jttmffnnu ittttjjcs. The Grange Initiation Kites Ke vealed. Persons who are about to be come members of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, before joining should read the following account of the terrible ordeal through which they will have to pass, as re vealed by the Randolph, O., Enterprise ' One being brought into the ante-room of the lodge (Greengrocer Temple, No 101) I was told that I had been balloted for and accepted. My iuformant, who was secure ly masked by what I afterward learned was a large burdock leaf perforated with holes for the eyes, told me that if I valued my life it would be neccei-sary for me to strip. As I did consider that of considerable worth to me, and as he italicised his wishes by carelessly playing with a sevenshouter, I withdrew from my garments with eager ness. My masked friend then furnished mo with the reualia of the first degree- called 'The Festive Plowboy' which eou-1 sisted merely of one large cabbage leaf at-1 tached to a waist-band of potato vim s. In this airy costume I was conducted to the door, where my companion gave three dis tinct raps. (1 was securely blindfolded by binding a slice of rutabaga over each eye.) A sepulchral voice from wilhiu asked : 'Who come ?' My guide answered : A youthful argicul turist who desires to become a granger.' Sepulchral Voice 'Have you looked him carefully over ? Guide 4 1 have, uoble gate-keeper." ,S. y.'Do you find any agricultural marks about his person V Guide 'I do.' S. V. 'What are they r Guide 'The candidate has carroty hair, reddish whiskers and a turnup nose.' S. V. 'Tis well. Why do you desire to become a granger V Guide (answering for caud;iate)-'That I may be thereby better enabled to harrow up the feelings of the rascally politicians.' S. V. 'You will bring in the candidate. My worthy tripling, as )ou cannot see, 1 will cause you to feet that you are received at the door on the three points of the pitch fork, piercing the region of the stomach, which is to teach you the three great vir tuesfaith, hope and charity. Faith iu yourself, hope for cheaper farm machinery, aud charity for the lightning-rod peddler. You will now be harnessed, and in repre sentation of the horse, Pegasus, will be tested as to endurance and wind.' The candidate is here attached to a small imitation plow, by means of a hempen har ness. A dried puropkin-vinc is put in his mouth lor a bit and bridle he is made to get down upon all fours, the guide seize the brittle, and urged on by a granger armed with a Canada thistle, which be vigorously applies at the terminus of the spine, the candidate is galloped three limes around the room. While making the circuit the the members arise and sing : Get up and dust, you bully boy Who wouldn't be a v rancor ? If the thh-tle'e prick don't cause you joy. To feeling yeu an estranged, ah ! After this violent exercise he is rubbed dry with corn-cobs, beeswaxed where this tlcd, and brought standing up before the great chief the most worshipful pumpkin head. M. W. P- II. 'Why do you desire to be a granger V" Candidate (answering for himself) 'That I may learu to extinguish sewing machine agents." M. W. P. II. 'Have your hands been hardened with toil V Candidate 'Not extensively, but, then I am not running for office." M. W. P. 11. 'Tis well, for our lodges contain -everal who are supposed to be ready to sacrifice themselves I'm their con stituents. Do you feel pretty smart this evening V! Candidate 'Yes, nlietc ttic Vustlo i.g on.' M. W. P. II. (savagely) 'Give me a chaw of tobacker ?' Candidate searches himself thoroughly, but as there is no place about him to stick a pocket, tries to explain, but the nit worshipful pumpkin head interrupts him with : 'Never mind, ray dear young friend, I am well aware that iu your present condi tion you can no more furnish your friends with the weed than Adam couid be com fortable in a plug hat and tight boots. It is merely to teach you the great lesson ! economy doing to others as you'd lue to ha e them do to you. You will now 1 conducted to the most eminent squash-producer, who will teach you the grand hailing sign of distress. The sign, my worthy brother, will insure you against many of the ills of the agriculturist amongst others against droughts and being bit by the fero cious grasshopper.' The candidate is now conducted to the most eminent squash-producer, who thus says : 'My worthy brother, 1 will now in vest you with the order of the Festive Plowboy. which you have well won by your heroic achievement while harnessed may you ever wear it with pleasure to yourself and may it be a means of terror t your nemies.' (The M. E. P. P. then proceeds to invest the candidate with the regalia of the Fes tive Plowboy, which consists of a long to mato necklace.) 'The grand hailing sign of distress is made by gently closing the left eye, laying the t ight forelingcralongside the n se, and violeutly wagging the ears. It requires practice, but the advantages are intense. It also has an important significa tion, which you will do well to heed. The closing of the eye signifies that in all your dealings with mankind, you are bouud to have an eye to business. Laying the linger alongsidc the nose is emblematical of wis dom, and places you at once among the 'knowiug ones'. This is extremely handy in prognosticating or new weather, aud saves the wear and tear oi almanacs. 'Wagging the cars signifies sublimity of pur pose, aud is thought ti be emblematical of childhood's happy hours. It is also sup ed by some profound scholars to have a distinct reference to apple dumplings, hut this fact is somewhat obscured by the dust of ages. Iu taken that you are one ol us you will now be branded.' This ceremony is uncommonly impre-ive a'ld consists of two brands. Tiny are both applied 'while the iron is hot,' and consist of one letter of the alphabl e ach. The first is a large letter S on which you will please sit while the other Utter it ap plied to the stomach. The letter S, my worthy chicki n, signifies scoojH-d and re fers to railroad mono iol its. It is also sup posed to indicate the seat of learning the spot where the old time, teacher hunted for brains with the ferrule. The second letter is C, and is applied, as I said before, to the stomach. It has a double meaning. First the application is an agricultural one, 'corn crib.' and has reference to the sto mach as being the great receptacle for Bourbon whiskey. But, brother, do not he diligent in finding a home market for your corn. The second application of the letter C. my distracted infant, is got hold of as follows : W hen a granger desires to ascer tain 'for sure' if there is another of the or der in the room, he raises himself gently by the slack of his of his unmentionables scratches his off thigh by his near hoot, and remarks in a voice of thunder : 'Are there any grangers about?' The answer in 'Jeeso wax.' The inquirer then says, 'Let us sec,' (letter C.) and the other party must immediately pull out his stomach and disclose the brand. These brands are applied in such a man ner that I am enabled to assure you that they will wash. I was here interrupted, Mr. Kditor, by A volley fired into the open window, evid ently intended for me. Fortunately I es caM;d without a scratch, and which is of more cousequence, succeeded in bringing off my precious manuscript. This is about all there is in the ceremony of any import ance I must leave the country at once armed men are at my heels they know 1 am writing to expose them. Yon may hear from me again by mail, if I should j deem it best to expose tho other degrees.! Until then adieu. From your sacred friend. Tt. polk. knights. CENTRAL J) RU G STORE q.b.cXdvllader Is the place to buy pure and fresh medicines, drugs, paints, oils. glass, perfumery, notions, cigars, toijacco, liquor for medicinal purposes, and all ot In r arti cles usually kept in a first-class Inig Store. Special attention paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent. druggist1-. I am prtparc l to furnish lu ijuantiiies to nut j purchasers and nt Philadelphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER, ; PHILADELPHIA L1MK, FINIMliN; SAND, j P1.ASTER1NU HAIK. j Portland, Roman, Roend:i!e and l.iliic,h j CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Funnels, Timothy and t Seed. AImi. tint len See l- of all kind:.-. lover till and iret a Rural Keeister for 1ST4. ;r.O. B. CAD W A LL A PER. Sunlmry, Fell. , ls?4.-ly. Pk. C. M. Mahtin. Geo. W. Bloom NEW DRUC STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, CleEBnt Hense BniiainE, Snnturj, Pa. DR. C. 31. MARTIN & CO, HAVK just received a fresh !! of Fine Dnijjct and Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMHS. Hair. Tooth. Nai'.CIothe.Shoc and otlxv hi nshes. TOII.KT AM) FAX'Y AKTK I.FS. FINE r.XTKACTS, MCKr.I BOOKS. KMVr.S, ('., AC P.F.ED'S GRAND DfCIlFSS COLfKiNK. the S'veetcst perfume in America. Parisian, a Iovc Wa.h, warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate Fhndeo without injury to the kid All Ihe leading preparations for the Hair. ki:c;akk, the bit in m arket, Pure Wine nnd Liquors, for medical putpoM-n. Fhysiehin I'rescrijtions and family iccc'.pis cornponndc"! with rare. Thaukful for past favois we hope by fairdcil ins lo receive a shar of your patronage. SeptctnhiT 11. 17:J. W. D. MELICK, Drussist and Apothecary, At the old established stand on Market Square, Kl'XISl'ICY. IA. Keeps constaully on hand a foil Mock of well selccled DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Prnjsifls Fancy Goo;!t, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFl'MERV, P ATKNT M EDI CIN ES, 0 1 1.S. PA 1 X TS GLASS. PCTTV. YARMSII, IkYI'.KTI'FrN. In fact cverythinit usually kept In a well con ducted JDFLTJG- STOr.E. Particular attention paid to rompniindii:!.' Phy sicians prescriptions and family receipt- !v tie Propriator himself. funbury, Pa., June 6, 1ST3. rvliscellnncous. Tin: ui.; RAICKKK SIKH S THE SHOP OF THE TOWN ni: 1 Ion has been ; ak history and she w ill tell you Men have itrown old in our p.itioiiacc Dabies on the'.r mothers' breast To boimcinit boys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed. To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men si ver iriay. And amonit the honored and laslir.e impre Bioiis of time, and ihe crash of revolutions in circumstances, we sland a living inonumcnl.ti memento of the ingenuity and perseverance ) pertaininit lo Ihe blent ity ol piojtrcssion, plyiiiL' our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspirinit to achieve Ihe .i..lw -t reward of mcii! attaiuahle in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of resct and approbation which the presence of superior appliances and es tablishment arc always wont to inspire. Always to please We shave wi'h case Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the he-id with soothing rurr. And eo'or the whikers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow n:c politely request you to slop. And cot po past nor from around our shoji. To gel shaved nil the basis ol ability nor as some have done for our use of the ballot for prin ciplc sacred and ri jrlit nor under the common secret and invidious guise of enmity t complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of his skin, ought not to affect his usefulness nor hi qualification9. A fair chance is :ill that we demand, lo givr Ihe proof lo all Ihe land. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Propriet or. Sunbury, April 5, lsTS ; No. 91, Market si. a-MIE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., . wan! reliable and energetic Agents in this county. The "VICTOR" is a Lock-stitch. Shut tle Machine, wilh sail-setting Needle, liest liuish ed and iiio-t jx-rfect Machine offered. An in crease of !')) per cent, on sale- of lst'J over 1 bTl. For terms. Ac. Address. VICTOR !EVIN; MACHINE CO.,1'7 Cnesinut St.,Phi!ude:phia, Pa. Sej t. 1J, lv7u. linos. ;i:o. v. roni.r., JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Rr.At. EsTTr A(.rT. and Agent for the Phk a- I.lri.rllU Ml'TI'AI. Protkciivf Lick lSrH4NCE CoMI'ANT. Ilcrilloi, Xurthumhrrlan'l 1'oHuty. '.i. ALL CLAIMS enlruste.l in his hands will n o-ire prompt attention. Heindoii, Au. ol. 1 mo. I -rTTjr-iisr"---.-" - s KJ' THE GJJEAT KK.MEDV i which can 1o cim i timclv pcsoi t lo tliis i . aril )Fcparalion, ns lias !h i proved by the hundred-! of testimonials received by tho proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the niot reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief Mid cure of all Lniu complaints, and is ollcrcd to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it s;el dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, IJronchitis, Croup, "Whoojing Cugh, Influenza, Asthma, Cohls, Sore Throat, I'ains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, at the Lungs, &c. Ualsam does not lilceili'.iir AVistai's tlry up .i Cough, ami leave the cause behind, as is the case vith most preparations, but it loosens anil cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. pnrPAnr.n by EETH VT. FOWLS 4. C0N3, Boston, L'aas., And Held hy Drupes? nl Jnlern gent'rally. irn.i lMirmmti: lock iy Ti. JOHNSTON', Physician ol' thi celebrated Institution, h;;n discovered t lie most certain, speedy, plcanmt and ! eli'ccluiil ivthp.Iv in the e-o'M for all DISEASES Of IMPIH I'K.NCE. Wcakmi-- ot the. Lack r Mai!, Stricture.-, ' A tied ions of Kirlnes '.:) I :;; I'ler, Involun- j tiy li-fti:rr'. Impoleney, .-r-eial DcbiK- j -, Nervousness, lvi !"v? ! n.iMior, Low Spirit. Conf!iw 'f Id-as. Plantation of i llio Heail. Timidity, Trcmb'iiiL'--, Dimness I of Sight r Ci.Mines-. D'lMMst r the Il-ad, Throiil. Nose r Skin. All.-:-li.ns. 'Liver, Limits, Stoma, li or I'.nv.ls these lerriHe Disorders ari-ii'-u ti'i:i lite i'iiiyif bil-ol Yo!lt!l tiio.-e prere! and solitary prae vi-1im- than the o:i; ol a''--1 more tutal to t ':i '- Syr-Ti to llv :;'i'i.i.-i - of Ol Ulysrc, blighting t e 'H m,' 1.i :!!i:itii in-; i liiieipa ;;.!), rendering marrum', V-.. t ;-. - I s'.Hr. i esper-i i'.iv, who have i.tcoine li e ie'ir.i !.t" rV:i- . tarv Vice, that dre.oli-il and de.-tru.-tivr U:,t-, wlii.li iiiiiimtllv s(i',.s l!i an uutimclv trrave - : tli'insaml-i of voinm ieii of the inut exalted talent a'-. l hsilliaot in'.e:le( I, who miirht olher j wise have eetrani-e,l l':M-n'n-sr Senates with the l thunders of elonieii' e or waked to ecstuey the living tyro, mav call Vuo full eontidenec. j ' M ARitiA'iR. i Marri' i! i'eivi'iis or Voi;n; Men c-iit!iiip:.'it! iir ; marriage, aware of Phyh'u al We il.nt-s, ( Lo i of l':ocrtiitie !'oer liiipt-teii.-y). Nervous K ; eital.i.ity, l'a!:iation, Oi-aiiiv WeaUnes-, N-r-! vous Deoility, i r :.ay .tlo-r Di-1:1 i!iiie.ui i ceodily relieve I. ! lie who placer If.m-ilf iii.iie;- the care of Dr. .1. i inav reiiitiously eontida it: his honor a:' a ueotle i maii.nnd ccn:ideiil ly ieiy ii'ion :U skill a Fa i hieiai.. OH-ANU" WFAKNKSS. i Dr.potenev, Lc-s of To'Cr, liiimcdiate'.y I." tired i:id full Viuor Kes'ore'!. istie-Kinit A Heel ion which render- Lite and inariini'.e impi ssihle i the penalty 1 i id t'V the victims of i'.n proper ualnieiie-i. Young lersoiisarc too ait to eoinn.U exi -e- from not being a wan' of the i-.readiul co:ic'i' nee i that may ensue. Now, who that s.n.lersl inds ! ihe subject wili pieimd to deny that (lie wer of lirocication is h si Sooner by those tal in i;it.- , iniiuoi'er habits U. an by the pnulci:! II. si.l ' being ilel'live l !he pleasures ..f healthy olf-pi i the most serious and destilielive sympto:ns lo bi.th j I'odv and mind arise. Th'ysiun b.-eoinc- w i ii. need, Ihe Physical and Mental Finieii. ns j Weakened. Loss of Proerealive Power, Nervo;, 1 Irritability, Dyspej:sia, Pali-hation of in iie:.rt, i indigestion, Constitutional PcMl'iiy, a W.:-tin j of the Frame, ugli. Consumption. Dic.iV aa.i , Denth. ! A Ci'RK WAR ISA N'l ID IN TWO DAYS. Peisous I li'.i.ed in heioth by iinie-.i ne i pri'teu i .;ei w ho ket p i Iu in Hilling m after laoulii. taking poisonous an-! itijm oil coa.p 'Uii 1 should applv immediately, j i R. JOHNI'ON, j Member of ihe Roy a I College of Surgeons, I.oii ! don, Graduated from one of the m.isl eiiiiucnl i Colleges in the L'n ted States, and the greater i j art of whose ii'e has been spent in t:ic ho-pit lis of London, Pri-, Philadelphia and ci-ewliere, has ctlei-ted some of Ihi- most a-tonishlng e i.. s '.'net were itit known ; many troubled w illiring- j ing in the head and cars when asleep, giv.it i ncrvousiicsF, being alarmed at sudden soitmL-, bashl'ulness, with frequent blu-hiug, alien le, ! sometimes with derangement of mi-id, were care ! j immediatclv. I TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addiesses all those who have .mjiirr I themselves by improper indulgence and soiiury habits, which ruin both ho ly and mind, utiihtiug Iheni for either business, :-tuly, society -t mar riage. '1 HLsn are some of the sail and iiielam-luny ell'eets produced by early habitn of youth, : Weakness of the Rack and Limbs. Pii'nis in the Raekai.d Dead, Dimness of Mght, Loss of Ma cular Power, Palpitation r Ihe Heart, Dysp.-j-.sy. Nervous 1-rilability, Deraiigement of Dig-stive Funclioii , .ieuciai Dvbiiiiy, syiu; to.n - ' eiim; tiou. tVe. MtMtl.IV The fearful Meets on l'e- n.iiil are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, ( ..m ftlsion of Ideas, Di-piessioa of Sfiitl-, l-.vi -Foiebodings. Av rsion to S-"eie;y , N-lf-Disi I Love of Solitude, Timidily, ,';e., are s .me ol ;h, evils produced. ' Hot sanhh of persons of ail ages e.in no.v judge w hat is the cause of tie ir declining ii'-abh. losing their vigor, becoming, weak, a.e, le i -voii-aud emaciated, having a singular apj e.n.i'.ie. about the eyes, cough and symptom o' i- .u-u, no tion. YI NU MEN Who have injure I th mseivo. l y a eel -lain prae lice injulge-.l in when alone, a hal.it fre-jii.-ntly learned fioin evil companion, or at seh-o:. the ellects of which are nightly felt. ev. n wheii aslee', and if not cured, rendeis marriage nn; -bible, and destroys both mill I an ! body, ; iionid apply immediately. hat a I'itv that a young man. th" hope ' country. Hie liariing of hi- parents. k!i.. snatehlA from all prospect- and enjoym. life, by the consequence of deviating li" path of nature and indulging iu a certai i habit. Such 1 er-ons yi sT b. lore i "ill n.'j :-.Aia:l i,V . reflect that a soiind t.iiid and I oily ..re I:. necessary l ;'i';si;c lo I roiiiot.- e..ii!. i.bi.il ness. Indeed wiihout t In se, t i-e join .. y t .. life heconns a weary pilgrimage; the pr b. ,.I i:ig most nun spe-l ! hourly dill kens to the View ; tin- mini lv t shadowed wilh de-piorand li.le ! wil ii the: . cholv reflection, I lial the h-ippil'. ol .. th ' becomes Llhiite. wiih oaroiw.. j i.RTAIN D1SF.AM'.. ! When the mi-guided and mi ! u l'-ot '... r.i .oi i pleasure finds that lie ha- imbibed !'.:-. see i- this painl'.ii disca-e, it too nil n bapj eus lli .t .in iil-timed sense of shame, or.ln.el f dise.oeiv. deters him fiom applying t" lic-e who. is-. ,i education and respe tahi.ily, can a. one l.ei: him, delaying tiil the coiistil utioual syiuptoms . : this horiid d seas.' make their appearance, sti. i, as uiecrat.-d sole thloai. diseased no-o. in. I'i! a i pains in the head ;:)''. limb-, dimiic-s o! !. .:. (ieafm-M, nodes on the rhiu bone- an i .-.ri-is. blotches on the head, face ami eUn oi. .-:o-gressingwith liighltul rapidity, tnl al la-t l!i 1'alate of the mouth or the bones of th no-e t'.li in. and Ihe i ti f thi-i a lul dl- ise l.eeiee - a horrid object of commiseration, tiii i-r.!i put a perio.l to his dreadful sutl. ring, by r.-n img him to '"that Undiscovered Country from w I. :: no traveller returns."" Ii i- a liielaneholy fact that t li.'l--an !- DIE victims lo Ihi- Icirib.e di.-i ase. through fnllin into the hands of Ignorant or un-ki i!':; PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that tlead.y Poi son, Mercury, Vc, destroy the constitution, an. I incapable of curing, keep the unhnppv sudor n month a.'t-r tuontli laking tie-ii noxious or iii jurioiis ( iMiipouiids. and niste i i of being rest..-,-, i U a renewal of Lite Vigor and llappi ui .!. -- pair leave him with ruined li-.-.lth t si-'u ov.-: liis gulling disappointment. To such, therefore. Dr. Johnston pledge him self to preserve the most Inviol th e ,. n-ev, a id from ins extensive piactiee aud oi.w r .ii ions iu the great Hospitals of Europe, mid the Jir-l ii: this count ry, viz : England, Fiance, Pliila lei j.hi i and elsewhere, is enabled to o'.b-r the most cer tain, speedy and i-!f. et.i.ii remedy in th" w..r; for all discuses of imprudence DR. JOHNSTON. i ol F;UE. N. T. .-. FR!.DER!CK S'iRF.ET. "ai.timoi:.;, m. Left h ind side going fr .i.i Rail imore sire -t, a I doorii from the corner. Kail not to observe na. and niiuiln r. 1-4" No letters received uiil"-- pelj'aii . containing a stamp lo be used on Ihe - ;-lv. i'i sons w riling should state age, and sen I a ) or; i of iidviiliseinciit dcsci ibing sy nipto u-. There are so m.uiv Paltiy, Designing .t l). Worthies Impl.sters a Iv. rlising tlicins Physicians, trilling with and mining tie elves l.ea I'.r.i. ray . r. o ui . of ail who uiiforliiii.it' y fall into lin-ir that Dr. J- hlistoii .It eius '.t in -i-s-.u-y I o i iH-ciallV to those i.!.a-iua'..i:e 1 with his tiou thill his Credential.- or D pi uii,! a hang in his olli.-e. J EN D'.iK;-I'M ENT OF THE PKES. : The many thoasuids cured at this Est:,! j mini, year alter year, and the ii:i!iu i.);: I'ollallt f- :1 C"i'ul Oot'll.lilMIH pel lofllie-l hv im !i , I jolitistou. wit iie.-i- I I'., i he repi -si iil il .vr. -, in j press and many other pap.-: , iiot.ee-...' v. iaeh j have appeared again and agj : befoie the p.r IV-, ; besides his stand ng a- a gt-i.l'.-iiiiiii "I chanco r and re onsibiiity, is a sulheit-M gu.n a utee I t li alllicted. fchiu ciisenn'. .-pe-.-.l.iy tilled. March 1. -IV M vm itv MAiiiii.i: I'ourdi Ntrret !! Mnrkrl, SUNT. l.'RV, P ENN'A. T"! IE undcr-ii! ne.1 1ms returned from the Ver mont Marble Ouarriea with 5l Toiii of Maibl- ,,r 'j'v .Motiiiitiiti. tiravo-Slones. lie ha" hniisht a! sn' h ll-tires that will allow til ! I' se I betier st'ine, or less iuoii. , lli.ni lieieti.f.ire. The !! utli.r;iinl Falls which is betti r th in It. ill n Rut i-l is old as low as the Man hester. j Thoe who iced anvlhin in t lie M irble line, I foi Monmiuiits, Grave-Slones. or olher ptirj-o-es, ; w iil lind it to their interest to call mi i i t inline ; this l,iri.-c stock, as better bargain can be seeur- cd than buying from pa i tie liiieksleiine 1011:1 I the country. ! All h tteiitit' will b. ino-l Impiovi-d ny.e. loin- in ihe nenti-st W. M. IAriHI".':l Y. Snnbtii v, Jan. 1 1, 1' i A (;oud ( liiinre for a ( ook Ja 1 : i : At. I. Ji. HEED'S I STOVE AND T;VARK STOLE. I j Third Si, opposite the Central Hotel, Stinburv. VN Y person purchasim; iroo.ls to tbr amount f.f.t 0(1 i.i retail prices, for cash, will be I cntitieil lo a Ticket fur tie- ilrawim; of a first (iii.s Nn. 1. ( link Stove with all the livtiie, valued i.t i :. wa i rallied lo s.'iv! satisfaction. Notice will be then t.l the. piuee mid lime of druw inir lhioui;b the papers. J. U. REED. S ur.burv. Jn'y IS. l.STii. i M'.r, ! it--1 jilisccllanros. Dr. .1. l Hiker's raiituniia mi par II it tors nrc a purely Vegetable pn p tratinn, niailecliielly from the nativo lici lis lmuKl on the lower ransjes Of tho Siena Nevada mountains of California, Hip meilieinal properties of which aro extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause of the unpar alleled EUCCeSS Of VlXEfiAP. lilTTEUS T Our answer is, that they remove tho cause of disease, and the patient recov ers liis health. They arc tho preat blood purifier and a life-civin?; princi ple, a perfect Ilenovator and Invfcorator of the system. Never before in the his tory of tho world has a medicine been compounded posscssint: the remarkablo qualities of Vineoak UiTTEr.sin healing the sick of every disease man i.-i heir to. They are a gentle I'urgutivo ns well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Iiifliiniir.ntion of tho Liver and Visceral Organs iu Bilioas Diseases'. Ibc properties of V- walker's Vi.vkoar Hitters aro Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Dinrctie, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorilie, Altera tive, and Anti-I'iliotis. (ir:itiriil Tliousimds proclaim Vix v.car Hitters the most wonderful Invigor .int that ever sustained thn sinking system. .o lVrson van tukc 1h's Hitters according to direct ions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. liiliniis, Keiiiitt( :u', "and Inter mittent. Fevers, which are so prev alent in the valleys of our preat rivers tiii'ou-h-'i!! the I'liited States, especially those of tiie Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, l.'td. Colorado. I'.razos, Rio Grande, IVail, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ko anoke, .Tames, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire cimtrv during tho Summer and Autumn, and" remarkably so during sea sons of tir.iisnal heat and dryness, aro invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful intluenee upon these various or gans, i. essentially necessary. There is it') cathartic for the purpose equal to Dlt. J. Wat.kek's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speedily removo tho dark rolored viscid matter with which tho bowels ate loaded, at tho same timo stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of tlic digestive organs. k Fortify the lioilv nsrainst disease by purifying all its thrills w ith Vixemar i;'irn:i:s. No epidemic can take hold of a sy stem thus f.ue-anp.eil. hv;:' cr Indigestion, Ilead ;:c!:.'. I'.-.in in the Shoulders, Coughs, T'r:hine.s.i.f tho Chest, Dizziness. Sour Kruvtati.'tisi f the Stomach. Bad Taste in t'ae M.r.ih. Uili'm-s Attacks. Palpitation oftho !!:;!!. I anamination of the Lungs, Pa;:) in ii.e region (.f tho Kidneys, and a huuilt.'i other pair.l'ul symptoms, aro the : : of Dyspepsia. OlSB bottlo v.'.!! ;: : : letter guarantee of its !;:! '- '! ! a. l.-i'-.thv aiU ertisement. Sen:!".'.:;-, vv Ii.nrs Ku!, W'hito . v.t ;!::. -. C.rt !.-. Krysipclas, Swelled Nici, . i c: -i.l'ulous Inllammations, Ir.r... lnlhir.iii-aticns. Mercurial Allec ti' t-.s. Did So:es, J".ti:pti"ns of the Skin, Si ic l'..es. etc., etc. In these, as in all r.tla-r constitutional Diseases, Walker's Yim:c.i: Bitti:i:s have shown theii great curative powers m tlie most ob .ti:iate and intractable cases. I r.r i::'.;:i!i::ilr,ry jitid Clirnnic IM.'vus.'iiIImh. flout, Bilious, IJemit tent nnd Inlermiitent Fevi-rs, Diseases f the Blood. Liver, Kidneys and Blad der, ihc.-e Bitters have ro equal. Such Di.-ea.'-es are caused by Vitiated Blood. "i-c:t!sr:rl Diseases.-I'rrsons en gaged in Taints and Minerals, such as l'liim! t i s, Tji'e-sctters, Cold-beaters, :i::d Miners, as they advance in life, are ml'jeet to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard againt this, take a dose of Walk er's Vi.seiiar Bin ei:s occaionally. I'or SN ill Diseases, Eruptions, Tct-t'-r. Salt I.'heai!!, Bh.ti Les, Snots, I'imjile., l'n tuh-s-. r.eils. farlntr.cles, King-worms, N :i!-.l-!;i'iil, Si ie Eves-, Krysipelas, Itch, Semi";. i; ..l.iintiotM" .f the Skin, Humor a. id Disi:i-e-of tin Skin of whatever r.aine or i.iiit'.ie, in-!' literally dug up and carried i.e.: of 11'' systeai ia a i-hoit time by the tts-c f ti.ee Hlt'i -i. Fin. Tape, and other Worms, ht.i ;:: the -I'-i'.i f rn many thousand, n..' i Hi i t i.-i'ly (li'-tVuynd and removed. No sv. tent i f lii'-dii li-.". in vermifuges, no nn tiie!!iii:ii::es v. :!i I'.'-e ti e .' V.sleUl lroiu wonm !:!.e l!;e.-e !.;!!( :v. S in- Fi :n:;i( Complaints, in young or oiil. nii: ii. .1 t r single, at the dawn of wo :i::!.".'hI. or li e tern d life, these Tonic Itit t( is ill ji nv n tleeilie 1 an iiitliieiica that im V iivenieiit is M'ef. -eeptihle. ( leans:' V.v itialed IJlood when- e-.er vn'i !'.-:.! ,t . i -, i . : ities bursting through the I'ir.ij.'es. K-i:itions, or Sores; c'e.-ia c it i'-n v. 'i lind i! obstructed and i-hi'jL'Mi in wii.s : ele.iii.-t; it when it is l..;tl ; V'.'ir ieeiii '.'s will tell you when. Keep ihe I !. wili I,.! .,e. ..:.d the lit-iiaL ol the M'stcin t.. I?. .'IdlOV.lLlI it O., s i ll. " 1 I.il-llsr.i. ( .lifen.ij, . . :. ,.' ri.'.rln.n X. V. , .. i i r t ;,f. : ,( limiii,. ..ui.v.cfiiitr.rjm.. i i: tiii: iioi.ntAYs. GP.E T ATTRACTION. Tojs. 'oii!'- imieries Ojstrrs, At. r.veryho.Iy is invited to come and buy of tho j 'i.i'i l- ece assortment of TOY.- A NO CONFECTIONERIES at SMOUUL F. NEVIN'S STOIE, in tr.i'.i l.iiil.lii.: 111-! .'p. eVelV le l II:-lining Moorc.t Dissl.ijrcr's J . iiiiuti Mi;r.i-.i, m. .-;i'Liir, r.. 'ill ! .1 f iV-!l r scrip! ion. TOYS 8F I ' i ' ! y of Confeetioneiijs of A i.i. rilir e.Ml' I ;. lit : no I. The I., -t RAISINS. FIGS. ( I'LilAYIS ,v ISRIEI) FRUIT. piriiE nio corn.:, tea & spices, tre ii lii i ;i i, Huns .v t aiies, every morion:;. KAN! V CAKES, 1'. I SCUTS, CRACKERS, ,tc, OYSTKKS ! OVSTEKS ! OVSTEIIS! 11.-. i Up I s will be r litli I up a room expressly for serving i s in i ei y s! le, l aities and lientlcmeu 1 1 iiiitiii.id.ited with ihe best bivalves iu mm Ui t. at nil I'.iuiilies u i; hours (iiiiiiii; the day and evenins;. be supplied at their residence with the lic-t S'li h or ( aum I Oysters, as is dcslr tbie, :,! lb C.t and i I'.. . very lowest prices. I and see my excellent -certain I l.e pi ie.-s. ussortmeiit of rood S. I . NEVIN. A. M. MEIXELL, I'UAI I 11 IN inor!e;iu stinl IliirorxMin A l t II IIS. FINE .JF.WEI.IIY ami SII.VEIIWAHK. r !" t! Spoetneles a ltd I'jo (;oi.d headed canf:s. Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired and war iiiuled. Market Square, SUNBURY, P.' ::. iS7 tf. ,t Feb fficrfantilf. O. W. KEEFKK. C. VV. BASSLEU. Fall Goods! (ioo(ls, Xotiona, Furnishing ( .oodst, drot'OMCH, Oil Cloths, CI lass and Xaila of every variety, at one low- price, at Kcefcr & Hasslcr's Store, (,'onii.:- of Fourth and Market Streets, St'NBL'P.V, PA. A ! kinds of tirain taken in esch inge same as Call and see us. KEEPER & HASSLEK. SiinVirv Oct. :.i, uts. r;r.w wisin:s: ntyi.es of ev.-ry desciii'tion and variety suc'ii as Drew tiooil e :ii-.;irisin jf all the novelties in fabric and shade. IVooien tioodii, I'uncy VoodN. Full Assortment of Notions, wlii eh arc being sold at the lowest Cash Priees. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fresh. (i:i-:exsvare, Glassware, and Wood and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSOliTMEXT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, always on hand. BOOTS A N I) SHOES limn the celebrated hand made Boot and Shoe Manufactory of Watsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN". UEA D Y-MA DE CLOTHING, of all size? and of the latest styles. FLOUR. A c.e.titant pupplyof weslern while wheat flour a Fpecialily. Tiie public: are invited lo cull and examine our liondi, lrce of eharjre. Our motto is "Quick isii'cs and Small I'rolits," and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kind of cii'ii try produce. l'.v strict attention to business and keepinsj at times the mot complete tock, and selling at I lielowest prices, we hope to merit a f jll share of i iitroniige. REED BROTHEK & SEASIIOLTZ. S iiibnry, Dee. S, 1st;!. I'itis Siaof in Uosorved Tor the At)VEI"TISEMF.ST OF PAINE k McCORMICK'S II A Ii D V A li K STORE .nurkct St.. Sunbury. Fa. aracREZKseonMacai March 29, 1ST3. Iy. 4 tr r " o c y -r. m v. i 'i a. P' H & 2- S It 5 a b. S 2. 5 a x 5-s a -l tit- " M 3 2 5 - -s n 71 2 rr - Z S C 5 M ? Z ' 2 -i r H n IT" T ii H " j SO ;;i7ftiTwnt"r a-'-"- 'MB Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIXIL, 1 RESPECTFULLY informs ihe citizens t mi he has just received hU Spring iiikI Summer Good, nt his TAILOR SHOP, on Fouith Street, below Market, in Ihe Mullen building, and that be is prepared to make up all kinds of KXW AXI IIOY'W NUTS, of tin- latest styles. Havinc hail much experi ence in Ihe business he desires Ihe public lo i;ive him a trial. . Clothin!T wiM be made up in the latest Pans and American Fashions in the most satisfactory manner. al2,73. CII ARLFS MAIIIL. YICH'K Floral iuile FOR 1871!. 200 Papes, 500 F.npravints, and Colored Plate. Published Q iarterly, 25 cts. a year. First No. for 1874 just issued. A German edition at the tame priee. Address, JiM ts IV n.. Koentoirr, ... j. ".... j-V JL, I.SS. Male or Female, week, employment at home, day or even ing ; no capital ; instructions and valuable pack age of goods sent free by mail. Address, with six cent stamp, M. l'OUNU & CO., 1"S tirt-en-wich St., New York. febl'J 4w The ar t Amerieuii I'ofFre Iwt distils Lolfee as c'.Ciir a amber; extracts all its strength; letaius all Its nutritious aroma. The best thing evei ollcrcd. Price i'i, sent "to any address, ( all and see i! in operation or send f. r illustrated circti'ar. Teiiiiorlil right for sale. DE UTl'T ('.. VUOVYX A CO., C7- Broadwav, X. V. febl'J 4 w 'uit vu-viti:; ttook.s Nciit lrte for Prof. 1'OU 'LKlt's (iliKAT WORK. on Manhood, Womanhood and ihrir Mutuitl luter-Reiations ; Love, i's Liins, Power, etc. Agents are selling from l. to -5 copies of thi- work a day, and we see a CiiaViissing book In e to an T book apiit. Address, stutin experience, etc., National Pcr.l.lsiiiN.'; Co, Philadelphia, Pa. febl'J 4w 878 A WEEK TO AGENT,-!, t istest Keliiiii; articles out. Three Tulu.t'.iie fitmple for leu ceiitn. J BliiDE, 707 Broadway, X. V. 4v. OrtOO DOLLARS A AUVuar splendid YEAR uiade with 'iiiliiiatiuii I'roMpcrtiiM. It represents Sample Paired and ttyleol Bindingof 50 intense ly interesting and nselul books, tnat SELL in ev ery r.imily. Hest thim; ever tried by Canvessers. AOENTS WANTED to m.-iKe a peruiiineut busi ness on these oik. tend fl.So for Proscctus, the only out lit needed, choose territory nnd com mence at once. Fur liiii-t ruled Oreulur and Leberul Terms, address JOHN E. POTTER A Co., Pub?., Philadelphia, Pi. '74-4w. For COUGHS, COLDS JIO RSEXESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' AIEIiOl.IC TABLETS. ITT VP ONI, y IN fif.t'K DOXI S. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY". Sol 1 by DruyiRiS. 4w. For Throe 3--ent KIhiii We will send The Acrora (a par er size of N. Y. Ledg) for 3 moiitl i, aud as premium any one of lUe fnllowii.R articles : One fine chronio, 1 tine I'hotugraph, 1 line bosom pin, 1 fine set sleeve biiltoni. 1 fine collur button. Send at ones lo THE Al'ltUBA PrW.ISHlNGCO., Siiringlield, lUsh. J1G.4W. Dr. I. P. Frrus. Binc twm. mti. I fndtuU4 at tv-l airerjitTof rerm'a ia 1 J.1. ani afief W ye n' peric? rrfetd Dr.Jitler'a Vegetable RHcaciBtta yrnp I gwtrmnte UaaisUUiblaaraforNrTt, KiJ Boja4IihUHitiodiai. twain ta,thU2Gth April, ITU F. A. OSBOUKN, Koiory FuUe, r).i - T7e Hwff7aea tut Cari ij It, and w.n ntisfTnyoiiwTi'- ln-fna.R.Thna.MnrThT,n.n..FrirkfPT',Phila.rr.r.II. 1 winir,Mdi.vl. R..I.S.Pnehnaii.riaw''.Iew.r.rT. ; f Smith, PittafnM.N.Y. F"..Tn FU.if. himb, Phila..Ae.A(BirtlhnMwTilPr.Fi'l'r.Phila.,f-Twli-Batnnr Pamphlrt A rnnranl..rrti.. (0 Prward fTai ia arabla oaJacur no charge reality .Sold bj drnccists. All EN HON 1 ATT EN TION f.0U AiientH Wanted. Great Attraction ! I The iarnent and best assortment of Religious and Historical Chart and Maps. Just out: The splendid imit.itioii-Chromo Chart, ''Infant vior." Our Maps of the United Slate, World, Township and County Map of Pennnvlvania find larire tale. Address, IIAASIS & LUHIlEf 1IT, Empire Map and Chart Establishment, 107 Lib erty St., N. Y. leblll 4w AGENTS WANTED 5 to 10 made daily. Sample mailed free. X. II. WHITE, Newark, N. J. feblO 4w "EIeograliJ'. A new book on the art of Writing by Sound ; a complete system of Phonetic Short-hand, the shortest, most dimple, eary, and comprehensive, enabling any one in a short time to report trials, speeches, sermons. tc. The Lord Prayer i written with 4 'J stroke ol the pen, and 140 words per minute. The un employed should learn thi art. Price by mail 50 cents. Aircnts wanted Addres T. W. FAWNS & CO., ISD S. Seventh Sl Philadel phia, Pa. febl'J 4w STOP THIEF ! WE'VE GOT HIM ! ! Sleep Aw-iy! No Burglar can Reich You. Simplest. Cheapest, nio-t useful article in the world. Easily applied to any lock. Samples, 25cent. Catalo'iies free. Fortunes fornircnt. ROSA N RROTIIERS. Miinufiicturers, 141 Cham bers, St., N. Y. fcb!9 4w The Hiehest Medical Authorities of Europe tay the fctroncst Tonic, Purilier aud Deobttruent known in the medical world i f J ti i" ii beba It arrests decay ol vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restore vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood, remoTcs vesicle olruc lions nnd acts directlv on the Liver and Spleen. Price 1 a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y. Jlli4w. t.-s-if-.tt or.', r br t!:c wonderful alterative I ex. p ever' tDr.I'lorcc'iUOldonPIedl Jiilca! Discovery, til en earnetlly, tol ruiv'rccl bl.jol ami lysista, which arc l-j Liv- K.-ivs at fault. also to act spccificallvunon ' P-'jJitca.eil rlanfU and liuinp membrane ol ; v.n e and coniimuiic.-it.ng chamliers. C'a- pvjfirr:! Kenie'lv siiouiii ne appu.-a warm f.A: .. i Ii Dr. Plrrcc'n Nasal Uonclie, !: taeoiilv instrument Willi which Hnid med- J fs ; :.'.r ran be rfcctl;i aiiylied taall parts J .- ( i.n-:ire and ehnmbcfi in which ulcerj I l V: t i; t nd from whichdiscliarce proceeds, j l-o ftM-ressfnl has this treatment rroveu. t i'tlmt t'.e proprietor ojers $500 Re! ! for a ca-e of "CW'l in limit' or i i ''I? CM. ri7i he can not cure. The two inedi- ; . e.;ries'.vi:himttnimentpi,bya.llnirrist. 1 A MAN OF A THOUSAND. Wlit-n death was hourly expected from Con sumption, all remedies havini; failed, and Dr. II. James was experimentinir, he accidentally madu a preparation of Im! iN !!emi which cined his only child, and now jrives I lie recipe free, on re ceipt of iwo st a in pit to pay expense. Hemp also cures niizhl sweats, nausea at the stnmnch, and will break u fresh cold in 24 hours. Ad dles Craddock iV. Co.. 10J Race St., I'hiln., namini; this paper. febl'J 4w Are You in Soarch rHniljinciit ? TIIE NEW YORK TOMBS U ihe fastest selling Book ever published. Incxerienced canvassers report from 5 to 21) subscribers per day. lireut excitemen! amoiii; old Book Agents. An active man wanted ill every town iu the United States. Send fr specimen paires an.l terms. UNITED STATES rTHLIMIINC CO., 11 and L! Univer sity Flace. N. Y. febl'J 4w V A n l II O It IM, The UNIVERSAL MEDICINE for the house hold. Trv it. Price per bottle 25 cents. For sale by all Dri.inrists. REUBEN HOYT, Tro prielor, 201! Greenwich St., N. Y. febl'J 4w Tal in age. Sp u rgoon. T. De Witt Ta'.maire is editor of The CftdVeit nf Iluri-; C. II. Spureon, Seei:l Contributor. They write for no olher paper in America. Three mairnitieent Chioinos. Pay larger commission than any other paper. No Sectarianism. No sectionalism. One atrent recently obtained USO subscriptions in eighty hours absolute work. Sample copies and circulars sent free. Chroniosallrea.lv. AfiENTS WANTED. II. W. Adams Publisher 102 Chambers street, Ne York. Send for Illustrated Catalogue our prices before purchasing, as we claim to sell lower than ar.v olhi-r establishment in the Citv. REMEMBER th- NUMBER. 12.10 RIDliE AVENUE, Philadelphia. THE PARKER GUN. stNO stamp rcn cincutAt PARKER BROS WEST MERIDEN.CT. CMEAPMUSIC for A'h anrttl Vutno' Forsnuier.t nnd young r'a'jnx. j rianifis. Pianiaisdesirins ooil inn- Sitr.il 30 eems for IVters' ic at a low price shmilil Musical Monthly, and you send 50 cents lor a copy of . will gvt f4 orlti of Sow "I.a I'hf.mk if. i.a i 'rem a." Mufie. Evei y number cou F.very min'lier contiiiiis tains 4 to H j-odijs. i U 4 or from $2 to $il worth of (toud i it strunienthl j iect s by music bv mn h untliois as sncii authors as ii.i.vs, tew Hrller, i.iszl. V..ss, Kulie. i.ri, Tuomt Boa, i'-l.lls r(C. . Kti.kfl. etc, I'liMisheJ nioiil!ly,."cts. Pnlilislied inenthly, 30 els. cer uniuber: 4 a year. er number, 3 j ei y..r. Pearls of Melody. A sj-lcnc'id collection of liauo miisic of niediuru diffi culty. f:t In iRjsrds ; cloth and guilt $4. Addie. J. L. PETEKS, 599 Broadway, Box 5220, N. V Jan. 23, 1874. 6m. ilil?r Dr. Safe's Catarrh I C il'tj lfoM-iReracdr cures by Its! ft f Vllinild, soothing and heal-fc f yi f init nroierties, to v. -i & j fr"5 i f j ui'iaso yields, w..eufc-,' i-5. 1 ti Itemed- ii uscl warm VVA l "? J an.l svsfem fi:l in oer- ami exumine s. riiiludlphiafc Kremlins Kailroad. WINTER A R R UN G EM ENTS. DecEMBRK 8th, 1S73. Trains Leave IIekndon as Follows : (Susdat Excepted.) For Shamokhi, 10.40, 11.00 a. ni. and 3.55 p. in. For Ml. Carmel, Ashland, Tumaqna, Pottsville, Reading and Phiiudelphia, 1U.40 a. m. Tkains fok IIermios, Leave as Follows: (clmoavs EXC'EinrEIt.) Leave Shamokiu at S.ti a. in. 1.50 au 1 3-;M t p. m Leave Philadelphia. 'J 15 a. m.. Heading 11.15 5';: -P "' ! hrC a h oleastas go.nl Tkains Leave Hakui.-ko, as Follows : fr,ml lhe 8;llue sl,ace rPiound in a shorter For New Turk, 5.30, S.l'J a. r.i. and 2.00 p. in- ti!ue iu 1,113 Wfly tn;l -" f""'n an ordi For Philadelphia, 5.B0, 8.10 a. m.,2.Wacd 4.05 dary hay-Iield. P ra i TViia ii'-iv l.rt in ,-.t (I,..,.. crnn. 1 M'sdats. For New York, 5,:i0 a. nt. For PhilsdelTdiia, 2.00 p. m. Tkains rou IIakkisbi'kg, Leave as Follows: Leave New Turk, O.OO a. m., 12.40 and 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. ni. 3.30 and 7.15 p. m. Sundays. Leave New York. 5.30 p. ni. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Snp't. lieadinc, Pa. Jan. 30, 1S73. PEX.SYI,VAM.l UAIf, RO.iD. PHILADELPHIA ERIE K. R. DIVISION. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, December 1st. 1S73, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Ruil Road Uivi- inn will rlln a fsallmara DS.VU n in i uij m i i" ' . WESTWARD. Bufl'alo F.xpreis leaves Philadelphia, " " " llnrrisbur!.', " " " Williamsport, " " ' Emporiuin, " " " arr. nt Butralo, Erie Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Harriithui-", " " " Williamsport, " " " Lock Haven, " " " Renovo. " " an at Erie, Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " HarrKshurir, " " " Willinmsport, " " err at Lock Haven, 12.55 p m 5.05 p m 9.20 p in 2.15 a 11 8.50 a in 10.20 p m 3.05 a m 7.30 a m 8.40 a m 10.05 a m 7.20 p ni 8.1H) a m .S0 p ni 6.20 p m 1.6-t p in Renovo Accomod'n leaves Hurrisbur?, 8.25 a m " " arr. Williani?p't,12.."5 p m EASTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Buffalo, " " ' Emporium, " " " Williamsport, " " arr. at IInrriburr, " " " Philadelphia. Erie Maii leaves Erie, " " " Kenoro. " " " Lock Haven, " " " Williiimsport, " " arr. at II irri'tirsr, " " Philadelpuia, Elmira Mail leaves Ix-k Haven, " ' Williiim-ioit, " " nrr. at Harrisbiir;r " " " Philadelphia, 3.25 p m 11.00 p m 1.10 a m 4.50 a in 9. 10 a m 11.20 a 111 8.40 p ni 9.55 p m 11.10 p m S.05 a in J.i)0a m 7 55 a m 9.30 a in 1.50 p 111 5.50 p ni Harrisburg Acconi. leaves Wiiliamsp't, lj.r.0 p m " " arr. at llarn-huri:, 10..K) p m " " ' Philadelphia. 2.50 a m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corrv and Irrineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West with cast and west trains on L. S. & M. 8. R. W. and at Corrv and Irviueton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R. W. Elmira Mail and Bull'a'o Epress make close connections at williamsport with N. C. R. . trains, north, and at Ilarrishur with N. C. R. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup-!. SS? tXIStAL. IXDICE.MEXTS. New and attrnclive Goods, in every Department WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELItT, SILVKR AN1 PLATED WARE. Cullery, Clocks, Bronzes, Emrlish. French and Uernan Fancy Goods. r-- la view of lhe decline in GOLD, we have re duced prices on our entire Stock of Foreign mer chandise to Par Gold Kates, and purchasers will find it to their interest to make their selections NOW, while the ASSORT MENT 13 COMPLETE. Goods sent on approval for selections. Articles purchased now, for the Holidays, will he packed and retained until such time as desir ed.' ROBBINS, CLARK. &.BIDDLE, 1124 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. ROOK AGENTS FOR OK, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE, BT TUOS. W. KNOV. 912 rage Octavo. ISO Flue Eugra- in g. Relates Incidents and Accidents beyond the Lii;ht of Day ; Startling Ad vent 111 es in ail parts of the World; Mines "and .Mode of Workinij them ; Caverns and llieir Mysteries ; Down in the Depths of the tea ; Nuhts iu Opium Dens; Life in Prison ; Stories of Exiles ; Journeys thronsh Sewers and Caliicoinhs ; Aecioems iu Mines; 1'ndcrwnrhl of Ihe Great Cities, etc. For circulars and terms to aircnts, address Ihe publishers. J. B. BURR & CO. Rartford, Conn., or Chicago. III. agents wanted for BULLS and BEARS of NEW YORK. By Mtttheir Unit Smith. Nearly 600 Octavo Pa'es. Profusely Illustrated. If you wish to know how Fortunes are Made and Lost ; how Shrewd Men are Ruined ; how Panics are Created ; how Stx-ks ate Houghl and Sold. Read this Book. It telules the biographies of the (rrcat leading speculators of New York, with a history of Wall Street nnd its operators durine the pas! 2u0 years. For circulars and terms, address the publishers. We scud an Elegant German Chromo. mount ed and ready for framing, free to every AireM. .1. 11. BUKK.V Co., Hiiitfotd, Conn., or Chicago, L!. A. s waiti:k. MONUMENTAL SHAVING PARLOR and BATH ROOMS. HAIR DRESSED BY MACHINERY, r-pont forget the place 011 the East side of TntKD STKEET,a few uoor South of Mai ket, Sun bury, Pa. Braids, Switches, Curl?, and all kinds of LaDIE-S' HAIR. "Work made to order either out of combings or straight hair. All or ders left at the residence of A. P. Walters, corner of 4th st. and Hiatiiokit! avenue, will receive prompt attention. A Specialty in CHILDREN'S' HAIR CUTTING, cither at their homes or Shaving Parlor. A. P. WALTERS. Jnly 5, 1ST:,. If. STOVE A TIX FJiTABMSHWEXT. MARKET STREET, SUNUURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. SXrcESSOK TO SMITH A GfrSTIlEK. J HAVING pnrchacd the aiiovewell known es tablishment, Mr. Kraiise would respectful Iv inform the public that he now has on hand a hirire assortment of COOKING STOVES, Spi er's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, nnd are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. IlEATINll ST!'ES or different kinds at very low- prices. Tinware ol" Eer- OeMTiption kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spontiug with the best material, done at short notice. REPAIRINIJ attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ird tamps constantly on hand. Japan ware of a i.ndi. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. KRAUSE. Vl24-lr si:s it mm-- L Sgricuhnral. Oat Hay. One of our farming friends, wlni resides ntar Philadelphia and Las a milk trade tells us that for the paRt four yenrs he has cut oals for hay and has found so much good to result from the practice, thai he is thiukin;i of making it a complete substitute for hay fir regular cow feed, as far as other circumstances will allow. He cuts the oats just while the grain is form ing and while the whole plant is yet oreen ; and takes rather more pains in the drying, as the oat is rather more likely to mould thau ihe ordinary graas. He claims that ; some objection?. In this part of the coun ! try, at least, if March be wet, or the season I late, oats cannot be got in tiil the middle of April, and it is one of those things which requires to be in very early in order to do certainly well. Aain. the oat is more fastidious iu regard to soil than grass is. It often happens that land which seeis favorable to a ooj crop of oats go far as the grain is concerned, makes very little I straw ; and a field of oats not much over a foot high would not be very profitable as a 'forage crop." Then aain animal labor must be spent on an oat crop, while on a pood stand of timothy, the same howinjj will do always for two, and sometimes for tl,rt'e je-ars. This saving of labor alone ; 8cems to us to be a Very strou" ite.ll which I J m i ought not to be overlooked. Yet it seems quite likely that this oat hay idea might very often be taken advantage of to good purpose, and so as lhe corre spondents often modestly say, we offer it for whatever it is worth. Germantoicn TtUgrnph. Drying Off Cows. A Vermont far mer says that at the period of drying off cows he has found, "particularly with such cows as are in the highest condition, that clotted milk is very apt to co led in one or perhaps all the quarters of the bag, after milking has been discontinued, and sometimes even, much Liter, after. I have supposed the How of milk to be entirely ar rested and the bag quite dry. A this se cretion goes on, unless the clotted matter is withdrawn, the teat and odder become more and distended, inflammation ensues I and putrefaction of the contents sets in. I make no question but that neglect of this malter is the cause of permanent mischief to the udder, and particularly of that con tracted condition of the muscles which re gulate the passage of the milk from the bag into the teat, a condition discovered not unfrequently, and with surprise as well as regret when cows come into milk in the spring, and which ever after renders the milking of such cows Tery irksome." Peanut Culture. Peanuts require very similar cultivation to beans. The ground requires to be well plowed and har rowed, and either thrown nn into ridges or furrowed in'.o check rows. The drills may be 24 to 27 inches apart, and the seed may be dropped 18 inches apart in the rows. Two uuts should be dropped in each place. These must be carefully shell ed by hand, without breaking the skin. The cultivation con-ists in plowing as they grow, and keeping them free from weeds. When they begiu to blossom cultivation most be discontinued, and weeding be done by hand. The plants then strike into the soil to seed, and the soil must previouslj be kept loose and mellow to facilitate this process. When ripe the sides of the rowi are split with the plow, and the nuts pull ed np by hand, and left to dry upon thi ground. A Sot'th Jer&ymtn. Work fou Fruit Trees. The follow ing is a wash used by William Saunders of the Government gardens at Washington Put half a bushel of lime and four pound of powdered sulphur in a tight barrel slacking the lime with hot water, th mouth of the barrel being covered with ; cloth ; this is reduced to the consistency 0 ordinary whitewash, aud at the time of ar plication, half an ounce of carbolic acid added to each gallon of liquid. Mr. Saur ders says: "I generally apply it in th spring, before the leaves make their aj pearatice, but lam convinced that it woul be more effective if applied later ; but the it is difficult to do so when the tree is in ft liage." Mr. Saunders applies the wasl not only to the stem of the tree, but, t some extent, to the main branches. How to Destroy Noxious Insects. A small black flea, in great swarms, eai the leaves of cabbage plants after the come up from seeds sown in the ope ground, and also early cabbage plants afti being set out in the open ground from bo beds. A slight dusting of fresh slackc lime over the plants in the morning, whi wet with dew will drive them off or k them. Dust the plants one morning, at again the second morning after that , thi the job is finished. The "Ilea" is mo fond of "pepper cress" than cabbages, ; that if the cress is sown thinly along wi the cabbage seed it will save the cabbage A greenish mealy louse in Tast numbe attack cabbages when nearly full grow Two dustings of fresh lime will kill them A black arub. which lodges in the groun eats through the stems of young cabbag after being transplanted, causing the hea to drop oil'. Whenever that is obscrve search around the plants cut off and Hi the grub and kill it, It is only a quart nf an inch under the surface. After it ea off one plant it gets to anot her, so ihaty must search around the neighboring p'an. if not found where it has been dcvastaiit. Titer are always in pairs, so that aft iimling one, search for its mate. It mi be several plants from the other. The wire worm lodges iu the ground, a: is destructive to the seeds of Lima n Pole lteans and Indian corn. Plant tw; as many seeds as you want plants. Wh they begin to push through the grouu draw the soil from the seeds gently, a see that there be no-worms in them. If t worms are there pick them out with a or needle and destroy them. I.Ol.SEIIOM. Flaked Fish. Make a sauce by dre ing some dour into two ounces of hot b ler in a stewpan ; add half a pound of c fish, nicely flaked, one ounce of cold butt a dessert-spoonful each of anchovy sat and mixed mustard. one teat upful of cres some pepper, salt and a few bread crum Make hot and seive as it is, or you a pour it into a buttered dish, with the ac tton of a few bread crumbs, and brown top in the oven. To Cook Beans in a French StyU Choose small, young beans, and strip the ends and stalks, throwing them as j pared into a dish full of cold spring wi aud. when all are finished, wash and di them well. Boil them in salted boiling ter. in a large saucepan, and drain lot after which put them in an enameled st pan, and shake them over the fire u they are quite hot and dry ; then add at three ources of fresh butter and a ta spoonful of veal or chicken broth ; the ter must be broken up into small lui Season with white pepper, salt, aad juice of half a lemon, strained. Stir t well over a fire for live minutes, and s them in a vegetable dish very hot. Tosxd 1'otntoes. H some potato) their skins ; ptal them and cut into 1 pieces. Toss them over the fire in a ture of cream, butter rolled in flour. p and salt, till they are hot and well co with the sauce.