Sunburn American. SUXBURY. APRIL 24, 1874. ftasinfti Steals. T Thpiotid Geo via A Baxek Siwina Ma IB. Thm celebrated machine r offered tka noit raobl rat. Far particular ItU D. O. KUTZ. Agent, .M,'TS.-ly. t'pper Augusta towmhlp, Tbi tprisf '- f nU ar already offered Ml by t. lawt. Sr.. on Market Square latMt atylaa from a lart, assortsatut can w b tlctd. Wk. H. Miixib baa tka largest atock cf the at ImU and Bboea in central Pennsylvania, (arl variety of make can b found In his ablithneut, and all f tbebaat mak. fn Voien Park aid Agricultural Association 1 bald tbelr nest Annual Exhibition at Sunba Pa., Sept- M, SO, and OctoUr lt and 2d, 1874. 'cm RT. Tt Dror Star Room new ocen i by W. D. M:kk. A1m the room adjoining- ast'a bat ttora. Enrnire of H. K. Uamsk iiw ScMKoixa. Ou Mouday morning air took place in the time on the D. B. & W. R. Tkey now leave and arrive a follows : av Mail, 6.50 a. n.; Accommodation 1 n. n. Arrive Mall. 4.09 P. in.: Accommo- lon. .90 . a. Tbe accommodation only to Cattawiaaa. . HaatrtLDxa, corner Tbird and Market ti, Itaa reduced hie prices from 10 to 50 per i.. In order U cloee out. Tbe whole noarnl t atock. Just received, will be sold at coat, 'tb greatest bargains ever heard of In this a will' be offered. Tbe stock consists of Urea's, Boy's and Men's Clothing, Hats and e, OonU' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Jewel- c. Can early and have the Brat choice. 8. HERZFELDER, Cor. Third and Market Street, prU 10-tf. Bunbnry, Pa so. O. Ba.bti.kt, has opened bia Pboto- h Gallery on f -iubury street, in the borough bats ok in, and is bow ready to fill orders. IB ArriculturaJ fair, at Millersburf , will be OBthelSib, loth, 17th and lfcb of Septem Cabd to CLOTBi:a Bctira. John 8. Marsh just returned from the city and opened oue largest, most fashionable and best stocks ting and summer clothing that he Las ever cbt in one aeaaon to Boubory. There is a reduction in prices ef clothing since this last season. Suits, all wool, that were sold for 115 can now be purchased for 113 SO; aits then, now I" SO. Purchasers bad bet- k around flrst before bayiug, and make selves acquainted with tbe great reduction cee since this time last year. I am deter 1 not to be undersold that is, If a buyer slaewhert 113 for a suit, I will aell the for tit 50; suits elsewhere at 17 50, 1 wil ao same fo r ?, and so all through my I am enabled to do on account of my expenses. Call and see for yourselves. Joaa 8. Marsb, Market street, near Third. St. i FArxa! Wall Fapbb!A11 kinds, Kmboeeed, G la ted. Tints, Blanks and .os, Decorations, Mouldings, and every appertaining to the wall paper business is id or can be supplied at short notice at 21 paper depot. Aful for past favors the subscriber would . fully solicit a share of lb patronage of tamunity, feeling confident be can pleas o may give Lim a call. Wall paper v3 free or charge. C. 8. UAZ1LTINE. spring trade la tbe furniture business, has briskly at B. L. RaudaubusV e Lab it, la Maaoale building. A new stock t beea opened, and the latest styles liture are bow exhibited, and wil! be eap. Call and e before purchasing Goobs at Wbimib'b. Just opened a assortment ; a general variety of tbe tyle of Dry Good. Also, Groceries In dc all frosh. VT.. R. Wtlmsr, la t building, is never behind bia aeighbor ag cheap goods, consequently, all who It bis store, will Cad goods dirt cheap,' t largest aeeortmoent 1b town t9 select Scbdeb Dxath. On Monday evening Inst, our citizens were startled by lb announcement Hint Tb os. U. Nott, well known in this vicinity, land died suddenly In bis tailoring shop, on Fourth street, beluw Market, from iujuries received from being thrown from a buggy. It appears that Mr. Nott bad gone to Northumberland in the 4.10 p. tn. train to transact business, and on his return, got Into a buggy with Messrs Andrew and Gingerich to drive home. On turning the corner of Front and Market Hrects, in this place, Mr. Nott was heard to caution tbe driver not to turn short, as they wonld upset. Thu driver, however did not heed the advice, and the buggy upturned, threw the occupants out, and Mr. Nott, falling upon a stoue or plank, was Injured internally. Several persons assisted them In get ting their buggy all right, when they got in again, and drove up Market street la the livery stable. During all this time Mr. Xott did not complain of any injury excrpt a pain within or about the eye. He went to the butcher shop where he procured a fresh piece of beef to put on his eye, and from thence went to his shop. Upon his arrival there, he told Miss Sophia Rake, who worked for him, that he felt sick, and chil ly. He laid down upon the board, And requested to be covered up, and that bis limbs be rubbed, remarking, 'I believe this will be the last of rue." Miss Ituke atteuded him until he appear ed quiet, and not apprehendiug any danger left bim alone for a short time. On her return she discovered that he was insensible, and t once called a physician, who, on his arrival, pro nounced bim dead. The body was then taken to his residence In Purdytown, where a post mor tem examination was made on Tuesday by Drs. Krebs, Martin. Fisher and Malick, whose report we publish below. A report was published in oue of our papers, j that bis death resulted from excessive drinking. This is not the fact, and the report of tbe physi cians prove It incorrect. We are reliably inform ed that Mr. Nott was sober when the accident happened. Mr. Nott was one of our beet mechanics, a law-abiding and good citizen, a man with a true heart, honest and upright. Like all men, he had his faults, but they did tbe most serious in jury to himself. His remains were interred on Thursday last, and were followed to their last resting place by tb Lance and Shield Conclave S. P. K., the or der of I. O. of R. M.,and the entire Fire Depart ment of the place, he being a member of Steam Fire Co. No. 1. The following is the report of the post mortem examination : We, tbe undersigned, having held a port mor tem examination upon the body of Tbo. G. Nott, twenty hours after death, report the fol lowing: External appearances Upon the left side of the face, and underneath the left eye, wax an ecchymosed spot about two and one-half Inches in length, and half an inch in diameter. Also one over the left supra orbital ridge, about one inch In length, and one inch in diameter. The dorsal surface of both bauds was bruised. On tbe left leg, upon the middle p:trt of the thigh, and over the middle of the tibia, and upon tbe lower tbird of tbe thigh of the right leg were ecchymosed spots. No bones were fractured Internal Appearances In examining the thorax, the lungs were in a collapsed condition. The blood vessels were entirely empty. The abdominal eavlty contained a large amount of venns Mood Upon tbe under surface of tbe right lobe of the liver was found a rupture of one inch in length, in direct communication with the bepntic veins. Cause of death was internal hemorrhage from above described rupture of the liver. 1). T. Krib M. n. C. M. Martin, M. D. A. W. Fisher, M. D. n. H. Malick, M-D. Sunbury, April S3, 1ST. Associate JtDOEsnip. The following reply to a letter to His Excellency Gov. Ilartranft, settle the question as to the appointmcut of an associate to fill tbe vacancy occasioned by the death of J adge Welkcr : ElF.CCTIVE CUAURBK, JIartMutg, P., April 17, 1S74. j E. Wii.vcitT, Esq. Dear Sir : The Attorney General decides that the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Welker, cannot be filled. Youif, fcincerely, J. F. HARTRANFT. Tin: trains on the Philadelphia & Erie rail road were delayed several hour on Tuesday last owing t.) the washing away by the high water of the trestles used for supporting the bridge re cently hurnej near Cameron. At a f i ceial meeting of the Washington Inde pendent Steam Fire Company, held on Thursday April 10, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Wheieas, Mavor Starkweather, of the city o: Williamsport. during the progress of their ereat conflagration of the r.'th Inst., was prompted to ca!! upon the authorities or Sunbury Tor assisl-ani-r, which was promptly communicated to the otlloeis and members ot this company ; and Whereas, This company, in their tiift F.i te.r pri?e, advertised ami alledgcj their ability to re port ul hies at a iii'tancc ot thirty miles witnin one hour, una in nnt nn ine assistance or ran road ollieials, we. weraetiabled to repoit at the Williams-port tire, a distance of forty miles, within one hour, aud this more than redeems our pleniie ; and hereas. The oineiais ami citizens 01 uie ocau liful city tendered their hospitalities to this coin panv, and inauilested their gratituae at tnc nnai result oftlicir work (luring me nre, mereiore Resolved, That while the Washington lude pendent Steam Fire Company at all times deeply resrets the necessity ol llieir serviei, are al w ivs ready to render similar services for their neighbors when not required at home. Resolved. That the thanks of Ibis company be tendered to T. Gucker, Esq., Sup't ut Wil'.ianis- port. K. It. cetfall, Slip t at Sunhnrv, David 1 Attack. E.q., Train Master at Sunbury, and others, for efficiency, prompt tics aud valuable assistance. Resolved. That the thanks of the company are tendered to Hon. is. . Starkweather, Mayor, H. Stoetzel, Esq., Chief Marshal, and the entire Fire Department, for their hospitality ond kind treatment while in their city. Resolved, That we tender our thanks to the ci tizens, and especially to the ladies of the city,for their herving up hot coffee, and an abundance of the substantiate. Resolved, That fiesc proceedings be published in tur funbuiy nnd illiaiusport papers. Soi.. Mauck, .1. H. Waltz, W. H. MII.LCR, Jas. M. Farka, ;. M. Rens, Committee. light running "Domttiic" Sewing ma a account of Us many points of superi i a better demand thaa any other nana I, and take the Uad with tbe public over a long regarded as the best. Orders for acbine will o promptly filled by Mis s Dalius, agent. f0u Ml C. Dalius I tb agent for or ranor Organs, rianos, and all kinds 1 lastrttmeol. Tb Try bt instrn furnished, furnished on short notices 1 1 suit limes. Call or address, C DALIUS, N. 93, Markrt St., Sunbury. ocal jffairs. Wobk. Within twenty-four hours af urnlng of tb railroad brldgs, at Cam- h F. &. E. B, K., last week, tb string- new structure wer In place, and trains ilbla frty-igbt hours. Ubick, of this place, has been lccted D. , of I. O. of O. F-, for this county. . B. Clihbs, formerly of this place, and : ob tbe Eastern Division of tb Phila nd Irk R. R., died at Elmira, on Bun f consumption. rALTKBt bas laUly enlarged bis barber i Third street, and bas added another U bow running four cbalrs la bis es at with great success. Hair dressing, ., ar don up in tb Captain's best i best of workman ar employed, and . always guaranteed. an of Patron of Husbandry was ar Polnt towkthip, on Saturday last, and lug oScsrs lctad. Master, C. M. vrscr, D. L. Sherwood ; Lecturer, iydr ; Steward, F. Red ; Assistant hn Lasher; Chaplain, E. Walksr; Mis Vaggt Russell; Treasury, F ekarper, R. C Mc Will lam ; Ceres ; ad ; Flora, Mi Helen Grady ; Lady Upward, Miss L. Ecd. br composing th Grang ar of iodustrieus, ntrpris!cg and lntelll rs la tb county. rr lb r landlord of tb Wahlcg a few day ago praseBted bis son, KS, with a Gold Watch and Chain tSSea hi twenty-first birthday for nl to basics entrusted to bim la tbe ai fatter. Musical ExhiVitioes on Wednesday ay ovenlng last, at the Court nouse, rtnded BotwHbstandlng tbe unfavor ed Tb coBCrts wre quite en nd a number of Mr. Refiner' schol ly acquitted themselves. Mr. Rei ly daservitg of credit for tb abl a been lacbiag bis musical classes . and Northumberland, and hi x rtaleateBt should always be encoar wd audlenc to giv Beoaragemnt naln with us as a teaeberof the ma tt rising gaaeratlon. bisbub has Just returned from tbe all line of millinery aad fancy goods basing lewher w would adv'e and examine her nock of bonnets, se tbe most fastidious tast lu styls a fact ali s!Is them from 40 oU. to ould deprive bis wife and family of paper. They do not go out from . tb news as doe th busbaud and li paper rv to relieve th otber onr of bis absence. It Is tb wont oay to dsprlv tbe family of a good Fries ef Amcbica ouly 11. SO a 10. fSbafar A Hilbish, at McKm rd by burglar on tbe Bight of sod a lot of clothing and $4.00 in n. of tb good ia A. M. Mii!l's ea Tuesday last by Stsrlff Rotb (cations oa which tb pr party anted to about 14,000, and tb About IS.eoO, wbiah laava oat ia ar creditors holding note against from I9C0 to 1.000. Lbctcrx. Ex -Gov. Pollock delivered a lecture on Monday evening at tbe Court House for the beneflt of tbe Presbyterian Sunday School. The subject was a trip to the Golden Shores of the Pacific over the Union Pacific Road to San Fran cisco. The lecture was delivered in a familiar, conversational style, without notes, and the nar rative of events, was listened to w ith great at tention and interest by a respectable acd large audience, considering the inclemency of the ev ening. The lecturer's refcreuce to the Chinese population, which is about 10,000 In can Fran cisco, was full of interest. Like all impartial observers, b gives the celestials au excellent character for industry, and as faithful servants, but their idolatry, squalor and pig-headed aess, is marvellous. His description of their absurd and Idolatrous modes of worship iu their temples from $ to 3 o'clock at night, were contrasted with the pure and simple forms of the ChrUtiaii Church. He related the fact that one of the Chinese worshippers was commissioned to pro ceed to China, and purchase wooden gods fur a handsome new temple just erected. He took with him about 115,000 in gold for that purpose, bnt concluded on reaching the ''flowery king dom" to make better use of the money, aud keep It for bis own benefit. Concluding uot to risk auy more money In that way, they employed Yankee artizans at San Francisco to make their gods. The lecturer's description of the vast wealth and style of living in California was full of interest, as was also the description of some of the gold mines visited, the income f some reaching from one to three millions annually. Ax ELorBMEST. On Saturday last, a young man named Miller, and a young woman named Osborne, took flight from tbe paternal roof in Lewisburg, Union county, and proceeded as far as Georgetown, this county, where they at once set out in search of some suitable imlividual clothed In authority, to tie the connubial kDot, and render them 'oue iu flesh.' But ere iliey could make even the preliminary arrangements lb stern 'parient' of the truant daughter, put in an appearance, and raised objections to their pro ceedings, thus frustrating the plans of the recre ant pair. On the appearance ot the 'parient' the daughter plead to be allowed to share her future with ber dear Movier,' whose company she had courted for at least eighteen mouths, lint 'pu rled' was obstinate, and bid her Mlow him, which request she refused. A warrant was then procured, aud the lolhario was arr .-sled for some oflause committed at Lewisburg. When 'iovier was one in tb custody of nu ofSeer, the young maiden, true to ber devotion, consented to return with ber 'sweet yonug man' to Lewisburg on Sunday. This Is once again illustrative of the fact that love laughs at 'smith locks and stoue wails.' There ia no use '. Parents might as well yield consent, and save themselves trouble. Ail oppo sition amounts to about as much as an effoit to make two locomotives pass on the same track. We kuow of a case of love which happened in our county prison, uot many years ago, in which the sheriff, the turnkey aud iron bars, failed in pre venting two loving hearts from meeting, even in that iron bound Institution, at the dead lioui of idn'ght. A Fibb at Klinm Gkovl. On Wednesday night, tbe residence of Ashley Lawrence, at Kliuesgrove, in Upper Augusta township, was destroyed by lire. The family were asle- p. Be tween 12 aud 1 o'clock, Mr. Lawrence was awakened by the cries of the youngest child, and found his room full of smoke. On proceed ing down stairs, he found the lower part of the boildiug in a sheet of flames. Mr. Lawrence was severely bunt about the head in rescuing bis family who barely escaped. All the furniture and clothing were consumed, sud tbe family left ia a destitute coudition. Gambuwo. We are relinbly informed of the existence of several gambling holes iu this place, and that strps will be inaugerated by the ladies to reot them out. W e rejoice to see such a move made, and bope that tbe ladies having the mat ter In baud will not be deterred from a duty which will be a blessing to many poor fami lies. While strong drink bas ruined thousands I families, we kcow many young men, married and single, who having lost all at the gameing table, aud having robbed their families became despondent and fell by trying to drown grief, sought the bottle containing the liquid of de struction of body and soul and sank into de bauchery. W would say to tbe ladies that a crusade against gambling bells is just as impor tant as a crusade against the low grog shops. Such au effort will not ouly meet the approba tion of every beaeat roau and woman, but will b rewarded by tbe prayer of many a poor mother aad children whose husband and father is given to the weakness of visiting the gameing tabl. Mi'Nt Mr.M and Pkcokatio?. At a meeting of the Soldiers Monument Committee, the lol lowing proceedings Were had a few evenings since : On motion ol General Clement, it was Resolved, That the corner stone of the Monu ment be laid on Decoration Day, May 30 next, at 1-o'clock uoon. It wai aiso resulved that the services of deco rating tin soldiers' graves le hail immediately alter the lajinir of the corner stone. Ou motion of A. N. Urice, Maj. G. B. Cadwal- lader was appointed Chief Marshal of the occa sion, with power to appoint his aids. The following committees were appoiuted : Committee of Arrangements for Decorating Soldiers' Graves A. N. Bricc, J. C. Irvin, P. 11. M oore. Committee of Invitation H. F. Maun, J. K. Clement, Sol. Malick, Esq. Committee on Reception F. H. Mann, E. M. Bucher. A. X. liriee, .1. K. Clement, 11. P. Whar tou. Committee to Arrange for L.iying Corner Stone and Fixinjr up the Square John K. Cle ment, E. M. Bucher, J. J. Smith. tin motion, it was resolved, that the Commit tee on Invitation ask A. Y. M.. No. 2-, to lay the cornet stone of the Soldiers' Monument with Maonie ceremonies, and that they be requested to Invite sister lodges to take part. A. N. BRICE, Secretary. TOR TUC AMERICAN. FHIm1 with "Uood UcaolationM." Mr. ItVrsrf . Wi'h the exception of a few croakers against a woman's lecturing, the general assent was that the lecture of Mrs. Lcggel was exceedingly good. Especially nre we pleased al the high compli ments pas-ncd upon it by the Sunbury Dally. It says "it was at once grand, eloquent, deep, iu spiring lining the listener, if he or she contain ed but a lingering spark of manhood or woman hood, with j;ood resolution." We have not the shadow of a doubt as to the sincerity or unsel-fishner-s of the editor's statement, as we dou't think he as either courting office or patronage, kuowinc that the lecturers would net likely vote his ticket, or become jiermaneat patrous. But the editor left a fine point of moral philo sophy iu chaos, of which wc would like an ex planation. If a lingering spark may be the foun dation of "goo.! resolutions," what quantity is sulheieiit to put those "resolutions into action I Then even some wag might ask whether it is ac tually a trait of "true manhood" to make good resolutions and break them, or whether it is the fruit of St. James' "double minded man." I wonder what king Agrippa thinks by this time of the "irood resolutions with which he was tilled duriue St. Paul's grand lecture on tbe resurrection, lint these are queues. The infe rence is. a crop. The conditions have been ful filled. The lecture, the seed sown : the soil, the "lingering sparks of mauhooi ;" the blossoms. jiwi'l resolutions." hen shall we eee the fruit i No doubt many of the 'hearers"' went away charged with these resolutions, as a leadeu jar. aud now woe to local optionints when they ex plo le. Shall we look to the Dailu for the flrst pop! If fruiir- fail to fo' low, may we not, in your iK-xt issue, try to g'.ve some reasons I BUCKEYE. Urrni: Ait.vsta, Apiil 10, 1S74. Amci ictiA : The Golden Wedding of Cuarlcs aud Mart Rubin, was duly observed at the resilience of their son-in-law, Philip Frank, on the 1'Jtli inst. They were surrouuilcd Iny ali their living chil dren, ami a number of giaiid-rhildren Except inn their le'atives, none were present but a few who had known them in th'ir single days, more than half a century aco. hitch old. gray-headed semi-antediluvian as John Moore, of Snyder town, John Frank, Jacob R. Clark aud George Zimmerman. After partaking of an excellent dinner, listening tvt au approptiate address, aud disenssiug the passing events of the nineteenth century, the company presented the venerable cunple w ith a neat little donation of greenback, with their h(,r,t wishes l ir lii.-ir prescut and fu ture welfare. The old couple have lnvn church members more than half a century. Mr. Robins belongs to the United Brethren. Mr. Robins Joimd the Shnmokin Baptist Church, In 1M4. tvJ year airo, aud is the vidtit living member thereof. When the final summons comes, may they fie ready to Join the chnicli triumphant. I.l.Ail. Ac an evidence of returning prosperity of the busiue-s interests of the Country, the New York papers notice the full resumption of the "Domes tic" Sewing Machine Co. Wc quote from the " M'crW,'' or March 24lh : THE "DOMESTIC RESUMES. The Domestic Sewing Machine Company, which in common with so many other business establishments was forced into a temporary sus pension during the cour-e of the panic, has re cently been enabled loj-esnme in full. Its as sets have at all times been more than sufficient to meet all it - li.ibiiilie. and lis original capital stock has never been in anyway imperille I ; but the cenera! tightness anl stagnation of three mouths ajo, ferced it into a temporary difficulty which was magnified at the time into somethiug more serious than it really was. All that it ever asked of its creditors was a trilling cxtetision of time, proj omiic to pay all obligations iu full, principal and interest. This was promptly and cheerfully era tiled, nnd the result was hown that th1: confidence in the management of the Comp my as not misplaced, for their business jioc on as heretofore. A statement of their af fairs show that over and above all linhili'ie they have their entire capital stock of $1,000,000 un impaired. Heretofore they have manufactijred all llieir machines in Providence, R. I., but here after their principal manufectory will be iu New ark, N.J. llieir pnjer fashion department is conducted in the new building of the Company, at th'! corner of Fouitceiith Street and Broad way. It. The 'Gentleman in liia k," who is the tutelar demon ol dram-shops, assumes his sourest as pect when the rapid progress of Vinegar Bitters is reported "(Iiiw ij below." The People's Vege table Tonic is playing the mischief with his bit ters fired with rum. All diseases which those demoniae nostrums agcratate, un.lcr pretense of believing, such as indigestiou, sick headache, constipation, rheumatism, gout, and intermittent fevers nre cured by it. SPECIAL NOTICES. To Capitalists, To Men of Medium jrleaiisj, and to all t inning Homes and thu Avoid Pajing Kents. By reference to the Watsontown Record and Sunbury "Gazette" will be seen a full and more explicit description of the property I offer for sale, either In lots or by tbe acre. But what I wish to more particularly bring before the pub lic Is the LIBERAL TERMS on which they are offered. I will SELL LOTS from 8100 to $500 and Lands by the ACRE from $200 to $500, according to the location. Tebms : Ten per ceut. of the pnrchase money down, the balance in time and amounts to suit purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with legal iuterest from day of sale. The streets and alleys will be opened as fast as lots are sold, so that all may be approached with ease. All persons who are now paying rent can have an opportunity of securing n home for less mo ney annually than thev are now THROWING WAY ir. rest. Any person wishing to see the lands or lots will call on me, when every opportunity will be given them to have a fair chance to see the supe rior advantages presented to tbe public. In addition to the lands above reterred to, I now ofler for sale THREE DWELLING HOU SES, situate on Water street, In Watsontown bo rough, the one being the large and commodious Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, all of said dwellings having tbe necessary outbuildings for immediate use. For further information call on or address J. M. FOLLMER, Watsontown, Pu. October 31, 1873. I yr. II Ol'SEIIOLI) Why Will Yon sunerr To all persons suffer ing lroiu Khuematism : Neuralgia, Cramps In the limbs or stomach 'Bilious Colic, Pain In the back, bowels or side i we wonld say, th Hocskbold Panacea !imi Famii.t Linimen lis of all others the rem edy vou want for inter nal and external use. It has cured the abov complaints in thousands of cases. I here is no mistake about it. Try It. Sold by all Drug l.l .I.Tlt. 1. glStS. July 12, 1873. ly. interest to No. 4, No. 5, No. No. No. No. No. No. to May 1, '73, C, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, (511 Ci! 511 C6 511 cr 511 60 511 CO 511 66 511 fit? 511 66 511 CO No. 37. Bounty Bond. J. Fetter, Int. to May, 1, '73, 103 20 Am'ts carried forward, f 1,707 1412,050 04 No. 13, Fire Engine bond, with int. to May 1, '73, 2,045 33 No. I t, " " 2,045 33 Total ain't of bonds aud in terest to May 1, '73, ?S,79' Boro order No. 429. with int. to Mav, 1, '73, " " No. fi'.0, " " ' No. 310, " " i4 No. 681. " " " No. C34, :,, CSH, 442, r.33, am'ting to 80 ? 1.025 00 C5 43 S2S 04 232 61 Dr. J. B. Masser, do 13 00 Dr. F. L. Ilaupt, do 2 25 Sol. Stroh, for rent amount ing to 12 00 J. B. Manser, for reut 5 00 Emanuel Wilvert 10 00 Peter Durst, digging grave 3 00 Mrs. Susan Garwlck 5 CO Total amount of Poor Or ders issued for East Ward in 1873 Ditto West Ward Ditto Borough in 1873 Amount of Poor Taxes levied for 1S73, as per Duplicates 326 25 17 00 13 00 $1,300 80 2,679 77 173 1-12,000 tw Borough order No. 892, judgment of County vs. Borough, Sundry order nm'ling t Cash, H.IVin 00 92 40 7 fiOf 1,700 Oil Excess of Poor Orders over amount of Duplicates STATK1IKST OT O It TIERS OCTSTANDIS? rKR BOOK. ! Amount of Borough Orders ! issued from April 5, 1870 to March ), 174. remaining i uncancelled $7,012 4 j Amount of Borough Orders j granted but not vet taken up uor cancelled 4t3 UI 3,880 57 53,516 25 $334 32 as rr.a. or- KEYSTONE CLOTHING EMPORIUM fJnt Opened, IN MILLER'S BLOCK ON THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET, CUT ?Ga32T3iT JDC TS" -:-o-:- PAXAIEA FA .till. Y to co x a v n pt i v km. Tbe advertiser, having brn psrmimnlly cured of tnst dread uisejse, Cocaumiiuon. by a aimplv rcmeay. is anxious to make kuowu to bis fellow aufferers the means of cure. To all who doairu it, he will aend a ail. of the prescription uaed, (free of charge), with the direc tions for reariuK and utiug the aamr, which tuey will find a suit lure lor I onsufutioii, Astuni, rirunchita, e. fart lea wishing the prescription will please ad.lrrsn Kev. K. A. WILSON, 1M I'eun Ml., Willuneaburgh, New York, ov. 21, lSTil 6in. Thirty Year' Kxperirne ofaii Old Xnrse. Mr WIiinIow's Koothiug Nyrun is the preMrriptiou ofoneofthe best Female f hvsiciaus and Nurses In the L nlted states, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millions of mothMS and children, from the feeble infant of one week oh: to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, aud gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Bure Remedy in the World, iu all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARRHOEA IS CHILDREN, whe ther it arises from Teething or from any other cauae. t ull directions for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simlle of CURTIS A PERKINS is on the outside wrap per, fold by all .Medicine dealers. July 12, 1V73. ly. Attend to th first symptoms of consumption and that disease may be cueckvd in Its incipiency se immediately Dr. Wlthart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial, a safe remedr in all diseases of the unge. Iu Lower Augusta township,at the residence of or son-in-law, l m. v. Silverwood. ELlA. BETH M1NIER, aged 78 years, 10 months, 1 HTS. In Lower Aurrusta township, on the 12th iust.. ARAHLO.MtAI), sged 62 years, 10 months and 1(5 dav. 0T REPORT F THE SETTLEMENT OF THE Ac counts of the Treasurer and Collector of taxes, and of the financial coudition of thb Bo rough of Sunbury, made to the Council April 2, 374 : Pol.iiuon Weaver, collector of Borough, Road nd Poor taxes for the vear 1S72. in account with the Borough of Snnbury. DK. To amount of duplicates of 1172, tl2.4 30 CP.. S72 Sept. 24, by amount pai iC I). Rohr- back, Treasurer, per account. Oct. 31, " " M. C. Uearliart, Treas. Dec. 5, " !, 1S73 Jan. 4, 31. Feb. 25, Mar. 13, April 1, Mav 5, June Aug. H, Bpt. 2, Nov. 13, 1874 Jan. fi. " 30, Mar. 11, by Collector's commission on $11,278 24, being the amount collected on duplicates of 1172, to this date, 5c, Mar. 11, by amount due from Col lector, subject to exonerations, CS00 00 0S8 40 530 86 sn 13 1,577 50 571 32 1,038 M 753 24 2H1 24 300 00 7,242 52 380 73 7b7 554 400 00 1,000 00 S53 65 $4,166 21 $5G3 11 509 6C t 18,482 50 11,278 24 Ain't collected as above stuted outst'g in E. Werd, t44 45 W. Ward, 559 81 11,204 20 Ain't or duplicates of 1S72, 12,482 50 Solomon Weaver, Collector of Borough, Koad and Poor taxes for the year lb73, In account with the Borough of Banbury, DR. To am't of duplicates for 1873, $13,434 09 Deduct errors iu footings of dup'tcs, 8 25 To correct am't of duplicates for '73, $13,425 84 cr.. 1S73 Oct. 1, by am't paid M. C Gearhart, treasurer, per acc t, Tat stor of C. 8. Hareltiue Is again open, ail lb tnaacUl difilcultles having been adjust ed. Mr. UaMltis bas proved himself worthy of tb cauftdcuc of tb cltUtns iu his transac tions In cootudlBi aralntt panic times. Children oil en look I'ale aud Nick from no other cause than having worms in the (.tomach. BROWN'S VERMIFl'GE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, bein-r perfectly WHITE.and from all the colorinir or other injurious Ingredients unually used in worm preparation. CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. SM by Di tujijhtu and Cheniut, n-td dtalen in ilfdii-iue nt Twkntt-Vive Cksts a Box. July V'., 1S73. ly. r.KHOKS OF YOfTli. A KntlcTn:iii wlio piiffre'l for yeara from Nervous liability. I'remature Deciy, a:id all the effect of youth ful indiscretion will, f.r the mike of suffering hu manity, srnd free to all who need it, the recipe and di rection for niitkititf Ibn le rcui'ly ly which he waa cured. Buflcieia wjsiiiiiK t j.rulll l;y the advertiser's cxi-erienc i nu et. i Ly adilri-riaing in lierlect confi dence, JOHN B. OODKX, Cedar St., 'w York. u. IS..'! tim. Mar. 13, 1874 Jan. , " 30, Mar. 1, " 11. Mar. 11, by Collector's commission, ou $7,257 92, being the amount collected on duplicate of 1873, to this date, 5c, Mar. 11, by amount due from Collec tor, subject to exonerations, $75 76 752 47 1,094 20 1,000 00 1,453 22 306 99 $5,402 64 $382 89 7,6'50 31 Am't collected as above stated, " ouU'g in K. Ward. 3,270 47 W. Ward. 2.8S7 45 $13,425 84 $7,257 92 -$6,1C7 92 Ttal amount of duplicates for 1S73, $13,425 S Solomon Weaver. Collector, Ac, iu nceount with the Borough of Sunburv, for taxes collect ed. DR. To amount collected on duplicste of 1S72. To amount collected on duplicate of l-73, CP.. By amount puid Treasurer ou dupli cate of 1872. By amount paid Treasurer on dupli cate or 1878, Bv Collector' commlfsloo oo $1S, 530 16, 5c By amount in Collector's hands, $11,278 24 7.257 92 $18,530 16 $11,408 73 5,409 64 926 80 797 99 Bond No. 17. II B Masser ' No. 1, John Bourne " No. 7, " Borough and Poor orders and coupons Cach for Borough orders 1874 March 2S, by two old bonds. Nos. 24 and 25, G F Ober- dorf, each ?100 Mar. 2S. by am't of Borough and Poor orders funded into new bond3 Total amount of new bond.s issued by Treasurer One bond in Treas'r's hands not delivered Am't of unexecuted bouds lit hands of Mr. Maliek, $100 00 500 00 100 00 5.011 35 8 55 $6,09 90 Total .i mount of Borough Or der outstanding issued since April 5. 1370 Amount of Poer Orders un cancelled in East Ward is sued from Oct. 29, 1870 to March 30, 1874 $712 21 Amount of Poor Orders un cancelled in Wcet Ward is sued from Nov. 5, 1870 to March SO, l'?74 1,535 20 7.t:r. 41 200 00 C,2 03 $32,455 63 $32,450 00 500 00 2,050 00 Total ain't of bond, new issue, $35,000 00 M. C. Gearhart, Treasurer of the Borough of Sunbury, in account with said borough for taxes, Ac, received, DR. 1873 June 9, to am't ree'd from S Weaver on duplicate of 1871, per receipt, June 10, " " " " 1872, Total amount of Poor Orders, outstanding issued wince Nov. 5, 1870 Total amount of Borough nnd Poor Orders LIABILITIES. 1 Bond, isoued April 20, 1864 to J. B. Packer for $050 00 1 Bocd is6uej June 26, 1865, to J. B. Packer for 807 00 2,247 41 9,7 82 June 9, August 8, " " " Sept. 2, " " ' March 13. 1874 Jan. . " " " Jan. 30. 1873 Oct. 1. " 1S7." " Mar. 13, " " 1874 Jan. f.. Jan. o0. " " " March 9. " ' March 11, ' " " Total am't t.ix'es ree'd 1873 Mar. 19, to cash renM a-i per former Auditor's report Mar. 19, to rah from Market Clerk, 1874 Mar., to each ree'd from Mrs. Don ne!, interest, Mar., to cash ree'd from Grant A: Bro, 2 years wharf rent Mar., to cash ree'd from Jno. Haas & Co., 3 years wharf rent Mar., to cash ree'd from Jas. Boyd 2 years whirf rent Mar., to cash ree'd from V. Dietz. I year's what f rent Mar., to cash ree'd from S. Malick. Eq., licenses March 23, to am't due Tp-asuret on this account $91 52 10 00 380 73 976 67 554 96 400 00 l.OiX) 00 853 S5 795 76 752 47 U94 20 1,000 00 1,453 22 306 99 $9,670 37 16 00 54 60 00 100 00 150 00 140 00 10 00 182 00 2s3 06 CK. Mar. 19, 1S7U, by arn't of Borocr!j nud Poor order canceled by Audi tors, per report Mar. 28, '74, by amount of Borough and poor orders canceled this day, Mar. 28, by Treasurer's commissiou on $10,228 19, per 'resolution ot" Council, a 3' '. $10.fll4 77 $3,955 56 6,403 51 255 70 The Borough of Sunburv iu C. Gearhart, Treasurer, DR. To amount due Treasurer from bond account per statement, To amount Treasurer from tar acc't per statement. lit. By crJcr hsl per Andito,s report of Nov. 19. IS 73, $10,614 77 ."count with M. $5 63 2bo 06 $290 69 $55 35 Bal. due Treasurer March 28. 1874, 4235 34 Phi'ip H. Moore, Esq., ex-Chief Burges in acc't ith the Borough of funburv, 1R To amount of Licenses by him from March 1. 1870, to March 1. 1871, $7 00 CR. By am't pall E. M. Bucher, Trea., per receipt 1ST ou Daniel Helm. E'i.. ex-Chief Burgess, Jh acc't w'r.h the Borough of Sunbury, DK. To ain't of licenses Untied from Mar. 1, 1871, to Feb. 28, 1872, $140 00 Solomon Maliek, Esq.. Chief Burgcs, In acc't with the Curough of Suubtiry, 1)11. To am't o! licenses is&ued from Mar. 1, 1S72, to March 28, 1874, $182 00 CIt. By am't paid M.C. Gearhart, Trea., as per receipt. lvi vi Statement of Orders granted by Overseers of Poor of West Ward, from January 1st, 1873 to January 1st, 1S74. To Henry Slauglit, Boarding amounting to Lydia Snyder Mary Iii!;e Henry Lnndaii Jane I'pdegratl I. T. Evans Emma Garringer L. Coles Emma J. Miller Freeman Ilaupt Catharine Kiehl Catharine Paine Sam'ICtrirtJ Polly .Mverly Harriet Wilkin Catharine Waltmau John Groner Peter SmeltZer, hurting Mrs. W. Killer, nursing Isaac Wirtr. boarding Oct. 2t. '73, to Jan. I, $233 20 145 40 17 00 141 00 202 50 5 00 6 75 74 00 27 50 45 00 93 25 121 00 155 50 286 00 48 00 34 00 79 I'O 12 00 12 00 from '7 US ( $1,517 UO Upon which amount pay ments have been made which, it Is believed, will reduce the am't to about 24 Bond, issued in 1867,and yet unpaid, as follows, viz: No. 3. Jacob Evert for $3 JO, int. from Jan. 1, '73, f 55. amounting to 11. Mrs., 500, iute rest from July 1, '73.17 50 1. O. Stroh. Reading. liH), iu- te't from Jan. 1. 1", 14 114 00 2. Jacob Evert, 110, interest from Jan. 1. :73. 7 W7 Oil 3. Sol: Stroh. 10 . int. from J in. 1, '72, 14 114 W 4. D. Stroh. Danville. K0, int. from Jan. 1. '72. 14 114 0t 5 Peter St rob, 100, int. paid to Jan. '74 H'O tM Jacob Evert.lOO.iut. from .Lin. 1, '73, 7 107 0 lr. Trexler. 10o, inter, from July 1, 73, 3 5'j 103 '" Philip Hile, 100. interest froinJulv 1, 73. 3 50 103 5f 10, 11. 12, and 13, Wm. M. Rockefeller. 4'K, interest from July 1, '73, I t 414 I'O 14, 15 and 16. Peter Martin, 3U0, interest from July 1, '73, 10 50 310 50 18, 19 and 20. P. S. Goss'.cr, 300, interest to Jan. '74 300 00 21. Ira Hile, 100, interest 'mm Jan. 1, '73. 7 H7 Ol" 22. Philip Hi'e, 100, July 1, :73. 3 5l 103 5'.' 23. Philip Hll, Hit, interest from Juiv 1, 73, 350 103 50 26. Ira Hile, mo, interest from Jan. 1. '7::. 7 107 0M $1,172 67 51 00 50 Messrs. Simon & Oppenheimer, II; ve just opr-no'l ;t Xow Store at t lie above place with an entire new Stock of liootls. consisting of GZaOTHITATG For Spring Trail-. Comprising of )VEU( ' ) ATS, m: i COATS. t:i:sim-:-s coats, wukkixc coats. 11!KSS PANTS, BlJSiXKSS PANTS, WORKING PANTS, all kinds of PANTS, VESTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. - dimes' urmishtc mom. Boys' Clothing of every description, HATS JrVNU CAPS. TRUNKS & VALISES, HANDKERCHIEFS, NECKTIES, COLLARS, &c &c, &c. A full assortment of GenU' and Boj'3 wear. AVouhl Le pleased to Lave all call and examine Goods and Prices which we assure will lie found cheaper than can Le purchased elsewhere. SIMON & OPPENHEIMER. The same kind of Goods and full assortment will also he found at their Store in the town of Trevorton, North'd Co., Pa. Call and seethe low prices. Sunhury, April 3, 1874. $cto Jifcbcrtiscmfnts. Total: 2t Bond amounting to $3,200.with coupon itn I'ahl.aniountinc to 101 t3,l,dl 00 Amount of 1807 Honda, can celled an nr new bond book 5,-1'Ki 00 Amount of 1S67 Bond, otit- 3,361 W utandicg as abovs Total amount imue 1 V. llri-lit in lsS7 bv E. Ilond ImucJ March 3, 1S71, To f,eo. Weisrr, former Collector, Jtc, for In;'"t u May IS, 18TJ, 1 vear, 3 lui-nlL? nut ii Uy, at T ct. Alix.ur.t i-klJ, Mmy 13, 13V c?:j t en H nil , j.r rr- 3,2410 00 3,C0U Oil $350 00 29 :its ay 75 oo DAM EI, F. IIIIATTV. THE ME P. ITS OF THE 'GOLDEN TONGUE.' 1;T A NF.V,- JFliirT lur.D TO BEATTT AI PLOTT, Washington, n. i. 'TIs an as;e of iuveiitiuu, improvement an.l ekill. The world's in commotion, ar.d nothing is siill ; .na proirre m written wucrever wc lurn i !q : -the b.ill is kept rolling, and each day n learn Of Rome neiv achievement in svienca or art ; Each branch of indMitry in fact claim a art. So each l aw:rde1 a prize from the hanifl Of a generous public as merit demand. So music's department can point, in her pride, To men of true geniu, whose fame has jjone. wide O'er hills and through valleys, Id mansion anil j and cots. " j Well, due are such honors to "Bcaitij t P'olt, j Whose Golden Tongue origin stands first in the land ) Thert a to merit, an'l Sr-t in demand. ( Excelling in tn' an l richness of ton-. 8orpaing nl! others, :in i --tandin!; alone. j ; Its worth is aeknow;e.!cJ wherever it Is known, j ! A all will bear witness, and cheerfully one I rorejnal in workmanship, beauty, design, j Or tluWh, thy challenge, the be't in the line. i Where faces were gloomy, and heart. once were j r-.nt What home are now ehcrOii ve?. li.ippv an'V -lad. Continue thy mission, thy somj 'Golden Toiiijue,' Hath chaiiiM of enchantment for o',.l and for vo'iii;;. Uttildiiig Lots For Sale. NINETEEN LOTS, 25x100 feet, front iny r,n Vine street, in Sunbury. Price 125. Alo thirty lot. 25x137, frontine on Spruce and Pine M reels. Price tlS per foot. A!o eiht lots, 25 k'J fronting on Fonr'h street lictwecn Walnut and Spruce. Price ?45). ANo 2i lots, 25x110, frontin-' on Third and pru i-treet, between Walnut and Spruce. Price i-WO. Alio 5 lot 21x230 on the north Me of Spruce street. Price fy". A!o IU lot in Cakp'own. The above pri.-t tlo not iuclii'ie corner !it. Persons uY iiiu to piircha! will do well t. rail soon. Term easy. IK A T. CLEMENT, jiin. 2:;, :;;n. JOHN NKACLITY. I. W. Pr.RUr NTF.A.M PLUMMi MILLS. MILLEBSBUUG, PA. XEAGLEYA PERRY, Manufacturers and Dealers in Flooring, Siding, Surface Boards, I-atli, .Stripping Shingles, And all kinds of Sash, Doors, Shtittcrc, Blind?, Monldings, Ac. Hemloek Whitr Pine Stuff, and all kind of Building Material. Stair br.ildios aud church work specialty, March 13, ly. ' Jons H. ei.i.. J.)ux M.lCHOxoun. ni:m. a kciioxoir. Second Strcr, WoiiEi.SDOKr, Pa. FOftEIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS WINES, BPvANDIES, GINS, I'uro Old Kye nhikry. Ari'LS WniKirv, Coiiuiai.s, &:. All L'liunrs solj j-inrr xiu-e i as reproir:tc I. Orders promptly utt.'ndel t' and public pa tronnije respectfully solicited. SELL Jt SCHONOCK. lut-T i.- i"...i'i Slav 1.1, '72 tu Sri'l. 27, 7:i. 1 jari laui'tlm le'l 1- I Amoui;t i'i--1ii Sf pc. teij t iii Bond Iutert,t frf'P! Sct-m iT, 7S to Mdtra .", 'i !.. k h lym, 7 Aiuuuut ; r.iri Mn: . '74. 1r lu'.mrMt irmu March . 4 to Ap'i 5, 74, uDr lil"lil!i mt 7 ele ;H3 U li 2-'U 4f I 71 'S-ri 1J $13,536 16 M. C. Gearhart, Treasurer of tbe Borongh of Sunbury, in account with said borough, for bonds, DR. Nov. is, 1S73, to proceeds of J2i5,. 000 00. New bouds told to date, 120,000 00 Mar. 28, '74, to proe'ds of t6,450 00. New bonds told to data, 0,450 00 Mar. 18, 1874, to amount due M. C. Gearhart, Treas., from bond aee't, 5 63 CK. 1U73 Nov. 1", by bounty bond, W. I. Greenouh, Jnne 20, isr,4, Nov. 18, by bounty bond, W. I. Greenough, Apr. 2i. 1HC4 Less ain't paid Mr. Gree nough on same, Nov. 18, by am't of bo rough orders, Nov. 13, bj9(l867)boyd of 1500 00 each, John Haas, as followt : No. '. amounting with $32,455 G3 $807 00 C50 00 $1,517 00 314 33 $1,172 67 1,477 37 Sophia Donovan, for reut a- inouiit'.ni; to .J ii Elizabeth Good VJ 0- Catharine Brooks .'o athariue Waitman 25 0t Elizabeth Hopper HI 0l John Groner 45 00 Samuel Christ 30 Oo . G. Cooper, supposed to be for rent 40 ' . Durct ami others, digglnsr gravis 7 75 W. Lvnn, moviiiK paupers 4 W Joseph Eyster, boardine va grants Clcuieul i Deenger tore ood" 23 2: Ira T. Omet:t, 2 loads wood 2 00 W. 11. Miller, Mic 20 30 W. si. nbod.-s A Co., coal 12 0t M. Ca lWMlail.-r. eoal 22 Hi) ;. Maike'. V Co., medicine 25 20 B. Zetlleniover, stove pijte 2 .s0 H. Y. Friiing. store good 21 t" al- Deiiz, coal 4 00 . W. Ftiliue, otore goods 3 SO M. Cadwalader, coal li -.. B. L. Kaudenbuh, lufliti, tc.,20 IHi H. H. Hopp 27 OU ieo. It. Cadwalader. uii'dicln-? 27 30 Hile Garlnger, More goojs 9 14 (ieo. Bright, medicine 2 till Dr. i). W. Shiniiel, prof, ser vices 28 00 A. N. Brlce, E.q.. do 35 00 Jacob Shlpman, It. K. tickets for vagrants 55 "0 $1,550 10 lnr.i-:ial ai. l iuter't it'ieon Homl .f (ir. Wnmrr, April 1H74 112 Bonds, issue of 1S73, out standing as follows, viz: 19 Bondn numbered from 1 to 19, both inclusive each $1000 10,000 00 14 Bonds numbered from 21 ' to 3t,both inc'veeacli 5i)U 7,000 00 50 Bonds, uiiinbered from 37 to SO, inclusive, each 100 5,000 00 29 Bonds, uuml ered from i7 to 115, inclusive, each 50 1,450 I'O 3 $1000 l'.on.l Coupons dne Nov. 1, '73. cancelled, each $35 105 CO 6 FiOO Bond Coupons due Nv 1, '73. cau'd, each 17 50 lu5 l 10 16) Horn! Coupons ilue Nov. 1, "73. can'd, e:icb 3 50 f'i 10 50 BoudCoupons due Nov 1,'73, can'd, each 1 5 17 M Total amount r.ond and interest unpaid Amount due M . C. Gnarlmrl Treasurer, March 2S, 1S74 235 U Amount of borough Road Or ders uncancelled M-irch 2S. '74 7,475 41 Amount of Poor Orders tn rancellelled on Eat Wari P.00K, 712 21 Do. Wef Ward 1.535 2st I I Be.itty x PlotU e. i-!ir:i!ed Goideu Tongue j Parlor Organ-is acknowledged by nuiuent prO' fer-sors of muMc to be the best Parlor Organ now j In ne. Thousands of testimonials are constant- j ly liein received in f.ivor of them, which go to j show that our instrument ives entire satisfae- . t'i9n. :7?For Price List Address BE ATT Y & PLOTTS. Wiishlngtira, N. J. MISS C. DALIUS, Sole Agent. No. 23 Market Street. Sunbury, Pa. ' March 13, 1S74. tjin. . Feb. 2d St., Wome!.Iorr, Berks Co., Pa. , 174. ly. nsroTiciE. v S. INTERNAL REVENUE Special Taxes May 1, 1874, to April 30, 1875. j QARKIAGES. 1! FOGIES AV. i H. K. TAGELY &. CO., le-pertfullv inform the public tluit they hive comrnemced the manufacture of THE LAW OF DECEMBER 24, 1S72, In quires every person engaged ia any busi- nesf, avocation, or employment which renders ; him liable to a special tax, to procure and place conspicuously iu hi establishment or placo of business a stamp denoting the payment of said Special Tax for the Special Tax year beginning i M ay 1, 174, before commencing or conl inning I business after April 30, 1S75. j The taxes embraced within thu provisions of I the law above quoted are the following, viz. : WW CARRIAGES, I1UGG1ES. 4C. $200 00 25 Ou 100 00 . 50 OW 20 0W 25 00 500 0O : at the new shop recently erected by J. F. I.erch j ' ( ornrr oTI'onrth ami ClieNtunt Si., l SUNBURY, PA., ; i '-.".U l0 j and solicit a fair share of Patronage. j April 3-Cm. '. F. I.ERCH, 7,573 bti 2,247 41 .S53 !'. Total amount of insr no iptete-t i!-'-t O.'.S 19 $47,3.?l 02 140 00 420 67 Total amount of orders granted for Wert Ward for l-73 $2,579 77 Statement of Order granted by Overseers of Poor of E:it Ward, from January 1, 1373 to January 1, ISM : To Malimla Mott, boarding amounting to $13 Oil Jason Greguory, do 2 70 John Hamson, do 230 37 Frank Seigfreid, do 4 IN) John Coble, do 12 00 Arthur Koblns, do 170 00 A. Mewraan, do 144 00 B. F. Diehl, do 0 00 P. M. Gibbons, fir rent, and boarding 10 00 Catharine Kiehl, boardlug 111 87 8. 8. Snyder, do 3 12 Martha Mooie do 72(H) Catharine Haywood, do C 74 Boarding strancers 4 00 Clement A Kissinger, store goods 23 25 TV: 11. Miller, shoes 10 00 Isaac Fnrman, clothing fur Jno Coble 13 Oo Do. do. John Harrison 12 00 Geo. B. Genther, clothing for Arthur Robins 5 00 James Hilemnn 4 50 A. N. Brlce, prof, services, 75 00 G. W. Zeigler, do 50 00 Zeigler A Bricc, expenses ia Mott case 30 00 Dr. A. C. Clark, medical at $371 80 tendance 156 00 Total amount of liabilities ASSETTS. Amount due from Daniel Heim. former Chief Bur ircss, license Amount of uncollected taxes on dupli.ate of 172. sub- jeel to exonerations on the whole duplicate, and com. on amount uncollected 2(' Amount of uncollected tax on duplicate of 1S7S, snb- j.'Ct loexlionorationson the whole duplicate, and com. on amount uncollected 6.l57 02 Amount due from Sol. Wea ver, collector, for taxes Collected "9 W MBCHAMCS LIENS TOH TAVKM PV TS, AS 10I.I.OW3 I Boro. of Suubury vs Win. Teats & others, in course of collection, debt and int. 34 Same vs Maria Gass do S5 51 Same vs Amelia Fisher ct al on trial list, debt Int. 2V5 SO Same s Cath. Hileman et al Judg't and interest 142 7S Same vs same do 205 81 8ame vs P.. Heudrieks Exret al do SI 24 Same vs J. B. Masser, w rit of error pending 65 12 Same vs same, on trial list, debt and interest 137 54 Same vs same, on trial list, debt and interest 75 07 Same vs same, on trial list, debt an interest 105 57 Same vs T. 1). Grant A J. W. Friling Judgm'lA interest 49 35 1.2S1 59 Nip t. (more 5 00 50 0t 20 0M 20 OO 10 OH 10 IM CRUMBS Are a modem stove pulL-h. far better than anvoth'-r in existence. A r e better, because they give a finer gloss than any other polish. COMFORT Yield a brilliant silvery sheen, with less than half the. labor required, wheu other polishes are us-!. 50 I'O 25 0l 15 0O 10 00 50 00 100 00 Same vs boro. of Northum bei I'd, claim and int. about 5Sl 73 amount of aett Total liabilities Assells $10,183 49 $47,531 02 10,183 49 Actual liabilities $37,347 53 To THE Bt'ROESS AND Col'HCIL Of TBE BOROVOH r Si'KBt'KT, Pbxk'a. The undersigned Committee respectfully re port : That they have audited the accouuts of the Collectors of Taxes, the Chief Burgesss' account of licenses, and of theTreasurer of the borouirh, and Cud the same as set lorth In the foregoing statement. And they also report accounts showing the financial condition of the borough. The committee employed Thos.D. Grant as clerk to aid them in mukicg the foregoing statement, and io auditing the accounts. JOHN HAAS, W. 1. GREENOUOII, JOHN HOW EN, Finance (mmittpf . CRUMBS Are a and c!ean!y-i-Can bo used eveu in article, making no dirtl j the parlor without tht nor da.-1 when ued. trouble of removing COMFORT furniture or carpets. Has no disasrreeble sulpherou. or strong acid smell when prepared for use, but pleasant and harmless. C R U M B S Are j. iit :p ;:i neat styiein eacr. iox are u ; on iw. estate or Jlarg-arot Donnel, late and in a form morel j U -ticks ; 1 stick is sulli- bnreiii;h of Sunbury. Northumberland convenient for um than" eieut for auy stove, : p.i., deceased. All persons knowing th anv other polish. tliusall waste isiiveil. COMFORT Are the cheapest polish In the market, because one box at 10 cents will polish as much surface as 25 cents worth of the old polishes. C It U 31 15 S Have just taken thepln competition whh 1st premium at the In Ijjfseveral of the bet of dianapolis Exposition. the old stovo ;V.iilns C 0 31 F 0 It T Bit Chi mbs or Comfoiit of yoiirstorokeep'r, i if he has them, or will procure them for you ; if : not, send us one dollar, your name, and the ' name of your nearest express statiou, and wc : will send "you ten boxes, and samples of Bart-j lett's Blacking and Pearl Blueing, free of cost, j Cuoms or Comfort can be had of all Whole sale Grocers and Dealers in the United States, and Retail Dealers will 11 nd them the most profi table, from the fact that they arc the fastest selling article f the kind in the market. H. A. BARTLETT A CO. 115 North Front St., Philadelphia. 143 Chambers St.. New York. 43 Broad St.. Boston. Nov. 14, '73. ira.coiii. BLATCHLEY'S Improved CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Durable,Effl cient and Cheap. The best pump for the least nionev. At tention is especially invited to j Blatchley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump, or disturbing the joints. Also,the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will out last anv other. For sale by Dealers and the Trade generally. Inquire for Blatchley's Pump, and if not for sale in your town, send direct to CHAS. O. BLATCIILEY, Mmvfaeturtr, 506 Commerce St., Thiladclphla, Pa. M.ireh IS. 7I. Sno. fl Si w i i H Rectifiers Di-alers, retail Iiuuor Dealers, wholesale liquor Dealers in malt lienors, wholesale . Dealers ir. mall liiaors, retail Dealers in leaf tobacco Retail dealers in leaf tobacco And on sales of over $1,000, titty cento for every dollar in exves of f LlV-iO. ! Dealers in ma uu fact u red tobacco , Maimfacturei of btills ; And IV:r each stiil manufactured I Ami for each worm manuiactun-il .vianuiactures ol tooaeeo Mauufaetnrrrs of cigar I Peddlers of tobacco. Iir?t cla than to j Peddlers of tobacco, second class (iwo I horses) Peddlers of tobacco third cla (one j horse) j Pcldier.5 of tobacco, fourth vUa (on I fool or public conveyance). j Brewers of less than 500 barrels . brewers of 5Hj barrels or more l Any liable, who shall dil ti com i ply with th foregoing reonirement will be nb jeet to severe penait:-s. I Persons or tirms liable t i pay auy of the , Special Tax.- named above must apply to C. J. , BRUNEI!. Collector of Internal Revenue at San i bury. Peui;., and pay for and procure the Special , Tax Stamp or Stamp they need, prior ti M.iy ; 1. 1S74. .in.! without ituther notice. J. W. DOUGLASS. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. OrrirE of Jntekxal Revfm t, WA.silisf.TOt, D. C. February 10, 1S74. Kpi3-4w r.xecutor's Xotiee. (Estate of Maiaret Donnel, dee'd.) XOTICE is hereby given that letters testamea tarv have been granted to the lindersignetl on th; estate of Margaret Donnel, late of the county, themselves indebted to said estate, are requested to make iinincdiate payment, arid those, having eiaims are n qa sted to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZABETH DONNEL. FRANCIS M. F. DONNEL, Execntrix. :iiilnry, Mach 27, lS71i. NKtV GOODS. 1VIXTER STYLES of evory description and variety snch as Drrsis) Goods comprising all the novelties in fabric and shade. M oolen GoodK, Fancy Good, j Full Assortment of Xotions, : which are lieing sold at the lowest Cash Prices. ! Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fresh, j QCEEXSWARK, GLASSWARE, AND WOOD j and Willow Ware, I Nicest 13rand9 of Flour constantly on band. ! A very large j ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, j both glazed aud cwmmon, always on hand. j BOOTS AND SHOES ; from the celebrated hand made Boot and Shoe Manufactory of Watsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HEAD Y-XADE CLOTI1IXG, of all sizes au J of the latest styles. FLOUR. A coutaiit snpplyof western white wheat flour a speciality. Tite public are invited to call aud examine our Goods iree of charge. Our motto ia "Quick Sales and Small Prouts." and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. By strict attention to business and keeping at all times the most complete stock, and selling at thelowest prices, we hope to merit a fall share of patronuge. REED 3ROTIIER & SEASHOLTZ. S-mhnry, Dec. S. IS;::.