Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 19, 1874, Image 3

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    unburn nuritan.
SUNDUhVr JUSeTo, 1874.
Kail road Tluie Table.
N. C. 11. V Est.
Phila. Ex. .S0 a ui
Elmira Mail.ll.15am
Erie Mail, 2.0o a ui
Niagara Ex. 8.40 p m
p. & e. n. n. west.
Eric Mail, C.20 a m
Niagara Ex. 13.20 p m
EliniraMail .10 p in
Fast Line, C.r)0 p m
lj-ave Sunbury for Lcwistown at 6.35 a. in.,
and 4.20 p. in.
Arrive at Suubury from Lcwistown at !..
and 0.40 p.m.
Express, 11.45 a m I Mail, 11.25 am
Mail, 4.25 p ni Express, 3.55 p m
An aecommodatiou train leaves Shamokin at
7.10 a in, arriving at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a m.
Returing, leave Mt. Carmel at C.15 ? ni, arriv
ine at Shamokin 6.45 p m.
Lackawanna A 3mkvsiii'ru K. R. Trains
leave Northumberland as follows 9.45 a. ui.,
and 4.40 p.m.; arrive at 10.55 a.m., and 5.45p.m.
Accidental Insurance Tickets can be liad of
J. Shipman, Ticket Agent, at tlie uepot.
Snuimrr Arrane mt for the I'ost
Office at Souburj , i-a.
tifflct Ojten from 6.50 . to., to 8 ., trcejA,
on Sunday:
Arrives as follows :
From the East at 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p. m.,
" South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m.
" West, 5.15 a. in., 11.15 a. m., 1.35 p. m
and 4.10 p. ni.,
" North,1.50 a. m..ll.l5 a. m., 4.10 p.m
Shamokin and Mt. Carmel, '.t.25 a. in
SUamokin proper, 4.00 p. m.
Malls close as follow :
For the East, 5.45 a.m., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m,
S.00 p. in.
" Sonth, 10.50 a. m., 4.M p. m. H p. ni.
West, 10.50 a. in., 3.50 p. in., N.OO p. m.
" North 3.50 p. m., 8 p. m.,
Shumokin rironcr 11.15 a. m.
Shamokin ond offices on that route, 4.20
p. in.
Money orders will uot be issued after 6 p. in.,
on Saturdays.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
oca Is.
The Improved Grover Bakkh Sewing Ma
;uine. These celebrated lnachiuea are offered
at the mon reasonable rate. For particulars
apply to D. G. KUTZ. Agent,
Feb.22,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township.
For Sale. Several to lots in Race street.
AIbo a house and lot on Chosnut street, near
Second. Apply to H. B. MASSER.
The celebrated Chickering and Weber Pianos,
and Mason and Hamlin and Wood Parlor Or
gans, are offered for tale by Jno. P. Reefer, No.
79 Walnut street, Sunbury, Pa. Call and see
Wanted. 25 worn rentiers to rcpiiir. If tow
badly worn for repair, would like to sell yau a
new one. Apply to.
Rohrbach's Foundry, Sunbury, Pa. t.
All Vinds of Summer Hats of the latest styles
can be had nt Faust's ttore, near the Court
House. The most beautiful style are on exhi
bition at the store window, and will be sold
cheap. Collars and neckties of every description
constantly on hand.
How to Save Money. Miss Caroline Dalins,
Market Street, Sunbury, is wiling the Golden
Tongue Organ, six stops, for One Hundred Dol
lars. This Organ is being sold by Beatty te
Plotts for from One Hundred and Twenty-Five
to Two Hundred Dollars, just as they can find
the customers, their prices are varied. M iss Da
lins will also sell Firtl-CUut Orgat.t at such
prices that defy competition. Remember the
place,. O. Dalh s, dealer in Organs nnd Sew
ing Machines, Sunbury, Pa.
The Union Park and Agricultural Association
will hold their next Annual Exhibition at Sunbu
ry, Pa., Sept. 29, 30, and October 1st and 2d, 1874.
For Rent. The Drug Store Room now occu
pied by W. D. Melick. Also the room adjoining
Faust's hat store. Enquire or H. U. Massfcr.
S. Hersfelper, corner Third and Market
streets, has reduced his prices from 10 to 50 per
cent., in order to close out. The whole magni
llcent stock, just received, will 1 6oId at cost,
and th greatest sargains ever heard of in' this
town will be offered. The stock consists of
Children's, Boy's and Men's Clothing, Hats and
Caps, GcmV Furnishing Goods, Truuks, Jewel
ry, Ac. Call early and have the first choice.
Cor. Third and Market Streets,
April JO-tf. Suubury, Pa.
Oi r Shamokin friends are highly delighted
over the magnificent photographs furnished by
G. O. Bartlctt, located in that place. Mr.
BartleU excels all others in taking a true like
ness. Those wjo have ucgatives taken by him
while here, can have any number of copies
printed by addressing him at Shamokin, and
sent to them by mail.
Laroe additions of new furniture have just
been received at B. L. Raudenbush's store In
Masonic buildings. It is the cheapest place out
kide the city for furniture. All kinds can be
bad from common to the best. Call and sec lie
ore purchasing elsewhere.
Sold Oct. Wm. II. Miller, fur borne twenty
years engaged in the boot and shoe business,has
fcold out his Excels'.or Store, on Market Square,
to Messrs Smith A Brother, who will keep up
the usual assortment of boots unj shoes, as for
merly. Messrs Smith A Brother have had long
experience in the busiucss. They are young men
of excellent character and full of cnterpiise.
Their stock comprises the best quality found in
the markets. They are well stocked with the
latest fashions, and those doiriug to make bar
gains should call as they will sell at retail aud
wholesale. Country merchants will save money
by buying at wholesale prices, as they caunot
buy cheaper in any city than here, nor have a
better chance of selecting their stock.
Notice. As I have disposed of my Ex
celsior Boot and Shoe Store, all parties in
debted to me, are hereby notified to settle
their accounts on or before the first day of
August next, as after that date my books
will be placed in the hands of a Justice for
collection. Until that time the books will
remain in my poseb6ion, aud settlement can
Ute made -by calling at my residence.
WM. II. Miller.
I e Crf. am Freezers. A new lot just received
jocal Sffairs.
PiC-Nirs are talked of. The season for them
is here.
The haymaking season is fast approaching.
Eat no uncooked or half-cooked hog meat.
From the quantity of millinery goods arriving
at Sunbury, we should judge that our milliners
are doing a good business despite the general
cry of "hard times."
Tub fashionable strawjhats for mens' wear are
nigh in the crown as well as in the price.
Bois don't rob the bird's nest ; it is cruel and
.8. IlERJ!FEi.rER sells cheap summer suits. He
keeps pace with hard times. Just think of a full
nit for 19 50, all wool.
J. D. Pattos, and Get,. Reuu, jr., have con
racted with the town or BloomFburg. to erect
;as works there similar to those in Suulmry.
On streets arealways crowded in the evening.
St. Clair, Schuylkill county, had a riot on
Sunday. Nobody killed. Whisky.
Quite a tiUiuber of families from Pennsylva
nia, are about to settle in Summer county, Ten
icssee. A little Lykens boy swallowed seven brass
nitons recently, because another boy dared him
to. ne is now laid up for iutcrnal repairs.
Harrisburg had a disgraceful street fight on
Saturday night, in which a young man named
J oka T. Simons was dangerously stabbed.
Oca seighhor of the jMtnocrat, i. E. fcich
kolU, Esq., has been selected as rereree of the
oat row to come off this (Friday) evening. His
3isocraiic friends need have no fears as to his
4fety as there is no danger of Jakey going near
the water.
Soxc of our lawyers Lave been attending U. 8.
Tourt at Willlamsport diving the past week.
The spirit of improvement seems to be the
rcigniug power in our place. Go where you will
yon can Fee new buildings going up and old ones
being repaired. But we regret that no such Im
provements as we would like to see arc being
erected. No manufacturing establishments, for
which our location is so favorably adapted, arc
being erected. There is no town in the State
that has greater advantages for any kind of man
ufacturing than Sunbury. Our transporting fa
cilities arc not surpassed anywhere. Five direct
lines or railroad terminate here, rnuning cast,
west, north and souih, on which transportation
is cheap and quick. All who have examined our
location for any kind of business express their
surprise that capitalists do not invest more in the
place. For furnaces and rolling mills there is
uo place so well adapted. Our surrounding
hills abound with inexhaustible beds of coal, ore
aud limestone. For the manufacture of lumber
we have, probably, the greatest facilities. iu the
United States, our broad and beautiful basin af
fording any amount of water power. Besides
the industries named, the location is suitable for
cotton factories, or any other manufacturing o:i
a large or small scale. The products can be
manufactured aud sent to market at much less
cost than from manufactories lu the cities. With
6uch advantages, in a locatiou so healthy, capi
talists, at no distant day, must invest aud pros
per. With the green hills around ns, pure
spring water and a June atmosphere, doctors
are not much needed.
There are other inducements to those who
arc looking for a desirable place to establish
iu business. The heights east of the borough
present a situation for the finest residences that
can be built. The room there will accommodate
a large population. All that is needed to con
vince any one of the fact Is to come here and
take a look at that growing suburb of our place.
Several of our finest residences occupy that part
of the town, and it is destined at no very remote
period to form the most populous part of our
place. The people of Sunbury are sociable, and
straugers always find a pleasant home among us.
A Pleasant Entertainment. On Friday ev
ening last, an entertainment waB giveu by the
senior members of the Good Intent Fire Compa
ny of this place, at the Hall of the company, to
the ladies who assisted at their late festival,
which was one of the most pleasant aflairs of the
season. The parties gathered in the hall at 9
o'clock, aud the meeting was called to order by
the President, Thomas M. Pnrscl, Esq., who
stated the object, and introduced T. H. B. Kase,
Esq., who made an appropriate address, civing
a partial history of the working of the company,
and the hardships the fireman endure ; and
that though they present, externally, a rough
appearance, they possess warm hearts,
are alwaj s ready to relieve the distressed, aud
touched truthfully and feelingly upon the sub
ject of the danger to health, limb and life, in
curred by those who voluntarily enrolled them
selves as tire me n. Iu concluding bis remarks,
he stated that he had a very pleasant duty to
perform, the presentation, to Miss Wertman, of
a thimble, by the senior members of the compa
ny. Not that they thought her more worthy than
the other ladies, who rendered their assistance
in the promotion of the interests of the company
ou the occasion of the festival, but because she
was the principal defeated competitor for a simi
lar article, they deemed it no more than justice
to present her with a thimble as a token of re
cognition for her services.
The gift was received on the part of Miss
Wertman. by W. C. Packer, Esq., in a neat re
sponse. He remarked that It was altogether a
surprise to the recipient of this token of regard,
and that it was with reluctance s-he accepted of
it as she knew that there were many other ladies
present who were probably more deserving of
like regard than she, but as they had so kindly
selected her as the subject of their beautiful gift,
he had the gratification of returning to the com
pany her ncceptarcc and heartfelt thanks; and
as this useful gift shall be put to servi.-e on the
baud of the recipient and as it will, together
with the needle, unite and utilize material, eo
will it bind her her heart to you senior members
of the Gom1 Intent Hook and Ladder Company
No. 1, and their friends.
After the presentation, ice cream was furnish
ed by that king or caterers, M. C. Gearhart, and
cake furnished bv Miss Flora E. Purst.ll, and
Mrs. W. P. Roberts. Music was then struck up
and the party enjoyed themselves "tripping on
the light fantastic toe" until the town flock gave
warning of approaching morn.
Mast or our subscribers have probably forgot-
teu that our terms call for (1 50, and $2 00 if
not paid within the year. We deem it proper to
again remind them of that fact. Our paper bills
become due about the first of every month, and
we are uot in cireostances which enable us to
lay out of our money or the interest, particularly
since our profits have been reduced through our
enlargement. It certainly must be evident to
every one of our subscribers that we cannot pub
lish a paper as large as those for which are
charged t2 00, on a better quality of paper, and
lay out or our money long, as we are compelled
to pay interest on money standing out. We
therefore appeal to all to be punctual in the pay-
meut of their subscription, Ac, that we may be
enabled to discharge our indebtedness. Upon
the punctuality of our patrons depends the fur
ther improvement of the American. In addition
to the advantages derived to us through their
punctuality, they would save the sum of fifty
cents per annum. We arc at present very much
iu need of money. Having seut bills to a majo
rity of those who owe us, we hope they will te
spond nt once for their own benefit us well as
Tue Cataract's Ex(TKiox.-Yesterday morn
ing the Cataract Steam Engine Company started
on their trip to Alleiilown, Easton aud Dauville,
leaving this city about 8 o'clock. They were ac
companied by Mayor Smith, several members or
the City Council, Chier Engineer Barker, the
Lock Haven Cornet Baud, uiid a number or citi
zens. The excursouists proceed at once to Al
leutown, where they will be the guests or the
Good Will Engine Company or Alleiilown, with
whom they will remain until Thursday morning.
From Alleiilown the party goes to Easton, there
to be entertained by Phocuix Engine Company.
They will remaiu iu Easton until Friday morn
ing at 10:15, when they will take the Lehigh
Valley train to Danville, arriving at the latter
place at 3:20 p.m. Here they will be taken
charge or by the Washington Hose Company.
At Danville they will remain uutil Saturday
uioriiiug at 11 o'clock, wheu they will take a
special train on the Danville, Hazclline A. Wilkes
barre railroad, for Suubury. They will remain
at Sunbury until evening, when they will take
the P. fc E. railroad for home.
The trip bids fair to a most enjoyable one, aud
we have no doubt but the boys will return well
pleased with "the good time passed away," aud
anxious for an opport unity to offer whereby they
may show their appreciation or those with whom
they met. lAtck Ifmrn llejiublican of Wednesday
The Potato Bugs are continuing their destruc
tive operations in this vicinity. They appear to
be on the increase. Like the locusts aud lice or
Egvpt, they take iossesioii r the ground, nnd
prey upon this useful esculent. When fully ma
tured, they are as large as a finger nail, and the
shape of a turtle. No means of destroying them
short or picking them off or the vines and burn
lug or burying them lias lieen discovered, unless
a spoonful or Palis Grean dissolved iu a buckcl
or water, and sprinkled ou the vine, will do it
but that is a very tedious and offensive method
Like the wheal fly, and mischievous insects,tliey
will have their day.
A barber saloon has hern opened in the City
Hotel, in this place. It has long been needed in
that pleasant establishment.
Job Printing or every description neatly and
promptly executed nt this office.
The Parry Troupe gave an excellent musical
entertainment iu the Court House on Saturday
night last. The patronage was not what the en
tertainment merited.
Fkcit and Grain. The prospect for large
crops or rruit and grain were never more pro
mising In this county. Every thing that bears
i fruit, from the apple tree to the blackberry bush
is in the most promising couditlon.
We are requested to state that at the dedica
tion of the Shamokin Baptist Church, in Shamo
kin township, on Sunbuy, June 28, dinner and
borse feed will be furnished in the vicinity or the
Ouk jovial rrieud.Jack Waltz, proprietor or
the Empire House, was lately presented with a
foreman's hat, being foreman of the Washing
ton Steam Fire Company, which is not only a
curiosity for its unique shape, but for its anti
quarian services. Moie than a quarter of a cen
tury ago, when Sunbury prided more in military
glory than in fire departments, it is well remem
bered that this ancient of hats covered the cra
nium of a brave hero of the Negro Island cam
paign, during the reign of Felix Mourer, as She
riff of old Northumberland county. As the
troops' took their departure from this place,
amidst the wailing or wives and weeping or ba
bies, and marched with glittering bayonets to the
rails of Shamokin Dam, there to embark in a flat
boat to sail for the entrenchments of Negro Is
land, this handsome present, now bestowed upon
a worthy fireman, was seen in the front rauk of
that gallaut band with a handsome red aud
while plume floating in the air, taking a conspi
cuous part in leading the brave to victory. At
the island this same historic relic was seen in
advance going over the entrenchments, bringing
forth the aggressive woolly-heads, frightened to
the darkness of ebony, wheu a cheer from the
victorious heroes rent the air, nnd the echos re
sounded along the hills clear to Fort Augusta.
On their relurn at sunset on the same day, men,
women and children kept eager watch along the
river shore to get a glimpse or the red plume
that adorned this same hat, now the gift or his
comrades to our worthy friend, and as its bright
colors were seen to flash Iu the declining rays of
the hot summer sun, as it movea majestically for
ward in the advance to the beat of the soul-stirring
drum, and the note9 of the shrill fife, which
piped forth Tankcc Doodle and "The Girl I left
behind me," many hearts bounded with joy, all
feeling confident that where that hat took the
lead, no blood inn tpilt. This handsome present
will, no doubt, form a conspicuous rcaturc or the
parade or the fire department to-morrow.
Boat Racing. We have often been surprised
that sportsmen have uot discovered that we have
the most beautiful basiu for boat racing that
can be found anywhere within the boundaries or
the United States. Here the interest docs not
centre alone upon the race, but the sublimity or
the scenery, the historic associations aud length
or the race ground far above old Fort Augusta
adds interest to the sport. Between the old "Blue
Hill and Suubury, a distance of nearly a mile,
and from Shamokin Dam to Northumberland, a
distance of nearly three miles, amidst the most
beautiful scenery on cither side, the junction of
the North nnd West branches of the Susquehanna
form a race ground not equalled in any stream
within our knowledge. The depth of the wa
ter within these points is from 10 to 15 feet, gen
erally clear and placid during the Summer and
Fall. A boat race on this calm sheet of water,
from the Island to the Dam, a distance of seve
ral miles, will be an exciting amusement to both
spectators and those concerned in the race.
All who come from a distance to witness oue will
be amply repaid this evening at C o'clock.
FinLMES. To-morrow, at 10.40 a. in., the
Cataract Steam Fire Engine Company or Lock
Haven, will arrive at this place, accompauied by
the Mayor and City Council, Chier Engineer,
memlicrs or the bar, and also or that or the
press, or that city. They will be received here
by the borough council and Sunbury fire depart
ment, and will parade through several of the
principal streets. We hope that the usual hos
pitality of our citizen ) w ill be extended to them.
A Boat Rack. A row-boat race will take
place on the river distance from Market street
to the Island on this (Friday) evening, at C o'
clock. We are informed that the gentlemen who
are principals in the race are from Williamsport
aud this place. A small wager is put up for the
winning side. We are not iu the habit of betting,
but we will venture our only copper pocket piece
that the Sunbury man wins.
SiniE.N Death. Daniel Mulliner, o! Port
Trevorton, died suddenly on Friday last. He
was walking along the road on his way home by
himself. When found he was lying by the side
of the road unconscious, and died soou after be
ing removed to his house. He was probably tS
to f0 years or age. Seliunjroce Timet.
Corner Stone Laying. The corner stone or
the Montaiidou M. E. Church, will be laid ou
Sunday next, at 5 o'clock p. in. Ministers or
the go.'pel, and the public generally are invited
to attend.
Rev. A. P. Wharton,
R. M. f 'I'M MINGS,
Jno. W. Bi'tlek,
Sam'l Fry,
Building Commit tee.
Two lads named Win. and John Joe, or Wat-
sontoun, were sentenced to the nouse or Refuge
st week bv Judire Rockerellcr ou the iwtition or
their mother who is unable to control them.
heir ages are lo and 15.
We are frequently in receipt of paier uiid
pamphlets scut to us by persons who have mark
ed portions of articles which they desire to have
inserted. Essays that they have written and
read, or speeches delivered, also claim the use of
our columns ami the space that we devote to
other purposes. It is just as well to be under
stood that none or these requests receive any at
tention. Were it otherwise our whole paper
would be filled wilh these generous scissorings of
of our good frieuds, which, while each 'clipjK-r'
would think that his or her offerings are Just the
very thing, those of all the rest are wholly inad
missible. The fact is, we must be left tocdit the
paper '.u our own way, as we always have done
and mean to do.
On Friday, Mr. Stevens and wife, on their
way from While Deer Valley to Northumber
land, stopped under a tree near the latter place
to let their horse rest, and Mr. Stevens got out
or the buggy. The horse took fright at an um
brella held by Mrs. Stevens, aud dashed off at
foil speed, throwing Iter out, injuring an arm
aud bruising her. The horse was caught a short
distance from the accident after smashing a
w heel or the buggy.
Mr. Geo. O. Bauti.ett, the popular photogra
pher, still holds forth on Sunbury street, in the
town or Shamokiu, and is better prepared to ex
ecute the bet work. He makes the bed pictures
at less cost than any one else. Cull and see his
specimens. Orders filled at a distance when du
plicates are in his josscssion.
The Democratic Board of School Di'et tors of
Upper Augusta township, appear inclined to ad
here to their party much stronger thau the Re
publicans generally do. Iu n pointing their
collector lately, they could not sec the policy iu
appointini: a poor, one armed soldier, so they
gave the appointment to an able bodied farmer
hose circumstances are comfortable, because
lie is a democrat.
The Bucll family of singers will give two con
certs of sacred music iu the M. E. Church, iu this
place, on Monday and Tuesday evening, July 5
and 7th. They are excellent singers.
We congratulate our friends, T. II. It. Kase,
Esq., aud W. C. Packer, Esq., upon the very ele
gant and appropriate remarks made at the pre
sentation at the Good Intent Fire Company's
Hall, on last Friday evening. Both these young
men are destined soou to make their mark at
the bar. It was made very evident on this occa
sion that they will not long remain in the back
ground in their profession.
A t'oitiiKsi-tiNiiENT of the Mil;, on Monday,
gives the information that a number of citizens
of Lower Augusta township have lately beeu
swindled by a New York salesman who was
celling them inferior goods, and theu left for
other parts. After so many repeated cautious
giveu by newspapers not to deal with these
characters, not much sympathy will be given
for those w ho get hit by them iu this enlightened
age. A Tew dollars spent for a newspaper might
perkaps saved some or the victims forty or fifty
E. B. Haines, the historian, well remembered
by some or our officials and citizens generally as
doing np a history or Sunbury, not long since,
lias started a paper called the Democratic Jlan
uer" at Williamsport. We know or no one
more lilted to espouse and advocate modern De
mocratic principles than this man Maine. He
has all the requisites or a modern Demcrat,both
in spirit and flesh. The Banner will be charac
teristic ol the head w hich covers the ground.
John Ai tks, Esq., of the Watsontown Hceonl
really announces himself a Deniocratlo candidate
for the Legislature. Well, now, John ! Who
would have thought it. IT elected won't we have
; some Jiinnij tnw.
Dem Nose. A few weeks ago we noticed the
fact that a fracas had occurred iu jail between
"Blinker" Yos,t and another prisoner, which re
sulted in straightening the prisoner's nose. Since
then the prisoner has been liberated and the im
provemeut made on dem none was truly wonder
ful. So improved was the physiogomy or the
prisoner that scarce any or his former friends
recognized him. At the time or his incarcera
tion the prisoner's nose 6tood at an angle of
about forty-five degrees, and through a game of
euchre and with aid of "Blinker" Yost's mailers
?c note was completely mashed. Dr. Krcbs,
who was called to the aid of the prisoner, readily
discovered that a little elevation from the usual
course or surgery would make an impioveracnt,
and with the aid or plaster remodeled the aprobi
cis and made it straight, so that "dem note i$ now
vhere der note ought to he" in the middle of the
race. Yet we regret that the doctor did not
shorten it, as a rew inches amputated would
have improved the prisoner's T;icc still more, aud
he luiuht now pass as a handsome man.
The Democratic Standing Committee or Nor
thumberland county met iu the Court House, in
Suubury, on Tuesday or last week. G. W. Zieg
ler, Esq., filled the chair, and J. II. Vincent was
elected Secretary.
On motion of J. W. Ryan, Esq., of Shamokin,
the first Saturday of September was fixed upon
for holding the delegate election, aud the Mon
day following, Sept. 7th, ns the time for the
inectiug or the nominating convention.
Col. Philip Hilbish, who was selected by the
Snyder county democracy to represent them in
the next State Convention as the Senatorial
delegate, was also appointed to represent this
D. C. Dissinger, of Sunbury, was appointed a
representative delegate to the State Convention
in addition to W. T. Forsythe, who was appoint
ed oue last fall.
The delegates were instructed to vote for and
nse their influence to secure the nomination or
Hon. Wm. L. Dewart, of Sunbury, for Lieuten
ant Governor".
Fatal Accident. On Saturday afternoon
lasi, Cassie, an interesting daughter of Wm.'
Ramsey, of this place, aged about five years,
met with an accident which resulted in her
death. She was leaning over the stair-railing in
her fathers residence, aud loet her balance and
fell to the floor beneath, a height or fourteen
feet, striking her head. The injury nt the time
did not appear to be so severe, as she was ube
to run around for a time. But some four hours
after, she fell into a comatose state which made
it difficult to arouse her. Blood letting was
tried but with little avail as she gradually suuk,
and on the following Monday morning, breathed
her last. She was a bright, intelligent child.
It is a terrible blow on her fond and doting pa
rents with whom we deeply sympathize. Dan
vilU Intelligencer.'il'AQt'E Grange. The following is a
list of officers of Chillisquaque Grange, organized
June 3d, in Chillisquaque township, this county:
Master, William Follmer ; Overseer, F. Bucher;
Lecturer, Samuel McNinch ; Steward, Joseph K.
Murray ; Assistant Stewart, Peier Voris ; Chap
lain, John II. Cawley ; Treasurer, William S.
Foresinan ; Secretary, S. H. Ritter ; Gate Keep
er, Charles Rissel ; Ceres, Mary Murry ; Pomona,
Mary Risscl ; Mary Smith ; L. A. S , Lizzie B.
The Gratz Aoricti-tihal Society. At a
meeting of the directors of the Gratz Driving
Park and Agricultural Society, held on Saturday
last, it was decided to hold the first exhibition of
the society on the 22d, 23d, 24th and 35th or Sep
tember next. Mowing and reaping matches Arc
also to take place under tiic auspices or the so
ciety, to test the merits or the var'.ous machines
that may desire to be represented at the fair.
Agents are invited to be on hand with their ma
chines. The times and places of these trials will
be announced hereafter. The following are the
committees of award : Ou Mowing Messrs
Franklin Byerly, H. B. Schrciner. Capt. B. J.
Evitts, William Hoffman, Franklin Kehler, Si
mon Daniel, E. L. Umholtz; on Reaping
Messrs Benj. Byerly, Jo-iah Hoke, J. Q. Adams,
Joseph Wehry, Daniel Keiser, C. T. Bowman,
Geo. Daniel.
The grounds of the society arc enclosed, the
driving park nearly complete. I, anil the exhibi
tion buildings are to be commenced in a few
days. The work is progressing favorably, and
there is every reason to hope that the approach
ing Tair w ill be a success in every respect. Lil
ian? l!eijtter.
Staiiiiinii Aifaiii. The village if Seven
Points, iu Lower Augusta township, was the
scene r a fracas on the evening or the 10th hist.,
in which a little slashing or knives was indulged
in. The parties who got into the fracas were
Edward Marsh and John II. Boughner. The
latter was stabbed in several places in the abdo
men, and Marsh was cut across one or his hands.
Neither are dangerously hurt, however. Marsh
brought suit before Sqire Snyder, or this plac,
ou Friday, against Boughner for stabbing him
in said hand, aud against Aaron Raker for aid
ing and abetting the act. Both gave bail for
their appearauce at court. We understand that
Boughner has brought suit before a Snydcrtown
justice against Marsh for the stabs received by
him in the abdomen. Boughner's friends allege
that Marsh cut himself i,i the hand while using
a knife against Boughucr. Marsh also gave
bail for his apcarance at court. Ihi'dy of Satnr
Pl six John Auten announced himself a candi
date Tor the legislature, he has been interviewed
by a Democratic brother who knows the "ways
that are dark, and the tricks that are vain"
about Harrisburg, to discover whether John knew
any thing about the art of the "Fancy." When
John answered in the negative, the brother shook
Lis head ominous!)'. Johu was once euchred out
r Deputy Siicritf, and we fear his chances for a
nomination as a Democratic candidate, will be
extremely slim without a knowledge or cards.
Lakct.nt. A young woman named Mary
Gearhart, living at John Kcenau's, corner or
Market and Fourth streets, iu this place, was
arrested last cveuing by Captain Roach for steal
ing a set of jewelry from a lady inmate or Mr.
Keenau's house. 'Squire Bricc committed her
to jail, in default of bail, to iusure her appear
nuee at Court. The girl made some resistance
to arrest by scratching aud biting Cupt. R. She
also made an attempt to elude arrest but was
cornered by the Capt. on the old depot lot.
iMilg of yetterdag.
Since the above is in type we learn that the
girl named is a subject fur real sympathy, and
that all who witnessed the arrest say it was a
heartrending case. She is only ubout 15 years
old, has no education, and is considered weak iu
mind. She uo doubt committed the act without
knowing it to be a crime, with a view of dressing
in imitation or our gaudily dressed women whom
she may have noticed iu our streets.
This same girl has lately been seen roving
about the streets and alleys with a pack of young
men iu pursuit. On Sunday evening some five
of these young men molested her on Front street
in a most shameful manner, preventing her from
going her way. As it was yet quite light many
witnessed their disgraceful conduct. As she has
had no opportunity or getting into any other so
ciety than such "roughs" as we allude to, better
things can not be expected from her, aud while
we Iiojh! her c.isc will be disrtosed or as it should
be in a Christian community, we would like to
see the ruffians arrested and punished, who, uo
doubt, have been following her, and led her into
evil practices.
A beacti rt'i. work or art is the "Portrait
i Uallcry or Eminent Men nnd Women or Europe
aud America," published by the great publish
ing house or Johnson, Wilson it Co., 27 Beek-
man street, New York, and IWG Walnut street,
Philadelphia. Mr. E. V. O'Harc has just ar
rived in town for the purpose or canvassing for
subscribers for the woik, und we hope he may
uot be permitted to leave lefore getting a large
list of names, as it is a work Hint really deserves
a place iu the library and family. It.
One ton of coal per month cuu be saved by
using J. Youiiiiman and Co's Improved Slide
Valve, in any engine requiring a valve ol 2H8
square inches, wherever a toiler is kept under a
maximum pressure. See advertisement.
The Commissioners' Lani Sale. The sale or
Unseated Lands located in Columbia, Luzerne,
Snyder, Union aud Montour counties was ad
journcd to August 3d after some tracts had been
sold last week by R. M., Esqr. A
number or tracts were redeemed before coming
to a sale. One coal tract sold at ? 10,000. These
tracts were purchased at Treasurer's sale years
ago, there being no bidders, and have since been
left undisturbed uutil Mr. Cninmings was
employed by the commissioners to survey and
locate the lands and sell them for the benefit or
the ron ni v.
An Act, To authorize aud require the auditors
to publish an annual statement or the receipts
and expenditures or road commissioners, su
pervisors, ovciseers of the poor, and school di
rectors or the several townships and boroughs
within this Commonwealth, and to designate
a day to audit, settle and adjust township and
borough accounts.
Section 1. Be il enacted, dc., That the audi
tors of the several townships and boroughs with
in this Commonwealth shall meet annually on
the first of June, and ofteuer ir necessary, and
shall audit, settle aud adjust the accounts or the
supervisors, road commissioners, school, bo
rough and township treasurers as may by law be
referred to them.
Sectios 2. That the auditors of the several
towuships and boroughs within this Common
wealth are hereby authorized and requind to
publish by postiug handbills, either printed or
written, in at least Ave public places within their
respective townships or boroughs, an itemized
annual statement of the receipts and expendi
tures of the borough councils, road commissio
ners, supervisors, overseers of the poor and
school directors for the year preceding the annu
al settlement for their respective districts. Said
handbills to be posted withiu ten days after such
settlement ; aud further, it shall hu the duty of
said auditors to file a copy of the same with the
town clerk in their resjiectivc districts, alse- with
the clerk of the court or quarter sessions which
shall be at all times subject to inspection by any
citizen thereof. Provided That where any two
of said offices shall be exercised by the same per
sons only one statement shall be required. Also
provided That nothing of this act shall be con
strued to interfere with the preseut law which
require9 annual statements or the borough coun
cils, road commissioners, supervisors, overseers
or the poor and school directors lo be advertised
in the daily and weekly newspapers published in
the respective localities.
Sec. o. In case or neglect or refosal to comply
with the provisions or this act, the auditors so
neglecting or rcriising shall each pay a penalty
or twenty dollars, to be recovered in the manner
or debts or similar amount are by law recovera
ble, by suit instituted in the name or the school
district, upon the complaint or any tax paying
citizen or the same, ami the proceeds thereof to
be paid into the school treasury of said district.
Sec. 4. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent
herewith are nereby repealed.
Approved The Twenty-fourth day or April
Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and
Shamokin Items. The following items are
copied from the Shamokin Herald or this week :
Accidents at the Mines. Charles Syngoyts
was killed at Hickory Swamp Colliery, ou the
15th inst., by a rail or top coal in breast. He
was engaged iu working out the bottom bench,
when the top coal fell on him, killing him. An
inquest was held on the body on the lGth inst.,
and after bearing the evidence, returned a ver
dict or accidental death. Deceased was a single
man, 2$ years or age.
P. F. Del bow was slightly injured at Luke
Fidler Colliery, on the loth inst., while engaged
in clearing an old breast preparatory to putting
in engines foi Luke Fidler Shaft, a portion of
loose top roll and struck him, fortunately his in
juries are not of a serious character.
Pat Dat and some of its Resclts. Last
Saturday, Buck Ridge, Burnside, Bear Valley,
Henry Clay, Excelsior, and some other collieries
made their monthly pay. About $50,000 were
paid out iu Shamokin. This soon had its effect.
The beer saloons were crowded with miners aud
laborers to slake their thirst. About six o'clock
a severe fight occurred at the house of Mrs.
Timmis which threatened to end in a riot. The
Chief Burgess, fearing that his police force was
inadequate to quiet the mob, called out the
Shamokin Guards, who promptly responded to
the call und restored order in a fe minutes.
One or the offenders was arrested and lodged in
the Lock-up on Sunday, but managed to escape
from the constable who had him iu charge.
On next Saturday another heavy pay will be
made by the Mineral, Big Mountain, and some
other companies.
The Oldest Man in the Coistt. Among
other thiugs, Shamokin can boast or having the
oldest man iu the county. This is Mr. Philip
Persing, who, on August 4th, will be 07 years of
age. Mr. Persing is in the enjoyment of excel
lent health, and expects to attend the Centennial
gathering in 1876. when he will be W years old.
Items from the Watsontown Record. Yes
terday afternoon the Niagara Express killed
Joseph Event's eo in the vicinity of McFar-
land's mill.
The locality in Delaware township, heretofore
known as "Blue Ball," has beeu changed to
Mil. Jai.'ok Fry, o! McEwensville, has his
new store building liearly completed, and will
open a first-class store after harvest.
Pi rchase or a Steam Fike Engine. At a
meeting or our borough council, on Wednesaay
evening, it was decided to pnrehase a Silsby
steam fire engine and one thousand fret or hose.
Price 80,000. The payments are f 1,000 cash,
ind the balance iu borough bonds running from
one to five years. The engine will be here in
thirty t!ay.
Dead. On Saturday last, John Best, a resi
dent of Turbut twp., well and favorably known
in many sections of the county, died after a
lingering illness. Mr. Best took sick last fall,
but his disease never sufficiently developed itself
to indicate what it really was. His remaius
were interred at Milton ou Thursday last. About
four years ago he had his life insured in the Mu
tual Company, or which Johu B. Lcinbach, Esq.,
U manager, for the sum of 3,000. His age was
54 vears.
Parlor Organs. We lately stepped iu the
citv music store of John P. Reefer, ou Walnut
street, and there found some or the finest Parlor
Organs and Pianos. The organs are or the
Sprang, Mason & Hamliti and WooJ manufac
ture. They are the finest toned of any we have
yet heaid ami are beautifully constructed, ror
a family musical instrument aud us a parlor
ornament, they are uot excelled.
John IIoet, or Caketown, excised himself in
the uumanly art of whipping his wife on Mon
day morning last, and was sent to prison by
Esquire Br ice to reflect over it.
A ring, the color of a rainbow, encircled the
sun ou Monday which was plainly visible.
The Silver Comet Band cntcrtaiued our citi
zens on Monday evening with splendid music in
Park, ou Market Square. A large concourse of
people were present, to whom it wasa rare treat.
The siJe walk stand or Mr. Kirby, on Market
street, was broken open on Saturday night, and
aud a variety tr articles taken.
The man who drinks alcoholic drinks carries a
heavy burden at a heavy expense, bth peciini
rily and physically.
Simon A; Oppenheimkk are receiving new
goods every week, They are having the latest
styles constantly, aud sell cheap.
Drive Wki.i.s with vulcanized rubber pipe, pa
tent points, and guaranteed to be free or sand.
are put in by H. K. Goodrich ou trial. Apply at
Rohrbach's Foundry.
The hoy are getting their hair cut. The
most popular style is the velvet cut. They nre
well aware that soon will come the cry "Adol-
phus John, were you in swimming " Then will
the kuobby-headed youth reply : "Swimming 1
reel my hair," and the rawhide is bullied.
"Onion sociables" nre quite the fashion in
some localities. "A breath can make them as a
breath has made."
A gri:at many meu inclined to work, can soon
find employment in the hay and harvest fields.
At this season of the year, as a general thing,
there is always plenty or work for williug hands
to do.
A it.rmanant stand is being erected iu the
Park In Market Square from which our Band
may play in the eveniugs.
All kinds or Justice's Blanks, Deeds, Mort
gages, Powers or Attorney, Vc., neatly executed
aud for sale at this office.
Messrs. Alexander Boyd, H. F. Mann, David
Attick and Dr. Huupt of this place, were on a
fishing excursion last week, at the head waters
of the Clarion rivei, iu Elk county, and returned
with about five hundred speckled trout.
As the best butter commands only fifteen
cents per pound in our neighboring towns, and
even at Harrisburg, we look for a decline below
thirty cents in this place, at which figure U now
A van named Snyder, residing ubout a mile
from Seliusgrove, laboring under temporary nb
bcration or mind, committed suicide by hanging
himself on Sunday morning lust.
Potato Bi gs. If you wish to make potato
bugs "git up and git," just buy a box or Scotch
snuff, punch the lid full of little holes, and sift
it over the plants. If there is a hug within
smelling distance he will ''told his tent and si
lently steal away," There is no humbug about
this. It will drive thorn off, while they will
grow fat on Paris green. ('UarMd Journal.
Special Meeting ok Council. Council met
at 8 o'clock last evening, Chief Burgess Malick
in the chair.
Present Messrs Haas, Hendricks, Grant,
Bowen, Miller, Irvin and Bucher.
Object of meeting stated by Chief Burgess Ma
lick to be in reference to entertaining the Lock
naven Mayor and Council.
Ou motion of Mr. Hendricks, it was
Resolved, That the borough entertain the
Mayor, the Council, the band and the members
of the press who will be wilh the Lock Haven
excursion on next Saturday.
Resolved, That the Chief Burgess be instruct
ed to obtain the band to play on Saturday.
Resolved, That the Burgesses be a committee
to receive the Mayor and Council of Lock Haven.
On motion of Mr. Hendricks it was
Resolved, That Peter Durst be appointed Sex
ton of the Graveyard. i
Ou motion of Mr. Grant it was i
Resolved, That the contract between the
Graveyard Committee and Mr. Rossiter, in re
gard to mowing, be adopted.
Lewis Dewakt, Town Clerk.
List of letters remaining iu the Post Office at
Siinburv, Pa., on June 15, 1S74 :
Wesley Buughart, Beaver & Co., Sallie Bobb, i
H. W. Bossier, Mary I. Gibbs, Dr. S. F. Gilbert,
Gcortre Gotshall, Nathan M. Leathers, J. C. Ri
ley, A. C. Simpson, G. A. Smith, Geo. Sblpman,
Solomon Snyder, Miss F. A. Snyder (3), John
Thomas, Henrietta Wiltmore.
Persons calling forthe above letters will please
6tate that they were advertised.
J. J. Smith, P. M.
The advertising columns or the Jmr;aname
the places where you can get the best goods for
the least money.
Caution to Purchasers or the Peruvian Syrup
(a protected solution or the protoxide or iron.)
Beware of being deceived by any of the prepara
tions or Peruvian Bark, or Bark nnd Iron, which
may be offered to yon. Every bottle or genuine
has Pernvlan Syrup (not Peruvian Bark) blown
m the glass. Examine the bottle before pur
chasing. Sin is often the result or physical ill-health
aud feeble stomachs. During one-third of our
time the process of digestion continues. To be
dyspeptic is to be miserable ; dyspepsia is the
foundation or fevers and all the diseases of the
blood, liver, skin and kidneys. Dyspepsia yields
to the virtues of the vegetable ingredients In that
great purifver of the blood and restorer of health,
Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters. jul9-4w.
Tliirly Years' Experience oi'uu Old
Mr WIiimIow'm Soothing Syrup is
the prescription of one of the best Female
Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and
has been used for thirty years with never failing
safety and success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feebl". infant or one week old
to the adult. It corrects acidity o! the stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and
gives rest, health and comfort to mother and
child. We believe it to be the Best aud Surest
Remedy in the World, iu all cases or DYSEN
ther it arises from Teething or from any other
cause. Full directions for using will accompany
each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simile
or CURTIS fc PERKINS is ou the outside wrap
per. Sold bv all Medicine dealers.
July 12, 1S73. ly.
H O irSEHO 1. 1 Why Will You
S ufler?
To all persons suffer
ing from Jthnematism,
Neuralgia, Cramps iu
the limbs or stomach,
Bilious Colte, Pain iu
the back.boweis or side,
we w o u 1 d s a y, T H E
Hoi'sr.iioi.D Panacea
and Family Liniment
is of all others "the rem
edy you want for inter
nal and external use. It
has cured the above
complaints in thousands
of cases. There is no
mii'ike about it. Try
it. Sold by all Drng
MXIMEVr. giits.
July V, 1873. ly.
ToCupitaliHtN, To Men of Medium
Means, and to all Wishing
Homes und thus Avoid
Paying Ilents.
By reference to the Watsontown ftecord and
Sunbury "Gazette" will be seen a full nnd r.iorl
explicit description of the property I offer for
sale, either in lots or by the acre. But what e
wish to more particularly bring before the pub
lic is the LIBERAL TERMS on which they are
I will SELL LOTS from IO to 300 and
Lands by the ACRE from 'J00 lo?500. according
to the location.
Terms : Ten isr cent, of the purchase money
down, the balance in time and amounts to suit
purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with
legal interest from day of sale.
The streets and alleys will he ojwned as fitst ns
lots are sold, so that all may ! approached with
All persons who are now paying rent can have
an opportunity or securing a home for less mo
nev annually than thev nre now THROWING
a WAY ir. rent.
Any person wishing to see the lands or lots
will call on me, when every opportunity will lie
given them to have a fiiir chance to see the supe
rior advantages presented lo the public.
Iu addition to the lands above referred to. I
now offer for sale THREE DWELLING HOU
SES, situate on Water street, in Watsontown bo
rough, the one being the large and commodious
Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, all or said
dwellings having the necessary outbuildings for
immediate use.
For further information call on or address
Watsontown, Pa.
October 31, 1S73. 1 yr.
C hildren olteu look l'ule and Sick
from no other cause than having worms in the
will destroy Worms without injury to tli child,
being perfectly WIJJTE.anil from all the coloring
or other injurious ingredients usually used in
worm preparations.
CURTIS Si BROWN, Proprietors.
No. 215 Fulton Street, New Y'ork.
Sold bg Itrugtfixtx and fhfmist, aiul dealer i,t
Medicine at TwENTY-FlVE CENTS A B"X.
July 12, 1S73. ly.
In Washington township. May 3!st, 1S74, SU
SANNA, wife of Conrad Kebuck, a-.'ed 41 years,
11 months and 16 days.
Si NBl Rr, June 19, 1874.
( k t is Wheat per bushel $1.00(51,1.73
" prime white l.TOfill.80
Kyepcrbnsh 75(530
" Corn " 65(575
" Oats " 4.VTi50
Fi...nt Extra Family pr bbl .0O(5i 'J.5O
Common 7.5XjS.0O
Buckwheat 5.00
Ff.kii f'orn & Oats Chop pr lot) lb 1.50(51 2.00
Shorts & Mixture l.MCi ;l."5
Potatok. fcc Conrn pot'es pr bu 75(j 1.00
Onions 1.00
Turulps 25(5f,30
I'novi-ioN Ham peril)
Shoulder pr lb 14r.f,18
Hatonnrlb 10(5i 13
Hocf. retail pr lb 14(a22
Veal. do do 10f5T IS
Dried Beef pr lb 2Sfa.:5t
I'ori.Tuv Chickens, dressed pr lb l."il!i
Do. live weiiiht 10(.11'2
Bi ttkk l'r'nue per lb 20(5' 25
K rVr noxen '" 1 1
Fiu it Apples, dried, pr lb 1S(5i12
I'eaclief", do pared pr lb... 20(iJ5
Ilo. dried unpared pr lb... 14Ci48
Cherries,driedApittcd prlb 20(5j.22
Sthi Sbbcrli'smcnts.
Manufacturers aud Dcaleu iu
Flooring, Siding, Surface Eoartla, LatU,
Stripping, Shingles,
Aud all kind of Sash, Doors, Shutters, Blinds,
Moulding, Ao.
Hemlock &. White Pine Bill Stuff, ami all kinds
of Building Material.
Stair buildiuv and church work a tpcctalty,
March 13, ly.
Fashionable .Millinery iod
On Fourth St., below S. V. R. R.,
Has just opened a full line of
Spring Millinery Goods. T)0
latest fctylcs of
Hats and Bonnets.
Triininifics, Handkercnicti, ladies'
Collars, Ulovcs, and Notions gene
rally. Fartiouiar intention or an
the Indies in tho county Is directed
to lior assortment, as her stock is larger than
ever, nnd Roods sold cheaper.
Snnbnry. May 1, 1374:
The Largest Stock of
Ever ottered in this
10,000 Yards of Brussels nnd Ingrain Carpets from .25 eta. Upward.
Sunbury, May 8th, 1874.
Joist Opened,
Messrs. Simon & Oppenheimer,
Have just opened u'New Store at the above place with an entire new Stock
of Goods, consisting of
For latest styles Summer Trade. Comprising of
WORKING PANTS, all kinds of PANTS,
Boys' Clothing of every description,
&C, Scc, &c.
A full assortment of Gents' and Boy's wear. Would be pleased to have
all call and examine Goods and Prices which we assure will 1 found
cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere.
The same kind of Goods and full assortment will also be found at their
Store in the town of Trevorton, North'd Co.,Fa. Call and see the low prices.
Sunbury, April 3, 1874.
'Tis an as;e of invention, improvement and skill.
The world's in commotion, ai.d nothing is still ;
And progress in written wherever we turn
So ! "the ball is kept rollinir," and each day we
Of some new achievement in science or art ;
Each branch of industry in fact claims a part.
So each is awarded a prize from the hands
Of a generous, public as merit demands.
So music's department can point, in her pride,
To men of true genius, whose fame has gone
O'er hills and through valleys, iu mansions and
and cots.
Well, due are such honors to "Beatty X '(((.,
Whose Golden Tongue orgau stands first in the
The Jlcxt as to merit, and first in demand.
Licelliuir in sweetness and richness of tone.
Surpassing all others, and standing alone.
Its worth is acknowledged wherever it is knoyn,
As all will bear wituess, and cheerfully one
For equal in workmanship, beanty, desiirn.
Or finish, they challenge the best in the line.
Where faces were gloomy, and hearts once were,
What homes arc now cheerful yes, happy and
Continue thy mission, thy song 'Goldon, Tongue,'
Hath chains of enchautment for old and for
Beatty & Plotts' celebrated Qolden Tongne
Parlor Organ is acknowledged by emineut pro
fessors of music to be the best Parlor Organ now
in uc. Thousands of testimonials are constant
ly being received iu favor of them, which go to
show that qur instrument gives entire salifuc
tkm. f For Price List Address
Washington, N. J.
Martfi .', ihT4. Cm.
To be Distributed by th
Mercantile Prize Association
1 Cash Gift $100,000
li " each 50,000
12 " " 23,000
20 " " 5,000
75 " " 1,000
300 " " 500
200 " " 200
550 " " 100
4(H) Gold Watches 75 to H
275 Sewing Machines lit) to 1. VI
75 Elegant Pianos , ..2!W to 700
50 Elegant Mclodt,L 50 to 200
Cash Gift, 6llvf.r Wirc, etc., valued $1,500,000
. clvn,.e to, dray any of the above prizes for
25 cenis. Tickets describing prizes aro soalud in
envelopes and well mixed. On reeolpl of 25 cts.
a sealed ticket is drawn without choice, and sent
by mail to any address. The prize named upon
it will bo delivered to the ticket-holder ou pay
ment of one dollar. Prizes are Immediately sent
to any address by express or return mail.
You will know what your prize is befoie you
pay far It. No blanks. Our patrons can depend
ou'falr dealing.
Opinions of the Press. Fair dealing can be
relied on. A". 1". J e raid, Aug. 23. A genuine
distribution. IIVW(, Sept. . Not oue of the
humbugs of the day. Weekly Tribime, July 7.
They give a general satisfaction. Stoat Zeilm.g,
Aug. 5.
References. By kind permission vve refer to
the following: Franklin 8. Lawe, louisville,
drew f 13.000. Mis Ilaltic Hanker, Charleston,
H,000. Mrs, l-oui ' Wake, St. Paul, Piano,
$7,000. gqm,wl V. Ravmond, Boston, 5,500.
Eugene Y. Bracket!, Pittsburg, Watch, $300.
Miss Annie Osgood, Now Orleans, $500. Emory
I,. Pratt, Culnmhns, Ohio, $7,000.
One Cah Gift In every package of 150 tickets
guaranteed. 5 tickets for $1.00 ; 11 for $3.00 ;
25 for $3.00; 50 for $5.000 ; 150 for $15.00.
Agents wanted to whom we offer liberal in
ducements and guarantee satisfaction. Send all
niouey exceeding one dollar hv express.
Address. A. C. YATES & CO.,
junel,.'.'T4. !)!!. 57 William Street, N. Y.
.Section of Country.
Are a modern stove rmA r e otter, b-rcau-w?
polish, far better thanl I they give a finer irlo
:iny other in existence. UA than any other polish.
Ticlil a brilliant silvery sheen, with less than
half the labor required when other polishes are
re a neai anu cicaniyfyry
article, making no dirt 1 1 Hi
nor illl.;t when lift
Can hfl used even in
the parlor without tba
trouble of removing
furniture or carpets.
Has no dbagreeble sulpherous or strong arid
smell when prepared for use, bat are pleasant
and harmless.
Are put up in neat style Tn each box are 13
and in a form morel j Ustieks ; 1 stick is snfli
convenient for nse thanWi cient for any stove,
aiy other polish. thnsall waste is saved.
Are the cheapest polish iu the market, because
one box at 10 cents will polish as much surface
as 25 cents worth of the old polishes.
c it v x
Have just taken theyruu competition wilh
1st premium at the lu ll U several of the best of
dianapolis. F.xnosllion. A the old stove polishes
Bi t Chi mbs of Comtqkt of your storekeeper,
if he has ihcui, or will procure them for yon ; if
not, senc U one dollar, yonr namo, and the
uame of your nearest express station, and we
will send you ten boxes, and samples of Bart
Ictt's Blacking and Pearl Blueing, free of cost.
Cki'Vus of Comfokt can be had of all Whole
sale Grocers and Dealers in the United States,
and Retail Dealers will find them tho nost proQ
tab:e, from the fact that they arc the fastest
selling article f the kind In the market.
113 North Front St., Philadelphia.
143 Chambers 8t.. New York.
43 Broad St.. Boston.
Nov. 14. '73.-601.60111.
VJ"OTICE U hereby given, that I have par
.Lt chaaed the following articles of personal
property at Sherlfl's Sale, as the property of Geo.
I). Bosiiaii, and have loaned the same to him
dining my will and pleasure :
3 tablos, C chairs, 1 buirgy, 1 mirror, 1 cook
stove and utenscls, 1 clock, 1 sink, 1 bedstead
and bedding. 1 small bedstead and bedding, 2
tubs, 1 washboard, 4 bnshels potatoes. 2 barrels,
1 log chain, 1 chest and carpenter tools, 1 gTind
stone, 3 shoats, Ac.
Upper Augusta twp.. May 20, 1874.-31
Hermlciu, North'd county. Pa.
All business mattura lo the counties of North
umberland, Snvdc.r, Union. Perry and Jnniata
promptly attended to. Consultations can be bad)
in tho German and English languages,
aprll j7, ISfrt.-ly.
A t'AKU,
Persons suffering with Nervous Debility, Iu
sipient Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, or any form of Nervous or Pulmonary
Complaints, will receive a prompt and radical
Vegetable Riuncdy, free of charge, by giving
svmptoms iu full, and addressing,
33 Swan St., Buffalo, N. T.
SunlMiry, April L'4, 1S74.-
Brown's XoiMel Expansion
Spring Bed Bottm,
Will givo great Joy to the thousands of people
who are in want of a perfect Spring Bed at a rea
sonable price. It is noiseless, it is the most elas
tic, and will sustain a greater weight than any
bed ever Invented. It will
It 1 simple and not liable to get ont (it osier.
It is durable and easy to handle, beh so Ugkl
that a child ten years oli can attach U to the
bea.N stead or take it apart. Thitt we have gain
ed a great victory over the springs now Ai nse
This Spring Bed is manufactured on Market st.
two doors west of Reed Bros., Store. All thai is,
required U to call at the shop and leave your or
ders, a man will go to your house, lake the di
mensions of your bedstead, make and fit the
springs for the small sum of Five DUars
Give ns a call. Territorial rights for sale.
Snnhnry, May 13, 1874. 1 mo.