luncritan SUNBURY, OCTOBER 2, 1874. Railroad Tim Table. Altl:IVAl. AVI lirPAUTTHF. OF TKAISS. ATSl'MtrKT. N. C. R. W.. East. Phila. Ex. St.r.O a m Elmiin. Mil,12.40 a in rie Mail. -.0 a m ,'iagnra Kx. S.40 p ui P. V: r.. It. R. W. st. Erie Mail. C.20 a m Niagara Kx. l-.D p m Ehnira Mail 4.10 pm Fan Kino, fi..0 p m MMIVIl! INI) LEfflSWX 11. K. L'-avc Sunburv for Lowistoun at C.35 a. in., I and 4.'J0 p. in. Arrive at Sunbury from Lcwistown at 1.V.H anil C.40 p. in. SHAMOKIN IHVISION, N.O. It. W. iXAVK AKIUVF. " j Impress, 12.4."i p m Mail, ti.2.1 a m Mail, 4.25 p m Express, u..V p iu ! An accommodation train leaves Shamokin at 7.10 a in, arrivinir tit Mt. Canned nt 7.40 a in. Rclurimr, leave Mt. Oarmel at 0.15 p ni. arriv ing at Shamokin 0.45 p i;i. Lackawanna & Uluommiiiu; R. K. Tuains, leave Northumberland as follows ;t.45 a. in., and 4.40 p.m.; ariivc at,ainl Accidental Insurance Tickets can be hud of J. Shipman. Ticket Agent, nt the Depot. cral Affairs. Several new dwelling houses liavc been com menced iu tins place recently. Ot-R streets presented an unusually lively ap pearance during the past week. Never ask for the loan of your neighbor's pa per. People don't like to refuse such a teeming ly small favor, but ueverthe'less, it U a great bore to a man to have his newspaper borrowed luifnrA l.n lifift time to read it hitni-clf. . A. six venom hoo was exhibits on the Fair -rounds during this week. It is quite a euriosi- ty and was an attraction to those atlendmg the Fair- Tnr Omaha tobacco store was the attraction on Market square dnrlng the week, He keiT" a ! splendid assortment. Jacob TIhxas has taken the tobacco store of Mr. Malicfc on Market street, near S O. Reed & Bro'e. store. Jacob keeps good stork, and is de ferring of the patronage of the public. Sunburn In our article last week, iu reference tc the , charges of Sheriff's sales, we had no reference t A cuancc in the Empire freight line, has lute to those made by the presort proprietors of the j jy taken place. The Einpiae line has been chang Shamokiu IlrralJ. Their charges correspond I ed to a through lice under the control of the with ours. j Penna. R. R. Co., and the local freight changed FIoN. A. J. Dill, Setmtor from this district, j to the Peuna. R. R. fast local line. Instead of was in town on Tuesday last, for a few hours, j good bciug shipped by tl? Empire l:ne,it w ill be Wc arc glad to see him enjoying excellent health, (carried by the P. R. R. fast local line to all He makes an excellent Senator, and is one of the j points. The offices here and at Philadelphia ic- most pleasing men that can be met. It has been circulated of late that Tom Col lins it dead, but any one reading the Northum berland County Thmocntt for the last two weeks will readily pronounce the rumor a hoax. Tom gets i:p some astounding matter for that paper. A Horse am Lot located on one of the prin ciple ttrrcU in Sunbury, wiil be sold sheap, on application to this office. Terms easy. The editor of the Dttwterat wants to sot him self tip as a prophet. Thus far he has no be lievers. Wc wouid pity those who might be found so weak as to believe in his prophecies. FK Cash. A suit of clothing can In- made up cheaper for cash at J. F. Schafl'er's, merchant . -i .1 . j ,i i j .... i: i. lanor Minp, aa inuei. more our,.-...- am. m,u,u , than in ar.y city establismcnt. A large assert- : iiieni oi cioui, vasbiiiieies, ivt., lmumuiiuj ivej?t j . : i.- -... 1 .. !..... o hand to select from. Call, South Third St., a ffw doors below Market, Suubuiy. THr. best of care is taken in selecting the large amount of furniture kept in B. L. Raudenbush's store. Masonic buildings. The most fashiona ble styles ore daily received and rapidly sold at sniull profits. Artirics cau be selected at this es tablishment as well as in any city, aud freights, and expenses of travel saved, and the same arti cle procured. New Boots and Shoes have just been received at Furtnan'a slorr, Market street. Call and sec them. Fink. Stores. The nore room of Marx fc Bro., in Masonic building, on Third street, is one of the in ntt neatly arranged establishments in this place. The proprietors are very nnnssnming.bnt the manner of displaying their goods must be ad mired by all who visit their establishment. Their store supplies the want generally of other stores, as their stock consists of an immense va riety of notions. As experienced editor pays a high and deserv ed compliment to the patrons of the press. "Women," he sayt, are the ben subscribers in The world to newspapers, magazines, etc. We have Ik-cu editor forty years, and acver lost a dollar by female subscribers. They 16111 to make it a point of conscientious duty to pay the preacher and the printer two classes of the community that suffer more by bad pay and no j pay at all than all the rest together." j NrwsrAPCHS. Under the new postal law pub- J fliers of newspapers have the rinht to inclose I in their psper bills for subscription or receipts, wWiout extra charire ; also supplements consist ing of matter crowdei out ot regular issues, but not handbills or special advertisements. firvcE Vr. M. C, Cea'hart has enlarged his storeroom on Market mev, he has been labor ing constantly in arranging his goods to show to great advantage in which he has admirably sue cecdec. His display of eoufeetiouaries is not equalled outside of the cities, and the manner of arrantring them so they can all bo seen at a, is most beautiful. d.... . ...j r....i u. illKrin ptlAUU u.unun.f iiiii'i" i.ii..Li.. j thick throurhont the eountrv. att.-ndinir Fairs in ! nrrl. nf tir-r. On Mnr:,r last i-ii-bt of these I " 1 1 ' f- - light fingered gentry wete pointed out to ns ut the Harrisburg depot, entering the ear. fiound ! northward. At Millcrsburg they Here reinforced by thnc more. Three tot ofT at this place, and tiie rest proceeded further up the road. We ntderstand that there is no water conve nient in case of fire iu the north cast corner of the town. This should not be when we'.ls can be so eufci'y conftructed. Festival. A festival vill be held at the Odd Fellows Hall Snydertown, on Thuj-day, and Fri dav rvcnmgii. and Saturday afternoon and evi n Jng, Oct. 15th, lCthand 17th. 1 lie proceeilitigs to he for tin- benefit of the I.ode. The iron f'-nce around the sin-it Park needs a coat of paint. l. t Us have a more hv ire Iive.y j the pas- ! color. Tiie work cau be done now, as lure is failing the cows will not be likely erfi re, although the gates stand "ajar." Geo. Makshai.i. and Miss Magjrie Fulton were j punctured wound in the left thigh. Dr. Stoner married recently nt Shamokin. Tin- bride was was called iu and rendered the ni-ceesaiy surgical .nade doubly happy by a check for 5000 from i aid. Xinlhvmhrrlmiil l'r-t. her father ns a bridal present. For the iu forma-j - 'ion-pry., uug men whose Marriage .-upirations j Of it neighbor or the A n r.iMias been ap rua in the direction of rich brides, we would ! pointed halrtuau of tl.e Democratic County slate thnt but few are left, and thai they j are very hard to find. II. B. HorrMAV. F. i., of MiU-Tsbnrg, Dhu- I . ' . , T' . r ived the appointment of , plain com ty, has received the appi Cnited Stnteis storekeeper for the Fourteenth District. It is a good appointment. The boiler has beeu placed on the new steam boat of Ir T. Clement, and workmen are busy putting up thr machinery. Amonci tba curious pcrfoimance- at the Fair ore the trained liorrs hich driven at ful speed without bridle or reins. The horses are guided Redely by the whip, and make ail kinds of turns, right mid left, stop and even back, by mere motion of the whip, with more facility than is often seen when under the reius. The Silver Penciled, as well as thu .Silver ! Spangled Hambnrg chickens of Col. Taggart at the I air, ore niuversnlly admired for tlieir j lieauty. . A LITTLE son of At r. t.-irmecr iiiuit tifirrow escape on Saturday, by being run over by a horse and bupgy on South Second street. H was knocked down and two wheels of the buggy passed over him. Home lover of poultry entered the chicken eoop of Dr. Awl on Sunday night and stole about a dorrn cbickeus. The doctor gave notice that a number had lately died of disease, and it is supposed the stolen property was also infected. That thief may yet have t.i pay heavy fr his transgressions, tut then there is no sympathy for him if he does get fliicken disease. Green Groceki. James pul has established a green grocery in Mrs. Moore's bwilcjicg. Market street, w here he will keep .constantly an vegi-tablcs, oysters, sliced Lam, side meat, Aj:. The best iu loarlst will Tie kent to supply his n f ninei v The Sevf.ntu Regiment. At the military re view last week, nt Ilarrisbnrg, there wen- over 1400 men iu line. The Seventh and Eighth regi ments were the only full regiments, and made a graud display. The Seventh regiment, under the con.iiiand of Col. A. Caldwell, is composed of the following officers and companies : Colonel A. C. Caldwell, Shamokin. Lieutenant Colonel W. F. llunt.inger, l'olls viile. Adjutant Lieut. Win. U. Kutzuer, SliamoUn. Quartermaster Kietit. Thomas Holauaii, I'ottsvilie. Surgeuii Maj. K. S. Robins, Shnmokiii. Jones Cornet Iiar.d, Pottsviile. Mount Caiiucl Cornet Hand. Drum Corps of the Regiment. Co. A. (Washington Kitlcs.) Loeu-t (lap, Nor thumberland County IS men. Captain, .lohn M'Eliese ; 1st Lieut. .Tolm M'Dor.iiell ; .M Kient. Fat ikk Il'-iiti''sy. Co. 15. (Sliaiuokiu tiii.trds.) Siiauiokin Noitli umberlanil County. 1H men. Captain, Jus. A. Shipp ; 1-t Lieut. John A. Weaver ; '.M Lieut. May. Co. C. (Keystone liuards.) Mine liiil ap. I SchnylUiil county 42 nun. Capt. J. 1). Struus i ser; In Lieut. C. S. Chamberlain ; 21 j.i.'iit W;u. E. K.ier. o. F. (liov.eii (iiiiirdE,) l'oltsviil.-, Se!:uy!k":;i j County 40 Captain, Frank li. Wallace ; ' 1st Lieut. Hugh Stevenson ; 2d Lieut. Lafayette j Killig. j Co. G. (Pottsvillc Light Infantry,) Pcitsvilie, 1 Schuylkill County, 52 men. Captain, J. A. Huutziuger; 1st Lieut. Samnil A. (iarratt ; .J Lieut. Edward Hay. Co. II. (Mount Carmel Rides.) Mount funnel, Northumberland County, tD men. 1st Lieut. Ilcury T. John ; 2d Lieut. E. B. SteM wagoner. Co. I. (Girardsviiie Light Infantry,) Girards Tille, Schuylkill county 50 men. Capt. Patrick Monaghan; 1st Lieut. Patrick Dolau ; 21 Lieut. ; Bartholomew Tell. R (g( rjnr Ught Inr;liary gl. ciail., S(.,iuy,kn, Vmiltv me. ,,,,. n..y V. EvaMj w j(.rom;.lh L,.arv . ., i.U.nt. Michael F. Norton. Company B. (Shamokin iuards,) Captain Jos. Slit-m w-f firp lnfi.riMtil, w: uronnillict ed the , ... . .. , j-. be?t equipped aud dnlled company on lue review. This speaks highly for our Shaniokiti friends. For our part we have never i-ocu better drilled soldiers anywhere than those that tome from the ! coal legion. ! main at the same places as before. At this office I' G. W. Smith continues the agency for the Peuna. fast local line, and will have under hi: stipervi . slou the freight cr.rried by that line over the N. ('., i P. A. E., Shamokin Div., I). II. V. W., and S. j A: L. Railroads. The agents of these ro.ids. u:i- Idor the einj'loy of the Empire line, have been dis charged. By this change goods will be carrio I j at the same speed as by express, and nt cheaper rates. toods shipped at rmladclp'.ua m the evening will roach Sunbury the morning folio -in?. Shot Hi.Msr.Li-. On Tuesday ia.-t voung son of John B:urno. Esi., of Jnhit, a Walnut gnnuiuir i I street, aged about H years, went on a r j,,,,,;,;,,,, .1(.r(!sS ,, , ;T,.r a,m his r,.trn, ill ,,. , . f . , n, h . . towards him, the trii:ger caught aud dis charged the gun, the load of shot taking oiled. iu one of hi- arms, tearing away a larire piece of flesh above the riliiia . No bones were shattered. He narrowly escaped dc.vh. The careless ban I lingcflire M-ms in the useless amusement of hunting game. i the cause of as much maiming and death. to the hunter and those who happen to stand in his way, as is the more useful employ ment of railroading. This is another warning among hundreds, published yearly, against care lessness in handling firearms. We understand Master Bourne is doing well under the care of Dr. C. M. Martin who crossed the wound. As entertainment was given in Gariuger's Hall on Friday, Saturday and Wednesday evenings last, which wn of mote than ordinary Interest. The performance consisted of the exercise of a jiower invisible and incomprehensible to nil who witnessed it. -Mr. and Mrs. Guernella were the performers. They do not believe in spiritual ma nifestations, lint they cannot account for the power that aids them in performing their aston- ishiii!; tricks. They were pinioned iu every im- j iiiaginahlc manner liy a committee appointed by the audience, Mnd after rxtinguivuing the lights for probatdy a minute or two, they were found to lie untied, and the ropes were neatly coiled up. Iron riiifrs were placed around the arms of the lady, looked together, and the key held by the committee. Darkness was atriin produced for a cry short time, when the same rings wore found on the arms of her husband who win standiui; several feet from her, as securely looked lights were again extinuuir-bed, and the rings . and eliain droppeil from his arms upon the floor, j Many other wonderful feats were performed, j mch as invisible tintidshakiii. Mr. (. was se- I curely tieil and gngtjed by the cominittee, ami j the lights were turned down, when lie imme diately commenced f-initinj,' and playing upon a j parlor orpau. When the liirbts again apeaied j Mr. G. was found iu the bound and gagged dm- ! ditiou in which the committee bad placed linn The laM tnrk performed, invisible and ineom prehensible.was that the parties announced their i ii. - i ru.rr.irmnno on Tlnirs.Iav eveiiini' anil left I .v. ........ - -j r- j on Thursday morning in the first train, b avin- I their printer bill nt this office unpaid, prompted .,. . to do so piotialily tlirougti 'pin.nai inaniicMa lions. Si.uioi s Ki nav. aT. On Wednesday mot niiii.', whilst Mr. Adam Fisher was hurrying up bis horse to avoid being run over by a sliittini: en gine at the railroad crossing on the east side of the depot at thib place, he lost his bold of oue of the cheek lines, aud of course the control of his team. The horses started ofT at a b-ar'nl rate and did not ttep until '.hey reached the stone bridge at Granger's Hoilow. The wugoii struck the ccoud arch in the West Ida tub bridge, wrecked the wagon box aud threw Mr. Fisher out. From the fearful wounds he received he must have been dragged sonic distance. He was j,;,,.,! Up ; au insensible condition, and curried ()Ul ( j,,. I,, j,..,. ., plank. His scalp was cut open four or live inches, the flerh over the left . eve wa laid open to the boue, aud he received a Committee, and ;e a chick when it first CP- capes from the sh;'.l be is peeping over hi- tii- u,I1l'l'i " thepr.epect of the resurrection of the Rini:. A he will bold the funds hereafter, he fr .. w ill i.n iloubl urove eilieieut in lieeotintimr with . . , certain part.. s lor the supprcsimi oi any sus- piciou3 eircuiustaiici: i-outiectd with tin- Ileum- rra'ic King jusl pre iotis to elections. ST. Ci oru Hctei I'hiladeliH.ia is not as fa- mousror the number and size of its hotels : New Fork and some of our western cities. But the largest hotels are not generally the most de- sirnble. One of the best and most comfortable hotel, in Philadelphia is the St. Cloud, in Arch street. It justly ranks as a fuel ciass bouse in i all its appointment, and in some of its home ro,f,1s uneuualled bv anv in the citv. Mr. Mullin, the proprietor, is affable, j,at.; and mtentive, and his coi p. of able nssislauts.amoiig mlorn -m Harry Denuison as Chief manager, is a sufficient guarantee that it is well kept. The St ("loud, though comparatively a new hotel, is nl reaily one of the mo.t pojnibr in tiie city. The Kepiiblieaus of Montour county liave noiniiiaterl the following ticket : Conrens Hon. Charles Alhritiht. AfM'iiilily .lanies OuikMian!;. Tn-n yiirer Charles FeiiMernintlicr. Comnilneionci- George M. Di rr. Kcfrister ifc Recoi'.ler John J. Hare. Surveyor Eugene J. Cnrtif. Aiiilitor Jainea Me.Mahon. Tun boat race on FrMay evening was witni-Heil I'jr a larpc number of our citizeti. The con Itvtacta VFeri essru. Roy nud '1 rutt. Roy won th i,y fipcen oeeond-i. Ti wni a cliv-e ci-.r.f.--t The Pori.Tiiv Department at the Fair. The display of poultry at the Union Park and Agri cultural Exhibition at this place, by our old friend Col. Taggart of Northumberland, is the most prominent feature in the whole exhibition not excepting the races, and is of itself worth the pi ice of admission. We have been informed by those who were at the present State Fair at Eas ton, that the whole combined exhibition of poul try there does not equal in number, variety, qua lity and order of arrangement, that of the Sun- i bury Fair. The chickens are all enclosed in J iiaiid.ome cages or coops, with tinned win: grat ing. There are thirty-four of these cages or cooj's containing one hundred and seveuty-tlncL' choice high bred chickens, hunu.ionu ly arranged in regard to good taste ii'.nl order. Col. Tag gart's contribution alone should make the Fair a success, and the managers of the Exhibition and I the peorle who attend it, are under great obliga tions to Co!. Ta.'.rt for hi energy and eiilei- I : i: -e in the matter. i 1 lie cac- were ;::r.uig J as !olbr.s : No. F'.ii. .-'liver Pencilled Ilamlmi'j:-. 124. k Brahma, j 12:;. do do hatched in Ftlini.iiy, Is,! . : Hi. ii ybi id-, oolilii.-, i'.uliiiio and ll.iil. iliahitias. li'.!. P..r!.!-lge. Cochin. lit!, do do hatched in lsT.l. ! 142. Game Bantams, j US. Partridge Cochins of J. -::. i 14o. Game Bantams of ,74. 12$. Buff Cochin. (This coop contained the finest specimens.) 141. Small Game Bantam?. 12'J. Light Biahmas. 14o. Bantams. V.i'2. Houdous. KIo. Houdon Cockerels, very picily. i::.i. Silver Pencilled Hamburg.. 1111. do do do (This cage con tained live in us and one cock. They were pro cured last February, and since the 22d of that mouth, one hen laid ITS, another 14, another IT;'., another l.'.G, and the other l.'.S eggs total, Set"..) 140. Dark Biahmas Cochin. KIT. Silver Spangled Hambuig-, very pretty. 121!. Hatched Chicks. 120. Dark Biahmas, 5 months, extra large. 1110. Silver Gray Dorkings. 127. Chicks extra large, 11 mos. oid. 1.1. Silver Gray Dorkings, very pretty. 122. Cockerels, very large. lHS. Game Bantams, beauties. 121. Puliets, 3 months old, weig! :ng from 10 to 14 pounds. 141. G.UIK- Bantams. l'.'S. Dark Biahmas. 110. Game Bantams, very small. 1 77. Partridge Cochin, very large. I:)'.'. Bantams. j2o. Pullets, Partridge Cochin Cockerels. 1 hero wen: other fine specimens of pouitiy ex hibited thai would compare well with Mr. Tag gert's except in number and variety. We notic ed several ennrs of fine geese, ducks, Black Spanish chicken-, pigeon, .v., that were wor thy of notice, hut wc v. i :c unable toa-oortaiii the names of tint owner-. Tun" Faiu. The second annua! Fair of tin: Union P.irk and Agricultural Association, com menced on Tues lay last ut this place. Owiugto the unfavorable weather, the attendance was not so large. ()a Wednesday there was a large at tendance, and a large iiuinber of oi lTi-i were made for the exhibition. The display of articles wa magnificent. 'lb - i Ib-n lit departments l were well retTP-ort-d. a larire number of articles of merit exhibited that deserve special notice, but owing to the names of tin: owners not being atta'-Vd to them, we are i;n; hie to give proper credit. Among the embroiib-. v and m e.'Ile work there A'eic speeiim n of patch .ik, cha cushions, afe liar.s. ciotohct work. that at- trnetcd groat ,M tent ion. Canned fruit ard pre serve department was weil liilcJ, and sone- -;-ceiicnt specimens were exhibited. The fruit de partment was excellent, and we noticed a number of fine specimens of applou, pears, ijuin ees and grapes. The grain mid vegetable depart ments were we'd icpu-rcutcd with excellent spe cimens, and large varieties. The cattle di pait ment contained liaesp.-citne" of ful! breds. A fine herd belonging to Col. Taggart was notic ed, among which is a cow that got her first calf when 13 months old. Chester hogs exhibited by Geo. Gaul, Barnhart and Forrester, are the best ever seen at a l';r lu this part of ihe MiaUi-. Tie floral department was principally made up bv Mr. Cliffi: of Riverside, aud Mr. Rhodes and Mr. J. Washington of Sunbury. Other line speci mens were entered, which added greatly to the beauty of that department. The floral house which is wi ll filled, lias lieen much enlarged The ladies, we noticed, were particularly inte rested in this department, aud commented large ly upon the different varieties. In the races on Tuesday, the first was won by the black man: of Watsontown, nml the second premium by bay horse of Mr. S;e,:r. Second race, purse iM. 1st horse ; borne ?15 ; 3d horse ?10. lpi'ii to 4-yenr-n'd- and under, from Northumberland count j. Futries "P.ail" "Bay Prince," "Pastime." 1st Heat. Time 3.05. Dead heat. Bay Prince was distanced this beat and rule.l ont. 2d Heat. Won by Kail in "08. 3d Haet. Pantitne took this heat in '.',.W,K. 4th Heat. Won by Pastime iu 3.0!'. Tith Heat. Won by Kail in 3.0SV.. th Heat. Won by Pastime in SAt'i. The ground was well cov. red with attractions suited to the t:i-te. of visitors. The -tone eater, sword swallower, etc., oceuiii'-d a lurj;e lent. The six legged pig, and three b-gge l chicken ani.tlu r I tent. Koekweil t Herbert, lmrse trainers, held i 111'' entertaiumen: to the lads and lasses at otn; cud of the field. The bo-ru jewelry man, tin cheap pencil vender, petty amblers wen- 'doing :,....... ,., business' on the slv wherever thev could catch a greeny. The tobacco chewer ami utimciims oth ' er attractions were on band. The fancy goods on exhibition, which is very law, have been ar ranged most beautifully by the coiiiinittn- who jure deserving of the thanks of the for their good taste in the displav ! tlifir arti cles. The success of the fair up to the present writ I ing has been equal to the most sanguine expec tation of the managers. On Thursday the weather was favorable, an I : the result was that from live to eight thousand . people were in attendance. The whole, is a I grand success, and all who visited the fair ! ground pronounce it the best ever held in tin . l oinity,. in allendan: e as well as display. We copy the billowing extract from Ii-m-vi'lc .1).' ri.'.wi lo show btisiiies nu n in our vici nity how" home prot. (' ni i" lii:i!i'.'(. i:i ,i;r ; neighboring towns : I j "IIiiki: PkciTM TluN. We have i;,.,; -i, -.1 'that two or -three business men in 'omii have been n iii'ing oil to r cbeulars. -;,r.!.- Vc. printed, thus si inline; to it : -1 r i lit towns money that .-Imiiid ' retaincil itmong our koine mecha nics. In times lik-these it Ineom. s -v : body-' : duty to n tai i all the money po-sibb- n our own : cnminnnity. Inly by sui-h inc.! i ai support can ' wc hopci to gel rotnf.iitably thiotigh the j anii-, uuil our eop;i should make up their mill. Is not to trade with tliosc win slighting tla ir own me ehanics. go abroad for labor. Examine tin- im ! print of t lie bills anil imsters that are thrust t,i' I;,.,..,.,,,, ,,., , .. . i .. nu - I "r' J" l" " ,',';'' mcago , or any distant place, shun that hoii-e ar vim I woul a) P11,.1ly. Lt lhrm ,,,:, ,.,;, i wi,,.rc they spend their money.' " I The SmthHry Amrrinm is one of our best c.x- ex. hanges, and it is growing better every week, Every number is filled with spicy locals and good i -l' tions, which relic, ts great credit upon the taste of the editorFvi'i. Witvi iir. 'rtfimn- Thanks Brother G-.itelius. A compliment from an old and experience! publisher like the above, is highly appreciated. We arc endeavor ing to make the .lincrii-nn a newspaper for every , llr.twi.ln .l t r ii tlui r....r.l. r.T ..V i..! I " " " ' -- can assure yon that such a compliment is en couragement from such a source. We shall al way endeavor to keep pace with the times. ikt. TIiom; of our citizens who (.'i t their hhiits and other tiMnls of that clafs in l'liiladel phia, will find no better or nrire reliable place to Fiitiplv their wants than at the fctorc of R. C ' Wal'iorne, No. .", North Sixth street. Tiir rail Ktyiei) of furniture are now bc';u I inc opened at R. I.. Raiidi'iilnh's furniture store 1 iu Masonic liuililin. A full Mtt of house fnr ; niture can bp wli'i'ti-d at liis store at more rea 1 souable prices than e;ni be piirehai d in I'hita ilclphia. Try him. ! Mi:. Ciiai:i.i:s Hps-, formerly of the Revierc House at I.ewislun, has rented the V.mkirk House at this I'lace. He wil! take poFieesion on the 1st of October. Wo hope I'ncle Joe .in 1 his lady will live happy and contented in tlieir re tiretnent. V...7'. '.... '.-. -.. Guadks of Pijjijc tliGii Schools. Explana tions. The numbers indicating grades iu reci tations, extends from 0 to 5. If a pupil has a perfect lesson he receives 5 ; if every lesson dur ing the whole day is perfect, his average for that day is 5 ; if he receives 5 each day of the week, his number is 25 for the week ; if he receives 25 each week, his number is 100 at the end of four weeks. The reports of progress are published every four weeks. If a pupil is hbsent a day he receives 0 for that day ; if he leaves before the close of the day and misses a recitation, he re ceives 0 for that recitation. It will be seen then, thut absence from school, or giving a pupil a note to leave before school closes, will bring down ids grade. The numbers in the third co lumn show the number of days a pupil has been absent during the four weeks. Parents can there fore see whether low grades have been caused by themselves in keeping children too often out of sehool, or whether want of iudiistry on the part i of the pupils gave them a lowr i b1. I lie iiii:i- bers in the second column give t'.ie number of de merit marks. These arc claused to pupils for ta.kuiUvimkiiig undue noise, v.e. i i. ,s... j-i.ii. i-u. .i . , i- : t 1 1.,i"v poi l ,i;g u is coi'.si(iera''!o. n is periortin ii now- ever with pleasure, ami with tiie hope that pa- rents will take :u, e.,.,,.1 interest in the welfare of tiu-lr HiiMrci), and eucimra-e holU thorn ;iik.' their teaeiicrs in trying to elevat of scholnr-hio in their schools. tin- ti j iiiiti 1 1 Mali:-. Bnchcr Ed want Btieher .John Bowser Charles Bourne John Bright Eugene Cam William Drumheller Scran Farm-worth William Gearhart Edward Hartmau George Heckert Charles Iloim Oscar 1 rade Dumerits. Absence. 4 l i 0 l 14 4 91.1 W.2 f.2. S.2 20. G2.2 41.2 8!.0f. CCi.S ,, . ii ; in l ii o 0 o r, 4 0 l o 1 ,11. I2.4 7B.:; 'Jl. s tic.:; 2'.t. so. 87.2 77.1 'ji.r, 2.-1.C s '.1 7. .i irade. N7.S 79.r, 81.5 ss.i; 7!).T t;7.:; 7f.2 S'.l.o 7.T X,.C, I Hill Ambrofi' Harrison Johnson Harman Harry Morgan Eugene Nell PhilbiTt Jones Isaac Rhondes Walton Kirlin A. G. Saviiige W. G. Snyder C N. Vatidykc Edward Fkmai.i. Awl Mary Boyd Daisy Bourne Lizzie Byerly Lulu Fainsworth Mary Frilii.g Frances Folimcr Lizzie (ray Emma (icnt lii-r Mary Mi-s Jennie Mart Livinie MeClow Maggie McClow Kattie PuispII Flora Rcnn Jetiuie Smith Nassie Sdiwciilcr Laura Schacffer Annie Syivis Ir!a Z, tt!e:nnycr I!-i.i Sitnp-on Mary Mnit'.i Mary V.'r-iniiT Amy Voting i!T!ri:.'.e 1 0 17 0 0 0 Absence. 3 Deiin i it. 0 I '.I 1 ! i! i o CO. 7 si. 7 c,!.:: vs.7 ".4. j;;.5 M.o !i:!..1 i i 0 (I o - i i ! r,;.s s.ri.S ii I I'l iii'l.i: wl.i) an- aeciistniiiej to speak slilni l, ly of li-ina!;--, iutimatir. that they are nut vinu ous, and a':l that kind il tliinjr, will bear hi nsml that they i:i:ike tbems-'lvcs liable to prosi-eut'on bcfurs the i-ourts fur sacli utterances. That nn ta, lo class o! "persons who Pill slander on their toneiics as a sweet morsel, and deiivrht in injui i:: the reputations of their neighbors, had better be can l ai, hereafter, how they la. k, or tin y may have to abide by the conserpii nce. The LiTi-i.i-tttre, la-t winfor, passed the fnllnwiii!; law : '"All action may In: maintained by a female, whether mairicd or single, to recover for wordi lrrcafteT spo';e:i, iuiputint; uni-hastity to her and it sh.i.l nut b.: rf.-cTMary to a'!"e or prove special damage in order to inaintaia s,:,:!i a tioa. Iu such aetlicis a married woman may sue i abme, and any roe,, very i:,.-,-, 1 s;U ). !e- S, "operate property I The above i a ri''bt' on onac tmi'iit, anu we l ojio it wiil be in pnttini; a curb upon the tonkin s of malicious ami slanderous p ople. ' Tin: Fi b. iion Laws nr I mi: Ni v. Constiti 'iiov. J edition of the Flection Law. J ftilution of Pcnnsvlvania, Pi:nnsvi.vam imi A carefully r-vised ami the Nov C'oii with an ana'.Ttlcal index, will be is-uc by October 10th, which, t -pother, form a book of reference that no citizen should fail to possess. The F.iectiim Laws have been digested and arranged with notes by Francis Jordan, la'.e een-tary of the Commonwealth, to u'uk-li is ad.l-il the judicial decisions, making a j ciiinp.u t. coinpri-bi'iisive and tliorough manual, I I fur Ihe iuformalion of the people and t lie sni l- ; aiiei- nf election ofllcer. The work as a whole , j is very valuable aud ought to lie in the pOM-.-i-i-ms ! ! of eveiv citizen. It contains all the legWittion of j j last session in reference to elections, togethi-r j with '.lie form of blanks for the use of election ; , otBceii and assessors ; thus rendering it entirely j complete in all the brauehes of which !t treats. 1 ! ilenjamiii Gingerly, llarri.-.burg, is the publi-ln-r. ! ' Price, by mail, poi-t paid : lu paper cover, !. 10 ; ! muslin, $1.35 ; law sheep, fl.fMJ. PETEUSON's Jol RNAI. CK Poi'fl.AK l.MEIiA- Tt KE-.Me.-srs. H. Peterson Co.,cf Philadelphia, having relinouished tlu ir connection with the Saturday Evening Post, announce the ir intention to publish a new Monhtly Magazine, to be called Peterson's ."ournal of Popular Literature. It I i-. .M.urnai in ..puiar i.oera. urc ill commence with the December number, which will be issued early in October. It will be a Fir.-'-Class l.ileiary Magazine, ami a fine corps of 'ont ribiitors have be-n engaged. Every Story in i-:m h i.iMiiber will be compli-te--no Serials will In published. Terms, S3.Hi) a year. Sj'ecinian numbei . o.'i icnis. Address II. Pteison A- Co.. Walnut sir, ,-, Philadelphia. Ti!i:;:i: will be no further postponement of th j Fifth Gift Concert of the Public Library of Ken- tuckv. It will take tdac-e los'tivelv Novi-mlier tlOtli. And fuilhcnnore, no matter whether the ' ti-'l, We lett. sold or tint drawing wil! be a full one. ics. facts in a ns wcr t" numberless ,i siib-cribiTs. fiol Tin: F.M.t. F.t.ia'in -Iu 7'A. riiUlU- m.ig.i- l;'.ne lor October there is an account of eighteen i!ltic.i! eonve'.,:';o:;- held iu September, with a ;;. nop sis of the leading icsoltilii.ns in tl:c plat form i f each. Tin- October number of 77,.- .V yi'Mic contains also about twenty leading alticli s on the leading issues .mil political topics of the day. Ju the initial alticli: of this issue " The Southern Sit nation" is tally anil fairly prc-ente.l, w hile iu sub-eitieut pages ilieri- is a chronologi cal li-t of the murders and other outrages re cently committed in Alabama. Arkansas, Kcu- lucky, Louisiana, Tennessee and Icxas. It con ; tains also an article on " I hi- I'liio-: Army of tiie Great P.. bi llion," iu wnich theri' is given, by States, the totals of men in the alinv, including volunteers, regulars and colored troops, and the numbers by States, who were "killed,"' "died"' and " missing in action."' I he contents of tin October number arc worth the price of a volume to anv one who wishes to lie correctly inl'ormeil on the current movements of political issues now commanding public at tention. Terms f'i a year, or ( for one volume of six numbers. Bound volumes ami back num bers supplied. Published by "The Kepuh'.i" Publishing Company," Washington, 1). . 1 itir.Ni:i:"i Montiii.v Kolt ttcTniicn. Serib- ; net's Muni lily for Octotier open with another ! i,il.,.,.,,llv iliiiatr-itf.d "i';ri.:.t Sunt li'" Orllier. Ill ! Edward K'u:e;, entitled "Down the Mississippi the Question Arkansas" ; it contains tnneli pic turesqli? description, and practical in form at ion. The important essay of this number is a very careful study of tieortre Eliot's novels, by W. C. Wilkinson. " Mr. Nadal. formerly with Mr. Mot-1-y in I.0111I011. nml now literary editor of the "N. V Evcninti l'oit," liai a ehai initio ski tch of tlx foni. Mr. Cable, the New Orleans Mory-writcr, rives us another ehai aeteriptic sketch of iife in the American Paris ; his present story, "The Roulette, " i hi(;h!y diiiu.atlo and evcitivz "Kathi'i iue Eaile"' and " iriironnaux," are con cluded ; ( Kathcriiie Larle will be pu'' iu book form by ami Micpard), and Jules Venc'f "Mysterious Islatid' iseontiiiiieil. I hen we have "A Royal IIair- 'nttinir," "San Retno," The Rose of C.irolitm, " ld Time M iieie," ite. In '-ToiicR of the Timu" Ur. Holland writes about Mr. Heceher, the present theological out look, the "Rewori1! of Literary Labor," Ac. "The Old Cabinet"' is devoted lo Oood Taste, mid the other departments have about their us ual vaiiety. In the November Scribtier a new story by Saxe Holm will bo.'in.tri run 1broii;rh tluce or (our ine'llli-T-. FOK THE AMKKICAS. Lf.wimiuko, Sept. I!0, 187. En. American : The 54th session of the North umberland Baptist Association convened at Muncy, Pa., on the 2d int. This Is a vearly moeting of Ministers and lay delegates from the 40 churches of the denomination, in this and sereral adjoining counties. Alter the speaker, or MxUrtiloi; called the representatives to order, fervent prayer was oll'ered hymn sung and an esculent sermon by Rev. Green Mile's; officers were elected, and the letters from the churches wore read. These letters exhibit the ppiritual and temporal status of the various organizations. tnc numbers baptised, received by letter, dismiss ed, excluded and deceased during the year, sub school statistics, and the amounts raised Tor all beiicvolent purposes. These people are building quite : number of new church tdifiees, to accommodate their increasing congregations, i:d their letters allude unite plainly to the scarcity ot ihe "Almighty Dollar." Some of these letters were loiiL'. ami when it-ao oy a slow lime. ivim n, consume much valuable ! Jll?t think of tin' assembled Solotis,or ,Sot,aut 'I an ecclesiastical congress, listening to the reading of 4 J loin letters of detail, while four, tilths of the audience are ladies with no new fashions to criticise, an I who might be recipients in vamaoie instruction from th t-jiu igoons lint ihe mm iieceneis oi Ha- present occasion and lieechi rs ot tin "omu oi ii-i-i ;i i oroKi-n. On the lead- j ''l bail tin: power of Je:is" name." ; MTrtv if glorious oM "i-oronatiou" wili he ettnr "Pi vontlnr. in inn r.Milmi rr i-.,..,i..- ii j - - '"' w "o.' . "iiiinu ji uu . .... .n,.,, liijiiitn aim mines win ue mere, l gicu ineiu to nave a lair chance to see thesupe i and tooi in ii. i c-. .a.i. .....1 it- 1.. I i-irt.. ......... . .. i I ana join in that scr.ip.liic symhony Wonder j it you and I, Mr. Editor, and the printer's devil i will be there t j The delegations were well entertained, and . dnly appreciated the kindness and hospituiitv of ! the Muncy brethren and sisters. ' E. business 'cralc ! John S. Mahm: has iust returned from Mi,, nim ' and is opening a very line stock of winter cloth- I mg. The styl make of coods, this winter, ! 0 j is very desirab.e anil pretty. He iu,, celectod i I flii tln,1- .itl, .... m. '.. .l.:A.. ..... . 1 I "l"' l .III. .is ,f i.l.sillllll Ullll nty. Call and see his stock before you purrhai iae eisi wiiero. :;t. 1) ! "5 j Snux V OpiTxiiriMitn Joitx S. Mausk. appear too much ' ' crowd d i mar iiiiiiii-iisi-siiii-K til eiilllllll'' laKes o i ui) tht lar"ir oart r.t ths snacinns rfinm. nml Uie run of custom being fo extensive it is filled con stanly. They are selling cheap and their cus daily increasing. The goods in this splen did fstablishmrnt i not excelled in qu ility and lov price. ?i one can go amiss in calling at S. Fanst's Hit Store to g 't a first class hat, or gentlemen's fiTul.-hitig goods. He always has the latest styles made of the best material. Miss L. Shissi.i:r has taken the agency for E. Jiittcricl; fc Co.'s patterns, anil has now for sale tvo thousand of tin: latest styles for Ladies, TissOs, Hoys, t'hildreu and Infants, also for tent's Dressing (Imvn, .mokitiij Jacket and 'aps. ji Pahliii: Oikians am Pianos. Some of the rint-t!t toneil Parlor Organs and Pianos, pre, sold j by John .P iveefor, No. 7'J Walnut street, in this place. The (.'liiekering and Weber Tianos, M.i- i eon and Hamlin, Wood and Spang's Parlor O'- gans, constantly on hand. Mr. Reefer keeps j none but the best iiial:ty, and all who buy of him can be assured of getting the instrument he represent it to be. Sakucnt's Si-.i i:i'.r or Beai iv, a delicate i bcautifier, which smooths out all indentations, removing tan, freckles and scars from the skin, i h aving the compli'ion clear anil beautiful, j Sold by Miss L. Shiss'itr. j F.cri.ini: Stii :. Anr.Aii. Having jni re-! ceived a full line of Roots, Shoes and Rubbers of j ir.ciy description, we are prepared to se!I them at aslotiishiiigly lo'.v prices to suit the times. ' Our motto is small profits an 1 ouiok sales. Wo ; ill si r: evi : ;. one to examine our stock before j purchasing elsewhere, anil be convinced that we sell cheaper than any other dealer iu the county. We have all tin: late stylos of Hoots and Shoes, including the celebrated Khnira anil Towanda Roots. No goods misrepresented toellect a sale. No trouble to show goods. Call and see them. Respectfully, Yours, JOHN I!. SMITH t Bro., Successors to V. H. Miller. Foi: Sam:. -American Steam Sab-. Apply at th m! office of Haas and Fa?cl v, or residence of J. P. iT.'-.vs, M irkct st., Sunbury. V,'t: rtlroct attention to the advertisement of J. R. Rer.l. in another column. Those who arc in want of stoves will find the largest variety at his establishment. Foit Ri:nt. The Drug Store Room now occu pied by W. D. Meliek. Also the room adjoining Faint's hat stop-. F.inuire of H. li. Mssnt. Tin: light running 'ZiiofiY" Sewing ma chine, on aeoount of its many points of superi ority, lias a bettor demand than any other manu factured, ami takes tin: lead with the public over machine long regarded as the host. Order- for the-e machines will he promptly tilled by Miss ( 'a roll no Dalius, agent. 7'i'fin- Oi-ijmtx .Miss ( Dalius is the agent for the sale of Parlor Organs. I'ianos, and all kinds of uiiisieal instriimeiits. The very best iiistru-inet.t-iare furnished, lurnishi-d on short notices iit tiriccs ti snit, times, ('all or address. C. DAl.II S, No. Market .t.. Sniibui v. I i: Cki: am Frei-zi-is A iii-w lot just received II. B. MASSF.K. by "Tii!t:ti Xitike's Sweit Itr.sToiiEit. Si.r.ri-.'- Put iln-re are times when this Kenewer of the Strength is denicil us, times when our minds and bodies have been so overworked, and are so worn out that we 'woo the diowsy god iu vain.' The Peruvian Syrup (an Iron Tonic) re news our strength, and makes our restswret and re'ri"-hin. Ir Alcoholic Stimulants an- taken into the bio. id tin- In ait works faster, and this unnatural speed v. ear out the vital machinery. All in - toxicating nostrums advertised as 'tonics. ii'iio- vator-.' .Vc. iroduce this disastriotts etfi-et, and should be rejected. Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vi negar llilteis an Invigorant without the curse of alcohol is cvervwhere sutiiilantini1 these tioi- ! sons. Sept. 11-1 w. : - .Simliiir)' Horougli IIi-r. 111. 1 Hureens. S .1. Man li k, J.M. ; SeiMlpfl Itlli-KCSH, I. ;ri--li..lli,'h ; eH,-ei'? .loiin M;i;.s, W. w. 'I'. iir:o:t, I'harn-s J. ISrmier. .Inn. I. ,I.irkle; I .itincll llli'll. Jl-!!.!. HenilnckH, Kit. M. lllleller, )lelir I 'li'llK-Ill, I'll:.?.. Ni-nscliUiell, .1. '. Irwin, .bilm Howei:, It. K. i ii s .,!;!. it -loliii i'. Miller; Town C'lerl:, Ia in Hewirt ; i;,.i..i:.;ii c'olli'e.i-r, Soioiniiii W..M-r; Huron;1! Ti-cjh-uri-i, .M. i). (ejrh;irt ;, li.-o. 11, Ki-nii, TIiuh. (I. r.mpi-r: .'.s.i.siaiii Asm-KMOn. I. S.iio.slir, Kin'l Wil 1 . rr, 'I'. M. I'tirxcl. H. Y. I'ryhni; ; street riiiiriiirfsniii- j J ',!):'.'."' I I'! , n . li. .1. Iw.. ill. Sain. Hi li.lrlcks .l.ilin Ij-nli. r, .lutui il -r niii-t!iifs nf t'ie lloiuueji 1'i.iim-il aie tu-l.l le- e.iuaeil -haliits-r, uvi-r tiie .No.- 1, i limine h..Uf.i- uil -iiiui stree., en lie- nisi, i-i-.m! a ml 1 1 1 i . I Tui.l:iy o- u: L's oi' i-.n-ii in III. i. "liurolicsi-i F Mil nbiiry 1 1.. M' -l'oin-t Ilpisini :il Iiur. :i, A-.i a rei '. K. v. i. S. .1. V. Hem- 'lll-Mtllllt . A. '. ll.v.itt, . lather . I.M...ver, aMi-r. ! it.- l're.bter:aii I'Jnii M.lK. ..pi I , it-' Alllllkell. pi'slcr. I he l.llllli lall riiiireh. T i.r.l tr.- I 1-. ,l. j :-.-. I ae reiol.-iieit ('Inn ,iel i n, l I: . in-. sii-.s-l.-. liev. c. S. lii', paster. I I.- i! t'.i rnnreli, si.nlii Ki.urtli V. .-.. i.s-.-r. i!i,-ri,si',,,..l l':il!li-!l. lllii.t.lWi'V si I.-, Ki" . - : . 't",i,- l:,.il..:i C..t!l. lie I'lili:. 'l. Xleb street t I. lull.;', v-!ci . 111! Seeret SiilcllrK of"-iinliir. l'ii;! riie Sons of Avkhica. VaBliitnlon mil., N.. 1". . S. of A., Ine-'tH 111 Ki-d Tltetl'rt Hall, It:, 111 .1 V t 1 . 11 11;'. Market stm t, every Tnesd iy evenuii. Si...ii,'!i..iiii;i I'liiiiiunn'li'rv, So. . M. A., 1'. . S. of A., in.-etH tt-e.ud 'J'hllrsiliiy oi eacli niiititli, in ltriiit'a lel la. M-iikel sipuri-. W.i.-hiiiiTell 4 T.1111 1. No. I'M lile.-ts i',.-ry Molld.iy evi-ll-111 tte.l Mi l s Mall. KM.iii i- !' J'VTHIA-. Kaalern Star lidj.-e. No. Ha, i Kii:;!!i rilliiua; nieitri I'very Wednesday i.t-uinpT, i,tt!idiiif, eorin r 'l liiid nml Market slri-ela. I in r.-'icn: l..!iii Loilee, o, 4!i,, Ili:yiiis oi 1'yinii.H, ini-i-is !i-i.-i t . i.l.iy -veiiiin; in r.riilii's HiuKliiiL", corni-r of I 't 'lli.t 111.. I Market strei'ts. I iM.i i KM'isi iiiii.KHor nn t'n .i.ow. Knit A11 HiHta t!.,iliellt. No. HO, 1. IP. of II. 1'., lileeta ou I tiie first a.i.l third Monday nf each inonth. at their hall ' i:i I'l 111. li- lilildni, cor. 'l'liird at. and Market square. 1 Siiiil,ii:y Lode,-, No. i:l. 1. 11. of 11. i'., nic-ta every : s.itutdai i-i.-i.ia, in CI' nieutV luiiMeij.-, Market aipiare. Anna;.-, So. V'., Uegnv of lteljeka, I. O. of I . i In. -.-M o.i tiie aei-ond unit fonrttl Mutiitay of ejrtl i lil.ilitll. in ("ement'H Hall Market aollare. 1 .nt Augusta Lodge, No. 6J, 1. . nf O. ., liners rviTv 'I'iio. I. iy veiiin',', in l'ripiiij "m lmildiatf. s.ivp.iii.ioN Patkiotio KNioiirs. I.atiee and Shii-ld Cm-: ii.-. No. 11, S, P. K., iiiee Hiisitid and fourth Mi.ikI.iv 1 M ilium of each uioiith, iu llrinlit's 1 .11 1 1. 1 1 iitr. inr. 'i jin-'l and .Market streets. I'siiKii A.,ii:ieN MkciiaM!'-. Brady Council, No. '-'-1, 11. 1 . A. M., iu-ls every Friday i-veniiipT, la Clr-Ini-lit's l.iliiitine, Murk.-t square. I vii-iiovrn iiiti.rit op- 1Ip:ii Mkn. Sho-ho-ino-kiu 'I' til.:. No. lilt, I. O. U. M., l!i--la every 'rhursday evi-n-1111', 111 their hull, ll.iiii t 's buililiiiK, Maikel strei t. 1 imiss. No. !, A. V. M. meets ill Masouie Hall, Tliird stnel, on nielit of full inooii. IlKOTitrnnooii IxHiouoTtvE Kniiin:i Hi. Siintiury Iiillmm. No. IIH, II. lit J,. 1'.., liie. tH the first nud third Niiudar of e n h inonth, 1 u third floor of the l'ost Office liiildii't. Third .Ii!. 11. I': A. M. Mason Couneil, No. 1:11, meeta every Thursday tiiKht, at llo ii chamber, in Cleiiient's liall, .Mnik.'t pqiiare. i"linpi1eilnttfl Co. ttlrr. I"i iiideut JudRC, William M. Rockefeller ; Associates, .F..SI 1 h Nicely ; Prothonotarv-, L. T. Kobrhac-h 5 Sheriff, S. II. Kothermel ltepister and Recorder. Lt-iuiii-1 Shiji 1110 11 ; Truaaiirer, John Haa ; Coiuiniasjoiiers, Anion Vastltie, J, a. Durham and llauiel K, Iteiti ; Jury (I0111-iiii-ki.iih ih, lianiel M. Swart., and Win. H. Leijihow ; Coroner, Frederick lli-aser ; Auditors, .1. M. Folllm-r. J. I'.. Mt uiieh and Joseph Fisely ; County Attorney, Win. l.'s.a,,!-; . r,-ml hi pprii-er. I'-.niil I imi l 'iu dler. The Con fessioiiN of an Invalid, Pub lished as a warning and for the benefit of Yoiin Men and others who 6tifler from Nervous Debili ty, Loss of Manhood, etc., supplying the means of Self-Cure. Written by one who cured himself nfter undergoing considerable quackery, and sent irec on receiving a post paid directed envelope. Sufferers are invited to address the author. I XiTlltVIHI. MATPlIR Kcpt4,74-G.n. p. O. Pox 153, Brooklyn, N. T. ToCaititaliMts, To Jlfn of .Media m .TO oh n m, siikI to all Wishing IIomh-h mid thus Avoid Iay in Kculs. liy reference to the Walsontown Record and Sunbury "Gazette" will be seen a full and morl explicit description of the property I offer for sale, either in lots or by the acre. But what e wish to more particularly firing before the pub lic is the LIBERAL TERMS on which they are offered. I will SELL LOTS from Aoo to nn.f I Lands bv the ACRE from S-JOO in j to the location. Tr.KMs : Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, the buiauee in time and amounts t0 suit ourchasors, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with legal interest from day of sale. Tin: streets and alleys will beo;.eued as fast as lots are sold, so that all maybe approached with ease. Al! iiorsons w ho are now itiviio' mil ,n l... : an opportunity of securing a homo for less mo- "'w WT1 ""W THR0WX Any person wishing . hoo tlm l;u;ds or htt i m-;h ..,i .i .... , "m .1(1 im mi, n nt: ii tri v oiiw'jriunily will he pri-seinei; 10 ine piIDlic. In addition to the lands above referred to I now oiler for sale THREE DWELLING HOU SES, situate on Water street, iu Watsontown bo rough, the oue being the large and commodious Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, nil of said dv.elliugs having the neeessarv niitliiiil.i;,,.. lmmctnaic use. For further information call on or address J. M. FOLLMEU, Watsontown, Pa. October 1S7.!. 1 yr. Q At Hieknry Corners. the 24th September, WILLIAM N. ROBIN'S, son of Dr. W. W. Robins, aged l'J years. 0 months and 1 days. The deceased was an interesting bor aud was n . , i .. ..,.! n .....i; j school when taken sick, and returned to his home on Tuesday, and continn.rt to get worse j until Thursday morning when he expired. In 1 his death the parents sustain a great loss. The father being disabled by paralysis, the son was looked upon by them as their future liojie. SIXIURV HAStKKTS. ScxBOtr, Oct. 1, 1874. Oka in Wheat per bushel 2.4(Kni.50 " prime white 1..riO(7tl.GO " Rye per bush 7.rrd 80 ' Com " 75c"' SO . " Oats " 50, m Flock Extra Family pr bbl 8.75(5 9.00 (lommoii Ii.50r7ii-7.00 Buckwheat ."i.OO ' Fkf.ip Corn & Oats Chop pr I'M lb l.Wlfa'J.OO Shorts fc Mixture l.5(Xii-1.7." PuTAToKs. ike New per buhe! 1 .iXK-i 1 .25 Provision Ham per lb liVd'O Shoulder pr lb U'n IS Bacon pr lb 10fi-l2 Beef, retail pr lb 14C'C-" Veal, do do lOfijlS Dried Reef pr lb 2:btM Pofl.Tuv Chickens, dressed pr lb 15(t,lS Do. live weight UKj 12 Bi'TTr.n Primepi-r lb n(X7i 05 Ecus lYrdozcn ISfirJO jlcbi .iJbrrtismcnts. .1. Merr;! I.iai:. Aii.trew II. Pill. Franli. S. Marr. I IW, IIILIi V MARK, ATTORNEYS AT I. AAV, In Haupfs Building, Market Street. SINBL'RV, aug.7,lti7-l. Northumberland Co., Pa. OKlII.N OI KT SAI.K or V A L L' A B L F. R E A L E STATE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, Till be exposed to sale by public vendue or outcry, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER lii, 1S71, On the premises, in Lower Mahanoy township, in Mahantoiico Valley ,the following Real Estate, to wit : Purpart No 1. A Tract of I.n ml. situate in Lower Malnnoy township, Northum berland co'inty, r.., intjoinlng lands of Mi'-h.-iel Heckert and Kmanuc Heckert, purpart No. 3, of i-stato of Philip Heckert, decease J, Win. Uinga maii, Adam Kudysill uud others, coutaiuing 10'J Acres ami ItiO perches, whereon are erected a large FRAME DWELLING HOUSE Jb BANK BARN, Wagon Shed, Spring House, and all necessary out buildings. Cider Press, an Orchard with choice fruit. The tract is In a high state of cul tivation, n ml well watered by running springs. Also, Purpart No. S. A tract of land, situate j in Lower Mahanoy township, Northumberland j county. Pa., adjoining lands of George Brosious, John Patrick, Win. Dcppin and others, contain- i ing 53 Acres and m Perches, nliout 10 acres of i which arc well timbered, the balance in a good j stati; of cultivation, and weil watered with run-' ning springs ; late the estate of Philip Heckert, j de-eased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. in., on said day, when the conditions of sale will be made known bv 1 EM L HKCKEKT. Administrator of Philip Hecuert, dec. j Lower Mahanoy. Sept. IS, 17I. rtiii ahm: FARM FOR SALE. TILL UE SOLD AT ITP.LIC SALE. AT tin Court. Hoii-ie, in the lioionh of Sun bury, on Nttl urcluj , October il, 171. tin" followini; desnibed real e-itate, to wit c-ertain TRACT OF LAND, situate in the township of I'pper Annsta, Nor thumberland county, la., about one uiiln from t lie borouirh of Stmbiiry. called "The Spring Mill Kami," ailjoinin lands of John '.. Haas. Geo. Cnnrm). Charles Rcinhait, John V. Kryiin and .Martin Gasf. eontaiiiin more or less, nearly all cleared and ir. irood slate of eitltivation, on whieli are erected a two -tory Log Dwelling House, M Hank There H;im, Wilson Shcil, and out build kilts. ilso 011 saiil preinii-esa variety of friiit trees anil a never failinrr Spiin of Water. This farm wil! be sold as the property of Oeo. j C Welker, dee'd, iu whom wus the title of the i undivided wven-eiirlith, aud of Mrs. Sarah I. j Welker, in whom is the title of the undivided i one-eighth. j Sale 10 commence at 1 o'clock, p. in., of said j ilav when the conditions will be made known bv OEOROK HILL, j Executor of (ieo. C. Welker. dee'd, i sarah i. welker: Sunbury, Sept 4, l74.-4t. 1 Adiilinistrutwr's ot . "VO'ITCE is hereby jjiveu, that letters of ml- i La mii.istration havintr been granted lo the j undersi'iiied on the estate of Josiali W. Horel, ; late of Lower Mahanoy township, Northumber land county. Pa., deceased. Ail persons indebt- ed to said e-tate arc requested to make iinmcdi- j ate payment, anil those havintr claim, will pre- : sent them duly authenticated for settlement. B. M. 15 LB II, Adininistralor. ' Lower Mahanoy twp., Auj;. 7, lSTl.-Ot. j 171. TALL .MILLINERY. 187-1. Selected with fireat taste nml care have been opened at Miss L. SHISSLER'S Store, llHrket Square, KI'.Mtl HV. !.. all the new shapes iu II A T S A N D HONXETS. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Ac., u;id ull kiiuls of Millinery Oood:i. Fancy Oihm!s of every description, lionnets am! 11 its trimmed in the most expeditions man ner with tht utmost precicion. A fall line of ladies' taps- Call and examine before pnrchaa iiii: elsewhere. MISS L. SHISSLER. WATI IIFS, JEUEIiRY A SII,VKK WARE, John W, NteveitMon, Corner Tliird ami Market Sts, Kuuburj', HAS completuly renovated his Store Room, and opened the largest nfsortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing iu the Jewelry line is kept In store. Silver-Hare, Ilracelflkv, Ming; A Chain, of evury description and of the fluest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing Watehes, dork1. Jewelry, Ae. nAIR JEWELRY made to order. Siiiiburv. Mireh . 174. TOTHSi BtvTofl0 LarSr5t St0ck f Skoves in the -'out.v of the '.ateBt irapioved B V flf J. 33. REED'S Ne? Store ad Bum EstaMistasit, W Street, cppGsite Central Bfe SUNBURY. PA. My sto-k consists ot'tli'. followin2 COOK AND Regulator Co?k, Corn bi nation. Palace. Iron King. Ceiiteiinijl, ' tiiul ! a kiry. Vtiriott- oi I Cotik toL olii and o u ! ail2?S alwive I J uanu or procured to order. f Also a large assortment of repairs of all kinds for the Con'15 1 regulator Cook Stove. I have the largest assortment of Stoves ever seen in SuikT? tnat w",n be sold at prices to suit the times. Tinware aod Sheetirrv nare of erery dewnption in large quantity. Also an aMortment of Cleveland non-explosive Lam- amVjvfeVlL10- The Public Sunbury, Sept. 25, 1874. WAXTKD AOKXT8 for th "Fife nd Exploratlona of Pr. JjYliigttone," Complete, luthrntic, a fresh hook. lTice m lied to the timep. Aililrvsp, B. B. RrSSKLL, Publisher; Boston, Mcs. Oct. 5, 4w. Arentii "Vaiitel lor rrof. FMVLEB.N GKEAT WORK 4a Manhood, WoioaiiLcHMl and thfir Mntural Int?r Kulnuunc ; ljvo. It Lews. Pow-r, rtir. Ar -nt are wll iii K from I"to '2S copiet a tijy. Sud for Npeclnifu I'Bges and terrurf to AenM, iul h why it rvllit faster than any rt!ier took. Addn N TIONAf ITDLISHING CO., Hniwlpli-U:, V. (h-t. 4w. KYE AXD EAK I VSTITI TE. Trof tor of Kye nd Ear PieaMM lu the Vuiveittftv of Md., HUnCKON IN rilAROK. Tbu Iustitufitm, establihbed iu tne of the lui- and flup"t dwlliiJt'! in the rity of Baltimore, i thoroutrbly organized and littpd Kp uiiii every caveiiietire for the exi:lii!-'ive trttn',Tit of yteriinp wiffrii.-jf from Kye aud Ka-ii jiatinut Imh a ctiuintxr to hiuilff mid rceiv eTry uncntioi: frtm akilled mirae. The SurHOii with hit family reid-? iu !h Institute, very jrrat ioiiviiieiu: t tUe Hirkf ei:iaiiy tbOM opentHl upon, who i hd l vwittrt at ail tinn-a aud at a motut-nt 'a notice. Jf'Tlio defiiriiif! infornmtion will fij-vlr Tr letter to Jl'LIAN J. f HTSOI.'M. Sf. D. 55 Frankiin St., IJ.tltnimr, Md. icf. 1t 4tr. POSTPONEMENTS IMroSSlpj.E. -K20-- wlLL BUY A First Mortgage I'rcmiiiin Boii.l OF THE N. T. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION CO., Authorize! by the Legislature nf the Suite of X. Y. ; 2d Premium Drawing, Doc. 7, 1M74. 3d Nerios Drawing, Jan. 4. 1M71 ; KVEKY BON'T will 1 Redeemed with a Premium, a an eiitiivulent for Iuterent. CAPITAIj PKE.MII II, 9100.UOO. ! A.l.lrers fur Bonds aud full ion. .TIOKGENTHAI, IIKI WO A ( .. FinancUl AKeuts, 21 PAKK ROW, X. Y. 1. O. MIAWKR 29. Oct. 2, i:-.v. Tin: v iiami.i.n )ItG..Vr CO., wiliuplii i.f thiee niprnent MeiUIa and Dllili:t:.i of Ili.iair st Vip-mia. 7:i, and l'arin, '5T, now offer tiiiest u-wrt- mp-nt iu,ii.ft orvraua in the world, tnciudw tew nitiu with iiiiy.rivt'iiieuti. nut only excluwri'iy twr forinly but almi uu new jilniua of eaay Tiiieii:, the mot fuvitmlile rt-n c-Creil. Orir.i:: re.-iteiliAitti lce nf inrvh.ii t almimt any pun uf tiie cijiiatry. firmi p7ment t,'.Hjriii.-ariti. Iilurlicai -j'uea aoil f'ircnlan, with full i-.k-iiIpp, iprnt f re i.n rv.ii. at. Addrma MASON HAMI.IN ORliAN l.. Boston, Xew York or C'liicaico. Oc'. 2, 4tr WAN'TED-AOENTH for the Bert Sall inx Artirlex iu the world J2.UO aorta o: ivmi'lrn gixtu aany to thiwe who will beeonie ageuti". J. BRIDE k i., TBI Bmadway, X. Y. Oct, 3, 4w. FIRST UIt A.M i!FT ( UMEKT. Montpelier Female Humane Association, AT AIXXASDBIA, VA. X.iVKIIKF.R 33. 171. LIST OT OIFTN. 1 Ilriii.l TaaU Gift jliio.caai 1 Orand C'aah (tilt 5il.iS 1 clrand Cash (lift li.iaKI 111 faali OlftH, 1 111,1am each luoaaw IS C'aah Oiftn, 5,0110 each 7.msi .VI Cash Cilfta, l,Wleaeh at),IH lii Vh fiilfa, SOU each IW.ixM J.iaai I'ashOnta, lotleach lHO.iaKI l.iauM'aah liifta, SO oarh 30.UUO Jl.lKllie'ai'tiClllt", 31 each 4oU,lloU M.1 "H Caah fiifta, anioiiutitg to. 1,000,0110 . i OF TICKETS, 1OO.O00. i vh,ie Tukws -o. Halvra jiiarten. ! h.iKlitiia ui 1 eU) ,.u i. ' .''.. liekcta lor I 1 lie .ili.liIC!ir iruiui niiiiwur,,i.n;.iHii,t.unii.. j eJ by the I-KisUlure of Vlrifinia and the Circuit Court , nf iraliKe Co,. j.roH.pis ly a flrand Ciifl Concert to e- I taWiah and endow a "Honie for tiie old. Infirm, and ! lt,ni Ij.Hm of V,rM.i. " ut Moutl.rll.-r. the tormr ! n-Miletiee ot frenident Jalnea Madloti. 1 (hlTKKNOH's OmCK, KlcHHOtiB, July 3, 1ST4. j It utforda ni" pleaaure toaay tluit 1 ani well uciiuamt- I ...1 vliii n I.....M nii-iiiiifv nf Ihe Mi.iitiM.lier KirniMle - ! Hiiinar.e Aaaoi ution, who nuide ill the Twriuity of my A ' Ii e, and I. ttet tlieir intelliKi.ii.-e aud their worth and Jutrh ifipiitntnni uu iff iitlf ri-u, h. wWl ttn th Ltihlir cu- j t!tli:cet infl'ieiicf uud suNf: ntiul ni-irif ht-rj!y rr i j. 1 -ut ml u 1 mi it Thfiii. t IAMKS L. Kr.LPKU, (iov. Viiginw. Al.KAMi:i.. Va., Inly m, K4. I coiutucuu tU-ni xut tt honor an-i iutoyrity, iinti tuliv eutiTl(U 10 th coiin)iit-"i of th jnbhtr. - It. W. Hl'iiHKS, I. H. 4np jifi'ii Dml.of V. Fiirth'T rfT,iiit'i by erniiMtii : Hw Kn-llfiii-y ! (illTt WaikiT. Kx-M)riit-r nf a. : Hon. l;orvrt K. t ViThTM. I.iiit. -ov. of Va. ami t". S. Kf-nnttir !( : j Soiiutom Memlit-tf of ii'iinvH from Va. j Krituttam- for tirkftn may rumlf ly n t-h ,.r..j iMiil. l 'ltttHilUff nioiiT-orl r on ;tK(i:uKtou, I. i l.v reiflstere.1 letti't. t or Illll I-iirijeiliarn, irHiini.PiiiMi.-, r.uu , cut..r. Address. HON. JAMES BAltlinfU, 1 rr.a'T M. F. H. A., alksanhri.., a. lte liable itjeiits wanted everywhere. KM. J, Aw. t '.. ..... - 1 ....... ...I.. I... .... l-"r I C'OLMIS, COL1 )S, 1 10 AKSENESS, AND ALL TII HO AT DISEASES, WKI.I.V CAItltOMC TAIILF.TS. l-t T Fl'UNI.V IN BI.CK. IluXf s. ATHIEI) AND SURE HEM ED Y. l.v Iri.'y:ts. O.-t. -'. 4w. B mm S. c o . s. 1 3 -Z 2 m, s K P 5 "3 O 9 t r 0 9 A C 1-3 a ; I P Children to Bind Ont. THE Overacera of tho Poor of the borough of Sunbury, have In their charge several chil dren of different agea, supported from the taxes of the borough, who nnder the law can be bound out. Persons desirous nf obtaininff either boys or girls would do well by conferrins; with the un dersigned. FREDERICK MERRILL, (.FORGE HARRISON, SEB. HOUUHNER. Overseers of the Poor. Snnbnrv. An?. 1?. 1T4. Hm. STOTE PARLOE r . Z . ff . .1. . rx vioruuig jjiim i':r lr S'nvf and Doulile Jleattr. Ionic Deliglt Hadiant-Ioiiif. ' TwilUU ami a large assotiiicot fu rthers, such Gas Butiers, Egg Stores, Etc., Etc. ii n pi iTim t"i and Spoutmg are respectfully invited to call aiuU Dr. C. M. Martin. Gfo. W. Bloom MEV DRUG STORE, Ub. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BnilJini, Miry, Pa. DR. C. 31. MARTIN & CO, HAVE just received a fre?li lot tif Pure Prng and Patent medicine?. We have nlo a. full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, N.-ii'.,CIothe,Shoe and other brnIie. TOILET AND FAXCY ARTICLES. rtNE E.TTKACTS, POTKET BOIK-S KSIVES, 4C Af. REED'S GRAND DCCnESS COLOGNE, the ?"veetest perfume iu America. ritrisian,a Kid Olove 1Tath. warranted to clean perfectly the most eliadeo without injury to the" kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, SECARS, THE BEST IX MARKET, Pure Wine and Liquor-, for medical purposes. Phygii-ians Prescriptions and family leeeipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fard'-al-insr to receive a share of your patronage. September 11, H73. CENTRAL DRUG STORE I r.V. P-B-cXdvllader la the place to buy pure and fresh MEDJCINES, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PEUFUMEIIY, NOTIONS. CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR purposes, and all other arti cles usually kept in a first-class Dru Store. special a'.lenilOD paid tO Compounding pre- i scriDtious ami faruilv receints bv comnetent an .. " tlruggists. I am prepared to fiirni-.h in ipanntities to mil purehasers and at Philadelphia priec, CALCINED PLASTER, -PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING I1AIR. Portland, Roman, Roeudale and Lehiuh CEMENTS, Ijind Plaster for Fanners, Timothy and C'ver Seeds. Also, Garden Seed of-all kinc'a Gall and get a Rural Ret'icter for 174. GEO. B. CAD V A LL A DE1L Sonbnry, Feb. , l74.-ly. W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, IN WELKER'S BUILDING, .Ifrket Street, SIXBIRY, IA. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Driiiririfts' Faney Goods, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, PUTTY, &C, ' constantly on hand. mm k. - ii bp -c r o t k . ; ! Particular attention paid toeoiiiponiiiiin'4 phy , iiiciiins prescription!, and family n-eeiptn. , . i , cuiii-nr. , .Api 11 m. i-(. ' - . ..... j rvivc - T r it t T'I . .'I.ll.f. Geo. Evans & Co., i 014 ArftllvOt Stn'Ot I'll U-uli'll ill ' ' I ' 1 TAILOKS and .MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Band & Fire Organiziition-i promptsy unifoimd. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. 1 , ""ir the leaduiz house on Military rort. 'e fee! that we can offer inducement which enn- not be attained any where 0!. Jan. 2X 187-.'. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, 1ESPECTFVLXY inform the citizens t'nit. V he has Jtist rceeiveil Ills Spring wimI Snmuier UihhIh. at hi. TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street. below M.irket. iu the Mnllen buildinir, and that he is jwjaired to make" np all kinds of GKXTS AD BOY'S SI ITS, of the latest style. Unvint; had much esperi ence in the business he desires the public to siYo him a trial. Clothing will he made np in tb latest Paris and American Fashions in the most s;.tisfaetor manner. al-'. J. CHARLES MAIHL. New Millinery Store. iIStES L. tt S. WEISF.P. Having rcmovcil their Millinery Store into tb large bnililin-r adjoining Zettlcmover's itore store, on Market Street, whew ihey have ju-l opeiii-d a lari;e and elegairt ;iwtnv.nt of Fasiliioitaltlv Miliiuerjr Uo!. enibraeinii everyUinr unnally kept in . well slocked Milliueiy cstahlishment. Tlplr rtoek ts entire new and com-ist of the latest Nctv York and rhihulelpbin Styles, DRESS MAKING j in all its braai-fce U1 reeeive particular atten tion, INFANT ROBES IN STOCK. Terms reasonable and sutUfaction e uaranteed. Cuttinti and Fitting attended to, and Children's aud Bovs clothins; made to order. MISS L. WEI9ER, MISS S. WEISER. Snnbury, April 17, 18T4. C hild reu otteu look Iale and Sirk from no other cause than having worms in tho stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury ta ic childV bcintr perfectly WniTE.and from t&the coloring or other injurious ingredients wuali? nsfd'. ia, worm pre)mrations. CURTI3 & BRfW-S, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New l'orio.. Sold by Ih-vtpjisti ami Chemis't, and denier ! Medieitu at Twestt-I'ivk Cknts a Bot -fiiH-1?. lV7--1v. '