Sunburn Slmtritau. SUNBURY, MAV 1, 1874. Itnilrond Time Table. AkklVAL A1 Wtr-AKTIKE OF TRAINS AT MJ.NUI KT. N. C. R. W.. South. P. Jk E. R. R. West. Eluiira Mail, 11.15a in Erie Mail, 5.15 a iu Erie Malt, 12.55" Reuovo Ac. 11.10 am Buffalo Ex. 2 50 " j Elmira Mail 4.10pm HarrteburgAc. R.10 p ru Burialo Ex, 7.10 " SCSBl'KT AI LEWISTOWS K. K. Leave Sunbury for Lewls'own at 6.S5 a. ra., and 4.20 p. " Arrive at 'Minbnry from Lew-siown at l r.nd 6.55 p. tr.. SHAMOKIN DIVISION, N. C. li. TV. I.KAYK I AUKIYS Egress, 11.45am Ma'!, 9.30am Mai!, 4. SO p in Express, 4.00 p m Au accommodation train leav-.s ShattNikin at T 10a m, arriving at Mt. farme! at 7.40 a in. RelurinK, leave Ml. Carme! el 7.00 p m, arriv 1;Z At Shamokin 7.00 p in. DANVILLE, HAtltTON A WlthEHAKKe It. U. Leave Vail, 6 50 a. in.: Accommodation, 4.25 p. m. Arrive Muil. 4.05 p. m.; Accommo dation, 8.20 p. m. The iicommo-iini'm only run to Catlawisa. Insurance Tickets run be had of J. Shipman, Ticket Agent, at the lVr.t. Winter Arrangement Tor the Post Oflire Rl Sunbiirj , l'u. 0tc Ojxtt from 6.50 o. in.., to S p. to., crrcrf o SwuJcy. TIME OF AFF.IVAL AND ( LOS! NO OF THE MAIL.-. Arrives as follows : From the East at 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p. !"... " South, 5.15 a. iu., 4-10 p. ui. " Wert, 5. 15 a. m.,11.15 p. m..4.10 p. lit.. North. 1.50 a. m.,11.15 a. m.. 4.10 p.m. Shamokin, Mt. Carmcl nnd points on that lice. 9.25 u. ra., 4 'H p. tn. Malls close as follow : Tor the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.5" a. i.k, 4.50 p. m. " South. 10.50 a. ro., 4.50 p. m. S p. in. " West, 10 50 a. tn., 3.50 p. ni., S.00 p. m. North 8.50 p. m., 8 p. is., JShamokiu proper 11.15 p. in. Sh.imokiu :ttd ptfic ' that, route. 1.20 . m. Money order i'l :ir't b i'.;.cJ. r.fter 1 p. ui., iti Sutard.iyv. J. .t. hMITH. P. M. , business locals. w . Tbe Impkc ved Ghovek A Bakhk Sewing Ma .ine. 1 hese celebrated machines are ottered it the most reasonable rate. For parl-u!ars apply to D. G. KUTZ, Aircnt, Fcb.!K,7S.-ly. L'iht Augusta towusbip. Tnr spr'.:;g rtyle of Iluta arc already o'ferod for sale by 8. Faust, Sr.. on Market Square. Tbe latest styles from a large usfor'mciit can bow be selected. Wm. H. Miller ha the largest, nock of the Sucst -Boots and Shoes in rent ml Feaiuylvi-.nla. A enerl variety of ir.ake can be found in hi V.abllshment, and all of the hen make. The Vnlon Park nnd Asricullural Association will hold their next Annual Exhibition ul Sunbu ry, Pa., Sept. 29, 30, and October 1 st r.nd '-'d, 1 874. Fok Rust- Tbe Dr ug Store Rik-iu now oecu plcd by W. D. Melii k. A!o tfce room adjoiuinp Fausl'a hat Horc. Enquire of H U. Makkk. 8. HEKurELDEB, corner Third and Market 'rett, bai reduced hi price from 10 to 50 per cent., in order to close out. The whole macr.i flcenl vk, jnt received, will fold lit cost, and lh p -atiat aargains ever fce;vrd of in this town will be ottered. The stock eonitii of Childreu'a, Boy'a and Men's Clothing, Hats nnd Caps, Gents' Fnrnlshinj;, TrtinkJ, Jewel ry, Cul! early and have the first choice. 8. HEUZFELDEK, Cor. Third end Market Street?, April 10-tr. Sunbiiry, Pa. Geo. O. Bskti.ktt, has 'pened his Pboto I jrrsph Gallery on S.iiii'iiry street, in the licronsb i f fihamokin, and i now rcitdy to fill order?. j TE Africultnrnl Fair, nt Milleibarg, ni!l be , b'.d onlbel5ih, 16th. 17ili and IStii or Septum. ter. ! Wall FArXii! Wall Faith ! Ali kluds, Olit, Emboed, G!ared. Tiut, ltlauks nnd Brewuet, Decorations, Mouldius. ' every thing appertaining to the. wall paper business is on hand or can be supplied at shott tiotiee at the wall paper depot. Thankful for paK f.ivor-iuc iutrii'ier would respectfully solicit a share uf the patron:vre f the cemmunity, feeling confident he cau please ail who may j;lre l,lm n fI" "a:l V-V trimmed free or charge. C. S. HAZF.LT1NE. Tb sprinjj trade in tbe furniture busine?, has cpeoed briskly at B. L. Raudeubush's estab lishment, in Masoule buildlni;. A new stock Las Just been opened, and th? latest styles f forni'.cre are now exhibited, anj will It old cheap. "a!i Rnd fr.e lefore purchasing laewbere. The licot innnir.E "fr."1 Sewiuc ma chine, on account of its many joint of superi ority, has a better demand tiiau a uy other manu factured, and takes the '.w.4 w ith the public over machines lorip rearlrd us the beu. Orders for these machines will be prorr-j-'.'y ruled by M:fs Caroline Dalius, apent. rarlcr Oroni Miss C. Palii:s ih the njrent for the sale of Parlor Oreans. Piano-, Mid all kinds of uiuslrui instruments. The very est instru toects are furnished, furnished on short r.ntic'. st rices to suit times. Call or address. C. DALH S. No. H3. Market St., Snnbury. jfccal Affairs. Wo0 Dath. Tha outside cf this issue was laadveracl1y dated March 1st, instead of May 1st. Peif R Wkbt has i-een rc iippoicted Poit Mttf ter at the County Line P. O., this ro-.m'y. THE perfonal prorvrty of Wm. Conrad 1'ile of Upper Auasta township, deceased, has ' f u np praited at f 5,0(0. The Boroupb Cotuieil Lad eiht trtres pointed the Fark, on Market uare, this wee!;. Tn firm of HollenVach & Nye, at lislif.r's Ferry, in the mercantile Inisiur-, are seilins; their splendid nsf ortiHent o." gvds rapidly. A Mtw county bri.ij.-e Is to he bi.iil nriosa tl:c creek at W. W. Dwi't"s mill, iu Lower Aitir'ist.i . township. The County Comnu-sioncr. i-re uow iioidirg their sppenis in the i:fl'fti ri'strl'ts in the couuty. The finest shad seen in this p'.ace far naiiy years were brought here during the pa-t week by Dr. Krebs, and sold !y . F. Nevir. o,ir raarkct has not been as weli tmppli. d with freh tih as now for a lor.f; lime. These l!sh are sup plied br Messrs. KreU A Nt vin, and taken from tte Albemarle Sound ic North Carolina. Db. Krebs, in mnkini; ih post ciortem rxam TSr:. i he Viy ofT. U. 'n- nnner and s poisoned by the bKtod of the corpse com , iot to contact i;b ih- wotind, which earned in- j tense suffering: for a f-- days. A Tkee measuring 6 iert 6 inches in diameter, and W inches in diam-ler 25 feet from tbe base, was lately cut on the land of Sa lomon Billman, in Washington township, th-.s ronnty. Tbe sash factory and plauln? ci Mesis. liaises k Snyder, loeafd about o.ic aul a half tulles .est of SeliiiSL-r-v, was totally d.stroyed by nre,vith all its CMifTf, on the 17:h of r.. Mb. Joi Clakk. a venerable and l.ihl) re- ftctedcits.en from Vpp-T Auuusla township. bad on altuk r pi raly-ts a sh"H tune which causex his ilcath on Tuesday last. M Caik was wellkr.own in this place, liavine te ie d in the viciui y durinp Ms life.and was liigV es'eeinrd by ail wio knew l,i:a. PrBSISTET. Tic elopement party mentio-d in onr last issue, w-c married i y Esriulr , at Selinsgrove. en l ssr wiy b.w I- to r Sunday Isst. Pk. Davd. W ai i:!sn has 3 h .r.-': Si lie has been drlviii!; for t iore than twenty 's. - On a very low estimate made hy a rtatima tba fnltbfu! has trnve'.-l i:pwar.'.s or a n ,ired thou-and niles.or more than four timeje disuoce around the v.-orii : ti-c -,''!- ForND Deai. Mr. Terrence Guveru, n bh eUr residing at Coal Run, rw ,1"a1 ad on Thursday laf Heforc 'oiio bed the night previous be roc; luiiied of h.g paio in bis stomaeU, nnd some person went o see him the foiiowlii; mort.'-np and found 1 boe staved. Tic wae about 65 years o'd ac liuw Of bis dsath. -KieioAin Timtt. A TiliMB has lnvcctd a hair brushlb wire "bristles." A Rood I Lire; for R loviufe to OM on ibc bush ad's b'-ad after a champe Mtsteriois. While n party of workmen were engaged last w eek iu excavating a cellar ou on the proiKTty of Mr. Jacob Su .der, in l per August township, this county, two skeletons of human brings were exhumed, which are pro nounced by several physicians as those of a snail of about 40 and a boy of about 18 year of :it;c The bodies had been buried together under a floor of an out kitcheu, and must have been there for quite a number of years. The clothing was decayed and uiiilistintruishable. except por tion of the boots, w hich were iron heeled. Since the discovery of the skeletons a clue af to who they wen., has been obtained through information received from E. T. Diumhcller, proprietor of the City H rtel, who informs us that about 35 years ago, two pedlars, iiamei. Blabk and Fronk, were detained about two weeks nt his father's Ii-misi, in Washington town ship, this county, on account of a heavy fall of snow, and before their d partnre had gone to a neighboring blacksmith shop, ui.d had the heels of their boots ironed. K"th had htavy package of good, and on leavlni' Mr. Drunihc'.ler's left a portion of their goods with him until they re lur:ie They started for Panvi'.l.-, stating that they would p'! urv !n two week", and if they ,fnl not thry v. I-;',-, the lime v.tit -. earnest itn; "I ' certaincd ; "vi rnd's tavcr::. i rich, In Lower stated thev were r '.' t Mr. !. Not retarnliigut .tr! no letters be'nt; received, .is madtj for them, it wns us- r ; that they had been at Con v owned by Mr. Ellas Emo i':..i:sta township, where they en for Danville. They left the hotel eonn.l'.me in the afternoon, and traveled towards this place, which was the last seen of them or heard ubout them. The goods left in tho possession of Mr. Drnmhcller were kept for some ten years, and as the owners did not put in an appearance, they wre distributed as relies among the neighbors, who had greatly esteemed the pedlars. It is now a question whe ther these men were murdered or not, and if so, who did the deed. The original owners of the property are dead and goi:. It is now owned by Mr. Da id R. Shipe, who, in digging n re'Iar for the erection of n iifr hoitr-e on the sV.o of !. o'd one. tnrart'ied the skeletons. Or H neighbor of the Paily is Jubilant over a half gallon of whiskry presented to oim J' John Eyster, of Dtwuri in this comity. What is singular, too, i that it was pres';ntUd by the re quest of the editor. We had almost made t;p our mind thnt our uc'gh''3r wc.s stsictly temperate, judgiug from his temperance articles. Even tbe art'cle of last week stating that li ier bad been the cati": of the death cf one of our citizens, thor.a without foundation, was well calculated ns a rant ion to ail against the rnclean stuff, but as not a veil" has elapsed since, and our neighbor rejoices over a half gal lon, whereby lie may grntify the artificial appe tite, it appears to us he is nl altogether the sa frst tempeiarcc lecturer we know of. To preach one Ihlnir and practice -nollicr ia calculated to diminish confidence, and hat a tendency to de stroy moral effect. When our ueighbur wanted to convey the idea through his paK-r, some five years asro, that we were addicted to tlro'ig driuk, for politk-a! effect, we felt somewhat rejoiced that there wen favorable signs that at least one De mocratic editor espou'ed the temperance cause. But we were mistaken iu our man, und as tiiisn presentations generally recoil upon the heids of their inventors or, as the phrase runs, 'chickens ulway come ho'ne to rooit,"' vr would advise our neighbor to beware of that bottle, for its sting will be more veiio:ious than the bite of the "double-headed cattish. The Beai tifi i. miw. On Tuesday morning the beautiful snow flake began to descend, and fell lightly upon the surface of "old mother earth." For some hours thiy incite? as they fell, but as the air grew colder they began toaccumu. 1 ite, a:id soon the ground was covered with a while sheet of icy down. During the afternoon a'ld evening, an old fashioned snowstoim pre vailed, which continued until Wednesday morn ing, when some fix inclie- 'f snow lay ujon the ground, presenting au asjicet of mid winter in stead of that of an April morning. By this unu sual freak. w inter falling iutothc lap of spring,the! imp arc puzzled considerably as to whe ther they tha". ci in s lejghs to their May parties, or barefooted. : t wr.s tlicir custom in time part. Should this wia'.Vr continue a few clays longer, the Queen o: Vy v. i'l be crowied with the ' tiful snow Sa. ' cstrad of a erowu of flowers. -.- A RAve:r. of l':;t rons 'f Husbandry, was or ganized at S'.-ven Points, Lower Augusta town ship, this coutity, on the 21st April, by Frank Portci, Deputy of National Grange. The offi cers elected for the ensuing year are as follow : Master David Fa sold ; Overfeir Wtn. Ra ker :, H. A. Shive ; S'eward, Gideon Wolf; A ssi-'.ant Steward, Da id Haines; Chap lain, Martin Ileiin ; Secretary, B. F. Kel'.ey ; Treasurer, Charles Bartholomew ; Gate Keeper, Ecu be u Woif; Ceres, Mrs. S. Raker; Pomona, Miss A. Neidig ; Flora, Miss S. A. Neidig ; Lady dy Assistant Steward, Miss Eva Neidig ; Trus tees, Jacob R. Clark, Sebastian ZimniertcFii and Samuel Keefer. This Giange starts out with favorable t ro pecls f '.Kigc increase uf Lumbers. !t i- O'.-a-poseii cf some of our l"-t f.rmers in ILc Augus Ihs. Phci -it a lit. Kld. We base frequently seen it stated that cornfodder well cured would go further 1c feeding cattlctha!i ar.y other feed, and having rtcommended the sowing of corn broad cast to raise fodder for feed, we are enabled to j,-lTe an experiment mads by Mr. Ira T. Clement' of this place, who, having been im fortunate in losing his first erop of corn planted last seasou, sowed three acres broad cast, which was har vested late in the fall, on which he kel four horses, one mule and one cow for live mouths, feeding them nothing but fodder as tlu-y preferred it t any other food. He slates that bis cattle never went in better condition, uud he finds it the chiupesl feed that lis has yet Ubcd. j 'epics'! l' r.K an Ooi KtlluwV Hail. On Saturday evening last, the new ball of !uu bury Lodge, No. 203, wks clediete, with the uen nl solemn ceremonies by D. I. G. Master. Frn'l Wilvert, acting as Grand Master, a-sisied by the following Fast Grands acting nt Gr.-nd otlieers : Grand Marshall C. J. Burner. M. W. Grajd Seen tar A. N. I'.r.c: M. W. Grand Treasurer Val. Die'z. M. W. Grand Chaplain M. C. GearLart. M. W. Grand Heraid Hevry Clcinent. M. n.. W. G. I. G. R. W. Wyun. W. G. O. G. James M. Tarrr.. aid of the North An. licw Dietteuderfer. ' South Jaeo'i iteiin. " Last Johu W. Biu-hcr. " West Calvin Woodcock. The new li.ill is locate.l inCienn al's building, on Maiket Square, mid is neatly titled up for a Lodgsj room. TllK month of April. 1S74, will be r.'ii'einbere I hereafter as re-i-arkaVe f;.r snow, sleet, wind, i nia : and stormy w eatle-r g';,;.r-i',;y. On Sunday v e bupposed the last snow had fall en, and tbr be lutiful Wi athi-r of the next day loiiirine .! us in our opinion, but it proved to be a delisuMi. Ot; lOlJ lay n:ght the heavens beto- he e l anot';: d moreli ,. i if sttri: w uued a'.; ountry, or ; :e uf ii -'ther, and on Tties-ep-erji-ed snowing ;is liriskly . ! i. igned inpKiur, and cou- Jr any see-tioti of our her poultry, can produce a ':)ofh than the one iron. :iv -ged, !. t !t le pi od need. mora di-agre which ehac jr.s? ttnd we will :,Kr. t'f a'-ird tlieni the first J ie- Iniuiii at our con ing eenlenninl ce!ebitiot. Thh Cl:pn. The lateues" of th" pe3.oti cau ed' hy the fo'd and ;nc! mer.t wer'ther, will nut be witl.o'it some goo ! ! ";:-. Geeer;.;:- speak ing, -u' ti s;iso!is secure i xo llei't, olt-n very I'.erdaiit c:op ef re 1 1 kinds. New Mu i iskut i.o.iih. The '.ore rinitn of Mis M. L. io-l"r, en Foarth street, has just been filled with a !.;r, -r :i'.rtinent cf Sjiring Millinery Goods thai, i n any pr. viou-i occasion. Sler stock has been ar f ully se't cted in the city market"1, end what I- most remarkable i '':at her goo Is are cheaper than they hav be-1. i" r ti number of yesrs. Call ar. i f -e tl i-mi. Wk arc glad to notice that our yi.uug 1. iei;d A. M. Kcese, formerly of this, pi ice, has nawb l'shed himself in Shar.antl.iah ( ity, f-cl'.u lkiil couuty, Pu., slii-f he is deu'.ing in Geni Oil, Lamp Fixturrs, (ilnss, China, Wood t:d Willow Ware. Auily is a young man of good business habits, and we wint. him sic;eis in his ne en terprlse. J. W. Gaiglck, of Scliusgrove, ba-i 1-eeQ awarded tbe contract for tbe grading cf iL'ige. I'.nserove and Xorth Brtn"b roii-o. I. O. or O. F. The following is a list of the elective officers installed in tbe different Lodges of tbe Independent Order of Odd Fellows, in Northumberland county, for tbe ensuing term, and their present number of membership : Mutual Lfidge, No. 84, located at Milton. N. G., Milton Ken ; V. G., D. X. Hulilzer ; As't Secretary, Wm. Kohlcr ; Treasurer, G. W. Over peak ; Secretary, R. M. Frick ; Representative, S. H. Tildcn. No. of members, 120. Mt. Tabor Lodge, No. 125, located at Shamo kin. N. G., Win. 8eramoLS; V. G., P. Drum hciser; As't Secretary, W. F. Lake ; Treasurer, Jacob Mutchler; Secretary, E. P. Jones ; Repre sentative, E. P. Jones. No. of members, 96 Northumberland Lodge, No. 196, located at Northumberland. N. G., John G. Martin-, V. G., Joseph Wert ; As't Scrreiary, T. G. Morgan, Treasurer, Joseph Row ; Secretary, J. F. Read line ; Representative. J. F. Headline. No. of members, 74. Sunbury Lodge, No.iO'J, located at Sunbury. N. G., Wm. Simpson ; V. G., Solomon Mantz ; As't Secretary, Henry Clemeut ; Treasurer, Vai. Dietz; Secretary, A. N. Briee ; Representative, A. N. Brice. No. of tcembers, 154. Eureka Lodge, No. 2), Jcssited at l'nr Maba- J noy.--.. G-, Adam E. fetter; V. G.. John H. , Gei-t ; As't Secretary, Sivve. Goift ; Tieasurcr, Daniel Sr hreft'.er ; Secvctaiy, J. H. Bcisel ; Rep resentative, '.r. : .V-mi--.. ro. memners, r,.. Shame-ki TeiVy I o !g, No. 527, lorntod at Stiydeitowc. -". '., O. F. Oberdorf ; V. G., .1. A. Gnss ; As't r.-cit.:ary, A. T. Dewitt; Treas uier, John Klase ; F.eerctary, Alex. Moore ; Rep resentative, G. L. Haff. No. members, C. Trevorton Lodge, No. 52S, located at Trevor ton. X. G., Joass Mot ; V. G., John Berger; Trer.surer, H. J. Renn ; Secretary, M. G. Bry mirc; Re-prcsentative, B. F. Mill. No. of members. 5f. Elysburg lodge, No. 549, located at Elysburg. N. G., Jacob Adams; V. ., A. W. Sikes; As't Secretary, David Resder : Treasurer, O. S. Campbell; ScTetary, Thomas D. Hnff; Repte sentative, Simon ought. No. of tiicmhors, 71. Mahanoy Loiige, No. 5S1, located atMahanoy. N. (... Henry Kerrhrer ; V. G., P. 8. Rit ; As't Secretary, 8. S. Hetrick, Treasurer, J. E. Kol.l ; Secretary, Henry Kembel. No. of members, 41. SloM Valley Lodge, No. 564, located at George town. N. Ttibiss Long ; V. G., G. W. Smiek ; As't Secretary, Johu Bingamaii ; Treas nrcr, W. L. Starter ; Secretary, I. W. Dreibelbis; Representative, Em'l Wilvert. No. member SI. Angustu Lodge, No. fll4, Seated at Augusta. N. G., S. D. Kera ; V. G., John B. Snyder ; As't Secretary, D. M. Houghton ; Treasurer, Sol. S. Suyder; Secietnry, A. Ha nek ; Representative, David Fassald. Mo. of members, 93. Wutsoutown Lodge, Xo. CI?, located at Wui snniow u. X. G.. A. L. Johnson ; V. G., Luther Eerluut; As't Secretary, W. F. Berger ; Treas urer, Aaron Berger; Secretary, Ellin i)cetor. Representative, A. N. Latsbu. Xo. of .nember, 07. Fort Augusta Lodge, No. C20, located at Sun bury. X. G., Samuel BiOom ; V. G., Heury Pet cry ; Treasurer, John Chirk ; Secretary, S. B. Hover; Representative, S. B. Boy:r. Xo. of members, 6S. Mt. Camel Lodge, No. M0, located at Mt. Canned. X. G., Thomas Morton ; V. G., J. H. Thomas : As't Secretary, J. H. Smith ; Treasur er, John Slice ; a-cretary. Frederirk Gro ; Representative, tv.muel Marsdvn. No. of mem bcr, 78. Warrior Hun Lodge, N. 045, iocati d at Tur bi:viile. X. G., DanM L. Smith ; V. G., Chas. McGaw ; As't Secretary. Levi B. Wugner ; Treas urer, Thos. Barr ; Secretary. Israel L. Hlle; Rep rcseutative, W. W. Borty. No. of memiiers, 72. Shamokin Lislge, No. 604, lotatc 1 at Shamo kin. X. O., William Rote; V. G., H. Floyd; As't Secretary, A. Koehlin ; Treasurer, C. S. t ha iman ; Secretary, F. Hoover; Representa tive, F. Hoover. Xo. of members, 7S. Moutaudoa Lodge, Xo. 704, located at Mou tanduu. X. G., M. J. Ingter; V. G., ('. V. Speaker ; As't Secretary, J. Wagner ; Treasurer. W, H. Cool ; Secretary, R. M. Cnmmings ; Rep resentative, T. T. Barker. Xo. of members, 27. The following is the aggregate amount of funds Invested nnJ on hand, cmotint puid for re lief, Ac. : . Ain't of money iu Treasurers-, Am't invested, - Widow- and Orphan Fend on h.-.nd,... No. members :v:i d'TiriJ Pst six ttlO!ltll6, Nc. wld'iwed W-i.'-.s c.-r. past 6 mo. Am't pa id during the 'r.kt six months for relief Am't paid duriug the past six nou'J.s for burying the deed $:,C92 29 16.793 71 4S2 75 C4 11 t?W 20 :;?o co Di.rT or me Fmii Law. The f.l .viug Di cest of the Fish Iw, Mr. Worra'.i, one of the Fish Commissioners, pronounces svbstantialiy correct : It is unlaw f.:I ta cafh -bad in t!it) Susquehan na or its tributaries between' June 16, and Au gust 10, under penalty of Fire PoU-trs for rich one so caught. It is lawful la caliU fish I clow any dam which has no schnte or fish 'adders, tbe half mil clause cot applying to s.ach dams. It is unlawful to flb at any w t:h fisb batkeis, kiddle, eel sir or racks, iu any stream iu this State. It is unlawful to Ssh with seise, s-t Lit, fyke net or net f any other description, the mesh-s of which are less than 10 inches betw-n "h:- 15 cud Augu-t 10 in any stream. It is unlawful te fish for troet except for pur pose of propagation or scientific l-tvestigatlr., in any other n-aLner than with boos and line. It is unlawful to f.sli for salmon and spe-k'.ed tro it between Apr;! 1 and Angus: 5 ; speckled trout ouly to be caught by Look and Hue. It is unlawful to catch, kill or Lava in possession, salmon traut or lake trout between October 1 and March 1. It i unluwfut to place a set net uercss any ca nal, rivulet or creek in this State. It is unlaw ful to fish for black bass, pike or pickerel in auy other manner than with book and line or scroll ; and only with hook ar.d line, or scredf, between June land March !,cxc.-pt wkcu taking them alive for stocking other srater. It is nu'.awful to fish nt any time in ai:y ln lanj water (such as a creek, river, or other stream) in this . .:: inhabited by black bass or speckled trout wi.fl a net of auykiud the meshes cf which are lei than thrcs inches. It is unlaw fut to fish with seines or nets in any plae where the water has been partly or wholly drawn off, or to fish in any way by drawing ofT any water. It is unlawfa! to use set lines !s any stream in hnbited by ccklcd trout. Theie is nothing In the several aeU of 1873, to prevent the scttin; of out-lines, in any stream not inhabited by speckled trout ; subject to fore going restiie tions as to the time of'.tg and iiie sjiecies of Osti eaught. A lor-'O lady who has counted them says there arc one hundred aril fifty of. m i!ds In Sun bury. Jtaily, of Monday. The aboc is certainly a j ike perpetrated on the editor by a your-g lady who has, perhaps, some selfish motive. We eicn't bslleve there is one who Is willing to acknowledge herself an old truth in Sunbury, as loug as "rtem fuu" or oth i r co-mriies run be obtained. Martin Wais, L'e'j., Superintendent of the P. A F.., sho;.i .: !.. place, recently purchased the Stahley rce'.--.-- .'eg the river, near Fort Augii.ta. in this ! aud has added great in by extending the main bulling and leinodeliug it. l'hs Ic-cation is one of the most de sirable, and when completed will be pleasant and mo-t s:5'iapive in afpearan-e. liiKSuiidny sehmiiin Lower Augusta has been opened for the summer season by the election of Messrs. Keitz as Superintendent, Assistant, E. C. Druinheller ; Socrctury, J. J. Renn ; Librarian, N. W. Snyder ; Treasurer, Charles Xciilig. The sch-x-1 is in a flourishing roid!'.!-jn. nui'.berirg about "ne hundred scholars. Hokst tiiievks are cprratiag in the adjoining co attics, ar.d o':r farmrs would do well to be on the lookout for these individuals cd fee that tbe steblei ::ie p:op.r'y secured. Thank". We are under obligations tJ .T. P. Wi' keishaM, State fioperintendeLt of Common K bonis, for a handsomely bound copy of the Re port of Common School of Peunsylvatia, for 1S78. O'.r thanks are also returned to Geo. Holinir, Fsfj., cf the Treasury Department itt Harr;sburg. for specitil favors. Thai). B. Shahios is making improvements In tbe Ciernect ilouse. Thnd 1 Isoucd to make It g-- Sl'mmkk Travfl. Fleaaurc travel, which has become so common with all classes of Americans during the summer months, is anticipated by many us the most enjoyable event of the entire year. It carries them to new scenes, faui.lianzes them with stracge people, breaks the monotony of their lives, relieves them for a time from mental and bodily strain, and rcinvigorate them for life's cares and duties. It, therefore, be comes a momentous question how this recrea tion, often limited by considerations of ecoueiny both of time and means, can most profitably end pleasantly be enjoyed. Many of our transporta tion lines have arranged robtes and rates to meet the requirements of the people, and from season to season these facilities are improved and ex tended. The Pennsylvania Railroad Compaay has gained a high reputation for the facilities it annually presents this class of travelers, and the popularity its line enjoy U well merited. They extend into the most interesting portions cf the Middle St-ifes, and exctirsionists can be carried over theia for long distances at low rates, with out annoying changes or transfers. Its load way or roiling stock are probably the most perfect in America, and i'.s management Is complete, care ful, and courtc-jus. As a consequence the com fort of travelers is assured and their safety gua ranteed. Every reader of current news Is awaie of the fact that a "terrible accident" U raroly chronicled on any portion of this great railroad system. j So far as scenery goes, no lines of railroad on the continent can surpass those running through T. -. . i : w - :a . : n 1 I l iriiunliuuia. irtuuiuidlb nlicuiiuini f..f"- ramas, beautiful river riews, splendid mountain pictures, picturesque hills and valleys, lovely villages, aud flourishing towns aud cities are seen la quick succession. A ride of twelve hours between Philadelphia and PitUburg shows more interet:ag variety than can be sen in the same time and distance anywhere else in the United States, arid from this main channel a score of branches rv.r., leading to localities and resorts of tnsurpaHs-,-: aUraetivetiess aud world-wide popu liirtty. The fctnte of Pecnayivauia is in itself an in teresting study. Its bosom bolds all the anthra cite and much of the bituminous coal found on the coutlnent. In hidden fountuius produce the larger portion of the oil now so c9cutial to the comfort r.nd Industry of the world. Many of its hills are. depositories uf iron aLd other ore, which are utilized in immense manufactories seen in every valley. Its force's supply tbe pritieipnl part of the lumber used in the great cities cf the Atlantic seaboard. Us soil Varies from the richest to the poorest. Its territory is washed by the tides of the Atlar.lic aud the wa ters uf Lake Erie, and is drained into the Gulf of Mexico by rivers navigable more than two thou sand mile. Its boundaries complete!) sepuraie New England and New York from the Mississip pi valley ; aud its entire are is dotte-d by scenes of more than ordinary historical Interest. All these combinations add f jthe charm and interest of travel, uud every American can find some thing ic It instructive and gratifying. Thn kc commode '.iocs provided for summer tourist on the line of the Pennsylvania Rail road arc unsurpassed. Good hotels In ail tbe towns reached by it are the rule, not the excep tion, and many of them arc elegant in all their appointments. It would be difficult to select any highway cf travel anywheie that can com pare, in tbe essentials of comfort, safety, expe ditiou, aud interest, with tbe magnificent system of railroads managed by this company. Tub Communication from "Buckeye" is neces sarily declined for reason thnt it contents are deficient in argument calculated to reform tbe evil of which he speaks. The writer is evldeutly lead into error by outside parties who know nothing about our borough affairs, and who make it a practice to cast reflections upon our towu whenever opportunity presents. Tbe fact of his quoting from the Selinsgrove 7tntri as au thority, would destroy the effect of the merit bis rommnnieilioii contains. While our town is cursed with its low rum holes, as are all thriving places in the State, which Is to be deplored, the charge made by the 7V,ie.tLut we are "burdened with more paupers, and a heavier debt than any other town in a ide region," may be accounted for from a want of knowledge on the part of the editor, of the expeuditurrs and revenues of a first class, thriving town. As to expenditures relat ing to pauper, which he attributes to the "mul titude" of rum holes, we would state that not a ingle resident of this place was kept during last year v ho was known to be a Idicted to drinking. But upon inquiring of the Overseers, we find tht.t the liirger amount nxpended for paupers, was upon strreglers from other places, who, know lug this to he a central end thriving town, cams here iu groups to obtain labjr, aud being out of means, they applied to our authorities for relief which v- as i'lvarlably given. We state this fact not for the purpose of screening '"rum holes" from b!ati vl.ich justly falls upoa them ia e peucrai s?: -, tit! to contradict this charge as false, Litrl; with a view of injuring the reputa tion of onr tow u abroad. As to the iadebted nes of our torough, It is no larger than that of uther boroughs in proportion to population, and If it were necessary, tbe debt could tc paid off in one year with revenue derived from the valuation of propeity within the liraits cf the fcorotigh. j List or l.FiutKS remaining in the fcs. ocr.e at Sunbury, Pa., April 2P, 1374 : Hani Anderson, Henry Blum, '.dward Bslsy, W. A. Bennett, Chas. H. Bliser, June Connlly, Susan Ann Campbell, Daniel Dirk, Gertz Hess, Huston Humpbrev, Wtn. C. Miller, J. 8. Miller, Abe Neddie, H. M'. North, John Orth (4,) R. H. Unburn (2, J. W. Boss A Co., William Snng luir. Mary D. Williamson, Harnett I.. Weirlck, Susan Weitzcl. Persons calling for auy of the ab3ve letters should state that '.bey were advert Ued. J.J. Smith, r. M. SviciCK. We could hardly woik o'.rse'.f into the belief that it was true when we heard yester day that Jacob Wanatnaker had made his world ly exit, but the following commit of n letter, found by a boy tacked to a telegraph pole near I the Market street bridge, relieved all dou!l on tbe subject : Harrisbur;. Tbis is to my sister and father and brother aud others thai it my renctusion in my will bore that i Jacob Wanamaker comited suside By shut lug myself and then Jumpin in the Eusquehalia river at INrrisburg of the bridge so there is no use looking fir my body that the rivtr is hey and by the time that they person looking fir my body i will be in the Bay. Jacob Wanamakek. So good By Brothers and Sisters I am going to the world of rest so here goes. J. Wanayakek. directed ;'to l oom it may concern." The original letter is in the hands of tbe Dis trict Attorney. There is a slight suspicion amongthote who kno-.v Jake that he has adopted the drowning plan to escape Imprisonment, which threatens him on account of hi Indiscre tions. They look for his retnru from the bay at onic future day. r.Urk-t, April 2t. 1 hp. CiiAMnoN Tkain. Mr. Thomas Gannon, engineer on the Eltnlrit Division of the Northern Central road, runs from Williamsport to Rule ton. Yesterday he brought to this city from Ralston a train of uinety-seven coal cais twenty of them loaded. He started with one hundred, but three of them were wrecked. A gentleman who saw the train some distance above the city, say that his first impression was, that 'Tom' had gobbled the entire roiling stock of the road. The yard was filled up by the arrival of this trai l. H';t. iiaiH.rf Caxt'.t IlulUtirx. Woman to the Krcre, a Story of the Ne'.v Crusade, is the t'tle of the popular American writer 1.8. Arthur' last work, and It is one which especially commends itself to the atten tion of the people at this time. It deal directly with and wholly upon the ex citing topic of the day, having for its subject the new woman movement against intemperance, unr, hUN,:eh in the shape of a story, is a most powerful ?r;'urnerjt against the evil of which It treat, its tieViity to facts, striking picture ot oft-recurring incident, and intense dramatic ef fects, will convince the most Casual reader of the truth of its arguments, and awaken impulses which cannot fail to produeo great good U the community. It will prove a real blessing and plesture to many, and as it carries with it truth singular charm of interest, it is a work which will be without doubt largely read. We can confidently recommend it to our readers as one which, nhilst they can make large circulation for, will prove of untold value to all who read it ; aud to every woman who lis tbe slightest interest in this movement it will be of tbe great est interet and worth. The publisher are de sirous of glvii.g it early and iarge circulation, and agents tu sell it; they will furnish a complete agent's outfit, with grant of territory, for f 1.00 1 and we strongly recommend any of our readers de-siring profitable employment, (whilst they ran be doing a large measure of good circulating1 It,) to apply for an agency at onos, as we Warn that choice of territory Is being fast taken ap for it. Messrs, J. M. Btoddart A Co., Phl'edelpbia, ire tbi onbUsbe-f. We call attcution to the advertisement of the Pens Mttvaj. Life Insi rasce Company, for an Agent to represcut it iu this section. The Penn is a well known Life C .-iMpaiiy, strictly mutual, that has made dividends to its member every year since 1849 Inclusive. The surplus returned during the past twenty-five years average nearly fifty per cent, of the premiums paid. Some of onr energetic young men, who d a Life busi ness, would do well to apply for an Agency. Depth or the Snow. The snow fall on Tues day, varied in depth at different places, accord ing to tftlct-rama received, as follows : Hazleton about 15 inches ; Williamsport about 3 inches ; Shnmokin about 7 ; Selinsgrove 8 ; Millersburg 10; Williamstown 13; Lykens 8 ; Danville 3 ; York 4 ; Baltimore .". TOR TIIF. AVFKICAN. Masted with -'Good IlcNo.ulioii..." The Sunbury Daily popped on Aprb 23. with an overcharge of 'good resolutions,' not of its own accord, but 'by request,' and that in l.tehfj .!' mvHltt And no wonder it should burst hi'a. flood of tears at the evi! doings of those naughty unto women. 1 Ins tenderness or heart is verv praise worthy. It shows how fast th- nature and customs of the sexes are changing, in orien tal countries, women are hired to weep.r be retv ed persons, but now as thousands are rre.-ived of tbeir dearest object, rum, men must tnks up their profession, and instead of Joining the la mentation with their brothers, t'hov true; band of persecution. Jiow long, U, tow I- ye hard- hearted women will ve continue to -eeute in- uoeent (1) men! Yor. c-.tiiv -?;h: .': them, "ii: a few weeks, to etri-v as in b ns i ordl- narily done in i-. oruolc y i.r f This must necessarily cause a I enlargement of stomachs in ma.iy e :Ur we cau not see it possibility of rr.s.--' r , ns holding more than their ordinary ami..:r.; without this miraculous change. Wc thought this superabundant guz zling would suit most drinkers best, but perhaps this rapid expansion causes pain. You have 'induced somti saloon man to give up the busi ness for a while.' but cow they have returned with the 'seven other devil.-,' worse than them elves, and their last state is worse than the first.' Don't be so -unlawful.' Take example of saloor.ists and patrons, nnd you shall be good citizens. And when you pray, don't prav at alt, aud do tbis even in 'secret ;' for it has the prefe rence with drinkers ; besides 'prayer' is vary 'worrying aud annoying to the. liquor dealers."' Obey the 'injunction" of the 'Apostle Paul" who commands you to be silent in the church,' and ttpt:ialbj that of faloonisls who bid you be silent on the streets, for tbey lose money by your noise. Be keepers ai home if It I nothing but a hovel, nud be content with such things as you earn, if your children cry for bread, spank them and leach them not to rob their pa of liquor money. When your husband comes home druuk and beats you, bear it with Christian patience, for this is acceptable with them. RyiMember, they know no better, and you should not diste.ib them in their ir.uoceM plensarcs. Deal not in special re velatioiir, for yor. bring many things to light that won't bear it. Kee ive inspiration f om no spi rit bet a'erl-o!. Above a!!. 'mer. who can not ' ee as you do fc it of sober eyes) should not be I abused, pie:'. au,i slandered. You know it was naugh.7 for the lamb to muddy the water ! lor the wolf which stood aliove It In the stream. Don't be moved by 'wild fanaticisms,' but you may become happy on your liqnorto your profit. This ofttti open to you the spirit world, and gives you a keea perception of the reptile king dom, enabling you often to see more in a pair of boots than in Barnum's whole museum. My dear sisters don't noise abroad that the worship of the great god Bacchus is very unpopular in Ohio, aud thnt hundreds of his temp!-- have fallen, for this is discounting to his worshipers. When you speak of the great god's persecution say it is gaining worshipers by it whether it is true or not, for 'the sentiment of the thinking men is adverse' to any thing else. Observa ex horUtions and von will heal many a broken heart. " BUCKEYE. Iu .Wt-niorluiit. SIH KNK.IIT THOMAS ;. NolT. Proceeding of 1 .anee e.nd Shield Couchivc, No. 11, slntioned at Surbiiry, Chivu'.rie and Heroic Order of Sovereign Patriotic Knights, at a spe cial meeting, April 21, A. D. 1571. The Sir Knight Commander tinno'iuced with much fweling and fitting words, the death of our late compaiiion-i!i-nr:ns. Sir Knight Thouu-s G. Xott. Sir Kuight Nott was accidentally thrown I from a buggy on Monday evening, April t; , re- j ceivlng fatal interna! injuries, from th ejf. i-t- of I which he died in a few hours. Sir Knight H. J. Waltz moved the n ineiit of a committee of three to draft resolutions ex pressive ot our sympathy and sorrow. Whereupon the Sir Knight Commander v.ii pleased to make the follow ing appointment : Sir Knight H. J. Waltz, Sir Knight P. M. Slundcl, and Sir Knight John Kay Clement. j On motion of Sir Knight P. M. Shh-.U-.i, it Mas j Jx'ctolved, That the hall and banners of the Conclave be draped w ith, and that t'.- -Ir Knights wear the usual badg; of r-.' .r i period ; of thirty days. ! After a brief absrr" . r '.'imed i.i the body of th- Coi-'''. .. . :iud reported the I follow ing, which 'ere : u -r..:i..jus'.y adopted : j Wiikkfa. It Lu. ; :-.t.i our Great C.-ttala General, the lovh.e; 'triune God, to relieve our J late comrade, Sir Kuight Thomas G. Nott, from ! active duty in the ranks of this world's lighting host, to quiet servtec iu the Grand, Eternal Con- I clave ; therefore be it Knuh-id, That while we humbly bow to the I starlliug order, which ha? removed from ns a j cherished brother, our heart are, nevertheless, I tilled sorrow. Wo trieve not for the es- ! teemed Sir Knight, who has been transferred I from the painful conflicts here, und promoted to ; nobler duty ; but for ourselves, who have lost the I aid of his sword In the daily contest, and the ! romfort of his comparwuehip iu "the bivouac of ' life." f.'..'...; T i,., t m.. . -.i i, ,,..,....(-ti... i ! .-.-v.'.i, ....... i. t-r..-.u"fc-itt.--'l nil . IMU lil.l II'.. trembling soul surprised, started ou the dread-d march Into the unknown land fr final inspection and review. Ktu)Ud, That we sincerely condole and sym pathise with tbe stricken widow and bete.ived family. We kn iw our Divine Grand Commander Is wise, gracious ni.d omnipotent ; the manifes tations of His w':.:. although to us lnyslerous, are always for Hi- chiidieu'o g..d. He has promised i.teor end h!p to tne widow und fatherless, to Hix. therefore, we fervently com mend theL: f r (.'.isolation and strength. Kitoifd, '1 Iit we will take ehc.rgi of t lie body of our de-ceased comrade, ancl commit it to the grave wna me solemn r.i onr 1 uivai ric and Heroic Order. Raciv.'l, That a copy of these jirewa'diuge be conveyed 10 the family of our deceased companion-in-arms, aud that the editors of the several newspapers cf tbe borough be requested to pub lish thetn. II. J. Waltz, P. y. SlIlMIE!., .5 ; . K.v Clf.mkst. Comuiittee. F.strrtcl froc: the records. W. R. F. W MVEit, Recorder. atenolol ion or Itenpeet nud 'ondo j lenee. i e.u.B T v,.. .. .in... it 1 10 depart has penetrated lis with reverential aw. re-etwa for mukiuir t!i r. ineuy i.y wdkh us ii Not a cloud cast the gloom of its shadow to ! Suffeirrs wishii. 't ' by the adyertteer. warn, before the lightning stroke 'ell. Th-, frail "u " ' ' ,n ff"'t tent of this mortality was rudely rent, and the j ' .Ti itin p. f;-. i t:i. 12 rlkr St.. New Tirk. Sunbury Steiua Fire Engine Company, No. 1. of j rWir.bury, Pa., was ou Moudav, April tfti, 1H7I, ; ' ' ' , .. .,,. T..TV- r-r tv suddenly called away bv death resulting fro-n an i i.u, April 2" th. JO.IN CLARK, ucrid,.nt-; ' h j i -e i-!y-:rs. months and U days. Theref' re, irtmeetl, That our company has qu 'i u, s,iay morning, at his residence in Vp loet one of its most active und efficient iiicmliers. j IH.r A.n;iiita to-vnship, JACOB SEASHOLTZ, lie was one 01 inc- urimui meiM-in iu uui uikjiiji- nation. aud was always present at: I ready for ac tion when duty called him. Htiolvtd, That e e-irr.otly sympathize with lte sorrow ing and Vtrraved family of our deas eiLBrother. Ritolvtd, That the houe. un.l apparatus l.c drap-ed iu mourning Cur the term of thirty days : and that the members '. 'iir the usii:l badge of mourning for thirty days. Jfirolif.1, That a dpy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our company, and a copy be made oat by the Secretary, and present ed to the fatni'v of deceased. W. C. Pa KEIt, 5 I.. T. KAVAr.r, 'Com-tibtee. A. N. Bki'-f, N Tribute of Kespeel AT a special meeting of Shokenin!:';. I. 11. of H. M.. the following - 1 subniitt'Hl and uiiaiiltii:iis-'y " -Whckkas it has pb ' rd 1 .No, wer. t bpirit to a!l suddenlv aw:iv o... '; ll.o'.hi.r Tlio- L".as G. Nott, to -nc 'r.?' ; grauudt of onr Great Father abo .-.o- 1 ' ".-Hh tnn, Plant Muon, at tbe setting of '.'.: c .;i:, therefore Sttolii, That we l un-'jly how .-ubin'.ssinn tn the wll! of imr Great Father iu his will Id re. move from or.r Tribe ami Council Fires mir bro ther, beliving it '.vic. hi giving us warning to be prepared to enter His Hunting Ground.-. Suol tl, That while we ft el the hs sustained of a brother whose heart was with us, in bestow ing charity o'l the wen thy who cherished the principles of our beloved Order, we will take tbis warning to he we, :.i:d will not mourn but heed the t-acbings of Him v -bi do. ;h i ! tiibitrs well. ffii, That .ve sinc r-Iy condole with th family of our decased brother who have so sud denly been bereft of .1 father and husband. Rirulwd, That iu respect to our deceased bro tber.tiattha' hedra)cd in mourning.and that member of this Tribe wear the usual badge of mourning for the term of thiity suns. JUttitid, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of the deemscd. un l Cast tb7 he pub ''vl. A. WALTER!", C FECKEK. F. WII.YFV.T, Co'e'r-btee. Cditor'- Table. Hr.Ats Mcsical World. The April camber cif tli'.s popular musical monthly ia out, and, as usual, tilled with beautiful new music and ir.Ureitiag reading matter. The music alone in c;tei volume of the Musical World would cost in csual sheet-form abont fifteen dol lars, while it is furnished a whole year for only one dollar. The publishers will send specimen copies containing $1.00 worth of music, together w ith their large descriptive catalogue of popular mnsic, free, to any address, on application. Ad.'.ress, S. BRAINARD'3 SOXS, Cleveland, O. The A;:;.'I number of Wood's Household Maoazink, now upon our table, well sustains its reputation as a first class, live publication. Wnile its contents lire not deep or scientific, its pages are free from trashy sensational stories, and are fu!I of bright sunny readiug that goes home to the heart. ' The magazine coutaics its usual number cf illustrations, and its general iintiearauce compares favorably with the higher nrifMn! tii .it") T Mri Subscription price one cloilar j no 'Yoseinile' one dollar ar.d :. vear : with cbrom half. Subscriptions ninv Igin with any mini- j I tier. Address, Wo.-1V. Hnsbob' Magazine, ' I Xewbttrgh, N. Y. . "IltALisfi os tuk WiN'.s " say all who br.i ! made use of I VMtar's Balsam of Wild Cher ry, and hy su.-'i eg red of colds, coughs, bronehi'if, : . v, ;-.2uei;r.:t, or consump tion. Thepru-V ' -'-ys keep thin stand ard remedy by i EVt.KY OI1C k'"i - ?. -bl or cough ought j not to be negie.'j'... Ottr . :ce is 10 la&e care use "Dr. Wishart's ! of it beforu it is t"-o : , -. . Pine Tree farllori w. 'a can be bad of any ! druggist. Dr. Wit."..'s W-jrm Sugar Drops is ! tbe bet remedy for worm-, crfer discovered The 'Gentleman iu Black," who is the tutelar demon of dram-shops, assumes his sourest as ject when the rapid progress of Vinegar Bitters is reported "down Mow." The People's Vege table Tonic U playing the mischief with bis bit ters tired with rum. AH diseases which thcs demoniac nostrums aggravate, under preterms of believing, such as indigestion, sick-headache, constipation, rheumatism, gout, and iatermittent fevers an; cured by it. SriX'IAI. SOTIt'KK. TodtpitHliNtM, To .tie ii of .Medium Memix, aud to all WlMliiug llouiettand thus) Avoid I'Hjiiiglteutw. By veferiiticc to- the Watsontown Eford and Sunbury "Gazette" will be seen a full and more cxplicit dvscription of the. property I offer for sale, cither la lots or by the acre. But what I wirih to more, particubiriy bring before the pub lic is the LIBERAL 1 F.I.MS oa which they ere offered. I will SELL LOTS from MOO to M500 nud Lands bv the ACKK from Miti to ?000. recording l to the location. ! Tku.'-is : Tea per cent, of the purchase money ! down, the. balances in time and amount to iiiit ; purchasers, fr-mi ONE to EIGHT YEAR, with j legal Intere: t from day of sale. ! The streets und alleys will be ope-ncd as fat as j lots arc sold, I but nil ytiy be approached with I ease. All pei'.-ons who arc now payii'g rent can have .............. .- .C cuf.nriitir t.ritt TtT rti- I li'l O'ioifct -. " - - - i nev ane-.llv t the-.- are now THROWING WAV ir. re'ut. At. v poson w;.-' ,:'g to s-c tne lands or ots will 'all on in.-, r. .1,11 every opportunity will tH- give.:. ' rior i.l :lV" a fair ehane'Cto see the sup' i r. s?nted to the public, ''i 'J -he lands above referred to, I -,r -'. THREE DWELLING HOU r ; ilV.e: street, in Watsontown bo rn, b .i.ig the large ami eoinmodions now o!'..-:' SEi. si!-f. rougli, thi' Brick !e ; j: ;iov occupied by mo, all of said nwe'liii'.s ! :ii::.'Z tbe necessary outbuildings for ttnmedV.t nv. pr... f.;-: ';.. r e-rr:i !ion call on or address J. M. FULLMER, Watsontown, Pa. Uuber M, ls'.a. 1 yr. II O I S K II O I. If W hy IVill Ycu Suffer? T.j all pe.rsons sufTer 'i'i( from Rbuematism, Neuralgia, Cramps iu t';e limbs or stomach, Bilious folic. Pain in tbe back.liowrels or side, we w o u 1 d s a y, T u E lki sriiol.o Panacea am Familt Liniment L of all others the rem edy yon want for ii.ter nal and external use. It iiris cured the above complaints in thousands of cases. There is no mistake about it. Try lMXUIH FAMILY it. SMd by all Drng- ! MMHEVL Inly 12, IS?.". I.-. gists. T t tSt "I'TIVKS. .: : rtiTPaiientty ellrfd of Tie Ilia .Lwl Jir.u ii. ;iiv.i!. ' T."'y. IIHUI.s ci iil . f!' ili ."i..-ri. c ti.4 ' ple. il t-y uup)y ivmedy. ; s lv.Uo-K srfftrsn lbs he will srudiiepr -', ilt. il.t-diree-). liieb Jhey will i n- a 1 II I u !.. I- '' . . A.-. I'KSlir v;.sUt:ig tli ; . .'iu. 1U i-'.e-s ildis It. v. 1, A. IIM. lt ft-nu t.,'o, New Vol. N-o.. Ul. JxTlt-Om. Children oiten look Pale and Blek from no other e."-! than having worms 5u the ! stoinaeh. j BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS ; wl'.l destroy Worms without injury to the cbU i, I being perfectly WHITE.and from all the coloring i or other injurious ingredients tistM'.iy '.ecd in I worm preparations. j ( t RTIfi A BROWN", Proprietors. I No. "15 Fulton tjtreet, New York. ! Svl'l by Ih-viiijUi ami CbaiiU'.t, infl (ha'trx i i M'tlU ine at Ti knty-I'ivi: (t a Box. j July 12, 1S73. ly. j" KKKOKS ' "OtTII. A pentieniaii who sullrr.l r yrars fn-m Nttous ' I;.l.uitt, ireuuiiure LveiJ, iki :i the e3t of youth ful iuiL-reti.iu will, ii.r 1:1c .iAe of minVrtuu hu unniiy, smiiJ frw tr. ,11 who nwj it, t!i reeir snd di- v. VI 1 K.i tn. Thirty Year Kiperieneo ol"u Old . u rste. Mrs WIiimIow'n No4thine Kirui Is the preiseription ot'oneof the best Female Phvsicians and Nurse-- In the United States, and ba been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by m'!!'.or.s of mothers and children, from the f eeble infant of one week old to the adult. Jl eorrci is aeiditv of the stomach. 1 relieves w'rul colic, regulates the bowels, nud Ives rest, he'i: h aud comfort t- mother ana we bell, v- it to lie the Best and 8ure; ic tl TV11M. in ail cases of DY8EN- iTFl:'''rnd IIl::il'KA IN CHILDREN, whe j ther '' arises f-.iii Teething or from auy other I can--'. TV;! 'i'-ns for usinsr will accompany ea .-b be il.-. N.,.:u Genuine uuless the fae-stinlle )ofe'i'li it t l ilki VS is on the oulsi ie wnip- ji-r. : r " ... ' '.'. dealers. y .'..--; .. . At-rcND to tl.'j 'J.-st syniptonis of consumption ar.d that (lie.ic L.ay be checked in Its incipiency. I'se i-.T.'.iii'.t-jiy Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar CVr'i..!, 1. s' t'-' reined in all dieenses of the fy.i.B. i -e;u"s 01 ag'. Th.e deceased has been for many years, a well known and inEne-ptial eiti.en of this couuty. The di-n-lva'itaires of a limited education in early life were made up y gcnnl nutiir il abilities combined withutp'uit of enterprise and honest industry, whiih enabled him to prosi'ciite hia business with marked uce- i. "lbocgh i.ot an oClce holder, un.l si.l-iot'i a t iir l'date, he always took a deep iitere-t. in p jiiti-a! r.ffiirs. und was active in sus taining th ? 1 f his party by all honora ble pi.-irt. Iletv.y, .,t a8 principles from honest 'r;v:c;-- i 3 e was nevertheless tolerant, -ri'b ' :1 3Vrel with bim ia opinii.i -. As -. ii- v: h was klud and gene rous, and eer r.-.-t? : -J 1 helping band, aud bis advice was t f.-.u .-.cgr'. and cheerfully gif- J en. He leave a I -"e f.'.liy and numerous j friends to lament hi ut-i'b. Hi remains were ! interred in thus place on 1 hnrway last. j to. M Dcwtirt. on the 12th Inst., Mrs. ELLEN LAURA MK IINEK, aged 'il fears, 10 months an I I'.l.las. MMIMIV MAUKKTN. isrsBCKT, April W, 1S74. Gkais Wheat per bushel......... tl.C0(i.l.75 prime white l.TOOtl.SO ' Rye per tush 7.r(c b0 Corn " 5(u75 " Oats '; 45(a,50 Fi nr:- Extra Family pr bbl 9.tXKiia.50 rumiiinn 7.M(ii8.00 Bue'kwbeat' 5.00 f kkp t orn A Oats (liop pr H lb 1.50(li'2.l0 Shorts A Mixture 1.50vj,1.75 Pot '.T'T s, ;c Com'n pot'e pr bu TSfl.OO Onions 1.00 Turn'ps 25(l?.30 Pkovi-ios Uamperlb lS(ii22 Shoulder pr lb 14(i)18 Bteonprlb 1012 Beef, n-tail pr lb Uffl,22 Veal, do do HKul Dried Beef pr lb 2830 Fori.Trvr Chickens, dressed pr lb 15feL18 Do. live weight lO&Vi Bi'tter Priweperlb 40(Tij45 EiiOii Perdo7.en lo(iyl8 Fri i r Apples, dried, pr lb lSdC13 Peaches, da pared pr lb... 'Mi2H ho. dried nnp;ircd prlb... 14(u)19 'berries. d-!e.t,ti.ittcd prlb 2fl(u 22 KBYSTflNfi CLOTHINC EMPORIUM Just Opened, IN MILLER'S BLOCK ON THIRD STREET BELOW MARK, Messrs. Simon & Oppenheimer, Have just opened a New Store .at the above place with an entire new Stock f Goon, consist iny; i For Sj-ring Tmif Comprising pf OVEKCOATS, DRESS COATS, BUSINESS COATS, Yv'OiilvlA'G .OATS, DRESS PANTS, BUSINESS PANTS, V RKINU PANTS, all kinds of PANTS, VESTS OF ALL INSCRIPTIONS. l I Boys' Clothing of every description, HATS lINTD CAPS, TRUNKS k VALISES, HANDKERCHIEFS, NECKTIES, COLLARS, A full assortment of Gent' and Boy's wear. Would be pleased to have all call and examine Goods and Prices which we assure will be found cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. SIMON & OPPENHEIMER. The same kind of Goods and full assortment will also be found at their Store in the town of Trevorton, North'd Co., Pa. Call and seetbo lowtrice Sunbury, April ?,, 1874. Scto bbertiseintnts. DtMEL F. 11 CATTY. THE MERITS OF THE 'GOLDEN TONGUE. BT A New jnilSET BAKD TO BEATTT A'D TLOTTS, WASniSOTOSI, ). Tis nn age of invention, improvement ami skill. The world's in commotion, aLd nothing is still ; And progress in written wherever we turn tvo ! "the brill ! kept rolling," and each day w$ !ear:i Of some t:e achievement in science or art ; Each branch of industry in fact claims a part. So each is awarded n prize from the bands Of a generous public as merit demands. So music's department can point, in her prid-r, To men of true genius, whos fam" has gone vide O'er hills and through valleys, in mansions and and cots. Well, due are such honors to "Beatty t riit, Whose Golden Tongue organ stands first in tbe land Tbe fir ft us to merit, aud first in demand. Exeelliug in swee-tuess and richness of tone. Surpassing all otheis, and standing alone.- It worth is acknowledged wherever it is kuow n. As all wiil bear witness, nnd cheerfully one For eoual in workmanship, beauty, de-gitrn. Or finish, they challenge the best in the liue. Where faces were gloomy, aud hearts ence were sad What homes are now cheerful vte, happy an l glad. Continue thy mission, thv song 'Golden Tongue, Hath chain of enchantment for old and for young. Beatty & Pious' celebrate I Go!d-:i Turigne Parlor Orgun i acknowledge! by eminent pro fessors of i.iusic to be the belt Parlor Organ now ir. use. Thousands of te.stiruoni.ils are constant ly Uiug received iu favor of t'.iem, which go to show thi onr instrument tr'.ves entire satisfac tion. Ir3rc,!- Price List Addrc REATTY A PI.OTTS, Washingtc-i:, N. J. MIS C. DA LITIS, 8o!e Agent. N". 93 Market Street. !unburv. Pa. Match 1SV4. in. Q A It K I 4 ii F.N, It If it; I V.H A t '. H. K. FAGELY c CO., respectfully icform the j-ublie that they have cotimieaced the mane factor? of CARRIAGES, at the new shop rcoeufy erected by J. T. Lrob ' Corner of Fourth nud C hestnut Nt., SUNBURY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patron e.g.;. i Aprtl3 6m. J. F. LERCH, feup't. I CRUMBS Are h modern stove -OF Are better, because polish, far better th they give a finer gl nnvotherinexlsten than any otLer,h- COMFORT Ticld a brilliant silvery sheen, with less than half tbe labor required when other polishes are used. CRUMBS Are a neat and cleanly-pCan be used even in article, making no dirt I Ipthe parlor without the nor d 1st when used. u trocble of removing COMFORT furniture or carpets. Has no difigreebie snlpberous or strong acid smell when prepared for use, but are pleasant and harm'ess. CRUMBS Are pntupin neatstvlerr)In each bos are 12 and in a form morel f stii ks ; 1 stick is suttt convenlent for Uie Untti" cieut for any stove, any other polish. tin all waste is saved- COMFORT 1 Are the cheapest polish la the market, bocaosc one box at 10 cents will polish as much sttrfa -e a 25 cents worth of the old polishes. c r u mIb s Have just taken thcrynln comjietltlon with 1st premium at the Iii-ljH several cf the host e f di tnapolis Elpoeitlon. 1 the c!d stove vol Vhes COMFORT Bct Cri-mbi! or Comfort of your storekef per, If be has them, or will procure them for you t if not, send ns one dollar, your name, aud the name of your nearest express station, and we will send yon ten boxes, aud samples of Bart lett's blacking and Pearl Blueing, free of cost. Crumbs or CovroKT can be had of all Whole sale Grocers and Deulers in the United States, nnd Kf tall Dealers will tind them the most prcrt tab!e, from the fact that they arc the fnetsi selling article tf the kind in the market. II. A. BARTLETT & CO. 115 North Front St.. Philadclpbla. 143 Churabc.s St., New York. 43 Broad St.. Boston. Not. 14. '73. 'm.em. iDLATCULEV'S W Ini proved CUCU l BER WOOD a PUMP, Tasteless. Durabl,Effi- & cient and Cheap. The best 5 pump for the least money. At- j- tention i especially invitixi to fjastTV Blatchley's Patent Improved uracKti. ana ew Lrop neen Valve, which can be withdrawn without rtmoving the Pamp, or disturbing the joints. Also.the Ctipper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will out last any other. W Q H For sale by Dealers and tbe Trade generally. Inquire for Blatchley'a Pnn.p, and if not for rale in your town, send direct to CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY. iUnvfatturer, 506 Commerce St., Thiladelphb, Pa. March IB, '74. fmn. 4p ?k . m Ilnildinx Lots For Sale. "V"INETEEN LOTS, 5100 feet, fronring 03 i- Vine street, in Sunbury. Price ilio. Alio thirty lots, 25x137, fontlcg on Spruce and Pin streets. Price $1S per foot. Also eight lots, 2r, xPO, fronting on Fourth street between Walnut . ir.d Spiuce." Price J450. Also 21 lots, 15x110. f-onting on Thir l and Spruce streets, between Vainut and Spruce. Price WOO. Also 5 lots : 21x230 on th north side of Spruce stre-et. Price I 6ts.. A'o 1G lots in Cake'own. The atiova i t rice do not include corner lots. Person de : siriii-r to pureU;isi v.-:II do well to call soon. 1 Terms easy. IRA T. C LEMENT. 1 Jan. 23, Sra. j JOHM SKAOLKV. O. W. rEHTtT STKAtI PLAIXIXG MI ML. I MILLERSBURG, VA. . I xeagletT& perry, Manufacturers and Dealers in Flooring, Silinr, Surface TJoartb, Ixtih, Strippior, frhigles, And all kinds of Sash, Doors, ShuUe.B, Blinds, Mouldiiii;, A-c. Hemlock & White Pine Bill Stnff, nnd all kiad of Building Material, btair building and church work a specia'tv, March 13. ly. - J0H! II. tiflLL. JoUtl M l-St UONOCK. SF.LI. A SillOVOIR, !?ecnd Street, WoMELsnour, Pu. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS WINES, BRANDIES, GlXs,- I'm re Old Itie Uhikej, Atplk WnisKRT, Ckiials, .tc. All Liquor sold gaurrantecd as represented. Orders promptly attended to and public p:i-tri-nage respectfully solicited. SELL A SCHOVOUH. 2u St., Wufic's-lo-r. Bet lis Co., Pa. . lSTl. ly. Teb. ' U. S. INTERNAL RE YEN UK Special Taxes May 1, 1874, to April 30, 1875. THE '.AW OF DECEMBER 24, 1372, KE quires every person engagel ia auy busi ness, avocation, or employment which render hira liable to a special tax, to procure and place conspicuously iu bis establishment or place ot business a stamp denoting the payment of saii Special Tix for Ppecial Tax year beginning May 1. 174, before commenelng'cr eottinuie business after April SO, 1375. The taxes embraced within the provisions of the law above quoted pre the fallowing, vis. : Rectifiers '. 2f 00 iealers, retail iie,uor . 25 On Dealers, wholesale liquor , liHJ GO Dealer ia malt liquors, wholesale JO fi Dealers iu malt IIinor reti!?...... i '. Dealers in leaf b-'C.'o 25 00 Re'ui! deslers in lea f tr.ruieco 5'J (VI And on sales of over $1,000, fifty tenia for e.very doilar in excess vf if i,0iV. Dealers In marn'actured tobecco 5 ' .Mnnufaeturers of s'iils 50 00 And for c;icti still rnanuf te-turi-d 20 P And for each worm mann&r-mrcd 20 rs Mnnufa-.tnres of tobaeeo ? 0" Mannfae'turers of cigars . W flo Peddlers of tobacco, firt cluss (more than two horses) .H CT Peddlers of tobacco, second class (two horses) 25 Peddlers of tobacco third class (one horse) 15 CO Peddlers of tobacco, fourth class (on fool or public conveyance) 10 0t Brewers of les than 500 barrels . 50 0C Brewers of 51 liarre!i or nw- 100 CO Any person, so liable, wh? shall f.ti! to com ply with th foregobiL riuiromcnts vi;; be suS jeet to severe penaltie i. Person or firms liable to pay any of the Spec'm'. Taxes named above must apply" to C. J. BRUXER, Collector of Internal Revenue at Sun bury, Penn., aBrt pay for and procure th fspecat I Tftx Stamp or Stamps they need, prior nMrv 5, lift, nnd TfiTuorT rt kther notice. J. W. DOL'GLASi. Commissioner of Inten it.l BevsriU". I Crm:z of Istesnal Reveri e, j WASHisem'l, D. C. Februfirv 1. l?74. pr3-4w Cxeeutp Xotiee. (E-tate tf Margaret DoancI, dee'd.) "VJ'OTICE is hereby given that letters tcstameii tary have been granted to the nndersiirne i on the estate of Margaret Donnel, late of tho borocgfi of Sunbury, Northumberland county. Pa., deceavd. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate, are requested la make immediate payment, and those haviruf claims are rvin 6tcd to present them r!i":y antbentieuted for settle user t. ELIZABETH DONNEI., FRANCIS M. F. DONNEL, Executrix. gunbrry, Much 27, 1S73- I. I I O K KTOKEI CHRISTIAN NEFF, Seond etnwt, oj'posite the Co art Itoujc, SUN MKT, PA., Resrvetfaily invites the attention of Retailer and others, that be has on band, aud will coo St ant: v keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Coijnlac, Cherry, Ginger, Rochelleand Otard. W blskies: Pare Rye Copper-Plstill.-J, Monn gahela, Apple and Neotar. PUKE HOLLAND GIN i Wines: Champaime Wiae, Sberrv, Fort and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. f.. Rirn. Browa Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACn AND BAR BITIERS, And all others Liquors which can be found In tbe city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed a represented. Also, a large lot of DEMI JOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. Orders promptly attended fo, and ynb'ie patronage respectfully solicited C NEVF. Sunbury, July 3, 17C ly. UEO. W. COBLE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Rkal Estate Aoest, and Agent for tbe Pbila tADrLrin Mi;tcal Protective Lit r Ibcrascb Compact. ITerndon, XertJutntbtrlancl Cott, T. ALL CLAIMS eotrested In b!s hands wHl rcc:' prompt attention. Herndon. Any. 83. 73. 4 wios.