Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 01, 1874, Image 4

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A California paper beinir icqee ted to rcpiint
the -'bceut'ul little pastoral bont Mary' I'll e
litnih, fj notes "from memory" this ctiert :
Mary possessed a diminutive sheep,
V. tuoc cstt.rual covering s:n at devoid of coir
as the. cOTtjjeu'ed aqueous fluid which o-'-a-6iojiii"y
presented insurmountable leini.-i-s
to railroad travel m tbr Si. -rra- :
And evtiyw her.: that M:iry pcrigriwati-d,
I ':-- juvenile ft-utlmari na ei-taln to i-l i'p
and git riirht fcft'r her.
It taggeu !.trtotfcea!pha..l uispe:.-; ry t.n.j U.;y.
"iYliich was in coi.trsveulini: to csl:iI:Vln'i tisai ;
It rpuJ tlie other youlhful ''udeMts lo tc!:i
I ate and skyflingle
To perceive an adolescent mutton iu an e.iisice
tjevott-i to the 0tH-lnitiatim of 'kiio-a ie.ili;o.
And tlie preceptor tj.-ct-.:l him from tin- In
terior. I;::. be coe'.in'lH to lo.u-i ' the iiii'iieeiLiU' vi
cia'ty, And r-niained ici the titdghborhiv I ti i.t ;i Mary
Ouec more becanj! vulMv.
What causes the Juvenile f h"'l' to hanker alter
Mary no ?"
Queried tlie iu';uis':live cliil Jrcn of their tutor.
"Why Mary bestows much arfeelion ti;mn tbc
little anitral to which the wiu i is tempered
wat-n short, you taut be a war",'
The preceptor U1j alacrity rcf ponded.
"The Darndest Knowingest Doc.
That Ever Woke Har." He came it'
from Truckee JTeiudowB jit-terday, c2ii this
level-headed dcy. IU n'.o iti by tlie side
of l)is waster on a load of potatoes. He
was not a pretty dog, nut a doj? of blue
blood and high degree. As he was a tail
gaunt, shaggy-haired wild-eyed lot-king
brmdle beatt of unrecorded ptdiree. As
tho wagon, carrying tnau, dii, aud pota
toes, halted for a time in front of a saloon
iu North C street, one of a parly of half a
dozen loungers thereabout made some re
mark in regard lo the appearance cf the
canine, when thus jpakcye homey-handed,
frowsy-headed tiller of yc soil :
"Feliers, that air ain't a purty dog, I
know he's like mc, makes no pretensions
to tiateral beauty but he's just the duin
dest know-invest dog that ever wore liar.
He's got more inetink, that dog has, atr
wore savey, an' pen'tratiou, an' insipit
into human natur', jist in that ugly old
cabcz o' Lis uor can be found iu the bed
- of a whole plaza full of yer cdicated town
dogs poodles an' eich. What 1 pride iu
him for is his regular human sense, he's
jisi the darndest dog out ! Now, if I come
home from town perfectly sober (when I've
lelt him to see after the ranch) it would jist
do your heart good to see that dog show off
what a sense of appreciation he's got of me.
'Fellers, his gorgeous tail then stands
aloft, be skyugles about ; be runs on afore
me a scraping up the ycarth with his hind
feet, sendin' the chips a flying ; he holds
up his head an' barks in a cheerful an'
manly tone o' voice escortin mc forward
an' feelia' prouder'n he'd holded a wood
chuck 1 Cut let me come home full of tangle-leg,
sheep-herder's delight and terran
tiler juice, arid that is tlie darndest shame
dest dog yer ever saw. He jist takes one
look at me an' he knows it all. Down goes
his tail, he lops his years, hangs hi head,
squats his back, an' lookiu' back now au'
then he slinks off an' crawls under tlie barn
r. actually ashamed to be seen about the
premises for fear somebody'll find out that
I own him. I tell you, fellers, he's the
cussedest dog for right out au' out human
sense that ever was seel in these parts, and
Truckee Mcdders is proud that he war
pupped tbar !" iVoni tht Vtryinia Euttr
pris'. .Showing Him Orr. "Did you ever
happen to see Miss I'-tU-y Xuttiu' over to
our place ?"
We were reluctantly compelled to rejiiy
in the negative;
"Wall, she's the darndest hatchet-faced,
long-nosed, jioke-facid looking old maid
you ever see, 'bort Cfty-two or three years
old, and she's jL-t hteu liguriu' her level
best to git a ftllar ever sence 1 was a little
boy. ISometimcs she'd appear to have some
littie success, but it never amounted to
much, 'til along last fall she uiauageo some
how to git hold of a chap from somewhere
down in PennsylvaDy, and got him up there
und gin out all around that they were en
gaged. He was an awful greeu-lookin'
critter, but she kep him so close that no
body could git a chaucc to see anythiug on
him ouij . utz he and she went out to walk
and she stuck to him like a burr, and used
to porter parade him up and dowu for folks
to look at him, and of course the wimmiu
folks would all peek out of the winders, aud
the men folks osed to look at 'em some too.
Wall, one day, you see, they was pooty
much all the population keepin' a;i eye
onto 'em, when bimeby they came along
agiu Bill Wilson's shop, (he's a feller that
kinder tinkers up watches an' clocks an'
sich,) and all lo once the big wooJeu ualcit
that Bill has hung out lor a sign catched
that Pennsylvany fellar's ye, and what
did the darn fool do but stop riht there in
the road and Sourish out a great silver
bull's-eye he had aud set it by Bill's sigu.
I guess that critter didn't stay round more'n
about tew hours arler that ; und now, if
you drop into IWtsy'sand ax her what time
it is, why you don't want to calkulate
mre'n thirty seconds of that commodity
for gittin outside and round the corner by
deacon Joneses.'
"John." said the clergy mau to his man,
'j'ou should become a teetotaler ; you have
been drinking again to-day." "Do you
ever take a drop,youroelf,'m:nisler?" "Yes,
John ; but you must look at your circum
stances and mine." "Verra true, sir,"
said John ; "but can you tell mc how the
streets of Jerusalem were kept so cm an ?''
"No, John, I cannot tell you that.'
"Weel, sir, 'twas just because every one
kept his ain door clean.'
A MEMBER of the Ohio Legislature re
cently visited the 8tate I'euitentiary, and
while there had his hair cut by the prison
barber. While undergoing the touorial
process, a party of lady and genticmeu visi
tors looked in, and the legislator was made
happy by catching suf h remarks as, "I'gly
look about the eye;,' "Vicious mouth,"'
"Looks capable of any wickedness,' "'Won
der what he did V Ac.
"William," said ne Ojiaker to another,
"ihte knows I never call an) body names,
but, William, if the Governor of the Mate
rhould come to re and say, 'Joshua I want
tbee to find me the biggest liar in the State
of Xew York,' I would come to thee, and
. eay 'William, the Governor wants to see
thee particularly.' '
A New York politician, in writing a
letter of condoleuce to the widow of a de
ceased member of the Legislature, says :
"I cannot tell you how pained ! was to hear
that your husband has gone to heaver..
We were bosom friends ; but now we shall
never meet again."
It is said that an Indiana school mis
tress recently thrashed thirty-nine scholars
iu oue day. Some Patron of Jiusbaudi-y
ought to secure the right to exhibit her at
thfijiext State Fair as the champion thrash-i7iVr-IUxrWt
Cmrier Journal.
lr. .1. alkcT s ( aliloniin lin
ear IJilters arc a purely Vegetable
preparation, Tnadecliiotfy ironi the native
herbs found mi the lower ranges of tho
Siena Nevada mountains of California,
the medicinal properties of which are
extracted therefrom without the use of
Alcohol. The question is almost daily
asked. " What in the cause of the unpar
alleled success of Vixeoar Bitters f
Our answer is. that they remove tho
cause of disease, and the patient recov
ers his health. 'J-hey are tho great
blood purifier and a life-giving princi
ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator
of the system. Never before in tho his
tory of the world has a medicine been
compounded possessing the remarkable
qualities of Vixegar Bitters in healing
the sick of every disease niun is beir to.
They are a penile Purgative as well as a
Tcmie, relieving Congestion or Inflammation
of the Liver aud Visceral Organs in I'.ilioas
Di ceases.
The iiroprrtios of Dr. Walker's
Vinegar Hitters are Aperient. Diaphoretic,
Carminative, Nutritious. Laxative, biuretie,
Sedative. Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera
tive, and AnU-Uiliiius.
(ratoful Thousands proclaim Vlv
Eojr Hitters the most woudarful Invipor
ant that ever sustained the sinking system.
No Person can fake these IJilters
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones arc not de
ployed by mineral poison or other means,
and' vital organs wasted beyond repair.
liilious, Kcmillcnf, and Inter
mittent IYvers, wliich are so prev
alent in thi valVvsi.f our great rivers
thioughnrt ihe I'nitrd States, especially
tiio-e oi I lit
Illinois. Te:i:i
Pas. lied. Col
Pe;;i!. Ah.lj;ti
ai!"!e, ,l.i!i.
their .'i t!
Hi:e ro;;!:tr
Aiu:;:uii, ai:i
Sor.s (' ii;;.:.-.
.i. :'i i;ih'" ;
.Mississippi, t'liio, Aiissoun,
-.- Cutulierland, Arkau-
; o... P.razos, Kio Grande,
::.i, M -'ule, Savannah, llo--.
l luany others, with
nines, mrougnout our
' tlie Summer aud
.iblv to during sea-
1 h. ;:t and dryness, are
I Vv extensive
derangements ' the stomach and liver,
and oilier ;i'.d.:iiiin..l viscera. In their
tivjitiiicnt, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful iidhiet'co up'.n these various or
mjs is e.-.-cr ii 'iy m-ec-sary. There is
no Mthartic for ih' juirjiose equal to Dr.
J. V.M.Kri:'s YiNixiAi: Bitters, as
they i HI speedily remove tha dark
coi. reii viscid luaTtcr v.5;h whicb tie
l..r.v;.s are haded, at tho same tiso;ii!ir the fec;etions of the liver,
and ge:icr;-'!!y nvtoiiag the healthy
fniietio:;.-, f the digestive organs. v
Fortify 1 he hody asainst disease
bv jirrii'yi's'jr I'll its tiuids with Vinegar
Bii ii i:s. y. fpidctiiic caa taLehold of
a sy-teia tl:;:s fo:v-::nned.
1J vp- pv;! cr Iii.lievtion, Head
ache, pj.jn pi i:.-. r-inu"lor3. Coughs,
Tidiiru ;" t!-" Dir.-iness. Sour
Lrai ta'i'i '-t f ii.' -the
Mouth. Biiioa.;
Of the lie:--1. I::!!;':::
Pain in t'.ie i r '. -n
hunii-e.i ;!. r
the ot:s::-:i'.'s of I';
: .n-.::eh. Taste ia
Att-ieks. Paljiitatioa
imi of the Lungs,
! t !:e Kidneys, and a
:if,il syiuptonis. are
p-psih. One bottle
will pit. ve a 1 (
merits than a Jen
Serol'iii.!. r
SwcllilV.-S. lieel-
NeeV. ;.!;;-. s :,
Indoieii !
Her guarantee of its
;oi eriisrincnt.
liiiiu's Kvi!, White
. J'.!:-ipe':i:, Swelled
i-. S: !;;;! as Inllanimations,
i..::.i::;:ti.:-.s. Mercurial All'ec-!!-.
Lruptii ii i f the Skin,
!; .. ete. l:i ihe.-e, ;is ill ail
lions '!
Sore Jlys.
otlu-r (::-:
tlitH.r.l.l 1 '. -'.I ;es. Walkkr's
I'.; i i j;i::' Jiavo shown theii
:i-.e po-Ai-r in th? most o'i-
YiM.i: m:
great t;;r:-
F:r li::!att inrJoi y :;s:i ('hroiut.
I!!;eii?i;alh-:;i , ;-:.;. Bilious. Ih mit
tent and I i 'ii'itei'' lei-i. Diseases
of tlie Bio. !. Liver, is i-ineys :;nd Blad
der, thee l'.i;t.':s ha-.e tso equal. Such
Diseases are cnufa-d by Vitiated Blood.
.M ec!i a :i i ea J I it'a m. 1 'crsops en
gaged i'l Pain's :.:i I Minerals, such as
Pliniil'fT.i. l pe-setiers, Gold-beaters,
and Mine:... ;;.- ihey advance in life, nro
subject to paralysis of the Uowcls. To
guard agaiu-t this, lake a dose of Walk
er's VisiA.-ii: 111 i i i:i:s occasionally.
For Skin Diseases. Lruptions, Tet-
ter. s-all l.-'M'-. i,
Pa f.des, ll;,;i
Se-.:J-l:-;iil. S.
Pint! !.'.', s;;t"ts, Pimplos,
tVrl!i:vs. Kiiig-wimns,
K;, e-. Krysipelas. Itch,
n.s t f ti.f'Skin, llninors
and PiM-ase f the Si. in of vhatever name
.-r lit are. :' literally d't? i'p sua earned
et" ti e ft j-i -! !; by the use
Vh. Tape, tiiid othfr Vorms,
' i...i':u in li.i- hi it ;.i f iratiV thousands,
tre -;!-- ;.il.v ii- '' ! ivumved. No
rvit.-n: ! n-.-tli. i-.t . t-o er:i:ifag, no an
lii''iiiiinit:e . :!! !.n- :i -uia JrwUi woncs
Hi- e Kill' -.
For Frit!:;!'1 Frinjiiaiuts, in young
,r .!,!. j:air-. 1 i.: -it tii titiivu of wo-
i.Mr.'.ftni. t.rll.. ,:...i't.i i t.-, th-.e Toaic Jiit-te:--
.li-'il. v i-i !. :.:. ii iihieiae iai
j.:i.eiii( at t, v. : e.'j liU. .
FIeane llic itiated Ulood when-
v r
a '
l:r-:u:ir tbroufcn
Piuj'ies. I.i .ptietis. .r Sores:
':!: it V Vt-7l V
i-lieiMi i.i ii.'
i it fbvtnietPO anu
3-; tlf.iii-e it when it is
f. .ii I : yi.r.r le !
the bli't'd juire
ii wi'! ti 1! itt when. Keep
ti.e ! ' ..fil: t.f t hj svstetn
Will l iil'JW.
It. II. lcl) I.I v CO..
iTJCirikts (lll'-tu A c.. ia I- rur.oinco. 'nlifiTuat,
u.. : nr. "I Wanliimrtnn nu! I'liiirlu Sir... N. Y.
t r ti ;t lt'ii';i.i .tint Ut-alt rt.
Nature's Great Remedy
r AH
It is ti.- vtta.1 principle of thr Pine Trr, 1
hy a pre u; prices in the ilisi .-it)'n cf t:ie tir, b.
vmch iw holiest pruprrties re rrtaineci.
Tar even mi;s ctw'.c itaic iu been rect'inrnt-mkd by
eminent pi'iiM:tn of r-. ry tv -fttW. It i confi ictitly
otferi to tie Mfihc'.cd Or the fuilowincitmple reruw-ns:
i ll CVRBS, ut by abruptly ttofpW t tcu-k
but by div Ivink; ihe thlrm and atststinf natt-tt t'l
throw off the uniicjilifiy master caunnjr the irritation.
In cae of rirVtf toNit mpii"n it bitth protoiig arvl
render !rt burdemomethc Lie ol the afllictrJ uff-r-rer.
. lt halinc principle acu upon tKe irriuttd mir.
face of the luni, tenet rm ting t rat h diseased
relieving pm, and subduing in flammation.
ly curing all humors, from tiie common mmpi e rr
BRtTTiow to the severest ca& ot Scn.fuia. Ih j-jr.d
f affi davits could prhi-rd irm tl" u!tj uvt
fclt the benefictaJ efecis nf I'inb Thfb Tar (.i-'Iiial
in the vanoua tiifteaaca anu from imh kiiii-3 r
4 iMTffvrmJsi tk d ' ftstk rtfam? mnj rfst.-wrt
the affrttt.
All who have known or tnpd I)r Q. C. Vi:
Un'i remediea rrmiire no fffrencea from ? jt t'e
Kdmea of thouaaacs cured by thetn cari be ;ivrn f
n-y ooe whicubta our itAfment. Lr L. J. C
VV'iharta Grvat Anrrumn Dyfep:U tiUs and
Worm Strra Dnors haw never bees equalled. K r
fttle by aU Iruit and Storekeeper, and at f
r?. l a c. wicsAsrs csc,
So, X39 A. oon St., I'h Ho4m
Nnuhutil : llow l.osl, How f ;! orvri
Ju't .nH-."!:rJ. r nrvi i-ii ion r.f I-.:. i i i i -vi t ','n
:'! 1 ::! ! i.u OAT im t! 1- riiiiie il en t mm! . ' r ne:i
. m. -if l-i '-i.T i.liT i i. .. .-r s 'liiiij! :i):i .ss. iiit .inu-
ilfct V I'Ti'in:. 1 1- -t-i. ile ' 1 'i i I I") , "J ' -'! 11 1 1. 1 .it I U . ."ni iu-eji..-i.
y, ..' ..i illir.i I . lil ii i 1 .'. li-'i I '. 'iiSi' l-.J-
tioii, l : i .i li- . i-i'l'ie. l l. ':-"e'.i. U :. or
.xlCil t f'.i . ..Wi.e.-e.
." Pri. 1 01 .i i- .! ii . i.' i . i.t .
1 lie rel-' Ti.f il u.i-1. 111 li.i- :i-l!i!ir..l.:-'.. '. "ly
deiii..i,i.irati-s fr-11: thirt- v.-ai t '!. ssfi-.l pr.ii iw,
tht I 111 nl.iriMP;! . .,1.. le s of .ei 1.1-iiw r. i.v t
radii ailv ctireil n!i. nil ti. il.-iei r.e.o n-"- ni :eteniI
tmii.-ai.' or tiie hi pli.'Ati.'ii "i lln-kiiife ; .-iin iiig out
nioil.' of e ill e :it uiie- si-- )''. . e.-ri,in, r ! l .-rt-etllal,
'.j iin-.iis 1 .-ry H-ifterrr. i... tiu't-r h.-J . i"i.'litiou
ni.iv I-e. t,.a v rare Iii"1 if. j tt:.'.-.v ami n.l.i il'. .
fi.i lei! lire xlifiiM l.e .1, :'i. Villi.!-, nl 1 i - i-h 111J
eiy in.ia 111 thi i.'iiii.
s..'..t r f-ti. in j 1. 'i 1 10 i"! I.. ii i vidrw,
Mt-l uid, ..'.1 r..i! : -ni-. o.- t v.. t..ti.e
ptn rrt n.
A,).lre-a th,. pul.l.s'ii. - .
i:il AS. J. r. KLINE, A (.
i:; lt r'..i. N. V. ll'ist tifr.ef p..!i. 4.-.SJ
4f.. I. 1-74-J. ..
L..T. ..j-.ilwib''..., - rnrim Mi
CUU(J 1 1 S, COL l)S, 1 10 ISEN ESS,
l-tT l eoMA IN III. I i" JmXi S.
Si-Id l'n:ji;y... iv.
Tlie ir"'t Aiuericiui 'ofto' !'
distils ftitW an eVar m. aiiilxT: rMraets all ilrf
Mrei;sil!i: tet tii. IU itfititttis aronat. The
twt thins evt i ef. !. pt'-'f cnt tonnv
nil-Ire?. Cat! t i ? i.' 'i; (ratinn orsend f. r
ii;!i-:ratfii cin iil. r. 'letiitn:'. ) rights for
IK H'ITT C. PI.-o'TV ,v ... .-, Bm-i1-.rav.
N. Y. al7 4w"
3 KI IH.K)!. TI..V -i
tiii-s; i.ikI Sii".p;.',
!-i !
Mrtll H11V. I'i;:ii..ti l i
iti. H..i for
ki.;i I u
17 '.
so(.s r ;k i: mi a ;i,o-tv.
Tin - v Sttii iii-Nff
SHI !;"lai :rlS..t. A!i..
i i lio'viiN. :.v.: i;r
.1 S..J - Ii.Htfc. h W. r.
1'- i m j .! iiiii Hviii:;.',
. riff iiii.'tiio:. VtU't
Sj in-ii t'Y in PapT
i,.tr DtUiici! i::K Xm.'II Xs lrfi .1
UMrt in ior jr.rt JiJy, tu-i is tLe I nl all i
wjJ. Ii t' im no 1Iti.t-tir' Afiit in -iir t-':it
to JHiMKSl U: S. M. '.., Nw York. 4w.
1 .if lAtii;-rJiiitti'd Suit of t'i k : ,'t,'Ai!t- An-
ciihii Co, jiiiKt l!it- S;njf-r. V j td' r .. 'I Vi!oii, ul
i-fr inl Hn';r i'oTiijiMinf;-. ii. ... r vi.Aiy,
It Lnslly iH.itlt l 1 y Ilia Suinerm- ;,.. I it-I
St:li in f.t -Oi' o" t!!- l-'ltTMTiw. v-ji.. a '. .. i-r Vlii
the M.i:op.: "J Mich i HI. M H.IRNt K
jm The onl iii -c iluf w v-t..t :'! i t arti,
orti- J"t . Siiiii lr-t -' :. 'i ..
t ra-li '!!;. S .it-.. tr-i ?;!" I i . ..-i i :;-t J i:,
VUt ii' , Iji-.-. .17 W .
I. W. Mnutvpr, tT-, Mister cf tb Frun'a Stalf
UmiiK write? : I re- uru to toii my Mincere thaiik
.vr tPe HiHtory of the Orange Movnt nt. 1 ht y,tup
rl il vriili much ;rtert-t. It i" iiMlol ftomi with
'lit Ulc it i-aiim' fr vry Putrou'n family, atitt )ioul
tw hi tb hou.blt1 f ry )'-itr'ii in tLf l;m-l. 1 vzu
rb't 'ully reoimui'iKl (.
A. II. Si!ieiK-y, Kji Mastr of the Iowa Stat' lna-;:
writfN : hav rt-ivi tnr vr -iLJJ-nt Ikkjm ;
ri much -laMf! with it. Many thaiik Ur tlie :y
Hfit hip. I m.t Jt ij:hly"
Siil for it4riineu J1? mi l ircuhir" fMuUiuibK'
tcrniH to ATiitft jmmI ii'aiiv vrt- ndorMnieutB from
liii:r 4irauKrH. AiMnw ArimL IT. i'. I'bili
MjuiLs PAl'l lN. t ittHTHpuloua iuMitliTM
v.iw t;iUeu Hilvatte ni the reat d-QBii'i for this
Hi!oiy i t the (imiiip Meuiiot. to iwue univhaMe
works ou tbr snbjw j.iei r-oniDiatiou trutuafpfrifut
turn iM'WHi'ai-'!1 Jt n-t iHMl uimii. Stf that
vhe ,iu W.i i-- ihr-t tS- !-adtn limiiKeri!.
7 4w.
The Hi;lfst Mi:dii-al Authorities of Europe tar
l ho rtronjrit TnnU', Iurilitr and Dtobrtruent
kr.oui. i:i the uicdicul world i
J ii r ubob a
It ariCPts deeay of viul forces, exhaustion of the
nervtiDs cytetn, restores vi;or to the dehilittiteil,
rlear.w vitiated bkxl, removes ve!ielc o"truc
tion? an.! aets direi t'.y on the Liver nr.d 8pleen.
I'ri-.v sfl h bott'... ".toilN Q. KELLOOti, IS
I'Uit H..N. V. :!..
'Ktlcoernplij'."1 A new biHik on the art
of Writing by tinniil ; :t romplttt: 3tem of
Phonetic fehcLliam', thu t-hortt, tnoKt thii'le,
easy, nnd eoi ;eheusiM', etiabliii; any one in a
6horttimcto leji.prt triuli-, 'iTelies, sitiiioiip..
Vc. Tie: Lord" InV'T is rill on with 4'JMroki'S
ot the jh-ii, aud Vvj w..i.'i- j-r m'.uute. The ur
enniloved t.hon'.d 1: . . s trt. I'rice by mail
.V) etiils. Aifei.: .,' !. Vtldit-p. T. V.
hVAN V i '., : . .e Ii ?U. rhiladel
Jilila. I'.t. :t::4w
a i ' rv-ril a w i . . . , t H i- I f 1. i. nr
c'liAitii-:"-!:"!. vwii..ui.ih
i : ici aut:iuilt. p.iir- . . .. ir- pim rui'iti .
Prit'e liiw. A'.ldri-si1 jt . ..... ; . t 1 :. t .t. j!7 '2VJ
yuiiifv tr Ilu!:i.i' mil 4w,
AOF.NTS WANTt : ) r II .-.i..n .it I"Ip'TOHI.
llllll.KK 1'JtKI lln-v.:i;.ic. -i l..ii.a A' Al
1.. fur t!ieiili.r.. . .1. AN . i t p.,!'.i Arch St.,
I' hi. ui ft.
AvcrAx t xw- iu:wcui:
A Uliiiy lit tlir "V'hW 'M'(SAHi:.'
T. S. Mil lit Ks lul.-i itifl pia!t liok, on tli m.wt
ni.'.ri iil.i'- in lviti .-f i..Mtt-iii tiui-. flumv fiiil
to bin M-iii-'l iiij." miri "1 '-.a Nilitu, vjJI krniiw the
tiil likf u ft. in; MriMt. nml w!l Mr Trililt'irv. t'tiip-l-p.'tf.p
at i ! iiri.-i- t.i liiiir-.- mi M pit.'i piikI
ni:ti. .;- . - r? el ',
h!;i lo ii.-nti't .I. t'lnii. ti-rritcr. aut'l'-d.
.'-.i'til '- i.;T"Kl'i .uitit pii:i.lutl .ti r.-i-'i't i! il. :"tv
i. i. vTniijpAKT s i n.. Put,., l li:a.
Agents! if you want to tiisikn nionev el
6 jtn:i i v.t
I f r f.)
Tie lirt.. ., . . . ..a . . , - , - -
jii.l'iiir, '&n t"i:-. Te1 twoj.l' ;irn lur It.
ii i!i m-'.i iu dull tin. i-s : : t i-ttc i.i
-1 ii-mltiri.. It ii pi' et ti-.i. i.ii. t U.itir with
iejt v lK.k? th! I ..!-lv tn'.-. ;.' - "tr lliMii;
Miiilt.';. A.'lil- Malite.J i-w-'. v : . -. s-.l. elr-
citWr Lint -xtra l.i-I'i;- " ., '. ii-''ti'!!.
No. V.M v, ItoKiiiti, er i iti'tii-. n.i 4w
V A M I II O It I Y. .
htdd. Trv it. Price per Lottie ct:s. For
a!e Sy all Druirgists. REI IU N HtJYT, Pro
prietor, '.'03 (Jrccnviieh St., N. V. April tw
i&3Z.Tii. 1
Ir. Su' Catarrh
Remedy cures ty It
V" r-i . ,
tuiilil. soi,uilnr and hal-
tnc properties, W v T
Itm dis jwi yields, t;.en
r:"4 Cf l J .7 ICemi"ty Is used warm
V 'JX itf!"!! "t'd hystem put in per-
t ' l-''l tll'.n riivine teiii'ii-nuiHHCTmifQ
4 iv.v.-er - f l.: IMcri-e'ii Golden 2Ied
'aleol DiM'Ovory, taken eameuly, to t.loi.i an.! v.-teiii. which are l-
ii nvs at f.nilt,.-ilso In act specifically upon
j.-aM-il trl.ucM and llnlDp membrane ot
nnA nml rr)niir.ii::ir.ntinp cliamtiers. i.H'
j-tr '!i i:-m"tv siiniii-i tin applied warm
Mjivi:n Ir. Plrrrt Nana I Donrh,
w ' ' ' - .-..ii.iv in-'riMiieiitn-ith vl.lrti llnhl ma-
-::2 i.-in r.-ni im iwrfectlH Etiuliod ti all naru
i lof Ti.i-: i:n" nul chambers in which ulcers
I .- I .... i . .. . :..t. I 1.-. .
jJl-XI'i Ull'l .I"I!lIlilii lllliIil.lp'iU.W
ftieepssfn! has this Ircatment proren,
iSlilnt the jiroprletor rer 50( It.
. - - - . .... .. ..nuA nliifVJ.I . . I ' Ar
t , . . . i i ' J 1 1. . " ' "1 v.
'yl :rrli ho can cure. Tlie tw, meili-Y-
5 c; .e- r iih instrument f J,1'7 all ilmyglfcU.
I - the jiliire ' .- ' pure and fresh
I "A I XT v n.s,
(iLA . l'KI'tFL'.MKUV,
I NOTION'S. ,!i'-Ai;s.
Tor.A' I.KiUOK
for j.iif"'- o, ui;ti all other arli-c-U-s
usually hept iu a tir-t-d:t-iE Drug Stire.
SKci il aUcntinii jiaiJ t.) couipoundmir pre
8criptioii aud family r.-c-ipiM ly f)inictcrit
Iain ir'pared t.i Iiirni-h in ptaiilitii'i to fiiit
purchasers and at l'hilaJelphh' prices,
i'HII.ADK.I.l'IllA 1.1 MK,
I'- ri l in. I. Rinnan, Ro-endale am! Lehigh
Land I'laster for Fanner", Timothy and ( lover
H -e.tK. Also, (iardeii Seeds of all f inds. Call
.tml ir.-t a Rural Kei-ter lor 174. 15. CADWAl l.ADF.R.
Sun' ury, Felt. , 171. -!y.
Dn. C. M. Mautiv. fir. V. Um'M
No. 13, South Third Street,
Clement House Boilm SEBtory, Fa.
I)K. (
M. MAliTIN &
T.TAVE jnt received a (V
X k. and Patent nieiiicin.-s.
We hH'.e rUo a full nssmiUiri.' ; f
Hair, Tonih, Niiil.Ciotl.c.ho'. an! other "jruuhe.
rtVF. FXTRACTS, P;CF!-T ftm-K, SMVf, e., SC.
the B'veeteft perrutnc l America,
rarittiun, a Kid ilovo WhhIi.
warranted to eleau jwrfwtl the ino-t delicate
shades without injury to the kid
All the teudiujj preparations for the Hair,
PuieWine aDd Liquor", for inedieal purposes.
Physicians Prcecription and famf'.y leeeipts
eoniot:nded with care.
Thankful for past favors we hope by fnircleal
ine to receive a nharc. of your pnlronage.
Kcpn-mber 11, 1"73.
Iron in the Blood
The. Peruvian Syrup, a Protect
ed Solution of the Protoxide of
Iron, is so combined as to have
the character of an aliment, as
easily digested and assimilated
with the blood as the simplest
food. It increases the quantity
of Xature's On-n Vitalizing
Agent, Iron in the blood, and
cures "athousand ills," simply
by Toning up. In vigorating and
Vitalizing the System. The en
riched and vitalized blood per
meates every part of the body,
repairing damages and waste,
searching out morbid secre
tions, and leaving nothing for
disease to feed upon.
This is the secret of the won
derful success of this remedy in
curing .Dyspepsia. Liver Com
plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar
rhoea, Boils, rvous Affections,
Chills and 'Fevers, Humors,
Loss of Constitutional Vigor,
Diseases of the Kidneys aud
Bladder, Female Complaints,
and all discaar originating iu
a bad state of the blood, or ac
companied by debility or a loto
state of the. system, lliiag free
from Alcohol, in any form, its
energizing rj frets are not fol
lowed by corresponding reac
tion, but are jtermanent, infu
sing strength, rigor, and new
life into ml j tarts of the rystem,
find building up t;n '.ou. Con
stitution. Thot'ia nds hare hi a-eh tinged,
by the i'e of this vmedi, from
weak, sickly, sujft-ring crea
tures, to rtmng, healthy, and
happy litrn. end wown; and
i:tr uii fix ea::io: reasonaMyhes
iitslr f t give, it ; trial.
;.7v th't! ,-';; b'.'fle. Jta PERU
VIAN SYRU? I!.--: theffUu-j.
SETH W. rOV.'LC L SON;, proprietors.
:w l :ni;..t i ti .
Boi 1) l: I'ui i.iili' i i
. 1 i: l 1.1
rtXH. v:rnf; m.wim; machine (.,
.m. v .-.ii v. .ialile anil energetic Aaenti in thi
couii'v. i(,i- "VICTK" is a l.iK-k-ftitch. Shut
tle Maetnn.-, with Half-setting Needle, het tini-h-eian
l most perftel Maeliine otfered. An in
creanc of per eetit. on ?nlenf s7- over 1 7 1 .
For terms Ai-., Ad.lress, VK'TOR sF.WINt;
MACHINE CO., 17 CliestP.t:t St.. I'hihii!. !'!:':!
Pa. S.-pt. p.', 1S7:I. 4iiiof.
Send lur Illustrated Catalogue and examine
.iiir prices before purchaMiiir. as we claim to sell
lower than arv other establishment in the Citv.
REM EMd'.ER the Ni'MliER.
P.W RIlXiE A V FN IE. Phihulelohia.
Vi V it v..
John Vt . Slc onsoti,
Corner Third and Market S:s, Smihurj .
HAS completely n-nnvated his Store Room,
and opened the largest assortment of
ever exhihiteJ in this jmrt of the Slate. Every
thing ;U t!:'. ecwelry liiti; i V- ' i'l store.
Silvrr-W nrr.
ICiiiKs S: Ji:iiuN,
of every J.. eription and .-f fm. -t quality.
Particular attention j-uid to repairing
lYMtcUrM, lork. Jewelry, Ac.
HAIR JEWELRY nn to onler. .
Suuhnry, March C, 171.
Peruvian Guano.
FARMERS, Airiiculf.iiisis aud Dealers in
Fertili7.eri have now an an opportunity o
ohtainini; this valuable nianiire iu Miiull tir
larce lots, at the sole importers' priees, hy ap
plyintrto the Special Agency just t stahlished for
the purpohc of delivering Cenuine Peruvian
Guano to consumer- at any accessible port or
railway etatuiu in the eouulry. I nil particular i
given in Circular mailed free on application to 1
N i. !! aver St., New York.
Reference- 1 y Pcrniisr ion.
Mesr. Hohson, UnrtadoA Co., 1 "mam Ag'ts i
of the Peruvian i,oiernii:ent. .V.' Wall St., N. Y. ;
Modes Tavlor. Pr. N i'i dvltanU, .Vi Wall
N. v.
J. C. Trney, I : . IV: i. . n f eisul. ,VS: Br-c i-
i'.y, N V.
March t,. 1-". i - ' n - -
-;eo. kvans k. c,. MAIZE.
Geo. Evans & Co.,
9H Market Stm-t, l', i
Militarv, I5aml &. Firo Organizations :
pro!ii)tly unifoinH-il.
Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent
free on application.
Ours beinvthu Iva'iini: hiiiieou Military '.v nk,
we feel that we can olfer indiieetiien!. which can
not b- attained anywhere els"
Jan. -:!. 1S?J.
ThU l Street, adjoiuini: Phila. iV: Erie R. R-. Inn
Snuares North of the Central 1 1 1
M''l',l'l:V, PA.
IS prepared to furnish rvcry description !' lum
ber required by the delllallils of tlie public.
Having all the lai-'-t improved luaehineiy for
iiiiiiiufie-t'irinir Luu'o. r, lie is now ready to tiU or
ders wf all kinds of
land u'i kinds of Ornanicnta! Seruw I Work. Turn
in:t of i-veiy der.erlpiion prompt ly xc. .1. Also,
A I IK.iF. AstiHrl!.Vr OF
itn.ii i.u.m nn:.
HEMLOCK and PINE. Al.-;,, si:!:., Pickets,
I.Ml U , 1
i-rs tiroiiiptlT tilled, iin.i shippe d ty Riiih-oud
erwise. " IRA T. (I.MMENT.
Lathe, Ac.
or otberwi
VICK'S Floral -i'uittu
FOR 1 ST.".
S00 Paes, TiOO Etigravin". and Coh-t'd Plate.
Published t"art''rl.v, ' els. a year. Fiist No.
for 1S74 just issued. A Herman edition at the
same priee. Address,
.TAMES VICK, Rochester. X. T.
II AIR li!KSM;i !i
;?"i)(nt (..iir-t ih. i !:.!
tin I he East 5ideof
-ou: Ii nf .Mark' t.Sun-
'I iiilio Mina
i.'ltV. I';!.
HI -
w'uelie.-, :iiul all kinds of
Work tiKiiie to nfiler
i-itlKT out nf combings
or slr;iig!it litiir. All or
der left :il tiio rei'lenee of
A. T. Walters. u in until at.
and Sb:un"ki:i avi-mi-.'. v, iil rercivc
luompt attention. A ;iecialty in
fHiLii:i:y' ii.n; ri'TTiNG,
eitlier ni their liotnt-s or sieving Parlor.
. !'. WALTERS.
.tii'v !;::. t:'.
I 1.!! K I'.KI.'iW Tiii: ;-ri;rACE,
i'.y iiiii-. w. kn'"X.
01! rs"(( (::vo. J S'ine Eugra
vi:if;s. Ri lates lii.'iih'iii? :ii.l ' ii 'iiti- ti.'voiid the
t l.iulit of Pav ; startling ! v. ,.i in es in all parts
; of 'the Wn!tl ; Miee.- ' aed Mede or Working
i thuni : Caviin- and tir -ir Myvt. :iis; Down ia
j the Depths of the fe:i :'.- in Opium Deus ;
j Life in Prison ; Stor:e !' Exiles ; Journey
' thronli Sewvrs an ) ( n f.viii ; Aceiaenis in
I Mines; I'nilerwnrid of '- Creat fitiea, ete.
I For eifiilar ;i r. 1 li-rm ( rt-iit. address the
; puiiiii-f! -r. '. i'l i:k .v co.
I K-irM'ord. ("nvti.. i-r ('!;!. . Hi.
j urj.i.s a.i.i i:f. i:s r ;;i:w vork.
.;!.:- lUh' v., ;.'!.
! Xoarlv r. iOO.-r:o V-w. Pri.f:ie'.v Illustrated.
I If you wish to Kiiiov li.ev '..rlnnes are Made
I and l.ost ; how "jlirew.l Mi ii are Ruined ; how
I Panic are (joined : hmv Wneks are Roni;ht and
Sold, Read this Rook. It leia'en the tiiot;raphie
of the great leailin-r si're!il.:tiri of New York,
! with a history of Wall sire-i an 1 its. operators
' duriiijr the ast -lJ vi ars. For circulars and
i terms, address the pnlili-lvji-.
' Wesi'udan Eiea:nt (ii miiin Chromo. motint
'. ed and readv for framiie. fr.'e to everv Airenf.
j .1. u. r.L'R'-: Co.,
i ilartfor.l, t'oiui., or ( hiciio, 111.
j xew ;;m!i.v, ti ; styees
I of i-very do-cript'.on ami variety "Mohae
IJros-- jsis
i eoinpriiing all the uovl-'.Ivs m l.ilnii; and shade.
YVoolf u (wls, I'MSK-y (Jootls.
J Full Assortment r Notions,
which are being sold at t'.c ii.v.-t f'ash Pries.
' Also, (Jitot ki:ii and I'icvi-ions,
pme and fre.-h.
! and Willow Wai:k,
- Nicest l'ranils of Flour cmtautly on hand.
I A very lain'"
lioth glazed anil eounaoii, aivta.vs on hand.
15 O O T S AND S II () E S
v natlie eehlirated hand tn.eie Buot and Shoe
Maiiul'aelory m, for
! m i:n, wom en a n i ( ii ildren.
of all M7.. and (' th ! tt.--t -iyle-.
F L O I K .
A constant supply nf wrsti-ni . Lite wheat flour
j a e'aiity.
! The puhlie are iiivit. il to i. i!i -in 1 examine our
! (ioods tree uf charge. Oar ;
Sales and Small Proiit.." a-i.! t.
j The hihe-t pri-.- Wii! '. ::
' eo'.mlry iirodtice.
! l!y strict attention to hi!.-!:-..
' nil times tiio mot eo;e.p!-te
! thelowcst piid s, c !iii e lo I.:. .
I patronage.
.Siiiihnrv. Dee. '.', 17:;.
lotto is "Quick
please all.
for all kiniU of
and keeping at
a ti.! felling at
ii a f ill ihare of
II4.'2K I.Ii K l TdS;
: I'v the Author .f Ni-ht ."u
: and' "Our Path- r If -
-.!t0,0( have lie. n soi l, "liiii
j mended by i.-iinKte r- of :,li i i:
i :ii!thor"s te-rt hiii.I.." -!,:'; of; -Y
"Trntlis piecion-'.'i- '-::e-.' .:
' e very family." ee.-'-t
i d paper, l ic it tiieiiif' :.'.: 1
. , in the Bible."
whibh nearly
Life" is coiu-.iich-.-s
as "the
i ni- thoughts,"
choice iiook for
v:-ius, rose tint-
i.ipid nale nu
1. s Teachers
y eoudty ; 575
en la r.
iiii.ulelphia, Pa.
' C'liialed. Aei'nt-. Vn.ii
and Clergyinen. w.-mt'-l
! to f Ion per lent h. Sen I
Ms Ar.-h S:
March ii, 1S74. Vlino-.
Tin: Jii; i:aicu::u mioi
TS TIIE SHOP OF 'Hi!: l.iWN ami long
j A, has been ; a -I; hi -tory an 1 will tell you
' Men have einivn old in our patronage
Ilabies on their mothers' I ri :t-t
i To bouncing boys at play :
j And youth- by maiden- lair caressed.
To stalwart im n with cares oppressed.
And old men siivi r "lay.
; And amoni; the honor.-d an 1 lasting impres
,' sions of time, and the crash of revolutions in
t eiieuin-tances, we stand a living niouuiiiental
I memento of the ingenuity a:: l perseverance ap-
pertiiininir to tin- identity of p: orcssion, plying
our vocation with the iil-.'hes! style of art and
I perfection, ami n.-pirimr to achieve tlie highest
i reward of merit attainable, in our humble capaei
i ty. and the sentiment d re-pei-t and approbation
! which the prescn-c t.f siip.-i ior appliances and
! tablishnicnt arc always wont to inspire.
! Always to ple.i-e
We sbave wit h ea-e
! Cut and comb with t.i-le the hair ;
: Shampoo the with snot bin;; care,
j And color the whiskers black or browu,
To suit the people about the "town.
Then allow me politely ymi to stop,
; And not o ':it nor lioin arunn,! our chop.
1 '1 o K'"t shaved on the ba-i- u! aiiility nor as
i some have done for our use of I he ballot for prin-
eiph sacred ami riht nor nndcr tins common
i secret aud xuis.-of enmity l complex
I ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of
his tkin. onht not to die t his usefulness nor
i Ills iualiticalioiis. A fair chance is; all that we
' t!em-inil In irivc the proof to all the land.
i Proprietor.
! Suiibury. April Ti. 1-7;; : N o. . 1 . M irk' t st.
lion. Jaa i:;:i i !
come one: come aee::
TIIE stib-i-rilii'r Iiivm - crcl -.l a lilackpniilh
Imp, on the lot adjoiiiiau: I In ti Mill, formerly
own-d by Moiiran .v Ma--, r. o-i Eoiiith St., Sun
bury, is jutpalt-il to do
eiiesiti ltla L-.!tii tiling,
ii the shortest notice, aii-l iu the b-.-l manner.
Cu.-tiiiii woi k )noiiip!lv a:t. ,'ii I lo.
inaib- a sji.-t i.ili v. '1 In ni iv:. ;.; of town and
country is n -j-eetfnliv .-.'.ic'.!. '.
PI 1 11R WILVEh.
f-iinbury, Nov. ?. I -.7.1. if.
Ft if A'lrii'l '.-''' 'I F"v .-"fi rs nutl young
--a't- I'cr 1YitV
1 T t'.t iil , unl you
Htrtli New
I . tlllllllMTrUU'
. . - 'iijs. ;iinl 4 or
'::i:ill!.-l ti iiH lJ"
. i j, HavH, Stew
i r r ti son, laiiks
-;..- t i-ioiithiy, 30 rl.
i' - r, i t p jcr.
hi- :.i :t l v -M-fitl
," i.i- : : (
"I.a i 'm.M i if-' i -
l-.Vfl ...'Mil
H..m ?.' ! i-i v ..! n
tll-iC l' lt 1 i- 'i '
H;icr. Li:'!, ..--.t
l'ulili-Iu iii-.:,'.';..
MiTi-K. i': !
l'carls of jlelody.
-pi. l-ollei '.'
cult. : i'i li.'in !-
I-: I';.i:"' ;ii : e i-i itiIiiMn itifli
r e i i. 1 i-ii::'. :4. Aililress.
.1. I'l'TKKS,
- . r. .' .v ; . lion :.-2!, N. v
J..ii. riTl.
m :sii: sisoi is iicot
l-i'NEii V.
Su:sl:rj. l-im'a.
IM'l iIlM the pu'iiic ti. it ! le y an- prepared to
do all kiinl- of CAS'I !N..-, ami liavinir added
a new .Machine Jslmp iu connection with their
Foundry, and hae supplied tliem-elves with New
Lathes,"l'lauin!; and IJoiin r Machines, with the
latest improvements. With the aid of skillful
nn clianii-, thev are enabled lot crule all orders
thai, may be -jiven tli 'in, in a sati-factory man
ner. rate suit :::i,y Nlove.
IP.o COLl"M.XS, for clmrehcs or other build
in'S, of all -!' -.
liRAS- CA:-TIN.-, Ac
Ornamental Srr-n FcTXciiig
FOR CRAVE. V .'.:: !."1;
The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su
periority, have been still further improved, and
v. ill olwnvs be kept on hand.
Pun'mrv. M it .'', 1S'TI.
New an. I mtrnetive Goods, In every popart vir-.nt
ruvosrs -rnnLKT, ph.vfr and rmrr. w i.f..
CutVry. Tioek?, Bronze?. En!ih, Fri'tti h nnd
f-Vnnsn Fhkv H.d1j.
Iu view of the dee'.:M! in fiOl.D, c hv" re
duced prices on our entire Stock of Foreisrn n i r
chatidisc to
Par Oold ltate.
aud p'lrohnsero will find it to their inter.-;-: to
make their pelectionn NOW, w!:::: the VSORT
ol ent on approval ftir acletti:.!is.
Artieles purchased now. for the Holidays, will
be pneked and retained until su-h time i!.'-ir-ed.
1124 C'UF.STMT ST., PlIli.AIiKl.riitA-
e c s
" 'X M S
x. n wi a
5 3
t t
ii c
e o
? ft
r-i ? -
l s n J-
p K r:
-r c
w ...
w c
"5 '
? bi "
ALFRED KR.VUSE, Proiiri.-tnr.
HAVING purchased the above well known es
tablishment, Mr. Krause would respect ful
ly inform the public that he now has on hand a
large assortment of
Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regril.ttor or Revolving
Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others,
which, are so arraneed an to be used for Coal or
Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori
ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to
heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES
of different kinds at very low prices.
Tinware or Every leeriptiou
kept constantly on hand. Rooflu and Spoi.tinir
with the liest material, done at bhort notice.
RE PA IRISH attended to with dispatch. Coal
Oil Lamps constantly ou hand. Japan ware
of a XiiuU. Store opposite Conley hardware
store. Give mc a call. A. KRAUSE.
Tailoring! Tailoring!!
T ESPECTFULLY Informs the citizens t i-a
JL he has just received bis
SpriuK.and Summer iool-.
on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen
building:, and that he is prepared to make up all
kinds of
of the latest styles. Having had much experi
ence iu the business he desires the public to -.-ive
him a trial.
Clothing will be made up In th latest Palis
nil American Fashions in the most satisfactory
OH tST MIRKF.T ?T., NKR THE fill' Mi'lll,
HtNUfKI, r.,
now open, ail the novelties of the season in
trimmed and tint rimmed
Notions iu every variety, i -ti a:: 1 Oaminc the
fine assortment aud lean: li.-.- " prices. ls,,,
of the lateet and most fashionable style-.
nnburv. Pa.. Oct. t7, !7a. :
now open.
Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Plumes, Feathers.
Ribbons, Crape Veils, Crape, Crape II. its
und Bounets, Bridal Hats and a full as
sortment of the latest stvb-s in
trimmings of all kinds.
GloviR, Collars, Cutis, nud every fashionable
article of ladies" wear,
fail and see the new styles of Goods at
Market Square, Sun'jury. Pa.
October U. 1S7S.
of Trimmed H.ts and Bonnets.
Plumes. Feathers, Ribbons, ''rape
Veils. Crape. Crale Hats snd I'.on-
nets, Bridat Hats and Bonn ts,
and a full assortment of the latet styles in
M I I. I. I X E Ii Y
Fourth St., below the S. V. R. R.
Every effort will be made to please those who
favor her with their patronage.
Suubury, Nov. 7, 1S73.
Mis Kate BlaekN.
Market Square, Sunbary, Ta.
LADIE'S DRESS GOODS of every style and
of every diseriptlon, Fancy Goods, Notion- and
Trimmings a specialty.
The finest assortment of Ladies' goods.
Everybody is invltd to call and see them and
bny cheap.
October 31. 1873.
Millinery. J
P E X X S Y I V A X I . i IJASl, ItOU).
On and after S'iaiiav, Dc-ciulier 1-t. 1ST::, th
Trains on the Pl.iiadclphiu & Eric Rail RVe! !ivi- !
M'iii will rim as fo'lows : i
lia:!;.:.. ; !.-.-, ves I'hiladclohia,
William -I'l.'rt,
ai :-. at liali ;:.
'i.T: p m i
"(.Ho p in I
it p m I
'.'.l."i a ir
i.'yi a m i
IO..MI p 1!) !
;;.;" a m 1
7.:;o a m i
S.4'1 a m i
10.1'.". a m ;
7. :iJ p m
h.oii a in ,
1. '') ii in
ti. .' i : m
7.: r p :n
s. -'" a m
l'.'.-'i'i p m :
1 -Vi p III !
::.!) p 111 j
p in 1
I'.lo p iii :
1.10 a tn '
I.Vl a 111 :
.t.i " a m
11. '20 a iu
s.-l i p m ;
!..Vi p ni !
11.10 p in :
"-':."i a in ;
s.iHl a in '
7 a m i
'j.:;:i a m
1.'. ) p iii :
.". " p m ;
il i-aves Ph'.iil-lt-ipl .
" H.ii-l-l.i-.u.
' Lock liini i,
ii Renin'.'.
in at hne.
aves I'hitadelpl.ia,
Ehii'ua Mail
' Wilii. !tnspt;rt,
air at Lock Haven,
omod'n leaves Harritiiirjr,
Ri'iiovo Ar
" Williaiiisp't,"
Bald E.tu'.e Mail leaves Williami-pnrt,
" " " arr. at Lin k Haven,
Bu:Ta!n Evj-r 'ss h aves i'.iillilo.
; " Emporium,
j " ' ' Willlamsport,
j " " hi r. at Harri-sfmrL.
j ' " " Philadelphia.
Erie Maii leaves Fiic,
I " " Renovo.
: " " Lock Haven,
j " " " Willi. inispoit.
" " air. at If-irrishur,
j il " ; I'hiladc'.plii.i,
j Elmira Mail leaves I.rK'k Haven,
" " " Williauii-poit,
I a rr. at l!;i n i-.l.arir
! " " " Philadelphiii,
Il.'iri'liilli' Ae.'o
leaves illianiiip t, 1 1. 'J p m
1 " ' arr. at II:irri.-lurir, l'JM'J p m
; " " Philadelphiii, -'..Vi a m i
i Bald Eas'c Mail leaves Lock Haven, Pi. "JO p in
j " " " ai r. at Wr.ii.unsport 1.:. I p in
I Mail E int connects east and west at Erie with :
i L. S. & M. S. R. W. nrnl at lorry and Irvim ton i
; with f)il Creek and AIL-hcuy R.Il. W. ;
i Mai! West with e.-.-t tin 1 west trains o:i L. ?. !
; ifc M. S. R. . Had at Coirv ae. l Irvirn t iT! wirh '.
j Oil Creek nnd AlleL-heny i:. R. V. j
j Elmira Mail ami Buli'alo Exple-i make cliie i
connccti'ir.s ut wiliiam-poit with N. C. R. .
j trains, north, and at Ilarri-hurr with N. C. R.
j W. trains south.
; WM. A. BALDWIN, (ien'l Lvr:.
ISiiIuilfllIi!a& ::ro;nli:i:ai:ro;t;I.
!)' St.h, 1S7.".
Ti: tiss Le.wk
:i:mion a- For.
Eai i l rc:i.)
10.10, II. Oii
Fur Shaiiiol
p. m.
For Mt.Canr.cI.Ashlaiii!., P..:tsvil!
Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a.m.
TllAlNil FOR llKItNPON, l.KAVK A Fol.LOW :
(MM1AV- llXi rlTKll.)
Leave Shamokin at S.OO a. m. 1.50 an 1 3.55
p. in.
Leave Philadelphia. '.' 15 a. ni., Rending 11.15
a. in., Pottsville, l-.lo p. in.. Ta'.a.i'ina, l.'JO p in.
Ashlaud, :i.o5 p.m., Mt. C.inne!, M.'-'l p. in.
Trains Leave HAuisL:t i;i;. as Follow :
For New York. 5.:;o. s.p) a. m. nnd 2.(K p. m.
For Philadelphia..!.:'. !. s.lDn. m. ,.!; at .-.! 4.n5
p. in.
S!Ml.l s.
For New York, 5.110 a. m.
For Phiii!eiphia. .V'J p. in.
Tkains ior HAnuisiipito, I.rtvE.ts Foiioas:
Leave New York, 9.0'
p. in.
ia.. Pi. -SO and o.",0
p. in.
Philadel'-hla. 0.15 a. ta. :'..VA a:i.l 7.15
rk. o.'.l'i !. in.
New Y.
7.15 p
J. 1".
'-!'" Sr.
R-adirtg, Pa. Jfi.
Xorthrii 'ii!rnl
i thi- ni-el it ill nm
;i and efti-i
:ts liillitti:
. l, ij
;: :
r;ii!!i .
i.HAVi: N.inriii'.
Kri. Hel'.ov:!
M-t:l At .-.a.-!.
. S.: s j. m
.11.1.-. i m
.lo.-ii . in
. :i.y." :i ni -.'."i :i ri
. 5.2il a in II. 1.) a in
Khi'.ira !: initio
.M.i:i. less 1
4.ts it in 1 !.::.'i a ni J
s.-J."i a n. I.4"i p ni '
s.ii.1 u in U..V. i m j
I..111 p nt "ii - ' ni j
Wysbifir:i.u .
Biih iiiinre.. . .
Pluliid. ll'l.ei.
Arri.e a :
W ilii.iriii-.jrt .
liiill .ia
Knti ji tti i.l i p m
T.lo a
11. Vi :i i
s.:i );
7.10 pin
l-V.-O ! r.i
C'."0 !
All d liiv excect Sa' i!.lff
M.:rris if
f -..
m.ii il..
11.L--I il Ul
7. .;c .t m
I- I
tl.rn p ni i I.'-i t- ra
it. !u p lu 7 "- i iu
; Hmnr.
j Wiiliiiiiiti on
i Sii;i'it:r
: Ai:i . at t
I Ilor-sl.lllif .
I. Iii :i in
J.ii in
it M
4..l i: 1,1
.In in
.S.I.' -. i.'l
Iii.:i."i :i in
I. .a I l.l
r..:.: ; in
p m .: '- rn
a iu s.tJ n :a
it iii s.4'1 :i nt lllu
H.'.i::iiiiii ...
ti..'.'l i-i v.
t..ta a in le.:.,) a m
T. t. I t. Kill;,
Alt J ass Sniilei: y it.; ly e
S. t. IlASsi ATT. T. S
liii'l 1 a iiaT T. t.;!
M,000 I TV ;ii'T.s.
A (jraml CJiTt Concert.
Ai;i;T.DGiiTtii?:t i:i.t
will f- sit. b nt Sui.liury, l'j ! y the i i.i
On MONDAY. .H'l.Y 1::, 1ST I.
Unless tin- tieke-s :ire :til seiil Liiiirc tiiitt tii...-, i
illle ll.n ii-." .t iil l;e :eu ct' Till- tir.ii.
A full OfUMino: Certain.
iliiintf to tht- I':il.:e, :.r .1 ill iiiilt-r to tueet Ha ;;t n
u :sh uiiil i t-i-t at :en i i' lie- j e: ilc-:; i ti t'.e I iek- i-iei-i
for ilu-iii'I l'ityi.ieat eftl.t' tt itH ji-i oiiiieed, lie- iu.
; EiiejiM in .e ilt I
I Iiniwii ;; to ll.e it
n. i . '1 t tii.l: -i e :he t't
it and
ul i .!: .
1. r ' ' Mir:
'I'll- itloeet ill lliixei;
! Curl. :l Ste.iia I i:e K!';: ii.', '-.:n.-:i v.-'i I'.
! to nil ne:'hIoriiii hit-'i.-. ;n-i- -i.-ifl ' h r;i:I,
In. i
Hint It lil I-i- mi le-lei en i.-:it t
I biive in ver luil.-l !o tl..-e:i ;ri.-e ..iiir .July
I t.ti, wM rerti.mly will l i ultie to a--.-on
' with tin- aiit of sle..ln.-r. 't'-e-re lie I
tin-ii .
ii u; -
lisli Tieire 'jonil 1
; thmi l. i.-eit-ee j
t-- of S:mI'Ury.
thu- iiti.iriUii!? i
in l's tiiaa ;
ar tov. u vi Iil cot !
mil-lisle i. up. r.-e i
ilis I oi l.y
liirtji' mitt si.iiiil Ittwas m .t.i.i'i l.iiri v
all ef whieh fitn In rt-.e'it'-l li.v ruiin
tiie t.ieility f ap.-.isli:'.i; .i'V e: oii'
uli iiylir'- lime ; m 'ill. ;:l liif -.'il;:t :::i
lie ti:i riiteeted. Osir j ri j.--: l ei-.;
f-wl .'. iiti leul ml t.: in I. -;s u,.!
tile tiniw alstve liu'liftl for lilv,;-.!.
thi: foi,; is
I IN I' liEINIl tilf'i' Or...
A I.I-T or l-.IFT-.-
1(1 tints ot j."'i.iM
Ill (Oil- ol I
lin'iill-uf I-.'.eii
Jim t:i:i- tf .'i."-i
:.i.i t mt-e.f ..Hi
l.CiH totts nt l.iii
I,-".: Ti.Ial
Tins t tit. . pri-e i im -n-nv
.. l.lJ
. . l.lltsl
.. 1 .IH Ml
. . I .in hi
. . I.'li')
llntlses. Ie: anil In: i.i u:e i
! The h-ittl -r ' a suei- - -: n'. ; .
' fAs-H.
TillT.- Ik- Jfl.ll.i.1 T:t'.o
j c-i'i. a: Jl.'n e.ien. nri'l iii r
: ri.tmt) in CASH i;n t r. v.. I! ! .!
I PLAN tiF I'l.-T
TwilTt i;it.ll--iti'l I:':':::,! -I
flt 111!'-.' MItll li'.'-e U'i Tin- r.
I in one vtli. t l aeii e iT'is e.,e'
j I'leiiiinni-i in s.ui- :l '.';,
fl.ull tlles w h.-eN, a Mitel r
eil insi-rilied tnt-U .il l i t
I lililtilir mi ilriiivn I'i'iii: th" .
I IlliUIIl ilet-uiliit.'.i i-y til
i'i'iii tin- urin-i-. fa:- i'pi r;'i
J blinii person, nisi eoii:iii!i. i
j n.i Titty-Sewn piiiauie-.
! liU-. i'.very j.i-r,11 li 'i Hi'-
f ilinli.':
ei ive L-
1 -ll-e-.
arr in
'.ei t
.Oi- r
1 '
: I
::!:il i'lt'N.
-in."i, Wlil ! li..-.' 1
.. li The naii.t - el tlie
..I.. -..I iii ni:i.;iici-. .
e thfaUe e i;.iii- i
.. : iiicou.-li . I ae I
.. : .. . ures ti..- j re- j
- :.Ue s - ii. t. r ui.e '
i t . 1 1 rfor'-'i i I.v a :
I .i .-''.lien ii'.nitl'-e.i '
iCrieii. It is eviiient !
i. ii. .
".li l- i
ailini .simi't ni-'-::.
Ail t'.nts f iiil in i' A--!! "!':
Money e.m Is' s-..: for 'ln-lv'
IVi-t Oltiee Miint-y Ol.l : s, .- 1
lle-.t-eil, Tli r.H. will i'-- St-:-: 1.
Tlie loiifWil tT e. u: i.-ll'i-tl
lie: as Triis' i . s 1-t I 'e-:. ! 'i
s.. P. ,. -ton. IV:
too. Iti.L A'torui .it I.e.. :
i in 1 1 .r-stt-red Ii-i
ri -s at our r
i.; -e-i. C. .' ii.
e liM.iPt ev.1;.-1 i
, I .1 eert :
-..r 1'. II. and V.
I t. W. 1.. 1.
I s.
,i 1
niriiil-r oi riKiar.-s : v i.i
tor I-ir-t N..i'..'.ii,l p.-.ek ot
ditto ; Ir.l T. t "le .'. I
foul Mi rrieint. sic t,iii-y.
'I iie iihii,' nullie.l eeiii
In i-iilile liii-n. w;:o o 'in
I. 1 1
: li
Iir.v -
. ran l.
ei -.1 in:
Hi' ir it-si-
I I. -.
i N N.
I 1.1 K.
i v. ii .
ilie a:.swi'retl.
i i;:r.
: m. sniNi'M,
i - fi'ulitij? S.'r;t .nry.
N. S. Km
'I i .
Siiiil.i.: .
si i'i ? v -ii as; km: yaih,
I'ourtli Nireel Im-Iow 'Lirkc!,
s u n r. r ii y, r i: x x ' a.
PIIF. iindersiiu-i
; has retm ned from the Ver-o-.tun-icj
w it h 36 T.u: of
m.iii. Marbb
Marble for
I'V. V1'1 lie has I on-l-.t at such figur..s that
Vlff will allow him to sell better stone, for
".jQh. less money, th.i'i hen tofore. The iic-t
SStSutliorlaP.l Falls
Rutland is now
which is better than Italian,
sold as low as the Maii;-hesier,
in ail
Those who need anything tn the Marbie line, ; farmrie ftediug taeir cows npon rutabagas,
for Monuments, (Jrave-Stones or other purposes, pr i!Irc th:tt th? milk becomes sostrone-W
will find it to their interest to call and examine ,...,,.,, .... . ,. ., -
this larire stock, as better bar-tins can b.. seeur- !'"''n-' l) 'K"-r disagreeabte tasU and
ed than' buying from parties 'huckstering' round I c,,1", il !k-' u,lGt fr butter-making. To ob
the count rv. ibnt a pinch of finely powdered salt-
.111-...-: -lll 1... .Ini.A ;.. 1 K . nn.l 1 . .. J "1
..i uiii-iiiif; "in ov uoi.o u.. ..
uio-i iiuprutctt Btjiu.
Suiibnry, Jan. 11, T'T:
bWEci Potatoes. A writer la the Couniry
- 'iiil(u.'in, experienced in the growing of tweet
p e ".tuts, says : "Take an ordinary hot-bed, split
lb? potatoes lengthwise, la them cloe all over
tiiij hed, cut si le down, cover with mould or flue
s in I three inches deep, (I prefer the latter,)
tr.-t.tnliitfil like l.r.nvn sujrar. Some would aay,
r.i.w yive a ooj watering, close up the sash and .
t i'-ll the heat until the plants are read J for
ii-e. Not so ; this is the secret ; do not touch
tu with water until they are above the ground,
ui.c'i tie-it as Ifoa will foon (cet the
ka. . i of slipp-in the finger and thumb down to
t-ike out the be-.t plauH as they advance without
lu'ilctin the Iitbers. Wait ten days rather than
pii-.iit in cold w-:it?;er ; di before cold sets In."
i'iii: Vri.i i.viiLC biiiDtN.-The vegetable to
e ni-: ally coii-ideicii too small a matter for the
c 'U.- plant; - to uiv.j any attention or thought
to :t. it i
ti i: iil'lilUJ
.'irs. Planter' dorauiu. Very well;
ai-'.'it is r.t.t .i bad nup. wnxrtt.4 m.,
I!.- 11! l!.;
f :: i !ii-r.
a t.itj r.,r gardening ; and provided,
that a hand i Dlaeci-I t tir ,ii.
p. il whenever garden work requires it. Too
i :i -:: no help caa t.e spared from the cotton aud
f. - corn wiii-u ir..h.d, and the grass overrnos
t-v -rything. 'Ih - garden might as well hav
n -v. r been planted. "Bat cottou pays," (some
ti:n. .,.) you s.iy ; "snap beans, sugar corn,
- . i-h :s, an j t:rn ilont." Cotton would not
pay if treated as you treat your garden crops.
15 .t a good t. inlen, juilieiously planted and well
e'i. lifted, docs pay. No acre on your whole
p' tion. we roiiture to say, pays half so well.
It pays Ur-t an 1 hcaviiy in the money it saves,
aiel it pays again in healla and the employment
v. !,; It its products give, ia wholesome and need
( ': artieies of diet, saving money, again, In the
ave:..wee of heavy doctor' bills. Pray do not
n-.''eet the g.trdeu, and don't confine its crops
l - iap heaiiS ard collard. Have a plenty of
S e;; j.lants (tiuinca squaeh,) okra,
-an-i. r'i:iashes, heels, carrots, and the
o.l tiiiiiis. J!,mil CarolimaH.
! .vTk;i.iNi Cattle. I have a stable with hay
I ov.-r. hehiiid, tn I at the end of it. The cattle
j e .it frtitij tin" ti.iiit floor, which is large and open
! to the roof.' The stable Is small and was
I ru;! "r cov -' t'-'l up except when they went to
I ur 'he weather was warm In the middle of
! the
i.v. Tie y milked well, though fed onlv on
; u i, ana iookeii well m the spring, and did
i e'u "urn half as much as seme cows kept
i i'i an out-she!. I keep five cattle in a stable
lar.'e and hi-'h : bed with ai't.
i pi.-rty of straw, and level the manure iu it, nnd
I ;,:"e;imc8 throw manure water on. By this
j wean I s:no a;i manure, which is nicely
! rotted by tie; fall if there ha been sufficient
j w .t' i- appi:.-,!. Tb cattle eat from an entry that, a l irs;e i! or at each end, and there are two
door- ontuins into t!ie stable ; these are thrown
o .ii when tne weather U mild. I have kept
c itt;.; for thirty years and never have had a sick
on - ia winter, ami they have been the admi.a
tii'ii of the neighbors. J. B. Smith, Jfufioning
e;ti,,ty, O'.e.i.
( rirs ion Si.ii.iNo. We recommend every one
t i try even a small patch of fodder corn'. We
ar: :-iire that its advantages will make them
s l .e-iso npparei.t when the pastures fall that
ail who try it will henceforth sow it more large
ly, that we only ask a moderate planting. Xoth
i:.' is more u-efu; in the bolted part of the snm-ii.-
r for. milch cows and horses also, aud the
former keep up their flow ol milk without de-cn-
t e. .-specially if t. little meal and bran be
u-'.vi n i,:"tioii with it. Sow in drills two
and a half to three feet apart, and run the cnl-
I t v.i-,,r thrti'ili the rows two or three times,
j Tin.- .'and oitht to be rich. About three bushels
j !! t acre is the best quantity. It maybe sown
j up to tin- first t:f August, and cut when It is
1 .1,.
in-' the I'-illcn freelv. If tabc enrwd for
wiiitei-, early sowing is the best.
S.iwin- Plasteii ou clover fields should be at
te.i ! d to no w at once. From one to two bash
els to the acre is siilicient. Genjtbnrg Compi
.;. V,::i i-i-;,; IlnusEs. The following sensible ad-vie.-
is from the ,Vic England Farmer: "A man
v.lii) will h.t'iinally take a horse through anar
'' 'I'r knowb very little of what a horse re-n;-.
:ii":.ers, or what is fair treatment to the animal.
0,.e .-tii-Te blow on the hip against the sharp
i-ara-.-r of a doorway is sometime" sufficle&t Id
r::':; a valuable horse. But when that blow has
lie. ;! several times repeated the horse becomes
t ii ieless, bfc.ii;.e be has become a highly -dan--
:- au'ntial. We have seen a horse whose
hip- were never healed after striking two or
t:::ce tiau-s in passiui; through a narrow way.
Ai. niber dangerous practice is the leading of
-cs out of tin- barn d.ior, by the sides of loads
Ljy, rain, etc. A slight blow npon the hip
will sometimes so excite a high-spirited horse
that the jk-i-o-.i leading loses control oyer him,
aud lm escapes upon a jump, bunging his should
ers and hips as he proceeds, leavicg patches of
sl.ia and hair as evidence that he has got through.
Many a valuable hoise has been ruiued in this
way, au.l many a valuable one can be saved by
i:ev -r leadiug him throiiirh a narrow- space." -
Ixctbatkis or CiiifKPN?. Dr. Pretarree, of
N.- v fork city, has Jong been experimenting'u incubators, and we believe has been very
s:,:cs-fu! iu hatching chickens with the aid
thereof. This year, however, he has tried the
e-. i riaient of hatching cr;gs by the aid of horse, and finds it equally good, and in some
re-peels preferable. He places the eggs in bar
rels, which are placed ou posts or pillars holding
tin :u up from the ground. Around tbrse barrels
or tabs an- bed- uf manure nine leet square.
Win n this bed is three days old he places the
i e.'s in the barrels and iu forty-eight hoars the
Hi -l sijjus of life may be visible in the beating of
ti.e heart, wh.vh is seen moving over the centre
if fie yolk. In about twenty days the chickens
are expected to break the shell. Dr. P. exhibit
j ciii: kens so hatched this spring. It Is neeesrary
10 move tne i-i' every day ; also to relieve them
from the heat rich day, lilting the tnbs contaln-
them out oi' th.; manure, thns bringing that
ch.-i;:ge in ventilation the ben gives when leaving
11 r ns-t.
t H.II..-L-.-. Mr. Lyman Thayer, of
i'r.; ;!.li,i, Mas.-:., a gentleman who has had a
I :i'j fxperieuce in trie care and handling of
li.n-es f. r the past thirty years, in answer to the
I ufsTii.n "How tocii'e crib biting," says he has
h i i 'p.iie si-o.c. Jsft,l by nailing strips of sheep
-kin tea the e ie- of ths nrtngur in every place
t!i ic tii-. l-.ors.? couij get hold with his teeth.
The -kin i-- put on with the wool side np, and IS
tic horse attempts to play at his old trick or
l..;' :t, be will lind himself pretty effectually gag-i-ci.
We were shown an inveterate cribber,
whiili appeared to be thoroughly cured by this
T.. . 3-u. Thayer, like Cutl oTTiA" 1"
I c
i t . is cribbing more of a habit than anythiig
The sheep's wool seems to be a little dis.
iu' to the animal, und as he itives noerib.
b:ii' in the
-tali, he appears to forect hut hhit
: the f tr.-it. (.ribbing is generally believed lt
-"-t ,K' il 'ifhit more than a ilisoim. althnnt, ?r.
' - . -s"-
.... .1 may oe an lnuirect cause of diseaso,
- 'am kin.; Vims.-V.V are fully couvinced of
' ! '(,t r,'-'i"'li::i: the fertilization of the graps
ieli is f the highest importance. Animal
eminent 1)r stable mauure we recar.l as nnnnted
suirc-sful cultivation, or at least iris far
to employ the fertilizing ai-enM wl-ieh ara
i.-'V-ely lonii ! in t!le plant strnctuF and in
t::-'ru.t. Pot-ieh, phosphoric acid, and lime
ii etc vreat food staples which thi grape de
t'1 i' a;i I it cannot flourish KiiLss these ele-i-i-'it.-ire
al.ionlai.tly supplied. We fertilize
'i-i' y.r.U and -rape borders vith nnlcached
i-s-Ls.! dissolved bones, ard obtain most
al. .li U rctnni.s.),.. jVit-Ao'.
-..o-.ver is very useful for many purpo
lre is no seed that a thicken will fatten
'k as that of the sunflower, Tt .lit
I en
t I'.-dilMii-p colil. , cough? and cramps. It is
t!: - h-flihig evtr fed to horses to give their
h i,r a Hit and appearance, and given
to a f.-tered horse, will give immediate relief.
Cive anse a! haadlul at each feeding
:.!id he I never founder. The stalk also make
: 1 v' .rv ' s'-,si;,,1'e for bean poles while grow.
i i-:--.
li la-ntlv occurs iii thr siirim' tlii ii.
, ' - . .u
jvtre liavry gallon of cream. A
little salt-
i .
into butter that has kucome sour
or rnr.eil! render it sweet aud palatable.