j?nnlmnt Sbcncan. SUMiUIlY, MARCH 13, 1874. It ail road Time Table. ARRIVAL AD DKPARTrKK Or TKAIX9 AT M'SBtKT. N. C. R. W. South. V. & E. R. R. Wert. Eimira Mail, 1 M5 in , Eric Mail, 5.15 a in E-i Mail. ia.55 " 1 Uenovo Ac-. 11.10 am BaftiloEx. 2 50" i Elmira Mail 4.10pm LUrrUbareAc. 8.10 p m Bunalo Ex, t.li) " 81MI1KT AND UWHTOWS R. R. Ieiive Stmbury for Lewistown at 6.S5 a. in., and 4 20 . ;u. Arrive at Sunbury from Lewistown at l.!i and 6-55 p. m. SHAMOKIN IIVI6KI, M.C.K. W. LEAVIS I ARRIVE Exprc., 11.45am) MaM, 9.30am Mail, -M P " I Express, 4.00 p in An accommolalioii train leave Slmutokin at 710 in, arrivins at Ml. Carmel at 7 40 a in. R.-Uirii.L', leave Ml. Cannel at 7.00 ? in, Arriv ing at Shamokin 7 30 p in. BANVHXr., HAZLETON & Wll.KF.8BA It RE R. R. Leaves Siinhiiry at G45 a. m., fr York, lie turn at 4.10 p. in. Accidental Insurance Ticket" can be ba4 of J. Shipinan, Ticket Ai;ent. at Hie Depot. Winter ArrMiissenient Tor Ihe Vi Oltic-e at Sunburj, Ia. OJfln Open from 6.50 . m., to 8 . m.. except on Suntlay. TIME or ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrive a follow : From the Eart at 5.15 . m., 4.10 p. in., South, 5.15 a. m., 410 p. m. " tt'K. 5 15.in.,U.15p.in.,4.10p. m., Xo.th.1.50. 111..1 1.15.1. ni.,4.'0 p.m. Shamokin. Ml. Carmel and points on that line, .25 a. in., 4.00 p. in. Mailt close a follow : Tor the East. 5.45 . in., 10..V) a. m., 4.50 p. m. 44 So.uh. 10.50 . m., 4.50 p. in. 8 p. m. 44 West, 10 50 . in., S..VI p. m., 8-00 p. m. 44 Xorth S.50 p. m., 8 p. m., 6hatnokiu proper 11.15 p. m. Shamokin ana onicc 011 uiai ruirr, -...o p. m. Money orders will not be issued after C p. m., on Saturdays. . . J. J. SMITH. P. M. fnsiiuss totals. Tn Improved G rover & Baker Sewino Ma !. These celebrated machines are offered it the most reasonable rate. For particulars ppy to H. . KUTZ. Agent, Feb.22,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. Caroliik Dalus. dealer in Musical Instru ments and Sewing Machines. Market street, near Third, Sunbury, Pa. Call and diamine the Inst Organs, Melodeon, Sewing and Knitting Ma chine iu the market. Always on hand the Es tey. Silver Tongue, Smith's American. Mason A Hamlin Organ. Orders taken foi all kinds of Piano and Muical Instruments. The Peoples' Favorite Sewing Machines ; Domest'c, and Gro Ter A Baker. Person purchasing machines from me wlil receive instructions. First-class Knitting Machines for sale. It Cassot be Denied that B. L. Raudcnbmh kee the largest and best assortment of house hold furniture in Nortbumhc'land county. The most beautiful bed-room suits can be had at rea sonable prices. Parlor furniture of tvery style and crade, are kept on hand. Upholstery done at short notice. Undertaking a specially. The large stock of boots and shoes nt the Ex celsior store of Win. H. Miller re selling off rapidly. The inducements offered to buyer at this establishment ha convinced hundred lhat it is the best place in the country to purchase a food article of boots and slims. A treat variety of gum shoe and boots are kept on hand. A vert lurce assortment of Hats and Caps are open at the store of S. Faust. Market Square, near the Court House. Hi assortment is not surpassed anywhere for beauty, durability anc cheapness. Call and see the latest styles. Selling Oct. D. A. Finney, of the popular Dry Good and Grocery store on M.irkrt street. It now selling out his stock at reduced price". IU stock consist of !1 the lat.-M styles of Diy Goods, Boots and Sho , Notions and Fresh Groceries in great variety. Those wishing to make bargains should call early. tocnl Affairs. Persons wauling Business Cards printed w ill find at this office an assortment of superior qual ity and printed in the latest sty. Cards or n velopc printed at th lowes-t rates. At an advertising journal, the '.4lrian", is not excelled, as it has a large and constantly in creasing c'rculation. As a means of securing the trade of Xortliumherlar.d county, it present ad vantages which no live Nusines man can afford 1 lo disregard. Colts and Cows For Sale. Three three rear old and I wo two-year old colts, and several resb milch cows are offered for sale by the nn lersigned, residing near the Northumberland ridge, in Upper Augusta township. Apply to mcl'6 St. George W. Stroii. The Union Park and Agricultural Association will hold their next Annual Exhibition at Sunbu- 7, Pa., Sept. 2, 30, and Oc t t-r 1st and 2d, 1874. At many of our subscribers may change their !ace of residence on the first of April, all uch till plerse notify u ol the change, so that we an make the change in their postolUce address. 4ate the name of the jpostoflice at which they re now receiving their paper, and the name of be office at which they wish to receive H. Jir'T PaT. The exhibition given on Mon ay evening lor the benefit of the Washington idcpcndenl Steam Fire Company, by the Car er Troupe, did not pay. Scarcely enough was alized to pay expense. Jons I K er has purchased a pair of bay jrtes io hnyder county, and i now prepared to all kinds of hauling nt short noli r. Fresh shad aud salad made their appearance . onr market. We run i.ow enjoy early vege bles nearly as oon n the people of large cit- . AU through well regulated market. j A boy named Wm. Mantz. employed in Clem- j t' planing mill, had two nngers of his left ind awrd off on Saturday last. We r'-cr t to learn lhat Capt. J. M. Huff, of iiton. had a severe j ttack of paralysis on onday rooming. At lat aecoints he was un nscious and iu a dangerous condition. A pair of boots a ftilcn from Mr. P. ight's store, ill this place, on Wednesday of j t week. On Thursday th- thief tried to seli j e boots In Caketown, anil was 111 re-ted and mmitled by A. X. Brice. sq. He gave his me at Win. King. What 'eit. We learn thai G. O. Bartlelt in- ! ids lo leave Sunbury in a few wei ks. Those 1 o have not procured a good nud correct Pho- '; rraph should avail themselves of the opwrtu- i y to procure it while he is in town. It may tie j 3ng time before another artist equal in skill lo n, will visit our town agaiu. Doling Ihe past j & his b ilding was ciowdcd by jeisoneiain- I ir hi work, and invariably bad a correct I lies taken. Call at once at the Portable itograph Gallery, opposite the City Hotel. "he Baptist protracted meeting in this place, K-d on Wednesday evening last, alter a suc ful labor ol eight weeks. he Carriage and BrnnT manufactory on the ler of Fourth and Chestnut streel, has Is-en ned by 11. K. Fegely .fc Co. J. F. Lerch is rintendent of the woik in the establishment. ictimh op Conscmptios seeking relief, and red health, should use '"Dr. Wishart's Pine ? Tar Cordial." This is the only preparation develop the full virtue of Tar. For sale by rnegists. ;u Merchants are preparing for the spring e. Advertise frorly if you would do good ,w n'i traighten-up-Mary-j'ane-and-ehow-your-u-pin attitude i superseding the Grecian I CtE rent are reported on the decline in r.lle. We with such were the case in thi excellent quality of limestone is now quar- Mr. Raker't land at Seven Points, in r Augusta township. The stone are re I ta be in abundance. : shoe factory at Watsontown ha been I into tro comfortable dwelliug. A Tuier Captired. After the robbery of Col Xeff, last week, it was ascertained that the ne trro Jim Brown, formerly an oyrtler at the Washington House, had Iteen in town on Ihe ev ening of the robherv. Suspxion a once rested upon him, when Captain Roach, Chief of Police, was despatched to Alexandria, Brown's home. The Captain was not obliged 10 k further than B illimore, however, when he trot on th track ol Brown. In walking throsiirh the city in search of hi (fume, lie captured Brown dressed in the suit of c'otlrntr stolen, and returned with him lo this place on Monday morning last. When cap tured Brown had flTof the money stolen secret ed in hi pan'iiloons. The told spectacles had been pawned fur 50 cents, and weie also recov ered. There is no doubt thai Brown committed Ihe robbeiies which occurred at the Washington House during the last year and a-half. Captain Roach is desei Ting of praise for his inf.itiiinb'e perseverance in the rapture of this Ihief. There was considerable risk to run in rapturiu such a bad cliaracter from among a set of rough in which Baltimore is noted to abound. But the Cap'ain appeared to under stand his busiiKs. as lie took bis prisoner liel'ore aiiy alarm could he giv.ti to Brown's confede rales. He was despatched across the line into Pennsylvania. After be got into this State, the Captain telegraphed to Col. Nctf of bis success, and when the train arrived quite a crowd ha. ga thered at the de;ot, and when the Captain alighted from the cars with his game, thrre hearty cheers were given him. Browu was at once com mined for trial. The County Auditors' Reort of this county, will appear this year in the Gaztttt, Democrat and Shamokin Jit raid, by authority of l he County Commissioners. We will, as soon as we can procure it, publish it in the American, for one week, without compensation from the county,for the benefit of our subsciilter. This act on Ihe part f Ihe county Commissioners, shows more libciality than has ever been shown by any De mocratic board, and is an example forall future boards. We nrged the propriety of publishing the county statements iu papers of both parties sevetal years ago, but then the Democratic board were too much governed by party feeling to grant a measure that would give light lotheir opponents who did not hapii-n to support their party paers. We contend that bo'h parties have an equal right lo information concerning county matters, and that the report should be published in the leading papers of 'with po itical parties. Although we may sometimes .ose by this lourse, we consider it just and right. We desire to work upon the golden rule, do ye unto others as ye wish others lo do nutu you." And as we will always give such information whether we receive pay or otherwise, we trust our readers will end us patronage lo compensate us for such loss. Dr. Hiiiam H. Ma I.Li K, a native or Lower Augusta township, this county, returned last week from the Louisville (Ky.) University of Medicine, where he graduated with high honors. Dr. Mallick received the recommendation of nine of Ihe professors in lhat institution. He is a young mail of ability, a'i I will no doubt make hi mark iu the medical fraternity. We wish the Doctor success in his piofe-61011, wherever be may hang out his shingle. Theatrical. The Carner troupe had a good Loue on Saturday evening, when Rip Van Winkle was produced. The parts were well rendered, particularly the character at "Rip," by Mr. ''arner. On Monday evening the trouj gave a benetit to the Washington Independent Steam Fire Company, of this place, when the play of "?o!on Shingle" and the '"Irish Tutor"' were well rendered. This troiiie is coinpca'.'d of good artists, and the pei foruiauce are of a bih and interesting older. Bio Feet. We have frequently noticed when entertainments were being given in Ihe Opera House, in this place, that a number of nice young nu n enacted parts of t tie play not found I 1111 the bills, viz. the exhibition of their "big and odoriferous feet," the protrusion of which, over the beats of the gallery, point directly at the au dience. These nice young men generally inter lude the '"big foot"' exhibition with shrill whist ling and stamping with sticks. They raug from 15 lo 20 years of age, and are exert iu their business, showing that they have bceu well taught iu their art. Some of the '"big feet"on ex dilution a few evenings ago, we Judge womd be death to all creeping things, were Ihey so unfor tunate us to come in contact with them. The exhibitors of the enormous leet ill question, are no doubt greatly admired by the ladies, conse quently it is hoped lhat our worthy Chief Bur gess will not again call on the police to interfere with this part of the performance, as such a course would present our young bloods from putting their good breeding 011 exhibition. A Gt.omors Pevival. A glorious revival meeting has been held almost nightly in Ihe M. ! E. Church of Northumberland, for ten weeks, ' under the pastoral charge of Uev. James Hunter. and is still in the most encouraging operation, and will, fio-n all apearaiiccs, be kepi tip until the 17lh inst., the time for the assembling f Conference. About ninety live persons, many of whom arc beads of families, have been con verted since the meeting opened, and eighty-one have joined the church. And Ibis, it appears, is nQl the eij(, of ,bc ,,.,,.. C(Kd mork fr ,,. season, his efforts ate still telling ; from seven to ten are al the altar nightlv. It is said that j the charge has not been in a be ter spiritual coudilion in twenty years. Xorth'd 1'rrti. Grape VinePuhlers. with fancy specimens of graes, are making their annual rounds, and a number of greeu horns will be victimized, of course, and deserve to be, after the numerous cautions of the press. Any one w ho pays more than 50 cents for a grape vine, pays a fancy price for a fancy article, with fifty chain es to one against him, that It is not equal lo the Concord. We never knew anv one to make anything hv purchasing not only grapes, but other articles, from strangers and adventurers, in preference o regular and honorable dealers at home, but we eould name a numb t who have been hit hy tiiese characters who pull the wool over the eye of iheir unfortunate victim, who, like ni'st ol this class of iienitents, repei t only w hen it is too late. Parlor Orgs. We call attention to Ihe ad vertisemcut of B- ally V Plotts. manufacturers nt Parlor Organs, in another part of thi paper. Thce organs are fast supcrce ling all others on account of their good qualities. A number of these instruments have been sold in this county, which give general satisfaction. These intrii Hu nts are high y recommended by the belt 11111- si.-inns in the country. Anv one in want of a good instrument should t-xatuiue them before purchasing elsbire. Killed in the Mines. George Proh-ricl;, a Poli'h miner wi rki'ig at the Enterprise colliery, was instantly killed 011 Tuesday last. He was riding on a loaded wagon that was coming out f the mines, and by some means was can. 'lit bet wren the wagon am! a chn'e and crushed to death. He was about twenty-four years of age and but recent 'y inarri-d. Coro-ter Hester held an inqui-! Ihe next day. Shamokin UtraH. Iron Ore. Some of the citizen of Shann kin j township are giving their attention to the di-cov- ery of iron ore veins. They assert th it their township is rich in minerals and it only reqture searching to reveal their de-sits. Some Very fine specimen have been found in the valley about three milt thi side of Snydeitown. We hope they may be successful. Siamokin Herald- R. M. Fruk, E-q , of Milton, was the repre sentative from this county at the recent reunion al Harrisburg, of the officers and members of the Legislature prior to 1S50. Mr. FricK faithfully represented this district in the Senate. We hope be may live to attend many more reunions of a similar character. SrEL Hale, Esq., of Shamokin township, prominent in that township foi many years, died 011 Friday of last week, al an advanced are. He served the township in which he resided as con stable and Justice of the Peace for a number of year. Tns village of Seven Points in Lower Augusta, is composed of some of the most enlcrpiiing men, who will soon make it a flourisbiiiL' town. We learn that steps are being taken to establish a Farmers' Grange soon. TnE trial of the Shamokin shooting case, w ill uol com off the present tctkion of court. Meeting or the Union Park and AoRicfL ti'ral Association. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Union Bark and Agricultu ral Association was held iu the Ai bit ration room iu the Court House, on Monday, March V. President Sol. Malick iu the chair. On motion, the ollowing persons were nomi nated and elected for the ensuing year: Prisideiil Sol. Millies. Vice- President Isaac Campbell. Treasurer Geo. B. Cadwallader. Secretary P. H. Moore. Librarian W. C. Packer. executive committee. Watsoutown J. M. Follmer. McEweiisville Win. McXinch. Tnrliut D. H. Dreisbuch. Milton J. H. McConniek, P. L. Hackenburg. Chi iisqiwque W. Forsemau. Point Faiusworth Reed. Northumberland Luther Savidge. Rush John W. Hoffman. Uivcisidi- David Clille. Upper Augusta Hiram M. Haas, P. J. Ober dorf, Geo. M. Forrester. Shamokin Aiiios Vast inc. Sol. Marts. Lower Augusta S. H. Ziminern.an, Geo. M. Kclh-y, Isaiah J. Renn, J. W. Furman. Zerbe--L. II. Weaver. Cameron C. B. Boyer. Little Maliunoy II. II. Domsife. Jackson J. G. Smith. Jordan Klias Schiifl'er. Lower Mahanoy J.. R. Moweiy, Augus. Wuld. Coal -J. Downing. SiK inokin hor. W.F. Roth, J.Weimer Young, Wm. M. Weaer, R. D. Bower. Ml. Carmel twp. J. M. McCarty. Mt. Carmel hot. O. II. Sillyman, J. S. Mc WiHiams. Washington Isaac Rcitr., Snydcitown Wm. Kline. Purdjtown Geo. Conrad. Sunbury Ira T. Clement. Daniel IK-im, D. C Dissinger, A. J. Stroh, Jacob Shipman, C. Neff. T. G. OMIT, Chas. Garinger, II. K. Fagcly, II. J. Waltz. Delaware Joseph Xicelt. Lewis John McFarland. Turbut twp. John Haag, Wm. W'alfiron. On motion, it was Resolved, That we hold otir next annual exhi bition on September 2'J and 30, und October l and 2, 1S74, al Sunbuiy, Pa. The annual allotment of seeds from the Agri culsnral Department was then presented by the Secretary, and the vegetable seeds were distri buted among the members. On motion, it 'ai Resolved, That seven quarts of the anndy oats be allotted to Geo. M. Forrester, he to sow the same, and report to the Association, and return one half of crop for use of other members. On motion, adjourned lo meet at call of the President. P. II. Mooke, Sec'iy. Court I'rwcootliiisH. (From the Jiiiy ) ArviotliNF.D ColHT. The following case look up the entire time of the Court during Thursday aui Friday : Janus H. Holmes (colored) vs. Wm. H. Mar shal. Verdict in favor of plaintiff, fb7 04. De fendant moves for a new trial for reasons filed. Mr. Holmes brought this suit against Ihe de fendant for sett euieiit on work done w hile liv ing with him iu Shauiokiu. On an urti.lratioii. Home tune ago. the ai bit ra tors decided ag:.iust James, but ou an appeal lo Court the decision was reverted. The jury in this cise was out from Thuisday morning until FriJay lnormng. Richard Lobb s. S. W. Clark. Ou motion of S. B- Boyer, attorney for defeudaut, rule granted lo show cause why award of aibilr .lion should uot be set aside. Rule returnable at next argu ment court. Ross Shot Company vs. Josoph E. Smith ami C B. Smith, late trading under the firm name of J. E. Smith & Co. Verdict in favor of de fendants. Mate B.mk vs. Abraham Kissinger. Verdict iu favor of defeudanl. This suit was Wrought against Mr. Kissinger lor the amount of a note (fiiou) which Mr. II declared a forgery. Ephr.iim R. Miller, who sues as well for him self as for the School Directors of Shamokin township, vs. Hugh H. Teats. Judge Rockefel ler decided no cause for action. This suit was brought by Ephraim against Mr. Teats, lor r.eg lectiug or refusing, us Auditor of Shamokin township, lo publish the school finances ; but it apears lhat Mr. T was uol Auditor during the year set lorth in the complaint, heuce the deci sion of ihe Ju.lge. MARCH COURT. MONDAY. The March term of Court was opened at 10 o'clock Ibis morning, President Judge Rockefel ler aud Associate Xicely 011 the bench, Associate Judge Wclker, we are sorry to lay, being unable 10 aitcnl. Judge Rockefeller delivered his charge to Ihe grand jury, after which A. F. Ryon, Esq.. of Lock Haven, was admitted to practice in the several courts of Northumberland county. The first cae called was Commonwealth vs. William King. Larceny. Plead guilty, and sentenced to Eastern penitentiary for one year. Commonwealth vs. James Gray. Larceny. Guiltv. and sentenced to Eastern pcniteuliary for thirteen calendar-months. The defendants in the above cases concluded , that, being out of work. Ihey would commit a petty theft, and probably be sent to the county jail for perhaps thirty days, and lhat they would he set nt liberty about the time work would ojx-n up. The sentences imposed show that Judge Rockefeller did not see it in the same light. Commonwealth vs. Frank A. Hower. Forni eatiou and bastardy. Miss Hilker, prosecutrix. TCFSEAY. In the matter of the application of S im'l IL-ck-erl. a student ;:t law, for admission to the Bar as practUintr attorney. Petition read, nud Court appointed as committee Hon. A. Jordan, Win. A. Sober and Ti nman II. Purdy. Com. vs. Frank A. Hower. Court sentenced him to pay a fine of ?15 lo the Commonwealth for the use of West Ward of borough of Sunbury, for the use of the poor, co-ts of prosecution, pay to Annie Hilkert Ihe sum of f 40. and tl per week until the child is seven years of age. and give security in the sum of f:;(0. Mr. Hower declar ed himself innocent, refused to comply with the sentence and wa taken to j ail. Com. vs. Felix Ritter. Misdemeanor, keeping a eambling house. Samuel Ward, prosecutor. Jury not in. Same Vs. same. Misdemeanor, selling liquor to drunkards. Defendant not ynilty. Each pay half costs. Same vs. Same. Selling liquor to minors. Defendant not guilty but to pay costs. Same vs. Same. Selling liquor ou Sunday. Jurv not in. Th" above four cases were brought against Mr. Ritter by Mr. Ward after some trouble be tween the two about Ward's board bill. Iu the matter of p lyment of expenses incurred in reii.-wiag public road iu Watsoi town. Rule gra-ted on County Commissioners lo show cause why they should not pay expenses of review. Com. Vs. Joseph Shtv-. Misdemeanor. Geo.W. Shive to py costs. Com. vs Fpliralm U. Miller. Bara'ry. Jury ot:t. WEDNESDAY. In Ihe cac of Com. vs. Felix Ritter, misde meanor. Jury rendered n Verdict of not guilty and prosecutor to pay costs. Same vs. Same, selling liquor on Sunday. No! guilty and prosecutor to pay costs. Com. vs. Ephrubn R. Miller, baratry. Xot guilty but d fendatit to pay half the costs. Com. vs. James Brown. Larceny. Defend ant pleads not guilty. Court sentenced defend ml lo pay a fine of one dollar to the Common wealth for the n.e of the county of Northumber land, the costs of prosecution, return the stolen projH-ity to the owner, Col. Neff, and undergo imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary nt separate and Solitary conhneuient for Ihe pcrioiS of one vc.ir. Same vs. Same. Same, yntencc. except five years in pententiary. Same vs. Same. Larceny. Same sentence as iu the first case. This is the darkey Brown that committed the robbery at Col. XcfTs hotel last Monday week, and here he Is, within ten days, tried, found guilty and seutenecd. The case certainly shows great prom tness, uol only ill Cnpt. Roach, w ho ma le the capture, but also in our District At torney and Court. Com. vs. Sam. Ward and James Poleman. Larceny. Defendant not guiltv. The Grand Jury returned two true bills lor larceny against George Washington, who is 6aid to have been an accomplice of Brown's. Com. vs. Ephraiin R. Miller. Baratry. Hilli bush prosecutor. This case excited a great d.-al of amusement not only among a large audiunca, but even the Court could not restrain a smile at Ephraim's manouvres. Mr. Zeigler made the best out of a poor case as Mr. Hillibush's attor ney, but the jury cou'd not see anything in Ihe case, as they gave half the costs to each, amount ing to about (125 apiece. (. xt. Gillespie. Fornication nud bastardy. Gillespie plead guilty. Sentenced lo pay a fine of $5 to poordi-triet of Coal township, CM line, aud l per week until child i seven ve in old. We copy the following items from the Sun bury Gazetteer, published in this place in IS-'tf. They will probably remind tome of our citizens of by-gone days and prove interesting a ancient relics of history. The paper is dated April 20, 1SJ0: LIST OF Letters remaining in the Post Office at SiNBfRV, Pa., April 1st, 1S-C : John Alison, Reuben Arnold, William Assail, John Bergshesser, senr., 2, John B.tten, Sarrah Campbell, Peter Demick, William Dicus, Caleb Dietis, Samuel DieUs, AuthoLy Deshu, Solomon Dunklebergcr, George Depuey, Frederick Erne, Obadiah Elies William Farrow, Miss Jane Fin ney. Samuel Grieger, Miss Deborah Grant, 2, Edward Gobin, Robert S. Grant, Samuel Hale, Niniuel Hale!', Wm. Ileagler. Christian Haut, Daniel lleilman, Michael Hollenback, John Junes, Albert Kiinble, Jacob Kicser, Peter Leis eiing, Ephraiin Lvghlle, Philip Landau, George L. tig, Alexander More, 2, Isaac R. More, Jacob Mon ti, James Mitchcl, Jos. ph Muchlow. John Mierly, Henry Miller. Elizabeth or David Ou p. Mullen Pusley. Henry Reed, Henry Renn, Jacob Seaman, Jacob Smith, Michael Sliortman, Han nah Sondars, Peter Suinpcll, Henry Shaffer. Jennet Thurston, Phiiip Whall. Christian Whall. Aguess WooleVer. Elder John Wolvi-r-ton, Mary Wolverton, George Young, E-quire, Jacob Yordy. JXO. G. MARTIN, P. M. LIST OF Letters remaining in the Post-Owce at Nortu'd, Pa., Isi April, 1826: Elizabeth Adams, Sarah Anlhrny, Jesper Ab hel, hichard Brewer, Thomas Bonham, Thomas Crothers. Miss C. E. Dering, Edward Diver. Alexr. Dewing, Gallon Hawthorn, Charles Gale, W illiam Harvev, Mrs. Mary Ilenaii Jacob Hof ler, Nancy Ham. r, Elizabeth Hauler, Moses Hubler, Aaron Johnson. 4, David Lowry, Lewis Leahigbs, John Mason. Samuel McConniek, D.nid Owen?, Jacob Paul, David F. Paine, Miss Fanny Roach. John G. Reicbh irt, Jacob R. plicpherd, Mr. Sirohecker, Joseph Wallace, Wm. Wood. JOHN COWDEN, P. M. MiiiHiED. On Tuesday week, by the Rev. M. Bruner, mr. Jacob Market to Harriet Etktrt, all of Milton. On Tbursilav last, bv the same. DANIEL LONG lo misj CAT.iEKIXE MI El if, all of Augusta. Same day, bv the same, mr. JOHN HAAS lo miss MARGARET ALTER, both of this bor ough. On Tuesday, bv the same, mr. BENJA MIN KELLY to mis's LAV1NA RITCHIE, of Augusta. On the ltlth inst., by John Coisher, Esq.. mr-JESE K. MILLARD, of Berwick, to mis ROSA NX A GRE1S1NGER, ol Sunbury. On Tu.-sday cvi-nirg last, hv the Rev. reer ShiwM. mr. JAMES M'COKMICK, ol Sunlniiy, to miss ANN FISHER, of Au-usta lowuship. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. I cts. Wheat. bushel, 02 h Rye. " 5 Com, " -, Bitkwheat, " -5 Apples, dried. " 5J iVache, d'ied, " 1 Flaxseed, " W Poik, lb. 3 3 Beef, " -3 Butter, " Tallow, " 8 9 Ib-e-wax, ' 25 White Rags, " 5 Mixl " J Lamb's wool, ' 37 6 K.gs, di.f. 5 6 Where letter h occurs add half .1 cent. General Relief Association. The Relief Association of Sunbury, met on Tuesday, March loth, in the lecture room of the Reformed church, The following report was made by the Treasurer, D. Clement. Esq. The receipts of the Association from board of managers in cash or its equivalent, were from Mr. John Haas, ?'.. 4'J, Mjrs. Geo. Hill, $10.70, Mrs. A.C. Whe it, f 14.25, F. M. Long, 15 85. and MissJ. Reimensnyder, $5.75, amounting to 54 85. From the churches as follows : Reformed $12.'.1, Baptist, $S.05, Presbyterian. MM, Epis.-i pa', $0.71, amounting to $04.2. Total r ceipts, $; 119.1 3. Hie expenditures of the Association by the managers, were as follows. Mrs. John Haas. $24.00, Viss Caroline Dali. s. $19.00, Mrs. J. B Masser, $:;.4:i, Mrs. A. C. Wheat, $18.55, MissJ. Reimensnyder, $5.75, amounting to $71.33. Bills of Rl.oads A: Co., (for coa ) $13.23. V. Dit-tz, (for coal) $'...V). Whitmcr & Co., $3.00, P. Bright (shins) $S.95, amounting to $3l.tiS. Small am' miscellaneous orders $13.00. Total expended, $119.01; leaving iu the Treasurer's hands a balance of 12 cents. The managers w ho have not completed the canvass of these districts w ill please lo do so if possible, at once. The chuiches whose contributions have not yet been handed in, will also confer a treat favor by do iug so as speedily as convenient. XoltTIIfMBEKLAND ColNTY CoalTii ADR. The amount of coal shipped from our county during February is 44,0'.f.t tons, und for Ihe season 90.31S tons, ngaiusi 50,091 tons for the mouth and 12S.099 tons for the se tson of 1S73. Loss for the mouth ll,3:2 tons, and lor the season this year 31, 71 tons. All our colleries are now al work, hut the shipments will not be Very large helm e next niont'i. It appears lo be a pievailing impression that we shall have an ex cellent season for mining. Shamokin Herald. List or Letters remaining iu the post-ofllee at Sunbuiy, March 12. 174: William Allen, Dr. Gisiug.-r, G. Helle, Mary Haffi-ner, John Keefer, George I.ciseiiring, Wm. Marshall. Charles Merton, S. H. Miles, Carri ; Mellow-ell, J. D. Pontius, Reed A Son, Sallie Slalfer. Susan Smi.on, Harriet L. Weirick, Eliza beth Weisor. Perseus calling for advertised letters will please say they are advertised. J. J. Smith, P. M. The March number of Wood's IIorsEtioi.D 1 Magazine is a capital one It vn with an in lerestitiy story entitled, "The Guiding Hand." bv Mrs. H. G. Rowe ; following this Joseph Sni der gives his '-Experiences in Ihe City," an ar ticle which for its simple truth the touth of the Ian I should, read to their profit ; "My Prayer" is not a religions sketi h as one would suppose from the title, tut is a most touching story told in Ihe sincere manner and rngh speech of a railr ad hand. ,Tlie Weekly Diabolical." by Karl Ka-e, aims a sharp aud timely blow :it sensational li'e rature. "The Kai-er Frederick" is one ol Ma rv HarlweU's entertaining stories. In Ihe in stallment of 'Mi-ery Jippea 11," H. V. O-bcrne raps the knuckles of the la-hionablc clergyman, and buiies Penny Post from sight. There are sc leral other articles of merit, and some choice poetry. The Magazine contains six iilu-trat'ons, including a fine design r(r a Country School House. Tcnns only one dollar a year with chromo Yosemite one dollar and a half. Sub scriptions may begin with any number. Ad dress U'.x" "Ufchold STayaziiu, Newburgh, X. T. The Repi iilic : A monthly magazine pub lished by Ihe Republic Publishing Company, ashington. D. C I erms ? i per annum. The Jitfuhlie for February, contain a most important article upon the subject of "Annexa tion of Canada," which very conclusively show:. thai annexation would tie ol benefit to notn In I'lt'te l States and the Dominion. It also pre sent an able article upon the mooted question of "Capital. Labor and Wages." "The Fnuc lions of theTreasiny Department" is a very interesting and exhaustive exhib t of lhat great branch of executive busines. The reply lo Hariter't Weekly upon the "Civil Service Ques tion'' i lart und incisive. There i a ur.ity t-r-vatling the entire number which consist in en forcing two pri ciples of political conduct. First, a positive and progressive policy on the "Cheap Transportation Question," and a cordial unity hetweeii the executive and legislative branche 01 our Government. The article entitled "The Mission of Real Statesmanship" is a strong plea for a bold positive governmental policy. Among the most valuable contributions to the Undent ot politics are the "Work of Congress," a record of important proceedings, and a condensed article u)on tho Postal Telegraph Bill now pending. The pienilix contains three very interesting speeches from Senators Chandler and Logan, and Representative H. S. Bundy on -'The Fi nances," and R. H. Cain on "Civil Rights." Have yon a cough, cold, pain in the chest, or bronchitis ? In fart, have yon the premonitory symptoms of the "insatiate archer," consump tion T If o, know lhat relief is within your reach in the shape of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which, In many case where hope had fled, ha snatched the victim from the yawn- I ing grave. FOll TrlE AMERICAN. ?Br'i:oETOWN, March 9, 1374. Friend Wilrerts As your paper is a thoroughly "home journal" devoted to the interests of the country, in giv ing the residents of each section information of all the others, I thought a few lines from our town might be of interest to your readers gene rally. Like nil other sections of the country ,lhe panic was quite a damper on us in financial mat ters, money being scarce as diumo-.ds iu the large cluster pins so extensively worn in fact, we have almost concluded to return to the primi tive mode of transacting business, viz, inters change of produce without using money as a go between. As the spring approaches, however, we find some light shine ou us which gives pro mis of better times, we already see evidence of greater activity in the preparations making in different parts of our town, for the erection of uew buildings, the lumber and stone being in course of preparation, and some having been de livered aud ready for operations as soon as the weather permits. I. II. Ressler, one of onr en terprising citizens, has laid oul a number of town lots which are being rapidly sold nt moderate prices. A number of dwellings will be erected upon then during the coming summer. NotwitliStauuinj; the hard times, onr mer chants have done a very fair business, none hav ing been obliged to suspend. The lumber mill ol Messrs. Montelius, Bachiu.in A Co., have been kept running constantly with a full force, and they are daily turning out large quantities of stock and bill timber, und we think il would be to the advantage of builders tn other sections of the county to give them a call, as they are de termined not to be outdone, cither in the quality of lumber, or moderate rate of prices. Our up town merchants, P. 8. Bickel fc Bro., have in store a large stock of goods which Ihey are delivering to their customer al very fair priee. while our down town merchants, A. Dit ty & Son, determined not to be undersold, are Turn-shing their cus'omer with all kinds ol dry-geo Is. 1 roceries, Jcc, at prices which beat the Sunbury market, 80 much so that many of your citizens purchase here as a matter of econo my. Our hotel accommodations are ample, and any of your citizens wishing to sjiend a week or two this spring in gunning and fishing, will find that our hotel keepers know how to entertain their friends. Friend Rothermel, of the Railroad, and Sarge, of Ihe Sns inehanua House, arc al ways t their po-ts while "mine host" Wald, of the National, is constantly on the lookout to ascertain how he can further minister to the wants of his guests ; and, since hi recent visit to Danville, to a German sociable held there, is more smiling and eff.ible, if lhat were pos-ille, than ever. Bingamuu A Co., are preparing for more active work Ibis spring in the coal and lumber trade. Our agricultural advantages are un-nrpassed by any in the connty. and our pro duett not excelled by any. Witness our prices Butler, 25 a.id 30 cts per lb ; Eggs, 18 cts per doz. ; Lard, lo cts per In. ; Pot itott, 50 cts per bash., und all other articles in proportion. We have a live go-ahead coniiunnity as is evidenced in the fact that some fifty topics ol the American alone, are received .it tY;s office. I will not tressp.iti further 011 your valuable space at present, but close with a promise to keep you posted as we progress in improvements. SHADOW. LIST OF CMl'MKN For Court commencing Monday, March lGth, '74. Milley T. Day, Indorsee of 'Klias Dayv Al eut's Day. Henry" L. Cake by his attorney Jos. W. Cake vs Philadelphia fi Erie Railroad Company. Joseph W. Cake vs Philadelphia A Erie Rail road I oinpauy. J. Adam Cake, vs The Philadelphia Jc Eric Railroad Company. A hia h Dimick v Michael Dimick. Ephraim B. Hvany vs Jefferson M. John it Kersey John. Lewis Marqiioiilt it Johana Murquoitlt, his wife, for the use of the said Johana Marquoidl vs George Fagely. Abraham Lerch vs Mrs. Lydia Thompson, wi dow of Jeff. Thompson .owner, or reputed owner, and Jacob Reliiert. contractor. Philip Dater vs The Northumberland Coal Co. Geo. A. Fellows vs The Northumberland Coal Company. D. W. Smith, use vs Aaron Barral. P. Armbrnster A Bio., vs W. R. F. Weimer. J. V. GilM-pie. v John II. Foresmau. Samuel (ulick vs Lemuel Campbell. S. II. Jjhnslon, use vs Prter W. Gray. Samuel John vs Fred. J. Anspach et. al. J. H. Johnston, use vs Peter W. Gray. John (. Gunner ys Samuel Bloom, J. H. En gel. Mocanangui Coal Co. vs Thos. Barr. Joseph Diehl vs Charles Kint. Jacob tJ. Masser, Wm. A. Sober vs Joseph W. Cake. Same vs Same. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the U9e of Geo. P. Kamp vs Jim. J. Rcimeusnyder, et. al. E. K. Miller who sues for himelf. as well as for the School Directors of Shamokin township vs Furman Farnsworth. Charles Kemmerer vs Benjamin Snyder. ( hales Cal.igah v The Danville, 11. A W. B. R. R. Co. A tron Barrel vs The Lycoming Fire Insurance Company. Susan Walt, adni r, vc, ol catuanne wan vs I j,., ptiter Coleman K. Sober v Juo. E. Uathbunn .V Co. J. V. J. i.ladins; v Elijah Hammer an I Latli arine Hammer, owner or reputed owner and te nant in possesion of osrCsiii of lot Nos.2, Ac. For Week Commencing Monday, March 2:M. '71. Si'riner & Koch George tin lis et. al., own ers and repute! owners and contractor. John R. Yohe vg Geo. W. Zies'er. Jacob B. Masser .v. Win. A. Sober vs Joseph W. Cake. William Carrel. I hos Swenk. adm'r of Lewis Swenk, dee'd vs S. C. Frymire el. al. HiiL'h Martin use vs Davnt r . wairner. An man and Minxes vs John I). Stralton. j Isaac Zerhe v Thomas Z.-rbe. D.vid Pain vs Joseph Kline, surviving partner i of Joseph Reitz. Ac. J Cornelius Bellas vs Jacob Frederick, t Peter R.-nsrl. r vs Ilii-jh Martin. i Mover A Kolb vs Augustus Srim:tnaii. j Swover A St-ddart vs Harry R'msrler. j Charles sihell adin'r of Eihn-Ii Bennett dec".' vs , Reuben D. Derr and David Gold. Geo. 1). Deibler and an administrator of Dan iel Deih'cr, dee'd. vs Michael Spitz et. al., cxrs. of the last Will and Testament of H "iry Bohner, deceased. James W. Mover and Philip Kolb v Auirasln Sprinman. Joeph W. Cake vs f.:e l'l.ila'd.i and Erie rail road comp'y, and tn l'e'.t.'a railroad company, Les-ee. Joseph W. Cake tj the Phii'a A Erie railroid company, and th Pcun'a railroad company Les see. Ar.irtb.im Lerch et. al. vs J. Haas. Thomas M. Tucker vs Jacob Wolf. Moses Bond vs Wendel Keefer. A. J. Stroh vs Win. E. Wilson, adin'r of Ro bett Wilson dee'd. Seasho'tz A Malick vs Upper Augusta twp. ! Frank II. R id. y vs Geo. C. Welker. j Absolotn Ycau'cr vs Micnacl S.tulters. j Tho. Batiinnardner vs John Ciuikshauk. j Wilson A Brother v A. J Stroh. Jacob Renn vs Daniel Druckemi.ler. Theodore W. Herr v I. D. Killiau nud C. A. j ReimeiiS'ivdcr. Geo. E. Wells A Sarah H. Wei's, his wife, for , the use of said Sarah vs Josephine Martz, wife of j Frederick Martz. T. W. Warner vs James E. Taylor, William ' Fisher. SPECIAL XOTK ES. ToCnitilalistl!, Ti .Men of MimIiuiii MeHiisi, ami IwhII W istliiii Ilouiet iiikI IIiiih .4 void I'uy ins Hon 1st. By reference to the Watsontown Record and Sunbury "Gaz.-tle"' will be sctm a full and more explicitdefiiption of the property 1 otter for ale, eitl- r in lots or by the ucie. B-it what I wish to tjire pattifilarly Ininjr before the pub lic is Ihe LIBERAL TERMS on which they are otf-red. 1 will SELL LOTS Irom SHOO to JtSOO and Lands by the. ACRE from $20il.?."0(. aeeoi.lin to the location. TEitMrs : Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, the balance in time and amount- to suit i.urchaseis, from ONE to EltiHT YEARS, with ieiMl interest from day of sale. '1 he street and alleys will be opened as fast as lots are sold, so thai nil may he approached with ease. All persons who are now pay inir rent can have an oppoitiinity of F.'Cininri a home lor less m-ni-v annual'- than they are now TIIROWINtt WAV ir rent. Any p-r-ori wishing lo see the lands or lots wi I et I 0:1 in.-, when evnv oppotliiuity will be 1 1 ven t l'lem to have a fair chain-.- to see t he stipe 1 ior advantages presented lothe public. Ill addition to the lands above telerre l to. I now otfer for s-iV THREE DWK..I.I Nti IK'U ES.s'taatet.ii Water street, iu Wal-ontow n h. toai;b. the ..ne letn the lare and comni.vli 'iis Btti'k De"inir now ttecilpied by me, all of said dwellings having the necess.it iutlo:i:.liii5 for immediate use. For lut'ber information e.t'l on or addtest .1. M. FULLMER, Wato:it. n, Pa. Oetober SI. 1ST::. 1 vr. EICKOICS OF YOl Til. A ffeutleniaii who suffered for ycira from Nervous liability, Piemature Hecay, and nil the sdects of youth ful iuu.se etion will, for the ki- of suffering liu ruanity, lend tret, to all wbo nsed it, the recii and th ree' ion for making the lm le uniedy by which ho was eurt-rl. hufferers wishing to roflt by the advertiser, Tper-ianr can do so by uddrrssinf in perfect coufi C -lice, JOHN It. OODEN, 43 Cedar St., New York. V. 11 1873 to. to coxjsrwrTi v.es. The advertiser, having been 1 ermaneally cured of hat dread disease, Consumption, by a simi.ly lemftly, anxious to male known to his fellow- uffe: ei liir mean of cure. To all who desire it, he '.rill riidaeovy it the prescription UBed, (free of charge), with the tliretv ions for preparing and using the same, which t'uey will Ind a sure Cure for Consumption, Autumn, llroncitits. Sc. l'arties wishing the prescription will 1 tense address Rev. K. A. WILSON, I'.H Peuu St., WilJiiimsburtfh, New York. Nov. 21, 1873 6n. IIOISEMOLB U Uy Will Sillier? YMI To all pei-ons siiir-r-ing from Rhueuiatis 11. Neuralgia, Cramp in the limbs or slotiia h. Bilious Co 1". Pal-i in the u.ick.hiiwc's or -i te. we w o u I d sa y, the Iloi sfhoi.p P'asace am Family Limmlm is of all others tier em IMXACEl cdv voti want for l.n . 1 uai ami externa! lis.-. 11 ,has cii'etl the above .complain i-in thou -amis .of cases. There no mistake about it. Try it. Sold by all Drug gists. FAMILY I.IXniEV.'. Ju'y 1?. 1ST:;. ly. Children olten look Pule and Sick from no other cause tli.-in having worms in the stomach. BKOWX'S VF.KMIFLT.F. COMFITS will tjetroy Worms without injury to tin child, beintr perfectly WHITE.nnd from all the coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street. New York. Sold by Drnqgitt ami Chemist, and dealert in Medicine at Twkntt-Five CrxTS a 1x. July 12, 1S73. ly. Thirty Year' F.xperlenre of mi Old urse. Ulrtt WlnHlow'H Soothing Njrn; in the prescription ofoneof the best Female Physician and Nurse in the United States, and has been nsed for thirty years with never failimr a fety and success hy millions of mothers an I children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects nchlity of the stomach, relieve wind colic, regulate the bowels, and rives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the Wo-Id. ill nil cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARRIKF.A IN CHILDREN, whe ther it arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for tisinir will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the facsimile or CURTIS PF.KKI-'S is on the outside, wrap per. Sold hv all Medicine dealer. July 12, 1S711. lv. Patent Right of a Patent Sash Tightener or Ani f-ish Rattler.forthis connt. for sale. Address SAMUEL W. HAWLF.Y, MEDIA. Del aware rounty.. Pa. Feb. Ii. 'T4ll. In this place, ou Thursday last, MICHAEL YOU N'ti, need about 1 years. In tnis place, on Saturday last, Mr. S. M. JEFFRIES, wire of J. !(. Jelh-ies, aped :;t.ye .r-. The deceased w-ns uPMed for nearly two year with cancer. S'.ie suCred patiently ilurinir all that time, having resigned herself to the will of Him who ruleth. Her many jroo l finalities of heart aud h'-ad endeared her to all who knew her, and her death is regretted by many relatives and Irieuds. Her remains were taken to Lan caster for interment, on Monday morning last. En. In Sunbury, on the 2d inst., Mrs. LILLIE.wift of Wm. Fulton, nc;cd 19 years an 1 20 dayc. iOftla D ; f rlis.cnir ills. VKSySYLA'AM I A 11 A I iT K 0lK PHILADELPHIA Jfc ERIE II. R. DIVISION. AVINTEIt TIME TADLE. On and fiftcr Sunday, December 1st. ISTo, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Eli-: Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Harrisbjr, 12..1." p in 5 . ." p in J.2J p in 2.1.1a ii S.": a m nt :; p in :;.(." a m T.liO a 111 S.40 a :n 10.05 a m 7.20 p tu 3.00 a m 1 .:kt p m 6 V.l p 111 " " " Williamsport. " " " Emporium, " " arr. nt Butl'alo. Erie Mail leaves Philadelphia, li " llarrisburi;, " " Williamsport, 4 " " Lock Haven, " " " Renovo. " " " an at Erie, Eimirii Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " Hariisbinir, " ' " William.s.noit. " r-r at Lock Haven, p m a in 12. "i." p m l..Vi p m 3.10 p in Retioro .V"e.".ioJ"n leaves Harrisburg, " Williauisp't,' Bald Eaul Mail leaves Williamsport, ' ' " arr. at L k Haven, EASTWARD. Bulf.ilo F.tpres ;.-;ivc. Hull tio, ' ' Emporinui, " " Williamsport, " ' arr. at I!arrisburr, " " Philadell-hia, :;.2. p m ..M p m 1.10 a m 4.5H a m a. 1 'a m 1 1 2;) a to $.40 p m t)..V p in 11.10 p m :;.(." a m S.coa m 7 .")." a m .) a m 1 .50 p in Eri.i Mail leaves Erie, ' ' Renovo, " " Lock Haven, " Williamsport, " " arr. nt H.irris'.urir, " " " Philadelphia, Elmira M iil leaves Lt-k Haven, " " Willirtm-pott, ' " arr. at Harrisburg " " " Philadelphia, Harrisburz Accom. leaves Williams 5.-"i0 p in , t..0 p III " nrr. at llarrisnurir. to.ati p m ' " Philadelphia. 2.. u m Bald Eaeie Mail leaves Lo.-k Haven, 12.-0 p in 41 " arr. at Williamsport 1.3'ipm Mail East connects f ast and we-t at Erie with L. S. A M. S. R. W. an i tit Corrv and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny U.K. W. Mail West with east and west trains on L. S. A M. S. R. IV . and at I'orry mid Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny It! R. W. Elmira Mail and BtiS'.t'o K' press make close connections ut willi imspirt with N. C. R W. trains, north, and nt Harrisbursj with N. C. R. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. WATCIIEM. JEW EI. It V A MEVEK WAKE. Joliu W . ftcveiion, Corner Third nnd M:u1,t-r ts, Kuiibury, Ia. II AS complete'- r'lt.iv, '.'d hi Store Room, and ieucd t..e la: -t assorlmcnt ol WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, ever exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing iu the Jewelry Hue is kepi iu store. Silver- are, Uracelf t. ItiiiSM cV C hains, of every description and 01 the finest tiutlitv. Particular attention paid to repairing Watrltes), ( locK., Jewelry, Ae. HAIR JEWELRY made to order. Surihury, March C, 1 STL ' GENUINE Peruvian Guano. I FARMERS, Agriculturists anil Dealers iu . Fertilizers have now an an o.p.ctuinty ' obtaining this valuable inanure in small or lare lots, at the sole impoit-rs" piices. by :ip plyinirto the Special Atrreticy just establish. a! for the purpose of delivering tieiiuine Peruvian (iuano to coiisiiniers at any accessible pint or railway station in the country. Fail particulars Kiven in Circular mailed free on application to R. BALCAZER, No. .-; Beaver St., New York. Reference by Permi-sion. Messrs. Hobson, Hurtado& Co., Financial A-i'ts of the Peruvian Government, 52 Wall St., N. Y. Moses Taylor, Pres. Nat ional City Bank, 52 Wall St., N. Y. J. C. Tracy, Esip, Peruvian Consul, 20' Broad wav. N. Y. March fi, 1 ST l- 'J mo-. IX ate el'lrtaae Kern. Ieeeael. XTOTK'E is hereby yiven, that letters of Ad l minist ration have been irratited to the 1111 dei)fin d, on the Estate of Isaac Kern, late of the Boioujjh of Sutibiiry, Northumberland cnun ty, Pa., ib-ceaod. All person indebted to said estate, nre requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claim to present thein for setilement. GEO. W. STROH, Adin'r. Sunbury, Pa., Feb. 27, 1S74. Cl. (SB). EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, l'hiliuk'lt.liia, TAILOIiS arnJ MILITARY CLOTIIIKRS, Military, Hand & Fire Organizations promptly uiiifotnicd. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Oar belngthe leadlnz house 011 Military work, we feel that we can offer inducement which can not be atialne.1 anywhere ilm. Jnn. ?3. 1S7S. ' OP , MM Thirst Street, STJInTBU-RY, Penn'a. Stove. Mealora, FuniaroM. Fire-Hoard, Move ami SUtle Mantel .e;vi's!iT :itl Vciiii.'alwi-. '.- -..". Ymw Woo?! or Cos I. Largrct Oven of auy IV.rnt I, T. i oo - l ii ... i 1 s- ii i ,- j ... if COOK STOVES iltl'i.t P : ' V till tirMl'l. l'i tv: i- u o. e p. i . iia - .i- e -w,. Mi 1 1 11111 k a m m- ti i jKBiiiB.a a . ia t i i i "W i I h S p i r al !K 1 an ges. This ci-'i h-:il ed I.i'iti.'n ; f o i i v . -, l: ; the m-i t -".(' o.n wu'ch it is made Sir! th ma !i m r of i - con-ti ii -tion. '.the n.i.-i --. oi-1 t- i-i ot'-ei lo i au inl dsa-le' by Lihtniiiij ever in iit. This ':- conclusive!" slimtti by ---'-.t. It; o'"ovei f.nir ve.i -. il n:ac whien li ne it ha- I ii in eotii-laai use, b. in rv -te 1 ..pun ni.tny ihousan s of p'ivaie and p e i iithlin ir- in all sections of t lie country : at.d altiio'ih th'-re have fallen i ion it. i;i numero is instanc'S. most terrilic il;sehari:es : : r-relty. v.-t iio ins mee has failed io comlaci them harm is!y to the ea th. iiius laving tn.t.iy ,i-, a i.l .ter:y o!'i.luio-i inca .ib'e value. All t r.l.-rs from any par: of I'm- C . nt y il! c-ive prompt atteu' 'on. J. 33. REED. ttnliiirv. Mrvb r-7t. n. In order to make room for the magnificent stock of Spring Goods now being made to my order, the whole remaining stock of Gents Furnishing Goods, II ATS AND' CAPS, will he sold out at a reduction of from 20 to 30 per cent, at e-S Tir 'PT' J . ' Popular Clothing Store. Corner Third and Market, iiohi: mh: s t:ii: j-ibm:. Bv the Author of "Niht Scenes in the li'.b!.-."' an I "Our F.itli'-r's lions -." of whibli nearly r''Ul,l'tK h ive been sold. "II vm- I.'fi" is coin-m'-iide-l by ministers of all cliurehes as "the ai. trior" be-1 liooU,' "fuil of precious thought "Truths precious as perils," " a choice book for every family," Ve. Steel enravms, rose tinl e I p i per, rieli bin lin and tor rapid sale un e.ti t!ed. Agents, Yoiin Men, Ladies Teacher and Clergymen, wanted in ev iv coudty ; $Tj to fblO pr-r mouth. Send for circrvlar. ZEIGI.EU A M'CCRDY, 51S Arch St., riiila.li-lpliia. Pa. March t"., 1S7-L 2mos. I'O.VriMrJX EM EST. A Grand tiii't Concert. a or.AXD Girr concert m-'ll he xivru at Sunbury, pi., by the Ia.lcri:dcut WASIIlSUT'iX STUAM nilM COMPANY, liu VA NDAY. Jl'LY 1:1, IsTI. l"iiss !" lieke s aie s I.! hfii f tl .tt'r-.e, lr ttu. i ioe will t.e ;ie: et the t:i-. e. A I'ull Drawing Certain. Owi.-si tn tie r..t.:e. : i d :n O'der to u.er: '.be tie ivsa m.ii ex. e 1. :' lijn . til i.c uL.lt e 1. 1: iu.. i til i.c ul.i t e.nti--.oii!e, . 1 .1 1. r liie lull i v:iierit of In- lirl's a.:i .... c-il, t..e nu-- ui'i nrrn' hi.e d: -e nria d to csti o: the Co. ceit 11: 1 ii to rhl- ilu e : i t . fl.ii. T::e oh.'.et ol' tins erit"-i rise is f r ! s t u:-j . w of n etiri' KS( 111 lie V. ue. tne'.t w'U l mtv:. !': o all n.'i;: ih..: iiia tow s -snrlde ly nrll, f-..nt 'hv f . t that it wul l-e an Let 'i i'...b- a C..1111 n t. A: :t as -llve !ii.-i- i'ailt'.t to 'I s.-.l .-'l'- .la Y wtl -.i Cail.-.l ti, -on, .e ferlair.!..- will I ai.i--. cc..rr, Iiti r:i.; e k w n ti.'' .i'l e." .. i. c .nit-r. T.;eiM is ro l.ss:V..-i i:ii t f . 11 lur -yiril sr.i rll t..vt ns wlriiin titir'y niilts of .S irit(u:. all . f w-.ne 1 can Is- ro.c-i- .1 Ly raibo.. l, thus aS'oi.iii.K tiis :..e Icy el as-s s.ir j. -.i:y 01 thosojl.es i--i 1-s.s tii.iu an hi.r"s'ii..i-: vc'vl-t .it tat- sanity tiia.- oar tow a w .il nut Ik iru-ro'ec .-1. Da.' I'.-oi.-'e be..;l : hit t r tio -::e. v t f.vi -.. ft ie-.r sh-.t . ii thi- ticket will 1 d s.-osed .1 l.y ti:a above nanir.l for ili-uwii i. Till". H)LI.O INt IS A LIST or 01FT3: f.V l.Ii.VND t.HT U(' ?l.n'-'l .. .S'.sl .. . ii.i . . iim 1. ;tiH " ;..;of.. .... l.s J l..l.l j .... l.iua I.tmi j . . . . I.i"i" : . . . . I.'"'" . . . . 1 .''i1.' ; ,.'). ! l'l drifts ol f-Hl.iM 4 1 tors of ji.un lu-); i s of io.n.1 rjaoti.iis of SrJ r... idfisof --'.'rl l.OrJt) t.a's of 1.00 1,H,7 Tolal This enterprise i no iudividuil rculnion, sire 1 . s houses, lors and furil:nre 1 u: ui ai 1 bui.-u.- 1 r 1. 'I' .ie uo.J.-r irf .1 suco siui l;ck-j wiil .rccive i: uii J CASH. Tl.er.' r l bo JI..1V) Tieltet 01 A.lai"ioi- to tlv -t-err. ;it rrl.l'a i'-'t. il.l ul t'.e tniie ulio'.e s..i-'--i '. .- '.nod la CASH It.i'ts nl is- ilVri-rl ll nl. PLAN 01' riSTUIi'.UTION. Ttr.-nty tVous :iu MiiriK-rs, lei-reso.itii.g .u-.d eor..?- 1 OU'iii' wirtl loose o.l .lie rec -:i s iss:;.- 1. vv.ii j L i 1 o..e w ueel .in.t e r.'s enciosi I w; s , tie ...ui-s ol I tie P ftdittniH 10 sr .l.- i Ihviw.J lis 1 1. e -d ia i.tio; 1'iora til. -si.- v. .if -Ls, a ail,i.lA-r ooti ..f lilt als.ie 11: t: ed iiieriltl Cii.br ivi.ll ? t k-a :..iul.ni.va.!y. T utinilK-r so .i..wu troai lae on.' r...l s-curs .re ir. -Di.u-n tl. . rrnr.teil liy Ine cr-.r.i tkea at t:ie sanil- rili frora the ollie.-. Tuis oj c.-.i( ion w ll 1.0 l-erto" ua-il by a blind I erson, atol cou'iiri. t uuril Fur-ttet a llw .cr. I ai.d r'ir -5r -eu Pf.-riirit tis aie i-iuus .-il. I; e' tec::' tii .t by ttirs p.e.v.s. fr. e. t or :vi:r;is:n will he ii.r. 1 s . -nle. kv. iy 1 e;sO'i noMi..i a l.ck v. w.ii Lk- eir.i::.-u i. admission into the Cor. ;!. Ail Gills I'ji.l in CASH ivr.Hu.lt ri s-uiint. Monev ran be svi: f-.r 'l'.cfc- in lev s rr. .1 ! :'. i Pos. tittle Money t)!.l" s, o. by n- it ..i..- r.ih. 1 desire.!, Tirke will be s ut by Expire, C. t). I. 'l..e iit..wi: 11 irtuli.M n u..ts k n.i.y co seii.i-d .. ac ;.s Tins .-ts ;oi me (ii:r C,., tf.i : S. V. Woi.t rio.:, Ks 1., l...cor- i. li. ami W . K. I:. : ! d o. Iliil. .tioiii.- ... I. v.; tl.1.1. W. L. H a .. , n- ; lu-'in'r r o. Coiij;n ss ; Win. I. .-: tii;.., ts.j , liis.e-j to: tr'iisi S .lo... i B. k 01 Siiiiliur ; 4o-iu II llsl , 1 dii.o; Ir T. Ci-me .1, I.uurbe.iu .a ; V.m. J. ii... . j Co 1 M' C'i iit, SUi.bii.y. Ti.e hljve nr.n.eii K4.itlec.eu are hrgrrurindrd and I h.i:.or..b!e luea, i.io would 10 leu. I '.oerr l-skh at.o io ii-:r asstsrLet: 10 ai.v ttr.worti.y elj.c.r. 1 HAMi S. Ili'M.BICK, 1 I3: t. M. HKK.N, W M. II. Ml H. I.KVI SlUSSitlM.Til. i I LILU' M. SIIINLU'L, LMiniil'tis- All roKirmitt.i iu aii i:r-. cxi.vn'ril!y airsws.isl. Add.. N. 3. . Fnulf., C4iii'S..oid.i'i; H.-c.i't..iT. Trisn:er of rud. Sitabory, ?J.irch 17I. 'otire in Dirorrt. Martha Straub.bv 1 IN the Conrt of Common her next friend J Picas of Northumberland Peter Hitler, vs County. Plurier Mtbiurna for a Di vorce. No. 155, March Term, lS7t. nlmve nametl: i Charles B.Str.vib J 1 I To the Respondent You are hereby requested to appear nt .1 Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Sunbury for Ihe County f Noithinnbvrland. on second Mon day of March next. to answer the complaint of the libellunt iu the above stated case. 8. 11. ROTHEKMEL, Sheriff. Pkrlir Offlc, Sunbury, Pa., Feb. . 1874 4w. JZCt JVJ -tl JIV 9 Plain, Turnetf, Tinned and Eiam eled HOLLO! WARE TIN WARE and Sheet Iron Ware Of ewerjr deer l TA. e3ii -fM ri - tiiak TIE COOB.' So. C, 7, S and 0. Stove in tho Market! I -d ven itoors und Porcelain knubs. Easily t. ure oi" :.J u. A No, ot her " s t : sh bnrers will t?o wel' 'io r.i'l nnd leTamine my stock V are oivii-d lo rail, i n i-oiincelioa with the above Ii:i-1i:i-ss 1 run l.irui-uin; Pnmipp T iirhtninir Bnrl OTTrp y b- ti OB y mil if. "T-i DuHdins I.ot For Sale. "VTINETEEX LOTS, 2"xl00 feet, frontinrj on AN VP-; street. .in Sunbury. Price f 125. AUo thirty lots. 25xl".7. fronting .11 Spruce and Pine streets. Price '1S tier f(ot. Also eiirht lots. 25 Air, l.oilt.ll'4 oil r.fl.i 11 r.ir. 1 uri.crii .iniuui mid Spruce. Price ti'io. Also 21 lots, 25x110, front hi!: on Third ami Spruce streets, between Walnut and Spruce. Price $400. Also 5 lots 2lx2:iO ou th- north side of Spruce street. Price JiiOO. A'so lt lot i:i Cake'owti. The above prices dn not Include corner lots. Person de siriiiii to purchase will do well to call soon. Terms ea-y. 1R V T. CLEMENT, jan. 21i, uin. 1 . C .: T7 . . . . V. ll'.. 1 .... . : ( Ol UT PltOC LAM ATIOX. Notice I is hen by iriven that the several Courts of Com mon Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, nnd Orphans Cottit. Court of Oyer and Terminer ami General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, will commence at the Court Iloust, in the borouth of Sniibiirv. at ID o'clock A. M.ion MONDAY, MARCH 'the Stb, 1S7I. and will continue three weeks. The Coroner. Justices of Ihe Peacennd Consta bles in :.n I for She county of Northumberland are re'iueste-.l to lie then und there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those thine t' tlu ir several 1. bices appertaining to he done. Ast-i all wltne-ies prosecuting in behalf o the Cn- ... : j .. . .... I ............... I. ... ... I... t K ..nr. lit... aa, , . .1 ,1. . ' '"' eiMiirii.i .11. .1 .0 . . .,,.c....... in their proper persons to prosecute aramst nun 1 as shall be just and not to depart without leave ' at th.-ir peril. Juror are requested to be punc tual in tin ir attendance, a: the time appointed, ncreeahly to their notices. Given under my hand at Sanbnry. the -9lh day of January, in the year of onr Lord one thou sand eiirht hundred and seventv-fonr. ; SAMUEL H.ROTIiEKMEL, Sheriff. FOK SALE. J XLUAHLE projerty in Ptirdytown on the ittawtssa road. .ew house Zi by fa feet stories hih. finished in the best manner from c.r lar to attic, li) rooms. Lot 6j by 200 feet, p anted with choice fruit mid shrubbery. Also a well of tfood wat-rat the door, an-1 all other cmivenienc"-or a com'V.rtablc home. There is a so on the lot a jood stable, .moke house, coa! and chicken hoit-e. and other O'Ubuildins. Po-scssion tfiven by 1st of April next or sooner if uVsired. For paiticular apply to T. S. SHANNON". T.l nnd Market S4 iarp, Suiiburr, Pa. Sunbtiiy. Jan. of, 1"71. I.KH OR STOKE! CHRISTIAN XEFF, Second Street, opposita the Conrt House, SCN' IH'P.Y. PA- Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers nnd others, that he has on hand, and will con tlantlv keep aii kin-Is of FOUEIiiN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Cofrniac, Cherry, fiinsrrr, Kochcl'e and Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Coppcr-istiIle.l, Monon jrahcla. Aip!e ti'id Nectar. TURE HOLLAND GIN ! Win.--Claret. Ch:;:npanc Wine, Sherry, Port and Crab Cider, Chamtviouc Cider, N. E. Kti'n, llrov. n Stout and Scr-teh Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And ali others Liqnors which can be found i;t he city markets, which will be sold at Whole nle and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a larsre lot of DEMIJOHNS and MOl'lLES, always on baud. i i?" Order promptly atteuded , nnd yublzc patronage respectfully solicited r. F.FT. Sunbury, July S, 1S73. ly. i:fi: stokes. rye whisky, $4.G0 a cilloo. $11.00 a dozen. YELLOW PEAL SIIERRY, In lare ttottles. $11,00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, $1.00 a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RUM. SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WINE. OLD PORT WINE, CHAMPAGNES, SEGAP.3, AC. II. A A, C Yna Bell. Tub Winn Merchants, lUid Chttslnul Street. I 1 Pniiadeipnia. Oct. 34.