1 Sunburn a an. . ".. R1J.SSER. i . E. W! I. VERT. -UXDlinV, SEPTKMl.M'Il K 1-7!. Republican Stale Ticket. .-'or. i.n:rTF.NAN"r :-) ) i:M;:, MlTIiril ;. OIMSTI-:.Y, of rotterCo. ! I :: An;; n;n ckxkiiai.. TTA'Mil X Al.T.TIX, onYanvn (' u::! v. ; r!i: .-IX i.l.l.U.1. Oi- 1X1 URN AL AI1'A1J;, j ilOlli-ilT i. lLATiI, of SeLuylkill Co. I rm: ji iH.r r Tin; si t ijcrt, I i:iV'Ai;j) ii. PAXMtX. of i'iiikuie-lnhia. ! U.-iiiiuiiciu- ConsrJ;. tn e:1 lifts. I 'i i.i- R. j ui,'..c...t vo'.tr- t" Notthuiai'i I e 'v !! r, ,;:: ! ! t- t s.-t t ir ..J: ' ;;-r:;,'-t at such J'l.i'v- :il which 1.-' t-: :i t elect inns li:.v, hi-ii-lnlinc I.e.:. iik-l. I. on .' atur.i.iv, ill,- l'.'ll: ...v . : s i-W.xl r : i, :. a. !'- hoar.- ' 1 : ."l 7 o'clock, i'. vi.. f.rt!i. purpose of -!' tit.tr i :....;!. f tin; H'-!';i!'!irar. County ConTcntion. :! . i :.l al t!i-.- C"i,n Hour., hi the bor.-ug.i r s. .,:..,,,-. Tue- ! iy. See' -Tii'.-r 1ST!. ;it 10 o". lot-i. a. m.. (or tin' purees:- )1" lioinimiling a iii-k.t 1. 1 lie .ics'-ntf.i to ti.- v. oi'tl.c k-i.ui.iy ,,; t!:.- i-::i;in i-U- ii.m. I'm U l!-tii--t l't: ttiir I "iitilvlriM !1 -IMll !; it !. or li'-s, ;it tin- f.-n.-r.tl ;: ti.m fur h: ate olli. ,!, will i . : .! l. t n. '.i u U'-: i. ill: : -1 ; I -1 j-'Uai Ti.r , :i;.ifrp,!. 11;ri"i- ,l.'!,-.-:t, :it:-! r icli r s-t 1 .! ! uir oi'it liirw hiiiiiirvii voi.-s sli;ill !. lit . t i t-il !'-) l'.-nr U, -1. M!. !'v o: :''-r c!' coi:i:ni: u -. KM'l. V1I.YK!;T, liainu.ui. I.. ."'.. M'jniON, bcciit.uy. Tin: Ki:i't'!'i.H an Vns txt:ox. T!u I j inihlican r'onvention vhicli is to aseni l.l" ;it this la c on Tuesday, wi!l Io attcml cd hv ooitI nvMi doloati s fnnii every dis ::i:l in the county, whose ohjoet it will be tM iiroiiii.i.- tho lminionj- and pucr-es? of the j arty. Fortunately then: will be little or no difficulty in the Convention as re gards the first, as ti e candidates nre joo.l tner. and l'.ave the confidence of the ix nple, Mid the v.-o:l; of the Convention will be, th-T' .Tore, merely to confirm tin e xpros i.ins of opinion. Th;s is jiavtk-iihirlv m in re".:! d to the re-nmninatin of Hon. Jno. V.. 1 acker f-r Con::res. Tle renpiiear? to i e h::t one o-ii'.iiou on the su'.ijeet, that he ; ; the ri-bt man in the ri-ht place, and this unanimity of opinion i not confined aloi e to this couuty vilu re Mr. Packer is s i well known and upt'ivcialed. but to the whole di.-triet. Mr. 1'acker may well be ; rotid of the position beholds in bis party, ;::.d his immediate constituents fdiould be s,.-, 3, . pralifiid that tli ynr-j ttiablcd to j-ref-etit to the district, a candidate so capa ble and trustworthy, and mi entirely accep table to the ieo-le. Mr. Facktr's well known views in ie ard to the tarill'- in the i rotectiun andeu t,;r,i;i:i mei.i oi'the eix-iik. cual and iruii in-t-V( t;ts of the Mate. Ills him admirably as the rcpp M utative . 1'ojje of the leadingcoal a;ikl iron d:trie!s"of the ( 'oir.inoir.veallh. Tju: Ai ! ai;: atNkw )ki.i:.ns. In an i.ie ;lnr part of this paper w ill be found ,li exciting iasurre .ti'iii news from v, v. Oriean.-. W't- Lrive a full details from :i 1 aitiuK i re .!'' r.' s i that our rcau v : .:11 f;. !;, inid.-rstati'i tie' causes of the ri e -. "i ! a'.er-t aec.'i'.n'.s show that the M'Fi.i'ry party have s. ized the oii'iees in .le.Ie.ne : f tli ' l.'niied S;.it--s (ioversi Tie: :id-lit shu'.vs his llriimess iu j.-.s.;.ii.; his proe! na il i in f ir the usurpers ! i ! sis', an 1 dispei.e v. i'hin live d:iy, and v. ill insist ( ::!orel!rr the law by reinstating ;. v. K 11" r. as the ' uivernnii nt as i.a.- 1 n leeojnled by 'i!ircss. 'J'o ac. plh ti:i. tn ntiotis i !lo: ls may bo in .'i to ijOe 1 .e-;i.uiee,:.l,u ,i l.nd aireaiiy tie- !::. ui i'ore. s lilnier o;iier.s lor ihe Missis-i-pp:. 'i'hc i.jf.intry rciiiM nts are on the lieid, .i.e scattered lorce.i on ! lie frontier aie i: 'i.t. : .i.' ..:il ..-ndir. into Washington by le'.i 'ri-.tpl. lejioris ol ciiieieiit forces. How ti::l. rent an t en oura'jiii": all this froni the s.i-i.iy p.iii or wh;-',i e-'.ei -spread the land in I Vd, when a Il-iu iciaLie Attorney o;u..-r- j ai : idereu oili.-ul .ieeisinii tint tie: (ii)V . rt'm nt ind no power to preserve its own j lite, an l a Democratic President, by pro clamation, announced this decision as the polieyof the Executive. "Vi'i; niiist continue the- ood woik beun , year to wrest the county from IJepub- j h'Mii misrule-." lh mwr'ii i' hisl n l:. The p.'.mve is another trick at deception ! .u i a perversion of facts. Since the He-J pullier.ns have been in power they paid ofl"j a I') -ir.ocralic county dc-bt of some twenty ! thousand dollar, the police debt of some f leven thousand dollars, all without Icvy hi'X one cent of extra taxes. 'I'hey have reduced the county taxc?, all in two year?, v. hi!o ihe Hetnocrats, wh n in ji.jwer, bad b-e:i incrensincr the debt annually for a'f.ut twelve years past and S.eculated fin Ihe M';p!-3 money, and now the King paper calls this llepublieai: misrule. J).cs ; he ditor of the Iini'i-n't mean to say that it i lict'.er to put men in ofliec who will ;et rs in debt and ppernlate tijion tin: county Jnnds than to put honos-t men in fiflic who :pp:y tin- funds of the county to their pro I -r place ? Please rx!:!ain. in L'hlnr. TitKelecliou this fall v. ill lie an important .e.i,. to ;.l! ci;;s.ses. I 'eiin' y i'. ania has iuter ( .-i.-, a..-- a Male-, w i.ieh her p.-. pie cannot af I .1 to la ,!. .(:'.. J lie olei s will he called up-. n, in the ( omin election to determine, which ol ihe two parties is the truest to IVnn-i- I an.. i in: i r.-s's. The i t iii.itei ial inier . tin; TaritV. If the free trade policy is t't l.e ( .ahiisl.ed ii-M' iud n-try lUMt Sillier :. i .ry h.aiii.h. The 'Jejuihlican part' 1. . ! 1 it If iti f.fk'.r of protection, I laoeraLie j arty ii is not a wor 11 : ioii !.. The Mate has alxo a direct i:i--t in the n.atter ol the I.cciprociiy at . If that 1 r. aty is sustained ( 'anada t. :li:e-:i as a di:c! eotlipitilor will, !i.i;-ie;:.n is and p'-od eeis. The t.'ejioh- p;.rt v of tliis State has denounced this if,', and demanded its rejection. ; whih-t ! letuocratic party has not a word t.i -ay r :ia',itt-t i. "hi t!ie two ab.-orbiti'i -:ioiis of material iiiter'-st to I'em.i-yl- : .:. tl.i letoi e. the I ), inocraey are ib lit. '. e no eon' ietio;is to express, find :, :; iiiil;r, apparently, wliet her the State -,-- or is crushed. To which of these ii. . u: e.i: for Ijl.e .l 1 I v. ill t!i- von-rs of the Stat. II- tt t inter, sts ? It is for them to s,iy whether they will ot- in fax or of sus-t;ioi':!i-r the P at iron and coal interests of 11 -r o fate, or whether tic-v w.ll Vot,: in li oi e(,v.ihv in dipet c.imp, tilioti with ieu vrodliet". , ui: ( 'onu', y ( .''iiiiinissioiier. it, was con ceded early in the summer that Harrison i Ii u; i' of Shainokin. would he noiiiinated. bene.- he hal vi-ry little opposition."--,,' , "!. It i- well known that the whole tick' t formed by th" Democrats was a m ute-ou'. mat'er for more than :i year a-'o. Mr. Dem i" h,i bad the promise of (he office by the llin two yr-ar ao to make amende to the coal region for tleeciti ieo. M( lllii cc whil.' in the Treasurer's office. No matter who would have been a candidate against Mr. Ilenrie, bis nominal ion was a set lied iiatfer, and bp would have eot i! over any 'ompeti.or even if ten times more worthy. That '(,-.( lillU oy.yH.,'.'o i a poor compli tnent to Mr. Hunimel. who was considered ,be iiiost cosnetent of the two candidates, an ! it the editor of the Hinir thinks that he was but f. ri lUlli oi;.'..- .'ok, his neighbors Jiev: h ave to differ A HlMCKYl 1) CoMl'I.UWIA'T TO Ho 15. I'a kf.i:.--While .luniata county w as prirt of tliis Coinire.-siniinl Jlistrict and lii'ij'i'il to en ct our townsman. IIo::. J. . I'.teker, to Cun.'ii-ss, the J)'jo;.l(! of that -..ui:lv li'-M .:;;) in liijh I'Simn. Although nit "I! I'rotn tin- district now, the Ke'iuMi ai:s in Convention a lew ilav.1-' ..go passed the loilowin.r complimentary resolution, sliowiii, that Mr. ra-.-k.r sull holds tin: nf ll'ciioiis and !! ImIi ucu ol tlie iet''ile in that county, and that Lis. numerous friends are desirous to elevate Inni to still hihi r jiosi tious : .W'-. '., That v,v !. cattily :i i ruVt: the coiir.-c of enr lain ah!f lcjiresentalivc- in emigres-., II,,:;. .lohn 1. I'm-kiT, ami ak i'.r l:i:n at sonic future day a nr.re promi nent ' iaci: in our It-; ale. i"r.,.n tli.- H.ihimoie Aiae:ie.-ti. j Fur '.lie m i olei lime since the formation of the Fcdi ral I'nion ,ur ( low -rniiu-nt is co. iip, -lied to ileal with a revolution. Dur i ii tie: last ;i mouths active preparations huc been i'oiur on in Louisiana for the de posing ot the Jcllo;;; aiiministration by force. Tim moveiii. nt. was aimed not only ul the S.ate allleials, b:;V was intended to include all the county and municipal olli cers who a llu red to the Keilo faction. A military organization was formed under i the name of the "Wliite Leatiue," ostensi bly fo.- the purpose of coiiilue'iiua political c.iiu iain, but only lliose who were will fully blind v. ere deceived by this pretense. Some f.mr weeks ao the involution was inaugurated in the northwestern s a t ion of the Suite. The colored people are laii:i ly in the majority in the parishes bordering on the Ked I.her, and the local oilieers were 1'epuhlicaiis. Annul bauds of "White Leauuers" suddenly appeared in tie- parish towns, and den. ruled the resignation of all the eftieers, threatening death in c:ise of re fusal. In this way cieht or ten parishes were captured. No doubt many persons were murderid while these violent procccd int:? were in proi.-s, but the revolution ists havim; entire control of Ihe agencies by which news is transmitted to 'he Xorth re ported, tie ir ietorii s as bloodless. Fed llieei Pari.-li was the last one at tacked. !iecai:e a lar'e majority of the peo ple are. Ie'puhlicans. and it was supposed tir.it some of the parish ojlieers were reso lute men. A face of live hund'ed men was raised in ihe. ii' ihbariuL' parishes, and the ttiwn of Coushatta was surrounded. The officers made a feeble attempt at le sistanee and th. ti surrruden d. Tl-.ey jiro iniseil to leave the State if their lives wore spai.-d. While heiiiLT taken to Shrev. port they were murdered. ':'( account says that the horrible massacre was perpetrated by a bam! ofTexans, while the most pro bable story i that a body of horsemen, who rode out from Shr. veport on the day before the murder and returned on the fol lowing day, are re-ponsible for ihe bloody deed.. This ended the revolution in Xorth ern Loiiisana. The I,ca:;nes in Xew Orleans were anxi ous to W-.-jin the war two weeks ago, but the leaders w ere not ready. MT.nery was timed and hesitating. The New Orleans l',rliiii,i pulihshed several i'.amhig edito rials urging immediate action, and intimat ing lhat the LeatMi'Ts of the city were not so courageous as their country brethren. In the meantime the Leagues kept on re cruiting, arming and drilling, and if the contest had not been precipitated by an in cident which was trivial in itself, probably nothing would have been done until M'-Em-rv's return from his stumping tour in the upper I'arishes. Three or four boxes were lauded on the wharf from one of the Xew York steamers, which were marked "Ladies and MissV shoes." .V detective who happened to V about the wharf '.'nought the boxes mlber heavy to contain nothing but shoes, and ordered ihemlobe taken to police headquarters. Two citiz' lis ajijH-ared and claimed the boxes, but inasmuch as they were filled with muskets the police authorities refused to give thrin up. Then began a litigation which ended in sending one of ICcllogg's judges and two policeman to jail for con tempt. Kellogg pardoned them, and arms were not given up. The Hntfid'n again Bounded the war not", and a tall was issued f r the mass meeting, at which the demand was made for Kellogg's abdication. It was given out that the meeting was to vindicate the t ight of citizens of the Tinted States to bear arm. Ten thousand le aguers en rolled in companies and n-giments, as mili tia, held themsejvees in readiness for the signal to inarch. A man named IVnn, who claimed to have licen circled Lieutenant lovernor on th" M'Enery ticket in l-To, took direction of the movement. Speeches were made at the massmeeting denounc ing Kellogg as a tyrant and u-urpcr, and resolutions were passed demanding his im mediate resignation. A committee was appointed' to wail on the .ovcrnor and ap prise him of the action of the meeting. Through a member of his stall' he 'gave a peremptory refusal. The ten thousand leajm rs immediately marched into Canal stru t, where they encountered a body of the Metropolitan police. A light c nsin d, in which about thirty persons (mostly po licemen! were killed and one hundred wounded. The Metropolitans lied in con fusion, and the leaguers took po-sr-sion of all the stalioii houses. Finding resistance tisele-s, the whole police force surrendered, and were paroled. This ended Monday's work. in Tue-day morning Governor Kellogg, apprehending violence, lied from the hotel temporarily occupied by the Executive Departments, and took refuge in the Cus tom House. The Leaguers too!; possesion of the di s.oied building, an I 1'eiin pro claimed himself Acting Covejuor. No sooner h id tin- been done than the League authorities at Shp veport telegraphed that the officers voted for on the M'Encry ticket in ls'T:; would be ina'tgura'.ei in all ihe northern parishes immediately. Jt i- pro bablv that they were Installed yesterday. This appears to be the whole story of ihe revolution, as f ir as it has been reported by telegraph. When ties" thing- became known hi Wa-hiiiglou President (.rant, after due cclisultatio'i with such of bis Cabinet olli cers as weir within reach, issued a pro clamation w ami tig t he armed organizations lhat bad deposed Kellogg to de-i-t from their unlawful proceedings, and lodi-prr-e within live days. From the tenor of this proclamation, il seems to apply to Petin and all others who have violently forced themselves into oillee. A direci i--uc has been made between 'lie insurgents ae.d the I'nited States lioverntnent, and unless everything is restored to the old s'"'"s wiltiin five days there will certainly be trouble Tlx' gushing disjiat' hes sent to Ihe President by the ne.v officials, assuring him of the completeness of the revolution, the part p't ie designs of those who partici pated, and their heroic purpose to protect lb" colored people, will hardly save them from '"the wrath to come." The Peisident is represented as being exceedingly indig nant, and has freely expressed his deter mination to drive the usurpers Irom the ollices into which tbev have forced them selves bv viol.-nce. In a .shooting a.'fray at Lexington, Mo., Kcenily, between a deputy marshal and a d 'puly sheriii', the marshal was killi d and the si, r'.ll'.nuitaliy wounded. The public debt statement for August shows a decrease of only t l.l'J'vf.O. This is much less than in August last year, and is accounted for by the panic not taking place until late in Sep'.eni'oer, thus having the bciic'it of the large revenue .-'.ii! being received. (it n ral Until r lias at length decided that he will be a candidate for Congress again, lie opened the campaign recently, by a .-pt e.-li at (.''..nicest, r, Mass. J. il. IVnsoii, of Pennsylvania, has bu n appointed acting Chief of the Treasury Se cret Service. Fr ancis 1 1 uber.a merchant of Pine ' rove, .--.huyikill county, who has been missing for a week, it appears has committed sui cide, lie was found in tin: mountains four miles from Pottsville hanging to a tree, the corp-e being much disligured by crows. Mi-.-Ioaaries and ethers .sojourning in f. reign lands should ret fail to take with them a Lo.id supply of Johnson's Annodyne Liniment. It is the most reliable medicine for :,ll purpo-cs there is in the world. Contagious diseases, such as horse ail. -lander. A:. may be prevented by the use of Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powders. Persons traveling with horses should take no'e of this. Sharpers in Xew York have been selling real estate on forged deeds, .e., which were reeiilaily recorded. Innocent parties have suil'ercd heavily by the criminal trans aeii, in.-. A man who had been traveling in Europe, on his return found that IJ'J Valuable lots be! eiging to him h :d bu'tl sold, and transferred on forged deeds, and l.e had to go to law to regain possession of his property. The rascals, after while, will sell houses over the heads of their on n.-rs. A P.ismarck, Dakota, despatch mentions the arrival there of the military escort of I lie northern boundary survey between the I'nited Stales and Jlritish Columbia. The commis-ion has completed its survey, and is on its wnv home. The returned escort report al' tin- regie. i of the I'pper Missouri :;s swarming with war parties ol" ('row and SIox Indians, and rear (.'amp Crook, a few days ago, they killed three wood-choppers, one of whom they burned nt the stake. A curious lawsuit has bci n commenced in !! otoe. ". V. A man, who was too diutik to u .'.jee that a bridge by which he was to er ?s th;. Mohawk rivir had hern washed away lya !Y she!, drove into the Mt'i ;':ii a:: 1 !.--. his l.or-..! and wagon. He has sued the man who sold him the liquor for dam igcs. (ioV. (sb "e. o K.illv!- lets sent, a let ter I the p!rsie:i!. renewin ,' his reipier t for arms to protect the frontiers from In dians. He states that sixteen citizens of Kansas are known to have heeii murdered by Indians since the I'ltii of June last, and that not one of the murderers has been punished or even apprehended, and urges that as the Cniii d States military force in that locality is not sullieient t prevent or punish such oui rages, means be furnished to scttlels to protect thelll-elves. In the Constitutional Convention of Arkansas, on Monday, an enrolled copy of the new Constitution was lead and signed by ail l-u' seven members. lb-solutions were adopted pledging the members to dis countenance ail lawlessness and violence whatever, and demanding cijual protection and c.pial rights fo-all. regardless of color; also, dep.-, eating all proceedings likely to cause : eondicl be I wet n the races-, and in viting immigration to the Stale. The meeting of the creditors of Jay Cooke A; Co.. in Wastiitigton, ims 1.n postponed until the lllst. owing to the ab sence from l lie ciy of a laige number of persons interested. In the meantime an ( libit will lie made to secure the co-operation of creditor.-' of tlie firm in other cities. ProiniiK nt Democrats of Montgomery county claim that the defeat ofj.ossfor Supreme Judge will greatly hint their ticket iii the "county, and say that the l.c publieans will elect three Assemblymen. A scoundrel rnlcrcd the stables ol A. X. M'Candless, in Fuller, one night last week, and cut otf the hind legs of ;t valua ble horse. Maim: Ei.i'itiux. The election for Governor, members of Congress, ,.c, took place in Maine, on Monday. The I.epub lieans elected tilt ir lnvrnur by their usual majoritv, and carried ail the members of Congress. I.-iIta, the Driiiocr.it candidate for Licu'enaii! Coeru ir. made an active can vass in his own coii:iI. a i.-w weeks before the Deioociatic S:..!e Contention was held, as a candidal)- !' n- 'oiigress, and was beaten Sin i, ly bis o u in. mediate neigh bors. They- know him. and that is Ihe way tht V Dem t : I y : i . ,t ion of him. The ie.nd have passed rat- 1 W.s;!l; their ueeiet upo'i him. that he is until to go to ( ':: ! es : nod if unlit for that, how can be I lit for Li'-uti u int (iovernor ? ,!;i!-'c (1'mstee. on the contrary, was r.ceivcd. on his i . - 1 1 i home froni the He JlUbli.M!! !:tte ( ' ;.vt nl ion, w ith a perfect o'.atioii. which was participated in by Demoeiats audi lb-public ati alike. His f l'.o-. i- l.n-tw hitii. ju-t as the West ineii land peopl- know Latta : but they turn out i.i eel..-' to greet him, whilst the D: in erats of Westmoreland regard Latta as too p.,o- an object even to send to ( .n- gl'er-s. Telegraphic news. ,OI i ISt'.SCV AAH III . ('IVIh WAU IX l.ol l-IANA. i:i.iiv lain - is 'nil-: sii:i:i:r- or- xi:w OUI.KAXs. Nl.e. M: I.i: A s. St pi. II In response t itle tall for a mass in'iting in Canal street thi- uioi ning o protest, against the seizure of arms of private citizens, men be gan to a-semble about ten o'clock and by eleven the g' e.it th il', eighlare was filled for sev-ral sijtsares. The meeting adopted resolutions request ing lie- immediate abdication of Governor Kellogg, and a committee consisting ,,f f. II. ? I 1 1 r, chairman ; Julius Tuyes, Samuel P.i 1! and J. M. s. i-i- Wire appointed to wait "ii the ' ."v. rnor. The co-muitlee called at. the Executive ()!liee about noon. The Governor not be ing present, Hrigadii-r General Dibble, of the Governor's staff, received the delega tion. Mr. Marr, as spokesman said they had called as a committee to interview the Governor. General Dibble said he would convey the intcligince to the Governor. After a brief absence he returned ami made a reply which at the request of Mr. Marr was reduced to wilting, as follows : -nr.l l.v ol tiik ;ivi:i:o.:. I have communicated with the Gover iioi. and he directs me to say to you fhat he must decline to receive any communica tion fi om committee appointed by the mass meeting assembled on Canal street. He dot s -o, I am instructed to av. because he lias delirite and acuratc information that there n re now assembled several large bodies of armed men in iiTerr.it p iris of illicit', w ho are met at the cr.l! which convened the mass meeting which y i't r eprer-en t. He regards this as a menace, and he will receive no commuicatiou under such cir cumstances. He furthermore directs me to say that should ihe people assemble peaceably, without iiu n.sce, he v, ou'.d dec m it one of his highest duties ( receive any coinmuication from then:, or entertain auy j petition addressed to the. i iovenu.r. I have j received and an- '.ven d you, gentle 1 :;i ::s i e! K, ! ueral. ! i i member of';::.- s: Ili.MlYC. I'll .dge advocate-. a egaua r met Louisiana State militia. To which mi:, maki: oi:ai.i.y i:i;i ;.ii:: As follows We repeat that there are no armed rioters, there are no armed men on Canal streets so far as we know. "We came on a mission of peace, and believe that if the Covcrnor had acceded to the proposi- j tion we brought to-day, which was to ah- j ,n..nt. Ho will make a complete statement dieato, it would have pacitkd the people of shortly. It is reported that he has tender Louisiana, and would have prevented vio- J v, j,; resignation. He admits that ids as leuce or bloodshed. So far as we ar - con- sisiants are more abusive th in is obsolute eerued, we are prepared to pledge to him y necessary, and that he himself is very no violence in person or properly, u'e feel in a position, on the contrary, to as-' sure him that there should be peril el im- j munity to both. The. substance of the fore oin,- r-oilv n as subsequently, bv Mr. Marr's request, re- i 'rixnox. Sept lg.-The great strike of duced to writing by the Governor's riv.tte ' ""' operatives at P.olton, which was an-s-ecn-tary, and handed to him to be lead at i t be imminent on Thursday, has the mass meeting. ; commeneed. The strike stops seventy- , ! four nulls, which employed l:!,0'.)0 hands. General Dibble, on the-part of the Govt r- : , . lt ... , . , ,. , T , 1 , . . , j-ort y-tight mills, employing ,,()iMl hands, nor. replied : I have to repeat what I s ud i . : .. . ? 4 , , ., , . , i continue operations. Subscriptions for the before, that while there may be no armed ., , , , , ,, , , , , , , ,. ; strikers have been opened by the trades men on Canal street, there are aruietl bodies ... , . ,, r . t , unions throughout the nianulacturing dis- witiiui a short distance, asscmuied on the , . , tricts. same cad as your mass meeting. The committee then retired, and soon after reported the result of this interview to the m; e ting. The people were then ad vised to go home, ii:r 'i n 1 .1 u aw.ms and am.:;u:ii!ioii and return to assist the While Leaguers, w ho were under arms to 1 execute the plans that would lie arranged for them. Ihe people tuen quietiy pi rseil. .v.tei waro quite a large numeer formed in procession and marched up Camp street. A proclamation was issued by D. P. Pel. n, Lieutenant Governor, calling tij on the militia of the state to assemble, under their respective oiliccrs and drive the us surp'.is from power. An ord-r was then is-ued by Peru ap pointing Genera! Fn de-rick X. Ogdcn, pro visional comuiainkr of the Louisiana "Mate niiiiiia. .i.ji:i;ss to 'i niti oi.oni:i ri-oi'i.i:. "To the Colored People of the State of Loui.-ian.i. In tic grand movement now on foot against the enormities of the rule of KeUogg's usurpation rest assured that no harm is m -ant toward you, your pro- : pert- or your right3. "Pursue your usual avocations and you will not be molested. We w ar against the thieves, plunderers and -poilers of the State who an- involving your race and ours in common ruin. The rights of the colored as well as of t lie whit" race we are deter mined t uphold end defend. D. !k Pi.xx, "Li. utenant-Govc'.iior." I .... 1... i...ii.-. .o . ...... i.Ain.i: r.oi.ti.s m mi:n taM'nxn to tiii: j 1 A'-1-- ) people seem to have responded with ! alacrity to the advice given them by Dr. Heard, one of the epeakers at the Canal street meeting. Hy three o'clock P. M. armed men were stationed at the intcrsi-e- I tion of all the streets on the south side of Canal street, from the river in ClaiDorne , M unu r,E Walker takes theiu and ttieet, : ges into the street to negotiate a loan upon Ai:i:iv.w. or Tin: i'n.n i:. . .e,.,,, (, .illljs a U:1!1 .;, ii:is money to About four P. M. a body of metropolitans, 1 lo.in ,, real estate. The Hegister's numbering about ..00, with cavalry and ; ..s an. examined, t!ie conveyances are artillery, appeared at the head of Canal : .jp, c;,.ar, the money is loaned. Walker street and took position. General Ing- j disapjK'ars. Ol course the fraud is tiis street, who was commanding, accompanied j tl)Vered after the lapse of a week or two, by an orderly, then rode up and down Canal ! .lmi Walker is arrested, and will go to Sing street ordering the armed citizens to dis- : Mg. Now, it strikes me that a mind perse. Some desultory firing soon after capable of conceiving and executing so occurred along Canal street, and some few magnificent a piece of villainy ought to casualties are reported on both sides. The ; k,,.v that legitimate business is its proper metropolitans are reported to have broken j What combinations could not such at the first lire, the citizens capturing one : a genius c licet in dry goods f piec" of artiilt ry. j If that man had to be a rogue, why did Parricides are ciei t. d on all streets lead- ! j,,. Ullt t,, Wall street, or get. into polities ing from Canal, between Poydras and j in this c'uy '. Canal, and the "people's Party" hold all; These are salt: fields for such geniuses, that portion of tin- city above ( anal. 1 be metropolitans are massed in and around , Jackson Square and St. Louis Hotel. tltillTlX'. IN hAKXKST. There was quite a sharp light at the river end of (.'anal street about four o'clock. The j number of killed is estimated by sonic as ' high as fifty, ami many wouudeti. Capl. J. M. West, a printer and well- . i known newspaper correspondent, and I.A. ltUM ,,f it y(,w vrk has a value despite j Toledano wi re killed on tlie citizens' side. ; th(. tl. ,,;!,, depression. Mr. H. A. Wit ; A number of metropolitans are reported ; t,.ius 1:ls sold to the Fnioii Dime Savings Skilled, and General P.adger seriously wounded. The colored men. of which the m trop ilitantbrigade was largely composed, broke and ran upon the Ilrsl lire, leaving their white comrades, a number of whom were killed and wounded. The casualties will be p-portcd as last as tlicy are ascer tained. TIIK si 1 I A Tl'-N AT ItKillT 'i l." K I.A-T KV i:im:. The streets above Canal street are well filled with an 1 citizens The impression now prevails that no further attempts will ! be made bv the metropolitans lo disperse ; j , , I their opponents. 1 Nt w York woith V The cily is remarkably quit t throughout, r.i-.Ki:. 1 and no further conflict is apprehended be- The German-are up ami inarms. Wed fore morning. Most of tht: barricades are m -day last three thousand saloon keepers 'made with street lailroad cais. Six or j met in council, and resolved that the li- eight citizens and twenty or thirty metro- ! cense laws must be repealed, and that the politans were killed in the tight this after- ' trallie in beer must be treated the same as j noon and many wounded on both sides. j anv other business, and also that this I TIIK As Al.'l'li:s. ! question must go into politics, and hi: , New Oin.l'.AXs, Sept. 1 J 1 1 P. M. j made an issue. Tlie beer interest in Xew , The following is a list of casualties on the , York is one that has positive power, and j side of the citizens as far as has been as- j of course politicians will be found who will ! certained : - -Killed E. A. Talledano, j recognize it. The German clement is im ! Fret!. Morcman, Dick Lindsay, Captain .1. j meiisely strong here, ami on the question j M. West. Major.). K. Gourdain and one j of free beer and the right to drink it Sun j M again, street car driver. Seriously I days as well as other days it is almost an ! woumled - F. Pallet, J-ihii Considine, John ! unit. They do not like to be driven nut ; Kilpatriek, Major William E. Wells mid i of the city for their Sunday n creations, and ; Samuel P.. Newman, Slightly wounded they will make a vigorous light for what to E. Hozonier. Fnlel Keller, W. J. Ibitlerand I them is a vital matter. This question is Mr. Mch'clcman. one of the distuibers that come up every General Fredeiick Ogden's horse was ! little while to vex the souls of politicians. ' killed under him, ami the general slightly The American religious element is inflexi- injurcd from a fall, but he remained on ' blv opposed to the violation of the Sabbath, I duty. ' the German is as inllexibly determined to General A. S. P.adger, commanding the ! spend it as he pleases. Imagine the- per ' metropolitans, received three buckshot i plexily of the ambitious politician in whose wounds, ohe through the leg, one through district these elements aie about even! the arm, and another through tht! body, j Won't he: have a splendid opportunity for ' His leg has since been amputated. The ! dodging ? 'general, besides his wounds, received a j KM'KXsi vk IT.xkkai.s. heavy fall, his horse heing killed under him. i I nderthe present system, ii costs from tiikxkwsin WAsiiixen'ox. i .-s.V) to sl.'O to bury a corpse in the most Wasiiix.to, Sept. 11. Intelligence modest way. The most exorbitant prices comes from New Orleans in such terms as ! art: charged for cotlins and the a-eompani-I justifies thcassertionthatCovernorMeHogg j ments, all of which are paid without a ' has called upon the President for Federal i question, for no man can ask prices over I aid lo support the State authorities in sup- I the dead body of one loved and lost. Then ' pressing tlomesfie violence, ihe l."gis!atu re come carriage, price of lot, etc., all of not now being in session. Should the call reach the President to-morrow, it may be came n matter Cabinet consideration, as he will not leave for Long 11. ancli until night. Kcu-iiiig JJai Jc.a.; i:;tiIoj cos o:s lfii'l'Vi.;: . I.EADINC, f-'l't. !-.- The J.V;,"V f this r.fbinoon announces that on after Monday next the employees of ; e Philadelphia and Heading I!ai!; oa,l Co::.; any in this city and along the line will be put on half time, ..vorking two weeks cut of the month, at ,.igi.t hours per day. A genera! stagnation of trade anel business is the alleged reason for the stoppage, IM.-TKKATMI'X'i' Of OIU'HAXS. The Ri'jh charges of gro' S cruelty and iil-treatm; nt administered to the orphans at school at the Womclsdorf Orphans' Homo are to be investigated by the Hoard ! of Trustee?. Superintendent Albright, of 1 the Home, was in Heading this morning, e.r.d he admits that severe punishment was mlniini.- tered Id the inmates, and that one of the boy's fingers weie cut on the ends with a tableknife as part of that punish favorably impressed with ihe i e.essily of corporal punishment to bring about strict discipline. A V; hole Town .lie . !.!ir;c I'arJy 15ml !.r XIohIoh Ij I Hi.C'.l Males Troop!. Cami'hx IIkd Pivki:, Sept. 1, via Fort Dodge The command of General Miles met between four and live hundred Chey enne Indians twelve miles from Fed river, Texas, on August 130, and after a sharp ...i-nnifiit, lai-tinrr five ltoui-s, tlrnvo tin in over thirteen miles of high and almost im passable canyons, with a loss to them of twenty-live to thirty killed and wounded. Our casualties wen: three, badly wounded. Correspondence. om: m:u roicie m.tti:;;. THK LAST l-'KAI'D UKAI. JTATi' I IK Kit ri xititAt.s i i:t:math)X i.i i: ltn: iii,T:iN tiik iniAfiin i;isim:ss tiik wr. ;-n i i:. Xi:w Voi:k, lo. is'TI. A m:w i -i; a i'i. If the dishonest men would give to holi est employment half the shrewdness they do to their swindling schemes, tle y would In: the ri best men in the world. For cer tainly the genius wasted in roguery, that always ends badly, could not but pay large ly in any legitimate business. The last dodge in thievery has just, been unearthed, and a most ingenious dodge it is. A scoundrel sailing under the alias of Walker, a few months ago, went to work and dehb ratrly forged conveyances of real estate be- i,igmg to t;ie estate o! a man wlio lias ' Ix.1. ((.ri(j flVoyi.ars. Uv ,;ide dee.'.s from Isaac Young, tin: aforesaid deceased, to j iPi,,), f worth , It jO, and Went ; Vi.j;h ,pl.m l(, ,),,. Krister's- ilhce and had ! liu.M recorded. (;f course this was all I r(.j.,,I;u', for the r. gistery clerks have no .aI14 f knowing whether Isaac Young is i aive or a d.ad in;,,,. The conveyances : wlit i e there is ample scope for scoundrelism without risk. Hut they never do it. When Walker gets out of Sing Sing he will get into a similar transaction in a week, and go up again. SV'h men only' keep out of prison a lew weeks at a time. When in quod, they devise .schemes that invariably take tin tn back again. Speaking of IlKAI. Il-TATi:, Hank, for s'7o,no(J, the plot of land on ihe southerly side of Thirty-second street, be tween P.roadway and Sixth avt nue. The , lJlt 1 3.1 i 1 1 ig-s are of little value, and formed no j,.,,., j-',L, v.ll. 'rK. l)ts fr,lt on tlie j .;..;.,,. .,ublic place at the intersection j of P.roadway and Sixth avenue, 42 feet on i Proadway, bt feet on Sixth avenue, and about b'O feet on Thirty-second street. The piice is at the rate of 17".(HM for a lot of the usual size. Mr. Witlhaus paid.-t , (ii id f ! the property about twenty years ago. I -n t that rather a steep price for so small a niece of earth . At this rate, what is which makes a sum that is oppressive to a poor man or on;: in oven moderate circum stances. The Germans have a society for doing p way with all this. They hav; taken up tut, itiea of cremation, and propose to bring it into vogue. They are building a hali i;ix 3-i feet, fitted with an altar at w hic'o , religious ct lemonies may be had. Hack of j this alh.r is to be a furnace capable of be- ; ing heated to l,diu", which m- es soft j plates in the uiela! collln i nclosing tin: ie-j mains, which heat will reduce the remains ' i to iisl.es til :oi ic.ai- "i,.! ... I. '.' . !' ! " ' ' " .k..-. .... , this can be done for S;-:, which is bringing j burial expenses within reach of the poor est. The Germans will take this idea and act upon it, for this people have not the rcverei.ee for ancient forms that the Americans possess, and the form of dis posing of remains is in entire consonance with their ideas of the fitness of things. And who knows but after it has become, a common practice among the Germans it may be adopted by the rest of mankind 1 i:::i;iii:r.-TiLTi. Tilton's last statement, which appeared Friday bus stirred up this mess once more. Public opinion in the city has once more veered to Tilton, and it will probably stay then: till Peeeher makes a statement, when it may shift to him. Tilton gives the world nothing new in the matter, but he explains the why of very much of it. For instance, in answer to the question why, after per mitting his wife's infidelity to remain a se cret with him four years, he gave it to the world, he says that had Elizabeth remain ed with him, and the church had let her alone he never should have divulged it. But she k-ft him for the purpose of testify ing against him, and in sheer self-defense ho was compelled to give the terrible truth to the world. Moulton's statement is a crusher, and has produced a profound im pression. He fastens his former statements and makes his case very cleverly. Xow what will Heccher do? Ate we to have more statements 'i He has said that he will not open his mouth or put pen to pa per on this subject again, tut "rill trust to the courts to clear his skirts. Thank heaven, for no matter who is in fault the people art: tired of the whole matter. Let us hope it will be. settled one way or an other, and lhat quickly. Speaking of this affair, it is gratifying to notice the frankness ami fairness with which the l)ubj (!iiihh- has treated this matt'-r. Without disguising its own con clusions, from the reports of both side-, prescribed in its co.ums with an enterprise which made some of the slow-coach papers, in self-defense, profess old ueen Anne's j horror of gossip, it has commented on the j sad affair in a tone befitting gentlemen, an j example which some of its unsuccessful contemporaries might have followed with j much credit and more grace. The way in which zealots on both sides have carried on th.i skirmih renders it a ' sure Miing that nobody comes out of the scrimmage with a clean coal. That the : ; riij liir hns. shown more wit and Itss teni ; p.er in its share of the sport may be charged ' to the fact that its editorial columns are in ; tlie hands of gentlemen, made such by i virtue "f breeding and sympathies, as well ; as position ; who know how to hold liberal views and express them fully, while keep ; ing them out of the mire. And I may say that it is the controlling force of this quiet genllcmanhood which makes the G'"'o'c J such a favorite fimily paper both in and ; out of the city. The rare ability of D. G. Croly, its managing editor, and the enter i prise and tact of the P.rother.s- Goodse!!, have made, the GYye a great success. j UUsIXI'ss. j Docs not pick up as I (and everybody else) hoped. The city is full of merchants ; the i hotels are not only crowded but over ' crowded, hut they do not buy. The South is paying smalt scou.. Ver s.u, i.ut the j West, so far, is only sorting up. The mer i chants all say they intend 10 buy largely, but they are waiting to see what the con dition of things is to lie. In short, with wheat at the price it is, they are afraid to venture. Possibly they nre right ; but the importers and jobbers, w ho have stocks on hand, don't see it. Au.l the summer has slipped away, we are fairly into the fall, and the goods are all in the "original pack- i ages.'1' I am speaking now of the whole- sale trade. The ictail business in this city looks somewhat hopeful this month, and will keep its cheerful face, for the people have money, if the trade only have sense to adopt the rule of the leading house in America, namely, to do away with fancy prices for any class of goods, however new j or fashionable, and bring the most tempt j ing articles at once within the reach of ordinary buyers. The novel and nice im- pollutions of dress goods, camel hair cloths, j quilted silks, and fancy fabrics of the latest Parisian fancy are accordingly put on the ! counters at juices which compare with j those of the old-fashioned standards, neri I no, and Hritish cloths, in the eye of careful J purchasers. This idea of selling stock but once, as merchants express it, will result in clean counters and equally clean balances t next spring. Even India shawls are no exception to this rule, for the largest im porters in this line have determined to put them on the same footing with other goods, and estimate their value according P their worth, without paying l'im) or .'KM) per cent, tribute to fashionable caprice. One hears of sucli comfortable orders in the trade as SlUMi'i worth of American shaw ls for one customer, and S.".,imh. worth of piintssold at retail at one counter ir. a single day. Stewart's house sold oil" all its first stock of fall goods before the first of September, ami were obliged to order afresh by ocean e!e graph to supply at that date. Nevertheless, the city will see a great ileal of distress this winter. There has been no building and labor of any kind this summer, that the working-men have not been able to keep anything ahead, and when the frost puts its embargo on out door woik there is going to be an amount of destitution and actual .-ulfering that the city never saw before. Heaven help the poor this winter. And let me put in a warning here to young men keep out of New York this fall and winter. There are thousands upon thousands of unemployed men in eveiy possible department of labor. Theie art! one hundred applicants for every vacancy. Except upon a sure thing stay where you are, it you can earn bread ami Clothes. I UK WKAT1IF.K Is cxliemclv hot and sultry, and in the poor quarters of the city there is sull'ering lo a terrible degree. How they long for the cool breath of autumn. PlKTUD. dPlcta fcbertiscmcnts. TO OVITS.M TOKN. IJltOl'OSAl.S wilt lie norivt',1 at the 'omniis siiitiers Oilier, on Mon-fiv tilt Till day of N-j-.teiiilier, 1ST), lietut-eil tin Ileitis el' 10:1. tn. ami :.' . in., ! linilil a l"x ciiiu it arrn-s tlie "(in!" or canal at tin eastern eml of Market st reel, in lie: tiortnmli of Siinlmry, on the line tu-twet-n I'ltper Ansriista township anil the lm rongh of Snnliiirv. Plans ami se ilie-ition-t e hiliil.'.l nn the iGv of lettiiiL'. MOS V AM" INK, .1. (i. IMTUI AM, 1). M. KK.IT. ('oiiiinissidnei-. I. W. t.r.AV, Cork. Snnhiirv. Am.nist '.s, ls;. "r7T7S"Ts?,eir' rrs. Tmmi rs it lib illflUU Corner Third and ri ci".x rts -0-: ..'e.-l n;,i-,i :ni. re uly for inspection an Iamieasc Stock of New an 1 Fr.sY.o ia'.i'.i: FALL GOODS. Fashionable and Well-Made CLOTHING for Jlcn and Boys. ! Latest Styles of HATS and CAPS for Men and Boys ! Enormous assortment of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS! Everything New, Fashionable and Stylish ! Largest Stock with One Hundred Miles to select from ! The most Fashionable Goods always on hand ! Everybody, Rich or Toor, can lie suited and fitted ! RICES LOWER THftH Nolrfidy is able to undersell us ! "H'e mean business, and will prove all wc assert. We roiili.iiiy invite, t vi rjliodv to give t:s a call and examine the enormous ami magnil'oent stock of New ami fashionable Clothing, (ienl's Furnishing fioods, Hats and Caps, Trniifc?, .tee., list OIM-Ill'll. Wc intend to do the leading lnisiness in onr line and will offer good goods at prices that defy competition here or elsewhere. No goods misrepresented under any eon.-idtrp.ti- n, and polite attention paid to all. Snal. tiy, I'ii., Sfpti-iuht-r II, 1ST 1. SISfc'lII I-T"S ,OTI(X the E'l-foreeiiient ol' the l'i.Ii ' or I.a v.". UNW-.tt the Act of the Leuishiturc of Penn- ! syivania, passed at tlie session of 1S71, for the protection of salmou, black bass, and other ! food fishes newly introduced, or to be introduced into the river Delaware and isustiiiehnuiia, and 1 their tributaries generally. and for the protection of li.-h generally in said streams, J, bamuel Ji. , Uothermel, MierilT of Northumberland county, in compliance with and fur the enforcement of said law, hereby ;ive notice that ail conveniences for the catching of lish, commonly called fish ' hasik.e-t!, itc, within my jurisdiction as Sheriff ol j said county, ami now known to exist in the , streams of said eounty, are hereby declared to be 1 common nuisances, and i hereby command, ae- I eoitiinu to law, that tht-y be removed and dis- I manrled by tlie owners cr mai .ters thereof, ; within ten days from the date of this proelama- tion. And for the informetion of tne public, ; hereto ittlaeb that section of the Fih-i.uw relat- ; ing to the removal and uisinanirmg of lish has- , kets. ,v.c : Src 11. On a-:y of tiio .-ire tin- or parts oi' streams eji-.U-iuplat.-d by this act, .nj under the jurirdie-tion of thi-t Commonwealth, to which an- I adremoas or migratory Uslies shall have access, by the- H'-n-exisU-n'-e of dams, or oy op mings in tit tiams, w hi ther iatendjd or not to facilitate tn 'h ace -ss. and whatever m the reaches of fpa'-os beir.v or between dams, sueli planting of ' n.:w species shall have taken place, as herein ( contemplated, the sheritt'-t of the counties having . jurisdiction ia such reaches ef the streams, when ever they shall discover or be informed, of the existence of Mich contrivances to the e.itehinjj of tish as are cuiniiinuiy known i.o li-h-baskets, eel wier-s ki blit s, brush o-- f.iiciue nets, or any otin-r permae. iitly set means of taking tish, in the nature of a seive, which are known to be . wasteful and exlr.ivagaiit modes oi" li-hiiig, the said sheriffs shall give ten days notice in two new-papers of their respective counties, that the , said contrivances are known to exist and are . common nuisances, ordering them to be tlismant- j led by their owners or manager-, so as to rentier them no longer capable ol injuring the lishes of the streams of whatever kind ; and if at the ex piration of the said ten days the dismantling shall not have taken place, then the said sheriff shall proceed, with such force of good men of i the county as may be necessary for the purpose, nnd-desiroy or dismantle the said fish-baskets, j Kiddies, eel wiers or ucii other devices conlem- I titntpil he this section, nn th.-it tbev m.-tv hn nn ' longer capable of injuring tish ; ami the account- j ing otneers of the counties shall make good the cost of the said proceeding to the said sheriir or sheriffs, in the settlement of their accounts with tlie said sheriffs ; anil if upon being duly infirm ed by a reputable citizen of the count- 'Hat s.iid nuisances are in existence anJ U'tinire aba'.etnent, the said slicri!!- or .-rierilts shall not proceed n ,i:. ,.s'.i in this act. then he oi t hev. u Don con viction in the county court oi'the said neglect of j duty, shall be fined not less than one hundred nor "more than one thousand dollars for every such iiei.leet ; said lines to be collected as ordi nal y f'nirs ooileeteu. .,n, the proceeds are to be divided equally between Hie inlorraer or com plainant and the school directors of th proper district, for school purposes only ; this section 13 net iLtentled to supercede any other law of this Commonwealth for the suppression of fish bas kets, ct cetera, if the same be found efficacious to destroy or abolish them. SAMUEL II. UOTHERMEL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury. Sept. IS, 1S74. OKriIAXS CO! 1ST (SALE or V A I. V A B L E R E A L ESTATE. IN pursuance of nn order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will lie exposed ' to sale by public vendue or outcry, on j TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0th, 1V71, j On the premises, in Lower Mahanoy township, j in Maliantoiigo Valley,! lit following Real Estate, I to wit : Purpart No 1. I A Tract of Lund, sit aate in Lower Mahanoy township, North um- j bt-rland county. Pa., adjoining lauds of Michael j Ht-ckert and Emanuel Heckert, purpart No. of , estate of Philip Ht-ekert, deceased, Wm. Shiga- ! man. Adam Rudy-ill and others, containing lO'.l j Acre- and l'.'d t'crehes, whereon are erected a large ' 1 FRAME DWELLING HOUSE AM. BANK BARN. " j WaL'on Shed, Spring House, and all necessary out buildings. Cider Pn-s-, an Orchard with ! choice fruit The tract is in a high state of eul-1 tivation. ami well watered by running spring, i ANo. Purpart No. C. A tract of land, situate I in Lower Mahanoy township, Northiiniberlanil j county. Pa., adjoining lands of (leorge lirosinus, ; John 1'atriek, Wjii. Deppin and others, contain- ' ing .":; Acres ami U4 lYrchcs, about 10 acres of . which are well limbered, the balance in a good state of cultivation, and well watered with mu lling spring-; late Ihe estate of Philip ".'ckert, decea-.d. Sal.- to c.miiiciiee at 10 o'elot k, a. in., on ai I , tl.iv. wle-n lie- cm 1:1 ions of sale will be made: knou n bv F.M'L HECKERT. : Atlmiuistrator of Phiiip Heckert, dee. ...w.-r Mahanoy. ept. is. l'.l. i otice t HritJge lSuiltlers. I IJRl I't ISA I.S will be received at the Commis sioner's Office for the building of a bridge across Dornsife's mill race, in little Mahanoy township, Northumberland county, on the '.':M day of September, between the hours of 10 a. m. and - p. m. of said day. Plans and specifica tions will be exhibited at the Commissioner's t Ul'ice on Ihe dav of letting. VOS VASTISK, J. i. DURHAM. I. S. REIT. Commissioners. P. W. t.itw, ( U-i k. C.mimi-sioner's Oillee, Sunbury, Sept. 11, 174 Adjourned Court. rpiIE Adjourned Court, ordered to be In 1.1 .1 during the week commencing on Monday, Ihe gist day of Sept., will be h'-!tl as ordered. It is only the "second week of the Couit that was to be held, commencing on Monday, the ','SIh, that has been posttioncd. Witnesses, Jurors, and parties should lake notice of this. SAMUEL II. UOTHERMEL. Sheriff. Sheriir.- Olliee. Sinibiiry. Sept. It, 1S7. oti i:. In re of the account of P. S. 1 To the creditors liiekel and L. T. Rolnb.n h, I of Peter Horel. Assignees of estate Peter I.o- J rel. ' Notice is helc'iv given that Ihe account ol P. S. Itickt-I and L. T. Rolnbaeh. Assignees of the e-tate ol Peler l'.ort l. has bee i tiled in the Court of Common Plea- ol Nort bumberiand comity, and will be presented to said Court tr continua tion, on Tue-dav, the 5.1 day of November, A. V. 1.4. L. T. ROHRBACH. Prolhouotary. Sunbury, Sept. 11, tS74.-4t. Caution. Whereas my wife Elizabith has left my bed and board without any jnsl canst? or provo-a-tii.n. I hereby caution all persons from harbor ing or trusting her on my account or for ai. claims, as I will not pay any debts of her con tracting unless compelled to bv 'aw. JACOB LATSH A. W:i..iii.. ton township. Sent. '.". 1S74. lit. I.ST1CAY COW. c tWIK to the nn-nii-es of the subscriber in h iuiokin township, on or about the 10th ot August, a small, lietl w, ton-iieati partly w bite, and right ear partly torn off. The owner orowers are requested to come forward and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of ac cording lo law. SAMUEL READER. Snr. Shainokin twp. Aug. ','7. Wt. '.' mo-. LOTHING STORE, Market Streets, fil fiRI OTHER PLftGE. Wffl. A. HELLER, Corner Third and Market Streets. Sunbury, Pa. Formerly Hi'rzfe'der's. VALIAHLK FARM FOR SALE. 'tVTILI, EE SOLI) AT PUBLIC SALE. AT T the Court House, in the borough of Sun bury, on Saturday, OriIer S. 1H7I. the following described real estate, to wit : A certain TRACT OF LAND, situate in the township of I'pper Augusta, Nor thumberland county, Pa., about one mile from the borough of Sunbury, called "The Spring ifill Farm," adjoiniug lands of John '.. Haas. (ieo. Conrad, Charles Reinhart. John W. Fryling ant! Martin Gass, eor.taii.ing 73 ACEES, more or k-.-. nearly all cleared and in good :-tate of cultivation, on which are erected a two-story Log Driellin House, lUnl; Rara, Wagon She I, and outbuildings. There is also on said premises a variety of fruit trees ai l a never failing Spring of Water. Tliis f.ir:r. n ii! be sold as the prep-rty of tiea. C. We '.ker, lite'd, in whom was the title of the '.uuiivided seven-eighth, and of Mrs. Samh I. VeiUer, in w'uoni is the litle of the uaiir id- 1 one-eighth. Sale to commence ut 1 o'clock, p. m., of said dav 'hta the conditions will be made known bv f.EOI'GE HILL, Executor of (jeo. C. We' ker. det 'd, SARAH I. WELKER. Siiiibury, Sept 4, IsT-i.-tt. A-iIniiiiisfraior's Police. TTOTIi'E is hereby given, that letters of ad ininistr.itioii having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Josiah W. Lord, late of Lower Mahanoy township, Northumber land county. Pa., deceased. All persons indebt ed to said estate are re'iuested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. B. M. RUBB, Administrator. Lower Mahanoy twp., Aug. 7, lsT4.-iit. J. T.t-rriil Linn. Andrew H. Dill. Frank. S. Marr. MXX. DILI. A MARK, ATTORNEYS AT LATt In Haupt"" Bnilding, Market Street, SUNBURY, aug.T,lST4. Northumberland Co., Pa. Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. g tl 7. J '- oil W z i o I s O 5 -5 12 hi i, 1 k 2 i Land. Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Aulitor"H !ot!ee. Mo-!e , Metzg.tr .v. Co. Shipman, Bloom Co. August T, 1.-7 1. Shi Notice is hereby given to all persons interest ed, that the undersigned. Auditor to make distri but ion of the money arising from the sale of tht real estate of the said defendants to and anion;, the creditors thereto, will attend to the duties o his appointment, at his office, in ihe borough o Sunbury. on Friday, the lllh day of September 1S74. between the honrs of 10 o'clock a. m. an 3 o'clock, p. m., on said dav. U C. PACKER, Auditor. Sunbury, Aug. 21, lN74.-3t. Xotiee to Trespasser. Notice is hereby given to all persons not t, trespass npon the farms of the undersigned it Jackson township, (located on the Island in th Susquehanna river, opposite TreTorton June tion, and that any person or persons found pull ing down bars or rails, making paths throng the fields, taking any kind of fruit or berries hunting on said Turins, shooting or pursuiu any turds or other game thereon, or in any wa. trespassing on any portion of said farms, will b dealt with according to law, without respect t. person. JEREMIAH COOPER. CHAS. II. WOLVERTON. PETER ZEKiLER. JACOB HERB. Jackson twp., Aug. 21, 1374. I KoarIiiiK. Four or Five Gentlemen can b accommodated with board and rooms on appli cation nt theboardine house of Mrs. Mary liry mire, North Front Street, near Clement's stean saw mill. Terms 25 rts. per meal. Snnbnrv. Angn-t 14. 174, Sugar, 1 Coffee, I Cement, Salt, I Fish, Phosphate, I