j Mercantile. in SlsccIIancons. riralittral. ivy Ijnmorott bfc(s. Fox and the Pickpockets. One day Edward Fox went with his brother, Charles James Fox, to witness the first balloon as cent made in England. There was a jrrcat crowd, and Fox detected a pickpocket at tempting to relieve him of his watch. 'My friend,' said he, 'you hare chosen an oc cupation which will be your ruin at last.' The ibid burst, into tears, aud exclaimed, 'Oh, Mr. Fox, forgive me and let me go ! I have been driven to this by necessity alone ; my wife aud children are starving '.' For compassionately gave him a guinea, and he went away with blessings on his lips. Soou after Fox, wishing to know what time it was. found his watch missing, '(ood (lod ! be exclaimed, 'my watch is gu'ie!' 'Yes,' answered his brother, "I ki.-iw it is : I s;iw your friend tike it. Saw him take it ami made no attempt to stoji him Keaily,' said the brother, "you ai:d he appeared to le on such good terms wiih each oilier that I did not like to in terfere." Wimtr Lightly. An Indiana editor advises people agaiust using a hard pencil, and goes on to tell why. His wife desired him to write a note to a lady, inviting her to meet a party of friends at her house. After 'Hubby' has done as his wife desired, aud started to post the note, she saw on another piece of paper an impression of what he had written. It was : Mattic : Eflie desires your company on Wednesday to meet the Smithers. Don't fail to come ; aud, my darling, I shall have the happiness of a long walk home wilh you and a sweet goodnight kiss. I dare not see you oiteu, or my all-consuming love would betray us both. ut Mattie dear, don't fail to come.' Signob Blitz had a bright little fellow on the stand to assist him in the "experi ments.' 'Sir,' said the signor, 'do you think I could put the coins which that lady holds into your coat pocket V 'No,' said the boy, confidently, 'Think not.' 'I kuow you couldu't.' said the little fellow, with great firmness. 'Why not V '"Cause the pocket is ail torn out.' An old farmer riding in a lumler wagon with his son. when passing over a rough place fell otT, and coming into close contact with the wheel he cried out, 'My neck is broke !' His son cxprtssttfg some doubt as to the case being quite so bad, the old man responded with some spirit, " Iout you s"pose I know." A SMALL boy, telling how he came to be detected stealing apples in a grocery store, proceeded thus; 'Well, I didn't care so much about being 6ecn, but the clerk was cross-eyed, and I thought he was watchin' a dorg fight across the street, but he was lookin square unto me nn ho helped me clean into the gutter.' 'The fact is,' said an elderly wife, a man does not know how to straighten up things, lie dots nol kuow where to commence. I don't wonder,' she remarked in conclusion, 'that when (lod made Adam he went right to work and made a woman to toll him what ti do.' It seems to me I have seen your physiog nomy somwhrrc before, ' said a swell to a stranger whom he mot the other day, 'Lut I cannot imagine where.' 'Very likely,' replied the other, 'I have been the keeper f a prison for the last twenty years. A New Op.lkans darkey driving a cot ton float, hearing the flagship firing a sa lute, screamed 'Dar dey is at it agin, au" jis war dey was lfo ! Good Lor ! CJit up, Susan," and away dashed mules, float , and darkey for the back of the town. Tin: poet Longfellow in party, asked a French g"Utleman who happened to be pre sent why seemed so sad and unhappy at that moment. To which the latter replied, 'Me very mosh dissatisfy. Me jus' ;:at my fadere be dead.' 'Will you take a kiss?' said a young beau to bis inamorats, as he passed the plate of confections which bore the tempt ing title. 'Fie!' exclaimed the blushing fair one, 'not until we are out of the room.' 'Do you think,' asked Mrs. Pepper, 'that a little temper is a bad thing in a woman ?' 'Certainly not, ma'am,' replied a gallant philosopher, 'it is a good thing, nud she ought never to lose it.' A LITTLE Connecticut boy, asking a mate who Good Friday was. received the wither ing reply ; 'Well, you go homo and read your Robinson Crusoe.' AW a friend to a pale haggard smoker ; 'You look as if yu had got out r your grave to light your cigar, aud ronldrrt find your way back again." QriLl', who has heretofore Wen a Uni versalis!, now ltelieves there are two things destined to be eternally lost his umbrella aud the man who stole it. ' We are told nothing was made in vain ; j but bow about a pretty girl V Isn't she j maiden vaiu V j The difference between a barber and a j mother is that one has razors to shave and : the other shavers raise. j A PiTTsnuKf woman was cured of' speechlessness by the prayers of a priest, i Ilei husband is now prowling around after ! the priest with a shot-gun. ! Foknkv says the English girls are not ! half as pretty as ours, but they have the "low, sweet voice.' And Forney had bet-1 ter come home. We need him for the Ccn- j terinial, and the low, sweet voice has play- ed the deuce before now, with older and j vier nu-n than he. ' 'Give mt; a bid, gentlemen some one j tattthe cart do give me a bid, if you please anything to start the cart !' tried j an exdted Yankee auctioneer, who stood i on the cart lie was endeavoring to sell. Anything you please to start it.' 'If that's ail you wants, I'll start her for you,' ex- j claimed a broad-backed countryman, ap- 1 plying his shoulder to the wheel, and giving the cart a sudden push forward, tumbled the auctioneer over the side. 15y the lime the auctioneer had regained hi feet, the countryman had started too. A gentleman of a mechanical turu of mind took off the gas-meter to repair it himself, and put it up again upside-down. At the end of the quarter it was proved with mathematical correctness that the gas company owed him eight dollars and lifty j cents ! A traveler stopping oyer night with ' a Texan farmer, whose estate was miles upon miles in extent, said to him : 'You must have beguu life, early to w-; cumulate such an estate as this.' 'Yes,' said the farmer, 'I began life when i I was a mere baby.' It is told of a man poorly dressed that! he went to church, seeking an opportunity j to worship. The usher did not notice him, bnt seated several well dressed persona who presented themselves, when finally the man addressed the usher, saying, 'Can you tell rao whose church this is ?' ' Yes : this Ls Clirisfs Church.' 'Is He in ? was the j next question, after which a sent was not so hard to find. The Largest Stuck of Stoves in tin County, of the latest improved styles, at J. B. REED'S New M ant Tinware EslaMistat, Thiri Street, opposite Central Hotel, H'ij NBURY. PA. Mv stock founts of tin following AS It COOK Regulator Cook, Com bination. Palace. Iron King. Centennial, and a lai- variety of oth er Cook Slows anM Ranges always o u hand or procured to order. -sr?5 r- - Also a large assortment of repairs of all kiwis for the Combination awl Regulator Cook Stove. t have the largest assortment of Stove ever seen in Sunhury, that will he sold at juices to suit tho times. Tinware ami Sheetiron ware of every description in large quantity. Also ft n asortment of Cleveland non-explosive Lamps. Roofing and Spouting promptly attended to. The public: arc respectfully invited to eall awl ex amine mv stock, and lie convinced that 1 am selling the cheai-est. .1.15. l!Ki:i). Sunhury, Sept. -", 1874. IGRAWDCBNTRALCLOTHINuSTORE, Corner Third and - : - .tils-; ojcb and ready for inspection an FALL Fashionable and U'cll-Ma.le CLOTHING latest Styles of IIAT. and CAPS for Men ami Hoys : Enormous ansortment ofGEXT'S ITIIMSIMNG ;(DS! Everything New, ra?hionab!e and Stylish ! Largest Stock with One Hundred Milci to "Acct from ! The most Fashionable Goods always on nand ! Everybody, T!!ch or Poor, can be suited and fitted ! PRICES LOWER THAU AT ANY OTHER PLACE. Nobody is able to undersell u ! Wc mean business, and will prove all we assert. We cordially invite everybody to t;ivp n a r.iH nml ovutnine the enormous unit munificent stK-k of New :in j Fashionable Clothinp, (ient's Fnrni-ihiuK tiood', H its and Caps. Trunk?. Vc., jart opened. We intrnd to do the leading tainc in our line .md will offer jrood woods :il firicpsth.it defy eompetition here or elsewhere. No ";ood misrepresentril under .-my eoii'-ider.-ition. and polite ;itlention fin id to nil. WM. A. HELLER, Corner Third and Market Streets. Sunhury, Pa. Punhnry, Pa., September 11, 1S74. Formerly Herzfehler's. WANTKD AiJKNTS fir tin- "if- mil i:i lirli-iiiB of Ir. LnniiKHtli-,''.Iu.li te. iiu'lli title, tn-h ti-mk. ITir uitl to tlw innen. Ailtre, il. li. Kt SSI LL, I ulillftier, Hwlell, Maw-. t. '1, 4. Acrentw 'NVaittocl for l'rof. FOIVLF.It'N CKKAT WOKtt On Mauliooil. Womaiihmxl ami their Mutural IiiUt Krlatinnn ; l.r, It l.i", l'ovr, rte. AKrntaarrwll li (t froni l".to x'M 'i'ln a itav. Hfinl Iirv:iiif n v.r and terma to AgentK, ai l ! iiy it aella faawr than any olbrr book. A.iJre. NATIONAL I'I BLIkHINO CO., PhlladMl.hu.. et. 2,4. lUIiTIMOIli: KYK AXI) KAK IXSTITI Ti;. JVMAS 3. CHISOLM, M, V., iTofem.ret 1 r aud ljr Iliiwawa in l!i fnivirJi: y i.f Mil., SCIiOKON IN" CHAl'.Ol . Th: Inatilut.oii, rataMihed In on of th- larnii and Buent dw-lliUK in thei ity i1 Uattllnorc, la tboroHqlily onrauized and flllinl n; nti ver (niiveuirnr lor the ncluiv treiliiient el J-"ii".n "UBiTinn fruiu !.;.- and Ear Iliai'aara. Lacil t-u' ir k ehamW-r t' LlillH-ll, aid 7e--;..-t. -v:-y attuticitl Irelu .kilied iinrm-w. The Muri'mn i'h b tannly mui-i- in thf Inpiiiu, arn tfl.t r..i. .-.i)i-iii:i- to the n-ek. fi..-i-liil, I'l.e oiniti-4 n;-on, v.ti.'i n i- v.Hilnl at i!! i;i:ii- a:.t i-i -ir.cmii-nt 4 l.'iljrt. Jii.Hi lirt-i'.rif iiilern.iiTum J'.I b I- t- r to -M I.HN J. i 'OiiI.:.!. M. I. ." I raiihl :i S;., ii. ltiii.ur,'. Md. :. '1, ' . I)STrON EMENTS I M I'OSSl I'.LE. wILL lit V A I'lrnt MorlRaKO rrriiiiinu lloiul or THE N. Y. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION TO., AutborizMl by the LfRuilatur of th Statt- ol N'. Y. 2d I'mnlnni Irawin. Dor. 7, IH7I. nd Norlon Itrawing, Jn. 4. 1H71 EVEIiV 1IOXD will be JUdwiued with a IVtuimn, a an t-quivairnt for Inti-irHt. C APITAL. ritE.MIl II, 10,000. Ad.lrt-M !r bo li d mini full linforuiatiou. iiok;i:tiiai , inti o A CO., Fitiiitirial Ak-u1 , -Ji PAItK I:ow, K. Y. p. o. m: w in v. 2, TIIK niSO A II AM I.I ORGANCO.f wluiirn f thrf HilM Mlalu aud I jiti.u H'-mr at ii:na, 7, mud Vri. V.7, imw .fl-r ftiif?t -.rt-nirLt CiaUtn-t Orviiii in th worlti, iii-iiidit.K yIH ltb 1u:novem TitM, not only r icluHively tor 4;i-1j, ar luruily Uut nlno u ii w i Iniiin f rany ja n;!jtM. On Dioit fkvril4" u tl ri 'l. i i aiiM ;t'iitfl with prio of jiii ri'lun', fo fclimtHt any I'art ol th inintry. Kirnt j.yn- ut i .! or i-v. ani. Illustrate! ('atuKitiit-f nl rirculiire, witJi full .ni-uar-, H at lru- on r-')n-M. Adrlrtvn .MASON HAMt.IN oHO . S to., Iw.toii, N w York or i 'n aK.. !. ?, v WANTKD-AGKNTH f.rthf l.r-i Srll mit Artii lf iu tbe wurlii wurin t fmn)l' i:iv.n a&y to tboHf li w,U t com in,' J. Itll 1 1 I ik i fi.7:7 hroailvfl v, y. . FIRST (.HAM) (.IU 4 ON I It I . Montpeller Female Humane Association, AT AI.EXANl'IU A, V A. .NOVr.MIIFK 25, IS7I. LIST OK (HI TS. I (.i.nd 'j!i . ; i I iin.n.1 ( !i Hill 1 ((ralnl Caul. (itl 1" ( .ah !!!, $ID,iKiU e. i. IJ ( null (nttn. :," fm li . . . .x) ( aL Oitta, l.i'Oi'.i h liiy ( 'nHb itirtN .im .rfi ,(! ( ofh lltc, lntje.el. I,fi ( ti OiJta. "(icBi ti i,eiSH'a!l(lll, ."fii-srili ... X'.ITfi ( au (ilta. aioiiulitilix to. . . .',(;ll iii.OOil .r.,imii .IHI,llllO 7.I.1MXI '",iHi ;i,ixio . ll'i,00 ."ii.Oiaj . 4l,l0 I.IH'f',IHi j mni:K or tic kets. mhi.ooo. I Whole Tick.! 20.00 Halve. HMJ yuan. .'i.'al hlghtha ol enfh (iuiMii. "J.Iiil Tirk.ts fur I'Oj'i The Mo!it.i hi-r l-nial llmumii' A.i-iatioii, rliitrtar-e-1 by tlie Iii-Kiiilituri-hi Virt;iuia and tr.M i:irruii l utirt of Oranfre Vi.. nipi by a (rnd (,ui 'mui-rt ti -i taijlmh and eiiilnw "Hume tor I In- did, Ii.rtnn, and lJeetitute I.arin-a id V'ir!iiiti," at M..:it-l:i-r, tin L rne r li.t'!ili.'e of l'n-.liti-lit J.uit-ti M:idlur. (ivkxiib' (imc K, Kiriii'i.M. July :i, It alfurda uie JaHiire loa:.y Ttut I aui well arqaarnt ed lih a Kri maKi:iy if ie ?Tiiti1.i'1mt MliibK llilmaiie A.uui'latinii, Lo ri.idi- ill tiui vir:t;ity ol lr home, and I ate Ihi-ir ilirlli(fni-- ntid thi ir won it a Ml tiifc'U reiula?iiii a. ientli n:i-ii, i:a im-11 the juili'ii- rmi bdenre, influutue and KUttjintiiil in.Hi. ldn-riUy iv-jiTi--uti'ii aniline theni. IAMI S I.. KfT.VKlt, diiv. Virriiiiz. AlHASI.DIA, Va., July H. IH7. ' ' I riiintiiilnl theru as Riuti id honor and nitirity. aiid lull;, i rtali-d tn the dulidi iwe ol (lie jjiiWic. r. w. nrHKM, r. s. .1 ii.:-- kuki'h i.t.i.i v. rurther ref-reti' i-a l y i rtiiih.un : Hn J.i. ellenrv (idbert ('. Walker. 1. !- vrrtmr of Vn. : Hull. It.dK rt K. Wiihera, I.ii-ut.-Ouv. of Va. abd t'. S. SfimtM- el-rt ; SenatorH and Members ol ( unifn-i-H irr.iu 'a. ItcuiiltaTiiv fur I lrki-ta ln 1 iur.de Ity 1 1 .ri .-ii i :e. paid, al-oft1.-e nuiTiey-nrdiT in WnKhuitnii, i. nr 1 r Ti-4'ielered lefit-i. Kor fidl i-amniii ra, leiitiruiTtial. A.e si ud tr Cir eular. Addrct, HON. JA.VII.S HVKIIOfi:. pHFS'r M. F. H. A., trxNt.uiA, a. f!iTiatile ni?enf iari(ei( i-x-rvivlT.rf ii.-i. . 4. PAKLOR Morning I.iht Par lor Stove and Double Heater. Home Delight Radiant 1 Jome. Twiii-jh! and i larsce assortment of ..... u, u . "Saht-ffl Gas Uurners. I'gtove, Etc., Etc. Market Streets, - : - Immense Stock of New an i F.i-hioiiuble GOODS. for Men and l'.ovs '. I For COU ( i I IS, C( )L I IIOAIiS EN ESS, AND ALL TIIllOAT DISKASKS, TTwci hki.lv Aititoi.K taiu.i:tk. I'CT I HIIM.V IN HI. I K IIOXKS. ATHIED AND M'HE REMEDY. I)SY IIuMNi'V, vi sol'!. 'UAUMIN." How 1 fiiht-r w-i iijjy LiM-in it' jitd J.'iii the Im und ILS- tliiltM jf lsli --IrMll tfi.-i thtXil' limtttutly. Thw Hinii l' itt-ntl a-uiriiii:i-i.t .;i j o-avH,frwtliy nikil, lor 'i-V., t-tli-r nh ii.nK fuiil. Ktryptuu Ora- lf, Dif-Hiiif. HjiiId i- Itli", -'t'Hinvr-MiKhi Hhlrtn, fco. A ju-.-r Ink.Je. A'IiIim T. W UAA M - C., Puh.MiiU. S.p. 17. 4w. WOHKIN'J l'i;oI'LlMalM.i Fiirnul. r.iii;.luyiii-nt :tt JutiiH, r wvk w:tiTafitci, no r.:.jiTnl rquirrd. I'artiruiurii ;iiiti h,lnulilt nn tu neiit lit-?. Aiirvs ith ; c Tit tl.ii'iit, (' JtoH-, WjlliainHburn, N. V. HjTf4w. IIAVK VOl THIKO aki: vor ! r iiTUtm ..'Uiit u:oicoi I lv. J . i i rii tarf. t wo jm ri ill (HiH' nml Hi KiyttTu . ; . - rt, iK-:. i it.': .,ty t -n Tilt hi -' orteii an tO I'll''- . -V'l t.l Ull (tjO.t ?..! , tll.iV t 1 i . t'i;l V :t- a )ti 1. W r ,.f(.t . 1 1? r-v-.l it t- 1m. , iit !i s. ' iii'i lti- ttitli .ji4l' Mi- -H, ill.! rfi'.1 I H- f''H lllatki' lit oii- jtioii i- :n' n.Vii', tiin f,i..i:1rt'ri7'il to re.tt t'ni 1 ii-f : t i .'i !; ; t-r.-u-"i no oiiildi u ti.iau'.'. oi in-rK' 1 ; -n; i.v .uitcljy Ij i t.rtub)H "Kold (t :r V.h- iin Ami, Arjil :l'ntl I .v, ." Tin .r no i.i -v, bin! i;tiin..l il v,-,vty, but hun lru htii ur-fi! w:'h v,oiiil r: tii n iniul i-iilth, und i jro li'iiimy,! l.y th- L jfii .-' ! -i :i-. t ttHhi'MTf. nit JniW--: t Vi T H 1 1- ;. !r:.rT ! - U-- u." A-k -Mir ir"!'i'i r. ir,.l. I.- l0i-;ro. Hf iI.ltU'AY IV ( (.. i:vi;kyi!oivs own physic ia. Hy c. W. (iU:SON', M. 1. A iu:if iiitic nt v)lnme. Over '.-i tiiprmii:'. TAVjnt r. Om- :.n) took 1W orJt-Tf in on M'l, A'iiiH H-!it-ti, c.ri iilurd fie. H. N. M KINNl.Y .... 7J." in'Mii St., I'liiU. fl7.4 AGKNT. WANTKD! Oij.Iotim Awarded for Hoi.:4an-ma-' lUtorfat KlhleA, i:miIUub tmtl .i.t-. tor riiviiUn. A. .1. W 'I.M AN ft TO., '.. ill Ar. I'l.i iii. fI7,4w. roi.vn. jixir (OLLiua: OK THE STATE OK I' EX N S Y' L V A X I A . M.irkft si ! r, fiUivv 17th K J'hllfl. lplii.i. Tv.-nty-f tii' r i- 'i;. S. 1 "i. Thorough jn!f"ioitHl trmn , iuit irj ?.liiif l.!t;.iifi-ri::t, Tr.il Li(;hiitiii, M hniil ;' r:l I.jty.nt - Tina, .'ii.tl ; .! iiit liiltitr!riul 'ln-iiiHtryt ! ,Mt. liu; i Art IjitiM tuiv. Tu- 1 l-'-n.i it tin I 'illfi- is r' 'ivt hh rtiinluH:vr . -vi.it ii ! ii.iin-.-jry ly tli t rHt .iKHJwr umi 2oin ! )'uii;tt in t-t it li!.iTo luIt. AlllBi! AI.l'JM.I' I.. KLNN:iY. M. l're. it 1 'm -nlty 17.4w j J lit.V. Kiinj lis 1t sHmi1m. I.vMJk' "oMl;tNATIM Nn:iI.r.-h'MiK, Wltii rhf-.ijinm. tiiTfip. IlAN& r.i., Nf Iii1i-rI, .Mil--. fI7,4w. j WO:K lop AI.I. ;l' ni:iJ or ii-niult-; l-Ct v.t k, d.iy tr intiif:. No i mi itr... ntnl valuaMn . ;'.-i. i j.'.i1h 1., t!i..il i'r-. with nix nnt Mm n t-r ii'ij-. M. y. M., 17:1, o rtt-nv : h St.f N. Y. I7.-. MA It STOVE IIOAKOS I.-ji.- . li-.li iruunnMitnl. ).rrii-i-t i.ri.t.'.-tur Sil-.. i,, .. The in..; -i'.,,t. Ai-k j.inr iii jt l.r it. nl7,4. : I lilted Slates Publishing C o. r; I sm 1 u-iiv Pi m i . New 1 ouk, W ii I A-;i nt- i-vitvw bi-n- lor the following: SP1RI IS (T TUT HOLY BIBLE. Edited by Frank Moore. Aii i leg.int vo, tiiKlpp., .ViO En grHins;s lor the ld Masters. Price $.V00 Ol'i: FIRST HUNDRED YEARS. The Life of the R. pubiii . Hy '. Edward Lester. 12 monthly pn!. pp. each. RoyaMvo. .10 cts. esch i:irt. LIKE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF CKAS. SUMM.R. By C. Edwards Lesion. 0th Edi tion ii'vi-i-d :iimI enlarged. Svo. 00 Jip., (3.T5. TUE NEW YORK. TOMBS. By Warden Sut ton. A complete hietnry of Noted Criminals of New York, and tin- Unai iiucof Prison Lib', bvo. i70 pji. t:;.i. ircnlars. speejiiiru pagi-.. and terms to airents on application as almve. sl7,4w. BLATCHLEY'S Improved CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Durab!c,Effl rient and Cheap. The best pump for the leal money. At tention is especially Invited to Blatchley's Patent Improved Bracket "and New Drop Check Valve, which can lie withdrawn without removinj; the Pump, or disturbing the joints. Aiso.thn Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, nd out l8"t any other. For tale by Duulcrs and the Trmle generally. Imi'iiic for BlateUley's Pump, and if not for hale in vonr town, send direct to t'llAS. G. BLATCHI.EY, .Vuwjarttirtr, OlHj Commerce St., 'J hiliidc'.phlo, Pu. Mtreh la, "74 n. 9 I'X VHVA I. I X Il'KM EXT.S. New and attractive Goods, in every Department WATCHES, wivoviw, jr.wr.utT, silvf.k ami i'i.atkii wark. Cutlery. Clocks, Bronzes, f".nrlish. French nd (iermaii Fancy Goods. In view of the ilcc:iiu in GOLD, we have r diiei ii prior,-' on our entire Stuck nf Fni"isn lin-r-chaii-li'c to P:u- ;11 KjiIcs. ami pureh: rcr will 1'nnl it to their iutiivM to make their .-elections NOW. nl.ite the ASS :;T MENT IS COM PI. RTF. Goods Selll oil approval for selection-,. Articles purchased now. for til' lloii.l'.iy, be packed :itnl retail, cd anlil sue!: lime s vil! e.l. ROBBINS. CLARK .V- MIDDLE, 1131 C'lP-TNI'T ST.. PlMHHKI.IillV taitM) oi't:ii of si'itiM.- mi a SI .M.tIKU ;oois. of every dicriiition and variety such :is IrNS Gooil comprisiuj; all the novelties in falnie and shade. Full Assortment of Notions, which are bein;; sold at the lowest Cash Trices. Also, Ghocekies and Phovisions. pure and fresh. QricExswAKE, Glassware, am Wood axd Willow Ware, Nicest Ikandsof Flour constantly on hand. A very l;irj;o ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPKIL both plazed and common, always on hand. BOOTS AND S ri O E s FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CIIILDIiEX. HEAD Y-MADE CLOTHIXG, of all sizes and of the latest M vies. F L O U K . A ci.uftr.nt supply nf western white wheat flour a (pecinMty. Tlie publican; invited to call and examine our (ioods tree of chanre. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits,"' and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kind of country produce. By strict attention to businem and keepinir at 11 t imes the most complete block, and sellinir nt thelowest price, we hope to merit a f .ill share of patronage. P.F.ED BROTHF.K A: SF.ASHOI.TZ. Sunhury, May 2-.', W4. bugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. iUl si O T sr i ID - I I x. 1 o 2 t z z o is - ; 1 v. i Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. CRUMBS Are a modem rtovenpA r c better, because polish, far better thatiMH they give a liner gloss anv otherin existence. than any other polish. COMFORT Yield a brilliant silvery plieeu, with less than hall the labor required when other polishes are used. CRUMBS Are a ucat ami cleaalVM'pCun he used even in article, making no dirtl I H the parlor without the nor dn-t when used. trouble of removiug COMFORT furniture or carpets. Has no disagreeble su'.pherous or strong acid smell when prepared for use, but are pleasant and harmless. CRUMBS Are put up in neat styl In each boxjire 12 ;0F: and iu a tiiriii more ticks : 1 stick ' suffi convenient for use than cient for anv stove. nnv other polish. thus all waste is saved. COMFORT Are the cheapest polish in the market, because one box at 111 cents will polish as much surface as .Vi cents wort it of the old polishes. CHUM 11 S Have just taken thep 1st premium at the In I In (liannpolis Eiposition. in cm)ctilion witn several of the b'"st of tlie old stove wishes C 0 M F 0 It T Hr Citi Mits op Coiti OKT of your etorekeeper, if be has them, or will procure them for you ; if uot, send us one dollar, your name, and the name of your nearest express station, and we will send you ten boxes, and samples of Bart lett's Blacking and Pearl Blueiug, free of cost. Citi'Miis ok Comfort can be had of all Whole sale Grocers and Dealers in the United States, and Retail Dealers will find them the most profi table, from the fact that they are the fastest selling article of the kind in the market. II. A. BARTLETT & CO. 11.1 North Front St.. Philadelphia. 143 Clmnibeis St., New York. 43 Broad St.. Boston. Nov. 14. "73. firu.com. GEO. EVAN'S. E. O. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 014 Market. Street, rhihideli.liia, TAILOHS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Bawl & Fire Organizations promptly unifoimeil. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours beiugthe leading house on Military work, we feel I hut we can offer inducement which can not be attained anywhere else Jan.'?.'!. 137?. machi.m: niioi- ami iuo. roi mi:v. GEO. ROIIKHAril & SOX?, Sunlitir.v. IVnn"a, INFOKM tiiR jiiililic that t.hi'v ;ire pn-parea to do all kinds ol CASTINGS, and liavins added a now Machine fliop in imrtion with their Foundry, and havt supji'.io.l tliciiHolvcs with New Lathe-s, Planing and I'.oiinir Maehinw, with the latest improvement!. With the aid of skiilfnl rnrehanies, they are enabled to exeeute all orders ol NEW WOKK On REPAIRING, that may be uiv.-n them, in p. fatisfaetory taaii utr. (irnteN to suit liny Slovo. IRON ( OLl'MNS, for churches or other lutihl n', of all sizes. 151'ASS CASTING!, Ae. Ornamental Iron Tench.? VOK (iRAVF. YARD I.('1: VERANDAHS, KOIt YARDS AT KTIDEXCES, AC, At:. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been Ftill fnither improved, and will alwitVo be kept on band. Aico, TIIKF..ulllNi MACHINF. Sunhury, May 20, 1S71. J. Vouiij;iiiaii"s Improved Klide Vulvc for Slatiounry ami Io-oni4. live F.ngiiies. HAVING within the last few years com pieted the invention of a Steam flidu Vale dcsifri cd for the. purposed of removing the pressure from the Valve as it exists at pesent, we will warrant for six months and place on.; in any Lo comotive, any Ocean Steamer, any Inland Stea mer or any other stationary enjrine. If. is simple, cheap, effective and iiidestruetablu ; and saves fuel and machinery. It moves its weight only. No alteration in any part of the machinery is re quired to apply it, and the time occupied iu snb btitntini it for the ordinary 'D valve need not be over half an hour. I-f"It is indispensable at the mines where hoist ing is done. With this valve tho engine, can be reversed without shnttin-; oil' the steam, thus saving time and avoiding labor. This valve can be moved easily with one hand when surrounded bv anv amount of pressure. Address J. VOUNGM vN it CO.. Snnbury. Vn. Sunbury, June Vi. 1HTL qakkiac.es. m ;;it:H tr. H. K. FAGELY & CO., respectfully inform ;ln- puMie that they have cornmeucej the manufacture of BUGGIES, ivC, at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lcrch Corner ofl'onrtli ami C'heMtiiiit Sts., PI NIU RY, PA., and solicit a fair "hire of Patronage. April ::-li:n. J. F. LF.RCII, Sup't. SIMM KY .MAKBLt: YAKII, Four tit Street below Market, SUXltURY, I'ENX'A. THE undersigned has returned from the Ver mont Marble Quarries with 5l Tons of Marble for .Mon mm-nt. C rave-Sit ones, i.i. il. vn uui.ui .1 1 c.ii it 11-111 bii.il will allow bim to sell better tone, for lcs, raonev,than l.eretofop'. The best If.. l...,,.,l,l ..I C..,... .l...i Snthorlaml Full- Mfirble, which is liettrr than Italian. Rut'and is now sold as low as the Manchester. Those who need anything iu the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stoues. or other purposes, will find it to their interest to call and examine this large stock, as better bargains can be secur ed than buylnir from parties 'huckstering round the country. A!! lettering will be done in the neatest and ino-t Improved style. W. M. D.U'GHKRTY. Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1ST:;. LMMOK STOKE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Ptreet, opposite the Court House, f UX BI'RY, PA.. Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has on hand, nud wi',1 con stantlv keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Coijniae, Cherry, Giitirer, Rochelleand Otard. Whirkies: Pnre Rye Copper-'istille.l. M'".ii. iruhela, Apjile and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN Wines: Champapie Wine, Slu-rrv, Port and Claret. ' " Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can be found in the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale aud Retail. Every article guaranteed us represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. EST Orders promptly attended to, and yublic patronace respectfully solicited r. NF.FF. Sunbury, July 3, 1ST3. ly. THE MERITS OF THE 'GOLDEN TONGUE. HY A NKW .inilSPY JUKD TO BFATTT AND IM.OTTS, WASHINGTON, N. J. 'Tis an age of invention, improvement and skill, The world's in commotion, and nothing is still ; Aud progress in written wherever we turn So ! '-the ball is kept rolling','' and each day we learn Of some new achievement in science or art ; Each branch of industry in fact claims a part. So each is awarded a prize from the hands Of a generous public as merit demands. So music's department can point, in her pride, To men of true genius, whose fame has gone wide O'er bills and through valleys, in man-ions and and cots. Well, due are such honors to uIUattij .( J'lotr. Whose Golden Tongue organ stands tir-t in the land The JJrst as to merit, and first in demand. Excelling iu sweetness and richness of tone. Surpassing all others, aud standing alone. Its worth is acknowledged wherever it is known, As all will bear witness, and cheerfully one For equal in w kmanhip. beauty, ilesiiru. Or iinirh, they challenge the be-t in th" line. Where faces were gloomy, and hearts once were sail What homes are now cheerful ves, happv and glad. Continue thy mision, thv sung "Golden Tongue, Hath chains of enchantment for old and for young. Be.itty & PlottV celebrated GoMeti Tongue Parlor Organ is acknowledged by eminent pro fessors of music to be the best Parlor Organ now in use. Thousands of testimonials are constant ly being received iu favor of them, which go to show that our instrument gives entire satiafac-ti-iii. -?"For Price Lit Address BEATTY .t FLOTTS, Washington, N. J. Match LI, lS74.-im. Du. C M. Makti. Gro. W. Bi.oom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BoiMii, Mury, Pa. DR. C. 31. MARTIN & CO, HAVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs nud Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth. Nall.Clothc.Shoe and other brushes. TOI1.KT AXI FAXC'Y ARTICLES. TINE EXTitACTS, I'OCKKT BOOKS, KNIVES, C. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume in America. I'urisiian.n Kid Wove Wh, warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations fir the Hair, KF.UAKN, THE BEST IN MARKET, Fine Wine and Liquor, for medical purposes. Physicians Prescriptions and family icceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal ing to receive a share of your patronage. September 11, 17". OA.MEI. F.HEATT. mm tumi c-vVa "WXaiV Dr. J. Walker's Califomia Vine gar Killers arc a purely Vegetable preparation, made cliielly from tbe native herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, tho mcdieinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the u e of Alcohol. Tlio question is almost dnily asked, " What is tho cause of the nn;';ir alleled success of Vinkgau Uittkiis .' " Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers his health. They are the ;ne.it blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator andlnvigovtor of the system. Never before in the his tory of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bittf.ks in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgative well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in liilio.is Diseases. The properties of I'i- Wai.kf.ks Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudoritie, Altera tive, and Anti-Iilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vrs egar Bitters the most wonderful Invigor ant that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long nnwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Hilions, Remittent, and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so prev alent in tho valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those, of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so daring sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to De. J. Walker's Vixkgak Bitters, as they will speedily rcmovo tho dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels aio loaded, at tho samo time stimulating the secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestive organs. K, Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Litters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, I'aia in tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart. Inflammation of the Lung?, Pain in the region of tho Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White i Swellings, Ulcers. Erysipelas, Swelled i Ncrk, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, ! Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec tions. Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker'3 Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in tho most ob stinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad der, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walk er's Vinegar Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Snlt-Uheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustule. Boil. Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes. Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloratioiis of the Skin, Humors nud Discnscs of the Skin of whatever name ' or nature, are literally dug up and carried I out of the nystem in a r-hrt timo by the use I of these Bitter.-. I Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the t-v.-tein of so many thousands, ! are elicctually destroyed ;;r.d removed. No i svstein of medicine," xm vermifuges, no nu- ihi-lminitie will f:v- the system from worms like these Bitters. I or i emale i omplaiiiis, in younj or old, married or Mnff!'. the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters display so decided an influence that im Iirovemeut U soon perceptible. Cleanse fhe Vitiated Blood when ever you rind itslmpurities bursting through the .-dun in Timplcs, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you tied it obstructed and sluggish in the veins: cleanse it when it ii foul ; vour feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure, aiid the health of the system will follow. It. H. JIiDOSALD A CO., Druirfints ar.dUcn. A;:!-.. Sun 1'raneinco. ('tifnrnia, .i'ul oir. cf Vi:ihuiL-lii:i m.tl Ciiiu liim So.. N. Y. Sold by all lrv ti-( ml lcli tn. THE GREAT CAUSE OV til MAX JIISEKY. Ji sr li K!.isiiF.i. in Sr..u.r.r Ks ki oit. l'rice Si Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakne.-s, or Sperniu torrlnea, lielueed hy Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impnency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage irenerally : I'on Hiimption, Epilepsy, and Fits, .Mental and Phy sical Incapacitil, .tc l?v ROBERT .1. ( X'L VERWELL, V. D., author of the ''(ireen Rook," &c. The world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from bis own experience that the awful' consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous yursical operations, bougies instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure n' once certaiu nn.1 ctleetUHl. hy4 which every sutferer. no matter what his condi tion may be' may cure himself cheaply, private ly, and radically. This Lecture wi'l prove a boon to thou-ainls aud thousands. Sent uiiili-r wbI, in I'li.iii i iivi l.ij -. any mMrc on rviv.i't ot six rent, or rwi in.lje Mmn s. A'Mri-s the lubllih-rs, CI IAS. J. r. KLISE, A ro. 1-27 Ilnwfvy, X. V. r.'xl (!( llux. .tan., V4, ls-i-ly. Child re ii ollen look I'ale mid Sick from no other caufi' than having worms in the stomarh. HUnWN'S VEIiMirriE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, beinsr iierfectlv WIIITE.and from all the coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in j worm preparations. J ( I'RTIS .t BROWN, Proprietors, i No. 21.-, Fulton Street, New York. j Mold hy DmaiiitU mid Cfttmists, and ihal'rx Medicine at Twfstt-Five Cknts h. Ros. July 12, 1S. ly. W. D. MELICK, llyr ist and Aiiothccary, IN WFLKF.R'3 BriLPING. i i Market St reel, Sl.MtlKY, 1M. ! DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ! Dmggitts' Fancy floods, ' PAINTS, OII.S, GLASS, PUTTY, constantly on hand. j Particular attention paid to compounding phy- sicians prescriptions nnd fumi'.v receipts. j Hnnbnrv. Apr:! IT. 1S74. " ' ".a FEXXKYI.VAXIA RAIL ROAD. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE R. R. DIVISION. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, June 2Sth. 1374, the Trains on the Philadelphia fc Erie Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia, '' " Harrisburg, " " Sunbury, " " Wiliiamsport, 12.53 p m S.00 p m C.55 p m (.50 p m 10.00 p a 11.55 p ni 4.25 a m fi.30 a m H.S't a in tt.4o a in 11.10 a m n.05 p m S.00 u m -.irr. nt lock Haven leaves Philadelphia, Erie Mail llarnsburg, " ' ' Sunhury, " " " Williamsport, " " ' Lock Haven, i; " " Renovo, " " an at Erie, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Harrisburg " ' " Suuliurv, " " ; Williamsport. arr at Lock Haven,' Niagara Express leaves Phihuielphia, Harrisburg, ' " " Sanburv, Williainsp't, Lock Haven, " " Renovo, " arr. at Kane, EASTWARD. Piiiladul. Express leaves Lock Haven, 4i " Williamsport, li ' ' SunBury, " " arr. at Harrisburg, " " Philadelphia, Erie Maii leaves Erie, " " Renovo, " " '; Lock Haven, " " " Williamsport, t; " " Sunbury, " " arr. at Harrisburg, , " " arr at Philadelpnia, Elmira .Mail leaves Lock Haven, " Williamsport, 1.20 p in 4.20 p m 0.20 p m X) p m 7.20 a m 10.40 a m 12.80 a m 2.05 p in 3.10 p in 4.20 p in 0.15 p ni 7 45 a m J.30 a in 11.45 a m o.oo p m 11.20 a in 8.20 p m 0.35 p m 10.50 p m 13.41 p ai 2.40 a m 6.40 a m 9.45 a m lt.OO a in 12.40 p m 3.05 a m G.35 p m 0.00 a m 4.05 p m 5.25 p ni " Sunhury, li " arr. at Harrisburg Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Kane, " Renovo, " Lock Haven, ' " Williamsport (i " Sunbury, ; ' arr. at Harrisburg, 6.50 p in 8.40 p m 10.55 p m I " " " Philadelphia. 2.50 am Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Irviueton with Oil j Creek and Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West with east and west trains ou L. S. t M. S. R. IV. and at Corry and Irvineton with 1 Oil Creek aud Allegheny R. R. W. i Elmira Mail amf Buffalo Express make close connections at williamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north, and nt Harrkbnrg with N. C. R. V . trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen?l Sup?t. I'hHuilelphia & I tending Kuilroud. SITMME R ARRANT. EMEXTS. Jine 15th, 1S74. Tkinp Leve Heuxdox as Follows: (Sindats Excepted.) For Shamokid, 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and 3.40 p. m. For Mt. Carmel,AshIand, Tamaqua, Pottsvillc, Rending and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Trains for Heunoos. Leave as Follows : j (SrNtvvrs Excepted.) I Leavi' Shamokin at S.00 a. m. 1.50 and 3.55 j P- ni. I Leave Philadelphia, 0.15 a. m., Reading 11.25 a. in., Pottsvillc, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua, 1.20 p ra. i Asiiiand, ..w p. m., Mt. Carmcl, p. m. Thais Leave HAr.uisnrur,, as Follows : For New York, 5.25, .10 a. m. and 2.00 7.40 p. m. For Philadelphia. 5.25, S.10 0.45 a. m., 3.00 and 3.50, p. ni. Sundays. Vor New York, 3,25 a. ni. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. in. Tkains for Harki-ibi-rc., Lewe as Follows: Leave New York, 0.00 a. ni., 12.40 and 5.30, 7.45 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 0.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.15 p. in. SrxDAr. Leave New Tork, 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. "-'Via M'orris and Escx R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN. Gtneral S't. Reading, Pa. May 22, 1974. orthern Central Railway. On and oftr Vc. 1, 1H7:1 trains on this roait will run as fiillowp : LEAVE NORTHWARD. Li-ave Erit. Kenova Elmira RuS'ulo Mail Aecom. Mail. Expresii . s.DHpm 4.4Sam ll.:Bara .11.15 pra S.'.'Sam 1.(5 p m .tu.-JOpm s.00 a m 11.55 p m . :i.(m a m . a ra 1.3U p m S.f5 p iu . "i.'-H a in 11.10 a M 4.15 p iu 7.13 p m WaHhiiiKt'Hi . llallimurp... . Philadelphia. HarriBbury. . Hunhiiry Arrive at : Willianmi ort . . . T.lil a m 1 Elmira 11.50 a iu . Buffalo .: p in . Erie 7.20 p m . .55 p m 7.10 p ra 10.20 p ni D.IKJ p m All daily cxrept Kuuilay. Leave ; Buffalo Elmira Mail. Harriii'jj Accom. Erie M.uL E xpreKH. Erie biiffilu Elmira Williamsor;., Sunbury Arrive at : Ilarnsburif . .. Philadelphia. Baltimore .... ll.'-D a m 7.30 am 2.48 p m 6.50 p m 11.10 p m 8. 40 p iu 12.55 a ra !.50 p m i.4. a ra 1.10 am J.Jiim 2.&I a ui 11.15 a m 4.50 a iii 1.50 p m 10.50 p ra 3.05 a m 9.10 am 5.55 pm 2.50 am S.flOam M.40 a m 6.30 p m 2.23 a m M.4D a m Waxhiugton lo.:5 a m 8.30 p m 6.13 a m 10.35 a ra All pan Sunbury daily except Sunday. A. .1. BASSATT, E. S. YOrjfO. T. C.fCKER, (ieu'l Manager. Oeu'l Pass. Agent. Sup't. NEW GOODS for SPRING AND SUMMER at Ml Kate BlarkN, Market Square, Snnburv, Pa. LADIE'S DRESS GOODS of every style ana qiinlitv. FA NTT GOODS, NOTIONS AND Trimmings a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. The tiueft assortment of Ladies' coods. Kveryhody is invited to cull and see them and huv cheap. Stay S. 1S74. WIXTKK STORES. RYE WHISKY, $4.(10 a gallon. 111.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottles, $11,00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, SlU.OOadozeu. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RUM, SCOTCH WHISKY, j CATAWBA WINE, i OLD PORT WINE, ' CHAMPAGNES, j SEGAR3, AC. I II. A Van Hell. Tiir. Wine Merchants, j 1310 Chestnut Street, I Philadelphia. I Oct. 24. lS7o i TIIK Kite RAItItF.lt SIIOH TS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN nnd long A. has been ; ask hi.-tory and she will tell you Men have trrown old in our patronage Babies on their mothers' breast To bonnciug boys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed. And old men silver gray. And among the honored and lasting impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions in circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the ingenuity and perseverance ap pprtaining to the identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave with case Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing cure, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow me politely request you to stop. And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple snereil and right nor under tho common secret and invidious guise of enmity to complex ion ; for the cut of a man's cont, or the color of his skin, ought not to affect his usefulness nor bis qualifications. A fair chance is all that we demand, to irive the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunbury, April 5. 1ST3 ; No. 91, Market t. John H. Sfi.i.. John M. ScnoNom. SF.LI, A St HONOU R, Second Street, WoMEWnoRr, Pa. FOKKir.N AXD DOMESTIC LIQUORS WINES. BRANDIES, GINS, Purr Old Rye Whiskey, Arn.K Whiskey, Coumai.s, Ar. All Liquors sold ganrranteed as represented. Order promptly attended to and public pa tronage respectfully solicited. SELL A SCHONOUR. 2d St., Womclsdorf, Berks Co., Pa. F.b. 27. 1X74. ly. Jcdoing at Exhibitions. One of our Illus trated papers recently sketched a scene at an agricultural exhibition. The three judges are lookiDg at one poor little ewe of such doubtful character that the "first committee-man'' is quite pardonable for the inquiry "What is this for?" The second responds with an inquiring emphasis, "This why, that is Judge Jones' im ported ewe, the mother of Sockdolager, that sold for 2,0i'0, and Judge Jones is worth 1100,000." "Indeed !" responds the third, "then we must put her down for a premium of course the first." It is a pity if this little sketch should excite but a ludicrous smile and then be forgotten. There is unfortunately a depth in it, which is well worth probing to the bottom. We all know that our agricultural exhibitious, useful as ihey ' B ' ao meaDa wnai iney migni De ; ana I among the depressing influences, incompetency i of the judges is often not amonir the least. In competency is uot the word generally nsed ly the suffering exhibitor. He prefer to say injus tice ; but it is not ex-ictly this. The average judge wants to encourage the production of arti cles for exbibitiou. Every one who brings an article for exhibition must "get something" in j order to encourage him tocomc again. It cost ! somethi"S to bring things to the exhibition, and ' "80metDlng" must be awarded in order to pay j for the trouble. Then again, this is Judge Jonev article. le is worth S100.000. A society can not get along without money ; only with money can the poor exhibitors be paid. Judge Jones is a liberal contributor. His ?100,000 has often helped the Bociety in an emergency. Even the exhibitor of superior stock is indebted to Jndgt Jones' liberality for even the money for tbt second premium. It will please Judge Jones to have the first premium, and thus he with his money comes again. There is of course injus tice to the other exhibitors, but this is not inten tional. Justice to the exhibitor is forgotten iu what is supposed to be justice to the success of the exhibition. But it is all a mistake. The most flourishing societies are those in which the law is unswerv ing adherence to rule and exact justice to all and those who are the least sncee&sfut are thosi in which iu vjrder to "satisfy all" an equal dis tribution of the money is awarded among the ex hibitoi. It is often said that our exhibitions do no seem to show much marked improvement in ag riculturc, and perhaps the evil we have referre. to is one of the causes. Judges and manager are over-anxious for mere display. They car more for people bringing things than for the ex cellencies of the things themselves. The forme is aided by the rule of an equal distribution c the money. Lots of persons will run'tothei fields the day before exhibition and take anj thing they have when they are sure they will gf something for the little trouble ; but it takr time and labor to grow things with an epecis view to excellence, and this will not be take unless the exhibitor feels that the article is t be judged on its merits alone. This is but one field in which judges with tl best intentions often err. There are othci which we may refer to some other time. Ot tnatiteim TtUgrdph. Keepino Bitter Fresh. The best way i keep butter that is prime is to exclude the a from it and put it In a cool, sweet place ; but tl first is the most important. If the butter is in pail, tub, or jar, cover it one or two inches wi the strongest brine, made from the best Ononda; salt. Remember, it will not do to simplyacov it with salt ; the air will pass through the sa! but not through the brine. If the package h. a tightly fining cover, so much the better. Ti best bntter exposed to the air, in the summe will not keep perfect for twenty-four hours. Br ter for the family should be kept constantly n der brine. The Ftirmft Advocate recently offered a pri fore the best method of keeping eggs over w! ter. The recipe given below took the prize : Whatever excludes the air prevents the dee of the egg. What I have found to be the m successful method of doing so is to place a smi quantity of salt butter in the palm of the 1 hand and turn the egg round in it, so that eve pore of the shell is closed ; then dry a suflicu quantity of bran in an oven (be sure yon ba the bran well dried, or it will rnst.) Then pa them with the small ends down, a layer of br and another of eggs, until your box is full ; th place in a cool, dry place. If done when n laid, they will retain the sweet milk and curd a new laid egg for at least eight or ten montl Any oil will do, but salt butter never beeoa rancid, and a very small quantity of butter a very large quantity of eggs. To insure fre ness I rub them when gathered in from the cest then pack when there is a sufficient quantity. To Clean Old Hoset-combs. To clean combs, place them in some vessel that will he water, laying them flat, one on the other, nxs the vessel is full, lay on a board and stone keep them from floating. Now fill the ves with water and slacked lime. Let them so twenty-four hours, then take out, one at a tii and with a line broom, brush lightly but tl roughly ou each side. Next put them into t extractor and throw out the water. Rinse th in clean water and nse the extractor each tir Then stand them up singly iu the shade to d Two or three days will not be too long to them. Then cut out all the drone comb a they are ready for the bees. Farmer? Ilo Journal. A Novel Addition to the Dinner Table. The Brtwtrt' Gazette says, and it onght tc- kuc that we are to have a revolution, it appenrs, wine glasses. London porter requires pewt and hock a green glass, and it has cow been d covered that sherry is not sherry unless dm out of wood, so that we shall shortly have dining tables laid out with tiny carved cups, stead of the orthodox wine glass with which ' have long been familiar. At present the idea only iu its infancy, awaiting the artists w have under consideration the design of the n cherry cups. We may, however, mention tl they will be larger than the presort wine gla more like the old port glasses which onr grar fathers used. Cooking Corn in Fattsmsg Hocs. The m we think about the stereotyped claim of a ga of 33 or even 25 per cent. in favor of cooki corn fed to bogs, the more we don't believe So far as we know, there have never been a reaily conclusive experiments made. Corn now high, and it is worth while to save all can. It would be an admirable thing if farrui in different sections would try parallel exp ments, feeding one lot of hogs on 100 bushels raw corn and another similar lot 100 bushels ground and cooked corn. Of course, the Ik each be weighed before and after the expe ment, and the result reported to the rress, w full particular. Insects on Trees. Look over your trei The canker worm is upon the limbs ; the bor (Sapetda) is after a home in the body of the tre he Is generally found by a little boring upon t southeast side of the tree, near the ground, he has been there a year he has created a line dead bark. Cat him out ; cut awajrfill the de wood and cover with clay, wrapped so as to kf it i. . the wonnd from the air. The Fyeria t tiota, or peach-borer, should now be looked f Take away the ground our to five iucb.es dt around the crown of the tree, then scrape it clei and wash it with soft soap or weak lye ; lea the dirt away until j usl before severe cold weatl comes, and thea bank np" one foot above I ground line. Tying Wool. A regular wool dealer, w thoroughly understands the subject, says t proper way to tie a fleece of wool, is to lay t fleece on a table, turn in the head and tail a turn in the flanks and roll it np, commencing the tail end, tying it with two strings to keep I roll in place, and then with one string acn. the ends. This is sufficient. A fleece thns tl is light, easily handled and examined and can' felt all through. Value ok Coat. Asnxs. If they contain wo ashes they are just so far as that goes valnab as fertilizers ; sifted they are useful upon st elays to ameliorate their mechanical conditio Otherwise they are pretty much worthless exce on roads and footpaths which are liable wash. Here they are most excellent ; they mal a hard, firm path, which stands through t most powerful storm , barely disturbed In t' least.