Stlstilfontiiais. Sisftlhtitecns. partway CALDWELL'S V The Hot and tiie Skeleton. A phy sician in New Tork had long been pestered by little Arabs who came to peddle candy. At last, when patience had ceased to be a virtue, he told the boy to go into the yard, where there was a follow who Lad a sweet tooth in his head. The young pedler en ured, and his eyes foil on a grinning ske leton, swaying and nodding in the breeze. The boy's hair stood on end, his tongue was palsied and he dropped his stock in trade instanler and scampered off ns fast as his legs could carry him. The doctor,a kind-hearted man withal, and very tall and lank, by the way, tearing that he liad car ried the joke too far, picked up the candy and ran out, crying, 'Come back, boy; lucre's nothing here to hurt you.' 'Oh, no,' said the boy, 'you don't come that over me ; I kuow you, if have got your clothes on.' Sticking to Wiiiskv. While manipu lating the windless of a well, the other nisht, a party who had been laying in a stock of whisky before it was all seized by the police, let the handle slip when th bucket was half way up, and naturally en ou"li received a chuck under the chin that knocked him over a neighboring fence. 'Sold again,' he muttered, as he climbed to his feet. 'Might anode hie better than to hie go foolin' roun' so much water. Iktlchcr boots I'll stick t'whisky after this.' A MAN who had been cruel to a horse was convicted in Little Shasta, California. The jury fixed the fiuc at one dollar, aud the justice followed with a speech. 'This hums tried four times, gentlemen of flu. iurr ' li Raid, 'and vour the Erst J J ' ' twelve that's had sense enough to find him euilty. lut what under heavens did you make jackasses of yourselves for putting the fine at one dollar after you d done an average deccut thiug. 'Taint any of your business anyway what he's (hied. I'll w.t- niYpr Mint mvRoIf it'll be sixty dol lars.' "And have you no other sons V" asked a curious lady of a bronzed old sta captain. 'Oh, yes, madam. I have one that lived in the South Sea Islands for nearly a dozen years !' 'Really ! Was he bred there, and what was his taste the sa or laud T 'So, madam, he wasn't bread, he was meat- least was the niggers ate him ; and as for his taste the chief said he lasted of ter bacccr.' The lady walked to another part of the ship, and the captaiu smiled nud took a fresh quid of 'lerbaccer' himself. Mr sou, you look like a boy who has been brought up by Affectionate parents, said a kindly stranger to a golden-haired child : and the latter, in an excited tone, exclaimed ; 'Do I V Jut look at my back 'The love that a woman's heart needs' is the love that is spoken iu deeds,' says a modern poet. 'Especially,' says Mary Jane, 'the deeds to a handsome thn-e-story marble fioul mansion, together with a few choice corner lots.' I say, Hill, uidu't your mother say you couldn't go in a swuum'n unless you asked your father ?' Oh, yes, but you sec dad lias the gmit, so there is no use askin of him, because he couldn't lick me any way.' The two richest men now living in A me- rika, that I know ov, is the one who has cot the most money, and the other who wants the least, and the last one is the one who has got the most money, and the other who wants the least, and the last one is tljp happiest of the two. Josh. JiiUina. A young bachelor who had been ap pointed sheriff, was called upon to serve an attachment against a beautiful young widow. He accordingly called upon her and said ; '"Madam, I have an attachment for you.' The widow blushed and said his attachment had been reciprocated. Tou don't understand me ; you must pro ceed to court.' I know it is leap year, sir, but I prefer you to do the courting.' 'Mrs. P., this is no time for trilling ; the justice is waitiug.' 'The justice 1 Why I prefer a parson.' Anti -'Local Option' Hecii'e. The following receipt for making auli-cholera summer drink, which is said to be a sure preventive, is published in Kentucky. If taken a', frequent intervals during the day it lias a wonderful effect : Spiritus veni otardi ox. '2 ; Sugardum Whitcum, Icious Finels, Mintibusqe ; Sil ecum Pineapplei, Strawberri ; Shakitus violenter, suckitcr immejiuscum slrawum. Slightly sarcastic was the clergymau who paused and addressed a man coming into church after the sermon had begun, with the remark, Glad to see you, sir, come in ; always glad to see those here late who can't come early.;' aud decidedly self-possessed was the mau thus addressed, in the presence of an astonished congrega tion, as he responded, 'Thank you, would you favor me with the text ?' A Female Teach eu iu a school that stood on the banks of a river once wished to communicate to her pupils an idea of faith. While she was trying to explain the meaning of the word, a small fishing boat came in view. Seizing upon the in cident for an illustration, she exclaimed, 'If I were to tell you that there was a leg of mutton in that boat, you would believe me, would you not, without even seeing it yourselves ?' 'Yes, ma'am,' replied the scholars. 'Well, that is faith.' said the schoolmistress. The next day, in order to teEt the recollection of the lesson, fche in quired, 'What is faith ?' A leg of mut ton in a boat ?' was answered from all parts of the schoolroom. A Negko in a religious gathering prayed earnestly that he and his colored brethren might be preserved from what he called their 'upaettin' sins.' 'IJrudder,' said one of his friends, at the close of the meeting, 'you ain't got de hang of dat ar word. It's besettin', not 'upbettin.' 'IJrudder,' re plied the other, 'if dat's so, it's so. JJut I was a-prayin' 'Providence to save us from de sin of intoxicaliou ; an if dat ain't an upsettin' sin, I dunno what am." 'On Lord ! Thou knowest,' prayed a Oonnccticnt deacon in church meeting, 'that I am afllicted with a moi-t impious and depraved son. Thou knowest that he will swear, and lie and steal, and do all sin ful things. Thou knowest that on the last Sabbath day he was seen walking dow i the principal 6treet in the village, with his hands in his pockets, whistling the follow ing ungodly tune' And the congregation were astounded to bear 'Yankee Doodle" flow melodiously from the deacon's pursed up lips. A divorce was recently granted the wife in a neighboring State for the cause that her husband ate, drank, and slept, as usual, under the same rool with her for six weeks without once speaking to her all that time. The fellow was glad to get off as be staled to tho judge after th case was disposed of, .That he hadn't a chance during the whole aix weeks teget in a word edgeways. Wine and Iron Billers! The v!'!iat-tl Dittcm are ) ere, safe fciul reliable; comieed f li"s, Harks ui.d ITcrlis with j!ihi ol Iron and lire ami native wii.c, made from tin- native praiHn ol lit.i.niit.'.lic ingredient k an-choice, st r'ti;;ii- euiuK, lnrilyni mil IJI KiviliR iiieuicmai hk-im. fonniiiK most Iiraliliy ard j let,iiit sMiiuibinif; tonic ami Kfn-niJtlii's.iPi! ilitti : f.T i' the I1 tt it-. ina tone and vitl cnen; to tlic li'i.-od ai.d System. For nicdirie.ii! purism, f.r family travelers, voy- uers, -v., 1 !: chiiiot ne hhiivi. Thee Jjitters .ire in an eminent !-t;r.-k! i ;ii.e, 1-urifyiti!', l".ne'ic, a'.iiiiHiMtii'R ami i; -iriutni to me whole ivsttm, t-'ii'itf tifxv unit iic'.i. ity to every oriran and 1 ft n , witniml that cvr icicin.n that follllWK the !" Of ' llliml dll Otl'Cr to i'- awl S'lTltlllllltH ! :n:iil'(. For DYSPEPSIA, AN1 ALL FORMS OP INDIGESTION, SOUR STOMACH, RHKUMATISM. Scro f ii 1 a. , A N f ALL Impurities cf flc Blood DKOPSY, SEKYOUS AFFECTIONS, h'WXi: V 1)1 SEA SKS, ;eueril I'rost ml foil. Nervous Headache THEY HAVE N NIVAL IS a morxixu irrr.Tisinc Noot'nr HiHith in tlic iiiiivriM' u I'liiyl tiuiti. I lack Bj.ncr tor l".'iiii!f: tlw vailalility of llir ISitti-ni, but briefly ti'.ntf i-s f.Ui-: npm ilii- liunimi Kvjt-in, ii fallow. : I! alamlnti'ly l'uiiti'K the l:'.i-l. It f;ol:!y coru-Cr all cliaiifTin u tlii" l'..-.l. It cjnalizin tin' ir ul.S :i t iV M."l. J- n-Kiil.-.ti's ;tic n", 1 ly i'-'l quality oftbc bl.MKl. It j.n'iisrm ihr 1:!."1 to a j'rojr mij.jt.rt f. nil tii vlvl j.n: :". It i:mbti the eouatitui'ii; of lli- l.'n d li;.o:i v Iii li tile vital l'!n-r-jty of the k; h-iu in b'i euilent. It iiitu' tbe )ui'ier dirrre f i:imal be..t in tbe ryatcu:. 1: i-urn from tbe Bj!eiii t' morbid bimiorn Kiiieli n tanl i! natural fuiioTioi.c. It iiuj-ir: vitality -ud t-laHtn'ity to every or;n of tbe iloiiy. Ii wrtert all Ueialii'en.e'itH, bow ever trivial, nbieh are IV tils! orii;i:i of Iisean It JU'otlio.ei tlic olH-ril'ohK of tbe ilij'eMive ol'tfali!'. Il illl jiroveh the a..ifiie i il lemovio til diK'Hiifalle fifliug aff r eatiri;. It aetn an a mild ami etlieacioti Mloinaebic Jl elevate tbe mutidanl of ill the vital foivi". It Kirelur'.lieljH tile ll'TollI IlblTH 1.11(1 ditl'UK1 a ealai tbroiliiboui tb" iierou MV(:'iii. Ii detniii all tuo.biil colidili i tile inilid. Ii iI-Hjfrmn dlllliilM and 1 ill Roiir. It J.n ii!"ten l.iioy.ujey of jdrit and f't lii.K. It Kmifii'H thixa- l.!: ii.-oii 1 leaxuif wbir'i jinxlmf gloom. It d;i' n.i; lb.e diH're-Mi'S fyini.toiia Iiicli n.b uaot baM iiof'. It renveatbe byiealener (rii by iuf iisinc new life and jwr into tbe KVetem. It fortifien tbe vyntitu aRiiiiHf the !.i:iK"i of malaiia, fliio tuatiouB of the temit-rature i-lialiei in the climate. Ace. In hhort, it liP'l are tbe y:in for tbe radical ehaiij,'e to 1 wrought in itn condition, and rwlore it to erf .ti bi'altb and natural vior. Caldwell'sCoughCure FOKTllF.rrKF. K COlKiHS, COLDS. croup, whoopinc corf;n, CONSUMPTION, BSOHCHITIS, DII'TIIEHIA, ASTHMA, A NO Throat ami Lung Disease (ieiKM-ally. If you iiiiehaHf a In 4 tie of your dnig?!Kt inw it all, and if you make up your uiiud that you Lave not re a benefit (tirrenjiotidibi.' with tbe j:rtce jiaul, re turu the emi't lottle and be will jay you lmek your money and clnnne it to me on bin liook. Tbu neither be or yoiu-xelf will ! by tbe operation, aa I aiwure you you that it ooiitaUii" nothing that rail 1' injurioiiK In any cae. Vou are not .urch.:;ni; it of me, a atrauiter, but of your dtiiKCit a ui lilleiuau vboiu you kuow and can tru!"t. lie will 1 nmixh you tbe uiitliciiie on tbe teruia I Uave luclitlouod ; and rlwolute Kti ualitee Uot that it mill cuit1 iu every raw, but that yon will ! natiftied ill tli' llfi' of tbe relultly. CALDWELL'S MACNllTIC CIIL0R0L01D! Kllt MAX AND IlKAST, For internal or external tine, the Magnet ie 'blon loid in the moHt wonderful family uiclicine ever ofliT'tl to the ntilie, for the cure of HEADACHE, l:lienti.:itiMii, i'AtXic, NVuralijiii, T-thach, r.jr.nlM', 't .1.11.M ;m.iinr Si.r:iii.H. llniimi. S4':i1i1h., CHOLERA MORBUS, Ai-ialn-Clii.Ieia, Diarrl'.cs, Ki'wte'l I.iiul, IWBtl.tery, I)l'ther;a, S.,re Throal, CIIILIiLAINS, COKXS. AMI I'AIS Ol AM. IiI.lS. CAIiDWEI.L'S LILY BALM KUK III .VlTlt VIMi TIIK COMPIiEXION. KKMOVIM. FRECKLES, ERUPTIONS, suNBriiN.s, ROUGHNESS AND TATs. II the faee in ditiji:rerl with ItlotrlieM. rnNluIH. I"rrkiK, TAN, SUNBURN, Ac. The Lily Halm will .eelily n iinv the llemi!i, nd ini).art noftncws triiKirri7, nwatf tiiiKe ud jwari-likeliwtivio tb cnmi-lexioii. It in utteily im jmdhk to detect in the lmutjr it ranfer, the owiilt t all rtlfi:ial agent ; the frei-h ami healllilike tinse whieh it develop ou the faee, ueet, haiirti1 and annn in mifiir j'tuwd by no other toilet artiele ever ofl'ereil to the jml he FU LI, DIRECTIONS OX TIIK LABEL OF EACH F.OTTLE. Proprietor and Manufacturer, MEDINA, N. T. For Sale by V. D. MF.UCK, rm7Ri"t, Mnrltet ttreet, Snnhory, V: Hungry, May 13. 1H74. lv. v. AS .1; !!!"- ;r!:.V.;' ii-ilive : t!.e :" ! .:;s , rar Jivp: herl.s .:-,i;nie-! t: ill. ill! !! I lie Si v: :l Xr-usihi l-::.;:::t: the medicinal V-- :ii- - : cxtnn'.'''! tl;ere!V.;:i v. f i: : Al-(li'l. Tl'O (ii'i i ; : r ::iii ulleletl sili'ci'--' KliswiT i . '':: cause of !: : ers his lie.:!':.. Muod pm iiii-r lile. a I'fi t'i rt Ki1'-.' ! ..( ,( the syf-n : i tn v i.f ll.- v Ni v. l.i V :'! ; i !( (u:ililiesol' Vini:;.k IW'i ki:.; Hie sick vt fvcry t'.:--:!"' ' ' , They tire i jn'iitl'' I ti i ! i :; T.m'ip- rclii viii'' Ci.HL'o-li'i I:- .f the Liver insd VK-.-n:l ".;.':i!!i i:i 1:.U Yl.MXiAlt r.inriis !: .'.jf::.-!ii. !-i)''' eonmll,ll!vi. X MT'-ititllls. 1 .il .:! i . i'-u- I't.C. t:r, Sedative, 'it!!itor-!ni:. : i'v' 'Ui . .'! i- t'i vt". and Anii-Pili'-ii-- H. II. McDOSAI.D & CO., DraRirt ud G-nrml Aponta, San Franciacn, Cal'for ma. aud eor. W whiUKton and Cliarlton 8U.. Mw lurk. Sold br " ruirirlt itnd Pcaler. Nature's Great Remedy FOR ALL THROAT and LUNG DISEASES ! ! It is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained by a peculiar process in the distillation of the tar, by which its. highest medicinal pmpertirs are retiinrf. Tar even in us crude state has been recommended by eminent physicians of rvcry school. It is confidently offered to the afflicted fur the following simple reasons: X. It ctTFns, -nr fy abruptly stepping the cough but by dissolving the phlegm and assisting-nature to throw off the unhealthy matter causing the irritation. In cases of seated coxsmiTiox it both prolongs and renders less burdensome the life of the afflicted sufferer. s. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated aur. lace of the lungs, penetrating to each, diseased arjt relieving pain, and subduing inflammation. 3. It fur! pi ks and enhiches tii e blood. Positive ly curing all humors, front the common riMi-LR or liRt'pnos to the severest cases of Scrofula. Thousands of affidavits could be produced from those who have felt the beneficial effects of Pine Trie Tar Cokdial in the various diseases arming from imparities op THR BLOOD. 4. invigorates tbe d;gesthe crgans and restores the af petite. All who have known or tried Dr L. Q. C. Wis hart's remedies require no references from us, but the names of thousands cured by them can be given to ny one who-doubts our statement. - lr L. J. C. Wishart's Great American Jtysftefisi Pills and Worm Spcar Drops have never been equalled. or tile by all Imggists and Storekeepers, and at y it. Lac. nsnAsrs csce; Jfo. 232 X. Sctvnd St I'hilnd'.tm -is ii-r " ; THE tJKKAT KKMEIY which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physic-inns to be the mast reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief .and cure of all Lung complaints, and is ollered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to eilect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Tains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses tlic lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. rRKPAW-.D BT BETH VT. rOWLE & SONS, Boston, Masi., And aold l.y Drugjfihtii and Dealer generally. Till: KIXC. KAItl.I'K Mior IS TIIE SHOP OF TIIE TOWN nml Inn-; has been ; ni-k history and fhc will tell yon Men have irrown old in our pntron:ii;i I'ltb'u'U on their mothers' lircaet To liounriiiir hoys nt jilny ; And youths by maidens fair stressed, To stalwart men with careu oppressed, And old men pilver pray. And anions the honored and hipting impres sions of lime, and the crash of revolutions in clreuinslanees, we stand :i living n1011u111ent.1I metneuto of the ingenuity and j'rfever.iiii'C np pertainim: to the identity of progression, plyiii-r our vocation with the hi-rhest tylc of art and perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the Fontiincnt of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are. always wont to inspire. Always to please Wc shave with case Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, And color the whiskers black or brow 11, To suit the peoplo about the town. Then allow 111c politely request you to stop, And not go past nor from around our shop. To tret sluived on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for pi in- ciU sacred and rifrht nor tinder the common I secret and invidious guise of enmity to complex- ; ion : for the cut of .1 man's coat, or the color of his skin, oupht not loaned his lisciuiness nor his oiialilications. A fair chance h nil that wc .1- "...I ..rnnrii all tliO lillwl. eiuaini, ii m' ir"vi ... ... JAMEri W. WASHINGTON. Projiriltor. 1 Suiibiiry, April 5, is;:5; No. lj, Market st. j BI.ATC1II.EVS j Improved CUCUMBER WOOD j PL' MP, Tasteless, DurablP.Eni- j cient and Cheap. The best pump for the least money. At- j teiition is especially invited to j IJlatchley's Patent Improved Bracket and .Now IJrop v. necK Valve, which can lie withdrawn without removing the Pump, or disturbing the. joint?. Also.the (.V'ppcr I'hainbcr, which never cracks -or scales, and will out last any other. For sale bv Dealers and the Trade generally. Inquire for lilutchley's Pump, and if not for sale in vour town, ctid direct to t HAS. G. BLATCIILEY, Mmv.trtitrrr, WIG Commerce St.. Thiladeliihin, Pa. March in, '7-1. Smtis. T2. roi: 1 f i THE fi HEAT CAUSE OF III'itlAN SSISF.UY. .Hsr I'i r.t.isiirp, in a ENvrxorE. I'ricn i': Outs. A l.irimv on liio Nutiiri'. Tti-:iSn;i-;it . :in.l i l iry ami ir'L- l . .'Oil K:nVu':tl i I"' "1' S'-mii-i' V" torrli'iM. i'l'.-l-ift'il ly .-".t F.mi.-':.iM ; 1 ::n; r.oHt-v, " .Aim A'i.i ;vii;l . ll.Vl.l" 1 '.-.i! V- Iinrd iliiinMil-: t'i V. i r: !..: Mtiiiptio!!, l'.;'i!i'l-y. :n 1 I'i! sicil I nr i picit 1 . v;". ''' vk.rwk:.!.. m. !.. iMi; '.--.i-r.ii:v ; , M"!i'a! Vi. l HiiiKlIT r i.l' !l; .1. Ilool;," A . The '.v.'i-lii-iVMimir.l ::'Ml:.T. in till- ; lii'ctltvr. i-lr.irlv WMVrs !i';s o'.vm c iiir: ..lili! tllllt t!ir :fVta! l-il!:r " HT.'V- ill ti'il-.Uill- be r!Vri't:i:i!:y ioiimvwI ln-iil ficU'ii:' without cl:i:iLT' To:is Miric.l rr,n-rat:o:i-i. I ni- i. iay i'.hi itistruim ntr-, iini;- r ronliul!1, ionn mtc it .a nin.lo ofi:!iii; at onp'- rcrtiim ami rll'ei tunl, by which i vorv piitl'oror, no malt r what his rmnli- tion limy lie' iiisiy fit re liiinsel! cln'iii!y, inviitc- lv mill l'!iill(':l!lv. " Tbi l ecture "wi'l ltroVo a boon ti. thousands mil thousands. Sent under h. :i1, ill l e:iveloj.e, to uny uddii on ree iit of w; nti, or two l os'aK'- Ktaniju. A.hl."-v tbe l'iibli-;h -r., C1IAS. J. C. KLIXK, A CO. 1'7 llo.'vv. V. Toxt (I'li. e l;..y. 4 ,si; Jan., -1, IH-J-ly. THE NEW IMPROVED .W.'AKDED The , for Progress, AT VIEXKA. Tin lltgltcst Older ..f "Medal" Awarded at lllf ENooition. Nn Sewing Macliiae received a Ili-li'T Prize. A B'ew f'ooil Kcsisohs: 1. new iiivi'iilii'ii llioioa cured liv Letters Patent. .'lily tested am) .!- 2. Makes a tv-focl l.oek ?litcll, tllil.e IMI liotil fide, 011 all kiudr- of t;'"d. u. Iluns l'mlil, sinootli, nuiseie- anil ra'i;l lntt comliinafum of 'ialitie. 4. Iural!i runs lor years without repairs. Will do nil variclii s or work anil fancy t-litcliin in a superior maimer. . Is mo.t t isilv managed ly tin- operator. Lciitli of Mitrli May ! altered wliile ttintiin":, atidmaeliii!" tad lie tlneaded without i.asfinu thread through hoies. 7, Desiun Simple. Iii''"iiio'!s, Elesratit, forni "1111: tlic ttitcli v.ithout the iiseol co- wheel irears, rotary cams or lever aruis. lias the Aulouiatie Prop Peed, which 'himiI's iiniforni len'lii of slilch at any pp'-ed. lias oar new thiead con troller, v. hieh allows easy lnovcm-nt of needlc bar at d prevents injury to thread. 5. t'oiistrtictioa most careful and finit-hcil. It is iiie.iiur.ietured hvthe nio.-t skillful and ex perienced mechanics, at the celeln.Ucd P.emins; ton Armorv, liion. N. N. Philadelphia Office, SlOt'hcMnut ftieet. Ju!jo,l sM.-'-'m. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and examine our prices before purchasing, as wc claim to sell lower than :it:V other establishment in the City. REMEMBER the NUMBER, 1230 RIDGE AVENUE. Philadelphia. at(iii:s. JKUEMtV A SII.VKIN IV.UtE. John XV. Slovriison, Corner Third and Market Sts, Suiiluirj-, I'll. HAS completely renovated his Store Room, and opened the largest assortment or WATC HES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing iu the Jewelry line is kept in store. Silver-Ware. ir.r:i'Oi'ls, Kings V haiiiH, of every description and of the finest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing 1Va(fli', Clucks Jewelry, cVe. HAIR JEWELRY made to order. Sunbury, March 0, 1 ST4. r; KO. EVANS. K. i. MAIZK. Geo. Evans & Co., (114 Market Stivet, J'hiliulclpliia, TAILOlvS and MILITABY CLOTHIERS, Military, Hand k Fire Oriranizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours beinu'thi; leading house on Military work, we feel that we can oiler Inducement which can- nut be attained anywhere else Jan. 21. 1ST-'. WINTER STOKES. RYE WHISKY, 4.00 a lmIIou. Sll.ftO a dozen. YELLOW isEAL SHERRY, Iu larjre bottles, $11,00 a dozen. (iOLI) SEAL BRANDY ?1S.OO a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RUM, SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WINE. OLD PORT WINE, CHAMPAGNES, SECARS, .tC. II. A- A. ". Van Iteil. Tim Wink Mi:i:cmantj, i:;in Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. O.'t. 'J-l. 1.7 nils II. Sk.M.. si:i.e .Inns M. Si MoNot'i: S ilOOI It, Seeiind St reel, Womi:i.ii;K, Pa. ioim:h;x amhiom kstk: lkuous WINES, lil'.ANDIES. tilNS, Pure OIl Kye V. hi. Key. Ari'i r. Wmisktv, Ciikihai.s, Xc. All Liquors sold L'aurranti'ed as represented. Orders promptly attended to and pnMic pa tronage respectfully solicited. SELL V; SfHONOUR. '-'.I St., WomclsdoiT, Berks Co., Pa. Feb. i!7. 1X71. lv, I. I t 17 ' T K CimiSTIAN NF.FF, E! U. , ptro,.t 0,,M)H,e the Court ! . House, SUX- jlUlv.,. Itcsiicctfullv mviles the attention of Retailers nml others, that he has on hand, and will con rtantlv keen all k'unls of FOUKHiN AND noMFPTIO LIQUOHS, Consisting of I'nre Brandies: Cngu'mc, Cherry, (Jinircr, Ilocbelleand Otnrd. Whiskies: i'lire Kye Copper-Jistilled, Mnim-gain-la, Apple ami N.-ctar. I'l llF. HOLLAND iIN ! 'iVints: Champagne Wine, Sherry, l'ort anil Claret. . , Crab Cider, Chanipuinie Cider, N. F.. Hum, Blown Stout mid Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTEKS, And nil others Liquors which can be round iu the city markets, which will lie sold at Whole sale and Ketnil. Every article gumantocd us represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always ou hand. iT Orders promptly attended to, and yublic patronage rcsiectluliy soncuen : NFFF. Siinliiirv. July 3, S7a. ly. 5 ikummmm m. -v- v.nvwfrrrt'Trrr.TfTTT'TT; ,ir,ra OAXIF.I. F. BEATTY. Til E MERITS OF TIIE 'GOLDEN TONGUE.' 11V A NEW JKKsr.V llAlltl TO r.EATTY AXr l'l.OTTS, w.vsnisoTox, J. 'Tis an nse of invention, improvement and skill, The world's in commotion, ar.a noiuin"; is nm , And progress in written wherever we turn So ! "the bull is kept rollinp;," and each day we learn Of some new achievement in science or art ; Each branch of industry in Tact claims a part. So each is awarded a prixe from the hands Of a p'nerous public as merit demands. So music's department can point, in her pride, To men or true '.renins, whose fame has -rone wide O'er hills and through valleys, in mansions and and cots. Well, due are such honors to "limlty t- rltlt, Whose- Golden Tongue organ stands first in the land The ?) as to merit, and first in demand. Excelline; in sweetness and richness of tone. Surpassing all others, and Ftaiidin? alone. Its wortli is acknowledged wherever it is known, As all will bear witness, and cheerfully one For equal in workmanship, beauty, desiirn. Or finish, they challciiirc the best in the line. Where faces were gloomy, and hearts once were sad What homes are now cheerful yes, happy and glad. Continue thy mission, thv song 'Golden Tongue, Hath chains of enchantment lor out aim ior young. Boat I y S: Plotls' celebrated Golden Tongue Pallor Organ is acknowledged by eminent pro fessors of music to be the best Parlor Organ now in use. Thousands of testimonials are constant ly being received in favor of them, which go to show that our instrument gives entire satisfac tion. rTFor Price List Address BEATTT Pl.OTTS, Wai-hington, N. 3. March V'., 1VT1. Cm. 1874. STltlNG MILLINEIIY. 1S74. Selected wit li preat taste and care have been opened tit Miss L. SHISSLER'd Store, .Harliel Square, Sl'MIl'KY, 1A., all the new shapes in Straw and Chip HATS A XI) r.OXXETS. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, te., and all kinds of .Millinerv "ods. Fancy Ciwds of every description. Bonnets and Hals trimmed in tlic most expeditious man ner with the utmost precicion. A full line of ladies' caps- Call and examine before pttrchas "mu elsew'i.ere. MISS 1.. SIIISfcLEl'. Siinliury, April 24, 1ST4. new fiillinery Store. MISSES L. S. WEISF.R llaviii'r removed their Millinery Store into the lurjie builditii: adjoiniiiir .i:tt!emoyer's Ktovc store, on Market Street, where they have j'l-t opened a lare and cleirant as-ortnient of Fns!iioa:ili!e .tlillisiery ;ols. cmbraeintr everjthini usually kept in a well stocked Vii'.lineiy Cslab'.i-hinent. Their si nek is j entire new and consists of the latest ! Ntv York and Philadelphia Sly!i;s. : DUF.SS making; i ill all its branches will nivive particular alien- I lull. INFANT IU)Iii:S IN STOCK. ! Terms reasonable and satisfaction piiarantepil. 1 Cutting and Kittinir attended to. and ('liildren's . and Hovs clothiii!: made to order. I MISS L. WEISF.R. MISS S. WEISEli. I Sunbury, April 17, 1ST4. I :itAXI) orEM.VC'OFSIMSIX. aiMl j SI'.TIMEIt OOIS. j of every description and variety such as 1 I)res GootN comprising all 'he novelties in fabric and shade. Fill Assortment of Xotionp, which arc bcini; sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, (Juoceries and Provisions, pure and fresh. . Queens ware, ( lassware, and Wood ani Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF AVAEL PAPEU, both glazed and common, always on hand. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. head '-majje cLorinxn, of all sizes and of the latest stvles. F L O U R . A constant supply of western white wheat flour a speciality. Tlie public arc invited to call and examine our floods tree of charge. Our motto is '(juick Sales and Small Fronts," and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. By strict attention to business and keeping at all times tlic most complete stock, and selling at thelowest prices, wc hope to merit a f jII share of patronage. REED BROTHER .V SEASHOLTZ. Sunbury, May 22, lsT4. jJTEV GOODS ! Tor j SPRING AND SUMMER at ' .Hiss Kate Itlaek's. Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. I LADIE'S DRESS GOODS of every style aim I quality. 1 FANCY COOD.S, NOTIONS AND : Trimmings a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUM ERY, i The finest assortmct.t of Ladies' goods, j Everybody is invited to call nml see them and j buv cheap. .May S, 1S74. j " A. I WAITEKS. j MONUMENTAL SIIAVIX' PARLOR I and IBATH ROOMS. I HAIR DRESSED BY MACHINERY, i I-i?I)ont forget the place on the East sideol i Tltntl) STltF.KT.a few doors South of Market ,Snn I bury, Pa. I Braids, Switches, Curls, aud all kinds of ! LADIES' HAIR. j Work made to order j cither out of combines ' or straight hair. All or- ! ders left at the residence of j A. P. Walters, corner of 4th si. ! and Shaniokin avenue, will receive i prompt attention. A Specialty in j CIIILDRENS' HAIR CUTTING, either at their homes or Shaving Parlor. ! A. P. WALTERS. j July r,js7::. tf. iiomi: i.u i: ix the iciisi.k. I By the Author of "Night Scenes in tho Bible," i and' '"Our Father's House." of whibli nearly ! 'ji)O.O(K) have been sold. Home Life" is com 1 mended by ministers of all churches as "the j author s beft boot, "lull ol precious mounis. "Truths precious as gem i choice book for i'Vitv tallil V ' iVC PICCl Cllralll, i '. inn- i ...1 I-;..!. Iin.linr fill. I for l:lfiil Sale tlll- i ' il , imi ''"":, I i j equaled. Agents, Young Men, Ladies Teachers mid Clergymen, wanted in every comity; ! to U0 per month. Send for circular, j 7.F.I0LER & M'CTKDY, i r.W Arch St.. I'bilai'cMillia. Pa. ! i March t",, 1ST4. 2nios. j Whoa, January! C( )MK ( N E! COM E ALL ! ! j THE subscriber having erected a Blacksmith Shop, on the lot adjoining the Oil Mill, formerly owned by Morgan fc Masser, on Fourth St., Sun l bury, is prepared to do I eneral IMrtcksniithiiig. I on the shortest notice, and in the best manner. ' Cutom work promptly attended to. ! HOUSE SHOEING ' made a specialty. The patronage of town and count rv is respectfully solicited. ! " PETER WILVEK. ' Sunbury, Nov. 7, 1S73. tf. W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, IN WELKEPS BUILDINfi, Market Slreet, SIXBIKY, I. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Druggists' Fancy Goods, . PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, TUTTV, &C, constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to compounding phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts. Snnbnry, April 17, 1L Mttcmxtilc. LX L'SITA Ii IS DUCEMEXTS. New and attractive Goods, In every Depnrtinont WATCnES, niAMOxus, jF.wr.i.i'.T, sn.vcit .vnh ri.ATFn w.vitr. Cutlery. Cllorkp,, Eni?iish, Froni'lt and (oTtnan Fancy (ioods. SHUTS grass In view of the decline in GOLD, we have re duced prices on our entire Stock of Foreign mer chandise to Tar ("old Kates, and purchasers will find it, to their interest to make their selections NOW, while, the ASSORT- M EST IS COM PLETE. Goods sent on approval for selections. Articles purchased now. for the Holidays,-will he racked and retained until such time as desir ed. ROHBISS, CLARK Si BIDDLE, U-4 Chestnut Sr., Philadelphia - o 3 O i " J- 2 I' C Tt 3 '4 2' U Si STVK V TIX FSTAIIMSII.MEXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. lfCefS(IR TO SMITH OENTIIER.J HAVING purchased the nliovcwell known es tablishment, Mr. Kran.-c would respectful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a Iare assortment of COOKING STOVES, Spi er's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, whieli arc so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING T('VE3 of dim-rent kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every description kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil fid Lamps constantly on luwd. Japan ware of a .nd.. Store opposite Cowley's hardware i-t.ire. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. ap!24-ly Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, T ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens t.iat li he has just received his Sprins.nml Summer ;oo1h, at his TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, and that he is prepared to make.up all kinds of ....... EXTS" AXD BOY'S SLITS, of the latest styles. Having had much experi ence in the business he desires the public to give him a trial. . Clothing will ha made up in the latest Pans nnd American Fashions in the most satisfactory manner, ali." CHARLES MAIHL. nrnyinisls. CENTRAL D au G STORE Q.B.CADVLLADER . Is the place to buy pure and frcsli MEDICINES, DRUGS, l'AINTS, OILS, GLASS, PEKFUMEttY, NOTIONS, (,'IGAUS, TOIIACCO, LIQUOIl for medicinal purposes, ami all other arti cles usually kept in a first-class Drill? Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. . . I am prepared to furni-li in .ii:intitie5 to suit purchasers and nt Philadelphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Roseudale and I. hiiji CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds of all kinds, ( all .wi rt n llnrril lleirister for 1S74. GEO. B. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, Feb. , l7L-ly. Dn. C. M. Martin. r.o. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Ballflini, Site j, Pa. mi. C. M. MARTIN & CO, II AVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs and Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, Nail.Clothc.Shoc nnd other brushes. TOII.KT AM FAXCY AKTKI.KS. FINK EXTRACTS, POTKET BOOKS, KNIVES, C, C. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume in America. Parisian, h Kid C'lovr Wash. warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, NF.UAUS, TIIE BEST IN MARKET, Pine Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes. Physicians Prescriptions nnd family icceipts compounded with care. Tbaukful for past favors we hope by fair deal inc: to receive a share of vonr patronage. September 11. 1S7X -. -l I'EXXSYI.VAXIA RAIL ROAD. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE R. B. DIVISION. SUMMER f IME TABLE. On and after Sunday, May Gist. 1874. the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Fa-t Line leaves Philadelphia, " Harrisburg, " " Williamsport, " t;.irr. at Lock Haven 12.55 p m 5.00 p ra 9.00 p m 10.15 p rr. 11.55pm 4.25 a 111 8.S5 a m 11.45 a m 11.10 am 8.05 p m 8.00 a m 1.20 p m 0.20 p m 7.30 p m 7.20 a m 10.40 a ni 2.05 p m S.10 p m Erie Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Williamsport, " " " Lock Haven, " " " Renovo. " " an at Erie, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Harrisburg, " " " Williamsport, " " arr at Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Harrisburg, " " " Williamsp't, " " " Lock Haven, " " " Renovo, " " arr. at Kane, EASTWARD. 4.20 p m D.15 p m Philadel. Express leaves Lock Haven, 6.20 a m " " " Williamsport, 7.45 am " " arr. at Harrisburg, 11.45 a ni " " " Philadelphia, S.35 p ra j-:ne Man leaves Krie, 11.30 urn " " " Renovo, 9.15 pm " " " Lock Haven, 10.3'J p m " " " Williamsport, 12.10 am " ' arr. at Harrisburg, 4.30 a m " " arr at Philadelphia, 9.15 a m Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, 8 00 a m " " Williamsport, 9.30 am " " arr. at Harrisburg 1.40 am " " Philadelphia, 5.55 pm Niagara Express leaves Kane, 9.00 a m " " Renovo, 4.05 p m Lock llaveu, " " ' Williamsport 6.50 p ra " " arr. at Harrisburg, 10.55 p m " " " Philadelphm, 2.50 am Mail Eiist connects cast and west at Erie with L. S. & M. S. It. W. and nt Irvincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R.K. W. Mail West with cast and west trains on L. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry and Irvincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny U. R. V Elmira Mail and BuSilo Express make close connections at williamsport with N. C. K. W. trains, nortli, and at Harrisburg with N. C. R W . trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gcn'l Sup't I'liilatlelphia A Keadlng Railroad SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. Ji ne loth, 1874. Trains Leave II kkndo as Follows: (Sfsn.vTS Exckiteo.) For Shamokiii; 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and 3.10 p. m.,Ashland, lamaiiua, rottsviiie, Rending and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. in. I Tkaiss roit Heusdon, Leavb as Follows (SfSDATS EscrPTEn.) Leave Shamokjn nt 8.00 a. m. 1.50 and 3.55 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, a. m., lieadini il a. m.,Pottsvillc, 12.10 p.m., Tamaqua, 1.20 p m Ashland, 2.:.. p.m., Mt. Carmel, o.l p. m. Trains Lr we IlAHittsrrp.o, as roi.i.ows For New York. 5.25. 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 7.40 p. m. For Philadelphia, 5.25, .10 M., a. m.,2.1".' ana i S.5C, p. m. M;xrATs. For New York, 5,25 a. m. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. Trains fok llAintisnt:R(i, Leave A3 Follows: Leave New York. 0.00 a. m.. 12.40 ami 5.rX), -7.45 p. iu. Leave Philadelphia. 0.15 a. m. ".40 and 7.1 p. in. Leave New York, 5.t!0 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. in. Yiu Morris and Essex R. R.- J. E. WOOTTEN. Central fi.'t. Reading, Pa. May 22, 1874. Xortliern Central Railway. On and oft-r Pec. 1, ls7:l trains on thin rml will run a follow : I.F.AVE NORTHWARD. Leave F.r Mall Keuova Acium. Kliuira Buffalo Iail. KxprrMi 4.4H ami l.:i- a m H.-.-5 a m 1.4." p m H. noa m ll..r", p ra I. 30 pm r..n- p m AViiHliilltoil H.:lH p m Uultiiuore 11.15 p in I'hilaileli.hiii.. . .lll.'JII p in HnrriHhuri; 3.U-" a ui N.2.i a iu Sinibiu-T.. 5.-1) a ni 11. In a ni 4.15 p m 7.1. p ra 9.0ft pm Arrive at : WillianiBjiort... 7.10 am liV. p ni 7.10 p m l.lmira ll.rMI a ill Buffalo .: p m Krie 7.ill p m All daily rus-jit Suuday. Leave : Hutfalu Klniira fxpresH. .Mail. 10.20 p m Harriw'K Accom. Erie Mail. 11.20 a m Eric Hut) ilo 9..H1 p m Elmira 5.45 am VVillmiiisiiurt... . 1.10 a in t).:)n a m 7.:m am 2.48 pm 6rJ p in 11.10 p m 8.40 p in 12.55 a m Sunbury i.Wtm 11.15 am Arrive at : HiirriHliuie. .... 4.5D a in 1.511 p m 10.51) p m 3.115 a ra Hiiliulelpuia.... a.lU a m 5.53 p ni 2.50 am S.ldl a m lialtimore 8.411 a ni 6.: p ui 2.25 a iu 8.411 a m Vt'asbiiiKtou lli.a5 a iu H.:l p m 6.13 a ro 10.35 a m All piuw Sunbury daily except Sunday, A. J. EASSATT, E.S. YOrSG, T. GCCKER, Ueii'l manager. Ueul Pans. Aeut. Sup t. IOST POX EM EX T. S9,00O ix CIFTS. A Orand Gift Concert. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT will 1 given at Sunbury, Pa., by the Independent WASHINGTON STEAM FIRE COMPANY, On MONDAY. JCLY 13, 1874. I'nlesK tbe tieketH are nil sold before that time, when due notice will be given ol tbe time. A full Drawiiis Certain Owiiis to the Pauic. and iu order to meet the general wixh aud expectation of tliei iiliiicaud the tieket-Uolderii for Hie bill uiymeut uf the Gifffl aiiuoiincei, the man agement have determined to the Concert aud pniwniK to tue date above pta'.nU The object of thin enteriirise tn for the puniose of curing a steam Fire Euiiue, which will lie un advaut&ire to all uei?ltloring towna acceHHiole Ly rail, trtim the fact thut it will lie an Independent Company. And u we Lave never failed to (liBcliarxe our duly wiieu called up on, we certainly will be able to acconipUKO more Rood with the aid of a sleamer. There in no lem than nineteen Krxeand """all towuii within thiity miles of Suubnry, all of which can be reached by railroad, thus affording the facility of assisting any of flume place iu lem than su hoiir'a time : wliile at the nine time our town will not lie nnpnitecteil. Our project hcinc a laudable one, we feel confident that all the ticketii will lie dinr!tea ot by the time alwve named for drawing. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF GIFTS: ONE GRAND GIFT OF ....Sl.OOO .... 800 ADO 5110 :) .... 2i0 100 " Gilt of in Gifts of J50.IHI.... 40Giftof 25.KO llnMiiftM of Jim GiftH uf 5.1)11 .... 1,000 1,110 1,IMW 1,11110 1,11)10 MaiGiftHof l.imo Gifts of 1.K.V7 Total . . . $9,000 Thi enterprise w no iinliviiliml simnilntion, such as hiniM-s, lots mill turili'ure jmt up at labillntiii iriue. The hni.ler nf a miccfUHl ul tiektt will mvive Us lili'T iu sil There will be aiiCm TieSet 't AdnwMun to mis i on- eerl at 1.H0 eaen. anil ar ine nine tnoie siaieu inw $: 'mi in CASH CJifls will be ilistril.uteU. l'LAN OF I.ISTKIBUTIO.V. Twenty thousand niimlwin, rennnciitiiig and enrren IHimliiiK with iliixw ou the rrceipta u-sued, will I laod in iinr u li't'l aud cinls enrliwed wiili the names of the Premiums in waled boles will be placed iu another. From these wheels, a nunilier ami one of tlie above nam ed inserilieil cards will lie tukeu Hiinultaiieouslv. The number so drawn from the one wheel neon-en the pre mium designated by the card taken at the same tune from the other. This operation will le performed by a blind pernon, and continued until Eighteen Hundred and Ftl'ty-Seven Premiums are exhaiixied. Ii is evident that by this process, fraud or favortiom will lie impoKKi ble. Kvery person holding a ticket will lie entitled to admission into the 1 oneen. All ilifts Paid iu CASH without disconnt. Moiiev can lie sent for Tickets iu reisistered letters, or ! litHee Monev Orders, or by Kxpiws at our risk. If .l.imL Tickets will lie sent bv F.xpress. C. O. D. The following gentlemen have kindly conwutetl act ns Trustee tor the atv (tilt Concert : S. P. Wolverton, F.sii., Iiireetor 1). H. and W. K. It. li.-o. Hill. Attorney at Law : Hon. W. I.. Jiewart, ex- nieiii) r ol I'oncress: Wni. I. tireruiniKh. Esq., Kirec- tor First National bank of Sunbury ; John Haas, F-sq., ditto: Ira T. dement. Lumlierui.'.u : Wm. T. I Irani i 'oid Merchant. Suutiiinr. The aliove named gentlemen are h:"hminded ami honorable men, who would not lend their name ami Kive their assistance to anv unworthy object. SAMX S. HF.NDKICKS, tiF.O. M. REXN, WM. II. MIIJ.KK, LEVI SEASHOLTZ. PHILIP M. SI1INDEL, Committee, All communications cheerfully answered. Address, iu all cases, PHILIP M. SHI.VDF.L, X. S. EsiiLE, forresjioudiug Secretary. 1 rcasnrer of r units. Sunbury, March 6, 1ST4. Sl'MilUY MAKliLK YARD, fourth Street below Market, "SUXBUBY, PENN'A. THE nndersiened has returned from the Ver mont Marble Quarries with 56 Tons of Marble for Monument!, Clruve-Stonesi, I He has Ismsrht at such finrcs that will allow him to sell better stone, for less money, than heretofore. The best Sutherland Falls Marble, which is better than Italian. Rutland is now sold ns low as the Manchester. Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Monnments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, will find it to their interest to call and examine this large stock, as better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be done in the neatest and most Improved style. W. M. DAUGnERTY. Snnbnry, Jan. II, 17::. Pcke Watek fob Milch Cows. A New Jer sey farmer writing over the Signature of "Agri cola" says : "Although water, added 4o milk, may be ob noxious, proprietors of milch cows cannot expect that tbe adders will be extended with tbe deli cious liquid unless the animals can haTe access to a generous supply of clear water. Dnrlnjr the sultry days of summer, pure water for cows is as important as grass. VVlien a cow is thirs ty, she must be supplied with water, or the pro cess of concocting wilk will be more or less ar rested. Hence the quantity of milk will coutinne to diminish. Soon after a cow has filled herself with feed of any sort, there will be a demand for water. But If the animal cannot obtain a sup ply, the partially masticated feed in tbe rumen will soon begin to heat and ferment, causing de rangement of the entire system. It is bad policy to require milch cows to drink at ponds of standing water, which is a prevailing practice in many sections of country. When animals are allowed to go into the water, and to stand in it, unless there is a running stream, the water will soon be fouled and unDt to drink. In such instances it will only cost a triflle to dig a shallow well, provide a large trough, and draw a generous supply every day, either with a cheap pump or bucket. A pail of water is as refreshing to a thirsty eoW or horse as a goblet of ice water to a thirsty laborer." Tiuvejjno is Farmiso. Did any of yonr readers ever think of the amount of travel it takes to raise a crop of corn 7 i never saw an Illustration in print, and I thought I would give you one. I have a twenty acre field, forty by eighty rods. To break this up would take one hundred and sixty-rive miles ; harrowing it, about forty miles ; furrowing out, ninety miles ; planting, forty-five miles, if with planter ; and if dropped and then covered, ninety miles ; and for each plowing of two furrows in a row, ninety miles, or five plowings, four hundred and fifty miles. Thus, you will see, it takes about eight or nine hundred miles of travel to raise twenty acres of corn, not counting going to and return ing from the field. Besides there is replanting, thinning, rolling, &e. Celery. This delicious and valuable plant can be planted, and ought to be, from now nntil the first of August. But May is a good time for the early crop and July for the late crop. It ean be raised with not much trouble, unless the sea- sou be very dry and much watering is required : Dig trenches four feet apart, and one foot deep and spade wide ; dig up the bottom of the trench and cover an inch or two with well rotted stable manure or barn-yard manure ; sprinkle with salt and chop it and intermix well with the soil in the bottom of the trench, and let it remain a week before setting the plant. After a rain draw your plants, trim the roots and broken and decayed leaves, cut the tops off nearly half the length of the stem and plants, water freely, cover the trenches with bushes for a few days from the sun ; water every evening nntil they start to grow. Keep the earth loose aboat the roots and shave in the sides of the trenches as the plants grow, taking care not to fill in as high as the top of the crown of the plants. Never let it suffer for moisture. Soraestimcs use liquid manure in the trenches, not on the plants, the same also with water made brackish with salt. It is a plant native to the sea coast. An acre in good celery is worth usually $1,000. This plant should be grown by everybody more extensively, because everybody likes it, it sells hyh and is very valuable for its medical curative qualities. Those who habitually nse it: fu!!y appreciate its virtues. One who U reliable, thus peaks of its great value as a recuperator of health: "I have known many men, and women too, who from various causes had become so much affected by nervousness that when they stretched ont their hands they shook like aspen leaves on windy .ay s, by the moderate use of the blanched footstalk of celery as a salad became as strong and steady in limb as other people. Breaking a Colt. An Ohio editor recently saw Mr. Bob Stradcr, of Kentucky break a two- jer.r old colt to harness in half an hour, and thus tells the story of the way iu which it was done : The colt had never been bridled. He was attached to a curricle called a "break-dray," and put through astonishingly quick. The break dray is nothing more than a strong broad-tread dray, with long shafts, tbe tail omitted, and a spring seat between the wheels. The harness was strong, and so arranged over the hips as to prevent the possibility of high kicking, and the colt was hitched so far from the dray that his heels could not possibly reach the driver. Tje process of hitching was, of course, very delicate, as a colt is excessively ticklish and is apt to let his heels fly awkwardly. All being ready, one man held tbe colt, and another took the seat aud reins. The colt was then let go to plunge as he pleased. The break dray, which was so broad that upsetting seemed out of the question, was pushed upon the colt, and tbe colt pushed sidewise until he started. A few plunges settled him. He went as he pleased up hill and down hill, and so and was tho roughly broke. The confused and on until he finally struck a steady, sober trotbewildered look of that colt was pitifully amusing. Mr. Bob Strader was giving directions, and upon one of the breakers raising his hand to slap the colt to urge him, Mr. Strader said : "Don't do that. Never strike a colt when yon are breaking him. Pash him sidewise or anyway. Let him just go where he will and how he will. Let him fall down if he will, bnt don't strike him." When the colt was taken out of tbe shafts he was as wet as if he bad been in water, and a child could have handled him. He had not been struck a blow. Weigiit or Dbied Apples and Pbacites. Id the letter from Charles Alden, which ws read before the late horticultural meeting at Roches ter, New York, he states that a bushel of apples weighs fifty pounds ; that the cost of cutting and preparing a bushel for drying is about fifty cents, and that a bushel will yield nine dried pounds, two pounds of which are cores and skins, which when dried find, a ready market at six cents per pound, for making jelly without sugar or hoiliug a new product. One bnshet gives seven pounds of good dried apples, which will sell regularly at twenty cents per pound, making after drying $1.25 per bushel of apples, with cores and pariugs. Tomatos, being very watery, yield only three pounds dried pec bushel, but two dried ounces are found to be equal in substance to a one quart can, and will make as much by adding one quart of water, and stewing properly. The evaporated tomatoes sell for seventy-five cents per pounds. Peaches yield seven pounds from a bushel, one pound of which is skin. CrcrMiiEB Pickles. The old style of laying cucumbers down iu brine, then when wanted for use soaking them ont In a brass kettle to make them green, is tedions, and I think rather dan gerous. Now, 1 have good, 'nice, solid pickles that were put down last summer, and the fol lowing is my method of preparing them : I pick from the vines, wash carefully, and when dry put them in good cider vinegar ; tie a paper over the top of the jar ; some seal them, but I have not. I like this way very much. I101SEIIOI.D. A Simple Disisfectaxt. One pound of green copperas costing seven cents, dissolved in one quart of water, and poured down a water-closet, will effectually concentrate and destroy tbe foul est smells. On board ships and steamboats, about hotels and other public places, there is nothing so nice to purify the air. Simple green copperas, dissolved in anything under the bed, will render a hospital or other places for the sick, free from unpleasant smells. In 1st mar kets, slaughter houses, sinks, and wherever there are offensive gases dissolve copperas and spriukle it about, and in a few days the smell will all pass away. If a cat, rat or mouse dies abou i the house, and sends ofT offensive gas, place some dissolved copperas in an open vessel near the place where the nuisance is, and it will purify the air. Then, keep all clean. Paste ron Labels o Bottles, &c. An ex cellent paste for fixing latels ,on glass, wood, or paper, may be prepared by dissolving 11 parts, by weight, of common glue, soaked a day in cold water, 7 parts of gnm arabic, and some rock c.imly, Iu 56 parts of water, at a gentle heat, with continued stirring nntil the mass is uniform. Labels brnshed with this and dried will adhere firmly, if simply moistened with saliva when nsed.