Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 09, 1874, Image 3
Sfnnbnrji American. SUNBURY, OCTOBER 1, 1S74. Railroad Time Table. SURIVAL AND DEPAKTCKE OF TRAINS ATSl NBt HT. N. C. R. W.. East. Fhila. Fx. H.30 a in F.lniira M:ill,12.0 a m Vrie Mail. 2.05 a m .iagara Ex. S.40 p in P. & E. R. R. V est. Eric Mail, C.20 a m Niagara Ek. 12.20 p m Elmirt, Mail 4.10 in Fast Lino, fi.50 p in H'Mll'KT AND LKWIMfOWN B. 1 lavc Sunbury for Lewistown at C.35 a. m., and 4.20 p. in. - Arrive at Sunbury from at 1..-5 aud 6.40 p.m. RHlMOKIN DIVISION, N. C. It. W. LEAVE AKltlVE Express, 12.45 p m Mail, '.25 a m Mail, 4.2. p in Express, S. p m An accommodation traiu loaves Shamokiu ut 7.10a in, arriving at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a in. Returing, leave Mt. Cancel at C.15 ; in, arriv imr t Sbamokin 6.45 p m. Lackawanna & 3i,oommuho R. R- Tkains, leave Northumberland as follows 9.45 a. in., and 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10.55,und 5.45 p.m. Accidental Insurance Tickets can le bad of J. Miipuian, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Kntumer Arraujremeiit for Hie Pout Olllcc at Sunburj', Pa. Offirt Often, from C.50 a. w., to 8 p. m., ercejtt on A'wmav. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives as follows : From the East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m., South, 5.15 a. ra.. 4.10 p. m. " West, 5.15a. in., 11.15a. rn., l..".5 j. in. and 4.10 p. m., Nortb.1.50 a. in.,11.15 a. in., 4.10 p.m. Shatuokin and Mt. Carmel, 9.25 a. in. Shamokiu proper, 4.00 p. in. Malls close as follows : For the East, 5.45 a. in., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. in. 8.00 p. in. " South, 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. ni. 8 p. in. " Weft, 10.50 a. m., 3.50 p. m., 6.00 p. in. North 3.50 p. tn., 8 p. in., Sbamokin proper 11.15 a. m. Shamokiu and offices on that route, 4.20 p. m. Mouey orders will not b issued after 6 p. in., on Saturdays. 3 J. J. SMITH, P. M. tocxl Iffairs. 1 A Visiting und Busiuets Cards, neatly priuled at this office, at low prices. Jtnor. Hi.rrNTtiN, of Sbaruokln, has pur chased mountain in Mexico. It contains a well-known iil ver mine, and the Judge ia send ing out improved machinery to mine and crush the qnartz. Thi: farm of Hon. Geo. C. Welkcr, dee'd, in t'ppi-r Augusta township, containing 73 acres, has been sold to Hon. Y. 1- Dewart, for the sum of e6,120. Pi(.r.oN shooting has beeu the sport of some of our Nimrods during the past week. Dk. A. C. Clakk's Lorse of this, won the one hundred dollar race last week. It was the Doc" lirst appearance ou the course. A second baud store, ohm; burncr,ucarly new, for sale cheup. Enquire of H. B. Masscr. Ovek four thousand tickets were sold on Thursday or last week, at t!:c Fair in this place- Sovr twelve r fifteen thousand gallons of oil were emptied Uito the river at Seliusgrovc Junction, last weck,owing to au acci.i.nt caused hy a misplaced switch nt that paint. The loco motive aud some of the trucks, plowed np the ground axle deep. The Mansion House, in the borough of Wat sontown, has lately been renovated and greatly improved by J. B. Gilbert, the present proprie tor. It is now one of the Lest hotels in that sec tion, uud with Cue happy and polite laudlor.l, guests a-e made to feel comfortable, and we are. g'.ad to notice, is being well patronized. Base Ball. The High Boys base ball club of Harrisburg. will pluy the Dauntless club of this place, on Tuesday afternoon next, on the Fair ground. Both these clubs are considered excel lent players, and we muy expect that both parties will endeavor to do their prettiest. A thief entered the dwelling house of, W. 8. Rhodes, on Third street, on Tbarsday might of last week, and took an overeat and a dress coat. It is statsd that Mr. R. N. Fool, of Virginia, increased the capital stock of tbe Snnbnry Fire Insurance Company to 1200,000, by subscribing 1 100,000 himself, last week. The sheriff of Daophiu county and the sheriff of this conuty are engaged in removing the Hsu baskets In tbe river. It was very gratifying to see that no accidents of a serious nature occurred during the holding of the fair at this place. On Thursday a buggy was upset and tbe occupants thrown out ; a lady receiving a few slight bruises. A child was run over on tbe same day but not seriously injured. As fak as we cau learn, the fair at this place gave general satisfaction except the managers allowing liquor to be sold upon the ground, which is universally condemned by all law abid iug citizens. We noticed several young meu staggering about in the road of those auxlous to see, who had imbibed too much beer at a stand, allowed by the managers to be erected in close proximity to where eatables were furnished, the proceeds of which are to be applied towards building a house of worship. Conihitok Trcvp was preseuted with a beautiful silver lantern recently hy the employees of the P. &. E. railroad. It was a deserved compliment- On Tuesday of last week Mr. Westfall took to Milton, and delivered to Mr. Ferd Pijer, several toe basb to replace those they Iot on a former eras-ion. The Csh were deposited iu the river in a lively oocit . Thus has tbe W illiam 'port'Cliib made ttv m'wh .wiornWr and all .-parties are satisfied. Mr. Caleb Ssydek, employed at Montclius' Muartvilie colliery, was killed by being caught iu the upper crossbar and a prop, iu jumping from a wagon, on Monday of last week. De ceased was a member of the Mt. Carmel Rifles and highly respected by all who knew him. He was about IK) years of age siu l leaves a wife aud five children to mouru his loss. A New Sion. W. A. Heller, the Waiiamaker clothier of Sunbury, further displayed his eulcr pr'iM: by putting up a handsome sign iu front of bis store, corner of Third and Market streets. The sign is in keeping w ith his immense stock of goods and looks vry handsome. So do his good. All who buy of him never fail to return for more, as it stands the test of good quality at a low price. The pajer and stationery store of Messrs. Murray ii Co., in this place, was entered on Wed nesday night of last week through a back win dow, nud tbe money drawer relieved of some five dollars. Nothing ei was disturbed. The vegetable department at the Fair last . ek, was w ell supplied by our townsman James Washington, who we learn drew a large number of premiums. Mr. Washington, by his energy, !ihs earned quite a reputation as a farmer, and i'or raising trnck be has but few equals. His great variety of vegetables, with which be sup nil our markets during, the season, attracts ge- merrJl attention. We observe a number of the wenybeat watermelons on his patch from which V iupplle seme of our citizens the past week A ctf.UK9t- organization of the funbuiy Fire Insurant- Coauny wms lately effected and new officer clectefi, vi : C. A. Reimensnyder, Presi dent ; David WtJdrou, Vice President ; and F. -S. Barney, heeietAry. The business of the com pany being on the increase necessitated a change into a purely stock bti. The authorized capi tal of the company, tiOO.OOO, has all been paid up, and hereafter no other but stock policies will be issned. The day following our isiie of last week, we were handed the amount due us by Mr. Guerucl ia for printing. It appears that tbe money was left in town to pay several bills, but through neglct did not reach its proper place to uvoid a notice not complimentary to Mr. Guernella. As he disapieared rather mysteriously, we could eoroe to no other conclusion than tbt be intrud ed delinqincy, which is In keeping with a num ber of spurious character who cheat tbe prin- Urof their just da. To avoid all future mis: understanding, ahowsuett are notified that no work will be done without tfce uioney being paid n a "1 vp nee. Thk Faiii on Tnt ksday. ie large number of persons visiting Ihe fair grounds on Thurs day last, were much delighted at the numerous attractions on that day. In the morning the grand parade of the fire department of Sunbury, took place. At nine o'clock, the Good Intent Company, the fcteam Fire Company No. 1, and the Washington Steam Fire Company, formed ou Market Square under the command of W. C. Packer, Esq., member of S. F. Co. No. 1, who was elected by the ditlercut companies as Chie-f Maixlial. After being formed in line, they open ed column, aud received the t akctown depart ment, which took the right of the proccssiou. The latter company is composed t employees of the different shops, who had a small engine be longing to tbe P. and E. shops, on which was painted "No. The Machine was with iron, and was drawu by Mr. E. Bostiau's ox team, and followed by the sturdy workmen iu their working clothes, numbering about 70 inon, pulling a novel hose carriage constructed from a wheelbarrow. Two banners on which was inscribed, "Chicago, 171 ; if, we had only been there." "Bostou in 1S72 ; if, wc had only been there." The foreman, Mr. Noeckcr, car-j ried a huge tin hoi u, alout live leel m leugui, and whenever the souud of his voice passed through it, every member of the company ol eyed the command proceeding therefrom. It was a line feature iu the parade, as by their working uniform they showed that a little iouh usage was no obstacle to their usefulness at lire. The compiiuy met with hearty cheers along the line. At the Fair grounds these hardy toilers showed that good hearts weie concealed under the oil stained garments by the presentation to the oth er companies of their born and banners, ai.d as relics they will no doubt be highly cherished by the recipients. The foreman's horn was pre sented to the Washington S. F. Co. by Sam. Morgan, und responded to by Chief Burgess Ma lick. The second horn was presented to Steam Fire Company No. 1, by T. H. B. Kasc, Esq., aud responded to by W. C. Packer, Esq. The banners were presented to the Good Intent Com pany by Gen. Juo. K. Clement, and responded to by Lewis Dewart, Esq. Alter cheers were given the companies left the ground. In the afternoon several of the principal trotting and running races came off, but n no one except the judges were permitted on the stand, aud tbe record of time made by the different horses being withheld by the committees, we are unable to give n re port. The last day of the Fair, the following races came off: rutST KA E. This was a mule race, open to all ; J10 to slowest mule, 5 to second slowest ; half mile dash. A. Hopper euters g. m. Rebecca 4 Chas. F. Martin euters b. m. Clara 1 Jos. Harrison enters b. in. Kate 1 Eben Horner enters jr. m. Jack 3 I Time 19.47:li. T1IV1I HACE. Double teams from Northumberland county ; fastest team 25 ; second, $15. J. M. Follmer enters Doll and mate 1 2 2 8 Jno. McKee enters Dick and mate 2 111 John Ritter enters Dan and mute not en ground Time 3.33, 3.27, 2.23, S.1'0. THIUn KA(.E. Pacing match, t20 for best, HO for second. Harrison Heim enters b. g. Jeff Da vis not on ;ro'nd Martin Bloom enters b. g. Crom well W. S. Furman enters b. m. Sunbu- rv Pet ' 2 1 1 1 Time 3.15, 3.16, 3.1'J. I ofltTU ItAl x. Foot race, half mile dash ; lirbt, 10 ; second, to; third, H. The following were the contes tants : Win. Vandyke, Sunbury. A. P. Barrett, Hush. ". P. Uuinn, MiucrsviKe 1. II. C. Savidge, I'ppcr AugUr'.a. C. K. Savidge. Sunbury 2. J. P. Weaver, Rush 3. Time 2.15. Much interest was taken in the foot race. A professional man named tjuiini. from Miners vilic, bad a lively time with C. R. Savidge, of this place, nd J. P. Weaver, of Rush. Had the two last had the practice Qniun Lad, he no doubt would have been left far in the rear. The mule laee created considerable merriment among the spectators. The mules were perfectly cool iu coming iu amid tbe shouts of judges and bystanders. The last mule in of course won the race. Escape of Pwsoneks. The jail at this place was again relieve i of prisoners on Saturday last. As that whitewashed institution wa being sup plied with coal.the yard gates were left open, tbe prisoners In the meanwhile being locked in tbe building. In the afternoon the turnkey discov ered that the door had becu unlocked, and three of the prisoners had escaped, viz : Kelly of Dan ville ; Washburn of Willlamsport, and the bny Michael of Herndon. It is supposed that young Michael unlocked the door with a piece of iron found lying there. Michael eseajed from the House of Refuge not longiucc iu tbe same way. The prisoners have not been recaptured. Sad Whisket the Catse or It. William Wyuu of Lower Augusta township, had been in the habit of coming to sown and getting full of "benine," aud then pioceudiug to the lime kilns of Mr. ("has. Haas, just outside of the bo rough line, at night, to sleep off the load. On Monday cveuing, Mr. Wynn was seen lying near tbe road at the railroad crossing on the turn pike, and the next morning he was found lying dead in one of the lime kiln. It is supposed that he got cold while lying iu the road, aud went to the kilns to warm himself, and in an in toxicated conditiou fell in tbe kilns, and wa BUf focated by the sulphur. Wheu found his clothes were partiy burned, and his body bore evidence of the great heat below him. A jury was em pa nelled by Esq. Farnsworth, whose verdict was in uccordauee with the facts reudered. Mr. Wyun whs about 33 years of age, and leaves a family to mourn his terrible fate. NouTiu t.BKiti.ANU Pkesbt i The North umberland Presbytery met iu the Presbyterian church in this place, on Tuesday, at 2 o'cloc k, p. in., Rev. Dr. F. Cain, of Williamson preach ing tbe ojK'n ing sermon. The following luluis- ters were iu attendance : Dr. l.aue Grier, Dr. Jjs. C. Watson, J. P. Hudson, William Sterling, David Waller, Joseph Stepheus, John Johutou, Stuart Mitchell, Jos. Nesbtt, S. J. Millikeu, James Dickson, James D. Reardon, Alexander D. Moore, Dr. Geo. F.Cain, John burrows, Henry G. Finney, Nathaniel SiM-ar, Robert White, Solomon C. McElroy, Sa muel U. Thompson, L. H. Haughawout, Geo. Warrington, Geo. Elliot, Elias S. Sehcnck, S. F. Thompson. Elders Samuel McMahan, R. R. Gibsou, Ro bert B. Barber, Alex. Fulton, W. S. Pollock, Thomas J. Morris, S. W. Frederick, Hon. Alex ander Jordan, Evan D. Adams, Edward Wilson, Robert Glover, John C. Gulick, Charles (J. Hile man, David Wagner, Wm. Clark, Robert H. Laird, H. R. Kline, N. Kindt, Wm. Piatt, John Lanback, Wm. B. Irviu, J. H. t.'arr, Samuel Mc Niueu, Pattersou Johnson. Rev. Asbury Clark was examiued for ordina tion ia the Presbyterian church, at Sbamokin, and passed a creditable examination. Nr.w i Mi Mux, Sasu ami Dook Fit tout. Ou Monday Mr. Geo. Maishall bloke ground on his lots ou ludcpt.ndence street, a short distance east of Wm. Brown's Industrial Iron Works, for a planine mill, faih oud door factory, which he expects to have completed about the 1st of December. The building ill tie 40x50 feet, two stories hiirh. This is some thing Sbamokin ha long felt the need of, and Mr. Marshall' enterprise deserves encourage ment and will no doubt meet with abundant success. Sf'Htnoh'n JrraUl. Tiir following offlceis of Northumberland Lodge, No l'JC, I. O. of O. F.. were installed on last Saturday evening : N. G. Jos. Wertz. V. G.Gco. W. Reichley. A. 8. T. G. Morgan. Trustee Chas. ltuch. J. C. Forsyth was elected Representative to the Grand Lodge. At a regular stated meeting of Sunbury Lodge. No. 203, I. O. of O. F., held at their hall, in Clement's building, Market street, on Ortober 3d, 1S74, P. ., M. C Gearhart, acting G. M the following officers were duly installed to serve for the ensuing term : N. G. Soloraou Mantr. V. G. Wellington Hummel. Secretary A. N. Bricc. Ast. Secretary Calvin Woodcock. Treasurer Valentine Deitz. Hep. to C 1. f . N. Fr:"e. A Sad Affair. On Thursday afternoon last, a very tragic affair took place in the western part of our town. The facts in the case as near ly as wc have been able to gather are briefly as follows : Mr. Munly, a butcher, residing in West Sha mokiu, beyond Second street, had purchased a cow from some party in the neighborhood, and om the day in qucstiou had gone to bring theaui nml home to his slaughter hone. She was known to be somewhat w ild and viscious, but lieing accustomed to handling cattle he thought It unnecessary to resort to any special precuu tiors, iu tbe attempt to transfer her to the slaughter house. Before he had proceeded far on his way, however, she madly toro away from him, and dashing along tbe street, when she came near the corner of Second and Chestnut sti-ets. an old man, walking with his cane s was his custom, a miner by the name of John Lubenal, came towards her in an opposite di rection, as he was ou his way home from work at Bear Valley Colliery. As the infuriated beast, came near him she suddenly rnaile.-i ; .ungc at Litu on the side-walk ; and unable to escape from the sudden cud unexpected attack of the maddened fugative, being a man of about 10 years of age, he was there so fearfully gored that he died in about an hour afterward. Mr M utnly hastened to his assistance as soou as pos biblc, and helped him into the adjoining lot, and when iin-t inside the irate he bled to death. He was removed to his home iu the extreme part of West Shamokiu ; a Coroner' inquest was held, aud the verdict given was In accordance with these facts, that death was caused by hemor rhage from being gored by this vicious animal. The cow was subsequently shot by someone who came to the rescue with his gun. Deceased was a North Prussian by birth and had not been in this country very many years. As he was au old man and becomiug somewhat infirm, lie was employed as a slate picker nt the colliery ; and it seems strange that he should have been thus dreadfully destroyed after having passed the perils of a long aud weary miner's life peril also in a long ocean voyage as he came to make hi home iu this western world, and now returning quietly on his way home after a day of toil to perish thus .suddenly, the victim of a savage beast. He leaves a w ife and children, some of wkom are married aud reside iu thi town, to mourn his strauge and terrible death. Sliamnkin Tinw. Minekal Hall. A Lithograph priuted iu bloock aud two tints, finely executed of the "Mineral nail," the permaucut portion of the Centennial Building will be issued about the 10th. The plate will be2l by 27 inches. Price50 cts. per copy, postage paid. It will be a handsome picture, for parlor or office. Address Thomas Hunter, 710 Filbert street, Philadelphia.. The "Rescue," the handsomest Chromo yet issued will be giveu with Godey 's Lady's Book for 175 at the regular subscription price S3. 1 be Lady's Book is the most popular work for lady's published in the United States, as it contains all the latest fashion plates, and an abundance of reading matter. Address L. A. Godey, N. E. cor. Sixth and Chesnut sts., Philadelphia, for a good Magazine aud a beautiful picture. Sasiork Cokn. Wm. Reed Esq., of Point township, left in ou office tbe sanford corn on exhibition a', the Fair last week for destribution. This com is perhaps the most prolilic of any known. Esquire Reed imforms us thai two acres anil seventy rods produced 310 shocks. Twenty two shocks were husked and yielded 28 bushels. Stalks crow in clusters, and nil who have seen the field agree that it exceed? nnv corn yet seen in the comity. Coi'Ntn. PitiM-KKDiNos. Coun-.-il met Hi )i o'clock ou Tuesday evening, Mr. Haas in the chair. All the members present except Messrs. Malitk, Greeuough, Clement, Sensenbaeh and Bowcu. Ou motion of Mr. Hendricks, it was Hnolrctl, That Fred. Merrill be appointed sex ton, under tbe same instructions as the lonuer sexton. Hetolved, That If any persons from lh" un trv shall ask permits of the Graveyard Commit tee between this and the next meeting of the Council, they shall have the right to grant such permits if they pay $5 for an adult, $3 for a child over 12 years, und ?2 for a child uuder that age. Amended by Mr. Bucber, That such permits shall be granted provided they have relative buried in the graveyard. The amendment was put and lost. The original motion was then put aud lost. Orders granted : Washington Fire Co 35 00 Fire Co. No. 1 CO 00 Good Intent Fire Co 20 00 Sol. autz 10 - Morris Rossiter 20 00 W. T. Engleman, (referred to Clerk.) Ail the bills iu Lccser's account. On motion, adjourned. Lewis Dkwaut, Town Clerk. A I.lWiE and varied assortment if dry goods and groceries have just been opened at the exten sive and handsomely arranged store of Mr. Wit mer A Co., ou Market street. Their stock is the largest iu tLis place, and goods arc sold at as tonishingly low prices. In fact it is a show to visit their establishment and see tbe great varie ty of goods. Purchasers arc invited to call and examine their stock. See advertisement. Oi'Er.i. A large assort tiient of new ready made clothiug, Gents furnishing goods, etc., have Just been opened at Simon ct Oppenheim er's Flore, on Third street, below Market. They are of the latest st yhv, und a linger asbortmetil j Iihu vrt been brouirlit to Sunbury. Their stock is replenit.h'-d every few weeks, owing to their large amount of sales. They sell cheap, so that everybody cau lie suited for a sniull amount of mouey. A trial will couvitice all that goods can be bought cheaper there than elsewhere. Their extensive, block is exhibited daily free of charge. We copy the folio ..inn from the Williainspjrt Itanvtf: Our sanctum was Illuminated ou Wed nesday hy the pleasant countenance of our old time friend Sol. Malick, the Chief Burgess of Sunbury, who was veiling our city in compauy with th: Wasbingtou Fire Company of that place. Mr. Malick is a staunch, uncompromis ing Democrat, and a who'.c-soulc.l man. He Is nergetic aud public spirited to au uuustiai ile- rec, aud lie has perfiM mcd a vast amount of welt directed labor iu advancing n II the public interests of the town i which he resides aud where he is serving tbe third consecutive term as Chief Burgess. In his labors for the improve- : ment of Sunbury. Mr. Malick has been opposed , by a set of old fogies whose small souls aud dull heads could not see the importance of the work originated by his clear head, and carried out by his vigorous hand, fiuutury owes much to Mr. Malick, and we feel glad to kuow that she ap preciates him. Such tm n as Malick strengthens our belief in human goodness, and leads us to think that all meu are not wholly heartless and selfish. Withiu the next half century Sunbury is destined to become a large manufacturing city, and then the name of Solomon Maliik will be cherished, while his opponents slumber In the oblivion of forgetfulwss. When Messrs. Marx te Bro. opened their Fau- cy store iu the Masonic uuuuings, many j-irui.-i.-ed that a store comprising but notions, would be a failure. Messrs. Marx commenced by selling their goods at cheap rates by which means they have established an extensive business. Their store is one of the handsomest in the place, and the artielca sold arc new, and many trimmings and notions arc kept by them that are not offer ed for sale in other stores. Their stock is being continually suppled with new goods from the ci ty, therefore their goods are always fresh from the market. Mr. Moses Murx is going to the city again lor un extensive assortment of all the fancy goods found there in market, which will be opened next week. Festival. A festival will be held at the Odd Fellows Hall.Suydertown, ou Thujsday, and Fri day evenings, and Saturday afternoon and even iufr, Oct. 15tb, 10th and 17th. I he proceedings to be for the benefit of the Lodge. SiUMOKiN Items. The Sbamokin IhraUl of last week has the following : Fatal Accident. Mr. Levi Heitu, a iniuer employed at Trevorton colliery, aud whose home is in the town of Trevorton, was instantly killed on Monday by a slide of coal which crushed aud mangled him in a terrible manner. He was aged about 40 years and leaves a wire and four children to mourn his loss. A BmiK over three hundred and sixty-eight years old, was ou exhibition ot the Sunbury Fair last week. It is the property of B. M. Buhb, of Gcnryptnwii. t),'c "ivintv. Suubnrj Horough Oflloerii. Chief nurgen, SoL Mnalirk. Kq. : Serond W. I (trwnoURh : AwlMaut BurtfcMMW, JoLu Hui, . T. (iraiit, Charles J. liruner, Juo. O. Markle ; ;"""' meu, Ueuf. Hendriek,, Kd. M. Bucber, Honry Clenient, Chas. HeiiHMitnch, J. C Irwin, John Bowen, H. a. CKHlrich, John C. Miller ; Town Clerk, lwi I' Jlo'oiigh Collector, Solomon Weaver; Borough ' iT"" nrrr. M. C. Uearhnrt ; Awtessoni, (. B, Keiin, I hi. U. Coowr; Assistant At.sear.oni, I. S. kur, Km 1 u verl, T. M. I'nrsel, II. Y. Frybug; strict Coinm.i.ion en., eo. Kii hi. Sum. Hmidricks, JoUi. I-euker, Julm Leeser. . The realtor meetings of the Borough Council an held at the couuul chamber, over the No. 1. engine houne on Chestnut street, near Third, ou the first, necoud aud thiril Tuesday eveuings of eeh uioiith. Jlinroiet of Wunbury. The Melhoilikt t'hiir-U, Area Street, Urv. J. A. DuMover, paster. Thi Presbyterian Clmrcli, Market Square, Rev. H. J. Millikeu, pastor. . I he laithernu I iiuirh, Third Street, lte. U. . Hem lrly. paster. Tue reionneil Chureh, cor. Second ami Chestnut streets, Itev. C. S. Uearilurt, poster. Tbe Iteptiat Church, south Fourth street, Itev. A. C. Wheat, punier. l. The Fj'iHonpal Church, Broadway, Uev. Dr. Iiewnt, paxter. The Poiiis.ii atholie Chun li, AirU stmt, Kv. 1 ai'jer Fleming, j Secret HocletlcH ofMunbury. I'AimoTie- Oimtii Sons of Amkhica. Washington Camp, No. 19, V. . H. of A., meets in Bed Men's Hall, I Hmipt'a Building, Market street, rery Tuesday evening, i Susquehanna t'oniniandery, No. M. A., 1'. 0. of j A., nieetH Heoond Thursday of each month, in Bright J tuiilding. Market square. v j WaHumgtou Camp No. I'.'l niretH every Monday eveu Ksihhts of Fvthiam. laMeru Star Lodge, No. H;W Kniglits of Pythias ; meets every eaneauay nnuum INIEPKNIKNT (MiPKB OF Olll FKLIOWS. Fort An- gUKta Encampment, No. 140, I. . of O. I., meets an the first and third Monday of eaeb month, at their hall iu f lenient ' building, cor. Third st. and Market square. Suubiiry Lod,;e, No. .l, I. O. of . 1. meets every Saturday eveninr, in Clement's building, Market square. Anna IxMlge, No. M, lh-Kre of lirlieka, I. O. oft). F., iueclB on tbo second and fourth Monday of each mouth, in Clement's Hall Market square. Fort Augusta Lodge, No. 6i0, I. O. of O. F., nut-tM every Tuesday eveniug, in Blight's building. SovKEEKiN l'ATBiOTio Knioiith. Ijiiiee and Shield Omrbive, No. 11, 8. P. K., nieela eeeond rud fourth Monday evening of each month, iu Bright 's building, cor. Third aud Market streets. t'MTi.n Amfripan Mechanics. Brady Council, No. 221, O. I'. A. M., meets every' Friday evening, iu Cle ment's building. Market square. IuriiovKD OartFK of Rf.i Mex. Shiv-ho-tno-kiu Tribe, No. ("!, I. O. It. M., meets every' Thursday even ing, in tueir hall, Ilaupt'a building, Market street. Maso.vk. No. 22, A. Y. M. meets in Masonic Hall, Thud stm-t, on night of full moon. Bkothf.k hood l,oooMOTiVK Knise.hs. Sunbnry Division, ..o. SW, B. of L. E., meets the first aud third Sunday of each mouth, ou third Moor of the Post Office building. Third street. Jn. O. V. A. M. Mason Council, No. 131, meets every Thursday unrht, at their chamber, in Clement's hull, Market (.quart. orthiimlerlniil Co. Olllccw. PmuJent Judge, William M. Rockefeller ; Associates, Joseph Nicely ; Protbouotury, U T. Kohrbach ; Sheriff, S. H. Hoturrincl ; Register and ltecorder, Lemuel Khij mau ; Treasurer, John Haag ; Commissioners, Amos Vaatiue, J. O. Durham aud Dauiel S. Beit ; Jury Coui-niistiliinei-H, Daniel M. Swartz, aud Win. H. leig'oow ; Corouer, Fredertck Hesser ; Auditors, J. M. Follmer, J. E. Meunch aud Joseph Eisely ; County Attorney, Wm. A. Sober ; Mercantile Appraiser, Dauiel Druckcm lller. Ijusirifss I'ocals. Fall and Winter Hats. All the latest style of hats are now open at S. Faust's store ou Market square. Most beautiful styles adorn his windows which arc koH cheap. Gentlemen's furnishing goods are supplied at the lowest prices. Tin: fall styles of furniture are now being ing opened ut B. L. Raudeubush's furniture store in Masouic bnilding. A full sett of house fur niture can be. selected nt his store at more rea sonable prices than can be purchased in Phila delphia. 'A Hot'SE ani Lor located on one of the prin ciple streets in Punbury, will be sold shcap, on application to this ofllee. Terms easy. For Cash. A snit of clothing can be made up cheaper for cash at J. F. Schnffur's, merchant tailor shop, and much more durable and stylish than in any city establismeut. A large assort ment of cloth, cassimeres, Vc, constantly kept on hand to select from. Call, South Third pt., a few doors below Market, Snnlmiy. John S.Uksh has jut returued from the city and is opening a very tine stoc k of winter cloth ing. The styles nud imikcof goods, tnls winter. Is very desirable and pretty. He has selected thi stock with great care as to f.tshinn and o,ua lity. Call und sec his stock before you purchase elsewhere. "t. John S. Maksh. Miss L. iMilssLtK has taken tbe agency for E. Butterick !b Co.'s patterns, aud has now for sale two thousand of the latest styles for Ladies, Misses, Boys, Children uud Infants, also for Gent's Dressing Gown, nmoktng Jacket and Caps. Paklok (Iiioans asd Pianos. Some of the finest toned Parlor Organs and Piauos, are sold by John .P Keefer, No. 79 Walnut street, in this place. The Cbickcrltig and Weber Pianos, Ma son and Hamlin, Wood and Spung's Parlor () gaus, constantly ou hand. Mr. Keefer keeps none but the best quality, and all who bny him can be assured of getting the instrument he represents it to la. Saiiohnt's Seckht or Beauty, a delicate beautifier, which smooths out all indentations. I removing tau, freckles and scars from the skin, I leaving the complexion clear and beautiful, j Sold by Miss L. Shisslcr. j Eacei-siuu Still Ahead. Having just re ceived a full line of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers of every description, we are prepared to sell them nt astonishingly low prices to suit the limes. Our motto is small rrolits and quick sales. We desire every one to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, and be convinced that we sell cheaper than any other dealer in the county. i We have all the late styles of Boots and Nioes j,,,.!,,,!;,,,, , uc celebrated Elmira and Towanda Boots. u goods misrepresented to cttect a sale. No tronhle to show goods. Call and s-e tln-m. Respect fully, Yours, JOHN B. SMITH A Bro., Successors to W. II. Miller. Foh SALK.-Auicricun Steam Safe. Apply at th coal ofllee of Haas nud Fuirely, or resilience of J. P. Haas, Market st., Sunbury. We direct attention to the advertisement of J. B. Reed, iu another column. Those who ure in want of stoves will find the largest variety nt his establishment. Foil Rhst. The Drug Store Room now oc-u-picd by W. D. Mclick. Also the room adjoining Faust's hat store. Enquire of H. B. Mahskr. Tue light running 'Aic" Sewing ma chine, on account of its many points of stiH-ri-or'uv, has a better demand thau auy other manu factured, and takes the lead with the public over machine lontr retarded as the best. Orders for th''c machines will be promptly tilled ty Miss , (-;,,i,e Dulius, agent J'arlor 'rjii Miss C. D.nius istheairent for the sale of Parlor Organ. I'lanos, anil all Kinds if musical instruments. The very n;st instru ments arc furnished, lurnishcd on short notices at ririees to suit limes. Call or address, C. DAI.Il'S, No. 13, Market St.. Sunbury. I : Cm: am Freezers. A new lot just received II. B. MASSER. by The t'oulVfiolis fan luvalld. Pub lished as a warning and for the benefit of Young Men and others who suffer from Nervous Debili ty, Loss of Muuhood, etc., supplying the means of Self-Cure. Written by one who cured himself after undergoing considerable ijuackery, and sent free on receiving a post paid directed envelope. Sufferers are invited to addrees the author. N A TI I A NIEL M A Y FA I R, scpt4.74-r.iii. P. O. Box 1W, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tot'apitulUt. To Meu of .lledinm .Tie a ns, aud to all ishiujf HoinoN aud thus Avoid laying IteutH. j Bv reference to the Watsontown .fiVrorif and j Sunbury "(iaz. ttc" will be secu a full and moil explicit description of the property I offer for sale, cither In lots or by the acre. But what e wish to more pnrtlenlnrlv bring before the pub lic is tbe LIBERAL TERMS on which they are offered. I will SELL LOTS from MOO to H500 and Lands by the ACRE Irom t'.'Wlof "uto. according to the location. Terms -.Ten per rent, of the purchase money down, the balance in lime and amounts to suit purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with legal interest from day of sale. The streets and alleys will be opened as fust us lots urc sold, so that all may be approached with ease. All persons who are now paying rent cau have an opportunity of securing a home for less mo ney annually than they are now THROWING A WAY ir. rcut. Any person wishing to see the lauds or lots will call on me, when every opportunity will be given them to have a fair chance to see the supe rior advantages presented to the public. In addition to the lands above referred to, 1 now oiler for sale THREE DWELLING HOU SES, situate on Water street, in Watsontown bo rough, the one being the large and commodious Brick Dwelling now occupied by mo, all of said dwellings having the necessary outbuildings for immediate use. For further information call ou or address J. M. FOLLMER, Watsontown. Pa. v.i. 1;7".- 1 yr. a nrigui muiuiiig, corner i mm auu jis now generally acKnowlcdgctl to be the best evVrv5 'dafe?;;,!-rU'W Plmcrvand lung diseases ; Third and Market street- 1 cmbracluz the whole ramie from slight cold to a The second-best, and the most striking build ing in Louisville, Ky., is that occupied by the Public Library. It was paid for by three Gift Concerts, managed by a bond headed by cx-Gor. ernor Thomas E. Bramlette. Theoard is au thorized by the Legislature ot the" State to five of these Concerts. The fifth lakes place in Nov ember next, and the profits after distributing 12,500,000 to the ticket-holdeis, are to be used in pcfeeting the Library, and furnishing the blind of the State with books in raised letters. This is rather large thing for Keutucky. Governor Bramlette has given three years to the Library, and lie is making it the best In the country. Books are bought for this Library in orders of 520,000 at a time, and nu enormovs amount of money has been paid for paintings, statuary, and other works of art. 1 bo. next drawing iu aid of the a" Library, iu which the capital prize is $250,000, takes place, as we positively. slated, in November next, A Man in Rims. One of the saddest specta cles in the world is a human beiui; shattered and broken down by the use of ardcut spirits. Hut the damage may be repaired, the ruin record to perfect Roundness, by a course of that most pow erfulif all invigorants, Dr. Walker's V inegar Vi'iliAA lSewa re of those "tonics" of which rum ia.aujtffuie.nt. They aggravate disease and pro-ratte-vfccav. " Oct. ., 4w. " . -3 ' oiitt Years' Experience have tested the vir- zpsjbf Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and settled consumption. Were it not for its merits, it would long lincc have "died, and made no sign." msjts. . On Ibe 2!th ntt.l 'at St. Matthew's Church, Bunbpry, Pa.; y the Rev. Horutio lUHewitt, assisted by -the Revs. John Hewitt, J. Miltou rck, and w'W. Ams, iuedekick spesceii Dexves Biioucnfeiat, youngest son of Major Gen. Brbuplitou ot ihe British army, to Svbam Reves IlEWurWibter of the Rov. Horatio II. Hew- hi, Rf lflbe Parislf. At her home ou Lycoming creek, at 4 o'clock Monday morning, Mrs. CASSIE McCLURE HEYLML'N, wife of Hunter H. Hcylmun, alter a short but severe illness, in the 2!'t h year of her age. M.MU RY MARKETS. SUSBI KT, Oct. S, 18T4. Grain Wheat per bushel $1.4(Kal.50 " prime white I.SOtiil.CO " Rye per bush 75(S.S0 " Corn 75(5(50 " Oats " 50(a,60 Flour Extra Familv pr bbl 8.75(5.00 Common .S0To7.00 Buckwheat 5.00 Feeb Com & Oats Chop pr 100 If) 1.50(0,2.00 Shorts it Mixture 1.50M.1.75 Potatoes, &c New per bushel S0(i.v75 Provision Ham per lb ItitorJO Shoulder prlb 14(o18 Bacou pr lb 10(u 12 IVcf, retail pr lb 1420 Veal, do do lOfoilS Dried Beef pr lb 25Q,3o PoUl TRT Chickens, dressed rr lb 15(!,1S Do. live weight HKii l'i Butteu Prime per lb 40(J 35 Eons Per dozen - 20(? 25 iictio bbfrtiscmcnis II lUTKIt .OTI r.. NOTICE is hereby giveu that application 1ms been made to the Court of Common Plena of Northumberland County, to change the Cor pornte name of '! he Temperance aud Hall and Li brary Association," to "Historical and Scientific Library Association," and that the prayer of the nittt wilt bn granted nr. npvf. NoVPtnher Term of Court, If no sutlicient cause be shown to the contrary. L. T. ROIIRBACH, Prothonotary Snnhiiry, Oct. "J, 1S74. ot. xoritK. In re of the account of W. T0the creditors of F. John, Assignee of es- Michael L. Counci ls t OTK'E is hereby given that the account of W. P. John, Esq., Assignee of estate of Michael L. Comicilv.has been ti!e' in the Couit of Common Pleas of Noithuniberlatid County, an. I will be presented to said Court for continuation, on Tucsd.iv, the 3d d;iv of November, A. D. 1474. L. T. ROHRMACH. Proth'y. Snnbnry, Oct. 2. lS74.-:il. XftrrUl IJuu. Andrew 11. Dill. Frank. 8. Marr. MN.. DILL. A .MARK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, In Haupt's Buildlug, Market Street, SCNBURT, aug., ,1574. Northumberland Co., Pa. OKPIIAW ((M KT SILK or A I. I ABLE R E A I. F. S T A T E TX pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court 1 of Northumberland county, win tic exposed to sale hy public Vendue or outcry, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6th. 1S74. On the premises. iu Lower Mahanoy township, in Maliamongo wi.iev.uie i..i.o...s r.u to wit : I urpart No 1. A Tract of I.aml, situate In Lower Mahanoy township, Northuiu- bcrland county. Pa., adjoining lands of Michael Heckcrt and Emanuel Hcckert, purpart No. of estate of Philip Hcckert, deceased, Wm. Biuga- . " . ,, .ir it i . 1 r- .... man, Ailiim ItuiljMti auu otner.-, continuing io; Acres and P.'fi perch wlicn-nn nie erected a large w FRAME DWELLING IH11 Sit AN" HANK BARN. Wagon Shed, Spring House, and all ncce;iry outbuilding:., Cider Pres, an Orchard with choice frnit. The tract is in a high state of cul tivation, and well watered by running spring-. ANo, Purpart No. !. A tract of land, situate in Lower M.iluniov township, Northumberland county, Pa., adjoining lands of George Brosioiis, John Patrick. Wm. Depriin aud others, contain ing r;i Acres and '.14 Perches, about 10 acres of i wtncn are wen nmuercu, ine oaiance in it imu state of cultivation, and well watered w ith run ning springs ; late the estate of Philip Heckcrt, deceased. Sale to commence ut 10 o'clock, a. in., on said day, when the conditions of sale will be made known by KM'L HECKERT. Administrator of Philip Hecucrt. dec. Lower Mahanoy. Sept. IS, 1S74. KI.KCrTIOX FKOCI.AJIATIOX. I, SAMUEL II. ROTIIEltMEL, High Slteriil' of Northumberland county, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the ELEf- Tnits of the :ountv aforesaid, that an elec- tion will be held" in the said county of Vorlliumberland OU .WlliUiiiatm nu, ou Tuesttlay, the .Ul day ol for the purpose of clectiu; the Kuvural J'er- pons uereinuiter naiucu, viz ; eral of the Commonwealth of rennsylva nia. ( )ne nertion for ollice of Secretary of In- ii'iimonweaUh of mimonwtailll oi ternal Affairs of the Commonw l'ennsvlvauiu. Two persons for tht ollice of Judge of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One iierson to lepiesent this District in the Congress of the United States. Two persons to represent this County in the (Jeneral Assembly of Pennsylvania. One person for District Attorney of Nor thumberland county. One person for County Commissioner of Northumberland county. One person for County Surveyor of Nor thumberland county. One person for County Auditor of Nor thumberland county. I also hereby make known and give no tice that the place of holding the aforesaid election in the several wards, boroughs, districts and townships withiu the county of Northumberland, are as follows, to wit : Sunbury, West Ward, at the Court House, Sunbury, Pu.; East Ward, at the public house of E. T. Drumhellcr. Cpper Augusta lotvnsmp, at tue piionc house of Henry Conrad. Lower Augusta township, at the public house of Peter Duukelberger. Northumberland borough, at tbe public house of O. W. Donahue. Point District, at the house of Mrs. John son, in the borough of Northumberland. Milton, South Ward, at the house of C. W. Sticker ; North Ward, at the public house of J. M. Huff. Turbut township, at tho house of Abra ham Kissinger. Delaware township, at the house of Jacob Huntzinger. Cbillisquaque. at the house of Charles Tlnrtnnri. One person for the ollice of Lieutenant any election, wnicn, oy law. tnry are or suan or Coven or of the Commonwealth of IVnn- i ijred hl t hey kP , eureiv 111 llieir pusi-soiou .iiiiuu, vjuit'h, t sylvauiu. .,!. i the morning of such election, and until they j One IM-I'SOU for the ollice Of Auditor liCU- t,, .n ....rallr l.c -nrn nr nftlrmed nottodis- I Watsontown, lower room of Academy buildinsj. Lewis township, at the bouse of D. II. Dreisbacli, in Turbutville borough. Sbamokin township, at tho bouse of T. II. Nesbit. Upper Mahanoy township, at the house of Era'l Gcist. Little Mahanoy township, at the house of Conrad Raker. Lower ilahanoy, at the house of A. Iloadaruiel. Rush township, at Liberty-Pole school house. Jackson township, at the house of John Albeit, Ilcrndon, l'a. Coal township, at the house of Job Don ncys. Shamokin borough, East Ward, at the house of Wm. M. Weaver ; West Ward, at the house of Patrick Kairns. : Zerbe township, at the house of Thomas j Foulds, jr. : Cameron township, at the house of Jared j Henitigcr, Gowen City. j Jordan township, at the house of Jacob j Masser. Mt. Carmcl borough, at the Mt. Carmel i House. "'Washington township, at the house ofi Li. C i? l&ner. McEwcnsvillf, at the house of Henry Reeder. Turbutville, at the house of Wetzel. Mt. Carmel township, at the house of Michael Graham. Riverside borough, at the public school ; house of said borough. j .Snydertown borough, at the public house j of William Farrow. At all elections hereafter held under the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opened ' at seven o'clock a. m., and closed at seven o'clock P. M. ' Section 13. As soou aa the polls shall close, ' the oftlcers of elecliou shall proceed to count, all j tue votes cast tor cacu candidate votea ior, una make a full return of the same in triplicate, with a return sheet in addition, in all of which the votes received by each candidate shall be given after his or her name, first in name aud again iu figurct, and shall be signed by all of said officers aud certified by overseers, if any, or if not so certified, the overseers and any officer refusing j to sign or certify, or either of tbem, shall write upon each of the returns his or their reasons for not signing or certifying them. The vote, as Boon as counted, shall also be publicly and fully declared from the window to the citizens preseut, and a brief statement showing the votes received by each candidate shall be made and signed by the election officers as soon as the vote Is count ed, and the same shall be immediately posted up on the door of the election bouse for information of tbe public. Tbe triplicate returns shall be en closed in eurelopes and be sealed in presence of the officers, and one envelope, with the unsealed return sheet, given to the judge, which shall coutain one list of voters, tally-paper, and oaths of officers, uh I another of said envelopes shall be given to the minority inspector. All judges liv ing within twelve miles of the prothonotary's office, or within twenty-four miles, if their resi dence be in a town, village or citv upon the line of a ri'.ilroad leading to the county scat, shall j before two o'clock ppstfjperidiuti of the day after the election, aud all other judges shall, before twelve o'clock meridian of the second day after the election, deliver said returns, together with return sheet, to the prothonotary of the court of common pleas of the county, which said return sheet shall be tiled; and the day ud hour of Cling marked thereou, uud shall be preserved by the prothonotary for public inspection. At 12 o'clock on tho said secoud day following r.ny election, the prothouotary of the court of com mou pleas shall present the said returns to the said court. In counties where there is no resi dent president judge, the associate judges shall perform the duties imposed upon the court of common pleas, which shall convene tor said pur pose ; the returns presented by the prothonotary shall be opened by said court and compiled by sueli of its officers and such sworn assistants as the court shall appoint, in the of the judge or judges of said court, and tlx: returns ccrtilied and certilic.ites uf elei'tiou issued uuder the seal of the court as U now required to be done by return judges ; and the vote as so com puted aud ce i lilied shall be made a matter of record in said court. The sessions of the said j c"'ir t are open to the public And in case the return of nnv election district shall be missing when the returns are presented, or in case f comp'aiut of a qualified elector uuder oath, charging palpable fraud or mistake, and parti cularly specifying the alleged fraud or mistake, or where fraud or mistake is apparent ou thu re turn, tiie court shall examine the return, and if in the j'i:lguient of the court it shall be necessary to a jtist return, said court shall issue summary process against the election olUcers and overseer-, if any, of the election district compiaiued of, in bring them forthwith into court, with all election papers in their possession ; und if any palpable mistake or fraud shall be discovered, it shall, upon such bearing as may be deemed ne cessary to enlighten the court, be corrected by the court, and so certified ; but all allegations of palpable fraud or mistake shall be decided by the said court within three days after the day the returns arc brought Into conn for computa tion ; aud the said inquiry shall be directed only to palpable fraud or mistake, aud shall not be deemed a judicial adjudication to conclude any coulesl now or hereafter to be provided by law; and the other of said liiulicatc returns shall be plueed iu the box aud sealed Up wilb the ballots. Nothing In this act shall require the returns of election of township or borough officers to be made to the court as directed iu this section, but ail returns ol the election of township and bo rough officers shull be enclosed in a sealed cover. directed to the nrothouotarv of the court of com- ! inon pleas of the proper coCnty, and shall by j some one of tl.m, be delivered into his office within three days after every mch electiou and tiled tbeiein. In counties where there are three or more judges of said court learned in the law, ' ... 1..... ,n iii.lir.ic clinll ult t it oitn mi tn ntwt .rl i I ".""V "' " :7r,'" rr IV rnuiu?. u 1 1 1 c r iiiMwiunuii pituium. t . ; q ,imR(.lf be c.lniU. . , qt any ()flice ut a,lv e;ection ue 8Ua;i Ilot I sjt w jt j, the court, or act iu counting the returns ! j of such election, and in such cases the other j judges, if nuy, shall act ; and If In any county i j there shall be no judge qualified to hold Ihe said ; j court, under the provisions of this act, present ! , aim anie io in, mni, nm. m ri i sin u v.-isr, I the register of wills, the sheriff and county cum- , missioneis of the proper county shall le and ! enn-titutr a boird who. :r a majority ot wlmrn, slia" have and exercise all the power- mu. per fonii all the duties vested iu. or require! to lie performed bv Ihe court ot common plens of such I county, by and under the provisions ot .-uch section ; but none of the said officers .-h.ili act as a member of such board when biiue!f a candi ; date for any ollice nt the election, the re i turns of which the s.'ii.l board i- requiu-d to ! count under the provisions of thi? scctiou. When two Or more counties are connected for ion of auy olllcer, the courts of such I ) counties suan eucu u'oiiii u iciuiu iu j meet at such time and place, as required by law, I ! to compute and certify the vote of such district. I ! AU officers provided for by this act bhall be com- j 1 neiisated us lik-j officers are paid by exist ing j laws. t believer a place lias oecn or suau ne i provided by the authorities of any city, county, 1 township or borough for the safe-keeping of the ballot boxes, the juilse and minority inspector ' shall, after the election shall be liuishcd, and ! the ballot-box or boxes containing the tickets, ' list of voters and other papers, have been secure- j lv bound with tape and sealed, and the siirna- j tures of judges aud inspectors affixed thereto, I forthwith deliver the same, together with the re- ; nmining boxes, to the mayor and recorder of ! such city, or in counties, townships or boroughs, tn such ncrson or persons us the court of com- ! i inn pleas of the proper county may designnte. I at the place provided, as aforesaid, who shall I I lhen d'I,'t ,lie 8ilid ooxes U,,J keep the same to aniWer the call of anv court or tribunal, uutlior- j,.,.,! to try the merits of such election. When-1 cVer the electiou officers of any dicttict shall re- luc cicui . ...... ( close how any elector shall have voted.Jand after bavin" been so sworn or alllruieit, incy suau ' open the said boxes und burn and totally destroy 1 "'1 lu ballots and other papers which they shall .,.,.., ,.,-,.,. j.eji,,,. to bold such elec tion. The ipj.xiiflcd electors will take uotice ol tho following Act of Assembly, approved the l'Jth dav of March, 110: ''An Act regulating the mode of voting at all elections in the several counties of this Commonwealth:" SrcnoN 1. Ue it tnai4ed by the Sttiate JIvittt vf Htprtxtntativi oftht Commonwealth of Venntyl-i-ania, in General AenMy met, awl it in hereby enacted by the authority vf the name. That the quali fied voters of the several counties of this Com monwealth, at all general township, borough and special elections, arc hereby hereafter authorized and required to vote by tickets, printed or writ ten, or partly printed or partly written, several ly classith d as follows : One ticket shall em binci: the names of all judges of courts voted Tor, nud to be labeled outside, "Judiciary ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all State offi cers voted for, and be labeled "State;" oue tick et shall embrace the uames of all officers voted for, including the office of Senator and members' of Assembly, if voted for, and be labeled "Coun ty ;" one ticket shall embrace the nanus of all township officers voted for,and be labeled "Town ship;' one ticket shall embrace the names of all borough officers voted for, and shall be labeled "Borouch ; ' and each class shall be deposited In separate ballot boxes. Sfc. 1. That it shall be the duty of the Sheriff in the several counties of this Commonwealth to insert in their election proclamations hereafter issued the first scctiou of this act. JAMES R. KELLET, Sneaker of the House of Representatives. DAVID FLEMING, Speaker tf the 3enate. Approved the thirteenth day of March, A. D., one thousand cicht hundred and sixty-six. A. . CURTIN. Given uudar my hand, at m j office in Sunbnry, this 7th day of October, A. D. 1874, and in the ninety-ninth year of the independence of the United States. S. H. ROTHERMEL. Sheriff, florin's nffW. Snnhnry. fief. '. 174 I Invite an examination of their immfcnfle new stockySf' : ma Mil issMiliifc1 DRESS COOUK, best asftortment which thrV are Melting at prices fewer . than ever.- BLACK ALPACAS! Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, our Alpacas range in prices from 2-") cts. to SI. 00. t All !Bst SSa&es of Prints, lO ents ... BEST BRANDS OF MUSLINS? 1 van! ivilv. 1" jiikI Vll -nt. . ' m ib Lamest, tisst Assorted & Cheapest T.TTvra Sunbury, Oct. 9, 1874. 1 in. KTAK GLASSWORKS NORRISTOWN, FA., MANUFACTURES a superior Quality of Window Glass, single and double thick, Ground. Corrugated, Obscured and stained. Shades of all patterns ; all glass warranted not to stain. Orders solicited. - J. M. AI.BERTCN. October, 2 1874. 3tnos. - NOTICE. In re of the account of P. S. I To the creditors Bickcl and I.. T. Rohrbacb, I of Peter Borel. Assignees of estate Peter Bo- rcl. I Notice is hcieby given that the account of P. 8. Bickcl and L. T. Rohrbacb, Assignees of the estate of Peter Borel, has bcea filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, and will be preseuted to said Court for continua tion, on Tue-dav, the 3d day of November. A. P. 1974. I.. T. ROHRBACn, Prothonotary. Sunbury, Sept. 11, lTI.-4'.. Administrator' Notice. "VfOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad .1 ministration having been gnsned to tbe undersigned on the estate of Josifflv V Borel, late of lxwer Uahanoy township, Northumber land county. Fa'., deceased. Ail persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claim will pre- I sut. them duly authenticated for settlement. B. M. BI BB. Administralor. j Lower Mahanoy twp., Aug. 7, 18T4.-tit. ' 187-1. FALL MILLINERY. 1S71. Selected with grest taste a:d can- h:ive been , opened at Miss I.. SHIPBLEK'S Store, Mnrket .Square, SH .MU RV, PA.. all the new shapes iu HATS A N I BO N NETS. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, &c, and all kinds of Millinery Goods. Fancy floods of every description. Bonnets and Hats trimmed in the most expeditious man- : ner with the utmost precicicn. A full line of ! ladies' caps- Call and examine before purchns- ing elsewhere. MISS L. BHI8SLER. : WATCHES, JEHELKY fcMI.YEK WAKE. John W. Stevenson, Corner Third and Market Su, Nnnbnr) ', Pa. HAS completely renovated his Store Room, aud opened the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing in the Jewelry line is kept in store. Mil cr-Ware. ... Bmealata, . -- ItiugM dc Chains), of every description nud of the finest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches, Clock?, Jewelry, Ac. HAIR JEWELRV made to order. Sunbury, March 6, 1974. c M '1 T3 5' Children to Bind tint. rpiIE t Ivors, ers or the Poor of the borough of j L Sunbury, have in their charge several chil- ! liren of different ages, supported trom me taxes of the borough, who under the law can be bound out. Persons desirous of obtaining cither hoys or girls would do well hy conferring with the un dersigned. FREDERICK MERRILL, (i FORGE HARRISON. SF.U. HOl'GHNEK. Overseers of the Poor. Sunbury, Aug. 11, 3m. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, TESPECTFl'LLT informs the citiwns t nil L he has just received his Spring and Mummer !oodi. at his TAILOR SHOP. on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, and that he Is prepared to make up all kinds of OUSTS' A.M BOVN SI IT. of the latest styles. Having had much experi ence in the business he desires the public to give him a trial. Clothing will lie made up in the latpst 1'ans nd American Fashions iu the most satisfactory manner. al'V73. CHARLES MAIHL. New Millinery Store, MISSES L. & S. WEIS.FB M'.liinerv Store into the larce build 5 ? L ill ilding udtoiniug Zettlemoycr's. stove i sumption. Epilepsy, and Fits , Mental and Pby Markct Street, where they have just sical Incapacitd, Ac By ROBERT J. CVL- store, on opened a large and elegant assortment of Fwsbiouable Millinery Good. embracing everything usually kept in a well stocked Millineiy establishment. Their stovJc is entire new and consists of the latcs'. New York ami VhUadelphla Styles. JKESS MAKING iu all Its (-ranches will receive particular atten tion. INFANT 110 BES IN STOCK. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting attended to, and, Children's and Bovs clothing vAdo to order. MISjJ L. WEISER. MISS 8. WSTpiKR, Sunbnrv. rri' IT. 174. OP in the count v WM. .WHITMEK & CO. i Dr. C. AL Mabtis. Geo. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Buil&E Seky, ft DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE just received a fresh lot of Pure fcntgs and Patent medicines. We have also a foil assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS, f Hair, Tooth, Nan,CIothe,Shoe aud other brushes. TOILET AM) FASCY ARTICLE. riSE BXTHAC'IS, POCKET BOOKS, KS1VXS, C, kC. : REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, tbe sweetest perfume in A merk a. Parisian, a Hid Glove Wash. warranted to clean perfectly tbe most delicate j shades without injury to tbe kid All the leading preparations for tbe Hair, KEG A KS, THE BEST IX MARKET, Pure Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes. i ruysK-ians rrescnpiious ana iarai.'y receipt compounded with care. Tliaukful for pat favors we hoj-e hy fair ilea', ing to receive .a share of vonr patrosage. September 11, 1870. CENTRAL .DRUG STORE q.b.Cadvllader I? the place to buy pure and fresh MEDICINES, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicin-il purposes, and all other arti cles usually ept in a first-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre ftcriptions and family receipt. by competent druggists. I am prepared to furnish iu quantities to snit purchasers and at Philadelphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING nAIR. Portlaud, Roman, Roseudale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds of ail kind. Aall and get a Rural Register for 1874. GEO. B. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, Feb. 6, 1874.-ly. W. D. MELICK, ist and Apothecary,, "an IN WELKER'S BUILDING, Market Street, SLMIURY, PA. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dnigeists' Fancy Goods, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, ,SC.. constantly on band. Particular attention paid tocomponu.ling phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts. Snnbnry, April 17, 1874. DASIEL F. BEATTV. THE MERITS OF TOE 'GOLDEN TONGt'E.' BY NFW JERSET BARD TO BEATTT ANI PI.OTTS, ! WASHINGTON, S. J. J "Tis an age of invention, improvement and skitr. ! The world's in commotion, and nothing Is si-ill ; ' And progress in written wherever we turn . So ! "the ball is kept rolling,"' ami each day we i learn of some new achievement iu seieoce or art ; Each branch of industry in fact claims a part. So each is awarded a prize from the hand.-. Of a generous public as merit demands, - So music's department can point, in her pride. To men of true genius, whose fame ha goue wide O'er hills and through valleys, in mansions ami and cots. vVc! Wh Well, drte are such honors to "Bsalfy it riott. cue Golden Tongue oman stands lirst in iii land The fmt as to merit, and first in demand. Excelling in sweet ness ami richness of tone. Surpassing all others, and standing alone. lis worth is acknowledged wherever it is known. As all will bear witness, and cheerfully one For espial in workmanship, beauty, design, r finish, they challenge the best in the line. Where faces were gloomy, and hearts once were sad What homes are now cheerful ve. happy and glad. Continne thy mission, thy song 'Golden Tongue." Hath chains of enchantment for old and f.r young. Beatty & Plolts' celebrated (ioldon Tongue Parlor Organ is acknowledged by eminent pro fessors of music to bo the best Parlor Organ now in use. Thousand of testimonials are constant ly being received In favor of them, which go to show that our instrument gives entire satisfac tion. J-ifFor Price List Address BEATTT & PLOTTS, Washington, N. J. March 13. lST4.-fim. TIIK ORE AT CAUSE OF HI .HAS WISER Y. Jcst Pi vi.i -uEU, in a Sr.Ai.rn Esvixopf.. Price Six Cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, anil Radical enre of Seminal Wenkness, or Sperma torrhea, Induced by Self-Abnso, Involuntary Emissions. I in potency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally: Con- VtKl.r.l.l', aumor oi me "Oreen Book." &c The world-renowned author, in this ajmirable Lecture, clearly proves from his owu experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed -without medicine, and without daugcrous surgical operations, bougies instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out mode of cure at once certain and effectual, bv i which every sufferer, no matter what his condi tion may be' may cure nimseir cheaply, pnvate iv, and radically. " This Lecture will prove a boon to thousaBds and thousands. Srnt antlfc seal, tn plin envelope, to auy address, on receipt ct lis centi, or two postage stamps. Aitdrtss the Publishers, C1IAS. J. C. KLIXE, Jb CO. ' 1J7 Power. X. V. Pmrt Ofllee Pov, 45S iJ0f 'lit' '