unburn American. SUNBURY, OCTOUKH 10, 1874. Kailroad Tinif Table. &KIUVAL AMI nr.rAKTI-liEor TSAINS ATSI-MtVWV. S. C. R. W.. East. P. & E. U. K. Wort. ruiia Ex. ', So a ,u F'r' iIai, a 111 E;mira Mail,l'-M0 a m Niagara Ex. J2.20pm rrie Mai:, '-.05 a m F.ltnii n Mail 4.10 1' ' i.KcnraEx. K. 40 p m Fast Line, i.r.O p m 'I NJU RY ANT LEWISTOWS K. It. Leave Sunbury fov ,ewistown at 0.35 a. m.f and 4.30 p. m. Arrive at Suubury from Lcwiotown at 1. and C.40 p. m. SIIA5I..KIN JMVISIUV, n.o. i:. w. LF.AVB I AKItlVE Impress, 12.45 p in 1 Mail, ";? a m Mail, 4.25 p tn Express. o..5 p m .n accommodation train loaves Shamokin at 7.10 a hi, arriving at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a in. Ret urine, leave Mt. Carmcl at i. 15 p Ji, arriv ing at Shumokiu C.45 p m. La'KAXVASNA & BUXIMSIU'UU R. R- Trains, leave Northumberland as follows 9.45 a. in., j nnd 4.40 p.m.: arrive at 10.55 a. in., and 5.45 p.m. i ! Accidental Insurance Tickets can lie bad I. Shipman, Ticket Ag"nt, at the Depot. nI ! niuiner Arrniifrenient lor I lie Iot OHU-e at him bury. 1h. jn-c OjvH from 0.50 a. r.. to 8 . w., on tiitwUvjt. ITMF. OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives as follows : "torn the Fast at 5.15 a. in., 4.10 p. m., South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m. " West, 5.15a.m., 11.15 a. m., P- n aud 4.10 p. m., North.1.50 a. m..ll-15 a. m.. 4.10 p.m. Shamokin nnd Mt. Carmcl, 'J.25 a. m. Shamokin projier, 4.00 p. m. Malis close as follows : or the East, 5.45 a. m.. 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. 111. x.00 p. w. South, 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. in. P- m- Wert, 10.50 a. in., ::.5 p. m., S.tHl p. m. North 3.50 p. m., h p. m., Shamokin proper 11.15 a. in. Shamokin aud ollices on that route, 4.0 p. m. Money orders will not be issued after r, p. m., n Saturdays. J. J. SMITH, P. M. ral ffairs. John Wekit, or Snyder county, wiil take .large of the Ferry Hotel, opiosite this place, i the first of February uext. JoUn Ai noiu, n- the 1 -efcnt popular landlord, w ill retire from isiiiess. Si mii kt Loikik, No. 203, I. O. of O. F., will '.cbrate their twenty-ninth anniversary on ouday eveuing, November in h- Past Grand re, James B. Nicholson, ,t Philadelphia, will iver an address on Odd Fellowship. Wi:. M. Bitrl.lN, or the Al-rrtistr, published Lebanon, has beea nominated by the Demo nt Tor Congress in this District. He don't ake any calculation on an election, nor will lie disappointed. S. F. Nr.viN, on Third street, near Market, has ened up the oyster trade extensively. Le re Is and wholesales in shell, tub and canued ktcis. He keeps a good saloon for both ladies J gentlemen, and supplies the best iu the city rkrts. rut: fair at Turbutvillc. it is to be regretted, s a fabure to a great extent, owing to the wea r's jncieiiK ney. Tin: second day the grounds re not opened on account of the heavy rains veiling during the day, and the managers de ed to postjo:ic to Friday and Saturday last. Ih days there was a tolerable good attendance. d the weather been favorab.e there wou..l c been a fine display of articles placed on cx- j ition. as wc:i a, some of the be-t stock iu the j ntv. .nother immense stock of Ready Made Cloth ami Gentlemen?.' Furnishing Goods, has just n opened at Simon aud Openheimer's store. Third street, below Market. All descriptions ,'iothing will be found there made up substan !y aud stylish. The best of suits can be .ght at lower prices lhau at Wannainaker and iwn'j, Philadelphia. Their store has piles of ercoals, Dress Coats, Vests, Pants, Ac., war ted to fit, and as substantially made as those le to order. It is considered the cheapest e In the country. The firm desire everybody ?n!l and damme their stock free of charge. Saturday last the Dauntless base ball club ibis place, played the Independent club ol ri'burg, on the Fir grounds at that place. Dauntless club, we learn, played wr!!, bui ngb a partial umpire's decisions it was 1m. sibie for the Dauntless boys to win. We do believe that the umpire ever received ;banks 11 the Independent club for bis conduct. It y be thought, perhaps, that he was ignoraut the game, or at least his education on bae deficient, as he was permitted to retire, aud ther seh-cted before lhf game was out. The mtiess citib was beaten two runs on the ninth ng. Good Mfxtisg. On Saturday eveuing last, officers of Stone Valley Lodge, No. I. O. . F., were installed by P. G. EmT Wilvert, after the ceremonies of installation were e through with. Ex-District Deputy G. L, n Sell, of Wome'.sdorf.Berks county, address he members, and was attentively listened to. Sell is a good sjei.ker, and through his nsive knowledge of the 'rder, is an able ex ut of its principles. i im:. John P. Eiliott, formerly of this e, a painter aud paper hanger by tiade,com ted suicide recently, at Mahauoy Planes, uyikii! county. It is stated that he had two who are called uikiii to mourn bis loss, iskey, it is supposed, was the cause of his milting lh rash act. 'r. h-am that on Saturday night last, a man ic.l O'Bryan, at Shamokin, induced a Polan to rii ink until he was greatly intoxicated, and 1 oflered his services to take him home. Af- hey got into an alley on the way home, O' in knocked the Polaudr on the head with a , inflicting a terrible gash across his fore 1, and then robbed him of three dollars which Polnnder hud put iu a side poeket, aud fled. Polander had some thirty dollars kecreted in pantaloons which O'Bryan was not aware of. ryan is represented ns a bad character, ami officers of ihut town should hunt him up and g him Vfore Judge lb xkefellrr. UK following officer were elected and install in Stone Valley Lodge, No. 504, at George n, in this county, to serve the ensuing term : . G., G. W. Smick. . G., Isaac Dreibelbis. -ist. Sec'ry, J. M. Ditty, reus., Johu Bingaman. c'ry, Isaac W. Dreibelbis. -p. toG. L., Em'l Wilvert. citsosAL. We met Mr. Johu Sell, of the firm ell Schonour, of Wotuelsdorf, Berks coun a few days ago, on a tonr through the r end of the county, soliciting orders for ull Is of the best liquors and wines. All who ' with the firm praise them for their falrdeal Thcy k re highly recommended for selling best brandy and other lhiuors, that can be ured in any part of. the State. Mr. Sell many warm friends in this part of the coun snd his visits are always hailed with delight, ore so-iableand agreeable gentleman can well be found: Long may he wave ! he at Lp.wisiu ko. The steam saw mill of srs. Bi'.lmyer, Dill 4 Co.. at Lewisburg, was jvrred to be on l!re,on Thursday night. about 'clock, and was totally consumed, including re that was tied nnder the mill for the t. It is not known how the Ore originated. nisrs Stoitv. Seversl weeus ago, two j tips applied to J. B. Shultz, of Rush town ), for work, wh'.ch they obtained. After the k was finished they were paid and they left, j Friday night they returned, and stole two po- t from the stable of Mr. Shultz. They were ; sned and overtaken t Fredericksburg, Leba county, by Chief Police, Chas. Bcckley, of iland, and brought to this place on Wcdnes hift. They wer committed by Esquire .cl in default of bail. 'nr. brick work on ?. is completed. P. Wolvrton's Law Of. "Mt. Kiuchm:ic." Tlic hilt opposite Shamo kiu Dam, bordering tlie west side, of Shauiokin creek which empties into the Susouclia una and bounds the southern portion of our borough, known for more than half a century as "Rhine- hart '6 Hill," has recently been purcuascd by Mr. Karl Kirehner, leader of the Sunbtiry Cornet Band, and has been christened Mt. Kirehner, in honor of the able leader of ou. Hand. Mr. Kirehner is now erecting a residence on the brow of the hill, facing the Susquehanu;.. To this vlcinit v is attached r.n.i'y r.minesces of part times wi'.h our native citizens of the shady .side of life. Forty years ago the eastern side of the creek was bounded by a beautiful woods from wi:at was at that time known as the Point, to its intersec tion with the -liui.'' It was a beautiful place, comprising a hundred aeies, .-hade 1 with the : stateliest oaks, some of which were found to bo. of five centuries growth, that ever shaded any i park in the world. This was called "MeCIay's ! j Woods," and was at that time, (we cannot tell i i how long previous.) a place of pleasure to the I youth of our ancient borough. The pairiotiMii of Fourth of July was cxiK-ii.Icd there In long extemporized tables, groaning under torlle soup dished right up from the adjacent creek, and other nutritives were washed down with good lemonade, small beer, or something of a more stimulating nature iu a purer slate than it can be had to-day, and the Declaration of Indepen dence was read, toasts drank and responded to by the old cannon from Fort Augusta, which had played its part during the Revolution that esta blished our nationality. Rhinehart's Ilill,which tkirts the creek ou the opposite side In an almost perpendicular hlnff, i was a place ot wonder ana reson among in' j youth of the place in days gone by 011 account of I its connect ion with Lilian tradition, andihecu ! rioue existcnceof a number of holes descendiug ! from its summit to au undiscoverable depth, which were said to have some connection with the Indians that inhabited this place, but. which ! undoubtedly originated from the limestone, for j mation of this part of the hill. They descend 1 ed perpendicularly, and were for many years fenced in 10 pievent accident to cattle. ot many years ago decayed timbers in an erect po- sition, were discovered in one of them, which j would iudicatc that they were more than the re sult jf accident. Lead was mined a few miles below some years ago, but not in paying quanti ties. It may be, these holes, at a remote iierlod, were lead mines. It was rumored some years ago, that gold had been found ujou Rhinehurt'i Hill, aud some of our eld jToplc, greatly deficient in geological education, believed it, aud discovered the report to be incorrect, by making a diagnosis, at considerable expense of money and labor, in 1,1C lulPc of ''rifts, propping, Ac. The mil yields an abundance of tne best rjuality 01 lime stone for fertilizing purposes. Mr. Kirchncr's residence is being erected on a Cat piece of ground on the brow cf the west side of the hili. From this spot the most magnificent scenery is presented, embracing the river, Mon tour's Ridge. Sunbtiry and Northumberland ; westward, the falls of the Shamokin dam are iu I view, and the lieautilut larming country, lumcu with neat dwellings and spacious bams, reaching far back into Snyder county. It is n beautiful sight to gaze upon. n the north side of the re sidence, but a few rods distant, exists a glen through which tne water of a fine spring takes its course beneath a dense covering of foliage, until intercepted by a precipice over which it fails with a pleasing leverberHtien, producing an ad ditional enchantment to the beautiful scene. We understand that it is the intention of Mr. Kirehner to establish a vineyard, for w hich pur pose he c.ald not have selected a better location. For a place of Tesott, daring the summer sea sou Mt. Kirehner will xcci, in ljeautv of natural scenery, a refreshing Susquehanna breeze, and cx celletit water, any other phfe of resoit iu this Height." hood. Those who have never visited the locat:on will be amply repaid by doinz to. Wi: coj.y the following items from the Vw.t- W,I1W j;,WOl-a of i.ut week : ptHlM,NEi). Ou Tuesday lat the Board of 1 anions, m bessioti ui it;.. i isouj , jmi'joowi harlcs Stover, who was sent to the penitentiary f rom this place nearly one year ago. Fatal AmnEST. On Saturday laFt, James M. Porter, son ol Lemuel Porter, formerly of this place, now of Maryland, was accidentally killed ou the Baltimore and Potomac railroad In that State, on which he was employed. We are informed that he was on the top of a freight car and whs strnck by u bridge and instantly killed. His remains were brought by his grief stricken father to Milton on Monday and buried. The deceased was aged nliout. l'.l years. OniTt'AKY. On Monday last nt S o'clock a. tn., Daniel Kline, of Watsontown, departed this life, aged U years, 4 months and a few days. The deceased was born iu Pinegrove township, ... .. ... IT :. I - .... -J. ...... 1 I Schuylkill county, Pa. The last .10 years of his life he was employed on the West Branch caual, aud at the time of his death held the position of Supervisor, his section being between Muncy Dam aud Northumberland. Very faithfully did he dischrge his duties, and joroc time will elapse before the canal company will be able to get a man who will fill the position as well as did the deceased. Mr. Kline was a mail of many fricuds a good citizen and neighbor and his death cast a gloom of sorrow over the entire community. He was a consistent member of 1 ; he Lutheran church, and died in the full hope of ! receiving his eternal reward iu the world to come. II. s remains were interred at this place on Wednesday, aud were followed to the grave by a large collection of sorrow ing friends and sympa thizing neighbors. Peace to his ashes. Tliu way men put off Important matteis to the last moment is oue of the curious things in na ture. The fifth concert in aid of the Public Li brary of Kentucky was advertised to take place July 31st. The day after, August 1st, Gov. j Bramiette, the manager at Louisville received ! over $50,000 lor tickets. Had the drawing taken j place ::t that time the Governor would have had to semi tl.i- money back, tint as the Concert was ' postponed to November "Oth, it was all right j with them. We presume thai on the first day I of December next, the day alter the Concert, ' thousands of dollars wi.l lie received, one day ! too late, for there will lie no further postpone. i metit. This inonev might just as well have 1 j been sent a week before, as when it was. " Wati:V Cositkto Pami.oi; Okoas' pos sesses a beautiful aud peculiarly soil tone The Concerto Stop is, without doubt, the best ever placed in any organ. It is produced by an extra j set of reds, peculiarly voiced, from which the j eHect is tnoM charming, and its imitation of the j human Voice is snjM-rb. For sweetness of tone j and orchc-tral . fleets it has no e'liial."' .V. '. J H.sr I!ai.I.. The base ball ifaine of the H:h j Boys of Ilarribnrg, etid the Di.uulless club of this plHce, came off on Tuesday afternoon, on the ' Fair grounds. The Ilinh Boy Club arrived on j ' the Niagara Kxpress at l-.otl, aii'l were escorted I lo the City Hotel wheie dinner was awnitint; j them. At -.HO p. in., thej entered the fround, ' and the j;anic coiutueuced. "Johuny" Britton, the well kuowu Lewisburg "f;a!," was there of fsring lo bet on the boys. As was expected, the Dauntles club was badly beaten, as will lie seen by the following score : BIOII BOY". German "d b Simmons 1st b A. Snyder c KitTert ss Stnrtreon r f W. Mutter V. b Fbel 1 f Black c f G. Snyder p In h lain n.rB. In r 1 :; Carr c 0 u 5 7 Builicr 3d b 0 0 4 C Kessler b 1 0 :: 4 l.vons ss 0 0 f. lisely If i) 4 7 Christian r f 10 J a J. Krohn cf 11 4 P.. Krohn 1st b 1 :; U Marr p 0 1 Total, '.'5 ih Total INNINOS. 1 :: 4 4 IIiKh Boys 7 4 1 0 7 8-45 0 14 Dauntless Umpire, E. P.. Sutton. Scorer, Wm. H. Shaffer and K. Smick. It is reported that the editor of the Itetnccrat having become somewhat disgusted with the game of politics, has lately been indulging in the private :ame of "Button, Button, who i;ot the Bution,"' and considers it innch more pleasant than the game played by the Court House Kins- Tint l.irne amount of legal advertising iu this week's issue, has crowded out of ourcolumns the list of premium awarded at the Fair of the Union Park aud AjriculturHl Associntion. It will appear next week. i ! F. D. Kil l lis hns been re-elected Assistant j Secretary and Cashier of the finnbnry Fire Insu J ranee Co. It is a deserved compliment to that I frentlcmin. He mf ko an efficient officer. Tin: Spring and Summer have passed away. The all Fairs are over, and men, women and children are again left to their ease, and they may now contemplate the benefits derived from Insurance against life, accident and fire. The paper -ire full of instances in which losses of property have been restored, and in which fami lies have been relieved from suffering through the thought fuiucss of a kind parent v. ho has his life insured. These benefit are most ly neglected until too late, and thousand would gladly ac cept an insurance after being bereft of a parent, friend or property. Now, a.4 the labors of the season are over, none should neglect so impor tant a duty as iusurantc devolve?. Mr. Jacob Shipman has the agency of a host of the mort reliable Insurance Companies in the country, and every one can secure a policy at a low rate. It is the duty of every one to secure himself against loss, and this can be accomplished through insu rance iu reliable companies. I'.y application to Mr. Shipnian, circulars will be forwarded to ::p- ! plicaut explaining the differ, lit modes of insur ing free of charge. An immense lot of goods have just been ojieu cd atthehandsomcstorc of Messrs. Marx.t I'.ro., in Masonic building. Their stock consists of the largest variety of Fancy Goods ever brought to ! this l'lace anions which are Trimmings of au kinds, Notioii.-.and a "large assortment of Ladies- and Chiidrens' Fers. The rtcek is a grand show, and everybody is invited to call and see free of charge. Oi'i:r.o. A i urge assortment of new ready made clothing, (ient furnishing goods, &o., have just been opened at Situou V Oppenheim cr's Store, on Third street, below Market. They are of the latest styles, and a larger assortment than has yet been brought to Snnhiiry. Their stock is replenished every few weeks, owing to their large amount of sales. They sell cheap, so that everybody can be suited for a small amount of money. A tri:l will convince all that goods can be bought cheaper there than elsewhere. Their extei:iv stock is exhibited daily free of i Chi'.rge. Oi;ans ivn Mr.i.om.oNs. We Invite attention to the card of Georire A. Prince V Co., of IJufTa- IOj y., tnanv.tactnrers of Organs and Melo deons. This is the oldest house 111 the country in its line, and their instruments rank among the very bet. A Man in Ri'ins. One of the saddest specta cles in the world is n human being shattered and broken down by trie Use of ardent spirits. But the damage may lie repaired, the ruin restored to perfect soundness, by a course of that most pow erful of all invigorants, Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters. Beware of those "tonics"' of which rum is an clement, mote decav. Thev aggravate disease and pro- Oct. K, 4w. usincss Fai l ni Winthk Hats. All the latest style of hats are now open at S. Faust's store on Market square. McM bu-auti.iil styles adorn his windows which are sold cheap. Gentlemen's furuis".i:ig roods are suppled ' the lov-t prices. Till fall styles of fiirnituie are now bein-; ilig opened at B. L. R.iiidenbush's furniture store, iu Masonic building. A full sett of house fur niture cnu tie. selected at his store at more rea sonable prices than can be purchased in Phila delphia. A Horsr. ano Lot located on one of the prin ciple streets in Sunbtiry, wi.l be sold shc.np, on I application to this oilier. 'J' nil'- easy. ! Foi: Cash. A suit of clothing can be made up j chcajtr for cal ;.t J. F. Seha !fei "s, merchant ta::or ; no, an.i in.iea moiv 001:10.1: ,iuu eijieii than in anv citv estabiisment. A large assort ment of cloth, fassimcres, iVc, constantly kept on hand to sch -t from. Call, South Third !., a few doors below Market, Sutibuiy. John S. Maksii has just returned from the city and is opining a very line stock of winter cloth ing. The styles and make of goods, t nits winter. Is very desirable and pretty. He has tel. t ied this stock with great care as to fashion and ipia lity. Call and see his stock before yon purchase elsewhere. :. John S. Maksii. Miss L. Simssi i:k has taken the agency for E. Butteriek & Co.'s patterns, and has now for sale two thousand of the latest styles for Ladies, Misses, Boys, Children and Infants, also for Gent's Dressing down, smoking Jacket mid Caps. Paki.ok Oiioans An Pianos. Some of the finest toned Parlor Organs and Pianos, nre sold by John .P Kcefer, No. TO Walnut street, in this place. The Chickering aud Webrr Pianos. Ma son and Hamlin. Wood and Spang's Parlor ) gans, constantly on hand. Mr. Keefer keeps none hut the best quality, and all who buy of him can be assured of getting the instrument he represents it to be. Saiioent's Sf.chi-.t or BrAtiv, a delicate beaut ifier, which smooths out all indentations, removing tan, freckles and scars from the skin, leaving the complexion cler.r and beautiful. Sold by Miss L. Shissler. Exrri.sioit Stii.i. Aiifah. Having just re ceived a full line or Boots, Shoes and Rubbers of every description, we are prepared to sell them at astonishingly low prices to suit the times. Our motto is small prolits and quick sales. We desire every one to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, and be convinced that we sell cheajiT than any other dealer in the county. We have all the :'e styles of Boots and Shoes, including the celebrated Llrnira and Towanda Ibxtts. No goods misrepresented toetleet a sale. No trouble to show goods. Call and sec thein. Respe. t fully, Yours, JOHN B. SMITH .V. Pro., Successors to W. H. Miller. Foil SAl.F.-Atnerican Steam Safe. Apply .'t th coal ofliee of Haas and Fa gel y, or resilience of J. P. Haas, Market St., Sunbury. Wr. direct attention to the advertisement of J. B. Reed, in another column. Tho.-c who are in want of stoves will find t!i largest v.inely at his establishment. Foit RrST. The Drug Store Room now occu pied hv W. D. Mciick. Also the ioin ioljolniiig F.iu-t's hat store. Kiuiuire of H. !. Ma-m'.h. Tim: light running ''JuiD't-tit Sewing m.i- : chine, on account of its many point a of supeii- 1 oritv. lias a better demand ttiau any other maun- ! i faciured, and takes the lead with the public over machines long rcgar.tcfl as tlie liet. i Intel- tor these machines will be piomptly lille.l i.y Mis : Caroline Dalius, agent. I'arlvr Itfijan Mis:- C. Daliu is t lie ag nt lor ' the sale of Parlor Organs. Fi.nn.-. and all kinds ' of imi-ical Instruments. The very bert iusttu inents are furnished, furni-hed 011 short notice at iirices to suit times. Call or addre.-s. HALM'S, irkf t St.. Siitiburv. lew lot just receive!! II. P.. MASS I.ll. No. '.)."., M I. r. Ci:fm Freezers. A bv Tin- "lir'ssioiiH of Mil III ill ill. Pub lished ns a wariiinu and tor the benefit of Votitej Men ami others who suffer Iroin Nervous Debili ty, Loss of Manhood, etc.. supplying Ihe means of Self-Cure. Written by one who cured himself after undertroini; considerable iUi.ckcry. and sent free on rcceivtnn a list paid directed envelope. Sufferers are invited to addre's the iiuthor. N ATM A N I K.I. M A Y FAIIl, n-pH,74-r.ui. P. O. Box 15:;, Biooklyn, N. Y. To upitulisl. To .Men of Medium .TleaiiN, and lo all WinIiIiii; HoiiieM and thus Avoid faying IC-iiIh. By reference to the Watsontown Jleeunl and Sunbury "Gazette" will be seen a full aud morl explicit description of the property I offer for sale, either in lots or by the acre. But what c wish to more particularly bring before the pub lic is the LIHKIiAL TKKMS on which they are offered. I will SELL LOTH from 100 to H500 and Lands by the. ACKF. from ?','iMltoS.W0. according to the location. Terms : Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, the balance in time and amounts to suit Mirehasers, from ONE to FIGHT YEAKS, with legal interest from day of sale. The strccis and alleys will tie. ojiened as fast as lots arc sold, so that all may Tie approached with ease. AH persons who are now paying rent can have an opportunity of securing a home for less mo ncv annually than thev are now THROWING rtWAY ir. rent. Any person wishing to see the lands or lots will call ou me, when every opportunity will be given them to have .1 fair chance to see the supe rior advantages presented to the public. In addition to the lands above referred to. I now offer for sale THREE DWELLING HOU SES, situate on Water street, in Watsontown bo rough, the one being the large and commodious Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, all of said dwellings having the nccc.-sary outbuildings for immediate use. For further information call on or address J. M. FOLLMER, Watsontown, Pa. October "1. 1S7S. 1 yr. Si Nitntv, Met. 14, 174. iv Wheat rcr bushel 1.4(ra 1.50 ' prime white " Rye per bush Corn " " Oats " Fiirii Extra Family pr bid Common lluckwhcat Fkki Corn t Oats Chop pr UK) lb Shorts & Mixture ... Potatoes. Ac New per bnshel Provision Ham per lb Shoulder pr lb Haer.u pr lb Beer, retail pr H Veal. do do Dried lict I pr lb Pol i TUT Chickens, dre-sid pr Hi !).". live weight Bt'TTLK Prime per lb Eoos Per ilozcn -,0(,i,l. 0 75M'W) 7rd-H0 r.o(. m S.7.VJi.'..0i) ,;.r.of.i i.tw 5.00 1.50(2.00 1.50(Vi 1.75 MIC" 75 lcr.i 20 ur.'is torn 12 I ICVi.'J'J lOfTi IS 25('i 30 lodil !()(' 12 4oCi H5 :)( 25 Beta Sblurlisjmcnls. 1 NTAKCiLAKKWOKKS. NORRISTOWN. PA., MANUFACTURES a superior Oualily of Window Class, tingle and double thick, Cr,iiiL,l ( !oi rnated. Obscured and stained. v;;,.,; ()f ai! pattern: all glass warranted not to stain. Orders solicited. J. M. ALBFRTON. October. 2 1S74. Ill the Court of Common IMens of North uiiUx-rtniHl County. In re r.f the account of Bcnj. Dockcy and Wm. Hoffman, assignees of F.state of David Bi!ter man and Wile. 101, August. Term, 1".72. To the creditors of David Bittcrmau and Wife. "VTOTK'E is hereby given, that the ueeonnt of Benjamin Dockcy and Wm. lloilmau, as signees oi" estate of David Bittenuaii and wife, has been tiled in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, and will be presented to said Court for confirmation, on Tuesday the :: 1 d:iv of November. A. D. 1S74. J.. T. ROHRBACH. Prothonotary. Sunbtiry, Oct. '., 1S74. ,10 ds. In the Court of Common IMeas 01 0rlh11n1bcrla1ul County. In re of the acconnt of Jacob F. Ganger, com mittee of Ralph Boyle, jr., an habitual drunk ard. November Term, 1S72. To creditors of Xnlph Boyle, jr. XTOTl TOTICE is hereby given, that the account of ;tcob F. Ganger, committee ot uaipn Bovle. ir.. has been filed in th- ourt of I onr- inon jileas of Northumberland county, and will J be presented to said i onn lor connrmawuii, on : Taes.biv the third d.iv ot' November. A. D. 174- L. T. ROHRP.AC.l. Prolhonolary- Siinbury. Oct. H. 174. :0 ds. K0.000 IX UIFTS. t iostio.ejiext. A (irand Gift Concert. a (ir: AM-oik NT.l;T will I r i snivel eiveti ai Sinil'".iryt I'. by fie lii'U le!"t V slliCTilN" STKAM FliiK cntf ANV. .1 r:n i:siav, rrni:i'Ai:v - i. 111 tli-ket. tie all -,.Ui l.el4)i-e tj.-;t tilijtr. -tie aotiee will In' ro n : the Ijine. A full IM'Httiris Corlaiu. w!n to the panic, sind in order t. n.v' tfce tfc.e-r.tl i . Is mo-t e:is;ly managed by the operator. witi una rxi ts-tatien et ti;e 1 uliiie the tic ket-iio 'ie r- ; I.rngth of stiteh may be altered -.vtiiic imining, for tar liili i.uynieiit ..f tu i;fts :tii!io.ine.nI, lb,- nwi;- : an,, .aob!uc cad fx; thread! d without pnssitit; ,;,etirz?eM,n:i,'n,Mh'' f:t,,,Ytn:,,,,0ic6'i f ,, nleoi,jeetoriliiei..tT.r.eiH for the i.to i ot - T. Design Simple. Ingemoas, Elegant, foi-n- Hrinit Sre tiu I ir. r.ie;inr, which will W an ivantae ing the f litch wiilioct the Ue ol cog wheel gears, t.i :.tl it. iohli.)riiit towiiM .-K-if-HHil le hv l:ol. friTn the f:iet I r..t..r,. .,..,.1- M.r l..v.i- aeros. H.-is lite A lit otlli't in ! Ilnl li wi:i le Rli In le.-iei"!it 'tino:iii. AimI at we .;...."... ..,.i.K .n..w .... ...... ... ... ..r ..... .... ...... ... ....... iOIllV Will I lillie tO HI". tlie :.!! of it McallM r. J'heic is 11. Ufi tll.O! llin-veei l.treaml M'ihJ towns w itiu'i llii"ty nult-K of SaaliJa''. alt el w inch r:oi lw re:ieln i l.v rnilro:,.!. tain utfortiiatf tt.e lucihty of jr-tMLj,' liii v 1. 1 tle.se pinee in le. tb:i'. n b"iii h 1 nae ; v.-i.ile a. tae km..'-tree . .ir:v.nw i t."' I. l.l.j :-'l e'e i. I l.ir 1 ii. - ;J .1 l.tll.t'ee :.., e I.-l e.Mlil'l' 1 t til..! I.ll I.' a. S Wlli ih ilisMiHe,! .1 l.v tlie tie: itUoe mile. i :-r ur.i Ti!i; I 11I.I.KV IN.i IS LIST or i.Il-TS: 5i.'-C 1 - t.l M.,'1 JS l.O i,ne . . I .... K I..MHI 1.IMI1I I.'OI 1,1 HI I ; t.'.. -tl.itl'.Il. .:S 1 itealniiM j.rii-e-. i .- 1 - OU T ;u loit In .of: 4i tot: ii;io VIM . .il' mmi .01: ...SSI I. lit j.ifi :i-.. I.i.i T.eal ri'iisem no itiilivi.lu:.! l.s.Y 'I n;s . SJe bouses, I. its ami lnrnitiir' The li.ii'ier ot a s;.ei ---ftil t; Ml. ::1 CASH. Thcr.ii U-'iI.ihmI Ti.-Vets of A.lmis-i.in t. 'to" Cn:i- ' cert, ::t si. no i-Beli. Joel -t tiie tune al.oe .-'-,'.r. the j $.'. 111 ASH i.:lH will ! .li-lrim.tol. I I I.A (!" I'lSTKIItfTIllX. Tueiej tl..ii.t!irl iiuiiiNth, reprts-ent ii,e :ii!.l ni'e -. i jMit.ttiiic, with lti.se tm the receipt iHKiie.j. a-jIJ l !;.-. . I 111 one wlleel ami cr.r.ls t'lielef.-a Willi Hie n.illles ..I ine I'rninims in Hi-levt Imirs will iic iil.-teeil iu nnotii.T. l'mni ttiese wh-Ji,, u 1011:1 1 -r antl one .if lle al.o r intm-,-il iLwriU-.t cnis w lil lie t.tken Miii:iltai:.-.n:s!y. 1 iie lllltliUT ho dr;iwn frnlll tlie one wtieel seeur-'Mtije I re H.liim de-jiu:teil tiy ttifcar.t t:;keii :it ttie mtw tone f rem the otner. Tills operation will he I'erfi.Mi i! 1 y :i lilimi j rani. ;nl coi tniiml iiijtiI I itoiO-.n llernirnl alel jiiv-Str-.en I'renuutlin l.re eiMU-Teit. It in .-Vl. lent I ttut 1 tins priK-ess, frnuil or iavi.rti-Mi will Is 1111-Hmf.i-I Me. i.vcry p. tm.ii ii. tilting a ticket will l- -it jt l-tt to 1 ailiioKin into the .'oncert. All tints l'aiit in CASH without discount. Money can ! wut IKr Ti. iu rciMcre.1 lettern, or INist .Mhee Money . intern, or t.-y l.press at our rik. 11 i.ier.l, TieketH w'.ll be ent by I'.xjiri'KS, C. I. l. In" tollitwluc- petitlcrucn bae kiiidly .-jtiMcrte! to act ts Tru.tis-H for .tie bIiom .iilt Cotieei ( : S. !. Wi.lxrrtni!, K.. Inn elor II. H. .in.l Vf. It. It. : Hm. Hill, AiOiiii'.v ut ba ; lion. W. I.. Deuart. rx lueliili.T of Col : ; W in. I. tlrtt-uoilKh, T.i")., Oiree tor Tirst National Hank of Sunbury ; John Una. r.nt., ditto; Ira T. Clement, l.utnl-ruMli ; V la. 1. J.lrali:, Coal jlerehiii.l, Sunbury. Tlie attire iiamd eenth men ae hltfhtTiiTiib-.I and j liotiorable men, wiio'Aotild not lend their tianoM jic! ehe their iw.Ui.ih. to anv tinwoithv ol.ieet. SVM'L S. HKNIiKK KS, il:). M. KKNN. 1 WM. H. M1I.LKH, I.KVI SKASH.H.l.. " 1HIU1 M. SHIMii I.. Cn.eu lef. i AU coinniiiiii.-ntioiis cheerfully answereil. Add m., ! in ull ea-,e, ! N. S. I.N'il.K, j CorrciioU(!iiu: SeereT;irv. Sunbiirj-, Aui'uat 21, 1H74 C2 j !OOK AETS WANTED bookTELL it all Oy Mr. fttmriooM nf Halt Lake City, for 4 vtirt the Wife of ft Mo moo iiih YririU In- Itroilurttoa hy Mr. 8twr. Ttui story of orruui'a rinrrtrnc lava liar th "huitlm hfr" m itincfc, accrrt dvinK. cU. (f the Momiona m " tuutr a vaAr wwm v C-n." Bright, Iuro and GiNxt. it in tlie bi nw book -ut. actually rvrf,Ja.MQ with toud thitiiri for all. It it ttopulaj vrr- hrc, with everybody, and otilwib all other bvtoka tttrtr u vmr. MiniaU-ra mv fpceH tt." jiilnDt women odorae it Kvtrfody wanta it; and aou are ttiimjx tnin 10 toVOa "day f Sth thvuMiwt now in jrr-r ! W vant morr ray t;tuU NOW m-n or wuint-u and will mail Outfit i "rr to titow who will canvu. I.mto (lainpltlcta wltri full rticult, Unu. etc. n(rvr tm u AJUffU A. li. Wui:iiiiuiu.- k tv., liailtcrd, Coau. KKr'.l'. Mtnth-s tn r.'eiifs Nm.IiI.J-110.., v.itti "iir..ne-i ., New lle.li.ir.l. M .s. I..tl:..' CoMfilNAHOS Neli'l SI. Itllll. I'CS ct. t.i. 4v. .' H:K '!? 1.1, :it )' :'ee, icele or lemiile; jr. j er wick. liny or "eniae. N.t eaj itnl. We sentl .thin Lie 1 Kckatfc i.f cikiiN by n.sil fr -. A.t.lrc.-H with sis cent 1 .-tilt 1. st:. 111;.. M. Y.i! Ml, IT:., iv env. ieh St., N. v. let. M, 4 ... iiavi: vol tuii:i j Alir Ylit WEAK, NEIIYOUS, OR DEBILITATE! .' Are oil m l.oi;o. id th.it nny exeition reipiir.. iiu.re . j all eli'urt tl.au veil le. I .t...ille ol luakinV Ti.eu trv .In rub. I'.i, tie- v.. in. lei 1 ul tiui.e ;.inl iiivi..m j tor, winch ;ii Is st. Iwlii liei;iil .m the reli' r oi3iifc f in lilt -M rt li:ir to nil v 1 1 m I o.reeH. ! It Ir 1IO 2lei.il.illC I'l'J eller. which St Ull lllt for 3 licit time, only to let l!,e Hllllerer 1 1. 1 J tO 11 I.IWIT ie'tll 01 iiimeiy, but it is :. ieeei.il e let .ir cctini? tlinHb "ii tlie Iimt alel -i-leen. I II lejULOes tile IK'to'l... i(Uleo. tlie iimi-i, umi io.. filch a tie.ilthy tune t.. tin whole sj st. 111 a to noon l.ia'.e iie iir.ah.l .'eel bke new i fimiii. I lis o.. raliuli is in .1 violent, hut i haraeter:e.l to I ircit peiith ii.-; the an. nt v . rieiicK m Hidden l'!'i;i. mi niirknl results, but :radilnlK lie. Irelllie' "I ..1J their tents, lite the Ariil. An.1. Silt l,Mv rle::! uivav.' i This m tin new -tel untried i!lcery, but hi," lt n I Ioiii; used vitl. v.uuleriul remedial results, ami is t ro- j ll.Kineed by tlie liixhest uie.ileiil Illlt borlte-. ! he luo-t ; ) .overt ill tome ami alternative knnwn." Ask your ttriiifeiHt for It. For sale l.i .1. HI S I . )N, Hi 'I.I.' )W A i in. r',.4v.. l'hllad.ll'hi... I' . r.YiJCYIIODY S OU PHYSIC IAX. ltv f W. iI.r.Si)N. M. I. A maiiuifieciit volume. hut 2'M riiuravings. Low yru-x. ..iieapen. i.H.K .ow 1 ortlerK in olie week. Aellth V.UIIte.1. jenth wanted. ( irculitrH free.. H. N. M. KINNKY & Sanson HI. .limit. let, 1.;. 4 iv. .".. .. , . .. . " .. . .T." racka'e. lHNt-'Mld, Itir Cireul:irH ire. .1. liltini:. ''' ltromlv.ay, N. . 'et. Ill, 4w. York. KVI'KYKOKY-S OU. IHfH'IAX br . V. (Ii cmos, M. 1. A inafttiibre.il volume of 4SK.MUVO I'liprs-lalltll ullv llhlntrted lllltl I'l.'KaUtly IhiuiicI. unl.inis matter just aiii.l'le.1 to the wnlitx "I ..,-..rv f.tmli nver yso inernviiies. One nxent sol . conies in one week, another :l in threeilay, and an- t oiiv'PO AC YTLMl1"1"' -"' ,u ,""r iVUjjxNlO j 1 I J 1 dnys ( irc.ilars 1,rr Aildrs4Mi once. H. N". MrKiisn h l'u., "i' fiee. AddrsM at once. Hansom st., l'hlu. Oc WATF.KV SEW SCAIK 1MAXOS. ,,,.. r .n.l in.riL'ht. are the ljest mmle. The t" li' h elastic, the tone jowerei ul, pur nnd ooi thr..i.Kh th. rtiiire eale, yet mellow slid sweet Waters' 'on-(rto ri;aiiM ..intwtl be ncelled iu tone or beauty : they defy com petition, 'the Concerto ."-ton is mit- Imitation of the Human Voice. Warranted io" f yesrs. 1'rices eMreinely low lor ca-li or .art tanh.nud halun.-eiu inolitiily j aj u-.ents. Seruud liaiui itiftrinnctits t (treat bnigains. A.iiIh Wanted. A hliul discount to Teachers, Ministers, Chnrchea, School", I.oi1ifH, etc. llhiMtrated alBlouuea mailed, iioi'ii l' WA I V HS' k SOS. 4KI lintadway. New York. P. l'"i I'-. 4" 0 ml COI'ItT riCOCM N ATION .Notice is hereby given that the several Courts of Com mon Pleas, Ceneral Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, will commence at the Court House, in the borough of Sunburv, at 10 o'clock A. M., on MONDAY, NOVEMBER the 21, 1ST4, and will continue three weeks. , The Coroner, Justices of the Peaceand Consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland are requested to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do thoe things to t heir several offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses proserin in:; in behalf o! the Com monwealth again;! any prisoner, are requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him as shall lie. just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jtuorsnie requested to be punc tual in tin ir attendance, at the time appointed. (liven under my hand at Sunbir.y, the sth day of October, in the. y. ar of our Lord one Ihouaml eight hundred and seven! v-f.mr. SAMUEL If. KOTHEllMl.L, .-l.eii,-. 'otici:. Iu re of the account of W. j( ''"oth F. John, Assignee of - , Mielti.e tlitf of '.innel- tateot .MU haciConiieHv. ) ly. yoTK F. is hereby given that the account of . P. John, Esq-, Assignee 4 if estate of Michael L. Coiinellv.has been file.' in the Couit of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, and will be presented to said Court for confirmation, on Tuesdav, the. Sd day of November, A. I). 1 ST 1. L. T. ROHRHACH, Pioth'v. Sunbliry, Oct. 2, PT4.-::!. .1. Merrill Ijnu. Andrew H. fruiik. s. M:: i.nx, mil. v H ires:, ATTORNEYS AT I In Ibiitpt's Building, Market Street. SUNI1URV, au .17-!. Northumberland Co., 1 THE NEW IMPROVED REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE. AWARDED 'Tne "Jieuai lor i-rogrcss,-- IT VSEXXA. 1S7Z. 1 The Highest Order of "Medal" Awarded at the I I'.'o-itioii. N.i Sewing Machine reccivd a Higher Pri7" A Few .ooI It'uons : I J. A new invention thoroughly i sted and se- cured "y lA-tters Patent. 2. Makes a perfect Loci: Stitch, allk 1 oil both siiies, on all kinds of goods. Runs light, smooth, noiseless and rapid lint combination ot iiuaiitie,. .). Durable runs fir years without rcp.nr. 5. Will do all varieties of work and fancy I stitching in a superior manner. I t.v.j ...t.:..i. n..;rf,., L.n.rtli nt' t i,r,T "" .. ,- ..or iev thrc-iil eon- ! t roller, which allows easy mover. "lit of need'. j bar at d prevents injury to thread. s. Construction most c.irolul ami imisnen. 11 is manufacture,! by the most skilifiil and ex perienced meelianie-. at the celebrated Reming ton Armcv. Iliou. N.N. Phila de!.hia Ol!i e, M0 hrslnut street. Oet.V, l-T4.-2tii MIL"! F F'S S I. F.N- ! V vlrtTie of Sundry Writs of Fieri Facias, i AJ alias Fieri Facias, Pluties Fieri Facias. Ven I iliiioui i'.xpoiu.s, alias Venditioni Lxponas, Le vari Facias, aliis Levari r.'.ci.is. and iituies L. v.iri Facias, issued . : t o! th Court of Co:n n. .il i'le.sol Northtimberl.in 1 cotinty.ai.il te -tituni Venditioni F.xpoiia- i--u.d out of the (.-inrt of Commoti Pie. is of :.yco:iiing comity. i. t to me directed wiil be exposed to I iiiblie sali- or jnterv. at the ( onrl Hoi; ili the borough of N'liibiiry, Pa., on tJMlii-sIja.v. -lofrr Sh. I7 t. ai. tioVlock in the afternoon, the following pro perty, wit : . ; All kit certain Halt or piece of land situate I in i.wcr Aug. lata township, Northumberland . county, Pecnsylvania, boundrd and described as i fnliows, to vr:'t : beginning at :i stone in the pub- j lie road, .in in a line of John F. Zimmerman's 1 hind, thence- y bind of John F. and Samuel r . ' Zimmerman, i.lh twenty nine and one halt tie- ; threes, east t.:i Miches :o a stone thence bv laud of F.Iias Kisirfa-k. south sixty two and three fourths oVtrre.-f. r ejehty jicrches to a stone ; ; thence by the s.u.ie, .sii'.ilh twenty nine, and one I fourth ih i rees, v.es; eleven lerches lo a stone ; thence by land of Pet..r Zimmernian, north sixty ; two decrees, went eichi perches to ine place or bf-innini; : containiiic t' v.- acres and forty jier ches, more or less, with tne appurtenances cou si.tinjfof a two story iiriirl; toiue. stable Hint fra:n- hitch. n : as the ; ropc"t v ol K. It. I.F.HO. ceitiiiu trac. 'A land i;nat i i Jordan town shlii, Northuinberfand county, Pennsylvania, tmiitided aud described as follo.v.-, to wit : bc Xittuin at a white oak. thence by Jb::.ry t Whet's improvement. west thirty thtee perches ".- it white re. L (mill. thence bv land of the sume J'jd Ja cob M. Weist, south six and one half degrees, Mt-t seventv four p-rches to a stone heap;, thence bv laud of Samuel Williamson, north six- j tv nine .i. ereer., east sixty one and one halt per- 1 j die to a liiapie : thence north siMe-n .legrees, , we-t fifty four perches to the place of befritminj; : ! containing seventeen ycres.and one hundred and ! fifteen jwrefces strict measure. j : Also, a cvrtiiin tract or piece of Ipnd situate in j Jordan township, Northumberland county. Pa., j i bounded an4 described as follow, to it : l-rin- j ! nitiv at a t 'hestntit critb. thence by land of John I I'etrick, norm eieiii v eitjtn. ami ..nrnnii onin-, j west one hundred ami nineteen perches to stones: I thence by hind of Daniel Williamson, south three . . . , . , . ir .i . l decrees, cast fifty lour iwrclies to a stotie.iortiicr- : i ly a wbite oak stump; thenc; by laud of Jacob j Straub. formerly Frederick Weaver, north eiuli- ' tv seven and oiie half decrees, east thirty five j j and live tenth perches to a white oak ; thenre by , I h.nd of John Wiest and (bore Miartle, north j .event v one and one half ile'.'h es. . ast ninety one j ! and otic tenth pTche.B to stones ; thence by land ; ' of llol-hite and Hetrick, north seven decrees, ! ! wtsttweutv one and five tenth perches to the j : r.'.iice ..f he-'iiiiiiiie : cntiiiuiiiL' twenty eii;ht i acres, and one bundled and sixty seven perches and allowance, with the appurtenances consist 1 ins of one two story frame dwelling liotise nn.l i stable; us the property of HF.NKY T. P.'W MAN. ALSO : I Two certain lots or pieces of (.round, situate in ; J. Y. Cakes's iidd'itiou to the borough of tMinhn i i v, countv of Northumberland, Pa., known ami ih sb'toited on the Ulan of said addition as lots No's 11 and 1-, na block No. 41, bounded am. :e- . scribed ns follows, to wit: beginning at tne j north co-d; corner of Fourth and Keagiin streets, j ih.'iice northerly along Fourth M net, M feet : thence castcriv lit right angles therewith K-0 I'eel: ! tl'.cnce sou-.berly at right angles therewith I to. t inkni.l Kcul'uh silei t : tin tier westerly jr., st) ! feet to the place of" becinning, with the appurt I n uiri" consisting oi a mo sioiy on. i " I with kitchen utt.-.ched.: ;.s th projicrty of I M. YMDF.Il. ALSO : ' A ceil sin tract or piece of land situate in the ! township of Jordan, county of Northumberland, and Slut.: of Pennsvlviiiiia, adjoining lamis of F.lias Fegely, Bradley Dom.hue, Peter Tfcomas and John KUinger, containing twenty-six acres, j nior or l."s. with the appurtenances, consisting oi a iitic iiii'i a iiiiu bum j "'s .... lo stable: as the properfv of BENJAMIN nol.LMAN. ALSO : An addition to the dwelling lioutte ol John F. frmvder, of Tnrlnit township, Northumitci land countv. Said bouse is situate in that part of Milton l)ing in Turhtit township, on Lincoln street, on the corner of another street; said a-ddi- i (ion i., sixteen feet by seventy-four feet, two Hto i ries hit;h, built of wood, covered with shingles ; i as the propertv of JOHN F. SNYDER. AI.HO: Two certain lots or pieces of ground, situiitoiii . ...,i o..,,ut r ,,f Vott loon ........... .. . , ot tiann, iir.u o.ii: oi . eon.-, .......r., n.i...ui I ilesii'iiated on the ohm of said borough h lot number, five and six, in block number fifty, I bounded tiorthward bVlot number four, east- ward by Apple street, -outhward by lot number seven, and westward by Oak street, on each of said lots being erected a two story frame dwell ing honse : us th- Mop.-rtv of ALEXANDER M.KIM. ALSO: A certain tract of hind situnta in Shamokin ' j township. Northumberland county, boaiidcd and j ! - ihence by hill i vent V one ail.: follows, viz : beginning at stones. inds of Dr. J. B. Masscr, north se venty one and three quarter degrees, east thirty eight perches and five tenths to stones; thence by lands of" Alien A. Moody, north fourteen and n lialf dcL'rccs. west eicht v seven perches and I t,.nll. tn ctfti.oa fttelice t.V bllldn flf M ichllpl - j Sober, sout h sixt'v three :Mid n half degree-. west thirty nine perches and two tenths, to stones, xml thence by lands of Obadiah Camp I bell, south fourteen and n half degrees. east eigh- ly perches to the place of beginning, containing ; twenty acres and fifty one perches, strict mea sure, four acres of which is Cleared ntnl Improved. Also, all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate in the borough of Shamokin, county aforesaid, being lot numbered in the general plan of cid borntth. rtnmher fortv seven and pirt of lot number forty six, and bounded aud described as follows, to wit : bctrinnag at a post at the in tersection of Independence and Shamokin streets, on the westerly side thereof, forty nii:e and eight tenths feet to a post ; thence by lands late of Jo seph Wetzel, nortli decrees, west one hun dred nnd ninetv one and four tenths feet to a nost on the cast side of Siiamokin street, thirty one and seven tenths le. I southwardly from the northwest corner of lot No. forty five (45,) at the line of said Shamokin street; thence by Sha uiokin btreet forty five feet, more or less, to tlie railroad on Independence street ; thence by same and said street, one hundred and ninety feet to the place of beginning, containing eight thou sand, nine hundred s.p:..re feel, more or less, on which ire ereited it iar.- two story brick build ing, containing store, house, ware house, olliees, iVc., x:c., stabling, out-house, &.C., aud also a j fiame house now used as a shoe an I itutcner shop. And also the following lots of ground : ! lot No. It in block No. 24 ; lot No. 2 in block No. : ; lots 1 and 2 in block No. 71! : lot No.5, block '. 77 ; lot il in block 47, on which is erected a one and a half storv dwelling house : lot ." in block 1..7 : lot !1 in bfoek V.e.l : as the property ol" V -LKN'I INK ! I I'.l-.LV. ALSO : All ih.it. certain piece and parcel of land sittl ite in the borough of Sunbury, county of North ' .in bi riand, and State of Pennsylvania, being part of a lot numbered in tin; genera! plan of -aid town nttt.ber two hundred and twenty nine, and bounded and (lesci ".bed as follows, viz: be ginning at a j est on the west side of Deer or Third stteet. at the distance of one hun dred and ten feet ami one inch southward from the south side of Chestnut or Blackberry street, thence by a i'me parallel to said Chestnut ; street westward across said lot sixty feet to a tiot in the division line lief ween the said lot and lot numliered two hundred and thirty; thence by said division line southwardly, twenty seven feet ; " i strict measure to a post ; thence by n line paral- j r" ! lei to said Chestnut street ixty feet to the wet- j : crn side of said Third street, and thence north- j ! wardly along said Third street ,t .,enty seven teet ; strict measure, to the place of beginning; con- ; taming sixteen hundred anil twenty spiare feet ; of land, with the appurtenances consisting of a j two story fi itnedweiiing house, with store room ; and privy. Also in common with Joseph Fyster, j his heirs and assigns, the free and untcrrupt : cd use and passage in and along an alley or pas sage way three feet, strict measure, in width, and cMruding out from said Third street, west : wardiv, along and adjoining the southern line of I j the lot or piece of ground hereby conveyed for ali purposes connected therewith: as the property of .1 A M KS VANDYKIC. ; ALSO: I , . 1.. : ..r.,...ni..i .'In.ln t.i tf's- I .v ceuaiu lot iii ie-t:'-- oi u.i'.'oo en...... ... - .. nit ron township Northumberland county, Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : beginning at a stone in the public road leading from Peter Weiktl'a to Mine.rsville, thence along said road north twenty desreca. ! west twenty perches and three tenths lo a stone ; I thence by land of Abraham Weikcl, north twe.il i tv three" degrees, east six perches to a stone ; ; thence by the same south seventy degrees, east ' twenty perches and three tenths to a stone ; ! thence by the same south twenty three degrees, west six perches to the place of beginning, con 1 taining one hundred and" twenty one and eight ' tenths perches, strict measure, with the apptir j tenince consisting of a slanghtir house and i stable. Also, all that certain lot or piece of ground i ittiate as aforesaid, bounded and deacribed as 1 follows, to wit : beginning at a stake nnd stone ; ! thence by land of Solomon Weary, south twenty ' three degrees, west forty four perches and two i tenths to a stake and ttone : thence by land of Abraham Weikcl, south seventy degrees, west 1 twenty peiches and three tenths to a stake; i thence by land of Solomon Weary, north twenty ' three degrees west forty perches and eigkt : tenth to a stake; thence iv labd of Michael I V.'eiktl, now Wm. L. ::nd Cha. P. Hclfet'Mir.e, ; north sixty eight degrees, east twenty perches ! and three tenths to the place of beginning, eon j tain.ng five acres and sixty live perches with the uppr.rtetianees, consisting of a two story , frame dv elliii : house and stable : :. the proper ly of OILBKKT RKITZ. ALSO. 1 A certain tract or piece of land situate in the borough of Northumberland and county of Nor : thuniberland. and State of Pennsylvania, bound ed and dfecrib'd a follows, to wit : Beginning at th-corii,r of land . t Jesse. C. Horto:. heirs ' udioiniug the ill'" of the Lackawami A: Blooms ! burg i.ii'.io,i l: thence noithwestwardly along j the'iainl of the said Jesse C. Hot tou's heirs about i two bundled and forty eight feet, more or less, ; to the line of Bin! street in Bird's addition to the : borough of Northumberlsinl : thence northwest ; ward'y along said Bird's etret t eight hundred and t'lirty-fve fct, more or less, to the north east F:n of Jitikins strc-l in sai l Bird's r.d li i lion ; thence down along sail. Jenkins street I one hundred and eight v-foiir feet, more or !es-, to line of the said LacKawana V K.o ini.-.ii:ii j; railroad : thence northeastwardly up ulons: ihe line of the sai l railroa to the place ol bey;in - iii!"-. co'.itaiiiine; five acrt-s, more or lei-s, with tlie appurtenances consirtini; of a .are. trame ; car niuiiufaeturiiis: s'nop and fouudiv ; as the ! ,ooeitv of THE NORTIIL'M BK.RLA NI) CAR M 1 A Nl'FACTrRINfi COMPANY. ALSO, A certain lot or piece nf ground situate in the ' hnrniii'h nf Mount Curmel, county of Northum berland, and StHte of Pennsylvania, known and iles'.i'iialed on the general plan of said boior.i-li us lot number keviu iu block ihiriy-oue. fiontiDif oa "ah stteet twttniy-fiv feel ami exieimin baik to :m ai.cy, with the Mppurteni.nees consist- j in; of a two-story plank dwelling nd stoic : as ( the iMopertv of liKN'KY III UK- ALSO. j All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in J. W. fak-'s addition to the borough of Sun- bury, count v ol Noithuinberland. aad State of i Prifnsvlvani.t. known and ileit'iiated on the plan of Hi.i.l aibtition as Lit nniuncr ieuiv-ine iu block number eleven, fronting on SusotiehunBa i avenue twetitv five feet, and extending back oue j hundred and" fifty f ct to a thirty feet street, ; with the aipurten.inces consisting or a Irame i shatitv. i Also, The ritrht, title and interest of Ilir uu II. Hauck in and to a certain lot or piece ot ground situate as afore-aid. known and osir Lated in the plan of said addition as lot number twenty-six in block number eleven, fronli'iK ou SuS'iuehanna avenue twenty live feet iTi.l cttenilinf back one hundred and filty feet to a thirty feet street, with the appm tinanee s ? coi'sinin'' of a two-storv frame .Iwelliiii; house, t Ac ; as The property of'HIRA.M H. IIAITK. i ALSO, T.vo eert .io lots or l.icces- of "round silne.tc in J. Y. Cake's addition to thr borough ot Mm- bury, county f Northtimb. rlaml. and State of Prtitif ivanla. known ati.l ilesitrmitt d on the f'an ni'sxil uJititioii as lots number.: bull and live in block LUiuber fifteen, fiotitint; on U:iilio.! nue each tv. e:itv five feit.an.l erteudin iv.- back each ot tli.it width one hundred and fifty f. et, more or less, to a thirty feet street, with the ap- tmrteiianccs vreete.t 1 : rtmuner ioiii i-oiimm . ,u;, ;t j hf;l,i,. ; :l I two-storv frwi.e C veiling House mi, i the proit'ertv of .M.F.'MID KB l .-K. A I.S . Ail those two certain lot- or p;.i;'.-e! of ground situnte lying or being in the lairoub 'Ji Mount Caimcl.'aiid design ited ou the geueral plan or chart of said town of Mt. Carmcl. with the num bers seven and eight (T and S) in b'.oct number b.itv-two f4'J). and bounded un l desctibed as follows, viz : On the north by an alley, .-net by ' lot number nine ('.'). so'ifli by Fourth s'reef, ; and west bv Lemon street, containing in front j ou snid Fourth Mrert lii'ty feet, and ext.-n.litig baik in detail that width one hundred anil fifty feet to an alley, whereon is eteiic l a two and j h Mn alk. po,uUwarj 1V iot ot lvlr: Kepler, one-half story dwelliLg house, covering tl,e ;,',,, wl.stH.'jrj bv Maple street, with the appur who'e. front ol said two lots n, other nuii.nlld- I tc,.llloe consisting of n two story frame house ings; s the projierty ot JON A 1 H AN !.00Ki. ; all(, AUo :l Certaiu triangular lot or ALSO, two certain lots or fii-ces of ground situale ia the iHirougb of Mount t armel, e.innty of Nor thumberland, aud Slate of Pennsylvania, known and designated on the general plan of said bo rotigh as lots uumber live and six in block num ber thirty-nine, bonnded northward by lot num ber f. ei. 'ea'tward bv Pear alley, southward by lot number n-ven,aud wc.-tward by Maple street. ! wiih the iiwmrtciianccs cousistingof a two-story i frame double dwelling house with basement : j the property of JOHN KF.cSLEK. ALSO. 11 that certain lot of land lnessuage and tenc n.ent ,;iu:ite in the borough of Kiversi.le, in the county of Northumberland, and State of Penn stlvaiiia, bottnde.l. marke.l and .bsciihcl as foi l.iws. viz : Beginning at the southwest comer of Avenue E.atid Fourth street : thence southward ly along the west side of Avenue E. fifty feet to lot K.; thence westerly along said lot one hun dred and eighty-four feet to ai. alley; thence northwardly along said alley fifty fet t to Fourth strict : thence castwardiy along said street one himdr and eighty-four feet to the place of be Siiininir, ticing lot maiKeu in sri.ioo inur four (-1) in the plan of said Riverside, with the i npptirtenances consisting of a two-story frame ! ilwelling house, with etore room, frame stable j ,u,, cot.T house ; s the propertv of WILLI AM : I.IYF.Y. ; a Lao, AU that ecrtnin lot or piece of crotin l, situate. . in the boiough of Sunbuty, county of" Northiim- J berlaud. State of Pennsylvania, and bounded and j described as follows, to wit : Bounded on the j north and east bv canal or gut, lately belonging ; to the Sunbury Canal and Water Power Compa- j ttv. on the south bv lot No. 7, (number seven) hi Yont;"'s additio'ii.nnd on the west by an alley; .. " ... . 1 I .V..... ..... .1 mut said a; iry runmiiL-noi iii" j.u ........ a.... e.... ivith the linnurtenances. consisting ol a two story brick house ; the property or .lOSr.ril RICHARDSON. ALSO, Two certain lots or pieces of grouud, situate in the borough of Mount Carmel, County of Northumberland, and State of Pennsylvuuia. i known and designated on the general plan of of said borough us lots number ten and elevcu i in block number fortv-one, bounded northward bv lot number nine, eastward by Orange alley, southward by lot number twelve, aud westward by Hickory street, with the appurtenances, con sisting of a two storv double frame dwelling house and stable ; as the property or JOSEPH . RAMSAY, ALSO, All that certiin two story frame messuage and tenement, situate on the southwest side of Queen street. on the corner of "Lock alley," in the bor ough of Northumberland, in Northumberland county, State of Pennsylvania, containitg in front on said street, twenty feet, and iu depth sixteen feet, more or less, with a kitchen in tne rear, including jienh fourteen feet by twenty f,.t oj.rj the nrte hslf of a lot or pice of frortnd e invite an oxh ruination of OKSKSM C.OOIW, fM'st Mssortmoiit wliirli lliey nre selling at priern lower 1 han ever. BLACK ALPACAS. Call ami examine before iircliasino; elsev.Lere, our Alj-acas range in pi-ire from 2-" ots.toS1.no. si HSallEG! BEST BRANDS 1 yn t'.i'le. ! The LarttBSt. liest 5 mL, in the eouutv. wr. wnraiEE & co. Sunbury, Oct. 0, 174. Tin. appu i tenant to saidbuildinfjjbeins; the northeast erly one half part of lot Bnmber oue hundred nnd eiirhty-one, (191) bonnded on the northwett by "Lock alley," on the northeast by (Jueen street, on ihe southeast by a part of lot number one, hundred anil eighty-two, (lt) aud on the southwest by the other part of" lot number one hundred ami eighty-one, (181) containing sixty feel iu front on Oneen street, and oue hundred and ten feet in depth ; as thepropertv of CRAW FORD F.CKEBT. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of ground sitnate in Up per Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa., bounded and descrihed as follows, to wit : Beginning; at stones in the lines of formerly John B. Letikc.r and Charles Wilder' land where said line terminates at the Catawissa road ; thence by land of the said John B. Lenker north Bixty- four decrees fifteen minutes west one hundred sixty-seven feet seven inches to stones ; thence by lands of formerly snid Lenker north twenty live decrees forty-five minutes west forty-two fee. to stones; thence by lands formerly C. S. Wilder south sixty-four decrees fifteen minutes eat one hundre.l and fifty-three feel and one half to stones on Catawissa road, south forty- ( four decrees east forty-three and onc-hitif feel to the ; lace oT btuinuing, with the appurteuanees consisting of ;, two-iory frame dwell'mi; house, ' Ac. Also. All -hat certain oilier loi or iee of ground sifMu'.e in J. W. C&ke's audition lo the borough of .Sunbury, eonnty and Stat? aforesaid, known and designated on the plan of said addi tion as lot number thirteen in block eleven, ! front in tr on Kailroad avenue twenty -tiv feet ' cilndi;i"; of that wi.ithvest one hnndre.l iintf ' fifty feet to a thirty feet street, with the appar i tenancee consisting of a two-story frame dwell ing house: lie the property of 8AMVEL. BLOOM. AIM.). All the following described town lot of laud situati iu the borough of Kiver'ida, in the coun j ty of Northumbf rlaud und State of PennBylva I nia, tiomdrd and described as follows, viz : commencing . -'i ine uortueasi corner oi avenue 'A"' and Front street, thence northwarilly alorir the east side of said avenue six hundred and forty-five feet four inches to PtiS'iuehnna avenue, thence alone; said avenue eai wardly one hun dred and eighty-six feet eigh: an.! one half inches to an aliev, thence southwardly iiloue; said alley six hundred and sixteen feet and eleven Inches to First street, thence along naid street weslwardly oue hundred and etghty-four feet to j the place of becinnine. bein lot A. 15. C. D. K. J y. (i. H. I. K. L. and M. in section two (2) in I tne piot nf ,,ajj uiyereid?. Also, all tiiose. certain otlier town lots o land situate in the biroii";!i of Riverside in the county : of Northumberland and State of Pennsylvania, i coinmenciuz at tho northwest corner of avenue I B. ami Fir.tl street, thence alonz said avenue j northwardly five hundred aud eighty-six feet to I StisiiUthaiiim avetme, thence, a 'ihii; sui 1 avenue ; we st wardly one tniuciied uml eihtv-.-'v feet eifiht and a half inches to an alley, theiice alou the said alley ouiko:aiy.alx hundred au.Jiaur- n tet six inches to First ktreet, thence alonif saiirvf reel eastwardly one hundred and eighty four 4cet to the place of beginning, bein lota niarii d N. O. P. Q. K. S. T. U. V. W. X. and y. in section (2) two in the plot of said Kiver shie, with the appurtenance erected on lot "X" consisting of an unfinished two-story brick dwel lin" house ; us the properfv of GEOttUE W. P.KAY and JOSKPHIXE PiF.AY his wife. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of ground situate iu the ; borotiph of Mount Curmel, county of Northutu- ' berlaud and State of Pennsylvania, knowu and designated on tiie general (dan of said borough I as lot number twenty-two in block numtirr tmr ty bounded northward by lot number twenty-one, eastward by Pear street, southward by lot uurn ber twenty-three and westward by Ouk street, contains in width twenty-five feet and in depth one hundred and fifty feet with the appurte nances consisting of a frame stable; es Ihe pro perty of PHILIP S. YANUORN. ALSO. A certain tract or piece of land situate in the township of Delaware, county of Northumber land and State of Pennsylvuuia, bounded mid j ilescrtoen as loiumi : oounuca norwiwaru oj - lam: OI Jonn iimm. easiwara ny ianci oi woiia Dimru, southward by land of (jldeon Beueer, and westward bv laud of Daniel ( . Hoffman, I containing thirty-six acres more or less, with the ! appurtenances consisting of a two-story f.an.e hnuse and stable : as the properfv of ANThO NY STIlFL. ALSO. One and onf-half certain lots or pieces of i ground situate in the borough of Mr. Carmcl, ! county of Northumberland ami ftafeof Pennpi ; vauial being one haif of lot number four and lot ! uumber five, bloi k tweijty-live, :i tiiHrked on ' the general plan of said borough. Bounded north by lot of Alfred A res, east by Peach sl i ley, 6011111 by lot number six, and west by Chest -j nut Mri-it. villi the appurtenances consisting of ; a two story frame building. Also, a certain lof or pic e of grounu. ii;'iate as arorcsai.:, snowu and dcsigi-ated on the general plan of said Bor ough as lot number one in blocli forty-uiue. Rounded northward bv fourth street, eastward ; i.ieee of ground, situate as uforecatj, known and I and desienat.-.l in the uenera.1 plan of said Bor- otiuh as liUich tin ni iwr lony-eigui, wnerson i crri tcd a two "storv frame hou-e and fUble: as the property of ISAAC DF.TTFKEY. A l.sl . A certain lot or piece of trroiind. sltutate iu Hendricks and ( letneiii's ad lition lo the borough i of Nil! mt v. in the county of Northumberland,' and Mate id I'insylvaata. known and designat ed in the plan of said addition ... lot number thirty eifrht. bonnded northward by Pine street, fast ward" by lot number thirty-seven, southward l.v au n!v", westward by lot number thirty-nine, containing in width thirty fief, und in depth one hundred am' thirty feet, with the appurtenances, consisting of a two story frame dwelling Imusp. irid frame kitchen: a" th" proper r of Fl.t MM. LEB. ALSO. All that certain tract or piece of luud. sltnatH in the township of Lower Augusta, county ol" Northumberland, aud State of Pennsylvania, bounded anil described as follows, to wit : Be ginning at u w hile oak eapliug, a corner of this, and Joel Wolf's land, and in a line of Jonathan Fasold's land ; thence by other land of said Joe! Wolf south one fourth of degree, east one hun dred ;.iid fortv-two imr. he to a stone ; llieuce j bv land belonging to tlie heirs of Thoimis Wolf. ' deceased, due east thirty-two and six tenth ptir j dies to a stone, north one fourth of a degree. I east twetily-niue ourehes to a ttone. due east i eighteen porches to a stone ; iheuce by other laud of John L. Shive. north om- fourth of a de S gree, east one hundred and tfii perches to a j stone ; thence by land of said Jonathan Fasold. north eighty-six degrees, west forty-two perches ! to the place of beginning, containing thirty-two i acres ami one hundred and fifty perches strict in.,n, ....n.l.i., m "to-...,, ........... , ............. a two storv weatherbourded log house. Also, all that certain other tract or piece of , land, situate as aforesaid, bounded and described; ns follows, lo wit : Beginning at a pine knot, a corner of this and Peter ElsterV land, and on a liuc of Abraham Wolf's hind ; thence by land of the said Abraham Wolf, south eighty-seven and one half degrees, west one hundred and six ; and Fcven tenths perches to a pine knot ; thence K I.....I Tl.ni.t.iu YVi.lf deccnacd unit Jol Wolf, north one degree, east one hundred and fifty-one and five tenths perches to a pine knot ; thence by hind of Jacob Bartholomew and Sam uel Kliutrer, eouih eighly-fotir and three fourths degrees, east one huudred and six aud eiicht tenths to a pine knot ; thence by land of Mary Eisler and Bencville Bower, south one degree, west one hundred and forty-one and flvo teuths j perches to the place of beginning, containing ; ninety-seven acres and one hundred and twenty ; perches strict measure, with the appurtenances. I consisting of a baik barn ; ss the property of JOHN L. SUIYE. Taken in execution and to be sold by S. II. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff. ' SberlfT Office. ?nnbnry. Pfl.. Oct. 0. 174. & GO., their immense new stock of of Points, OF Ffl U ;iiil -, t.o.i-. S L NS OF sLt j$!b 30 eEE CEHTBAL DRUG STORE q.b.cXdvllader Is the place to bny pure and fresli MKDICINES, DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, GLASS, REHFl'MEnY, NOTIONS. CIGARS. TOI5ACCO, LIQUOR lor medicinal purposes, aud all other arti cles usually kept iu a first-class Dru Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I am prepared to f::mbh in ii:.intitie? to suit purchasers and at Philadelphia prices. CALCINED PLASTER. PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PI TER1M. HAUL Portland, Koir.an. Ro:-c;iil.i ; CEMENTS, ,.! lahisli Land Plaster for Farmers. Timothy and ( lover ."Wits. Also, Careen Seed of n'i kinds. Aaii and set a R'iral Resil-ter for 1'5T4. liKU. 15. t'AlAV At.l.ADErl. Siitiburv, Feb. B, ls74.-lv. 1871. FALL MILLINERY. 1STL Sect"d with src-.it taste and car" hive been opened at Miss L. J.HI5SLER"? Store. .Market Square. Sl'XBrStY. V.X.. all the new shapes in HATS AND P. ON NETS. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, &e., and all UimU of Millinery (ioods. Fancy (j.xids of every description, llonneti aii'! Iiats trimmed in the nio-t espodittous man ner with the nt most precicion. A full line of ladies' caps- (.'all and examine before pureh.-.s-iitiT elsewhere. MISS L. sniSSLEIL Assortet i Ctapst 45 1 r x IU V: p If C B i 5' ? hIMrei. lo Kind Ont. rrMIE Overseers of the l'.r of the borough of 1. Sunbtiry. he ie in i heir charge several chil dren of" different ag. -, supported from the taxes of Ihe borough, who .in.'cT the law can he bontn! out. Persons desirous of ot.iainiug either boys or girls would do w.ll by conferring with the un dersigned. FREDERICK MERRILL, GEORGE HARRISON, SEB. KOl'GHNEK. Overt""rs of the I'oor. Sunbtiry. Aug. !-. lTl. "m. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, "IJESPECTFI'LLY informs the citizens that W he has jnsf received his .Spring nml Siiimiif r tUntMls. at his TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, iu the Millie.; building, and thi't b is prepared lo make tip all kinds of GENTS' A KOV SI ITS. of the latest sij o enee iu the bu-im -him a trial. Clothing will be and American Fa-! manner. ap;.-;:;. . Having had much experi he ieire I he public to give made i;i in the latest P.ni 'n- i;i the most satisfactory rHARLES MAIHL. New KVillinery Store. MISSE I.. .X S. WEISER Having removed their Millinery Store into the larg building adjoining Zcttiemoyer's stove stoic, on Market st reel , where they have j-t-t o;.e-ieJ ;i i.ir-c :ie I clcgtnt :i;,s.rf.ioettt of" Fashionable .11illiiirj liooilt. embracir.'' everything nsuaily kept in a wet; looked Mi.lin.iy c-l-.blishinent. Their trk i- Ptlre new Mul cotlM-IS of the !:!. -t Nr York nml Phikt.Mphiii sty!". niJKSS MAKIXi: in all If "ranch. will rcciv p.-.rtieiibte iitt. e- INTANT KolIKS IN STOCK. Term- reason. ible and satisfaction guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting attended to, and CltiTdren's and liov- e'othin'.' made to order. MISS L. WEISER, MISS S. WEISER. Sunbliry. April 17. IS7-!- W AT IIF.S. JF.H EI.KY V SII,F.K . WARE. John W. Slrrnson. Corner Third and Market Sts, Knnbnry, Pa. T-T A completely renovated hU Store Room. J.X and opened the largest assortment of ! WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID 5IL- ES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOI YER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing in the Jewelry line i kept in tor. Sllvrr-li are. Rraeelets. IlingH aV Chains, of every description and of the finest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches., Clocks, Jewelry. Ae. HAIR JEWELRY" made to order. Srtnhrtrv. Mirch 6, T74.