Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 25, 1874, Image 3

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    guntarB American.
Railroad Time Tabic.
N. C. R. W., East.
Philn. Ex. t.30 a m
Klniira Mail,l'40 a m
Krie Mail, '.-Oiam
."ugnra Ex. 8.40 p m
P. & E. R. R. West.
Eric Mail, fi.'-'O a m
Niagara Ex. 12.20 r m
EliuiraMail 4.10 pm
Fast Line, C.50 p m
vi viii iiT ivn ifmsrOWN K. It.
Leave Sunbury for Lcwistown at C.o a. in.,
nnJ 4.20 p. m.
Arrive at Suubury from Lcwistown at l.M
and C.40 p. in.
Express, 12 45 p m Mail, 'J.25 a m
Mail, -25 p m Express, -i-n t P ,u
u accommodation train leaves Shamokiu at
7.10 a m, arriving at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a in.
Ueturing, leave Mt. Carmel at 6.15 y m, arriv
ing ut Sliaruokiu C.45 p ni.
Lackawanna fc Siakimmiiku R. R. Tiuins,
leave Northumberland as follows (.t.45 a. m.,
and 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10.55a.m.,aud 5.45p.m.
Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had of
J. Shipiiiaii, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
focal Iffatrs.
OLE tailor in towu and rural districts, are
kept very busy just now in makiug up fall suits.
r.eT your stoves ready for the cold weather.
Dkf.r shooting can now be indulged in legally-
The days and nights were equal last Monday.
A IlorsE An Lot located on one or the prin
ciple streets in Sunbury, wi.l be sold sbeap, on
application to this office. Terms easy.
The Snyder Couuty Agricultural Fair at Mid
dleburg, Snyder couuty will commence on the of October, and will be continued for four
days. It will no doubt be largely attended.
Mast of our young men in town vote for the
first time this fa'.l. They should be sure to vote
on the side of Liberty, Union, and Progress.
Sealeu or Weights and Mr-ATitrs. Thomas
F. Garinger ol this place, has received the ap
pointment of Sealer of Weights and Measures
for Northumberland couuty, by Gov. Hartrauft.
Mr. Gariuger is well qualified for the position,
and will make an efficient officer.
Capt. Javes Shut of Sharaokiu, has taken
the store rrccutly owned by Isaac Moyer, and
put in a large assortment of handsome fall goodB
of the latest styles. The Captain is a young
man of excellent business habit, and deserving
of a large share of the patronage of the Sluiino
kiniles. Samuel Ci lp, & Co., contractors constructing
the culvert across the 'Gut' at the east end of
of Market street, are busily engaged at the
A Goon I kea. Instead of amating boys and
seuding them to jail for btealing fruit, and com
mitting other depredations, the Rev. DcMoycr,
pastor of M. E. Church, of this place, had some
boy sent to Ms studio by their parents, where
he prayed for them. It was no doubt a punish
ment that will be as lasting as lire to those boyf .
The Fair at Miilersburg, Dauphin co., last
w eek, was an entire failure on account of the un
favorable weather. A trial of speed wax made
on Saturday, aud the race was won by a horse
from Minersville. Weleain that the managers
propose holding a horse fair fomc time during
Oetober.dcvoted inclusively to the trial of ejcd.
An Attempt to Rob a Stoke. On Saturday
uit'ht about 1 o'clock, a young lady iu the kitcb.
en in the rear of Messr Driesbach fc Bro.'s gro
cery, hearing a noise, gave an alarm, aud on ex
amination it was fonud that burlars had bored
a hole in the back door of the store, and drawn
the bolt on the inside, by that means entering
the store. On hearing the alarm they fled with
out taking anything of much value.
William Bausf.t, tailing from Noathumber
jand, was driving around town on Saturday last,
in a beastly ftate of intoxication. Policeman
Alexander Mantz arrested Baruet, and had him
committed. The Lorse aud buggy belonged to
Mr. Wallace or Northumberland, and was
boused in Col. NctTs stable.
A toi no man giving his uame as Washburn,
hailing from Williamsport, was arrested on Sat
urday by constable S. P. Bright for indecent ex
posure of his person on the street. It is suppos
ed that he is slightly demented. He was com
mitted, and the authorities of Williamsport
. A Newpapek and a newspaper editor that
people don't tslk about, and sometime abuse,
are rather poor concern. The men and busi
ness that an editor sometimes feels it a duty to
derend at the risk or making enemies of another
class, are often the vcHfcrst to show gratitude.
The editor who expects to receive mnch charity
or gratitude will soon find out his mistake ; bnt
he should go ahead and say aud do what he con
scientiously thinks right without regard to
frowns or t miles,
Frank B. Keli.t, of Danville, was arrested on
Thursday last, for forging an order purjKirting
to be jigned by 8. P. ShafTer on William A. Hel
ler for a suit or clothes. Shaffer happening to
be in town, was asked whether the order was all
right, and lie denied having signed it. Kelly was
committed in default or bail.
HenhT Michael, aged about 17 years, was ar
rested In Jackson township, ou Thursday last,
by constable W. II. Bright, and brought before
Esquire Brice, for threatening to kill his mother
and sisters, and being constantly engaged in
mischievous conduct. He was 6ent to the House
of Refuge several years ago for an attempt to
fomruit rape on a little girl, but rseapod some
time ago and retumed home.
Benjamin- nnx, an employee of the X. C.
Railroad Co., while helping to proi! a hand
truck yesterday, had hi coat caught by the
crank tearing it off his baek, and throwing him
violently over the front of the car to the ground.
He was severely brn'med but receivrd no dange
rous injury. This happeued near the weigh
scales, and i similar to the accident which be
fell young Heiny nt that place not long since.
Shamokin Ilrrald.
Oi r fiieud W.S. Rhode Esq., of Third street,
we observed is considerable of a farmer, and
many would do well to imitate his ei ample.
Early in the spring he enclosed hi lot kuown as
the basin lot, and commenced cultivating it. He
has already from it a good crop of potatoes and
corn, and now we uotice the fiuct lot of celery
almost fit tor use. He will undoubtedly have a
large lot for sale, and will have it iu market soon.
TbU shows thut a small amount of ground' cun
b made, to pay well if the proper exertions are
made, hacked up by industry.
As Orri'ER Ashvi.teh. While constable
Reiser of Upper Augusta was making a levy for
rent in anears at the hotel of A. T. Koble, in
Caketown on Monday last, a desperate assault
was made upon him by Mrs. Koblc who pulled
his whiskers out, and drove him from the pre
mises. She was arrested and put under bail for
her appearance at next court.
Fon SALE.-American Steam Safe. Apply at the
coal office of Haas and Fagely, or residence of
J. V. Haas. Market St., Sunbury.
We direct attention to the advertisement of J.
R Reed, in another column. Those who are in
w,int of stoves will find the largest variety at
his establishment.
Accidents on the Railroad. Wm. Isaacs,
a miner living at Water Station, came to Sha-
mokia on Saturday evening to make some pur
chases, and did not start home uutll late in the
eveuiue. He had a heavy basket, and sat down
on the railroad near Greenback to rest, and fell
asleep. The 10.30 passenger on the Reading
road wakened him by running over bis toot,
rruHhine it so that it had to be amputated. He
lay at the place where hurt all sight, and was
found on Sunday morning. His sufferings
through the night must have been terrible.
" .Shamokin Herald.
1'nios Park and Aorici iti ral Association
The Eutry Books of the association will be
opened on Monday next at the drug store of Geo.
B. Cadwallader, on Market street, and will be
closed on Tuesday evening, Sept. 2tth. No
goods will be received npon the grounds later
than Wednesday morning, Sept 30. All persons
are requested to have their goods entered as ear
ly as possible In order to save confusion and loss
of time during the first day of the Fair.
By order of the Exocutive Committee.
V. H. Mf ORE. See'ry
The Firemen Excursion. If there is any set
of men more entitled to a day of enjoyment and
recreation than another It is the firemen. Their
work is of the most luborous kind, they risk life
and limbs, and that, too, for nothing. No hard
ship is too bard for them to endure when the fire
demon in euveloping our homes and destroying
the property which has been earned by the sweat
of the brow during many long years. Let the
cry of fire be souuded ut the midnight hour, the
firemen, enjojing sweet repose iu the arms of
morpheus, is aroused, an 1 without thought,
rushes to the scene of damage, and at once plys
his hands and strength to save the property of
Lis neighbor. There are no questions asked as
to pay. The labor is performed with a will and
no remuneration asked. There is, we repeat,
none who are more deserving of a day's enjoy
ment, and wherever these noble organizations
exist, the citizens thould lend them their aid in
giving them pleasure as an cucourageiiicrt to
keep them united to perform the noble work in
which they are engaged.
Wc were happy to tee that Washington '
Steam Fire Company of this place, ou Tuesday j
morning start on an excursion to Lock Haven to j
visit their brother firemen of that city. It w;is
an indication that they wi-h to learn and be
come better acquainted with each other, and to ;
return with plcasureable recollections to be
cherished in the future. In the lead was our cf- .
ficient Chief Burgess, Sol. Mallck, Esq., who ;
accompanied them. In their visit to Lock Ha
ven aud Williamsport they had a pleasant dis
appointment ; their trip being a continued ova
tlou. The kiud treatment received at the hands
of the firemen and citizens have made a lasting
impression, and u their return home we hear
nothing but praise or the splendid reception j
given them iu our neighboring cities. The j
Washington boys returned home ou Wednesday i
evening, and were received ly me uooa iniciii
Fire Company and Steam Fire Engine Company,
No. 1, haded by the Boys in Blue Drum Corps,
and escorted from the depot through several of
the main streets in torch light procession to
their hall.
We copy the following accounts of their re
ception from the Lock Haven aud Williamsport
papers :
TnE Visiting Fireman. Yesterday wasa gala
one with the firemen of this place, aud at an early
hour in the morning it was easily seen by the
commotion in the streets that some important
event iu the history of the Lock Haven Fire De
partment was to "take place. Large numbers
gathered at the depot, and when the train ar
rived, w hich was halt an hour late, there were
two or three hundred persons present. The
Lock Haven silver cornet band played a lively
air, and headed by Chief Barken and Foreman
McG ill the visitors were escorted to Henderson
street, where the line of march was taken np.
Ou Main street, in front of the Oira House, they
halted and were addressed by Mr. &. R. Pcale,
ou half of the Mayor aud citizens. He was fol
lowed by the Mayor of Suubury, and Mr. T. C.
Hippie made a few felicitous remarks. The line
of march was again resumed, aud at two o'clock
thty proceeded to the Lock Haven Driving Park
to i itness some tests of equine speed. At night
they had a ball at the Old Court House grove,
which was decidedly successful, and the event
will always be cherished in the memory of our
firemen and those of Sunbury with the most
pleasurable recollectious.
From the Williamitjmrt JDnlUtin and Gn-ttte of
Parade Through I he Principal
Street off he City.
Washington Fire Company, No. 1, of Sunbury,
arrived from Lock Haveu shortly after 11 o'clock
this forenoon, and were met at the depot by the.
Paid'Departtueut, and a few of the city officials.
As Mayor Powell was necessarily absent from
the city, Ex-Mayor Starkweather was called
upon to make the welcominir address. That
gentleman said it seemed hardly appropriate for
hitn to receive the firemen of Suubury as guests
of the city, but in view of the absence of Mayor
Powell, aud in view of the position he held during
the great conflagration, when they so nobly re
sponded to the call for assistance, he felt some
what identified with their visit, and was there
fore not so reluctant as he would have been un
der other circumstances. It was unfortunate the
Mayor and Chief Engineer were absent from the
city when their letter signifying their intention
to visit Williamsport arrived, hut if their en
tertainment was not what was expected he
begged them not to look upon it as any fault of
the heart. Well did he remember with what joy
he witnessed their arrival in the city on that
eventful morning when the red flame was sweep
ing through the mill yards, and he was glad to
meet them this morning. The Chief Engineer
would do all he could. The Department had
been transformed from the volunteer to the paid
svstera, and no imposing display could be made,
but the men of the Paid Department were among
those identified with the volunteer body, and he
could pledge the same warm feeling, and the
same desire to make their stay a pleasant one.
And iu behalf of the city he welcomed them to
its hospitalities.
Three cheers were given Dy tue sunoury ure-
men. I
Sol. Malick, Esq., Chief Burgess of Sunbury,
responded. They had come to W illiamsport
ouly to sec, and did not expect any public demon
stration. The firemen or Sunbury were anxious
to 6ce the improvements that had been made
where once so stoutly they battled the demon.
They were so hospitably entertained when here
last spring, that thry lelt they were portion al
most or Williamsport.
They had been more than entertaincc in l.ock
Ilaveu. Their mission there wa a peculiar oue.
When the Lock Haven firemen visited Sunbnry,
they captured a hat, that had probably been used
to muzzle cannon at Bunker Hill. Their mission
was to regain it. 1 hey had done so, and there it
was in line. But the Suubury boys had been
tripped or their stars and even their neck ties,
in the engagement. Lock Haven, however, re
fused their money, aud gave them such an ova
tion, that were it Lot for the welcoming speech
of the Ex-Mayor, they would not know w hether
they were in Williamsport or not. w lien inai
thrilling despatch reached Sunbury that William
sport was iu trouble, the boys responded. Un
fortunately he was Iett bctiind, w iieu me men
moved off drawn by the Iron hore, iiui ii is oesi
wishes followed them that success would early
crown their efforts. It was a duty devolving
upon Sunbury, for they did not know how soon
the day might come when they would need the
assistance of Williamsport firemen, and it was
well to have such friends to aid in quelling tne
firev demon. They accepted the welcome wi;h
open hearts.
three clieers anu auger were gnen iui-
Williainsport firemen.
The line then moved up Fourth street, headed
by the Lewisburg cornet baud, and upon the re
turn was reinforced by the Sunbury engine, it
having been unloaded at Walnut street crossing.
After a march through the city, the vn-itors
were escorted to the Hall of Iudewndeut Club,
and from there marched to the Brant House,
where at the present writiug they are partaking
of a sumptuous dinner, prepared under the su
pervision of Mr. Page, w ho is a bot in such an
The Ij-w sbur'' baud Maveu wen, ine ureuieu
looked well, their engine is a beautiful one, and
upon the w hole Sunbury is creditably represent
ed by this well disciplined and finely uniformed
We trust that they will not regret their visit
to our city, even 11 we were not fully prepared to
receive tlicni.
Arm Amp tatei. John T. Hulluaglc one of
our county commissioners, had one of his arms
amputated a few days ago. Most of our readers
will recollect that Mr. Hulluaglc fell about a
year ago and broKe it, 6ince which time it has
given him a great deal of paiu. The opperation
was successfully performed by Dr. B. I. agen-
scller, assisted by Dr. Priestley, both of Selius
gaove. Mr. Hulfnagle is, his numerous frieuds
will be glad to hear, getting along finely. -Vi-dlebnrg
Refreshments on the Fair Gkoi nii. The
ladies of the M. E Church, will keep a table or
refreshments, such as Hot Coffee, Oysters, Sand
wiches, Ac. ou Fair Ground, during the continu
ance or the Fair next week. Eels will be served
at their table on the ground, during the after
noon or Thursday. As the object is a benevolent
one, give them a call.
Careless Shooting. Complaints hnve fre
quently been made of parties in search of game,
on farms in this vicinity, in regard to careless
shooting. Farmers working in their fields are
frequently exposed to danger, and in a number
of cases have made narrow escapes from being
hot. Mr. G. W. Stroh. while passing over the
frm nfH. P. Wolvcrton. above town, which he
is rarming, on several occasions had leaden pcl-
i.ta in hiitle around his head. On one occa.
sion the shot st ruck a horse. Such careless gun
ners should lie looked artcr and severely dealt
James A paws died suddenly on Sunday mom
i ir A rimiia wns for sixteen vears the cap
tain of a cannl boat, in the employment of W.
F. Naglc. He was well known on the canal.and
was in some sort the Bean Brummcllof his class,
his distinguishing feature being an excessive
neatness in his attire. About eight years ago
i, ... ininred while loadinz his boat with lum
ber. in such a manner as to paralyze his body
fr.r . W.nrr lime, iliclud n lllS tODEUe. VI OC
grecs he recovered so far as to be able to walk,
and to some extent talk, but his intellect re
mained clouded. After his little property was
exhausted he became a borough charge, and so
remained until his death. He was about 5S year,
nf jw, f'.)1ni,in.
1'roeeedingN of the Republican Co
Pursuant to a call, the Republican County
Convention met in tne Court House, in Sunbury,
on Tuesday the 22d day of September, 1874, and
was called to order by Em'l Wilvcrt, Chairman
of the County Ccmmittce, when credentials were
presented by the Uclegales from the dillerenl
election districts iu the county :
List cf Delegates.
Lewis B. II. Bardo, R. C. Ruckinan.
Tmbutville D. W. Denius, John Kline.
Delaware H. C. Hartrnnft, S. Stoner.
McEwciisville M. S. Welsh, James Rodcar
mel. Turbut M. Chaniberlin, P. Bostian.
Milton, N. W. P. L. Hackcnberg, L. M. Mor
ton. S. W. Wm. M. Merviuc, J. P. Miller.
Chillisquaque Adam, T. T. Baker.
Point Geo. P. M.irtz, Josi.'.h Newbcry.
Northumberland Simon Randal, Charles A.
Godehailes. Wm. Leiirhow.
j Suubury, E. P. H. .Moore. Gee. W. Smith,
j Jared C. Irviti.
W. W. John Younginan, Alexander Mantz,
Christian Nerf.
; I'pper Augusta Geo. Gaul, Win. H. Wright,
j Lower Augusta Elias Emeriek, S. II. Zim
j merman.
j Sliaruokiu township Solomon Martz, P. G.
' litjlib.
; Shamokin, E. W. Isaac May, snr., Jonas L.
Gilger, Samuel Heckert, W. R. Kntzuer.
' W. W. R. D. Bower, WitUington Lake, Dr.
I). S. Hollenbaeh.
Coal Samuel Clajburger, Hancock.
Mt. Carmel twj--llug!i McDonald, Geo. ('lin
ger. Mt- Cur. borough Thomas Scott, John B.
1 Reed, H. 1). Rothcrmcl.
Zerbe Win. Dcppen, S. Haupt.
Cameron Isaac Treon, J. H. Beisel.
Vp. Mahanoy Daniel Eisel, Josiah Shadle.
Jackson Joseph Dressier, Washington Otto.
Jordan. C. Boh tier, H. C. Drumhcllcr.
Lower Mahanoy Adam Lenker, Milton Ditty,
Wm. Shaffer.
Watsontowu Oscar Foust, Sam'l P. Barns.
Snvdertown Jackson Bcrger, Wm. Farrow.
Riverside Sam'l K. Hile, Franklin Lewis.
M., of Turbut, was elected Presi
dent. Adam Lenker,Lower Mahanoy; W.H.Lcighow,
Northumberland : Isaac May, snr., Shamokin ;
William Dcppen, Zerbc, Vice Presidents.
Wm. M. Mcrvinc, Milton; H. D. Rothermel,
Mt. Carmel. Secretaries.
On moliou, the Chair appointed the following
committee on resolutions : L. M. Morton, John
Youugman, R. C. Ruckmau, Thomas Scott, Wil
liam Dcppen, W. H. Lcighow and Jos. Dressier.
On motion, the Convention adjourned to i
o'clock, p. ni.
Convention assembled pursuant to adjourn
ment. lion- Juo. B. Packer was nominated for Con
gress by acclamation.
J.J. John, J. I. Parker and W. J. Haas were no
minated for Assembly. On motion, John I. Par
ker was nominated by acclamation. Ou motion,
a ballot be bad f'r Assembly from lower end of
count v.
L. M. Morton and S. Haupt were appointed
J. J. John received 57
W. J.Haas 0
On motion, the nomination of J. J. John was
made unanimous.
Ou motiou, the Hon. J. B. Packer was autho
rized to select his own conferees.
Jahu Kay Clement and James Beard were no
minated lor District Attorney.
John Kay Clement received M
James Beard ?
On motion, the nomination of J. Kay Clement
was made unanimous.
The Convention then proceeded to ballot for
The first ballot resulted as follows :
Amos Vastine received '. 61
Levi Lynn 3
On motion, the nomination of Amos Vastine
was made unanimous.
R. C. Ruckinan was unanimously nominated
Tor Auditor.
On motion or P. L. Hackcnberg, a committee or
three were appointed to wait on Mr. Packer, an J
notify him of his notn'matioi: for Congress.
P. L. Hackcnberg, Esq., John Vuiigman and
Oscar Four.1, Esq. ."were appointed.
On motion, David Rockefeller, of Sunbury, was
unanimously nominated for County Surveyor.
The committee, on resolutions reported the
fc llowlng, w hich were read and adopted.
iV".i'. t'?, 1st. That wc again declare our ad
herence to the doctrines and piiueipie of the
Republican party, as maintained and vindicated
since its origin ; as set Torth iu the National
platform, adopted at Philadelphia in 1S72, aud
as manifested iu its wonderful work in prcterri.uj
tht Cuiun, abulitluHij tlmery, establishing en
larged suffrage, extinguishing large portions of
the National debt, reducing taxation and pro
moting universal prosperity and that, to secure
a future as honorable as the past ha been, it
must continue without fear, favor or partiality
to demand economy, industry and honesty in
political affairs.
2d. That the National raith must be sacredly
maintained with its creditors.
3d. That the Constitutional guarantee or po
litical rights to all American citizens should be
scrupulously enrorccd.
4th. That the Republican party is pledged to
the interests or Mor, by free schools aud a sound
industrial policy, based upon a protective tarltl,
through which alone high rates of wages can be
maintained, aud the productions of the country
largely increased.
5th. That imigrants from nil lands are cor
dially welcomed to the enjoyment of equal rights
and privileges with the native born themselves
decendeut from parents who were imigrauts to
fiur shoies.
6th. That the active and armed rebellion which
forcibly ousted the constituted authorities of the
State of Louisiana was the legitimate result of a
well orgauized aud treasonable conspiracy, cow
ardly and cruelly executed. That the prompt
acliii of President Grant iu enforciug the law.
by the employment of the array aud navy or the
United States to reinstate the Kellogg govern
ment only iu its CHpacity as the defuclo govern
ment, without sustaining the Kellogg party, at a
party, was not only wise and proper, but a well-
defined constitutional duty, nnn cieariy me oniy
course open for him.
7lh. That we thank President Grant tnd his
Cabinet for the great and gooJ work done by
them in the country's behalf, since the inaugura
tion of his admmistrutloii
sth. That wc declare our uuquiined approval
of, aud undiminished confidence in, the adminis
tration of Governor Hartrauft.
'.lib. That our Senators in the Congress of the
I'nW.I s.t .ic. l.T llieir nbilitv. zeal and Palriril-
ism, have earned the confldenee and admiration j
of their constituency ; particularly the senior i
Senator, Hon. Simon Cameron, for his wise
uiiaueiai jjoiicjt mm nit unipj'iiui'iin ""i.ut
which he has discharged his ouorous duties as
chairman of the Committee on Foreign Rela
10th. That the great iudustry, the distinguish- '
ed nbilitv. the fldclitv to dutv, the unquestioned
and unquestionable integrity, the upright life
and urbane manners of our Representative Iu the
lower House or Congress, Hon. John B. Packer,
have eudeared him to us, and that it is with
pride aud pleasure w e again cordially commend I
him to the voters of this Congres-ional District.
11th. That we, representing the Republican
voters of Northumberland couuty, most cordial
ly und emphatically endorse the nominations
liiade by the late Republican State Convention :
For Lieut. Governor Arthur (i. OlmMcad, of
Potter county.
For Auditor General HarriMn Allen, of War
ren county.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs Hubert B.
Heath, of Schuylkill county.
For Judge or the Supreme Court Edward M.
Paxson, of Philadelphia ; each strong lu moral
worth, integrity and honor, and of tried and
uroveil caPaollliv. e ueiiee mem iu uc in
vincible before the people and pledge them an
earnest support.
12. That the honest and able administration
of our county affairs by our present board if
County Commissioners demands public recogni
tion and sM'cial commendation.
JUtolitd, I hat we commend tne awe anu laun-
:u..t. ...... .r.t rltitv f.Ti tin. rvirl i .f mil present
I'mseeutimr Attoiucv. John Kay Clement, Esq.;
that as an officer be has been prompt In the per-
formanee of his duty to the Commonwealth ; as
a lawyer he has been efficient aud succesxful in
the application of the law to the inauy cases that
have come before him. and as a gentleman lie
has been courteous to all in both hi private and
official relations. e have renominated Mm to
the office he has so ably filled with eonlldcin e
that his ability and merits are appreciated by
the people.
Jlttuli'ta, 1 hat we iieanuy eimorse me in n
placed iu nomination this day, pledge it our
hearty support and with confidence ask the peo
ple to vote for aud elect it.
Wm. H. Oram, of Shamokin was chosen Sen
atorial Delegate and P. L. Hackcnberg, of Mil
ton, and John Youngmanof Sunbury, Represen
tative Delegates to me siaie oineuuun.
On motion. Em'l ilvert was le-clected Chair
man of the County Committee by acclamation.
The following Standing I ommltlee was ap
pointed :
Tuibut r. liostian
Milton, N. W L. M. Morton.
S. W. J. R. Miller.
LewiB J. J. Hill.
Turbolville D. W. Dennis. !
Delaware Jos. Nicely, Jr. j
McEwensvillc Wm. C Montgomery. i
Chilllsquaqne D. B. Roes. I
Poiut Jonah Newberry.
Northumberland M. B. Priestly.
Sunbury, E. W. P. H. Moore.
W. A. Mantz.
Upper Angusta George Gaul.
Rush Christian Diehl.
Locr Auguta John B. Snyder.
Shamokin twp P. G. Bobb.
Shamokin bor., E. W. John L. Hammer.
W. W. P. Lake.
Coal Sam'l Clayberger.
Mt. Carmel twp Hugh McDonald.
Mt. Carmel bor Rothermel.
Zerbc B. F. Miller.
Cameron Christian Gonser.
I pi-er Mahanoy Dauiel Beisel.
Washington Nathan Kehies.
Jackson Geo. W. Coble.
Little Mahanoy II. H. Dornsife.
Jordan Geo. W. Trntman.
Lower Mflhanoy A. Blesser.
Watsoutown Wm. F. Shay.
Snydertown Wm. Kline.
Riverside S.,R. Hilo.
Hon. J. B. Packer was introduced to the Con
vention smid't enfhn'instie npp'nnse. ster
thanking the Convention for the honor conferred
npon him. he proceeded in a masterly speech to
vindicate Congress aud the President for the
atrocious charges heaped upon them by the un
scrupulous press of the Democratic party.
The Committee above referred to was further
instructed to notify Messrs Parker and John of
their nomination for the Assembly, aud Gen 1
John K. Clement of his nomination for the Dis
trict Attorneyship.
The committee having performed their duty,
the several candidates being called upon, replied
in appropriate remarks.
The Chairman of the Convention theu in a few
appropriate remarks, expressed his satisfaction
with the harmony and good order displayed
throughout the proceedings, whereon the Con
vention adjourned sine die.
Mn.iTAitT. On Wednesday evening four mili
tary companies connected with the Seventh
Regiment, commanded by Col. Alex. Caldwell,
passed through this place from the coal region
en route for Harrisburg, where inspection and re
view took place yesterday. They arrived here
in a special train at 8:30, and were attached to
the 8:40 train going south. The companies were
composed of the Washington Rifles, Cupt. J.
McElicce, 77 men ; Shamokin Guards, Capt.
James Shipp, 47 men ; Geary Bucktails, Capt.
Strasser, Oil men; Mt. Carmel Rifles, Capt. J.
M.John, 57 men. They were fully equipped,
and their fine uniforms and general good ap
pearance attracted great attcutlon. These com
panies w ere ouly part of the regiment, those bc
youd Mt. Carmel went over another route. The
companies are composed of the best of men, well
drilled, many being old veterans, aud a credit to
our military organization. Capt. McEliece's
company is composed principally of Irish citi
zens, aud by their good behavior and patriotism
in the past, have won for themselves the high
esteem of all the military organizatious as well
as the citizens generally in the county. They
made a spleudid appearance and were greatly
admired by our citizens. Well may the Captain
be proud of his men nnder his command.
The Companies returned to their homes this
(Friday) morning.
Ho! fob tub State Pair. That everybody
who goes to the State Fair rid Harrisburg, may
enabled to make the trip at the lowest possible
price, excursiou lates from that city have been
secured npon the following terms : With the
assurance or not less than 200 persons, tickets
Tor the round trip will be placed at only S3.50,
which includes one admission to the fair grounds.
The excursiou ticket can farther be used for ad
missiou to the fair at h.ilf rates during its con
tinuance. The regular rates to go and return,
Including a single admission to the fairgrounds,
would be about $7,20. Those who propose to
take advantage of these reduced rates will please
send their names immdciately, to II. C. Deramhig,
Harrisburg, of Messrs. J. R. Eby 6: 8ons, comer
Market and 5th Sts., (near depot,) Harrisburg,
at which latter place the names of parties going
will be recorded. The excursiou will be over the
Philadelphia aud Reading railroad e',a Reading
and Allentown, and the excursion trains will
leave Harrisburg wily on Wednesday morning,
September 30, at 5.25 a. m., and at 8.10 x. tt. ;
tickets good to return until the close of the fair.
Tickets for sale at J. R. Eby & Sons previous to
Wednesday, September SO, and ut the depot on
that day.
Atrocious Conduct. On Tuesday evening
last while the Temperance League was in session
in the basement of the St. Paul's M. E. Church,
some scoundrels outside made an attack on it by
hurling 6tones through the windows, breaking
the glass and wounding Mr. F. Montagus ou the
arm ; pistols were also fired otTat the same time.
The attack was repeated when the villiuiis were
chased off. the darkness of the night anil nostreet
lights facilitating their escape. Wu characterize
the attack as atrocious, as many ladies were at
the meeting who were thrown into the greatest
consternation. The next day Mr. Wm. Antrim
dug out of the window jam a largo sized bullet
imbedded therein, plainly proving that the ras
cals fired with deadly intent.
Never before ia this place has a house of wor
ship been assailed, and it has come to a pretty
pass if a meeting, no matter of what kind, moral
and lega', can't be held without danger from
ruffians. Every good citizen should joiu to for
rct out the perpetrators of this murderous as
sault Dani-Mt Liteltj'ueer.
Mi-Rpnitors) Outrage. Cn Tuesday eveuing
last, about 11 o'clock, as Charles Leidy, Esq., or
this place, accompanied by his wife and another
lady, were walking along Market street, he was
assaulted by a couple of rnfflans who came up
behind him and struck hiru with a club or billy,
and stabbed him in three places about the neck.
The assaulted party called murder lustily, aud
the villains fled. From the nr.tnre of the wounds
the assailants were evidently determined upon
taking Mr. Iidy's lire, as the stabs were made
in vital parts, and he bled very severely. Mrs.
Leidy had noticed the ruffians following them
some distance, and had warned her husband of
their approach, but he would not credit that they
meant harm uutil he was assnnlted. The night
was a very dark one, and was well chosen to
commit murderous deeds.
From this and another dastardly deed or rur
fiauism perpet rated on the same evening, it
seems our town is inrested with wretyhes who
heve murder in their hearts, and are capable or
doing it, and only wait the opportunity to carry
out their designs. Such being the case, it be
hooves every citizen who appreciates law and
ordur, and values life and property, to land their
hand in ai ling the officers to ferret out those de
mons iu our midst. Until this is done, no mau's,
woman's or child s Ufa is secure an hour when
ilurkiicss closes in our town. And first of all,
h ptroets te lighted. UanviUe -
teWieiuM .
Coffee vs. Rum. Mr. Joshua L. Baily, a well
know n merchant in Philadelphiain order to stay
the ravages caused by rumsellmg anj promote
the cause of tngnged in establishing
coffee houses where workmen and all others who
feel the want of a sliraulai.t, can get a cup of
K(01j fr,., ,.0fl-,.t.) aII(i a roU for five cents. This
j is a step in the right direction, and will effect
j more good than any praying band, local option,
I or all the restraining laws that can be enacted,
i It i-i offering as a substitute, a good and whole
some ailicle, that will often be preferred, when
it can be had, to the death dealing poiBon that
lures so many to misery and destruction.
Tin: Gift Concerts in aid of the Kentucky
Library are not at all hieculative. The institu
: lion i. chartered by the State of Kentucky, and
! everv dollar of the protlis goes to the building up
of the be-.t Library in the United States. The
first prise iu the next drawing, which takes place
November 30, is f 2S0.OOO. It is a reliable insti
tution, and some one will get that money. Aud
that there may be no doubt a to the honesty of
i its management we cite the fact that the best
, bank in Louisvnle endorse it, aud that Gor
j n()r Tm,m:ls y.. Bramlette, of Louisville, is the
' general manager. An institution so fathered i
i . ' of cfldence.
T,nv s. Witsn has iurl returned from the city
mid i- open'iti-; a very line ftock of winter
iii". The stvlcs and liiuUeot goods, this winter,
is v.-ry d.-.irable and pretty. He has selected
this f t.M-k with irrral tare as to fashion and qua
lily. Call and see his stock before you pnrthase
elsewhere. "-I.
John S. Maksii.
A i.akoe Volume would not contain the tnfs
of testimony which ha accumulated in favor of
Dr. Wlstar's llalsam of Wild Cherry as a safe,
ell'ieknt an.l reliable remedy in curini; coughs,
cold and pulmonary disease. Many of the
cures are truly wonderful.
F.xisos, IU. Sapt. 24, 1VT4.
Mr. Kkitok:
Dear Sir : I take this opportunity to send you
a few items for jour valuable paper from our
section. The farmers are all busy in Retting out
1 their fall sctdlnc, '- cuttini; their corn, which
i t.y the way Is not as full a crop we had sup
1 posed it would be. Both corn and potatoes tut
! i..,..,i t..ri from the late lontr dry spell. IV.
lilies so far appears very quiet, but all are well
pleased with the ticket put in the field on Tuei
d iy last. I think It is a ticket the Republican
party may well feel proud of, and satisfied
with our true and fearless leader Hn. J. B.
Facker. We can carry the county and elect our
entire ticket without any doubt. The coming
Fair at Sunbury appears to be the absorbing in
terest at this time in our section. By U reports I
can hear, it will be one of tin mott imposing dis
ninvc tuitli ft r tocrain. stock, poultry, fruit, ve
getables and fine oats, that has ever been collect
ed together in this county. And from programmes
read here, I see the races will be of unusual in
terest, and no one can po raits, as there will be
two or three taeb day, uesiuss iuiuv j u,lo
muln races, foot races. tc. I would
take this occasion to warn your Flr authorities to
make ample preparations to accommodate pro
bably one of the latest crowds of people that
has ever assembled in your town, for we are com
in" n mastt with our goods and chattels to see
v.. - nnil have a eood time generally. As
...unhm iitw Fair a year, let ns enloy it. But
for fear I may weHry you I will close fortnis time,
More -mon. Yours truly,
More .inon. JM.OW BOY.
jitsiiuss onils.
Miss L. SmssLF.K has taken the agency for E.
Butterick & Co.'s patterus, and has now for sale
two thousand of the latest styles for Ladies,
Misses, Boys, Children and Infants, also for
Gent's Dressing Gown, Smoking Jacket and
Parlou Organs and Pianos. Some of the
finest toned Parlor Organs and Pianos, are sold
by John .P Kcefer, No. 79 Walnut street, in this
place. The Chickcring and Weber Pianos, Ma
son and Hamlin, Wood and Spang's Parlor Or
gaus, constantly on hand. Mr. Kecfer keeps
none but the best quality, and all who buy or
him can bu assured or getting the instrument he
represents it to be.
Sargent's Secret of Beauty, a delicate
beautificr, which smooths out all indentations,
rcmoviug tan, freckles and scars from the skin,
leaving the complexion clear and beautiful.
Sold by Miss L. Shissler.
Excelsior Still Ahead. Having just re
ceived a Hill line or Boots, Shoes aud Rubbers of
every description, we are prepared to sell them
at astonishiugly low prices to suit the times.
Our motto is small profits and quick sales. We
desire every one to examine our stock before
purchasing elsewhere, and be convinced that we
sell cheaper t han any other dealer in the couuty.
Wo have all the late styles of Boots and Shoes,
including the celebrated Elmira and Towamla
Boots. No goods misrepresented to effect a sale.
No trouble to show goods. Call and see them.
Respectfully, Yours,
Successors to W. H. Miller.
The fall styles of furniture are now being
ing opened at B. L. Randenbash's furniture store
in Masonic building. A full sett of house fur
niture can be selected at his store at more rea
sonable prices than can be purchased in Phila
delphia. Try him.
It is very gratifying .o learn, when travelling
through the country, that the people appreciate
store keepers who advertise, as they learn in this
way where to buy the cheapest. A few days
ago wc met several acquaintances who were clad
in the heighth of the fashion, and admiring
their garments wo iuquired where they had been
procured. Tiicy auswered w at Simon & Op
penheimer's in Sunbnry. Seeing they advertised
freely in the American, we gave them a trial to
find oat whether they sold as they represented.
We inquired how they were satisfied, and they
said they never were better pleased ; that they
fonnd their goods cheaper and better than any
they had yet seen ; and that they could cheerrul
ly recommend all their friends to deal with them
as they dealt fair aud square. Such testimo
nials are certainly worthy or consideration, and
others will no doubt find them the same by call
ing nt their store on Third, below Market.
For Rent. The Drug Store Room now occu
pied by W. D. Mclick. Also the room adjoining
Faust's hat store. Euquire or H. B. Massew.
No one can go amiss in calling at 8. Faust's Store to get a first class hat, or gentlemen's
furnishing goods. He always has the latest
styles made of the best material.
Tub light running " Domettic" Sewlug ma
chine, on account of its many points or superi
ority, has a better demand than any other manu
factured, and takes the lead with the public over
machines long regarded as the best. Orders for
these machines will be promptly filled by Miss
Caroline Dalius, agent.
l'arlor Organs Miss C. Dalius is the agent for
the sale of Parlor Organs, Pianos, and all kinds
of musical Instruments. The yery best instru
ments are furnished, furnished on short notices
at trices to suit times. Call or address,
No. 03, Market St.. Sunbury.
I' k Cream Freezers. A new lot just received
by H. B. MASSER.
If Alcoholic Stimulants are taken into the
blood the heart works faster, and this unnatural
speed wears out the vital machinery. All in
toxicating nostrums advertised as 'tonics,' 'reno
vators,' Vc, produce this disastrous effect, and
should be rejected. Dr. Walker's Vegetable Vi
negar Bitters an Invigorant without the curse
of alcohol is everywhere supplanting these poi
sons. Sept. 11-4 w.
The Con Pervious of an I n val id. Pub
lished as n warning aud for the benefit of Youns;
Men nnil others wrlio suffer from Nervous Debili
ty, Los or Manhood, etc., iopplyinp the means
of Se!f-Cnrc. Written by one who cured himself
after undergoimj considerable quackery, and pent
free on receiving a post paid directed vuveloe.
Sufferers are invited to address the nuthor.
rpt4,74-Cin. P. O. Box 153. Brooklyn, N. Y.
To Capitalists), To Men ot .tied lum
.MeauM, and to all mVlthIne
Houien and thuu Avoid
Paying Rents).
By reference to the Wat6ontown Iieeord and
Sunbury "Gazette" will be seen a full and morl
explicit di'scription of the property I otter for
sale, either In lots or by the acre. But what e
wish to more particularly bring before the pub
lic is the LIBERAL TERMS on which tin y are
I will BELL LOTS from 8100 to 8SOO and
Lands by the ACRE from $JO0 to 500. according
to the location.
Terms : Teu per ceut.of the purchase money
down, the balance In time and amounts to suit
purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with
legal interest from day of sale.
The bt reets and ulltys will be opened ns fast a
lots are sold, so that all may ?ie approached with
All persons who are now paying rent can have
an opportunity of securing a Lome for less mo
ney annually than they are now THROWING
AWAY ii: rent.
Any person wishing to see the lands or lots
will call on me, when every opportunity w ill be
given them to have a fair chance to see the supe
rior advantages preseuted to the public.
In addition to the land above re!erred to. I
now oiler for sale THREE DWELLING HOU
SES, situate on Water street, in Watsoutown ; bo
rough, the one being the large and commodious
Brick Dwelling now occupied by mo, all of said
dwelling having the necessary outbuildings for
immediate use.
For further information cull on or address
Wutsoutowu, Pa.
Oc tober 31, 173. 1 yr.
St-NUi-RT, Sept 24. 1M74.
GittlN Wheat per bushel Si. 40ft 1.50
" prime white l.."0("n 1.C0
Rve per bush 7.VS.80
Corn ' 7.VaS0
" Oats " 5tH60
Fi-oi k Extra Family pr bbl S.7.VA ti.00
Common 0.501.7.00
Buckwheat 5.00
Ki:i-i t orn A Oats Chop pr 100 lb 1.50f J.00
Shorts fc Mixture 1.50f.i 1.75
Potatoi.s, itc New per bushel 1.00fii.l.2.
Provision Ham per lb Iufu.i0
Shoulder pr lb 14V11
Bacon pr lb 10f l-
Bocf. retail pr ll n
Veal, do do lOr.i IS
Dried Beef pr lb -.i.Vitao
Pori.TRV 4 hickens, dressed pr lti l (ais
Do. live weight 10(.i 1J
Bi tter Prime per lb 30.i35
Koost Per dozen n.; -v
ch Sbbcrlismcnls.
.1. Mrrnll I.iuii. Auilrew H. Dill. Frsuk. S. Mnrr.
In llaupt's Building, Market Street,
aug.i.lSTl. Northumberland Co., ra.
I)u. C. M. Maktiv. iK. W. Bloom
No. 13, South Third Street,
Clement House Miinj, Miry, Pa.
HAVE junt received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs
and l'atcnt medicines.
We hnve also a full assortment of
Hair, Tooth, Nail.Clothe.Shoe and other brushes.
the sweetest perfume in America.
I'arlMian, a Hid Clove Wash.
warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate
shades without Injury to the kid
All the leading preparations for the Hair,
Pure Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes,
Physh ians Prescriptions aud family leceipts
compounded with care.
Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal
ing to receive a share of your patronage.
September 11, 1873.
Hoarding. "Four or FiveGentlemen can be
accommodated with board and rooms on oppli
cation at the boarding bouse of Mrs. Mary Bry
niire, North Front Street, near Clement's steam
aw mill. Terms 35 ets. per meal.
Snnbnrv. August 14, 174.
iO. fi
A either sax may fuscinate nd gain the love nd
(flections of sny persuu they choose instantly. Tnta
simple mental acquiredmeut nil can possess, free, by mail,
lor ZSc., together with a marriage RUitle, EgTPtiau Ora
cle, Dreams, Hint to I-adies, wVdiliiiR-Ninlt Shirts, ha.
A queer book. Adilrens T. WILLIAM ii Jo. Pub.Kula.
Sept. 17. iw.
wIlX bt'Y A
First .Mortgage l'reuiiuin liond
Authorized by the Legislature of the State of N. Y.
First Premium Drawing, September 7, 1874.
2d Serie' Drawing, - - Oct. 5,1371.
punirhused previous to Octotx-r 5lli will partioijKite.
AJ.lre.-H fur Bonus ami full puiticulrs.
Fiuaucial Ai-ufs, 23 PARR KuW, X. Y.
P. O. DP.AWElt 'J9. Appplfa-atiniiH f-r Api'Ocies reot-iv
Hept. 17 tw.
WORKING rEOPI.E MaleorFamalr. Lmpluy.nent
at home, $:U it week wrrautni, uo cupit:,! required.
Particular and Valuable n!li.lin Meut free. Ai.lreaa
with 6 ceut stamp, C Ross, Wiiiiamnburir, JJ. Y. sl7,4-.
AltK TOf
Are you bo languid that any tittrtion requires more of
au effort thuu you fet-1 callable of making?
Tben try Jumbrba, the wonderful tonic and invigora
tor, which acte ho beneficially on the secretive organs as
to impart visor to all vital foroes.
It is no alcoholic appetiser, which stimulates for a
short time, only to let the sufferer fall to a lower depth
of misery, but it is a vegetable toulc acting directly on
the liver and spleen.
It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerves, and give
such a healthy tone to the whole system as to soon mke
the invalid feel like a new person.
It operation is not violeut, but in characterized to
great Kent leness; the patient experiences uo suddeu
change, no marked results, but gradually bis trouble.
"Fold their tents, like the Arabs,
Aud silently steal away."
This is no new and untried discovery, but has been
long used with wonderful remedial results, aud is pro
nounced by the highest medical authorite. "the most
I oweri ul tonic and alternative kuowu.M
.ml JUUr Ul MljlBl Ift
sl7,4w. Philadelphia, Pa.
Sold by Druggists. . sl7 4w.
By C. W. GLEASON, M. D. A magnifnvut volume.
Over 2S0 Engravings. Low price. Oue agent took 100
orders in one week. Agents wanted. IJirculara free.
II. N. McKINNFY & Co 725 Hansom St., Phila. sl7.4w
AGENTS WANTED! Diploma Awarded for
Holman's new IMotorlfll 111 lIOH, 1:IU Illus
trations. Address for circulars, A. .1. HoJLMAN 4 CO.,
9 to Arch St., Phil. - sl7,4w.
Market Street, above 17th Ht., Philadelphia. Twenty
nrat year begins Sept. 15. Thorough professional train
ing iu Mine Engineering, Civil Engineering, M.chanj
eal Engineering, Atialytical and Industrial Chemistry,
Metallurgy aud Architecture.
The Diploma of the Culiege Is received as conclusive
evidence of proficiency by the first Engineers and com
panies engaged In works of improvement. Address
ALPKED L. KENNEDY, M. D., Pres. of Faculty sl7.4w
FItEE samples to ageuts. Indies' Covuikjtiom
Needlk-biiok, with Chromos. Send stamp. Dkam s:
Co., New L-dford, Mass. s!7,4w.
WORK FOF. ALL at home, mtie or female; 15 per
week, day or eveuing. No capital. We send valuable
package of good by mail free. Address with six rent
return sltmp. M. Yocs, 173, fire'uwich St., N. Y.
Silver Lustre. High Ornament:.l. A perfect rotector
to put under stoves. Ask your dealer fur it. sl7,4w.
The United Stale Publishing Co.
l; University, New York,
Wnnt Agents everywhere for the following:
Frank .Moore. An elegant 8vo, fiuo pp., 560 En
gravings for the Old Masters. Price $5.00
of the Republic. By C. Edwards Lester. 13
monthly parts. VO pp, carh. Royal vo. 50ct.
each part.
SUMNER. By V. Edwards Lettoti. 5th Edi
tion revised and enlarged. 8vo. 700 pp., 13.75.
tou. A complete history of Noted Criminals of
New York, and the Romance of Prison Life, Svo.
670 pp. 83,50.
Circular.-!, specimen pagc, and terms to agents
ou application as above. t17,4w.
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
KESPECTFULLY informs the citizens that
he lias just received his
Spring and Summer Goods),
lit his
on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen
building, and that he is prepared to all
kinds of
of the latest style. Having had much experi
ence in the business be desires the public to give
him a trial.
Clothing will be made up in th latest Paris
and American Fashions iu the most satisfactory
rpilE Overseers of the Poor of the borough of
1. Stinbiirv, have in their charge several chil
dren of different ages, supported from the taxes
of the borough, who uuder the law can be bound
out. Perons decirous of obtaining either boys
oririrls would do well by conferring with the un
Overseers of the Poor.
Sunbury, Aug. 12, 1874. 3m.
;eo. EVANS.
Geo. Evans & Co.,
914 Market Street, Philadelphia,
Military, Band & Fire Organizations
promptly uniformed.
Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent
free on application.
Ours beiugthe leading house on Military work,
we feel that we can offer inducement which can
not be attained anywhere else.
Jan. "31872
Druggist and Apothecary,
Wlarkot Street, Sl'MHVKY, PA.
Druggists' Fancy Goods,
constantly on hand.
Particular attention paid to compounding phy
sicians prescriptions and family receipts.
nnmrv. April 17. 1874.
j I It
Children to Bind Out.
The Largest Stock of 8trves ia the County, of the latest improved
styles, at
New Stove and Tinware EstaMistaeM, TIM Street, opposite Central Hotel,
My stock consists
Ileguiittor Coolc, Com
biuation. Palace.
Iron Kinji.
a large variety of oth
er Cook Stoves and
Kancs always o n
band or procured to
i u i mi ' T ' "I " rl I
Also a large assortment of repairs of all kinds for the Combination and
Regulator Cook Stovo. . '
I have the largest assortment of gtovesever seen in Sunbury, that will
be sold at prices to suit the times. Titivfare and Sheetiron ware of every .
description in large quantity.
Also an assortment of Cleveland non-explosive Lamps.
Roofing and Spouting
promptly attended to. The public are respectfully invited to call and ex
amino my .stock, and be convinced that I am selling the cheapest.
Sunbury, Sept. 23, 1874.
Wm. ii. HEXiIaER'S
Corner Third and Market Streets,
wojiwji"B"icriiicif 9
Jnst osmi and ready for inspection an Immense Stock of New an 1 Fashionable
Fashinaiblr! and Weil-Made CLOTH I NT J for Men and Boys !
Litest Styles of HATS and CAPS for Men and Eoys !
Enormous assortment of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS !
Everything New, Fashionable and Stylish !
Largest Stock with One Hundred Miles to select from !
The most Fashionable Goods always on hand !
Everybody, Rich or Poor, can be suited and fitted !
Nobody is able to undersell us !
"We mean business, and will prove all wc assert.
We cordially invite everybody to give ng a call and examine the enormous and magnificent
stock of New and Fashionable Clothinir, ("Jem's Foniiliins tiood?, Hats and f'aps, Trunk?, itc.
just opened.
We intend to do the leading business in our line and will offer good goods at prices that
defy competition here or elsewhere.
No floods misrepresented nnder any consideration, am! polite attention paid to all.
Sunbury, Pa.. September 11, 1871.
Canned Goods,
Willow and
Cedar Ware.
C t - 'i
1 i
3& w
- . 5
s Z
it 5 a -
c - 'C i
- - 2 I
3 "
Land Plaster,
Harrisburg Cider
IRKI.M.KN, 111 titilKS AC.
respectfully ir.form the public that they h-ivo '
commenced the manufacture of
BUGGIES, 4C, flg&j
at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lerch j
Corner of Fourth and t'hewtnut Sin., :
and solicit a fair share of Patronage.
April 3-fim. J. F. LERCH, Sup't. f
rrj, f J- 'CO
Send for Illustrated Catalogue and examine
onr prices before purchasing, as we claim to sell
lower than any other establishment in the City.
irw RIDGE AVENUE. Ph.ihdelr.hti.
of the following
Morning Light Par
lor Stove and
Double Heater, Home
Kail ia.ii t Home.
a large assortment of
others, such as .
Gas Burners,
Egj Stoves,
Etc., Etc.
Coiner Third and Market Streets, Sunbury, Pa.
Formerly ner.felder's.
Sunburj-, Penn'a,
INFORM the public that they are prepared to
do all kinds of CASTINGS, and havinir added
i a new Machine Shop in connection with their
; Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New
' Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the
latest improvements. With the aid of skillful
mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders
! of
that may be given them, in a satisfactory man
I ner.
Grates to unit any Stave.
' IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build
, ings of all sizes,
' Ornamental Iron Fencing
1 The PLOWS, already celebrated for their sn
i periority, have been still further improved, and
! will alwavs he kept on hand.
j Suubury, May 20, 1ST1.
J. Yuungniau'H Improved Nlide
Valve for Stat iouary and Loea na
tive Kngiuew.
HAVING within the last few years completed
the inveution of a Steam Slide Vale desiga
I nt for the purposed of reinoviug the pressure
from the valve a it exists at peent, we will
warrant lor six mouths and place one in any Lo
j comotive. any Ocean Stuamt'r, any Inland Stea
mer or any oilier ptafiouiiry engine. It is simple,
j eheap, effective and Indestructable ; and saves
fuel ami machinery. It moves its weight only.
No alteration in any part of the machinery is r-
quired to apply it, aud the time occupied in sub
I etitutinz it tor the ordinary D' valve need not be
over half an hour,
j Z-iflt Is Indispensable at the mines where hoist
ing is diw. With this valve the engina ran be
reversed without shnttimr off the i-tearo, thus
saving time and avoiding labor. This valve can
I be moved easily with one hand when surrounded
1 bv r.nvtunoiiut of i.resonre. Address
J. YOCXGMaN A CO.. Sunbury, Pa.
Sunbury. June 1'.'. ISTt.
The "Medal for Progress,"
The Highest Order of 'Medal' Awarded at the
No Sewing Machine received a Higher Prize.
A Few Good Reasons:
1. A new invention thoroughly tested and se
cured by Letters Patent.
2. Makes a perfect Lock Stitch, alike on both
sides, on all kinds of goods.
3. Runs light, smooth, noiseless and rapid
hut combination of qualities.
4. Durable mas for years without repairs.
5. Will do all varieties of work and fancy
stitching in a superior manner.
Ii. Is most easily managed by the operator.
Leugth of stitch may be altered whila runniiur,
and machine end be threaded without passing
thread throngh holes.
7. Design Simple, Ingenious, Elegant, form
ing the stitch without the nse of cog wheel gears,
rotary cams or lever arms. Has the Automatic
Drop Feed, which insures uniform length of
stitch at any speed. Has our new thread con
troller, which allows easy movement of needle
bar and prevents injury to thread.
8. Construction most careful and finished. It
is manufactured by the most skillful and ex
perienced mechanics, at the celebrated Reming
ton Armorv, Ilion. N. N. Philadelphia Office.
Sin CheMnut treet. Julvn.isr4.--ra.