Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 06, 1874, Image 3

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    Sunburn Slmcriran.
Railroad Time Table.
X. C. U. W.. South. P. A E. R. U. West.
E'mira Mail, 11.15a m i Erie Mail, 5.15 a ra
Erie Mail, 12.55 " Kcnovo Ac. 11.10 am
Buffalo Ex. 2 50 " I Elmira Mai'. 4.10 pm
HarrisburgAc. 8.10 p ra Uuttalo Ex, 7.10 "
srsm'KT in lewistown k. r.
Leave Sunbury for Lewistowu at C.35 a. in.,
and 4.20 p. :u.
Arrive at Sunbury from Lcwtslown at 1.35
and C.55 p. in.
Express, 11.45 a in j MaM, ..30 a m
Mail, 4.30 p in Express, 4.00 p iu
An accommodation train leaves Sliamokin at
7.10 a m, arriving at Ml. Carmel at 7.40 a in.
Returins, leave Mt. Carmcl at 7.00 p in, arriv
ing at Shamokin 7.30 p tn.
leaves Sunbury at 645 a. in., for York. Re
tarn at 4.10 p. m.
Accidental Insurance Tickets cna be had of
J. Sliipman, Ticket Agent, at tlie Depot.
Wluter Arransement Tor (lie Post
Odiecat Nnuburj, I'su
Vffice Open from C.50 a. m., to S p. r.. except
on Surulain.
Arrives as follows :
From the East at 5.15 a. in.. 4.10 p. in.,
" South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m.
" West, 5.15a. m.,11.15 p. m.,4.10p. in.,
North.1.50 a. m.,11.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m.
Shamokiu, Mt. Carmel and points on
that line, U.25 a. in., 4.00 p. in.
Mails close as follows :
For the East, 5.45 a. in., 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. m.
" South. 10.50 a. ni., 4.50 p. m. 8 p. in.
" Wert, 10 50 a. ui., 3.50 p. in., S.00 P- in.
" North 3.50 p. m., 8 p. iu.,
Sliamokin proper 11.15 p. m.
Shamokiu aud offices on that route, 4.20
p. m.
Money orders will not be issued after 6 p. in.,
on Saturdays.
J. J. SMITH, P. M.
finsincss locals.
; 3?
TnE Improved Ghovek & Laker Sewing Ma
.bine. These eelehralcd machines are offered
At the most reasonable rale. For particulars
apply to D- G. Kl'T.. Aircnt,
Feb.22,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township.
Caromse Dalic, dealer in Musical Instru
ments and 8c win? Machines, Market street, near
Third. Sunbury, Pa. Call and eram'me the best
Organs, Melodcons, Sewinir aud Kniltinir Ma
chines iu the market. Always on hand the Es
tey, Silver Tontrue, Smith's American. Mason it
Hamlin Onratitt. Orders taken foi all kinds of
Pianos and Musical Instruments . The Peoples'
Favorite Sewing Machines : Do:nest:e and G ro
ver & Baker. Persons purchasltiir machines
from me. wiil receive instrucliius. Fir.-t-class
Knitting Machines for sale.
Dcniso the pleatant weather hundred of per
sons avail themselves of the opportunity of set
ting the most correct photographs, ut Bai'tlctl's
Gallery, opposite the City Hotel. Every one
that patronizes Bartktt appears to lie satisfied
with his work.
J. F. Sciiaffeh, o Third street, below Mar
ket, keps the largest variety of cloths and cas
simcr', and makes up the mo;-t fashionable suits
for gentlemen. Orders promptly filled.
As the spring is now upon us, so are the latest '
spring styles of boots and shoes, just opened at I
W. H. Miller's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store,
on Market street. There is no establishment in
the country that excels Miller's in boots and
For the best and cheapest Furniture go to B.
L. Raudrubush's store, in Masi nie buildings.
Everything in the furniture line is kept for ialc,
and upholstering and rcpair'mgof furniture done
at short noiice.
A vekv large assortment of Hats and Caps arc
open at the store of S. Fuust, Market Square,
near the Court House. His assortment is not
surpassed anywhere for beauty, durability ami
cheapness. Oil', aud see the latest t-tyleg.
Slixixg Ot T. D. A. Finney, of the popular
Pry Goods and Grocery store on Market street,
Is now selling out his stoc k at reduced price.
His stock consists of all the latest styles of Dry
floods, Boots cud Shoes. Notions and Fresh
Groceries in great variety. Those wishing to
make bargains should call early.
iioral Affairs.
Canvassers in every town and township to
procure subscribers this paper. A liberal per
centage will be allowed sufficient to make it an
bject for any one who desires lo make some
thing during these panic times. For further
particulars address the proprietor or call at this
Persons wanting Business Cards printed will
find at this office an assortment of suerior qual
ity and printed in the latest styles. Cards or en
velopes printed nt the lowest rates
As an advertising journal, the "American" is ;
not excelled, as it lihS a large aim constantly in
creasing circulation. As a means of securing the
trade of Northumberland county, it presents ad
vantages which no live business man can afford
lo disregard.
Colts ani Cows For Sale. Three threc
jrenr old and two two year old colts, and several
fresh milch cows are offered for sale by Ihe un
dersigned, residing near tlie Northumberland
bridge, iu Upper Augusta township. Apply to
nirhG 3t. Geokge W. Stuck.
Washington Camp, No. 19, Patriotic Order
Sous of America, of this place, are issuing invi
tations to lucir Fifth Anniversary, on the 13th
inst. They will celebrate it iu the Red Men's
Hall, on Market street.
Jacob Yoi novan, Esq., one of the composi
tors in the AMriurAN office, has been spending
the past week in Washington city, looking after
the interest of a patent valve, of which he is the
inventor. We wish friend Jacob success in se
curing a patent, and hope lie may realize his
most sanguine evjiectations.
VYm. R. Howard committed suicide nt Wilkcs
Barre, recently, by taking cyarridcof potassium.
Prof. E. A. Alien, who formerly visited this
place during Courts, and selling patent medi
cines, died iu Philadelphia last week.
Foot-racing srenit to be very popular in all
portions of Schuyikiil county.
Ti:r. spring bonnet will be very large and w ill
turn up on one side and dow n on the otln r,
something in the cavalry style, they say. Of
course the girls will look Killing in them that
is, the pretty ones.
The Wattoiitotrn Urturtl is advocating pave
ments iu that borough. R gbt, John ; after they
are once laid your citizens will wonder how they
done without them.
McEwFNSTii.l r. had a silver wedding lately.
G. W. Armstrong and lady celebrated their
twenty-fifth nnuivcrsary of married life and re
ceived the congratulations oftheir fiiends.
TnE Young Men's Christian Association of
Scranton propose a new branch of work in a
jewing school, for the puipose of teaching to a
arge class of young girls who are, by unfortu
late circumstances, deprived of home instruc
ion. We hope this project may be a success,
or it is a step in the right direction.
Life has few charms for the dyspeptic, which
i not to be woudered at when we take into ae
ount the amount of bodily and ineutal suffering
hat this distressing malady generates. The
Vruvian Syrup (a protoxide of iron) lias cured
Wusaiid who were suffering from this disease.
JHip Van Winkle will be produced at
V inger's Hll to-inorrow evening, by J. W.
arucr's troupe.
RonneRT. On Wednesday night the house of
1. NefT, of this place, was entered by a
irglar, through a back door, w bo managed to
ter the Bleeping room of the Colouel and re
ved him of about one hundred dollars iu
ney, a pair of gold spectacles and a pocket
ife. In the morning, when the Colonel awoke,
missed his clothing, which had been scattered
t the ball and the pocket rifled of their routs.
The Washington Steam Fire Engine, pur
chased from Messrs. Silsby & Co., Seneca Falls,
New York, lately, arrived safe at this place on
Wednesday evening of last week. The engine is
a beauty and gives general satisfaction. The
cost of the machine is f 7,200, inclui'ing 1,000
feet of hose and two hose carts. On Saturday
she was tested, aud gave satisfaction to the pur
chasing committee, composed of T. S. Shannon,
H. J. Waltz, S. S. Hendricks, W. 11. Miller and
P. M. Shiudcl. On Monday another trial was
had, when she threw water as follows:
l-l test 206 feet, inches, through 1'.,' inch
nozzle and 200 feel of hose.
.':id test 212 feet. 6 inches, through Ha inch
nozzle aud 200 feet of hose.
3d test 210 feet, two streams, through '' inch
nozzle and 200 feet of hose each.
4th tefct 1'.2 feet, three streams, through ?t
inch nozzle aud 200 feet of liose each.
5th test l'.ts feet, one stream, through 1 inch
nozzle and 1MM feet of hose.
0th ttsl 30 feet over Couit House steeple,
one stream, through 1 inch nozzle and 3iK) feet
of hose.
7lh test 4 feet over highest point of steeple,
two streams, through .' nozzle and 8 feet of
hose each.
After the trial tiu engine was accepted by the
committee, and placed in the Good Intent Fie
Company's house, on Fourth street. The engine is
not quite paid for, and the company will hate to
rely on the generosity of our citizens to patronize
their Gift Conceit to make up the amount.
With this engine. Sunbury has as complete a fire
depattuicnt as any town iu the St.itc. Every
citizen who lias not yet invested in the com
pany's enterprise should do so, as they havt Dot
only au interest at slake in keeping up the fire
department, but also a chance to draw a hand
some amount of money.
Two Emtohs in LrcK. In our last we no
ticed that Col. Neff would kill his fat porker or.
Friday, and that considerable of an amount of
stamps had been invested in guessingthc weight
of his hogship. Little did we expect that our
two neighbors, the editors of the Ga-.ette aud the
Democrat had ever been studying higo!ogy. Hut
such is life. The editors aforesaid had invested,
though strictly opposed to gambling ; they had
seen 'through" the ways that are dark, and
each went their pile, amounting to ten cents, to
win the coveted prize. As they had never seen
the hog, they resolved '.a "go it blind," the edi
tor of the Democrat leading otf. The editor of
the Garette, believing his neighbor a better j initio
of pork than Himself, managed to lind out his
exact figure, viz : 5S1, and put dowu the same
amount, so that he mi. ht share iu the good iue ;
of his neighbor. Well, when the porker was
weighed he balanced the 5S1 lbs., and the cditoi
of the Gazette readily seized tlie piize box and
was at out to decamp, when the editor of the
Dtiitocrat reminded him of his interest, anil that
there must be a "divv." About this time tin-
butchers looked wofullychnp fallen at their own
poor gue ssing projieusity, but then the editors
denied all conspiracy. One butcher declared
that he. had n.ade a sausage forty feet long, and
that lie could not be mistaken. Various plans
were then suggested between the editors of how
lo dispose of so large an amount of money, viz:
$22.50 each, as neither had seen such an amount
at one time since they were in the printing busi
ness. For once '"they felt happy," and used
their best endeavors to make all their friends
happy. Congratulations he aped iu upon them,
particularly on the part of their cied'lois. Tlie
devils of both offices held a coiiMiitiilion. in nii-
i tieipation of their pay. The jours "smiled" a
! few, and for a dav all felt themselves us rich us
Rothschild, and all the while making months at
the butchers for not having a faculty for
ing. Joe butchers were tlie oniy individuals
that were who declared that no more
tender steak should be served to editors,
that long sausages were "played out."
Wearc informed that Lot li editors intend to re
tire from the piintlng bu-iness, to stablisii a
guessing school.
The Shootino Afj-'aiu at Slumokin. The
Shamokiu lhrahl of last week gives the follow
iuf further particulars of the shooting atl'air iu
that place on Tuesday night of last week :
Tuesday night lat Joseph Levins, the keeper
of a saloon iu Coa! township, shot James Mahan,
iuflicting (it is believed at this writing Wed
nesday) mortal wounds. The shot entered the
abdomen of He, however, succcedud in
making his way to tlie house of a neighbor,
where he now lies. 1-e.ins came to town and
surrendered himself up to 'Squire Caldwell, who
committed him to ihe county jail. The follow
ing depositions, taken before 'Squire Caldwell,
contain the facts in the case :
James Mahau and myself left M. Flaheity's
hotel about 10 o'clock p. in. He iusirted on
taking my arm and we walked that way until
we came to the bridge above the Luke Fi Hi r
breaker, when he ordered me to walk over or be
would shoot me. (1 saw no pistol.) We then
went into my house and there he commenced
quarreling with me. He jumped up and said r
"Now Jo, you and me for it," and repealed il
several times. He then made a motion as if
about to draw a pistol lroiu bis pocket, when I
li red.
In the belief that I, James Mahau, may per
haps die from the tll'ects of the wounds received,
j make tlie following voluntary statement of the
! circumstances which led to the shooting and the
ac,.ouut of Iir;Ilg of llie liy Jo.-.pli
Levins ut me, on Tuesday night, the 24th day ol
Febru ry, 1ST4.
About 10 o'clock 1 was at Michael Flaheity's
hotel, in the borough ol Shamokiu, smoking my
pipe; Michavl Haley and Patrick Mahan were
also there ; I started to go out and had ho:d ot
the door knob, when Thomas Couiioeton said :
"What is jour hurry ; slop urn! take a drink be
fore you go." Mr. Levins said that he (Levins)
was not so drunk fur a long time before. Mr.
C'onnootoii said to Joseph Levins : "Jim Mah.iu
is here and will accompany you home." I had
a few words, on business, to say to Mr. Connoc
lon, and look him outside. I told Joseph Levins
"I'd be back in a few minutes." When I came
buck Levins and I started for home and walked
along peaceably until we got into Levins' house.
The best of my opinion is, he invited me iu. lie
told me to take a chair aud walked out. He
soou came back, and, holding the pistol close to
my body, said : "take that," aud fired il oil.
Levins and Mahan are brothers-in-law, hut il
apjiears there has been home ditUculty existing
between them fur a long time, and wlieii' Vcr
they got on a spree the tioubic would be brought
up. Levins has always borne the character of a
quiet, peaceable man.
i 'on vention. On Saturday evening, rK
2Sth, delegates from the several councils coin
posing the loih district of Pennsylvania, Jr. O.
IT. A. M.. convened in Mechanics' Hall, Dan
ville, and Ihe following olllceis were elected to
serve for the ensuing term :
D. S. C W. II. McCarty, Dauville.
Dist. V. C John L. Ru.-sel, "
" W. J. E. Colt, Northumberland.
" C John B. Met o.v, Danville.
" t'-ec. Lloy.! Savage, Sunbury.
" Trcas.--John B. O'Connor, Danville.
" I. S. Rune. W. Smith, Milton.
" ). S. Sam. Stroh, Sunbury.
Organist, Jno. It. O'Connor.
Committee on Laws G. V. Albcck, Jno. 1!.
O'Connor, W. P. Smith, Lloyd Savage, Mike
Wolliuger, llowiird n, J. E. Colt and J. L.
The Convention adjourned io meet in Sunbury
the third week in March.
A Fine Entertainment. The officers and
directors of the Sunbury Mutual Saving Fund
and Loan Association were handsomely enter
tained by A. N. Iirice, Esq., the Solicitor of the
association, at his residence on Chestnut street,
on Tuesday evening last. We regret our ina
biiity to accept the invitation to be present on
the occasion, ns there arc but few who excel, in
their entertainments, our friend Andy ami bis
amiable lady. The tables which wi re 6unound
ed by the happy guests abounded with all the
choicest eatables that could be procured.
Bivalves were served iu profusion, and, although
no liquors were indulged in, some of the guests
became too full for utterance- The company
separated at a late hour, much pleased, and
wishing their hurt and hostess long ami happy
life and prosperity.
If our people, are in want of any legislation
this winter, they will have to be expeditious
about it. It requires thirty days' notice in at
past two newspapers.
CofNCii. Proceedings. Council met on Tues
day evening, March 3, at 7 o'clock, Chief Bur
gess Malick in the chair. All the members
Minutes of last meeting road and approved
On motion of C. J. Bruner,
Resolved, That the Finance Committee be di-rc-tcd
to audit the accounts of the Treasurer
and Collector, and examine aud report on the
financial condition of the borough, and that the
committee be empowered to employ a clerk to
assi.-t them.
On motion of Win, T. Grant,
Resolved, That the Committee on Borough
Charter be directed to collect and arrange all the
statutes relating to the borough, and all the
ordinances enacted by the Councils, and cause
five hundred copies of the samp to be printed in
book form.
On motion of John Haas,
Resolved, That a committee of live, the Chief
I'.nrgess being one, be sippoii.ted to wait on the
County Commissioners iu regard to the building
of a bridge at thi east cud of Market street.
Committee Messrs. Malick, Haas, Bruner,
Greenough and Giant.
On motion of W. I. Grcenough,
Resoived. That the resolution providing that
the Council meet three evenings it; each mouth
be and the same is hereby repealed, and that the
meetings of Council shall be held on the first
Tues lay of "ich month, as provided in the law
of IS
On motion of W. I. Grcenough,
Resolved, That the Committee on Streets aud
Alleys lie instiuctid to examine the work being
done in filling the road near the dam, and con
tinue the fame to the extent which in their judg
ment will be required to make the road passable
and convenient.
On motion of W. I. GreciioUiili,
Resoived, orders be granted lo each per
son mentioned in the biils certified by George
Kiehl, Street Commissioner for month of Feb
ruary last, for the amount set opposite each
name, for work done on Front street below the
Resolution sis above passed in regard to bill of
Charles Martin, Street Commissioner, for work
at same.
On motion of Mr. Bucher,
Reso'vcd, that the police force be discharged
after the 1st of 'April. Yeas, 11 ; nays, 1.
On motion of John G. M.ukel,
Resolved, That the contract with J. A. Cake,
to pay 3 per unviili er lamp, in Caketown, be
Resolved, That the Committee on River Bank
be instructed to obtain a wicket and put it in
the bai.k above town.
The following orders were granted
P. Wilvcrt
J. A. Cake
Fled Men il ,
N. F.
a uo
5S !."
30 00
11 15
35 00
35 00
35 00
2 10
lOC .Vi
GUI 70
l IM
2 t;2
3'J 50
Samuel I'. Bright
J lanes VanDyke '.
Capt. Roach ,
Samuel ( nip
Solomon Maiitz
Ga Co
J. Bartho.iy
Thus. J. Logan
Henry Bucher. . .'.
George Harrison
On motion, adjourned.
Lewis Dewart, Clerk.
Committees Aitointkh. Chief Burgess Ma
iick h is appointed the following committees:
Finance Messrs. John Haas, John Bowcn,
V. I. Grcenough.
Pavements and Sidewalks J. C. Irvin, W. T.
Grant, J. C Markb-.
Streets aud Alleys John Boweu, Clias. Sen
senbaeh, II. K. Goodrich.
Liver Hank Henry Clement, Chas. J. Bruner,
John C. Miller.
Grave Yard Benjamin Hendricks, Wm. I.
Grcenough, John Ileitis.
Bridges and Highways J G. Maiklc, W. T.
Grant, C. J. Bruner.
Borough Charter Wm. I. Grcenough, C. J.
Bruner. B. Hendricks.
Public Park E. M. Bucher, II. K. Goodrich,
J. C. Miller, John Haas, Chas. Sensenliach.
Town Clock H. K. Goodrich, J. C. Irvin,
Henry Clenn nt.
Gas V. T. Grant, Chas. Sensenbach, H. K.
Goodiich, Dr. J. G. .Varkel, J. C. Miller.
Engine House and Public Property, to act in
conjunction with Fire Company C. J. Bruner,
John BoWen, John Haas.
CornT PuocixniNGS. We copy the following
proceedings of Court from the report of the
Smibuni Daily :
Court opened this morning at ten o'clock,
Hon. Win. M. Rockefeller and Hon. Joseph
Nicely on the bench.
Augustus G. Frick and Alexander J. Flick,
iXecutois of Geo. 'A. Frick, dee'd, vs. Wm. L.
Hell'eustein. Rule granted by the Court lo show
cause why the said rejoinder shall not be stricken
off, and judgment entered against the defendant.
J. M. Frcy, for ue of D. W. Smith, vs. Mor
gan fc Trcon. Agreement of settlement filed.
Samuel V. Daniel vs. Prima. R. R. Co., lessees
of Philadelphia fc Erie R. R. Co. Verdict in fa
vor of defend int.
The following persons weie appointed consta
bles by ihe Court :
Fiist wcck-'-Johu Smith and Hiram Price.
Second week Chas. Wharton, P. Frank, S.
Third week Samuel Harrison and Benjamin
Fourth week .T. Hammer.
The I'eiin.i. Fire Insurance Co., of Penna.,vs.
A. Pardee and R.G.Cook. Ruie granted on
plirinliir to show cause why judgment in this
case should . ot !) opened and the defeudant let
into a defence.
Court opi ned this morning ut 0 o'clock.
Ephr.iim R. Miilcr vs. Hugh II. Teats. Addi
tional plea tiled by leave of Couit.
J imes D. Gehrig v. L'-onard R. Bidelmau.
Verdict i:i favor of the defendant.
James Quinn, administrator of Michael
Quinn, dee'd, vs. George Bunts. Petition of de
fendant for leave to pay amount of judgment
into court, to remain therein until plaintiff file
additional security.
Commonwealth of Penna., for the use of Geo.
Camp, vs. J. J. Reimcnsnyder. On motion of C.
A. Reiinensnyder plea nl" Nil Debit was added to
above case.
John J. Esher, lor the ir-e or W. P. Welling
ton, vs. Michael Flaherty. Alter jury being
sworn, defendant offered such testimony ns to
surprise the plaintiff, whereupon plaintiff plead
ed surprise. The case terminated in costs for
w eoneshay.
Court opened this morning at 9 o'clock.
Gee. Wills vs. James McCormick. Verdict in
favor of defendant.
In the matter of the petition of Joseph Nicely
for subrcg:tfion, petition read and prayer of pe
titioner granted.
George E. Well- and Sarah his wife, for the
use tif said Sarah, vs. Josephine Martz, wife of
Fred. Matt:. On inotio'i of Messrs. MeCieary
ami Zlegler, attorneys for defendant, Court
grant leave to enter the additional plea of justi ion.
Tin People's Fire Insurance Company vs.
Guitcrman .v Gorman.
tame v. Same. Petition in above cases read,
and (.Ion rt grant rule to show cause why judg-
i tn' nt should not lie opened, and defendants let
into a di T-niv. Ka!.- returnable at next argu
ment CO1,! ! I .
Dt'Ai:t or Dvii Wai.!!'HM!it. We regret
to Mini i'iii -e tl,e death of David Waldsehmidt, in
l hi.-", place, on the27tli ult , niter a short illness,
aged nVmt .'.) years. The deceased was well
and f ivorably known to many of the readers of
this paper. He. was a printer by occupation and
worked on the IkvUher Amtrikautr, published
m this office, for about ten years until it was dis
continued. He was a native of Germany, w ell
educated, espscially in the elastics, stud could
readily translate seven different languages. The
deceased resided in this place upwards of twenty
eight years, where he was employed in the differ
ent offices as a jour printer. He was of a quiet
unassuming disposition, sober and industrious.
He was greatly attached to bis family, and was
a kind husband and father. His remains were
interred on Sunday last, in the cemetery in this
place, and were followed to its last resting place
by a large concourse of relatives and friends.
The lecture of A. M. Griswold, in Garinger's
Hall, on 1 hursday evening of last week, was
slimly attended. The lecture was a spicy affair
and deserved a large audience. Mr. Griswold is
a first-ola" lecturer.
Patrons of Hfsbandkt. A farmers' grange
of the order of Patrons of Husbandry was iusti-
luted at Sinking Springs, this county, on the
24lh ult. The following officers were elected
and installed for the ensuing year :
Master Christian Kamp. t
Overseer Simon P. Metzger.
Lecturer Daniel Truckcumiller.
Stewart Wm. Steraer.
Assistant Stewart rlenry Hartzell.
Chaplain Jacob Irwin.
Treasurer Benj. Hoffman.
Secretary Amos Mali!.
Gate Keeper Reuben Nichols.
Ceres Mrs. R. Metzger.
Pomona Miss Anna Kamp.
Flora Miss Lillie Irwin.
Lady Assistant Stewart Hannah Hoffman.
v .... r, a...
Narrow Ekcapk from Dkownino. On Satut
dav morning last, Mr. John Garinger, fror
Snyder county, attempted to cross the rivd
above the dam at this place, in a foot boat, tj
attend market with butter and eggs. There wJ
considerable ice runniug at the time, and ta
boat became jammed between ice cakes and wa
carried over the dam. As the boat passed ovel
it upset, when Mr. Gariuger managed to clin,
to it and was carried down the stream. Partie
on the opposite side of the river, seeing his pre
carious situation, went to his rescue. Whei
taken out of the water he was nearly exuausted
Pi're Peruvian Gcano. The followiug edi
torial notices are from the two leading agricul
tural newspapers of New York City.
Peruvian Gcano. We have, several time
during the past hear, called the attention of on
readers to tnc adulterution of guanos, and conj
demned th practice ns it should be. We n
bring to their notice the card of K. Balcaar
whose business we have investigated. Amaij
the best of pure guanso is that imported fnn
Peru, under the auspices of the feruvian Giv
eminent. Mr. Baicazar is in direct commiiula
tion with the agencies of that Government, a
is enabled to supply that guano, nnaduiteri
full 2,210 pounds to the ton, directly to c-ns
mcrs, thus savin; the profits or middlemen, t
wiil also ship in small or large quantities fru
the seaport nearest to the locality of the cor.s
iner, thus saving no inconsiderable amount
freight. Mi. Baicazar claims that bv the abo
p'an he can furnish consumers with pure guai
at rates very much lower than they are nc
paying for it. Iinral S'ett Yorker.
Peruvian Guano. Messrs. Ilohson. Hnrtai
& Co., Financial Agents of the Peruvian Gr.
eminent, assure ns of the thorough reliability'
the special agency just established by R. Bale-
zer for the sale, in large or small quantities,
above article ut imi-orters' prices. Amtrio
Home Life iu the Bible as advertised in anotb
column, is by the popular author, Rev. Dani
March, D. C, whose books are so widely know
ami eminently fitted for family reading. Payn
einplo, nent is offered Young Men and Ladic
Teachers and Clergymen.
List of Letters remaining iu the post-ofH
at Sunbury, March 4, 1ST4:
John Barnh.irt, Amelia Hover, Miss J.
Brown, Mis. Marion Herns, J. Brower, Clapp.
Co., J. C. Campbell, Maude Fi-rgcson, Ka
Ki ffeltinger, D. L. Keller, Win. Slack, Daal
Persons calling for advertised letters rll
please say they are advertised.
J. J. Smith, P.
The game with the boys just now is marlct.
The favorite stamping ground is generally i
most frequer.ted side-walk.
Our saloon keepers are discussing amg
themselve s who will be the first to receive a st
nade from the Temperance Ladies.
Dounsife, March 2, 1974.
Our schools for the present term are ab.
clo-ing. Our worthy County Superintend'!
made his usual visits at the lower end.
Jackson district was principally supplied
Snyder county teachers. Great dissatisfactn
prevailed, by many of cur goon citizens, concc
ing (as they thought) the unnecessary step take
by the school board of said district, In raisk
the teachers' salaries in a time of panic, froi
$'M to tl!5, in order to gel "more competent teacl
ers," as your Hcrndon correspondent had it.
The follow ing was mailed by one of our con
pctcnt teachers, at the Hcrndon port-office, la
week, and received by a teacher in Washiugto
township. This reveals Mm qualifications in tic
important branches, grammar and orthography:
"Pshaw fore the Stodard Primary Arithmeti
Where is that Key you used you are a regula
FusiiluRius calling a History a dictionary hurrr l
foie Dutch Mahanoy School Teacher Teaching'
terms and not as mutch as learn your pupils tb 1
Multiplication Table you dutch cowardly sea
K ("an animal") how is this fore high h
shame yon scoundrel hurah for souch a C "
The above is a correct language of the lette
Please give it room iu your wide-spread columut
so it may be read by all teachers and directors.
For Court commencing Monday, March 16th
.viiiiey i. isy, juuorsee oi cua 9 uay is At-
cues Day.
Henry L. Cake by hi attorney Jos. W. Cake
ts Philadelphia A: Erie Railroad Company.
Joseph W. Cake vs Philadelphia & Erie Rail-
Fond Company.
J. Adam Cake, vs The Philadelphia & Erbj
Knj11r.0i,1',IV"",1;aUy'v," , ,rv l '
Abiah Dimick vs Michael Dimick.
Ephraim B. H-auy vs Jefferson M.John A
Kersey John.
Lewi Marqnoidt A Johana Marquoidt, his
wife, for the use of the said Johana Marquoidt
vs Georu'e Fagely.
Abraham Lrrch vs Mrs. Lydia Thompson, wi-
iw of Jeff. Thoinpson.owner, or reputed owner,
aud Jacob Reinert. contractor
Philip Dater vs The Northumberland Coal Co.
Geo. A. Fellows vs The Northumberland Coal
D. W." Smith, use vs Aaron Barral.
P. Armbrnstcr A Bro., vs V. R. F. Weimer.
J. W. (iillispie vs John H. Foresman.
Samuel G ulick vs Lemuel Campbell. (
S. H. Johnston, use vs Peter W. Gray.
Samuel John vs Fred. J. Anspach et. al.
J. H. Johnston, use vs Peter V. Gray.
John G. Gunner vs Samuel Bloom, J. II. En
Moeanangua Coal Co. vs Thos. Barr.
Joseph Diehl vs Charles Kint.
Jacob B. Massrr, Wm. A. Sober vs Joseph W
8 une vs Same.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for th
use of Geo. P. Kamp vs Juo. J. Reimensuyder
et. al.
E. R. Miilcr who sues for himself, as well a
for the School Directors of Shnmokin townshi
vs Furman Farnsworth.
Charles Kemnierer vs Benjamin Snyder.
Chairs Caliigah vs The Danville, li. A W. B
R. R. Co.
Aaron Barrel vs The Lycoming Fire Insurance
Cmiireitiv I
Susan ait, adm r, Kc., ot Catharine ait
Jacob Peifer. - j tba facility of aaaiating any ol 'Ulnar plao-a in lss thin
Coleman K. Sober vs Jno. E. Rathbunn A Co.(Q hour's tuna: while at the same time our town wiil uot
J. A. J. binding vs Elijah Hammer and Cata-
arine Hammer, owner or reputed owner and te- feel ooi.fident that all M- oca.--s ul
mint in possesion of possession or lots Nos.2, Ac.f Um above D,uel! :" '"
So successful lias Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery proven, as a constitu
tional treatment for Catarrh, when coupled
with the use of Dr. Safe's Catarrh llcniedy ,
applied locally by the use of Dr. Pierce's
Nasal Douche (the ctHy method or rending
the upper and back car itifs of tlie head.)
that tlie proprietor of these medicines has
long offered a standing reward of 300 for
a case of Catarrh which he can not cure.
The two medicines, with instrument, for
S2 by druggists.
Cortland, 111., April 2, 187.'?,
Dr. Pierce, I'.tifl'alo, N. V. :
lhar Sir It is with pleasure I make this
statement to you that after taking medicine
for twenty years for the Catarrh, I tried
your Catarrh Ilemedy aud effected a cure,
so that it has not troubled me for two
The advertiser, having been permanently cured of
that dread disease. Consumption, by a ainiply remedy,
ia anxious to make knowu to hia fellow sufferers the
mrauR of cure. To all who desire it, he will aeud a copy
of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the dnec
tions for preparing aud UHiug the same, which they will
find a sura Cure for Consumption, Asthma, bronrhite,
4 c.
Parties wishing the prew-riptiou will . lease address
iter. E. A. WILSON,
194 Pcnn St., Wilbauisburgh, New York.
Nov. 21, 1873 ora.
A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous
Dability, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youth
ful indiscretion will, for tli sake of Buttering hu
manity, aeud free to all who need it, the icipe and di
rection for milking the aimple remedy by which he was
cured. Hufferera wishiug lo pront by the advertiser's
experience can do so irj addreasing in perfect confi
dence, JOHN B. OrtDrV, 42 Cedar New York.
Nov. 51, 1873 m.
To Capitalists, To Men of Medium
Means, and to all Wishing
Iloines and thns Avoid
Br reference to the Watsontown Record and
Sunbury "Gazette" will be seen a full and more
explicit description of the property I offer for
sale, either in lots or by the acre. But what I
wish to more particularly bring before the pub
lic is the LIBERAL TERMS on which they are
I will SELL LOTS from 9100 to 8500 and
Lands by the ACRE from f 200 to 9500. according
to the location.
Terms : Ten per cent, of the. purchase money
down, the balance in time and amounts to suit
purchasers, from ONE Ut EIGHT YEARS, with
legal interest from 'ay of sale.
The streets and alley, will be opened as fast as
lots are sold, so timt all may be approached with
All persons who are now paying rent can have
an opportunity of securing a home for less mo-
ncv annually than thev are now THROWING
v .
.i a & ai. ivuii
Auy person wishing to see the lands or lots
will call on me, wheu every opportunity will be
given them to have a fair chance to see the supe
rior advantages presented to the public.
In addition to the lands above referred to, I
now offer for sale THREE DWELLING HOU
SES, situate on Water street, in Watsontown bo
rough, the one being the large aud commodious flu-iil 1 lior nnn- ru..iniH htf m nil fit ctrl
dwcmiljjg having the necessary outbuildings for
immediate use.
For further information call on or address
Vv-Vhili!h t,
Watsontown, Pa.
October 31, 1873. 1 yr.
II O UK K II L I Why Will You
To all persons suffer
iing from Rhuematism,
i Neuralgia, Cramps iu
,the limbs or stomach,
Bilious Colic, Pain iu
the back,bowcl or side,
: we would say, tub
.Household Panacea
'and Familt Liniment
is of all others the rem
edy you want for inter
nal and external use. It
has cured the above
: complaints in thousands
of cases. There is no
mistake about it. Try
lit. Sold by all Drug
igists. 1MXACEA
July 12, 1873. ly.
Children often look I'ale and Sick
from no other cause than having worms in the
will destroy Worms without injury to thr child,
being perfectly WHITE.and from all the coloring
or other injurious lugredieuts usually used in
worm preparations.
CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
Sold by Dmrj'jittt and Chemists, and dealers in
Medicine at Twentt-Fivb Cents a Box.
July 12. 1S73. ly.
Thirty Years' Experience ofan Old
Mrs Wiuslow's Koothing Kyrnp is
the prescript ion of"onc of tlie best Female
Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and
has been used for thirty years with never failing
safety and success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble infant of one week old
to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and
gives rest, health and comfort to mother and
child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest
Remedy in the World, in all cases of DYSEN
ther it arises from Teething or from any other
cause. Full directions Tor using will nccompany
each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simiie
of CURTIS A: PERKINS is on the outside wrap
per. Sold bv all Medicine dealers.
July 12, 1S73. ly.
Patent Right of a Patent Sash Tigbtenei
or AnM S-isb Ruttler.for this countv.for sale.
aware county.. Pa. Feb. 0, '74-41.
In Lower Mahat oy township. on the 5th inst.,
after a lingering illness, Mrs. HARRIS, wife of
George Harris, aged about 78 years.
y i-
WAKE. John W. Stevenson,
Corner Third and Market Sts, Kunbury, Iu.
HAS completely renovated his Store Room,
and opened the largest assortment of
ever exhibited In this part of the State. Every
thing iu the Jewelry line is kept in store.
Kings fc Chains,
of every description and of the finest quality.
Particular attention paid to repairing
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, tic.
HAIR JEWELRY mude to order.
Sunbury. March fi, 1874.
Peruvian Guano.
IT'ARMERS, Agriculturists and Dealers in
. Fertilizers have now an an opportunity o
obtaining this valuable manure in small or
large lots, at the sole importers' prices, by ap-
plying to the Special Ageucv just established for
ti,c purpose of delivering Genuine Peruvian
(inano to consumers at any iicceseible iort or
railway station in the country. Full particulars
jven in Circular mailed free on application to
...,. o -
No. oo Beaver St., New York.
References by Permission.
Messrs. Hobson, Hurtado A Co., Financial Ag'ts
of the Peruvian Government, 52 Wall St., N. Y.
Moses Taylor, Pres. National Cuy Bank, 52 Wall
" St., N. Y.
J. C. Tracy, Esq., Peruvian Consul, 26'-' Broad
way. N. Y.
March 6, 174. 3 mos.
99,000 I. CIFTS.
Grand Gift Concert.
will be Riven at Bunbury, Pa., by the Iudirudeut
Ou MONDAY, JI LY 13, 1S74.
Unless the tiekets are all suld bi foie that time, when
due notice will Iw Riven of the tin e.
A roll Drawlne Certain.
Owing o the Panic, and iu order to meet the tfpurnil
viieb andex; ectatiou of thej nblicand tiie lieket-bolderi.
fi.r lht full I'uymeut of the (lifts auuotiiiced, Ihe man
agement lime determined to 0tonethe Concert and k to the dale ahuveatuted.
Tiie ob.iaet of this enterprise is for tlie purpose of se
curing a Steam t'ire Kiigitie, which will lie au advantage
:o all ueighboritiK towns aceeveihle by rail, trora the fac'
that it will be an Independent Company. Aud as we never failed to dcuaee our dutv wheu called u:
od, we certainly will be able to accomplish more good
with the aid of a aleuuer. There is no ! than nineteen
i.. m,n hh, .i,i. miu-s,,.,v.,.
- , -- ' ." ,., ; " :''
be unprotected. Our pro.le.-. jvitv a laudable one, we
it uinj-irteii oi oy
" " " NMI
" " ' 6-l
" " " ' 5on
41 t .4 44 'MR)
" Gift of 200
" " " UK)
10 Gifts of (.V).00 l,m
40 Gifts of W.OO l,(iui
100 Gifts of 10.00 1,(KI
200 Gifts of 6.00 1.000
600 Gifts of 2.00 1,000
1,000 Gifts of 1.00 1,000
1.85T Total t!,000
This enterprise is no individual siieculatiou. such as
Louses, lots and furniture put up at fabulous prices.
The bolder of a successful ticket will receive ha GIFT in
There will be 20,000 Tickets of Admission to this Cou
erl, at fl.00 each, aud at the time above atuted the
9,000 iu CASU Gifla will be distributed.
Twenty thousand numliers, representing ami corres
)ndiuK with ftioae on the receipts issued, will ! pl:iccil
i one wheel and cards enclosed witli the names of the
Famiuma iu aealed boxes wiil be pluced in another.
f-sm these wheels, number and one of theaUue nam-
e4 inscribed cards will be taken ainiultaneoiudy. The
lumlier so drawu from the one whael secures the pre
niam designated by the card tusen at the a.ime time
'ram the other. This operation will be performed bv a
lind parson, aud continued until Eighteen Hundred
nd Filty-8eveu l'n Illinois are exhausted. It is evident
tat by thia process, fraud or favortism will be impossi
1s. Every person holding a ticket wiil be entitled to
miaaiou ii(o the Concert.
Mi Gifts raid in C ASH without discount.
Mncy can be aem for Tickets in registered letters, or
'oat Office Money O.ilers, or by Eipreos at our risk. I
esiied, Ticknte iil las sent by Express, i. O. D.
Tbs followiug geutlemeu have kindly consented to
ct aa Trustees for Ihe above (tilt Concert :
8. P. Wolverton, Es-., Director 1. 11. aud W. K. K. ;
Co. Hill, Attorney at Law ; Hon. W. L. Devtart. ri
mber of Cougress ; Wm. I. Greenough, Ks., Iiirec
tc First National Hank of Hunbury ; John Haas,,
dto; Ira T. I'lemeut, I.nmbermaii ; Wm. T. Grant,
Cl kfercbant, Hunbury.
'ha above named gentlemen are liigbmiuded and
bdorable men, who would uot lend their names aud
gie their assistance to any uuworthv object.
of.o. M. nr:NN,
WM. II.,
All communkallous cheerfully snawsred. Address,
i all eases,
N. B. Ensue, Corrcspondiug ttecretiiry.
Treaic.rer of Fonda.
Banbury, MrvU . 1874.
Third Street, STJNBTJJRY, Penn'a.
Stove and
Slate Mnutel
Register and
For Wood or Coal, Nos. 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Largest Oven of any Stove in the Market !
Patent Feier aud tiliilintr front coors Tin lined oven doors and Porcelain knobs. Easily
managed and simple iu cou ruction. Sure operation. Also,otlier
cook: stoves
constantly on hand. New- beginners and cas'u buyers will do well ;to call and examine my stock
before purchasing elsewhere. All are invited to call. In connection with the above
business I am furnishing
1 1 Kinsey's Coper Lipliii II,
"With. Spiral Flanges.
This celebrated Li'ilitniug Conductor, owintr to the m:tcrial from which it U made and the
m inner of It construction is the most complete protection against disaster by Lightning ever
invented. This is conclusively shown by a practical teft of over four years, during whicn time it
has been In constant we, being erected upon many thousands or private and pnblic buildings in all
lections of IS1 country ; aiid although there have fallen npon it, In numerous instances, mot
terriUc discharges o! electricity, yet in no instance has U failed to conduct them harmlessly to the
earth, thus laving many lives, and property of almost incalculable value.
All orders from any part of the Connty will receive prompt attention.
Sunbury, March 6. 1874. 4t.
In order to make room for the magnificent
stock of Spring Goods now being made to my
order, the whole remaining stock of
Mi 111 (SiGTffKSG,
Gents Furnishing Goods,
will lie sold out at a reduction of from 20 to
30 per cent, at
: Jml
Popular Clothing Store.
Corner Third and Market,
By the Author or "Night Scenes in the Bible,"
and" "Our Father's House," of whibh neurly
JOO,000 have been cold. "Homo Life" is com
mended by ministers or all churches as "the
author's be t book," "full or precious thoughts."
"Truths precious as gems," a choice book for
every family," rte. Steel engravings, rose tint
ed paper, rich binding anil for rapid sale uti
equaled. Aireuts, Young Men, Ladies Teachers
and Clergymen, wanted in every coudty ; ?75
to ( 100 per month. Send for circular.
51S Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mafh 0, 1;' 1. L'mos.
John II. .Sei.i.. John M. Scuosorn.
Second Street, Womelsdokt , Pa.
Pore Old Kye Whiskey,
Arrm Whiskey, Cordials, Ac.
All Lique-s sold gauirantecd as represented.
Orders promptly attended to and public pa
tronage respectfully solicited.
2d St., Wouieisdorf, Bucks Co., Pa.
Feb. 27, 1874. ly,
Estate oriaae Krru. Deceased.
N OTICE Is hereby given, that letters of Ad
ministration liavu been grautcd to the un
designed, on the Estate of Isaac Kern, late of
the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland ceun
ty, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to said
estate, are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and IhoM! having claims to present them
for settlement.
GEO. W. STROH, Adin'r.
Suubury, Pa., Feb. 'i', 1S74. til.
NIIEltt'fr'K KALE. i
BY Virtue of a Wi'i of Venditioni Exponas I
issued out of t!m Co1 I of Common Pleas
of Noithumberlautl ( mnu. and to me directed, j
will be exposed lo puUic sale or outcry, j
Yl'eduetfday the llthduj ol .tlarrh,
1874, at 2 O'CLOCK, p. m., in the borough of j
Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., the fol- j
lowing propel ty to wit :
All those certain lots of ground situate in the
borough of Mt. Carmcl, Northumberland county,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows,
to wit : bounded on the west by Oak street, on
llie north by Fourth street on the cast by Apple
St., aud on the south by lot number eleven, being
ing lots numbers Vi and 13, in block number
forty, ut marked on the general plan of said bo
rough, each containing twenty-tive feet iu width,
and one hundred and lifty feet iu depth, whereon
are erected a frame house and stable ; as the pro
Taken iu execution and to be vld by
S. H. KOTHfcRMEL, Sheriff.
Sheritf's Offlee, Sunbury, February 2d, 1871.
ELECTION NOTICE. Notice i hereby given
that an election will be held iu the Arbitra
tion Room, in the Court House, Suubury, Pa.,
ou Monday, the 9th day of March next, between
the hours of 1 and 8 o'clock p. M., for the elec
tion of officers of the Union Park aud Agricultu
ral Atsociatiou of Sunbury, to serve the ensuing
yeir. SOL. MALICK, President.
P. II. Moor, Secretary.
Bridge Letting.
PROPOSALS will be received at the Commis
sioners office, n
MONDAY. MARCH 2d, 1874, between the
hours of 10 and 2 o'clock,
to build a bridge across Green Brier Creek, in
Washington township. Plans and Speciflcatioct
exhibited on Cav of letting.
l. S. REITZ,
Sunbury, Feb. 13, 1873.
NOTICE is hereby given that application has
been made to the Court of Common Pleas
of Northumberland county, for a charter of in
corporation or the "Seveu Points Mutual Fire
Insurance Company," and that the same will be
granted at the next regular terra of said Court,
unlets raue he shown to the contrary.
L. T ROHRBACH, Prothonotarv.
PnHbnitotHi v's Office, Sunbnry, Feb. 13, 1S74.
Plain, Turned,
Tinned and Enam
Sheet Iron Ware
or every deserip.
The property of Samuel Gosslcr, deceased, sit
uate on the corner of Fourth street and Sbamokin
Avenue, in the borough of Sunbnry, is otrered a
private sale, on reasonable terms. For particu
lars call on, or address
JOHN Y. GOSSLER, Scrat.ton Pa.
Or on M. C. Gearheart, Market street, Sun
bury, Pa.
The above property if not sold by March 14th.
will be sold nt public sale to the highest bidder
at the Court House, in Suubury, Pa., at 1 o'clock
P. M.
Suubury, Jan., 23, '74
lluilding Lots For Sale.
NINETEEN LOTS, 25x100 feet, fronting on
Vine street, in Sunbury. Price $125. Also
thirty lots, 25x137, fronting on Spruce and Pine
streets. Price $18 per foot. Also eight lots, 25
xOO, fronting on Fourth street between Walnut
and Spruce. Price $450. Also 21 lots, 25x110.
fronting on Third and Spruce streets, between
Walnut and Spruce. Price $400. Also 5 lot
21x230 on north side of Spruce street. Price
JOiH). A'so lii lot in Cake'own. The above
prices do not Include corner lot. Persons de
siring to purchase will do well to rail soon.
Terms easy. IRA T. CLEMENT,
jan. 23, 3m.
S" hereby given that the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas, General Quarter Sessionsof the Peace,
and Orphan Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery, in and for the countj
of Northumberland, will commence at the Court
House, in the borough of Snnbnrv, at 10 o'clock
A. M., ou MONDAY, MARCH "the 9th, 1874,
aud will continue three weeks.
The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Consta
bles in and for the county of Northumberland are
requested to be then and therein their proper
persona, wilt their rolls, records, inquisitions,
aud other remembrances, to do those things to
their several offices appertaining to be done. And
all witnesses prosecuting in behalf o' the Com
monwealth against any prisoner, are requested
and commanded to be then and there attending
iu their proper persons to prosecute against him
as shall be just and not to depart without leave
at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punc
tual in tlu ir attendance, at the time appointed,,
agreeably to their notices.
. Given under my bund at Sunbury, the 20th day
o"( January, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and scventv-four.
"TT" ALU ABLE property in Purdytown on the
Cattawissii road. New house 23 by 50 feet
'Zy2 stories iiigh, finished iu the best manner from
cellar to attic, 10 rooms. Lot CO by 200 feet,
planted with choice fruit and shrubbery. Alto
a well of good water at the door, and all other
conveniences of a comrortablc home. There it
i also on the lot a good stable, smoke house, coal
I and chicken house, and other outbuildings.
; Possession given by lsi of April next or sooner
1 if desired. For particulars apply to
f T. 8. SHANNON,
! 3d aud Market Square, Sunbury, Pa.
J Sunbury. Jan. 30, 1874.
Police in Divorce.
j Catherine Glitch, 1 IN the Court of Common
! by bernext friend I Pleas of Northumberland
! Isaac Bubb, I County.
! vs. ! Pluriet Subprena for a Di-
I Henry Lewis I vorcc. No. 76, March
Glitch. ; Term, 1874.
To the respondent above named:
You are hereby required to appear at a Court
of Common Pleat to be held at Sunbury, for the
County of Northumberland, on the second Mon
day of March next, to antwer the complaint of
the libeliant in the abve stated cate.
S. H. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, Pa., Feb. 6, 1874. iw
Geo. Evans & Co.,
914 Market Street, Philadelphia,
1 il
j Military, Band A Fire Organizations
promptly uniformed.
Samples of Cloth, with Photographs sent
free on application.
Ovrt being tb leading house on Military work,
wt feel thut wa can pfler inducement which can
not be attained aDjw&ere else
Jan. S3, 1179.
Ltfc) Afcberiistmtnt
Taverns, Restaurant and Llquar
Store Licenses.
NOTICE it hereby (riven that the following
persons have filed petitions in the Court of
Quarter Session of the Peace of Northumberland
County, for Travern, Restaurant and Liquor
Store Licenses, and that the tame will be pre
sented to the said Court on the ninth (9th) day
of March next.
Charles Garinger, Suubury borough, old ttaud.
Henry Haas, do do
Christian Neff, do do
J. H. Jeffries, do do
Samuel Weaver, d do
E. T. Drumhellcr, do do
Jacob Sheetz, do do
Dr. Joseph Eyiler, do do
Felix Ritter, do !
George Eckert, Northumberland bor., do
Julia Ann Johnson, do do
Thomas J. Stamm, do do
Henry Latimer, do do
A. B. Marqnart, do d
Joseph Vankirk, do do
Francis O'Uonnel Miltoo bor.. do
H. E. Lutz & Bro., do do
L. (i. Sticker. do do
John M. Huff. do do
C. W. Sticker. do d
Thomas Palmer, do new ttand.
Wdi. McAndrew, Shamokin bor., old stand
Henry Bach, do do
Charles Finney, " do do
V. M. &. J. A. Weaver, do do
Mary Timmes, do do
Thomas Gillespie, do do
Michael Schlaeder, do do
Henry Simmonds, do do
Elizabeth Kirkham, do do
William Baze, do do
John Curtis, do do
Jared Howarter, do do
W. F. Roth, do do
John Lark ins, do do
Jacob Kobel, do do
Alexander Long, do do
Patrick H. Curran, do do
W. F. Kitchen, do do
Joseph Levins, do do
Andrew Dean. do new ttand.
Henry Hayden, do do
Michael Horan, MU Carmel borough, old stand.
Thomas Scott, do do
Tbomat W. Walsh, do - do
John Walsh, do ,. do
Joseph Dcppin, do " do
Edward C. Herb, do do
Edward A. Dawson, do mew ttand.
Henry J. Reader, McEweutville bor., old ttand.
William A. Fisher, Watsontown bcr., new stand.
John R. Cooner, do old stand.
John H. Foresman, do do
William Farrow, 8nydtrtowu bor., do
B. F. Hay, do new stand.
I). II. Dreisbacb, Turbutville bor., old ttand.
II. E. Wetzel, do two.
new ttand.
old ttand.
new ttaud.
old ttand
Benjamin Knouts, Zerbe twp.,
Thomas O'Gara do
Thomas Foultis, do
P. Cuiran, do
Henry B. Weaver, do
Michael J. Downey, do
Thomas FoulJs, Sr., do
James Cooper, do
llesry M. Rboads, do
William Fnulds, do
benjamin D. Weiser, Delaware twp.,
Jacob Hunsicker, do
Peter McDonald, Mt. Carmel twp.,
Frank McCarty, do
John- Scott, do
Thomas Tobin, do
Edward Muidowney do
' 'atharine Hester, do
James Battel ty, do
-licbae: Graham, do
i'.ivid li. Davis, do
A. Wald.
Lower Mahanoy twp..
i i:niici J. Keene,
Fr.inki'tt arstc, Kotbernie-,
..'..ria.i Byeriy,
K. B. IvrUiiioner,
fcli t bliat-ffcr,
'I. W. Keveyt
W. W. SUartel,
Nathan LauileuIager,
J. i. Smith,
John Albert,
J. O. Billman,
Jor !an
new ttand
old ttand
Up. Xahanoy
Lit. Mahanoy
Fmaiinel Gciet,
Joseph Maurer,
Nathan E. Kehres
Peter Leisenring,
J. D. Reitz,
Michael naley,
John Downey,
Thomas Maher,
Patrick Ready,
Charles HartmaD,
Allen Faust,
Henry H. Conrad,
J. B. Becker,
Jared Henninger,
C. B. Boyer.
do new stand
Upper Augusta old stand
Cameron do
do do
do do
J. W. Saxton, Watsontown, do
G. VV . Donahue, Nothumberland bor., do
Nicholas Gansrer, Milton bor., do
Emanuel E. Kehres, Shamokin bor., new stand.
Eli S. Shankuciler, do do
Silas A. Snyder, Lewis twp., old stand.
Jacob Rnch, Cameron twp., do
Henry H. Hopp, Delaware twp., do
John Pearson, Point twp. do
Jacob Bright,
B. F. Bricht,
Lvtle A Camming,
Wra. Vandyke,
Nathaniel Hutb,
Jacob Klyrrer,
Frederick Wolf,
Jacob Creitzer,
David Snyder,
Andrew Druffner,
Anthony Nerschbacl
Barbara Ilennes,
R. Tysck,
Lewis Hummel
Michael Ready,
Peter Dunlcvy,
Martin Gibbous
Michael Kiley,
Margaret Burke
Marv Connor,
3. F. Troxel,
Christiana Rahmer,
Lonit Lcbe
.'iehard Wild,
V. W. Fisher,
James Mahan,
Patrica Healy,
John J. Golden,
John T. Long,
Sunbury bor., old stand
do do
do do
Northumberland do
Milton bor., do
do do
do do
do do
Watsoutown new ttand
Riverside old stand
b, Shaulokin bor., old stand
do do
do . do
do do
do new stand
Mt. Carmel bor., old stand
do do
do do
do twp., do
do do do
new stand
old stand
old stand
old stand.
tran M:ir, Watsontown bor.,
J. M. Feitsworth, Shamokin bor..
William Burrowes, do do
Thos. Laughliu, do do
Mary Deritl, Coal twp., new stand.
Cyrus Brown, Milton borough, old stand,
anford fe Murray, ' do do
B. E. Adams A S. Latshaw, Shamokta bor., do
Thos. Rosser, do do
Geo. W. Startzei, do do
John Ross, do do
Edward A. Dawson, Mt. Carmel bor., do
Chris. Neff, Northumberland bor., new stand,
andford Murray, Milton bor., old stand.
C!-rk of Court of Quarter Sessions.
Clerk's Office, Sunbury, Feb. 11, 1874.
Xotiee la Divorce.
IN the Court of Common
Pleas of Northumberland
ner uexi iriena
Peter Bixler,
Plurles Subprena for a Di
vorce. No. 155, March
Tm 1S7.1
Charles B.Straub
To the Respondent above named:
Tou are herebv rmnMljvl tn innr r . r.n -
of Common Pleas, to be held at Suubury for the
Connty f Northumberland, on the second Mon
day of March oext,to antwer the complaint of the
libeliant in the above stated case.
fit.. IT
Sheriff's Office, Sunbnry, Pa., Feb. 6, 1874. 4w.
f 4.00 a gallon. $11.00 a dozen.
In large bottles, $11,00 a dozen.
$18.00 a dozen,
II. A, C. Yaa Bell,
Thr WrsE Merchants,
1310 Chestnut Street,
Oct. 24, 1878.
Second Street, opposite th Court Hoate. SUN
BURY, PA., '
Resnectfnllv invitea tha attention r
and others, that he has on hand, and will eon-
smiiu j evp au iinai or
Consisting nf Pnr Rrn1 i... ri
" ' VWUMK, vuciir,
Ginger, Rochelle and Otard.
v nisKies: rure Rye Copper-Distilled, Mtmnn
gahela, Apple and Nectar.
Wines: ChamDasma Wins Rhm i-. .
Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rc-my
Brown Stont and Scotch Ale.
And all others Llanora hiiK m v c-...,
the cltv markets, which mill oja . xf t,,.i.
sale and Retail. Every artless guaranteed aa
represented. Also, a lrg lot of DEMIJOHNS
ana bu i li-ts, always on hand.
Orders promptly attended , and ublic
patronage respectfully solicited
Sunbnry, July 3, 1875. 1 v.