V V. jluntari- American. SUNBURY, MAY 1874. II ail road Time Table. 4KH1V4I. ksn PFPiKTrKf.or TKAIt ATSI NIILKY. . R. W.. S.m:h. I. E. K. R- Wort. Kluiirs. Mail, 1 l.lSa m I Erie Mail, 5.15 . m Eric Mail 12.M " I Reunvo Ac. 11.10 am Buffalo Ex. 2.50 " I Elinira Mail 4.10 pin HarrlsbureAc. 8.10 p ni ButUlo Ex, 7.10 " SfXBl'UT SSD I.EWISTOlV R. R. lAt-xve Sunbury for Lewlstown at C.35 a. m., nd 4.30 p.m. Arrive at Sunbury friu LewihtowH at 1.5w and 6.55 p. m. SUAMOKIS UIVIMON, S.C. K. W. LEA V ft I AKK1VE KspriiM, IMS a m I Mall, 9.30 a in Vail, 4.30 p ro Express, 4.00 pm An accommodation train leaves Sliamokiu at 7.10a in, arriTinj t Mt. Carinel at 7.40 a m. Ketuiioe, l"ve Mt. Canncl at 7.00 p iu, arriT inir at htiamokin 7.S0 p ni. PAK V1LLE, UAZI.ETOS & W1I.KK.HAKIIK K. K. Leave Mail, 6.50 a. in.; Accommodation, 4.U5 p. m. Arrive Mail. 4.05 p. m.; Accommo dation, 8.20 p. m. The accommodation only ruui to Cuttawissa. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had of J. Sliipman, Ticket Agent, at tue Depot. lousiness owls. t ,...... r:uniii A- RitEk SEWING Ml ioi im r tj i f v. ... ;hine. These celebrated machine are ottered at the moat rcasormble rate, for pamcuinm apply u U. KL'TZ. Afent, Fcb.22,'73.-ly. Upper Au;nsta township. For S At-E. Several to l. ii. Rce street. Abo a house and lot on Cnesnut l reel, near Second. Apply to H. B. MASSER. Thf. spring style of Hale are already offered for sale by 8. Faust, Sr., on Market Square. Tb latert styles from a large assortment ean iiow t selected. The Union Tark and Agricultural Association will hold their next Annual Exhibition at Sunbu ry, Pa., Sept. 29, 30, and October 1st and 2d, 1S74. For Rest. The Drug Store lloom now occu pied by W. D. Melick. Also the room adjoining Faust's hat store. Enquire of II. M. Master. S. Heksflldek, corner Third aud Market strvrts, hat reduced hie price from 10 to 30 per cent., in order to cloee out. The whole magni ficent etock, just received, w ill eold at cost, and the greatest sargnius ever heard of in thi town will be offered. The Hock consists or Children', Bf.j's and Men's Clothing, Hat and Cap, Gent' Furnishing Jood, Trunk, Jewel ry, Ac. Call earlv aud have the first choice. S. HEBZFF.LDEU, Cor. Third and Mrket Street. April 10-tf. Snnbnry, Pa. Th light running .)i-" Sewinir ma shine, on account of it many point of superi oritv, bae a better demand than any other manu factured, and takes the lead with the public over machine long regarded a the bet. Order for these machines will be promptly filled by Mi Caroline Pallns, agent. Parlor Organs Mis C. Dalins is the agent for the sale of Parlor Organs, Pianos, and all kinds f musical Inrtrumeut. The my best instru ment are furnished, furnished on hort notices at wices to euit times. Call or address, C. DALIUS, No. S3, Market St., Snnbnry. Oi r Shamokin friends are highly delighted over the magnificent photographs rurnished by j i. O. Bartlett, located in that place. Mr. J Bart'.eti excels all others in taking a true like ne. Thoe w:o have ucgatirc taken by him while here, can have any numlier of copic printed by addressing him at Shamokin, and Kent to them by mail. LaR4k additions of new furniture have just been received at B. L. Randenbut's store in Masonic buildings. It is the chctpert place out side the city for furniture. All k'mde can be had from common to the best. Call and see be fore purchasing elsewhere. FuKlnsurauce iu the .ttna of nartford, call on, or address L- M. Toder, Agent. Sunbury, Pa. 801.11 Ot T. Wm. II. Miller, for some twenty years engaged in the boot and shoe businesses eold out bis Excelsior Store, cm Market Square, to Messrs Smith & Brother, who will keep up the usual assortment of boots and shoes, as for merly. Messrs Smith A Brotlier have had toug experience in the business. They are young men of excellent character and full of enterprise. Their stock eomprisee the best quality found in the market. They arc well stocked with the latest fashious, and those desiring to make bar gains should call as they will sell at retail and wholesale. Country merchants v.iU save money by buying at wholesale prices, as they cannot buy cheaper in any city thau here, nor have a belter chance of selecting their stock. IT.CRFjf Freener. A new lot Just received t.v H. B. MASSER. The county prison now coutaint niue prisou ers. A TEi.Er.H4rH office I to be established at the bridge at Sliamokiu creek, at the lower end of this town, by the Pennsylvania railroad com pany. Tub bridge at Herndon, this emiuty, will soon be rebatlt by the Philadelphia A Reading rail road company. Boi.s Watkk, as cool as the dripping snow, is now dealt oat at Dr. C. M. Maitin A Co.'s Drug Store, on Third street, below Market. DoVt forget ibe festival of the Good Iuteut Fire Coinpanv to morrow evening, In Ifanpt's Hall. Wasted immediately, by D. II. Koch, four flrst-class paiuter. Noue other need apply. (KorND La torn broken al Shamokin for new gas work. Whitk plnir hat will be I lie rage this summer the one with the silk fur npou tnem with those who ran afford (hem. Fditino a paper is like carrying au unthrt-ila on a windy day. Everybody think he" could manage h better than the .ut who has hold of the handle. ConMirreo. Wm. Ilri, of 'inrron town ship, was committed to .r'.Hi at thi place on Thnrsd.iv of last week for brutally bcnting his wife and neighlioring wunian, who went to the assistance of the wife. The next annual sesion of the Grand Lodge of I. O. ofO. F.. will lie held in Vllli:imsport. F.srmsiox Tick ew on the different railroads, are icmed by the different railroad coiuiwiiie on to-morrow, (Decoration day.) Th fare on the Shamokin Division of the N. Railway, wil! be reduced on June lt toS'; nts per mile- A Stabbiho Affray tMk place at Mni.cy ou Monday last. A man uamcd William Dim stab lied a Mr. Rhinehart belonging to a icang of gip sies. Physicians entertain no hopes of his reco very. It i astonithing what line suits are made ap at Charles Maihi's tailor shop, on Fourth street. Tb Pennsylvania Canal Company have a nnrober T hand employed in planting w illow trees along the berm bank of the canal. A change of schedule on railroads will be made next week. Br a recent law, County Surveyors are required to have their office in the county towns. Casmtiate for offlc are studying the new Constitution with a view of preparing their c.n cieace. The Boys iu Blue, of this piare, have secured lire arms to drill, through Maj. G. B. Cadwalla ler. They will make their first appearance with lansket to-morrow. Decoration Day. A LABGf nnmber of black bass and other fish are lyiug dead aloug shore at the mouth of the Shamokin creek. They are supposed to have died from the sulphur water in that stream. El.eves of the liasin lot in the lower end of this borough, have lately been purchased by Messrs. Purdy, DiMtinger aud 'mg from the executors of Geo. A. Frick, deceased. Sevrral boy were bound over ou Wednesday last, by Esquire Brice, for tearing down the fem e at the southwest district chool betise. - Farmers are busily engaged iu geitiug out their summer crops and making repair general ly t their outbuildings and fences. A the trout fishing ha fairly opened, many f the piscatorial Walton repair to the tiack woods for speckled beautie.. Bnt thus far they have returned not overloaded. Tm rains on Monday laet were the most re fresh ine- of I hi season to all kinds of reyetfiblet. NoKTUVMBtKLANU ColSTl's SOLDIURS' MoN IXKST. To-morrow will be a day long to be re uu n.bcrcd by the citizcu of this couuty. Be sides the impressive ceremony of strewing with flower the grave of the dead defenders of the national cause, the laying of the corner stone of the monument will also take place.which if to be erected wilhiu our Square to their sacred memo rlea. The ceremonies will be conducted by the surviving comrades of those whose live were the sacrifice required to establish the uuity which has becuredto us ourpowerand greatness as a nation. To raise a column hi perpctua tion of their memories, and iu gratitude for the result of the sacrifice they have made, is a lie- fitting task for the brave hearts that beat with theni upon the field of battle, and a subject of cousideratiou from a grateful people. 'I he soldiers of thia county have long since had lu view the erection of this inouument to their dead comrades, and to-morrow the comer stoue of the memorial, more durublc than flowers, will be laid a memorial which will call the atten tion of future generations who will hallow the names of those to whose glory it has been erect ed. Every citizen should feel n piide and take au interest in the matter. Nearly every county iu the State has a monument to their patriotic dead,and it is gratifying to see that old Nortlium berland is keeping pace with her ister counties in honoring hers. Our surviving soldiers deserve much credit for their perseverance- in prosecut iug the matter. Though ioor their means are graduully accumulating, but iu order to cousum mate the project it will be necessary for all to give a helping baud. As Northumberland county was among the first to send out her sons, many ot whom occupy unknown grave in the South, let her citizens erect a mouumeut to the martial baud, who, after their long struggle iu the great couflict, have laid down their arm and march ed, tired and footsore, to the land of eternal peace. The interesting ceremonies will be conducted by the Masonic fraternity. Hon. C.S, Wolfe of Lewisburg, and R. L. Mnench, Eso., D. D. G. M. of the A. Y. M-, of Harritburg, will he the or ators of the day. A number of distinguished pub lic men will be present. The different eivic orga nizations sad fire department will Join In parade, and after the ceremonies will proceed to the ce metery, where the graves will beecorated with Dowers. Tiik following is a list of names of the nation's defenders, as far as we could ascertain them, whose graves In the cemetery at this place, will be decorated to-morrow, Msy 30, 1874. Boulton Young, 4i'.h Penna. Volunteers. Peter Haupt, do. do. Geo. Miller, do. do. William Fry, do. do. Samuel Bartoher, do. do. Harris Hopper, do. do. James Huey, do. do. Eiu'l. Gottschall, do. do. l-ifayette Landau, do. do. Lieut. C. I. Pleasants, 71th U. 8. Infantry. John Durst, 7th Penua. Cavalry. Edward Beck, do. Frederick Kline, 188th Penna. Volunteer. Philip ICeun, 2d V. S. Infantry. William Landau. Isaac Wilkersou. Robert Brooks. Charles Gearbart. Frank Houser, Ncvin Fisher, Newton Sarvis. John Shissler. Peter Hileman. Peter Smellzer. David Drnckemni'Ier. Joseph Christ. Samuel Christ. Decoration Dat. The folio iug is the order of exercises aud route of pmcessiou for Satur day, May 3tHh : The parade will form on Market Square, head of column resting ou Second street, fronting ou the river, and will wove promptly at 12 o'clock, in the following order : 1. Suubury Band. 2. Invited Guests, A-c., in Carriages. 8. Soldiers of the late War. 4. Masonic Order. 5. Odd Fellows. G. Order of Red Meu. 7. Patriotic Sons of A meries. 8. Knights of Pythiaf . . Conelarea- 10. American Mechanics. 11. Hook and Ladder Conipauy. 12. Sunbury Steam Fire Co. No. I. 13. Washington Steam Fire Co. 14. Boy In Blue, with wreaths. The route of procession wilt be out Market to Front, up Front to Arch, out Arch to Fourth, down Fourth to Chestnut, out Chestnut to FronJ, j dow n Front to Waluul, out Walnut to Fosrth, down Fourth to east gate of cemetery. Column halt and open order. Fire apparatus move through column and pass the gate. Column re verse order and march through cemetery to mon ument ou west side, and form square. Music and clergy. Prayer and singing. Music by band while Boys in Blue, divided iuto Tour squads, will distribute the wreaths, ic, upon the grave marked by small flags. Column will re-form on Fourth street, in the same order a it entered the cemetery, with all the fire apparatus iu the rear of the column, move up Fourth to Chestnut, out Chestnut to Fifth, up Fifth to Market, out Market to east end of Square and open older. Band take position designated by the Master of Ceremonies, Gen. John Kay Clement. Carriages with guests take position on south side of Square. Column reverse order and file right and left around the square to the west gate, march through square to Monument foundation, and form square around foundation, when the cere monies of laying the corner stone will take place under the supervision of the Masonic fraternity, after which the oratious will be delivered at the west platform. The exercises of the day will conclude with music by the band. Tbe following gentlemen will act as Marshals: J. J. Smith, P. M. Ecknian, Wm. Foster, F-. M. Bucher, II. F. Mann. G. E. Hoffman, P. J. Olier dorf, Maj. Jas. K. Davis, Jr. Marshals will report promptly on Market Square at 11:30 A. M. Geo. B. Cadwallaukk, Chief Marshal. Festival. The Good Intent Fire Cempany of this place, not having had any entertainment for their heiielll for many years, and there being a large number of memlters unable to equip them selves, propose to hold a fr.-tival commencing to morrow evening, and continuing the beginning of next week. The festival will be held iu Haupt'a Hall. The funds raised to lie apptopri ted to supply the members with necessary equip ments and some additions to their apjwratus. Mfsr. NevinA Lkkkx are now furnishing all kinds of fresh vegetables to our citizens. They are also wholesaleiug and retuiling Ibe best Hano ver Jun:tiou lee Cmnii. Anyone desiring the best of ice cream can be supplied with s mall or large quantities on leaving their order at Nevin's store on Third street, below Market. New Ib CaKkiaoS. The Steam Fire En gine Co. No. 1, have procured a handsome hose carriage, which was reeelved on Thursday. It is a four wheeled carriage, silver mounted, and is Intended for parade purposes. It was pur chased by contributions from the members. Moke Gooi. Miss M. L. Gossler, on Fourth street, has just returned from the city with a full line of Summer Milliueiy Goods of every de scription. Although she is receiving goods every week, she has purchased a larger assortment than ever before, and .it much lower prices. Call and see them. The anunal session of the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias, to l.e held in this place next month, some eight or nine bumlred persons will be in attendance for nearly a week. We hope our eitins will give this grand boly a hearty welcome. Professor Parry's Troi e-e as ill give a Con cert iu the Court House ou next Tuesday even ing. Their entertainment will consist of vocal aud instrumental musk-. Prof. Parry is widely known s one of the best mnslclans lti this coun try, and his concert may be expected to be a rich treat. Let a full house greet them. Tickets for reserved seats 50 cts., for sale, at llazletlne's store. Tickets for JI5 cts., for sale at the door. There will be present 16 well trained and edu ealed fingers. List of letters remaining iu the Post Office at Snnbnry, Pa., on May 27, 1874 ! itorr .t- r, Mil Msr Bostian. W. M. Harn- ! hart. Iron C.Clemeut, Robert Crawley ( foreign), I Susan Campbell, Hugh Connelly (8), Milton De j wees, Peter Fegely, George Ileyer, Keerer A ) Fasold, 8. Tauhniau. Persons ealliug for the above letters w ill please j state that they were advertised. j J. J. Smith, P. M. A rew weeks ago wheu we made reference to the misrepresentation of "Tax-Payer," we sta ted that we verily believed that his representa tions were the offspring of selfish motive. Last week "Tax-Payer" uncovered himself in a com munication to the Oaxttte, thereby exposing his real name to the public, and convinced them, iu consequence, that we were correct. In his com munication he does not explaiu wherein the last Borough Audit was wrong, or where he got the seventy thousand dollars debt he so much prated about liefore the spring election. He avoided all explanation, directing his battery upon us in a personal assault, making a desperate attempt at personal injury, exhibiting a character he has never been able to conceal. As we have cornered him lu bis game of deceptiou he has be come somewhat ftroeion, und reads the riot act to us, not in the Latiu language, with w hich he is so conversant, as cxhihted to the railroad em ployees of the lower shops a few years ago, when he held high positien there, bnt most villifyingly in ordiuary English. lie slates Unit he audited an nccount of the School Treasurer a few years ago, and found an old claim against the Treasurer of some f'90,000. We remcmlHT when an audit was attempted to be made by a man named John Bourne after the ex piration of the term of School Treasurer which office we had held. We cannot recollect that the school fund of the borough ever reached Hie sum of $90,000. But as "Tax-Payer's" ideas nre al ways high, he thought.no doubt, he would make it high euougb, as he did the borough debt, so that 6ome effect might be obtaiued. After this John Bourne had audited the account, we con tended that he had made a mistake that we owed more, when we were told authoritatively that we did not know any thing about it ; that he guessed he knew whether it wus right or not. Not feeling satisfied as to the correctness of this pompous auditor's assertions, we requested the Secretary of the School Board to look over it, who brought us in debt nearly two hundred dol lars more than the auditor, which amount we paid, and for which we hold a receipt in full from the School Board. "Tax-Payer," or the auditor, says that he has been a consistent Republican ever since the party was organized, which assertion the majority of Republicans in this place kuow to be incorrect. He is well known to have opposed a part of he tiekct at various times, and even last fall voted against some of the most promineut can didates on the Republican ticket. After this in consistency, "Tax-Payer" became fiercely Im pressed with the idea that he ought to be Chief Burgess of the borough, and set himself to work at electioneering early in the fall. During the campaign he wanted to know whether it was customary for the Republican party to pay for his tickets, or whether we. printed the tickets for the good of the party. Being answered in the negative, he concluded to patronize ns to the amount of 50 cents, and as this amount seems to worry hiin, by calling at our office, the money will be refunded. In the meantime several enm- mnuiCMtioiiB npired in the Laily tinder the caption of "Tat-Payer," who now acknowledges himself to be the auditor and candidate for Chief Burgess, which made fnlte statements regarding our borough debt, undoubtedly for the selfish pnrjose of having weight upon his election, re gardless of the damaging effect produced abroad upon those who might have invested in business in the place. Hence this controversy. The Re publicans,kBowing his intrigue against the p.irty, preferied to vote for a man more reliable thau Ibis "Tax-Payer, although opposite in politics. and when the election wts over, "Tax-Payer" was found to be short some forty votes, in a bo rough that fives over 200 Republican majority. This does not show much respect for the "con sistency" of which "Tax-Payer" speaks. The people of Sunbury believe that it is better tobuve a man in that office who don't kuow as much about misrepresenting their interests. And un til "Tax-Payer" gives a clear and satisfactory slatemcut of the assertions be has made, and shows that the last audit Is wrong, and that the borough debt is as high as he asserts, they will look upon him as a gross deceiver and exagge rator. A Drowned Man. A drowned man was seen floating down the middle of the river on Sunday morning last, opposite this place. Messrs Hotteu stiue and Aurand from the other side of the river, went out In a boat, and attaching a rope to him, dragged him to shore on this side, a short dis tance above the dam. Esqnlre Brlce was notified w ho summoned an inquest. Upon examination, the letter 'C. W. B in India ink was found on the right arm. He bad dark hair, Whiskers on side of face, aud on chin, was about five feet high, and had on a black frock coat, small plaid pantaloons, brown plaid vest, white woolen un dershirt, and a blue check gingham shirt and scarf. He was about forty yeais of age. His pockets contained a clay pipe, and an empty leather pocket book. No marks of violence were found on his person. He had evidently been in the water for some time, a he was considerably decomposed. The jury rendered a verdict of ac cidental drowning. The remains were Interred in the cemetery at this place. The I'uiou Mutual Life lusuiance. Company of Maine, are now engaged iu fitting up an ollec in Clemeut's building, ou Market street, with a view of establishing a Board of Directors to con duct their business iy this section of country and enable them them t.) keep their premiums here instead of sending them to New York. This plan will keep the money iu circulation in our vieiuity instead of sending it away. A board has been organized by Mr. J. B. Lieiibuch, of McF.wcusville, the company's mauager for cen tral Pennsylvania. It is to control Northumber land, I'uiou and Snyder counties, with the ulVu-e at Sunbury. At their organization a few days ago, G. W. Ryou, Esq., of Shamokin, was elect ed President ; D. C. Distinger, of Siiulmry, and Johu n. Goodman, of Lewisburg, Vice Presi dents ; and Goo. Hill, Esq., of Sunbury, Treus'r. The Board of Directors is composed of some of the best men in the three counties. A Sanoi inart Fk.iit. We learn tiialou last Sunday morning quite an exciting lihl occurred at the little village at the LnteijiriM- colliery, which nearly euded fatally to one ol the p.nties. It appears that an Englishman, who bxd not fully recovered from the caiouse of pay-day night, came to the boose of another Englishman of the name of Tyler, aud called him out to fight. Tyler mas prevented by his wife and growu up daughter from accepting the challengv. Still continuing his threats, Tyler's wife finally ran out and caught the man by the neck and held him while the daughter, armed with a hatchet, came to the rescue aud struck the F.ng lishman several blows, inflicting a wound ou the side of his head, and one on the nrm, severing an urtery. He was theu takcu charge of by some bystanders or he would in all probability have fared much worse. He is under the at tendance of Dr. Holleubach. SUainoJriH ltrraUl. A correspondent of the M.7 of Tuesday states that Snyder county, by an act of Assem bly, prohibits the buying of produce wit hit. her limits (with the purpose of selling the same) unless a liiense of forty dollars is paid for the privilege. However, and regardlesspf this act, one of the honest and elect of Snyder comity, ruuuiug short of his promised obligations, by menus known only to himself, secured a genuine 7sf for our market. One quartsr he disposed of to our subuiban landlord, and the remaining three-quarters were sold to one of our town butchers, who readily sold it out as spring lamb. Instances of this kir.d may bappeu, but the only question now is, "Who got the goat?" GkANit Concert. A grand concert ol vocal and instrumental music will !e held at Klines grove M. E. Church I y the Parry Quartette Troupe, under the able leadership of Professor Parry, graduate of the Royal Academy or Music, Loudon, England, now principal of the Danville Musical Institute, on Saturday evening, June 6. A rare, rich aud classical treat is expected. The proceed of the concert are to be appropriated to the purchase of all orgau for the church. The patronage of the public in general is respectfully solicited. One of the entertaiumeuts to be gicu during the festival of the Good Intent Fire Company, next week, will be a Centennial tea party. Two working horses belonging to G. W. Brew er, in Purdytown, took sic k a few nights ago, aud showed symptoms of being poisoned. Pro per remedies for poison were administered, and at last accounts the animals were improving. We hope that the parties gnilty of such a cruel act may be disoovereJ, nud hauded over to the Committee on cruelty to auiuwls, who w jll spare no efferts. lo fcriog them to punishment. Ok Saturday moruing last, a Jew edtar nam ed Lewis Levy, who has lately been driving an old mule arouud town peddling Iry goods, Ac, attended our market and got himself Into a slight difficulty. Being a little deficient in the upper story, judging from his conduct, he has been making rather free wllh the boys abont town, and they taking advantage of his familia rity, annoyed him until he became riled aud threatened them, but the jeeis and taunts went on nevertheless. Levy grew still more vexed, and attacked a boy far beneath his size, threft teuiug to demolish him. Au uncle of the lad seeing the fracas, went to his rescue, when a few blows were exchanged, the pedlar receiving the worst of the bargain. A cross action was then instituted, and both parties were boui i over to Conrt by Justice Suyder. Tub calithumpian hand were out iu full foree on Monday evening, on the occasiou of a wed ding, making night hideous with the noise of horus, hells, rattles, &c, until the midnight hour. Among them we noticed young men fiom whom better things might be expected. As there is no police force in this place, they all escaped arrest, aud the citizens were compelled to put up with the annoyance ; or iu other words grin and bear it. We hope that should a simi lar occurrence take place, the culprit may be captured and punisbr.d. Tun editor of the Daily, as we presumed, real ly was after bread when he stated "that there was not one young lady iu Sunbury who could bake a loaf of good bread. He now complains and says, "nary leaf came bouncing lu," aud thiuks he was correct. Our neighbor has for gotten that a young lady of this place, drew the premium for the best bread at the Uniou Park Association Fair held last fall. Makkied. On Thursday eveuing, the 21st inst., the efficient Deputy Sheriff of this county, G. W. Deppin, Esq., was united in the holy bouds of wedlock with Miss Angie Herb, of Tre vor ten, this county. The ceremony was per formed at the residence of Mr. James Maurcr in the presence of relatives aud friends of the hap py couple. The groom and bride have our best wishes for their future prosperity. May their happiness increase, and they live to a rife old age with nothiug to mar their course of .married life. Issiranck. We notice that Goo. W. Coble, Esq., ut Hendon, this couuty, has received the agency for the following Insurance companies. Mr. Coble will make an efficient Cau vaster, and a popular ugent for these companies : Insurance Company of North America, of Phi ladelphia. Franklin Fire Insurance Conipauy, Philadel phia. Pennsylvania Insurance Co., Philadelphia. Fariners'Mutual Insurance Co., York, Pa. Lycoming Mutual Insurance Co., Muncy, Pa. Hanover Fire Insurance Co., New York. Continental Fire Insurance Co., New York. Jdanhattcn Fire Insurance Co., New York. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. Phoenix Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. Imperiel Fire Inairanee Co., London. North British and Mercantile, England. Queen Fire lusurance Co., Liverpool and Lon don. Scottish Commercial Ius. Co., Glasgow. We fully agree with our neighbor of the VaiVi in the following paragraph : "We hope that at the next meeting of the town council of Sunbury that the gates leading iuto Market Square Park be ordered to be so fixed as to close themselves after being opened by persons passing through. This will prevent cows from pasturing iu the grounds. We would like to see Council display a temper becoming to so diguitied a body. The continued refusal to order such a trifling improvement would display something more thau au economical spirit." Bonds and stocks are les called fur. Reason: Thinking men are giving attention to a safer plan of investment. The Metrojsilitun Life In surance company offers the best plan for invest ing a portiou of your income. Examine the merits of this company. The reserve plan gives protection to your dependants now and gives yoi au endowment for your own old age, for the lowest premiums. All information in regard to insurance cheerfully given. Call on or address. L. M. Yonr.R, Suubury, Pa. . Jt We clip the following items Jroni the Shamo kin lltrald of last week : Shoemaker Robuem. u Tuesday night a shoemaker shop in Mrs. McCaffrey's building, West Ward, was robbed of nearly all its con tents. Loss estimated at ). We learn the robbers ore known. Stolen. Ou last Saturday afternoon an en velope containing $200 00 was stolen from the olfice of the Big Mountain Colliery. During the day a man supposed to be quite drunk was in the office und it is thought the Biom-y was taken by him. He was afterwards arrested and no proof of his guilt wait found. Accioent at tue M IMS. Frederick Gersner, a miner working a breast at the Big Franklin colliery, met with an accident on Friday hint. He had been trying to bar down a piece of slate that buug overhead, but failing to get it down thought it safe. So he weut dowu the Schute a distance and took a sliovelaud commenced push ing coal down, when suddenly this slate fell and slid dosn the schute with great violence, strik ing him in the back. His injuries are very slight. William W. Kemp, a miner working at the Geo. Fales sIoe, met with a slight accident ou Monday. He fell dowu a cross cut, but fortu uate.ly escaped with slight bruises. Items ikom tub Noktiu mhkki-ano Press. Mr. George Burr, of the Burr Honse at this place, moved to lewisburg on Monday Just, for the purpose ( taking charge of the Riviere House, formerly kept by C. Hess. The remains of the dead are bring gradually taken out or the graveyards in town and removed to our new cemetery. Dr. James T. Priestly has determined to locate at SelinsgroVM. He will move to that place in a short time. He is a kind; obliging and.attentive physician. Col. David Taggurt Is having a large barn erected n his home lot at this place. He takes great pride in owning good cows and raising tine chickens. The yotiug ladies of the Lewisburg Seminary, numbering soiue sixty, helil a picnic on Blue Hill last Friday. They came to this pUstv on the 11 A. M. tram, and returned to Lewisburg on the evening express. Protect your capital by insurance. For iu urance that will insure a prompt payment of your loss, call on or address, L. M. Yooek, Sun bury, Pn. AiiKiri'i.Ti RAl.. A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Northumberland County Agri cultural Society was held at the Court House, in Sunbury, May l!Ub, 1874. Members present Jos. Bird, President ; John McFarland, E. Grady, John B. Leiubach, E. T. Drumheller, C. W. Gntelius, L. L. Haas aud W. T. Foisythe. in motion, Jlitoltvd, That the reading of the minutes of the last meeting be dispensed with. Mr. Dricsbach proposed to give his grounds at Turhutville free of charge, when, on motion, this proposition be accepted and that the Fair be held there on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day, October 0th, 7lh and 8th. On motion, Messrs. Robert Montgomery, E. Grady, Armstrong, Gaul and Forsythe be a com mittee to make out the Premium List and ap poiut Judges on Premiums. On motion, Wm. T. Forsythe, MeFarland, Bittcnbender, Youugman and L. Huff be a com mittee to receive propositions for a permanent place to locate the Fair grounds, and to rejmrt at the next annual meeting of stockholders. The committee to revise the Premium List, ap point J Huge, aud receive proposals for music, will meet at the Vaukirk House, in Northumber land, on Thursday, Juue 11th. On motion, adjourned.' W. T. Forstthe, Sec. pro tern. The Blood owes its red color to minute glob ules which float in that fluid, anu contain, in a healthy person, a large amount of iron, which gives vitality to the blood. The Peruvian Syrup supplies the" blood with this vital element, and gives strength aud vigor to the whole system. Mr. Akcht McKissick, of Rockdale Pa., in writing to Dr. Wishart says : "My son was pro nounced Incurable with consumption, but hear ing of yonr Pine Tree Cordial, we purchased three bottles, and he commenced using it, and irpm that day lo this he ha been getting well. A movement is beiug inaugurated for the cele brating at the grave of Dr. Joseph Priestly, in Northumberland, the centennial of the discovery by that euiiueut physician of the oxygen of the air, on the first of August uext. A committee of five chemists fiom the New York Lyceum of Natural History, have been charged with the duty of organizing this centennial celebration, composed of Dr. Bolton, as chairman, with Pro fessors Chandler, Leeds, Sedy and Wurtz. One of the members of this committee has written a letter to the Rev. II. U. Hewitt, pastor of St. Matthew's Episcopal Church at this place, in relation to the matter, which we give below : HonoKEN, May 18, 1874. Jttii. II. H. Ihicitt : Drar8ir Within a distance from your residence, which must be short, lie entomb ed the remains on earth of Joseph Priestly, who held (in England, his native country,) during tho last half of the last century the highest rank among the illustrious founders by successful experiment and discovery of the modern science of Chemistry. He passed iu or near Northum berland the three closing decades of his life, and died there In 1804. On the flr6t of Aagtist, 1774, Priestly was the medium of revelatieu to maukind of what, in a chemical nect. Is the greatest discovery in his tory, and which was the germ from which the grand science has grown. This was the dis covery of the orygt of the air. Some geutlemeu who pursue this science have decided to hold a celebration In commemoration of this laying of its corner stone, a century ago. My own view, which Is belug rapidly communi cated to others, and is gaining advocates, is that such celebration ought to be held August 1,1874, at the unknown grave at Northumberland un known, I mean, to the world ; for we are told that the spot is locally knowu, marked and cherished. . Trusting to bring about a decision ujmju this spot and its vicinity, as the scene of this reunion, 1 have been charged, as a member of a commit tee of five chemists of New York, chosen to ar range the preliminaries of the affair, to make in quiry iuto the practicability of Sunbury or Nor thumberland as a place of meeting. It is further proposed that, in case of a favorable result from such previous inquiry, I should make a brief visit to your place, and effect such preparatory arrangements as may be in my power. Realizing that this affair is foreign to your profession and pursuits, and possibly to your predilections, there would be no propriety iu ex pecting active co-operation from you personally, but It naturally occurs to me that you may know whether there are in Sunbury or Northumber land, any geutlemeu resident to whom it would be a matter of congeniality to assist in organiz ing. If so, you wonld be doing a persoual favor to myself and other men of scieuce, by calling it to the attention of such gentlemen. I am, my dear sir, Respectfully yours, etc., Hrnrt Wi-rtz. Insurance Wori.r is the title of a new paper started in Philadelphia by Messrs. Caverly and Be.rgstresser. The paper is principally devoted to insurance, and gives a lurge amount of Inte resting matter on that subject. The first num ber gives evidence of a reul live journal, and that its editors are men of ability. Mr. Bergstresser was until lately a resident of Mt. Carmel, this county, and ns we are personally acquainted with him, and know him to be a gentleman of integrity and great euergy, he will give chnrac tor to the new publication. Messrs. Grant & Bito., ef this place, shipped 110 cars of coal on Friday last, weighing in the aggregate 510 ton. This is the heaviest ship ment yet made at the wharf at this place. Scribnf.k's MoNTm.T. Edward King's serial papers on "The Great South," much enriched with mauy and good engravings, lead off, ns us nal. Two chapters of "The Mysterious Island," Julius Verne's new romauce ; the conclusion of F.dinuud Clarence Sledraan's criticism on Tenny son's poetry, "Old Time Music," illustrated, and "An Elephant Hunt lu Slam." are worthy of es pecial commendation. Two serials by Adeline Trafton and Henry James. A third, entitled "A Four-leaved Clover," by Saxe Holm, one of our best young magazlnlsts, promises well, and is to be concluded In the July number. At thirty-five the average American discovers that he has an "infernal stomach," and goes iuto the hands of the doctors for the remnant of his life. Prevention is better than cure, but Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters will both cure and prevent dyspepsia, diseases of the skin, liver, kidneys, mid bladder, and all disorders arising from an "infernal stomach." KPKCIAL. NOTICES. To C'anitaliMtH, To .Men or Medium .Meant, and to all Wihiug Home and thuM Avoid Paying Keutn. By reference to the Watsontown Iteevrd and Sunbury "Gazette" will be seen a full and morl explicit description of the property I offer for sale, either in lots or by the acre. But what e wish to more partieularlv bring before the pub lic is the LIBF.RAL TERMS on which they are offered. I will SELL LOTS from MOO to 5O0 and Lands by the ACRE from 200toi00, according to the location. Terms : Tuu per cent, of the purchase money down, the balance in time and amounts to suit nurchasers, from ONE to F.IGHT YEARS, with legal interest from day of sale. - The streets and alleys will be opened as fast as lots arc sold, so that ull may be approached with ease. All persons who are now paying rent ean have an opportunity of securing a home for less uio nev annually' than thev are now THROWING a WAY ir: rent. Any person wishiug to see the lands or lots will call on me, wheu every opportunity will v given them to have a fair chance to see the sujie rior advantages presented to the public. In addition to the lands above referred to. I now offer for sale THREE DWELLING HOU SES, situate on Water street, in Wutsontown bo rough, the one being the large aud commodious Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, nil of said dwellings having the necessary outbuildings for immediate use. For further information call on or address J. M. FOLLMER, Watsontown, Pa. October 81, 1673. I yr. Children olteu look Pale aud Nirk from no other cause thau having worm iu the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worm without injury to the child, being iH-rfectly WIUTE.and from all the coloring or other Injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CURTIS . BROWN, Proprietors, No. 21t Fulton Street, New York. SM bij Dmgii'intt and ChtmirU, awl dfalrrx in M'diciiie at TwENTT-FiVE Cents a Box. July Vi, 1S73. Iy. II SV. II I-1 Why Will Yon Nuil'er? ,, To all persous suffer- , ing from Rhuematism, Neuralgia, Cramps lu the limbs or stomach, Bilious Colic, Pain in the back.bowels or side, we w o 11 1 d s a y, t 11 E Horsr.1101.il Panacea ani Family Liniment is of all others the rem edy you want for inter nal and external use. It has cured the atiove complaints in thousands of case. There is no I' l4 K t r'Vlll.Y mis'tke about it. Try It. Sold bv all Drug MMMt:.'T. gUts. July l-i, 1873. Iy. Thirty Yearn Esperieueo ofau Old X u rise. Mr Winwlow'tt Southing Syrup 1 the itreMrriptiou of one of the best Female Physicians and Nnrses iu the United States, and has licen used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble iufuut of oue week old to 1 he adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rct, health and comfort to mother aud child. We Believe it to lie the Best aud Surest Reined v in tfie Win id. iu all cases of DYSEN TERY "and DIARRHOEA IN CHILDREN, whe ther It arises from Teething or from uny other cause. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS PERKINS is ou the outside wrap per. Sold bv all Medicine dealers. July 12, IS?:!. Iy. In Chillisquaque twp., Northumberland coun ty, on the 11th Inst., MRS. SARAH VORIS, ng d about 80 Tears. Near Montaudon, on May 8th, Mr. JACOB ilESS, aged 73 years. 7 months and 1 day. In this place, ou Sunday last, Mrs. CATHA RINE BECK, in the 80th year of her age. The deceased was one of the oldest inhabi tants of this place, and was highly esteemed throughout this vicinity for her many virtues. She was a consistent member of the Lutheran Church for about sixty years. As a neighbor all loved her, aud all delighted to seek adviece from her. Tho children iu her neighborhood delighted to be with her and felt the angelic influence of her presence. Her loag suffering she bort with chriatlau fortitude, and when called to that "bourne from whence no traveler returns," she was ready to meet her Saviour. Though she has passed away, her worth will long be cherish ed by ull w ho knew her, aud her christian exam ple, so worthy of emulation, will be greatly felt in the Church, and in the community in which she so long resided. Er. QOMMISSIONERS' SALES OF UNSEATED LANDS. Notice is hereby given, that iu pursuance of an Act of Assembly, approved the 13th day of March, 1815, aud supplements thereto, the following tracts of Timber Laud, situate in the several counties hereinafter named,' fonnerly'a- part of thceonnty of Northnmberlasxi, surveyed upon. war--rants issued to the several parties hereinafter named, having beeu assessed as unseated land for County and other taxes while situated in said county of Northumberland, and the said taxes being due and nnpsid at the time they were separated from the said county of Northumberland, and still due and nnpaid on the second Monday of June, A. D. 1818, the said several t wets of land were sold on the said second Monday of Ja.Be, 1816, by Joseph Vauderslice, then Treasnrer.of said county, for the taxes then due ami unpaid, to the Commissioners of the said county of Northumberland, who executed to them his deed for the same in accordance-with the provisions of the said Act of Assembly. The time allowed by law for the redemp tion of said land having expired, and the said Ian3s not having been redeemed, they will be sola at Public. Sal at the COURT HOUSE,.! SUNBURT, Northumberland county, Pa., as follows, to wit : ' ' , , , . , . Those Lands lying West of the West Branch of the Susqnehanna River, to wit : Iu the Counties of Lyroming, Union and Snyder, on WeJaeMlaj, the 10th day oFJaae, A. D. 1 874. and all those lying in the Counties of Montour, Columbia and Luzerne, on Thursday, Juue 11th, 1474. WARRANTEE. John Brady ... Nicholas Balliot M John Balllot- . Johnston Beasly Nathan Beach John Panltrender I ACRES i 437 340 Foster tp East Hazle tp Old Hazlc tp Old ! 415 400 4SS James Allen James Alexander Johnston Beasly John Everhart , Benjamin Davis Christian Immel Francis Artilla Barbara Artilla Anthony Billas 400ii Near Mainville lu7.MifUin,Teu.MileRuu ui5 1-5, N E Corner Locust 400 400 70 200 East Side R 'East Side R Jncob Bittcnbender.. iNescopeck Pctei Rccs Daniel Montgomery Ann Bonham Elizabeth Beaks 20 100 303' 4(KI 323 437 . 300 382 400 438 311 400 130 430 50 343 400 200 300 502 188 357 ' 304 2t 429 250 42! .Greenwood r.i .Hemlock ,.i Greenwood and Pine j uo' do Eust Side Jackson Madifon aud Pine , jPlne Creek, Luzcrue -I E Corner Greenwood..... I do .do j do Columbia Co.. North Knob Mountain..... N Knob Mountain iPine tp M Pine j do IVt Pleasant Pine - A!nng Lycoming Co 'Briar Creek iPine A Jordan IBriar Creek.. East Creek South Knob Mountain..... iCentre Twp.. Pins Creek , End of Knob Mountain..... iBriar Creek John Buck John Brady Koliert Connelly Thomas Corbit Joseph WlU'mms Israel Lope, one-tiali ot... Phillip Duttcr, part...... Wm Dewees Robert Hunter, part Ann Kennedy John Loudon, part Ludwig Kercher John Nochoison, part... Piercefield Newman Phillip Opp Peter O Hara Even Owen E Owen J A Brady part Wm Plunket ...a.. Ann Solmon Margaret Strawbridge.... Joseph Solmou Thomas 8tackhouse Alex Scott.......... - Peter Tryer Phillip Trcssler Thomas Watters.,.1 Edward Wells.. ............ Joseph Wilkinson.... Carpenter Withcrspoon. John Pointer 427 IPIneTp .. 78 ;8cott Tp... 400 jPiuc Creek, Luzerne 400 .Briar Creek 300 ' Ceutre tp 302 Pine aud Jordan 206! do : do 436 iWest Side Little F Creek. John Harris.- riiristianna lavhiberg. Fred ShcrrltJ!..... Henry Stine..'...' - .. Wm Banks Simon Bicksler John Stamp...'. ....'400 32p'Shade Mountain.... ... 400 32pj do do ... 300 08p West Beaver . ...'100 40p Beaver.... .... 300 47p West Perry 50 1 ... 103 27p Fred Baker Wm MeCorkle Ebenczer Branham Daniel Levan John McKic Wm Cook Joseph Vangnndy John Reese John Loudon, part James l-niirton Samuel Right, owner., George Moore, owner .. Michael Roger...- John Bull Jeremiah Parker Samuel Scotton Archibald Stewart John Sigfrid - John Suell 100 jOn White Deer Creek 400 j Buff Mountain 103 inartly tp 227 West Buffalo 300 do 40S Spruce Run 200 IWest Buffalo 147 I do 137 . do 107 , do :XK do CO 90p J Green & Cb Sbeively 200 Barrow and others 400 W Deer Mountain 400 j io do 150 .North Mountain Lycoming . 410 j.Milee tp Ceutre Co 2S8 do John Barron, part. I ra I Monntain Ridge... In all cases where the tracts of laud have been divisions and quantity of each Known tero;e sale. Sale tp commence at 10 o'clock a. m., of said days. Any necessary explanation in reference to M. CUMMINGS, Attorney, Montandon, Northumberland county, Pa. 1 Attest P. W. Grat, Clerk. Suubury, Pa., May 1st, 1X74. At Charlotte, N. C, on Sundav evening last, Mrs. ELIZABETH M. BALDY, wife of Rev. Hnrly Baldy. formerly of Danville, and daughter of the late Hon. M. St. Dimmicfc of I'arboii eo., : nged about 33 years. f The deceased had been in declining health for several years. That fell destroyer, consumption, was gradually undermining her system. A few months since a smJden change for the worse took place, and her husband, then on a tour in En roje for his health, was suddenly called home to her bedside. As a last resort he accompauied her, in March last, to the South, intending to spend the winter at Aiken. N. C, but was not able to proceed further than- Charlotte in that State, where she breathed her last. At her own request her remains will be interred at Hones dale, the home of her earlier years, to-day, aud her funeral will be attended by hundreds of rela tives aud friends who admired her amiable qua lilies, and knew her worth and excellent charac-ter-j El. Ml .Mil It Y M tHKIXN. St nbi RY, May 15, 1S74. Grain Wheat per bushel l.C0"'t 1.73 " prime white l.TOf-iLSO " Rve per bush 7.Vji 80 Corn " 6.V-I75 Oats " 45(it50 Floi r Extra Family pr bbl tl.OOta y.50 Common 7.500.8.00 Buckwheat 5.00 Feld Corn ,V Oats Chop pr 100 lb l.SOfii 2.00 Shorts & Mixture 1.50fo.l.75 Potatoes. At Com'n iot'es pr hu 7.Wi 1 .00 Onions 1.00 Turnips- 2.VS.30 Pkovi-ion Ham perlb.l 18f22 Shoulderpr lb 14M18 Bacon pr lb HXn 12 Hee.r. retail pr lb 14M22 Veal. do do.... IDf'ilS Dried Bcefpr lb 2X(a:!0 Pol I tkv -Chickens, dressed pr lb l.Vals Do. live weight 10fH2 Bi tter Prime per lb -.. 40fi45 KwiS Per dozen 1 Soil 8 Funr Apples, dried, pr lb 1SK12 Pi nches, do pared pr lb... 2om.25 Bo. dried nnpared pr lb... 14(,18 Cherries.dricd.tpltted prlb 20vj'22 F.Mttile ofJoHepUT. Trout uiau. dec. (Late of Jordan township.) "VTOTICE Is hereby given that Letters of Ad miuistratiou have been granted to the un dersigned, on the estate of Joseph T. Trout man, late ol Jordan township.Norlhiimberland county. Pa., deceased. All persous indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and thoi-e having claims, to present them for set tlement. DAVID T. TROVTMAN, Administrator. Jordan tewnship, Apiil 10, 1874. Ct. New Millinery Store. MISSES L. A S. WEISER Having removed their Millinery Store into the large buildiug adjoining Zettlemoyer's stove stop', on Market Street, where they have Just opened a large and elegant assortment of FMNhioisitlsIe .Millinery CSooUm, einbracins everything usually kept in a well stocked Milliueiy establishment. Their slock Is entire new and consists of the latest New York and Philadelphia Styles. DRESS MAKING in all its branches will receive particular atten tion, INFANT ROBES IN STOCK. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Cut tin'.' und Kilting attended to, and Children's and Boys clothing made to order. MISS L. WEISER, MIS8 S. WEISER. Suubury, April 17, 1874. UEU. . COBLE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, RF.il. Estate Aubnt, and Agent for the Phila I.iDKl.rill.i Ml'Tl'AL Pkotectivb Lifk ISSl HANTS COMFAST. Ilerutlou, XurOnutibirland County, Pa. ALL CLAIMS entrusted is bis hands will receive prompt attention. Herndon, Aug. 83, 73. 4 mos. JOSEIMI S. ARNOLD, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Herndon, North'd county, Pa. All business matters in the counties of North umberland, Snyder, Uniou. Perry and Juniata promptly attended to. Consultations can be h,ad iu the German and English languages. aprll 17, i874.-ly. TVTJZEllltfE COUNTV.4 - ADJOINING EAST. LOCATION. NORTH" Buck Mount... Heckwilder fc Gray... Jas McNeal.. Berwick Road... J Paultreader Win Potter Berwick Road... Nicholas Balliot ..... 'Sonth W Corner Dennison. Swain A Lambert.,. iFoster tp East Buck Mount... Richard Sparks Sugar laf Mountain.. ! COLU.MBU COTJISTY-Houtn of Wm Ball :S00 Line of Beaver A Black Cr tp M'Neal A M'Cnlly... 400 I Wat Cat'wissa Conyngham tpif Bouglumr Hjllzheimer ., 233 ISonth side Locust tp Koou'U A Hughes P Lowenbirg Thos Bella ... . Kunkle A .C Shultz Creacy ... J Dunbaeh ... Barbara Wheeler... Andrew Helwig... Creek Creek Valley .1 . , f - COITJJIBIA COUNT Y-North of .)T niimiltool ,. Amos Codd.... . E Beaks . :Ann Kenedy Wm Wilson: . . Jackson it Hunter . .'James WaUon... .jPBrugler . ... . B Bonham . Jas Espy .'Mary Mellenry .Alex Boyd I Chas Mitsch ,.. jThos Corbet .'Line of Lullivan : . R Wilson JWm Glover .. Lycoming Line ... . John Lind Lveoming Co... ........ .'J Hillbush. . Lycoming Line ........ . John Wilkinson-., .. J Meyer .. P Opp ,.T Stockliouse....... .iSnlinnn A Potttr Beiil Mellenry J Peterman J Blakely W Montgomery . .. Daniel Montgomery. Wm Montgomery-".., Jas Johnson , John Dane N3eo Hartzel R Fiuuy C Witherspoon Thomas Barton Walter Jackson T Stack House ........ Luzerne Line.. , jD Duncan ;G Thel hammer.. . ... J Davidson , Kline & Potter........ iE Owen jDnncan A Leuiou VV Pearson Hester Bartdii. ....... James Rose... Jj Robt Hnnteri' P Malick Montgomerv and.. Gilbraith ifJeo Espy J Burnet 4 .... . E Ow-fn 4 ..... . Thomas Warl! ..... M Foster..... .jT Stack House. . Jas Simpson jM Foster, .A Dixon. rtNYDKR "OU:VTY. . F. Romig He.nry Smith . Mintbick . Rev J Steel ... ,;P Meyer ........ .iEstherGreen. . Beaver or Bens., township TJIS'lor COUNTY. . J Roan and W Clarki Michael Gilbert.. Nath Brown ..;J Vangu.ndy ,.;F Roan . Geo Books . jKester A Kallahan ,.;J Houscl . George Moore J Ruse M Shirtz J Bet - ......lA Levy .... R Malone. ......... iJ Maize . I Daniel Reeser J McKce .... ...... ;J Kuse .George Roads. R Taylor .1 !W Parker A Scottou .'j Culberton. I J Kline .......jThomae Jenkinson. J Bispar ... iDSigfrled iJ Sigfried COTOTJlt COUNTY. I Thos Hewit W Benson. divided, they will he sold in parts to snlt sain - - - MAMMOTf R0CElDM A.T Wlffi. WHITIVIER CO'S. The Largest Stock of d a mQom 1 Ever ottered in this OF FOREIGN 9J TO HE SOU) EXCEEDINGLY LOW, CA.l liPETS ! CARPETS ! ! 10,000 Yards of liru-sricls and Ingrain Cai-pots from 25 cts. Upwards. s anbury, May 8th, 1874. KEYSTONE CLOTHING EMPORIUM ! Jist Opened, IN MILLER'S BLOCK ON THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET, Messrs. Simon & Oppenheimer, -Have just oponcd a Xew Storo t the atliove place with an entire new Stock of Goold consisting of REilBY-lYIii.DE GIaOTHIIIG ; For latent stylen Summer Trade. Comprising of PRESS COATS, BUSINESS COATS, WORKING COATS, DRESS PANTS, BUSINESS TANTS, - " - WORKING PANTS, all kinds of PANTS, VESTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Boys' Clothing of every description, 1 HATS AJSTD CAPS, TRUNKS & VALISES, IIAXDKERCIUEyS, NECKTIES, COLLARS, kc&CyXfa ........ A full assortment of Gent &iuJ Boy's wear. Would be pleased to have all call and examine Good a and Prices which we as9nre will be found cheaper than can be pirch,ased elsewhere. . " SIMON & OPPENHEIMER. The same kind of Goods and full assortment will also be found at their Store iu the town of Trevorton, North'd Co., Pa. Call and see the low prices, Sunbury, April 3, 1.874, OR BOUNDARY SURVEYS - ! - SOUTH. ' i WEST. Wm Sanson) Brown A Paschal J fWliotifc N Rone... Geo. Faterrfoir .'Potter K Lattiroore ...Nat Echerd Stemman A Co. .P Glentworth Sol McNair Jeremiah Smith .Wm Gray Thomas Paschal R. Hiltzhelmer j Nicholas Balliot ...... River. ..Christian Shultz.. JeSse Brooks .. Hiltzheimer - - Michael Moser . Richard Brooks J .1 .Thomas Billington Mary Ruston . J. Rudd . Sasanna Mears - J Montgomery. .:Geo Webb .... I Iliver. ..iBenj Chew............ . jNatU Broder. .J Eves . Ann Bouham .Chas Mitsch..... . D Montgomery.... .iB. Cbew .W. Corneilson . E. Bonham . .! do . n. Montgomery T. Hamilton Wm. Glover ..Thomas McKeao .Lancaster Co . J. Stapler .1 : Lycoming Jas. Cook ' .Lycoming Co . . . Michael Hittel .Lycoming C A. Adams . . Martin Foster . A. Adams T. Watters . . Enos Randal . Richard Peters 1 Jj M McCIure ..Waters, Owes A Barton . Part ia Lyeoming .jStacy Hepburg iJobn Rowan M'Neal A M'Gunoa ., Wm Ball , ......... 'Jos Williams T Hamilton Robert Gray 'John Alllger Jas Cotter lAlex Scott . 'E Beaks..... J Titball j Moses Franks iThomas Gordon.... .1 E Owen 'Anthony Dixon-... jT Walters....- D Montgomery-.... jD Mead . ;Randel & Plunket . Owen A Brady....... Geo Kline .. J Clingman- -.. ., , , Jesse Lukins .. B Jacobs ....... , . B Hunsinger ,..jP Newman-.. "RMcNyght.... P Newrnsn Samncl Scott John Dewart Jas Relny j . 8 Snyder ....... ..'Barbara Wheeler . C Meyer : S Dickert I . Wm Barton Part of same - A Levy A Kelly Sam'l Black. .'Reese A Aurand ..... . John Foster . Branham A Brown.. . J London . Part of same ... . Dreisbach Clark.. . Jas Loudon- . Soudon A Brickley.. Kauffuian A Reber J Barron (Wm Fedden jD Aurand D Smith J Brtckly i do - RVaux George Orwig ;D Aurand , , t . I Brady .'Joseph Cookson .Peter Housel....... ,'Jas Black ,!J Sigfried ...IJas Jenkinson ..!J Triteman. :Thos Toner .. I North'd Co Line.. A Kintzing divisions, if any interested party wifl make the said the title to said lands may be had by applying lo R, ". AMOS VASTINE. J. G. DURHAM, D. 8. REITZ, I Commissioners of I Northumberland Couuty. Section of Country! AND DOMESTIC & 0 0 D.