1. ' StDUal. ffUsfcIkiitfons. (crtttttlile. Egriralfural. tisxtllaiutiEs. The Dutchman's Calf. Our friend Carl, the butcher, had just bought a fine calf and stopped a moment in the bar-room of the drovers1 hotel to say good bye to the barkeeper. Their emotion at parting was very great so much so indeed that the en tire crowd joined in, the most of them tak ing 'sugar in theirs.' At this juncture, Mr. Charles Hiucs offered to bet champagne for the party, that he would steal, Carl's calf before he got to town. 'Eugh 1 eugh I' grunted Carl, 'py tam I takes dat bet.' 'Enough said,' was the an6wer, and once more evincing their emotion, much to the satisfaction of the landlord and also three horny handed Gran gers who had been ornamcntiug the stove with their 'country twist' expectorations, Carl, giving an extra twist round the neck of his young bovine, mounted to his seat and drove slowly oil; shaking the body of his wagon with suppressed laughter as he roared back ; 'Yes, py tam, steal him if you can.' 'You can't do it, Charlie,' said the crowd with one voice. This young gentleman, whose wits had seen sharpened by his early piratical life and his occasional intercourse with a few Chinee, said nothing, but buttoned up his coat, and taking from his pockets his large buckskin gloves started out, and with the speed of an antelope struck through the woods, and taking a short cut, iu a few minutes came out on the rs?d some dis tance ahead of Carl, who had not yet turn ed the bend. Throwing down one of Lis gloves on the roadside he quickly withdrew to the bushes and quickly awaited the ap proach of the worthy butcher friend, whose voice could be heard in the distance one moment swearing at the call, which show ed every inclination to returu to the mater nal fold, and next would be heard that deep gutteral roar : 'Py tam, sthcal Lim if you cau.' Shortly after the team came to a sudden halt, the spirited little bovine to a double halt which nearly dislocated the tailboard to which he was tied, and Call leaned over and saw a fine large buckskin glove on the road. 'Eugh,' said he, 'why didn't the fool leave dem both V Vat's de use of one glove anyhow ? G'lang !' and off moved the self satisfied driver, still chuckling at the idea of anybody stealing his calf. The ingenious youth, whose mind should have been upon better things, emerged from his lair in the bushes aud once more, after recovering Lis glove, started through the woods and bushes, and in less thau half an hour's time was once again upon the road side, and had deposited a glove. The reluctant calf, the well-tried tail board, tc burly driver, and the straining leader 60on appeared in sight with this ex ception, their positions were reversed. 'Got in himaicl !' cried Carl as his eye caught sight of the big buck glove lying in front of him, 'youst like the odder one, by tam. Why de teufel didn't I pick him up at ouca ?' Hitching his horses to a roadside sapling, in another minute he was streaking it tip hill and away at a '2:40 pace. The bend in the road was soon reached, and about the bamc time a swift-footed, smiliDg youth the one whose mind as we before said should have been upon better things stepped from tha roadside shrubbery, pick ed up the glove, cut the rope, and leading the calf which appeared willing to submit -to any thing for a change, through trees and bushes, was soon loet to sight. The gallant courser? of that little isle of the sea, Nantucket, are not remarkable for bottom speed. One found his way into the Massachusetts cavalry during the re bellion, being recommended as an excellent war horse, when the soldier returned he went into a towering passion because he had been swindled. 'But how ?' asked the islander. 'Why, you warranted bim a good war horse, and there is not a bit of go in him. 'Yes, I did ; and 1 repeat, he is a good war horse, for he'd sooner die than run.' A Parisian, who was known as a free thinker, met a friend the other day, and, taking him by the liaud, said, 'I have be come a Christain.' 'I am glad to hear iL' he replied ; 'sup pose we now have a settlement of that little account between us. Pay me that thou owesL' 'No,' said the new born child, turning on his heel ; 'religion is religion, and busi ness is business.' A Question of Hash. A young blood, much given to quizzing people, went into an eating-saloon on Market street the other day, and with quite a deal of flourish took a seat at one of the tables. A colored waiter approached him with a look of in quiry on his shining mug. Well, sah ?' 'What have you got to eat V asked the customer. 'O, got almost anything boss.' 'You have, eh ?' Yes, sah, shuer.' 'Almost an j thing. Well, well, give me a plate of that,'1 said he, looking earnestly nt the darkey. The waiter returned his paze for a mom ent, and catching the fellow's idea of quiz zing him, he yelled to the cook at the fur ther end of the room : 'Oixilik cfhfuhP ' What's that ? I ordered a plate of '.(' didn't 3 0U understand ? 'Almost any thing' which you spoke of.' Well Bah, dar's most evtrytlung in hash. Yah 1 yah ! yah !' and the darkey laughed as though he really enjoyed the joke that be had turned upon the quizzcr. A 'Unanimous' Irish Jury. The fol lowing laughable scene is reported as a fact from a day at a Hibernian court of 'justice.' Doubtless it might be matched by some transactions at negro jury trials 'down south.' At the Limerick Scssious recently, the jury, after a quarter of an hour's absence, returned into court. 'We find him not ruilty.' Chairman 'Are you unanimous in your verdict V Foreman 'We are, your worship ; were are nine to three' Great mirth. Chairman 'This is not a proper verdict.' Foreman 'We first decided, your wor ship, that the minority should be ruled by the majority before going into the merits of the case. We then become all unanim ous in the end.' Laughter. Chairman But how could you be unani mous when you say you are nine to three ?' Foreman 'Your worship, I took down those who were ior finding him guilty, and those who were for acquitting him, and the minority agreed to the verdict of the ma jority.' We are told that three hundred years ago ladies combed their hair just as they do to day. This wont do in a civilized land among observing people. Three hundred years ago ladies used to come their hair on their heads now they hang it over the back of a chair and comb it CALDWELL'S Wineand iron Bitters! The o-lebratcd Itinera :ire pure, safe and 1 enable; comiMised .f Root, li;:iks ;md llorlis with Citrate, of Iron aud 1 nre mid native wine, made li-om the native graixw of Ciiliiornia,tue ingredients are choice, siictftflh euing, I'linlyiiiK mid life giving medicinal sgout, forming the moot healthy aud liwsmit atimulatiiiK tonic aud streuRlbeuiiiR Hittttrs for improving the appetite, giving tone 31. d vital puwpy the Wood aud System. For medicinal purposes, for family use, travelers, voy agers, ec, tht y cannot be surpassed. These Hitters are iu an eminent degree strengthening, purifying, diuretic, stimulating and uuiiiiwliing to the whole ystem, giving new lile and activity to every orgauaud (art alike, Kilbuiit tbat ever reaction that follows tbe use of mist all otber tonics and stimulant iu tbe market. For DYSPEPSIA, AND ALL FORMS OF INDIGESTION, SOUR STOMACH, KllEUMATISM, Scrofula, AND ALL Impurities of tie Blood imorsY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, KMXEY DISEASES, xivj-:it COMIJL.AI1X. ;rn oral Prostration, AM) Nervous Headache ! THEY HAVE NO KIVAL. AM A MOECM(i A ITKTISrit No other Bitter iu tlie uiuvit cau filial tliiii. I lack mmc for detuiliiiE tiie availability of the Hitters, but mill briefly Mtate ic ral ettVcta Uou the Immau system, n f llown: It abhobr.ely Turin- the liaKl. It s-jtwiiily correct a nil morbi'l change in the lUoo.l. It -inialijti the eir cnlatiuu of the IU.khI. It regulate the HUM'ly mid tjiinli-y of the IiIixhI. J ire arcs the lilooU 10 funjinh a j'n;T mij'i'ort to all the v.:U rxj trtit!. It enriches the count iluebtrf of the 1;ikm1 uj on which the vita! ein-r-gy of the HysUiU ik dej.einh'i.t. It iiiftirie the J rv er degree of auiiuul heat iu the Ky.s.ent. It ) urijrn tjoin the uvMiem the morbid humor which rrtard itn natural fuurtiouH. It impart vitality and ehitiity to t-very orgau of the Ifcxly. It correct all dt-raugeineutH, how ever trivial, which are the lirvt origin of teuBe. It promote the oeratiouH of the digtutive organ. It im prove the ajijK-tite and n-K.t.vew nil disagree.. bit let ling after citing. It act an a mild and eflicaciou - ti.iua-.-hic. It elevate the Ht;iinij;d of all the vita Juree. It atrcugtheuH the laervuiiH nlin and dillum a c.diu throughout the ueron nyM.eiii. It dratrovB all morbid condition of the uiiud. It di.j.t:res duUneuR and lau gour. It I'roujott buoyuuey of n.iiit and fi-eling. It uauiKhea thoe clog unr. .Icuhuiv which irudiice gloom. It drie away thow dihtrtHjng pyuiptouift which nb uaol h-ij iuci. It reivm the iJiVr-icil ener gies by iuf tilting new life and owtr iuto thettystftu. It fortilics the ktem agniust the dangers of iu:daria, fluc tuations of the teinircratiire changes iu the clhuatet &c. Iu nhort, it prepare the Kynteiu for the radical change to be wrought iu its condition, and restore it to irf ct health aud natural igor. Cald welFs Cough Cure FOR THE CURE OF COIH.HS, COLDS, cuour, a hooping cough, CONSUMPTION, BEONCHITIS, DII'TIIEIUA, ASTHMA, AND Throat and Lung Disea.se Generally. If uu l-urebaw a buttle of your ilnigtfirj: use it all, aud if you make U your mind tbat you bave not re ceived Ueueiit correpoijdiLg n il b tbe ince laid, re tuhi tue em)4y little and be ill t ycu ba k your money aud rbarge it to me ou bin book. Tbua ueilber he or yourarlf will lone by tbe o) emtinu, a I aratireyou you tbat it cuutaitia uotbing tbat cau lx injurious iu any ca. Yua are not punbaaiug it of nir, a Btnnger, but of your drugiat a gent leuiau boui you kuow aud cau trust, lie will furuwh you tbe iikhIiciuc ou tbe t tm I bave nientioucd ; and aliaoiute guarantee not tliat it will cure in every caae, but tbat you will lie Kj!ii-!i,-J iu tbe use of tbe reiuedv. CALDWELL'S MAGNETIC CHLOKOLOU)! you WAX A.M Hi; AST, For internal or external uw, tb- Mai'in-lic t'bluroloid is tbe moat wonderful family 1114-diciuc vr itl-i--tl to tbe tililic, for tbe cure of HEADACHE, Kht'iuiutiMii, NUr, NVurvl'iu, TuutliafLt. Kaiurhf, ; Criiij-M, (irij'iij, SjTuiiiK, LiruiHt'H, Sirultls, Sreh, 4'ou- : CIlKHHCl, liuriii. j CHOLEliA MORBUS, j AniatiC fbolera, Iiarrbri, Ki.ud Linilin, Dvs.ntiry, j Dii-theria, Sore Tlint, j CIIILLLAIX.s, COIJXS, AM l'AIXS OF ALL KIMS. CALDWELL'S LILY BALM run iikai TirviNi tiik COMPLEXION. iikmovini; FRECKLES, ERUPTIONS, SlTXfiUIiXS, KOUGIIXESS AND TAN. If tbe fce is dnfif;ilrrd Hitb IHotrlifK, I'nHluIrN. Frrcklex, TAN, SUNBURN, Ac. Tbe Lily Halm will pd!y mnove tbf bleiniHb, and impart aoi'turK, traiiHiariiey( a roH-at tinge and a prarl-Iikp luKtre to the complexion. It la utterly im fmwible to detect in tbe beauty rt confem, tbe result of an artificial agent ; tlif fretb and bealtblike tinye whicb it develnj a ou tlm face, neck, hand and arms in numr paaNed by no other tniM article ever offwred to tbe iul- I l.c. FULL DIRECTIONS OX THE LABEL OF EACH BOTTLE. W. C CAIiDWICLL, Protrktor and Manufacturer, MEDINA, N. Y. For Hale by W. I. HEIJOK, Vmigim, Market 8lr t, Hunbury, 1'a. Nmibiiry, May 15, ItC-!. ly. Dr. J. Walker's California Vine gar Bitters are a purely Vegetable E reparation, made cbiclly from the native erbs found on the lower ranpes of tbe Sierra Nevada mountains of California, tbo medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tbo use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause of the unpar alleled SUCCeSS Of VlXEOAIl BlTTEKS ? ' Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers his health. They arc the preat blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before iu the his tory of tho world has a medicine- been compounded possessing tho remarkable qualities of Visegar Bitteks in healing the Bick of rvery disease man is heir to. They aro a pentlo Turputivo an well an a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in Biliods Diseases. The properties of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. it. 11. Mcdonald - co DrugirirtB and General Agents, San Franciaoo, Califor nia, and cor. Washington and Charlton bts.. Hew York. Sold bf all DrngffUta and Dealers. Nature's Great Remedy THROAT and LUNG DISEASES ! ! It Is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained by a peculiar process in the distillation of the tar, by which ita highest medicinal properties are retained. Tar even in iu crude state has been recommended by eminent physicians of rvery srhaol. It is confidently offered to the afflicted for the following simple reasons: 1. It curiis, ntt by abruptly staff tng the cough but by dissolving the phlegm and astiitiif nature to throw off the unhealthy matter earning the irritation. In cases of teattd consi'Ihtios-it both prolongs and renders lets burdensome the life of the afflicted sufferer. . Its healing principle acts upon the irritated stir, face of the lungs, penetrating te each diseased fart, relieving pain, ana tubduing inflammation. 3. It pustftfs and SKFtcHES thb blood. Positive ly curing all humors, from the common pimple or eruption to the severest cases of Scrofula. Thousands of affidavits could be produced from those who have fclt the beneficial effects of Pine Trh Tar Cordial in the various diseases arising from impvrities op the blood. 4. It invigoratet the digestive organs and restores the a f pet tie. All who have known or tried Dr. I.. Q. C. Wis hart's remedies reauire no references from us, but the names of thousands cured by them can be given to any one who-doubts our statement. Dr. L. (J. C". Wishart's Great American JJyspcfisia 1'tllirand Worm Sit.ar Drops have never been equalled. Kor' hie by all Druggists and Storekeepers, and at -? " Sr. L a C. TISZABT'S OSeeT ;Ao, 1132 X. Second St Vhilad'M 1,11(1 OR STOREI CITRISTIAN NEFF, Second St rct, opposite the Court House, SUN BUKY, l'A.. Respectful!? invites the attention of Retailers and otlicro, that he has on hand, and will con stantly kop all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consistinz of Pure P.randies: C'ojpiac, Cherry, Ginger, Ro-helle and Otard. Wliifkiee: Pure Rye Copper-' Utille J, Moi"n jr:ihela, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN TVine: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Cbampatme Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, Atid all others Liquors which can be found in the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. t-gT Orders promptly attended lo, and yublic patronage rcPiectfully solicited Sunbury, July 8, 1ST3. ly. Hnildins I,ot For Kule. 7INETEEN LOTS, 25x100 feet, frontint: on lM Viae street, in Sunbury. Price $125. Also thirty lots, 25x137, fronting on Spruce and Pine streets. Price tlS per foot. Also eight lots, 25 x'M, fronting on Fourth street between Walnut and Spruce. Price UM. Also 21 lots, 25x110, fronting on Third and Spruce streets, between Walnut and Spruce. Price -100. Also 5 lots 24x2:!0 on the north side of Spruce street. Price 000. Also 10 lots in Cake'own. The above price do not include corner lots. Persons de siring to pnrcliate will do well to call soon. Terms easy. IRA T. CLEM E NT. jan. 2:i. 0111. IIAMEL F.BEATTY. THE MERITS OF THE 'GOLDEN TONGUE. I!Y A NMV 4i:l:KV l'.AKI) TO BEATTV AND PLOTTS, WAMUMJTON, J. 'Tis an ai: of invention, improvement and skill. The world's in commotion, m.d nothing is still ; And progress in written wherever we turn So ! '-the hall is kept rolling," and each day we learn Of Komc new achievement in science or art ; Each branch of industry in fact claims a part. So eacli is awarded a prize from the hand Of a generous public as merit demands. So music's department cau xiint, in her pride, To men or true genius, w hose fame has gone wide O'er hills and through valleys, in mansions and and cots. Well, due ate such honors to "JSentty it I'lottn, Whose Golden Tongue organ stands lirst iu the land The first as to merit, aud first in demand. Excelling in swcetncs and richness of tone. Surpassing all olheis, and standing alone. Its worth is acknowledged wherever it is known, As all will bear witness, and cheerfully one For equal in workmanship, beauty, design, j Or finish, they challenge the best in the line. V here faces were gloomy, and hearts once were sad What homes are now cheerful yes, happy and glad. Contiuuc thy mission, thy song 'Golden Tongue,' Hath chains of enchantment for old and for young. Realty & Plotts' celebrated Golden Tongue Parlor Organ is acknowledged by eminent pro fessors of music to he the best Parlor Organ now in use. Thousands of testimonials are constant ly being received iu favor of them, which go to show that our instrument gives entire eatiafac tim. For Price List Address REATTF & PLOTTS, Washington, N. J. MISS C. DALIUS, 8ole Agent. No. tW Market Street. Sunbury, Pa. March 1:5, 1ST4. Cm. JIM! V NEAtil.F.Y. ! W. I KItltT STEAM I'l-AIXIXU 91 1 M.N, MILLERSBURG, PA. XEAGLEY & PERKY, ! Manufacturers and Dealers in i Flooring, Sitling, Surface Boards, IjiUi, iStripping, Shingles, And all kinds of Sash, Doors, Shutters, Rlinds, Mouldings, Vc. Hemlock & White Pine bill Stuff, and all kinds of Building Material. Stair building and chu:ch work a specialty, March 1", 1v a TIIE GKEAT KKMEDY FOlt which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by tho hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is ottered, to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, Arc. Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case Avith most preparations, but it Inosi'iis and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. r-Rr.rARF.n nr EETH V7. FOTTXE & S0K3, Boston, Has., And aoU ty I'mgia und Dealers generally. rpHE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., JL want reliable and energetic. Agents in this county. The "VICTOR" is a Lock-stitch, 8hnt tle Machine, with salf-sctting Needle, best liuish cd and most perfect Machine offered. An in crease of 500 xcr cent, on sales of lST'J over 1ST1. For term. .Vc. Address, VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO. .127 Chestnut St.,Philadc!phia, Pa. Sept. 1S7U. linos. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and examine our prices before purchasing, as wc claim to sell lower than ar.v other establishment in the City. REMEMBER the NUMBER, YVM RIDGE AVENUE. Philadelt.hia. WATC HES. JEWELRY V SILVER WARE. John W. Stevenson, Comer Third and Market Sts, Sunbtirj , Ia. HAS completely renovated his Store Room, and opened the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing in the Jewelry line is kept in store. Bilver-Wure. Hritcelcl, Rings A Chains, of every description and of the finest quality. Particular attention paid to repairing Watt-he, CloekM, Jewelry, Ac. HAIR JEWELRY made to order. Sunbury, March C, 1871. GENUINE Peruvian Guano. FARMERS, Agriculturists and Dealers in Fertilizers have now an an opportunity of obtaining this valuable manure in small or large lots, at the sole importers' prices, by ap plying to tbe Special Agency just established for the purpose of delivering Genuine Peruvian Guano to consumers at any acceseible jKirt or railway station in the country. Full particulars given in Circular mailed freeou application to R. BALCAZER, No. .r3 Beaver St., Now York. References by Permission. Messrs. Ilobson, Hurtado & Co., Fiuanclal Ag'ts of the Peruvian Government, 53 Wall St., N. Y. Moses Tavlor, Pres. National City Bank, r.2 Wall St., N. Y. J. C. Tracy, Esq., Peruviau Consul, 2CJi Broad way, N. Y. March 6, 1874. 3 mos. GEO. EVAXS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, I'liiladelpliiu, TAILOUS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Band k Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the leading house on Military wor k, wc feel that we caa oiler inducement which can not he attained any There else Jan. '23. 1S7J. WIVrKR STORKS. RYE WHISKY, ?4.00 a gallon. $11.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottles. Si 1,00 a do.en. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, 18.00 a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RUM. SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WINE. OLD PORT WINE, CHAMPAGNES, SEGARS, v.C. II. & ,V. Van Roil, The Wine Merchants, PJ10 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Oct. '.'4, 1S7J. VH'U'S Florul iuide FOR 1S73. 200 Pages, 500 Engravings, and Colored Plate. Published Quarterly, 25 cts. a year. First No. for 1874 just issued. A German editiou at the 6ame price. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. BLATCIILEY'S OOD Em best At- iled to Blatchley's Patent Improved Bracket and INew urop (Jlieck Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump, or disturbing the joints. Also,the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, aud will out last any other. For sale by Dealers and tho Trade generally. Inquire for Blatchley's Pump, and if not for sale in vour town, send direct to CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer, 506 Commerce St., Thiladelphia, Pa. March 13, '74. Stnos. 1 FB X o Improved CUCUMBER W llj S3 a PUMP, Tasteless, Durable, J J 3 cient and Cheap. The f A Si? rump for the least money. J tent ion is especially inv mm t A. V. WA17TEKN. MOXUMEXTAL SIIAVIXG PAHLOU and. BATH ROOMS. HAIR DRESSED BY MACHINERY. JF"Dont forget the place on tiie East side of Tuikp STKEET,a few doors South of Market,Suu bury, Pa. Braids, Switches, Curls, and all kinds of LADIES' HAIR. Work made to order either out of combings or straight hair. All or ders left at the residence of A. P. Walters, corner of 4th st. and Shamokin avenue, will receive prompt attention. A. Specialty in CIIILDREXS' IIAIU CUTTIXG, either at their homes or Shaving Parlor. A. P. WALTERS. July 5, 1873. tf. HOME MFC IX TIIE ItIKI,K. By the Author of "Night Scenes in the Bible," and" "Our Father's House," of whibh nearly 'J00,000 have been sold. "Home Life" is com mended by ministers of all churches as "the author's heft book," "full of precious thoughts," "Truths precious as penis," " a choice book for every family," A:e. Steel enprravinjrs, rose tint ed paper, rich binding and for rapid sale un equaled. Apjents, Youn Men, Ladies Teachers and Clergymen, wanted in every coudty ; ?7j to 10O per month. Send for circular. ZEIGLER & M'CURDY, 518 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. March 6, 1874. 2mos. TIIE KIXG BARREK SIIOI' 18 THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long has been ; ask history and she will tell you Men have grown old in our patronage Babies on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver gray. And among the honored and lasting impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions in circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the ingenuity and perseverance ap pertaining to the identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave with ease Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow me politely request you to stop. And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for onr nsc of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor under the common secret and invidious guise of enmity to complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of hts skin, ought not to affect his Jisefr.lucFs nor his qualifications. A fair chance is all that we demand, to give the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunbury, April .". 173; No. 01, Market st. Uhoit, January ! COME OXE 1 COME ALL ! ! THE subscriber having erected a Blacksmith Shop, on the lot adjoining the Oil Mill, formerly owned by Morgan & Masscr, on Fourth st., Sun bury, is prepared to do General RlaeUsiuithiiig, on the shortest notice, and in tho best manner. Custom work promptly attended to. IIOHSE'SIIOEIXG made a specialty. The patronage of town and country is respectfully solicited. PETER WII.VElt. Sunhurv, Nov. 7, 1873. tf. W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, IN WELKER'S BUILDING, Market Street, Sl .MURY, l'A. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Drugirists' Fancy Goods, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, &C, constantly on hand. Particular attention paid to compounding phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts. Sunbury, April 17, 1S74. John II. Sell. John M. Schonouk. SKI.I. V SCIIOXOIR, Second Street, Womelsdokf, Pa. FOREIGN AXD DOMESTIC LIQUORS WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, Iu re Old Rje Whiskey, Ari-i.F. Whiskey, Cordials, Ac. All Liiiuurs sold gaurrantecd as represented. Orders promptly attended to and public pa tronage respectfully solicited. SELL & SCHONOUR. 2d St., Womclsdorf, Berks Co., Pa. Feb. 27, 1874. ly, COUGHS, COLDS, 110 AliSEXESS, AXD ALL THROAT DISEASES, Use WELLS' OARROMC TABLETS. ITT VP ONLY IN HU'E POXKS. A TRIED AXD SURE REMEDY. Sold by DniRRistH. i!il" . The iret American Coffee I'ot distils Coffee as clear as amber; extracts all its strength; retains all Its nntritious aroma. The best thing ever offered. Price sent to any address. Call aud see it in operation or send fur illustrated circular. Territorial rights for sale. DE WITT C. BROWN A CO., 07S Broadway, N. Y. nil5 4w This Sewing Machine (fives the lieat RutiHiactitin to the user, ix aiil for niont readily, aud is the In st nf idl to h11. If there in no "Domestic" Audit in your town, ldy to ImiMLSTIC S. M. Jt., New York. lul.'i 4. FLORENCE The IiiiK-coutcxteil Suit of the Florence Sewing Ma chine Co. a(j"'nst the Singer, Wheeler and Wilson, and Grover and llakcr rojni.anies, invohing oer $JT.,ii(t, Ix finally decided by the Supreme t'ourt of the 1'nited States in favor of the. Florence, which alone has broken the Monopoly of High Priees. THE NEW FLORENCE is the only machine that sews backward and forward, or to right ami left. Simplest Cheapest Best. Sold for cahh only. Special terms to CLUHS and IiEAI.EHS, Florence, Mass. ni!5 4w. pSYCHOMANCY, or SOUL CHARMIXil.'' How X either sex may fascinate and gain the love and a frictions of any person they choose instantly. This simple mental aciiiii ed:neut all can possess, free.by mail, for together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Ora cle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, wedding-Night Shirts, &e. A piecr Iwok. Address T. WILLIAM & Co. Pub. Phila. May 15. 4w. AOF.STS WANTED roll THE CEXTEXXIAL GAZETTEER Of the United States. No look has ever tieen published of such universal in terest to the American eople. It appeals ton.i parlieti lar class alone, but all clasnes; to men aud Women of all professions, creeds, occupations and litical opin ions to Farmers, I-awyers, liusiuess Men, Mechanics, Physicians, Politicians, Teachers, Students, Manufac turers, Salesmen, men of learning and men who can only read, to old and young. All want it as a lok of constant reference, and to preserve for their children and children's children as the only complete and reliable work.showing inthe gigantic resultsof THE F1HSTONE HlTNIKKl YEAUS OF THE GREATEST KE1THLIU THE WORLD KVF.H SAW. It is not a luxury but a necessity to every well-informed American citizen. Agents make JUKI to fcsi per month. Send for circular. ZEIGLEK McCl'KDY, Philadelphia, Pa. nils 4w FREE TO ROOK ACJEXTS I An elegantly bound canvassing book for tbe best and c-heai-st Family ltilile ever puliliithed. will be sent free of charge to any book agent. It contains over ?! tine Scripture Illustrations, and agents are meeting with unprecedented success. Address, stating experience, etc., and we will show vou what our agents are doing, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phila., Pa. nil.1 4w CAMPIIOKIXE The FX I VEILS A L 9IEOICIXE For the HOUSEHOLD. Try it. Price per bottle 25 cents. For sale by all Druggists. REUBEN IIOYT, Proprietor, 203 Greenwich St., N. Y. inayllw The Highest Medical Authorities of Europe say the strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deob-trucnt known in the medical world is JURUBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the neivous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle otruc tions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, New York. mayl.4w. i x irsuA i. i x ri tesi ests. New and attractive Goods, in every Department WATCHES, niAMONHS, JEWELRY, SILVEIi AND PLATEN WAKE. Cutlery. Clocks, Bronzes, English, French and German Fancy Goods. In view of the decline in GOLD, we have re duced prices on our entire Stock of Foreign mer chandise to Par Gold Kales, and purchasers will find it to their interest to make their selections NOW, while the ASSORT MENT IS COM PLETE. Goods sent on approval for selections. Articles purchased now, for the Holidays, will be packed aud retained until sue!; time as desir ed. ROEBIX3, CLARK .t BIDDLE, 1131 Chestnut St., Piiilapeli'iiia- X 2 1 5 o C. 7T - M 5 a a 2 C-TJ 2 ?S g.2 B Cz a It " - STOVE Ai TIX ESTARLISII.UEXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Tropriet-ir. SICCKSSOII TO SMITH h CKNTUEIl.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kranse would respectful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a large assort ment of COOKING STOVES, Spcer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arrauged as to be used for Coal or Yood, and arc warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no 6alc. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware or Every Description kept constantly on hand. Roofing and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ar.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a iiid.. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. apl24-ly Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, T F.SPECTFULLY informs the citizens t:ial JlV he has just received his Spriiig.and Summer (iootN, at his TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, and that he is prepared to makc.up all kinds of EXTS' AXI ROYS Sl ITS, of the latest styles. Having had much experi ence in the business he desires the public to give him a trial. Clothiug will be made up in the latest Paris and American Fashions iu the most satisfactory manner. al-'.'73. CHARLES MAIHL. CENTRAL D RU G STORE Q.B. CXdYVLLADER Is the place to buy pure aud fresh MEDICINES, DRUGS, PAIXTS, OILS, GLASS, PERFUMERY, XOTIOXS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, LIQUOR for medicinal purposes, aud all other arti cles usually kept iu a first-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I am prepared to furnish in quantities to Ettit purchasers and at Philadelphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Portland, Roman, Rosendale and Lehigh CEMEXTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover Seeds. Also, Garden Seeds of all kinds. Call and get a Rural Register for 1ST4. GEO. B. CA DWA LLADER. Sunbury, Feb. I), lS74.-ly. Du. C. M. Maktis. Geo. TV. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Bnilflini, Snaky, Pa. DU. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs and Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, Nail,Clothc,Shoe and other brushes. TOILET AXI FAX:Y ARTICLES. FINE EXTKACTS, l'OCKET HOOKS, KNIVES, JLC, AC. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume in America. I'lirisiiin, a KiI Cilovo Wash. warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, SEUAICS, THE BEST IN MARKET, rate Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes, Physii-iaus Prescriptions and family leceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by I lir deal ing to receive a share of yonr patronag:-. September 11, 18":?. 1'EXX.SYI.YAXIA RAIL ROAD. rniLADELrniA & erie k. k. division. WIXTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, December 1st, 1873, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Eric Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Philadelphia, 12.55 p m " " " Harrisburg, 5.05 pm " " " Williamsport, 9.20 pm " " " Emporium, 2.15 a rr. " ' " arr. at Buffalo, 8.50 a tn Erie Mai! leaves Philadelphia, 10.30 p m " " " Harrisburg, 3.05 a m " " " Williamsport, 7.30 a m " " " Lock Haven, 8.40 a in " " " Renovo. 10.05 am " " an at Erie, 7.20 p m Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a rn " " " Harrisburg, 1.30 p m " " " Williamsport, 0.20 p m " " arr at Lock Haven, 7.35 p m Renovo Accomod'n leaves Harrisburg, 8.25 a ni " " W'illiamsp't, 12.55 pm tj-.w.i r.agie .nan leaves williamsport, 1.55 p m " " " arr. at Lock Haven, 3.10 p m EASTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Buffalo, 3.25 p ni " " ' " Emporium, 9.10 pm " " " Williamsport, 1.10 a m " " arr. at Harrisburg, 4.50 a m " " " Philadelphia, 9.10 am Erie Maii leaves Erie, 11.20 a in " " Renovo, 8.40 p m " " " Lock Haven, 9.55 p tn " " " Williamsport, 11.10 p rn " ' arr. at narrisburg, 3.05 a m " " " Philadelphia, 8.00 am Einiira Mail leaves Lock Haven, 7 55 a m " " " Williamsport, 9.30 am " " arr. at Harrisburg 1.50 pm " " " Philadelphia, 5.50 p ra Harrisburg Accom. leaves Williainsp't, C.50 p m " " arr. at Harrisburg, 10.50 p m " " " Philadelphia, 2.50 a. m Bald Eagle Mail leaves Lock Haven, 12.20 p m " " arr. at Williamsport 1.30 p m Mail East connects cast and west at Erie with L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry and Irvincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West with east and west trains on L. S. & M. 8. R. W. and at Corry and Irvincton with Oil Creek aud Allegheny R. R. V. Elmira Mail and Buffalo Express make close connections at williamsport with N. C R- W. trains, north, and at Harrisburg with N. C. R. W. trains south. IVM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup?t. Philadelphia A Hreading Railroad. WIXTER ARRUXGEMEXTS. DncEMnEn 8th, 1S73. Trains Leave Hehndon as Follows : (Su.ndats Excepted.) For Shamokin, 10.40, 11.00 a. in. and C.55 p. m. For Mt. CarmeI,Ash!and, Tamaqua, Pottsville, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. TitAINS FOR nERNDON, LEAVE AS FOLLOWS : (Scndats Excepted.) Leave Shamokin at S.00 a. in. 1.50 and 3.55 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m., Reading 11.15 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqua, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p.m., Mt. Cannel, 3.21 p. m. Trains Leave Harrishcrg, as Follows : For New Tork, 5.30, 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 p. m. For Philadelphia, 5.30, 8.10 a. in., 2.00 acd 4.05 p. m. Scnd.vts. For New York, 5,30 a. m. For Phiisdelphia, 2.00 p. m. Thains for IlARr.iSBrp.o, Leave as Follows: Leave New York, 9.00 a. in., 12.40 and 5.30 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m. 3.33 and 7.15 p. in. Scnoays. Leave New York, 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. J. E. WOOTTEN, Oeniral ,Suj't. Reading, Pa. Jan. 30, 1S73. Northern t'eutrnl Railway. On and oftir Dec. 1, 1S73 trains ou this rond will ron MS lulluws : LEAVE XORTOWAKP. Iave Krie ICenova Elmira Buffalo Mail Accom. MaiL Express Wanhiugion .... S.:is p m 4.4M s ra 1I.S5 a m Baltimore 11.15 p m H.25 a m I.Mpm Philadelphia ln.20 p m a.uu a nt 11.55 p m Harrisburg 3.05 a ra K.25 a m 1.30 p m 5.D5 p in Suubury 5,'Ju a ta 11.10 a in 4.15 p in 7.15 p m Arrive at : Williamsport . . . 7.10 a m 12.55 p ra 7.10 pm 9.00 pm Elmira .11.50 a ni 10.20 p m ltulfalo M.;) p m Erie l.'M p m All daily except Sunday. Leave : Buffalo Elmira Harrlu'g Erie ExpreHS. Mail. Accom. Mail. Erie ll.ao a m Buffalo 9.50 pm 7.30 am Elmira 5.45 am 2.4Hpm Williamsport.. l.lll a m Mlm .."0 p m 11.10 p m Sunbury 2.0) a m 11.15 a m 8.40 p m 12.55 a m Arrive at : Harrinbure 4.50 a m 1.50 pm 10.50 pm 3.05 am Philadelphia.... 9.10 a in 5.55 pm 2.50 a ra 8.00 am Baltimore 8.40 a m 6.:i) p m 2.25 a m 8.40 a m WaBhiugton .... 10.35 a ni 8.3pm C.l:I t. m 10.35 a m All pass Sunbnry ilaily except Snn hy. A. J. BASSATT, E. S. TOFXG, T. OUCKER, Oeu'l Manager. tJeu'l Paw. Agent. Supt. POSTPOX EM EXT. 9,00 IX GIFTS. X Grand Gift Concert. A GRAXD GIFT CONCERT will be given at Sunbury, Pa., by the Independent WASHINGTON' STEAM I IEE COMPANY, Ou MONDAY. JULY 13, 1874. Utiles the tickets are all gold before that time, when due notice will be given of the time. A full Drawius Certain. Owing to the Panic, and in order to meet the general wish and expectation of thcpulihcand the ticket-bolder for the full payment of the Oifta auuouuced, the man agement have determined to postpone the Concert and In awing to the date aliove stated. The object of tliw enterprise w for the pui!orte of ae curing a Steam Fire Engine, whicb will lie an advantage to all neigiilioring towns accesaibie by rail, from the fact that it will be an Independent Coniiauy. And aa we have never failed to discharge our duty when called up ou, we certainly will be able to accomplish more good with the aid of a steamer. There is no lessthau nineteen large aud small towns within thirty mile of Sunbnry, all of which can be reached by railroad, thua affording the facility of assisting any of those places in less than an hour's time; while at the same time our town will not lie unprotected. Our projift being a laudable one, we feel confident that all the tickets will be disposed of by the tinitf almve named for drawing. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF GIFTS: ONE GRAND GIFT OK $1,000 " " HUO " " " " fi.) " " " " 51)0 . 4 . " (iift ut W (iifis of $50.im 411 Gifts of 25.00 1(KI Gifts of 10.110 200 Gilts of 5.0O J) 100 I.imio 1.(100 1,00I 1,1100 500 Gilts of 2.00. .. 1,000 1,1KI Gifts of 1.00 1,000 1,857 Total i9,000 This enterprise is no individual speculation, such as houses, lots and furniture put up at fabulous prices. The holder of a successful ticket will receive lis OlFT in CASH. There will lie 20,000 Tickets of Admission to this Con cert, at $1.00 ejeh, and at the time aliove stated the i),ottu iu CASH Gifts will lie distributed. PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION. Twenty thousand iiuinliers, representing and corres poudiiig'with lhose on the receipts issued, will be placed in one wheel and cards enclosed with the names of the Premiums iu scaled lioxes will be placed iu another. From these wheels, a number and one of the above nam ed inscribed cards will be taken simultaneously. The number so drawn from the one wheel secures the pre mium designated by the card taken at the same time from the other. This operation will be jerformed by a bliird ierson, and continued until Eighteen Hundred and Fifty-Seven Premiums ere exhausted. It isevident that by this process, fraud or favortism will lie impossi ble. Every person holding a ticket will lie entitled to admission into the Concert. All Gills Paid ill CASH without discount. Money can be sent for Tickets in registered letters, or Post tllliee Money Orders, or by Express at our risk. If desired. Tickets will lie sent by Express, C. O. D. The following gentlemen have kuidly consented to act as Trustees for the above Gift Concert : S. P. Wolverton, Esq., Director D. II. aud W. R. R. ; Geo. Hill, Attorney at Law ; Hon. W. L. Dewart, ex meinber of Congress ; Win. I. Greeuough, Esq., Direc tor First National Bank of Sunbury ; John Haas, Esq., ditto; Ira T. Clement, Lumberman ; Win, T, Grant, Coal Merchant, Sunbury. The aliove named gentlemen are highiuinded and honorable men, who would not lend then names aud give their assistance to anv nnworthv obieet. SAM'L S. HENDRICKS, GEO. M. RENN, VM. H. MILLER, LEVI SEASHOLTZ. PHILIP M. SHINDEL, Commit tee. All communications cheerfully auswured. Address, in all cases, PHILIP M. SHINDEL, N. S. Enhle. Corresponding Secretary. Treasurer of Funds. Sunbury, March 6, 1874. SIXKIKY .UAIIUEE YAK I), Fourth Street below Market, SUXBUIIY, PEXX'A. rrWE undersigned has returned from the Ver JL mont Marble Quarries with 56 Tons of Marble for Monuiiieut.H, CiraTe-Stoiie, I1''' lie h:is hniurht nt such figures that will nllnw bim in stdl hotter stnnt for K-IQK, less money, thau heretofore. The best Suthorlantl Falls Marble, which is better than Italian, sold as low as the Manehcster. Rutland is now Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, will find it to their interest to call and examine this larjre stock, as better bargains can he secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be done in the neatest and most Improved style. W. M. PATGIIERTY. Sunbnry, Jan. 11, 1S73. Ml 13 Duisk for tub Harvest Field. A farmer's wife in Montgomery county sends us the follow. ing reeeipt for a "Wholesome Field Drink," and as the season is now approaching when it can be used, we publish it that all may make it mhn choose: The excessive use of cold water daring the sweltering heat of summer often results in serious and alarming illness. It U therefore ad visable that some beverage should be substituted for it of which those oppressed can nartake with safety. For this purpose I am aware of no bet ter or more refreshinz drink than th r,.!tr.;n. Take of the best white Jamaica ginger root, care fully bruised two ounces : cream of tartar nn. ounce, water six quarts, to be boiled for about nve minutes, then strained ; to the strained liquor add one pound of snsar. nnd asrain nlaep it over the fire, keep it well stirred till the sugar is perfectly dissolved, and then Donr It into an earthen vessel, iuto which yon have previously put two drachms of tartaric acid, and the rind of one lemon, and let it remain until the heat is reduced to a lukewarm temperature, then add a teaspoon ful of yeast, stirring them well to gether, and bottle for nse. The corks must be wen secured. I he drink will be in a hifh ee- r r - fection in four or five days. This Is a very re issuing aud wholesome beveraze. and one which may be largely partaken of without any nn- pieasaui results, even in the hottest weather. Milk Fever is Cows. As this is the tim f year when this dangerous malady is mot nrev.i. lent, we have to repeat that the surest remedy i pretention, by exercising a sound discretion in me cow s feed, before and immediately aftor calving. If inclined to fat and high condition, put Her on a low nonstimulating diet, so as, without reducing her strength toomneh any inflammatory tendency. We have seen such cows to be separated from the rest of the herd and kept for a few weeks preceding calving, on corn rodder only, aad even oats straw. With cows of low coudition, the treatment should he somewhat different. There is not so much lia bility to milk fever with these, unless very abundant milkers, and at the critical Derio.1 of parturition it is necessary with them that strength uuu vuni energies should be sufficient to carry them safely through. The farmer's observation aud common sense should enable him to regulate these points, so as not to err on either hand. The best cows and deepest milkers are most lia ble to milk fever, and many a valuable animal is lost by it. Prevention in the way suggested will be found the safest plan. Should a case occur, which may be known by the cow refusing to eat, soon falling down and unable to rise, with violent tossing about of Up; head, towards her side, repeated raising and lowering it, indicating great brain disturbance, we have known laudanum in a dose of about 5 ounces, to effect a cure. This acts, we presume, by quieting the nervous system, and the brain where the nerves centre, so that nature may work her own cure. A prominent dairyman of Montgomery county tells us in his herd of over 40 cows, he has for many years fonnd this remedy the roost success ful. We observe Dr. McCIare recommends when the disease is present, to give, at once, thirty drops of the tincture of Aeon te root, and half an ounce of the pure opium in powder, also to place chopped ice in a bag on the forehead and attach it to tbe horns, renewing it when wanted. As there is unnatural determination of blood to the womb in milk fever, he also recommends that the body and legs be kept warm, whieh will relieve the womb to that extent. When the cow begins to recover give one pound Epsom salts, with one-half an ounce of girger, and feed with warm bran mashes. How to Make Peach Trees Bear Large, Smooth, Li sciocs Peaches. Several years ago a geulleman owned a farm in Ulster county. He had upon It several peach trees which bore a small quantity of peaches, altogether enough for the family's use. This gentleman one day sold his farm. Ilis wife was much displeased about it, and said the new comers should not have any benefit of the peach trees. Accordingly she heated a large kettle of water until it boiled,and turned it npon the roots of the peach trees, and so continued to do until she had been to each tree. "There," said she, "I've killed them, all." (This was an ignorant, revengeful old lady ; let ns hope no such ones exist at the present day.) Mark the result. The following summer the new comers had an abundance of large, smooth, luscious peaches, such as the trees had never borne before. This teaches ns a lesson, and I think it is this : Tbe hot water killed insects about the roots of the trees, and made them more healthy, and the fruit also at the same time. The water was so cooled tefore it reached the roots of the trees it did not hurt then. Fkcit Prospects ox the Potomac. The edi tor of the Richmond 4'fuf Journal, whose farm is in Fairfax county, on the Potomac, writes that the peaches are generally killed in that re gion except in orchards located along the imme diate bank of the river. All other fruit is un harmed. So far as present appearances indicate the crop of cherries, apples, and pears will be large. Some varieties of peaches are killed to tally, others show a scattered setting, while a few are thickly set. The experience there, as elsewhere, shows the great value of locations adjaceut to water for peaches. It has been found by careful observation that the peach will one year in three more near the water than at a distance. Eastern Virginia abounds in splendid sites for peach orchards, and thousands of for tunes are yet to be made there growing these delicious fruits. To Make Cuttings Grow. A correspondent of the Western Farmer says : I used to have a great deal of trouble to make currant and goose berry cuttings or slips grow, until I tried the following plan : I boiled some potatoes until they were nearly done, and then stuck one on each slip and pnt it in the ground. Every slip sprouted nnd grew well all summer, with one or two ex ceptions. The idea of putting the boiled pota toes to the end of cuttings was to furnish and keep moisture enongh for them to grow until the roots become large enough to gather this mois ture and substance from the soil. HOUSEHOLD. From Godey's Lady's Book. A Good Cake. Five tcaeupfuls of flour, one teacupful of melted butter, one tecnpful of cream, one teacupful of treacle, one teacupful of moist sugar, two eggs, half an ounce of powder ed ginger, half a pound of raisins, one teaspoon ful of carbouatc of soda, one tablespoonful of vinegar. Make the butter sufficiently warm to melt it, but do not allow it to oil ; put the flour into a basin ; add to it the sngar, ginger, and raisins, which should b stoned and cut into small pieces. When these dry ingredients are thoroughly mixed, stir iu the butter, cream, treacle, and well-whisked eggs, and beat the mixture for a few minutes. Dissolve tbe soda iu the vinegar, add it to the dough, and be par ticular that these latter ingredients are well in corporated with the others ; put the cake iuto a buttered mould or tin, place it in a moderate oven immediately, and bake It from an honr and three-quarters to two hours and a quarter. A Bachelor's Pvddixo. Four ounces of grated bread, four ounces of currants, four ounces of apples, two ounces of sugar, three eggs, a few drops of essence of lemon, a little grated nutmeg. Pare, core, and mince the ap ples very finely, sufficient when minced to make four ounces ; add to these the currants, which should be we'l washed, the grated bread, and sugar ; whisk the eggs, beat these up with the remaining ingredients, and when all is thorough ly mixed put the pnddiug Into a buttered basin, tie it down with a cloth, and boil for three hours. Casart Pi ddiso. The weight of three eggs in sugar aud butter, the weight of two eggs in flour, the riud of one small lemon, three eggs. Melt the butter to a liquid state, but do not allow it to oil ; stir to this the sugar and finely-minced lemon-peel, and gradually dredge in the flour, keeping the mixture well stirred ; whisk the eggs, and these to the pudding, beat all the in gredients until thoroughly blebded ; put them into a buttered mould or basin ; boil for two hours, and serve with sweet sauce. College Pudding. Four eggs, two ounces of flour, half a nutmeg, a little ginger, three ounces of pounded loaf sugar. Beat into a smooth bat ter, add six ounces of suet, chopped fine, four ounces of currants ; mix well together, bake; tweuty minutes in pattypans. If liked, two spoonsfnls of milk may be added to the eggs.