gnntar g American. SUNBURY, JCLY 3, 1874. Itailroad Time Table. ARK1VAL !n prrKTrRF. OP TRAINS ATSfKHlKT. N.CH. W., East. Phila. Ex. .?0 m in Elmira MM1, 12.48 a m Frie Mail. 2.05 a in P. A E. R. R. West. Erie Mail, 6.20 a m Niagara Ex. 12.20 p m EluiiraMail 4.10 pin Fast Line, CM p ra Niagara Ex. 6.40 pm vrvuruT 1ND 1.EW1SYOWN K. K. Leave Suuburv for Lewistown at C.S5 a. in., and 4.20 p. in. Arrive at Sunbury from Lewistown at l.ol and 0.40 p. in. snAVi.KiN nivisio, s. c. n. w. LEAVE AKKIVB Kxprcss, 13.45 a m Mail, 2 a m Mail, 4.25 p m ) Express, 3.5o p m Au accommodation train leaves Sliamokiu at 7.10 a tu, arriving at Mt. Ciirmel at 7.40 a m. Ket tiring, leave Mt. Carmekat C.15 p m, arriv insr at Shamokin 6.45 p ni. Lackawanna. & Sloosisbi'iio R. R. Thaiss, leave Northumberland as follows 0.45 a. ro., and 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10.55 a.m.,and 5.45 p.m. Accidental Insurance Tickets can te had of 4. Shiptnan, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Muuiner Arranireuieiit lor the Vout Ofllre at Mnnbnrj , I'm. Off ft Oj : from 6.50 a. ., to 8 p. m.. tree on Suudav. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives as follows : From the East at 5.15 a. in., 4.10 p. in., " South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m. " West, 5.15 a. m., 11.15 a.m., 1.53 p. m. and 4.10 p. ni., " Nortb.1.50 a. m..ll.l5 a. m., 4.10 p.m. Shamokin and Mt. Carmcl, 9.25 a. in. Shamokin proper, 4.00 p. in. Mails close as follows : For the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. in. 8.00 p. ra. " Somh, 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m. 8 p. m. " West, 10.50 a. m., 3.50 p. m., tUW p. in. " North 3.50 p. m., 8 p. m-, Shamokin proper 11.15 a. m. Shamokin ai d offices on that route, 4.-HJ p. m. Money orders will not be issued after 6 p. ui., on Saturdays. J. J. SMITH, P. M. fecal fairs. Tuasks. Gov. Hartranft has our thanks for a copy of the General Laws of Pennsylvania, passed during the session of 1874. The book contains 320 pages aud is very valuable. Tom Collins is the occasional editor of the Sunbury Daily. Conors rains and hail fell in the upper part of this county on Monday last. Moset appears to be scarce in this neck or woods and business Is correspondingly dull. Oi R delinquent subscribers, it may be said, are much like the present condition of our conn try, exceedingly backward. TnE burning of the oil cars at Watsoutown on Sunday morning,destroyed the railroad track se veral hundred feet. During the progress of the fire, several buildings were in imminent danger. The new comet, in the northern sty, Is now the matter of special attention of many persons very evening. It can now be discerned with the naked rye. AvoNGthe conductors discharged by the Penn sylvania railioad Company is Sprole Leisenring, of Northumberland. Consiiif.raw.e grain was cut during the past week. "TnE Sunbury sail boat "Hattie" was sold for $5,000." Tom Collins' report ut Danville. Thomas Rafkeutt, of Locust (iap, was iu jnrcd, ou Saturday, last by a shot blowing through the pillar of the next breaft to him, in Ciroeber, Kcnipcl fc Co.'s slope. Pot Orricx Hock ox tue Foi ktu. The Sunbury Post Office will be open to-inorro from 7 to 9:3C a. ra., and 4 to 5 o'clock p. m. Change of Schedule. Some change in the railroad time tabic was made ou Monday last. The Elmira mail train going East now arrives at this place at 12:40 p. in. instead of 11:05 a. in. The mail is now carried on the Philadelphia Ex i.ress.due here at 9:30 a. m. On the Bhamekin Division the 11:45 a. m. train now leaves at 12:45 p. in. Pkeextitks. X handsome flag was present M to the Good Intent Fire Company, at their meeting on Friday eveniug, by Mra. W. P. Ro berts. The flag was made by Mrs. Roberts her self, and isabeautiful piece of work. Itlsabout even feet in length, and has Inscribed upon it in large aud beautiful letters the words 4iGood In tent." The members of the company highly ap preciate the Rift. Sou Malick, Esq., President of the Union Park Association, offers a reward of $50 for In formation that will lead to the arrest and con viction of the person who set fire to the shed on the Fair Ground, on last Friday night. Fi rmti iie. In these rxcessivly hard times, . L. Raudenbush has taken the advantage of procuring the very best of furniture, and full netts can be purchased at a less price than before. Oittage Suites, Bed Room Suites, Parlor Setts and Common Furniture, are kei constantly on liand, and new supplies are received every week. Tnr Watsoutown Jttfonl has been enlarged mid otherwise improved. Auten is determined tn make it move. The Jlrtotd is a spicy paper, 4iud now looks much handsomer than the editor iiimsi lf. We wibh friend Auten success In his mew enterprise. Rithino. There is a large number of boys in he habit of bathinc in the river before 8 o'clock ia the evenine who had better heed the notice f iven for the arrest of such parties. A borongw ordinance exists forbidding bathing t?We that ime, which will be enforced. Ir you want a cheap shoe go to S. P. Smith Si Bro., ExceUior Store. There you will find ttnnts & Shoes of all kinds made up of Uie'.best material. Every style can be uad, una an lasu Sonablr. They offer uoue other than those of the latest styles. Call and examine their extensive stoekVhieh can be purchased at wholesale and retail. Country merchants will be promptly tupplied ut priees with uo freight to pay. and th'.y ean.rely on getting a bi-tter article than elsewhere. The Sliamokiu JbrnM pr'uiting establishment -was sold at Administrator sSale, on the 'J5th ult. Elmer Ileffelfinger and Abner Coder were the ' jMirchasew, at two thousand dollars. The pn-er w ill hereafter 1 conducted by these two gentle men who are deserving of success. Mr. Heffel- - nranfintil tiriutrr. ami t.iII no doubt 4 1 11 U 1 I l 1 publish an excellent paper. and Deaths arc punctually and Vrutuitously published in this pafcr. I-ocal Hems from all part of the county, are also published free. Send them along. iv alarm of fire was raised on Tuesday by a p-ile of iK.xrs and rubbish taking Are on II. Dries .,.!' lot. on Chestnut street, through some t.ovs shooting fire craekeri. It would tie well if si general law were made to prohibit the manu facture of fire crackers. Ijwik Oi t for Them. Business men should r..r A whole batch o( count crfeus is ..m tn lw utt.iat. including tens ou the First Na fional Bank of Loekpnrt ; twenties ou the First v,..;.m1 Rink t.f Plainfield. New Jersey ; icns on the Central Bank of Iloine ; tens on the Flour City National Bank, Rochester ; twos on tlie West ChesUT connty National Bank, Pcekskill ; nd twos on the City National Bank of Pongh- l:pnAip.- A fei.i.ow trong euough to chop wood or hoe corn, wandered through our streets on I uursnay playing a harp, not of a thousand strings, and collected loose p now. Aix the poor and the rich of Sunbury a lu vked to attend the 4th of Juiy celebration, In the Market 8quare Park to-morrow. Comz. N matter l.ow poor you male,r bow poorly clad yonr children, bring them to " rv v .. : 1 Market Square Park to-morrow, i uc .uuL.i holiday will be o lcbrated there. All arc cordi ally invited to participate. AIX children under 14 years of age, poor or rich, will have an excursion on the river on the steamboat, under the supervision of the Execu tive Committee to-morrow afternoon. Don't fail to let your children come. The Band w ill fur nish rnusie oo the occasion. The strawberry season is about over, and that of the raspberry has coimoV,.d. Strawberries have been selling at Philadelphia prVs ranging from 6 to 12 cM. p-r quart. JJere from J to ?5, ni r I the river on the 10th inst.. and a large number or rowers and persons from abroad will be pre Bent, we wonld suggest the addition or a fccnuci rpiifest or a S irncxhfcst on the occasion. This wonld add greatly to the amusement of those who may attend. We have first clues shots in this and neighboring counties, who would attend ir prizes worth convicting for w ere announced. In a Saeugenfest we have considerable musical talent. A more suitable place than Suubury can not well be fonud for this character of amusement. Being centrally located and acccs amusement. lciii vi.mia.ij mi.n.i-1. i...-- ... . , ,.. as ......... . suite uv ranroau iroiu cicij uu, umuj ...... . I delight iu attending these happy rocetiugs from the cities would be glad to spend a few days in a ... I place where the pure, iuvigorating air of the Susquehanna Valley can bo inhaled, and where the beauties of nature continually meet the eye. Sunbury would be just the place for such a meeting. The surrounding hills uud fields cloth ed iu nature's (aorite garb of green, the air re dolent with the fragrance of mountain flowcm, to whieh.inay be added the friendliness and hos pitality of her people all this would render a Saengerfest a pleasant and healthful allair. Al-voiNTED. E. C. Pcrchard, Esq., has lntely been nppointed agent for the Mineral R. K. aud Mining Company, in place of C. F. Fisher, dec. Mr. Perchard like Mr. Fisher, is quite a young nmn, but what he is lacking iu years is fully made up in practical business experience. Mr. P. is located at the weigh scales, and all business from the Shauiokin coal region of that mam moth corporation, will be transacted under his supervision, ne comes among as a stranger, and brings with Win recommendations of the highest character for integrity aud business qualifications. We extend to him a hearty wel come to our community, and we trust that he will become a permanent resident in our midst. Fike Crackers. As there has been a great drouth for some time and everything is dry, boys should understand that the explosion of fire crackers during the c-xtrcmcly dry weather, may end loss fuuny than they expect. On to-morrow, the 4th of July, which is our ualional gala day, will be generally celebrated among the boys with the usual explosives. Too much care cannot be taken in their patriotic demonstrations. Shed roofs, &c., should be avoided. Remember Port land when you touch off your crackers. AccmcsT to as Oil. Train. On Sunday morning last, an ax'.cof one of the cars broke at Watsoutowii, when a wooden oil car caught fire, and the flames spread to six other wooden cars containing three oil tubs each. Au explosion took place, seuding the burning fluid iu every direction. The cars belonged to the Empire line, and were entirely destroyed. As alarm of fire was occasioned on last Friday evening about 12 o'clock through the burning of ashed on the fairgrounds of the Union Park Association. The whole fire department were out. TheTre was the work of incendiaries, and suspicion poiuts strongly to three young men as the parties coucerned. It Is hoped that the ori ginators, whoever they may be, will be fouud, and an example made of them by giving them the full term provided by law for such offence. Tue Tom Collins who wrote the sensational article In the Daily on "Monday last, iu reference to our esteemed friend Jacob R. Clark, Esq., of Lower Aucusta. as having made a pledge to car ry the mail on his 80th birth day, which he ac complished on the S4th of June, as usual, vanes a trifle from the facts, inasmuch as there is but a single statement iu the. article that is true. We cannot help complimenting 1 om on uis ani lity at getting up a good yarn. Mr. Clark as sures us that no such pledge was ever inane that he was but 70 years old ou the 20th instead of the 24th of June, and that he did not carry the mail on that day ; that the distance between Sunbury and Augusta Is but five miles instead of seven as stated bv the Iail. The only state ment tnie is that he became bondBinan for his successor. Mr. Clark is extensively known throughout this section of country as a highly honorable and intelligent old gentlemen. He has no laitn in Tom's sensations. We don't make this contra diction of the statement to discourage Tom, but merely to show what an ingenious brain he Has as this extension of ideas indicate. k.v Hi KTisn anu its Uem.-i.ts. On sun- day last some boys went on the hill, east of the borough, to cajrture the large black snake re ported as haviug been seen several inn .u.. i.. iht wieiiiitv. Not finding his snake- ship, they concluded that he had crawled into a hollow tree. Under this supposition me, i Plied a match to the tree, which burned rapidly, . . ! 1 1. . l..,rt and the stroug current oi air carneu a lot of brush which Ignited and soon the fire .... ..ncni.trolablc. It spread rapidly over the hill towards the grain fields of Mr. 0. Gaul, and W. P. tschive. A large lot of cord wood aud saw-logs, belonging to Mr. Thos. Cooper were entirely destroyed. A number of persons from town went to the assistance 01 tne panic?, uu the progress of the tire was partially stopped for the night. On Mouday afternoon a heavy storm can.e up. and the fire spread rapidly, but was soon chctked by a slight fall of rain. Mr. Cooper has sustained heavy loss, as ins umocr over the entire tract Is consumed. Messrs Gaul aud Schive are lso heavy '.osers by the fire. The Ore on Sunday evcuing made a brilliant light, and most of our people were out until a late hour, watching its movements as it spread along the side of the hill. r,.tiwivs Moving F.astwaku. a party of flrty Master Masons, under the auspices of the Royal Solomon Mother Lodge, In the city of Jc n,..i,m. will leave New York September 12th, 1874. aud visit the lands of the East, where the m.tic rites are supposed to Have nau meir oriL'in. These gentlemen will be absent about five months, and arrangements are pcri.-cicu vj wi.iM. the most extraordiuary advantages will be secured them at a comparatively moJerate I til j 1 cost. The secretary or our local Arfjage iu i nr. J. !l. Lressnscer, iwium, r... t .nswpr nil Questions as to expense, &c, of thrPinediliou. Anion the countries to be vi sited are Firypt, Palestine, Syria, Asia .Minor, ii-itv Switzerland aud Great iursr, 1111X31., .- Britain. Tnr ..ow roiiie'.. now only faintly visible, will irrow iu brightness, and become more and more a .1,. "li i.f A ii" iit. when it will be aisi;ni.i minimi- ..P,rpst Hie sun and earth, and will lie urigiuesi. It W now visible all night, but will soon lie so only iu the early hours of the evening, setting iu ti.p imrthwrst. The observer will Una it, ny car tying an imaginary liua down from the seven Lm.wn m the dipler, to throe small stars, thence obliquely to tho right, where the comet will be found. It now appears like a ua7.y, nc bulns mass. A Fon.ii.KV- A young man by the name of r.iw r.rl.nnallv from Snyder county, was ar resU-d iu Sliamokiu, on last Thursday, on the charge of forgery, and committed the same nsy .... poniit nrisi.n. As we learned the. facts, tu tuv j a it appears he cal'.ed on Samm i Jot.n, wq-, some weeks ago and represented himself as being Hiram Haas, of Upper Augu-ta, and handed Mr. Jnt.i. a note for two hundred and fifty dollars,, in discount It. He. refused to with his request without getting an en dorsei. Young Miller said he could get Mr i)nnktpherrer. of Shamokin, and John Cadwal if tlii-v wouM be eood. Bc- ing answered in the affirmative, he retired, and t,. ..Pit d:iv returned with the forged instru ment and received the money. The forgery was nst discovered until Thursday, tlie day or his arrest. After he had len brought to prison, a C. Simmon. El.. or Northumberland, identi fied him as an old offender on one or the Sclins ..,. K,.,A. rear or two ago. His chances - for cherry hill are good. F.iTKAOKi.jSARir low Triad prevail at Simon tl Oppenbeiiuer's clothing sloifl on uiro ureei.. Every article for men ami ooys wear mu found there at the most reasonable prices. Som mcf suits or every style and quality, and furnish ing goods of every description, sold at the lowest prices in town. A call at their store will con vince cTery one that there is the place to buy during hard times. SfiUBNER for July bus the continuation of the great South by Edward King, profusely and handsomely iilipt,ted. Also, mc mjsie..u "T..rr;h2saamountJ : .rr;.:;T,..r.nrtin Ol literary ana snninn.- ......... . ir-. tins .inurnai. As we are to have a first class boat race on TnE D vT we Cklebhate. To-morrow the 'Jatu anniversary of our Nation's birth, will be celc- i .. - brated throughout tlie land-wun me usuni spirit I .....;... t. .:n t. ..i.,.ro..i t I Ol ucvoicu iiairioiisiii. i 1 n ut vuihihu " I . . e ;.... i Tl.. 1.. .l ..r ill.... I the creat anniversary festival. The land of liber ty will once more display her gladness and ren der thauks to the Giver or every good and perfect gift, for the bleesiugs we have inherited from those whose memories we meet to oommem morate. Through the heroism of our ancestry in 1776 a nation was born to freedom, and the land of the "Pilgrim Fathers" became the home of the oppressed of all nations. This, like every- ttiinfelse of value or creat import, was not ac a . ... 1 1. .3 H..n It -jwftn IftfflTW in I Ilia CU1U JllUSlieu winiwuw jvd oavi nivv ' ...... case. But to-day C1TT..-1.9J t- l. n1 iinciiM U ttip pkimmiic I mm net of war. Ilush'd hush'd is the trumpet of war ; Tlie soldier's retired from the clanger of arras, The drum rolls in peaceful burrah. 'Tis cheering to think of the past, 'Tis cheering to think we've been true, TU cheering to look on our stars and stripes, Aud gaze on our white, red, and blue. Hurrah for the white, red, and blue, Hurrah for the white, red, and blue, 'Tis cheering to look on our stars and stripes. And cheer lor the white, red, and blue. Here's freedom of thought and of deed, Here's freedom in valley and plain ; '1 he first song of freedom that rose on our hills Our 6ea-shore re-echoed again. 'Tis good to love country aud friends, 'Tis good to lie honest and true ; 'Tis good to die shouting on sea or ou shore, "Hurrah for the white, red, and blue." Hurrah for the white, red, and blue, 'Tis good to die shouting, on sea or on shore, "Hurrah for the w hite, red, and blue !" While this glorious holiday is being celebrated in nearly every city, town and hamlet through out the land, we look for a grand gala day in Sunbury. The fire department are expected to enjoy themselves with our neighbors in Selins grovc, and we feel assured thnt their expecta tions will be more than realized oo the occasion. A grand reception and ovation awaits them by the citizens of that town, and their visilt no doubt will be pleasant. The citizens who have conclud ed to remain at home will ctlcbrate the day in Market Square Park, iu which everybody from town and country, are invited to participate. A free lunch will be provided, and the Sunbury Cornet Band will be present to enliven the occa sion. The Declaration of Independence will be read and speeches made. Sometime iu the af ternoon a trip will bo made on the steamboat. This is intended for children nndcr 14 years, ir respective of station in life, under the supervi sion of a committee. The evening will lie occupied in dancing iu the Park. New Jail. A correspondent in thf-VUtoniun of last week, strongly recommends" ttfe building of a new jail, aud says the walls (of the pre sent structure) are ricketty, damp and filthy j and the building a nuisance. That the labor and expense that the Sheriff has applied towards keeping It iu as comfortable and decent a condi tion as possible has availed but little-. Well, we rather guess if the Grand Jurors were, to occupy ibe building for several hours, a new jail would be built speedily. Why Northumberland county is to be tortured with such a uuisauce we are not prepared to say, but we arc satisfied that if a committee on cruelty to animals were to exam ine it, they wonld at once condemn it as a place . . . .... ... I too unhcalthv for animals to be confined iu. We know that the Sheriff has made great efforts to make it tolerable for the prisouer", but the stench arisiug from its moldy old walls, cannot be destroyed for the want of proper ventilation. At the time of the erection of the present jail, three quarters r a century ago, the laws of health were not so well understood, and the building was constructed withont any provisions being made for the protection of the health of those who might occupy it. Gloomy and dismal indeed, is the aspect or ever y apartment, and he who becomes the unfortunate occupant is doubly imprisoned. Slsould an epidemic take place in our midst, the county jail would abundantly supply it with its victims, and do much towards spreading the disease among us. Any one who may examine the jail will find it as we believe it to be. a nuisance. Why a new jail is not built we cannot sec. The county is in si much better financial condition than she ever was. Other counties are far ahead or us in this respect. Where we expend money nnnu.illv to keen our prisoners in the Eastcru Penitentiary, theyre making money out r their prisons, in addition to which their umlulngs can iw i-nt in m. .iui.a ana ucaniiv cuuuuran. i-t us build a prison 6imilar to lliosc in couniics in w hich the prisoners are put to use, and tney win rn mnrp ihnn the expense of keeping. While we naid last vear f 1,666 16 for supporting our prisoners in the penitentiary, without calculal w ... a ing the amount of costs of taking them inere.ine material manufactured in the Schuylkill county prison amounted to about five hundred dollars above all expenses. The money expended for criminals at Philadelphia, would remain in our midst, and the couuty would eventually receive a revenue instead or paying expenses. It has also been the expeneuce or otlier cm munities. that the greatest reformation in pri- -soncrs always occurs in those having short sen tences. Had we a prison in which pnsouers could be confined for a short term, in healthy apaitmcuts, with some useful employment 10 oc cupv their minds and bauds, wc could expect a diminution of crime. Idleuess, especially in a eomiunuitv of characters such as are found in prisons, is the great promoter of crime. In this respect there U no worse prison in tne state man ours. Thcvare free to communicate and they have plenty of time to do so. The worst mingles with the best, and in a short time they are re duced to a common level. Curd playing is their pastime, profauity their language, obsceuc hooks their literature, and eventually hell their doom. Those gloomy old w alls, w hat a world of sin they Those Eloomj Old wans, wuav a woiiu in om iutj have enclosed within the last three-fourth. of a century, and have left loose upon the world in a l" ... stil! more hideous ana dangerous form man wncn tl.,. Ptnhrxcpd their victim. Let us have a new jail and wholesome discipline, and we will have less crime. The corresjMtndcnt truthfully remarks tit. ie . : iii no luiirin in ii twtprst a nd that we are . J .in... "v. " Interested iu the rtformnlion ot criminals as well as their punUhiitttit. The warden or t he Eastern . . - iiuft Penitentiary 101a me some inuc rr irimin:il w the licst to ussiiTC in them nnvthins like reformation. After a certain ,.f i,mr unnmnit tnpv uecome uarucueu. .1 ; nt m hp trp.itpil like a doir because he has committed a crime. He is to be pitied often, and lifted tip if possible to a highi r plane of de ceucy. Whatever we can do to reform, to ele vate! to make good men and women out of our crime-disposed classes, is uie umj ui an. ; hope these words will not fall on the desert air, but that our taxpayers evru as a matter of eco nomy, our christians as a maiier i iiiiiiiitiin and all our citizens as a matter r philanthropy, will go in altogeiner luranew j;iu. A. C Gkkknbai m, Esq., of Chicago, visited our town during the past week to effect arrange ments with the Sunbury Fire Insurance Compa ny, to cstauusu an aireucj in i. nii Greeubaum is extensively knowu thoughoul the Ureeunaum is extensively iirami ni-.ui... West as an excellent business ma... Since here he has largely invested in stock of the Sunbury Fire Insurance Company, and expects to sell a much larger amount on his return to t lie West. As this was his first visit to our town, be like an thorough business men, expressed surprise ut the want of enterprise in a locality so advanta geously situated. With such men us lie amongst us. Sunbtirv would soon expauu nuuirasuia- bl v. Mr. I, while here made some warm friends who will look for his early return. Tnr. Dailu or Tuesday gives an account or the escape or a hen belonging to Ashley Lawrence or Kliuesgrovc, this county, iu the Spring or 1S73. and her return in the fall witu forty-seven chickens all as large as the old hen. The entire hrood were subsequently sold iu Danville for H9 G. A peck of bad eggs were afterwards found in the nest where thev were hatched. It is posi tively kuown that Jno. Anten.orthe Watsontown llreord. did'nt visit that neighborhood last year. i. u iiw-Vv fur the owner or the chickens - j that Ihev were transferred to another county. Since John is a candidate for the legislature for he eats chickens just as well as a minister. Tin: hotteU dav of the season was on Monday last, For a sharl periad at ab.out 1 o'clock, the heat was grcafer and more intense than ever ex perienced within pur recollection. The mercury nt that time stood at 101 in the shade, hut a few clouds intervened, and suddenly tho temperature foil, and the thermometer indicated only DO. At about 1 oclock Hie mercury, according to two thermometers at Heim's hardware stpre, rose to 104 Hi lue EUnue. ll'iumo - . :u i.. i;tti ,tn ihniiuli there . ... i . i . , .uaninir a up ivt Towards evening a ueavy Storm came up "uu o were heavy showers not far away. At Shamo- Win there was a heavv rain, and also at fatta lhe j)rivipre ' e nac uccn laiurea ujrroi. tiun ocunei- der, teacher of the high school of this place.with .i .Mni.!iw.i .iinl.t;A.. t. .nTi . i f i t f n oi t mc i.-ugiu-ui...i s yuim, nUu snmrtit i-nlr:inrR in the Siinliiirv TIili Srhnol. at I o j --- i promt nut inn. Thpv wpi-a nft fallnlra ? t In what town do you live I I Towards what points of the comrass do the i. r .nr tn,i- ovtn.i i !rpit. nf vour town extend 1 How is your town situated T In what direction do the waters or the Susque- t n.. 1 iiauua uuw i inua now i i Into what does the Susquehanna empty its wa-1 4 1 What town is situated at the juction or the North and West Branches or the Susquehanna t What is the principal branch or the Susqnc hanna south or Sunbury 1 What is the Capitol or Pennsylvania T How is it situated T What is the largest city iu Pennsyluia 1 At the junction or what two rivers is it sit natcd T At the junction or what two rivers is Pittsburg siaatcd t What States surround Pennsylvania I Into what does the Delaware river empty ? What two Cajies at the entrance of Delaware Bay? What two Capes at the entrance of Chesa peake Bay T What is a Bay 7 Which are the New Englund States ? Which are tlie Middle States? How many States in the American Union ? How many Territories f Into what docs the Mississippi river empty t What large river empties into the Mississippi rrom the east 1 What two large rivers empty into the Missis sippi from the west 1 What two large rivers empty into the Ohio at Its south bank near its mouth ? What large river in the eastern part of New York t In what direction do its waters move T What large branch flows into the river 1 What lnrgc lakes at the northern part of the United States ? In what general direction do the waters of the lakes move 1 Through what large river do the waters of these lakes reach the ocean What two large rivers or the United States flow into the Pacific Ocean 1 What States border on the Pacific Ocean 1 What Territory borders ou this Ocean 1 What large river flows into the Gulf or Cali fornia t What large river flows between Texas and Mexico I What large river in British America empties into the Arctic Ocean ? What large Buy iu British America? What large Bay between British America and Greenland? ' What Strait west or Alaska connecting the Artie and Pacific Oceans ? What group or Islands bctwecu North and South America ? Which is the largest or these islands ? What guir at the north or the St. Lawreucc river f What large river flows south through Massa chusetts ? Where is Long Island Sound ? What are the names of the oceans of the earth f What is an ocean ? What is a sea ? What is a lake 1 What is a strait? What is an Island ? What is a peninsula ? !j i rtnnp 7 ' What are the political divisions of America f What Isthmus connects North and North South America ? What are the politic! divisions of South Americ.i ? What are the two largest rivers of South America T In what In what direction do the Allegheuy mountains extend ? In what general direction do the rivers on the east side of the Allegheny mountains flow What great chain of mountains west of the Mississippi river ! What mountains extend through Mexico? What mountains extend along the west const of South America ? What mountains north of Brazil ? What arc the political divisions of Europe ? Which arc the five most pdwerrul nations or Europe ? Which are the three largest rivers in Russia ? What lame river flows through Austria nnd Turkey and empties into the Black Sea ? Vl..rp in thp N'nrt h Spa T What lame sea south or Eurote ? What is a continent ? What are the grand divisions or the hastern Continent I What are the "rand divisious or the Western Continent ? What sea lietm-ceu Africa and Asia ? What two large rivers empty into the Persian Gulf f Which is the highest range of mountains In the world ? What is the highest peak of this range I What Janre river in Africa flows north the Mediterranean Sea? Where is the CMDe of Good Hope f What mountains between Russia iu Europe mt rvaia 1 What mountains bctwtn-- - ,T r What are the British Isles? What is latitude ? What is lnntritUile ? What is the Equator ? What are inn tropics r How many degrees from the equal. r to the tropics ? What are the polar circles i u.- ..... .i..irruM an. thpv from the Poles I 1 1 U n u. - - - j In what direction do the parallels or latitude txjend ? -tcuu 1 In what direction do the meridian lines ex tend ? What is the axis or the earth T lion iiiau; ihuiv - How does the motion of the earth on its axis produce day and night? How does its motion around the suu produce a change or seasons ? Ges. D. C. Watson. Again we are ca.led upon to record the death or one or the oldest and most highly respected citizens or tlie couniy. Gen. D. C. Watson died at his residence, near MeEwcnsfille-, on Monday morning, June 22, 1R74. acred nlKiut 70 years. He had been sufler- lng with a disease which had baffled the skill or the doctors for eight or nine weeks previous to his death, and finally died suddeuly. Gen. Watson was born in Delaware townsuip, Northumberland county, iu XoTeuiber, 1804, and for the past forty years had taken a prominent part in all the political and social affairs or the cniintv. Tweuiv-five fears ago, wtieu ue was - - - . .. , i" the prime of lire, it was thought almost .,. possible to have a parade a,r or P c p , It.... . -,l,..;.,ir tlm Cptipml :i thief Mar- i "-V"" ft ..tW ".u. -uu rq,uk of the position on all such occasions The deceased was a warm-hearted, generous, honest man and au excellent rrieud aud neigh bor. He will be sadly missed in the community in which he resided and deeply mourned by a large circle or relatives and rriend throughout the county. The foueral took place at the late rnaniot.rp nn Thursilnv. at 2 p. in., and was largely attended by citizens rrom different sec lions or the county. .W;Jfoiii. Barv Exhibition. The Northumberland Pre slates that a baby exhibition will be held in the Park or that place to-morrow, July 4th, or babies born in the borough or Northumberland, under two vears or age. A nice premium will be paid to the mother who can present the largest aud fiuest looking baby. Of course, it allowed, e.irh mother would decide in favor of her own fMwM wit, and to avoid nil uiiucuii; mice gentlemen should be appointed as judges inrce persons who can stand a good riddling. f Wo wonder what lucky mother, alter inc ex t - - .. hibition is over, will excial.a In her maternal lore, O, the lee-t-c-1 pomsy-wopsy The ClileKey omuy t uuiu ; He shall have his nicy picy Ami lots or sugar plum. This would be the best purt or the exhibition. It would make the bachelors or the place sweat to witness it or even hear about it. M. C. Gearhart s confectionery store, on Market street, was entered on Tuesday night throii-'h the transam by a burglar and some four dollars iu money and a box orscgar stolen The officers or Eastern Lodge or K. or P., at this place, were installed on last wertuesuay t-venin.' bv D. D. G. C, m. II. Musselraan We Hre uot informed who the officers are, The officers of the Lodges at Milton and Wat- sontowu of K. or P., were Installed ou Thursday eveniug by the same oflleer Mionvn- ITove. There is talk amoug the Ma sonic rraternityibout establishing anOrpnannge, or home for the orphaned children ol ueceaseu t.nn. in South Danville. Ae are Informed that P.ev. I. II. Torrence has tendered to mc Order, for this purpose, a certain tract or land, aqd thoy have its acpeptance quder consideratmu with a verv strong probability that H will tie es tablished here. A more desirable or healthy localitv could not be selected. Danville Ameri can, Cnwa rub their ucgks against the Suldiers' Monument at Buuunrr. puoo. sunvuir . . . . t, i - n t . . . can. Not quite so bad Brother Bradley. The mon- . 1 ftll.. l.naA .lllllir- I liriipui. . iiii. lui iillicu. .. .- I . . r . . dinnted the beautiful shade trees of the park 10 - - ..... ..... that purpose and wh.c - tails in approbation o, our nor.wn ,,... .... The Fourth of Jui.t in 1826. We find in the - - Sunbury Gazetteer, dated July 13, 1826, tl lnwinf iirnceprtirrR nf the Fourth of Tul 1 lie fol- July cele- --o o- hration of that year : 4t7 ith t.fJulu. - The jubilee or American Independence was ee- I. A 1 A' 1 A . a1'Dhi Anil I ! lnejuouce or American inucpenuence was ee lebrated by a party friendly to Jackson and Li bcrtv. at the Svlv.iii Snrin? in Aucusta town bcrtv. at the Svlvan Snrini in Augusta town ship. The following toasts prepared by the commit tee, were druuk, accompanied by music and tlie .. cheers or the party. lef Tl. AU, f T1.. 1771. Whpn thp. p.irth ceases to perform her diurnal rotation, A the sun to illumine her surface, then will Columbiaa sons forget the day. 7iiI Columbia, 3 cheers. 2nd. 77i Revolution. Honour nnd fame to the sages who declared these United Colonics "free and independent.' Immortal glory to the patri ots who achieved our liberty with their blood. 3 cheers. 3d. WiisiinjTtW ami Jafkion. Their virtues and services are sung by a nations voice. A res cued country hymns their names; Dumb be the tongue which refuses to praie "Tlie father of his country :' Paralyzed be the nrm that would oppose the elevation of the 'Hero of A'eie OrlcauK.' Pretident't Milrch 9 Vhetr. 4th. The Cause of the Gopel. Success to mis. sionary exertions, may the days soon coinc.when 'the knowledge of the" Lord shall cover the earth, as the waters do the place of the sea.' 5th. Education. The guardian angel of civil nnd religions freedom, may our Legislature esta blish a 'general system of education ou the prin ciple of equality' similar to New-York policy. Cth. Agriculture commerce aud manufactures. Hpeed the jtlough. 7th. Our pnblic officers, may they meet out 'impartial justice to all men.' 8th. International Jmjirovement. Soon may the waters of the great rivers be united by can als. 9th. Greece. May the inotlier of refinements conquer the Turks, and 6hine in her former splendour. 10th. South America. Like her sister, she bursted the fotters or her tyrannic mother, and u(f to be rrec. 11th. Ie WM Clinton. The rriend or intellec tual nnd interna! improvements. 3 cheers. 12th. Our uezt Governor. May he be a uteful man ; not a drone. 13th. The tirtuout fair tez. May they cultivate the mind more than external beauty. HypkopuobU. There have been several ter rific cases of hydrophobia in New York recently. One or the victims was himself an intelligent medical man, who had w ritten a number of arti cles to show that the disease was imaginary, a nervous derangement canned by rear. How any intelligent man could havb doubts on this subject is surprising, and ouly goes to show that scien tific men often commit greater blunders than those caused by stolid iguorance. Broke into the pocket of the editor of this pa per, some time during this week, a ten cent piece. Whom it belongs to or where it came from is a mystery to us, and we earnestly request the own er to come and take it away; we have been without money so long its use Is entirely forgot ten. Upon oue side there is a beautiful young lady with a handkerchief to her eyes weeping to think that she has no mate, and a night-cap on a pole as a sign of distress. E. C. Eiselt will run au excursiou boat toSe linsgrove to-nirrow, leaving Sunbury at 8 o'clock a. m. Fair for the round trip will be 55 cents. Shamokin Township, June 20. Editor American : I presume that your read ers will uot deem it news if told we have ex tremely dry we-'ther, and that the potato bugs are quite numerous in this section. Our harvest is upon us, it promises a good yield of bread stuffs. The general health is good. Notwith standing the drought and bugs, we have much for which, I fear, we are not sufficiently thank fol. On last Sabbath the Baptists dedicated their new house of worship. It is a Deal, well finish ed brick building, in a beautiful location, near the old turnpike, seven miles from Sunbury. The congregation was large ; the heat excessive; the dinner well got up, aud duly appreciated ; the ice cream and lemonade, cool and refreshing. The appropriate services were conducted by Geo. M. Spratt, D. D., or Philadelphia, (once a member or this old church,) Rev. Mr. Zimmer man, or Lower Augusta, aud J. O. Criclilow, or Lewisburg. Church goers, who heard Dr. Spratt in the morning; Kev. Zimmerman In the afternoon, aud Rev.Colburn in the evening, say they never heard three better 6erraons from the same pul pit, on one day, and I cordially agree with them. The preachers appeared truly devoted to their Master's service. C. Jury List for Auguwt Term, 171. GRAND Jt'KT. . , . ... . KpmV S'lml'rl it Anthony Ed.,'SorthT Reefer M. A., Sunbury Bird Sanrl SliamoKin Luzei u. o. ouniau Rrvson Bar.. Mt Car. tp McNinchW H McEwusl BebVer Gideon, Lewis Penman John, MtCar tp Bidleman won d.MUton nnyuer, a. n.,ip Farrow Wm.. Snvdert'n Slroh Sol Sunbury Guilck Wm. B. Rush Seller George, L Aug ta Hendricks BenJ.,Sun'ry Smith Jasctiiiiisquaquc ii i.r.h .in Kd:innu J M Turbut 1U1111.--U li-i'" - Hartinan Lewis.Sham'n Shive Henry A., L. Aug n. -. i. U'..l'lin Hottcustineii. K.iuro i. ireon ikiim., .,.. frtit jtrors for aioist 3d, lSti. Ammerman R. Sham'n : Kramer Jacob, tbil que Aliiuien Adam, Chillis' Mine josepn, roe Bloom G. W., Sunbury ! Keller Frank, Turb'vlle Bechtel Philip, Jackson Kiehl Wra., Washingt n Bloom Henry ww ing ijon iteurSc, duuu.; ii.i.i. Tiininn Knnl.'rr I.ehn John. Jackson Buoy A F., Northumb'd Lewis l ranklm, Riv de Baker Solomon, Turbut Marshal Chas.MtCar tp Chapin, E. W. Miiton McDonel Hugh, do Caldwell Alex. Shaw'n McNlnch Sam. Chil'qne Druckemiller lan. Del esn s. minis que n....i..ii,.p ii I. M Otto WushimrtonJack'n Ditty David, Low Maha Pcusyl Henry, Sham'n Dugan J . U. ip Aug i ivuc. un, ....... F.vart Asa. Turbut Rebuck Isaac, W ash ton Emerick Jos. Up Aug Bohrbach Cliut I p Aug . . ... ... a t t.i. 11 . ... Y..i.a Frederick Isaac, cnire ocuuum retci, .w-r Foulke James, Sham'n Smink S. B. Shamokin Fisher Adam, Zerbe Seller John, Low Mah'y Foly William, Coal Stewart J W North d i.. i u I'nnpr Anr. Shaw David North'd Gonser VraneU, L Aug. Shay Philip, WaUonl'n Haas Wm. Shamokin Starner A Sr., Delaw re Helm Wm., Up Maha'y Ihoinas tlias, up Man Heim Samuel. Wash'u Tressler Joseph Jackson Hoy John, Milton iVoris Gilbert, Chillisque r7. . it: i . 1 .. ....!. U....K.ii.if Heller Oscar, rtusn mi """"i "ui"j John Jesse C.Mt Car bo Weaver John, Sunbury Kapp Aiuos,jr.,North'd Yo-.t Daniel, Sliamokiu Kline Isaac U. suani n v.eru -iwrp, uu. FKTIT JLHOKS FOB At'OL'MT JUTH, JOt-f. Aiiimerman.R. A.Sh'kn'Klinc Uidoon, Zerbe i i. ii...... .1,. Iv.-iipiii.-iii David.Sha'kin Dalian lit'" J, "I , Hverly Adam, Low Mali Lytle Joseph, Sliamo n Barbey Anthony, Lewis Lightcap Henry, Turbut Cooper David, Up Aug. Longmoorc Rob. Milton Culp II. K. McEw'ville McCalislerClar, Northd .r . ... . i t t c.tii Caldwell !Sam, uaist n .m.-iuicj .n. - t CburchillThos.MtCartp Mettler John, Rush Eiaclv John B. Sunbury Pennypackcr Jer. Zerbe . .. .. .. . i. t i l r i;l,.iiliil.;ti Klswortli Alex, leiaw c mxu nemj, yry Peter L., Tuibutv'e Shull Solomon, Zerbe vtir Vrrd. Washiii!rt'u Sticker Isaac, Milton Gutchall Levi, Camerou Stamm L- U. Turbut Haupt BenJ. Sliamokiu Sllizet Jonn, uoumaru Irwin W. B. McEw'ville Smith Wm. Up. Mali oy Kase Abraham, liusn ciiriuumi o. u. i.i.c..uv Keerer Peter, Up Aug. Vandiue Wm. Chf. que Kiehl IsalaU, ip Man. innKuuci inn, .... iius'uuss I'ocals. J. F. Sciui rrK makes up all kind!1 ir summer suits for raer. or boys cheap. He does the must fashionable cutting in lown,and his strx k U made np substantial! v. Sfiu. 1.1VK CoSil t All. I'KF-iriUi 1 s. I). II. Koch Informs those desiring painting and paper haiiglng done, that he is prepared to do every kind of work of that description lu lirst class style, and at slwrt notice. The best of ma terial used and best of workmanship guaran teed. ju!ii'20,4t. F.NVEi.orK9 and cards of every description can always be found ut this ollice at the most rea sonable prices. A 1.1. kiuds of Summer Hal of the latest styles can be h:.d ut Faust's store, near the Court House. The most beautifol styles are on exhi bition at the store window, and will be sold cheap. Collars aud neckties or every descript ion constantly on hand. The Imi-koveii G hover & Bakkk Sfwinu M jiiiJjK, Thee 64tibrited mathiui! ure ollered it the most reasonable rate. For particulars apply to 1- KUTZ. Agent, Feb.22,'7o.-ly. Upper Augusta township. For Sale. Several to lots it. Race street. Also a house and lot on Chcsnut street, near Second. Apply to II. B. MASSER. Sei ond hand window sash aud glass ; and also secoud hand shutters, in excellent conditio.;!, for ialo by H. B. Masker. The eelebtated Chhkering and Weber Pianos, and Mii6on and Hamlin and ood Parlor Or gans, are offi red for tale by Jno. P.. Keerer, No. 79 Walnut street, 8unbury, Psf. Call and see them. Waster. 2jj warii reaiiMS to repaid If too badly worn for repair, wpnM like o sell yen a new one, Apply to, HoUrbuoU's Foundry, Sunbury, I'a.-it. GoToSujier's Jewelry Store for your silver and silver plated ware. All spoons, knlvos and fnrt-a Lnnerl.t r.f lllnl lire cnrraVed free. All ! kind? rr enirrnving neatly done to order. jlO.'H The Union Park aud Agricultural Association will hold their next Anneal Exhibition at Stiubu ry, Pa., Sept. 29, 30, and October 1st and 2d, 1874. Those who use Spectacles, can have no great er comfort than a perfect rair ; such can be pro cured from our well known agent, L. V. B. Soper, sole agent in this place for Lazarus ft Morris' Perfected Spectacles. ju26,2t. Fou Rent. The Drug Store Room now occu pied by W. D. Mclick. Also the room adjoining Faust's hat store. Enquire of II. B. Massek. S. Hkksfelper, corner Third and Market streets, has reduced his prices from 10 to 50 per cent., iu order to close out. The whole magni ficent stock, just received, will be sold at cost, aud the greatest argains ever heard of iu this town will be offered. The stock consists of Children's, Boy's and Men's Clothing, Fiats nnd Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Jewel rv, &c. Call curly and have the first choice. S. HERZFELDER, Cor. Third and Market Streets, April 10-tf. Sunbury, Pu. The light running "Domctic'" Sewing ma chine, on account of its many point of superi ority, has a better demand than any otlmr manu factured, and takes the lead with the public over machines long regarded as the best. Orders for these machines will be promptly tilled by Miss Caroline Dnlius, agent. rarlor Organ .Miss C. Dalius is the agent for the sale or Parlor Organs, Pianos, and all kinds or musical instruments. The yery best instru ments are furnished, furnished on short notices at prices to suit times, (.'all or address, C. DALIUS, No. 93, Market St., Sunbury. Xotice. As I have disposed of my Ex celsior Boot and Shoe Store, all parties in debted to me, are hereby notified to settle their accounts on or before the first day of August next, as after that date my books will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. Until that time, the books will remain in my poscfsiou, and settlement can lie made by calling at my residence. WM. II. Miller. Ice Cream Freezers. A new lot just received n. B. MASSER. bv Sin is often the result of physical ill-health aud feeble stomachs. During one-third of our time the process of digestion continues. To be dyspeptic is to be miserable ; dyspepsia is-the foundation of fevers and all the diseases of the blood, liver, skin nnd kidneys. Dyspepsia yields to the virtues of the vegetable ingredieuts lu that great purifyer or the blood and restorer or health, Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters. ju!9-4w. Kuubary Borough Oflleer?. Chief BurgeiK, Sol. Mwlick, Esq. ; Brcoud liurfp-iw, W. I. OrpcuoiiRh ; Assistant Hurgtuite, John Haas, W. T. Grant, CUarlwi J. Bruurr, Juo. ii. Markle ; Council man, lieu). Hendricks, Ed. M. liucher, Henry C'lnutint, Cum. riMuM-nbach, J. 0. Irwin, .loliu ltoweu, H. K. (inodrich, .John C. Miller ; Town Clerk, Lewis Pewart ; lioroueh Collretor, Holoinon Weaver ; Uurough Treas urer, M. O. UearLart ; Ainu-tutors, Gro. B, Itxnii, Tbi. ti. Vjir; AS'islaut Awwworr, I. S. Gunnlcr, Km! WU vert, T. M. Piintel, H. V. Fryling ; Street Cnmniisitinfi rrs, tfe-o. Klflil, Hiui. Hendricks, John Lfukt-r, Joliu Leaser. The regular meetings of th UoroUKh Council are held at the council chamber, OTrr tue No. 1, engine bonne on CheHtimt street, near Third, o the tirst, second and third Tuesday evenings of euch niooth. OlrurolieH of Mxintmry. The Methodist Episcopal Church, Arch Htreet, Rev. J. A. De.Moyer, iasier. The PrtKbyteriau Church, Market Square, Rev. S. J. Mllliken, pastor. The Lutheran Church, Third Slrext, Kev. G. tt'.Hein jierly. paster. The reformed Church, cor. St-coud and Client nut trvet. Iter. C S. (learhart, paater. The liaptiat Church, south Eimrth street, Ucv. A. C. Wheat, jiastrr. The KiLcoia! Church, DruadWiT, Kev. Ir. Hewitt, imittcr. The l'.o.ii:in Catholic OiiiWi, Arch street. Rev. Eat her Elt-iuiug, i'i.ster. Hecret Hoolctles orHniibury. I'ATKIOTIO ORDER SO! Ot AMERICA. WaslliUgtOO Camp, So. P. i). S. of A., ium'tit iu Ked Men's Hall, Han pi 'a Building, Market Htreet, every Tuettday evening. SuKqut-hanna Comniaudery, No. 9. M. A., P. U. 8. of AM int-eta areouil Thursday of ea.;U mouth, in Blight's building. Market square. Washington Camp No. 194 meets every Mouday even in lted Men's Hall. Rmkihts or Ptthlah. Eastern Hlar Ixlge, No. 143, Knight of Pythias ; meets every- Wednesday evening, iu Bright' building, corner Third and Market atreeta. Cayuga I.'.ge, No. 4111, Knight of Pythias, meets every Friday evening in Brighl's Building, comer of Third and Market treetn. ISIH.1EXI.KNT C1HI1KK os Oi Fellowh. Fort Au gUHla i:ucam.uieDt, No. 110, I. U. of O. F., meeta ou the lirnl and third Monday of ench mouth, at their hall iu Ch-nieui'a building, cor. Third at. and Market kqiiare. Sunbury I-odgc, No. 'Jirj, J. . of O. V., meets every Saturday evi-uing, in Clement's building, Market nq'iare. Anna Lodge, No. ill, D.-giec of lU-bt-Ua, 1. 1. of O. ' meetK ou the tw-i-oud and tourth Iouday of euch mouth, iu Clr.ueiit'a Hall Market square. Eort AugUHta Lodge, No. f.'JO, I. O. of O. meets every Tuettday evening, in llright'a buililiug. MovKKtiiiN Patriotic Kjiiuht. Lance and Hliiel.l f '..t.cluvi. No 1. K. P. m.s-tK aettid and lollrth car. i mrirTrir-!irtf ! juouth, iu Uright'a bmldiug, . .. . ...... . ...... . ... u Mutvii'ii.Kri.i. - '.21, . C. A. M meeta every Friday evening, iu Cltv meut'a building, MarKt t miuare. . U.-n M.. KliA.hi-.mi-.kiu Tnlie, No. 69, 1. O. Ii. M., meets every Thuraday even ing, in their nan, nanpi oiiuuuig, ...... ...m. Masoks. No. -fi, A. Y. M. meela iu Maaouie Hall, Third atreet, on night of lull moon. Brothkrhooo Uhmivotive Emcinkkrh. Sunbury Division, .1.0. ilM, U. of L. E meets the 11 rat aud third Sunday of eac'i mouth, oil third floor ol' the Pout OriV-e building. Third str.-et, Jr. I). V. A. M.Mmii IVuinoil, So. 1:H, meet every Thuriulay nitfht, at their uuaiuU-r, in Clemeut'a hall. Market pquare. IS"orttmm1eilaiil Co. Oflloort, Praaident Judge, William M. Rockefeller ; Associate, J.iM-l-h KktIt ; trothonotary, L. T. Kohrhach ; 8 lien II, 4 h. Kothoriuel ; Kegiater aud Recorder, Lemuel Ship niau ; Traurer, John Haa ; Commiaaiouera, Aiuoa Vaatiue, J. O. Durham and Daniel S. Rein : Jury Com miaaiouera, Dauiel M. Sinrlx, anil Wm. lL Leujliow Coroner, Frederitk Heaiwr : Auditors, J. M. Follmi-r, J. M.-uuch and Jueejih Kfaiely ; County Attorney, m. . Solier I Mercantile Afpranier, Dauiel Drnckenuller. NPECIAIa XOTICE.S. II o II H E II O L I Why Will You nunrr . To all jersons suffer (ing from J'.huematism, Neuralgia, Cramps in the limbs or slumabh, Bilious Colio, Puin iu the back .bowels or side, we w o u 1 d say, tue Household Panacea asi Famii.t Limmext is of all others the rem edy you want for inter nal and external use. It has cured the above .complaints in thousands ct cases. Tltpru U na mW-'ika ahmt H. Try U. gold by all Drug gists. IMX.E AMI FAMILY I.I.Tf EXT. July 12, 1S73. ly. Children often look lle mikI Kirk rrom no other cause than having worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VF.P.MIFUGF. COMFITS ...111 J.tri.v WTnrtiid iril hnnt ininrv tik Ilia ehild. being perfectly WHITE,and from all ths tula; ing or other injurious ingredients niiually used In worm prepuratiuua. ..1 .. in ... nnnmu n LU It l la iv Dunn .,1 ruj'nciwia, No. S15 Fulton Street, Sew Tork.' v.J.I l. Tlmn.nittt mul f'hemixtx. aud dealert in M'didnc at Twenty-Five Cents a Box. July 12, 1S7S. ly. Thirty Yean' Experie ofn 14 .knrw a. . U'lnslaa'a SijaAtKInar Kl Pan iK ...... wwaHi-Hwn " - - - . t he prescription ofone of the best Female I'livsicians ana curses iu ne unnea oiavc? anu 1.... i,Un nsH firtlilrt years with never laums'. safetv and success by millions of mothers and - . .. ....... 1. 1 . children, from tlie lecme imam r,i ono eiw oiu ... .1... ...init It (.irrvis ipt.1ii.v nf Llie sLoiuaeh. t 1 tin. K.iut.f . y -e r . -. - .j . . relieve wind calif, rcguluU's the bowels, and gives rest, Ueultn ana oonuori tu movuci uuu child. We hcllevo it to hu the Best and Surest Remedy In tho World. In all rases of DYSEN TERY aud DIARKHIK.V IN CHILDREN, whe ther it urlses from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions lor using win accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-sumle or CURTIS & PERKINS is on the outside wrap per, pold by all Jieuieiue aeaiers. July 12, 1S7X ly. Tot uiit8l(t, TA fti'uar Uletlium XdBHH, and to mi imuiuc Homes nnd thus Avoid lyinelteuts. u.. ...r..r..m. tn link WiifcAntAwn Jftcord find Sunbury "Gaxette" will be seen a foil and morl explicit description or the property I offer for sale, either in lots or by the acre. Bu wUut e wish to more particularly bring uofore the pub lic is the l-juKRAli TERM ou which they are oHered. ' . . .. . I will SELL LOTS from IUU to oow anu Lands by the ACRE from $200 to 500, according to the locution. T" ...... j . Tun ruiv mini, nf 111. Till rplvl C(i TT1 All P V ir.n. . 1 " il . .. - - ..... j down, the balance in time and amounts to suit purchasers, from U.NK 10 fclUll i 1MKS, wnn legal interest rrom day or sale. The Btrects and alleys sill U) opened as fast as lots are s(;l, so mil all may be approached with ease. All persons who are now paying rent can have an opportunity or securing a home for less mo net annually than they urc now THROWING AWAY in rent. Auy pcrsQii w'lug ta see the lands or lots will -. ll ma nrrtan urorv nrtnnrtnnitT will be win 1 h v ) i hvii v V J iv 7 given them tp hayc a fair chance q, see the snpe- nor anvaniages jircenicu vu twy r""" In addition to the lands ahovo roferred to, I now offer 'for saV tHRKR PWPi-.L.INU HOU SES, slUute o" Water street, in Watsantown bo rough, the one being the huge mid oomniodious llwalllnir nnw nnnilnied hv mo. all of Said dwellings having the necessary outbutldlDgs for immenmio uso. For further information call on or address J. M. FOLLMER, Wntontown. Pa. October r.l. 1S7X 1 yr. That Iron is Valuable as a Medicine has long been known, but it is onlv since its preparation in the particular form of Peruvian Syrnp that its full power over disease has been brought to light. Its elfects in cases of dyspepsia and debility is most salutary. -, " - ; SIXBI RY MARKETS. SfNBir.r, June 25, 1874. Grain Wheat per bushel fcl.-lurcl.iiO " prime white 1.5051.60 " ltye per bush ...... 75("i80 " Corn " 75fir80 " Oats " 50fi60 Fl.Ot.a Eitra Family pr bbl 8. TSfollK) Common C.5Ka.7.00 Buckwheat 5.00 Feed Cora it Oats Chop pr 100 lb 1.50(33.00 Shorts & MiTture 1.501.75 Potatoes, ic Cora'n pot'es pr bu 7.Vj'l .00 Provision Ham perlb lSCciJ Shoulder pr lb 14fi is Bacon pr lb 10(ij,l2 lieef, retail pr lb 14Ci2i Veal, do do 10(S; 18 Dried Beef pr lb 2$fiS0 Poi LTitr Giickcns, ilrsed pr ih 1518 I)o. live weight 10.12 Bttteh Prime per lb... liW'i.-20 KiO Per dozen ISf'i'-'o Fnt it Apples, dried, pr lb Isf,l2 Peaches, do pared pr lb... 'M(yl?t Do. dried nil pa rod pr lb... HitlH (.'lierries,ilriedpitted prlb SOf'i'JS iltb Abbtdismtnts. 'Jf? J ' J. Youngman't Improved Slide Valve Tor Ntatlonury ami Loromo. live Engines. HAVING within the last fw years completed the invention of a Steam Slido Vale detien ed for the purposed of removing the pressure from the valve as it exists at pesent, we will warrant for six mouths and place one in any Lo comotive, any Ocean Steamer, any Inland Stea mer or any other stationary engine. It Is simple, cheap, effective and indestructable ; and saves fuel and machinery, it moves its weight ouly. 'o alteration in any part or the machinery is re quired to apply it, and the time oecnpied in sub stituting it for the ordinary 'D' valve need not be over hair an hour. J5?"U is indispensable at the mines where hoist in;; is done. With this valve the engiue can be reversed without shutting off the steam, thus saving time and avoiding labor. This valve can be moved easily with one hand when surrounded by any amount of pressure. Address J. VOUNGMaN tfc CO., Sunburv, Pa. Sunbury, June 12, 1871. Rnlltling Lot For Sale. "VTIXETEEN LOTS, 25x100 feet, fronting ou i Vine street, in Sunbury. Price $125. Also thirty lots, 25x137, fronting on Spruce and Pine streets. Price ?18 per foot. Also eight lots, 25 x90, fronting on Fourth street between Walnut and Spruce. Price 450. Also 21 lota, 25x110, fronting on Third and Spruce streets, between Walnut and' Spruce. Price $400. Also 5 lots 24x230 ou tlie north side or Spruce street. Price $600. Also lrt lots iu Cake'own. The above priees do not include corner lots. Persons de siring to purchase will do well to call soou. Terms easy. I RA T. CLEM E NT. jan. 2:1. 3m. FaliiouwlIe Millinery Good. JUST OPENED! MISS M. L. GOSSL.ER, On Fourth St., below S. V. R. R., SUNBURY, PA., Has just opened a foil line or Spring Millinery Goods. Tlie latest fctylcs or Hats and Bonnets. trimmings, llundkercineis, Ladies' Collars, Gloves, nnd Notions gene rally. Particular attention of all the ladies in the couuty is directed tD her assortment, as her stock is larger than ever, and goods sold cheaper. Sunbury, May 1, 1874; COX LEY. IIAC'KETT JIATEER. DF.ALF.RS IN HAR D W ARE. CUTLERY, IROX, GUNS, NAILS, TOOLS, ROPE, GLASS, PULLEYS, PAINTS, PUTTY, OILS, . -VARNISH, shoe msriDiisrGs, LKATHF-H BELTING. Fishing toeikle,' A in ni 11 11 1 nun. A full line or goods at low prices. NO TUOUJJLE TO SHOW GOOD.S Please call and examine SION OF TUB ANVIL. HH Mwrket Nlrrt, Nl.MU HY PA. June 5, 1S74. SPRING ON EAST MARKET ST-, Sf.AK T"E CUT &TKt, alSUI RT, rA., now open, all the novelties oi the season in RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS, FLOWERS, LEATHERS. ETC.. trimmed and untrimmed 1 1 ATM AM) ItOXXETS. Notions in every variety, call and examine the line assortment and learn the low prices. Also, DreMMiuakiug of the latest and most fashionable styles, MISS AMELIA UNC i)Ct, Snubury, P., May 8, XOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVE No tice that thev intend makinir application to the Governor or tins Commonwealth for a char ter or incorporation ; that the character and oh ject or the corporation to be formed, U ta supply the inlinlntants 01 soutn unnvu.10 ano ne au rough or Riverside iu tho Cuuuly oi Northum berland, Fcnn'a, with, Water 1 tone taken rrom the springs sUiwte on the farm of Mrs. Mary Yorka, i.i the township of Hush, in the said couuiv ot Northumberland. DAVID UXiEK, CLINTON D. YORKS, WM. F. GEARHART, PETER GEARHAP.T, MARTIN SAVNUtRS. South Danville, North'd. C?., a., June 20, '74 The Iteliable Fnniily Medicine. DIARRHEA, Dysentery, Cholera, hammer Complaint, Cramps, etc., rjulcklj cured, Ly the use of JAROaUa'J CompQiind aiyrup of Blacklierry Root and Rhu barb. An old, well trlea remeay, entirely vege table, pleasant to take, quick and certain in effect ; can bo depended on in the most urgent cases ; may be given to the youngest infaut as well as to adults, it contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It is a pleasant extract and readily ti k ;n by children. It has often saved life when physi cians had despaired. Keep it in the fccuse and use in time. All we ask for It U : trial. Don't let your de iler put you, bit with something else. Buy it. Try ii. Sold by Druggists and Store Keepers throughout this Stale. Prepared only by HANSELL & BRO.. jul'J.-Sm 2000 Market Street, riuladelpuia. Exeeutor'M Xotiee. (Estate of Jacob Seasholtz, deceased-) "VfOTICE is hereby given,that letlers testamen- lary uaic ueeu "rupu wiu" uuucnign on the estate tf juoob Seasholtx, dec, late of Uppor Augusta townsuip, onuumoeriana co., 1.. Thnan hnvtiitr pIaIuis ai'ainst the estnte.will present them duly'auihetiticated for settlement, and those Indebted will make Immediate pay ment. CHARLES P. SEASHOLTZ RUTH SEASIIOLTt Executois. .' Suubury. Mj V, ISTt. 6t. OllN NBAGLET. D, W. PEKRX NT E A 91 PLAI.MXG JI.ILI.S, MILLERSBURG, PA, NEAQLy" PERRVt 3lanu,iicturers and pcalers in Ittooripg, Sidiryt, SvtrCtce JJparda, Lath, Stripping, Shirles, And all kinds, of Sa&h, Doxirs, Shutters, Blinds, Mouldings, e. Hemlock A While Pine Bill Stuff, and all kinds or Building Materltvl. Stair building and church work a specialty, March 13, ly- VU K'H Floral Guide FOR 1873. 200 Pacres. 500 Ensrravinai. and Colored Plate, Published quarterly, 25 cts. a year. First No. for 1874 lust issued. A German edition at the same priee. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. 3a Millinery. "NFKIXGiTsTJji ' 1 TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS, and a full line of Hillinery Notions and Fancy Goods, RIBBONS AND FLOWERS, at the store of MRS. AMELIA GROSS, (Formerly Miss Amelia Hancock,) Market Street, near the City Hotel, Suubury, Penn'a. Sunbury, May 22, 1874. 1871 SPRING MILLINERY.. Selected with great luste and eare have bn-n opened at Miss L. SHIS-SLEU'S Store, Market Square, Sl .MU IlV, IAM all the new sluqies in Straw and Chip II ATS AND BONNETS. Ribbons, Flowers, Feather, Ac, and all kind of Millinery GoinI. Fancy Goods of every drcription. Bonnets nnd Hats triuiined in the most expeditions man ner with the utmost preciciou. A full line of ladies' caps- Call and examine before purchas ing elsewhere. MISS L. SHISSLER. Sunbnry, April 24, 1874. New Millinery Store. MISSES L. & S. WEI8ER Having removed their Millinery Store tat the large building adjoining Zettlemoyer's stove, store, on Market Street, where they have just opened a large and elegant assortment of Fashionable Millinery Goods, embracing everything usually kept in a well stocked Milliueiy establishment. Their stock is entire new and consists of the latest New York and Philadalpbia Styles. . DRESS MAKING ; in all its branches will receive particular atten tion. INFANT ROBES IN 8TOCK. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting attended to, and Children's and Boys clothing made to order. MISS L. WEI3ER, MISS S. WEISER. Sunbury, April 17, 1874. GRAM) OPEXIXG OF KPRIXU nnd SIM .TIER GOODS. orevery description and variety such as Dress Goods comprising all the novelties in fabric and shade. Full Assortment of Notions, which are being sold at the lowest Cash Price. Also, Groceries and Protisions, pure and fresh. . qceensware, glassware, and wood axd Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed nnd common, always on hand. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. READ Y-MADE CL0TI1IXG, or all sizes and of the latest styles. FLOUR. A constant supply of western white wheat floor a speciality. The public are invited to call and examine our Goods iree of charge. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Fronts," and to please all. The highest priees will be paid for all kinds of country produce. By strict attention to business and keeping at all times the most complete stock, and selling at thelowest prices, we hopto merit a fall share of patronage- REED BROTHER & SEASHOLTZ. Sunbnry, May 2J, 1S74. NEW GOODS for SPRING AND SUMMER at MImm Knte BlnekX Market Square. Sunbury, Pa. LA DIE'S DRESS GOODS of every style and quality. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND Trimming a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. The (Inert aisortmei.t of Ladies' goods. Everybody. is Invited ta call and see them and buy cheap. .May 8, 18T4. CRUMBS Are a mo Jem stove re btler. hocmiw. oolish. farbetterthanHHtW"c'Bm:rT auv otbit. thence. man any otner po.isn. a 10 Hff v 0 R T Held 11 uniiiaiii suvery sneen, half the labor required when other p used. CRUMBS less thus 'ii I.TftTlC article, making uodirtljHthe parlor without the nor dust when used. UA trouble of removing " COMFORT furniture or carpets. Has no disagreeble sulphcroua or strong aeid smell when prepared for use, but are plcasnni and harmless. CRUMBS Are put npiu neat style .In each box are 13 and iu a farm morel j j) sticks ; 1 stick is suffi cenvenient for use tbanvi rieut for any stove, any othr polish. thus all waste is saved. COMFORT Are the cheapest polish in the market, becaiwe one box at 10 cents will polish as ranch anrfaee as 25 cents worth of the old polishes. (Tr U 31 b s Have just taken thATin competition with lt preiniuu ul the In-Mf several of the best of diitmiptdia Exposition. the old stare poiishr- COMFORT Ret Ckvsius or CosroaT ui yo storekeeptrr. If he has them, or will proeure ihnra for yon ; if not, send us one dUUr, your name, aad the name of your nearest express station, and we will send you ten boxes, aud samples of Bart lett's Blaokins and Pearl Blueing, free of cost. Cyvfeus or Comfoht can be had of all Whole sale Grocers and Dealers In the Uuitcd Stale, aud Retail Dealers will find them the most pro ft-. table, from the fact that they are the fastest selling article f the kind in the market. 11. a. bartuttt co. 115 North Fro Si., Philadelphia. 143 Chambers SU New Y 43 Broad St.. Boston. Nov. 14, "Ii---tina.eom. D AM EL. F. BEATTY. THE MERITS OF THE 'GOLDEN TONGUE.' BV A NEW JFK-EI BAUD TO BEATTT A?5D PI.OTTS, . WASUIXGTOS, N. i. 'TU an age or invention, improvement aa.1 skil. The world's in commotion, ar.d nothiaK is still ; And progress in written wherever we turnr 80 ! "the ball is kept rolling' mwi eaek day w or some new achievement in seience ot art ; Kaen urancn cu whjusifj m tacm eiiinni So each is awrdo) a fi'vAt rrom. the haixlw. Or a gonetti3 public as merit demands. So music's department can potet, fat ber pride, To men of true genius, wbase fame has gone Wi.l O'er hills and throufik valleys, ia Masions ami ana cut. Well, due suclk houors to "Beattf t rtut. Whoao tiolden Tongue organ stands first in the knd-m The ftnt as to merit, and first in dewand. Excelling in sweetness and richness of tose. surpassing an omen, anu waauinx uwc. . Its worth is acknowledged, wherever it is knows, As all will hear witness, and cheerfully tmt For inal in worknumsaip, heuly, design. Or finish, they challenge the best ta the line. Where faces were gtooiejt, aid hearts once were sa4 Wh it hnnui ara uur cheerful ves. havDV and glad. Hath chains' of enchantment for old and for young. Beatty & Plotts' celebrated Golden Tongue Parlor Organ is acknowledged by eminent pro fessors of music to be the best Parlor Organ now in use. Thousands of testimonials are constants ly being received in favor of them, which g to. show that our instrument gives entire satlsfse-. uou. HfFnr Price List Address. BEATTY PLOTTS, Washington, N. Jv Miireh V, 1T4. im.