Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 10, 1874, Image 3

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    gantari! Sytitfritan.
Railroad Time Table.
N. C. K. W.. Sonth.
Slmira Mail, 11.15 am
irieMail, 12.55 "
laflkloEr. 2.50 "
UrrubnrgAc. 8.10 p m
P. A E. R. U. West.
Erie Mail, 5.15 a m
Reuove Ac. 11.10 a m
Elraira Mail 4.10 1 in
Butialo Ex, 7.10 '
It-are Sunbury for Lewistown at 6.C5 a. m.,
lud 4.30 p. in.
ArrWe at gnnbury from Lcwndown at l.oO
ad 6.55 p. m.
:xpre. 11-45 a la I MaU, a m
fail, 4.30 p m Express, 4.00 p iu
An accommodation train leaves Shamokin at
.10a ni, arrivins at Mt. Canned at 7.40 a in.
eturine, leave Mt. Carmcl at 7.00 p ni, arriv
tg at Shamokin 7.30 p in.
Leaves Sunbury at 645 a. in., for York. He
rn at 4.10 p. n.
Accidental Insurance Tickets can be baJ of
Suipman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
Tinier Arrangement for the Post
Office at Knubury, la.
JI Open from. 6.50 . m., to 8 p. ro.. tscrpt
on Sunday.
Arrives as follows :
om the East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. ni.,
" South, 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p. iu.
" West, 5.15 a. m.,11.15 p. m.,4.10p. in.,
North,1.50 a. m..ll.l a. m., 4.10 p.m.
Shamokin, Mt. Carmcl and points on
that line, 9.25 a. m., 4.00 p. ut.
Mails close as follows :
r tut East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. ni., 4.50 p. m.
" South, 10.50 a. ro., 4.50 p. in. 8 p. in.
" West, 10.50 a. in., 3.50 p. ni., 3.00 p. in.
North 3.50 p. m., 8 p. ni.,
Shamokin proper 11.15 p. m.
Shamokin and oflices on tliat route, 4.20
p. m.
Joney orders will not be issued after C p. in.,
3. i. SMITH. P. M.
Improved (J rover & Baker Sew im; Ma-
These celebrated machines are olfered
.he most reasonable rate. For particulars
It to D. G. KUTZ. Agent.
.22,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta towuship. j
A sous a Dalu-s. dealer in Musical Insiru
ts and Sewing Machines, Market street, near
-d, Suubury, Vu. Call and examine the best
ms, Melodeons, Sewing and Knitting Ma
es ia the market. Always on haud the Es
Silver Tongue, Smith's American, Mason &.
ilia Organs. Orders taken for all kluds of
os and Musical Instruments. The Peoples'
rite Sewing Machines ; Domeetic aud Gro-
Baker. Persons purchaslug machiues
me wlil receive instructions. First-class
tiog Machines for sale.
spring style of Hats are already offered
aia by 8. Fanst, Sr., on Market Square,
atest styles from a large assortment can
be selected.
Cahkot bc Demed that B. L. Raudeubuth
1 the largest and best assortment of house
furniture in Northurabcrlaad county. The
beautiful bed-room suits can bs bad at rea- .
le prices. Parlor furniture of every style
rade, are kept on hand. Upholstery done
rt Motice. Undertaking a specialty.
t. II. Miixcr has rhe largest stock of the J
Boots and Shoes In central Pennsylvania. :
eril variety of make can be found in his j
ishment, and all of the best male.
. Unicft Park and Agricultural Association
ld their next Annual Exhibition al Sunbu
, Sept. 2, 30, and October 1st and 2d, 1 S"4.
RtsT. The Drug Store Room now occu
y W. D. Melick. Also the room adjoining
e hat store. Enquire of II. B. Master.
ScnBrtrLC On Monday moruing a
1 took place tn the time 011 the D. H. & W.
They now leave and arrive as follows :
e Mail, 6.50 a. m.; Accommodation,
in. Arrive Mail. 4.05 p. m.; Accommo
8.20 p. in. The accommodation only
.-. A few weeks ago we published from
Jiry Gaztttetr of 1S2C, a poetic account of
storm which occurred on the 10th of April
t year. Thia morning, the 10th April,
.e go to press, the ground is covered w ith
. the depth of 1 H inches, and still snowing.
Jacob Albert has resigned the past irate
.cthcran Church, at Trevorton, to take
a July 5th. He intends to retire from the
Seines are being made at Harisburg, to
I for shad fishing In the Susquehanna
ut. Paine A McCormick have sold
trdware store at this place, to Messrs.
HacketA Mateer. The new firm are
h and upright business men. Mr. Conley
-ably known In this community, and we
)j to welcome him back again to bis old
al of our cotemporanes have been April
1th the Sunlury tti'y' catfish story,
or five gentlemen can find good board
ms at reasonable rates, by calling on
a Grubb, 8. E. corner of Walnut and
reets, Sunbury.
ReimejTs pupils will give several of
al and instrumental concerts in the Court
.bout the 16th inst. The entertainments
icubt be one of the mwt interesting ever
bis place.
81M05 & OrrcMiiMEtt are having an
inary run of custom siuce opening their
sing and furnishing store at this place.
1 sell dirt cheap, and everybody should
y to the tnrst advantage.
ses Committed. Mary ajid Catharine,
a of Thomas Gritibin, w ho is awaiting
in our county Jail for shooting bis bro
w, were committed to prison by Es
an of Coal township, iu Monday last,
11 pose of rctaimug them as witnesses
jeir father, at the August term of court.
lyroR Store at NonTnrviir.ui.ANu.
effhas lately established a new liquor
orthumberland to w holesale and retail
( V Ima tnticn clmr-rc f.f the
. , , , I
ent, who is an excellent judge t.f fine .
': ...
customers. The liquors sold at this
lent will consist of the best brands in
Both Mr. Neff and Mr. Weiick have
experience in the sale of liquors, and
uU, give general satisfaction to their
tor of the JJa'Jyof Tuesday, states that
or of the Vmutlt, iu "interviewing"
ble-headed"' catfish, ou the first of
s severely billen on Cue index linger of
haad." So! And did it create a
' on der nott t We should have thought
1 have learned while a govcrnmet.t offi-
the war, to keep bis hands off reptiles
oad mouth,"' as they are more dange
han cejiptrhcaiU.
nd now our neighbor of the Itfumcritt j
t ten by the catfish.
'elder, corner Hard aud Market
reduced his prices from 10 to 50 ler
ler to close out. The whole magui
, just received, will be sold at cost,
it est bargains ever heard of iu this
be offered. The stock consists of
Boy's and Men's Clothing, Hats and
' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Jcwel
11 early and have the first choice.
Cor. Third and Market Streets,
f. Sunbury, Pa.
y womau who came to this place
nth since, aud who slipped away i
urge of officer Culp, returned on
bearing iu her srins an infant that
b to since her dcpartaie. The poor :
; evidence of returning reason, be- j
re ratloual than before she left. She
r name is Mapgle Brown, and that i
in Huntingdon county. Ollieer
t the same day, on the IiwUtown . Bom u on Dii-t. The accounts of this l,o
s in charge of a family at Klines- I rough have late'y 1,,-en audited, which show that
t left Banbury, about three weeks j the indebtedtie-s is about 37,000 instead of t70,
f Monday last. 000 ns was ippiirtcri.
Asoiucr Shooting Affeat near Shamokin.
A Man ut Eietltior Shot Doirn by hit own Brother-in-Law.
Whlikcy the Cause. On lat Monday
uioru'1115 onr town was again etartled by the re
port that another man had been shot, and that
the cause of the crime and the relationship of the
parties concerned were similar to those of the
Levins shooting case which occurred only a few
weeks ago. T.:v following are the particulars
that wc have betu able o gather in this case:
On last Sunday Thomas C.ribin and wire, who
reside at Excelsior Station, attended Catholic
church in Slmmokin, iu company with John
Keating, a brother-in-law of Gribin, who boards
with them. After the services at the church
were over they started for home, but unfortu
nately ou the way they partook too freely of
wh'ukey, so that w lieu they reached home they
were ijuitc. wanui J i;p. At the supper table it
seems that th' talk was about good lighting men
and they soon differed on this subject, (iribiu
asserted that he was a better man than Keating,
which the latter denied w it ii j;reat warmth and
brought his tit down on the table with such vio
lence a to knock eveia! U'tdir off the. table.
I bis movement greatly xciied (iribiu, who
jumped up from the table and said the like of
tliis should nevet be done nsaiu. He then went
up fdairs but oou catne down with a revolver
aud fired a shot through the door. After rorne
talk by the rest of the family he was persuaded
to put the weapon in the cupboard and fat down
to his meal again. But f-oon the old topic of
"who was the bet man," was again brought up,
when Gribin suddeuly jumped up, seized hi? re
volver, and, without a word of warning, fchot his
brother-in-law through the forehead, killing him
The tiring alarmed some persons in the T'eir.i
ty, who at once repaired to the house, and, see
ing the bloody result, they arrested Gribin aud
handed him over to the township authorities.
This afi'air occurred about 5 o'clock on Sunday
evening. Coroner Hester beiug immediately no
tified of the affair, proceeded at once to the spot,
called a jury and held an inquest, the verdict of
which was that John Keating came to his
death by a shot flrcd from a revolver iu the
hands of Thomas (iribin. (iribin was taken to
the Sunbury jail on Monday morning, to await
his trial. We learn that (iribin asr-erts that the
firing was accidental. Both parlies are Irish.
John Keating, the victim, was about thirty-seven
years old, and has been only about nine
months in the country. We are told that he has
.1 wife and four children in Ireland, and one boy
in thi.- country.
From what we could learn, (iribin has hereto
fore been a inii-t citizen, but, w hen under the in-
flucuce of 1'niuor. somewhat quarrelsome ou the
subject of being 'the bet man."- For the past
year he has been a member of the Coal township
school board, and a looked upon as an intelli
gent Irishman.
The cause that led to the committal of this
dreadful crime was -doubtless strong drink- It
is the old story repeated over aud over again
whiskey! quarrelling! fighting! and murder!
We refrain from further comment at present.
Slu'.mokiH JleraUI.
We learn that J. J. Rcimensnydcr is an appli
cant for Associate Judge to fill the vacancy of
Hon. G. C. Welker, deceased. Mr. Eeimcnsny
der would make an excellent Judge, aud the only
question will be whether he can receive the ap
pointment under the new Constitution which
makes no provision to Gil the vacancy. If the
Governor should take a favorable view, the ap
pointment of Mr. Reiiuensnvder w ill lie satisfac-
j lory, as he, is strongly endorsed by the Court and
i Bar.
Kn.u r. Mr. Win. Gaining, for several years
R ro6i,)e!ll pf this place, moved to Mahanoy
pianeS) :l(.t week, to take charge of Rhodes' Ho
j tel, at that place. Early on Saturday morning,
j while assisting in ananging his household good?,
1 he fill down stairs and broke bis neck. It
was reported in several pajers that Mr. Gah
ring was a member of Trcvorton Lodge, I. O. of
O. F., which is a mistake. He had not been a
member for a long time.
Ont friend, S. N. G.iyuinn, residing iu Pnr.'y
iown, is engaged in preparing a fish pond for the
propagation of black bass and other hSh ut the
rear end of his lot, w hich w ill soon be completed.
Mr. Gaytuan has already a number of back bass
iu his spring house ready to be placed in the
pond as soon as lini.-hcd. These fish are of a
very hardy nature, and grow very rapidly.
Those uow iu possession were secured last fall,
and have grown iu length sin?e that time, some
four or five luchci. They are tame and easily
handled. It is Mr. Gay man's intention, if suc
cessful iu the propagation of these fih, to con
vert all his swampy grounds into lish ponds
Os Wednesday evening -last, a number of the
friends ol J. W. Walls, the popular landlord of
the Empire House, met in his parlor by special
invitation, to sj-end a swiil evening.. About .l
o'clock an invitation was extended to invade the
dining room where a had supper had been pre
pared. The guests surrouuded the festive board
v.llh countenances illuminated with delight at
the sumptuous aud bounteous supply of substan
tial, intermingled with delicacies, that was
spread before them. Baked shad, gotten up in a
style to suit au epicure by mine host, loomed
up ou the plates of hiR guests, and the busy
sceire of culling and slashing,iu the energetic ef
forts of his friends to fill up loose garments, was
of a most interest ing character. Dr. Krebs, w ho
is supplying our citizens with North Carolina
shad, now in this place, aud who was at the
head of the lytiie, gave gusto to the occa
sion, by explaining the excellent qualities of
North Carolina lih generally, .and of their
thirtty nature. Alter all had satisfied their appe
tites wilh the delicate North Carolina fih, made
a proper disposition of the delicacies, and dis
posed, projerly.of the "coiulitemeuts," Jere Suy.
clcr, Esq., was called upon, who returned thanks
in behalf of the guests to the landlord, 1 11 a neat
and eloquent speech, after which the party re
tired to the parlors, when the meeting was called
to order, and Esquire Snyder was called to the
Chair. Speeches were then delivered by Dr.
Krebs. C. A. Reimensnvder, H. F. Maun, and
the President, appropriate to the uccasion.
About 10' j o'clock, the guests adjourned to their
respective home?, full of shad, and heaifeit
wishes for a long and prosperous hie to Mr.
Walls, the proprietor of the house, and to Dr.
Krebs who is favoring our citizens with the
finest shad that grow in the Albemarle waters.
A New Rook. We have received an advance
copy of "A History i.f the Origin of the Appella
tion Keystone State, as applied to the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, togi '.her with extracts
from many authorities relative to the adoption
of the Declaiation of Independence bv th
- .
"'! Congress July ' ' ' " wh!u 1
the Conti-
is added
tlie new Constitution of Pennsylvania, with al
phabetical contents." 'I l.c work i published by
Messrs. Claxton, Remscn, t Halfeltinger of Phi
ladelphia, and is for sale at ('. S. Hazlctinc's
Rook store in this place. The work is an excel
lent one for reference, an 1 should be in the hands
f of tverv citizen.
The I" ii ion Hotel, at Trevorton, has be n en
tirely refilled with the modern styles ot furni
ture, and in now one of the linift comfortable
Stopping places for the travelling community, in
that region. The parlors arc excellently furnish
ed, while the bed rooms aie comfortable and
cleau. The tables abound with the best of far a,
while the bar i net excelled for its pine ii i'iois .
Mine, host aud hostess, Mr. T. Foiiids, t-nr., an I
lady, are always ready to show that hospitality
to strangers which will make them feel the com
forts of a home. Aud as this house is loeat.-d in
1 the quiet pait of the town, nil who wl!! sl
! the Union c;;n n.iov a 'j iii-i n -t.
p nt
A PrroT Wanted. A few days ago, while in
the borough of Shamokin. we regretted to see
that no stciis have been taken lor the erection of
a better depot by the N. C. U. W. Co. Their
present depot is the most gloomy locking of any
we have seeu in any town with a lcs population
for many a diy. Its filthy yjpearance remind
one a good deal of the indications of a low class
grog shop. There are several sites along the
railroad suitable for the erection, of good build-
lngg, and for the credit of that flourishing town,
its citizens should urge the railroad company to
giTe them a depot that will com pare favorably
wilh llio.-e of other towns.
ii.o. O. Daktoi.ett, has pencil his Photo,
graph (lallery on Sunbury street, iu the borough
of S'liimok'ui. and is now ready to till orders.
Burning of Kemmsuku's Mill Loss f 22,000.
The tlouiiug mill of W. B. Kcmmerer, located
on Muddy Run 1' J miles above Milton, with its
contents, was totally destroyed by lire ou Satur
day night, March 2S. The fire is supposed to
have originated at the smut machine which was
located on the fourth or garret floor of the mill.
It was impossible to get out anything save the
books, office desk and a few bags of rye. As
work had been slopjed about dusk it is supposed
that the lire had been busy working along the
upper floor until it reached the roof and tiie
smoke having no egress, found its way to the
lower part of the building. Late as was the
hour the fire die- a large crowd to the scene, aud
many persons turned to and helped to savo the
adjacent buildings from destruction. There
were consumed in the mill 1 100 bushels of wheat;
SiHMiushcls of rvc : ::(! bushels oats : COO bush
els of corn and 200 barrels of flour. Mr. Kem- u . (,r i.Et xi:lJi remaining in the Post OllU-8
merer estimates his loss ut f 22,000, 15,000 on ; s 1 1 1, 1 . 1 1 r v Pa., pril 7. W 1 :
the mill aud 7,000 0:: contents. 1I was insur- j " ' A",.',nieriiian. Wcy-y B:uier. .Margaret
cd to the amount of ?1'.,iio0 iu the Lycoming, I ( auiplicll, Sarah Ciickbom, C. A. P-.-moud, An
Woil, - t....i ir- mt!i lii-it mid in the Vol k. ! n ic G ivcn. Wm. II. Hniilci -oil. Hallniiiti,
in all ?10,(.KM1 on the mill and ff.,CO0 on the
stock. Mr. Kcmm'.-rer wiil begin the woik of
rebuilding bis mill at once, or as soon as the
loss ! adi'isted. The new sliuctnre will be
: I
built ol brick or stone, ami will be about the j
same capacity as the old one. The old mill was j .
originally built by Abram and Isaac btrauti 111
1S;.'S, and was located on tin- Strati!) Island op
posite Miitoii. It was erected before the river
bridge was bui't, and the bridge was afterwards
built mainly on m-count of the mill through the
energy ol the Messrs. Straub, at a cost of about
f 1S,000. The building of the Lewisburg dam
about 1S0S caused a bick water to inteifere sen
sibly with the working of the mill and in 1S.")0
Mr. Abram Straub removed it to Muddy Ruu,
where it stood for ." years, grinding out the staff :
Ol 111' ior a laige eueic 01 cusuum-i s ua i:o n 1
for shipment to other market-. The mill con-
tained four run of stones, aud a few years ago j
the machinory was all remolded aud placed in ,
good older. W.toniait.
(.Vi xt ii. Phoceedisos. Council met at 7.30 j
o'clock, on Tuesday evening, Chief Justice Ma- j
lick iu the Chair. Members all present.
Minutes of la.-t meeting read and approved. j
Report of Committee on Finance adopted and j
to be spread at large on the book of auditor's no- j
counts. Motion reconsidered.
On motion of John Haas, order granted lo
Thos. I). Grant for hi- services iu auditing finan-
cial account of borough.
Street Commissioners made report. Adopted.
Report f e.. I'm'!!. -e to wait on County Com-
missiomr-. ;
Commuiiiea! i.e:
towu in regard to
! ciii.'iis from lower part of
iking oil' ground for pave-
Committee on payments rcpoiltd 'rogrcs.
Committee on River Bank reported progress. '
Committee on Grave Yard reported progress. !
Committee ou Bridges and Highways reported j
Committee n Public Pioper'y reported 1""-j
Src6- !
Committee ou Par repoJted progicss. j
Committee on Town Clock report.
Petition of Washington Fire Company, asking i
for iZo per inonlh, received, read and granted.
Petition of (iood Intent Fire Cotnpauy read.
Laid over till next uieeliug. 1
Petition of citizens iu regard to police read. !
Laid over till next meeting.
Hill of 15. L. Raudi ubusli, 1 40. granted.
liiils of Chan. Martin. Mfet Coui'uiss'.oinr,
presented. Order granted.
Order granted lo (Jeorge Lyon for $10.
Ui'.ls of Geo. Kiehl and P. Heini prcseiile.l. i
Laid on the table.
Rill of S. S. Homlricks presented. Laid : the '
Order grated to liavid Rockcfeiler for f'X- '
Order granted to Jno. Clark for $7
Order granted to Sol. Mautz for Si 40.
Rill of A. '. Bricc, laid over.
Order granted to Thos. Roach for JOo.
Order granted to Dan. Heitn for ?20 IS. 1
Order granted to Cieo. Harrison aud John Oys
ter for 52 25 each.
Order granted to Jas. YanDyke for ?;;.".
ruer granted to Ira T. Clcmeut for $0 2".
Order granted to Culp for
Petition of election officers of borough election
lead and laid oi: table.
Order granted to the several bills in the cic-ck
roll of S. S. Hendricks.
Rill of Horning granted for -1".
Rill of bhissler t Shlpe, laid on tabic.
Order urantc' t John fhisslcr f"r ?:;o.
Order granted for bills in Horning' ret urn.
On motion of W. I. Greeiiougb.
Resolved, That Council adjourn to meet ticxi
Tuesday night to elect otlicers.
LF.WIS HEWART, Town Ci. rk.
YrsTUV F.i-Kction St. Mallhev' (J-'jriieojml)
Churrh,.Vuniiuy lat. Yr.sTKY Men i.H. Young
man, Wm. I. (Jretnough, (ieo. W. Smith, Wni.
T. (iratit, H. R. Master, Thos. I), (irant, Wm.
Cut rcii Wakiikvs. Win. I. Orccnough, (ico.
W. Smith.
Sr.citCTAKV am Tuhasi nr. W. I.Oreetiough.
PurrTiKS to the Convention. W. I. Ctee
nough, H. 15. Masser, (i. W. Smith.
Maiitin iV Co" Drug Store is stocked with the
freshest drugs and peifuuiery.
. -.
Sriil'LN Dkath. Wiiii.uu C'ourad Lower
Augutta township, was taken sick on Friday
lust, with inflammatory rheumatism, ami died on
Wednesday moin'iig 'asl. He was aged SS
The cases beloie the Supreme Court fr
county will not be decided before May.
'Ill til
FirTECS persons were admitted to mejnbcr.ship
into the Lutheran Clnrch, at this place, by the
rile of confirmation, and nine by certificate from
other churches, on Saturday evening last. On
Sunday morning the Holy Supper was adminis
tered t an unusually large number of commu
nicants. A VofMt l.AliV of Oakctown i- charged with
keeping a light burning iu the parlor until very
late Sunday nights, iu order to harrow the sen
sitive feelings ol an cuvious neighbor into the
belief that she has really got a beau.
Tnr Campaii.n ok 1S27. We give below the
election returns of lgT. whieh wc copy from the
Sunbury f7i-'f(- , published in Sunbury in that
year. At that lime no conventions were held lo
make nominations by Ihe opposing political par.
tics. Every candidate ran upon his osrn merits
The campaign was one of the most spirited and
exciting that has probably ever occurred ill this
county. The contest then, it appears, ua- be
tween the candidates for the office of Sheriff.
There were six candidates iu the field, all ol
wliMlil have "gone to that undi.-coveicd countiv
from v-l-.cnce no traveler n turns," except two,
ex-sheriff Henry Reader, now icfiding in the bo
rough of McEwensviile, and Col. Elisha Kline,
residing in Cppcr Augusta township, this county.
There are also but few of the acting pn:it'u i:.n
of that day remaining. Judging from some of
the communications then puhiiohed there were
many unscrupulous politicians, some ol whom
are still living, who would severely denounce
tin ir own actions were they to be imitated by the
(olitieians iu tln-.-e modem tluiis. Il will also be
sc n that there were but eleven election distiict.
in the county with a total vote of 2o:;l. At the
presi nt tini'1 th' f - arc thirty-two districts wilh a
vote of about HoY):
Norlhuinberlaiid County Ollicial Election JCctums !S2!
( 'hi!Hsiiiaijue
Little Mahanoy
Upper Mahaioy...
Lower Mahanoy..
zi 2.5 4s 4 22 10 mi id; 21; ::r 41 ::o 12 :
244 1.4 21'.' 3'. 31 11 i0 22 H'2 10'J 144 .ri3 l.t -PI 14 H",
iri n it; ill ."; m :;! t, i:;5 42, 2". 'y. 00 i: c.i
KJ'.I 17 77 li'.i 44 e'.t Hi 4 si IIn 17 Ii'.' 41 l't 2 17
i:;s 2n 7s 77' f.:; 7u r, 1 12 : 41: 14 :i: 4 22
2:;'.t I4r. f,4 p-.i 11 21 221; r :;2 12.1 l.v ::;; 21 r.
g4 1:: 2011 21 0:, p.' 102 u inn ."ii mi :;i .17; ou ::
.n 47 mi :; p.i f, s:; v.; j;; 33 07 l 4'.i 2 ir 14
42 5 2X S 33 .". 4 13 2 3' 5 0 25 3 7 1
Id 51 7d 3S D1 4 4 -'2 31 1 HV 52 13 2'i 53 13 00
7S 57 125 5 21 17 2t 1 07 53' 10 41 2 20 0-2 (HI
l.'o I 457 10'JO; C43; 555 508 4'j7 J'J 1185. 701 502 41!: 470 303 1C5 170
Totals ..
J(.P( j b llle
if Milton, was elected auditor.
Ti:i:Ri;ht Max is Tin: Rioiit Puck. We
frequently meet men in government positions
who are. j i ciiliariy calculated for the place, and
in such iustauefs tln-ir services are seldom dis
pensed with, as they rcsuit in economy to the
government, and satisfaction to the peo
ple. The U. t'.. Patent Olliee, at Washington,
contains one such whose qualities in this respict
are not excelled by any, in the person of J. M.
Emery, Ksq., at present holding the position of
Examiner in charge of Interfe euces and Exlen
teiisions. Mr. Emery was appointed in lNofl.r.nd
in that time has gained the confidence and gocd
will of all who have had occasion totrausait Im
iues ia the Dcpaitmcnr. He has a thorough
knowledge of the affairs of the ofl'cv, and his ur
banity and willingness renders it a satisfaction
to have business intcrceursc uith him. II
right man in the right place.
' Hie
Win. O-walt, Kunna w-wal!
Red .V Co., Snyder.
,:. iHvsiM-n. 1
abiive letii-r !
III!!. P. M. i
will please
calling lor any 1
sav advertised.
Almost a Fip.i:. On Wednesday of th'19 week
Ir. lli'.am Young's property on Market street
i made a narrow escape from being de-troyed by
lire. A stove fell over and scattered the red hot
j coal on the floor and burned several yards of
j carpet and a hole in the floor before it was got
ten under control. As luck would have it Mrs.
I Young and her little daughter were in the room
i when the accident occurred, and while the
daughter was giving the alarm the mother wa
busy in trying lo right the stove. Mr. Howell j
i.,.iiii,..c., in.,.. t. 1. e'n ;
' ' ' ' ' ,.' v .,,.,!
TnK l;lJ.s ae ,i0 lo1 v!, ,,,r sl)M10 of ,,.
illustrious i.ilers, so thev pr.ovl around most of
; the night.
One way to keep your no-e fioui bleeding i
to keep it out of other people's h'lsiuess.
V'e have received a new stoi k of Rill Heads,
Note Pai'tr, Envelopes, Cards, fcc., whieh will
be printed to order at reduced prices.
"IIi.viouv or Titr Gkanoi: Mnvr;rvT : or th
Fanners' War against Monopoiie."" llcitig a
full and authentic aci-ouni- of the struggles of
the American Farmers against the extortions
of the Railroad Companies. With a History
of the Rise and Progress of the Order of the
Patrons of Husbandly. Pnhli-hed by the Na
tional Publishing Co., Philadelphia.
The most remarkable, and powerful movement
of the present day is, unquestionably, the Wa'
which the Fanners of the Unite 1 States aie wag
ing against the Monopolies of all kinds that havi
for so long been robbing the people and oppicss
ing the toiling portion of our community.
The work begins with the causes which have
iroused the American people against the mo-
niJ,.0;-uts. and treats of the la!
iroad system of
1 condition and
the country, its growth, act tin
pros-pect-. It then shows bow this noble syteni
has been perverted to further the ends of selfish
capitalists ami railroad directors, who seek gain
at the expense of the cominuui'y ; and we arc
given a teiiilile ami thrilling account of the
crimes and frauds of the railroad corporations
of lo-d iv. The author wields a fearless and
vigorous pen. and points ont Hum vi! which this
selfish greed ha enlai.e, upon Us. Hes'.iows
how the corporations have been able to
control the -a hole country; how they h ive robbed
the nation, an 1 corrupted our Congress, State
Legi-lalnies, and Courts of .Ju-ticv. He give
us some startling facts about Hi'.: Wie'.-t 'at Kail
roads of the country : the rci-kl -- gambling in
stork, and the. terrible iiuaiici-il convulsion
from the ('fleets of which we. ere "til! suffering.
The book then t iki up the cau-c of the faini-
els of the I'nileJ Mat-'-, and
calm b'lt c'i"(;tn".it statement
fallows how the farmers a:r
robbed of the just n ward ol
J oints out the cause- .if tin-"
lav.. 1. for?
of tin ir w!(!i :s ;
ovcrchaiged and
t !n ir labor-, and
evil .. It explains
how the railroads impoverish the farmer, .rid
gives a substantial rennti for the charge rr often
repealed that high freights aM"
l.iu l as well as of its prod. id 4.
A con-id' iablc portion ol the
to a hi-tory of the Ord-r of 1
ban lrv, an I i: conlains ;ir ac -i
t th.
Wol K .
it roil
i'.llt of
.h-voti d
.r iiu---
il. rise.
j-rogrcss and present coml'.i ion and
peels. Each f.-aturi1 of the or.h r
plaiii"d, and au amount of inform.
future pros
is fully (:
it ioa : given
cor.cci long this .voinleifa! oig ;n:zo
on that will
I ami'Iy satisfy I lie nio-t cuimu..
' It is ileei the ino-i int. -re-ting and n-cful
; Volume of the day, aula- it c iii;s a', a time
. when the whole country i- sull'-iiug inien-e'.y
from the -ils it, denounces, cannot fail to have
a tremendous "ale. It is an ably written woi k,
, and a bold and vigor. u- ; e'a in behalf of the
! fanners and ali who are op; re-.. . robbed
by the gra-ping Monopolies which are causing
j so much trouble. It is Sold by subscription
onlv. and agent ate wanted in cverv conntv.
I Jh-H.;j, '(.. April ;. lt-71.
; Iu reply to tha article which appeared in the
I lie.iitocrut "From the Lower End." of the 20th
i tilt., "tl'jultl: the oiiginality of the Dornsife
i correspondence." I would here say like the
i tiaccn of Sliclia. shen -he visited Solomon, and
' had teen his wisdom, slie said to the King, '"It
was a true report that I heard, I believed not the
woid.. until 1 came, and mine eye had seen it ;
and, behold, the half was told me." '1 o
rvtistitittiule. what was said by the IWiisifc cor
respondent ; 1 would li'ieadd a. fee, of the wtinj
proofs of what was said by the Doi nsife corres
p.ondent which I think Vciilies that the report
was not in the least cxaggei ale.!. The following
is taken from the monthly i-.-iiort of Washington
.Si. hool (Jackson Distiict) A. R. Keck teaclc r.
Rcbcclinh, annie, Cheailes, Rebeekah, Enrna,
Lyddia, Lana, Carle, Catharine, Stodard Arilh
initick. Mitchcl, Moiitcclh, Ac. Whether the
nbovu named pupils v.eiv Chinese or lrican-. I
cannot say. but they arc new names to American
citizens. The average attendance of said school,
O-coii, I month) male 100-11. Female 12 7-1 L
Total "I! fi ll. Not one of the live reports of
said teacher were correct. Then-port was cor
rected by tic Secretary. Ta'.K no longer about
Vour big au.lge; heavy porkers. Ac. Let
teachers make their report.. Washington town
ship is opposing compulsory education. The
following report by Mr. Keeh r. (teacher) shows
that they liavu no nccil ol such a law. Per ft,
of attendance during month male 4:1. Female
'.''. Total U. Dunng term till date Mali; 4;.
Term .rJ, Total 10:1. Third month, pr ct ol at
tendance dining mo i.i. 7'.i. Fe r.o. Tola! bs.
During t'-rm til date .".), .V', 1 l"i, Al the expiia
t'oii of the fourth month Mr. Kecler hit the
school and went to Ma. Hern. Ion High f-eh"ol.
and was taaght by Mr. Sholiy. of Sum!, r ( a
Coir.pi tent Vacher well i :i ; . it'o-il for tia' s. hool
room. ..Ir. IbchlgaVe sat i-l o 1 1. .11 in l::s dis
tiict. Mr. Mover can be ii-i .iuimenile.l a. a tit
man for t he s-.-honi room, trchool No. '.'of Wa'h
ingtou I i wn-ti '. j (li -e.! l'a an '.xhitiiiior,. All
ai'pcared to have I n w. '! -..ti.lied with lb.- c i-
tci tainn.eiit . This was the !n -t rvi-r held iu the
di-trict : mid. cmsi -queiil !y. ! he t.-acher m:-l wit h
some opposi! ion in c.u ry ing oat hi--design. 'Ihe
audience- wa. entertain ! by v. c.:'. mii-ic by the
Jackson choir, w'lich a- vary mil. !i I'ppieciated
by the audi' nee. All went av. ay m lavor of ex
hibition. We nt the lower cud would like to
hear from s..:ae of your old Ir. e .-!in.i; di-tii .-.
Heat the V.'ash ng'ton town-hip teacher if you
can. but .,; honest do not lut-t thi fractions.
rl0. ...
ilr. i. v..- ,r!rii.t C uinil.--l..ncis, or other
Hi.-. I s. u ho-e iu!y it is to see thai the streets
a;ni side walks aro i.i goo 1 condition. If so.why
is the pl.ii,:; .hie v.-:;-.U nt Ihe h pot left iu
sn -h a dang.;) oils conlili"n 1 If the booagh
should huM lo pay uaiuages for a broken
limb, cause I by this pitfall, w hos.j. n!t Hold 1 it
be f The authoiiti' S are cxai ting enough with
some, v.liv not with others ? Tax. Pavfu.
t 'oroucr.
.uinii-.-iont r.
SfNBfitv, Pa., March 27, 1S74.
At a regular meeting of Mason Gouncil, No.
IS1 Jr. O. U. A. M., held in their Council
Ccamber on Thursday evening, 2filh inst., the
undersigned were appointed u committee to
draft resolutions expressing the sentiment of
this Council, which are as follows :
litiolced, That this, the second anniversary of
Mason Council No. 131 Jr. O. U. A. M., has
been a complete success.
lli-tolictl. That the thanks of the Council is
hereby tendered to the young ladies of Sunbury
for the generous nid extended by them to the
Committee of Arrangements, and for t he presen
tation of a number of beautiful fairy hasket3.
Uttrtwl, That much praise is due the Silver
Cornet Band for the music furnished on the oc
casion, and that a vote of thanks be tendered
them for the same., That the thanks of this Council be
tendered to Messrs. A. N. Brice, W. 11. McCarty
and J. l. O'Connor for their Invaluable assist
ance in making our :inuiv rsary a - icress.
I .'... I, That Hi" su'-ec- of our anniversary
I was due. i.i a givat measure, to the active part
i tafcru by !'ie -T lni: t'e of Arr:'.ngi-ments, :uul
i onr thanks ;,:c hereby tendered them.
llf.itvb-cJ. 'i hat a vote of tl. liks bo tendered
to the public in n for their iinlispeiisahlc
Hesxhttl. That the above resolutions le pub
lished in the papers of this borough.
V. L. S.vviiioi:,
i;. F. Cooi'cu,
i:. P. McCartney.
Eminent Men of Science have discovered that
electricity and tni-gnatiMii are ileveloped in the
system from the iron iu the blood. This ac
counts for the debility, low spirits, and lack of
energy ix person fee's when this vital element be
come reduced. The Peruvian Syrup, a protoxide
of iron, supplies the blood with its iron element,
and is the. only form in which it is possible for it
lo enter the circulation.
A Universal Remedy! ''Wishart's Pine Tree
Tar Cordial." for coughs, colds and bronchial
alfcrliotis stands first in public confidence and
Dovt ije Dlsrot RAiiEii. Suppose you hare
"tried fifty remedies" and received no benefit, is
there therefore 'mio balm in Gilcad ?" Verily
there is. Your liver may be congested, your sto
mach half paralyzed, vour nerves qnivering.your
muscles knotted with torture, your bowels con- j Written duringthe year from Scp
stricted. your lungs diseased, your blood full of ' tembcr 2d, 17:;, date of conipa
inipurilies yet in one week after commencing a j nv's permanent organization
course of Dr. Walker's Viuegar Bitters yon will Total
feel like a new creature. 4w
M'EI'IAIj xoticen.
Tu('npi(:iliss, To 51 en of ItlPdimu
'leans, and lo all Wishing
IIoiik's and tints Avoid
Iaj ing ISenf s.
Uy reference to the Watsontown Itri,nl and
Sunbury "(iazette" will be seen a fuli ami more
explicit description of the property "I oiler for
sale, either iu lots or by th? acre, lint w hat I
wish to more particilar'v bring- Im . n i he pub
lic is i '.to J.I i Kit A J- TEKM." "I.i'ii Hi-v are
.Here I. " i
1 will SELL LOT !5M to and !
Lands by the ACl'L ':wi -.'s)to$50O. according
tothc location.
Tkkms : Ten pi r t.t."f the purchase money (
down, i'ic balance in time and amounts lo suit J
liurehacrs, from ONE t EIGHT YEARS, with 1
1 legal interest from day of sale.
i The streets and alleys will be opened as fast as :
: lots are sold, so that all m iy be approached with '
', case.
All p'r-oTis who are now paying rent can have
an opportunity of securing a home for less mo- i
ncv iu.nuai:y"thaii thev arc now THROWING
WAV ii: rent. ' . j
: Any person wishing to sec the lands or bt
: will call on mc, when every opportunity will be j
given taein to have a fair chance lo see the stipe- i
! rior advantages presented lo the public. 1
Iu addition to the lands above rrierre l lo. I J
now ol'i-r for sal" THREE DWELLING HOU
! SES, situate on Water street, ill Watsontown bo- j
: rough, the one being tin; large and commodious
I Brick Dwellin
now occut'ie.l hy mc, nil ol said
dwellii gs having the ncc. -- irv outbuildings for
' inmied ate u
i For blither iufiinr. ition call on or n.Idr.'-
j. m. follmei:,
Watsontown, P.
t )c'.oIm.i- 111, 1n7w I vr.
i ' . . . :
i II I S II II 1. 1 Why Will Von
i To all j - rsoiiH suffer
ing from ilhueiiiatism,
Neuralgia, I ramps iu
the limbs or stoniacb,
Hi lions Colic, Pain in
the bi'.ek.bowels or side,
V VV l I'
we w o u I d s a y. t ii r. I
lorsrilo!.l PaNACHA
is of all others the rem
edy you want for inter
na! aud exturnal use. It
has ( tired the above
complaints in thousands
f i ases. There is no
ml-jake about it. Try
It. Sold bv all Druggist-.
F A .11 1 J. V
i.i x in i; xt.
Juiv l-.'. 1S7;'.. iv.
i-!if.i.r. ii-iiiir lie ;t l eriiialieiil ! cim .1 iif
llait ilr. ..Tl ilis. j.-e, ('iiiijiiiiiiitiaii. liy a i:in'!v reaa-ih, i
s uaxi to inske kiam n ti Ins tellow Biiifere's tlir j'H el cure. 'I'o kit who ii. sire it. lie will i enit 11 oI V .
i.f li e aciier:.i;uli nseil, lree of eharea, w i; h llieilirt e- j
li.a.s I.'.- T ari.' !nl lisli.i lue sulne, vliietl lliey wait l
lin.l a sare ( u-r l.n- ('.ai-inni !i.n, Asinri. llriineliils, j
r.a ta s wluc" tlie lireserii l .oil w,a so nua.t -s
in v. I.. A. W I I.Sl IN,
l'.'l lvmi s.... W ili:,m-lini!i, X.w Voik.
N..V. -jl, lnT.i (jlll.
hildrcu olten IwoU l'ulo niiil Sirk
from no other cau'e than having worms in the
will destroy Worms without injury to the child,
being perfectly WHITE. and from all the coloring
or other injurious ingredients usually used in
worm preparations.
CURTIS A BROWN. Proprietors.
No. 2ir Fulton Street, New York.
.Salt? ly I)riiiii'wt i ChrmlsU, and (IVio-i
.U ii.-oc' t Cents, a box.
July 12, it::. ly.
Thirty Year" B;.prieuro ofini Oltl
Hrs Winsilow! Soothing: Syrup I
tin prescription ol'oueof the I" -l Female
Phvsiciaus and Nurses in the United Slates, aud
has been used for thirty year. Willi never failing
s:ifefr and success bv tnioVii - of mother and
i children, from the ' i .fant of one week old
to the adult. It r-.' :. a. ;. iit v of the stomach.
relieves wind coi c, irg-.'.iti-s the bowels, and
gives ret. health .';! '..,ii',,it to mother and
child. We believe it I,.!.c the 15csl and Surest
H -nicdv in the Woi Id. in all cases of DYSEN
ther it from Teething or from any other
cnu-c. Full directions for using will accompany
cadi bottle. None (iennine unless the fac-siinilc
of CUPTI .v: PERKIN S is on the outside wrap
per. Sold bv nil Medicine dealers.
.lulv l ., is;;;. iv.
A cht!c!ii.i!l vviio ntll'iTe t f.
Hjl.iinv. I'leiie.iiin- Jieeiv. anil
years from Nei-i.tLj,
11 the rrtcet" of Milith- iii.liscreii.ui will, tor the sake of suriennu Im-
Iitaailv, deliil irec lo all v lie nec-t ir, tlie rce: e ai.u (.-
ri-rii"ii l'ir cLikii n ih- -iitij le cmi'ly lv v In ii ii- a
cure.l. Siili s-cr s wishing tu t i.ilil l.v the aiUt-rt.s-r's
-x( eri' lie
111 lice.
II l(.I v.T l,v J,. 1,1,, ---II...
IIIN It. H.I'fV, (
in ) erf,-.
N-a Vvr!
i-v. :i I:.! JiM.
: in the .''.it Ii r.'.t . by Samuel McMah.m. Esip,
linitv Yrv.r.ii to M.vur Jxhuit. all of Milton.
Iu Nortiiumbt il.iinl. on ihe 1th inst., by the
Rev. E. I". Vrry, John B. Zimvi(;i:m. of Sha
mokin l" o A'.i.ii '. N'l.w ni:i:uv. of Northumber
land. -.v
In Miitoii, on the
.Tames S. Don gal. M.
1st in-!.. SARAH wile of
D-. aged 75 ycar, S mos.,
aii'l i days.
Near Milton, lljth
till., Mrs. BARBARA
LAIIR, aged 77
s, 4 months anii -i day.-.
In Milton, :;oth nil., EMMA J., d-iughtcr of
j PIki'Ih- Wcrtz, aged ." year-, and V3 days.
i I.. (;:,..., o"i..i i: r it, : v .ri l...a
and Lm her Slioi maker, aged 5 months and 27 j
i day-. j
i In Watsontown. on the 1st in.t., MARY, wife I
of Win. Machaiucr, aged 2s years and 5 months.
! In Northumberland. March 20th, FRANCIS '
j J.. child of Rev. D. II. and Nellie ( lark, aged 0 !
i months and tl days.
Pi Northumberland. March :J4, MARY, wife
j of P. 11. Koser, aged yeais and 10 mouths.
I In Northumberland. March 25. Mis. ELIZA
BETH JOHNSON, aged r.S years, 10 months
and 7 days.
In Northumberland, Manh 10, JAMES II.
1 NF.SBIT, aged 3S years, one month and 25 day.
I In Lower Augusta township, on the Sth inst.,
; WILLIAM CONRAD, aged 5S year-, 3 months
I and 15 daj s.
In Washington township, on the 3d inst., Mrs.
CATHARINE, wife of William Hctrick, ai;ed 34
years, 10 mouths and 10 days.
In Sunbury, April 4th. MAY IRENE VAL
LANCE. daughter of Jas. K. and Lydia Vallanee,
aged 1 year, 5 months and 4 days.
iicbi bbcrtisntcnts.
fr' i
V A 91 V II It I E .
The UNIVERSAL MEDICINE for the house
hold. Try it. Price per bottle 25 cents. For
ale by all Druggists. REUBEN IIOYT, Pro
prietor. ?n:t fJreenn-lel, t.. N. Y. April H4(y
cla bbcrtiscmrnts
(To Hie Insurance Commissioners.)
Cash market value of real estate
owned by company, deducting
all incumbrances thereon ? 103,(550 00
Loans on Bond and Mortgage 7,500 00
Bonds and Stock6 owaed by the
Company, market value 1,800 00
Cash on hand and in Bank 5,050 24
Gross Premiums in course of col
lection e.,'yn 64
Premium Notes hold bv the Com
pany " 20,551 40
All other assets belonging to the
Company 17,300 00
Gross as.ts of the Company 10,49J 2S
Losses unpaid, includiic those not acted on or
resisted, ?:J000 00, not conie:ed by claimant
and cannot now he h. ca'He loaned by length of
AmoUII . " TVeilltlllll .sllh-
jei-t to a:., ,-ment 20.551 40
Dii- ami ac rm-d for salaric:-. te. 50 00
Aggregate aHiount of Tabilities 20,001 40 i
Gross amount of Cash received $4,130 73
Amount of Premium Notes re
ceived during the year 20,551 40
Income icee-veil from t.ther
sources. an, :1S r,.t ; 1,200 00
?25.943 13
Gross amount actually paid for
Cash returned to nixiiibors who
policies were cancelled
Amount of Premium Notes re
turned to members
Paid forsalaries,oflicers,c!erks i&c
All other expenditures, as rents,
repairs, Ace
8750 00
1,1 !VS 05
280 50
4S0 00
250 00
Aggregate amount ofCash Expen
. or
; Deduct those expired and marked
j oil ai terminated
Iu force at end of year
j Deduct amount reissued
j Net amount iu for.e
In force not having more than run
year to run
Before having than one and
! not more than iIhm' years to
! run
I III force H"'1' three
I years to run
i Net amount Dee. l.-i, !..'.
40,119 r.s
iWS.IMS 1.
s, con nn !
"'), !S IT j
::H,sas it i
15T.41D ( 0
-',000 00
jS,'4S 17
;i:nei:al intkruooatories.
Total amount Cash Premiums re
ceived since the organization,
Sct. 2d, 1ST3, and decree of
Court, Nov. 10th, 17:!, or the
Company -l.loO
Total amount losses paid since or
ganization and decree of Court T.jO CO
The chief assets of this Coiupnny are those ob
tained from investments made of moneys paid by
-ubecribeiss to capital stock of said company.
C. A. REiMr.ssNTurK, Secretary.
Sworn and subscribed before nie, this 20th day
of January, A. D. 1S7I.
A. N. RRICE, J. P.
Ksevutor'N Xolice.
( Estate of Margaret Donnel, dre'd. )
'V'OTICE is hereby givi n that letters testameii-
O- vary nave oeen grauic.i n me uuuersigueu i ,
on the etaie ot Marar.
Donue.l, late ot the
borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county,
Pa., deceased. U iiersons knowing tliemseive9
indebted to said estate, are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims arc
reqii' st'.a to present them duly authenticated for
Sunbury, Mach 27. lsT:;.
PL'M P, Tasteless, DurabIe,ElIl
cient and Cheap. The best
Ullllin C.r tliM t1,rlt.. A (
e i'iiimi it rsjieeianv niiieii
Biatehlev's Patent Im, roved
Bracket and New Drop Check
Valve, which can bo withdrawn
without removing the Pump, or
ili-turbing the joints. Also,th
t upper Chamber, which never
i racks or scales, i.nd will out-h:-t
any other.
alers and the Trad.; gciierailv.
For sal" bv Di
i Inquire for Ulatchlcy's Pump, and if not for sale
t iu vour town, scud direct to
: t II AS. O. P.l.ATCIII.EY, .l.i.,i-.o-r,-,
! .Vnj Commerce St., Thiladelphia, P.i.
' March 1". '7 I. Snios.
mili.ei:siili:;, pa.
! Manufacturers and Dealers in
Flooring, Siding, siurfiice Uoaids, I.atli,
Stripping, .Shingles,
And all kinds of Sash, Doors, Shutters. Poinds,
Mouldings. Ac.
Hemlock A White Pine Hill Stuff, and all kinds
of Building Material.
Stair building and church work a specialty,
March 13, ly.
1 . I S I A I. I X I I C'K.II FXTS.
New and attractive (ioods, in every Department
MVMONll., Jrwrt.UT. 'I! VFU AN1 ri.ATrtl WAKE.
CutU-rv. Clocks. liroiies, English, French and
(1. ini iii Faiicv Oood-.
In view of the dcdiie in OOLD. we hae ie
duccd prices on our entire Stock of Foreign mer
chandise to
l'ar UoIl Kate.
and purchasers will lind it to their interest to
make their selections NOW. while the ASSORT
Ooo ls sent on approval for selections.
Articles pnrchased now, for the Holidays, will I
j he packed ana retained uiiiu Slier, lime as uesir
; pj
Nature's Great Remedy
rex ALL
Ii ,t th viul prmcipls of the Pine Tree, ohi.iinrd
by a (.t.-jn.-ir fuucm in th distillaiicn of the ur. tjr
which ill. liicbot medicinal properties are retained.
'J'Ar even in ,!i crude stnte has been recemmended by
eminent phyici:ins nu'ry tchci. It is confidently
ottered to the afflicted Kir the following simple reasen:
i. It cusas, nst I? abruptly itopfiixr the cough
but by dittolving the plilegm and astiiting nature tj
throw off the unhealthy matter causine the irritation.
In cases of seated cosswrrjos it botri prolongs aud
renders less burdensomethe life of the at3ictedsunerer.
. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated ir.
Lice of the lungs, ieifttratinjt- to each diseased part,
relieving pain, ana subduing inflamtitatjvH.
ly curing all humors, from the common pimflk or
RcrnoN to the severest cases of Scrofula. Thouancu
f affidavits could be produced from thiise w!,o have
frit the beneficial effects of Pins This Tak Cokw al
in the variaus uiseates ansmj from IHlCP.irits o
4. It invirates the digestive orf .ixs a. restores
the at petite.
All who have known or tried Dr. L. Q. C. Vis
ksrt's remedies require no references from us, but the'
names of thousands cured by them can bc given to
sny one who-doubts our statement. Dr. L. 4. C.
Wuhan's Great American VytpepsU Pills and
Wo M Sccab Dnora hare never bun equalled. . For
fel by all Druggists and Storekeepers, and at f
it. l a a wissisrs cace,'
iXo, 39 A', attend St., fhilad'jm
"VTOT1CE is hereby jriven that the iindorsijined
i having found, on the ltlth of February,
1574, a package of Dry Goods, consisting of
breakfast shawls, jloveanil notions, along the
Susquehanna riycr. above (ieora;etowu, Lower
Mahanoy township, Northiimberlani county.
The goods are siippo''d to haxe belonged to a
pedlar. The owner or owner are rcqneteil to
come forward, pi.iv? properly, pay charges, or
else they will a d!p'eil of according to law.
fleoretown, N r.UvI C.. Mnrch lnth.
Li? -
UT rli tlmiimi mil I
fjrist Opened,
iiiessrs. Dimon
Ilfive jnst opt-ncil a ZSVw Store ut tl it aijove ikee witli ir.i entire new Stock
oi' Goods, coiisistlnp: tl'
For Spring Trrttlf. Ooiii cur
J2ovf Clothing of every description,
HATS A. N i .) GAPS.
&.c Sic, &C.
A full assortment of Gonts" aixT Roy's weir. Voulil be pleased to have
all cull and examine Goods ami Price which we assure will be found
cheaper than can be purchased cl.-cwh(-re.
j The same kind of Goods and full assortment will also be found at their
j Store in the town of Trevorton, Xorth'd Co.,l'a. Call and seethe low prices.
Sunburv. April 3, 1874.
jlcto bbcrtisc:r.cnts.
'Tis an ::gi of invention, improvement and skill.
The world's in commotion, aul nothing is siill :
; Aud progress in written wherever we turn
j So ! '-the ball is kept rolling," and each day wo
Of some new achievement iu science or art ;
J Each branch of industry in fact claims a par;.
Slouch is awarded :i prize from the hands
j Of a generoiM j'ubl
as iii-t'i demands.
So music's dcpartni'-nt c -in point. In her pride.
To men of true renin, wh sc fum; has gone
O'er hills and through villev?, in mansions and
and cots.
Well, due are sneh. honors to 'Ik-'t'y (' l'llt.
Whose Golden Tongue organ stands first in In
land The first as to merit, and li;t in demand.
Excelling in sweetness and richness of tone.
Surpassing all others, and standing alone.
Its worth is acknowledged wherever it is kuow:t,
As all will bear witness, and cheerfully
For e(nil in workmanship, beauty, design
Or finish, they challenge the best in the line.
Where faces w-re gloomy, and heart, once were
What homes are n.ov cheerful yes, happy and
Contiune thy mission, thv sor.g Miotiieti Tongue,'
Hath chains of enchantnicn: lr old and for
Reatly o: Plott.' c-.:h brated (ioldi u Tongue
Parior Organ is acknowledged by eminent pro-
i fesors of music to be the best Parlor Organ now
; ill use. I Housan'.is ot le! imor.iais ar-j consiani.
i ly being recrived in favor of them, which go to
1 show thai oar iu-trumcut gives entire satisfae
I. lion.
liT I oi Trice List Address
j Wah'mgtor;, N. J.
' MISS C. DA I.I US. Sole Agent,
i No. V3 Market Street.
Sunbury, Pa.
I March 13, IfT-L tlni.
ort!irii Coulral Hallway.
On anil ofier Dee. 1, 1ST: t reins :i ;!, s ro it will mu
r.s foUovH :
Uvt K:i Jteuini t'miri T,v.SJo
lail Aci-olif.
Mull. Kiri
4. is a a 11. a in
5. j.l a m
S.i.hi u ni ll..v , in
. 8.;H Ii Ul
.11.1". j; ni
.l'i.-.n Jl ai
. 3.u.' a m H.'ia a It,
. a.-.n a m ll. 10 a in
l.:m ji in
4.1.1 j m
ii ni
Arrive nt :
WdhaiiiFi m-t. . .'am I
P m
7. 10 ! th
l'V.-n p iu
!.!! ji in
I Klmiia ll.-Ki a ia .
Buffalo .: m ,
I Krie T.Jl p m .
All itai'iv ec t Sunday.
Leave :
it:o tin's
1 l.gii a i-i
i Krir
I llaltiilo
j V l)ti:,I,lsjol-t,
j Suulmrj-
i Arrive nt :
Harri"hur .
1 Puihi'Mi hU.
t H:;l'IIIU.r- ...
t'.'.ii p in
r.4- a ill
I. li! :i in 5.:l Jt m
II. ii-') n iu 1 i.15 a in
7.':-i -a in
g.i.S ji in
(!,.Ki j- iu 11. Ill j in
S.VI j. in 1-.'..'i1 u ni
l.rmin i ni lo.w j. in S.i.'. j r.
9.10 a in S.-1 i. m g.-'l a ni S.i1' a u-
S.40 a ia S.:in ni "J.lain s. 1-iti:
l'J.:i a in s.JO ji in c.l;: m ln.'-il a i-i
V1. i.s!,inirtiui .
Ail j::i -s Huabuiy
a.j. r.AssATr.
(iH Al:tIlHeer.
.;! exeej-t Sam
r.. h. vot ni,
(,ei.'l l'juw. Ai
it'( KKIt.
' From
an extensive assortment of Fanev (ifMnls at
Market Stkept, Sttiu.-i-.t, Pa.
My stock of Spring goods is unusually large
and varied, comprising the latest and most at
tractive styles, nelected with care from the lead
ing importing houses and adapted for the present
October 3, 1S7S. MISS L. WF.ISER.
Thlcd Street, adioinins Philu. & Eric R. R.. to 1
Sottarcs North of the Centra! H-!!,
.-UNHl RY, I A.
1? prepared to furnish every description of tiiin
ber n-piiretl by the demands of the public.
llavinc; all the latest improved machinery fn
iiianufactnrine; Limber, he is lio'.r ready to till w
deri tf all kind- of
and all kinds of Ornamental Screw 1 Work. Tnrii
in of every description promptly cwuted. Al.-o,
HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shinies, pi, !o i, ;
Lathe, Ac. ;
Orders iirompt'iv tilled, and shrpped bv Railroad i
or otherwise. ' IR A T. CLEMENT.
n iii.m: siioi axi ij;
cr.o. noiiKBACii soxs,
SunJniry, Pimi:i,
INFORM the public that thev arc prepares 10 ,
do all kinds of CASTINGS, "and havim; added ;
a new Machine Shop in connection with their
Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New
Lathes." Planinr ami Borine Machines, with the
latest improTemcnta. With the aid of skillful
mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders
, . .. . .. r '
that liiaT be siven them, in a satisfactory man -
ner. "
Grates to snit any Ntov-.
IRON COLUMNS, for chnrches or other br.i!d
ppstix- t-
Ornamental Iron
The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su-
periority, have been still further Unproved, atiii
will always be kept on hand.
Sunburv, Moy ''O, 1ST .
0 1.2-
ql tnimmimrnvr,
Itiiilriing I.o: For Kale.
VTNETEEN" LOT, SoxlOO feet, fronting on
Vine street, iu Sunbury. Price ?1"j. A'so
thirty lots, i."rl:7, fronting on Spruce and Pine
streets. Price ?1S per foot. Also eight lots,
'30, fronting on FoiirOi street between Walnut
".nil Spruce. Price S.-n. .i-o 21 lot, tSxllO.
fronting on Tli'n I aa;l Sprue stria t, fv-mceis
Vulmit and Sprit. . I'r'.c.- 4ou. A;? 5 lols
itxg:0 on the north side of Spruce street. Price
si;.')(i. A'so l; iots in Cai;:'ovn. The above
prices (lo not include corner lots. Persons dc
sirln" top'irchase '', do weti to call soon.
Terms easy. IP.A T. CLEMENT,
j in. 2!, e'.n.
iiLTSi:;! i:; n.iKfiv.
i ME first Term of the Summer Session will
oj.eei vii
IuMlr, April , 171,
A desirable School for your g men and ladle
to prepare for the active duti'-s in life. Fnrnish
ed rooms. Board, Tuiti.Ki, Light and Fuet fir
per term, tend for catalogue.
II. II. F.AR1110..0MEW,
March ?74. It Priucinal.
John If. Sell.
Jons M. Scnoor.
Second Street. Wovri.SDOr.r , P;4.
Inre M1 - Uhlkoy.
Arn.r Wuikky, Ci'nDi'.T.s, Ac
All !.!.jiu'3 sol-1 gie.rr.intei.a as represented.
Orders promptly attend"! to and public i'a
tronage reapertfuPy solicited.
gil St., Worn.
1STL ly.
doi f. R'.rks Ct.. Pa.
j se(.on,i Street, opposite the Conrt nousc, SUN
Resx-ctfu!ly invites the attention of Retailers
and others, that he has on hand, and will con
stant! v keep all kinds of
Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniac, Cherry,
(linger, Rochelle and Otard.
Whiskies: Pnre Rye Copper-Distilled, Mocnn
gahela, Apple and Nectar.
1Yi:s: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port and
Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Kutn,
Brown Stout and Scotch Ale.
And ali others Liquors which can be found in
the city markets, which will be sold at Whole
sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed
represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS
and BOTTLES, always on hand.
X-if" Orders promptly attended aud public
patronage respectfully solicited
r- SVFF.
Sunbury, July U. 1S73. ly.
SnhI for Illustrated Catalogue and examine
o;".r prices before purchasing, as we claim to sell
loner tli-in anv other establishment in the Citv.
i KIIJC.K AVENUE, Philadelihin.
W.XKK. Jolui W. Strirnsou.
Colin r 'I h'rd aiifl M irkct St. Simltnry, Iit.
HAS con
and or
completely renovated his Store Ronni.
pene-i the largest ar:incnt of
ever lihl'.etH in thi- p ut of tho State. Every
thins in the .lev. Vy l!;.f kpi. i'i torc.
Sils r-Wri'.
Kins A (bla.
of every desen: Uon und of the tinest quality.
Paiticu!'.!!' attention paid to repairing
Walclics, 4 locLs, JeHrlry. Ae.
HAIR JEWELRY made t.. order.
Stmbtiry, March C, 1S74.
Peruvian Guano.
TT'A RMEIiS. A".riciilturisi4 and Dealers in
JJ Fertilizers Ikivp now an :m opportunity of
I'litaiiiini; t!ii. valuable manure in small or
I an;c lets, al the soli; importers prices, by ap
plyinto tl-.e Sp'-c j..! Agency just established for
the pur; oc of drlivcrini; Genuine Peruvian
Guano to n i.s' at any acecspih'.e port or
railway station in tL-e eoun'.:-y. Full particular
sivcii i:i Ciiciil ir niai- A fie.-on npi'lication ta
No. i,3 Reaver St., New York.
i'eP-r'.uees by Pcrmi.-.ion.
Mi -sr. Hobsiiii, l'.urtado & Co.. Financial Ajj'ts
of the Peruvian Government, W'aU St., N. Y-Mo-i
s Tavlnr, Pres. Na'ional Citv Bank, .VJ Wall
St., N. Y.
J. ('. Tia -y, Esij., Peruvian Coustil, 'Jt'.V rroad
way, N. Y.
M.ireh t, 1"7 1. 3 mos.
(Li). L ANN,
CjtCO. llVftHS CC V0.?
, . Ar , . r.. . . 1 ,
l't 4 Market fctreot, 1 inlautlDhia.
' ' l
-w , r m tj x
-i-. i . ...
-ii nan , oari'i x ire uro-anizr.nort1
trfiiiiniii? nnitnrmnd
f Sampies cf Cloth, with Photographs, sent
; free on application.
; or belnyr tho leadiutr houeou Military work,
! fcel b t we offer ,naacomen, whlch CSB,
. . . , . ,
not bo attained anywhere cls;
Jan. 1ST?.
r!l-i:i 'i-V-?..-j;i;., ; 1