jumorcns iktUt i ZEDEKtAn 16 FnifiHTEXED. ir JOU could have seen the pale, terror-wrought face of Zedekiah wheu the incident happen ed, you would appreciate the story. Zede kiah AllarJ lived over iu Albany, in New Hampshire. His cousin, Peter, had been for several yeats iu business in Roston, and liad become quite a geutletnau in the way of fashion and knowledge of the world, t ne summer Peter paid a visit to the home of his youth ; but he could nt put up with the p.Cir accommodations of the back.voods of Albany, so he sought quarters in the ad joining towu of Conway, with mine host of the Conway House, said host at that time being Jonathan Dow : and while there lie invited his cousin Zedekiah to call and see him. Zed. came, and was astonished. He had never been in a big hotel before. The gaudy carpets ; the spacious halls ; the staring mirrors, and the bright pictures be wildered him. He went up into Peters pri vate room, where lie gave veut to his won der. 'Crotch all broomsticks ! he exclaimed, "it is the tarnalcst place I ever did see. I should think you would be Hambusterfecat ed in such a taugle of gewgaws.' 0, it nothing when you get used to it, Zed. You ought to travel.' 'What on them pesky steam indues and ships ? Xot's you knows on. I read enough about "em in dad'B paper.' 'AVell, well enjoy yourself as you rnu, old fellow. That's, ji it what I mcau to do.' You'll Uke dinner with me ?' 'If yoa say so-yaas.' w ou't you have a little drop ol some thing warming before dinner V 'Eh ? I)'y! nieau tod ? Ym.' 'Martin I will. Where'll we git it V 'We'll call for it.' 'Who'll ye call ?' 'Just you pull that cord that hangs by your elbow.' . Zed. reached for the bell-cord aud gave it a smart pull, and at that instant the gong sounded for dinner : Whir-r-r rang crash bang bang bang ! The din was frightful, penetrating to every corner of the big house aad shaking the very walls. Zedekiah leaped to his feet, pale and quiveriag. 'What have 1 done ?' he gasped. 'What the thunder did you tell inc to pull that rope for t O, Pete ! Pete ! What is it V Just then Mr. I'ow opened the door, aud looked in, askiug rather hurriedly, 'What is wanted V 'Xoth'n ' blurted Zed. 'You rang the bell, didn't you 5" 'Blast your old bell ! there haint nobody touched a bell. 1 lutint seed no bell. If there's been a smash don't com a lookiu' for it here, 'cause nobody iu this ere room ever did it, I swan I' Dow, in perplexity, turned to Peter aud asked him if his bell had not been rung. Zed. fearful that Lis cousin wight owu up, sprang toward him, and caught hint by the collar. 'Look here, Pete, cf you go to lettia on about that tarual' rope, I swau to man you'll have to pay the damage, for I'm blamed ef I've got a cetit. At this point Teter burst When he could control himself he explained to Dow the cause of his friend's alarm, and also elucidated to Zed, the nature and the uses of the Kong. Waal, I declar 1 But Jewhittaker ! wa'nt I tkeered ! Triberlation take yer gongs, I say !' But later over a mug of streaming punch, Zedekiah so far forgot his tribula tion as to be able to smile. C 2ft w York Ledger. Too Refined for Texas Society. A few days ago a wagon; drawn by a yoke of long-horned Texas cattle, halted on Ea Ciyete street. The wagon contained a good looking womau, seven children, aud considerable punder. A man, a small boy, and a dog that had run tc tail were the ad juncts. The party were from Texas, and were returning to their old borne in Deca tur county. An Alderman of the city who had passed mauy years of his life iu the Lone Star State approached the wagon. He said to the woman, From Texas, I presume ?" "Ves, sir." -Didn't you like the country ?" "No, sir." "Didn't you like the climate?" "O, yes." "Did you have good health out there ?" "Y-s." "Wan't the land good ?" "Yes." "How about ihe crops ?" "O, we made splendid crops." "Well, then, ma'am, what on earth is your objection to Texas ?'' "Why, sir," she replied, "I couldn't stand the society in that rough country ;" aud then she turned to the small boy, her son, and cried, "Sam drive that dam dog out'en the dinner pot ; don't you see he's got his nasty snout into the vituals." From the .htrlsoa WUi'j and Tribune. "Mr. .Smith, you said you once officiat ed in the pulpit; did you mean by that that you preached ?" "Xo, sir : I held the light for the man who did preach," "Ah, the court understood you dilferetitly. They supposed that the dicoursc caaie directly from vou." "Xo. fir. I only threw a little Usht on it" A Scr.rniUN minister applied to a ticket agent, on one of the railroads, for a "cler gyman's ticket," and on the official express ing a doubt as to his clerical character, ex claimed : "If you don't believe I'm a clergy awunni The agent passed over the ticket, but did not insist upon the proof. 'What do you do with so much V' said a gentleman at the South End the other evening to a beggar-hoy who had a basket ful of provisions and was soliciting more. Mother got three new boarders last night, and two other fellers left without paying her anything.' What,' exclaimed the fashionable Fitz wiggle to the exquisite Miss La Sparrow grass 'what would you be, dearest, if I should press the stamp of love upon those sealing-wax lips ? 'I,' responded the fairy like creature, 'should he stationery !"' AT a party, while a young lady was play ing with peculiar brilliancy of touch, a by stander bachelor exclaimed, 'I'd give the whole world for those fingers !' 'Perhaps you might get the whole hand by asking,' said the young lady's observaut mamma. THE evidence shows that he sot up with her night afUi nL'ht after night, and they squoze hands aud talked soft, and I thiok she ought to have about 8-3 damages, was the charge of a Kansas judge to a jury iu a breach of promise case. One of our neighbors had just put on his pants, the other morning, when he im mediately took them off again, under the impression that they were haunted. The kitten was pulled out by the tail aud drown ed. Teacher to a little boy Well, my boy, do you know your tables ? Pupil Yes, roa'atn, Breakfast table, dinner table, aud supper table. The boy goes to the head of the holiday class. iHUIh erg. ON KiST MAUKEr ST.. NT-AK TUT CITY HOTFI., M-Mll'KT, I'A., now open, al! I lie nove!tie of the Reason in RIBBONS, VELVETS, SII.KS, H.'.iWKRS, FEATHERS. ETC.. Ilium d and tint rimmed in i k a: i;om:ts. Noti.ir.s in every variety, call im.l examine- tin Hue :is;.rtme:it and learn the low prices. Also, Irossiija!iiiix oT I'.iC liitot it nd most fashionable, otdes. MISS AMELIA HANCOCK, Snnbuiy, Ph., Oct. 7. 1S73. l.Attl.V FA I.I. STYLUS. A lull line ol Millinery iiaU ("unit Now York and Philadelphia, now open nt MISS M. 1.. (iOSSLKR'S MILMM UV HTOItr., tritucJ and uutrimcd V.ONNETS AXi HATS, Flower. Ribb ns, Collars, Cull. Handkerchief, NiTKtie?, and a general variety of MILLINERY iOODS selected with treat tare from Hie leadi iff im portin lioiife; in New York v.n Philadelphia, at MISS M. Lv. (iOSSLFR, 'fourth Street, below the S. V. R. R. I'.vci 7 eri'.'rl w ill be made to please tho.-o vr'jit favor her with their patronage. O. tol'r o, i:. S73. F ALL SEASON. 1S75. yt i n.s m: ii v m FAxev ;ons, nr.w otri:, FALL STYLES. Trimnii'il ILh and Kontiets, Plumes. Feathers. Ribbons, Crape Veil?. Crape. Crape Hats and Bonnel, Bridal Hats and a full a-f-ortnient of the latest tttvle in MII.MMUY, THIMMINtiSOF ALL KINHS. Glove?, "Collar!". Cull's, and every fatliionatlc article of Indies' wj vr. Call and sec the new st?lnf (iXMli at MISS L. SHISSLER, Mat bet Square, Snubury, Pa. Oct ber S. 1S7S. HIXTER srvi.r.s. A MAGNIFICENT STOCK of Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Plumes. Feathers, Ribbons, f rape Veils, Crape, Crape Hats snd Ilo luts, liri lal Hats aud Bonnets, and a full assortment of the latest styles In J1ILLIXEK Y AT Mtr-s M. L. GOSSLER'S, Fourth St., below the S. V. K. R. Every effort wi!l be made to please those who favor her with their patroiiajre. Smibiiry, Nov. 7,1873. NEW GOODS for FALL AND WINTER at MNt Kate HlaeU'i, Market Square. Snnburr, Pa. LADIE'S DRESS GOODS of every tylc and quality. WOOLEN GOODS f every disci iption, Fancy Goods, Notious and Trimming a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. The finest assortment of Ladies' (rood. Everybody is invited to call and see tucm and buv rheup. October si, is:e. For COUC IIS, COLDS. 110 ARSKXESS, AN1 ALT, T1IHOAT DISEASES, WI'.M.S' AHIiOI.IC- T.4IS.KTS. ITT VU'VI.V IX lil.t K nKy. A TIMED AND SUKE REMEDY. Siiltt ltV DMlfT'i-S'R. 1. 144 SCHih.J. TKA IIKUS WAXTi:iloiit8edurii:g thr Snriii and Miniuier iu l)Ui;i- I hvn.e tl.MI yn m'MHi m tt:ir own -oiPit!,. Address ZIKOI-f N k M.t'l l:IiY. l'hiUdrlplii m'J0.4w. idEirra WAKTED rottTUE HISTORY OF THE GRANGE MOVEMENT EARMER'SWARGA!NSTMQH0P0L!t5. i;, , . ...i ....1 u-. ii .11. .. ,.r.r, -.f the Amriaii f irnn-r a;T'iii tltc eti,rlionsof elie Kuil roil i' niain.. it!i Ijisiori' 1 t'ue r!B aud rcfT'" . f t!w O.'-der of I'atn'li" "! Ilil'lmluliy. It srlli t :tht. Sei.t lor M-e;iiu'u in.'l teniii 10 Agents, and kh? wl.y it mU 1ut !. in r.'i oilier book. Address XA TI)N AI. I'l l;l.lHJN.i ., PhiUd"-!! inn, I'n. m'JMw The ire -t Anierirau C'otTee Iot db.tiis v.ol!'-c as elc-ir as amber; extracts all its stretiirlh: retaiiis all Its nutritions aroma. The bent thinj; evei offered. Price stnt to any address. Call and st-e it iu operation or send fi.r illii-trati-d circular. Territorial rights for sale. I)K WITT '. BROVTN V CO., C7-J Broadway, N. Y. mil) 4w pSVCHoMAMT, fr SOl'L CHAKMIXG."' How 1 either w ni-.y fjseiliaie uiid kuiii the love nil ftwion of miT ).crsoii tliey r house instantly. This niii'i- meutul aei.irrduirut al! can j-osiieM.tree.bj mail, or '.'-V., toi.'i-er wuh a inj.rnaK' ?Ui'ie, 1'yypiu.u Oia cie, I'n aniK, Hints to Ijidm. V-ld!iiR-Nniit shirts, kc. nnsf !!;. A.ldr-K T. VMIXIAM 4 t o. l"n!i. riiila. M..reli ill.-' r. m;i MS VATFI Fi'lt f.vi:ryovs ows imiysimax. tv '. V. il.i;S()N, M. I. A lio.)!.itt'-eiit voium iVnindiM,' .11 mil "r.'iOit iufoinniiioii, anil elepatilly il uttnir'.t. Oim As-nt tck I'M ord-r ri one ek. l'n - and terni to uit the times, roreircularsaddteas !I. X. MeKlXM'Y & i., U N. 7th Hi.. 1'lnla. nrJOw Ir.Snrc' Catarrh 'illimid cures t)T its k,J?litn-.ild, sKthin; and heal ai'vA ine; pmteriies, to v i I the ii? ase yields, w ..en f i llemcilv is ucd warm Z? and svslem put in per- ict'onli rl.vtt e wonderful alterative LxS iKiwer' i Dr. I'lorocsiiioiacn weo- ICOI UiSrovcrjj ui..eu carnuu, w i r.,rr.i l I.KKHl IUK1 svso in. wuicu are SJ- Lwi n-.-a ;if f Toll nl to net Fneeillcallvunon v Esa diseased plandi and lining membrane ot j pi5jno-e aiidcotninunieatingcharaliers. C J t iirrn lo'im-i wnn.ri w ifo- wain tiiv. i:h Sir. Picrcc'si Nasal Doache, the on! v tnt rumer.t wiia whieji nutu mea-f-!-i:ie e:in be jicrfccUy ajiplicd to all parts jvjj nf pnar" and chambers In which ulcerj rjjiek! t r.nd from wiiirhdiscliaree proceeds. Pj o siiecesslul has this treatment proven. -jt'lir.t t!:e )mprietor oners ftll I ware! fr a cae ft "CoM t Head ' or ?i I ii.- trrh be can not cure. The two incU i 'Si cin-i wi: h inflrinnent $ 2,by all druaglsus. QQ A WEEK TO AGENTS, fastest ?)((J slling articles out. Three valuable famplct for 'en cents. .?. BRIDE, 7C7 Broadway, N. Y.4w. UOKKI; T,ASi. Male or Female, ?:(J a we k, employment at home, day or even ing : no capital ; instructions and valuable pack age of goods sent free by mail. Addn-ss, with six cent stamp. M. VOUNG & CO., 17 Green wich St.. New Yotk. ma20 4w The Hiihl Medical Authorities of Europe say ilic firotigi-rl Tonic. Purifier nnd bwiKtiurni known in the me'die-il world M fJ ti r libel ii It urn -is decay if" ;i.il forces, exhaustion of the nervous sv-ti iii. restores vigor to the debilitated, eieatis-s v it i ited hinod. removes Vesicle obstruc tions and net-direciiv on the Liver and Spleen. Price fl a bottle. "JOHN CJ. kELLOGG, 18 Plait St.. NY. L1,'-4WJ iMivs! a;i:ts: imwk! vl t.rii t .iir 1 w lh.k :h jii out. ' ' E V i: II Y V,( DYS F R I ENI . " JOHN I'.ILLIN;S" PEN Illil-:.:iti'.t hv THOMAS N.IST S PENCIL, of e"ior-me Inaili w.il M-il Jik oysien, nt Ki'ie-ral. mil-t'T. f.vr-j'li.ty hun-r'-y for it. rit for Ui ti'.ir iiii'l s.- u!..it V cii!:tl. m. tive lo sfii!s. A"lclrs, A.MI.KIt AN II M.ISIHNii CO.. Hurt Mid i.li m.l:l.4w T1TTTT TlUm s' '''t '! K"' '-f New Hooks i.u K III PiKlS '! i.i-r.nc ami II.uI.Iim:. A. J. New Y"'lr. In. ! ).. I si: CAMPHOJUNE! C WPHoRTNE ! CAMPnoRINE! Cam piiop.ine! Tor sa I'V .ill m.ri.l... K. H'lYT, Troriiet-.r, New York. ! I'M? K VII 11,c I'-AimSM OW a llll A it jcuraiiii two ." t'uruiiKw Mr t'i To llfiV'l-'PW ViFNTS s.nile Ma:iiiu and l'b ternm to Aii liis T .:fereil. Am-lits make f-Hli)-'KI a wfi t. 1;K I T!tI:- : "Tl-e f 'limiius, Jmi One' and olt o..ke?i Hu ket,' given wiih Imii' Own Msaziiiei are lii-t-c!,isH uM elnuiiios. e.iial in all r'H-ee!a to any 5 climTno in imv h..iv."-- S. Of.t'wjN, WlmlewJe Art ii-.il-. I -liir.u;... "A.el'ess. I.Miti;-0N MAOAZINII New Y-ji's 'iiy. iu.ia.4w. MILLIONS or AtT.I'S UKII IlKMIX. I.AXPN In Nebraska, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP! TIN VIMS I K2t IT, IMFlirsT ONL C MK K!T. Iwvcrij live rRiii Ulots, wi'ii fc(-tio!i::l laj s, aeut free. The IMoiierr, I handsome THiistrjid paj er, nontiiiiifiif the Homo ttud I is, mailed fit- to all I in of tlif) world. Ail dreu O. T. DAVIS, Ijii;d C'omnilssiouer T. P. B. R., in.lS.4ir. Otintii, Neb. m LilJLl.lS.WWrTT IF CEHTRALRUG STORE Q.B.CADYLLADER Is tlif phuv to lm- pure runl IVush medicines. Dure-. l'AIXTS. OILS. CiLASS, PEKFUMEHY, NOTIONS, CICAHS, TOBACCO. EKJUOIt f.r itifilititml purposes, ami all other arti cles usually kept in a first-class Drug Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent druggists. I am prepared to furnish in quantities to suit purchasers and nt Philadelphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING n.UR. Portland, Roman, Kosendale aud Lelriv.li CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and CloTer . - . .. . r- 1 1 . I ( 1 Deeds. Also, tiarilen eels oi an kiuuk. v,au and cet a Rural Keirisler for 1S74. GEO. B. CADWALLADEK. Sunbnry, Feb. f., l74.-ly. Dr. C. M. Martin. Gro. W. Dloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13. South Third Street, Clement House Bnilni, Siliiry, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE just received a freth lot of Pure Drugs and Patent medicines. We have also a full assort ment of DRESSING AUV TACKET l0MB8. Hair, Tooth, Nail. Cot -.-.shoe and other brushes. TOILET AI l AXt'Y AHTICXEM. rlNB EX Tit ACTS, ft'KFT IWOK, KMVE8, C, C. REED'S GRAND II ( HESS COLOGNE, the snxctest pei fntne in America. rarilau,a Hid C.IOTe Wash. warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate shades without injury to the Kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, SEOAIIS, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pnr WiiiA nnd l.iniiors. for medical purposes. Physii-ians Prescriptions and family teceipts eompounned with care. Thankful for past favors we hope by fuir deal- Ins to receive a share of your patron age. September 11, lb73. W. D. ME LICK. Druggist and Apothecary, At the old established stand on Market Square, Sl'XBTL'RY, PA. Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fanev Good. COMB., BRUSHES. PERFUMERY, PATENTMEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTV, VAnXISII, DYEKTl'FFH, In fact eti.j'lhinir ustiallT kept In a well con ducted 3DE.XJC3- STORE. Particular attention paid toeomponndiat; Phy sicians prescriptions and family reei-rtts by the Propriator himself. Sunbury, 9m., June S. 1STS. Miscellaneous. Till: K1.U II A It HER NIIOP IS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and lonf has been ; nek history and she will tell yon Men have prown old in our patronage babies on their mothers' breast To bouncing boys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart meu with cares oppresses1, And old men silver pray. And aiiionir the honored and lasting impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions in circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the intrenuity and perseverance ap pertaining to the identity of progression, plyiug otir vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspirins to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Aiways to please We shave with case Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing care, And color the w hinkcrs black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow nie jiolitely request you to stop, And not go past nor from around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred aud right nor under the common secret and invidious guise of enmity t complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of his skin, ought not to a fleet his nscfulness nor his qualifications. A fair chance is all that we demand. !o give the -"if to all the land. JAMFS V . WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunbnry, April .". No. 91, Market St. T HIE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., want, reliable awl energetic Agents in. this county. The "VICTOR" is a Lock-stitch, Shut tle Machine, with salf-setting Needle, best finish ed nnd most perfect Machine offered. An in crease of 500 per cent, on sales of 1ST2 over 1871. For terms. Ac., Address. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO.,1227 Chestnut St. .Philadelphia, Pa. Sept. 12, lb7 :t. linos. GEO. W. ( OBLE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Real Estatk Acf.xt, and Agent for the Puila i MiEi.miA Miti At, Protective Lir iNnrRASOR Company. Ilerndon, Xurlhumlerlan'l County, Pa. ALL CLAIMS entrusted in his hands will receive prompt attention. Ilerndon, Ang. 22, 73. 4 mos. THE GREAT REMEDY TOR CONSUMPTIOrJ which can be cured bj a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and c ure of all Lung complaints, and is oflered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping; Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs. Arc "Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. PRBrABED BT BETH V. FOWLS ft B0K8, Bortm, KtM.. Ati sold lr pruftflaU aIPJrafotrallT. isrcllancons. IS Dr. J. Walker's California Vine gar Bitters arc a purely Vegetable E reparation, made chielly from the native erbs found on tho lower ranges of tbe Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is tho cause of the unpar alleled success of Vinegar Bitters t Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and tho patient recov ers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of tho syetem. Never before in the his tory of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable Sualitiesof Vinegar Bitters in healing i sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purpativo as well as Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation cf the Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilioui The properties of T)r. WAL?atRg VureoAK Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Diuretic, Relative, Cotmi!iV:'r:naiit, fcuaonnc, .aiir- tire, on nu -ArjU-liilious. R. II. KIcDONALD . CO., Drngtriats and Oeneral Ageuta, bu frauciaco, CaJlfor uim, aud eor. WanhlUKtoa aud Charlton 8t., New Xora Sold by nil Irurgiats and Dealer. ltOOK AGENTS FOK uirsriDEiRQ-iFio rjisrx) on, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE, BT TIIOS. W. KNOX. 9Vi 1'aget.Ortai o. 130 Fiue Kujrsi viugH. Relates Incidents nod Aeeideuts beyond the Light of Pay ; Startling Advcntuics iu all parts of the World; Mines and Mode of Working them; Caverns and their Mysteries; Down in the Depths of the fea ; Nights iu Opium Dens; Life iu Prison ; Stories of Exiles ; Journeys throuch Sewers nnd Catacombs ; Accidents In Mines ; Underworld of the (!reat Cities, etc. For circulars and terms to at;enti, address ths publishers. J. B. BURR & CO. Rartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. AOKNTS WANTED FOU BULLS and BEARS of NEW YORK. By Maihtw Halt Smith. Nearly COO Octavo Pa'es. Profusely Illustrate. If you wish to know how Fortune are Mad and Lobt ; bow Shrewd Men are Ruined ; how Panics are Created ; how Stocks are Bought and Sold, Read this Book. , It relates the biographies of the j;reat leading speculators of New York, with a history of Wall Street nnd its operators durine the past 2(10 years. For circulars and terms, address the publishers. We scud an Elcir.-mt (iernian Chronio. mount ed nnd rcadv t.r IramiiiL'. free to every Aent. J. B. 'BURR A Co., Il.ittfoid. Cmn.. or CMcajjo, III. A. V. M.'VV.KS. MONUMENTAL SHAVING PARLOR nnd BATH ROOMS. HAIR DRES5ED BY MACHINERY. l-?7loni f,.ift the place on the East side of Tiiittn STUEKT.a few duors South of Market, Sun bnry, Pa. BraiJs, Switches, Curls, aud all kinds of LADIES' HAUL "Work made to order cither out of combings or straight hair. All or ders left at Hie reBidencc of A. P. Walters, corner of 4th st. and Shamokin avenue, will receive prompt attention. A Specialty in CHILDREN'S' IIAIIt CUTTING, either at their homes or Shaving Farlor. A. P. WALTERS. Jury r, t73. tf." NTOVK k TIX KST.11LI.SII.nEXT. MARKET STREET. J8 UN BURY, PA. ALFRED KUAl'SE, Proprietor. sfCCFSOK I'l .ntl GEMTUEK.J HAVING pnr based the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Kraute would respectful ly inlorin the public that lie now ha9 ou hand a larrc assort mcnt of COOKING STOVES, Speer'sCook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal ot Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up tt beat one or more rooms. HEATING STtVEI of different kinds at very low prices. TitiMure of Eory lONcrl(Ioii kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coa Oil or.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan wart of a .nd. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give mc a call. A. KRAUSE. apl-M-lr A. M. MEIXELL, Utal.KK IN American and European VAT IIES. FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARI. 'rferted Spectacle and Eye GOLD HEADED CANES. Watcher ard Jewelry neatly repaired and wr nted. Market Sqiui". SUNri'RY.Pa. Feb. S. lT-'.-tf. SCMtl UY MAIIIII.K YARD, Fourth Slreel below Market, S U N B U R Y, P E N N ' A. riHE undersigned has returned from the Vir--L mont Marble Quarries with 56 Tons of Marble for MoiuiuientN, (.rave-Stones, m Ac, Ac. He has bought at such figures tint will allow hi til to R'-il better stone, or v. less money, than heretofore. The test Sutherland Falls Marbe, which is better than Italian. Rutland is njw sold ns low us the Manchester. Those who need anything in the Marble Ihe, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other pnrposes, will find it to their interest to call and examine this large stock, as better bargains can be secur ed than buying from parlies huckstering round the country. . All lettering will be dons in tha neatest and most Improved style. W. M. DAUGHERTY. Funbury, Jan. 11, 187U. CHEAP MUSIC Fur Ailmnred VUv I'lnijrrr, Piaiiiatf dmirinp of1 n'U ic at a lw ri-M should .ami SO tnta nr a c:vy f 'I.a i'KTur it i.a t'amr." Every nunilr niiitaina frtmi f'i t -i worth of gooil inuaie by n?irh author, as It.llrr, 1 Kit, Vo.i, Eubr, tr. , Publiahl monlly,50ots. i ear nutiilf r: $4 a year. Fi'i'sinijersanil ymai'j 1'ianisin. Send 30 rent, for FrtfrV Mimical Mouthly, aud 70a .ill put $4 worth nf New MuHjr. Every 11 tim br cm tauin 4 to 8 aouga, aud 4 or 5 tuatrumautal vierea by aucb authors aallayff, Stav xri, I homi'.iili, Uanks Ku.kel, etr. l'ulili.hed monthly. 90 ett, i r number, S3 per year. Pearls of Melody. A si'lendit! collection of I'iaoo nniiic of medium dj ft eult. $i in boardi ; clorb mud guilt $4. Addreta. J. L. PETERS, SC9 Urutdway, Bui &US, ,N. I Jan. 23, 1 674. Cm. 4 m - -- - - - Mercantile. new coons, tViTi:u stym.s of erery description nnd variety such ns Dress Good comprliing all Die noveltks in fabric and sli.tdc. Wooleu (jiool, ianey tiootls. Full Assortment of Notions, which are being fold nt tlic lowci-t Cash I'r'.ccs. Also, Gkoceimes and Phovisio.n, pure nnd fresh. (Jt'KRNSW A UK. Gl.ASSWAKK, ANI Wnti and Willow Wake, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on IimihI. A very I;irt ASSOKTMKNT OF WALL l'APF.Ii, both gliized and cwintiion, always on hai; !. BOOTS AND SHOES from the celebrated hand made Boot and iioe Manufactory of Watsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CIIILDKEN'. READ Y-MADE ULOT1IIXG, of all sizes and of the latest style. P L O U H . A constant mpplyof western white wheat Hour a speciality. Tlie public arc invited to call and examine our Good tree of charge. Our motto is "tj-iick Sales and Small l'rolits,"' nnd to please all. The highest prices will he paid for all kind of country produce. By strict attention to business and koeplntr at nil times the most complete stock, and selling at thelowctt prices, we hope to merit a f j11 bhat e of patronag. REED BROTHE1! ASEASHOLTZ. Siinbury, Dec. 3, 1S73. ii ii i mm im n' in i This Space In Keservod Tor the Advebtisemest of PAINE & McCORMICK'S I HARDWARE STOK K Market St., Sunburj, I'a. March 29, 1ST3. ly. i o Ml C a. pj If M a ? -3 L 3 . S r. 2 5 ri i s. 2 4 a - -3 S5 Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAI1T.L, RF.SPECTFULLY Informs the citioiw t'nt be bas just received bis Npring and Summer oaI(, at his TAILOR SHOP, on fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, and that be is prepared to make up all kinds of CiEXTS AXI ROY'S SI ITS. of the latest styles, llavintr bad inneh exj-ori-enee in the business he desires the public to t;ive bitn a trial. (.lotbing will be made up in the latest Paris aud American Fashions in the most satisfactory maimer. al-.'.'TI. CHARLES MAIIIL. TICK'S Floral iiii1e FOR 1S73. 200 Pspes, 500 En?ravini;s, and Colored Plate. Puklisbed Quarterly, 25 cts. a year. First No. for 1S74 just issued. A German edition at the ltm prlee. Address, JAMES VICK, Rmbester. X. . iVlOM, Jamiarj ! COME OXE! COME ALL ! ! THE subscriber havintr erected a Blacksmitli Shop, on the lot adjoining the Oil Mill, formerly owncil by Morgan Si Masser, on Fourth st.,tMin bury, 1 prepared to do U?ueral IHatltHiiiilliing, on the shortest notice, ami in the best manner. Custom work promptly attended to. HORSE SHOEING made a specialty. The patronage of town and country is respectfully solicited. J PETER WILVEU. Sunbury, Nov. 7. 13T3. tf. c Third Street, SUNBTJEY, Penn'a. DI ALER IX 1 Mm HOLLOW WAKE: Slxtf NantI sJtf j Sheet Irca Ware j K f JL r every les-ri; Ve ii!il:i!ors. Hrsv lion. ! THE BTAH COBzll i i For Wood or Coal, Nos. G, 7, S and 0. Largest Oven of any Stove in the Market ! Patent Feeder anil sliding front c oniv Tin lined oven door. and Porcelain knobs. F. isily managed and simple in construction. Sure operation. Also, other C O O Iv STQVES const.ft!y on band. New bepntn-r.- and cash buyers will do well ;to call and examine my ftock before pun dci'-int; clscwln-re. All are invited to call. In conneriion with the above business I am furnishing T.fJflKf'sCiiiirLlltiiiiM,! "With Spiral Flanges. This celebrated Lightning Conductor, owin to the material from which i :' tltt maiiner of its construction, is the most complete protection against disaster b. Li;htni ng ever invented. This is conclusively shown by a practical test of over four years, during whicn time it bas been in constant use, being erected upon many thousands of private and public buildings in all sections of the country ; and although there have fallen upon it, in numerous inrtances, most terrific discharges ot electricity, yet in no instance has ii failed to conduct them harmlessly to the earth, thus laving many lives, and property of almost incalculable value. Ail ovih-.-j from any part of ihe County will receive prompt attention. Snnbury, Murch C, 1874. tt. In order to make room for the magnificent stock of Spring Goods now being made to my order, the whole remaining stock of MM Gents Furnishing Goods, ITS AND CAPS, will he sold out at a reduction of from 20 to 30 per cent, at Popular Clothing Store, Corner Third and Market, I'OST POX EM EXT. fcO.OOO IX GIFTS. A Grand Gift Concert. A AND GIFT CONOKltT n.il t;ivn .it tiaulmry, I'a.. by t I'ali-ii.deui W VS ili:-A;T'N .STEAM FIKE CtlMfANV, On .riSDAY, Jl'I.Y til. 171. Uiili c 'I f tiiUt N .ire t'M littore tl:.it tiiti. . v i.f n di.r notir will be givcu of the tmif. A full Irawius Ortuin. ttii. to t!. P;;;.it-t and iu order to nie.-: ti;e jjfiier:il ... .1 ....... t..i ... l,u . til. 1 ... ...a . i 1.1 . f. rt.'.e full iavnieat of tlie Ciilta atiuom. l td. t'.e n.aii- aunni nt La.i' i!i";t:DiiiieJ to post j unc tic Loi.iett and lnann u to the date above utatnl. The ol-.;et of this enteriirine i? fnr t!:e rurj om- if p- Olirii-ii a S'ram I'ire K:niet wlili-li wiiiKt Mi advalitutiP to all iifii;!iboriiiK towiia aiwaaiMe l.j rail, tn'iii tbc fai-t tho: it -a. :i u- an liidi iadciit cotnp.ii.j. Aud as we haw timer failed to diM-lurm otir duty v um c..':tl hi - oit, ve ei ftianly wi!l tie al'ic to aeeoni Ii -ii nut; e i.M.d with t!;e :.id of a Hte.mier. Tliere in 110 b-.-si t'-,n i.ii:e ren Lirj,"' and 5ini'.ll lowus within thirty miles of s.inlairy. it U of which ean le reaehed hy railroad, tuns iiit'ordii. the fai-ilitv of iiMUHting nnv of thvn t !.- iu li-wi than an honr'n tune ; while at th Name time our town will i,..t lie U'.it-ro'ected. litr projee1 lieinif a l::ii.I one. we feel corti :it that all the tickets will In- i si 0,0 11 by the tiie.u atve named for drawing. Tilt: l-tiI.Lt)WIxa IS A LIST OF till Tsi: ONE OU AND uri-T OT .-!,:VO Moo " " ' " 0x1 " " ' ,:l:l " " " :n.) " tiit! o: Ill wlfts of $."J).ilJ 40lii:tsif iVft llKMiiftKof llU J iit't vt . Mai (lifts of 2.110 l,0"Mi (iiltn of l.oo -3.1 .'..'.'."!.... bNi t,llo.l I,IKI l!' l.iim !,no0 i.ooo 1.H.-.7 Total. .i'.'.i'iii Tins entcrt-rij ia no individual .i.t eii!.:! ion. iiicii aa'l houset, hits and 1 limit ure put 1111 at i.ihiih.i: i'rn-. Tiie hohl-r cf a mu-ousful ticket v.U! rcviv.- h- i I T iu CASH, TLt-if will 1h' ia.OitO Tick'-ta tf .bui- .i.ni tu this ('.'ii eert. at ?l.'h '.teii, and at the taiie al.v- :.4t-l the f'.i,ut in CASH iiifts will Jist ri but nl. I I.AN OF DISTKint TlON. Tvv-i:ty tianKand iiii:i:tie:-a, repr (e:iTiii ;u.a co;;v Iiouilini; with liiose on the rrri'ii.ts issui'il, v. ill tn pli-.eed in tine whi-i-1 unit canU curlumfil the nauien tf Ihe Premiums in Kh''l lxx will Iw pine-! in :iuither. l-'rniii tii'se wtif-eU, a mmilier and one of the aNive nam ed inserilieil eanls will lie taken aiiiiiil!aii'oti!y. The inimher fo dniwii from the one whe-l nt'cnrt-a the jre miuin ih ;i::itiMl by the earil taken at the i:iiiie time from tiie ul in.-:-. Tuis oi't ration will N j i rloi iru-.l by a liliml pcr:jo.i, :.nl eoutiinted until Ki,rh(' ii Hiiiulifii anil l"il"iy-Si'iii lM i'tniiiniK are ( xhaiisit .l. I; is evident. th.it ly tuis procrs, lnitiil or favortm will tn n-ij -:-Me. Kvi-ry erson holilm a ta-ket w ill he .'ii'i'.i. fl to adiinioii into th" Coi.ivrt. AU ( i;ts l'..iil in CASH without discount. l :if-v inn h" s. nt for Ticketa iu n-i' sti rel 1 :t i.-, or Tns; oiru'f Ma;,fy onitv-s, or hy P.irt.-s :i o.i r:.U. If ili-iiril, 'i'ii lr:s will !. M-iit by Knref, t1. o. i. 'I'.:t- l'-Ih.'.vi:-,'? M-ii;h'i:n-Ti h ive k:n!.y iv - " I net as Ti ns i s l i th" uKive tiitt Coiunt : S. I'. Vo!c:-:o'i. t:-.. Oireitor I.II.ai.ilW.i;. it.: Oi o. iii',1, AOovnvy ii L i ; Hon. W. I., p.1.' r . r liiflnii r t o1. -s ; Win, 1, l.ii,riioliL;,:f 1 liitif " .)!' 1 "i f. I Ni. Ii 1 lit k o: Suiiliury: .U in: Ii l.-ij., hti..; In T. C:. ii:"!t, l.uti:Urmati ; w at. T. Oi , co.il .M I,-!: int. Sii-il aty. '1 in- i.m. .. ii..m. il i .'tl-:n'n are 1: vT i1"!"-1 1 "tid !lm"':.i.ii. !' ;l, wiiovoili.i not 1 ml !h-.r l;..l!ts ;oii4 - i.-.i..'-.- to aiiv iiiiwotthv ol.j' ;. siM I. S. HlMil'i! t;s, iKO. :,f. Itl.NN. M. II. Ml I.I.I V. I.KVI SKASHOI.I . l llfl.ll' M. StliMO 1., (.Ii:.-.i;:ei A!i ii'i-'imi!: ill ail e. , !M Cjio r! ul! v ;i:..n ;T -i!. .'lori'Js, 11III.IP M. -JI'MiFI.. ( 'oiTi-si . -i.. i: s.vrt't .t N. s. Fs-'-.i . il: t . M l : of I'nnd (i. 1S71 SIlV idi: iiMV. (iomd.iys. CHEAT ATTRACTION. Toys. C'oisJci'lioiioriPS OysU-rs. Ac. K.verybody is invited to come and buy of the band onie assortment of TOY AND CONFECTION FT, IF. at SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STOKE, j iu frame bnildini:, adjoiniinr Moore it Dis-ini.'! r's j buililine;, THIRD STREET, MKLltk, PA. Just opened a fresh supply of Con feet ioneti.-s of everv description. TOYNOF.U.L KI(S I coii.-tantlv on band. The best ISA t H.s, j (T-RRANTS& DRIED FRUIT. ! I rUUE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SI'ICES, ! fresh Bread, Buns fc Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCl'ITs?, CRACKERS, Ac.; OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Havinir littetl up a room expressly for serving ; up Ovsti-rs in everv stvle. Ladies and Centletneii ! will be accommodated with the best bivalves iu market, at all boars during the day and cveniinr. Families will be supplied at their residence with the be.-t bhell or Cauned Oysters, an is desir.ible, at the verv lowest prices. Call and sec my excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. S. I . NE IN. Doc. '.0, 173. Tiiiued aud K:i:Jii- J. B. EEED. PEXXSYLVAM A IIAII. RUil). rniLADELrniA & erie n. n. division. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, December 1st. 17;;. the Traius on the Philadelphia t Erie Kail Road Iiivl eion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Philadelphia. 12.."5 p ui " " ' Ilarrisburs,' j.0." p m " " " Wiiliamsport, 'J.0 p m " " " Eniporiuttt, 2.1" a n n arr nt Buffalo, 8.5d a m trie Mail ieave3 rnuaocipnia, j " " " Harrisburg, " " " Williamspol't, cc 44 LocK Haven (t ti t ' ' KenO0, an at Erie, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, - i t Ilarrisbitr"" . ti v'ilt.,"iport tt ,t I '' I ' 1 ' - " arr at Lock Haven, Renovo Accotnod'n leaven ilarrisbur 10.30 p 1:1 :i.ui n m 7.oC a in 8.40 a :n lO.b.'i a m T.CO p m 8.00 a 111 1.30 p iu li.-O p m 7.o." p m S.,, 11 m " " " Williamsp't. T.'..V) p 111 Bald EaIe Mail leaves VilIiamport, I..V1 p m " " arr. at Lock Haven, '5.10 p m EASTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Buffalo, iJ.2."i p in " ' Emporiniii, tMO p m " " " Wiiliamsport, 1.10 a 111 4 arr. at Ilarrislmrtr, 4.5 ) a m " " Philadelphia. V.K'aia Erie Maii leaves Erie. 11.20 am " " Renovo. 8.40 p 111 " " Lock Haven. tt..V p m " " " Wiiliamsport, 11.10 p m li ' arr. at II irrishurir, S.05 a 111 " " " Philadelphia, 8.00 a m Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, 7 55 a ui " " Williainsport, U.oO a m " " arr. at Harrisliurir 1.50 pm ' " " PliihidelTihi:!. 5..V1 n 111 j HurrUbttrg Accom. leaves Williamsp't, C.50 p m arr. at Harrisbnr";. 10.50 i m " " " Philadelphia. 3.50 a m Bald Eastle Mail leave Lock Haven, V2.20 p m " arr. at Wiiliamsport 1.3() p m Mail East connect east and west at Frie with L. S. fc M. S. K. W. and at Corrv and Irvinetou with Oil Creek aud Allosrheny K.K. YV. Mall Wept with cast and west trains on L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry nnd Irvincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny K. R. W. Elmira .Mail and Bntralo Fxires make close connections at wiiliamsport with N. C. K. W. trains, north, and nt Ilarrisburg with N. C. ft. W. trains south. WM. A. UALDWIN, Gen'l Sap "t. IMiiladelpliia V ICreatlius Kuilroad. WINTER A HIU'XG EMEXTS. DccEMncit h:h, Tkains Leave IIekndon as Follows : (Scmiavs ExrEPTKO.) For Sh.imokid, 10.10, l'.X'd a. in. an-! ".V. p. tn. For Mt.Carmct, Ashland. Ta!ilaiiia, Pettsvilh-, Reading and Philadelt hia, WAV a. tn. Trains! rou Hekmiox. I.nvvc as Fn.fi'.vs: (Si nhat Ex.rt rrrr..) Leave Shamokin at S.00 a. in. 1 50 and o..r'-" P. in. I Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m., Keadin-r 1 1 -1 . a. in., Pottsville, PJ.lt p. m., Taiiiaqu.i. l.'J") p f.i. A.hlaud, 2.35 p. in., Mt. Cartm !, :l.Jl p. m. Trains Leave IlAi:i:ir.fi:c, as Follows : For New Tork, 5. ;'.(), .V1 a. 1.1. and CO,) p. m. For Philadelphia, a.'.W, S.l a. m.,2.0C and I "" ; p. III. ! " St'NPATS). For New York, 5.S0 a. m. For Philadelphia, 2.00 p. m. 1 Tr.Aixa rou IlAituism ia., Leave as Follows : 1 Leave New York, D.OO a. m., l'-MO and 5.oO : p. ni. I Leave Philadelphia, 0.15 a. pi. Z.Z) :v.u T.15 p. m. SlNPAYS. Leave New York, 5. SO p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. in. J. E. W GOTTEN. , Ctntrul Snp't. Readinc. Pa. Jan. SO, 1ST:".. THE PARKER GUN. 'END STAMP "CR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MER!0EH,CT. OTfm f fey da as The .11. ti si ami Ihe I.iJy. A lily in my rriirV'ii !j;tw, A r-il.t t!:" Ihypie an ! c!"rer ; S fa':r:-r ii ever blew, S-.if!i tlit; 'viilf xro.M over. I..- ii : .iiy j .n i ir.to niv heart t . : i '.v : . i:i:i I ::s t' .iS Vi-ry .s;.J .rf. .-et !h ;l -1 ; rkn.-.r ' ! i ' !':-! 1 ; Li;.i- .:nv I k :;t.v 1 a-' ssh.TV.I x'M a sii'Ii. 'li.-!i lifiMen : as.; :n.; wherthi lies 4'i'.?tiiaB tiiiy Tli- l:il'..:!: ti::.t us; A:: 1 i:m'::'- a J c: feet ; ; He stuiie.I, an.i stoopia pi tckc-l tl.e flower 'i " : i -i 1 tore it :i-af and petal, A;:.-i t.i:!:cd to ::ie t'r full an hour, And t ir.::.e-. h,' p-.i it to settle : .h: i: !i at len;;th he cries ; Bitt I I kiiO-.v 't'.vas aiily CotiM o:dy w.-'-p, and -ay, "Bat wIicm O, doctor, wlu-ru' my ii!y J"' A C'oll CE3IENT f.r njindin eartheti wary, says a recent Enli-!i work, reckone a sr-:it seer.-,; among workmen, is made h prating a p-tunl of o!t! cheese with a brea raU r into a qu.irt of milk, ia which : tiiiibt left for a period of fourteen hour: It sh'.-uM be stirred quite ofteu. A pouri of Uiisi ic'ved litne. finely pulverized in mortar ii t'.iea added, and the whole i t!n rt)t!-liiy mixed by beating. Th: dune, the whites f twenty-five egg are iiicorpiirated with the rest, and tt w!i!!e is ready f r use. There is anolLt cement for the same purpose which is use hot. It is made of rosin, beeswax, brie iluht, and chiiik boiled together. The su' i static,1, to be cemented must be healed, ac when the surfaces are cmted with ceme; tin-' ruut be rubbed hard upon each othe as in making a glue joint with wood. Watekpkoof Taint fok Caxvas. The foi'.t. wing it a cheap and simple pf cess fi.r coating canvas for wagou tof tents, awnings. &c; it renders it impt nieable t: ni'iisture, without making itst and liable t; break : Disoive soft soap hot v.-ater, and add thereto a solution sniphura'.e of iron. The sulpliuric ac combines with the potash of the soap, al the oxide of iron is precipitated with t fatty acid as insoluble iron soap. This washed and diied, and mixed with linac oil. The addition of dissolved iudia-rubt to tin; oil improves the paint. For. WoitMs is IIoitaEs. A corre3p dent of the 3fii,ie Firmer furnishes t following : Xo. 1. Take of alum, sulphur and ci peras one fourth pound each; mix a give one taUespoouful every alternated: tor a few days, or longer if cecessa No. -J. Give nax vomica in every feed ; 1 or fifteen ilrops, Recording to ae ; give for thr.u u.ty?, or every other day fo: week. Xo. Z. Linseed oil one pint, spb of turpentine one or two tablcspoonft according to age ; give every other day a week. It Xo. 1 lails to elfcct a ci alter a fair trial, try Xo. 2. Use Xo. 2 a last resort, especially if the patient bt jviungier. DTUYIXO (rKAPK CfRtTLlOfi. j Oiiioan says : '"ihe only ellectual met' of destroying them that I could tiiscc was the old applicable lo ail the tribe, t of jarring them down aud destroying thi I use two frames made of a square of i cutntiion p!astets laths, nailed at the uers and lined, witli white cotton clo join the two squares together, leaving aperture on one side t slip beyond stakes. Hit the stake a smart blow v the inailet, aud kid as fast as the fail, smaller square hcid in the other h. uu.lur the v:nes, striking the stake -or tn with a mallet m the other, will gatbt great many, although of course a por of tlifiii will escape. 15ut they quickly on the vines a:aiu aud are ready for next c:ileh. Operate afier the dew is One person can go over a great many v in a day, ami by following it up for a days they will be found to have sens diminished " 1'AIMtNU ROL'Uit Dt'ILDINGsi. Be the active flirin busintss lupins, the i J will ltuvt :i little lime to 'Mix ut).'" the f liiil;!h:i;s. A 25001 1 puint is made in t!i;tti::er : Taki' two ounces of a!-arann and two ih::k s of jiotasli. tlifsolvc th. 1 llirre quarts of wnlcr; ail. I one quar raw 1'iii-iL-d oi!, tbtn t.il;t say ten pot lrv roi i.i.r.t, nud adil water to nial lhi:i utiou.li to j.ut on with a whhev brush. Add one t;ill ttirpeiitine to tht seed oi!. Ii" rid (bars nut suit, add . tiling to t.Itcr tl.e color. Faint mad above will be almost bright in te twelve ear3 .ou rotinh buildings, as t Iir?l :ut ou. To ni.tke the building you fciay paint the comer .boards white iea.l and oil. Coloring K:d Gloves. Accordir Reiini ti"s J)i'rn"l rf Dj(ii-j, the glover to be smoothly titled 011 a wooJjq ft and tin- coloring solution is to be bru on ; tho diilercut colors being prodaeei follows : liiaek The tilove is brushed withal hoi. dried, and when brushed with a coctioti of logwood, and after ten mir the logwood, liquid again applied ; afte mint: us more :!:: pctl into a solution of vitro!, and then bruslted o!l with v j trster. ! t'.' o'or is iu.i. s tlark a; sired some doeocltuu oi ittstic orqucrc inav 1? added to the loirwood liquid. traU- oi'i: : :i may also b,; sttbstituted adv:'.:'.!a"J for green vitro!. When clove begins to dry it is rubbed with , fine o'.'ivj oii and French c!i dk, and placid bt-Lweeti 'J mnei. and then prv a-a:n well rublhd wit!i o'ivo oil an chalk, atid draw upon tbe wooden 1 Xotic of ihe coloring solution tnttt 1 the inti ri r duritiir the operation. JHr-jwii A decoction of fuslic, b wood and logwood, with some is brushed ot:. Tbe shade di must regutato the proportions of the eretllews. To darken tho color a qu-uttity of green vitrol tuay be useii. .bii;eeo-reil A decoction of coc! it!i the addition of a little chloride and oxalic-acid. Tbe shade may be i'.y duqeuci by the addition of a littl IVIli'li. Uray A decoction of sutuac, aHil sequent tn.atmt.11t with weak soluti emu vitrei ; greenish-gray beinobt by addition of fust ie and logwood, or artd precipitated indig to the suvr quid. Anv cf tbe aniline colors, in 80k tn ly be employed by simply brusbin; on without further treattnetit. In p a brush a sponge may be employed mote suitable. The favorite blueis mav be imtarttd to tbo black glo wa.-hing tliem o.Twith amtuoiiia afl orim.'. The stitching mat be prt white, if desirable., by coaling wit paste with some Jat in it. j