How Hook got hi Dinner. The following characteristic anecdote of Theodore Hook is given in Ueream's life of that extraordinary man. One of the treets near Soho Square, either iVan Street or Fifth Street, was the sceue of ac tion. Hook was lounging upon one of those streets in company with Terry, the actor, when they saw through the kitchen window prejarations for a handsome din ner. 'What a feast said Terry. 'Jolly dogs ! I should like to make one of them.' I'll take any bet,' returned Hook, 'that I do ; call for me at ten o'clock, and you'll find that I shall be able to ive a tolerable account of the worthy gentleman's cham pagne and veuisou.' So saying, he marched up the steps, 'gave an authoritive rap with the burnished knocker, and was quickly lost to the sight cf his companion. As a matter of course lie was immediately ushered iu by the ser vant, as an unexpected nuest, into the drawiug room, where a large party had al ready assembled. The apartment, being nigh full, no notice was taken of hi intru sion, and half a dozen people were laugh ing at his bou mots before the host disco vered the mistake. Aficctiug not to ob-M-rve the visible embarrassment of the lat ter, aud ingeniously avoiding the oppoitu nity for esplauatica. Hook rattled ou till he had attracted the greater p:.u of the company iu the circle near him, and some considerable time elapsed ere the old geu tiemau was able to catch the attention of the agreeable stranger. I beg your pardon,' he said, contriviug at last to get in a word ; 'but your name, sir, I did not quite catch it servants arc so aboruiuably incorrect, and I am really at loss ' 'Dout' apologize, I beg,' graciously in terposed Theodore. 'Smith my name is Smith and as you justly observe, servant arc always making some stupid blunder or another. I remember a remarkable in stance,' etc. 'But really, my dear sir," coutiuued the host ; at the termination of the story illus trative of the stupidity iu servants, 'I think the mistake ou the present occasion does not originate in the source you allude to ; I certainly did not expect the pleasure of Mr. Smith '8 company at dinner to-day.' 'No, I dare say not, you said four iu your note I know, aud now, I see, a quarter past five you arc a little fast, by the way ; but the fact is, I have been detained iu the city, aud I was about to explain when ' 'I'ray,' exclaimed the other as soon as he could stay the volubility of his guests, 'whom, may I ask, do you suppose you arc addressing V 'Whom ? Why, Mr. Thompson, of course old friend of ray father ; I have not the pleasure, indeed, of being personally known to you, but haviug received 3-our invitatiou ou my arrival from Liverpool Frith street, lour o'clock, family party come in boots, you see I have taken you at your word. I am only afraid I have kept you wailing.' Xo, no, not at all. But permit me to observe, my dear sir, my name is not ex actly Thompson it is Jones, and ' 'Jones !' repeated the self-styled Smith, in admirably assumed consternation ; 'Jones 1 Why surely 1 cannot have yes, I must good heaven ! I sec it all. My dear Kir. what an unfortunate blunder wrong house what must you think of such intrusion ? I am really at a loss for words in which to apologize. You will permit me to retire at present, aud to-morrow ' 'Pray don't thiuk of retiring,' exclaimed the hospitable old gentleman; 'your friend's table must have been cleared lone ago, if, you say, four was the hour named : and I am only too happy to be able to offer you a seat at mine.1 Hook, of couise, could not thiuk of such a thing couM not think of trespassing upon the kindness ot a perfect strauger ; if too late for Thompson there were plenty of chop houses at hand. The uu fortuuate part of the business was, he had made an appointment for a gentleman to call for him at ten o'clock. The good na tured Jones, however, positively refused to allow bo entertaining a visitor to depart dinuerless ; Mrs. Jones joined in the solici tation ; the Misses Jones smiled bewitch iugly ; and at last Mr. Smith, whosoou re covered his confusion, was prevailed on to offer his arm to one of the ladies, aud take his place at the well furnished board. In all probability the family of Jones never Kissed such an evening before. Hook naturally exerted himself to the utmost to keep the party iu an increasing roar of laughter, and keep good the first impres sion. The mirth grew fast aud furious, when, by way of a finishing stroke, he seated himself at the pianoforte, and struck off into one of those extemporaneous effu sions which had filled more critical judges than Jones with delight and astonishment. Ten o'clock p-truck, and, on Mr. Terry be ing anuounced, his triumphant friend wound up the performance with the expla natory stanza I am very much pleuacd with your fare, Your cellar's us prime us your coik, My friend' Mr. Terry tlic plater, And I'm Mr. Theodore Hook. At Evansville, Indiana, recently, a man fell into a ditch on the outskirts of the town in such a manner that he was unable to ex tricate himself. A kind-hearted pedestri an helped him to his feet, and after the thiug had U-era accomplished our hero said : 'All right hie I'll vote for you.' The stranger looked at him doubtfully, and wished to know what for. 'Wha' otliee ye running' for ?' 'I ? None at all,' was the answer. 'Not a candidate ?' 'No, why V Why hie why ? 'Cause I don't know as any man d hie help 'nother as you did Hhoul beiu' a candidate !' Vorxo gentlemen, do not get into the habit of betting,' said a professor to his class. 'No kind of bet is excusable, in fact every bet is a siu as well as a mark of vul garity. Have uolhiug to do, young gentle man, with a bet of any kind.' 'That, I suppose, puts a fiuisher Ukhi our dear old friend the alpha-ix', exclaimed one of the students. The professor smiled blandly upon the young m n, and gave him fifty extra lines of Creek. A fashionable milliner (in Punch) : ' You'll have the flower on the left side of the bonnet, of course madam ?' Fashion able lady: 'Well er no! The fact i, there's a pillar on the left side of my ew in church, so that only the right side of my head in seen by the congregation. Of course I could change my pew !' Fashion able lady's husband: 'Ya-as. Or even the church, you kuow, if necessary.' Fashiouable milliner considers. Josh Hillings says' 'Tlie live man is like a little nz; he iz weaned young and begins to root early. He is the pepersafis or creation, the allpice ot the world. One lire man ia a village is like a case or the itch at a distrikt school he fot everybo dy srratehing at oiif-t.' CALDWELL'S VineandlronBillers! Tlif littTM :i-v imrf, naff and'lr; eoniii.-iI i i II--a, lk;rk :n:! Ht'tbs viU Citi.i'ti of Iron .! J lire u,ul native w ;(, ii:: ilf Inmi tin i.-iiivt pranl (Hlin)rniiittb4 ,!: ilit-ntt. jirc iliuht fUfiigth eiiiu. i-ui ifviiiK wml lift giving imlirniiil Htfent. iorniiufj mont healthy ml i.i.tK;.nt Htimulutin-r tonic uud wt:MipthMiiii lUtfe;n for in '-i . ov inp the iiin-eiite. giving tone and vital ciiercy to the HlootJ mhI Sytrtem. J nr oh., Iht'iy u travelers, voy uyt'if, rc.t thi'V c:.tiiit U1 mirj anl. Til 1-tiittTK .in- la :n i7i.f::t-:it u-ri' : ii!t..v;iiii, nirilyiiK. lmn:if, Ti:uulKii; aTnl :iuii--Ii.i. to tin-' wholt- fiftrin, giving mn lite a:il ..r.iviry to cvt -ry Oi'KUU l;;rt tlikr, without li'.:.t .:' i-,.n,o:i Uu.t t'ollowM the !! ff iiii"t .tit other toiiir an. -:uiiiil..'.t in tlif market. Tor DYSPEPSIA, AND ALL FOKMS OK INDIGESTION, SOUR STOMACH, RHEUMATISM, ' Scro f n 1 a , AND ALL. Imparities of tie Blood DROPS Y. .NERVOUS A MICTIONS, KIDXE V D ISEA SKS, IilVER COMPTiAIXTS Cirneriil 1'rostrtirioii. AND Nervous Headache ! TliEV HAVE NO KIVAL. AS A MOItXI.; AITKTISICIt XjOihr Bitters in the ti-.iivine can eoual tlievi. I lack utce for (Mailing tii vvulaliiiity vl tin-bittern, but will briefly ut-.te :u ral-eil'ivtK uyon tlie human synteui, hk follow-; It alwmlptely 1'urilitt the Jtl mxI. It i eiil vrrectH nil luorMJ chaise, in the Li-oJ. It 'jUuIi; the cir culation ot tht IIIikmI. U n-!u:..ten tlie. mi; mid U:iliry of thr 1!.-Hi. !: ; :jurc? 'lw 1'.m-1 to luri.iHri n j'ltMr cuj ) ort ?j : ; ) rojiertit . I ;-ir;. s thr tvntf i?ue;it( of th" INn.'l ii; on whif-h the '.it..1 vu-.-f ot Ihf Ky.'ieiii i b-j i;hM.. I; iuliiM tin ror letfrf ot uniu iil heat in the ptciii. 1 j.tirfK livm th' ytfin tin; niotUiil Lniiio-w which retard its nuttnl tuuctiotiK. It ini :r; e vitahty uml l.iHiieit to eeiy organ ot the Hmly. I: crrM-Tf? u)l th ranj'f iiints how. ficr triviwl, hieh art tlie tifnt oiim A It 1 ro motet thf finraf toa. of the diffintiv? oi;.iiif. It im-provi-H the MHut- ud r'UMvn all iin:i;-ite ti le le iitif? alter rating. It actH at a mild and ellicjcion- h.oni:n !:je. It elevate the Tudr4 all the vital forc-M. It strengthen!) the iiervoun lilire. uud dittiir- m e lm throughout the nervou HMte:u. It deHtiovK all inorlud oiHiUiiiiHiH of the liiiiiJ. It dir';-raM-t4 dnlltie-t and 1. n pmr. It j ivni-t'ei on ya.e of -ij jiit and Je hi.. It liaitifhen tU'Hte elugs u;-vn i..tiie hirh jio.1i:c4' Klooiu. It tlrivt nvry thtfe ittrfiuj; h mj.nituii mhica rb uhoJ haj j.ineK-. I; nivcH the j hs:cileiier Kie by ;ulut4iit(f new lite md lwer into f he nyitein. It ftMtxtieff the Kyiitciii itgaitiKt the dai:fcer f in. h.ri., fliic tiutioLn of the teinj eratme eii.irie iii the I;iujtet fn In whorl, it J re; .are-, the Hru:eni tor the rudieal cli.iMKe to lie wrought iu itH condition, aud ntiirei it ti j-cieet health and imtuml vigor. Caldwell'sCoughCure FOR TIIECI'JIE OF COU(JIIS, COLDS, ckoup, iioonxc; cor;n, CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, DIPTIIERIA, ASTHMA, AND Tliroatand Luns Disease (joiktuUv. Il yiu I'lucl.jM bottle of your druKtJt u-te it Jlt and it you m:ke uj your mind thmt you h:ve not cait-d a uenctit orr'MitmdihK with the tice te turti the emjtty UrttU aud he will ay you back oiir money and eliaric' it to sue ou bin bock, Thmt neither he or joiimelt will lowe by the ojr-jtinu, mh I u-iiitv(.u you that it ctrntuiiiK nothinr? tltnt -au tc lnjiuioun in any c You aie liot i-urchaMint; it of uie, a Htraner, but of yourdrui-tt a gentleman whom ou know and can truft. He will ltiruirth you the ine.i:c:ne on fhe Tenet I liae fneiitiud ; and hlwolu gii.iru-e not thtt it will cure ineve-y C4m-, but th d you will 1-e H.itiKhed in the ii-of tlie n inedv. CALDWELL'S MAGNETIC CIILOKOLOID! .11 A A.M It i: AST, l'ir iulrriu.1 ir f leriuil umv thr M:ui-tic CUJuruluiJ 1m lio niiml h oudrrt ill Limily im .lii'inr vcr offfml to tlw I'tiblM, fir the curr of HEADACHE, lhetiuiatmt rdic( N ni;.lj::, T.otbacue, Ira'lie, 1 riaitift (iri:i(rt, Spraiijf, Hiiiimk, K-aldHt SirH, 'on- j ctl"on, l'iiri. j CHOLERA MORBUS, li;.ll. -li.i, ..,. Tllliu!, 'IIII.IJJ.AINS, COKNS, AM) I'AINS l' A I.I. KINDS. CALDWELL'S , B j A I Hit l I 111 Hi Jt I j HUt llhtt Til VINO THE COMPLEXION. ItKMOVINO FRECKLES, ERUPTIONS, srxuriix.s. ROUGHNESS AND TAN. If 1h' face if- illMiiturril with ltlol-lit. I'll! files. Freeh If. TAN, PL" MS I "UN, Ac. The Lily Hjlin will iipiN-dily r.'iuove thi1 blt-iuih, and ituiiart eottuenK, tranepareiwy, a roii':'ti. tinttv :: nil u IMnrl-like biHtrc to the mtnplrxioii. It in litti'ily iin jMHiiijlile to il;M't in the ln-allty it culilrr, tin li-ynlf i.f I au artificial ag.nt ; the fre..h and tiniic wliii-h it devclope ou the face, tiet-k, lutnlii and aruin is titiyin IMiHiaed by no otliiT toilet article ever otlVreil tu tlic pu! lic. FULL DIUKCTIONS OX TIIK LAI' EL OF EACH JJOTTr.E. W. C CAIillWKLli, I'i-nj,r!it'ir and Mniwfin-turi r, MEDINA, N. Y. Fur Hale by V. D. MKLIt'K, Diu?i7it. Mark.-t ftiwl, tiiiibiiry, l"a. iiinbnry. Mav l-'i. Ih74. 1. ism Dr. J. lValkrr's Caliruriiia Yir.'- gar Itittors arc n purely Vf.'taMi preparation, made cliiclly fn'!:i the native lierbs found on the loner i -mitres of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of whMi are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The ('ucttion is almost ibilv asked, 4i AVhat is the cause of the unpar alleled SUCCCSS Of YlNKiJ AU J I TTKi.'S. .' " Our answer is, that they remove tin cause of disease, and the. patient l ceov ers his health. They arc the .treiit blood purifier and a life-uiviny juinei ple, a perfect Innovator and lnviprator of the system. Never hefre in the his tory of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vixegai: Uitu eks in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a pontic Purgative a well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs iu BiIio,i Diseases. The roiortis if Walker's Viseoah Uittehs are jSperient, l)iaj)lioretie, Carminative, Nutritions. Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant. Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-lSiiious. (ratl'l"i"I TllOs:il!(N t.vor-lai'ii Vix ti;. J'lTTKhs tlur mo t v.-..ri'.:!'..! I livi;:.'! a:it that ever sustuir.i il tin- .-ial.iiiif systt'in. No Person chji fake tlis'se Hitters accordinp to directions, and remain 1oit unwell, provided their hones are not de stroyed Ly mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. IWlions, ISeiiiitlt i:t :v.u Inter milfent l-Vvers, which are so prev alent in fhe valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi. Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland. Arkan sas. Ked. Colorado, l?iazs, IJio Orande. I'eari. Alabama, 3!obii-, Savannah. lo aiicke. and many utiie;-, wit!; .their vast tributaries, tinougiio-.;t our cut in country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by t-xtensiv derangements of the stoniacu and liver, and other abdominal visit ra. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence tv'-n the-se various organ-;, is ssciiiai;;. neci-s-ary. Thert i s no cathartic Ibr the pnrjtosectjual t )D;:. .1. VAr.Ki:i:V. Vi ;;(;.! i; I'.ittkus, as they wi!l speedily remove colored iscid matter witli bowels are loaded, at the ti:- il;i!k- Ih'l saiiiM ti:iio tin livtT, stimulating the secret ioi;s of and "ener: rt.;i rile t'.: l.oiiltliv functions of the digestive organs. x Fortify the hosJ.v against disease by purifying all its ihiids with Vixeoai: IUtteus. -No eiudemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. i)yspepia or IndigPstlit'l, Head ache" l'ain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightner-s t.f the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, i'.ad Taste in the Month, I.ilious Attacks. I'alpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of DysjK-psia. One bott'.o will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or Kind's Evil, White Swellings, I'lerrs. Krysipelns, Swelled Neck, Ooitre, Scrofulous Inllammations, Indolent Inliammations. .Mercurial A flec tions, Old Son s, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. Ill these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walker's Yixegak RriTKKS have shown theii great curative powers in the most ob stinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Bhcumatism, Gout, Bilious. Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the. lllood, Liver, JCidneys anil Blad der, these Bitters have no ciial. Such Diseases arc caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in 1'aints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, ; old-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard agaiust this, take a dose of Walk er's Hitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Sult-ltlieniu, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Hoils, Carbuncle, Kinp-wornis, Scald-bead, Sore Lyes, Krysipulas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration" of tbe Skin, Humors und Diseases of the Skin of w hatever name or nature, nro literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitten'. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of s many thousands, are effectually destroy vd ami removed. No fcystem of medicine," no vermifujres, no ttti tbelniiuitics will free the system twin worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bit ters display so deciilfil an iiitluence that im provement is soon pi-rceplilile. Cleanse the , itiaietl lllood when- ever you find it- im piirit Imrtinfr through the s"kin in Pimple-, l-'nipiioiis, or Son's; cleanse it when o;i tin.! it oh-t meted and sluggish in the vein-; c! it it when it is foul; your feeiiii- will lc-ll ymi when. Keep the blood pure. ai.d the h.-; Iili .f the system will follow. K. II. ?i IX' Vt ..! iv .. ltrilsritll lllldto l . A.-t-.. S .ll I I lui-ee. t'alifi'l'lli.'l, ami enr. f W ii-l. tie.-:.. i. :: 1 i.. litt.'i Ms.. X. V. Solit l Mil 2. n.',i-t - .. ni I2 i It I Nature's Great Remedy prii sit THROATand LUNG DISEASES ! ! It II th Vttnl nr'tnrlnlm f it,. 'I . t. -..-J rliiViii, uiv m i iic a rcc, vuiHjr j by " peculiar process in the distillation cf the tar, I y T ,ch " h,Ch medicinal pr.ipertics are retained. af eYen ""de state has been recommen.led by eminent physicians of n-rrj, tcluxl. It iscunlidently offeredto tlieafllicted fot the following simple rcasom: 7 arrupilj Slopping lilt cough ! but by dissolving the plileRin and astittinf nature to j throw off the unhealthy matter causing the irritation. I In cases of mWcossuui tk.x it both prolongs and renders lees burdensome the life of the afflicted sufferer. . Its healing principle fttts upon the irritated sur. lace of the lungs, penetrating to each diseased fart, I relieving pain, and tuiJuisg inflammation. I 3- lTrURIPIKSANUNRICHKSTHEBLOOD. rositivc K. j.,rinr sll ( I. - 7 a.wM.v.a, liuw tlic LVUllinon flMIXK Or eemoM to the severest cases of Scrofula. Thousands of affidavits could be produced from those who have fclt the beneficial effects of 1'inh 'I hie Tak Ci.i dial in the various diseases aojing from imh kitiis or THE BLOOD. 4. It inz'igvratet tlu dinstk'e cream and restores All who hare known or tried lit. I.. Q. C. Wis. tart' remedies require no references from us, but the name of thousands cured by them can lie given to anjr ont whotloubn our statement. Dr. I.. J. C Wishart'f Great American tiyifirfisia J'ills'anJ Wokm Si'r.aa Deors have never been equalled.) For Je ly all Druggists and Storekeepers, and at y Dr. L Q. C. WISHAST'S Office,' .Ao, !!3S A". Second St fhilnd'W BLATCI1LEVS Improved CUCLTMBER WOOD IT Ml', Tattlelefs, l)iif.tblc,Ei!i cient mid ( beaji. Tbe bit pump for the lat tiioney. Al tention is efpecially inviled to lllatcbley's 1'ntent Improved Bracket and New Drop Cheek Valve, which can be withdrawn H-lltw.iif ri'tiinii mr t In. Pimm nr 13 13 H dii-tuibitiy; the joints. Also,the E.?r Mia t'opier t'hamber. which never cracks or scales, and will out last any oilier. For fale by Denier and tin: Trade trcnerally. Inquire fur Blatchlcv's I'uitip, and if not for fale in vour town. Rend direct to OlIAS. (J. BLATt lll.EV, tAii.i.'.)vr, fi". Comtnerec Mt.. Tbil:nb'lpbi-i. Ha. March 13. 'T4 Hmo. j i t : PC: Tit " TP "I . timely ivsort ! tlsis stand ard preparation, as has lu'cn proved by the lmndrcds of testimonials received by the ju'opriel ors. Jt is :ieknt)vl ed.ufetl by many )rominent pliysieians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced lor the relief ;ind cure of all Limy complaints, and is offered to the public, .sand ioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in fhe Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. rRi:rAiu:D r.v 8ETH W. lOWLE &. EONS, Boston, Mass., And sold by Druggists udl)caler generally. riu!K victok sr.ui.'; .machine ., A want retinitis :unl etterutie Ai-nt- in tliis fount. v. Tlie "Vl( TOi;" i :i l.ocU-stiteh, Shut tie. Machine, with j-;rii-r-i-l; ;r.; Nee.lie. tiest litiih e! ;u:.l iierfeet Maehine ojl'iitil. An ill iTe;:o of .7!) tier eent. "ii .-!(- of lsTr.' over lSil. For terms .;e., A hlress. VICTOR tjEWlXfi MACIIINK ( ().,!-.:-'7 C:e.rtiint St .. lliil:tlt'l pl.ia, I'a. Sej't. 1 Si:;. linos. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and examine our prices belon- purehaJinir. as we claim to sell lower than arv oilier etali!i-hment in the ('it v. KEMF.M liEli the Nv'MBEIt, l-::r. KIlX.K A VENl'E. I'hiladeli.hia. HAK IIIS. Ji.ur.i.icv A SII.VKK "IVAICK. Jolt 11 IV. M 411011. Corner Third and Maiket Sts, Slillblir.v, la. H AS eonipl.-tely n novated his Store Ileum, and opened the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOC KS, JEW EI.U Y. SOLID SIL VER AND PLATE!) WAIIE, ever exhibited iu this pari, of the State. Every thing in the Jewelry line i kept in t.e. Ml trr tin rr. Itritct'lels. Kings 4V ( (mill., of every dei-fi'iptinn aud of the linet ttalily. Particular attention paid to repairing WalclH'M. ItM-Ks. Jeuelr.v, Ac. IIAll! JEWELKY nia.b to order. S'liibnry. March ", 1 T . ;i:o. kvaxs. i:.a. maizk. Geo. Evans & Co., HU Marktt Stivit, I'liihitkli-liia, T.MLOIIS ami MILITAHY nUITIHKttS, Militarv, 1 ;ui I A: Fire Oriranizatiniis prompt'iy imifotinetl. Samples of Cloth, with Pliotograp!is, sent free on application. Ours being the leading house on Military work, we feel that we ean tiller inducement which can not be attained anywhere cKe Jan. SIOICKS. IIY E WHISKY, 4.00 a gallon. $11.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottles, $11,00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY. rlS.OO a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA HUM, SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAW15A WINE. OLD Pi HIT WINE. f'HAMPXGNES. SEGARS, ,VC. II. A A. . Van 15t il. 'I'm: Wink Mriten ants, :;lil Chest ll lit Street. Philade!p!iia. Oei. -ji, it:;. John II. ,;i:i.i.. John M. Si iionui k. Ml. I. V S(IIO(Hlt. Second Street, Womi:i.mioi:f, Pa. FURKICX AXD DOMKSTIC LKL'ORS WINES, I5RANDIES. ;INS, 1'nro Old lt) Uhinkt-y. Ai'pi.k Wiiiskrt, Counut.s, V:e. All Liitnrs sold sraiirranteej as represented. Oidets pi oiiiitly atti-iided to and public pa- lioii.'iL'e ri 'l-eetfnily solicit' d. SELL SCIIONoril. Jd St.. WomeNdorf. Ilerks Co., Pa. Feb. 2T. 174. -1v, I, I l I1 O IC S T H 1. ! CHRISTIAN NKFF, Second Street, opiiie the Court House, Sl'N lU'RV, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has on hand, and will con Mantlv keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HQlORS, ! ConsUtiiiK of I'ttre Brandies: Coniae, Clieity, '(iinirer, Rochclleitnd (Marti. Whiskies: rtire Kye l opper-"isi inei, M.iei.i,. t::ibela, Apple and Nectar. 1TRF. 1KU.I.AND (;IN ! 'iVines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, I'mt and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which ean be found in the city markets, which will be fold nt Whole sale and Retail. Every article jruaranleed a represented. Also, a larj-e lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTT LES, always on hand. 2-7 Orders promptly attended 'o, and public pationatre rcspeetfull v solicited KKV. Siinburv. .Till v l7n. I v. iKisccIIauccns. A. W AM'EKS. MOXUJrEXTAIi SIIAVIXG PARLOR anil BATH ROOMS. IIAIH DRF.SSKIi 15V MACHINERY. I-5Dont foriret the ihu'P 011 the. East ?hleol Tinun !TKF.r.T,.i few doors South of Market, S1111 Imry, l'a. ir;ii(ls, Switclics, Curls, mul all kinds of I.ADIF.S' HAIR. Work made to order t itlier out of combings or straight hair. All or ders left at the residence of 'A. P. Walters, corner of 4lh si. and Shamokin avenue, wiil receive jtrompt attention. A Specialty in CIIILDREXS' HAIR CUTTIXG, either at their homes or Shaving Parlor. A. P. WALTERS. Juiv r. l S7.5. t r. UOUr. 1.3 FK I. Till: 1CIKI.K. llv the Author of ;'Nii;ht Seencs in the Hihle," ami '"Our Fathers House," of whibh nearly 200,000 have t'een so!J. "Hotnc Life" is com meiiileil liy ministers of all ehtirches as "the author's hi.'.-t hook," '-full of preeions thoughts," ''i'rulhs preeious a " a ehoic; honk for every family,'' ce. tteel enirravins, rose tint ed paper, rieh hindini; and for rapid sale un tiiialeil. Airents, Yotini; Men, Ladies Teachers and Clergymen, wanted in every eoudty ; ifTS to l'o per inonth. Send for eircnhir. ZEIfiLER & M'CURPY, Arch ?t., l'hi'ade'.phi.i, I'a. March ('.. :n:os. Till: ItlXU ISAKHEK SISOI TIIF. PlIOP OF THE TOWN ami Ions has heel! ; ask history and she will tell you Men have rrovn old in our patronage Babies on the'.r mothers' breast 'l'o boiineintr boys nt play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver irray. And anion:; the honored and "astijig impres : sinus of time, and the crash of revolutions in circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the inircnnity and perseverance ap lrta'minir to the identity of progression , plying our vocation with the highest style of art and ' perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es : taiilishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave with ea sc Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow nic politely request you to stop. And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot forprin , eiple sacred and right nor under the common secret and invidious guise of enmity to complex : ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of ; his skin, ought not to atleet his usefulness nor ; his 'nullifications. A fair chance is all that we demand, to irive the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. ; Proprietor. Sanbury. April 5. liT:t : No. 01, Market st. Win,:. January I com: oxe i comk all i : Till: stile criber having erec ted a Blaeksin''i ! shnp. on tlie lot adioinimr the il Mill, formeily 1 oh in d by Morgan o; Manser, on Fourth st.,S'.in , bury, is jirepared to do (t-noral niaeksiiiitltiitg. on the shortest notice, and iu the le.t maiiuer. Cu-toiu work prompt I v attended to. IIORSE'SIIOEIXC made a specialty. The patronage of town and ; eountrv is resju-ctf ullv o!ieited. I'ETEl: WII.VF.K. Suntiiiry, Nov. 7. 1hT3. if. W. D. MELiCK, Druggist and Apothecary, IN WEI.KEIfS BUILDING, Mnrkcl Slrt, SI Xltl lSV, lA. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Druggists' Fancy Goods, 1 i PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTV, tvC, constantly on hand. Particular attention paid tocompouiiditiic phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts. Siinburv, Anril IT. 1ST4. "Iu.trcb:n & Co.'s :(!olin.rn. 'or fill :i nu ik u n. n AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, HELLS" IICICOI.K- TAIILETS.! ITT ri'ONT.V IN 1H.I K ltoXKS. ! A TRIED AXD SURE REMEDY, j Sld by Iriit;i.'ititi. tl 1. Tliis St-waiit Mi-clilee j;ie tlie Ut s:itlsl'riet:uii t.itlte ; uer, is jiaiil lor li;i.t rv.itiily, mid Ik tile Ih-sI uf all tu s, 11. 1: there in ii.i .iK)iut.siic" Ayent ia i-ili- ti.wu, apply ! liKMl.STK' S. JI. CO.. N. w V.irk. il 4w. j !)() I'lAXOS and OKG 1S j Ni-w -ii.l hif-ilnl-li.ilnl, of tiist-claHS nifkern, will 1h k.,M ! at tov,-r pri'ii Iiir e::Hli, or on iiihtuiiineaiH, ir tir reut, in city e.r f.iiiipry, ihinnK this iiuiiali, by Horn.-e Vuteri mul S., No. 4r'l lt:ti:i4l:ty, vwv lwl.tie irert'il ill N,-wiik. S.J .emily : 1't.m.if ami tliy.ui.-i t,i i.-t until tin rent y j - the priei-in tiie iMhtrumi'iit. lilu.s tr.ttetl t'iitiilmiwi's iti.iiieii. A tpyroitnt to Mitiu I !:., I'mitilu-..,, Ih1;.., etc, -M'-lw. "l'deogrHi'lij'."' A new bo.ik ou the tar of Writing by Sound ; a complete, system of Phonetic Short-hand, the shortest, tnosl simple, easy, and comprehensive, enabling any one in a short time to report trials, speeches, sermons, Vc. The Lord's Prayer is written with 411 strokes ot the pen, and 140 words per minute. The un employed should learn this art. Price by mail .VI cents. Agents wanted. Address T. W. EVANS .v. CO., 139 S. Seventh St., Philadel phia. Pa. iuay29.-4w CAMPirORINE The I MYFItSAI, JIF.OICTXK For the HOrSEIIOLP. Trv it. Price per bottle 25 cents. For sale bv ail Druggists. REL'BEN IIOYT, Proprietor, 203 Greenwich St., N. Y. may29.-4w The Highest Medical A iilhorilics of EuroiH" say the strongest Tonic, Puritier and Dcolistruent j known in the medical world is j It arre.-ts: decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle o'ist ruc tions and acts direcllv on t'ue Liver and Spleen. ! Price I a bottle. JtlHN lv. KELLOtiG, New; York. may21l.-4w. $25 A DAY GUARANTEED tiling our WELL AUGER & DRILL! a good territory. Endorsed by Governor of IOWA, ARKANSAS & DAKOTA CiUlrpifrH. W.OQ.I3,S).locll,V-.. i.ivi.;mok is i Fur :w years Millions have intently watched , hi perilous yet heroic M niggle, ami iiraud acbeve inetiis, and how eagerly desire the complete Ii IV--hl-tory of this world-renounced hero and bene I factor, which unfolds also the curiosity and ! wealth of it wild and woderl'ui country. It is j ju-t ready. -',000 agents wanted quickly- One ' aii-ent sold 1 St. another l'.H) one week. For pur ! ti7-nl:ir-,iiddre'ss Hl'BBARD BROS., cither I'hil- adelphia, Boston, or Cm., O. May 2il.-4w. j -;'iils IVanteil for Tt-ll It All" ! Bv Mrs. T. B. H. Stonehouse. for S. years wife 1 of a Mormon High 1'rieet. With au introduction i bv Harriet lieecher Stowe. Two years ago the i author wrote a pamphlet on I'olygamy which excited the Mormon newspapers to Rtiecringly invite her to write a book and "Tell it All." ' Eminent men and woman urged her to accept ! the challenge, and "Tell it All" is the result. It I i the only book on this subject ever written by ' a real Mormon woman, t'.-'."! pp. superbly illus trated and bound. It. outsells all other books ; three to one. Il takes like wildlire. "Vr 100,(RK1 ! will be sold. Agents, now is your opportunity. 1 Our Descriptive pamphlet, terms, A:c., sent free toall. Address, A. D. WoRTHINtiTON A: CO., ! Hartford. Conn. May t,"..-4w i V ATI.ICS N KKTO OK(..lM j arc Ihe moft beautiful in style and perfect iu lone ever made. The Concerto Stop is the best ever placed iu any organ. It is produced by an i extra set of reeds, peculiarly voiced, the effect I of w hich is most charming ami soul stirring, ' while its imitation of the human voice is superb. , Terms liberal. Waters' I'hilhariiionic, Vesper and Orchestral Organs is Unique French Cases, are among the i best made, and combine purity of voicing with , great volume of tone. Suitable for Parlor, Church, or Music Hall. ' Waters' New Scale Pianos have great power and a fine singing tone, with ali modern improve- limits, and tire the best pianos made. These l Organs und I'ianos arc warranted for fi years. ! Prices extremely low for cash or part cash, and : balance in monthly or quattcrly payment. ! Agents wanted iu every county In the U. S. and Canada. A liberal discount to Teachers, Minis ters Schools, Lodge, etc. Illustrated Catalogues ; Mailed. HORACE WATERS & SON, 1 4sl Broadway, Now York. Box S")C7. Mav .,i.-4w. Mercantile. V X I'NUAl I X I I CE SI E.VTS. New and attractive Goods, in every Department WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JF.WELIIT, SILVER AND PLATED WAKE. Cutlery. Cloeks,, Enirlish, Frejirh and German Fancy Goods. ?rOl?fl 1 m m - In view of the decline in GOLD, we have re duced prices on our entire Stock of Foreign mer chandise to Par ioIl Kate, and purchasers will find it to their interest to make their selections NOW, while the ASSORT MENT IS COMPLETE. (ioods tent on approval for selections. Articles purchased now, for the ITolidays, will he packed and retained until such time as desir ed. ROBBINS, CLARK fc BIDDLE, 1124 Chestnut St., Philadelphia C MM c o o - o j r. CI ft K ( H ft M - Crtt ft . w r z o t CO 3S ft SO 2 o 7 O 4 - ' 3 a " 5. o- S. -5 M -1 i 2 0 as! 2.2 WS . ? P w 0 a E. w o c -3 "2 c ' STOVE A TIN F.STAIU.ISIIMEXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, I'roinictor. JsrCCKSSOK TO SMITH GENTHER. J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kranse would respectful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a larire assortment of C OOKIX G STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving 'fop. Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to lieat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES oi'ililferent kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every Inscription kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil er.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a iC.nd.. Store opposite Conlcy's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAL'SE. up!24-ly Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAILT. L, KESPECTFULLY informs the citizens fiat he has just received Ids Sriiig.anI Summer (ooth, at his TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, and that he is prepared to make up all kinds of CJEXT.S' A.l BOV'Jf Sl'ITS, of the latest styles. Having had much experi ence in the business h desires the public to give lii in a trial. Clothing will be made up iu the latest Palis nd American Fashions in the most satisfactory manner. al.'TU. CHARLES MAIHL. jfJrnsgisis. CEKTRAL DRUG STORE q.b.Cadwllader Is the place to buy pure and fresh MI.IM'CIXES, Dlil'CS, I'A 1. NTS, OILS, GLASS, l'ERFUMEUY, XOTIOXS, CIGARS, T015ACCO, LIQUOlt for medicinal purposes, and all other arti cles usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I am prepared to furnish in quantities to suit purchasers and at Philadelphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Roscudale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover ! S....iU. Also, (iarden Seeds ol nil Kinds. Vail and get a Rural Register for 1X74. (EO. B. CADWALLADEK. Sunbury, Feb. C, lS74.-ly. Dit. C. M. M aktin. Oeo. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE. No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BflilJiDi, Siiwy, Pa. DR. C. M. MAKTIN & CO, HAVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs and Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, Nail,CTothe,Shoe and other brushes. TOILET AXI FAXCY ARTICLES. FINK EXTRACTS, POCKET BOOKS, KNIVES, C, C. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the s-veelest perfume in America. Parisian, a Kill Glove lYaali, warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, si:(Mi:s, the best in market, Pine Wine and Liiptors, for medical purposes, Physieiaus Prescriptions and family leceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal ing to receive a share of your patronage. September 11. 1STH. i i """"" I V1C PEXXSYI.VAXIA RAII. ROAD. PHILADELPHIA A ERIE It. It. DIVISION. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, December 1st. 1873, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Riillaln Express leaves Philadelphia, 12.55 p m 5.05 p m 9.20 p in 2.15 a n 8.50 a m 10.30 p ra 3.05 a in 7.30 a ni 8.40 a m 10.05 a m 7.20 p ra 8.00 a m 1.30 p m C.20 p ra 7.35 p in 8.25 a m 12.55 p m 1.55 p in 3.10 p m Williamsport, " " Emporium, '; ' ' arr. nt Buffalo, Erie Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " ITarrisburjr, " " " Williamsport, " " Lockllaveu, " " " Kenovo. " " an at Erie, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Harrisburg, " " " Williamsport, " " arr at Lock Haven, Renovo Accomod'n leaves Harrisburg " " " Williamsp't, Bald Eittrle Mail leaves Williamsport, " " " arr. nt Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Buffalo, " " ' Emporium, " " " WillLimsport, " " arr. at Harrisburg, " " " Philadelphia, Erie Maii leaves Erie, " " " Renovo, " " " Lock Haven, " " " Williamsport, " ' arr. at Harrisburg, " " " Philadelphia, Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " " Williamsport, " " arr. at Harrisburg " " " PhUadelphia, 3.25 p m U.10 p m 1.10 am 4.50 a ra 9.10 a m 11.20 a m S.40 p m 9.55 p m 11.10 p ra 3.05 a m 8.00 a m 7 55 a ra J.'M a m 1.50 p m 5.50 p m Harrisburg Accom. leaves Williamsp't, 6.50 p ra arr. at uarnsonrg, io.5() u m " " " PhiladclphU, 2.50 a m Bald Eagle Mail leaves Lock Haven, 12.20 p m " " ' arr. at Williamsport 1.. 10 p m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry and Irviueton with Oil Creek aud Allegueuy R.R. W. Mail West with east and west trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry and Irviueton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Elmira Mail and BatEilo Express make close connections at williamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north, and at Harrisburg with N. C. R. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Snp't. Philadelphia A Reading Railroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. Mat 4th, 1S74. Trains Leave II erndox as Follows : (3rsrATS Excepted.) For Shamokiii, 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and 3.55 p. m. For Mt. Carrael, Ashland,, Pottsville, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Tkaiss i-or HEasDON, Leave as Follows: (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Shamokin at $.00 a. m. 1.50 and 3.55 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. ni., Reading 11.25 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. tu., Tamaqua, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p. m., Mt. Carmel, 3.21 p. m. Trains Leave Harrisbuko, as Follows : For New York, 5.25. 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 p. ni. For Philadelphia, 5.25, 8.10 9.45 a. in., 2.00 and 3.5C, p. ni. MTND.VTS. For New York, 5,25 a. m. For Philsdelphia, 2.00 p. m. Teains for IlARRisnrRft, Leave as Follows : Leave New York, D.OO a. m., 12.40 and 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.15 p. in. SCNDATS. Leave New York, 5.30 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. J. E. WOOTTEN. Ctnernl .S'';"i. Reading, Pa. May 22, 1874. Northern Central Kail way. Oil ami otter I)-e. 1, 1HT: trains on this road will run us itilkiwg : LEAVE NORTHWARD. Leave F.ri Mail Wanhiutiin .... X.3H p in Italtiiitiirt 1 l.l.i p m lteuova Aceotn. F.lniira Bnffalo Mail. Exprem 4.48 a m 1 l.:J-T a m H.2.5 a in 1.45 p m 8.00 a iu 11.53 p m l'tnlailt.lplua....I(l.'ill p 111 llarrtHbiirg.. Snubtirr... .. Arrive at : Willianisiwrt iniiru linffal. H.tlTi iu -Hi'i a tu 1.30 p in 5.115 p m S.-ju a ni 11.10 a tu 4.15 p m 7.15 p m 9.00 p m 7.111 a m 12.55 p tu ll.."ni a m H.:i p ni 7.10 p m 10.-20 p m Krie T.'Jil p m All daily Sunday. Leave: Buffalo Elmira ltarris'g Accom. Erie Mail. 11.30 a m ExpreHB. Mail. Erie buffalo Elmira Villiiimiort Sunbury Arrive at : HarriHbnrif .. fl.'H) p IU 5.45 a m 9. JO a m 7.-J0 a m 2.48 pm .50 p m 11.10 p m M.40 p tu 155 a m 1.1(1 am J.di a m 11.15 a m 4.50 a m 1.50 p m 10.50 p m 3.05 a m I'hilailelpLia.... 9.10an Baltimore 8.40 a ru WaslimRtou ,...10.a5 a m 5.55 p m i.iO a m 8.00 a m 6.:o p m 'i.25 a m 8.40 a m 8.30 p m 6.111 a m 10.U5 a m AU paiw Suubunr daily except Sunday. A. J. BASSATT, E. S. YOCNG, T. GUCKER, (ieu'l Manager. Oenl Pass. Agent. Sup't. I'OXTI'OS EM EXT. K9,000 IX GIFTS. A Grand Gift Concert. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT will lie given at Suubury, Pa., by the Independent WASHINGTON STEAM FIRE COMPANY, On MONDAY. JTJLY V 1S74. Uulexs the tickets are all sold before that time, when due notice will be given of the time. .1 full Drawing Certain. Owing to the Panic, aud In order to meet the general winh anil expectation uf the public aud the ticket-holder for the full payment of the Gilts announced, the nian aemeut have determiued to poet one the Concert and Drawing to the flute above Ktated. The object of this enterprise u for the pnn"" of e curiug a Steam Fire Kiigiue. which will lie an advantage to all ueigbhuriug towun accemiible by rail, tmm the fact that it will be an Independent Company. Aud an we have never failed to duuharge our duty when called up-. on, we certainly will be able to accomplish more good with the aid of a steamer. There is no lemhau nineteen large and mnall town within thirty mile of Sunbury, all uf which can be reached by railroad, thue affording the facility of amirting any of thoae placed iu lea than u hour'a time ; while at the same time our town will not lie unprotected. Our project ling a laudable oue, we feel confident that all the ticketi will be disponed of by the tune above named for drawing. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF GIFTS : ONE OKAXD GIFT OF... . f 1,100 (Ml . tint) . 300 SIIO . 2o0 . lull . 1,000 . 1,1100 . 1,000 . 1,000 . 1,1X . 1,000 ' (Sift of it i 11) Gifts of f VMN). .'. . 40 Gifts of -A'oai lm Gifts of 10.110 JA) Gifts of 5.(10 as) Gifts of -ino l.UOU Gilts of 1.MI l.K'.T Total This entun'ri s no individual 'ftjuhitiou, such a Iioum-s, lots sail I limit ure put up st fabulous prices. The holder of a successful ticket will receive lis GIFT iu CASH. There will lie 20,000 Tickets of Admission to this Con cert, at 'LOO eaeh, aud at tint time slioe ststed the t'i,:l in CASH Gills Kill be iliHtrilpiitel. 1-LAS OF IUSTKILTTIOX. Tent thousand unm'uers, reprnwutiin; and turn ponding with those on the receipts issued, wiil Is- placed in oue wheel suit carils eiielieil with the uaiiies of the -reniiums in sealed U.xrs will Is 'laeil iu another. From these wheels, uuitilier aud ue of the slsive uaui ed inscribed iinls will be taki.'ii simultaneously. The tiututier so tlrawu from the one w!iiel secilnv the i.n miiim desiuatil liy the curd taken at rh? same tiiue f mm the other. This operation wiil Is- iMTlornieil by a blind person, and continued until r-i(iiteeu Hundred uml Futy-Seveu Piemiums are exuausteil. It iseviileut that by this proeess, fraud or favortisui will tie ilu): ble. Kvery sriMili holilnig a tieket will lie entitled to admission into the Concert. All Gifts Paid iu CASH without discount. Money call be sent for Tickets iu registered letters, or Post Otliee Money Orders, or by Express at our risk. If desired, Tickets will 1 sent by Kxpress, C. O. D. The following gentlemen hsve kindly couseuted to set as Trustees for the above Gin Concert : S. 1". Wolvertou, Ksi., director D. H. aud W. It. It. ; Geo. Hill, Attorney at I .aw ; Hon. W. L. Dewart. ei memlier of Cougress ; W'm. I. Greenough, Ijej liiree tor First National Hank of Suubury; Johu Haas, Ks., ditto; Ira T. aiemeut, Luinls-.Tiiau ; ftln. T. Grant, Coal Merchant, Sunbury. The alsive uanie.1 gentlemen arc liiKhinindeil aud honorable nieti, who would not lend their uauies and eive their assistauiv to an unworthy object. SAM'L S. HKXMUCKH, GEO. M. KKNN, WM. II. MlLl.Klt, LEVI SEASHULTZ, PHILIP M. SHINDEL, 4'ouimittee. All roniiiiutiiittions cheerfully answereil. Address, iu all cases, PHILIP M. SHINDEL, N. S. F.siiLE, Corresponding Secretary. Treasurer of Funds. Suubury, March 6. 1S74. SlMUItV MA It II EE YARD, Fourlh Street below Mark I, SUNBURY, PEXN'A. TIIUE undersigned has returned from the Ver I mont Marble Quarries with 56 Tons of Marble for Monument!, tirnve-Stoiie, 1,1 A ") ' He has bonght at such figures that will allow him to sell better stone, for less money, thau heretofore. The best i .1 1 1 T7-ll- tl 1.1- surnoriana raiw uaruie, which is better than Italian. Rutland Is now sold as low as tbe Manchester. Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, will find it to their interest to call and examine this large stock, as better bargains can b secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be done in the neatest and most Improved style. W. M. DAUGHERTT. Snnbnry, Jan. 11, 17 STVr l T r ) grinrltnral. Culture op the Tomato. Daring the few past years efforts have been made to improve the tomato in size, solidity, flavor and earllness of maturity. There has been progress In all these directions, not perhaps so much actual improve ment as many of us believe, but still good toma toes have ia the new kinds sustained their repu tation. Old varieties seem to gradually give way or else people tire f them, and they thus disappear. We have no tomato the same as we had thirty years ago, at least tinder the same name, and yet we bad them pretty Urge aud good kinds even at that day. Without entering closely into the historical part of this hnpiiry, we yet think our tomatoes have really improved in smoothness and quality as a general thing, when anyone has taken any interest in having a good article ; and in tomato culture there eertainly has been marked im provement. Recently there have been brought before the community several ideas worthy of note iu those who strive tor the very best article. In regard to traiuiug, it is aaserted that much better fruit especially for eating rw can be had from plants fastened to slant stokes, than when plants are allowed to run at will over the ground, or even when they afe fastened to slant ing trellises. Heavy stakes are required of course, as the great weight of a plant in fruit cannot bs borue by light stakes. In regard to training the plauts, much atten tion has been given to thinning the branches, es pecially when grown on stakes, and in shorten ing back some of the branches to within a few buds of where the fruit is to set. Those who have followed this practice Judiciomly report good results. But the latest novelty in tomato-culture is in the matter of root-prnnning in order to produce earliness. In this matter some surprising re sults have been achieved according to those who have given in their experience. While the plants are young they are transplanted several times which of course destroys some of the roots, and after they are put out iuto their final resting places a spade is ouce in a while thrust down into the ground a foot or so from the main stalk. In this of course size and perhaps quality is sa crificed to a few weeks' earliness ; but many are willing to pay this penalty for the sake of tbe early dish. The principle here is much the same as is often doue to get early grapes when a ring of bark is taken off. The supply of food being cheeked the result is earlier fruit, but with slightly impaired flavor. These are the leading suggestions that have been made in improved tomato-culture dnrinw o the past few years not great improvements, it U true, but still not without value. Gennantoicn Ttlearaph. The Cost or Cobs. J. E. Vaughan, of Bradford county, Pa., writes the following to the Germantown Telegraph, on the cost of rais ing corn. We give below the amount of time speat and the cost to us of raising ten acres of corn with team aud man, (including board,) at 13.50 per day : 10 days' plowing with man and team (35 00 14 00 3 75 13 00 30 00 30 00 5 00 1 50 60 00 10 00 4 12 8 12 20 harrowing. marking planting....... cultivating cutting and stocking. Seed corn and plaster Plastering ..... Interest on use of lafld Taxes Total (Mi 25 In this calculation we have allowed sixty dol lars for Interest on use of land, putting the rate at six per cent, on f 100 per acre, and allowing nothing for husking, believing the stalks to pay well for that. Calculating from the above basis, we find that at 40 bushels shelled corn per acre our corn costs us about 50 cents per bushel ; at 50 bush els per acre it costs about 40 cents ; at 60 per acre, 33 cents ; at 80 per acre, 25 cents ; at 100 per acre, 20 cents. We will add that we have never been able to raise corn for twenty cents per bushel, but that we can and hare raised it at a cost not much above tweuty-flve cents. Clovek ad Timotbt. A correspondent in tbe Peninsular Xtwt gives the following reasons why the growing of clover and timothy on the light soils of Delaware and Maryland has been unsuccessful : "First, the land is plowed too shallow ; there is not enough manure used, nor that of the right kind. The seed is not sown over one-half thick enough, and the seed is sown too late. Plow not less than eight inches deep. Manure should be applied after the land is plowed. Stable manure is best. If farmers would save all and compost it with muck, several acres could be well seeded every year. After it is manured drug well, then sow clover and grass, about as much again as is usually sown ; drag again well. Sow as early as possible, if in the spring. Timothy does best sown in September. But if sown with oats, on land prepared as I have sta ted, it will be likely to do well. If enough stable manure cannot be had, tbe next best is pure bones ground for timothy, and ashes for clover. Farmers on the peninsula will find grass grow ing the next most profitable after trnit growing. But as long as all the stable manure made on a farm is used for truck patches, aud cattle are pastured and kept to eat off the last spear of clover and grass, how can tbe farm improve I Keep up stock ; have cut grass ; save manure to seed with, and you will be on the right road." Bl'Gs, Wouais asd Cuickes Choleba. A cor respondent of the Prairie Farmer says: "We ' have noticed that whenever the chickens follow the plow and gorge themselves with bags and worms, soon cholera breaks out among them. Our remedy Is : To one gallon of sour milk, add a tablespoonful of powdered alum, set it in shal low vessels, where the chickens can drink as often as they choose. We have nsed this remedy for the last three years, and none of our chickens die with cholera, when we attend to it in time." HOUSEHOLD. t I r rom the (Germantown Telegraph. I Rice WArn.E9. To one pint of flour allow one pint of boiled rice, two eggs, tablespoonful of butter. First separate the yelks from tbe whites, till light, add the rice and butter to the yelks, then the flour and a little salt, making a stiff batter with sweet milk. Mix well, then stir In the. whites beaten to a froth. Bake in waltlu irons. Mr.xH Waffles. One quart of flour, one pint of corn-meal uiu.-h, two eggs, tablespooufull of batter, a little salt. Make a thin batter with sweet milk. Separate the egs a for ricn waf fles, it makes them better. Mirriss. One quart of milk, five eggs, one tablespoonful of good yeut, if homo made three or four ; a lump of butter the size of a walnut, and sufficient flour to foim a stiff batter. Set in a warm place to rise, and when light bake in muffin rings. Sa llv Lrss fok Breakfast. Sift into a pan a pound and a-half of flour. Make a hole in the middle, and put in two ounces or butter warmed in a pint of sweet milk, a spoonful of salt, three well-beaten eggs, and two tablespoonfuls of the best fresh yeast. Mix the flour well into the other ingredients nnd put tbe whole into a tin pan well greased. Cover it, act in a warm place and when it is quite light bake in a moderate oven. Send It to the table hot and eat it with butter. Genkkal Washington Breakfast Cask is made as the above Sally Lunn, except that in stead of one and a-half pounds of flour use one pound and one tablespoonful of yeast. Flannel Rolls. One enp of sweet milk, whites of two eggs, two-thirds of a eu p of bntter, flour to make a thick batter, one-half of a cup of yeast, two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Raise over night ; add the butter and eggs in the morning, work in some flour making a limber dough ; form into rolls and after the second ris ing bake. Sally Li sn for Tea. Four eggs, one quart of flour, one cup of sugar, tw taklespoonsful of yeast, one spoonful of butter. Make a thick butter with sweet milk. Pour into a tin pan aud set aside to rise, then bake. Flannel Cakes. Two eggs, oue quart of sweet milk, one teacup of boiled rice, two tea spoonfuls of cream-of-tartar, one of soda, and sufficient flour to make a good paste. Fry on a rriddle.