Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 20, 1874, Image 3

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unburn American.
SUXBURW MAltCH i', 174.
RiIronl Time Table.
N. C. R. W.. South. P. t E. K. U. Wct.
Eimira Mail, ll.l.'ia m i Eric M:iil, 5.15 a in
Erie Mail, l--r5 ' Keuovo Ac. 11.10 a in
BuflaloEx. 2.50" I Eimira Mail 4. 10 fin
HarrUbnrgAc. S.lOptu Rutlalo Ex, "
Ij-ave Sunbury for Lewi-town nt o.:'-' . ".,
and 4 -0 p. :n.
Arrive at Suubury from i-cwistown
-t 1.:-.5
and 6.55 p. m.
SHAMOKIN I'lVlsIt'., X. !. W.
leave I i:i:ivr
Express, 11.45 a in MaM. '..::( m
Mail, P " I Espres. 4.H0 p m
An accommodation train kws thamo'.iii at
7.10a in. arrivius at Mt. tunnel j.1
Keturine, leave Mt. Carincl at T.lHl -
inn at Shamokin '.SO p in.
arriv- I
Leaves Sunbury r.t 015 a.
turn at 4.10 p. in.
for York. lle-
Accidcutal Insurance Ticket can be had of
J. Shipman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
Winter Arrangement lor Hie rt
Office Ht Kunluir, Pa.
Offl.-e (tHH fro, 0.50 a. m., to S .. es-,jt
vh Sundayx.
Arrivea at follows :
From the East at 5.15 a. r.i.. 4.10 p. in..
" 8outh,5.15a. in., 4.10 p.m.
Wect, 5.15a.,4.10p. in..
North,! .50 a. ni..ll.!5 a. m., 4.10 p.m.
Shamokin, Mt. l"ann l and points on
that Hue, U.25 a. m.. 4.00 p. hi.
Mail! close a follow :
For the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.M p. in.
" 8oath, 10.50 a. m.. 4.50 p. in. S p. in.
" West, 10.50 a. in., 3..V1 p. in., S.ou p. m.
" North 3.50 p. m., 8 p. in..
Shamokin proper 11.15 p. in.
Shamokin and ofiicc on that route, 4.20
p. m.
Money order will not be isud alter C p. in.,
Ati nl nrdnri.
4. J. SMITH. P
Iitsincss ffocals.
T Impkoved Jaovr.H & Bakek Sew inu Ma
IHlst. Thee celebrated machine are oll'ered
at the most reonable rate. For particulars
applrto I- 5- KUTZ, Airent,
Feb.22,'73.-ly. I'l'P"' Augusta township.
Caholi!1! Daui dealer in Musical Instru
ments and Sewina Machines, Market street, near
Third, Sunbary, Pa. Call and examine the best
Oresns. Mclodeons. Scwin? and Knittinir Ma
chines in the market. Always on hand the Es
tey, Silver Tonjue, Smith's American. Mason fc
Hamlin Orpaus. Orders taken for nil kinds of
Pianos and Instruments. The Peoples
Favorite Sewinjr Machines ; Domet:c an t liro
rcr & Baker. Persons purchiiiisr inaehims
'rom me wlil receive instruetions. Fir-t-c!ass
Knittinjt Machines for sale.
Ii Cassot pe Denied that li. I., it unh nbukh
ip the largest and !cet assortment of liotisc
lold fnrnitnre in NorthnnibeHaii 1 county. The
nost beautiful bed-room suits can be had at rea
onable price. Parlor furniture of -ery Mvle
nd (frade, are kept on hand. Upholstery done
t short notice. Undertaking a specialty.
Tut large Mock of boots aud fhoes at the Ex- I
e'.sior store of Win. 11. Miller are selling off
spiiT.y. The inducements offered to buyers at
lis establishment has convinced hundreds that
is the bes: place in the country to purchase a
ood article of boots nnd shr b. A great v iriety
ft um shoes and boots are kept en h-ind.
A VKttT Urge assortment of Hats and Caps aie
icn at the store of S. FanM. Market Square,
ar-the Court House. His a-ortincijt is cot
irpaseeii anywhere for beauty, durahi'.i'y and
leapiiefs. Oil! and see the latest styles.
Ffksos waniing Business Cards printed will j
id at this office nnasrortinentof superior .,ual-
and printed in the latest styles. Card, or tn
lo;cs printed at the lowest rate-.
As n advertising journal, the 'A.iHfUan'' is
t eicelied, as it has a large uml constantly in
asing circulation. As a means of securing the
ide of Northuiuberlar.d county, it presents ad- j -. f No.-lliuinberiand, after which the visi
ulages which no live business man can a'ford j (,,)s paitook of a bounteous supply of refresh-
L'oi.ts am Cow Foi: Sale. Three threc
r old aud tw o two-year old colts, and several
sh milch COWS jre ofleiod b-r sale by the tia
itigned, residing near the Northunibei i.ui 1
dge, iu l"l-tr Augusta township. Apply to
m l 6 St. Groin. r. W. Stkoii.
Tea Union Park nnd Agricultural Association
I bold their next Annual Exhibition al Suubu
Pa.. Sept . 2, IK), and Octoln-r 1 st and 2d, 1 74.
ok Kent. The Drug Store Room now oeou
d by W. I). Melick. Also the room adjoining
nst's hat stoic. Eu.iuire of H. B. Ma.sfk.
. j
t many of our subscribers may change their j
ces of residence on th' first of April, nil such i
so that we
l oic-itac no... i n r,-, -
make the change in their jstoftico address, j
te the name of the i-ostoflice ut whieh they j Tir A( IT,MS- ntroiiT. We publish the An-
now receiving their paper, aud the name of j i,or6 i;, porl this week as news and not as a
office ut which they wish to receive it. j raiyjrig advertisement. Every reader should give
"r j.. . .- ! it a careful pernsaL The rep.ort is fully explain
N auolher column will be found the advertise . '
, r . ed bv the auditor?, aud is the most falisfaetory
it of Messrs. Ncagelv & Perry, who are man- .
.." ." ,. . , . , of anv v.t made in this county. lc cougra'u
ctnrinr an ! flcaiing in all kiudsol lumber for , " . ,
idiug parjMisos. Their establishment is large iM3terbit ea ti le niiM-ure.1 eiiial in
, . . . ;
and quality to anv in the lnu.l r regions.
.,, , ." . r. , - ;
ir mills arc located at Millor-burg, Dauphin
ntv, and are doing an immense bu-iuess.
' i
tie cars of the Emt.ire Liiie. it was discovered !
Tuesday, had ton broken into through the
', and dry poods taken out of boles lieiween I
ladelphla and this point. Those c.n are I
y tanipered with along the raiiroat.
iveraI. young boys, their agt s ranging from 1
o 17 residing in the lower part of our place, j
e arrested on Wednesday last by Capl. j
oh, nnd bound ovi r by F.u':rc mi.1t. for j
king into a freight car in the b-r yml, ;
N Sunday evening about '. o'ei.M-k. n lire
.e out at Alaska Miai't, about two j
.swest of Mt. Cannot, and burnt t'own the ;
mill, boiler house, engine house and another
II Improvement. Loss estimated at about
EW Mll.l.lNLItT G.X'Ii. Miss M. L. I.os-le!. j
is always looking ubcid to aecoinaiod.ite her i
erous customers with the latct style of I
s, lias jut opened the lirst supply fit j riag j
inery Goods, al li.r store on Fourth street.:
goods are the latest in inaikc, and will l-o :
at reasonahio ).rie.-s. 'a'l ai.d lor
idid assortment.
e are indebted to Dr. A. T. Hewitt, tuembcr
e Legislature mr this county, lor a o.-py of
d's Legislniivo tinnd Hook, mid other sje
avots. CTIOS The lure- a.oit:neiit of
Goods of I. A. Finney, on Maiket street,
if the railroad, will hp .old out ut jmiilic
on, commencing M ml.i) . nii:g. and will !
inlinued every eveniut;. and on Saturday, The Watsotitonn tec. limivii,;. Mnj;.r ,
all the goods are o!d. Mr. Finny content- ! V. J.. Ivwart, of this place, a-, a suitable I .-iii-t
going into other business, iui.1 tiik s this ' ocii.ih- candidate for I.ieiil.-i.aiil Governor. Wc
3d of cloeing out bi tO"k. Look out for don't heiieve ihe Major will l'it- at that bait, ;
uciiou sal.-s. will be sold cheap, j John, for he knows that the Democratic c.iinli
tore will also Ik- open daily nt intervals be- I date, n hn r he may L". will nn-.-t w h h i rlaln
the auction sales, when goo.N wilt lie sold ' defeat. !
e far In-low llteir value. -
Ir th'xe. w ho owe the ( liitor c f I hi. paper niel
i:Y Kai HK(M sold his hotel in Gratz.
-.:.. t i.u,.. u... . .. l...
Msi-ssioii on the first of . next.
TXASTEK Al'I'lUNTKIi. Ji Il'Illi.lll Hilelntlll
f,.'1j been coiilirmed Postmusler at Fisher's
v liia coiiiil v.
Rev. Mr. Gearhart, of the
iRtthis place, delivered several interest-
mons on Monday and Tuesday of lst
it Millcrsbnrg, Dauphin county.
first thunder storm of theseasou rciirrid
fnesdav aftcnioou last.
iti. W. SaiUir has, resigue.1 as cashier
.ugDsta Bank, in this place, and intends
n to The Doctor is a gfn .d
' man snd an evcelVnt ciliret).
Ati TMPTFi Em-ate of Two Convicts on
Thliu Way t the Pr.NiTFNTiutY. On Friday
evening last, Sheriff Rothcr:nel, a ceom pan icj I v
John A. Mivd-r, of Upper August township.
j started rr ilic Eu'tcrn Penitentiary with the
Ihrecconvicts sentenced Ity the ronrt lust week,
j Rrowu, Or.-.y ami King. The prtsoi.ers were
j clociy watched, as tit iij r- tnl Kitir, who were
hiiudciiM'cd together, were noticed to evince signs
of uiuusiiies. When thev
iriived at Harris-
l.urg and ', tli-y wanle ij the Sheriff to
take llun: out i.t procure reticshiiicnts, which
he declined to d'. At llowiiiunton, the Shctiff.
feeling fatigued, stepped outside the
car for :i sleet time while liie train was stop
ping. On rc-. iilei ing he found hi.-two prison
ers oal of i heir M.t, w h'-n hi' asked Mr. Snyder,
w ho Mood nl the diM.r of the wat. r rio-et, what
had become of thc:n, w ho replied that tin y had
been in the water closet for f-oine lime. The
Sher'.il" Mis -H'cting s.mi.i thia.: wrong, hastened
oiu i-iil" the ear : 1 1: : 1 1 i i and ja.-l in time to s- e t lie
last one emer-:.- f: 'in the win low, the one hav
ing not o-it Ie- l foier.ioM aui tin- other head
foremost, co'.ipic.i together. On seeing t lie
Shciill'thev turmd as white. as a clu-i-t. liii'li'r
j that their plan of c-cape had been fruMrated.
I Thev were at onee taken back into ll;e car. av
in their han.ieulle ! condition an allempt nt re
sistance would hae been iice'css. When ap
proaeliins the city tli' V re.Uested to bij taken to
the P. nilelitiary in Mreet cars instead of a cab.
but the Sheriff was too wide awake to becau'it
by such a ru-c and refiis-d their modest refill's:.
lluri:: a'.l tliis cxeiteun ut, lirowu, the colored
man, made no attempt to escape, although a
favorable opportunity presented itself. They
were all fafely lodged in the Penitentiary on
Saturday morning, and th Sheriff returned
home the same evening. Sheriff Rothci'.nel is
deserving of credit for his watchfulness in pre
v l.ling the escape of these two old olleudi rs of
the 1 uv. While in prison here they informed
the other prisoners that they had been traveling
tegetliLT for fifteen years, and had made an en
gagement to mevt at this place for the purpose
of robbing a jewelry store on the corner (sup
posed to be J. W. S'.cvnsnn s.) (ir.iy was ar-rc-te.i
jit ivwart for Mealing boots while on his
way here, and King arrived on thesame day they
ugreed upon to meet at this place, but iiuding his
comrade in jail went and Moic a pair of boots to
get to jail also, so they tu'uht be enabled to
effect their escape together. They expressed
great contempt for our jail and scouted the idea
of being held iu it longer than they chose to re
main. Thcysiiso stated that they had picked
the p.x-kct of one of the grand jury while exam
ining the county prison lat week.
Ci:i To Amvai.s. That there khou'd be
a society such as exists in the large cities for the
prevention of cruelty to animals in this plaee is
instanced very frciuciitly. This being a central
point of the transportation for animal on cars,
there should be some one to look after the treat
ment of ar.intal anl enforce the law who cruel
treatment is administered. We notice frequent
ly horses tied to posts after being diiven hard,
without even a blanket to cover them, while the
driveis were in the saloons or bote's roasting
their f bin- nnd drinking rum.
Di:tii Ji in.;; Wli.kek. 'I he Hon. deo. C.
Welter, of lh:s place, died on Wednesday morn
ing last after a lingering and painful illness. He
was pro-(rated about a year ago by his nervous
system breaking down, since whieh time he con
tinued to sink graduallv until nil h.pes of reco-
Vt., y Wfr(. aliandor.ed, and death relea-ed him
from his sufferings. The Judge was one of our
oldest citizens, industrious, and of good moral
character. For many yeais lie carried on the
merchant tailoring business, and some years ago
was appointed .-i-.sociate judge of this county by
the (iovertior. He was ei t ied t the fame office
: two years ago, w hich he held at the time ol his
I death. He also held a general agency in the Ly
! coming Insurance Company. Through industry
nnd economy he nceiitau.ated considerable
means. His f uncial will lake place from his re
sidence ou Market stieit, to-morrow (Saturday)
and will lie buried wall M.-.ionie honors, of
j which old -r he was a prominent member.
ASivrRKV vr W. C, No. IV, P.O.S.orA.
o. ... ...
S. of A., took place oli Friday evening lust, iu
their hall on Maiket Mteet. The hall was
crowded lo overflowing. The loom was hand
somely and appropriately decorated with flags
niidtlow. is. Adi'.icsses were de.ivercd by J. A.
Lombard, Em)., ol Selinsgrovc. and W. E. Tay-
rucuts furnished by the member. Tim Subhury
Silver Comet Bund entertained the audience w ith
music. Aliogetiur their fiflh iinnivi rsary proved
a greater success than any previous one, giving
evidence that this noble order is lu a flourishing
condition, and that the ii.leie-t P it for it- ad
vancement is greatly on the increase.
Convert. Mr. David Ri liner aud his j npils i
are prcpatmg to he'd a concert in the Court I
House at this place, about the lift week in April j
next. Mr. Reimcr is an excellent teacher of tnu- j
ic, aud his concert will no doubt be a rich tr.:.t. j
His scholars have rapidly advanced iu the si i- j
euce of music during the past winter, and a. ;
they will asshl ill the cntCi .ainiiient , tle-y w ill
m;('ke .y, Jlore alIrjc,ivr. Mr. He-mer is dc-
serving of a full house, which ho will no do
,v . I lie concert IS CIVOIl
late the las-payers of the county in regard to the
have raid off Ihe count V deb!, and now theie is a I
' ;
probability of a reduction in the count v Cinc.
. ,. ,
1 hk Stat :oii:ng ( oinmittee of tue I-.'.aiigei;eai
Assrialion made tie: following appointments
for the Lenisb'.irg Ciicitit :
Presiding Elder M: !. Can .tie r-.
I'liioll Circuit A. II. Irvine.
Butliiio Clicuit t. Il.inler and P. J. I.ieri l
White Deer Circuit E. Kohr.
Lewisblllg Statioj. W. iMwilcr.
Milton Missiot, A. W. Shenb. rger and A.
Noithuiulierlati I ami vnii.tiry Mi ion A.
Datiii!e Mis-ioa
C'olumb'a irenit
-Ii. W. Buck.
- S. P. and W. M.
i Ionian
B'.oouisbiirg Mission R. C. Bowers
l.;i)"-ii'c Circuit W. W. Rhoad-.
V. yoa.iiig (" P. S. Orwig.
SiisiUch:inna Circuit S. I. Short i-.
Du.hore Station A. W. Bower.
Wiliimt Circuit II. H. Ream.
Laird.viilo circuit ". V. Yeag. r. ;
Hiigln -villc ( ircu'.t G. L. Bur.on. j
1 Oiaiigeyi'.ie ( in nit 4. M. Itradcr. '
Metliberof I.1IZ Ilie I belli! Ollarterty C. iiiel- j
i cue J. M. Young. j
Member of Danville fin-nit O'nulcrly Confer, i
: ence W. If. Davis. !
1 Memb.tsof I'ui hi tin-nit l.'ua.t.-iW Conf (- I
1 one. J. W. IU-UV. and T. M. Baker. !
A l.Alt'.i: iii.i.ilii l of persons uathenil iit tie
rivi r front oi. Maiket sli.-.-I. o.i S-in.h.y iat. to
witn. s. the iiiini.-i-iiai of i v.-u eonveil- lo the
lS.-ij.tisl h. by the ll. v. A. C. Wheal.
) can't pay. they would confer a favor ujion
I Lv reiiieiiilN'ring him in th.-ir t-ra r-
l.y reiiieiniM'i ing linn
Good. We mm have
ation of onr iicithbor.
hope for th-reform-
,. ,. ,. ., ,
DIsT.Rsl(; tb-ci KiiKM F.. Davrl, a son of
Mr. Mis-hud Matter, of Washington township,
between six and seven years of age, met a tain- I
i (,t i)(ll on llef,i;,T moruing l ist. S'lfl.-ring '
f,.n, a ,.!d, the litlle fellow desired his j
j 111(tii,.r f, Sunday evening last to make him
Miinc tea, which she did, and ha 1 set the
set the teapot
oil the stove when, without waitiu
ufli' ii'iitiy, be seized the vtsm-l, and plio ii gthc
spout to his mouth, drank of the llui.l and in -
baled the vapor to such an cxtcut that death en
sued from M-aldirg. lie was buried on yctcr
,.,y. 'i l ( Ttnt,t:n ...) T!"f t1rr.
i ,. . .
Il ATM Of I AITVIN JOHN M. 1 1 1 IK. I aptaill
Huff, of Milton, Wi.s Miickcn with paialysis
while seated iu tin office of his hotel on Monday
morning of last week, and lingered until Thurs
day at 4'.' o'clock, w lien he expired. The Mil
tannin says: "The Captain retained his con
seiotisness dining a considerable portion of his
illness and readily recognized his friends who
were admitted to his chmbr. At his lequcst
the rite of baptism was administered ou 1 ue-
I ,1.MO,..,, I.i' t) IV St II l!. i.l 1-ite llTlslor
of the Refill mod Church of Milton, tirc.1t iu
teiest was felt in hit. case by the public at large,
aud frequent were the inquiries made by his
(riends as to the piogp.-ss of the disease and the
hopes ot recovery, and the new s of his death,
though houilv existed, caused a great shock.
Capt. John M. Hit!! was. at his death, proba- j
hiy the oldest naHve eilien of Milton. He was j
bom on Lower Market strve:. in this borough !
on the 'th day of Y- binary, is2. and a j i-t j
cnlei i,:g on his i.e ljear. In hi- earlier yearii ,
Caj tain Huff was t mployed as a school teac her I
in the old school house on Lower Market Mice:,
where he floi;rMifd the rod and taught liie
voting idea how to shoot. A ft ci wards :ii.d ''! a
number o! veals he held the position of Captain
on ore of the paike? !:!:- that piied betwes II
Williams;. o-.t .in : II ir. .-'en g. It was whi'e :u
the pursuit of hi- c i'ling tlii- line of !raei
that lie aequo d his tulo id' Captain, an appi Na
tion w loeh he h is alwav- retained. His posi
tion trough! l.lni ii to intimate contact w ilii I in i
traveling ct iiiiiiunily, alnl he had probably a J
larger ae.e.iaiiilanee among bn-'mess men than j
any other p, rson hi this section of country,
When the construction of railroads thioligh this
part of the State had rendered the comfort..!,!,
M.t slow mciho.l of wab.r traipoitati-.n oh so-
Kte, the( aptain .'mlMrhcd in the. hotel business
on Broad wav. This w-a twenty-throe vetir.- ago.
.. 1.- i. . ." i .5... .i
1 II 1 s. I 111 I HO il.i.cCU 11.'. (-ii... ... j e... nti, i.n.i j
know u as the
Kagie Hot.!, aa.l ov bi admirable i
management became wcil known throiigov.t the
Stat as an able, c, uit.'oMs Mid d'gniiieil land
lord, a repiitaliou v. hicli lie ne.imaiued u the
d iv of hi death. His house was a favorite stop
ping place for travelers who liked to time their
travel so as to rpruJ Sunday n ith the Captain.
The present bail. ling, known since its con
struction two yeais ago as Huff's Hotel, is cvf r
more popular than the old Eagle, and its size, ar
rangement ami improvements over many of the
hotels of the day render it a most desirable stop
ping place.
We never knew any per: on to possess so large
a fund of anecdote as the Captain, and he eer
had ready an ciitertainiug story for ids fiicnds.
His memory of facts was wonderful, as also his
recollection of events occurring in the history of
our borough, and many a dispute as to the cor
rect veision of some fact occurring years ago
was sctt'n d bv reference to C'apt. Huff. The
Captain w is of a highly social turn and delight- !
cd to attend tin meetings of the Odd Fellows
and M:i'o;is. of w hich he v.-a u member. He
al'o took : lively interest in school matters,
and had ju t b.-.-n re ilcetcd as a school dire, tor
for the NVith War.!. I:i till il:- social and basi-iK"-s
r, lathm, of life the lapta'nwas an unex
ceptionable man. and his death nt a compara
tively lipe old age leaves a gap which time alone
will close. We shall miss his K indly face fioia
our sanctum, in which he was a frequent nnd
welcome vi- tor. and every day for a. longtime
to come W 'l! expect to tie d him ns we p;
hi, do..r, but we shall iu vain, for the pl-.ce :
that knew him r
li v.
t.nnw him no snore !
The r'-ii. lie. of t h
Mondav of this week
. .; wow in!.-: icl on :
follow.. to Ihe :
grave by a largo coireoiirse of the Masonic fraler
niiy an.' Ii.depen icnt liiderot Odd Follows, ol
which o: !ti5 he was a blight ami devctul inclil
her. aiul fi from all !.ii!s of the Stale, who
li.i.l come exi re.-lv to ' av li.cir la't lr':Vt:t. of !
re-uct. Ia the death of Captain Hiiif tie .
ganiz in. )!is to
whi'di he !. loug-d have ..... :
of tin ir briglile-t mi ii.'.i is and the community
in whi'di he i. sijed on" of i!s mint ntci pi i.iug
.an. 1 ic-j i ctc! citizens.
Ml-sC. IHnr., No. W, Maiket. M. Sunbury,
Pa., has been ap; (:iited oie agent for the sale
of Realty .'v Pioits' eelehratcd l'ailor Organ:.
Tliey are piououio i .1 bv ihe h.'rt miis'ci ii-s ai a
lir-t class in -t rum -ut. Tho-e who have j ur- !
ch imed IhcM! o! gai:s iu this plan speak of them j
as giving entire satisfaction. Messrs. Beatty V
P.otte h .e Koi, erv foituuatc in the selection
fif their agent, as Mi.-s Dallas i- not only niter- ;
I'lising, but fully understands tl.c -.uality ot their j
organs, and those buying from in r can feel a- ;
sured ofgittinga good insirameni. j
Si i vi'su it 1'ii:aiv, a traveling photographer,
was arn-tcd by Cap?., C'h:Tf.r Police, of
this place, at S.illa lasiiui g. Lycoming county. on
Monday la-!, and brought to Northumbi Hand on
Til.--, hiy. t.. ai.swn the charge of tape on the
on fif a little uii
Mr. Pi:
-ars old. da'.igh-
ter of Jaecb H rl si,
taken br-
fole I'sauir" Die,'! nbac'.i. who coi'ituit ted him to I
j ,','. to awai: his ti: .1 H ,p fault of P'ii0 i
ILadv i ab"iit '. years of age. and has n wife ;
aid three ehiidr
county. Pa.
ti icsiding ct Mill Ha'.!, Clinton
Wil l. l.I.nit. G. O. B.ntl-tl. the Photogial ll j
Ait ist, lias posiliM-i v .loci. led to i move his tstab- ,
J li.-htm :-nt to Miamokia. All who have not yet
got one of his Mi pel b "Photos," are invited to
'call at his Gallery, o-ppo-iie the City Hotel, bc
I fore Tbui-d.iv the -'''til in-l..aiid have a n gative
taken, as allei lint dale lie will piepare lo
move. Orders wall be prom liy tiiUd ut Shomo
kiu from ail who have negatives iu his posses
sion. As Mr. B n'.lett is acknaw Ii lgcd to be .a
superior arti-t, all who .b sir a true likeness
should call at fim i and leave their or U r before
he leaves town.
NtW Ci.aiiiiv. Toi;e. 'Ihe stele
i 'Oil. lli
Millci's biock. on i hinl stmt, this !..(- , foi
luerly on-upicd by T. Notl a- a m. r. hai.t lai
loiing stoi-, has li.- n ci!tin!y leno.ati d, and a
111 w clothing -tine i.- being o-Iablisl-cd then ill by
Messrs. 'iiiio:i ,V Ot ;. nhiii or, who v.ili keep a
large ai oitmcut of ial made clothing fir
Gents and Boys, (heir .-'.oik w ill consist of a
Variety of Ihe l.itei t sly!. , of e, :-s well ; s
diuvrciil tiitikos. A g. im.ii assort m. ct . f gen-
tlenieus" f in lushing eoo.l. w id be I-..-pt on hand j
constant ly to supply every demand.
I he store of tin: liiui of Messrs. Siiic-U .V Oj- '.
perihelia -r nt Trevoiton. will be continued us :
hcletofoic l.ndor the cb.iigc of Mr. Sin. on. The ;
stole in Miiln s block nil1 b- .-..'.la tet y Ml
Agricikl(iir:il So ;cl .I-:ing.
Si M.rnv, March 10, 1S7J.
Ac-oiilii.g to piwioiis notice the MoekhoMcis
o! the Noi ihiiin'.. i l.iicl County Agricultural S.i
cirty nut iu the A i hit rat io.i room in th- Court
II. .use. in S.uiibtiry, for th.- p!irpoe ,,j 'i-ti!!"
oliieers to s -i Vi- dm ing I In- i-n.uin v. i.r. The
votes of l h--tl-ii-kh.. .li '-. pri'.eiiC th-lntr east and
i c.iiiittc i. the lolliiwing .l'l.-i- v."i-.- .!. chili d I
1 , I
I elected : I
'. IWdrut lon-ph Uii. I. I
i Keeoidin' ta'y i. . Aio--:: ; j.
I Tn iis-.ii. r John Mcl'ailaiid. !
Col e .jionding Si-en -t:uy 1.. I.. II. ii'.-.
Vice I'le-identS J. II. I.- iub.u h. 1 -I Vice
I'n -i lei. t; Joseph Nicely, Jr., Delaware; Win.
Waldfon, Turin. i; Ainu. S., Tin hiitil'.e;
Win. Conner, Watsoiitown; John Siitc!. Lewis; j
I.. SI -.iff, Milton, Ninth Ward; U. D. D.itcsmaH. i
Milton, South Ward: John !'.- Ii. lh r, l.ii'.is- '
ipi i.jui ; 'I !. o . Johnson, Point: Win. T. Fo.-sth, ,
N'oi t'ui i:i lb. i '.mil hot on .rh; John Youn;iiiiiii,Min- :
Im i , W- t V.'ei 1; I". I . Ili uu.heli. r, Siiiibury, j W.-.i !. G.-orge l.ial. Upp'T AngUrla: J. W. '
l ioiii. ii. I.ow. r A : i. st .. ; lldwanl Grtdy. Uuli
CAp.: N'!. liion M ulz, Miauiol.iii twj'.; John
M-.o;e, M v.leiiowii: St. pheii I'.itt- lih'.-li ler, Sha
luol.iii. II i.t V.'ar h V.'. G. Road", Shalilokill,
W.-t Ward; C..spi r Tharp, Coal twp.: John Mc
( ',. c. Mt. Caiiu. ', twp.; S. A. lieigslr- s-cr, Mt.
Caiinel boii.ii','!.; ''. K. Weike, Cunicroii twp.;
I.v ntiiii Weaver, Zerbe; Henry Fihcr, Wiishing
t ; : II. ii. Doiii.ife, Little Mahanoy: Joseph
Man:, i. Upper Mahaawv; J. G. Smith, Ja'ksoii
,,,,,. V,.,t. Jordan; I'eter l!oi i.-il.
i M-., Lower Miihaunv twp.: . H. O-lran h r,
Kivcis'i h- borough.
1 I'I I' ll ...O..L-
. l.iniiii iaii v.. ii iiiiiliiii"..
! Agrieull ural ( hoiiiist Ro'.-t. Monlgomery
Virologist John Haas.
The foll.j.viiig iisolutioii was adopted :
J.'rtulreil, That the stockholders of the Agii
cultural Soviet v lecoiiiuiend the J-.xeeiitiVc I otn
l ,,,-nt,.,. to appoint a comniiltec to select suitable
i gioiiiii's lor permanent location of llf fair for
'"' Society
- -
I 1. N. tiiMKit has been iii'liiteJ Rank As-.-s-
jUi for the counties of Union, Northumberland,
'Lyc-ocm:'. Moiitouv. 'olanil.i i and Snyder.
Court VroeeeIiiis-
(From the Ao7;.)
llll KSDAY, MAIiCII I'-'.
The ncgi.' lirowu plead guilty instead of
guilty, as we stated in Wednesday's If port.
also erred instating that P.'uter. of Caketown,
was found not guilty of selling liouor on Sun
day. He was found guilty, and sentenced to pay
a fine of ?.''). com- of pro.- c-:!ioo, and undergo
an impiisonmciil of S I days in the county jail.
Com. vs Hewitt C.Kline and H-nryRepley;
misdemeanor. Pcfcndaiits plead not
Defendant pav one-half ti c
and the Com-
nioiiweallH the other hall".
Com. vs Ceo. Everett. Selling iiqimr without Bench warrant awarded for arrv-t of
dcfendaiit, returnable at next term.
Com. vs J-diu Keysi r. David Reed, and tiro.
Bench wariaut awardeii ns above.
- Jo-. Bougiiner ; mi-de-ieanor. Jury
elect ion d
Com. v
( has. Hailmau: sel.'.ng liquor on
y. Bill ignored.
Ciias. llaituian, Jacob .Me(;'mley,and
John Sh am r ; s
iing liqu. ror. elect ioi day. Bill
In the matter ( I liie report of viewer for biidg.i
in l' q er Augusta, over '.la!lioki:l Crock, lirand
Jaiv return order of viewers approve.!. Couit
end .r.-cs'order aplroved.
In the matter of repoit of viewers, for bridge in
Lower Augusta over Hollowing Run, at the place
of F.lias Hetriek. tiraud Jury return rcpoi tup
proved. Court order it npproveil.
Com. vs S. A. Crothers. Larceny. Court gave
jjnry their verdict, whiehyas rendered, wncn
j Crier made proclamation of lii-ehtirge.
The murder trial is put off till m xt court.
The evening ses-io.i wa- .! vCed to hearing
; Pcen appliciiions.
j fkipay.
t i Vv .v Co. vs R. U. Diiuty, w'.lh noticeto
.. - '"j -- -
th - Miners .inng r nun .vs-.h-..m....
of Sha-
On motion, S. B. Boyer, Attorn-y for ilef. n
dant. Rule granted on piaintif.' to show cause
why th? proceedings issued in the nature or an
attachment siiuiiid not be c I a ide for matters
appearing upon the leeord.
In the matter of tin money pai l in'o the court
by Michael Flah'-rty, collector of school ax in
Coal township.
Co irt appointed T. II. B. Kaso auditoi to dis
tribute the money now in the couit, ami any fur
ther sum that may be paid into court np to the
day of the meeting of the Auditors.
Alfred Dondeu vs Daniel C. Smith and W. H.
R. Smith, trading 'as D.C. Smith. V Co. Rule to
show cause why judgment should in t be opened
and the .1. fondant let into defi.- grant.! by
In the matter of the icpoit !' T- H. P- Ks'
Auditor to dii tiibnte mom-y in Court among the
judgment creditor:
of Mt. Cat mi i townsliqi. Lx-
ccptions being drawn ( ourt o:.!. r rrp'r.T i" "
conti lined absolutely, and iliiect ihe money tob.
paid oal according to said uibitrati.-i .
(!.,. Buighner : mSdeiiie u...r. IVr
sing. the pio.ciM-.or. t,d :;..:tghi:er. each o pay
half the co-t.-.
Court adjoin red at noon tin;'.: V.ou lay.
The following i t lie report of the ir.tnd Jury :
Yorit HoNolis: We. 'iie tirali l Inquest, in
qi.iiiug for the county of Northumberland, re
sportfully i- ;oit : That v.c h:.e alt uded to all
the basine-s snlimittc! t us ; that v.e hnve a. t-
cd upon 1,0 bills. o, wind have "' 'euu
,0 bills. 25 of whion have lie. ai returned
true ami " ignoioa . u. a.
all the county buil.'.ings. c bud that tao ,
ulong - ide th- foundations of the Couit house have j
not been hi. cd. nor bus ti.e pav m ' I ,
in front of Ihe Court House been i. pa:i : i as v.i,
and uo would rein at the recommend ition fifth"
Grand Im;it. -I that th'-y be repaired,
would also recommend tint a ! i
!.c c .nnce, ni
th couit hon-c
. liar a nd I'uriia
a V' i v neat au i
dow ir.iin. .- aud l.iis'mgs
. re linted and saiub d. Th
i-( s in toe basciiiei.t we loinni
i clean condition.
nt civ-r . room we
:a-!y cup. t.-d and
! c..,.,.i ;.. .a hi.;
liishi d, with some ami. nt fendture which are
great r.lie-. The jmy I is of the ,.,nt heat
aie very ) ly supplied ilii furi.ituro. and we
would repeat the iceommea lati. n of tin- former
Grand Impie.-: th:
t Hi.- I oe re-
d to f:
nii-h hat ;.ii-. -o .t rack-,
! tables, and .-tone or io n rpil
o! 1 bent he.-, tables and uio:e--ary
lll .M-.l. alld ihe Wood. 11 spittooil.'.
toons, and tie
furniture i i
iim,.. with etw da-t jn I shav
i I oils
,,n, .hoiild bo rotnovod once.
flu: rooms in the ilill'erent . !!i.-s in tV' court
we foun 1 to ! ail in good condition, en
(.tl,i;!iglho acii 'ii ! th.' .i .-!-air. and line
I.'., '-i.-r im I Rceo-.lei J.
I"'"'1 " '' ... .
. s. V. e, to . recommend
Of Slieh
be ' oau iiii ntlv used
! in the pi
.t pigen h and th it the p.ipeis
I fi.l in
'i.i ..III. t s be p.iaeed ill the bo. s a:.:!
n.i.i ked. We -veiid a'-o r. commend
ii. . it.. .. .: '.. ei ;..: l. ii eis i :e o is lo the 1 a-.
live . Mais, which ha ve aecumi.h.t e I iu the Pro
i tl.oiioiarv's oilioc be packed oarefiiiiy in a bo or
! boxes, properly marked and
-cd in a sale
i nlaii- in the b.i-eli.cllt of th
coin t house. Vie
r in which th ; Pro
, ha- arranged the
w ould leeollllmlld
Wen-pl.-as-d .l'at
ii. an.
L. T. Rohibac
r.aoeis lelatiug lo -U!t. an
the pun ha-- of .a'.t .b .lout !. gal ouVc'.opis.
with red lap- attached, to n plan- th- ones now
in use. th. y be'n, g ciitin-l.v C- liiin-y : ' e ser
viceable. V.e would ai-o ro.f.aiii.eiid lb- .l.clioii or
building of a m-w watci-.-l '-i I, and that the walls
and w 1 work be painted and sanded to pre-
vn.t their b, ing mark. I .b-f-ioed. as the pr-
l ... ... i.i...
aool one i. Vie V.i.Uul li. o il coilillieinl c.:.l ill.
cut oil'-is. .e ... o.t ..... ..i
eccssiuy tools I,.- luniish-.l Le- .Lin lor to t
U- l.'ui. t" take j.;-.. p?r c ire ,1 th:.- so ! and rus.
I nee
; b
! b. 1 1 . x .i.l to he nil in good ou.lliioii. We
. . . : ., I-. - i ..r
visne.i iiiej .,1, am. ...... . ..".. -
piirs, the Hoot s being s. woi n. Inied . n n dil!,
filth, venniu. etc.. as to be iuipo-sii.'.e to el-ins -
-. .. .... a... V.. i M.-r.loi-e re.
I , . , , ,! u
( c.m.uiili 1 that the aoois be . palieil. tin (ill-
III-, pa
I .pla-ten-l, the wars white-
j wa-h.-d, Ihe if.-tMing b, wa-licl an l tnejiii.
j ch-aused, as in the prc.-cnt eomiitioii we do not
i consider k a tit place lo confine any on '. We
would iil-o r.-coiiiiii-iid the placing of u forte
ptimp in the cellar, to be hiippiicl with not les
' than one hun-lied feet of hose t . attach to .ai.l
pump. We would nl- i recommend that proper
I rules fi.rtl.e ;io!ec;ioii and pr. rvition of the
' iii.h'.i.- bii'.:. lines. : rlui -.i and i ;m I
. i
i iiiM-ii'il tins btiildiiigs, ami pi ", rni'-ns
'adopted t h-nc them o!.seiv,:l. We
' Coillliiciiil tl: t the Coi-iinis-ioi . i- t.'i-'.!
t !: ;ii..stfu ly mi i.nitfe !.
11. V. 1'HVI.iM.. i -'l-
he 1
so n -i
UnM'll .
II. III. M l' - Mi- iii'.f' uV..-.:.i- r.
Ilail. I. is. -ii!. ait r II. W.
J. W. Mo-.n- .'. ' .. . it Win. l'. iiii:.
SaliH v j I. 1 .' . h.
i-'i. d. eu"y vs llinniii c i'i iii1- an i
.'i.cob Ha I .
Aaron lian- 1 v- I
In til' llll'lV. I ::-
tills im.ti ! ju iiiit--!'!
J-lltilltill's ll'j ur, -i .1 -1
aj' e.Hiilll e.
A'uiah Diiuiuich
di -I in I'i. vor of j ! .i..
The e ,.,..;. i- i :,!l o
the i-a of -I. hii 1 1.
ill'! Ja-o', II. Ii,.-:. .
a II
: .1
f :ui
tel. i l,i f.i -.
' .l.-f.i nit
i lit -
- Mi :i.i. ! i'iiii'iiii !
f lite li.i.v :!: t lli ll llj.with
t.llltlil ! V- .S.OIIi'.e! Illi'O'.ll
hlell e.l- .- is II' I V. t . lldl-d.
.SI sll .
ourt opined t'.i- l.lollli.lg .it '.' o'clock. The
; Giiitucr e.ise was settled bcrivecn (he pailic.
! 1 he following c.i i s were .'.i.-po-c 1 of lo-day :
P. W. Hughes vs. J. Uam-.y. tin i:iot',..ii of
; daiut ill's attorney, judgment was entered
against ll"- defendant in ii-fa'i'.t of npv:irance.
Jacob Frey v.. John II. I'ore-mii!:. On nio
' tion of defendant's attorney, c parte i ue grunt
i c 1 to tal.c I. -tiioony i ji twelve hour notice,
i D n.i. ir. llnll'ii in v . ii. IleHnmi..
j (,,, ,m , ,,- , jiC- tt,,i m y.
...,,..,. ;,, ... t.Toe lamatiou lu.i.'.e.
feliihiiit not
John I'.owi u vs. Jo.-epli Fis-iy . ! a!. On mo
tion of etioiney for plainti!!, nde granted to
show ifu use w hy judgim id should not be entered .los -.ib Fiselv for want of sV.flieiettt afli-
davit of
Ketillil.-ll.'.e iit ll t A'lglt
Janus Oi.iuii, : .1 n i ii i -1 ralor ol .Michael tjniun.
I '! a-.-d,
vs. tieoige lluru-. Rale to show
l cause wliV cxectilion snoiiiii inn oi- s.i ..-no,
j riiid. Rule giMiit.-.l. Rule gnu. ted to show
i cau-c why I'i. Fa. No. 22, Aug. Term, 1S71,
j should not be set aside and pro-.-, dings on Fi.
I'a. to ' i-t-j ve I in the Tii-H'toue.
and I'rofn mot.iry s obie.-s. , ,-, to .. r. ceui.ien.i (. . j,oui..1.-,l the princl
the c,.u.ti.;--ieiie:'s to p:;rei:;se .irerg '"'''" pic id our irdor : to our la.jf friend- whoa
,.,,,. i t ,,v. -.v ih ,.v. is. to u e 1 in t he sai i : .j-trd us during the cs.-reisc- of the evening.
In the matter of the petition of Caroline Junes j
wife of John Jones, for the benefit of the act of j
assembly, entitled "ail act securing to ii arned
women their earnings " Court ordci that pe- i
1 i
tiliou be recorded and that the within woman I
petitioner may have benefit of act. j
Al'i ahilll Serch vs. Mrs. Lydia Thomjoil, i
widow of Jeff. Thompson, owner, or reputed j
owner, and Jacob Rhinehart. contractor. Vcr- :
diet in favor of plaintiff. !
A. Pardee et al. vs. S. Shipmati i t al. tin j
motion of plaintiff's attorney judgment in favor
of plaintiff against defendant in default of ai.
psarance. JTI1GE WTI.KF.It's HKCIH.
At 5 o'clock Mr. Lawson rose to announce th?
death of Judge Welker, and spoke as foliows :
'If the Court please, I rise to notify this Court
that one of the members of it has fallen to rise
no more in our mid-t. His chair is empty, and
his presence forever gone from us. J,; was a
man that we h ive long known ami highly re
spcctd. We think it is lifting we should make
some publie and op. u manifest:.! ion of our re-
gird here-lice wli-re he ha. Sat so ioug. That
v.e should inak. some pubirc manifestation for I
him. I therefore rise and move thai the Court !
adtouru for tin i.-t 0r the d.iv."
( ourt then adjourned on! of r. -pe t lo the j
memory of Judge Welker. The Bar immediate- !
ly resolved themselves into a meeting, of which
Hon. Wm. Rockefeller was elected chairman
and A. N. Brice secretary.
Hon. A. Jordan then addirs-vd the meeting.
He spoke as follows :
'The painful intelligence of J::.lge Welker's
death hat ju.t reached us. He was one of my
earliest and best friends. Our intercourse dur
ing this long pel Km was very pleasant. I (an
not saV lhat anvlliln" oecnrreil iluno" I ! il l mi: i
- -s -
...... . i , . . ... I
10 inioiiupi i.ic uarniouj oi our leiauon-. e
often took counsel together on various subjects,
. . i
to comnit'.nieate togetuor our trials, our joys,
and our aims iu iife. I esteemed him as a !
friend, a a brother. He was a man of iinb'em- j
isln'd reputation. He was a man of mind, which j
nature endowed him with, and he was careful to j
cultivate it. He was a man Weil infoit'ie. on i
different subject. j
'In his daily wail.s ami conversation, iike all J
ot us, he had his faults and failings. These
faults ai:d failings, however, are very easily to
be forgotten. lie was a model man, and further
than that he was a religious! man a man who
feared God. His influence, wherever it was ex
erted, wi.s always felt. He .vas a good business
man, competent to transact any business. In
his private life, his aim and object was to do
what was right. He was honest i;i till his pur
poses, and if h" erro.l it was not boeau-e in- in
tended ii.
'ior many months Judge Welker has been
seriously ailiieted, being confined to his bed, and
has suffered much, mentally and physically.
"Judge Welker's deaih lias relieved him, I
hep-, from all his troubles aui all his sorrows,
nnd mr.v that he is gom?, and hi. place vacant on
the Bench, and Ih-tt we will n.'vcr me t him here
again, we arc reminded that we. (on. are liable at
any lime to be called away, and it becomes us,
bound as we pre, to prepare to meet our God. ns
member of the Bar and members of society.
My health, Mr. Chairman, will not permit me
to say more. I 'egn t this il'sp. nsatioii of Provi
dence, and I will say Lore in presence of many
members of the Bar, that the character of Judge
Wcl!;cr can never be f, rgott.-n.
I suppose, ,v;r. t Cairnian, it wi:i be proper
lo .,,,j,()-ll)t ., con.miltee to prepare ic.-ohitions, I
.in,j j tm.rt.rr(. ,ve t li-it such a commifee- be j
. pointed to draft li .o'.ution. expressive of the
loss wo feci i:i ihe death of Judge Welker." 1
The chair appointed Judge Jot dan. J. K. !
Cii tnet.t and Win. Lawson as such committee. '
Jn.'ge Rockefeller then made a few -cm.irks.
w'aeu ih' meeting adjourned uiit'l half-ja-t '
to-morrow morning.
Joscfit V. Cam:, I's p, has tnoughi .-ait, in ;
' pi'ity. agiiu-,t th P. & E. R. R. Co. for lie- re- '
overy f Ihe land upon which th? shops, al j
i this place, are built. The occasion of .Mr. Cake's i
j suit is that the company induce.! him to sell j
th.;t:i the land, upon the promise that a large
j Mimbcr of shops would be erected upon said
I l.-iud, which con,!',' the coin! anv has failed to '
perform, ni l the improvements have not been '
a'le ju ile to ti e fromi-ies m:i le. 'mttr
! Si sin hi, March -7, 1.71.
the la-t regular meeting of the W. C. .'.
! I'.t P. o. S. of A., held March 17, 17J. the fol
! lowing resolutions v.eie tnianiir.oiisly adopted :
!, That tender our sincere thanks
; to the following radios for their assistance at
our anniv. rsarv : To Suiiburv Silver Cornet
Bain!, who so Kimt v turmshei: music tor tile
occasion: to Brothers.!. II. Lumbar.! and W
..;, i uai i ne Miuuuiy p-i'ei
oil to '":l iT-h the alic.v; r soi:li.ui-.
II. II. I.I auii l;i.
W. F. Wai.o-. -inn mi.
O. H. .Iom-.,
;. w. Yihm..
C. P. l.lios.
roil uii: Aiir.mcAN.
i:i.v.Inirg Afailciuj .
Mr. A'..f-c Kei.r Sir :
Ia oril.-r to set at n.niiit the few opposing iu
ll'ieinvs brought lo heir upon our Institution,
through preju.'.ice ami personal feeling, e, the
tiiiiicrsignc.l, citizens of Flvshurg, ami stock-
tors of the J.l.i.l.u.-n .U,u!(ui'i take
pl'Mstirc in stating to the public, through the c.h j ton. iing from its southern terminus, in the Bor-
luni'is of vour paper, that our Institution truly ough of Minbaiy. County of Not thumberhiiid
: descrvi s the pat lonage of al! f riend, or educ.i- I and Male of Pennsylvania, through the counties
j tion. Our Institution was never under better ) of Moiiutmir an 1 Columbia in said State, into
; discipline than under the prcscntprincipaishipof the County of Luzerne in said State, to the north-
Mr. II. II. Bartholomew, whose school govern- em terminus of said Railroad at or near Toin
' meiit apj'ioachos, as far a possible, that of a ; hhkcii in said County of Luzerne, including the
i well regulat.-d family. His discipline is mild yet ; right of way and the land occupied or used in
iii-m an 1 administered in such a mumier that the
I student can not but f.-cl that it Is meet for his
. Mr p.., r. lioloiuetv, w hos futile as a tea-
j t.)lBrt sne is n geiitleiiian of tine
abilities, and an exoeooiit .iiseip!:uaii.r.i
i tharo be anv who doubt this assertion, we
V()I1 ia . ,-,. ()f 1iljU .,,, ,ir Int-Co,,. be-
j jop. , tU r ,;Jt, y().r Vlll( e j opposition to your
, s, )iooi. "itime and see." Kioiii the diligent
I habits, the creditable rc.cil.i!ioi. and theonb-r-
I lv conduct of his stiidnits, you will el
u,o n),it) js ; tii, t
ly see
(lf (-o union m-Iioo'.s ot Noitliuiiiberhuid.Moii-
. Collin. hi. i. and other aiijacenl counties, iire
.1 wilh teaehel fioui this Institution, who,
as far a-wc iiai: a-ceiiaiiicu, arc an viiy m-ci-.sful
iu their work. Oui school coinjiares ri V
favorably with ther Iu.-t:!titioiiS of even far
treat, r pictcnsion.-. I: is locate 1 in our plea
sant villanc. in the midst of a delightful and
wealthy farming community, free, from all sa-
looiisaiid other haunts of vice its ratesaie low-l p.t. warehouse am! fiegrapti omce in ioiu
er thiin iir.v other liistittition in this se -i:.i:i of hieken -.along and upi-n the line of the sid rail
couniiv. Furiii-he.l with board, tuition, liht I road, together with a'.l ami sinifular the tenc
ar.l fii.-l f.i the .-mall mm f thii I v .-ii-lit rt..l-ir i limits, right-, Idicrties. hereditaments and ap
,,..r t.i in. i I'liiteininces thereunto lielotiiring, and also all
I Pareii;-. tvfoie you n mi votir children eNe- I the est..!. , light, litl., int. rest, provrty. posses
j w h.-ie. plej.-c "ive our seiioi'l iniit impai ti.i! con- s-on, claim and demand whatsoever, as in e.piity
-i.i'.. i .tion . :iHtoiir exi.eiise. will be lower. :i nd i of the said Danville. Ilaxlcton A: Wilkcsb.irre
' wc siiieen-lv he'.i.-vc oiif ihililieii wiil have
j in .ie atteiiii.ei devoted ii thi in hen- than iii ma- I
j UV schools Ol Cli ll ibillh:. the .xpell-i for tliC !
: ..iti'i-hiith of lime. Vouiil' men wishing to!
I: is 11 ol
JM- e-aie oi i ion-.. . j " - j
the I'aiiie of the lts:itnll'!i Hull Wlil He- l eii'T
i prep.
e vmi for th it grc.t work. It is the ln-li
I t
I urn liiiit aMoiits yo-i liu- i.csi aioaiiinges.
We submit laets f) !!:. (;! m-sl consi.Ie
ralion of iill lover, of idlieatioii. Mid cordially
.oli'-it the iiti-onage . f an iippiei ialive
' Signed ;
! S '.niliel G. Ciottl, V.iu. 1'eiisjl, Dil.ii! Knoe-
j li.-!. David Frv. Simon ought. J. C- il.diiii", II. I
S. I-'obiiis. O. S. Campbell, I.. D. Robin.-, nnd I
in inv others. I
. - i
Tif iiitit-iliKl. To Jlrii ol" .la(iilltll '
! 'loniis. and tonll Wishing
IIoiiich null thian Aoid
i'iijing !!iils.
I'.v reference t: the Wn!o:itiwn A'..-"ii Mini !
Sanlmiv "G iz. lie" will be S'.-n a full aiul more I
explicit' of tl.e jropt-ily I oiler for ;
. .ie, cltln-r ill lot" or l.y the ae:e. 1 1 lit. what I
w ish to inoie jmit ie-.ilai ly bring before the J.iih-
lie i- the I.I Phi'. A I. I r.KMl on w men ui. are
oi'el-ed. j
I wiil SUM. LOTS liom IM to ei.Tt0 and
Lands by the A RF. from jnti lo s.Miii. e-rdiiig j
to the location. I
Truvs: Ten j.-r cent, of the i iireh i-- money j
down, the balance in time and nniomi!- -uit
ouiihaseis. I rom ONE to EIGHT Vl'.AHS, with ;
legal interest from day of sale. I
The streets and alleys will bcopcn.-.l as fast as I
ai.- s,d. so tint all may '. approached with
AM pe:--..tis who are now paying P-nt can have
an oppoit-.iiiily of securing a home for less mo- j
n.'V iiiiiiuallv' thiin Ihcv nr.- now THROWING i
WAV ii: nut.
Any Jierson wishing to se the lands or lots
will call ou inc. when cM'iy opportunity will be
given them to have a fair chance to see the supe
rior advantages presented lo the public.
In addition to the lands above referred to, I
...... oi'..r fr ei,. TIlltKE DWELLING HOU
SES, situate on Water street, in Watsoiitown bo- i
rough, the one being the large and coinniodious i
llriek Dwelling now occupied by me, all of said ,
dwellings hming the necessary outbuildings for j
immediate use. i
For further information call on or nddress !
Wataontnwn. Pa.
October HI, 157:.. 1 yr.
Ti,o 3aeriier, Iminff Ikh-h penua.iently onied of
ilr-ul Coiisunipliuii, by sii'il Iv,
js H,.,iOI1H t icuke known to his folio w sufferers the
" l1"'- . ,' a 'TJ,!'
of the irecri.tio!i used, (free of chareoi, with tiieuirec-
Huaa for lecparina ami usiuif the bamo. which they will
'"" '"r '-s'l"-, Asthma, Bronchitis
l :irt; H wishing the prrscriiitiou will j lase address
h' Jvsi., WilhaiiiKbineh,
Nv.i, 17:1 tim.
.'Iiiireii ottcu look I'ale hu1 Sick
from no other cause than having worms in the
will de'trov Worms without injury to the child,
being perfectly WHITE,and from al! the coloring
or other injurious ingredients usually used in
worm preparations.
CURTIS c BROWN. Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street, New- York.
Si'UI by V)'i"iVi' i. Chanht. aiul (lot'erx (';
M.iliehie. at Tw TSTY-Fivr. Cents a Box.
July 12, is;:j. ly.
Thirty Years Kxperieiier- ofan II
Mr WiiiKlow'M Sooiliiiig Kyrup iH
I the reserit ioit ofnneof the best Female
: I1. ....1 Vi.rfi..a t.i tl... 1. ite. I t.itea find
Ua;hvt: n;'(.(i for tiir,y years with never failing
safety and success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble infant of one week old
t wre,-. acidity of the stomach
reli"Vcs wind colic, regulates the how. and
Kj.v,.s ivm. heallh and comfort to mother and
child. We believe if to be the Best and Snresi
1. ....... le 1., il... W...M In ..! fiini of IIVIsFV..
ther it arises from Teething or from any other
cause. Full directions for using will accompany
each bottle. None Onuiue unless the fae-simile
of CURTiM .t PF.HKIVS is on the outride wrap
per. Sold bv all Mediciue dealer-.
Julv 12. 1ST:;. lv.
i-msri w 'i. s.iil'ertd for f r m ervotia
1i...i:it. f...e ,.i.l al! th.. STm?. r.f vmi.h-
I io'eu-.
fill lc.lisc.-eiion i.l. fop thu like or tinriiii? nil-
. .I. . . .
inaiiiTv. -ei:.i tree i. tll who nwa it, tim rn-fl v. tot a:-
r.Vii,,M for U1 ltii,S ihe. -..iarl l.y wUicti he va.
rnnl. SuJerors wishiiti to i-ruat by the advertiser's
eiierieite cn .to so br Kddresii.i in rerffcct oulafi-
JUH.N U. f.KiliKJi, 4-J i'rt:.r ., No lork.
u.. 'i lR7:i Cm.
At tile resilience of the bride, in the borough
of Northumberland, on the evening of March
Pith, by Rev. E. E. Berry, assisted by the Rev.
A. D. Sloore, D. W. Sciiktock, Es., of Greens
burg. Pa., and Miss Maggie J., daughter of the
late Rev. Jacob Martin, of Sunbury.
1 The bride is one of our most intellectual and
accomplished young ladies. She had been a
' teacher in several of the best female seminaries,
and was engaged ns principal of a school at Nor-
! thumberhiiid at Ihe time of the occurrence of the I
j above happy event. Wherever known she is high
! ly esteemed for her good (pualiti.-s of heart, and
i many of those who were under her tuition will
' be loth to part with their and friend.
' The bridegroom, formerly eonnectej with the
j press, having edited and published (ho ;.( n.s
: burt,h Jhr-t-'l for over twenty-oue years, has
been extremely fortunate in winning th? hand of
one of S'oitlriir.berland's fair and accomplished
j daughters. We tender the happy couple our
warmest ( (mgrat illation-., and trust that their
I married life may b a happy one.
In William-port r.n thi 16th inst., Mrs. MARY
McCAY. relict of Benjamin McCay dee., former
ly of Northumberland, aged 67 pear. 10 months
and 0 day-'.
The remains of tlio dece.i-ej were brought to
this place for intcrmcM on Weiincsd iv last.
In this place. .Mitrih PJ:h, JFI.1A ELLEN,
daughter of Henry and Mary Shortman. uged 7
years, 11 months and Hi days.
In thi. place, on Wednesday the ls!h, Hon.
GEO. C. WEI.KER, agcil nl.out 57 vcars.
iii.VNiti i: it.viK.v.
THE first Teim of the Summer Se-siot:
open on
.!uiil:iy, April G, ISTt,
A desirable School for young men and ladies
to prepare f"r the ;o live duties in lite, t urnish-
. .
i.oard, I union. Light unit r uci f.r
$S :
! i in.
nd for catalogue,
-It Pii'io'.tal.
March .'(, "
Jf-lIN MtVI.I.F.V. I. W. PFRItt
" MILI.FRSBl'RG, p..
ni:a;li:v a perky,
Manufacturer and Dealers in
Flooiiii;, billing, Surfm:e Iomnls, I.alb,
i Stripjiini:, Sliingk-ss,
; And all kin is of S .sh. Door-. Shutter". Blinds,
' M.eil, lings. ,vc.
! Hemlock .V Whue Pine Hill SiutL aud all kitids
ol Building Material.
Stair biiii. ling and (liurch work a sp- einiiy,
March IS. ly.
Slkt'.i:il'F'K SAM..
IJ V Virtue of a certain Writ of alias testatum
3 Fieri Facias, i-sued out of the Court of
' Common Pleas, of Lyioming county, and tome
directed, will b" expo-ed to public s;i'e or ouf
crv on
j Tiu silnj, Marcii :tlsl, 1S71.
! at i o'clock in the afternoon, nt the Court House,
j In the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland
i county, Penn'a, the foHowing property, to wit :
i Ail that certain raiiroid of the Danville,
I'azleton .V Wiikesbane Railroiid (. oinpany, cx-
i connection nun or lor tne mauiienaiiee oi siua
j Railriad. ti-g-tln;r with the snpcrMractsirc nml
; tracks llieiioii, nml ail luMg'-s, culverts, side
: track-, br.tiiclics. livtur.-s, turnouts, depots, sta-
If: lions, delict .'round-, machine shops, i-nttiue
; houses, buildings am! other structures and im-
jirovenu'iiis, oi an, muu aiio .i-.. ui'i.w.i ......ic.
rd with t'ucsi.iil Ilailroa-I; with the appuitciiances
and together vi i t la the brick r nind house, or en
gine hoiif c. at or near Sunbury, the fianie depot,
i v.arehous.-and teh graph o'Lce at Ninth IJan-
i viile : frame depot.
"iiichouse an t telcgiapn
oltiec iit C.itawi.-a : fr.mi.' warehouse, .Vc, at
Koai reek station: initiie wareiiou.c ami
i t.rlegraph oth T at ol ne-ir .M.iinvii.e ; liiinie pas
eeuger depot an l warehouse at Miinm ; inline
plssiii'jer depot arid waiehoiis. at G leu City ;
I'i ante teieirraph olll.-e at Suinniit Station ; frame
depot at Woiftoit; frame waK-r tank and depot
at "or near Rock Glen; framu passenger deiot
aud warehouse at tJowen ; frame passenger de-
I Il.iilio.
Coiii..iny, of. in aud to the above de
scribed property and premises, and every pari
and p'irivl th'-re'of with the appurtenances, and
a'.l nnd singular the corpora t rights, privileges
and f ranch i.-es of the s:1jd railroad company ; as
lh property of the DAN V U.K. II A.LETON
Taken iu execution and to he sold by
S. II. RoTIIERMFL, Shcriif.
Shcri 1 "s Oflice, Sunbury, March 10, 1S74.
Nature's Great Remedy
It is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained
by a peculiar process in the distillation cf the tar, by
which it highest medicinal properties are retained,
'lar even mils crude state hat been recommended by
eminent physicians of ertry school. It is confidently
tiered to iheafllicied f..r the following simr-'e reasons:
I. It C0R1S, net ty af-ruptly staff ing the ctugh
but by dissolving the phlegm and assisting nature to
throw off the unhealthy matter ca.i,mg the irritation.
In cases of stated consumption it b .th prolong and
renders less burdensome the life ol t!ie afflicted sufferer.
3. Its healing principle acts upen the irritated stir.
bee of Ihe lungs, penetrating to each diseased art,
relieving pain, and subduing in flammation,
3. 1 r rxmriis and inrkhis THH blood. Positive.,
ly curing all humors, from the common pcmplk or
a-nurrioN to the severest cases of Scrofula. Thousands
of affidavits could be produced Irom those who hav
felt the beneficial effects of Pins Tubs Tar Cordial
ia the various diseases anting (rom iMPUItmxs c
4. inpityrales the digestive organs and resttres
the afetite.
All who have known or tried Dr. L. Q. C. Wis-,
Bart's remedies require no references from us, but tii
name of thousands cured by tbem can be given to
any one who-doubis our statement. Dr. L. C.
Wishart' Great American Dyspepsia Pills andt
Woaw Scoar Drops have never been equalled. - For
Kile by all Druggist and Storekeepers, and at
Ir. L. Q. C. WISHAST'S Office,'
y, S39 y. Serond St., JVfHwui?
Hcto Dbertisemtnts.
'Tis an age rf i:iv. ;u io;i, impro t iiient and skill.
The world's in commotion, a id nothing is siil! ;
And progress in written wherever wo turn
So! the ball is h.q i rolling."' and each day we
Of some new achievement in science or art ;
F.acli branch of in lti-try in fact claims a part.
So each is awarded a prize from the hands
Of a generous public a merit demnnds.
So music's department can point, in her pride,
To men of true genius, w hose fame has gone
O'er hills and through valleys, i;i man-ions and
and cots.
Well, due are 6nch honors to "Haittif .C ?.;,
Whose Golden Tongue organ stands firt in the
The .!' as to merit, ami first in demand.
Excelling in sweetness and richness of tone.
Surpassing all others, and standing aloae.
Its worth is acknowledged wherever it is known. 1
As ail will bear witness, and cheerfully one
For equal in workmanship, beaut v, design.
Or finish, they challenge the best in the line.
n- 4. j i ...
neiu i.u-i-8 were giooniv. aim iicaii uuee were .
, " i
What homes are now cheerful yes, happy and
Continue thy mi-sion, thv song 'Golden Tongue,'
Hath chains of enchantment for old and for
Beatty Si Plot!.' celebrated Golden Tongue
Parlor Organ is acknowledged by eminent pro
fessors of music to be the best Parlor Organ now
in use. Thousands of testimonials are conslant-
lv being received in favor of them, which go to
T . . .
show that our instrument gives entire sat. sfac- I
rf For Price List Address
Washingtoti, N. J.
MISS V. DALIUS, Sole Agent.
No. )?, Market Street.
Snnbnrv, Pa.
.Mnieh U, 1S74. Cm.
"TOTICE is liereby given that the undersigned
1 having found, on the 10th of February,
1674. a package of Dry Goods, consisting of
breakfast shawls, gloves and notions, along the
Susquehanna river, above Georgetown, Lower
Mahanoy township, Northumberlan.-f county,
on.a.uioerian.T roi iuj.
d to have belonged to a
owners are rcjucstcd to ,
I ue goods are suppose
pedlar. 1 ue owner or
come forward, prove property, pay charges, or
else they wnl be disiiosed oi according to law.
Georgetown. North'd Co., March 13(11.
Stockholders' Meeting.
V MEETING of the stockholders of Fort Ati
gsi i Building and Loan Association, of
SuiiburT, will be held in Clement's building-, on
Third "street, on THURSDAY EVENING, '
MARCH -'5th, 1574. at 7 .clock, for the pnr- !
posi; of electing ottic-ers for tlie ensuing vear, I
and to rec ive the repoi ts of the Trcasuicr and
Finance Committee.
Sunbury, March Hltii, 174.
.' r" f
i For
pit rroNi.Yix Ki.rnwixFs.
Sk.iil by D.-UKSf-Hts.
144 SCH mi. TF.ACHI-.P.S W ANTED to MiBsi.luring
the Spricff mat Sammer in a l.u.ief.s rini; JltiO ter
moiitti in thfir own oourai.-.. A-hbes, ZIElil.KN &
Mil'l'KDY, l'Iiib.lo!;.!iia I'a. lio.-0.4w.
I'.i e i luli met aulhi-ulie aceoiiut of liie a ruitxiw. cf
, lue Aineii.;!i f,imirr .uinsi tlie c-,;oni.i: tue liaii
r.icil iioiuf.ioiie, wi:h a iiintn-y ol iin- ripe an.l rtn-na
. ni t!ie iirnroi I'ntroan ol' UusbjiiiliT. It at S ftht.
Si ei for hfsi-.iui-n j.-im 5 am. te.-ir.s xo Aii-itti., and wee
..-av il sells r'.iHi-r !n oi ui: o.ieT lio-.k, AiIiIiphh N
TIoSAJ. H'lNi. :K, I'hib.l. h t.iii, Pa. aiSH.4
Tlie lre t Amrrirati C'oil're l'ot
il'stils Coffee ai clear c.s amher; extracts all Its
rftienuth: rt-Mir.s nil It nutritious aroma. The
hest tiling ever ottered. Frice f'3, sent to any
nddreis. Call and see it in operation or semi for
illustrated circular. Territorial riIits for sale.
OF. WITT C. I'.UOWN ,fc CO., DTS Broidwar,
N. Y. in'.'H 4w
)SVi ;t'iMM V. or Si.I l. rHVKMINd." How
1 t-iili.-r s.-: n::i fuwi-ii'iito eml i;::iii tbi love and
urf..-tjiiiis of ftnv ji-oh-u tlii-y i-luxjsi- iitstdutly, Tbia
Miini'l li.i'iit. l a.-.i!i! ii!.!i'i:i all c:;:i j...s-s-s,firt-,ly mail,
for ''r.. ten -b.-r wilh a iniirri-.g? pintle, Kgypruu Ora-
l.-, Ilo-iins-. Hints to Laitiro, WeiMinu-NiKhi Sliirt.. ic.
Aiii-rl. . I.. Ail li'-ss T. il.I.IAM Ict'.i. t ub. Phila.
Ui-i'i -ii. i.
fl.F.NTsl WiNIKP Fllit
By I'. W. liLK.AS.iN, M. 1 1. A maitiiincent volume
aliiiu.lini! i" iiiiirlitiil mt'ormalioa. au.l eleipintly i!
Inniralml. Oik AjjeuT t.nik leu r.tei in u.e wisfk.
I'li.-n m.'l it-rum ti suit the tin-. Foreiree.Iarsail.lrMu)
JI. S. Mi ivINN EV k Co.. It N. 'th St- I-hila. niiU.4w
c .u i - - :. il ! i mors from the wnrt Scrof u la to
it i : ' i rilott tl cr Pimple. Krom two to
. ;,:. w arranie-l to cure Salt Ithciim
.-: Ti-i'ir, t'ir-ipi's on I'ace, IJoilts 'ar
.-i n-:('i l-:r-)ip-!as ami Liver om
r'..i t. Mi ! tv. -l e le.oles. warrantct lo mc
'. 1. v ... . . -rofalons 'itn-IIInCS and Sorcfi
:t:: I i Koiicm mvl -cro 'I hroat cini-cd
-"-5it-n ip Hlo-1 or mercurial treatnii-i-'.
. i s v ..i lerftd I . .-Moral properties it v.iit
i'a i-osi s-v -a ii-eent or tho worst lln.qrrirr
ue'i i a half ll ilmo rciuircd by any o'.! cr
i ii .; ; u I ii pn.'ei-tly safe, loosening coa- li.
. -. ' i -iinthin, fn.l rblievinir anrencs". S.ld
v :, i r-ifi - ts. ii. v. I'liiKtri, m.
Uorl's liispcnaary, LiUuilo,N. i.
selling articles out.
Three valuable
samplcl for ten cents.
J. BRIDE, 7C7 Broadway, N. Y
UOKKIXG CXASX, Male or Female,
foO a week, employment nt home, day or even
ing : no capital ; instructions nnd valuable pack
age of giHxU sent free bv mail. Address, with
six cent stamp. M. YOl'NU A CO., ITS Green
wich St.. New Yoik. ni:ii0 4w
The Hi-'hest, Mo.lical Authorities of Europe say
the strongest Tonic, Purllier an l Dcohttruent
known in "ti.e medical world is
J" ,, , 1 A . "I . r.
W 1. Ll U c IJ l ,
It arrests decay of vital force, exhaustion of the
nervous yicm, restore vigor to the debilitated,
clean.' vitiated blood, removes vesicle ohsinic-
tions and acts directly on the. Liver nnd Spleen,
Price JI n bottle, .'(.'ii- W- rm.i.i.,
Plait St., N. Y.
Tr" ":JZL 1
Iil.i-tr.-ile.! bv
... .....1.1). a l..L n'i41 Hll Hkp .iVnriT-M At A tfI.Piai. 1
must. llverjixHly'" hungry fer ."r. Se-.ul for circular J. C. Tracy, E., Peruvian Consul, Broad
an.l we wli.n "a i-i'ni:ii v gie to ttrenls. Aililrww, . " wav, N. Y.
AMKISUW.N M lU.lf HINU 4 l., Hartford Cm ni.lS.4w I fi 1ST4. 3 mos.
TITTTT Tl IVT1C1 Send for fitfulcR-ue of New 1
rt pien.1 ..r .f Jj-w b-kiW. on
i. if. .t. .
ew -irk.
(' xTiP'IOPINf! !
F .- nlf l.v nil ili-iiKu;trt.
t.i.i It! HOYT, lroprior, 5ew York.
n vs t -t-a Tim Ti.vnlES' OAVHN
Ijtli.V i.1 11 vearanit Iwo $5 rhromoa for tl TO
i XtiliS T9 Sanii le Magaiite and both
Ifr X fal chroniiM noatiai.l for lUle. llest cash
rnt.nilLl .
tertua ti Agruta eer oaertil. Ag"nta m Xei ) to $0O
a week. KK.D THIS: "The riironi.w. 'Juat One and
OU! (liiken Uiii-ket,givu with Lailien Own M:igxiua,
are Orsi-c-lass oil cbroiuu, iual in all reat ecta to any
t.i i-tmimo in Eiy Blnre." rt. tlottwnls, Vi ioluile Art
Dealer, Chin-go. A hlrc-i. LAI'IKS" OW N MAOAINE
Nw York Ci-y. in.l3.4w.
In Nebraaka,
i, ;iv.rll,n,h..!.,wln"-,ion.i m,., n, rr.
The I'ioneer,
n liaml-"..Tn l!lutratl Pacer, contaiiiinf 11"! Hiime
ateail l aw, niailvt fiec Iu all jarla oi' the iot!.t. Ad
it rf,
. r. B AV1H.
I.nrl r.mTni.iii- tT. P. It. It.,
ni.n.. i!iaha. NVb.
iiftu Jbbtrtistntents
PUMP, Tasteless, Dnral,le,Effl
cient and Cheap. The best
pump for the least money. At
tention is especially invited l
Blatchley's Patent Improved
Bracket and New Drop Check
Valve, which can be withdraw
without removing the Pump, or
disturbing the joints. Also,the
Copper Chamber, which never
cracks or scales, and will out
last any other.
For sale by Dealers and the Trade generally.
Inquire for Blatchley's Pump, aud if not for sale
in your town, send direct to
CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, .Vwfu-U'rcr,
506 Commerce St., Thad dphiii, Pa.
March 13, '74. 8mos.
Jons II. Sell. .'oui M. Schoxoti.
Second 8treet, Wovni-SDoar, Fa.
; Pare OIl Rye Whiskey,
! Afplk Whiskey, Cordials, Ac.
All Licpners sold gaurranteed as represented.
Orders promptly attended to and public pa
tronaSe respectfully solicited.
2d St., Womelsdorf, Ecrks Co., Pa.
Feb. 27, 1374. ly,
Northern Central Railway.
On ami offr Dec. 1, 1873 trains on this road will ran
9 fulkms :
Leave Krie Ronora Eimira BaSalu
Mail Aceoui. Mail. Kxpraaa
Wathingtou 9.38 p ni i.48 a m 11.33 a Da
Baltimore 11.15 pm 8.25 1 m 1.45 pm
Philadelphia.... 1H.-20 p m 8.00 a m 11.53 p sa
Harrwhurs 3.05 a iu 8.25 a m 1.30 D m 5.05 DBS
j Huiibory.. a ra 11.10 a m 4.15 p im US p b
i Arrive at :
ilhamsport... ..10a m P2.5j p m ..lopni t.00 p as
Eimira 11.50 am 10.20 p m
Buffalo.. . 8 30pm
1 Erie 7.20 pm
; Ail .Liily OAcojit Sunday.
lave: nilffalo' Eimira Hurria'( En'o
r.iprvM. Mail. Accom. Mail.
j Erie 11.20 ant
j Buffalo ti.Jo p ia 7.30 a lit
Eimira 5.45 a m 2.48 p m
Sunburr -2.60 im II. 1". a m .40 p m a m
Arrivf at :
H:irr-lniru Uim l.."0 p m 10.50 p m 3.03 an
P.'iili,..lo!.bia.... S.lUa in 6..5 p m 2.'0am a. oo am
tkiliimor 8.40am Upm 3.35am S.40 a m
Warliiiitou 10.35 a ni 8.30 p m S.lil a m 10.35 a m
A'.l i-ass Sunbury iliiily except Sunday.
iVu'l At;ina;?er. tien'l Pw. Axent. 8up-l.
Iluildins Lots For Sal.
'VT"INF.TEEN LOTS, 2osl0 feet, fronting :
J Vine street, in Sunbury. Price $I1V Ah
,hirt o, 25jm f gprnce ,,, pin
streets. Price f IS per foot. Also eight lots, 25
x90, fronting on Fourth street between Walnut
and Sprace. Price $50. Also 21 lots, 25x110,
fronting on Third and Spruce streets, between
Walnut and Spruce. Price 400. Also 5 lots
24x230 on the north side of Spruce street. Price
$000. Also 10 lots in Cake-own. The above
prices do not include corner lots. Persons de
si rinz to purclias will do well t. call soon.
Terms cost. IRA T. CLEMFNT.
jan. 23, 3in.
Second Street, opposite the Conrt House, SUN
Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers
and others, that he has on band, and will con
stantly keep all kinds of
Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cogniac, Cherry,
Ginger, Rocbelle and Otard.
Whiskies: Pure Rye Coppcr-titilled, Mo"u
gahela, Apple aud Nectar.
Wim?: Champairue Wine, Sherry, Pint n.l
Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. F. Rum.
Brown Htont and Scotch Ale.
And all others Liquors which can be fonnd in
the city markets, which will be sold at Whole
sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed a
represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS
and BOTTLES, always on hand.
Ji? Orders promptly attended o, and ynblic
patronage respectfully solicited
Sunbury, July 3, 1873. ly.
By the Author of "Night Scenes in the Bible."
and" "Onr Father's House." of whibh nearly
200,000 havt: been sold. "HoTne Life" U com
mended by ministers of all churches as "the
author's best boot," "full of precious thoughts."
''Truths precious as corns," " a choice book for
every family," Ac. Steel ensrravins:", rose tint
ed paper, rich bindinj and for rapid sale nn
equaled. Agents, Young Men, Ladies Teacher
and Clergymen, wanted in every coudty ; $75
to 10o per month. Send for circular.
olS Arch St., Philadelphia, P:.
March C, 1874. 2tnos.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue and examiw
our prices before purchasing, as we claim to sell
lower than flr.v other establishment in the Cite.
r.r.0 RIDGE AVENUE, Philadelphia.
WARE. John IV. Steveust!!,
Corner Thir l and Market Sis, Nunbury, P.
HAS completely renovated hi Store Room,
and opened the largest assortment of
ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every
thing iu the Jewelry line is kept in store.
Kings al t haiNK.
of tery description and of the finest finality.
Particular attention r-iid to repairirj:
WHtrhe, dorks. Jewelry, r.
HAIR JEWELRY made to order.
Snnbury. March 6, 1S74.
.TPeruvian " Quano.
TT'ARMERS, Agriculturists and Dealer ia
j JL Icrtilizcr have now an au opportunity nr
; obtaining this valuable manure in raall or
1 large lot at the sole importers' prices, by ap-
plvinglo the Spec'uil Agency just established for
j ti"e purpose of delivering Genuine Peruvian
i unano to consumer at any accessible port or
j rajway station iu the country. Full particular
j jjjvcri in Circular mailed free on application to
R niipiTro
No. 53 Beaver St., New fork.
Hefereuces by Permis.ion.
Messrs. Hobson, II art ado A Co., Financial A gt
of the Peruvian Government. iJ Wall St., N. Y.
', Taylor, Pres. National City Bank, 53 Wall
St,, I.
j .vi.t. f Ku.e Kern. Deceased.
. "VTOTICE is hereby civen. that letter of Ad-
ministration havo been granted to the Tan-
: designed, on the Etate of Isaac Kern, late of
; the BoroiieU of Sunbury, Northumberland cun-
! ty. Pa., drceaed. All person indebted to said
eslale, are requrst-d to make immediate py-
J ment. and those having claims to present them
i for settlement.
OEO. W. STROH, Ad.llV,
Suiiburv. Pa.,Feb. 2T, 1S74.-
a .
Geo. Evans & Co.,
914 akct Street, Philadelphia.
Military, Baiul k Fire Organizations
i Ssmples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent
tree on application
Ourt being the leading house ou Military work,
we fuel that we can. ofTcr inducement which curs
ot be attained anywhere n
Jjib. tS. 1ST,
li 6
Il i i a