tumorous fccttlics. BlJE BOPE OK THE JCRY. "Boys, UiJ 1 ever tell you 'bout the time I sot onto a jury with Eije Bope ? asked Joe Duskin, taking a wig out of tho demijohn. No, we answered. Bije. you see, continued Joe, was jest a lectle the contrariest, ovcrbearinest, crack lieadedest cuss that ever rallied a com mnomtv'a tennier. He bad bluebearded j . three wives to death, an' Led jest tackled a fourth. In fact, the honey-moon was hand over though I guess there was moro vine gar 'n honey into it when Bije an' a par cel more on us was yauked up afore Judge Grimm to serve onto a jury. In ev'ry case we tried we stood "kven to one, an Bije was one. The jedge got mad at last, an' thraitened in the next case that come up he'd keep us at it till we did agree. It was one of them jKsky hoss swappin' cases. Bill Banter d put of onto Hi Greene a sor'l critter with a false rye an" a artifi cial tail. The eye was found layin into the mang'e one mornin', an' the furst time the boss got wi t his tail came onglurd and drapt oft. The evidence showed that Hid boon iiar tic'lar to ax about the eyes, an' Bill 'd said the animal had as good an eye as the next boss. Bill, howsoever, offered to prove that the Dext boss to his'n at the time was t tone blind, but the court ruled that out. After a sardi'm' charge from the jedge, we retired to our room, his honor lust ad nionishin' us that, ef we didn't agree this time, he'd make an example on us to all futur' juries. It looked like a plain case most on us thought, an' we'd strong hojes that for oac't Bije would listeu to reason. But the fust vote we took showed how fur we was out in our reck'uin. 'Leveu on us stood for givin' the plaintiff damidges, but Bije was unanimous for the defendant, an' he said he'd be drot ef he didn't cat his boots afore he'd cave. We tried to argy with him ; insisted that it was a clear case of fraud, an' called at tention to the strong points in the judge's charge. But Bije had his owu views, lie said Bill 'd only eaid the boss bed a good eye, which couldn't be constrood as uieauiu' tiro good eyes ; while, in regards of the tail, nothing d ben 6aid, nary way ; an' where there was no warrantee, a man's eyes was bis market. He said that was good hof-s-law, an' he knowed it, an' didn't care a continental tchat the jedgc said. So we jawed over 'n over it till v. c was tired, but no use : Bije still bung out. When the court let out, the jedgc ordered us io tie took to supper, an' then to bo lock ed up. I don't want to dwell onto the miseries o' that night. We worried through somehow till the court took up next mornin', when the jedge bed us bruug out, lookin' for all the world like so many pennytent tomcats arter a night's mootooal misondcrstandin'. "Hev you agreed onto a verdict, gentle men ?" tn'ii he. "Xo, we heven't'' says the foreman, sulkin'. "There's no hurry," says the jedge btnilin' ; "le terruH laat covplc of xreds yrt. The sherifTH take you to breakfast now, an' then you may reoom your delib erations." Arter breakfast we fell a little pearter, an' some on us picked up heart to make another set at Bije ; but he was headslrong er an' ever, an' said we'd ought to be ashamed on ourselves, so we'd ought, to take advantage o' numbers to bully an honest man's conscience. While we was a breakfast the foreman 'd managed to get bold o" the county iTtjier, which had jest come out that mornin', and, to while away the time, he logan to road it. "Hollo !' fcaid he ; "what's this y "What's what ?" says we. "Listen here," says he, proceedin' to read : "Siartlinrj Humor. The town is greatly excited this morning by the rumored elope ment of Mrs. B., the wife of a prominent citizen. She took advantage, it is said, of her husband's absence on public duty to carry out her plan. A marked feature in the affair is that the lady has scarcely !n;cn married a month' "Woat's that ?" screeches Bije Bope, in an outburst o' terror. "The foreman read it over agin1 slow an' solemn. Xow Bije was as jealous as that 'ere dark-complected chap in the play. Besides, there wa'n't no other Mrs. B. in the place lately married, and thcu there was the circumstances of the husband'e absence on public duty. Bije had no doubt that the Mrs. B. allooded to was his own wife. "Let me out !" he yelled, runuiu' full butt at the door. "Not till you've agreed onto a vcrdie'," says the bailiff, through the key hole. "I I I'll agree to anything !" splutters Bije. "For goodness sake, hurry gentle men a thousand dollars damidgos, if you like !" Wc said we thought that was rather ny thirty, eo it's done quick !" he gasp ed, ag'ny. We could hardly keep him from junipin' out o' the winder, while some on us portended to dicker about the amount we should bring iu, jest to tormeut him. At last rv'ry thing was fixed, an we went into court, give in our verdie', an' was dooly discharged. Bije was rnihin' out on the double-quick with murder in his eye, when the foreman topped him : "I think you're lab'rin' under some mis take, Mr. Jojie," says he : "that there jiifc I rrod, i0" Kft, frohi a California 'r, tn' mutt I at !Wvf a moyilh fid."1 Ax Editor's C'oxrEiMON. of a Western paper gives the to his editorial career : lie port. lioen asked to drink Drank Requested to retract Didn't retract Invited to parties, rcceptious, presentations, etc., etc., by people fishing for puffs Took the hint l)ido,t take the hint Threatened to be whipped Been whipped Whipped the other fellow Didn't come to time Been promised bottles oi cham paigne, whiskey, gin, bit ters, boxes of cigars, etc., if we would go after them Been after them Going again Been asked' What's the news':" Told Didn't know Lied about it Been to church Changed politics Expected to change still Gave for charity Gave for terrier dojj Cash on hand An editor following as Times. 411) 4 .'): ..,:;oo 174 0 4 170 3,m0 300,000 oo.ooo w.ooo 80 32 S5,00 23,00 $0,00 I' "or COUCi 1 IS, COL 1 )S, 1 10 K S EX ESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, Use UtM.S" (MRItOMC TAUIIllS. itt rr oni.v in M.rr. noxr. A TRIED AND MT.E REMEDY. Kold by Iruj;iitH. ul7 4. Tli rt': AiJiorioHii oMoo lot distils toili'ti us -!i':t :i umber; extract its elren::Ui; retains nli It.- nutrition aroma. The Ixvt tliinjr cvi t ntfcrrii. 1'iice f 2. Pent to any mldrrp. Call anl see il in iH'r:ttioti or son.! f: r iihp-trati il circular. Territorial rights for Mile. IE WITT KNOWN A CO.. CVS I!r..:ulvav. N. V. ' al7 4w 8 SCHOOL TF. VCHF.KS W N'Ti;r iu ' comity for tlit'Sj ring an l Stin:mt-r. f !.vi.ii jut month. Send tor circu ars. whuri yjt' luil p:m'Cui.".rM. .r.Mii.l-.l. v M.-Cl LL-Y, I'hil i.t. 1; iiia. I n. ai: lw. so;i r v.nu i: umi ui.ouv. The wrv U--t Sii' -S -!iihi S-r.:g ll.- l.. By W. I'. SHKIiV.'lN miii s.J. All., im lvi-s S)..-u.ii.i Hymn-, fiioiee Music. 1 i;it, it raj , Hi: j . i:nr Hn:dii'. 1'iicr in l)iar. S.V.; jjt A ci iiu. i: Cu y in l'.n or Cover iniiic't -h n,ku u isMii,i ,u nc-ij.t ol Tweuty rivf o-.iu-. l fiUii rf fiili .1 in r: tiiru. licmly May M. Ill tUM't. W Tl.i:s ,v S Any. New Vol Is. I7 4v.. I Taia iv M..ciii. e K' '" "t,i(l h.ihioii.'H tntbc u-'r, i Vfiiil lormiiht readily, and i the lnnt ol all lo iH-ll. 1 1 Tlicre :h no Itoim v.:c'" Aijei't in your t:i, ri'lv to Ii'ilK.STK' N. M. '0.. York. blT 4v. Fi.oisrtr. 1 ii.- 1 ..Mir,...i.T. m-,1 Suit !' I'.l- I'l,r-1M"0 Srn-it.u .vii,- cliine Co. fiiriii'ht 1 1;- utrcr, :it-t!cr iiud Wilnon, mul (imvcrxicl Itnlcr l oii i.tmic", iuvolviiiii over $J.'ii.ii, In t'm:il) il.-.-!ilil I iy the Stii.ivinc Cnlirt of tin- I'nitcil Statoi in fuor i t tiic j ion ni-H, wliicli alone 1i:ib liroken the Mouni'olv ol li)t;li I'rkc. Till". NKW FLOKIINCE im t!.c olilv tiiHi:illi' iu-it wwn oacKivjiru aii'i lorwuru, or to r.f!it Mint l! ?t. Miiii)ilc,t i iiciii M Bern. Sold for cio-uonly. Sj c. '::l ti Tinsli.l l.t US aud IiKAI.I.KK, p'loii-iic,, M;h. w. iarsT3 v akted rott THU HISTORY OF THE GRANGE MOVEMENT OTt THE EABM ER'.WAR GAIN ST MONOPOLIES, . .... ii.d u ,i..((..cp-,i Ol nut. V. B. Mair'T, l".si., Mi:itr of tlie l'tnu'a Statf illll; writtf : Ire;umio yiu iny siurrrr tbaiik lor ti'v JiiB!rj of the iraiiye Movvinciit. 1 Lav? nur d it 'ith iiitu'b irtcn.-t. It ii imltti Moml with .oiiU-u tiitiuM lor -vtry JVinniV fi;iu:ly, and h'uuit) m in :; hou-M-liolil ! -Ty I',i:pm iu xht- l.-tml. 1 c;m ebwriuMy n-f-cmiiM-i. J it." A. h. .Stiifdlfy, ,M;istto! tit' Iowa Hi.t iri'r:t vrtii'f : l havt ii-':vta yu:r vny fxci-llfiit ; Jim jnuoi ilfut"i V itU it. M:.iiv thai.k. lr tbf vvy H-nt in. 1 i li-t- it highly. ' h.-n I f.r v-tl itti'l riroiiliirK eoi.unrntf trii'.f to A ii' iT.ny iiirt inlon-einn:. nc;u lea iii- ir:u;fT',. A'1'!.--h ktWk al Vx D. Co. rti:,- t"j n'l.a'ii to ' tilt prt-.'.t linaii!l fr tlnn Hii4 i i ih .r;ni!j Mvtvemeiit, to iiiie nnrWiM -4j k-. -- T.if Kiii. int-re .n)j.iLitio.iB fnun nr;rul tuml i - t.-i lut not lw iiiionel upon. Ktv that tilt- !!; y.ii 1,'iy i- -:;Jir-.l l. thr kmline lira: i . Hi ". The inlif.-l M''3ir:il Autlioritkri of Kitri'f uv the tiroui:'t-t Tu:iit TuiUUt ami DeobitrMfiit knrn in th ineilical wovM U J" ii i n I) e 1 n It arrcrti- decay of vital forcer, exhaustion of the nervous Ptem. iit.ue vinr to the ilf liilitatcil, elcaiisen vitiated biooil. n moves vesicle o'jsl t no tions urj'l acts direct' v mi the I.Ivor find 8leon. Price ?1 a txitt'.e. ".loMN 1J. KFLLOfKi. IS Halt St.. N. Y. n".4w. l'loograitj . A txw b.k on the art of Writ iiisr hy llanlI ; a compU'u pyetcin of PhotieticShoit-haiid. the shortest, most stmjile, rar. nnJ cmi;relu-iisiu etiahl'.oi: ht, otif in a short time to teort ?r!:i'.. tefolic, fermi-n. Ac. The l.ordV Kraycr i written with 4Stnkos ol the it'll, and HJ word i-r tninute. The un etnpl.iyed i-hou'.d learn thix alt. Price hy mall a cent!1. AsriMit" waited Addre' T. W. LVANS t CO., !:". f. Siv.-tith St., Philad.l- 4in. I'll. n3 4w A(ii:NTS WAVTITi TO cT"f T. TV.t Ml E K ciiaiui:k!-sij3Ini:i?. r.:ii..i..ii.te u.d llIlt:.'u, ;c. Hu.e io lime a J:;::i' m:d r;.j id mile. I'rii-e low. Aid;-e ltM Ahl n t'nv l'I B. .-!" A: 219 (uli:'v S:.. 1'ii.iHd'a iii-t lw. AUKNTS W AXTr.li ! lor lMicanV new PTCTOIIAI. I;I1U.1.S i .Ski llliiKtratioitF. P:K.i:.a Award- d. Ad dr li.r i iii iiiai. A. .1. H' il M AN TO., ?Vi Areri St., I'Uliadel) lila. -l lw. to tlio IIKWCUK T. S. AHTHl'lt'S Uu n:ii (f-rv-i lxik, on :L. uiot nrutHi khl.lt- tt; :jng i if modern tiu:"1-. fi'iiii to Lih mj " and !Vn Nih'. v ijl irtiiiio tho jij.1 li i iit:' tjljf, u:ul k!1 I:kn it'lA l'H- in-bft H J !) Ml.!! Till i.l f,l ;iinl ilUllu : Hi it. i . 1 !v..a- I' ii;; lir h-ij i- rtii;ur il. t- : rroi .t T.(r lt ii. '"iii IfH -u'.-iirV tnrtll liiwii'l on j't v ho w A,rt'nl ! iT von wnnt tr iiTVn Tn - Til L liUu I I Ii v il l.rlil. liea v , . . . II ... , . .il ter, ;;vi r ,i.i;c i'ii;. Toi iio.le yi-:iru lor :t. in oull ii'i.i'j ! ! n-mov n to n miiii and lie illi! f.-il ;iVri ll. li i. Hiiv '-; ino-. Lioit boluei with hat i-oIh'Jy ut.lr. flMii.nr in tLe tL:l:j( that 1j Ak'lit- wal::i d i-M'i ywii le. S'-imI lol cir i'im t:iiiif 'i''-liav l'lio. l J'li;bdi-li iil.i. rulurii lid New V i I, 11.., :m;. or t'ij;.'- :i lw : A H l' II K I X l:. The I'NIVEIiSAL MEDICINE for the hoiifc hold. Trvit. Price per bottle 2.1 cent. For ale by ail Drn'.M. IIF.UBEN IIOYT. Pro prietor, 'JUo (irceiiwii'h St., N. V. April 4'-t fc-ltsSh, Jf-.-efordi rbvtlie wonderful oiterntlve tr 3 leal Dix-ox ery, Ui! en eaniet,tly, to r....o l.'.l n:-..l in tt-lilrli rn 1. w .ivs at fault, :il?o to" act pccificallyupon Jjillea'"'! f.::uiiif ami lining mniiiuiuiic ui .A 'itirli I ' rni. v klioti Id Ii finnlioH uram I -A LiioniViitMruuii'iitwiai wlilrh iluul mcrt- P k4 f V h ir.o ;:n tc prrf( rthf aiylicl to nil tiartfi t ' V" fctiw-f I'.l It.'ia thi trr.Tiinrnt iirnrn. 1.3 7t . , . ... sr r s.K n.'EC4 n. r arl i t a case ox "uia ti newt ' or f ' . . . . vj i.o can iii 'i cnr. iiio ixett mcui- CENTRAL DRUG STORE q.b.Cadvllader Is tin- tilaee. to Luy Iiurt: anil frtfli 1 ir.H rw l ir. saro'i uuarra u :-mV' -IKc mcdy cures ny ite tv- V"if rf?Kilmild.6oothin(r and Keal-ti.-3 Sf ' 7 princrtie to v h fey : jJ j i in: tli i .iso yields, v., en t . " i V i i Ueniedv Is iied warm E-", '! ; S a"'1 i-v-'eni put in per- s MKDICIXKS, DILl'fiS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS. PEIMTM r.K V, NOTIONS. CKJAP.s. TOP.ACCO, Lioroi; for ineilirinal purposef, ami all other ii rt i cks usunhv kept in a tirft-c!aK5 Prui; Store. Sjiecial attention paiJ to coiiijioumlir.i; ne Bcrijitiotis ami family receipts by conijictcut ilrtipit-ts. I am pre;i::r-'.l I ii fn; nl-li in ; ' t : 1 1 . 1 1 1 : lo.-nit puicha-i-rs find nl Phll'idclph'::! pro-:--. CA1.( 1NF.D ri.ASTF.R. I'HILADI.I.PIIIA 1 .1 Mi:, II'!-!liV; SAM), l'l-ASTERINCi IIAIU. Poilliii l. Roman, Rosenda'.e and I.ihii;!: ci:mi:xt Land I'i i -lei' lor Fartiicrn. Timothy and ' I j it Seed'. Al-o. t:irden S-ed of a il ' I. n: . all and net :i R'Mul lo-u'i-ii r (or iU. ;k. p.. iwi1.i.i.i c. Sip 'oily. I'l l.. l",t.-'y. Ve.. C. M. Maihin. ant. W. liimm NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Buiii, Suntury, Pa. m. C. 31. MAKTIN ,S: CO, HAVE just rcci ivcrt a fiet-h lot of Pure Drujts and Patent inediclnes. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, Nall.Clothi-.Shoe and other brushes. TOILET AMI I'AXCV AIJTICLES. FINS SXTKiCtfl, IMf Kr.T HOOKS. KMVf.S, ic, 4f. R F.ED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume in America. Parisian, a Kill Olovo Hash. warranted to clean perfectly the tno'-t delicate 6 hades without injury to the kid All the leaditi); preparations for the Hair, KEtiAHM, THE BEST IN M ARKET, Pure Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes. Phyni'-ian Prescriptions nud family icceipts compounded with care. Thankful for past favors we hoji by fair deal ing to receive a share of yo'.;r patronnirc. September 11. I1:'. isrilljni torts. iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRQN6. The rernvlan Sump, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to havo the character of an aliment, aa easilu digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Nature's Own Vitalizing) Agent. Iron in the blood, and cures thousaiul ills," simply byToning up, Invigorating and J italizin g the System . The c riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dlar rho?a, Boils, Xprvous Affections, Chills ami Fevers, Humors, Xoss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the. Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility oraloio state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are. permanent, infu sing strength, rigor, and new life into all parts of the system, and building vp an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been changed by Vie use of this remedy, from weak, sicldy, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and hapjyy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably lies itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle Jias PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. Pamphlets Free. SETH W. F0VLE b SONS, Proprietors, No. 1 MlHou riitce, nostun. Sold bv Dntacitti; ctxerali.t. HE PARKER GUN. SNa STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS WEST MERIDEN,CT. rpiIE VICTOR SF.WING MACIIINF. CO., X w.'tnt reliahle and rnerjfetic Agent in tbi county. The "VICTOU" U a Lock-tain li. Shut tle Machine, n ith salf-M'ttin Neejlle, best tiuisb and nwvt j-erfect Macliine oll'eied. An in crease of 5(Ml jht cent, on t-alenor 1S72 over 1S71. For terms. .Ve., Address, VICTOR SEWING MACHINE (')., r-'-'T Chestnut bt., Philadelphia, Pa. Sejit. 12, 1S7j. tmos. Send for IlluM rated CHlalone auil examine our prices Indole l ureli:!.-!!!, as we claim to sell lower than ar.v ot her ctahlilimeiit in the CitT. kkm'emuf.i: iiu- nl'muei:. 1-jr.i; l:l!)t;r. AVENl'E. Philadcltdila. WAT IIKS. JK1VEI.K V A SILVER IVAItE. John IV. Stevenson, Corner Third and Market Ste, Suilfjtirj , II 'J AS eomiiictclT renovated his Store Hoom. ami opetied thp larpest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing iu the Jewelry line is l:e;t iu bturc. MIvT-tVnre, Urutclots. ItiltgM A' ClllliMK, of every desi il ti.m and of the linest qnulity. Particular attetitiou paid to repaiiit! lVaft'lieit, locks, Jcwelr). dr. II AIR JEWELRY made to order. Sanhury, March 0, IST-i. (iENL'INE Peruvian Grimno. ARMERS. Aricultiirists and Dealers in Fcitilizi is h:ie now mi an optKirtunitT of t obtaining thi valuable manure iu small or ; large lots, m l he sole impoitcrs' prices, by ap plying" the Special Agency just established for the purpose of ileliverin l.cnuine Peruvian Uuauo to cousiimei s nt any accessible port or t railway station iu t!-e country. Full particulars ; Wn i'i i vciii r t-ei'.V'i fr'Hn ."pplication to R. BALCAZER, No. 53 Beaver St., New York. I'.cl- li ne- - by PcrmWioii. Mesr-r-.. Ilob-on. Hurtado .V Co., Fiinini ial Ag'ts of the Peruvian Government, -Vi Wall St., N. Y. Moses Tnvlor, Pr--. Na'ional CitvBank, Wall St., N. Y. t. C. 'J i.i' V, I'.Mj., Pi tn -in Consul. M, Broad way, N. Y. M nch ti, 1VTJ. " iii')-. GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market. Sltvit, I'lnlyiMi.hia, tailoi:. ami AUIiITAHV (jLUTIHEHS, Militarv, r;iutl k Firo Organizations 1 promptly unifornieil. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent ! free on application. Our bi-ine; the l':adinLT house on Military work, we f'-i l that wc caii oiler inducement which can not Ik- atlaine.l anywhere else Jan. 1ST:. id'Hiti: ami pi.vmm; hillk. Thkd Street, adioinln Phila. A Eric R. R.. two H pi.ires North of the Central Motel, SCNIICRY, PA. 1UA T. CLJiMEyr, IS ircared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public. Having u II the latest improved machinery for man u fact urinir Limber, he in now ready to till or ders af all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING. DOORS SHt'TTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS. and all kind of Ornamental Screw 1 Wm k. Turu iiiK of very descrijittou pronij tly executed. Also, A I-AltCR ASSOItTMKNT OF HILL LUMBER. IlOILt )CK and TINE. Also, Shinsles, Pickets, Luthe, Ac. Orders prompt !v filled, ndi.htj)ied bv Railroad or otherwise. IR A T. CLEMENT. VIC'K'S Floral Cii.lc FOR 1873. 200 Paires, 500 Ewrravints, and Colored Plate. Published quarterly, 25 cts. a year. First No. for 174 Just Issued. A German edition at the iimc price. Address. JAMES TICK, P.ochcttcr, N. T. iHisccIlancons. A. 1 WALTERS. MOX1TMF.XTAL SIIAVIXC PARLOR ami B A rF II R 0 0 iM S. IIAIK DRESSED HY MACHINERY, "-firnoiit fortret Ihn place on the East side of Thiko Si KKKT.a lew doors South of Market, Snn littry. Pa. l'raiils, SwiU liP", Curl, ami all kiml of J.ADIKS' IIAIU. Work inailo ti onler t'illu-r out of t,otnling& or straight Iiair. All or ders left at the residence of A. 1'. Walters, corner of 4l!i at. ami Sliamokin avenue, will receive protnpt attention. A Specialty in CHILDIIKN'S' IIAIK ( UTTIXC, eitlier At tlieir liotr.es or Shaving Parlor. A. P. WALTERS. Julyji, lTo. t ROOK AGENTS FOR on, LIFE ISELOW THE SURFACE. r.v TIKIS. V. KNOX. 9V I'hki's Octuvo. ISO Fiuo Kiigra Relates Incidents and Aecideuts beyond the Light of Day ; Startling Adventutei in all parts of the World; Mines and Mode of Working them ; Caverns and their Mysteries : Down in the Depth of the Sea ; Nijhts in Opium Dens ; Life in Prison ; Stories of Exiles ; Journeys throm:li Sewers and Catacombs ; Accidents in Mines; Underworld of the (ireat Cities, etc. For circulars and terms to agents, address the publishers. J. B. BURR fc CO. Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, III. Al.KNTS K INTEII I'oK HULLS and HEARS of NEW YORK. '; .Vu.'Aor 7mV Siu'tth. Nearly COO Octavo Pa-es. Profusely Illustrated. If you wish to know how Fortune are Made nud Lost ; how Shrewd Men are Ruined ; how Panic are Created ; how Stocks are Bouuht and Sold, Read this Hook. It relates the biographies of the great leadintr speculators of New York, with a history of Wall Street and its operator durinjr the past 200 years. For circulars and terms, address the publishers. We send an Elegant ijerman Chromo, mount ed and ready for lratninir, free to everv Agent. .1. B. BURR .v Co., Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. t OU TIIK IIULIIAYK. (JREAT ATTRACTION. TojN, onlM-lioiicri'i Oyntrrn, Ac. Everybody is invited to come and buy of the handsome assort uienl of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame Imildinir, adjoining Moore A Dissinger's building, THIRD STREET, SUNBL'RY, PA. Just opened a fresli supply of Confeetioneil-s of every description. TOYS OF ALL KIXOS const aiillv on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every nioniiug FANCY CAKES. BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving np Oysters in every style. Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated with the cst bivalves io market, at all hours during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence w ith the tiest Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortment of tfoods and ascertain the pr!cc. S. '- NFVIN. Dec. ',0, laTU. IIO.nL' LII'K IX TIIK IIIIILK. By the Author of "N'nrht Scenes in the Bible," and" "Our Father' House." of whibh nearly tMO.OtW have been so!.!. "Home Life" is com mended by ministers of all churches as "the author's best book," ""full of precious thoughts." "Truths precious as cems," " a choice book for every family," Ac. Steel engravings, rose tint ed paper, rich binding and for rapid sale un cqualed. Agents, Young Men. Ladies Teachers and Clergymen, wanted In every cotidly ; ?75 to loij per month. Send for circular. 7.EIGLER A M 'CURDY, 51S Arch St., Philade'.phia, Pa. March 0, 1 S7-I. '.'mos. T1IL kin; HA It It Lit SHOP IS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long has been ; ask history aud she will tell you Men have grown old in our patronage Babies on the'.r mothers' breast To bouncing boys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver gray. And among the honored and lasting impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions in circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the Ingenuity and perseverance ap pertaining to the identity of progression, plyiug our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances aud es tablishment are always wont toiuBpire. Always to please Wc shave with ease Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, Aud color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow me politely request you to stop, And not go p.afct tior from around our shop. To get shuved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor under the common secret and invidious guise of enmity t complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of his skin, ought not to atfect his usefulness nor his qualifications. A fair chance is all that we demand, to give the proof to all the land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Smibury, April 5, IsTS; No. 91, Market st. Whoa, Jnunnry! COME ONE! COME ALL!! THE subscriber having erected a Blacksmith Shop, on the lot adjoining the (iii Mill, formerly owned by Morgan A Mas.er. on Fourth St., Sun bury, is prepared to do General IIIiit-kMUii thing, on the shortest notice, and in the best manner. Custom work promptly attended to. HORSE SHOEING made a specialty. The patronage of town and couutrv is respectfully solicited. PETER WILVEh. Sutibury, Nov. 7, 1873. tf. CI-IEAP MUSIC For A'lrawrd l''ano For singers and young Flayers. J'ia n hin . PiuiiiHlh ilrrfiniiE noml lim bic at m low iruti rhouUl nnd M rent Jur a coj y of "X Cklmk ik la Citt:Mr".." Lvrry iiumttfr titHiiib from $'1 to J-J worth f innsic liy hucIi autliot hh HWlrr, !.::, KnUr, rtc. rcr iMinikH r: f 4 u jear. St-ii'l 'M viiti for retra' MuhicmI Moiilttly, mill you will tcvt fl worth of New MtMjr. Kvery nuiiilx-rcou-tnii.a 4 Io h KongH, attd 4 or ." liliiiHit'iitMl I'ltd'A by hucIi an' bain ms H;t j t, Stew art, '1 IjUlril'Mitj, iMtikP Kiliklt ttr. rubhiibetl moutbly, 30 ctn. kt u uiulr, f J t't-r t-r. Pearls of 3IcIody. A jJutlid t'iillt-tioii of IH&uo niuhir of milittni diffi culty. $1 lu toordd ; cloth mid guilt f I. AddrrhM. J. E. TETEES. 3.il Hioailv, Boi Sl'Jtl, N. V Jan. 2:!, 1S71. Ilm. n t iiim: niioi a.m iko. I Ol MMtY. Cr.O. UOIIUBACH it SONS, Sunhury, l'rmi'H, JNFORM the public that they are prepared io do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Plaui'jg and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, tVicy are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, iu a satisfactory man ner. Grates to suit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other bnlld ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, c. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, anil will always be kept on hand. Also, THRESJHNO MACHINES. Stinbitry, May 20, 5 871. Scrcitntilc. INISITAI. 1X1HCE.MENTS. New aud attractive Goods, in every Department . WATCHES, DUMOXr-, JEWr.I.RT, SILVER AND PI.1TED W ARE. Cutlery. Clocks, Bronzes, English, French and German Fancy Goods. ..t2fv JSSSc.W'CY7-i . In view of the decliae in GOLD, we have re duced prices on our entire Stock of Foreign mer chandise to Par Gold Rates, and purchasers will find It to their interest to make their selections NOW, while, the ASSORT MENT IS COMPLETE. Goods sent on approval for selections. Articles purchased now, for the Holidays, will be packed and retained uutil such time desir ed. ROBBINS, CLARK BIDDLE, 1124 Chestwt St., PinLAnF.t.riiiA" o o Ml rf- m li' cr o tr 'X ft K S- 3 r Z. r c n o O tr a I'I 3? 2a-s id ' n rr.'S, Cm . a tc r - o s a j --i " w ff ?" 3 NTOVK A" TIN KSTAIH.IMIMKNT. MARKET STREET, SL'NBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, rroprietor. st CCESXIH T f I1TU t tlENTIIF.K.J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kranse would respectful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, SjK-cr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revohing Top, Combination, Susqtu hanua and others, which are so arranged as to be nsed for Coal or Wood, and arc warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds nt very low prices. Tinware of Every Description kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ni.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a t.ndj. Store opim-ite Conley's hard ware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. ap!24-ly TaHorlng ! Tailoring ! ! CHARLES MAILT L, TESPECTFCLLY informs the citizen t ml L he has just received his Strliig.aiid Summer Goods, at his TAILOR SHOP, ou Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, and that he is prepared to make up all kinds of GEXTJ' A.I HOY'S SLITS, of the latest styles. Having had much experi ence in the business he desires the public to give him a trial. Clothing will bo made up Iu tli latest Palis and American Fashions in the most satisfactory manner. a 12. CHARLES M AIHL. Slllii trn. Winter ON KAST MARKET ST NEAR TUE ITT HOI I I., St NI'.l KT, 1'Av. now open, all the novelties of the season in RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ETC.. trimmed and un trimmed HATS AMI ltOWKTS, Notions in every variety, call and examine the fine assortment and learn the low prices. Also, DrCNNiuaking of the latest and most fashionable styles. MISS AMELIA HANCOCK, Sunhury, Pa., Oct. IT. 1S73. h7. FALL SEASON, 17S. MII.M.VF.KY AMI FANCY GOODS, now open, FALL STYLES. Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, Plumes, Feathers. Ribbons, Crape Veils, Crape, Crape Hats and Bonnets, Bridal Hats and a full as sortment of the latest stvR-s in DIILIJEKY, TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. Gloves, Collars, Cuffs, and every fashionable article of ladles' wear. Call and see the new styles of Goods at VISSL. SHISSLEU, Market Square, Sunhury, Pa. October 3, 1S;:. A MAGNIFICENT STOCK of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, Plumes, Feathers, Ribbons, Crape . .. i . i. ii... j ,i w i ens. urarie. nine nais siiu jon- Wi nets. Itriil.il Hats and Bonnets. and a full assortment of the latest styles iu MILLINER V AT Miss M. L. GOSSLER'S. Fourth St., below the 8. V. R. R. Every effort will he made to please those who favor her with their patronage. Sunhury, Nov. 7, 1873. NEW GOODS for FALL AND WINTER at Mn Kate Illack's, Market Square, Sunburv, Pa. LADIE'S DRESS GOODS of every style and quality. WOOLEN GOODS of every inscription, Fancy Goods, Notions and Trimmings a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. The finest assortment of Ladles' goods. Everybody is invited to call and see them and buy cheap. vOctober SI, l$7t!. ! M ; ffltlilcal. Dr. 4. Walker's California Vine gar Bitters are a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from the nativo herbs found on tho lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of California, tho medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is tho cause of the unpar alleled success of Vinegar Bitters t Our answer is, that they remove tho cause of disease, and tho patient recov ers his health. They are tho great blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the his tory of tho world has a medicino been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bitters in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle I'urgativo as well as a .Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in Uilious Diseases. Tke properties of Dr. Walker's Viseoak Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin egar Bitters the most woiuUrful Invigor aut that ever sustained tho sinking system. Xo Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones nre not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Billons, Keniitlonf, "and Inter mit (cut Fevers, which aro so prev alent in (lie valleys of ur great rivers throughout the I'ii'iu d States, especially tlm.-c t.i" the Missi Ohio, Missouri, Illinois. Ti'Ku -st'". ( r.!:i!.i'rl;ind, Arkan sas, lu-. I, t'niia-.idn. i'.niXos. Uio Grande, lV;u ;. Ahtli.im;:. Mobi!'-, Siivanuah, llo ;:nokf. ,I.u::cs, u:id ninny others, with thfir v;i.-t tii! iit;ui-s, throughout our on::;v ronntiy ihirin ihf! .Summer and Atitiiiiu:, r;iid if i!i;iik:il'ly so during sea sons ef unusiinl heat iiud dryness, aro invariably :t ruiiipiinii -1 by "extensivl Ierii!gfi::iT.t.s of tho .-Tuinai'h and liver, and .-.thf-r .'.bo-nunal vi. crra. In their troalna nt. a j.urg.itivi . i-xcrting a pow erful inilueuco tipo:i these various or gans U essentially neeessnry. There is no cathartic forth.' purjiose equal to DR. J. Walker's Vinki.au Bittees, as tin y will speedily n-inovo the dark en!, nc'l ic;l niatt-:r with which the b,vi-!.-; nre Inaded. at the same time stinnilating t!e secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organ.-?. v lortify the liodv against disease by purifying all its tiuids with Vinegar B'itteks. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. ihsirpsi:i or Indigestion, Head aclio", I'aiu i:i tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tiglitness of the Oiest, Dizziness, Sour Enu-taiii 'tis of the stomach. Bad Taste ia the Mouth. Bilious Attack.', Palpitation of tin-' Heart. Inilammation of the Lungs, Tain ia ihc ivgion of t lie Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottlo will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy adverttsetnent. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Whito Swellings, I'i.fis. Erysipelas, Swelled Xeck. Goitre. Scioiulous Infl;;niniation3, Indolent Inlianuuations, Mercurial Affec tions. Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc.. etc. ' I:i these, as in all other eotistitutional Diseases, Walkeh's Vixei:ak Bii'iKius have shown their great curative powers in the most ob stinate and intractable cases. 1'or I:;!ai;:;:u:;ory ;ti:d Chronic 1U: i:i!ini ism. Gout, Bilious, Bemit tent and Interinittent Fevers, Diseases of th" Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad der, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases arc caused by Vitiated Blood. 31c rkaiiieal Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-.-etters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as tla y mhance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walk er's Vixei'.ai: Bhti:i:s occ;uionally. For Skin I)iseaes, Eruptious, Tet ter, Sii!t-l:lieuni, Blotebes, Spits, Pimples, l'listuief. Boils. Carliuncles, King-worms, Scahl-lii'a.l. Sore Kye-j. Erysipelas. Itch, Stnrl'-, I.ii.-e(i!or;.tions of Skin, Humors and Jie:ies of the S!;i:i of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried nut of the sy.-tein in a .-hoit tium by the use of tlie.-e Hitlers. Pin, Tapo. and other Worms, htrkir.i in tin: :;telll of ,n many thousands, are eiieetaaiiy ibt'royi.d ami removed. Ko Kv-ti-iu of nieilic ine. no vi-rniifacps, no nn tiieliiiiiiities will l.. i- ;h- stetn from worms like these Bitter-;. For Feniale Coinplaints, in young tr oiti. married or inj:!e. ;it the dawn of vo liian nut. nf lUr turn of hie. these Tunic Bit ters display so ili eiili d an iiillaetii-i' that im pliivetuelit is soon pereeiitiiiie. Cleanse 1 lie it i-.il ed Hlood when ever run Umi it impiiritii'- bursting through the t-i.iii in l'iaipie... Bniption-i. or Sores; eleaii-e it when you iin,l it obstructed and tihiL'L'i.-h in the veins; i leanse it when it u foul : votir feelinir.-. will o il you v.heii. Keep tlie liiin.d pure, a:,.l the lie.iltll ol" the system will filler-. it. ii. )K-i)i'x.v:.n v t.. Ilrii'P'-!" ami Ai-'ti.- "i1 t'r-ni isi'i'. (';!if"riii:i, ui:i! --er. of Wi-nlreerti'ii iiil t 'I.i.riinii S:.. N. V. Sold tiyull ii'iiKif 1 '"l Draln-K. Mutb's Great Remedy FOR ALL THROATandLUNG DISEASES! I It is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained by peculiar process in the distillation of Ihe tar, by winch its. highest medicinal properties are retained. Tar even in its crude stale has been recommenced by eminent physicians of errry tckacl. It is confidently offered to the afflicted f jt the following simple reasons: 1. It CURES, net by ahruftly ttcfping t!u v.-fi but by dissolving the phlegm aud assisting naturt to throw off the unhealthy nutter causing the irritation. In cases of stated cctNsvifPTIo?f it bom prolongs mod renders leu bcrdensom the life of the afflicted sufferer. . Its healing principle acts upon the irritated sur. bee af the lungs, ptittt rating to lack distaiid fan, relieving pain, and tuhduing inflammation. 3. It riminis. and exrichcs the blood. Poiitive ly curing all humors, from the common psmple or Burnon to the severest cases of ScrotUa. Thousands f affidavits could be produced frms those who have lelt the beneficial effects of Pike Tan Ta Cordial in tho various diseases arming from iMrCKiTiES or THE ILOOD. 4. It ittricvrotft tht d.rgtstk crgans and restores the af-fetite. All who have known or tried Dr. L. Q. C." Wis hart's remedies renuire no references from us, but the names of thousands cured by them can be given to any one who-doubts our statement. Dr. L. y. C. Wishart's Great American Vyifiefsia Pillst'anJ Worm SeriAR Drops have never been equalled. for tils by aU Druggists and Storekeepers, and at Ir. L. Q. C. XTISSASrS CSceT ;Ao, X39 2f. Second Bt I'hlla& m Maiiliootl : How Lost, How Restored Jut published, a new edition of PR. ('vi vEnnKLL's Celehkateii Eshat ou the radii-itl cure (without medi cine) of Sicrmatnrrhii':i, or mnunul weakm-aii, iuvolun tary rpii-.iii.I lonnep, iiuo!c-iK-y, Meuttil and iihyidciil in capacity, inipcdiiut-ptit to iuirri::c, etc., also t'ouftunip tion, Kpiltpy n-nl tttM, iudun-il tiy M.-li'-iiululgrtji-e or sexual -x!iaa(ume. C'Priie iu Fealnl cuveioe oniy six centi. The ci-lt-lirattd author, lit this admiralile t-p-ay, rlerly deniuiiHtnitis from a thirty jrearV hikvchkIiiI prai-tii-r, that the alanuinff conseqiu-urt-s of wlfalni.-e may ! rsdieally cured without the d;itiKrou" line of iutt-rual medicineor the application of thekuife; o.iituiK out a mode of cure at ouce nimpli1, certain, and trft-Wua, by means every sufferer, no mattur what IOh oouditiou may lie, may cure himself, privately and radicnlly. This lecture should I in the hutnlMot eery youth anil vtry man in the lend. Seut uuder seal, iu ilp.in envelope, to any addresa, poat-paid, ou revoipt of eix cents, or two poetaga starops. Address the Publishers, CI1AS. J. C. KL1XE, A CO. 127 Kowery, N. Y. Host Ofllce Box, Jan., iM. 18T4-ly. PEWS YL, VAX I A KAIL ROAD. PniLADELPniA A ERIE It. R. DIVISION. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, December 1st, 1873, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD, liiiliiilo r'.xpres leaves Philadelphia, 12.55 p to Harrisburg, 5.05 p ia " WillUiiiBport, 8.20 p in " ' Emporium, 2.15 a it " " :irr. at Baffalo, 8.50 m Erie Mail leaves Philadelphia, 10.SO p m " " " Harrisburj;, 3.05 am " " " Williamsport, 7.30 am " " " Lock HaTen, 8.40 a m " " " Renovo. 10.05 a m " " an at Erie, 7.20 p ra Elin'ua Mall leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a m " " " Harrisburj, 1.30 pm " '; Williamsport, 8.20 p m " " arr nt Lock Haven, 7.35 p m Renovo Aeeoniod'n leaves Harrisburg, 8.25 a m " " Williamsp-t, 12.55 pm Bald Eauli; Mail leaves Williatn?port, 1.55 p in " " " arr. at l,oek Haven, 3.10 p m EASTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Buffalo, 3.25 p m " Emporium, 9.10 p m " " " Willuimsport, 1.10 am " " -rr. at Harrisburtf, 4.50 a m " " " PhUadelphia, 8.10 am Erie Mali leaves Erie, 11.20 a iu ' Renovo, 8.40 p ml tioeR rlaven, ?..- p m " " " Williamsport, 11.10 pm " " arr. at Harrisburj, 3.05 a m " " " Philadelphia, 8.00 am Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, 7 55 a m " ' " Williamsport, 8.30 am " " arr. at Harrisbnrij 1.50 p m " " 44 Philadelphia, 5.50 p m Harrisburg Aecom. leaves Williamsj't, 6.50 p m 44 41 arr. at Harrisburg , 10.50 p m 44 44 44 Philadelphia, 2.50 a m Iia'.il Eale Mail leaves Lock Haven, 12.20 p m 41 44 4" arr. at Williamsport 1.30 p ra Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L. 8. & M. S. R. W. and at C'orry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West with east and west trains on L. 8. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Elmira Mail and Buffalo Express make close connections at williamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north, and at IlarrUburg with !f. C. R. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Philadelphia A Rreading Railroad. WINTER ARRUNGEMEXTS. DECEMnER 8th, 1S73. Tuains Leave Herndon asFoi.ixiws : (Scxdats Excepted.) For Shamokhi, 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and 3.55 p. m. For Mt. CarmeljAshland, Tamaqua, Pottsville, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. in. Trains for Hern-don, Leave as Follows: (Si'xdats Excepted.) Leave Shamokiu at S.00 a. in. 1.50 aiel 3.55 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m., Reading 11.15 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. iu., Tamaina, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p. m., Mt. Carniel, 3.21 p. m. Tkaiss Leave Hariusbi ko, as Follows : For New York, 5.30, 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 p. m. For Philadelphia, 5.30, 8.10 a. in., 2.00 and 4.05 p. m. Scxdats. For New York, 5,30 a. m. For Philsdelphia, 2.00 p. m. Tcaixs for Hap.kisbcrp, Leave as Follows: Leave New Tork, 9.00 a. ni., 12.40 and 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m. 3.30 and 7.15 p. ni. Scxdats. Leave New Tork, 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Sup't. Reading, Pa. Jan. 30, 1S73. Northern Central Railway. On and oftrr Dec. 1, 1873 trains on this road will run as follow? : LEAVE SOUTHWARD. Leave Erie Renova Klmira Buffalo Hail Accom. Mail. Express Washington 8.;1S p m 4.48 am 11.35 am Baltimore 11.15pm 8.25 am 1.45 p n Philadelphia.... lo.-Jt) p m 8.U0 a m ll.So p sa Harrisbarg 3.0.1am v.'sm l.JO p m 5.0ft p m Hun bury 3.i0 a m 11.10 a m 4.15 p in 7.13 p m Arrive at : WilliamBport... 7.10 a m 12.j5 p m 7.10 pm 9.00 pm Elmira 11.50 a in Um Buffalo 8.30 p m Erie 7..20 p m All daily except Muuday. Leave: Buffalo Elmira Harris'g Erie Express. M;tiL Accom. MaiL Erie 11.20 am Buffalo 9..V) p m 7.30 am Elmira 5.45 am 2.48 pm Wi!liams;rt 1.10 a in 9.30 a m S.."M p m 11.10 p m Suubury.. .... . . a m 11.15 a m 8.40 p m l'i.55 a m Arrive at : Harri-xbur 4. "ill a m 1.50 p m 10.50 p m 3.05 a m Philadelphia.... 9.10 a in 5.55 pm 2.50 am 8.00 am Baltiiuoi 8.40 a m 6.30 p ni 2.t5 a m 8.40 a m Washington 10.35 a m 8.30 p m 6.13 a m 10.35 a m AU pass Sunburv daily except Sunday. A. J. BASSATT, E. S. YOTJNG, T. OCCKEK, Oeu'l Jfanager. Gea'l Pass. Agent. Bupt. PO JiTPOX EM EXT. 9,000 IX GIFTS. A Grand Gift Concert. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT will be given at Sunbury, Pa., by the Independent WASHINGTON STEAM FIRE COMPANY, Ou MONDAY. JULY 13, 1874. Cule the tickets are all sold before that time, when due notice will be giveu of the time. A foil Drawiue Certain. Owing to the Panic, and in order to meet the general wi.sh and expectation of the public and the ticket-holders for the full payment of the Gifts announced, the nun ai(ement have determined to pout) one the Concert and lrawing to the date alioveetated. The nt.ie.-t of tbix eutenrise ia for ths pcrpooe of ae ciiriuK a S!eam Fire Engine, which will be au advantage lo all neighboring towns accessible by rail, from the fact that it will lie an ludeudeiit Company. And aa we have never failed to dncbarge our duty when called up on, w e certainly will be able to accomplish mora good with the aid of a ateamer. There in no leanthan nineteen large and small towns within thirty mile of Sunbury, all of which can be reached by ruilroail, thus affording the facility of amdstiug any of thou places iu teas than au hour's time ; while at the same time our town will not be unprotected. Our project being s laudable one. we fe-l confident that all the tickets will be diioeed of by the time stove uamed for drawing. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF GIFTS: ONE GRAND GIFT OF $1,000 mio " " " 600 ' " " " 500 ' 300 " Gift of.... 2110 100 HI Gilts of $"iO.0il 1,000 10 (lifts of 25.00 l.flOO lilOGlllsuf 10.0U 1,000 2rtu Gilts of 5.00 1,000 5.SI Gifts of 2.00 l.isiO 1.0U0 Gilts ut 1.00 1,000 1,857 Total $0,000 This enterprise is uo individual speculatiuu, such as houses, lota and furniture put up at fabulous prices. The holder of a successful ticket will receive bs GIFT in CASH. There will be 20,0o0 Tickets of Aduii.iiu to this Con cert, at $1.00 each, and at the time above slated the $,000 iu CASH Gilts will be distributed, PLAN OF DISTEIBI'TION. Twenty thouriand nuniliers, representing and corres pomlittg'with those ou the receipts issued, will be placed in oue whi-el and cards endiveed with the mimes of the Premiunis iu seah-d boxes will be placed in another. From these wheeU. a number aud one of the above nam ed ium-ribed cards will be taken simultaneously. The mmilier so drawn from the oue wheel secures the pre mium di-signated by the card taken at the same time from the other. This operation will be performed by a blind )ersoii, and coutiuuetl until Eighteen Hundred aud Fi:'ty-Seveu Premiums are exhausted. It ia evident that by tbi." proof, fraud or favnrtism will be impossi ble. Every i-rsou holding a tu-ki-t will be entitled to admiFiiou into the Cono-rt. All Gifts Paid in CASH without discount. Money can lie sent for Tickets iu registered letters, or rost Office Motiey Orders, or hy Expnus at our ru-k. If desired. Tickets will be sent by Express, C O. D. The following geutleuiiu cms kindly cousented to act as Triiwtees tor the almve Gitt ConiTert : S. 1. Wolverton. Esi.. KiriH-tor 1. H. and W. ft. R.; Geo. Hill, Attorney at liw; Hon. W. L. Depart, a-niniib,-r of Ciuifji-i-HS ; Wm. I. OreenouKb, F.., llirec tor First National Bank of Siuiliury; John Haas, Esq., ditto; Irs T. Clemeut, Lumberman ; Wui. T. Grant, Coal Merchant, Sunhury. The above imm-1 geutli-nieii are higbniindnl and honorable men, who would not lend their names and give their aHitaiiri to any nnworthv object. SAMT. S. nENDKICK, tiEO. M. RENN, WM. H. M1IJLEK, LEVI MEASHOLTZ. PHILIP AI. SHINDEL, Committee. All commuuicatioti in all cases. ciieerfully answereiL Address1, rillLIP M. SHINDEL, Corresponding Secretary. N. S. EStftLK, Treasurer id Fiimls. Sunbury, March t, 1874. MMIlltY M4KIILE YARD, Fourth Street below Market, SUNBURY, PENN'A. THE ttndersicned has returned from the Ver mont Marble Quarries with 56 Tons of Marble for Monuments, GrnreStones, ITe has bought at such figures that wilf allow him to sell better stone, for sl less money, than heretofore. The best Suthcrlanl Falls Marble, -which Is better than Italian. Rutland is now sold as low as the Manchester. Those who need anything In the Marble line, for Monuments, GraTe-Stones, or other purposes, will Mud it toiheir interest to call and examine this large stock, as better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parties 'huckstering' round the conntry. All lettering will be done In the neatest and most Improved style. - W. M. DAUGHERTY. PiinhTtrr, Jan. II, 1S78. IS ma EARLY SPRIXC. Now nature wakes from out her wintry trance, Rejoiced that winter's gonp, and spring's at hand i Fair, blue-eyed spring, who, with a proud ad advance, Hath marched into the land. - - Strangely the sky hath aoftenea, like the eyes -Of some coy maiden just begun to love ; The woods are starred with flowret8,as the skies Are starred at nights above. There drifts of lilies mimic winter' snows, 'Neath branches late by wild winds bent and riven ; And the sky hyacinth that earliest blows Brintrs down the blue of heaven Each morn gives birth to fresh life-giving airs ; And lightly, blithely throb through every thing All vernal impulses, all vernal stirs, The spirit which ia spring. farirttlittral. Do Frcits Mix t We notice that the belief is entertained by some leading pomologists that not only strawberries will mix bv havinir differ ent varities in juxtaposition, but that par$ will ao tne same thing ! We have onr doubt of this; at least we have never observed anything of the kind among our own fruit, though growing side Dy side, tve all know that pistillate straw berry must be fertilized by a staminate variety aud this staminate may be changed year after year without modifying in any degree the nrigi nai berry. We all know, too, that continuing this practice, the Allen raspberry by itself U a poor bearer of small fruit, but If fructified bv another raspberry whose inflorescence occurs at me same time, it will produce larger, better and three or four times as much fruit, but thev are strictly the Allen still. We also know the same io oe tne case Willi grapes when vines of different varieties are placed io Juxtaposition. We must have very strong proof before we can believe that tne pollen or one Trait transmits to another fruit belonging to the tame family anything mora than, when necessary, an assistance In its pro ductive capacity. Germentoten Ttltgraph. Mancbisc. Small Fruits. A corresDondent desires to be informed what small fruits are most and what least benefited by manuring. Ia answer, we would say, in a genial way, manure such small fruits as are perfectly hardy and which overbear, and avoid manuring rampant growers, the productiveness of which ia dimin ished too much by growing rapidly. Hence you will rarely find such great bearers as the Wilson strawberry manured too much, while blackber ries, which often grow seven or eight feet in a year, will commonly do better, bear better, ripen their wood more perfectly, and become hardier, if manured little or none ; and on naturally rich soils, they often do better to allow grass to grow in the rows. Slow-growing grapes, like the Delaware, are better if enriched ; strong grower succeed best if merely cultivated without ma nuring. The practice must of course vary with the previous condition or fertility of the soil. Country Gentleman. Raising Fbvit in the Shade. A writer in the Fmit Recorder contributes the results of ex periments in raising fruits in the shade. A parishioner objected to planting raspberries be cause be had no place for them except the north side of his barn. In 1863 I planted two rows of raspberries, about sixty feet long and three feet apart ir the rows, directly west from a two story building and under the north side of a tight board fence, so that they got no sun till after noon and not more than two or three hours of any day; and from that plantation we have picked two bushels in a season of Ked Antwerp and Brinkle's Orange, that were the admiration of our neighbors. The finest Blackcaps lever raised were directly under the north side of a high bars.. I have raised a full crop of straw berries (Russell's) In the same location, and thus lengthened out the strawberry season, a they ripened a week luier than those that had the full benefit of the sun. HOUSEHOLD. Fkiit Gingerbread. 2 lbs. flour; lbs. butter; 1 lb. sugar; 1 lb. raisins, seeded anil chopped ; 1 16. currants, well washed ; 2 cup molasses ; cup sour cream ; six eggs ; 1 heap ing teaspoon ful soda dissolved In hot water; 3 tablespoonfuls ginger ; t teaspoon ful cinnamon 1 teaspoonful cloves. j Cream the butter and sngar, warm the mo lasses slightly, and beat these together ; then the beaten yolks, next the milk and spice, the soda, the flour and whites, well whipped ; lastly the fruit, which must be thickly dredged. Beat well before baking-. A little citron, shred fine, is an improvement. Bake in two broad pans, in a moderate oven This cake will keep a long time. Boston Cream Cakes. 'J lb. butter ; lb flour ; S eggs ; 1 pint water. Stir the butter lnt the water, which should be warm, set it on thi fire in a sanccpan, and slowly bring to a boil stirring it often. When it boils, pat in the flour boll one minute, stirring all the while; tak from the fire, turn into a deep dish, and let I cool. Beat the eggs very light, and whip int this cooled paste, first the yolks, then the whitetr Drop, in great spoonfuls, upon buttered pape. taking rare not to let them touch or run int each other, and bake ten minutes. The bet cream cakes I have ever tasted were made b this somewhat odd receipt. Notgat. 1 !b. sweet almonds ; lb. whr sngar; 1 tablespoonful rose-water. Blanch tr almonds in boiling water. "When stripped I their skins, throw them into ice-water for flv miantes. Take them out -and -dry between t cloths. Shave with a small knife into thin slip Fnt them into a slow oven until they are vr slightly colored. Meanwhile, melt the sugar without athliittj niter iu a porcelain kettle ov. the fire, stirring it all the while to keep it fro burning. YV'beu it bubbles up and is quite me' ed take off the kettle and instantly Etir in t hot almonds. Have ready a tin pan or moul well buttered aud slightly warmed. Pour in t nougat ; press it thin and flat to the bottom the pan if you mean to cut it into strips ; to ; sides of the mould if yu intend t fill it w syllabub or maenroons. Let it cool in the mon for the latter purpose, withdrawing it carefu when you want it. If you cut it np, do it wb it is still warm not bet. The syrup should a bright yellow before putting in the almonds Washing Silverwarb. Many housekeep wash their silverware in soap and water. T should not be practiced as it makes it look 1 pewter. When it needs polish take a plect soft leather and whltiug and rub hard ; thi l restore its luster. To Have Corned BtEr Ji ict after it is ct and not dry as a chip, put it into boiling w;i when it is put ta cook, and do not take It ou the pot when doue, until cold, (From Author's Home Magazine.) Beston Tea Cakes. Take one pound of fl four ounces of butter, and milk sufficient make a paste ; roll it out very thin, cut it ' shapes that may be desired, and bake on a f beartb or slow oven-plate. Fricasseed Chicken. Have ready a pa: fine, plump, full-grown fowls nicely prep; for cooking. Strip off all the skin, and carvi fowls neatly. Reserve all the white meat best pieces for the fricassee, putting them dish by themselves, and save all the inf pieces or black meat to make the gravy. Se, with pepper and salt slightly, and add a bi of sweet herbs cnt small, and four small bl fresh butter dredged with flour. Put the t meat, herbs, etc., into a stew-pan. Pour pint and a half of water, and stew it ge skimming off every particle of fat. Wb duced to less than one-half strain the g Arrange the pieces of white meat in a very stew-pan, and pour over them the gravy i inferior parts ; and mace, nut-meg and cayenne. Mix into half a pint of boiling a large teaspoon ful of arrowroot', and sha pan briskly round, while adding the beatet of two fresh eggs, mixed with more Vreai tablespoonful.) Shake it gently over t till it begin to simmer again, but do nr it to boil, or it will middle in an Instant, it carefully.