Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 20, 1874, Image 4
iLiumorons l:ctcbt ' " : Slimmeu's I'keik'AMEXT. Slimmer j r.-:i!iy deserves pitty, for it certainly was j uncommonly rouh on him. He was o- ; iiii up to leading the oilier i'ay, anil w hen j he reached the depot lie happened to look I iat ihe hidies room. A womau vat there j with a I .! iil'lusjiiai- and three children, j niul !. -.v simmer .'ic. rushed at j him. s;.- lltl-i J U-fo;-.. ho c.-nliU deft-tid himself j a r aims about his neck, mailed; h -i ;,.-.iJ upon lnva"t. and ours: mm , I H. lltii:n-l' was amazed, indignant, c..n(-.u:id-i ; avd ere he could I'm J inter- j f..r his i, oiin- she exclaimed : 'Oh. j II-.. Il.nrv! V'e are unhid at i j ln-. An- you well? Is Aunt Martha stii: aliw ? II tv'n't vou huied tnn-fc your i.'.iiisa And she looked into Mimmer's lace, aud chins: to him, and smiled through vti tears. "Madame," said he solemnly, "if turn the person alluded to as Henry, permit me tosy that you have made a mis take. Mynamy is Imu -I ; I have no Aunt Martha, nnd 1 don't own a solitary h.U!.i. Oblige ae by letlin- 0 my coat. It i-xeit remark.' Then she b-iri.-.l her h ii!i lil.tK r into his waistcoat, and K-uau to cry harder than ever, and said: 'Oh, Henry, how -how can you treat lue so V How can you pretend that you are u t my husbaud ?' 'Madam,' screamed Slimmer, if you d not cease nipping my shirtboiom ti'.id remove your umbrella from my corn, 1 U.ii'i toil 11 rail the noliee. Let toe go, I say.' "The children are here hi. fM'!littd : 'ihev recocr.ize t'mir :":uhr. Do you not, children?' 'Yes,' thev exclaimed. 'It ipa-i'- u' 't,ir pa.' And they grappled Slimmer by the t row fif 1 lej: Mud luiug to hie ccat tail. 4 Wo iuat.,' he hrieked, 'Ibis is gettiug serious. L'nhaiid m I say." and he tried to disen gage himself from her embrace, while all the brakeinen, aud the newsboys stood around aud said Ids conduct was infamous. In the midst of his strule a stranger en tered with a carpci-bag. He looked ex actly like Slimmer, aud when lie saw hit. wife iu Slinimei's arms he became excited, and he flooted Slimmer with that caipet 'bag and sat on Lira, and smote Lis nose, and caromed or. his head, and asked him what he meant. Slimmer was removed on a stretcher, and the enemy went of!" iu a cab. He called next day to apologize. His wife made a mistake because of Slimmer's likeness to him. And now Slimmer wishes he may siou be kicked in the face by a mule, so that he will resemble no other hu man beiug on earth. The worst blunder in what was intended for a pretty speech that I ever heard of, however, was perpeliaUd iu modern times by a dignitary o! the church, who was ask ed to marry a youug couple in a country place where he hapieued to be staying, and was also called upon to purpose the health of the bride and bridegroom at the subsequent breakfast. Xow the host and hostess were noted iu the country round as the most genial, and in hand through life ; so the good di vine thought that he might as well turn this Li account in Lis speech. To sum up all our good wishes for the happy pair, whom we have t-eou united this morning,' he said in conclusion, 'we cannot, lam sure, do better thau to express a desire that the result of their union may prove strictly analogous to that of the par ents of the fair bride.' Yhereupou the 'fair bride' went into hysterics, the bridesmaids colored and looked dow n, the master of the Louse blew his noce violently. He w ho had caused all this commotion, wisely sat down and held his jieacr, won dering at the eflectot his iuuocent eompli meut to the host aud hostess. He soon, however, found some one to en lighten him. She is not their daughter at al!,' Lis in formant explained, 'but a neice who came to live with them when her own father and mother were divorced.' There is an old darkey down in Mary land who lately voted for local option, as he understood it, but not as the public generally understand it. The story, a true one. runs thus : At a recent election a friend asked the old man Low he was going to VJte. "Oh," he replied, "the Republican tick- t. I always vote that ticket." "15ut how are you going to vole on local option ?" The darkey, looking up asked, "what is ;at V" "Why, local option is puttiug down li quor," was the reply. "Lors a Massa," said the darkey, "of course I vote for local option ; I voles to put down liquor to the price, tip penny-bit a pint !" An Irish strvent, newly engaged, pre sented to his master one morning a pair of bvois, the lea of one of which was much iongir than the other. "How comes it, you rascal, that these boots are not of the same length r" "I really don't know, sir ; but what bothers me most is that the pair down stairs arc iu the mine fix." Mvw llr lilt ANDY. AVe are sorry to learn that aierman chemist has succeeded in making firt-rate braudy out of sawdust. We are a friend of the teuijierauce move men!, and we waul it to succeed, but w hat chance w ill it have when a man can lake a rip saw aud go out and get drunk with a fence-rail ? What is the use of a prohibitory liquor law if a man is able to make brandy smashes out of the shingles on the roof, or if he can get dcliruin tremens by drinking the leg of his kitchen chairs ? You may shut an inebriate out of a gin shop, and k- p him away from taverns, but if he can iiecome uproarious on boiled saw dust and dosiccated window-sills, any eflort at re form muct necessarily tie a failure. It will be wie, therefore, if temperancu societies will butcher the (ierman chemist before he goes any further. His receipt ought not to be made public. He should be slufled with distilled board-yards until he ncrishes with mania a potu. I 'm i.E Bill was a drover from Vermont, lieing exposed te all kinds of weather, his complexion suffered some what ; but at the Wtl he was none of the whitest. Stopping at a public house, a man ofnotoriouly bad character thought, as Uncle Bill came in, he would make him the butt of a joke, and, as the black face of the weather-beaten man appeared in the door, he exclaimed : 'Mercy on us, how dark it grows !' 1 Uncle Bill, surveying him from head to I foot, coolly replied : Yes, sir, your character and my com-j p'exion are enough to darken any room.' j A MAN writes to an editor for four dol lars, 'because he is so terribly short,' and gets in reply vhc heartless response: 'l).j ? 1 1 stand upon a chair.' Most farmers keep ten or a dozen barrels , of Cider in their cellars on the same plea as j that of '.he Dutchman, who said he always kept rive or six barrels of t-auer kraut in of sicknesv A bandy is a chap who would be a lady if he could; but as he can't, does all be ran to show the world be is not a man. CEWTaALJDRUG STORE UP W I q.b.cXdvllader I the plan I i.u i-tre ami t'ffh jVI F 1JC1 N" i !)Ki;s. l'AIXTS, Oll'S, GLASS. I'KHFI'M KUY NOTIONS. CltJAr.s. ! TOl'.At t'O. I.Ki (!v for medicinal purpose, and all o'.lur arti cles usual! v kept in a first-class Drui: SV.ire. Spfial attention paid ti compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent 1 inn .r.M.:.r,-,1 1.. I'uriih in miHiitilies f suit ! rurehavii ami i t Pliiiauelrliia vr'ees, , ( Ai.'iNKi) ri..Ti-.i:. rillI.APKI.iMUA LIVK, KIMSIliNt; AND, Pl.ASTKKlXti HAIR. Y ':i':ii: i. i : iu fit , Uoseieiale tind l.tliili CUMF.NTS, IiL.i I'l-.ister for Kaiiti' is. Titnolhy an I ( lover Seeds. Also. ;ardeii S-ed of all kin '.n. I nil and "et a Kural Reaisler lor 174. (,EO. U. t'ADWALl.ADEK. Siinbtiry, Feb. f. 1ST4.-I.V. 1k. V. M. NUrtin. Hfo. V. H1.00M NEW DRUG STORE, tso. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Baili , Sitay, Pi j rvl JJTTV CO I'll. V ' A A - - - J j HAVE y n-it received : iresh lot of fare lirug and I'. teiit medieine. We have a!o a full assortment of DRESSINO AND PACKET COM US?. Hair. Tooth. Nai!.Clothehoe and other brushes. TOII.ICT AM FAXCV AKTKLES. FIVE EXTHACTS, CorKPT HOOKS, KNIVES, C, C. REED'S CRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume in Am-rica. rnriMian. Kil ;iov' Wash, warranted to clean jK-rfectly the most delicate slndi" without injury 10 the kid Al! the leading preparations for ttie Hair. m:; vies, the best in market, Pure Wine and Liquors, for inedicr.' parpnses, " I'hysieinns Prescriptions and family tcceipts comiHiutiiled with care. Thankful for pat favot we ho by fair deal ing to rif-eive a share of your patronape. Soptember 11, lS. W. D. MELICK, Druggist and Apothecary, At the old established stand on Market Square, M'MtriCY, VA. Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of we'd seleeSed DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Dniggts Fancy (Jood, BRUSHES. COMBS, PERFUMERY, PATENT M KDICIN ES, OI LS, lA INTS GLASS, PUTTY, VAitxisii. nvr-sTrrrs, in fact everything usually kept in a well rm d jcted zd:rttg STOP.E. Particular attention paid to componnding Ptiy-sir-ians prescriptions aud family receipts by the Proprialor himself. Sutibury, Pa., June 8, 1H73. Miscellaneous. TIIK UIX; IIAItltKK KIIOP IS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long has been ; ask hi-:oiy and she will tell you Men have prown old in our Babies on their mothers' breast To bouncinir boys nt play : And youths by maidens fulr caressed. To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver pray. And anions the honored and lasting impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions iu circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the ingenuity and jierscvcrance ap pertaininp to the identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspirins to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of peet and approbation hieh the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment are always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave wi h ese Cut and comb with tuste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing earn. And color the whii-kers black or brown, lo suit the people about the town. Then allow n;c olilely request you to stop. And not go past nor from around our shop. To get si aved on the basis of ability nor as some have done for our Use of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor under the common secret and invidious guise of enmity I complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the colr of bis skin, oiiL'lit not to effect his usefulness nor bis qualifications. A fair chance is all that we !-niand, to give the proof to all the hind. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. Sunbury, April 5. 173 ; No. 91, Market si. T MK VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., want reliable and energetic Agents in this county. 1 he " ICTOR" i a Lock-stitch. Mitit tle Macbine, with salf settinir Needle, best finish ed aud most jierfeet Machine offered. An in crease of .VlO er cent, on sales nf 1ST2 vxrr 1S71. For terms. Are.. Address, VICTOR SEWISG MACHINE CO..rJ--'7 Cnestnut St.,l'hiladelphia, Pa. Kept. 12, 1S73. 4tnos. c;i.. tv. coni.K, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Rrt. Estte Ac:ent, and Agent for the P1111.4 i.ahei rii 1 a M I'Ti'AL Protective Lire iNM'KAXrn CoMr-ANT. Ileriltloil, Xurfhibfrlantl l"ounty, I'a. ALL CLAIMS entrusted in his haeds v ill rere:v prompt attention. Heitidui!, .t:j. 2"J. .". I me-". Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The I'crtirlan Syrup, a Protect rd Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to havo the character of an aliment, a easily digested and assimilated irith'thc'ltlood an the simplest joihI. Jt increases the auantlty of Xatnrc's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures 4,a thousand ills," simply by Toning up, Invigorating and I italizing the System. The en riched ami vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dlar rliafDonssNervotis Affections, Cliill and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional 'Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys aud Bladder, Teiitalc Complaints, ui all tliseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac coinpanieil by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but arc permanent, infu sing strength, rigor, and neuf life into all parts of the system, and building tip an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, ticalthy, and happy men and women t and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See tltat each botUo has PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. IampUIots Fre. SETH W. FOWLE & SONS, Proprietors, X. 1 HllUa rUe, Doitn. tf-iIH'Kiv! i . ------ hai.timoki: i.ot K HOSI'IT I, 1) kn. JOHNSTON. IMixsiciMi: of llii eelehralei lias (!ifpini'!.-il tin- lr.or! ri'ltuin. M'f. ; I V . pV:.-:-.l ;iiul i ';( -tun! r mcilv in the oilil fir -ill I WHKAKti OK IMI'KU'f N I.. ' Weiikin " t 1 he B: k or l.'.m!,s, Stri- t ires ' Afioetii'!. of KMm'y. ntvt fs!:tl ier, 1 n v... ( : - 1 my Ii-.e!i:iie, Impotent y. i-rn'i .- 1 !K-'iM- v. ! ,."HMti,.-, I)yme'y, I.'v 'iiiiit-;. lm!V.ion of Mias, faliiitation f i j t!'. !!:iit. Timidity, Tivm!!iii!;r', Dinim-i ! .l si-it or CiditiiH'PS. IMi.e:i-e f llie Hel. J Tin'oat. Nose or Skin, A Meet ions of Liver. Luug.i, Moii'.ite'i or Bowels these terriMc Disorders nviMiii! 110111 t he jMi.itarv Jluiuls ol louth thout seeret h:i1 solilnry raclees more fatal to their j ir(iiis than the song ot Syrens to the Mariners j .. I'lysrep, b'.iirlitinj their tnoPt brillintit liojies i of .M!tii'iii:tiopc, renili-rinsr marriage, .te., impos- i Bit.;.-. IOUNG MEN rfl'eiii!lT, who have tieeome the vietims of Soli- lary Mee, that dreadful and destructive halilt whieli annually sweeps to an untimely grave 1 iioiiihiiu 01 oiiiiu iiieii (ii iiiu iuopii rAiiiveu t.'il'Mits and hrilliaiit Intellect, who inirht other- have entranced listeniuir Senates with the i thunders of rioquenee or waked to testacy the j living Ivre. 111:1V ealj with full confidence. MAKUIAtiE. j Vnnird fersons or Young Mm eontemplat'.ug j iiiarviis-ie. aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss I of I'rocreative Tower IiiiMiteney), Nervous Kx I t-ital'i'.ity. Palpitation, Orgunie Weakness, Ner vous Dehility, or any other DU'iiiaiilication, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. j may reliirimisiy con tide in his honor us a uentle I man, mid i-ontidently rely noon his skill as a l'liv- i sif'i;i 11 OUGASIC WEAKNESS. Impotcticy, I.ofs of Toer, immediately Cured and full YiL'or KeMored. Thik DistWsinir A flection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty raid by the victims of Improper indulgences. Vonng j-ersons are too a-t to excesie in net being 11 ware of the dreadful consciences that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent I Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms lo both body and mind arise. The system becomes de ranged, the I'hysical and Mental Functions Weakened. Loss of Procreativc I'ower, Nervous i Irritability, Pyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, j indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption. Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. I Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling month after mouth, Inking poisonous and injurious compounds, should applv immediately. I K. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon don, Graduated from one of the most eminent Ctdleges in the United States, and the greater part of whose ife has been sjient in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia aud elsewhere, bust-fleeted some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ring ing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousuess, being alarmed at sudden sounds, Inislifulness, with frequent blubhing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediatelv. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. lr. J. addresses all those who have injurrd themselves by improper indulgence and soiiiary habits, which ruin both body and mind, uuliuing Ihem for either business, study, society or mar riage. 1 iikse are some of the sad and nielaio hoi v clleets produced by early habits of youth, v;. : Weakuess of the Back and Limbs. Pains in tli Back mid Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss ol" Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dytpepsy, Nervous I"italiility, Derangement of Digestive Function!-, .eneral" Debility, Symptom of t 'ou euui tion. Vc. The fearful t-tfeets 011 the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodiugs, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, c, are some of the evils produced- 1 uofSAMis of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their v'u'or, becoming, weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular apjarance about the eyes, cough and symptom ol consump tion. YOU Mi MEN Whit have injured th insclves by a certain prae tiee indulged' iu when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the etlects of whieh are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impos sible, and destroys both mind aud body, should apply, immediately. Whut a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, the "darling f his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the putii of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons mist before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that u sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, the journey tbrough life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the proseet hourly darkens to the view ; the mind teeouw-s shadowed with despair and tilled with the melan choly reflection, that the happinm of anotln-r becomes blighted with our own. a CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that au ill-timed sense of shame, or dread ef discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and resp.-etabiiity, can alone bcfrieu.l him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms ot this hurrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noetural pains in the bead and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones aud arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in. aud the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puM a period to his dreadful siifteriug, by sending him to " that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is a melancholy fact that thousand DIE victims to this terrible disease, through falling Into the hands of Ignorant or unskillful PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, Ac., destroy the constitution, and incapable of curing, keep the uubappv sullerer tNotith aft?r month taking their noxious or In jurious compounds, and instead of being restored to a renew al of Life Vigor and Huppiue, iu des pair leave him with ruined Health to sigh over liis galling disappointment. To such, there fore, Dr. Johnston pledges hiiu self to preserve the most luviolable Secrecy, uiVrt from his extensive practice and observations in the great Hospitals of Europe, and the first ii: this country, vir : England, France, Philadelphia aud elsewhere, is enabled to oiler the most cer tain, speedy and effectual remedy in the world for all diseases of imprudence. DR. JOHNSTON. E, NO. 7. S. FREDERICK STREET. oAI.TIMORK. M. D. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a f- w door from the corner. Fail not to observe ivim; and number. IJf No letters received unless postpaid and eoutaiuiug a stamp lo be usee! on the reply. Per sons writing should state age, aud send a portimi of advirtiscment deseiibing symptoms. There are so mauy Paltry, Designing ifrnl Worthless Impnsters advertising themselves as Physicians, trifling with aud ruiuing the t.ealth of ail who unfortunately fall into their power, that Dr. Johnston deems it uectssary to say es pecially to those unacquainted with his retiuta tion that his Credentials or Diplomat always i hang in his ollice. j ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS, i The many thousands cured at this Establish i tiient, year after year, ami the numerous itu ! porta nl Surgical inflations j-erformed by Dr. j Johnston, witnessed by the representatives of the ! press and many other papers, notices of I teh ! have apieared again aud aga:u before the pub9e, j besides his standing as a gentleman of character I and rct-pousibility, is a eullieient guarantee to lh I atllieted. Shin diseases speedily cured, j March 1, 173. ly VVIMF.IC STORES. KYE WHISKY, 11.00 a gallon, tll.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottles, f 1 1,00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY. $19.00 a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RUM, eCOTCII WHISKY. CATAWBA WINE. OLD PORT WINE, CHAMPAGNES, SEGAR3, AC. II. A A, C. Van Hell, Thk Wise MrRruASTS, 1310 Cbhtnut Street, Philadelphia. Oct. 124, 173. II O I' H E II 1. 1 Why Will You Sutler? To all persons suffer ing from Rhtieinatisin, Neuralgia, Cramps in the limbs or Mouiach, Bilious Colic, Pain iu the back.liowels or tide, we w o n 1 d say, the Hofsriioin Panama am Famii.t Liniment 'is of all others the rem fly you want for inter nal and external use. It has cured the above j complaints in thousands PAWAt'EA FAMILY of eases, j here is no mistake about it. Try It. Sold by all Drug 1.1 IV I MEM T. IgUit. July 12, 1873. ly. Stisc dlanrons. lr. J. Walker's talilornia Vine- par Hitters nrc a purely Vegetable preparation, made chiefly from tho native fieri is found on tlio lower ranees of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, tbo medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is tho cause of tho unpar alleled success of Vinegar Bitters t ' Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and tho patient recov ers his health. They are tho prcat blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the his tory of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing tho remarkable qualities of Vinegar Bitters in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. Thev arc a irentle Turgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Orguns in Bilioos Diseases. The properties of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Ililious. k. II. .. lNAI.I A. CO., lrUKK''" ""I Clie:-l At(elit-. m: 1 ruue.eo. C'allf'r uut, aud n. V."tjlJij;tei! aii-J eimriUm ts.. New York. Sold by nil UiUKgiNlN n:d Ica.ler. BOOK AGENTS FOR TTZSTDEiFtGIFtO U"3STX OK, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE. PT THOS. W. KSOS. 912 Facets Oeluto. ISO Fine 5 ugra vingt. Relates Incident and .Vc'ideata lieyond, the Light of Uiy ; Startling Ad vent tit es in all parts of the Wei'd; Mines and Mode of Working them; Caverns and their Myste:;es; i)own iu the Depths of the Sea ; Ni.'hts in Opium Dens; Life in Prison ; Stories 01 Exiles ; Journeys through Sewers and Catacombs ; Acemeius in Mines; VnderwoiH f th Great Cities, etc. For circulars and terms to agent", address the publishers. J. U. IlCRR A CO. Hartford, t'onn.. or Chicago. EI. i: 'KNfs 1IF.II holt BC1.I.S and REARS of NEW YORK. Hy MalKcr Halt .SWf V Nearly tloij Octavo Pages. Profusely Illustrated. If you w ih lo know how Fortune are Made aud Lout ; how Mirewd Men are Ruined ; how Panics are Created ; how Stocks are Kought and Sold. Read this Book. It lelates the biographies of the great leading 'peculator of New York, with n history of Wail Street and it operators during the pa-t -00 yearn. For eirenlnvs and term, address the pubiii-hcrs. We Head an Elegntit (iei nian Chroino, mount ed an i re-idv framing, free to ev-.-ry Agent. .1. It. IJCRR A Co.. il ntfi-ij. Conn., or Chicago, i.l. A. 1. UAMERV MONl-MENTAL SHAVING PARLOR ami HAT 11 ROOMS. ii.:;: !i;vsf; by machinery. JT"Iotit fmg -t t!: place on the East ideof Tiiikh f"' i i:r: r.a lew door Hont h of Marki t,Snn btiry. Pa. Brahln, Switches, Curl, ami ail kimls of LADIES' HAIR. Work made to order either nut of combings or straight liair! All or ders left at the resilience of A. P. Walters, corner of 4th si. and Shaiimkin avenue, will receive prompt attention. A Specialty in CHILDREN'S'. II AIR CUTTING, either at their homes or Shaving; Parlor. A. P. WALTERS. July 5. lH?r,. tf. STOVE V TIX KSTAIIMMIIMKXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURV, PA. ALFRED K I A USE, Proprietor. l1(Tr:!-WK TO CMITII CnNTHER.J n A VINO purchased the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krausc would respectful ly inform the public that he now has on hand a lareasoortnient of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Diirt, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna nnd others, which are ko arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted toperform satisfactori ly or lio sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of different kinds at very low prices. Tinware of F.very leeriptiou kept conctantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil xr.d Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a x.ndj. Store opposite Couley's hardware store. Oive in" a call. A. KRAl'SE. atdSt-ly A. M. MEIXELL, 1K.AI.KK IN tmeriran aud Knropean VVATf'lIEN. FINE JEWELRY ami SILVERWARE. Parl'eeted Npeefaclew aud Ejre (lassteM. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watel-i s and .'--welry neatly repaired and war ranted. Market Spiure, SUNBURY, Pa. :.-tf. Eel., a. is?: SI .Mil KY .?! A It HE. E YARD, Fotirlli Street Im-Iov . Market, S U X 11 U R Y, P E X N A. rTHK uiidcr-iigned IVis returned from the Ver X tnont Marble Quarries with 50 Tons of Wjl .'I on II III e II t H, (rave-Stones), &c., &c. He has bought at such figures that will allow him to sell better Mone, for !e.-s money, than heretofore. The. best 4;itlK'ilanl Fulls Marbk", which is better than Italian. Rn'hind is now sold as low as the Manchester. Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Monuments, Oravc-Stones, or other piroses, will liud it to their interest to call and examine thi large stock, as better bargain can be secur ed than buying from parties huckstering' round the country. All lettering wiil be done iu the neatest and mri Improved stvle. W. M. DAl'GIIERT Y. Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1ST:.. C I Hil A P MUS IC Fur Ailv'Wttl I'Uiwt For tiwjrrsand ywny Flayers. i'lVtm'.-.'s. Pialillmf(i.iriej ffivid mn sic st low ine slioulil snd Ml cents furs eoi-y nf ;W enls for PeTrs" Musical Monthly, aud you wil! Ret 4 worta of 3cn Muni.-. Kverv numbrrcou- "I.A t'HKMr. I'l la ( Kvery numbr cnti.ius from 2 to .! worth of good music bv such ai'thors ss Iuii.a4t. H wiiuT. unit An. V iiiitrumenti'.l pieces b sueb snibors as Hjys, tew- tlrllar, Liszt, Vosk, Kutie. Ic. 1'ubUalird mcmtbly.SOcts. eer duuiIht: fl year. j.irt, Tboinpsoii, Isi;ks Ku.kel, etc. ! PublishtKt monthly, 30 ets. Jper number, $3 per year. Pearls of Melody. A splendid collection of Piano music of medium diffi culty. $3 In boards ; cloth aud guilt $4. Address. J. L. PETERS, t9 Broadway, Boa S229, K. V Jan. 23, J8W. Cm. mm Mari.U: for 4- ravitad Sertanlilc. O. W. KEEPER. C. W. 1JASSLEU. Fall Goods ! Iry (Joods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, (Jroceriefl, Oil Cloths, OlaM ;iml Nail of every variety, at one low prhv, ' at luwfcr iV Itassler's Store, Cornet -f Fourth and Market Streets, SLNBI RY, PA. Aii kinds of Grain taken in exchange snine a ash. "-i!l tiid see us. KEEKER .V RASsl.FR. Sun'mry, Met. 81, ISTS. MiH 4WOOON, WIXTKIt STVI.IiS f every description and variety such a Ires Ciootl comprising atl the novelties in fahric and shade. Woolen CiioodM, Fancy Goods. Full Assortjif.nt of Notions', v. Inch are lieing sold at tho lowest Cah Priced. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fresh. (i:kessware, Glassware, and Wood and Willow Ware, XiecsLBrands of Flour constantly on bauil. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPLK, I ioth glazed and common, always on hand. BOOTS A N I) SHOE S from the celebrated hand made Root and Shoe Manufactory of Watsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN'. READY-MADE CLOT1IIXO. of all sizes and of the latest styles. FLOUR. A constant snpplyof western white wheat Hour a speciality. The public are invited to call and examine onr Good tree of charge. Our motto is "Quick Pales and Small Prodts' nnd to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. By strict attention to business aud keeping at all times the most complete stock, and selling at thelowest prices, we hope to merit a f jII share of patronage. REED BROTHER A: SEASHOLTZ. 8uubury, Dec. 3, 1HT3. riil Spare Is Ueaerved for the Advertisement or PAINE & McCORMICK'S HARD V ARK STORE Market St., Soulmrj , Fa. March 39, 1S73. ly. 4 c a a- m o e o J 9 ss Z o 3 o 3 J :? 7 3 O 2 o 3 S COB 55 "5 m " ST pS 2.2 - Jrf-I w m trs rz ao 3 5f m 7 Tailoring! Tailoring!! CITARLES MAIIIL, UESPECTFl'LLY Informs the citizens t mt he has junt received his Spring and Nnmmer CioodM, TAILORSHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, nnd that he is prepared to make up all kinds of UKXT8' AXI IIOVW Nl'ITM. if the latest styles. Having had much experi ence in the business he desires the public to give him a trial. Clothing will be made tip in the hitet Paris and American Fashions in the most satisfactory manner. alV73. CUARLFS MAIIIL. TICK'S Floral uide FOR 1873. 200 Pages, 500 Enirravings, and Colored Plate. Published Quarterly, 25 els. n year. First No. for 1874 just issued. A German edition at the same rlee. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. Third Street. SUjSTBTJ-RY, Perm'a. ik im:k i. SIiivi-i, Hen tern. Kiiruaees. Fire-Hoard. lo e hikI Mate .Tliwile! Kegister and Ventilator THE STAR COOK 2 For Wood or Coal, Nos. G, 7, 8 anil 0. Largest Oven of any Stove in tho Market ! Patent Fv Ier and 'llniir front 'ooi -Tin li':iii:m-d ;otd .-iinple il eo, i ti I COOK STOVES contjr,t'y on hand. Sew beginners mid :th buyers will do w befoie p'ireliaiiig ebewhere. Ai! are 'uviii-d io e.-r!. in b,iM:n--- I am furnlahiug T. T. Kinseys Cop uiii m AVith Spiral Flange This ee!.-br:it.-d Li-.'htning Conductor, owing to maimer of it-'-.. iiMi-:-tioii. istlie mot cotnn'cte invented. Tlii-is coi!e!iiively shown by a tract has lieen in enn.:mt im. Ht-i ereeied llion many ...i-liiuiL f l.a t,t . .....I ' 1. , li..- li-i.u terriiie di-ebai-i-s ot e'eeti -e t v. yet in no iiirtanee eailh. tliu" laving many lives, and property o' Ail onler from any j art of th County w'.ll Sunbury. March 6. 1874. 4t. In order to make room for the magnificent stock of Spring Goods now being made to my order, the whole remaining stock of MGM - QAM CtM Gents Furnishing Goods, I-IATS A.NJD CAPS, TRUNKS, &o, will be sold out at a reduction of from 20 to 30 per cent, at Popular Clothing Store, Corner Third and Market, POSTPOS KM EXT. t9,00O IX GIFTM. A Grand Gift Concert. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT win be Riven at Suuluiry, P., by the Iadtpradeat WASHINGTON STtAM KIKE COMPANY. On MOMiAV. JVI.Y 13, IH'i. Vu'.rt th titiitTB r all aold lfie that tiin, vhen due iiik-i w.J b Kien ol the time. A full Druwiuc Certain. OwinS to the Panic, ai:d iu order to meet tho general winh aud ex j ectutiou of the ubl-.cand tho ticket-iMililerd V-r the full i-aymrnt of ttie Gifia auuouiiced, the man aemrDt ba detvi mined t i unj one the Concert and I'n n k to tbr du'r at oveatatrd. Tbe obj-t of thl enterpriae la for the f urroee of curing a Hteara Fire Kngiue, whicb will lie au advantage o all neighboring towua acceaajble by rail, f roiu the fact tbt ic will be an Iude-eudeut t.'oiu;iaiiT. Aud a we never tailed to diacuarge uur duty wbeu railed ui -on, we certainly will be able to adMiiujihab more gid vi n tne aid of a ateumer. There ie no les ta in tn leer large ud a mall towua within thirty milea of Sioibury, all of which can be reached by railroad, time aflonliui! the facility of aeaiating auy ol thoae pL.cea iu lm: tliau au hour' time ; while at toe rame time our to-wn ill not be uunroierted. Uur mjec' beiug a laudable one, we leel cuundeut that all the ticket will be d:i-oed of by ibe time above named for drawing. THE FOIXOWISG IU A LIST Of GIrTS: ONE GRAND GIFT OF Jl.OCO .... eo H .... 100 1,000 l.iao l.irno l.ono l.niO JlMliH.' " Gift of Ill i3ifta of fin.flo. .. 4iGirmf iA.oo... MOGltteof Hl.CiO... 2i)0Giftaof .1.00... M) Gifts of 2.00... 1,00ft OifM of 1.00... 1.857 Total Tbia enterprise ia no individual eiiernlat.ou. auch a houses, lots and furniture put up at fubuKniM r-rice. Tue holder of a successful titk-t will receive b.t GIFT iu CASH Tncre will be 3n,0(i0 Tiekets of Adiu wioa to this 1 'on cer!, ut fl.00 eacti, aud Ht the time aiMivt- tiie f.1,000 iu CASH Gitta will be distributed. PLAN OF riSTRIBl'TION. Twenty OiouMud numbers, representing and corres ponding wilb those ou the receijits isaned, will be laced in one wlieel and cards euclosed with the uanifH of the Premiums in sojled boxes w;ll lie placed in another. K 0111 these wheels, a number aud one of theabove uuiu ed inscribed cards will be t.iki-u amiultaiieviiHly. Tue uumber so drawu from the one wheel secures the t r- n:iuin designnted by the card taken at the same lime i from the other, lius operation win ue jeriOiTiieit ny a blind person, and continued until Eigmeen Handled and Fiiiv-Keveii Premiums are exhaiis!ed. Ii isrvidfiit that by tbia process, fraud or favortim will be tmpoHni- ; ble. fcvery person holding a ticket will lie en'i! led to j admission luto the loucert. All Gilts Paid iu CASH without d:scount. Monev can be sent for Tiekets in registered letters, Post tithe - Monry Ord-r, or by Eiirevt at our ri-k. If desired. Ticket will I sent by Express, C. ti. ri. ' Tue lullowitig geutlemen bsve kindly i. sliced tf act r.s Trustees to; the atiove Gilt Concert : S. P. VViiherron, Esi., Iire.-:or D. H. aud W. R. R. : Geo. IlilL Attorney t I. :w; Hon. W. L Tiew.ri. rx- ucr.ilier ol t onpi i -ii ; m. 1. (reeuough, I sq.. liri or Fust Njooii iI Ha: k of fiuuuury; Jmiu, rj.. litto; Ira T. fleineat,; Wm. T. Gran:. M.-iehmit, Sutibury. Tue above ua'ued Keiillenieu are hiitbmmded and iiiiiiii-:iI,1. wilowultld liol lend their nanien and 'ive their aiiis:-i.ce lo anv ttuworthv object. SA.M'I. H. liKNUUIOKA. WM.'h.'mILlVr. I.KVI SF.AHIIOLTZ. PillLIP M. SHINl'KL, Coiun:;ttee. All couimunieatmn cheerfully atiswre.l. Addieiw, lu all rases, PHILIP M. HHTNDEL, N. S. FsoLE. I iirreepoudmg Seeiri.-r;,-. 'f reusuier of Funds. Siiniiury, March 6 1H74. FOR Tilt: IIOM1V1Y.N. tiKF. AT ATTRACTION. Toys, t'uiileilloiirrlet Oyslrrn. Ae. Everylirxly it invited to come and buy of t'ie handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoininir Moore oS Dissinfer' building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just opened a fresh supply of Confectioneri.-a of every description. TOYS OF AM, KIIS constantlv on hand. The Iicst RAISINS. FIGS, Cl RKAXTSoi DRIED FRUIT. I'UKE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns A Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BIjKTITS. CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having fitted tip a room expressly for serving up Oysters in every style. Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalves in market, at all hours during the day and eveninir Families will be supplied at their residence will the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desir-tble. at the very lowest prices. Call ami see my excellent assortment of jcood and ascertain the prices. 8. F.NEVIN. Dec. ;9. 1873. 'lain. Turned, Tinned uud t'.nnnj eled HOLLOW AEE ix wari; aud I heet Iron Ware ; , ,f cery lion. ui-rrij ! s : I:ned oven door- end in. I. tMire oieiai;n. I'oicelaiu knob. AVo, other E.nilv io e.,-, nnd examine my .toe k ei t. ) wtin the above OMII the material l. eli it U m.-vhi an i jnoieei -oil a-.'an-l d s.i-icr by l.'.'Iitniag ever ie; te-t ot'ovei tour year, iturin wbi -ii li'iie it I liou-atid- nf e iv;i;e :ind . !l -e bail lin-. in all l'.t:i-n ili.f.'i . -II t. ll?lli-l i !l ill-l -I III---1 llllt-t has ii failed t inluet then li irin'es-'y ,o the j almo - t i:iea! -ii!-iTi value. receive prompt aitetiiion. J. B. JR, EED. PEXXSYLVAXI 1 Kill. RO D. FAIL A DELPHI A A EIUE It. K. DIVISION. AV INTER TIME TABLE. On and after Snmlay, Pcccmhcr l.t. 1ST:., tin Trains on the Philadulpliia & Erie Kail Kna-I Pivi eion will run a follows : . WESTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Harrishurr. " " Villi:iin?;-ort, " " " Einpnriiini. " " arr. nt BntTilo. Erie Mail leaves Philadelphia, ' " llarri.-bliri:. " " " Williainsport, " " " Lix-k Haven, 4i " " Kenoro. " " an at Erie, Flniira Nfail leave Philadelphia, " llarrii"nr, " i Williamsport, " " arr at Lock Haven. Rcnovo Acconioilu leaves H.iri't.-ti'trx " Wil ii;t tnsp't. Bald E;is;V Mail leave Williaiiport, " " arr. at Lock Haven, EASTWARD. Buffalo Express leave Bullalo, 44 " 4 Eiiiporinui. 44 44 '4 WiilianiHrt, 44 44 - arr. at Harrislmrir, 44 44 44 Philadelphia. Erie Mail leaves Erie, 44 44 Kenovo. 44 44 44 Lock Haven. " 44 Willianisport. 44 4 arr. at H irribiirir, 44 44 44 Philadelpuia, Elmira Mail leaves Lx-k Haven, 44 " 44, 44 44 arr. at Ilarrishuri; 12.55 p m 5.I.5 in 9 2J p in 2.15 n H.5D a ill ln.n,) p ni ::.((." a m .:o a in 8.40 a tn 1II.U5 am ..-.( p m S.tKl a in l.:io p in fi.20 p in ..! p III S .-.25 a in 12.55 p in 1.55 p in :;. 1 J p in o."i p m p m 1.10 a m 4.50 a ni ii. ! a in 1 1 2l a n. S.4(l p in 9.55 p in 11.10 p in o.ll5 : tn S.tKi a ni 55 a in U.3.1 a m 1.50 p in 5.50 p 111 Philadelphia. j H,irriburi' Accotn. leaves WilliamsVt. fi.."tl n Ill arr. at llarri.-lmr, lo.5;) i in 44 "4 " I'lnlailt-'pliia. 2.50 a m Bald Eaale Mail leave? Lock Haven, l.'.2o p in ' " 4" arr. at Wi!!:.inp4rt l.o lpm Mail Eat connect- east and we.-t nt Erie with L. S. A M. S. It. W. and at t'orrv and Irvineton with t lil Creek and Allegheny W. Mail West with east and e-t trains on L. ?. A M. S. K. W. and at t'orrv and Irvim-ton with Oil Creek aud A'!es;heiiv P." K. W. Elmira Mail and Buffalo Express make clone connections at wtllianisiNii t with N. C R trains, north, and at Hurri-iSiir .vitli X. C. K W. trains mhhIi. VVV. A. BALDWIN, Ocit'l Snp'l. Philadelphia V Rrradin Railroad. WIXTEi: AKUUNGEMENTi?. DrcF.viinu St!;. 1ST". j TRAISi j.EAVF. Hr.itMoN as Follow s : (5t X n vv ! P . ; tx- EpTi-.I. J For Shamokid. 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and 3.55 i m '',.' , , ... , t.,,,.,. p,,-,-:o r ".-- ...... . , Readint::ind Philadelphia, 10.40 a. in, ! Tkains rott Hkiinpon. Lf.vve as FcLlows: (Sl'NPAVS F.irEl-TED.) ! Leave Shaiuokiu at $.H) a m. 1 50 ami 3.55 ! p. m. ! Leave Philadelphia. 9 15 a. til., Rtiading 11.15 I a. m.,Pottsvi!le, 12.10 p. in., Tatnaqna. 1.2'Jp in. : Ashland, 2.S5 p. in., Mt. Carmel. 3.21 p. in. Tkains Leave IIakkihiii'iih, as Foi.lov.-s : For Xew York. o.S'l, S.10 a. in. and 2.00 p. in. For Philadelphia. 5.30. $.10 a. tti.,2.Wrtl 4.05 ; p. m. SfNOATS. For New York. 5.30 a. m. ; For rhitedelphia. 2.00 p. m. ' Trails for IUrkisui ko, Lfve as Follow s : Leave New York. a. m., 12.40 and 5.3i p. m. Leave Philadelphia. 9.15 a. in. and 7.15 ; p. ni. ; 8fNtAVS. ! Leave New York. 5 S'l p. m. . Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. in. ' J. E. WOOTTEN. finural Sup't. I Reading, Pa. Jan. 30. 1S73. THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MER1DEN.CT. OUT" 7 fey da b s Sgricullaral.- 5L GltAF I'lNO Fit I' IT TREES -GRAFTING Wax. As the time lias arrived when graftiiiiris in onler. we repeat ur former ii'ivice that every fanner should d. his own I jjrnliino;. It is a very easy iieralin when i nuv uihI.tsiKhmI. ami this )t readily !ntic ; ly fi l ing it done. A sharp peu-kiiith and !ag-il s:iw at.- imli.s-H iixuhle. Splitting j the .la!k thai Hit: hark sliall lint lie I.iuiseil, ami rth.Tj.iiig ih sxioH we'lge : fashion h-.tli vaf, ini servin aiso tia; ""rk "iiinjureil. ami placing the rim of the . ,. , .... . K'xxl nf Imtli stm k ami Hcimi exact v to- iiitln.r. a that the sap chh intermingle there is n limber nf P lilure if pr iK.rIy waseii. We make a shouliler t the graf: ami think it mid t. tli.j certainly if uc-li-ss, ihouli pr.hally it weakens it. We : prefn !ils two cvesor huiIs to a graft, aud ! wou d rather have only one than wore ! than twi. Uue 3'ear's wixmI sltouIJ always lie useil when il can le obLiined. as it is inure ctrtuin t tak-f and grows more vig orously, and the graft should be cut from bearing hranclics. We wish to remind those prenarin ; .ning-wax, that we have found four , J , p:irt i rogin. one pari hi ueeswax. ami o;i pari ol'talliiw, to be the best proportions. Meit tin-in tiyelher in a skillet (which is I st). or a lin-up, and mix well. Il should i remain in the vessel ind he u.ied as needed. J i Twenty or thirty scintiscan he waxed with . one heating uji. When much jiraftin is i to he done, a little lire for heatin-' the wax J .UM 1h. IIKlle the spot, between the ' l uc"cr" bricks or St'illCS. Apply with a narrow ' WlM14J iddle 1 ' We liavt; steu various preparations for makinv; irn .tin-wax nnd we believe we have tried them all. !ul prefer our own. AppiiiiL' it warm or hot Ws u injury In tlie raft. The ohji-tt t obtain in the proportion is that tie wax will no: crack in coo!, dry wt-alher, or run in warm weather. If, however, upon trial. tli.Ter-t-nt proportions be rvftuirtd. the forewing can he altered, though nftrr usin-' theni in feveral ways we hive come buck to these. GtriMfiii totcii TtUymyh. A Dl'lk House. A shelter for ducks should U; built separately from the chicken house. It el ould not lie higher titan five I el at t!ie front, sloping to three in the rear. It should be surrounded with a fence of small pickets, about tiohleen inches ia length. The nest should be very low; a basin scooped out of the ground makes a very jjood nest, which is only to lie used for ei?s. A duck will lay a much larger number of es if rach one is re uioviti from the ucsl as soon as depooited. That the eus may be readily taken away, the lies is s1ioti!d be made at the front of the house, and one of the Uurds hua upon hinges, so that il may be 8wun: to one bide, aud the picked up. There are no better ducks than the ltoueii. which row rapidly to a larj;e size. Ducks hhould mt be admitted into '.hat part of the rarden where youti caWiaes or let tuce is planted; anywhere else they not only do n u mischief, but (itbtroy numerous insecis. ami disturb inany more by their constant active niovemcls. Tribune. t'OAU AsIIE-i FOK I'EAi: TkEKS. A the retl value of coal asht s is jest beiug ascertained, I will mention a fact that caiue under my own observation the past summer. ' A frit ud of mine, near Le Koy has a lare iiumber of iciir Irm-s, both btamlard and dwart. Last spriu he :alh eivd all his coal ashes, atfl placed I hem around his pear trees, taking extra paius that tin: poorest trees should be attended to. Now fr Hie ciuseUelices. Every tree thai had ashes around showed unmis takable sitis of improvement by being loaded with 1'ruil. AuU another tiling, he did not lose a single trie from blight, al though a j;reat many were struck with it in the same locality. Now 1 cannot say the ashes saved the trees from the blight, but he thinks they did. At any rate it ii worth irking. I think coal ashes just th tt-iiij; 'or pear trees. Iiurtd Home. BoTS IN IIoitsES. There is shor article in the Popular Science ilmlhly tela live to the power of cudurauce mauil'estei Ii' the larva? of some insects, and anion, them of the Init l!y. It meuiious a cast ! where a piece of the stomach of a dea ,l8t. winL. wa4 covered with bot worms J j was spread '-in a board, aud spirits of tur limine' was inured on the worms; yt after an hour not one wis delachet! trot' I he iLm!i. Then whaleniil was poured o Ihem. when they all let go their hold an died almost immediately. Hence the it llreiice that w hale-oil should be used lo dt tach the worms from the living hoise wbe attacked by IkiIs. To Keep Eggs from Becojiin Chilled. In cold weather nesis shoul be lined with suit paper. Then look shai after the t&:s when I iid, and assMiii as ll animal heat is partially ;one. wrap the iu dry paper, ami pack in a dry box iu dry cellar; then if you wish to ship to distance, wr.i , in many thicknesses of p K-r (before they leave the cellar), ami pat in p.ijiet sh iviu.'s iu a t'ulit box, ami yi may ship successfully when the therm nu ter marks z-ro. HOlLllOI. From the (Sjriwinfoicn Telegraph. V It AWN'. Take a i; heatl, remove tin braii and tliointthly cleanse?, the he: limit ifrlffliy toinler, then take the m. In mi the bonus, ami cut il upas hot as !ih!e; mix il with the brains which shot U- boilt-il st-i'irate!y in s.tlt nntl vvalci a ii i season l lie whole hiuh'y witli L!a prpptT ami salt a pinch ol" allspn-e is l:iiprivemelli.. Having skiiin-il the toti-i cut it in la rue picct s aul lap ii unimy t ineai; put ail into a collaring tin. str: wt-iulit on the top, suul allow the brawn Hiaiitl until the next ilay, then turn it i of the tin. A heatl sliuhtly sallctl is bet than a fresh otie for brawn; ;he ton. sIiouKl b: rubbed with saltpetre tojjiv ct ilur. 5IIXCEM EAT FISITTEK. With half a ;-un(l of mincemeat ? two oz. of line breatl crumbs, or a spoonful of ilot'.r, two es well bt-a' :tiul l he straim-il ju;ce of halt a sr n iui.ti; mix llit se well and drop the frit with a spoon into plenty of very pure 1; fry Ihem from sewn to eilit mint! tlrhiu them on a u.ipkin. and send tl very hot to table; they should bo q small. ECONOMICAL CUSTARD. lleat the yelks of lour t-sjus wilh a' seven ounces of crushed lump sugai very smooth, slowly nildiii a little k than n teacupful of cold sweet milk ; ready on the tire m arly a pint aud of milk Uiilimj hot; to this add (qu ml Stirling all the lime) the beaten sugar and milk, in which should be b il three U-aspootifuls of tine tl ur ; i!:e win i!e U-uins to boil, add half a -if sherry and a few drops of esseti taste, then Mur the whole into a j cool ; when cool stir in two ounces r ilmoniis 'neMtt-ii in a m irtar. Thi till twelve custard cups.