gw&m American. SUNBURY, MARCH 27, 174. Railroad Time Table. X. C R. W.. South. Eimira Mail, 1 1.15 a m Erie Mail, 12.55 " Buffalo Ex. 2.50 " H.irrieburzAe. 8.10 p m P. A E. R. R. Wt. I Eric Mail, 5.15 m Renovo Ac. 11.10 a m Elniira Mail 4.10 pm Buffalo Ex, 7.10 " Sl'NBCKT AD I.KWI8TOWN K. It. l.eave Sunbury for Lewistown at 6.35 . m., and 4.S0 p. ju. Arrive at Sunbury from Lewistown at 1.35 aud 6.55 p. m. KHAatOKIX IVIMO, X. C. R. W. LSATB I ARRIVE Express, 11.45 a m 1 Mall, 9 .30 a m Mail, 4.30 p m Express, 4.00 p m An accommodation train leave Shamokin at 7 10 a m, anivins at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a m. Returine, leave Mt. Carmel at 7.00 p m, arriv ing at Shamokin 7.30 p m. DANVILLK, HAZLtTOS A WILKESBARB1 R. IU Leaves Sunbury at 645 a. m., for York. Re turn at 4.10 p. m" Accidental Insurance Ticket can be had or J. Sbipman, Ticket Agent, at the IVpot. Winter Arraaremeiit for tlie lMt OlUee at Kaabary, l'a. Office Open from 6.50 . tn., to 8 p. .. tzeept on Sunday. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrive a follow : From the Eat at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m., " South, 5.15 a. ra., 4.10 p. m. " West,,ll.l5p.m.,4.10p. m., North.1.50 a. m..ll.l5 a. m., 4.10 p.m. Shamokin, Mt. Carmel and point on that line, 9.25 a. m., 4.00 p. m. Mall close a follow : For th East, 5.45 a. mM 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. in. " South, 10.50 a. m., 4.50 r- in. 8 p. m. ' Wert, 10.50 a. m., 3.50 p. ra., 6.00 p. m. " North 8.50 p. m., 8 P- m., Shamokia proper 11.15 p. ra. Shamokin and offices on that route, 4.20 p. m. Money order will not b issued after 0 p. m., .Saturday.. J. J. SMITH, P. M. jfccals. insmcss Tan Improved G aorta A Bakbk Sswmo Ma mrec These celebrated machine are offered at the most reasonable rate. For particulars apply to D. 0. KUTZ. Apent, Feb.22,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. Caroline Daijcs, dealer In Musical Instru ments and Sewing Machines, Market street, near Third, Snnbury, Pa. Call and examine the best Organs, Melodeous, Sewing and Knitting Ma chines in the market. Always on hand the Es tey, Silver Tongue, Smith' American.Mason A Hamlin Organs. Orders taken for all kinds of Pianos and Musical Instruments. Th Peoples' Favorite Sewing Machines ; Domestic and Gro wer A Baker. Persons purchasing machine from me will receive instructions. First-class Knitting Machines for sale Thb spring style of Hats are already offered for sal by 8. Faust, Sr., on Market Square. The latest style from a large assortment can now b selected. J. F. ScHArrtR has received the spring sty'.e f goods and is making op suits in the latest "asbion. To get a good fitting suit Schaffer's is he place to deal. It C as not be Denied that B. L. Raudenbush :eeps the largest and best assortment of bouse old furniture in Northumberland county. The aost beautiful bed-room suits can b had at rea onuble prices. Parlor furniture of very style nd grade, are kept on hand. Upholstery done t short notice. Undertaking a specialty. Tee large stock of boots and shoes at the Ex tlkior store of Wm. U. Miller are selling off piiT.y. The inducements offered to buyers at lis establishment has convinced Lnndreds that is the best place in the country to purchase a ood artic le of boots and shoes. A great variety f cum shoes and boots are kept on hand. Th Union Park and Agricultural Association III hold their next Annual Exhibition at Sunbu ; Fa., Sept. 211, 30, and October 1st and 2d, 1874. For Rent. The Drng Store Room now occu ed by YV. D. Melick. Also the room adjoining sort's hat store. Enquire of H. B. Masser. Ai many or our subscribe may change tteir aces of residence on the first of April, all such ill please notify us ol the change, so that we n make the change in their postoflice addreos. ate the name or the postoffice at which they . nn receivinir their paper, and the name of e office at which they wish to receive it. Silas L. Yokdt, or Lower Augusta towni-blp. ad of apfoplexy on the 16th inst.. aged fifty are. BT an art of the Legislature the premium on . .a uami tnlra has been fixed at 12 on a auu w. g 1'. grown and tl for those of a smaller growth The faneral of Hon. George C. Welker, on .turday last, was largely attended. His re sins were interred under the anspices of the asonie fraternity. Shi rues and rafts have made their arpear- ice. Next w'.il come circusc. A medical writer says "th haallhieal posi ra to lay In is with th bead to th north." oDle who own bens should bear this fact in nd. It has become a question whether a phrenolo t can tell what a barrel contains by examin- ; it bead. TBI water bas been let iu th canal, and we fl too a beir, "Oh, boatman, wind that horn am." ' The pruning and grafting season is at hand, ok after your currant and raspberry bushes, lev. X. W. Colbcb will succeed Rev. G. D. ncpacker as pstor or the M. E. Church at place. Rev. Penepacker. will be stationed Mifflintown, Juniata couuty. V siovEMEST is being made to establish a ro'J ; mill in this place. A meeting will be held the Council room to-morrow evening at 7 lock to take action In the matter. We hope ;rv citizen will do his bent to further the 'Vement, as we most have manufacturing es .lishments if we wish our town to continue to be prosperoui. irw Good. S. Herrfeldcr haa just returned h an entire new atsortment or Spring Good, idy-made Clothing for men and boys, Gent' rnishing Good, Notion", At: His stock is enslve and cheap. 'he Washington House or Coloucl Ncff is now crowded resort or farmer and others attend ceurt. The Washington is au excellent el, pleasant and quiet, and the table abound h the best in season, while the servant are tntrve. The clerk, Mr. P. Borrel, is not ex ed in jxtMvuneM and general attention to the sis of the house. avERWAKD liWTACKiNTS. The court last k played havoc with the tavern and restau- in this couH:y. The total number or ap mts for taverns was 113. Of tbcee 31 were cted, namely, 21 old stand and 10 new ds. The total number or applicauts for res- ants wa 34. Or these 17 were rejected, icly, 9 applications for old stands and 8 new lirations. otaixatiox. Rev. M. L. Shltidol was iu ed as pastor of the Pine Street Lutheran legation f Danville ou Sunday morning, 15tb inst. .-Sheriff Heller purchased a farm in lisquaque township where he will move to ie first or April next. as. Lvos.a typo of this place, had his hand f inashed, on Tuesday last, while running the hose carriage No. 1, by coming in con wlth a awning post. coBSRifMA, Esq., or this place, has been Voted general agent for the Lycoming Fire rduee Company, tor Sunbury and vicinity, 'Ion. G. C. Welker, deceased. rsowal. We were Tavored ea Wednesday tith a call at our office by L. G. Slicker, the happy and accommodating land!trd of nited State Hotel at Milton. Lew keeps eellent boose, d never fail to make hi s feel the comfort f home. He has ew equal a a landlord in pleaing . Urge rua of custom as the United Bute nay yon war "Lwy." Junior Americas Mechanic. The members of Mason Council, No. 131 of Junior American Mechanics, celebrated their secoud anniversary in their Hall, in this place, on Thursday eveuiug or last week. The room was crowded, and the entertainment was one or the finest given in this place. Th Hall was beautifully decorated with flags, aud the tables abounded wllh apples, oran ges, cakes nuts and confectionaries, lemonade and lce-crcain, which were served to the invited guests. A. X. Brice, Esq., of Sunbury, anil W. n. McCarty, .f Danville, delivered appropriate speeches on the occasion. The Suubnry Cornet Band rurnished excellent mnsic The Juniors can well be proud or their grand success in their efforts to mike all happy who attended. The or der is worthy or the encouragement or our eiti xens, as its principles are good. It is composed or young men who are advancing upon the threshold or buy lire who are forming habits for their future career. Banded together for mutual benefit, they meet for consultation upon matters which must have a bearing npon their manhood. We look npon the order as an insti tution that will save many a boy from bad habits. The principles advanced have a tendency to ele vate the mind, end lead them to depend upon industry for a livelihood at some mechanical pursuit, and thus become useful and worthy citi xens. In the lodge room the boy meets his com rades, where mutual encouragrruent is given. He loses the diffidence which too often form 4 an insurmountable barrier to the prosperity of 11. c unexperieuced young man, and a more sptedy development or the necessary business qualifica tions roust take place. We looked upon the scene presented by the late anuiversary with more than ordinary inte rest. How many young men were there whose ostensible purpose is to rise in the scale or use fulness. How many, if properly taught, would occupy our workshops as master mechanics, and do the work r the Tuture, after age has rendered nseless those or to-day. This should be consid ered by our present mechanics. It is frequently the case that young men are debarred from learning the trade of their choice through a want of means or influence. Dollars aud cents should not stand in the way of a worthy boy when a vacancy exists. Our experience teaches us that when a boy is anxious to learn a certain trade and Icarus it, he makes a good workman, and the employer is much more the gainer than he would be by taking ouc who learns the trade at the instance of his father, who pays for his position, but who bas neither the will nor the talent. It is certainly great injustice to young men when employees refuse to accept of them ithout pay, as the brightest minds arc found among the masses wbo have not the means to pay for a trade. IT paying bosses be jieroistcd in, the best minds wi.'l remain in obscurity, and soon we will be left w ithout first class mecha nics, and corporations aud individual concerns will be the losers. Cool Impudence. The coolest impudence we have beard of for some time, occurred with the Ring Calculator, whom the Democrats elected County Auditor last full, who iuvaded the office four neighbor of the Gazttlt, last week, aud de liberately cut his name from the concluding part of the Auditors' Report, after it was approved by the Court, so that it would not apjcar in th pa pers, all because the report showed a better ex hibit than those of previous years. The Ring party die hard, but then there is uo hope of re suscitation. Trulv Othello's occupation is gone. Os Tuesday afternoon an alarm of fire was given, caused by a bed taking fire from a stove pipe, at the residence of L. Wynn, on Chestnut street, iu close proximity t No. 1 eugine house. The steam engine No. 1, was run to Miller's well, on Market street, and soon was ready for service. The Good intent iiock ana L.aaoer Company came speedily ou Ike ground, and at once went to work, The Washington Steamer was rnu to the well on the old depot lot, and at once commenced running their hose to the build ing. The Hook and Ladder men had their lad ders up on the building, and extinguished the fire with buckets in a few minutes. We were pleas ed with the activity of both steamer companies in gettiug ready to do service. It showed that the members ore anxious to make themselves efficient as firemen. The short time that elapsed hile getting their 'machines' iu order, proved that we have oue uf the best and most effective fire departments iu this part of the Stale. After the excitement had abated, both steamers bad a trial of their capacity in throwing water, and both auM-his mm. foil ml in CrstcLiiS condition for service. An Insane woman arrived at this place on Fri day evening last by the Lcwislown train, und was lakeu to the jail, wheu she objected to be ing put in such a dilapidated building to sleep. lleging that she had never been accustomed to such apartments. Police officer Culp, out ol pity, then look her to hW resilience. She is well clad and neat iu person. Her truuk was exam ined by officers to ascertain her residence, as she is enable to give any clue to her name or desti nation. The trunk was found to contain good cle-thing. She had but two dollars in money, a check for her truuk in her pocket-book and a piece of paper on which was written "Mary McCarty, Detroit." She is a woman probably twenty-eight years of ae, and says that her husband was killed and that she is on the road to ber parents, who, she says, arc in comforta ble circumstances. It is supposed that her iu anlty is temporary, and she became so probably after starting on ber Journey. Tn crusading temperance fever which has been prevailing in the West and is disturbing the more placid society or Pennsylvania, has broken oat with tremendous violeuce at Williamsport, aud women by the hundreds are visiting the saloons and hotels or that Local Option city urging the proprietors to cease selling the ven omous stuff. It appears singular, too, that the crusaders find more difficulty and labor in the local option towns than anywhere else. In Wil llampsort several attempts have been made to create a riot, and women enlisted iu the crusade hirr been freonenllv hooted at and insulted until the police interfered. To tde Foist. An exchange says: "Com pare the publisher or a newspaper, w ho has to go all around the country to collect his pay, l a farmer who sells his wheat on credit, and not more than a bushel to any person. If any farmer will try the experiment of distributing the pro ceeds of his labor over two or three conutus, with an additional one to two cr three distant State, for one year, wc will guarantee that he will never, alter that year's experience, ask publisher to supply biin with a pape r a year or two without the pay for it. A little daughter of the Rev. Mr. Pcunepack er or this place, died at Huntingdon, on Sunday last. This is the sc?oud child they lost williir. a short time, aud they are now left childless. They have the sympathy of the entire communi ty in their bereavement. Police ArFAlin. On Monday la.t a diunken vagabond was pitkit up on the street by tlrj po lice, and hauled to the jail on a waon. He whs a stranger in the place. On Tuesday, Walter Monroe, hailing from Liverpool. Perry county, was fouud "uproariuh," through the influence or too much tanglefoot," and was picked up by the police. He was seul to Foil De Kotlienncl to meditate over the evil effects of debauchery. A VEKl valuable horse belonging to Mr. Val entinc Dictz, of this place, was lake sick on r.M. ArA 11 r.turJ.iv iiiirht. The ani mal was worth tS'W. Mr. 1!''U has been v ry unfortunate with hor-cs within s-vcral years past. A heavy flide occurred on Sunday morning last at the railroad bridge at the lower end of this borough. A larg amount of stone anJ dirt fell upon the railroad track. It was some lour hours before the Hack w;.s cleared. Stamp collectors should be on their guard. Bo gus stamps or all foreign countries are manufac tured by the bushel in St. Louis and other places for the benefit of green horns. For further par ticulars see their circulars. The firm or Keefar V Bassler, in the mercan tile business in this place, has been dissolved. C. W. Bassler, the junior partner, takes the store. We wish Chai ley abundance of success. iMPROvtiMTS. A walk through our street a few days ago revi-ai 'o us mc . . . t c....t that tuespirnoi inipro"-uiri; i'"i - our town and has not died out, but promises It) work with viyor dnrlng the uprinp Jnst opening. .... f . ..S a a k a r.wm ltd f.'xl B Refused Licenses. On Wednesday last 49 applications for licenses were refused, principally from the coal region. On refusing these appli cations, the Court said : " We have done an act for which we expect severe censure, lHt the performance of duty and a conscientious regard for the best interests of the community prompts us to take this step. Wc believe that too many licenses have hereto fore been granted by the Courts. Our law makers never iutended that more hotels and rcstaurauts should be licensed than were neces sary for the accommodation of the public. Some judges in the State have held that when a party makes application to the court iu Uue rorm or law, that it is the duty or the court to grant the license ; whilst others have held that the courts are only to grant licenses in ease it appears that the hotel or restaurant is necessary, and as they think none are necessary, they refuse all. The Supreme Court, in a late decision by Chier Justice Agnew, declares that both are wrong, and that the courts are bound to exercise a rea sonable discretion in the matter. We have done so, to the best or our judgment ; but in the ex ercise or this reasonable discretion we have no doubt made mistakes. Some, perhaps, have been grauted that ought tot to have been ; whilst others have been rejected that ought to have been grauted. It is impossible for us to judge all cases of this kiud correctly. In doing what we have dor.e, we have called for information from men or kr.owu respectability and veracity from different localities, aud iu making np our judgment have not inquired concerning the na tionality, rcligiou and politics of any. We have refused all applications for "new stands" and also many for "old stands," and in granting licenses have tried to select those that appeared, from the best information we could obtain, to be most necessary for the accommodation of the public. In the East ward of Shamokin alone, we have applications for about forty licenses. In a place of that size, one would think that twelve or fifteen would be more than sufficient for the accommodation of the public, aud we have rerused a large number or application for old stands in that borongh. We will next year hear all applications for stands, aud will endeavor to exercise a reasonable discretion iu determining the question of necessity ; but what we have now done is done, and must remain so duricg the easuing year. We have beeu refus ing licenses generally in cases where parties have been convicted of violating the liquor laws ; but this year, where the parties have paid heavy fines and costs, and undergone imprisonment for a term of months, we have, upon their prom ises to do better, granted them license, but tbi was done only in one or two instances, and then only where it seemed the public houses were really necessary iu those localities for the ac commodation of the public. K any new licenses have beeu granted it has been through inadver tence or mistake. We have known cases whore the petition was marked "old .stand" for the purpose, perhaps, or misleading. "In almost every case or murder, riot, assault, &c, the plea is, that the aet wts don whilst under the influence of intoxicating liquors, and we cannot help but believe that the courts are in some measure to blame for this wbolesaleand promiscuous licensing of hotels aud restaurants in localities where the requirements of the pub lic do not call for them. Where there arc o many small places set up for the sale or liquors only, those who are disosed to keep up large and respectable houses for the entertainment cf travelers anl strangers cannot afford to do so, because the custom they need to support them is divided between too many. In Locust Gap there were thirleeu or fourteen taverns, nearly as many as there are houses, and scarcely any public traveling in the neighlorhood. In fact, wherever there are a Tew miners' houses there were several taverns and restaurants. In view orthe increase or crime or every grade and the known tendency that intemperance has to still increase it, how can a conscientious court con tinue to license more houses or grant licenses to old ones where it is manifest they are not needed. I will again say that wc have committed mis takes, and may expect severe criticism, bat it will bs a long time lieforc the people will have public offieers wbo can please all. On my way from the court to-day I met a man wbo said "the people are beginning to find fault be cause you are too severe In your senteuces of criminals," and before going a square I met another man who said, "We arc not altogether satisfied beoause ths conn am not pnnisn xnostr men a little more severely." In the perform ance of a iublic duty we mnst expect many tilings to try us, b-it we cannot help but think that the good and moral classes will always sus tain their courts in all things that may have a tendency to relorm in all cases of known aud manifest evil. In doing what we have doue, we believe we have done the Lord a service as well as the community, aud time will tell it in the decrease of crime and expense to the law-abiding citizens of Northumberland county." House Hunting ad Movikg. The peculiar srecies of tribulation known a house hunting. which is so closely Identified with the 1st of April, is now in its midday or excitement. Those who through choice or compulsory measures, Intend changing their habitations lor the next vear, grow more nervous au 1 despondent as each day rolls by, leaving them in this unsettled state of mind and body. Those who have never been so situated fail to imagine the wave of trouble which rolls across the breast or those otherwise happy mortals who by circumstauccs are forced to look up places of abode for the year to come. Trulv It is a luxury which uone but the poor ran enjoy. To those who are going to move we oum say, il you nave 10 trv uj aim local habitations, just go off without eleaning house, aud leave it ir possible iu a nastiei condi tion than when you first went in. Throw all the old bones, shoes, hoop skirts and broken lamp chimneys just where they can be raked on a pile but don't do any ratting. The Incoming faintly won't know what it is to muke garden. If a door or gate is nearly off hinges, eivc it a kick and help it off; it pleases the proprietor to fix such things up about this time of the year, leu your oldest hopeful to throw the old dead cat into the well, because It imparts a delicious taste to the water, and you know the doctors can't always be idle, lfjou have a surfeit or rusty stove-pipe, brokenbottles and cabbage in the cellar, leave it ; it shows n neighborly spirit. LliiiiT, yet deep jet fringes, are used exten sively ui-ou black silk for spring toilets, but they will need t bo used more paiingly, if at all, npon grenadine, which In the handsome combi- natiens tflast season promises t have as great a vogue as ever. Less general but more choice are the buttons aud other oruamcuts iu iridescent mother-of-pearl, which are so fashionable this season. Ornaments so costly-ns some of these are made are worn In less profusion than ja, but thy are even more cffecture. A set of buttons alone gives distinction to a black, brown, or dark blue dress, aud nothing finishes the useful and jaunty cashmere vest so charmingly as a set of burrtl ehaped, or globular buttons, shimmering in all those varied, yet tender lines which belong to it, as the radiance does to the diamond. Frmn Jitmorrtt'e Monthly fur April. Court Proceeding. (From the Daily.) TUrgPUT, MARCH 24. Th.. r..:ioviii'' rases were tried vesterday aci I to-day : i William Maver vs Chas. Broslus and Abe Shipman. Judgment given for the plaintiff. John Farusworth vs John Weaver. Alfred C Hainer vs Mt. Carmel twp. In titc above two cases judgment was given for plaintiffs. J. F.Scott A Co.,ts A. I, Melxell. Court grant for defendant to jierfect his ball or show cause why bail should not be stricken off. Alfred Douden vs Daniel C. Sraink and Wm. II. Smink, trading a P. C. Smiuk. Rule graut ed on plaintiff to take depositions of witnesses. Ballcrt t Co. vs. A. P. Man. Judgment in favor or plaintiff. Wm. Foilmer, executor of John Follmer, de ceased, vs Philip Bl'.mlre. Woodslde X Co. vs Joseph Vaukirk aud J. H. Jenkins. In both these cases judgmeut was given in f ivar of filaintiffs. Daniel Paul vs Joseph Kline, surviving part ner or Joseph Reitz and Joseph Kline, lately tniding as Reitr. Kline. Verdict In favor or pj.,jlUjff i I tl i A jr.sEeaL Qvcrliaujipg or household goods will take piece j..xt jpec. Medical Practice. The following bill, of- reredby Mr. Dcwitt.of Nortlurnbetland county, is now before the Legislature : Ax Act to regulate medical piactice In the Bev- eral counties of this Commouweaun. PecTiox 1. Bi it enacted, Ac, That from and after the first day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, it shall be unlawful for any person to commence or continue the practice of luediciuc, surgery or obstetrics in the several counties of this Com monwealth wbo has not graduated with the de cree of doctor of medicine, and received a di ploma from a chartered medical seuooi auiuor ierf to i?raut medical diplomas : provided, that the provision of this section shall uot apply to persons wno nave neen twelve years iu counui. regular practice, though they may not have craduated as afoiesaid. " . . 1 . .. 1 A ..I .A CBO. Any person wno suau anew ft r; tiee medicine or surcerv bv opening a transient office in anv of the several counties of this Com monwealth, or who shall by handbill or oiner form of written or printed advertisement, assign such transient office or otlier place, to meet per sons seeking medical or surgical advice or pre scription, shall, before being allowed to practice as aforesaid, appear before theclerk of the court of the county, aud shall ruruish satisfactory evi dence to such clerk or the court tuat me provis ions or section one of this act have beeu com plied with, and shall, iu addition, take out a license for one year, by payment of a license fee, for the use of the county, of two hundred dol lar : provided, that physicians and surgeons commencing practice iu any of the countie of this Commonwealth, with the intention of re-in-iininir nermanenllv therein, shall not be sub ject to the provisions of this second section of this aet. Sec 3. irany person 6hall violate auy or tne nrovisions or this act. everv such poison shall be guilty or a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollar nor less than two hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding six months, or both, at the discrctlou of the court. One half or said fine to be paid to the informer, and the balance into the county treasury. The Pittsburg Post says or the above bill : " The bill offered in the House at Harrisburg by Hon. A. T. Dewitt, or Northumberland, to regulate medical practice thronghout the Com monwealth, appears to be well conceived. While it will, ir passed, sadly interfere with the opera tions of quacks, it permits only those to practice medicine and surgery who can show the neces sary qualifications. The bill is given in another column, and we know or no goad reason why it should not become a la. v." The lawyers or this county have formed an organization called the "Northumberland Coun ty Bar Association." The officers are : President George Hill. Vice-President Wm. C. Lawson. Recording and Corresponding Secretary A. X. Brice. Treasurer S. P. Wolvcrtou. An Executive Committee of five was appoint ed, viz : J. K. Clement, T. H. Purdy. W. 11. M. Oram, P. L. Hackenburg. The President in er officio chairman or this committee. The object or the Association is to elevate the staudard or the profession and to procure a law library for the use of the bar. The author of the folio sing lines is still liviug, and has a vivid recollection of the snow storm referred to. Ed. American. LINES occasioned by the remarkable snow torra of April 10, 1820. As elate with happiness in bliss Roll on the bed orecstacy ; joys rise On joys, and wave or pleasure follows wave Till 6oine catastrophe with suih'en stroke In some sad crises sweeps those joys away ; Like heaven's artillery prostrates lofty towers. So Spring, attended by her Zephers came, And Vegetation in lier gloomy eeu Confined by Winter, all her massy chain Had broken, and prepared to issue forth Upon tier grand career ; all nature smiled ; The vernal songster perched on every shrub, And all Creation hailed the approach or spring ; But like a Hero pants for deathless fame: Like Him, who to immortalize bis name, Diana's temple fired ; so Winter wheeled, Brandished his dart and gave his mightiest blow. Pale panic stricken Spring defenceless fell Mild Zcphvr dies by Boreas' warlike arm. And shrouded lies cold Vegetation's corse. Again the Tyrant reigns with victory crowned : Yet boast not haughty Tyrant ! Phoebus comes In august chariot, drawn by "flaming steeds ;" He comes to conquer thee aud all thy train ; Then shall he call the vernal Host to life, Fair Spring preeminent shall raise her head And o'er thy ruins her gay banner wave. In verdant rolies shall vegetation shine. And the mild Zephers dance along the stream ; The faathered choir in sweet orchestra join, And Nature in her flittering splendor shine. Gazetteer, May. 11. Sylvan Lard. FIUE. The barn or Mr. John Jliril, of Shamokin township, was destroyed by flie on Thursday last. I'be flie originated iu the following manner: TK...ilr.M-;.l. nt th f., nii! c J 'f, ' told a little eirl to take care "not to let the Ere go out." Vet the little lrl's doubt, were placed upon some other object, "let tbtflre go oiU." Nature when commanded, and upon recollection, will perform what is hidden, and so did this child. Immediately on discovering that the fire was out, she ran to a neighboring house for ,!; returning heme she passed over the barn yard, ana dropped fire on some straw which lay outside of the barn. The riic immediately went into full blaze, and. though every exertion was made to extiuguish the fire, the devouring element could not be contiolcd, the barn wa laid in atftft. About 40 bushel of wheat and rye, threshed, was burnt. The farm upon which the barn stood, was not occupied by Mr. liird himself, but was tenauted. The barn was a new one or the Spritzer kind. Gaz ttcer, June 1, 120. The fourth of July. Great preparations arc making in many places to celelrate the ensuing anniversary r the 4th ol Jniy, 1770, with unusual splendor, in eonse qnence of its being the 50th year of our National independence. .'ofr, June 1, 120. Married. By John Colsher, Esq., on the 2:id day of March, Benjamin Kt Mart Kuntz, daughter of George Kuntz, all of Augusta. Married By John Colsher, En., on Thurs day the Sth day of June inst., I'Mlip (Jibbitu, to Haunch .Vtrt both .f Union county. Same date. A FAIR Will be beiu iu t lie borough of .Snnbtiiy on the Gtn and 7th days of June inst. JuK.i I'olthcr, Cl'k. June Ut, 1S2C. ATTENTION BSTMi-n of ?7t'. This is the. year of Jubilee the Jubilee of AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE '.Let the ap proaching anniversary be celebrated with the just and becoming diguity belonging to the Ma jesty of the people lay aside all part and local prejudices lit POKClluuill micmii ui.iuc ." "Firm vnitbo let us be, Ralltino 'kound ourliiiektt" batin;: Tyrants and the usurpation of th right mill votes of the FFOPLK. Assemble noic, the last time of your Jubilee . .... .. V..- V..... tl... man f "TC til lei our sisier Biaim lie num uv mw v. voice of Pennsylvania the voice now silent will IniTe full einressiou on that blessed day. The men of '70 are requested to meet at Jona Weavers on Saturday evening 1:7th instant all tlime who feel the flow of independent blood in their veins are invited to atte-id it is proposed that at that Bicetinc a committee or arrange ments be appointed to celebrate this blessed Kpoch at Llme-Mln tpriug. name uaie List of Letters remaining in the Post Office j al8unbury, Pa., March 20, 1ST4 : Mnrv Anderson. Marv Farrow, Geo. Graft (3) Tlios. 11. Hoff, John Ktvfer (2), A. U. Kellogg, r.lii:.beth Kersbner. C. S.Miller, J. S. Miller Urn. It. Malick. Wm. G. Morris, Albert Rboads, David R. Snipe. Jennie Smith, Nat. Stroll, Emma f:. Pebipnieh. K. M. Sairdv. W. A. Schenck, C H. Tipher, K. A. Wise. Miss K. Weiser, Catha rine Weaver, Henry F. WllluHm, Elw Wilcox, llivi.l WeiwlL. Persons calling for any of the above letters will please sav advertised. J. J. Smith, P. M. i: tli tor's Tuble. Homp'K in the Biiu.r, advertised iu another column, is by the popular author, Rev. Daniel 1) ii wbuc books arc so widely known .wi ..mineiitlv tilted for familv reading. Piiyinir emplovnieut is offered joung meu aud i ladies, teachers and clergymen Goif.' Lui" Boiik for April has been out for ihivn. The fashions for April are very handsome on the plate, and will no doubt look when brought into use. Numerous pat- tm. n a feature of this number. There is the usual amount of good reading matter hCKIBSKR'9 Mostult roR Afkil. The April number or Scribner's contains another generous . ii . r v;.,'. "i:r.ut Knntb." the sub- lUSlilllllieill Vi - -i , led this time being "A Ramble In lrginia, from u,;uni tn. the Sea." The Illustrations, as usual, are profuse. Among the notable features or the number are the beginning of Jules Verne's serial, .iTh. Mwaterlous Island;" an essay by Augus tus Blan'vclt, author of ;he articles oa Modern Skepticism, entitled, "Christ's Resurrection Sci entiBcally Considered ;" and a timely paper, by Miss Beedy, on "The Health and Physical Habits ,. r.riiMit nnd American miiucii. Brookslias aa Article 'Concerning some Impe u...... " The new itorr-wriler. Georae W Cable, tells a talc or the 'Relies Demoiselles i;..i.,t;.,n " Mrs. Davis' serial is coucluded, -.i m; Trufton's is continued. The number opens with an illustrated poem by Beujarain F T..inr ....i there are verses bv A, B. Maodon ...... i, l.. l. IrrfiaAr. .1. G. II.. Charlotte F. Bates, Und Edward Klmr. Dr. Holland, in Topics of the Time, writes about "Jules Vsrne's Net Kmr. " "The Taxation or Church Property, W-,.,i t'a.irea." The Old Cabinet is con with "Veracltv :" Amateur Theatricals are practically discussed iu Home and Society, and the other departments have their character Wte varletv. A Distort of the Grasoe Movkment. We have received advance pages, from the National Publishing Company, No. 19 North Seventh street, Philadelphia, of a new book just issued, entitled "The History ! the Grange Movement, or the Farmers War against Monopolies," being au account of the struggles of the American farmers against the extortions of the railroad companies, with a history of the rise and pro gress orthe Order orthe Patrons or Husbandry, by Edward W. Martin, author or "Behind the Scenes m Washington," Ac. The work will be foil or interest to every reader. It will be illus trated with 60 engraving and portraits or lead ing Grangers. Canvassers wanted for T. De Witt Talinagu's family and reliirious paper, The Christian at Work. C. H. Spurgeon, special contributor. Sample copies and terms sent free. Office 103 Chambers street, New Tork. See their adver tisement. Good Food aud plenty of it, produces the same effect upon a person wbo has been starved, that the Peruvian Syrnp, an iron Tonic, does up on the weak and debilitated ; It makes them strong and vigorous, changing weakness and suffering into strength aud health. Do toit ever think that a neglected cough or cold may lead to serious consequences ? In the early stage of Lung diseasa take "Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial." It can always be relied upon. Doh't bb Discouraged. Suppose yoa hare "tried fifty remedies" and received no benefit, is there therefore "no balm in Gilead )" Verily there is. Tour liver may be congested, your sto mach half paralyzed, your nerves quiver ing.your muscles knotted with . torture, your bowels con stricted, your longs diseased, your blood full of impurities yet iu on week after commencing a course of Dr. Walker' Vinegar Bitter -you will feel like a new creature. 4w. ftPECIAL NOTICES. To Capitalists, To men of Medium fleans, and to all Wishing Homes and thus Avoid Paying Rents. By reference to the Watsontown Record and 8unbury "Gazette" will be sees a full and more explicit"description of the property I offer for sale, either in lots or by the acre. But what I wish to more particularly bring before the pub lic is the LIBERAL TERMS on which they are offered. I will BELL LOTS from 8100 to 8300 and Lands by the ACRE from f 200 to 500, accordiug to the location. Terms : Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, the balance in time and amonnts to suit Durchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with legal interest from day of sale. The street and alleys will be opened as fast as lots are sold, so that all may be approached with ease. All persons who are now paying rent can have an opportunity of securing a home for less mo ney annually than they are now THROWING a WAY ir. rent. Any person wishing to see the lands or lots will call on me, when every opportunity will be given them to have a fair chance to see -the supe rior advantages presented to the public. In addition to the lands above referred to. I now offer for sale THREE DWELLING HOU SES, situate on Water street, In Watsontown bo rough, the one being the large and commodious Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, all of said dwellings having the necessary outbuildings for immediate use. For further information call on or address J. M. FOLLMER, at-ontown, Pa. October 31, 187;!. 1 yr. TO CONSUMPTIVE?. The sdMrtiiwr, hsring beeu innanenly cured of that dread iiimor. Consumption, by a simply remedy. Is anxious to mskr knovru to bis fllow sufferers tlie mcsus of cure. To sll who drairr it, he will send s mpy of the prescription used, (free of chrir0, with theilirec tkms for preparing sod usin(r the same, which they will Bud a sure .'ar for Cousuniplkui, Axbnut, BmnehitR, r. Parties wishing- the prescription will pleat sddrvss ltev. E. A. WILSON, 194 Fenn St., Willlsrasburnh, Jiew York. Xov. M, 1873 m. Children olten look Pale and Mick from no other cause than having -worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, belnit perfoctly WHITE.and from all the coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CURTIS fe BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Dniggitti and Chemittt, ami dealers ' Medicine at Twkntt-Five Cent a Box. July 12, 1S73. ly. Thirty Years' Experience, ofan Old N urate. nrs lVlnHlow'N Nootliinir Kyrun I the prescription Tone of the best Female I Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and j has been used for thirty years with never failing i safety nnd success by millions of mothers and children, from the re'eble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, j relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and t ctrTw."' Wf.'belYcVell to be" flie ifcTittfrureV: j Remedv in the World, in all cases or DY8EN-..-.. . miDiinnri iv mil IinFV ihn. I 1 M i ana iiAfti"- - v-. -..-. ther it arises from Teething or from any other caue. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simile or CURTIS A PERKINS is on tho outside wrap per. Sold bv all Medicine dealer". July 12, 1S73. ly. ERRORS OF YOI T1I. A ganllemaa who nnrd for ymn from rona PabilitT, rrvmature uoy, im ru" " fol indnerrtton will, for tb sake of suflmng bu mamly. mi free to ail who need it. tbe rerii-e and di nctfcm for makiJij tlie aim pie remedy by whieh be wis cured. Suffereri wishiuf to proBt by the advertisers eiprien can do n by iddnwa.l'g in erteet coi.ll- deuce, JOHN B. OGDEX, 1 Cedar St., 17 rn. New York. T. 11 'jZirn At Georgetown, this county on the 14th inst.. by Rev. Mr. Engle. Mr. Jacob Dkeibelhis and Mist AMELIA 1'OHTZLISH, Ol nnyuer cuumj. In Snnburv. on Snndav morning, March 22, H74. WALTER, son or Thomas D. and Amelia D. Grant, aged 9 months and and 25 days. In Sunbury, on March 23, 1874, MARY, wife f Herman F. Walters, formerly of Baltimore, Md., aged 41 years and 12 days. In Milton. March 11. 174, Mrs. SAKAll IIARTRA N FT, aged 68 years, 11 months and 12 days. bbttiismtnts. Report ofThe Firstt National nl orNuubor), Tinnrt of the conditlou of "The First National Bank of Sunhury," in the Borough of Suubnry, l.i the Ktnte of Kunsvlvanla, at the close ol bu siness, on the 27ih da'y o! February, A. D. 174 : LIABILITIES. Capital Block paid In...... !J00,(H)0 tX) :u.wi oo Surplus rund Discount, rxcimngf, nifTcsi, ami Profit and Loss Circulating Notes outstanding State Bank circulation outstanding... Dividend Unpaid 19,08-t 67 10S.OOO 00 5,9H5 00 4.K04 18 231, .S7 o:t 24.772 S7 ios oo 14.107 75 Individual Deposits United States Deposits m Deposits of U. H. Disbnrsinir (MHcers, Due to National Banks One to State Banks and Bankers 1,738 s 703.'.H'tH ..J240.9S3 45 RESOURCES. .ivnis and Discounts U. S. Bonds to secure Circulation 200,000 00 j U. S. Bonds to secure Deposits. .itt.iMM.1 iu : 7i H) Ot.1 ! I.H50 00 U. S. Bond on hand Other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgage's.. Due from Redeeming and Ueserve Arents , l,'?,2 17 1 I2.03S 23 ! 10,882 G3 I Due from National Bunks Dne from State Bunks and Hankers... Current Expenses and taxes paid Cash Items, Including Stamps and 4.5) 09 Protest Account 1,827 18 10,818 00 .,587 21 118,000 00 Bills of National Banks Fractional Currency, including Nick els, . S. Lejal Tender Notes 1 703.90S OS STATE OF l-ENNSi'LVASIA i CorNTY or NoRTHfMBKRI,An, PCT. I, Samuel J. Packer, Cashier of "The First Ni.t;..ii:i Hank of Sunburv." do solemnly swear that tbo altove statement Is true to tue oesi oi my knowledge and belief. SiRiied, c.J. I'ALivr.n, ,:siikt. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 25th day of March, A. D., 1374. Signed, David Rh KFrFlirr., Notary I'abhc. (Seal.) Otrrect Attfst : JOHN HAAS. A. JORDAN, W. I. GREENOUtili, Directors. Sunbury, March 27, 1874. Execator's Xotlee, (Estate of Margaret Donnel, dee'd.) NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamen tary have been granted to the uudersijrned on the estate of Margaret Ponnel, late of the benoucu of Sunhury, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. All person knowing themselves Indebted to said estate, are requested to make Immediate paymsDt, and those having claims are rsfincsted to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZABETH DONNEL. FRANCIS M. F. DONNEL, Eveemrir, Stmbnry, Maeb 27. 17", Seto I Appeals. The County Commissioners will hold their ap peals at the following places, to wit : Delaware twp., April 21, at Jacob Hunsinger s. Watsontown bor.. April 22, at John Cooncr's. Tnrhutville anil Lewis. April 23. at Henry Dreishach's. McEwensville, April 24, at Henry Reader's. Milton, April 28. at J. M. Huff's. Tuibut, April 2'.t, at Abraham Kissinger's. ChillUquaue, April 3i. at Chas. Hartman's. Point and Northumberland, May 1, at George Burr's. Upper Augusta, May 2, at Commissioners Office. Riverside, May i, at Michael Rosenstine's. Rush, May 7, at school house, Pole Town. JMiauiokiu twp., May 8, at Thomas Nesbit'. Shamokin bor., Mav 12, at William Weaver's. Coal, May 13, at William Weaver's. Mount Carmel, May It, at Joseph Deppyii's. Mount Carmel bor., May 14. at Jos. Depj e l's. Cameron, May 15. at Weikel's Hotel. Zerbe, May lo, at Thos. Folds'. Little Mahanov, May 13, at Gap Hotel. Washington, Slay 19, at Henry Fisher'.. Upper Mahanoy, Mav 20, at E. C.cMV. Jordan. May 21, ut Ellas Shaffer's. Lower Mahanoy. May 22, at Abin. hen&rl's. Jackson, May 2::, at John Albert's. Sunbury, May 2o, at Commissioner's Oillo-.:. Suydertuwn, May 2U, at William Farrow's. Lower AnguMaMay 27, at David Fay's. AMOS VASTIXE, .r. G. DERHAM. 1. REITZ, Attest : romnii--ioiu-rA- V. W. Gray. Clerk. ANNUAIi STATEMENT OF THE8UN BU RY FIRE INSURANCE COM P AMY, TOR THE TEAK ENDISO Tl EC EMBER Slnt 173. (To the Insurauce Commissioners. 1 ASSETS. Cash market value of n-al estate owned by company, deduetinf all incumbrances thereon If3,.1J 0 Loans on Bond and Mortgage 7,500 0 Bonds and Stocks owned by 1 1--. Company, market value 1,00 0C Cash on hand and in Ban!; 5,0511 24 Gross Premiums in course of i-k lection Premium Note held bv the Com- ii.531 64 20,551 40 17,800 00 pany All other assets belonging to the Conij any Gross assets orthe Company ir3.1S3 E8 LIABILITIES. Losses unpaid, including those not acted on or resisted, I8J00 60, not conte:ed by claimant and cannot now be because loaned by length or time. Amount of Premium Notes sub ject to assessment Due and accrued for salaries, & 51 40 50 00 Aggregate amount of liabilities 20.fil 40 INCOME DURING THE TEAR. Gross amount of Cash received 73 Amount of Premium Notes re ceived during the year 20..W1 40 Income leeeived from other sources, such as rent 1,205 0J Aggregate 25,94S 13 EXPENDITURES DURING THE YEAR. Gross amount actually paid for losses Cash returned to members whose policies were cancelled Amount of Premium Note re turned to members Paid for salaries, otlicers.clerks Si? All other expenditures, as rent-, repairs. &c? Aggregate amount nfCnsh Expen ditures RISKS AND PREMIUM. Written during the year from Sep tember 2d, 1ST:!, date nf compa ny "a perinatieul organization Total Deduct those expired and nvirked off as terminated In force at end of year Deduct amount rei-sued Net amount in for.c In force not having more t han oue year to run Before having more than one anil not more than three years to run In force having more than three years to run 753 00 1.1M 05 2S0 30 40 00 250 tiO 2.6tS 05 55t.!iC7 55 554, o07 55 40,119 38 50,24S 17 5,00 0 0 502,448 17 3IS.S3S 17 157,410 tO 2,(KK 00 Net amount Dec. 3Ut, 1S73 5S.24S 17 tl EN ERA L INTER UO( A TORIES. Total amount Cash Premiums re ceived siuee the organization. Sc.t. 2d, H73. and decree of Court, Nov. Huh. 1S73, of tli Company AESs-MKNTi 4,130 73 NONE. Total amouut los, s paid finee or- The chief as.v ts of tins ( oinpany are tlioefl ob tained from investments made, of moneys paid by subscribe! s to capital btoek of said company. DAVID WALDRON, President. C. A. Rkimf.vsstiier. Secretary. Sworn and ub-cribed before inc this 20th dny i of January, A. I). V'74. A. 11KK fc, J. I . El.Y.SHlHG ACADEMY. ELYSBURG, PA. TnE tirt Term of the Summer Session will open on Monday, April 6, 1S7 1. A desirable School for young men and ladies to prepare for tlie m tive duties in life. Furnish ed rooms, Board, Tuition, Li-fht aud Fuel for f3S per term. Send for catalogue. II. II. BARTHOLOMEW, March 20. '74. 4t Principal. JOHN NFAIil.EV. I. W. ITK;T. STEAM 1'I.AI.MM. MILLS. M1LLF.RSBURG, PA. 'EAGLEY"& PERRY, Manufacturers and Dealers in Flooring, SMiug, Surface Hoards, .atii, Stripping, Miinglcs, j And all kinds of Sash, Doors, Shutters, BiimK j Mouldings, c. Hemlock A White Pine Bill Stnif, and all kinds of Building Material. Stair building and cliureli work a specialtv, March 13,Jy. NISI AL I Dl'CEMENTS. New aud attractive Goods, in every Department WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWFLRT, SILVER ANI I'l.ATEO WAKE. Cutlery. Cocks, Bronzes, English. French and Germnu Fancy Goods. In view of the decliae In COLD, we have re duced prices on our entire Stock of Foreign mer chandise to Far tiold Kate. and purchasers will find it to their interest to make their selections NOW, whiln the ASSORT MENT IS COMPLETE. Coods sent on approval for selections. Articles purchased now, for the Holidays, will be packed and retained until such time r. desir ed. KOBBINS. CLARK A BIDDLE, 112 Cur.STNt t Sr., Pbilaukt ritiA- Nature's Great Remedy roa all THROATandLUNG DISEASES! ! It It the rital principle, of tha Pint Tree obtained y a peculiar process ia the distillation of the tar, by which it highest medicinal properties are retained. Tar even in its crude slate has been recommended by eminent physicians of ez-ery trhoel. It Is confidently acred to tneamicted lot Inc lullowinf simple reasons; I. Ii cur 3, .f by mhrufitly ittfir thi ceik kut by diuolnnc the phlcera and mssistinr nature to throw off the unhealthy matter causing the irritation. In cases of seated tONSt'Mrriox it both prolongs and readers less burdensome the life of the aiflicted sufferer. s. Its heal inc principle acts upon the irritated sur. lace of the lungs, Penetrating to each diseased fart, telieviof pain, aa4 tntdminr inflammation. 3. It rcKiriHAKD anti.HtSTH blood. Positive ly curing all humors, from the common etMFLB or anvFTtoN to the severest cases of Scrofula. Thousand f affidavits could be produced from those who have, felt the beneficial effects of Pins Tuna Tab Cobdiai, U th various diseases arising from mruaiTits oa thi aLooa. 4. H invifyratet t'ie d'rettire rgane and restores the afpetite. All who have known or tried Dr. L. Q. C. Wit-( aart's remedies require no references from us, but the svuac of thousand cua vv ,hcn) un te t,,CB to' "T vac wno-doubn our statement. lr L. d C. Wbhart's Great American Dytpeftia Pills aid, Wo Siv.An Iaors have never beea ecjual(4. - tot kU by all lruggists and Storekeepers, and at' fir, L. Q. 0. WISHAXrs OSes,' fjcto bbcrlisements. v OANIEL. F.BEATTV. TOE MERITS OF THE 'GOLDEN TONGUE.' j MT A NEV." JERXFTT HAUL TO FKATTY AT FI.OTT, j WASHINGTON, N- ! 'Ti. an aire nf invention, improvement and skill, , ! The world's in commotion, ar.d nothing is sill' ; i And progress in written wherever we turn ( So : "the ball is kept rolling," and each day w i learn ! (if some new achievement i:i science or art ; i Each branch of iud'iftry in fact claims a part. So each is awarded a pn,? f-f'n the bain! "fn generous public a merit' demands. ; So music's department can point, in u''r I'r"'e j To men of true genins. whose ftime J?"" ; wide. j O'er hills and through valleys, in maiMion a.' and cols. Well, dne are such honors to l'Betl1n t rhtt. Whose Golden Tongue organ stands first in the land The firt as to merit, and Grst in demand. Excellii. in sweetness and richness of tone. I Surpassing all others, and standing alone. Its worth is acknowledged wherever it is known, j As all will bear witness, and cheerfully ne I For equal in workmanship, beauty, design, j Or finish, they challenge the best in the line, j Where faces were gloomy, and hearts once were ! sad What homes are now cheerful yes. Imppv and glad. Continue thy mission, thy song 'Goldca Tongue,' Hath ehains of enchantment for old and for yoang. Beatty & Plotts' celebrated Golden Tongne Parlor Organ is acknowledged by eminent pro fessors of music to be the best Parlor Organ now in use. Thousands of testimonials are constant ly being received in favor of them, which go to show that onr instrument gives entire satisfac tion. IS?For Price Lint Address BEATTY fc PLOTTS. Washington, X. J. MISS C. DALIUS, Sole Agent. No. 93 Market Street. Sunbury, Pa. March 13, 1574. Cm. Notice. .TOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned having found, on the ltith or February, 171, a package of Dry Goods, consisting of breakfast shawls, gloves and notions, along the Susiiiehanna river, above Georgetown, Lower Mahanoy township, Northumberland county. The goods are snpposed to have belonged to a pedlar. The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, or rise thev wii! be disposed of according to law. PERCIVAL BORREL. JOSEPH LATCHFORD. Georgetown, North'd Co., March 13th. Mock hold err Meet lug. A MEETING of the stockholders of Fort Au gusta Building and Loan Association, of Sunbnrv, will be held in Clement's bnilding, on Third 'street, on THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 1:6th, 174. at 7 o'clock, for the pur pose of electing olfieers for the ensuing year, and lo receive tlie reports of the Treasuicrand Finance Committee. JACOB SniPMAN, Sec'y. Sunbury, March 13th, lb74. tubas. s j Cw For COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL. THROAT DISEASES, TTso WLLLV (AKKUI.IC TABLETS. PFT VP ONLY IS BLPE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. S.ld by Pruggiste. iw. IU SCHOOL TKACHERS WASTED to mrare during the K;riiK nd Summer in a busiuem paying $150 per m nitii jn their own rountiee. Addrean ZIEGLEN k Merrill Y. Philadelphia Pa. m20.4w. isrars wahted foitss HISTORY OF THE GRANGE MOVEMENT OB THS FARMER'S WARWINSTJttQNOPOLIESb P '... rc..r ibi lin.iMiefr. iW.naevitfiwii.m Mw nmn nwit famvuiea, with a b's.ory ol 'he rise aud progress of the orcli-r ot zvtoiia of H'lHlwndiy. It sella at sight. Se-.i! fir ''.eimeji pufaps aud imiw uui why it aW: fae'er ihtn any nther book, Addrean NA TIONAL lTLLISMMiCO., Pbiladt lphia, l'a. in20.4w The tires 't American C'oiTe Pot distils Coffee as clear as umber; extracts all Its strength; retains nil Its nntritiona nroma. The best thing ever offered. Price 2, sect to any address. Call and see It In operation or send ft-r illustrated circular. Territorial rights Tor sale. DEWITT C. BKOvTN & CO., 67 Broadway, N. Y. m' 4w TVYCH')MASCY. rr SOI L iHAUMlMi.- How either iex may f.eriuate and &-aiu the love and aflVi-tiona nf any it-rsmi tlw-v rhooee iiistantiy. Thin simple ment:il nciiiiirr'tmrut mi rostwvx, mail, for V'ic., tog-ther win a marriage zuide. EgYpt'iin Ora cle, Iiriranii., Hiiita to I-adien. V.vd.ln.--Nii(ht 'utr. tc. A ijurr tuck. Mi-o T. w IL'.HM i. PukPhila. M.Tivb &. 4w, AOKNTS WANTED FOH EVEUYllODVS OWX PIIYSItTAX. By '. W. OLEASOS, M. I. A maimificeiit Tolnme ahtuidUi.' in important infurmL'ion, and elegantly il luiratvl. oue Ai? lit took UM orders in oue week. Price n n 1 terms to suit the timed. t'oi'ciriulraddrfa H. S. McKINNtY fo 1 S. 7th W., Phila. m'20.4w :' ur.Rano-avaiarru jSBctncdy cure by Its 4' tSgSailmilii, s-wihina; and. heal i y ing prK-rtifc. to w h v 7 . 1 1!'" ui:-cas yields, wen "Li V i liemady U used warm -aj v A sf hu,j system put in per-i'tu-'.r bv the wonderful nltcratlre i , - - r i d V i cr e e' ti o Idc n IH ed k . . . r-i't r.l i":covry, ta!:rn earnesUy, to r.c t lWI ail tyit in, which ar al- - ' .t::- sat fault, .-.Pa specllicallyupon ('.: i'U ts -Ui'iit i n;il liniuc membrane ot 3 o:C . coinn.tinn .uing cuamucra, w . .. i .... i - - i i -....! 1 1 rm Ann ion nr n w rr, m ' Dr. I'lcrcc'a Naaal Poael9, x- ;:ie o:.:-. in ir.;i.ici:t with wliicli fluid wed--.t !ic cnecl!'i anyliod to all parts iii j-. ; ::sfs niidi-hnmiicr in which ulcer vi i .'rom whlchuiscliargsprocesiU. it: i.:i.-4-?:fr.I lias this troatmont proven, t:.c proprietor c-fferi ffiOO Re- tir a caso of "Vul'l in JleacT' or - ( , rrh ta can not cure. The two medi c ! wi:h .n.-tniiicnt $i,by alldruygisU. A V.'EEK TO AGENTS. Fastest O f O scllluit articles out. Three valuable t amulet for ten cents. J. BRIDE, 787 Broadway, X. Y- UOKKI.VG CLA.IMi Male or Female, $30 a week, employmeDl at home, day or aven lutf l no capital ; instructions and valnable pack ajje of goods sent free by mall. Address, with six cent stamp. M. ?OL NO A CO., 173 Green wich St., New York. ma20 4w The Highest Medical Authorities of Europe say the strongest Tonic, Puritler and Deobttrnent known In the medical world Is Jurubeba It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the deWlitaied, cleanses vitiated Mood, removes vesicle o"jstrue tions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price 1 a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 13 Piatt St., N. V. J18 4W. FAWN! ACSEXTS! FAWN! ViJ leim tbnt our new book ia jus' out. EVERYBODY'S FRIEND." JOHN BILLINGS- PEN Illustrated by THOMAS NaST'8 PENCIL. hi" oinrwe the will ell like nyaten at a uneial. niuter. LTeryhuiU 's hunjrry tor It, Mjnd for circular ami eee wh;;t a etwnee e aive to agent. Adlred, AUKKH'tN prHLlHHINi t'O., Knrtlord fou rn.lj.4w BUILDERS Seuit for llatologue of New Books oo Carpentering ami Building. A. i. , 27 Warren Street, BIJt:KEI.I CO. Xe.T !. ! CAMPHORIN'E! CAMPHORINE! CAMPIIORINE! CAMrnORIXE! For eale bv all ilrtiggiati. m.l.4w. K. KOTT, Proprietor, Sew York. GRAND The 1,VIHEH' OWN a veur ami two . Chromoa for ti TO flWII'nfl AGENTS Sjoni'le Magsain arid both UT J. TilVO Chroraoa potiil for o. Heat oah term to Amenta ever ciffere.1. Ajitnla ju-ike iM lo $50 a week. RF. KV TH IH : "Th Chrontoa, 'Juat Kue; and H)ld Oakeu Bucket,' given witu Ladies' Own Magaziue, are flrat-clasa oU climmw, equal in all reaiieeta id any A cbromo In niv Ptore." S. Oortwslp, Wboleealo Art Dealer, Chicago. Address, LATiJKS' UtVJ( MAGAZINE New York City. oi.13.4w. MILLIONS OF ACHES rich farming; laxdm la Kelraeka, NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP! TIX 1IAB OatDII, ISTTlIST (ISi: ti PKB Ct.NT. Peocrljitlve, Pamphlets, with Sectiorl Mar j, v'iit fiw. Tt lMouerr a har.deuniv illilatrated Papar, containing the Horn ste4 Law, nuilod frsw t sti jmn of tbr world. Ad Sreea, O. T. DAVIS, TJinit Commiseiorier U. I'. K. It., ni.lS.4w. Oiroihs, Xet. - ' ' T I" Ik. cto ibbtrtiseratnts BLATCHLEI'S )4 Improved CUCUMBER WOOD fS a PU M P, Tasteless, Durabi,EfB- 3 cient and Cheap. The beat ( pump for the least money. At- tentioo is especially invited t Blatchley7s Patent imroveii Bracket aud New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdraw! without removing the Pump, or disturbing the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will out last any other. For sale bv Dwi'.ers and the Trade generally. Inquire for Biatchley's Pump, and if not for saie in your town, send direct to CHAS. G. BLATCnLET, Manufacturer, Cnmmeree St., Thilad-lphia, Pa. March 13, '71 Hnns. John If. i-ht.i,. Johs M. Sf hiwt. K1.I t K4IIOSOI K. .-i- eond Strref, Womri ior?. Ph. FOKKIGX ANI DOMESTIC: L1QCOKS WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, Pare Old Ky Whiskey. .Arfi.B Wnisxrif, CoRmsrJ, 4c. All l.Iiit.14 jfattrranteed as represented. Orders prompt.' ""ended to and pub!-.- j tronage respectfnlly solicited. Sk?L 8CHONOUK. il St., Wome!sWJ B?rks r-' y' Feb. 27. 1874. ly, Northern Ceatral Baila V On and oft Dec. 1, 1173 train on f h- rol fnf 1 a foiiow? : LKAVE SORTHWARU. Ic Krir. BeDova Vail Waahuigtoa .... 8.3 p Aeevm. Mail. Kivraa .4)ta at USaa .2o a m 1.4i p aa (.no a m lli p si 10 p at .iat p aa illpm 7.11 r 7.10 n m .) p f Baltimore 11.15pm ......... Philadelphia.. . .10.20 pn Harris imrg 3.05 a ni 8.25 am 8anbprt 5.20 a m 11.10 a m Arrive at : Williawsport... 7.10am 12.54M in tunira 11.50 a m . Buff .l.i .3U p m . Kri 7.20 p m . 10.20 p m AU daily exc?j.t Smutay. I.eve: Buffalo Klmira HarrlsV t Kxpreae. Mail. AeriMh. Mall. ll.-aa Mpia 7,91am 3.45 a ki 2.48 pa . Una in 9.30am ..p to 11.10 p as . a iu 11.13 m a.4 p m VJjai a Erie... BufTiki Elmira Williamiiort. Suu'.iury Arrive at : Harrubur . Philadelphia. Baltimore .... ..4.50am l.Mpm l(U(tiu a.Maaa .. 9.10 a m S.55 p m X'm m m .M a am .. S.40 a m S.30 p ni XJSam S.4ttaaa W aatmiKtoii 1()15 a in S..10 p m 4.13 a m 10.35 a m AH piao Sunbury duly except Sunday. A. J. BASS ATT. I. 8.YOCSG. T. GrcKK, Ues'l Manager. (ien'l fw. A ol. Sup't. Balldins Lots For Sale. NINETEEN LOT, 25il00 feet, fronting n Vine street, in Sunbury. Price 1123. Als thirty lots. 25x137, frontlnz on Spruce and Piue streets. Price $1H per foot. Also eiht lots, 25 x90, fronting on Fourth street between Wain at and Spruce. Price $450. Also 21 lots, 25x110, fronting on Third and Spruce streets, between Walnut and Spruce. Price $400. Also 5 lots 2tx230 on the north side of Spruce street. Price $600. Also 16 lots in Cake'own. The above prices do not include comer lots. Persona de si ring to purchase will do well to call soon. Terms easv. IRA T. CLEMENT. Jan. 23, 3m. LlttGOB STORK! CmUSTIAK NEFF, Second Street, opposite tha Court Hoaae, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of TTataTirrs. and others, that he haa on hand, and will con stantly keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC UQUOBS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: CVnlac, Cherry, Ginger, Rocbelle and Otard. Whiskies: Pore Rye Copper-Distilled, Mrmnn. gahela, Apple and Nectar, PURE HOLLAND GIN ! Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Port antl Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, X. I. Rum, Brown Stont and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Liquors which can be found la the city markets, which will be told at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed aa represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. SJ7 Orders promptly attended and yaMIe patronage respectfully solicited O XF.FP. Sunbury, July 3, 1S73. ly. and "Our Father's House," of whibh nearly 200,000 have been sold. "Home Life" b com ambd hy miniaiers of all churches as "the author's best book," ''full of precious thoughts.7 "Truths precious aa gems," a choice book for every family," c. Steel engravings, rose tint ed paper, rich binding and for rapid sale uu equaled. Agents, Young Men, Ladies Teachers and Clergymen, wanted in every coudty ; 75 to 100 jier month, Send for circular. ZEIGLER A M'CURDY, 513 Arch St., Philade'-rhia, Fa. March 6, 174. 2moa. '-tUI I Jl -i ' Send for Illustrated Catalogue and examine our priws before purchasing, as we claim to sell lower than acv other establishment in the Cltv. REMEMBER the NUMBER, 12H6 RIDGE AVENUE, Philadelphia. WATCHES, JEWELRY sftMII.YEU WARE. Joha W. BteveuoB, Corner Third and Market Sts, Sanbnrv, Fa. HAS completely reuovated bis Store Room, aud opened the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRT, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing ia the Jewelry line is kept in ature. Kilver-Yvare, Bracelet. Kings at Ckaia. o every description and of the finest quality. Particular attention psM to repairing Watt-be, Clocks, Jewelry.. HAIR JEWELRT made to order. Sunbury, March 6, 1374. GENUINE Peruvian Guano. FARMERS, Agriculturist ad Dealers in Fertilizers lmYa now an au oppottunity ot obtalrjins ttil valuable manure iu araall r larse lo;?, at the sole importer' prices, by ap. plyin:; tn tlie SpeeUtl A:eney just rstablisherl for the purpose of ckliveriDj; Gen a i tie Peraviao Guano to consumers at any accessible port or railway statioo iuje country. Fell particular jiveu in ClrenlarVailed freecr- application to R. BALCAZEBs Ka. 53 Bearer St., Nst Tork. References by Permission. Mer. Hohson, Ilurtado & Co., Financial Art of the IVrnrian Government, W "Wall St., N. T. Mow Tnylor, Pres. National City Bank, 53 Wall St., S. T. J. C. Tiav, Es,., Pernvlan Consul, 26 Broad way, s. y. March 6, 1S74. 3 mo. KMtttte orisaave Kern. Dcuei. "VTOTICE is hereby given, that letters of A-I-Ji ministration have been granted to the nu- ) designed, on the F.tat of Isaac Kern, late of tlie Borouijfi ot Minoarv, ortnnmuerland cana ty, itt., tieoeased. AU persons indebted ti satti estate, are requested to snake immediate pay ment, und thoe hAviu claims to present them for etti-rnertt. GEO. AV. STROII, Adm'r. Snnltttry, Pa., Feb. 27, 1S74. t. GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, Philadelphia. TAILORS aud MILITARY CLOTIIIEIIS, Military, Band & Fire Organization promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being tha leading house on Military wnrkv we feel that we can offer lndocetueot which ea aot be attained anywhere else Jan. ?. 1?7. n 1 - M a UI