unburn SlnuritaiL SUNBURY, APRIL 3, 1874. Railroad Time Table. AERITAL AUD PF.PARTI RB OF TRAINS T SI SKI KY. V. C. R. W.. South. P. A E. R. R. West. Elmirs. Mail, 11.15am Erie Mail, 5.15 am Erie Mail, 12.55" I Renovo Ac. 11.10 a m Buffalo Ex. 2.50" I Elmira Mail 4.10pra HarriiburgAc. 3.10 p m ButUlo Ek, 7.10 " I SBIRT AND LKWISTOWS K. R. Leave Sunbury for Lewb-towu at 6.33 a. ra., and 4.30 p. m. , Arrive at Sunbury from Lewutown at l.S-i and C.55 p. tn. SUA VOKIN IIIT1MON, . C. R. W. IJtlTE I ARRIVE Kxpre.. 11.45 a m Ma'l, VM0 a m Mail, 4.30 p m Expres, 4.00 p m An accommodation train leaves Shamokin at 7 10 a m, arriviug at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a ui. Ketorin:, leave Mt. Carinel at 7.00 ? ni, arriv ing at fchaniokin 7.30 p in. DASTOXK, HAZ1.ETOS & WILKFSBAKKE R. R. (us . m.. for York. Ke- tarn at 4.10 p. in. Accidental Insurance Ticket ctta be had of J. fchipuian, Ticket Agent, at me Depot. tn.i.. A rFnrrmrnl for (he l0t OOlre at Kuuburj , OffUt Ootn from 6.50 m. m., lo 8 p. m.. 'ittpt on Sunday: TIME OF ARRIVAL AM) CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrive as follows : From the East at 5.15 a. ra.. 4.10 p. iu., " South, 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p. in. " West, 5.15a.tn.,11.15p.m.,4.10p. ni., " Noah,1.50a. m..U.l"a. m., 4.10 p.m. Shamokin. Mt. Carinel and points on that liue, fl.'J5 a. m., 4.0'i p. m. Mailt close at follows : For the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. in. " Sooth, 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. ra. S p. m. " West, 10.50 a. ra., 3.50 p. m.. tf.OO p. in. " North 3.50 p. ro., 8 p. in., Shamokin proper 11.15 p. in. Shamokin and otliccs on that route, 4.-0 p. m. Money orders will not be issued after 6 p. in., . Saturday,. J. J. SMITH. P. M. ft ocals. nsmrss The Improved Grover & Baker Sewiwg M NE. Thefce celebrated machine are offered at the most reasonable rate. For particular apply to I). Kl'TZ, Agent. ret.22,'73.-ly. I'pper Augusta tow nship. Carouse Daliis, dealer in Musical Instru ments and Sewine Machines. Market street, near Third, Sunburv, Pa. Call and eramiiie the best 3rgans, Mclodeons, Sewing and Knittins: Ma chines in the market. Always on hand the Es ley. Silver Tongue, Smith's American. Mason &. Hamlin Organs. Orders taken lor all kinds of fianot and Musical Instruments. The Peoples' favorite Sewing Machines : Iomcst:c and Gro fer & Baker. Persons purchasing machines 'rom me wlil receive instruction. First-class Initting Machines for sale. Toe spring ftyle of Hatt are already offered or tale by 8. Fauci, Sr., on Market Square. The latest styles from a lame assortment can tow b selected. 3. F. Sciiaffer has received the spring sty'.e .f goods and is making up suit in the latest asbion. To get a good fitting suit Scliaffer't i lie place to deal. It Cawot pk Denied tb.it B. L. Raudenbu.h eept the largest and best assortment of house old furniture in Noi-thumbe'lamd county. The lost beautiful bed-room suits can be had at rea onable pricct. Parlor furniture of every style nd grade, are kept on hand. Upholstery done t tbort notice. Undertaking a specialty. Wat. H. Miller has the larget stock of the Best Boots and bhoes in central Pennsylvania. . general variety of make can be found in his tabiithment, and all of the best make. tffairs. TBE Union Park and Agricultural Association ill bold their next Annuul Exhibition at Sunbu f , Pa., Sept. 2fl, 30, and Octoler M and 2d, 1ST4. Foe Ret. The Drug Store Room now occu d by W. V. M click. Also the room adjoining anst's hat store. Enejuire of H. B. Masseb. At many of our tulcriber way change their ;aeet or residence on the first of April, all tuch ill please notify us o! the change, so that wc tn make the chauge in their postofllce addrest. .ate the name of the postofllce at which they -e now receiving their paper, and the name ol w office at which they wish to receive it. . W. L. Moore, hat started a bakery, and flour id feed store !n Purdytown. See advertisem't. Jere Sutdee, Esq., hat moved hit office to his idence on North Fourth ttreet. Tbe nw ttore just opened by Messrs. Simon Oppenheimer, is already doing a large busi es, owing to their selling Ready-made Clothing ,d Furnishing Goodf. at astonishiugiy low ices, pee aoTcniseiueui. The finest Shad of the teason are daily sold l Sam Nevins at reasonable prices. He. keel's ,e best freth fish in Sunbuiy. Tee editor of the Sunbury Zxiityhas been both nod and fished during the past wek. This is idouUed'.y the leasou why he look sotrj,. The Washington Steam File Company went Northumberland on Thursday with their new ,gine, to show the deuizent of that place the ci its of their machine. Sixc E the Court House King has been ousted, reral of its members are engaged iu building w bowses. It if Strang.-, but it is nevertheless Or- The Peox-y:a!iia Sunday Schoul Association 1 11 hold its next annual meet.ng in tirnulon, .r.e9th, Hand Jlh. A ur Otter w seen in the rir-r last week at tttton, Luzerne county was tht at und itsed. Drimmrbs" oie muttii'ljing Jaily as spring lvances. So ore traveling J.vr printers. Larse flocks of wild pigeons were se-u in this :inity iu the early part of this week. A Plimoitm woman offers a huudied dollars any one who will kill her son-in-law. P'ttrtun izette. We would sarge-t that tbe son-in-law be it to the Shamokin coa! regions with his bio-er-in-law ; he won't !he long if our sngg-4iou carried out. WsareindcUed to C. P. Seasholtz, Esq., for .. t tre Atfcm . '.) 7"rtmr.- Mr. t. 1 louroing iu the sunny South for the purpose of ruiling hit health, au.l we nrc happy to learn it lis is rap'.diy iu.provini;. Persons liable to a special tax w ill find a uo- in our advertising columns, fiom the Inter 1 Revenue lepartment, w hich i of special in esl to them. Tbe Annual Statement of the Sunbury Fire In rance Company, will be found in another co nn. It exhibits the Company on a firm basis, I shows that a large amount of business is nsacted by them. irrEALS. Notice is given in another column the County Commissioner, that appeals will held in the different borough., wards and nshipt in the conuty. BE East Ward Re-taursnt. kept by Win. C. jog, is mfuyetpitlt. Mr. Young has retired to ate life, and the bui.dim: is being fixed up an extensive millinery store by the Misses iter. inBt BT LotK.E, No. 208, I. O. ofO. F., re zed from tbe room in Ha upl't building, into Bent's building, on Market Square, ou Tues last, where Ihey will meet iu the future. be new issue of tbe ten cent currency, causes tidersble trouble, because of its striking re blance to tbe flfly cent note. Many niis s occur. arch came la like a lamb and went out , like lion. kcmbcb of our attorneys are doing their tiug in Philadelphia this week. Supreme t it in session. H. Pcrpt, Esq., has moved iulo his new ? in Purdytown. It it an elegant aud enm ois residence. LB Di'CKt are abundant on the river, and oorttnien went for them in a lively style for k past, with considerable tneeesn. Fire. On Saturday morning last, about two o'clock, an alarm of tire was sounded, aud mem bers of the different lire companies hastened out of their beds, and ran through a snow storm to their engiue houses. Though no lire was visible anywhere, they proceeded with their machines through snow and mud towards the river, in which direction the alarm had been given. The Hook and Ladder Company in advance, through Walnut street, aud the Washington steamer fol lowing. The scene here was rather exciting at the firemen trudged along with their beautiful engines through the flying tuow flukes, their bulla giving the dread alarm as they proceeded. Many believ it to be a false alarm. When near Front street the fire burst through the roof of the buildiug owned by Lafayette Wynn, when a yell from the foremau for double quick was given, and the 'hoys,' with new euergy, hurried forward. When .they arrived at the lire, the Hook and La hler Company at once proceeded to save the neighboring buildings, which were in the most imtnirteut danger. Their ladders were put up aud men ascended with buckets of water to dash upou the sides of the buildings which wire already scorched, and which would, in a very short time, have resulted iu a confla gration. The Washington Steuin Fire Company next came on the ground, the uieu cluiost ex hausted from dragging their heavy machine through the enow aud mud. But having been M to believe that it wa a alse alarm, their steamer wat not fired up soon enough to do im mediate service. The steamer No. 1 came on the grouud about ten winutct afterwards, with a full head of steam and horses attached. Dur ing the intervening time the Hook and Ladder men kept the fire from spreading by the use of a few buckets. Had the fire got control, no doubt a number of buildings would have been burned. Both engines having taken their statiout at the river, they commenced to force water Steamer No. 1 throwing the first water upon the burning building. The Washington about the tame lime succeeded in throwing water upon the adjoiuiug, buiidiug, thereby relieving the Hook and Ladder men. With the tremendous force of water pro duced by the two steamers, the fire wat oon put out, and the ueigr.horiug buildings were savad. The fire originated in the upper part of Lafay ette Wyun's new house on Front ttreet, which had been unoccupied for several weeks, and was no doubt th; work of an incendiary. The upper part of the building was entirely destroyed, and a loss sustained of about 11.200, which we learn is covered by insurance. Tbe firemen deserve the highest praise for the harmonious manner they worked toeether, and their good management and control. Many of the men were drenched with water, but noni complained of their duty. At the fire we refer to", we noticed several mat ters which would aid greatly to the benefit of our already efficient lire department. A peneral fire alarm located iu the central part of the town, to bring out a sufficient force of firemen, to assist In getting iheir engines to firet, should be established. Another, that the Hook and Ladder Company should be supplied with three or four doren leather buckets. The company is composed of some of our most active aud daring j young men, and as they are generally brought ! into service first, their execution would be of telling effect, and where firet arc just breaking oat could save large amount! of property from destruction by fire and water. At this Ore we noticed but about a half dozen buckets in use, yet, with thit small number, ail who witnessed j their operations, must acknowledge that they were the means of saving the home of a poor widow lady. Such occurrences may lake place frequently, when, with the aid of buckets, pro perty will be saved. The buckets w ill cost but about one hundred dollars, and the company are anxious to procure them, but are unable through the want of meant. At most of our citizeus taw for theinselvet the want of this important addition to the fire department, we hope some measure will be adopted to supply the need Another Mi'kder is tub Coal Region. On Sunday evening last Thomas Giibbint aud Joha Keating, his lrother:in-law, who boarded with Gribbin, went home at Excelsior station, be between Shamokin and Mt. Carinel in a state of intoxication. Wheu they arrived home tbey got into a dispu, when Gribhins shot Keating who died almos-t instantly. Gribhint' daughter made information before Esquire M. L. Nalan who committed him to prison for trial. Thit makes the second party from the Coal Region, now in Viiou for killing their brotbcrt-in-law. It it ra ther a tUky business to be a brother-iu-law, at iorg ns bad whitkey it dispensed iu that region. OrR neighbor ol the Vail, having lately been engaged in the fish busluees, tried to perpetrate a joke on hit friends by publishing, on Wednesday morning, an account of a ualural cariosity, in the way of a catfish found in a hollow log, with "two heads perfectly developed, and two tails." But as it happened to be the first of April, there were hut few who took the bait. Of course we can't say that the editor imbibed beer on the ev ening previous, aud dreamed to that effect. Br.t then, everybody suspicioned "nigger" in the wood pile. Mill Hi rned. We leain that the large flour ing mill of Wm. B. Kemmerer, above Milton, i took fire from the smut machine, on Satuiday evening 1 itt, and was entirely consumed. It will be well for our citizens to remember that Geo. O. Bartlett hat removed his Photo graph Gallery to Shamokin, where he hat locat ed, and will continue to take tbe most perfect likeneses for ail who call upon him. Those hav ing negative! iu his gallery c an have their orders for pictures filled by sending a postal card. Ma ny who were deprived of good pictures while in Sunbury, will be glad to find that Mr. Bartlett hat not gone further than Shamokin, and will surely call to see him when visiting thai town. ArroiNTED. David Rockefeller, Esq., aud E. Wi vert, have been appointed Notaries Public by Governor Hartraiift, and the appointment! have been confirmed by the Senate. OfR paper dou't present as good an appear this week as we desire on account of a poor arti cle of ink which we were necessitated to use. The ink was imposed upon us. We have sent for a belter article, and hope to give a more erfcct impression on our next. Chas. Hamrrigut, or Philadelphia, has be come the proprietor of ihe Americrn House, iu thit place, formerly kept by Dr. Eyster, and will continue it ns a hotel. Mr. Hambright kept this hotel several years since, and wat a popular laodlord. We recommend the home to the pub lic. Mr. Hambright it a good, clever and ac commodating laud'ord, deserving of public pa tronage. Coi.. Jamf.m Woiirall, of Hariisbnrg, on Thursday last, sent a cau full of young Salmon Trout to (Jen. Clement, to be put in the river at this place. They were taken from the train di rectly to the river, and deposited in the dam op posite this place. Past. The editor of the Sunbury Va'.ly has cot to living so fast that he dates his pajier one week ahead. Yesterday's ifjer (Thursday) In art the date of April Nth. Accidents. ri Thursday morning, at the Short Mountain slope, Jacob Witniau, adopted soif of Mr. Aarou W'rtgrrt, or Coaldule, met with ai: accident resulting in the fracture of his left leg below the knee, and otherwise severely bruising him. We were unable to learn further of the maimer of the accident than that he was employed on something connected with coal cars, and iu some way i;ot beneath the wheels. On Monday lart, in Short Mountain slope, Mr. Samuel Messner was burned akout the arms and face by an explosion of gas. Ou Tuesday, at Big Lick colliery, Mr. Jere. Wagoner was burned slightly in the face by an explosion of gas. Lyken't lifgittrr. Friends from the country should not forget that we are alwayt thankful for every item of news they may send u. The demon of dullness which is often allowed to reign at home, has more to do with driving young men into vigors company, than the at tractions of vice itself. A ladt in this place wants to know what is the meaning of the expression "ante ' and "pass the buck." Her matrimonial companion uses it in his dreams, and she is afraid it indicates ty phoid fever. There wat less suo this winter than ever be for within the memory of the "oldest inhabi tant." Tnosr of our borongh subscribers who do not receive their papers regular'y will confsr a favor by sending word to thit office. The following arc the appoiutmeuts made by the Central Pennsylvania Conference : WII.l.IAM!POKT IH9TKICT. T. Mitchell, Presiding Elder, Williuni'port, Pine stieet, D. S. Monroe, J. F. Davis, sup. ; Mulberry street, J. J. Pierce; Price chapel, A. W. Gibson ; Third street, B. F. Stevens ; New berry, E. IL Yocum ; Lycoming, A. B. Hooveii ; Loyalsock, A. 11. Mench ; Siisqiiehauna, J. Rot h rock ; Moutocrsville. A. M. Creighton ; Muncy, M. L. Drum; Hughesyille, E. Butler: Muncy Creek, C. W. Burnley, C. J. Buck ; Wat sontown, J. A. Woodcock; Moutandou, to be supplied ; Elimsport, Z. S. Rhone ; Milton, S. (.'. Swallow ; Lewifhurg, R. Miffliuburg, M. P. Crosthwaite ; Salladasburg, J. T. Wilson : Co gan Valley, E. M. Chilcoat ; Liberty Valley, A. C. Crosthwaite; Ralston, H. F. Cares, Jersey Shore, W. C. He-ser ; Pine Creek, H. Lunily ; Great Island, D. 15. M'Closky : Lock Haven, b. L. Bowman, J. R. King, sup., R. E. Ki l!ey,sup. ; Salolia. J. B. Cuidy. J. N. Moorchi ad ; Hynir, J. B. Akers ; Renovo, G. Warren ; Shiutown, to be supplied by Mr. Gr.ihain ; L'. idy, J. 15. Moore; Siunemahouiiig, A. E. Taylor, W. S. Wilson ; Emporium, J. W. Olewine ; West Creek, to be supplied ; Caledonia, L. G. Heck ; Wharton, to be supplied by P. Bird. E. J. Gray rrcsidei.t Williamsport Dickinson semiuury and member of Mulberry street juai' terly conference. I. H. Torrcncc Secretary Pennsylvania Bible Society, and member of Mulberry street quarter ly conference. H. A. Currau Professor Keystone Normal School, und Mouther of Mulberry street quarter ly conference. J. F. Bobt Piofcssor Pennington seminary, N. J., and member of Sallad isburg quarterly conference. DAXVILI.E MSTKICT. N. S. Buckingham. Presiding Eider ; Danville, St. Paul's, F. B. Riddle ; Danville, Trinity. A. W. Guyer; Riverside, A. S. Bowman; North iimherland J. Hunter : Washington, A. S. Slit- deuhall, N. B. Smith ; Bloonisbnrg, J. H. M' Garrah ; Espey and Lightstreel, F. E. Crever ; Orangevil.e. F. Gearhart ; Benton, J. F. Craig, T. 8. Faus, S. Cieighlon ; Milliiuvilie, J. Stine, T. H. Tubbs ; Blooininsdale, H. Wilson, to be supplied by M. C. Brittain : Muhlenberg, W. Moses; Shickshinuy, J. A. Gere ; While Haven, E. T. Swaitz ; Hickory Run, C. L. Benscoter ; Weathcrly. J. P. Moor ; Hazletou, W.W.Evans; Janesvillc, A. Brittain ; Conyngham. J. F. Brown, J. llorninir. W. A. Carver ; Catawissa, B. P.King; Elysbur-. T. O. Cieos. G. M. Sa vidge; Shamokin, J. C. Clarke: Centralia, G. M. Lamed ; Excelsior, to be supplied; He'lVn stein, H. B. Fortner ; Mt. Carinel, S. W. bears ; Ashland. W. A. Houck ; Trevorton, G. H. Day ; Snydertown, N. W. Colhurn ; Sunburv, J. A. Dc Moyer ; Seiinsgrove. J. Moorehead. B. H. Crever. principal Worlhingtoii semina ry, Minnesota, member of Bloomsburg quarterly conference. il'NIATA DISTRICT. M. K. Foter, Presiding El-.er. Huntingdon, J. S. M'Murray; Pelerhurg. J. A. Ross; Ma nor Hill, W. A. Cllppinger ; Enlsville, J. Keck nian ; Mount Union, M. L. Smith ; Newton Hamilton, A. R. Miller; M'Veytown, G. S. Sykes; Granville, W. A. M'Kee ; LcwiowD. W. G. Furgnson. W. M. Frysinger, sup.; Fiee dom, J. R. Akers ; Decatur, M. C. Piper; Mil roy, J. P. Long; Mifflin, G. E. Penej acker; Thoinpsonton, W. Sehribner ; Tort Royal, W. R. Whitney, C. W. Marshal ; New BloomlielJ. A. W. Decker. L. S. Smith; Concord. G. S. Sing er, W. Bowden ; Burnt Cabins, W. W. Dmnnirc ; Suirleysburg, W. M'K. Reilcy ; Three Springs, E. Shoemaker ; Cassville, G. W. Dunlap ; M' Conneislown, E. White ; Saxton, W. H. Stevens, W. F. Heck ; Everett, J. Donahue ; Ray's Hill, T. F. M'CIure, D. H. Huston ; Bedford, T. Sher lock ; Bedford ciicuit, J. W. Eiy ; Schellsburg, J. M. Johuslou ; Pieasautviilc, J. W. Bell. Over Avaricious. Some time ago we no ticed the extraordinary luck of two editor, re sulting in a division of the contents of a hog guessing bank. We are pleased to note another streak of luck r.f one of the same brothers of the quill. it appear, from recent reports, that "Fred,' the colored porter of the Cleineut House, has a heart as large as a bushel, and is frequently induced to show it by bestowing gifts on his most intimate and worthy friends. Though a vooi-dyed Republican, his magnanimi ty sometimes causes him to leave the path of virtue for a few moments, when he niinules with the Democracy. Under the influence of this ge nerous nature, "Frtd," on last Tuesday, pur chased a large shad, and preseuted it to a Demo cratic editor, Lot a thousand miles from here, for the purpot-e of giving the links of friendship j an additional polish. No presentation speeches were made, tut it was noticed that the editor went through manv gesture, indicative of thanks to his ebony friend, more easily under stood by himself than the magnauimous "Fred." On passing .he Clement House with his gift, the fortunate editor stepped in to boast of his luck aud his opjortunity to fill up his 'vc-ket.' While sojouruing at the hotel for a few moments, a.go-! verument official made an oftr for the shad which was immediately accepted, as th-- editor I could not withstand the temptation of the filthy j lucre. The T.j cents were forked over, and a the profit was considerable, the editor stood the rounds, leaving out in the cold Lis colored fiieud "Fred." With such n: amazing succession of luck among some ol our editors, we may soou look lor large improvement looming vp in the vicinity of Sunbuiy. "Fred' neither black spirit nor white it hard on the "nigger." Lager Beer. !ince Messrs. J. .V A. Mocsch lin have purchased the Lager !! r Brewery at this place, they haveheeu making ival impiove menls iu thai establishment. The machinery and building has been thoroughly clean'e 1 which gives it an entire different appearance. The j Messrs Moeschlius ale practical hreweri Irom Germany, and since they are. brewing, the beer j from that estub'ishinent ha been if really im proved, and it now considered equal to any in the State. Those who drink the beverage may i r...l .i.iimI tfcut tin v i'et a !e:Hi article. The ' ,r. .,:. of cxeeii. nt a- racter, sober, industrious and attentive to busi ness. Having purchased the establishment with a view of making this place their future home. they have a light to a full share of patronage of j which they are i:i e very way deserving. A tetition fioni the citizens of North uu.ber htnd borough ha been presented by Hon. A. H. Dill, to the Senate, for the passage cl" a general act prohibiting cattle from running al largo. A boatman from Danville, whilst pushing a; boat with a pole at the Collector's office al this j pla:e, on Tuesday morning, fell ovuboard, and ! likely would have drowned had not Mr. I'o-t'e thwaiu, the Coiieclor, assisted him in ge-tling out. The man had hurt himself in the f:.;: v. Inch ! made him helph-r. .YurfAV rrr. J Accident o L. t H. Railroad. Mr. Ned Purely, engineer on a passenger train i-n ihe L. It B. railroad, was severely hurl on saluidiiy last. Whilst standing between the engine and tender tie leaned ul beyond a Safe distance to examine the lire boxes when he was struck by a sign post and Knocked lo the ground. He had three ribs broken and w-s otherwise injured. He wat brought to this place iu the G.I Tip. in. train and taken to Mrs. Rentier's boarding bouse. Xorth'd 1'rett. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has de- cided Ihe suit between the North & We st Branch Railroad, and the Danville Itazleton and Wiikes barre Railroad in favor of the former by coa fir til ing the injunction granted by the court below. This is an important item of newi to this sec tion. A Mkeiing of the tfliamokin Valley Farmer's Ciub was held at Even's school house, on Tues day evening, March 114th, when the following offi cers were elected for the ensuing jear : President Charles Rirehart, Sr. Vice-President John G. Bright and 11. F. Colket. Secretaries J. F. Evert and Reuben F. Hoo ver. The Club w ill me-et agMnon Tuesday evening, April 7, at the same place. On last Thursday twelve miners had t'l be taken out of the slope on account of foul nir which settled there on those dull days tlmt we had last week ; but none suffered severely, as we learned that on reaching the fresh air all were brought to consciousness without difficulty. ,. VrciM Mining- Accident. On Tuesday last Mr. W. W. Wary, one of the bosses Of the Cameron col liery, was dangerously if not fatally injured. He was with some others in the mines raising a large stick of timber, which happened to slip, fell back and strucK him on the head, fracturing his skull. M r. Wary is one of our old and most respectable citizens, and It is to be hoped be may recover from his injuries. Shamokin Ifriahl. Error. Rev. J. A. DeMoyer will succeed Rev. G. D. Penepacker in the pastorate of the M. E. Church in this place, instead of Rev. Col born, as we stated las, week. Rev. Colborn will be stationed at Snydertown. Thomas Pai i., or Mt. Curmel, was committed to jail ou Thursday last, by J. M. John, Esq., for assaulting and beating his wife. (!k. Hill, Esq., is the executor of Hon. Geo. C. Welker'scitnte. 'f h.i widow Is to possess the dwelling on Market street, aud all oilier proper ty, except the farm during her life. How Printer Livk. The editor ol a paper in Warren county (Pa.) says he has not received two dollars in live months. Many may doubt this, but those who do so give rvidencethat they know but little of the trade. Sunbury G'ttzetfw, May IS, 1S2C. There appear to be some subscribers to news papers of the present day, who have not departed from the rule of that remote period, Judging from their slow movement in approaching the printer with the "sponduiics." Personal. D. A. Beckley, Esq., editor of the Bloom-burg J!epuUU;m, spent an hour in onr sanctum, ou Monday evening last. Brother Hockley publishes a live. Republican paper in the Democratic strong hold of Columbia county, aud through his racy quill we hope he may be the means of converting many i-f the Filling Crftk Democracy. A Ni visKit of rafts are tied up along the river J bhotv. The water is too low to proceed further. Asohim: Slide occurred along the narrows he low town on Monday last. The Lcwistown train was detained sor.it four hours Vfore it could pas. LouK On, Boys. Capt. Roach, policcnwn for the railroad companies, has been authorized to prosecute all persons whom he may ee or hear of jumping on i rains while in motion. Tur member? of the Baptist congregation in till place gave a donation to their pastor, Rev. A. C. Wh .at. on the STtli ult. It could uot have been bestowed upon a more worthy man. Es;i ire Ilil.nrsii, of Jackson township, com mitted t prison Beneville Tot on Monday last for assault and battery upou the person of Iaaac L. Swim-hart. Yost, it appears, was beating hi team, when Swinehart endeavored to expostulate with him, wa set upon and beaten unmercifully. Yost should Uo be made to suffer for cruelty to animals. ritiNTLii's A'f ors-TS. The following plan for balancing Piinteis' accounts of runaway sub" seiibers.it appeals 'M the manner in which it wa-j done in X"'J7, which, we believe, would be an excellent idea to adopt at the pie seut time, as there are still some subscribers of the same sort left. Wc copy the following from the Susquehanna Jtfgiter, of June, 1827: PRINTER'S ACCOUNT. Charles H. Locke Dr. To Dimoek and Fuller. To Susquehanna Register one und half years, 3 00 .".0 3 30 3 30 00 00 Po-lHg- Cit. Bv leaving the countrv Court Iro--eIliig. (From the JJuily.) WEDNESDAY AND TUl RSDAY. Jacob Scasho'itz and David R. Maliek, trading a Seasdioitz t Maliek, vs Upper Augusta town ship. Verdict in favor of plaintiffs. Peter Rangier v liah. Verdict in favor of plaint iffs. Jacob Reim vs Danie' Druekeinil'er. Verdict in favor of plain' iff. Harriet A. Maize, by her next fiieiid Jacob Maize, vs Jerry L. Maize. And now. March '-, on motion of . P. Wolverlon, alias Subpa-na in Divorce. E.iz.ibeth l'uyers, by her next friend George Man:z. vs. F . C. Pavers. Court continue f. II. R K.iee commissioner, to report at next term. Court fuljo'irned until March '."H, at 10 o'clock A. M. FOR THE AMERICAN. I forward fur your perusal, some cc-pU s of Shannon's f.azttl-er. of lV.'T, which 1 have pre served all th-se intervening tears. That ol Au :ust oOlli, you will see. contains the proceedings of the great Jackson meeting, sal 1 to be "the iargc-t e ver held ic ihe county All the officers and actors of thai meeting have passed away except one. Win. 11. Muench. Esq.. of Shamokil: twn-hip. In l!ioe days there was no king iu Isiael." At least, there was no controiing caucus to bind the independent freeman's conscience. Eveiy candidate ran foroIIU-e "on his own hook." Ev ery votr selcciej his "fittest man," without re- now believes ill i gard lo nomination, or would-be leaders. In irits. bit thi;:ki proof of this look at the election returns, in No. j 11. The regular nominees for Assembly, She riff an I Commissioner were def. atcd by large J niajoritii s. ; N"le, also, that of ihe sixteen candidate-, at that election, ail except two. Col. E. Kline and 1 Ex-Sheriff Reader, have all gone down to i Ih- crave. And we bail follow. All ? Y s, ! politiiians, ;n'.Vi-.i, priests an 1 comnwn people. I n I what fieii ? Is ihls the end f CAMDEN. GREAT JACKSON MEETING. Voice or' Xorthuiii'-crlivvl. "rceab!v to tmhlie notice, given in the Mi'.to- "to, Uttec-r, and North Wester. Post, one of the iiiii-i numerous assemblages ol citizens etc convened in ihe County, upon any public occa sion, met together in the County Court-House, In Snuburv. on Monday the iitnh of August, at a ' eloik P. M. besidcfc the interior of the building being crowded to oteiilow ing, there were a great concoiiri-e of people without. On motion Jhury fV ra.i.. Esq., (a soldier of the Revolu tion) was chosen Prusid nt. '' '''';:'"' ( Vice l-r -sid- iils. Jiuti t. Esq , Jiahitl Stuthltr, ( Urn. II. M'tencl, S eeretaries. The notice for tin.' call of the. meeting being read Capt. Jlfnry prick, submitted for conside ration, tlie loliowmg preauiuie. ana resolutions. lleie follows a lengthy aud elaborately written j preamble, and two and a-haif columns of reol'J tior.s, which were all unanimously ndopted. Fell: TllK AMERICAN. J Flowt-r. Not for utility but for beauty wc love these gituin Nature's vast field. To the soul of re liiieiiient there is beauty iu the: tiniest blossom, be it even hoi ne ou I lie homeliest, despised parent j weed. To the lover and student of the be-auiiful flowers give a most piea-nig voiumcoi ricn, lare and en liess Vanities. .ovvcrs, sweet Dowers are kindest reliever, to weary niiuds. With their beaiily and fragrance, tin-thinks, they are as soft iuIlabysto careworn spirits, as if, through them, a voice divine; weie calming, soothing the soul from sin, rai.ing it to higher, holier unira lion. Flowers, beautiful flowers, are as Heaven's messengers ot love, speaking in their beauty, speaking ill the-ii silent growth, in their untold ing : the e is a refining, ennobling power, not '' .''" VV. , ,. '.i ..T S, rZ i IllliC ':anv ii ii i' ? hi Him ,.... .... mav Ue a revcaicr oi .hut. eiunjj taste-. i o you see u home spot with its flowers, be they iu gorgeous prolusion or confined lo the lowliest, yet in them is portraye, in silent language tin heart's appre-ciativene-ss. Flowers, beautiful flowers, God gives them, as He gives His sun shine and His rain, freely, bounteously. He scatters ihem here, there, every wlie.re, and they le-ave their impress; they are gentle reminders. Hack in the book of years I see a cactus, laden with its rie lily ,-oloicd fl.iweis. entwined by the less-iniposing, more attractive oXulis ; even now. on Memory's canvas, us then, they appear, and with theni the deal hand and loving heart from whence they received their nouiishing care... Flowers are mementos, beautiful mementos. Before me stands my iimarylis, with Its floweis of richest, deepest colored petals, speaking to me of the loved, departed giver, who has gone to the realm where are psreiinlal flowers undying as is her spirit. Flowers, sweet flowers, love them, care for them, see in Iheir growth, their softlv. beautifully escaping from their casket, matchless skill. Divine goodnc'S. Watch each, every plant mid flower coining from the tint germ iulo living beauty, in the little seed, the tiniest se?ed. How much of beauty lies resting in sleep. Watch them, read them, and in so doing love the Giver, ac kuowledlng even in His (lowers Omnipotent kindness. Mat. Eltshurc, Pa Mr. frlitor Dear Sir : Having noticed in the paper, the brief state ment made by the good people of Elysburg, re lative to their institution, and feeling a gu-at in terest iu the welfare of that Invitation, we, the undersigned, representing some of the student formerly in attendance at tho Elysburg Acade my, now in tte field of teaching, respectfully write in c-udoi sing what has been said in the staLeint'TIt referred to. A seuse of duty w hich we owe to .Mr. Bartholomew, us a benefactor, compels us to take this method of expressing to him-lhe high regard we have for him personally, and of 'acknowledging ourselves debtor to him and the Igstiluliou of which he is the lioa.l. We hava been referred to a evidence of the success of the Institution ; whether we bear tes timony to that fact or not Is a mutter left for others to decide, but wo lo testify at to the tho roughness and practicability of the course of study pursued in tho Elysburg Academy. The excellent discipline maintained in this Instil itiion. and the thorough and practical training instilled j can not but prove of untold value to students. 1 ho plan r instruction, so unique; and com- ; preheiisive, so facile and free from the toil and ' and di udgerv of many school-, all contribute to j make this liistitulion a desirable- one for young nun and women to prepare for the active duties ih life It is a. live, practical, common sense school, conducted by an able and skillful teacher, who has tin-cause nt heart, mid whoso energy and perseverance never tire in laboring for the spe--cial interest and best welfare of his student. We respectfully submit, the; above to the pub lic, not ostentatiously, but as the utterance- of our honest couvictiou of the character and work ings of this Institution, Desiring lhat more of our friends should participate in the privilege we have enjoyed while in attendance at the Elys burg Acade-my ; therefore, be it iietolrtd. That we extend to all, eager to ob tain a liberal education, and especially to those, wishing to prepare for teaching, an earnest an. I hearty invitation to become member of this practical Institution, assuring them that they will be doubly cotnpe -nsated for the time and money expended, and l ledging ourselves that they will be received with warm and hearty wel come, and will soon be made to feel that they are among friends. Signed, Win. B. Eister, llaticn A. Heitsyl .Imo. Gillespie, John C. Yoctnn, Wm. A. Klufc, Urias Bloom, Daniel Fett-nnan, Geoigiacua Jefleris. PrrMAS's riiosoi:ftrHY h.n hMifiio 1 cimi c e:sicte:e:i tue sie i i- '"' "! .s-ccrt- ha-a1 Wiiiii: r. D. Iinvrevi-r. L:j" tvvera! end mi; o:!:iia defeois : le-f-i d.fljenlt to hum on ici'iiiat of it itiiMe-'-du rule, wi.li mi army of exee; linns tu ikem.ainl fr-.m tlie f ie. in. I srver.ij Miuialx l::ive :i ic.rjL i; l;e tj il k'tf.is. whieli me a l to deuiy aud e ii:i..-e e-.eu sa t x; e.-ic::ced wriiei-, wan Ir.ts t i I'en.li whi. ii fonn hesiionii uo !in heuus'a; to 1"; fiee from ail tii.-n.:iit cx.v, t :-fi to wbti the sjie:ke- i s-.yl ig. These U-:ec', aud the iive;iy of niore aim; :e Kid nnifuim system, aave Icel to the perlee-tld: of :i le-w pynt-in known us Kifoorai-:iy. oleri.d from two e"i:c?!t words memlug I leas.mt ewit kuif.) win i' free I;o:n iiredliri;ie. and i time m:-r, a'.el ilnr j -reeii'. shceier than IMnnie'e. Tl'e w i.ile I'rine';; le oi iiiis ifw art lii.-y le acini rd in if.-w davs, 'ii. J .i nwuth'e i i.c4 voi a.-il..ily in :e .il. g a "i H-ii'ii g v..':l .-ti-ti ion y oi a lo i!e it with f.e-ili y. T!.- etcei L eK I io:o.; hathy'' j ui;;-,1.'?'l by Mes-.ri-. T. W. I. vans X i'o c.l I'iiiliiitei; h'.-i, a res; na-kdile Ilfn, ti. w Ii j.ioniiitly luliill tua og-." lLey aiul.- i t cm- u.U v .- r,g a!i;ni!. - - Turn: Ntvr. is Lkiiidn."" may he upplicd to those w ho die annually e.l Coiisiimplion.altlioiigli science bus, of Sale tears senib!y diminished their number. It is gratifying to know that the general n-c; of Dr. Wi-tar's Lalsam of Wild Cherry is largely instrumental iu nt' lining this end. Wc are Confident that no case of cough, co'd, hoarse ness or influenza, can withstand the coun terirritant and tonic properties of Dr. Wi-harl's Pine Tree Tar ( oroi.il. Il can he had at all druggists and storekeepers. Sati hat.- a PiiC-of liread or Meat ith gas iricjaice, and it "ill ilissolve. This is digestion Add to such a mixture a liflle alcohol, and it will not dissolve. This is indigestion, iit-ware, then, of tinctures, or tonics, or decoctions cem taiuing spirituous Ikpor. Miun all rum "ionics,' and rely solely em Dr. Walker's Vinegar Hitters, the lim t digestive iiivigorai.t known, and fite from the fiery curse of A;coh'l. Don't he Disi;irK.ti:r. Suppose you have ''tried fifty remedies"' and received no benefit, is there therefore '"no ba in in liilead ?' Verily there I.. Vour liver may he congested. your sto mach half paralyzed, your nerves rp.iivering.your muscles knotted with torture, your bowels con stricted, your lungs eliseascd. your blood full of impurities ycl iu one we ek after coninu r.cing a course of Dr. Walker's Vinegar loiters you will feel like a new creatine. 4 .v. SVIX I iL OI H I H. To raitali(. To ?len of .llctliuiu yicaii'. stud lo ail IViseliiug; IloiiK-st mid IIiiih A void I'ayioy; JU-iiIm. 11 v reference, to the Watsoiitovvii I.'rrnrii and Sunbury ti.izette" will be " am' more explicit'ilcse-iiptioii of tie- pro.tty 1 oiler loi sale, either in lots or by the uc,e. Hut w hat 1 wish to more p-irlie'ilarlv bring before the pub lic in the UlSKKAl. 'I HUMS 0:1 whi'-l! they aro offered. I will i?F.U. LOTS f.oin MOrt to .SH and Lauds by the Al'KE fiotii f'.Vij to 35t!t, ac-c..t.!-i.g to the location. Tcnus : Ten per cent, of the purchase money d.nv n. ihe balance in time and amc.nnts to suit nurcliuHift, from (INK to KKJIIT YKAKs, with le gal interest from day of sale. The street, and alley w ill be opened as !"at as lots are sold, otl:al ail may be approach'-,! tt '. 1 1 1 ease. Ail person' who are note paving re nt can have an opportunity of securing a home for less mo ney annually' than th-y are now THUOWINii WAY ii: I'-nt. A'tV person tvi-liing to s.-e tbe lands or lots wiil cail 011 me. when e very nppoitunity vt-ll be giv- n them to I; ive a fair chance to sre t supe rior advantage presenied to the- public. In addition to tin- lands above re-!e lie d to. I now oiler for sale THIIK.K DU'III.LI Nt; ll IC SES, situate em Water stre-1, in Wat-o!ito-.vn bo rough, tla-enie being the large and coiiiiiio.'irtts Ilrie k Dwelling nov eicc-u'ii-il by me. al! r.f said dwellings having the ncccs-aiy outbuilding- !! immediate u-e. For further i:)!Vr:i!:tt:en f ail on or addre-s ,1. M. FOI.1.MI.1!. Wat-oiilowrt. l'i. flctoher SI. I'll.". 1 yr. to (ovssn itivi:w. 1 sd'-e-1 , li;'.i.- liec.. J 1 ' !.; lie: :l I v cili'-l ii Ilea dreid .I'-.-.e.' . e';.i saa.j !. i. t... .1 .:.:i I. .ei:.e-.!y. in antioits t, ic. !:- k-ie.., .1 to t-i- i-!U.w s.ni. '-e.s !!e nieas of e-ure. I u : li v.K .Ve i-. I t II i.d .i .-. ' y uf the -:i-ser::.i!oi e -e-t. Jr-e it rti ie- u e h ti. --i:" t -llu:u t'ir j i- .::ir. .! -i"i iis.'.t; '!e velia-'i nay v:l! find '!!'- t'uee ler e' i.i.i'a; it ' , As'.mia. i:-.i:..-a.. &e. ljie w'shitiK ! t '-s -i ii tioii wdi I le.i'e i..l-S"- llev. V.. . W II.SilN. !t; l eal: .S-., Wiilb'u .!..!; '!i. New V.'.-. Nov. tjl, IsTJ elm. hiidron ottrn looli I'aU- ! Sick from no either ause than having wi-rnn in th.t ftoin ic!i. PdlOWN S vr.l.MII'l'f.i: COMITIS will de-troy Worm without injury to tin child, being perfectly WHITK.and from all the coloring or other injurious in g!V.!a uts i.s:iai,v us.-.i in veeirni preparations. Cl in iS eV IlK'liV .. rroprictors. No. "15 Pult-.n Stic !. New Veiii. , V a Ii.-n. r,i;V'x n i'I I !n iu'is!.. ti'i'l (."'il. ;.' ' ' : Mrtliin.- t Tiv'ks n -Fiv r. ( i:t- v box. July 1'.', l -;::.--ly. . riii.t) Yfarn' IlxprrieiM-e ofaii Oltl ; Mrss Vl:ilou's hooliiin eVJl tS i i I lit- r's)TIlt ioil Ol'om-of the best Felllilie :,hys:cian ati I Nurses in the United States, and ; las been ii-el tot thiity years e.l:li never failing afety and st.cecs, l;y iniliio::- of mother nt'd "hildren. from the feeble infant of one tv . !. c.dd ' o the adult. It corrects acidity "!' I h- -' o-n.tcli. ; n-lietes wind eoli--, regal;. Its i!..- Ii.ot. N." :.tid lives rest, health an I comfort to mother and child. We he iicvV it to b the l' si an I Mires'. ; leni.-iiv in the Wenld. in all t.f DYSK.N- '. TF.ItY'and l'i AP.ilHU: A I IIII.fiKIv l. -tier il arises from l'eetliiiig i r from any oilier, fviiisc. Fn'.l (iirei tions for u-ing will accompany neb bottle. None tictitiine iinb-s the fae-sitnile o"( l.'ini .V I'F.l;lClvS is on the outMle wrap-p-r. Sold bv all Medicine it-yler. July 1J, 1S7:;. ly. E P.UOItS K YOI TII. A ii. iitV-iu.iii who suffered for e-.-n fi'-ni Nertfit .il.:lilv, l-ie-niataie Ilceiv. aliel : II Hie ell" ,s il .veiuh fil iujise-rrtiun will, f'-r ne fit' I' f uiIciiik he-; atmiiy. '.-iel tn-e in nil wli.i :e-il il, the i.oje neil U:- j rctioii lor tunorg I lie s:ai !e leievly h wlneh tie ti.is 1 eired. Sulle-:ei v. :slni to l"iil ly I It'" herti-r ? j etperieiic CuU au -j n .iii.no -i ia jem-ci men- d-t.ce. .le ill X II. ;!'.Nt i'- "' il lt:i"l'.:i:. On Mar:!i bv K. v. ,1. ('. Smith, Mr. H. F. V. LtTstit. .f .eksini township. t' Miss Wll. l.riMivt ev i 'Mi v it i , ei! 'Little M -.h:iti'-y town ship. 'n the Ci'.th nit., by it v. G. W: !lenp'rly, :.t the Lutheran pai soiiage. in Sunbuiy Mr. D. W. KN..reK of Sunbury. nt.d Mi-. AeiM'.s Fkam'E of Mi.l t'..binir. Sntih-r Co. Slid KiiIy. .if h. .lit i'.i-e:(s-, ,. April 1. 171. M-s. M A li Y WE1SER. mother -f Ms. .- L. ami S Weiser, eel Sunbuiy. Fnner.il to take i-l ice tit llenii'.o:;, .1:1 f:'.:nJiiy next. In Jackson town-hip. Noith'd aiiinly, March 23, WILLIAM YERGER, aged 72 years, 2 mos, ti da vs. iitlv Dbcr.bmtn.s. V A 91 1 II O IC I N I. . The UNIVERSAL MEDICINE Tor the house hold. Trv it. Price per be.ttl 25 cent. For sale by all Drni:i:in. REl'RKN HOYT, Pro prietor, 503 Greenwich 6t.. N. Y. April 3 w iicU) Sfobtrtiscmcnts V. X TAI, ST.sTKM EXT OF THE SUN HE RY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, for the year ending decemeer 31st 1S73. (To the Insurance Commissioners.) ASSETS. Cash market value of real estute owned by company, deducting all incumbrances thereon $103,6a() 00 Loans on IJond and Mortgage 7,500 00 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Company, market value 1,800 00 Cash on hand aud in Hank 5,650 24 (iross Premiums in course of col- . lection H.SSl C4 Premium Notes held by the Com pany r.0,55! 40 Ail other assets belonging to the e'l.nipany 17,800 OJ Gro-.- iis-ets-e.f the Company -i-lfiH.4S:; 2S : i.i.r.n.inE.s. Loss, s unpaid, including those; nut acted on or resisted, SliUOiJ cm), not eontesled by claimant ! and cannot now In- because loati-td bv lengtli of i lime. I A mount of Pi einiiiui Nutcs sub- jeet lo as-enieiit 'M..ViI 40 I !ii- and accrued for saUrli-, Xc. 50 00 Aggi gate; Hii.ount of liabilities ?0,C01 40 INCOME DUItlXG THE YEAIt. Gross amount of Cash received 5 t,13 73 Amount iif Premium Notes re ceived during the year 20,.V1 40 Inc ome ico ivej from nil either source, such :n n nt 00 Aggregate 25,94S 13 KXPENDITUKES DCP.ING THE YEAR. Gro.-s amount actnally paid for los-es " ST.Vi 00 Ca-h returned to member who" policies wen- caneciie-l l.Kj-c OS Ainoiiiii of Pieiui.iin Notts i.-. turned to members '-SO .10 Pai 1 torsa!a.!ie.ol!iecrs.cleiiis.t.- ISO 00 All other expenditure, as, lent. p-i airs. &l- 2J0 00 Aggregate urn. unt of I 'ash Kx: '3,til-i 05 '"'-'s Sfi PKEMIL'M; Wrttcii dniii-gthe yef.r from S--p- tember "d, i STII. date ofeoiiipa- nv's p. rnia;ieiit organization ?-';5t.Clj7 55 Total 534,o67 55 De.lc.fl tlio-e expired and isarlc-d c.ll an terminated 40,1M 3S In lore e at .-nd of year 5iJS."lH 17 Deduct 'amount reis-u-d 5,!j00 0C Net amount in for e .. .', Pi-i 17 I-.i t.irce not hav ing more tliir.i i-n'- tear to rtl'i :4S.si.')S 17 Before h it ing more th lit one and I net mole than line.; yeir-i lo j run " 157,4, 1 1 0 i In ii::-v iiuv'ng more than ihr-e I n-iriii-i r-.n tJ.OO'l 00 N't ninoiii.t Dec. .list, 1V.3 :0-,'J4S 17 C. KN i:rt A T. i XTElt I!(KS ATOf! I KS. Total amount l ash Premiums re ceived Finc-.t ihe organization, Sejt. '.'d, 1S7P, and deeree of Couit. Nov. I (.Wi, 1S73. of th C-i'tipiny 4,li0 73 ASl-ICS MENT NONE. T"lai amount losses aid since or ganization and decree of Court 750 CO '1 he chief a -.-ets of this Company are those ob tained f'otn iiiiestinci.ts ii'.itcleof moneys paid by si;bsrr;l-f is to caj ital stock of said company. DAVID WAI.DKON, President. C. A. ItKiMESssmnK, S-cielary. Swiii ii and subscribed before me this 20th day of J.tnuarv, A. D. 174. A. N. BP.ICE, J. P. I".xi-c-ulor's Notice. (F.state of Margaret Donne!, dee'd.) "JOTICK is here-by given lhat letters teslamen i.t taty have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Margaret Donncl, late of the borough of Sunbury, Noi thuinberiand county, Ph.. deci ase.l. All persona knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are rcqu sled to present them duly thetuicated for SCtt'elULLt. EI.IZAt.ETH DONNEL, IKA.NCIS M. F. DONNEL, Executrix. Suuhury, Mach 7, 1S7S. HLATCHLEY'S Improvci CCCU.vlBER WOOD PUMP, Tasteless, Durable, F.lSi cient and Cheap. The best pump for tho least money. At tention is e specially invited to I'iatciilev's Patent Itn, roved israelii t and New Dreip Check alve. which can he withdrawn without removing the Pump. or disturbing the joint. A!so,the Copper Chamber, which never crack or scale, and will out la -t anv other. r.o s ah-bv Dealers and tlie Trade generally. : Ino'iire lor Mlatehlev's Pump, and if not for sale ' in votir town. en I elirect to ; CI! AS. f i. KLATCHLEY. M.muf.icturer, Co-nmerce St., Tliiladelphia, Pa. Mareli i::. "71. Sm. Jelt'N Mtli.l.l.f. j. tv. 1-KltKY. SiTr.'l J'l.AINIX. MIMS. MlLLFUSliUnG, PA. XEAGI.EY& PEKRY, i Mantifaetineis and Dealer in I r'iu-'i'iri:;, Siiling, !urf:ire Konr-ls, Lath, Strijiii'mj;, .Sliingle.fi. i At! i kiu is of Sash. o..r. Shlitters. Klinds, Mouldings, A c. : Hi mlock .V White Pine Hill Stuff, and all kind f I! ii! hug Mai. rial. S; ill building an l-1 hur- h work it pectaUv, Mji'.h 1J. ly. I SI M I. 1 in c i: JI E.T. New aud alf-.'.etive (io i!. In every Deptrtmetit WATCHES, Kl.lVOM)-. jntVEMiT. S1I VKK AMI I'LATErt WARK. Cutlery. Clm-!i, Bro'ize, English. Fr.-n-h and '.rtnati Fancv (iivyl. In vievt nf the de-elise ill GOLD. w have re d:tee.l j.riei s nil iiur entire Stork of Feireign nier cln.nilis - t-i Par ;oll KatPN, ai: l ; r.rch; sers will finel it to their inte rest t- make their selections NOW. while the ASSORT V. KST I- COMPLETE. (ioo !s seat on approval for se-leclions. Articles j tin hased now, for the Holiday-., will be packed a'ed retained until such time as desir ed. nOBIHNS, CLARK & BIDDLE, 1124 Chfstni t St., Pnii.AnE!.rni.f BwV s.; Nature's Great Remedy FOR ALL THPiQATanoLUNG DISEASES! I li ii the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained by a pecnli.tr proccs. in the distillation of the tar, br winch its hie'ucst medicinal properties are retained, i r even in its crude state has been recommended by eminent physici.in of rz-ey sdwol. It is contidenily cficrcd to the afilicted fjr the following simple reasont; I. It CORE5, net by abrnptiy stepping the C0uh- but by di.alvinK the phlegm and assiaig nature q thinw off the unhealthy matter cautine the irrii-liou. Iu cites of stated consumption it both prolong ao4 renders lc&s burdensome the life of the arfl.cted sufferer. a. Its healing principle acts upon the irritated sur. bee of the lungs, penetrating to . h diseased fart relieving pain, ana subduing inflammation. 3. It purifirs and enriches the blood. Poskive 1y curing all humors, from the common riMTLS or BRurnr in to the severest cases of Scrofula, l houand ot affidavits could be produced irom those who have lelt the beneficial effects of Pins Tkbs Tax Cordial la tho various diseases anting Ire 14 ixrvxlTiu W THK BLOOD. 4. inrigvrates She d'gtitfp? ergant mnj rtttiret the appetite. Ail who have known or tried Dr. L. Q. C. Wit nan's remedies reoutre no references from us, but the names of thousands cured by them can be given to any one who-doubts our statement. Dr. L Q. C Wishart's Great Amerkmn i'ytpepsiM ihlU and Worm Sit. ah Dnors have never been equalled. For fele by ali Drugiu and Store keepers, and at Sr. L Q. C. WIS2A2rS CiSee, Ao. S39 JV. bttond St., l'hUn4'jm OI ICO. VTOTK'E i hereby uive-u th:tt the uiineralgue4 iN having fiUiri'l,"ou the 10th of Fcbru iry, 1T4. I'lirkasri- eif DiV Goo.U, consiftin. of tire--iki':in ihiitv!, gloven Hpil notion, along the u-j'.;.-!i.inn:i rlve-r. sehovr Oeorgi-totvn, Lo er M ilueiiov townvhip, Xetrtlmiiihi-rlani cou.i y. Th.- -no;!- tire 'ipui0ello have belnngeel t l il!.ir. Thi- owin-r or owners are rcques ed to e-..iiie- lonrutd, pfeiver-proin rty, pny churge, or r',. the-v will tea di'Pni ot ncoordine to law. PERi'lVAL BORRF.L, JOSEPH LATCHFORD. Georgetown: NorthM Co.. March 18tB. c:-.isclil.;-TA-kT I I jIBYWMJ, PI 111(1 BMPnBTITM llUlUlUlVii UI1U1 11111 U iilfll UlllUlfl Jut Opened, IN MILLER'S BLOCK ON THIPJ) STREET BELOW MARKET, LW.B5a:r Biessrs. Simon & Oppenheimer, Have just ojvcnocl ;i Xew Store at tlie aliove place witli an entire now Stfiek of Oooils, consi.-stino; tf For I'lin Tnule. ( 'onijiri.-in ff OVKKCOATS, DRESS COATS, BUSINGS COATS. WOUKIXG ( OATS, DIlvS 1'AXTS, BUSINESS 1ANTS, WOK K IXG 1'ANTS, all kiwis of PANTS, VESTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Boys' Clothing of every description, FITS aST CAPS. TRUNKS & VALISES, HANDKERCHIEFS. NECKTIES, COLLARS. ode, A-c. A lull assortment of G nts ami Roy's reur7 WouM Jje ploastil to haw all call and examine Goods ami Prices which wc assure will be found chcfijtor than can he purchased elsewhere. SIMON & OPPENHEIMER. The &Mnc kind of Goods and full adtortntt will ulza w fctorc in the town of Trcvorton, North Sunbury, April 3, 1874. Scto libcrtiscmcnts. DAMEL '. ItKATTY. THE MHRITS OF THE 'COLDEX TONGUE.' BY A NEW JEKHF.r BAKD TO PEATTT AND TI-OTTS, WASHINGTON, N. i. 'Tis an age if invention. Improvement and skill, Tlie world' in eommilioD, ai d nothing is still ; And jirogres in written wherever we turn So ! the hull la kept rolling,'' and eaeh day w learn Of some new achievement in science or art ; Each branch of industry in fact claim a pari. So each Is a warded a prize frotn the hand Of a generiHi public as merit demand. So music's department can point, in her pride, To men of true gen'ni", whose fume hit i;one wide O'er hilU and lliroush valleys, in mansions and and cots. Well, dne are sneb. honors to KBtatty et- ..', Who?e Golden Tongue organ Hands first in tbe land ! IXwflrrt as to merit, and first in deir.r.nd. Excelling in sweetness and rlehness of tone. Surpassing all oihcis, aud standing alone. Its orth is acknowledged wherever it is known, As all will bear witness, nud cheerfully one For eqnal iu workmanship, beauty, design, Or finish, they challenge the best in the line. Where faces were gloomy, and hearts once were ud What homes aie timr cheerful ves, happy anel glad. Continue thy missl.ui, thv seme 'Golden Tengue,' Hath chains of enchantment for old and Tor young. Beally ii Plotts' celebrated Golden Tongue Purlor Organ is acknowledge-d by eminent pro fessors of music to be the best Parlor Organ now in use. Thousands of testimonial ore constant ly beiug received in favor of them, which go to show that our instrument irive-s etttirf satisfac-ti-u. lF..r PiieeList Address BE ATT Y st Pi.OTTS, Washington, N. J. MISS C. DA I.I US. Sole Atrent. No. a Market Street. Sunbury. Pa. Mari-'u 1.1, IS74. fim. orthern (Vutral Kuilw-. Oa kud e.fter llec. I, as ;el!.m: isT.1 tiains uu hi ro-.t run Lf.AVK r.u M..-1 XOKTItHJKH. Le.--.- i.i-no-.re .t.:s..;iii. 1'iiM.-.. H.'Cjli. H.iil. I'lpruea 4.4- a rti ii.Hii rn i in l.ti m H. .je a n 11. .V". j xa I. l ! m S.i'i - m H'.islieiif:,) l..lriieor.-... Flilililrlpb II.irriHl.'i' j. Huiibiiry... . rriv let : t'il!iiinii!-r Kltcira . ! ie . II. I." .i ru ."ei..H) i' ci . j.O-S in H.'j1. a ni . .'..-.sla t:i 1 1.10 - ni 4.1'. :n 7.1-1 1' ni . 7.!- a ra li.SS y in 7.1-1 y Pi le.2i. n it. .'10 m .11. .vi a ni llaUUlo .; p m Lr:e si y m AU eluilr execj t SuueluT. Leave : Buffalo K'tnira Kxi'tesn. Mail. Erie Hir'ig'i; Aitvic. Krie M.il. 11. -JO a a 7.;m am 'i.i p m 6..Ht ru 11.10 1 e tl.4o p in i.' B:itllli Etmira Willi.llllSi e'-e, Nnnl.urj- Arrive- a! : Harr-.sliur . Vkil.idelrhi.t Ilitllune-re ... Wusu'iytuu . f'..Vi m a ra l.ln a ru U.J" a :u 2,tsi :e in 1 1.1:'. a iu . I.sualu 1..VJ p m 10.5.1 p m S.05 a li . 3.1.1 a ta .s.ss p ne 'Jeiim fe.uel a n . S.4K a u .: p di Xl" a m f.4i a v. . lei. Warn Upm 6.VJ a m 1'i.ar. a tit All pies Suilbury dnily rxe'i I Suiiitav A. J. PASS ATT, K. t. YlirXei, ile-ii'l Mmnxer. ta'l l'.iss. Ai.-ii T. UIVSKR, Sup't. r.lLL MILLIKRY .OOI.H From FROM NEW YORK. AM) PHILADELPHIA, BONNETS X HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED. nn extensive assortment of Fancv Goods at MISS L. WEISER'S MILLINERY ORE, Marwkt Stkkbt, SfFBrRT. Pa. My stock of Spring goods is unnsually large and varied, comprising the latest and most at tractive styles, selected with care from the lead ing im porting houses aud adapted for the present season. October 3, 1S73. MISS L. WEISF.R. I.I.UBER AI PLAMMi HILLN.! Third Street, adjoining PhHa. .fc Erie R. R., two f iuarcs North of the Central Hotel, , SI'XBL'RT, PA. IDA T. VLEMEXT, IS rrti:iret to furnih fVerv eloscription of lum- bcr rc-juireel by the eiuiaruis eif the public. Having all the latent improved machinery fer ; mauul'ae-turing Lunbor, heUt now ready to till if- , de-r nf all kiuds of FI.Ot)UIX(i. SIDING, DuORS SHUTTERS, SAMI, BLINDS MOL'LlilNtiS, YE- " RAXDAd, BRACKET, ami all kiiulo of Orn;'.;i;e'ut:il Sfcrowl Work. Turn- ; ittz of every description priMiijUly eecutcd. Al-'o, A I.AKfiK AWOKTMKXT tr 15 ILL LUM 15 ER. IIEMLUC'K and PIXE. Also, Shingle, I'ie-kf-tii, Luthe, SiC. 1 Orders prompili,- tilled, tmdfrhlfl'edbv Ralrmud orothertrUe. " I P. A T. CLEMENT. ih-el-f:lr i HU IIIMC NJIOI AM) IKON I'OIXBKY. CEO. KOHUBACII & SOX?, Sunbury, IVnu'a, j yXFoRM the public that they nre pr p.truei to E. elo all Kinen ot tAS l l.Mif, aim navinir au.ioei a new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, and hftve supplied themselve with New Lathes," Planing and Boring Machine, with the late-t improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of XEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that mitv be given them, In a satisfactory ae! ner. Crates to mni ftuy NtoTf . IRON" COLUMNS, for churches or other hitild ing, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; j VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, it'., AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su- ' periority, have to still further improved, and will alwnj be kept on hand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES-. Junbury. May 'JO. 1S?. ! sax -0-:- d Co., Pa. Call and see the low price. Biiililins Lotit For .Sal-. VriNETEEXLtiTs, 23x10.1 fei-t, fronting Vi'ie street, in Sunbary. Price f 125. il-.i thirty lot, ".1sl3T, frontine on Spruce and Fine stree-ts. Price: ilS per fex-t. A'e eiht lots. ;." s90, fronting on Fourth street between Walnut and Spruce." Price ?4o0. Also 21 lots, "Ivl,!!, fronting on Third and Sprue-e street, betne-ru Walnut and Sprue?. Price $40. Also 5 lots 'ilx'itiO on th" north side of Sprue street. Prior ti'.K. A'so Hi lots iu Cake'ouru. Thu above ' priee-s do net include crner le.ts. Persons de sirinir to purchase will do well to Mil soon. Terms ea-v. ill A T. CLEMENT, jan. ?,.. I.l.YSItlKC. ACADEMY. ELYsr.inc, r.. THE tirst Term of the Summer Sessieen wi!l opeu on .llondaf , April 6, 1471, , A desirable School for youn; men and Iadie to prepare for the active duties in life. Furnish ed rooms, Board, Tuition, Light and Fuel for $38 per term. Send for catalogue. H. H. BARTHOLOMEW. March 20, '74. 41 Priucipet;. LKllOK STORE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite the Conrt House, SUX BCP.Y, PA., Rsspectfally mvites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has ou hand, and will eon stantlv keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniac, Cherry, Ginger, Rochelle and Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-Iistilled, Mot--ri-gahe'.a, Apple and Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne W'idc, Saerrr, Fort ami C!are-t. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. F.. Hum. Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. 8TOMACJI AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can be found in the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed a represented. Also, a large lot of DEM1JOIINS and BOTTLES, always on hand. t4f" Orders promptly attended ', and yublic patronage respectfully solicited t NF.FF. Sunbury, July 3, IS73. ly. I I IIO.MG LI FE IX THE It MILE. j By the Author of '-Night Scenes in the Bible." and '-Our Father's House," of whibh nearly ; 2l)U,fHJ0 have been weld. '"Home Life" ts com- mended by ministers of all churches as "the I author's be-t book," "full of prex-ious thoughts." ' '"Truth precious as gems," ' a choice book for every family," rte. Steel engravings, rose tim ed paper, rich binding and for rapid sale un ; eiitinled. Agents, Young Meu, L-telies Teacher. ; and Clergymen, wanted in every coudty ; : t.- 10O p..f month. Send for circalar. ZEIGLER & M:CL"RDT, 51 Arch St., Phllarlerphia, P.. X.treh i, 1574. 2rr.iM. Send for-I!iutr.i'e d C-talogtie and eiaiuiue eir.r pr! -e liefore purch.tsing. u we rla-m to s'.-'l lower than nt:v e.t'iei-tstabljjtiment h the t'-tv, HEM EMBER the NI MBER. l.'XO KIIW;E AVENUE, Philadelphia. UA T UK. JKU1.I.RY A SILYTR. AYAKK. John W. Kteveuson. Comer Third and Market Sts, Sunbury, P. HAS completely reuovat.-.l his Store Riwm. and opened the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOC KS. JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WAP.F, ever exhibited in this part of th Stat. Ev-ry-tliinir iu the Jewe'ry I i It : kept in st .le. SiI"r-Vire, Riu;s V haiM), of every dtici ipii.m and of th-i finet quality. Particular attention paid to repairing .- Wutt-hr. Clorkst, Jenelrj. Ar. HAIR JEWELRY made to ord.r. Sunhtiry, March 6, 1S74. GENUINE "PjC.i-.i-i -rri o T" i-sJ-n -- -J- t?X LI V Iclll JTllclIiO T'V !mKS' v!Xsr" rii-nHiiiiti and Dealers Iu oTiti.ining this vaiu tb-e manure In small or large hts, at the sole importer' prices, by ap plying to the Scial Agency jut established lor the purpose- f delivering G-.-nuine Peruvian Gnauo to consuiurrs at atiy aeceible jnirt or railway st i'.iou in the country. Full particulars give-n :.-e 'ire til:ir mailed free on application to R. BALCAZEB, No. 53 Beaver St., Nw York. References by Permission. Messr. Hob-tern, Hurtado et Co., Financial Ag'U of the Peruvian Government, iJ Wall St., N. T. : Mee Tavior, Pres. National Citv Bank, 52 Watl St., N. Y. j J. C. Tracy, Ksi., Peruvian Consul, Cd'j Broad way, N. Y. Mareli fi. 1ST4. 'J rneis. KMtate oflwane Kern. Dereaed. "VfOTICE is hereby given, that letter of Ad L miiiii'tration haver been granted te tho un designed, e:i the Etate of Iaac Kern, late ot the Borough of Sntibiiry, Northumberland c-tia-ty, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to Bait) estate, are riiiieMed to make immediate pay ment, and thoM having claims to present thent for settlement. . GEO. W. STROnr A.iw SunViry, Pa., Fch. 2", 1874. 6t. GEO. EVANS. E. Ci. 3IAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market .Street, rbibtlelDliw. TAILORS ! and i AHLITARY CLOTHIERS, I Military, Band & Fire Organization" promnUy unifoimed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Onrs beisgth1 leaeiing house on Military work. K feel that we caa offer Inducement which en aot be attained anywhewi else