tumorous kcicrs. tasrtllaiuoiis. utcoits. ewanfilc. CALDWELL'S WineandlronBiltersI If cremation comes in, the Philadelphia Ledger will hare to produce a new style of obituary Terse. The following hat already been suggested : "The boat t of heraldry, The pomp of power, And all that beauty. And all that wealth e'er knew, Await alike the inevitable hour The path of glory lead but to the flue . And IhU U all that's left of thee Tboa fairest of earth's daughter ; Only four rounds of aches whits Out of a hundred and fourteen and three quarters.' Slciciko Him Down. A lady had gone to Tisit a youDg couple of the better class of the poor. The husband being a stoker c a railway, they were about the reach of want. The visitor thought they might go to church on Sundays, and she said so to the young wife. M ill you please walk in till I show you something ?' was the woman's answer, and she conducted her visitor to the little kiich en, where her husband sat by the fire. lie had just come home for half an hour to have his tea. He was, of course, in his working clothes, and bis face and hands were of deep oily black, after the manner of stokers. 'Now, ma'am,' said the wo man, you see that man. That's my hue. band ; and I'm bound to do a part by him ain't I ?' 'Surely,' said the visitor, anxious to up hold the duties of matrimony. 'Very well, then. I pass my Suudays a-washing of he ! Xever a blessed momeut ha he to wash himself through the week out early and late, and half the night too. and blacker nor any crow all the while. Well, on Sundays it is fitting and proper that be should try to look like a Christain if he can, so he sets me to it after we eat our breakfast, with a bucketful of soapsuds and a scrubbiug-brush, and I rubs him off and on all day, till niv arms ache, and he ain't much better than be wor ; and then after we has our tea he says to tue 'Come, Sally, have another try there's a brave wench, and 1 goes at him again and sluices nun aown un you'd tinuit a born uiggt r 'ud come out while, and, if you'd believe me, ma'am, when I polishes him off with a dry towel afore be goes to bed, he's only a light brown after all !' "Who can belu admiring the Roman stoicism of the Arkansas judge who said after one lawyer bad shot another dead in the court-room, 'Look yeer, if you keep on a fooling around in this yeer way, I'll com mit some of you for contempt' Equal to this in patient suffering was the gentleman who lives in Coates street, who, when he entered the basemeut dining-room the other evening, found no one there, and no preparations far the evening meal. He went np to the parlor, aod there he found his wife tilliu on the sofa with a youn man by her side, and that young man's arm about bcr waist 'See here,' said this mild husband, don't like this kind of thing. Why isn my supper ready ?' 'Because I didn't like to make it' said the loving wife. 'What are you sitting there, a letting that fellow hug you for ?' 'Because I do like it' I tell you what it is, Annie,' and his face assumed a fierce look of passion, 'if this state of things continues much longer I'll get mad, you bet your life' We don't think that man will be arrested for making an unprovoked assault on any one. IIeh Bill of Divobck. A few days since a well-dressed couple, in the prime of life, stopped at a hotel in a country town, and sending for a justice of the peace, in formed that functionary that they wished to be married. The justice said "all right,' and inquired their names. After being tokl it struck him that he had erformed the same service for the lady some years before. Upon inquiring if such was not the case, she said she bad been married previously. 'Have you a bill from you former bus band ?' asked Mr. Justice. 'Yes,' she replied, 'I have a bill.' This being satisfactory the ceremony, was performed and the couple were declared 'man and wife.' As tbey were about departing, the jus tice, who had never seen a bill of divorce,' and"baring a strong desire to behold the the document, thought this an excellent opportunity to satisfy his curiosity, there fore said to the lady : 'Have you the bill with you ?' 'Oh yes,' she replied. 'Have you any objection to allowing roe to see the bill ?' said our friend. 'None whatever,' she replied. Stepping to the door and calling to a little boy some three or four years of age, she said : 'Here, bill, come here quick ; here's i gentleman that wishes to see you.' The gentleman wilted. A Panburt couple of color, affection ately interested in eacn otber witn a view to matrimany, and unable to read or write, have been corresponding through third parties. . The other day Borneo was listen ing to a letter from his Juliet, in which happened the expression, 'reclining in the arms of Morpheus.' - 'What's dat ? In de arm ob anudder niggar ! Dat gal kin go to de debbil I den lub dat secon' ban' darkey no sah !' A ragged, forlorn looking urchin entered the store, and addressing the merchant, piteously asked, A nickel to get my mother a loaf of bread, please sir. ' A jovial neigh bor, also a merchant, with a sly twinkle iu his eye, thinking to have a joke with the boy, produced a nickel and said : 'My son, this nickel I worked for, now, what will you do for it f ' Quick as thought the boy went down into bis clothes and producing a nickel, exclaimed, 'I'll match you, sir 1' Old BciX was once seeing the sights at Don ny brook Fair, when he was attracted by tbe sound of a very loud violin in a tent He entered and said, 'My good friend, do you play by note?' 'Tbe deuce a note, sir.' 'Do you play by ear, then ?' 'JT iver an ear, yer honor.' How do you play then ?' 'By main strength, be jabers.' In Siam the penalty for lying is to have your mouth sewed up. Suppose such a law were in force here, what a number of mules we would have, Tbe most fashionable of Saratoga cot tages rent for .'1,000 for tbe season of three months. Others bring S2..VX), others $2, 000, and so on down to $o00. 'Mynheer, do you know for what we call our boy Hans ?' 'Do not, really.' 'Veil, I dells you. Der reason dat we call our boy Hans, dat i&h his name.' Why is a beefsteak like a locomotive 1 Because it is not of much use without its tender. 'Kissing your sweetheart,' says a trifl ing young man, 'is like eating soup with a fork ; it takes a long time to get enough.' i Tbe celebrated Bittern are purr, safe and reliable; composed of Roots, Ikirks aud Herb with Citrate of Iron aud j.ure aud native vine, made from the native gTawa of Caliloruiu,the inxredientE are choice, strengtb- ening, purifyiug and lile giving medicinal agent. forming tbe moat bealtby and pleasant stimulating toll it and strengthening Ilittera for improving the appetite, giving tout and vital euergy to the Blood and System For medicinal purpose, for family uae, traveler, voy agers, etc., tbey cannot be surpassed. Them Hitlers are iu an eminent degree Ktrrngthrniug, purifying, diuretic, atuuulating and nouriahiug to the whole system, giving new lite and activity to every organ and part alike, without that ever reunion that follow the nee of moat all other touica and aiimulanta iu tbe market. For DYSPEPSIA, AND ALL FORMS OF INDIGESTION, SOUR STOMACH, RHEUMATISM, Scrofula, AND ALL tapities of tie BlootL DROPSY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, KIDXEY DISEASES, L.IVI211 COMl'I.AINTH, General front ration, AND Nervous Headache ! TITET HAVE NO RIVAL. AN A MORl.(i AIIKTIKKK No other bitter iu tbe uuivetae can etiual tlieiu. I lack ajiace lor detailing the aiailability ol the littler, but will briefly tte it general effects upon tbe human syateni, aa follow : It absolutely Puiine the llhiod. It ajicedily correct all morbid change in the lilud. It equalize the cir culation of the Blood. It legulate tbe ui ply aid quality of the blood. It reiare tbe blood to furnish a proir npi-ort to tU tbe vital rsr1ie. It eurichea tbe constituents of the Blood n;on which the vital ener gy of the ayateu ia deis'udeut. It infuse the ttfuier degree Of auinial beat iu the ayatem. It purge from the rtetn the morbid bumot which retaid it natural function. It imiwrta ltulity aud elasticity to eveiy organ of the Body. It eorrec all derangement, how. ever trivial, which are tii- Dial urigiu of D:seae. It lruuuitea tbe oa?ratiou of tbe dufsstive org .u. 1- im prove tbe apeite and tetuove all dixxg ee.Me t.- ling after eating. It art a a mild and efficacious :..iii.eli:r. It elevate the tudard of all tbe vital loice. It reugtbeu tbe uervoue Sine aud diffuses elm throughout the nervous yre?u. It deatroya all morbid condition of the mind. ! di)ertea dnlluoas aud lau gonr. It proline e buoyancy of pirit and feeling. It banisho tbone clog upou pleasure which prodil.-e gloom. It drive aw.y those d:aiivea:ng awuptoiu which rob ua of happiness. It ret its the phj ac.l ener gies by Infusing uew life and power into tbe ayatem. It fort ilea the system against tbe dangers of malaria, fluc tuations of tbe temperature change iu tbe climate, kc. Iu short, it prepare tbe system for the radical change to be wrought In Its condition, and reatore it to ierfi ct health snd natural vigor. Caldwell's Cough Cure FOR TOE CURE OF COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, WIIOOPIXG COUGH, CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, DIPTIIERIA, ASTHMA, AND Throat and Lung Diriease Generally. If you purchaa s bottle of your druggist Uae it all. snd If yoa make up your miud that you hat not re ceived a benefit correspondibg witb tbe prios paid, re tun th ssapty bottle snd he will pay you back your money and charga it to ms on his book. Thus neither ha or yourself will kate by the operation, aa I aaiure you you that a contains nothing that can be iujuriou in any To ar not purchaaing It of me, a atranger, but of your druggist a gentleman whom you know and cau trust. Be will furnish you tbe medicine on the term I have mentioned ; and absolute guarantee not that it will curs in every Case, but that you wUl be satisfied in tb uas of the remedy. 0-AJL.IDrEIL.Xa.'S MAGNETIC CHL0R0L0ID! for MAS AXU BKANT, For internal or external use, the Magnetic t.'hloruloid Is tb snoot wonderful family medicine ever offered to the public, for the cure of HEADACHE, Rbcuouvtieui, Colic, Xeuralgia, Toothache, lra.hr, Cramps, Griping, Sprain, ltruiiHn, Hcalila, Som, u ensaiou. Burn. CHOLERA MORBUS. Asiatic Cholera, Iliarrhea, Kiosted Lidilw, Dyceutety, Diptheria, Sore Throat, CIIIJaBLAlNS, COHXS, AXI lAI.N OF ALL HIMIS. CALDWELL'S LILY BALM FOR HKAlTII TISO THE COMPLEXION. KEMOVINO FRECBXES, ERUPTIONS, SUNBURN'S, ROUGHNESS AND TAN. If the face is disfigured with Hlotrbea, Puntule. Fr?rkle, TAN, SUNBURN, At. Tb Lily Balm will eedily remove the bleuiiah, and impart oftn, transparency, s roaeate tings and s pearl-like luetre to the complriiou. It is uttsily iiu- possiule to detect In the beauty it confers, th remit of sn artiflcial agnt ; tbe fresh and healthlike ting which it develofi on th face, neck, hand and arm i unaur- pstd liy no otber toilet article ever offered to the pub lic FULL DIRECTIONS OX THE LABEL OF EACH BOTTLE. W. C CAIaIWKL,Ia, Proiriftor and Manufacturer, MEDINA, N. Y. For Rale liy W. D. MFXK'K, Druggixt, Mai Set Street, Hnntiury, fa. NtmMliy, May IS. 1S74. ly. 8 Dr. J. Walker's California Vine- gar Bitters aro a purely Vegetable E reparation, mado chiefly from the native, erbs found on the. lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause of the unpar alleled BUCCCS3 Of VlXEC.AH UlTTEKS ? Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers his health. They arc the great blood purifier aud a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the his tory of the world has a medicine ix-'cn compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Visegar Bitteks in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They aro a gcntlo Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in Hilioas Disft&AoSo The properties of i- walker's Vinegar Bitters aro Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Iiiliou. It. II. IWcDOXAIJ tv CO Druggists snd General Agents, San Francisco, Califor nia, and cor. Washington snd Charlton 8ts., New York. Sold by all DrucgUts and Dealers. Nature's Great Remedy TIIROATandLUNG DISEASES ! ! It U the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained by a peculiar process in the distillation of the ur, by which its. highest medicinal properties are retained. Tar even in its crude state has been recommended by eminent physicians of every school. It is confidently ottered to the afflicted for the following simple reasons: . It cvkrs, not by abruptly stopping tit cough but by dissolving the phlegm and asxistirtg naturt to throw off the unhealthy matter causing the irritation. In cases of ttmttd consum trioM it both prolongs and renders less bisnleusome the life of the afflicted sufferer. a. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated sur. face of the lungs, ftnrirating to tack filiated part, relieving pain, and tubdming inflammation. - J. It rVSiPissajrosinticMCSTHB blood. Poiitive hf curing all humors, from the common pimflu or nurnoic to tbe severest cases of Scrofula. Thousands sf affidavits could be produced from those who have felt the beneficial effects of Pitra Tass Ta Cordial iu tbe various diseases anting from iMnmrrias or TMK BLOOD. 4. It invigatatit tkt digtitht organs and restores tktafftite. All who have known or tried Dr. I.. Q. C. Wit ban's remedies require no references from us, but the Bame of thousands cured by them can be given to any on who-doubts our statement. lr. L, J. C. Wuhan's Great American Vyspesia Fills -and Wokm Sncaa Dnors have never been equalled. For felt by all Druggists and Storekeepers, and at Sr. L Q. C. "vTISHASrS Cee,' i As, 3 aV. AeeXMMi fit J V Ua&fB LIQUOR STORE! CIIRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, otiwitc tbe Court House, SUN BURY- PA.. ResDectfallT invites the attention of Retailers and others, thai lie nas on nana, ana win cuu stantlv keen all kinds of FOKEIUN AU HOMr-IHJ ULlu?, Coiihihtitiir of Pure Brandies: Cojruiac. Cherry, Ginger, Ilocuelle and Otsrd. Wbiekios: Pure Kve coijier-"itiiJei, .n"n- gahela, Apple aud Nectar. PURK HOLLAND GIN IVitiei': Chiinij'inrtie Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Chiuiiti.ne Cider, . K. Kum, Brown Stout and Scutch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And ull others Liquors which can be found in tbe city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article frnaranteed a represented. Also, a large lot of DLM1 JOHNS and BOTTLES, always on band. Orders promptly attended "s and yublic patronage ret-pertfully solicited O F.KF. Sunbury, July 3, 1S73. ly. ltulldlug I.otM For Naif. "VTINETEEN LOTS, 25x100 feet, frontinj; ou Vine street, in Sunbury. Price 125. Also thirty lots, 25xlU, frotititii; on Spruce and Pine street. Price tlS per foot. Also eight hits, 25 x'.W, fronting on Fourth street lictween Walnut and Spruce. Price $450. Also 21 lots, 25x110, fronting on Third and Spruce treets, between Walnut aud Spruce. Price 4UU. Also 5 lots 24x230 ou the north side of Spruce street. Price tiMX). Also 1C lots in Cake'own. The above prices do not include corner lots. Persons de tiring to purchase will do well to rail soon. Terms eahv. IK A T. CLEM K NT. jan. 2:1. "in. AMEL F. BEATTV. THE MERITS OF THE 'GOLDEN TONGUE. HT A NEW JKKHrr IIRI TO I1EATTT AMI 1'IITTS, WASHINGTON, N. J. 'Tis an areof invention, itnproveuietit and kill. The world's in commotion, ai.d not hitijr is still ; And progress iu written wherever we turn So ! "the ball i kept rolling." and each day we learn Of mue new achievement in science or art ; Each branch of industry iu fact claims a part. So each is awarded a prize from the hands Of it jreuerous publics merit demand. So iuumcs department can point, in her pride, To meu of true n-niui'. whose fame has cone wide i O'rr hilU aud through valleys, iu mansions and ' and cots. Whose (Jolden Tongue orcan vtands lirst in the land The fiml as to merit, aud liret iu demand. Excelling in sweetness and richness of tone. Snrpaeeitig ull others, and standing alone. Its worth is acknowledged wherever it is known, As all will bear witness, aud cheerfully one For equal in workmanship, beauty, design, Or finish, they challenge the best in the line. Where faces were gloomy, and hearts once were sud What homes are now cheerful yes, happy and glad. Continue thy mission, tbv song '(Jolden Tongue,' Hath chains of enchantment for old and for young. Bestty & Plotts' celebrated Golden Tongue Parlor Organ is acknowledged by eminent pro fessors of music to be the best Parlor Organ now in use. Thousands of testimonials are constant ly being received in favor of them, which go to show that our instrument gives entire satisfac tion. ITFor Price List Address BEATTV A PLOTTS, Washington, N. J. MISS C. DALIUS. Sole Ageut. No. Wl Market Street. Sunbury, Pa. March 13, 1S74. Jm. JOIIM NKtOl.tr. I. W. i-KHMT STEAM PLAIXIXW .MILLS, MILLERSBURfi, PA. NEAGLEY& PEIUIY, Manufacturers and Dealers in Flooring, Siding, Surface Boards, Lath, Stripping, Shingles, And all kinds of Sasb, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Mou Idin :, Ac. Hemlock & White Pine Bill Sniff, aud all kinds of Building Material. Stair building and church work a specialty, M.trch 13, 1v J roa in the Blood 1(1 MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, The I'tj-ui'ian Siirup, a Trotect el Solution of the 1'rotoxUIe of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily tliyested and assimilated with' the' blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity vf Xatttre's Own J italizinrf Ayent, Iron in the blood, and cures "a thousand ills," simply bit Toning up, Invigorating and Vitalizing the System. The en riched aud vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. 2'his is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diax rlWa., Boils, aprvou.Saffections, Chills anl Fevers, Humors, Iioss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and ISladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or alow state vf the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are. permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and near life into all. junta vf the system, and buildiu j up ;n Iron Con stitution. Thousands hat e been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men ami wome:i; and in ralUls cannot reasonably hes itate to give U it trial. Sec that each Lottla ha3 PERL' VIAN SYRUF blown in the glas. Iamililets Free. SETH W. F0WLE Sl SONS, Proprietor;, Ao. 1 .Milt on I'luci, l.ohton. Bold my 1'kiccisti. .i ni r. am.v riHIE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., JL want reliable and energetic Auenls in this county. The "VICTOR" is a Lock-r'titrh. Shut tle Machine, with salf-setting Needle, best finish ed and most erlect Machine otlcred. An in crease ol' 500 jer cent, on Kile if 172 over 1S71. For terms, Xv., Address, VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO.,1227 Chestnut St.,Ph!l:id.'!hia, Pa. Sept. Li, 1 873. linos. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and examlue our prices IHore purcha? ing, as we claim to sell lower than ai:v other establishment in the City. REMEMBER the NUMBER, l-i::C RIIMJE AVENl'E. Philadelphia. WATOIES. JEW ELK Y A SII.YEK WAKE. John W. SteveiiKou, Comer Third and Market Sta, Sunbury, It. HAS completely renovated his Store Room, and opened the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every, thing iu the Jewelry line is kept iu store. Silver-Ware, Bracelet. RingH V Chains, of every description and of the Quest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing Wat chew, 1'IoekM, Jewelry, al e. HAIR JEWELRY made to order. Sunbury, March 0, 1874. GENUINE Peruvian Guano. I7URMERS, Agriculturists aud Dealers in . Fertilizers have now an an opportunity of obtaining this valuable manure iu small or large lots, at the sole importers' prices, by ap plying to the Special Agency just established for the purpose of delivering Genuine Peruvian Guano to consumers at any accessible port or railway station in ti e country. Full particulars given in Circular mailed free on application to R. BALCAZER, No. 5o Beaver St., New York. References by Permission. Messrs. llobson, HurtadoJc Co., Financial Ag'ts of the Peruvian Government, .VJ Wall St., N. Y. Moaes Taylor, Pres. National City Bank, 52 Wall St., N. Y. J. C. Tracy, Esq., Peruviau Consul, 'JC'j' Broad way, N. Y. March t), 171.-3 mo-. GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market .Street, I'liiladelphia, TAILOliS and MILITARY .CLOTHIERS, Military, Hand k Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the leading house on Military work, we feel that we can offer inducement which can not be attained anywhere else. Jan. till. 1S72. viti:k stokks. rye whisky, (4.00 a gallon. 11.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In laree bottles, $11,00 a dozen. HOLD SEAL BRANDY, 118.00 a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RUM, SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WINK. OLD PORT WINE, CHAMPAGNES, SEGARS, AC. II. A A, C. Van Keil, The Wine Merchants, 1310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Oct. 24, Hs7;5. VIl'K'K Floral (.uidc FOR 1873. 200 Pages, 500 Engravings, and Colored Plate. Published Quarterly, 25 cts. a year. First No. for 1S74 just Issued. A German edition at the same priee. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. BLATCHLEY'S Improved CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Durable.Effl cient and Cheap. The best pump for the least money. At tention is especially invited to Blatchley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn I.. . 1. n Ur wiiuout reniuim;; iuc r ump, or I Q disturbing the joints. Also,the . -4 fnttrutr t 'li i in Lor wlilil, iai..a cracks or scales, and will out last any other. For sale hv Dealers and the Trade srenerallv. Inquire for Blatchley's Pump, and if not for sale in vonr town, send direct to CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, .Vairi..r?r, M)C Commerce St., Thiladelphia, Pa. March 13, '74. 8mos. A. I. WALTERS. MONUMENTAL SHAVING FATILOR and BATH ROOMS. HAIR DRESSED UY MACHINERY'. I"Dout forget the place on the East side of Tuiro Stkekt,:i few doors South of Market, Sun bury, Pa. Braids, Switches, Curls, and all kinds of LADIES' HAIR. AVork made to order either out of combings or straight hair. All or ders left at the residence of A. P. "Walters, corner of 4th st. and Shaniokin avenue, will receive prompt attention. A Specialty jn CIIILDRENS' HAIR CUTTING, cither at their homes or Shaving Parlor. A. P. WALTERS. July 5, 187:;. tf. HONK LIFK I THE ItlKLE. By the Author of "Night Scenes in the Bible," and" "Our Father's House," of whibh nearly SOtl.OOO have been sold. "Home. Life" is com mended by minister of atl churches as "the author's -best book," "full of precious thought," "Truth precious as gems," " a choice book for every family," Ac. Steel engravings, rose tint ed paper, rieh binding and for rapid sale uu cqualed. Agents, Young Meu, Ladies Teachers and Clergymen, wanted in every coudty ; $75 to $100 per month. Send for circnlar. ZEIGLER & M'CURDY, 518 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. March C, 1S74. 2mos. THE KlXCi BARBER SHOP IS THE SnOP OF TnE TOWN and long has been ; ask history and she will tell you Meu have grown old in our patronage Babies on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver gray. And among the honored and lasting impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions in circumstances, we stand a Jiving monumental memento of the Ingenuity and perseverance ap pertaining to tiie identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, aud aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave with ease Cut and comb with taste the hair; Shampoo the head with soothing care, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Theu allow me politely request you to stop, And nftt go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor under the common secret and invidious gnise of enmity to complex ion ; for tbe cut of a man's coat, or the color of his skin, ought not to anect his usefulness nor his qualifications. A fair chance is ull that we demand, to give the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunbury, April 5, 1S7S; No. 91, Market st. Whoa, Junuary! COME ONE! COME ALL!! THE subscriber having erected a Blacksmith Shop, ou the lot adjoining the Oil Mill, formerly owned by Morgan V: Masscr, on rourtli St., sun bury, is prepared to do General lllat-ksniit lilng, on the shortest notice, au i iu the best manner, Custom work promptly ai.. ded to. HORSE SHOEING made a specialty. The patronage of town and country is respectfiillv solicited. PETER WILVER Stitiliurv. Nov. 7. ls7:. tf. V. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, IN WELKER'S BUILDINC, Market Street, MMtl ICY, IA. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Drnggiits' Fancy Goods, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, &C, constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to compounding phy sicians prescriptions and Tamily receipts. . Sunbury, April 17, 1$74. John H. Sell. SKI. I. John M. SciioNont S IIONOt It. Second Street, Womei..iohf, Pa. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS WINES, BRANDIES, (HNS, Iu re Old Itje UliiwUey,' Amm.f. Whiskey, Cokpiai- Ac. Atl Liitirs sold gaurranteed as represented. Orders promptly attended to and public pa tronage respectfully solicited. SELL A SCHONOUR. 2d St., Womelsdorf, Berks Co., Pa. Feb. 187 '4. ly. Thirty Year' F.ierleuee ofan Old Xurse. .Mrs Winfclnw Kootliiag Syrup i t lie prescript ion of one of the best I eniale Phvsieiaus and Nurses In the United Slates, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety aud suceess by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We lieiicve it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the Woild. in all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARRHOEA IN CHILDREN, whe ther it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each iMittle. None Genuine unless the fae-simile of CURTIS .t PERKINS is ou the out.-ide wrap per. Sold bv all Medicine dealer. July 1-', 1S73. ly. ai l-'or COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, rr WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. ITT UP ONLY IS HI.I K 1U1XKS. aV TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Druggists. nil."4w. The tire at Amerlean C'ollee Pot distils Coffee as clear as amber; extracts all its strength; retains all Its nutritious aroma. The best thing ever offered. Price $2, sent to any address. Call aud see it In operation or send fi-r illustrated circular. Territorial rights for sale. DE WITT C. BROWN & CO., C7S Broadway, N. T. ml5 4w Tlii rVwina; Macblue giws tlir bit KttiKtaetiniitutlie uiwr, in ).xiil iur niotit readily, aud ia the lwMt uf all to wll. It tlinre i no "Hoiiiratic" Af lit in your town, lily to 1HIMKSTIC S. M. I'O., New York. in 1.1 4w. FLORENCE Tbe lauug-tontiu'ed Suit of tbe Horei.cr Sewing Ma chine t'o. agaiiut the Siucer, Wheeler ul Wilmn, and Orover aud linker Companii-a, involving over $i"iil,sl. Is dually decided by the Suiireiue Court of tbe L'uiled State in favor of tbe Florence, bieb alone baa broken tbe Monojajly of Uigh Prii. TIIE NKW FLORENCE is the only machine that aewa bai-kward and forwanl, or to right and left. SimnleHt ;heai.ent Lent. Hold for cash only. Special term to CM-MS and DEALERS, I'loreutw, Maa. nils 4w. ")SVCHOMAXt:V, or SOUL CHARMING." How 1 either M'X may fuaciuate aud gain the love and affection of auv iiemou they chooe iuMtautly. Tbi ainiple mental aciiiirednieut all can oonseHS.free.by mail, for Sc., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian tira de. Dream, Hints to Ladiex, Wedding-Night Shirt, kc. A queer liook. AddreaK T. WI1XIAM k Vo. Pub. I'hila. May 1.1. w. AUKNTS WANTEH FOK THE CENTENNIAL GAZETTEER Of the United States. No Ixnik has ever lieen publiahed of neb uuiveraal in terest to tbe American ieople. It appeal to no particu lar clas alone, but all claRxe ; to men and Womeu of all profeioii, creed, occupation and )olitical opin ion to Farmers, Lawyer, HiiHiuea Men, Mechanic, Phvaiciaiis, Politician. Techer. Student, Mamifao turer, Saleu.en, men of learning and men who cau oulv read, to old and yonug. Ail want it a a book of cou'etaut reference, and to preserve for their children aud children' children aa the only complete and reliable workflowing in thegigaiiticreHiiltaot 1 ttr. niirti tint HlT.NllKKP YEARS OK THE OREATES t' REPUBLIC THE WORLD EVER SAW. It ia not a luxury but a neceMiily to every well-informed American ciliaeu. Agent make l(l to -Kl per mouth. Send for circular. ZEIGLER k McClRliy, Philadelphia, ru. ml.. 4w i'ltEE TO i HlOO K AGENTS! An elegantly bound cauvaaing liook for the bent and cbeapeet Family Bible ever puhlinhed, will lie ent tree ef charge to any book ageut. It contain over 7m fine Scripture Illustration, and agent are i.i.eting with unprecedented snccea. Address, stating exerieuce, etc aud we will show von what our agent are doing, NATIONAL I'l'llLISUlNtl CO., Philu., Pa. in!5 4v UNUSUAL INDUCEMENTS. New and attractive Goods, in every Department WATCnES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Cutlery. Clocks, Bronzes, English, French and German Fancy Goods. In view of the decline in GOLD, we have re duced prices on our entire Stock of Foreign mer chandise to Par Gold Kates, and purchasers will find it to their interest to make their selections NOW, while the ASSORT MENT IS COMPLETE. Goods sent on approval for selections. Articles purchased now, for the Hoiidavs, will be packed and retained until such time as desir ed. BOBBINS, CLARK A BIDDLE, 1124 Chestnut St., Philadelphia .1 1 o c M CD M ta-? 9 3 O 7 3 O aj S W ESS. m 52 i j S oa cm ss 5 w ? O r 3 g STOVE fc TIN ESTABLISHMENT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SUCCESSOR TO SMITH 0ENT11ER. J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kranse would respectful ly inlorm the public that he now has on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Speer'g Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satis fac tori Ivor no sale. II EATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STt VES of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every Description kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil atd Lamps constantly on band. Japan ware of a n.ndJ. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. apl24-ly Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAILT L, T ESPECTFULLY Informs the citizens t'lal X he has just received his Siring.aud Summer diootln. at his TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, and that he is prepared to make up all kinds of UENTS ANI BOY'S SUITS, of this latest styles. Having had much experi ence in the business he desires the public to give him a trial. Clothing will be made up in tb latest Talis and American Fashions iu the most satisfactory manner. alV73. CHARLES MAIIIL. CEHTRALRUG STORE Q.B.CADVLLADER Is the place to liuy pure and fresh aUEDJCIN'ES, DRUGS, PAINTS. Olla-s, GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, IalQUUU for medicinal purposes, and all other aril cles usually kept in a lirst-class Drug Store, Suecial attention paid to compounding pre 8criptious and family receipts by comjietent druggists. I am prepared to furnish in iiuantities to suit purchasers and at Philadelphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAXD, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Romau, Rosendale and Lehigh CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also, tJardeu Seeds of all kinds. Call and get a Rural Register for 1ST4. CEO. B. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, Feb. C, 1ST4.-Iy. Dr CM. Martin. Geo. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE. No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BniBiiit Snntnry, Fa. DIl. C. M. -MARTIN & CO, HAVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs and Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, Nail,Clothe,Shoe and other brushes. TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. FINE EXTRACTS, POCKET BOOKS, KNIVES, C, C REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume in America. I'ariNiuu, a Kid Glove Wash. warranted toTclean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, SEGARS, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pure Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes, Physicians Prescriptions and family teceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal ing to receive a share of your patronage. September 11, 173. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. PHILADELPHIA & ERIE R. E. DIVISION. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, December 1st, 1873, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Harrlsburg, Williamsport, " " " Emporium, 12.55 p m 5.05 p m 9.20 p ra 2.15 a a 8.50 a m 10.30 p m 3.05 a ra 7.30 a m 8.40 am 10.05 a m 7.20 p m 8.00 a in 1.30 pm 6.20 p m " arr. at tsooaio, leaves Philadelphia, Erie Mail riarrlsourg, " " " Williamsport, " " " Lock Haven, " " " Renovo, " an at Erie, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Harrisburg, " " " Williamsport, " " arr at Lock Haven, 7.d5 p ro Renovo Accomod'n leaves Harrisburg, 8.25 a m " " " Williamsp't, 12.55 pm caia tacie jiau leaves vv luiamsport, " " " arr. at Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Bufialo Express leaves Buffalo, " " Emporium, " " " Williamsport, " " arr. at Harrisburg, " " " Philadelphia. Erie Maii leaves Erie, " " " Renovo, " " " Lock Haven, Williamsport, " " arr. at Harrisbursr, Philadelphia, Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, I. 55 p m 3.10 p in 3.25 p m 9.10 p m 1.10 a m 4.50 a ni 9.10 a m II. 20 a iu 8.40 p m 9.55 p ra 11.10 pm S.05 a m 8.00 a m 7 55 a m 9.30 am 1.50 p m " Williamsport, arr. at Harrisburg " Philadelphia. M 5.50 p in Harrisburg Accom. leaves Williamsp't, 6.50 p in arr. at liarrisourg, 10.50 p m " " " Philadelphia, 2.50 a m Bald Eagle Mail leaves Lock naven, 12.20 p m " " " arr. at Williamsport 1.30 p m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L. S. A M. S. R. W. and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R.R. W. Mall West with east and west trains on L. S. & M. 8. R. W. and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Elmira Mail and BuSUIo Express make close connections at williamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north, and at Harrisburg with N. C. R. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Philadelphia A Reading Railroad. ' SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. Mat 4th, 1874. Trains Leave Herndon as Follows : (Sundays Excepted.) For Shamokiu, 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and 3.55 p. m. For Mt. CarmeljAshland, Tamaqua, Pottsville, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Trains for Hebndox, Leave as Follows : (Scndavs Excepted.) Leave Shamokin at 8.00 a. m. 150 and 3.55 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m., Reading 11.25 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqna, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p. m., Mt. funnel, 3.21 p. m. Trains Leavb HAituisiU RO, as Follows : For New York, 5.25, 8.10 . m. and 2.00 p. m. For Philadelphia, 5.25, 8.10 9.45 a. in., 3.00 acd 3.5C, p. m. Scndats. For New York, 5,25 a. m. For Philsdelphia, 2.00 p. m. Trains for Harrisbckg, Leave as Follows: Leave New York, 9.00 a. m., 12.40 and 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. in. 3.40 and 7.15 p. in. Sundays. Leave New York, 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.1a p. in. J. E. WOOTTEN. General Snp't. Reading, Pa. May 22, 1874. Northern Central Railway. tin aud ofter D. 1, 1H73 train on this road will run as lollous: LEAVE NORTHWARD. Lrave Erie MaU Waabington .... 8.:t8 p m Kenova Elmira Buffalo Accom. MaiL Expi 4.48 a m 11.35 a m 8.25 a m 1.45 p m 8.00 a in 11.55 p m Haltimore. 11.15 p lu PlilLidclpliia.... 10.20 pm Uarriaburg 3.1)5 a m H.2." a in Smilnry 5.20 a m 11.10 a m Arrive at : l.M p m s.un p 4.13 p m 7J5 p m 9.00 p m W'illiamsport... 7.10am 12.55pm 7.10 p m r.innra ii.no a m Buffalo. tt.:w p m 10. 20 p m Lne 1.20 p m AU daily except Sunday. Leave: Buffalo Elmira Harris'; Expreaa. MaiL Accom. Erie MaiL Erie 11.20 a m Buffalo 9.50 p m 7.30 a m Elmira M 5.45 a m !L4S p m Williamiort.. 1.10 a m 9.30 am 6.50-p m 11.10 p m Sunbury 2.60 a m 11.15 a m 8.40 p m 12.55 a m Arnva at : Harriaburg 4.50 a m 1.50 p m 10.50 p m 3.05 a m Philadelphia . ... 9.10 a m 5.55 p m 2.50 a m 8.00 a m Baltimore 8.40 a m .:! p m 3.25 a m 8.40 a m Waabingtou ....10.35 a m 8.30 pm C. 13 a m 10.35 a m All pan Sunbury daily except Sunday. A. J. BASHATT, E. S. YOUNG, T. OrCKEB, Oea'l Manager. tieul Paaa. Agent. Supt. POSTPONEMENT. 80,000 IN GIFTS. A Grand Gift Concert. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT will be given at Sunbury, Pa., by the Independent WASHINGTON STEAM FIRE COMPANY, On MONDAY. JT7LT 13, 1874. Unlea tb ticket are all aold before that time, when aue notice will oe given ol the time. A full Drawing; Certain. Owing to the Panic, and in order to meet the general wih aud expectation of tbe pnblio and the ticket-bolder lor the luu payment or the Uilta announced, the an agrment have determined to potone the Concert and 1 rawing to tne date ahoveBtated. The object of this enterprise w for tbe purpose of curiug a Steam Fire Engine, which will b an advaatasi to all ueignoonng towna acceaaible bv rail, from th fact that it will be au Independent Company. And aa w hav never failed to diacharge our duty when callrd up on, we certainly will be able to accompliah more good witn tue aiu oi a reamer, ruere u no lews (t ban mueteen large and amall town within thirty mile of Sunbury, all of which can be reached by railroad, tuna affordinaT the facility of aaaiatiug any of those place ia less than au hour time ; while at tbe same time our town will not be unprotected. Our project being a laudable one, we feel confident that all th tk-ket will be disposed of by tue time auove nanieu :or drawing. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF GIFTS : ONE GRAND GIFT OF $1,000 two PO ". 500 300 IJO 1U 1,000 1,000 I,IK 1,000 1,011 1,000 " Gift of.... , lOHiita of f."iO.Il... 40 Gifts of 25.00... loOGiftaof lo.ol... 200Gittsof 5.00.... 500 Gifts of 2.00... 1,000 Gifts of 1.00... 1.8.-.7 Total .$9,000 This eutrrpriae ia no individual speculation, uch aa housr, lot and f uruiture put up at fabuloua price. The holder of a ucceiMful ticket will receive h GIFT in CASH. There will be 30,000 Tickets of Adruiiwiou to tbi Con cert, at 11.00 each, aud at the time above Mated the $!,uull iu CASH Gift will be distributed. PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION. Twenty thousand numbers, representing and corres ponding with fbose ou the receipts homed, will be placed iu one wheel aud card enclosed with the name of th Premiums iu sealed boxes will be placed in another. From these wheels, a nuiiler aud oue of the above nam ed inscribed card will be taken simultaneously. The number so drawn from the oue wheel aecurea the pre mium designated by the card takeu at the aam time from the other. This otieration will be performed bv bliud person, aud continued until Eighteen Hundred and Fil tv-Seveu Premium are exhausted. It is evident that by this prore, fraud or favortiam will be impossi ble. Everv l arson holJiug a tu-aek will be entitled to ailiaassiou into the Concert. All Gifts Paid in CASH without discount. Money can be sent for Tickets in registered letter, or Post OlhYe Money Order, or by Express at our risk. If desired. Tickets will be seut by Express, C. O. V. The following geutlenien have kindly eousented to act as 1 rnstees tor the above Gift Concert : S. P. Wolvertou, Esq., Director V. H. aud W. R. R. ; Geo. HiiL Attorney at Law: Hon. w. L. Dewart, ex menilier of Congress; Wm. I. Greenougb, Esq., Direc tor First Natioual Bank of Sunbury; John Haas, Esq., ditto; Ira T. lenient. Lumberman ; Wm. T. Grant, Coal Merchant, Sunbury. The above named gentlemen are higbmindrd and honorable men, who would not lend their name aud give their assistauce to anv unworthy object. SAM'L S. HENDRICKS, GEO. M. RENN, WM. H. MILLER, LEVI SEASHOLTZ. PHILIP M. SHINDEL, Committee. All comiuuiih'ation cheerfully answered. Address, in all cases, PHILIP M. SHINDEL, N. S. Enole, Corresponding Secretary. Treasurer of Funds. Sunbury, March, 6, IX'. 4. Kl'NBl'RY MARBLE YARD, Fourth Street below Market, SUNBURY, PENS'A. TIIE undersigned has returned from the Ver mont Marble Quarries with 06 Tons of Marble for Monument!, Gravestones, &c, Ac. He has bought at snob figures that will allow him to sell better stone, for i. - .i i. . . r . tw. v. less uiouey, muu uciciuiuic. iikucbi 4 Sutherland Falls Marble, which is better than Italian. Rutland is now sold us low as the Manchester. Those who need anythine in the Marble line, for Monuments, Grare-Stones, or other purposes, will find it to their interest to call and examine this large stock, a better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be done in tne neatest and most improved style. W. M. UA liintK I X Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1873. Education of Farmer's Wives. Farmer's wives should study economy economy of money, economy of time and economy o? mind. Meet all of ns think we know hw to save, but we do not. It is not economy for farmer's wives and daughters to stand out In the snow on butcher ing day, and clean and wash hogs' entrails, just to save what little fat there ia on them for soap grease. I have known farmer's wives and daughters to do tbi when the whole amount saved would not be worth twenty-five cents, and their husbands and fathers at that time were worth $30,000. I know farmer's wives who are so anxious to make money that they never allow their children to have any cream or good, rich milk to eat with their mush. They give their little ones blue milk and sour yeast, seven days old (they say It takes so much fresh bread for a meal they only bake once a week), and tbe consequence is, the children are made sick, the doctor is sent for and hi bills have to be paid, which are often as much ns all the butter will come to that tbe mother will sell in six months. Now all such methods as these are the very reverse of econo my. When fanner's wives are as intelligent as they should be, they consider the preservation of their own health and the health of their families as the greatest economy that can be practiced ou the farm. We roust quit this stuffing business ; we must learn that neither good taste nor good sense requires ns to prepare fourteen different dishes every time a neighbor comes to visit ns. If we would do less of this fixing and fussing, preparing food that no one dare eat if be hoped to' have long lifeand put our time in in readino and thinking-yes, it is absolutely necessary that we have time to think. We mnst give our" friends and our families plain, well-cooked food r.nd then devote some time each day to our own' improvement. PrarU Farmer. The Xkw Peach Esemt. We briefly alluded, last week, says the Denton (Md.) Union, to tbe new enemy in our midst to the peach tree. The insect is a small black bug to be found on the peaeh twig, and near the bud, by the hundreds, varying in size, when seen through a magnifying glass, common garden pea. They are found from the egg state, without apparent life, in afl stages of development np to the full grown bug. Almost every remedy has been resorted to by Mr. J. W. Kerr, in an adjoining town, to save his young peach stock, but so far without suc cess. Be has resorted to coal oil, a strong solu tion of tobacco, carbolic soap and various other remedies, which are effectual in destroying the bug. but which also destroy the tender bud of the peach. These remedies, although provin" effectual in destroying the bug and at the same time killing the fruit, were abandoned last week and a force of workers dispatched to tbe nurse ries for the collection of the bugs. Tbe day's labor resulted in capturing one bushel of bugs, the exact amonut being ascertained by actual measurement, which were placed in a file and burnet:. The second day was spent in going over the same trees a second time, when another half bushel of bugs were gathered and burned. Such is their power of reproduction. Mr. Kerr thinks he had not gone over more than the one twentieth part of his nursery of 83,000 peach stock, the largest portion of which he believes to be entirely destroyed by their depredations To Destroy Issects. Dot alum water in a recent suggestion as an insecticide. It will de stroy red and black ants, cocKroaches, spiders, chintz bugs, and all the crawling pests which infest our houses. Take two ponnds of alum and dissolve it in three or four quarts of boiling water; let It stand on the fire till the alum di appears ; then apply it with a brush, while near ly boiling hot, to every joint aud crevice in your closets, bedsteads, pantry shelves and tbe like. Brush the crevices in tbe floor of the skirting or mop-boards, if yoa suspect that they harbor vermin. If in white-washing a ceiling plenty of alum is added to the lime, it will also serve to keep insects at a distance. Cockroaches will flee the paint which has been washed in cool alum water. Sugar barrels and boxes can be freed from annts by drawing a wide chalk mark just around the edge of the top of them. The mark must be unbroken or they will creep over it, buta continuous chalk mark half an inch in width will set their depredations at naught. Powdered alum or borax will keep the chintz bug at a respectable distance, and travelers shonld always carry a package of it in their hand-bags to scatter over and under their pillows in places where they have reason to suspect the presence of snch bedfellow. Jntrnal of Chtmit try. HO USEIIOLD. Canxisg Strawberries. "Daisy Eyebn'gbt" in the Conntry Gtnilemtsn, gives the following di rections for canning strawberries, and making strawberry jelly s At the commencement of strawberry season make two or three quarts of white sugar into a thick syrup by dissolving it in hot water, two large coffee cupfulls to a quart. Boil and skim this, and put Into a jug or bottles for future use. Put your ripe, fresh strawberries Into glass cans. hand fill np with the cold syrup nearly to the brim, as the strawberries shrink somewhat. Place in a kettle of cold water, putting the lids on the tops of tbe cans first, but not screwing them down. Let them come to a boil slowly ; boil for five minutes, then screw down the covers tightly, and set away in a dark, eool place. Strawberry Jellt. Squeeze out the juice of the strawberries, and to each pint of juice add three-quarters of a pound of lump su?ar. Boil for twenty minutes ; turn into cups which have been previously aipped in cold water, and set in tbe sun for a few hours. Moth Phevksttv. The following recipe for keeping moths out of clothing, the Jvurnal of Chemistry says, Is a favorite in some families : Mix half a pint of alcohol in tbe same quauity of spirits of turpentine, andtwoounce of camphor. Keep in a stone bottle and shake before using. The clothes or furs are to be wrapped in linen and crumpled-up pieces of blotting paper dipped in the liquid are to be placed in tbe box with them, so that it smells strong. This requires re newing about once every year. Cheap Mrrnss. One egg troken in a piut of cold water, beat briskly till it foams, add flour sufficient to make a thin batter, one tenspoonfnl of sugar, and salt to taste. Bake on muffin monld, to be eaten while hot. They are excel lent. Various) Ways ofCooklng Salt FIta. Boiled. Soak the fish over night ; remove the skin, put in cold water, and heat slowly till it boils ; if not fresh enough change the water. Make a gravy of one teaspoonful of flour, two tablespoonfuls of butter, and half a pint of boil ing water. Axothkb. Cook the fish as before ; pick in small pieces and put in as much milk as yon will want for a Kiavy ; thicken with floor, and adit butter and pepper to suit tbe taste. Baked. Soak in water until very fresh, ami bake In sweet cream. Another. Take a piece of dry fish, wasb ; remove the skin, and bake nntil tender ; pick In small pieces, pour boiling water on it and let It stand a short time ; repeat the process as many times as is necessary to freshen it ; drain as dry as possible and put in cream. Fried. Boil the fish, and place the pieces in a dish. Fiy a few slices of pork and pour the hot fat over the fish, or fry the fish in the fat. Another. Soak tbe fish until very fresh, changing the water frequently ; scale, leave the skiu on, aud soak over night in sweet skim milk; dip in flour and fry. It is very good if yon nse the thick part of a nice fish. Broileii. Take a piece of fish and broil it ; pound it vigorously, pick in pieces, poor on wa ter, changing until fresh, snd spread with but ter. Hash. Take from a quarter to a third part chopped fish, previously cooked, and the rest mashed potato; moisten with milk. Fry a few slices of potk ; cut in small pieces and mix with the hash and fry in the fat, or nse butter instead of the pork. Gness work is rather more con venient than rules ; as gravy and fat meat work in to good advantage. Water can be nsed in stead of milk by nsing more butter. Fish Balls. Take the same proportions of h and potatoes as for fish hash, moisten with milk, aud add butter and pepper to suit tne taste ; make in balls, and roll In flour. Fry the same as doughnuts, If yon wish to keep for that purpose ; If not, natten into canes ana use just fat enough to fry them.