tor :ifi..r the teachings
til ' iJ.O!i.j.T.-.t.- '.iae reeiivid, we
it would be hard to make th :u I c-
do le
s lieve ai.M-iiug. '1 hey be!iee-.l Hoi act
: iulo oui; of tile e;e ti viil.-.'.tis '
aa.l ii, ;!,"!t tin-." oU-l f.r for !';
and his i'ea:ii he is caeoal--,; ;
a c-'.rih.
ese.i :.l ;
- I -a?''' .n
eiiil in liOUU'c; a: ;e Aitnaaaes.
!.-. ma V-t Pay-i- seek for the truth '.
'...: I t u : . ; l.,inl. at th" time the hinds and
purch.o-ed by the county Cote.nii-ioiiei , a
large county. Laud was soid at Coi:nul-;o;i'-:s'
s..le. and liuii! 1:; t-pwi;:.!-., i;.--tly iu 114-1 o,
lhi h.nd w is scab at us after the close of
the war, time Democrat ie times were hard.
'V heal sold us low as f in v eeatu lies Imshcl, eon-
se-l'Ui.tiy there weie no purchaser.-, hence them - '
ccs'iily ot the county becoming a pui chaser.
-Now, Tax ravers. Cue Deeds for this land have ,
been i:i the county sate for sixty years, and iute- .
r. st accumulating thereon. The county being J
b!e-l w i'h Deniocrr.tic eoutity Coiuunh'sioners for ;
lifly-seven years of that time, yet ihey never at-
ti'iiiptcj to colieet the amount due the county ! j
" ny iius ncengeiiee on iae pan oi me oiueiaib i
Were they paid'to let the matter rest I Of this
you can think ! Ihuo not others as good reason
to believe thai, they were paid for their negli
gence as Yasline and Durham were lor their ac
tive exciiions in eolleeiin
it.i.nd piaemg it to
: the 1'iedi' of the indebtedness of the county, made oi li'iuubtrhind, Oil
: so hv Democrat!'' misrule I Most certainly. ; . I. ...... -.... t
' We believe that flu v dc-crv. more creUii for ! rne9 the oil Ia 1
j ttucyt jitrtivity ti:m tii--ir i r':lfcos-jrs iK for tf- j for tl.enuxpost.; of cleoUni; the several per
j Vclnl (lupiifiiy. Nor U Mr. Cmumius to blame. I s'ns hiieinaftcr named, viz :
J He:KtoM! wiiii tho i:oniinsMoiitrs that h would j Ono ierhon for the office of Lieutenant
; pay pnual, u.Un-t and co.-t to ttic cnuiity ; (;overnrr of the ( 'onunonwcaitli of Pcnn
; itc:ifc i In lawK mid ?ell koiii foi what I hey . .
I would bihiir. f!it iri vitiir tin owners a chanefc to 1 yivania.- ...
tiim t v? mi Iif sit iliiiirly t-tty no! inen, ii
iiia-U' Honn-tiiinv: by ;hc oiter.ttioa, ami raid th
1 roii-.ilv a'l was tlM.e her. Iis he lioiie wroiir,
; or tllP, wi!0 cmr'.u-,.,l him iietfr toco!-
lort th: iml. titr(ines rim- the Cuan to j.iv
; tax f..r int. rest f...r the dcM, f the county, si
think, nor will ue be alone on the ;.d ol .u-
j vcniber.
! Why iii l nor former Democratic Onnniissio-
iicrs ,.. U-'A-r l V. hy ii ! th y n-t eo'l-ct the
"UuS i Two oas to represent this County in
eon--, leavh:-; her claims uueoii.i-ted for tiitv-1 the fu-neral Assembly of Pennsylvania,
-even y.-ar.- Answer, ye Dcin n raiie linanciers i Ono jersun for District Attorney of Xor
"f K. N-.i'th'inier!:!:tl county. By the i-tate- j 1 hunalKliaCfl county. f
ir.ent nun- by the wrirer from whom we ; ioted, (Je person for County Continissionur of
you :uve not prove,! that the cotiuly io-t cent, , Xorthwolxsrland COUUtV.
but sue i, s r,-c-:vej , me- sum .r.nn her ,.- : Q County Surveyor of Nor-
main, nl creditors. i . , r , , . J J
Wo verv weii know l..,w th- linme- f the ! thumbtrland county,
count v have been ni ina-.-d for tj,.. htst quarter I One person for County Auditor of or-
o! a iit in V. We have b.-n taxed to 'ay inte- thufubr.dand COUDtV.
i V for ee'i'ii
. .i hiie ta
hand- h!
: it h- re :
;'.") ' i ii
i in I tee.s-.iry
"Ollc l-i !
two i r thre.
'.red his h.e.i
aw f ll i'i
ounts year
;i:;. r ye.
. 1 1 : -1 1 oi
: boe-T.-.i
1 w.i .-h.
i I .;i !::.::
j oiee- t'.:.
. "ll 1 III o
il llle (:.X lil
. i. . . I
v --I'lie and
' I l!i-u h id t.
finauei'S i
, 1. i-ec.inie IK e. s
A ei i ll o ( ( olil I
b'H ro
e:e in
-ry to
to up;
t i.- !;ii:::i v to
::i b a :iue state
:et a hr.v p iss-
,ni auditors to
, r-iu.iit lin- aeeiuints. A majoriiy of
t'.ie were
!...,. IV. n-
: lai,. n iron: onr n, an. mw, .. av , . -
: .is w ho r-ineiiiVr. know Hie nsiiils. .Many lit-
oil tax ay-
. tie ii.p'e:i-;.nt tiiie.g'- were une:i t : !.-1 to !i..! ';;s
, '.lie liiiii'is o; '. .:u "' ,.t'.e otlici.iis.
1 i now Mi- filler oi ti.r I t""Vtt to nnri
. vt ! 'hi- st.iteiu. nt of fa)-'-'.
'.V hv was ii Hi- tin.- Item.. ralie onw.iir.-io-
in rs eK-ieri'ci a neb i-ompany from pay-nr
! iolir .lie '.i-e. ( ill. I ) t:lX il.l 111- (l :111V
' tr-e-'ii v '. Wish )...-.. nr.- h- a a bh'li oliieial
'ii.' y : .
Lht I.-
d t :
., lo in.
.1 i I
V. t !
.. o-oiV)
. Iheoiii-
. haietre.i
i'i. ..Ml i.
line, , .. il I
sue! t.l
.ell 11 't il
t ;. M'.V ". '
i'ia;iii i.
;" l.ll i il-
..i. .::.!.
! I
.1 el
1 1.:
iel I '
, .1
.. tl '
11- (
l ve .1 e ' :o
,,;., i Item...-
r lo
.il ii
,-;ii :
i l 1
ior w 'ilea ' ie r- is .1 tl
i 1 f..ui- to No: 1 1; i. in' 'ei .an i
to l;. ch, .i lis.;., o
r w cut iel. i ! I.- 1 1 .-..-ii '. . V. iiu- 'ii.:: otli.-i il we .i
;.!.ow ije wo'od not .!Si, a w
ii. I
- he ,'...! i;..t so a-k il. I'.-lhap
V -el; .;.,..!. ! W l- the ll.-
t '
to, I I
r to
i.v tt iin .i-ti i'i the
il j
ome- ;
more '
' of m'", ii Wealthy l.riii j.. es. ten . Po. and
I l.e.(i- else t IM': : th-count two. liow ill ue
sueh'.io.i tL.-.' . v. -7- 1 Clin
tell : Mi.'
...., .,--.i .... 1
oinciai iransaeiois eoiiiu 11 '.:..- ji..-..
las " r1",' ' ' "l
now our couiitv 1-, out eif debt, and -li''
TaS pajeri. think of thi--. and remember ill.. I
tax only
two-thirds of what il wa,
el vot- for vour own
".no', ct.
la, ISM.
who wants to
anything in
,,,5,,. .,,; (
the lin- of fur, ilch as ladirs, j ( Ki town'liij), at the houso. of Job Doli-lildren-.'
furs, r.l-o for trimmings. ne's-
to l'O to Mar:: llso. and examine their stocK
b-fur.- purchasing -ise-w here. Ih.-ir store is
now in cxi-t-noc n"
undersold any oth-r
better stor k than ' '
two vear- and alwiiv
and they now h ive a
which i-. all fresh in-.. I
. ne-.v, ati-l i heaver Inan evr o. ior -. j.nv)-r w.n
save from 'JO to Nt t er c-il. I.ivli- s" s l's i.oni
I J.V upward-. Gail at M.oiis , Ilro.. r.'-':t
dior loth- po-t o!!:.-e, Sunbury. Pa.
ilru H-ilr Good of every description; also, :
imiiatlons and eoinbing-. put up in any desirable
styl-, a! Mar: .V Bio., m-.t d -or ti the I'o'(if-j
tiee. j
?J.iusinc5s ltcr;il5.
;;jrlv Is too large to enumerate .il! oar
But we iisstir- the public that thevcr.n j
wt. j
rvthiiig an. I anything in our line
. ' ... . ,. .1. l. u-b ft .11 ol In. f. ei ii.l -eiiv.iii
.'" ,' " .. . . ,. . ,' 1
.-!-. , nth- cor.t.ty. Such Lades uuder-:,r- :
m-iit s, al'o children aud you! lis' i'uion suits. I
.iildi-ns el vik-. and other clothing of every j
dia ription. II..0 I-, h its and caps for hoys and
..!r'. .!... tf.r t...t:.. Coo-.e one eneie e'l -md '
cvani'.i'e th-stock, .it Marx .V Br.. n-xt doo
i to th- post ollie
I Miss i.. Snis.
!( iTtel ie". .V t ..
t "'ii I lionsand
'. il 1: 1 t 1 1 , P.I .
l.: i: has taken
lel.ey for I".
now for s.'.le
for Ladies,
"s pitt. rie
1 !;e
e hit
, ii--e . le.y. ( hildreii
' ..'tit"s llrritiji- G. '.v n.
Frits i'i it- I I Ft i.s I
b-st st m l; of F'Jts ever s
e mn: v. will be f.e.iiid at
air! I u t.i 'it -
ilo for
.sniol.ill'.' J ie!:. ii.l'i
' ' The largest, and
n in Not Ihumherhuid
Mai x v Bro., next .loo;-
, to th- Post oiliee, stin'mry. P;:.
l'::l.nt -.n Pivi.s.
Ii ..-si tree-.! P.-, i ior :.-;..:,. are! P
are -o'd
by John .P Ke. f.
.Iae.-. 'I ie- 'l.i
so:, ai-1 I! iinlin.
L 'U:, Cotl-t l!,!1',
none l.e.t the f--him
can b as -in
' Y.'aii.'.'.t -tr-et. ii
; and W.-ber Plan..-,
. i
nd .Stem'- Pai'M
i vlio buy
ii-1 ru ui ct
r. r -. i.ts i; to be.
A M AN IN III I.-. ' i'.ll
t- I
1 i
;t '
tie .l.i
ea- ii, th
broker. .!
the d.itna
pel (-ll -
v ..r.. ; . . h i:.. .;.
VI! by 1 he II "I a
; ta ay be r. nailed,
mdiv -s. lo a c.e.i
1 .ue, lb .
Jew a re . if 1 ll.l-o "t :
.lei-i i ii ;: -
Ihe rli:l le-tole.i to
of ! hat most pow-Walk.i-".-
ulr-,"" i.f w h'n h I iiin
.iftil o:
i-5 an .1
in..:.- i!
U'.elit .
'll. , v a-'-rav
-ease and pr
I let. '.i. -p. .
i eav.
sl;..i's Slim.; in
1 1. a ea i tji which siue.ilh-. .
r. iaoviii tan, fie. kles and
!-:tvi:-.; i b i .eep!-';.ei e
S.iM by Mi- L. Shi lr.
E.i l I -1- : Mill A ut a i
ceive-i a In'! line of i! ots, '
.1AI I
It I'll
.ill I.
. a il
itniei.tat ions
oiii ! he shin
ei :e.''::'
. Having iu-t f -
ots, shoe-' and F.nbbcr- oi
re prcpat-d to scl: tlr'tn
I'lic-i to suit the tilll"-.
ifils and "I'liek sal.-:. We
xain'.i:- our stock before
every Jes.-i tptioii
it astonehingly
I molt" i- s!i:
;.-ire cv-i V "ie
11 pr.
lo .
s--'i ( he l
g .-'sr'. here, an ! be .onvinccd that we
cr than any nt be . d'-al-r in t h- county.
We have a:i tie: late sivi-- of and Sho.
, luclitding t he celebrated Eliaire. and Towanda
I Boots. No -oo,!s ii:i-icpicsci:tc.l to clha t a sale.
I No MocV - to show .oi l-. Call and - ' I heni.
' !:. .tt.. ifnlly. Yours,
Sac.esior- to W. H. Miller.
,. Foi: S .i.i .-Aiiicrican Steam Safe Apply at th
ai otli.-c of ll.-tas and Fagdy. or r. s.;. of
J. 1. II aas. Maik. t st.. Sunbury.
1 on Hunt. The Drug Store Kooin now oc u-
pied by W. D. Me
Faust's h it stoic.
iek. Ms. i the room loljoinin:
l'.ii.liii of H. li. M ss h.
( 'fur. liht lutinin- yy-ei'e' S-wing ma
'. chin-, ou account of iis many points of -npcri-.
oritv, has n better demand 1 bun any ether inanu
f i lured, and takes the h id with the public over
! machiii) s long regarded aJ the best. Orders lor
these machines wiil lie promptly tided by Mi.-s
I Caroline liulius, ngcut.
lrUi,- (b'..ii Miss ,'. D alius js th- :gcnt for
; the sal- of Parlor Oignn-. Pianos, ami a!! hinds
i of musical instiumeuts. T he very best iustru
. mcntsare ftirnished, furnished on shoit notices
a '.rices to ciit times. C.i'l or address,
V L ":. M-'le't si.,.. ...a-
Thc'VsioiiM of an Invalid, i'ub-
j lished as a liming and for the benefit of Young
1 Men and cits who sulfcr (rom Nervous Debili
ty, Loss o.Ianhood, etc., supplying the means
of f-elf-Cui Written by one who cured himself
after undcoiuir considerable quackery, and sent
free on reefing a post paid directed envelope.
Suflereisrc invited to address the author.
sept !,71-lin P. O. Uox 15'J, Brooklyn, N. Y.
nissvra -h
llO.!aD3.t 9 o moii v
In Jac'isn townshin. mi the 20ih hist.. I5KN-
i J.M1N S'UH KLER, agod 75 years.
ITiie tccttscd was widely known as a man of
it.:, grir-a-t great Indus.' -y. lie was highly es
b ;s ;. neighboi , and was a man cf morn
than (.." i:aeliigoie-;'. lb' took au active
fail in ps'.hte. for maiiv vear-. and held several
respoai'.U: v.isit :ii;s in ihc Kepablicui party.
. Oa -everc Oietsiens J presided ever the Ke
publieau biaei:!':o;:s of this eoutity. He was
hoc. i,i ai le. toisia-ess tra-.isa' tiotas, aad by
; his coins.; Wjv liispnies lie! ween it' tghbors.
were atiih.ily settled. lie was a feithl'u! mesn-
her of the 'i.irch, and ';,-. regarded as n tit cha
I raeter forcuulation.lF.D.
jlciu ,ilibcctisi?mcitt5.
slteriltDf Northumberland coutit3T, Com
mouwedth of I'cuusylvania, do lutreby
make! kiown and t;ive notice to the elf.c
toks ol the county aforesaid, that an e!:c-
t ion wll w. LcM in the ?aia comity oi
J nia.
I fnn Inr rtflW if S.M-rotorv of Tn-
! , j fl- -
j ;M fVUJ.Its
' c',l,s3 ftaniH
! J wo pcrsoU!
of the -Lommonweaich ol
pcrsoufs for the oftico of Jud're of tbe
.Uprt'tlM lOUri, Ot II1C VOUQlUOnweailll OI
lV-nnsy vvania.
; One ferson to lepresont this District in
ty. r,irw,roKa f t,B i;o,i Sfito.
i I nls.k hoi i hv toake known and etvo no
' .;. . .,. ;l,m-tii iVl'e.f hn'.i'. ine 1 Km !1 fil-pn ill
ii-cti'iu -n, the several wards, boroughs.
' distric" !uxd towtiships-wUliin the, county
1 - i i.iiiiiot'riauii , iiie i luiwisi i " ii. .
I .-iiiihury. West Ward, at the Cfc-Tt
j u,,usi;, Sunbury, Pa.; East Ward, at Ihe
.,,.. ,,f K. T. Drninliellor.
' ' .. . . . . . , .
i j j or AU'.'U'jta township, hi tne puo.ic
j - ( ( ,
I ' . .e-
t l.owe.r Angusta tovvtisnin, at tno tniouc
! bouso of lt-tcr DutikeiU-rgcr.
XorhiiiiiU-f land b'ifouoh, at the public
; iiniiHt-tifjfi V. Dontiliue.
Iii6MiJLrkt. nltiie house of Mrs. John
son. iutbe L.riu-h of X)iriliuin!HriiGnl.
iliiefl, S'U'.li Wurd. at the bouse id C.
V. U.jkt-r ; North Ward, at the public
bouse; of J. M. IllllT.
'i usi.uL t.iwnsl.ip. at the house of Abu
bain Kissinm r.
1 h-Uware township, at the Idhisc of Jacob
t-'birJiaijuaque, at the house of Charles
Watson town, lower wm of Acadnny
a '.vis township, nt the bouse of D". II.
Ibvisbach, in Turbutvilie Ixirotigh.
Sli.tniiikin townsbin, at the house of T.
II. .Wshit.
! t'pptr Mahauoy township, at tiie house
1 of Kui'l deist,
j Little Mali; tin y townlitp, at the house
1 of Kaker.
j Lower Maiianoy, at the house of A.
J'usli township, at I.ibt'tty-Pole sciiool
j Jackson township. cJ the house of John
j Albei t, Ileindon, Pa.
.iiuiinmui inuouuu, 1..1-1. n.n, ..
house of Win. M. Weaver; West Ward, at
i the bouse of Patrick Kairns.
t Zerbe township, at Ihe bouse of Tbom is
! ritilds. jr.
; (.'iiiiieroii township, at the house of .fared
, Ili iiinotr, (ioweti Clity.
i .lord.iu township, at the ho'ise f Jacob
j Miisser.
i Mt. Carmel botou-li. at tl:- Mt. t'artr.:-:
I House.
i Washington township, at the house of
I II. C. Fisliel.
Mi.-Kweiisvilie, at the liotise oi Henry
Tutbutville, ;it the house of Wi-tzcl.
Mt. Carmei townsiiip. at the house of
Michael (irahiim.
Kiverside borough, at
house of said borough.
the tiublie school
Snyde rlown boro'h,
it the public ho'ise
of William Farrow.
At ail elections hcrealliT
d under th- i; ws
Is -hat) be opened
i at seven o ..,.'-!:
of this Couiniouweaith, the j
.k v ;Ui,i ....
-;. .,;..;;.,- .-leen-rs will lake notice ,., h,
following A". of As)-inbly. a.pproveil t!w I'M
d:IV of Match, lsljll: 'An Act ri.-gu'llt ing fht
mole voting at i1!! elections in the veri!
eoiinlics of this Commonwealth :"
Sci tion 1. ' it ri. U-d lj t,V' and .''"'
..(' J'' j'ri stiiti.l'frt of the i'nii4.m'iit''iiUh uf ' I'niHs'jl
fVia. in .';''' -l--'."'.'.7 i.i-G :"'' " li-.r-by
.,i.i- hdhijth- ti"'!,"rit: fill' s.n..., T flat th- .(Ui'li
lied voters of the sever il counties of this Com
monwealth, at all towiishic, iioro'-gli and
1 I'leetlotl-. are hereby lieie : !i.-l alitlioiiz.-d
an ! require. to vole by ti' !;:-. printed or writ
i ten. or partly pi int. d or partly writteii, v-ral-I
ly ciassitied" as follows: One ticket she!! cm
brace th- names of all judges of courts vot ?d for,
! and to be labeled outs'ul-, -.lii.ii-inry ;" one
1 ti. ii-t shall embrace the names of all Mate.
i e-s vot-l for, and be labeb-d '-State:'" on- t::k
! ct : !::l!I embrace the nun-s of all ofli-ei-- vot-d
! ineltuling tlie olVu-e ofS-naf-r and meiu'.ers
ui scmo.y, .1 veie.i ior, nil.: i - - nun
tv ;"' one ticket shall ci.lbl ie - I I.e. names of all
tiie.n-hi;. olliee!, voted for. and he labeled 'Town
ship ;"' one ticket shall embrace the e.imc-. i all
boiotigh oUiccis voted for, at: i shall b. I.i'.-Ied
Ilotoiigh : " and ea-h fi e ,-he:i he depo-it-.l in
.rat)' b- ;,it i.oxi-s.
. '. '1 hat it. sh ill J..- !;;. .Inly of the Sii-rilf
si vera! i t ie.- o! t his I oiiinioii w-a '.' n to
in their cle.lioii proclamatioiis h.-rcitter
th- fr-t --elion of this ac' . .
S'.h- U-' ot' I !- "rouse if Kepi t-seiita I :'. -.
Speaker of th" S"t; !-.
Apj rov.-.i th- thiit.-eiith day M.a ii. A. !..
on. ilioi.saiel eirht hllli.' .HI 1 sixtv-..
A. G. ( FB I IN.
i.iv.-n r ii'V 'o.iii.l. i t invo'l cc iu Sunbury.
il l- l;h .i iv of Oct ibcr. A. D. tsTt, ind in the
r.iiii-iv-u'.ni n vir of tl :t!.'.p.u.!-ii"e ..:' the
I -i;-.! Stat-.'
' M.II .
i ion oi i i.r. ; ion ot 1 1. r;ts.
. 1.'.
ii .-i.:-; I". .lil.iiia. 'l I- .1- :i!i
e . i..u . iie!,- III',..
it ..-ol ii. oi lie
a .il-,. ' 1...1.1, . i- :..-ih ui.Llli tv.c
M.y i.lhe-, :ii it'ceat or eii.i.l.iy-
I. f I e.' I i. 1 vrriiin.'lii ei tii.'- 1 iill. 'i s .h-s,
I- ! .i!:v r. .'iliO, . .V ut :-.)l
.: 1. i -nu an.- a., ii or t? i'i t c:t , s;i ve
,.: Hi- j-. ami nl. I. -riii. n. n-t.ii'ieii j. el. lie
i t...- iiillllla i'. i v.e- of tin- Slut.-: ni l siaill
ee -i I.- .licil-l- to loiy ti.i! cltiee I-In'
in- .1 Uii;- :
:. .-ill If... -ei .tie.-- .
.Olll t. 't H. - 11!
I.r- . :i. :i ...
,t an . li
' ljOl.l .,
n nt i i::.-ii li- s!:.i!l scrv. .:in nly lo
luiieie.;-!.! it ..e:;l ..Hie. Vl.. the
nu:- ..-iei s. :,- .11 I.-- .!. -..eiui'.-.i nv
I ho .
v. iii. l;!' i. i I tl !':i. vi'l Cl.s.
. . i l:...!- e'l : '.. ii t iv. i.t -one yc.iiv tif nei . j i -s. . s.t.y
' :lie i..l!..w:ia:
nil . leelions.
i t'inti..l St:it."
: ho.- Hiiili.l
ul'hiV I .s..i y
i lin sii ie, Ie
j ..I. th-u n.
I tion. I'hii.j
. U i. t !.
; m.-.h.'t. Iy j r
; t-.u .',ir Hi
; ii.e.iihe.ill.MM, vliiill l- I'llflll.'.l I-i ..t- nt
J it si- He si. .ill lin'- Iieeu a .'lin n ..I the
s nt le:i-t ocs iiio:-ti. Se.-oii-l -II- shun
ill ll.e Slate oat- v.-ar '..r ll. Inoleit t'li'Vl-.jii..l:Iii-.t
.-lect-r i.r ir-tii.' U.rn .'.'li'.-uof
- h.. II Irive i-eiiievi-l I h-rcf r-e-i iili.t -.-: um-
ni. : it lis . j.ri' Th.-i l.-c--
Ii.- li ht. resi.!-.l in i.s,.- .'l.-eti.-ii ois
e s!.. II ..: cr t.. vol. ;it h :--t t -.' ti ll I.. Ii I ilh liil-
ee ear. lin el.,!', il. I...:."1. I Iv.ealy-
.. .-,iri ui ;e:- iil-Lii.ts, ll.- slli'l! ieive J iti.l v
.. vi-arM a svit- -r e .uiilv tin. v.-lneli r-ri.iil li.te.- Ci-ii
1 IV
n--'.s.eai i. :ii I mo 'eon' I it M.I pe !! ..t i.'iisl oi i- . .- ; lh
I Is-fort- the el. inn.
j See. ... lu uii l iei tiiai tli-o iets v'"'j .- a '..n'.iae;. i-x.-'s
: by r-iivon of the (iis.jualilieiitinii ol tii" i' oi otiur
i w:c ft: an rl. eti. n'l her-: ilor- .: oiite.I, ..r when"
; a:i le w district slmll ! torin.-.l, 11..- .I'l'til." i' in.!t''s ef
'. tin- art ot i-i Mint, li -m ul :ln- )-..( r e.aiiitv slmll,
i tea il.e.s I'-!'.- imy e.-n.-ral or .sj.eiii! . ie.'Ii.'li, iini.-mi
j e.ili.;..-t-nt I'.-rs-ns t.. lilt said viiealicie au.l to eeu.ltict
j the flceti-li in si. id new ilitli t; alnl in ttl- a l..-nit-
ineitl t.f iii re'ees in iOiy . l. eti..ii iiistii.t 1.-th -I:.-!! it
' I.-..! tbe nun. i.'iii li il jeiitv; and tti- .in.l;'- ot' . !.-c-;
lions siinli, in .11 c-sim, be ol tbe i nhti.'il j..irty Iikmhk
; Hie M-il-rny ..! votes in said distriei, as n-ai Iv as ihe
j sniil .ii"!;.' or jc'h'.'s e;1-!! a-eertuin 1 'i- t i. t ; itii.i in . ase
i el In.-( of 111- Oi'le. s t.. tli H.-l.-cIion of
; ins-e-tors, the tiUii .il tnujanty of th- ju h-. s shill cp
j leel on.-of sneti, und tlif-inin-niy ie-lt?- or
! jinli-s shall a. I. et til- other.
j Sic. i. S heit'-vei' tli. re sii.-ill be a ;iea:icv iiii.utiee
. 1 1 .ii N-Hrd ou the mortmiK ot au election, sai.1 vacnuer
' M ... fe 1 ; f..-i. '-. v. ee , .i...'.,.. ' ,, . !.,-.' ;
Iu case the penon who shall have receivel the eeoiid
h inherit numlier of votes for Inupector vbaU not uttend
on thf. day of election, then the penion who ehall have
rtcf jvrd the second hichest uiunber of votcn for Judj
at the next precfcding el'jrtiou shall act &b inspector in
his place. And in cane the per 4011 who has received the
h'tfhtMt muiiLer of votes tor Inrfpector shall not attend,
the rPon elected Jurie tihull apt-oiut au Inspector in
hia place, uud in cae tt j.erno?! elected Jiide -shall not
attend, ihcu the who received the hijjheHt
nutuber of votes shall n o.ut a Judpe in his place; and
if any vacancy bhiill cout-tnie v.: the board for the space
of oue hour atter the time n-ed by la' for opening of
the ele' iion, the iuabn.-d vott i n of the township, ward
or district for which Huch otlt. er ?uaU have been elected,
prehent at thu tm-i the eleifii, ahuli elect cae of
th ir iiumber to All the atJijey.
Sec. H. At the opening of the poll at aU eleetiniiR it
niiall le the duty of t'n- y.uityA of elfo.ion for thfir
i. I-ictive diftrirtrf t ;t(yie ore of the iiisiC(tor,
wL'hc. duty it Khali ie to h:if :i custody the rejriytry of
vitiTf and to ii;:l:e the en.'rV-! then-iu required by luw;
nud it PhuII Ur the duty of the other of s;;;d inK.-ecror
tn i-e i'.f iiiid munlwr the !:ii?rj;-i piveiit-i nt iid eiec-
::c. .?. AH i r Urn bv ii :v.iy-: hha!! le bv;
I -,f -r- . j:-1.! 1" i;iTuIeri-d in ihf? ordt-:- iu
! Miirh 't f?!:f;1i be nv:vt-l. a'id tlf 11 amber recorded by
j t';t f.-ii-rk- en tin L.-"feof wttvrf rj.oiii the name of thtt
j ( Infju ifc. ieil. And any votr votn tw.
j :u cf- t u 'A -'i-. 1 "it- m V' l-ai tifkt-tH m .oti-.i .iiiali each 1j
f I i'ir;,tV,. ..Vi. thf MiTulx-T "OiT'f'l,01lll;il,': V it ll lIjV
! 1:, !.'. t- ti.f -Ljn t!;-' v-jif r. Any t-ieclor
. ' itf kin n:;!!.:- iinoiL U tick'", ir iMine th s-sin- U lit
j . iiLitn ) l it-. jli. a:-i atiwttd I-y oti'-r o the distritt.
, 1 i n-Mi.itjii to i:? nfi'.'i now -n.w'Ti! -I .y t.i be
( I jcd -.iilwriix d hy t-J. ;. i';t o't'Ct-rs, they saa-1
vil'v l-e i-worn :t atiii'iiii'd lo" to ; h-'"v r.ny
j fVctoi ill iir V-' itrdt ;iu)es n.'.iiiri-d to ili so in
: !.. iii a jwiiirirtt rr.Cf.-di:jr. Ail .ridr ., It-t-t i:u-
i. 1 1 1 -s ji Mini:. i"fr e'lV.unL? ir;.'a tii.- d;i :..-,
! f t j : v t'.ir;i or ;i it'i :ti.- t n piv.i-iioe ii eneh oii.i .',
j j'he jihi fh;;!I be HU'-t .i h;. :Jt i;i.!oii';. iiJ"i;trc:itut,f
t , i v.lsnil in- :uru inirorii v .iiPirc'"!1, a.-tt i:i -a-e there.
I b- no jty ni.)'-t'r, li.ra l y a justice of the li-toje
or a'rdeniiati. nu the inptco-r-i, ovtrneers and ciertfl
fii;il liu -i'-voi u ihe jad?-. i'L'-l'Jk'Ali' Hiic.t, swfar-
ii.ti or aflUL.i;ii shail oe C 'Ay luade od, and aiyntd by
! ta- ot)!ii-!H so -sworn, :i d ure-t'-d by the oiSicer Mho ad
J Tr.iiiiMt int tl: oiith. It ai;y judi-re r liiinority in-tf e
! t- r r- u.-s or to hv, e-jr 0 orVieerii of election in the
j nia:.iirr rft;.nv! l thi- art. or; oliiterof fcloctloa
t t!,:ll 1 wr.lioiit Ui?i. du A bW4rn,or if anvotflcer
j ot 1 l.-rlmi; s!tuii fc'ijri tu l.Tin ui" oath withutit beiij du
. ly sn.iiii, or if any jiui.- or Tninori:y iufi-jector tliuH
cir::iy tliat pay utricer sim sworu wiieu d was not. it
stiall b- .I..uic.1 a miHitenieiuor, aial ur-oii convieti-n,
the of.icr ee' ijftiwrs so one-niiiiii? sLall hb f.n-il not -ecediin;
urn t eons:: i.d .loUai , or imprisoned not eie'.-eit-iii'
one v ear, or Im.iO., in liio dise.etiar. of the i-jiirt.
.SCI'l'iJ-..Mi;N I' ui an A..I ree'iiliitie Ll-i-ti-us, ).).,-.. .--ett
tiie With Juiiiiiry, lo.
"Sfc. a. l-i ail elections lyrfiit'.iT Ihe eTtiie.'.:-ol na
t i.m. if K-a-line, shall tie conclusive -.a'llice or
the fuels incntiniietl tlierr'u. and v here til- jrfTfion of to vote elaitiit. tLe rvlit en the pavineui of ti.T,
tut l-e-jii.t for such tas, il s-.Kne.! t-y tii. jtrojier oflic.i-,
shall be th-.: evijt.-aec th-rsjt ; it ---iic'i dom not produce
sn-ii re.'t?i;.t, li..-a t ii- payment ? iii.; tux n-i y 1-e j-rov-ed
by the ..-ilU'if such i.'-rh.ji:,.i.- oth.-revid-i.e-, siatio-,
wlieu. wla-r ami -.o vvhoi-i sueli tus. .'cs pic l."
:-nc. 12. It' any election otn-er shall reins- or .leieet
to require s1;. li j.rau: oi ihe i-iifitt eU' suilrage an if, pie
s.'rilK'tl by tins lav. or it'ii luvv . t.i vvhica litis ?s a sr.p-ileuii-ut,
l'p.i i any jsviioii utieriiig tj vote whoae name
is :ct on Ibe l!si of usst-b'-ed voters; or whose ri-'at to
votu in caulkugcl by any qe.iJilied voter preseut, ind
sliU admit siicb (.eriwu to v.. Is v-iitiout re'iuina-f aaea
proof, every person so offeudictf sbrJl, UKn rouvietion,
be guilty of r misdemeanor, and shail lie srntenced, for
every suei oCence, Ut pj fine not exceeding live Luu
dred doilsrs, or to uiideriro sn imiirlscumunt oi not
more tiuiu od yeai-, or boiii, at the discretion cf the
Section IS. As soou as the polls shall close,
the ollle-ers of election shall proceed to couut all
the votes cast for each candidate voted for, and
make a fui! return of the 6amein triplicate, with
a return sheet la addition, In all of which the
votes received by each candidate shall be given
after his or her name, first in name and again in
flguret, wl shall be signed by all of said cflleers
and cer .ified by overseers, if any, or if not so
certified, overseers aud any officer refusing
to sign or certify, or either of them, shall write,
upon each of the returns his or their reasons for
not signing or certifying them. Thcvote, as
soon as counted, shall also be publicly and fully
declared from the window to the citizen present,
and a brief .statement showing t he-votes received
by each candidate sdiall fc made and sigmd by
the election officers as soou as the vote is conut
cd. and the same shall he imnjediately posted up
oil. I he door of ll.e eb-ciiod Jiouse for information
id tiie public. The triplicate returns shall be en
closed in envelopes and be sealed in presence of
the otileers, and one envelope, with the unsealed
.return sheet, given to the judge, which shall
contain one list of voters, tally-paper, and ouths
of officer, and another of said envelopes shall be
given to the minority inspector. Alt judges liv
ing within twelve, miles of the prothouotary's
ol'iiec, or within twenty-four miles, if their resi
dence he in a town, village or citv upon the Wnt
l of a rciiroiid leading to the county neat, shall
! before two o'clock post meridian of the day after
: the eVetioii, apd all othr judges shall, before
j twelve o"i lock meridian of the second day after
j Mn- election, deliver said returns, together with
I reiuiu sheet, to the piotlionotai y of tlie courl of
co.nii i.n ph i- of the county, which said return
jslii.t shad be tiled; and the day aud hour of
lilin- marked theieou. and shall be preserved by
I li.e piotiiiinol.iiy for public inspection. At ID
I )'). ock on the said second day following any
Ielcelini.. Mn- prothonotary of the court of com
mon pleas shali pre-eiu the said returns to the
said eouit. In counties w heie tuere is no resi
j dent president judye, the associate judges 6hall
I pel lorm the duties imposed upon the court of
1 common pl-as, which shall convene for said pnr
! j ose ; the returns presented by the prothonotary
shall be opened by said court and computed by
j su-ti id its oflicers and such sworn assistants as
I the court shall appoint, in the presenctvof the
I judge or judges ()f caid court, aud the returns
' certified and eertilieatcs of electiou issued uudcr
j the sea! of the court as is now required lo be
j done by return judges ; and the vote as so com-
puted and certified shall be iiipuh a matter of
I record in said court. The sessions of the said
court are open to the public, --md in case the
r.;'.urc of any election district shall be missing
wlien the retrru presented, or in case f
comphtllit of i 4-i..Iif!-:d idc-toi ...ld-r fh-.;h,
charging palpable fiat:. I or mistake, and parti
. culaiiy specifying the alleged fraud or mistake,
or where fraud or mistake is apparent on the re
. turn, the court shall examine tin: return, and if
i in the jii.lgnci'.t of tie: c ourt it shall be necessary
j to :i just ret urn, said court shall is-ue summary
process against the election o'dicers and ovcr
1 srs. if any. of the election district complained
i of. to bring them forthwith into court, with all
i election pap-rs in their possession : and if any
; palpable mi-take or fntttd shall be discovered, it
hal!, -upon such hearing s i may be deem-I ne
i ic.s.iry to enlighten the court, be corrected by
; the court, and so certified : but all allegations of
palpable fraud or mistake shall be decldi.-d by
, the said court within thre.-; days after "the day
; the returns are brought ir.lo court for computa
' tion : and the said inquiry shall be directed only
, to palpable fraud or mistake, and shall not be
deemed a judicial adjudication to conclud.. any
! contest now or hereafter to be provided by law;
an I the other of said trinlicate returns shall he
placed in the box and sealed up with Ihe ballots.
N thing in this act s;ia requir- the returns of
election of township or borough oil! -ers to be
made to the court as directed in this section, hut
ii.l returns ol the election of township and bo-rou-.h
oflicers shall be enclosed iu ;: salci i over,
directed lo the prolhonniary of the court of com
mon p. fas o! tlr: proper count V, anil sl;;i. i ov
- I
some on.-of them, be delivered into his offlc
i w i:hiu three ih ys after every such election ami
lile-1 th. i.'iti. In counties where there are three
or more j ml, t of said i-rnf learned ir. the law,
it lea-t lo judges .shali -11. to compute and cciti
fv n turns, t:t,i--s unavoidably prevent-d. If
any of the said jud. s himself shall he :: e.-.ti ii-
. date for any ofiiee at any eiectlon, he shall not
sit w ith the court, or ac t in counting the r-tuins
of Mich elect-oil, nnd i'l Sltcll eases the other
j judges, if any, shall act ; and If In any county
; there shall be no judge .plalined to hold the -aid
court, UD'l-r the- provi-io'is of this act. pi-sent
and able to act. then and iu every -n-h case,
the register of wills, th- sheriff run! county coin
. niissioiie r.s of i he proper county shall be and
i constitute a board who, ..r a majoriiy of whom,
! sli.i-i have and excrc:e all the jse.veis and per
, foi in all the duties v-.-ted iu. oi r. .yair-d lo be
p-rforini by the court of common pleas of -uch
county, by and under the provisions of such
: section ; but none of the said officers shall act as
a member of .-uch bo'ird when himself a candi
date for any olliee at the election, the rn
t irii- of which the said bonrd is require-! to
. .'it:? under the provi-hms of this sectiou.
When two or more counties are connected for
the election of anv odiccr, the courts of sn-h ties shall each appoint a return judge to
meet .it sr.ih time and place, as rc-iuired by i::w,
to compute arid certify the vote of such district.
All o'lieers provlced for by this act shall be tom-
a- ited us like officers are paid by existing
;..w-. Whenever a. place h;i3 been or shall be !
provided by Hie authorities of nay city, county, ;
I - wnship or borough for the ?.:fe--kecping of the
ballot boxes, the jud-e and minority inspector
-h.ll. after the election shall .be tin i 'bed. :: nd
' th- h iHot-twi.x, or box. s on? .lininc;' the tickets,
;(. ol voters and other paper.-, have been r'ecurr-
; ly bound with tap.- nnd sealed, ami tne signa
tures of judges and insj ee'ors afllxeo thereto,
loithwith deliver the "auie, togelhcr with the re
maining boxes, to the mayor and recorder of
Mi. li city, or in counties, townships or boroughs.
: -ticli p. i'si-n or persons ai the court of com-
iaon j l- .s of the prop-r county may designate,
; t l ie- pi. i.v provided, as a foresaid, w ho shall
then deposit the said boxes aud keep the same to
answer the i-ull of any court or tribini:-.!, author
ized to t ry the merits of such cli ctiou. When
ever the election officers of any district shall re
quire the election boxes of such district, to hold
any election, which, by h:w, they are or sh:1.!! be
required to hold, they shall keep the ratoe se-
. cuicly iu their possession without opening, until
the morning f such election, and until th-y
i -hall severally sworn or afft.-tne.l not to liis
i e o - how any t-I-rtor shall have voted,J.nd after
I i been so sworn or affirmed, they shall
..pen the S lid boxes and burn aud totally destroy
: ,1 the ballots and other p-ipers which they shall
lin t th-rein, before proceeding to hold sin h elcc
ten .
Si e. 1 .. 'Gil- rerj ectivi. as-sHors, illsl'.'.-toi s und
' ii ii' -s oi' tie- i l. .-tons shall each have the power to otl-aiiin-t.
i- until., to imy j.. i laimlnit tLe ri;ht to
j ...i,(iii tli isplit of Huffm-ye, e-r ia infant to any
..Oi-- uii tii-ror ttiiiiit inquired t.i be don or tin-uinsl
:-i;.i I.v- aiiv cl uni-i otticerii under this act, and any wil-
' te.i ''a!--- sv.inn1" by any person iu relation to any aiat-t.-r
or tliliii.. i-er.ccriiins which they Hiiail 1h; lawfnily
: ait. l-v sliy -t said oeii-rrs or overseci shall Is
I'.-i iniv.
si .. IT'. " Any person who shall, on
i tii- day of any election, visit a polliu-. plsce iu any elec
: tion district ill vvlilch heiB not enlitle.lto vote, and shall
j use any intimidation or violence for Ihe purpose of pro
j v.-ntiiiit any clee-tion officer fnmi jierformin-i the duties
I minimi ot him by lw, or frtb- purpose of preTrciiiiR
anv .iiniha-d voter of sneh district eiercianii? his rif lit
I tii'v.ti-, or fr-m exereistnij hm rinht to cliallenK aT
1 i i-rKitii -tit rmc to vote, naeli iinnoa shall be deemed
-niitv nt a lnlsd.-meauor, aud upnu rolivletlou thereof
shall li- plinlsbrd by a fine not e-.ewlin-on- thousand
it-llars, or I.y imprisonment not ncecdiug two years, or
:, at the discretion of the r-nrt. Any ckili. over
: s-cr or .-teetiou utile r, who shall have voted, unless re
I morel io do sous a witness a judicial proceeding, shall
1 entity i.i a inisilmennor, nnd upon conviction ttnp-
of siinli 1 punished bv a fine not exceeding one thoupaud
i del! as. or by hu'r rismiuii iit not i-xceediLg two years.or
j la, ai the ih ereilou ol the court.
S. II. ROTHERMEL, Siierift".
ct.p.or'. tjHn., Qnrhnrr. Oct. 1T4.
Invite an examination of their immense new stock of
DREKS OOI, best Msortment which they Hre selling at prices lower
than etrer.
Call and examine before jmrchasing elsewliere, onr Alpacas range in prices t.-v 51 Hfk
illl est ISE-afees of Prints,
I v:i:i
Sunbury, Oct. !, 1874. 1m.
The Largest &tock of Srovea in the Comity, of tho- latrt iraproveil
styl?, at - -r
New Stove and Tinware EstaiMiDt, BM Street, oppsite Central Hotel,
Mv stock coriistt
Regulator Cook, C.nn
Iron rCiris.
a larre variety of oth
er t'Kik Stovea Hd
Iv-ities) ulwtiys i) n
liand or prrx-urcrl ti
Also a large assortment of repairs of all kinds for the Combinat'on and
Kegularor Cook Stove.
1 have the largest assortment of Stoves ever seen in Sanbury, that will
be sold at prict-3 to suit the timeo. Tinware and Sheetiron ware of every
description in large quantity.
Also un assortment of Cleveland non-explosive Lamps.
HH&Gfing and Spoutimg
j promptly attended to. The public are respectfully invited to call and ex
i amine mv stock, and be convinced that I am selling the cheat-eft.
' J. Ti. .REED,
j Sunbury, Sept. 25, 1874.
Wm.. -a. SXSXiIiJESR'S
Corner Tnird and Market Streets,
: -o-:
j .In: ! r-r-n nn J ready for iiipeetin an
rashioiiaMc nn.l Wel!-M:nl.-; CLOTIIIXG for Men and Coys !
Latest Styles of HATS and CAPS for Men and Boys !
Enormous assortment of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS!
Evr tiling New, Fashionable and Stylish !
I. ardent Stock with One Hundred Miles to select from !
The moat Fashionable Goods always on hand !
Everybody, Rich or Poor, ran lie suited and titteil !
Nobody is able to undersell lis !
mean business, nnd will prove all we assert.
We cordially invite everybody to tjive ns :i e.i'.l and examine, the enoriium :ni-i ru iirailicetu
.-toek ot" New ar.d Fashionable riotliinjr, ticnt's l-'Hrnishintr thiols. H:t am! T.-t.-n-is. -..
;:i-t upenei.
We inteuJ to il. the "e:i(lii:(r bit-ii)cs in our line am! ;!! offer ;"o.! -;.-vmU ;,t .r'e tl, jt
def'v coni;ietitioii here or elsewhere.
Nu u-iWs iitisretr'ieiite.l titiHcr any rinii!er.-itioii, .in ! pute :ifte:itUn p-ii.l . nil.
Stm'iurj. I'.i., Sei.ti-mber 1!, 174.
s -s
I'nsihiotiHblo .Milliurry Cio-l4
On Fourth St., In-low S. V. R. R.,
K::s just opened a full line of
.sprin-; Millinery Goods. The
liitest styles of
Hatsand Bonnets.
Trinituin:s, Handkerchiefs, Ladies'
lollars, (iloves, ana .Notions peno
rully. Pnrtieular attention of alll
the ladies in the rouuty U directed
to her assortment, as her stock is Inrirer (h,
ever, nnd goods sold cheaper,
fnnb-irv. Miv !. T-TJ:
i 4 1
3 o - S
ii if i
f. ; ' .
i': fi.! I r", C !it-
Jr -JSL,- S.
in thf. ootiuty.
- of th tbllowinir
Morning Light Par
lor ?;tove and
liub!o Heater. Home
letilinDt Iloni''.
a large assortment of
tiers, such a
j Ga Surner3.
Etc., Etc.
lmai:ri?o St.X'k of Ne'W aa 1 Fiishionable
( 'orner Third and Market Streets. Sunbury, l'a
Formerly lrler'.s.
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
KSlT-rTFl'LLi i-ifortiii the rdizens t ..i
he hus just ri-.-eiveJ his
Sirin-c Rnil Snmuirr ;m1-.
:t bis
e.u Fourth Street, b-bv,- Jlrk: i, in the Mullen
buililinjr. an-.! lie is nrer-nre,! to m.ike up all
kim'i of
fiESTV A.l KOY'tf SlITM,
of the- latest style. Ilavinj; had inneh experi
ence in this business he desires the public to !":.Tf
him a tri:U.
Clothiii-r will be made up in tha latest Pai'ia
nnd Amerie.m Fashions :ti tiie most satisfnetorv
n l-i."
New Millinery Store.
H::iii-C leinnvi d their Millinrry More into the
building I'dioininK Zettlemoyer's stove
.it ore, on M -.rki-i Mreet, when- they have jisr.
,i..,.i,e l n I ,ii-- .-.n l eie:nt assortment of
rHslilonMlilr .Millinrry ;omIs,
eiiihraeins: everything nsunily kept in a wr!l
sto,-krd Mil'ineiy i-s!:ibislimeut. Their stoek Is
ei.l-re i en :in.l consists of the latest
Ncn York and Philadelphia Stvs,
iu ul! it riechi will receive parlienl tr ctteT.
Ternii ressmiable and satisfaction ;iiarantee.l.
Cnttin; anJ.Fittin-; attended to. and t'hl'-Iren's
ind Fv cloiliin-r unde to order.
nnbnry. April 17, t"7t.
1874. FAIX MILLINERY. 187-1.
Selected with great taste and care have been
opened at Mis L. SHISSLER'S Store,
-farket Nqnr, MXBIRY, V..
all the new shapes lu
Ribbo-ii-, Flowers, Feathers, &e., and all kindo
of Millinery Goods.
Fancy Goods of every description. Bonnets
nnd Hats trimmed iu tbe most expeditions man
ner wit ti the utmost precicion. A full line of
ladies' cape- Call aid evamine before, pnrehas
ij.fjsM". Ml I. "TtTSSiI Frt.