4 unburn American. SUNBURY, MAY 22, 1874. Railroad Time Table. AUR1TAL AI DEPAKTrUEOF TltAINS ATSI SBI RT. N. C R. W South. Klmira Mall, 11.15 am Erie Mail, 12-55 " ButTaloEx. 2.50 " HarrisburgAc. 8.10 p ra P. A E. R. R. Wert. Erie Mail, 5.15 a w Reuovo Ac. 11.10 a ro ElmiraMail 4.10 pm Buffalo Ex, 7.10 " BIMJIKT AND LEWIHTOWJi B. R. I-ave Sunbury for Lcwistown at 6.35 a. in., and 4.30 p. in. Arrive at Sunbury from Lewutown at l.ba and 8.55 p. m. HIMMOKIN DIVISION, w. c. U. Vi. LEAVE I AKKIVE ErprcM, 11.45 a in 1 MaM, 9.30 a m Mail, 4.30 p m Express, 4.00 p m An accommodation train leaves Shamokin at 7.10aro, arriving at Mt. Camel at 7.40 a m. Roturine, leave Mt. Carmel at 7.00 p m, amv iuff at fcharaokin 7.30 p in. iA-vru.r., itazi.eton & wii.kesbarke k. k. Leave Mail, 0.50 a. iu.; Accommodation, 4.25 p.m. Arrive Mail. 4.05 p.m.; Accommo dation, 8.20 p. m. Tbe accommodation only runt to CatlawiMa. : i..nr.m TieUels can be bad of J. bliipman, Ticket Aent, at the Depot. Winter Arransrmfnt Tor the Post Oflire at Wanbnrj , Ia. om,-t Oun from 6.50 . to., lo 8 p. .. except oh Swtdays. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAU.fr. Arrive at folio wt : Fiom tbe East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 r- m., Rnnth. 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p.m. " Wert, 5.15a.ra.,11.15p.m.,4.10p. m., North.l.oO a. m.,ll.ia a. m., .io y.. ghamokiu, Mt. Carmel and points on that line, 9.25 a. m., 4.uu p. in. Mali c'osa at follows : For tbe East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m " South, 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m. 8 p. m. " Want, 10.50 a. m., 3.50 p. in., 8.00 p. in " North 3.50 p. m-, 8 p. m., Bhumntin nrnwr 11.15 U. in. Shamokin and offices on that route, 4.20 p. m. , . Money orders will not be issued after 6 p. m., n Saturday.. J. J. SMITH, P. M. wsintss locals. A Baker Sewiso Ma Ihise. These celebrated machitiet are offered at the mott reasonable rate. For j.articulars -i. tn. D. G. KUTZ, Agent, Feb.22,'73.-ly. " lPIcr Angela township. Fob Sale. Several to lots in Race Hreel. Also a house and lot on Cheauut street, near Second. Apply to H. B. MASSER. The spring style of nats are already offered for sale by 8. Fautt, Sr., on Market Square. The latest style from a larC assortment can now be selected. The Union Park and Agricultural Association will hold their next Animal Exhibition at-Suubu-ry, Pa-, Sept. 29, 30, and October 1st and 2d, 1S74. Fob Rest. The Drug Store Room now occu pied by W. D. Melick. Also the room adjoining Faust's hat store. Enquire of H. U. Massf.r. 8. Hebsfelder, corner Third and Market streets, has reduced his prices from 10 to 50 per cent., in order to close out. The whole magui flcsnt stock, just teceived, will be sold at cost, and the greatest sargains ever heard of iu this town will be offered. Tbe stock consists of Children's, Boy't and Men's Clothing, Hats and Caps, Geuts' Furnishing Good, Trunks, Jewel ry, 4c. Call early and have the first choice. S. HERZFELDER, Cor. Third and Market Streets, April 10-tf. Suubury, Pa. The light running "Domestic" Sewing ma chine, on account of its many points of superi ority, bat a better demand tliuu auy other manu factured, and Ukes the lead with the public over Machines long regarded as tbe best. Orders for these machines will be promptly tilled by Miss Caroline Dalius, agent. Parlor Organ Mist C. Dalius it the agent for the sale of Parlor Organs, Pianos and all kinds f musical instruments. The very eSt instru ment are furnished, furuUbed on short notices at prices to suit timet. Call or address. C DA LICS, No. 93, Market St., Sunbury. Johs F. Schafpeb is giving hit wholeatten tlon to the late spring styles of clothing, t.ud has a number of hands employed to make sp suits to order. Any person wishing a fine suit will gain by calling on Schaffer. Or Bbamokin friends are highly delighted over tbe magnificent photograph furnished by G. O. Bartlett, located iu that place. Mr. Bartlett excels all others in taking a true like ness. Those w!io have negatives taken by hitn while here, cau have any number of copies printed by addressing him at Sbamokin, and sent to them by mail. Large additions of new furniture have just been received at B. L. Ruudeubuah't store in Masonic buildings. It is tbe cheipett place out side the city for furniture. AH kinds can be had from common to tbe beat. Call and tee be fore purchasing elsewhere. Fob Inturauce in the .tlna of Hartford, call on, or address L. M. Toder, Agent, Sunbury, Pa. Bold Oct. Wm. II. Miller, for some tweuty years engaged in the boot and shoe buslness,hat sold out his Excels'.or Store, on Market Square, to Messrs Smith A Brother, who will keep up the usual assortment of boots and shoes, as for merly. Messrs Smith A Brother have had long etperleuce in tbe business. They are young men of excellent character and full of enterprise. Their stock comprises the best quality found in tbe market. They are well stocked with the latest fashions, and those desiring to make bar gains rhould call as they will sell at retail and wholesale. Country merchants v. ill save money by buying at wholesale prices, as they cannot buy cheaper in any city thau here, nor have a better chaure of selecting their stuck. total Sffairs. A Child near Buckhoru, Columbia county, re cently took a ride on a aw mill carriage The result of the ride was u crushed and amputated leg. There are still a number of traps gap and perpendicular elevations on some of our side walks that are dangerous at night. Where is the paving committee with their '"five days no tice" to delinquents or have their late efforts exhausted their powers. Thavkl en our rail roads seem to !c on the increase, and tbe traius now come pretty well filed. New ts hedm e. Ou Monday next a new time table will be out for our rail road. The 'Niaga ra Express,' we understand Is to be put ou the road again. This will he a desirable change for those who contemplate traveling. Strawberries came into our market the be ginning of the week. The price 50 c-ts. ier box, though high, Is uot uureasnuable for the first in the market. Green peas are a!i?o in market at 35 cts. per half peck. The Exhibition of the Peuncylvania State Ag ricultural Society will be held ut Easton, begin ning on September 29th and ending on October second. A Waoox belonging to a pedlar was run Into by the Shamokin mail train on Monday after noon last, about one mile east of town. Tbe wagon was demolirhed but no one was Injured. Hams, shoulders, etc., were stolen from the smoke house of Joseph Emerick and Joel Wolf, of Lower Agusta township, one night last week. The thieve carried their plunder away on a wa irou, the track of which took a southern direc tion to the main road. The thermometer ou Tuesday fell suddenly to a lenirature that made lire and overcoats agreeable. The fruit buds, we are giad to say. have uot been injured. Grading on the new railroad In Snyder coun ty wat commenced in the vicinity of Freebnrg last week. The building of the bridge at Hcru don will be commenced shortly by the Philadel phia Reading railroad company. Thebb it a man In thit place who visits the post office at every mall, and If he receives no letters takes an old ne and reads it as he goes through the ttieet. This ha an air of bntinest. The following which has a local interest, we copy from "The Insurance WotU," a new publi cation just started in Philadelphia : A Model Insurance Polict. Some years since there was in existence iu Upper Mahanton- go and Eldred townships, iu Schuylkill county, and iu Upper Mahanoy township Northumber land county, Penua., a fire insurance company. known ut the M.ihanov alley. It was never chartered, and its mauner of doing busines,and its by-laws arc curiosities in their way. Policy No. C, which was ismed on the 4th of April, 1857, reads as follows, verbatim: Will insure by their policy of insurance, viz the t welling house, $400 ; household furniture 5200; provision, 100; potatoe, $150 ; the barn, $475; hay (here in, $300; crain and straw and feed, $200 ; geers fcuning mill carrich, $175 horses, $200 ; horn catties, hogs, stable and corn and crip, $200. This is signed by the President and Secretary The following sections from the bv-laws are unique : Sec. 2. AH members of this insurance will cn title themselves to insure aud to be injured in two-thirds so assessed or valued by the agent cf th's insurance, and make himself liable to pay tbj sum whatsoever the assessment would r.iuount to if any lose or damage is caused by fire, and pay the assessment within thirty days, and that stay of execution of or before all other demands to the collector of this insurance, and he and the treasurer must pay it mutually to those who suffered the loss by fire iu his stock The balance not burned he must keep, aud the damage on oath must b proven. Sec 4. This insurance binds herself to take the course of the laws of Pennsylvania, to sue and be sued, to try and to be tried, to get her in terference right before a justice of the peace or in auy court of Record of Pennsylvania. This power of right has to be conducted by the prc6i- deit and secretary of this insurance. The officer are to he elected accordiug to the Pennsylvania election laws, and the officers ap pointed to serve uutil "a ballot of two-thirds of the members try for an alteration," arc uamed. As a curiosity the above is entitled to a place beside the new forms of the National Board. Ir smoking and tobacco chewing are vices, why should not the crusaders pray for the deal ers. Exchange. Now don't ! What '6 the use of getting that notion into their heads! If they go for those who driuk and smoke they'll have to enlist for a longer time than during their life-time, for about every person who don't driuk, smokes ; and those who don't do either, have some other habit equally us bad. The fact is, this thing of reform is such a big undertaking, and to general iu its application, that about the only way to reach it is to appoint each one a committee of one, to take care of himeelf, or herself, and see that they do not indulge to excess in anything, whether in eating, drinking, talking or dressing. Death of Chakl.es F. Fisher. The funeral obsequies of Charles F. Fisher took place on Sun day last, at 4 o'clock P. M., at the residence of hit mother in thit place. The services were con ducted by the Rev. Gcarh.irt, of tbe Reformed, and Milliken of the Presbyterian church of thit place. Mr. Fisher was a member of tbe Reform ed Church, and his pastor referred eloquently and feelingly to the deceased, shaking of hit virtues as an example to the young, aud his calm and peaceful death as tbe result of faith in a Sav iour's love. The funeral attendince was very large as tbe deceased was well known at home and abroad. A large number of the officers Mid employees of the Miuineral Railroad and Mining Company, in which corporation Mr. Fisher held an important position. A special train whs run over the Sha- mokiu Division of the N. C. K. R. to accommo date hit friends and acquaintance! from a dis tance among whom were Messrs. G. G. Ray, Su ermtendanl at Millcrsburg. and the employees of his bUicc, and Gilyard Dock, of Harrisburg, formerly Supcriutendant. The Good Intcut Fire Company of which the deceased was formerly a member, followed the procesion in citizens dress. The decease re quested previous to his death, that us little dis play as possible should be made which request was strictlv observed. Charles F. Fisher was the ton of the Rev. R. . Fisher, deceased, who uituy years ago ofliciat. ed as pastor of the Reformed Church of thit place, and died at the age of 27 years, C months, nd 19 days. In relation to Mr. Fisher's death. we extract the following remarks from the Laily iu which all must concur : 'Cut off in tbe very prime of youth and man hood, iu the midst of active ust-fuluesss, his death creates a vacancy such as those who knew and loved him can only truly feel, and such as life't "fitful fever" only must endure. We con cur with the impressive eloquence of his pastor, Rev. Gearhart when he said: "In the death of Charles F. Fisher a widowed mother hat lost a darling ton a bereaved family a dearly beloved brother society a bright ornament, and the commuuity an active member and woiker, com manding iu the past its esteem, and promising in the future so much that was bright and envia ble." But as with all things earthly, despite our tears, so must we part with the young and la mented deceased, now and forever until we meet beyond the river." The Great Council of the Improved Order of Red Men was held ut Danville last week, when the following officers elected were Installed for tbe ensuing year : Great Sachem, Hon. James B. Ziegler, of New- York ; Great Senior Sagamore, Geo. Kreiiruer, Philadelphia ; Great Junior Sagamore, William Allen, Danville ; Great Profit, Jos. W. Clymer, Philadelphia; Great Chief of Records. Andrew Baker, Philadelphia ; Great Keercr of Wampum, Lewis C. Pierce, Philadelphia. The Great Sachem inaV the following ap pointments : Great SuniiHp, L. M. Williams, of Columbia ; Great Guard of the Wigwam, Louis Shaft-r, Al legheny City ; Great Guard of the Forest, Thos. K. Connelly, Philadelphia. At the close of the Annual Session a number of the Representatives stopped over at litis place, aud were much Impressed with our town. We hope this Grand body will make it suit to hold their tessiou here nt some future day. We can guarantee them a pleasant time and good ac commodations. A fire occurred iu the coach maker establish ment of E. B. Lebo, in Lower Augusta, ou Tues day night, as will Iv seen by the following: At oi sta, Muy 20, 1874. Mr. Em'l Wilveut, Dear Sir : This morning the large coach shop of .Mr. E. Lebo, burned to tbe ground. Some of the contents were saved through the ex ertions of Messers. Snyder, Gonscr Rishel mid Maitz, who labored bird to save some of the other buildings in the neighborhood. Loss about twenty live hundred dollars. Insurance small. Supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Fire occurred about two o'clock A. M. Al! wbo as sisted ut the fire have the sincere thanks of Messrs. Lebo and Eincrich, for saving what prop erty they did. Yours, Respectfully, H. E. Emkkii'H. Killed ox the Railroad. On Thursday af ternoou of last week, David Moycr, of Locust dale, loft his life by being run ovr and lillcd near Mt. Carmel. He was taking some stock in cattle cars from Shamokin of the N. C. R. R. to Mt. Carmel, and while shifting was being done near the latter place, he fell between two cars and was literally cut eo pieces. Our ucighbor of tbe VilUrtiian last week, iu noticing a debating society at the Bolton House, Harrisburg, one day last week, neglected to state that he took his dinner there and could not be found afterwards. There is something suspi cious about it. As he was heard to call for only two dishes of lettuce aud stewed onions, it is supposed they did not agree with him. The Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias will hold their annual sessiou at this place during next mouth. As there will be some six or eight hundred persons in attendance from different parts of the State, we hope to sec our citizens give the strangers a hearty welcome to our town. J. Wekt, a boss trackman ou the N. C. road was iustautly killed ou Mouday last, by tbe lo cal freight coming north. Mr. Wert was en gaged on the repairs, and met the Ioc;.l freight which was ruuning oil time, with his hand car on a curve. In his efforts to save the car from destruction he lost his life, lie leaves a widow and nine children. LorrsT. If the "teven year locusts" are "ou time," they will put in their appearance this summer in this section of the couutry. They appeared in IS.'iO, and ugaiu in 18C7, iu the month of June, anJ will probably do so again this year. They first appear in tbe form of a i sluggish and unsightly brown beetle, and emerge from tbe ground through small hole, the ground j in some places being so thickly perforated as lo resemble a honey comb. When they have emerged from these holes, they crawl up and at tach themselves to weeds or trunks of trees and there remain basking in the sun until the perfect locust is matured. The commlttc-i of arrangements for conduct ing tbe ceremonies on decoration day, when the corner stone of the soldiers' monument will be laid, respectfully request the ladies of Sonbuiy and viciuity to meet ut the No. 1 engine house hall on Friday afternoon, for the purpose of mak ing wreaths, at which place donations of flowers will be thankfully received. They also suggest that the citizens close their places of business, and decorate their dwellings appropriately to the occasion. Tbe corner stone will be laid with Masonic honors, and Lodges throughout this and neigh boring counties are respectfully invited lobe pre sent. Hon. Chas. 8. Wolfe, of lwisburg, and K. L. Mneiicu, Esq., District Deputy (irand Master, or Harrisburg, Pa., will be the orators of the day. A numtr of distinguished public men have been invited and are expected to parti cipate. Tbe line will be formed in Market street at 11:30, and will move under the command of Col. Geo. B. Cadwallader, Chief Marshal. Messrs. Sivos & Oitexheimek have just opened another large assortment of elegaut Spring and Summer clothing. Their prices cause rapid salcF, hence their stock Is replenished every week or two. Mrs. Amelia Gross, formerly Miss Haucock, has opened a larger stock of millinery goods thau ever. Her store, east of the City llntei on Mar ket street, is a beauty. Her goods are tastefully displayed, and having telected them out of the best establishments in the city, they are pro nounced the handsomest in the place. Call and see them. The Shamokin Herald came to us last week in deep mourning over the death of the editor, O. M. Fowler, Esq. The editors of the Xiltottian are diving into soda water from neighboring fountains. It is supposed that nectar syrup is at the bottom ol it. No doubt it is cool aud refreshing. The Sunbury Dramatic Association intend holding an entertainment in Garinger's Hull, on next Tuesday and Wednesday eveuings, for the benefit os the Good Intcut Fire Co. The pieces under preparation are "Ici On Parle Francis." "The Spirit of '76," and "My Neighbor's Wif.r." The fire company arc badly in need of equip ments. Property holders shouid therefore be interested in this entertainment as the proceeds are to be applied to equipping the company. A number of pupils were transferred lo tbe High School by a vote of the School Board, tbe action being based upon tbe merit of the parties. Master Francis Drumhcllcr, aged 9 years, at tended shool In this place, nine consecutive months, without losing an hour. Last fall he wat promoted from the primary grade, and on Friday last was transferred to the grammar grade. John Dougherty, of the same school, lost no time during a term of nine months. Mas ters Eddie Brice, Geo. Hile, aud Charles Boyer, were promoted lo tbe grammar grade, after be ing in the secondary only one term. The Festival Committee of the Good Intent Fire Company intend devoting one of the even ings during their festival to a Centennial Tea Parly. As this will be something new in Suubu ry, we have no doubt it will be well patronized, and it should be as it will be for the benefit f eo good a cause. Tbe committee authorize us to eay that all ladies who wish to take part in the tea party will please report to any member of the committee. Of conrsc it will be required that they dress in old style.- The committee are Messrs Dewart, Roberts, Awl, Tweed, Israel, Gibsou, Rcnn and Clements. We clip tbe following items from the Shamo kin Herald of lust week : Dividend. On the first of May the Sbamokin Banking Co., declared n semi-annual dividend of 8 per cent., clear of all tases. The water pipes have beeu laid along Shumo kin street as far as Chestnut street, and iu a few days will be extended as far as the county bridge. Quite a number are now preparing to take tbe water. Resumed. The work on the Catholic church was resumed this week. Several mouths will be required yet to complete this noble structure. Mimno Acuident. Ou last Thursday a jolish miner working at the Cameron colliery, had his hip joint dislocated by a fall of a rock. He was attended by Drs. Robins and Weaver. Fire on TnE Mountains. During the present week extensive tires have beeu ragirg on our mountains destroying large quantities of young timber, nnd freqently endangering the buildings at collieries. On last Sunday ufleruooii a tire broke out on tbe Big Mountain just above the borough line, supposed to have been the work of two boys, which lor a while burned so furiously as to seriously endanger the houses of Isaae Wolvertou, Jacob Haas aud some others for awhile. To protect them from the sparks thut were flying iu every direction, wrt carpels were spread on roofs aud a large number of persons were compelled to fight the fire to stay its pro grees. Ou Thesday great effort was required to save a double house at the Buck Ridge Slope which was surrounded by fire. Ou tbe same night a block of houses at the Monitor colliery was burned down, supposed to be the work of an inceiidiarp. Fuck at Watsontown. On Monday last about 8J o'clock, a fire was discovered among the lumber piles oflhe Watsoutowu Lum. Co.. ut this place. The alarm was given ami in a few minutes hundreds of our citizens were ou the ground. The fire department was out on full force and worked heroically, us well us did many who are not connected with the orguuizatiou. A smart gale of wind was blowing at the time, which fanned tbe flames, and carried dangerous spark a considerable distance. For a time tbe Dames assumed u threatening scope, aud fearing that our hand engine and noble baud of firemen were insufficient to conquer the devouring ele ment, Mr. J. M.FoIImtr telegraphed to Williains port, Lcwisburg and Milton for assistance. All responded, and the fire organizations of the two former places held themselves in readiness for further orders. The Youug American compa ny of Milton brought their engine up und did good service. By this time the fire was under control, uud Willianisport and Lewisburg were 6o udvised. Our fire companies, with Chief Benson at their head, worked biavtly and did themselves much credit. Not being iu town at the time of tbe fire we are unable to give the mi nute particulars. At the time five houses were on fire from the sparks, uud every roof for four squares in the direction of the sparks, h.d one or more occupants. Mr. W. L. Hawkius, of Lock Haven, and Mr. I Samuel Caldwell of this place, deserve special ! mention for their extra efforts in helping to con trol the flames. Mr. J. M. Folliner's residence, which stood comparatively close to the tire and in a direct line with the stream of sparks, was in daugcr, and his goods were iu readiness to be removed, in case the house caught. By close watching! and the roof beiug kept wet, it was saved. About 100,000 feet of lamtier and 20,000 shin gles were burned, und the loss will probably reach from $3,000 to $4,000, fully insured. WaUontoitu Iterord. One night last week eight sheep were killed by dogs iu Frankilu township, Suyder couuty, and fifteen others were so badly bitteu that most of them will die. They belonged to Simon Row. A Si. it of clothing was stolen from the store of Isaac Furman, ou Saturday night last. The dexterous thief carried the goods off when the room was full of customers, am. in the face of Mr. Furman, who thought he had purchased them from his salesman. Mr. Furman has ex pectations of recovering the goods as he thinks he knows the thief. Lawvlrs' Fees. Bowing to a client, $5; shaking hand with him, $10; inquiring about his health, $ .'0 ; sayiug good bye. $10 total for thirty secouds' interview, $45 aud then beg a chew of tobacco. Wk five nlacc in our local columus to the fol n i lowinir beautiful lines taken from Srribuer' Monthly, as appropriate to the coming decoration day : IE'OKATIOX. BV T. W. UIUOlNSON. "Manibus date lilin pleuis." Mid the flnwer-wreath'd tombs I stand Bearing lilies In my hand. Comrades iu what soldier-grave Sleeps the bravest of the brave? Is it he who sank to rest With his colors round his brcart 1 Friendship makes his tomb a shrine ; Garlands veil it ; ask uot mine. One low grave, yon trees beneath, Bears no rows, wears no wreath ; Yet no heart more high and warm Ever dared the battle-storm. Never gleamed a prouder eye In the front of victory. Never font had firmer tread On the field where hope lay dead. Thau are hid within this tomb, Where the untended grasses bloom ; Aud no stone, with feigned distress, Mocks the sacred loneliness. Youth and beauty, dauntless will, Dreams that life could ne'er fulfill, Here lie buried ; here in peace Wrongs and woes have found release. Turning from my comrades' eyes, Kueeling where a woman lies, I strew lilies on the grave Of tbe bravest of the brave. On Monday afternoon last, a pedlcr, named Lewis Levi, while iu the act of jumping from his wagon, on Fourth 6treet, sliped nnd fell, when the mule started off, causing oue of the wheels of the wagon to run over his face. When picked up he was insensible, but soon revived ry the kind assistance rendered him by the ladies of the neighborhood. List of letters remaining in the Post Office at Sunbury, Pa., on May 20, 1874 : A. G. Beckel, John W. Clark. Raichard Cain, Mary Ann Dcatz. Mrs. Andrew Gonsort, Henry Gosuian, Chas. N. Graham, Forest House, G. F. Haas, Sarah W. Haffley, Jotisih B. Miller, John Orth, A. M. Plahlcr, John Strow, John Stowc, John B. Savidge, Ida Young, Sarah H. Youug. Persons calling Tor the above letters w ill please state that they were advertised. J. J. Smith, P. M. Resolutions ok Respect. At a special meet ing or the Good Intent Fire Company, or Sun bury, held on Friday evening last, for the pur pose of consulting over the death of one its mem bers, Mr. Charles F. Fisher, the following rcso tions were adopted : Whereas, It bath pleased Almighty God, in His divine wisdom, to take from us our fellow member, Charles F. Fisher, who was endeared to us by tics of f riendship and love, while sub mitting to the decree of I'rovideuce and bowing to the will of Him who doeth all things well, be it. Jienolvid, That we tender our heartfelt sympa thy to his afllicted family in this their greatest sorrow, and that while they weep for the loss of their loved one we mourn the loss of a good nnd faithful member and brother ; and be it Readied, That wc drape our house and truck, aud that the members wear the usual badge of mourning for the term of thirty days ; aud be it further Eerolred, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the bereaved family, and that the papers of tbe towu be requested to publish tbe tame. J. Nev. Hill, 8am. E. Slatmaeer. Lewis Dewart, (iito. 1!- Rknn, Ed. Randall, Committee. Good Intent Hall, May 15, 1S74. Fc TIIK AMfcKICA. Lowr.it Auousta, May 20, 1S74. Frieml Wilrert : The farmer of this locality have been busily engaged iu getting their corn, potatoes und gar den vegetables in the ground, duriusr the fine weather of the past fortnight. The winter grain and grasses are, generally, assuming a promis ing aspect. If the coming weeks bring favora ble weather, we shall have bread, vegetables and fruit "enough, and to spare," for the market of your ineijiient city. The long winter, and late snows have thrown our farmers so much behind hand that we have not time to study the science of Cremation. We expect to bury our dead in the old fashioned way of our forefathers. Bat tome of our funeral usages are, certainly, un reasonable. There is too much unnecessary ex peuse ; too much display on such occasions, with out any benefit to the dead, or to the surviving relatives. "Is auy merry I let him sing." But why so much singing about the eorjtte Are they merry I Why compel delicate females and children to stand exposed to storm, rain, mud or cold, during a long burial service, and then sit through a long, often a sectarian, funeral ser mon ; followed by an expensive feast on return ing to the house of mourning Is nt this a time when the afllicted widow, mother or sisters should be kindly eared for by some good Samari tan and physician? Where are our reformers? Let our funerals be plain and economic.il ; our mourning, sincere, not ostentatious. C Thousands of promising youths, of both sexet, go down to untimely craves from general debility and weakness, who might be saved by fortifying their systems with iron. The Peruviun Syrup iB an iron Tonic prepared expressly to supply this vitalizing element, and is the only preparation of iron that will assimilate at once with the blood, Anna S. GETsiNonr, of Houesdale, Penua., writes the following. 'After suffering for ucarly two year from neuralgia in the breast, passing up into tbe throat, face, head aud shoulders, I was entirely cured and restored to health by us-in- Dr. L. Q. C. Wisbart's Pine Tree Tar Cor dial." At thirty-five the average American discovers that he has an "infernal stomach," aud goes into the hands of the doctors for tbe remnuut of his life. Prevention is better thau cure, but Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters will both cure and prevent dyspepsia, diseases of the skiu, liver, kidneys, and bladder, and all disorder arising fiom an "infernal stomach." Kl'ECIAL. NOTICE. Tol'apltaliNiN, To Jleu r Itlrdinm JlrauN, and to all Wifthinc Hoinrn and thuM Avoid l'ayiug Keutt. By reference to the Watsontown Record and Sunbury "Gazette" will be seen a full and morl explicit description of tbe property I offer for sale, either in lots or by tbe acre. But what e wish to more particularly bring before the pub lie is the LIBERAL TERMS on which they ure offered. I will SELL LOTS from S4100 to 8500 and Lands by the ACRE from $200 to $500. uccording to the location. Terms; Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, the balance in time nnd amounts to suit purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with legal interest from day of sale. The streets nnd alleys will be opened as rast as lots ure sold, so that all may !e approached with ease. All persons who are now paying rent can have an opportunity or securing a home for less mo ney annually" than they are now THROWING AWAY ii: rent. Any person wishing to see the lands or lots will call on me, when every opportunity will be given them to have a fair chance lo see the supe rior advantages presented to the public. In addition to tbe lands above referred to, I now offer for sale THREE DWELLING HOU SES, situate on Water street, in Watsontown bo rough, the one being tbe large aud commodious Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, all of said dwellings having the necessary outbuildings for Immediate use. For further information call on or address J. M. FOLLMER, Watsontown, Pa. October 31, 1873. 1 vr. TOCOX N L' .11 PT I V ES. TUe silvertiwr, baring bii 1 ernianeiitly cureJ of that dred di-', Consumption, ly a niiniylr iriuedy, in union to ttiaka known lo his lellow millerem tbe means of cure. To all wlio di-ir II, he will send ro.y of the Jr. rilitiou uI, (fres of cttrr), with thrdiree. lions l-ir prepariiiK sud uiuf lbs same, which they will find s sur Curs for Cousmiil'tiou, Aatbma, llronchits, l'artiea wiidiing the jireecriptiou will pleaae address Iter. K. A. wilmis, 1H4 I'euu St., Wlllimmsliargh, New lork. Nov. 21. 1873 6m. Thirty Yearn' Experience or an Old .Nurse. JlrH WIiislow'H Moothliig Kjrup is the prescription ofoneor the best Female Physicians aud Nurses In tbe L'uited States, and has beeu used for thirty year with never failing safety and success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble Infant of oue week old to the udult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulate the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother nnd child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the World. Iu all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARRHOEA IN CHILDREN, whe ther it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full direction for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simlle of CURTIS fe PERKINS is on the outside wrap per. Sold bv all Medicine dealers. Jnlv 12. 1S7S.-1V. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Keutleiuau who suffered for years from Nervous fuoiuty, rreniaiure uecay, sua sii tue eaecte oi youiu ful indiscretion will for the sake of suffering hu manity, send free to ail who need it, the recij aud di reutiou for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufterere wishing to profit by tbe advertiser'a experience can do so by addressing in perfect confi dence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., New York. or. 21 1873 6m. Children olten look Pale and Nick from no other cause than having worms In the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE,and from all the coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CURTIS A BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by DrugyUtl and Chemists, and dealers in Medicine at Twkntt-Fivb Cknts a Box. July 12, 1873. ly. II O U S E II O E I) Why W ill Snfler: You PANACEA FAMILY MM WENT. July 13, 1873. ly. To all persons suffer ;Ing from Rhuematism, : Neuralgia, Cramps iu the limbs or stomach, Bilious Colic, Pain in the back,boweIs or side, . we w o u 1 d say, tub HorEiioi.D Panacea !and Famii.t Liniment :is of all others the rera jedy you want for inter nal and external use. It thas cured tbe above 'complaints in thousands or cases. There is no mik.'ike about it. Try It. Sold by ull Druggists. fflarrjauts. On the 21ft Inst., G. W. Deppin. present De puty Sheriff of Northumberland coucty, to Mils. a.uit liKKB, oi i revorton. Tr. this Til nop nti (1,. AfU In.t IVVrP T" STROH, daughter of Solomon and Mary Stroh, aged 11 years, 7 months and 23 days. Our sister Annie is not dead. Oh, no that cannot be, She's only left the world of care To be from sorrow free. Her pilgrimage on earth wus short ; Her joys and sorrows few. But she obeyed the Saviour's call, Aud bid the earth adieu. 11.MIIUV MARKETS!. Scnbckt, May 15, 1874. Gkain Wheat per bushel 91.60&1.75 " prime white 1.701.80 " Rye per bush 75&80 ,: Corn " 65(oj75 " Oats " 45(&50 Fucr Extra Family pr bbl 9.00(59.50 Common 7.o'Jj3.00 Buckwheat 5.00 Feed Corn & Oats Chop pr 100 lb 1.50(2.00 bhorts v Mixture 1..-0(a1.i5 Potatoes, &c Com'n potres pr bu 751 .00 Onions 1.00 Turnips 25($30 Provision Ham per lb lSCd,22 Shoulder pr lb 14fa13 Bacon pr lb 10(a,l3 Beef retail pr lb H(23 Veal. do do 10(Tvl8 Dried Beer pr lb USCiS) Poi-i.tkt Cbickeus, dressed pr lb 15(a.l8 Do. live weight 10ft,12 Bctter Prime per lb... ., 40(45 Eggs Per dozen 1518 Fkuit Apples, dried, pr lb 1XC.iU2 Peaches, do pared pr lb... iO(25 1 1 o. dried unpared pr lb... 14(V,1S Cherrics.driedoioitted prir :.,0(o.22 nJ Report of'The First National Hank ofNunbury, Pa." Reiiort or the condition or "The First National Bank or Sunbury," iu the Borough or Sunbury, id the State or Pennsylvania, nt the close of bu siness, on the 1st day of Muy, A. D. 1S74 : LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in 200.(XX 00 Surplus Fund 154,000 00 Discount, Exchange, Interest, aud Protlt and Loss :;u,oUl i Circulating Notes outstanding 16:5,500 00 State Bank circulation outstanding... 5,005 00 Dividends Unpaid 4,24! 18 Individual Deposits 237,0Sfi 7 United States Deposits 29,41 1 Deposits of U. S. Disbursing Officers, 861 00 Due to National Banks 's,r.'t Oue to State Banks and Bankers, 4,6t Xi $738,025 73 RESOURCES. ,oans and Discounts $275,742 03 ;. S. Bonds to secure Circulation 200,000 00 S. Bonds to secure Deposits 50,000 00 T. S. Bonds on hand 700 00 Other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages.. U50 00 no frnm Rt'nWmiiiir and Reserve Agents afiyXiO 08 Due from National Bauks 37.706 11 Due rrom State Banks nnd Bankers... 17,698 47 Current Expenses and taxes paid 4,618 53 Cash Items, including Stamps and Protest Account 1,867 40 Bills or National Banks 6,722 00 Fractional Currency, including Nick els, 1.2S2 16 U. S. Legal Ti nders 105,000 00 $738,625 7S STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA : CofNTT OF NOHTHISJIIEKLANI), 8CT. I, Samuel J. Packer, Cashier of '"The First National Bank of Sunbury," do solemnly Bwear that the above statement is true to the best or mv kuowledge and belier. Signed, S. J. PACKER, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 14th day of May, A. D., 1S74. Signed Em'l Wii.vekt, Notary Public. i..s.l Correct Attest : WM. H. WAPLES. ) JOHN HASS, Directors WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ) Suubury, May 15, 1874. JOY TO THE WORLD! ANOTHER GREAT VICTORY ! Krowu'tf Noiseless Expausiou Npriug Red Rottom, Will give great joy to the thousand of people who are iu want of a perfect Spring Bed at a rea sonable price. It is noiseless, it is the most elas tic, und will sustain a greater weight than any bed ever invented. It will FIT ANY BEDSTEAD, WIDE or NARROW. It is simple and not liable lo eet out of or..er. It is durable uud easy to handle, beiug so light that a child ten years old can attach it to the beaastead or take it apart. Thus we have gain ed a great victory over the springs now iu use. This Spring Bed is manufactured on Market st., two doors west of Reed Bros., Store. All that is required is to call ut the shop and leave your or ders, u man will go to your house, take the di mensions of your bedstead, make and fit the springs for the small sum r Five Dollars, tiive us a call. Territorial rights for sale. COMBS A COVIL. Sunbury, May 15, 1874. 1 mo. AMNlgnee Mule or VA EVA REE PROPERTY. Will be sold at public sule, at the public house of Augustus Wald, in Geometown, Northumber land county. Pa., on SATURDAY, the 2:!d day of MAY, 1874, the following real estate, to wit : All those two certain tracts of land, situate in Upper Paxton township, Dauphin county, Pa., Tract No. 1 containing 45 acres, more or less. This tract the N. C. R. W. passes through, and is well covered with young timber, such as locust, Vc. Tract No. 2 containing 3 acres, more or less, and adjoining tract No. 1, whereon is erected Nmall Log House, Af. ONE LIME STONE QUARRY" containing one-half acre. more or less, situate iu Lower Mahanoy township, Northumberland Co., Pa. Also, one lot ol Chestnut und Locust Posts, and Chestnut rails. Also, hay by the tou, uud a lot or lime burners coal. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. in., oi: t-tid day, when the conditions will be made ktiown by L. T. ROHRBACH, P. S. BICKEL, Assigned r Peter Borel's estate. Lower Mahanoy, May 15, 1874.-21. 1874. SPRING MILLINERY. 1874. Selected with great taste and care have been opened at Miss L. SIIISSLER'3 Store, Market Square, SL.Mtl RY, PA., all the new shapes in Straw and Chip HATS AND BONNETS. Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Ac, and all kinds or Millinery Goods. Fancy Goods or every description. Bonnets and Hats trimmed in the most expeditious man ner with the utmost precieion. A full line of ladies' caps- Call aud examine before purchas ing elsewhere. M ISS L. 8H1SSLEK. Suubury, April 24, 1874. acard. Persons suffering with Nervous Debility, lu sipient Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, or any form of Nervous or Pulmonary Complaints, will receive a prompt aod radical Vegetable Remedy, free or charge, by giving symptoms iu full, and addressing, DR. CHAS. P. MARSHALL, 38 Swan St Buffalo, N. Y. un bnrv, April 24. 1874. 8t, COMMISSIONERS' SALES OF UNSEATED LANDS. Notice Is hereby given, that in purtuance of an Act of Assembly, approved the 13th day of March, 1815, aud supplements' thereto, the following tractt or Timber Land, situate in the several counties hereinafter named, formerly a part of the county of Northumberland, surveyed upon war rants issued to the teveral parties hereinafter named, having beeu assessed as unseated land for Couuty and other taxea while situated in said county of Northumberland, and the said taxes being due and unpaid at the time they were separated from the said county of Northumberland, and still due and unpaid on the second Mouday of June, A. D. 1816, the said several tracts of land were sold on the said second Monday of June, 1818, by Joseph Vanderslice, then Treasurer of said county, for the taxes then due and unpaid, to the Commissioner! of the laid county of Northumberland, who executed to them his deed for the tame in accordance with the provisions of the said Act of Assembly. The time allowed by law for the redemp tion or said lands having expired, and the laid lauds not having been redeemed, they will be told at Public Sale at the COURT HOUSE, iu SUNBURY, Northumberland connty, Pa., as follows, to wit : Those Lauds lying West of the West Branch or the Snsqnehanna River, to wit : In the Counties or Lycoming, Union and Suyder, on Wedaesdajr, the 10th day of J one, A. I. 174, and all those lying in the Counties of Montour, Columbia and Luzerne, on Thursday, June 11th, 1S74. XVUZEItlfE COUXTY. WAKUANTES. Johu Brady Nicholas Balliol John Balliot Johnston Beasly Nathan Beach John Puultreader.... James Allen James Alexauder..... Johnston Beasly , John Everhart Benjamin Davis Christiaa Jmmel Francis Artilla Barbara Artilla Anthony Billas Jacob Bitteubcnder.. ACHE I LOCATION. 437 'Foster tp East Buck Mouut 3S6JilIazle tp Old Berwick Road NOKTII. .'Heekwildcr & Gray... Jas McNeal.., -ADJOINING OR BOUNDARY SURVEYS- ! EAST. ! SOUTH. I . J Paultreader... .!Wm Potter.. 240 415 400 438 Hazlc tp Old Berwick Road...jNicholas Balliot .... South W Corner Dennison.:Swain A Lambert... Foster tp East Buck Mouut... Richard Sparks Sugar Loaf Mountain WEST. ..jWra Sansora Brown & Paschal .. J Balliot A N Kope... Geo. Esterday Potter A Lattimore ..'Nat Ecberd.. Stemman A Co. P Glentworth Sol McNair Jeremiah Smith Wm Gray iThomas Paschal R. Hiltzneimer Nicholas Balliot : COLUMBIA COUNTY-South of River. 400'ilNear Maioville SOO jLine of Beaver A Black Cr tp M'Neal A M'Cully. 400 I Wat Cat'wiaaa. Convngham ttV Boughner , 233 ISouth side Locust tp. i 137?;Mifflin. Ten Mil R.ia... Si5 E Corner Locust i 400 ;East Side K Creek- ' 400 East Side R Creek 70 jlliflliu township 200 iNescopeck Valley ........ . Rhoads A Hughe?- ... Thos Bellas ... J Dunbach .... Barbara Wheeler... ....'Andrew Helwig ;Wm Ball . Hiltzbeimer ..... . P Lowenbirg . Kunkle A Creacy . C Shultz ..... Christian Shults.. I Jesse E rooks .... Hiltzheimer . J Montgomery. ueo wub.... Michael Moter Richard Brooks i Thomas Billington Si Mary Ruston !J. Rudd Satanc Mean COLB5IUIA COUNTY-North or Illver. Petei Rees Daniel Montgomery Ann Bonham Elizabeth Beaks John Buck John Brady Robert Connelly Thomas Corbit , Joseph Williams Israel Cope, one-hair or.. Phillip Dutter, part Wm Dewees Robert Hunter, part Ann Kennedy John Loudon, part Ludwig Kercher , John Nncholson, part Picrcefield Newman Phillip Opp Peter O Hara Eveu Owen... E Owen A J A Brady part Wm Plunket Ann Solmon Margnrct Strawbridge Joseph Solmon Thomas Stackhousc Alex Scolt Peter Tryer Phillip Tressler Thomas Wattert Edward Wells Joseph Wilkinson 1 Carpenter Withcrspoon.-.l John Painter I 20 100 303 40! 323 437 300 382 409 43S 3'. 400 130 43!l 50 342 400 J0C 300 30? 183 357 304 201 420 250 420 427 78 400 400 300 303 (Greenwood Hemlock (Greenwood aud Pine do do East Side Jackton Madison and Pine Pine Creek, Luzerne I J E Corner Greenwood ! do do i do Columbia Co.. .North Knob Mountain ;N Knob Mountain iPine tp Pine.... I do :Mt Pleasant I Pine ..... lAloug Lycomiag Co Briar Creek :Pine & Jordan Briar Creek ;East Creek fSotuh Knob Mountain Ctre Twp jPiua Creek (End or Knob Mountain jBriar Creek .. T Hamilton. . Amos Codd B Seaks Ann Kenedy ..!Wm Wilson .. Jackssu & Hunter . ,.j ..Chas MHsck .Thos Corbet ,.:Line or Lulliran... ,.iR Wilson .......... JWm Glover .. Lycoming Line ... .. .. John Lind .Lycoming Co .J Hillbush ..Xycoming Line....... .. Johu Wilkinson .. J Meyer iP Opp ..'T Stockhonse- ..'Solman A Potter... . Duncau A Lemon- J W Pearson .... .. ..Hester Barton . 'James Rose ..James Watson ......... ,.iP Brugler .15 Bonham ..ijas Espy ,.:Mary McIIenry jAIex Boyd ,.:Benj' McIIenry Jj Peterman ,jj Blakly . W Mouteoinery ..Daniel Montgomery. Win Montgomery . ,.!Jat Johnson JJohn Daue ,.;Geo Hartzel ,.R Finny...... , ,.;C Witherspoou ...,., ..IThomas Barton- j Walter Jackson...... JT Stack House ..iLuzerne Line .D Duncan ..jG Thelhammer.. . ... Jj Davidson jKline A Potter IE Owen iBenj Chew........ jNath Broder J Eves.. ......... .... I Ann Bonham. .... Chas MHscu. ....... ;D Montgomery.. ,!jo Williams . T Hamilton .... .. jRobert Gray John Alliger .;Jat Cotter..... JAIex Scott ..... . E Beaks . J Tuball ..Moses Franks...... .'Thomas Gordon. ,F- Oaren .,,..,., 'Anthony Dixou..., ;T Watters .... ,i , D Montgomery.... ,D Mead , Randel A Plunket jOwen A Brady...... ..B. Chew ...jW. Corneil son ... E. Bonham ... do ...;H. Montgomery T. Hamilton . jWm. Glover ..iThomas MtKean ..Lancaster Co -I .. J. Stapler "L . Lycoming Jaa. Cook Lycoming Co .. Michael fiittel .. Lycoming Co . 'A. Adams .. Martin Foster .. A. Adams T. Watters .. Enos Randal ... Richard Peters Pine Tp.. iRobt Hunter iScott Tp P Malick Pine Creek, Luzerne Montgomery and. J Bar net Briar Creek. Centre tp .Pine aud Jordan do do ..... J Gilbraith . .....Geo Espy... ..E Owen. . Thomut Ward , M Foster 430 West Side Little F Creek.... . IT Stack House. Jas Simpson jM Foster, . A Dixon , John Harris Cbristianna Lavinbcrg Fre4 Slierritz nenrv Stine Wm Banks Simou Bkksler John Stump . 400 32pt3h:ide Mountain. . 400 32p( do do . 300 08p,West Benver . 100 40p Beaver .'3S6 47piWest Perry j 50 . 162 27p Fred Baker . ERomig Heury Smith. iMintbiek . Rev J Steel ... ,. P Meyer Esther Green.. Geo Kline . J Clingmau Jesse Lukiut. . . B Jacobs ....... .'B Huusinger.... ..P Newman. " R McNyjht . Samuel ScotU. . John Dewart .... Jas Reiny ..... 8 Snyder M MtClure ..Waters, Owen A , Barton ...Part is Lycoming ..Stacy Hepbui-g . jJohn Rowan M'Neal A M'Ganvn .jWm Ball V Newman .'Barbara Wheeler ,C Meyer .3 Dickert ,..,Wm Barton Wm McCorkle. Ebenezer Brauhnw. .... Daniel Levan ... John MeKie Wm Cook Joseph Vangundy John Reese John Loudon, part James Loudon Samuel Right, owner, tieorge Moore, owner ., Michael Roger Johu Bull Jeremiah Parker Samuel Scot ton Archibald Stewart Johu Sigfrid John Snell 100 400 163. 227 300 108 200 147 137 107 300 (On White Deer Creek.. 'Buff Mountain Hartly tp (West Buffalo i Beaver or Beut. ....... township TJI)r COUNTY. J Roan and W ClarklMichael Gilbert- do Spruce Run i West Buffalo ! do ; do do (5ti 93p J Gwau A Ch Hheively 300 Harrow and others W Deer Mountain. ! do do i North Mountain Lycoming . .Miles tp Centre Co , ' do do .U Vangundy . F Roan JGeo Books Kester A Kallahan. . J Housel . George Moore J Ruse .. George Roads. li Taylor. Nath Brown.. J Ruse Jj Betz. A Levy ..... R Malone .....J Maize......... ....:Daniel Reeser.. JMcKee 400 400 150 419 288 .;W Parker lA Scotton . J Culbertson. "t ...... J Kline . Thomas Jenkinson. !J BUpar D Sigfried . J Sigfried Part or same ,:A Levy A Kelly , Sam'l Black . Reese A Aurand ..... ..'John Foster , .. Branham A Brown.. . J Loudon ........ JPart of tame ....... . IDrtisbach A Clark.. . Jut London. .......... . Soudon A Brickley., Jj Brady . Joseph Cookson...... .Peter Housel......... . Jas Black............... ,. J Sigfried Kanffman A Reber J Barron Wm Feddcn .D Aurand ID Smith J Brlckly I do jR Vaux .George Or wig D Aurand Jat Jenkinson J Triteman I Thos Toner -i i MONTOUR COUNTY. John Barron, part I V) Mountain Ridge... Thos Hew' W Benson J North'd Co Line A Klutzing In all cases wher the tracts or laud have been divided, they will be sold in parts to suit said divisions, if any interested party will make the said divisions and quantity of each known befo;e sale. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m., or said days. Any necessary explanation in reference to the title to said lands may be had by applying to B. M. CUM MINGS, Attorney, Moutaudon, Northumberland county, Pa. Attest P. W. Gbat, Clerk. Sunbury, Pa., May 1st, 1874. AMOS VASTINE, ) Commissioners J. G. DURHAM, of D. S. REITZ, ) Northumberland County. Fashionable Millinery Good JUST OPENED! MISS M. L. GOSSLER, On Fourth St., below S. V. R. R., . SUNBURY, PA., Has just opened a full line of Spring Millinery Goods. The latest styles of Hatsand Bonnets, Trimmings, Handkerchiefs, Ladies Collars, Gloves, and Notions gene rally. Particular attention of all I the ladies in the couuty is directed to her assortment, us her stock is largsr than ever, and goods sold cheaper. Sunbury, May 1, 1874; A PERFECTLY MAMMOTH PROCEEDING A.T Wm. WHITHER & GO'S. sipnizLsro- Millinery. OS ast mahket ST.. SEAR THB riTT HOTEL, SlMlfKI, PA., now open, all the novelties of the season in RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ETC.. trimmed and untrimuied HITS AXI KOXXETS. Notions in every variety, call and examine the fine assortment and learn the low prices. Also, DrettNiuaklng or the latest and most fashionable styles. MISS AMELIA HANCOCK, Snnbury, Pa., May 8. 1874. NEW GOODS for SPRING AND SUMMER at 311s Kate Blaek'N, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. LA DIE'S DRESS GOODS of every style and quality. FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS AND Trimmings a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. The finest assortment or Ladies' goods. Everybody is invited to call and see them aud buv cheap. May 8, 1874. F.st ate of Joseph T. Trout luau, dee. (Late or Jordan township.) "VTOT1CE is hereby given that Letters or Ad ministration have been granted to the un dersigned, on the estate or Joseph T. Troulman, late of Jordan township.Norlhtimberland county, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims, to present them for set tlement. DAVID T. TROUTMAN, Administrator. Jordan township, April 10, 1874. 6t. New Millinery Store. MISSES L. A S. WEISER Having removed their Millinery Store iut the large building adjoining Zettlemoyer's stove store, ou Market Street, where they have Jutt opened a large aud elegant assortment of Fashionable Millinery CJoods), embracing verythlng usually kept in a well stocked Millineiy establishmeut. Their stock is entire new and consists of the latest New York and Philadelphia Stylus. DRESS MAKING in all its branches will receive particular utteu llon. INFANT ROBES IN STOCK. Terms reasonable and tatisfactlon guaranteed. Cutting and Fitting attended to, and Children's uud Boyt clothing made to order. MISS L. WEISER, MISS 8. WEISER. Sunbury, April 17, 1S74. GEO. W. COBLE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Rbai. Estate Achnt, and Agent for the Phila- I.ADEl riMA MlTl AL PllOTECTlVB LlTK Inslrascb Comtast. llerudou, Kurthuudterland County, Fs. ALL CLAIMS entrutted iu hit hands will recolT prompt attention. Herndon, Aug. 22, T3. 4 mos. JOSEPH N. ARNOLD, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Herndon, North'd county, Pa. All busluest matters iu the countiet of North umberland, Snyder, Union, Perry and Juniata promptly atteuded to. Ceutultatlont oan be bad in the German aud Euglith lanfuagei. april 17, 1 674.-1 y. The Largest Slock of i a mQom Ever ottered in this Section of Country. mmu OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TO BE SOLD EXCEEDINGLY LOW. CJftPETS ! CARPETS ! ! 10,000 Yards of Brussels and Ingrain Carpets from 25 cts. Upwards. Sunbury, May 8th, 1874. KEYSTONECLOTHINGBMPORIUM! t Just Opened, IN MILLER'S BLOCK ON THIRD STREET BILOf HABIIT, -:-o-:- Messrs. Simon & Oppenheimer, Have just opened a New Store at the above place with an entire new Stock oi uoou, consisting oi For latest styles Summer Trade. Comprising of DRESS COATS, BUSINESS COATS, WORKING COATS, DRESS PANTS, BUSINESS PANTS, WORKING PANTS, all kinds of PANTS, VESTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Boys' Clothing of every description, ECTS AND CAPS. TRUNKS & VALISES, HANDKERCHIEFS, NECKTIES, COLLARS, kc,y &c, &c. A full assortment of Gents' and Boy's wear. Would be pleased to have all call and examine Goods and Prices which we assure will be found cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. SIMON & OPPENHEIMER. The same kind of Goods and full assortment will also be found at their Store in the town of Trevorton, North'd Co., Pa. Cull and seethe low prices, Sunbury, April 3, 1874.