Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 30, 1874, Image 3

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    unburn mrnean.
Rail road Time Table.
V. C. K. W.. Souih. I P. & E. U. R. West.
Elmira Mail, 1 M5a " I Eri; 5-J-? a ul
Erie Mail, 12.55" Ucnovo Ac. 11.10 am
Buffalo Ex. 2.50 " Elmirm Mail -lM"
HarrUburjiAc. 8.10 p m Uutlalo Ex,
Leave Sunbury for LewMown at C.G5 a. m.,
md 4.20i. in. . .
Arrive at Sunbnry from Lewistown at l.o5
and C.55 p. m.
Express 11.45 am Mafl, 9.SO am
v A: 4.SJ P m I Express, 4.00 p in
An aecomiuoJatiou train leaves Sbamokiii nt
7 10a m, arriviu at Ml. c-armci ai . a
Rciurimr. leave Mt. Carrael at 7.00 ? m, at
ins at fclmtiiokiii 7.50 p m.
' .... , 1.1T1 irtmi .fc W ll KMIUKKE K. K.
Leaves Sunbury at C13 a. m., for Vork.
turn at 4.10 p. in.
Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had of
J. Shipiuan, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
Wiuier Arrangement Tor I he Post
Oitire at fcauburj-, I
Office Opt from 0.50 a. to 8 p. .. except
on Sumlaj.
Arrives as follows t
From the East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m.,
s.mth. 5.15 a. m.. 4.10 p.m.
West, 5.15a-ro.,11.15 p. m.,4.10p. m., ,
North.1.50 a. m..ll.i3a. ui., !..
Shamokin, Ml. Caimel and points on
that line, 9.23 a. m., 4.00 p. in.
Mails close as follow s :
For the East, 5.45 a. ni., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m.
" SoatU, 10.50. ni., 4-50 p. m. 8 p. ni.
" West. 10.50 a. in., 3..W p. m., S.K p. ni. j
" North 3.50 p. m., r- n-
Bhamoklo propter 11.15 p. in.
Suamokiu aud offices ou that route,
Money "orders will not be Issued after 6 p. m.,
m Salurdavs
J. J. SMITH. P. M.
infss jtorals.
The IpkovfT Dakek Swvino Ma
nie. Tlic?e celebrated machine arc olfoml
t tlie most reasonubie rate
For particulars j
D. . KUTZ. Agent,
Upper Augusta township.
'Ait.LlSK Dalii s, dealer in Musical Inslru
lents and Sewing Machines, Market street, near
bird, Sunburv, Pa. Call nnd ctaraine the best
rgans, Melodeoiis. Sewins and Knitting Ma
rines in the market. Always on hand the F.s
v Silver Tongne, Smith's American.Mason
amliu Organs. Orders taken for all hinds or
Linos and Musical Instrument. The Peoples
ivorite Sewing Machines ; Domestic and Gro
r & Baker. Persons purchasing machines
omme will receive instructions. First-class
nitling Machine for sale.
Don't suffer from colds conslautly contracted
tx.or Boots and Shoes. W. W. Miller, of the
,.-.ui..r rw.t Jfc Shoe Store, keeps on hand a
,...! m-Wli are not surpassed nnmmre,
I or
autv and durability. They arc dirt cheap.and
himei t about wet feet by wearing
ose selected from his large assortment. m t
ck of trum shoes has not been equalled in this
it of the country. Cull una see inein
Schafixu's Clothing Emporium. Thiscsla- dispatch created considerable excitement. Mr.
shmcnt, on Third below Market street, has j Isaiah Gossler, of this place, had met and con-i-n,
during thin winter, a set-tie of industry not j versed with him on the day previn'is iu H:irris-
uailed bv any other establishment iu tins place, j
nstaiitly, from morning in: uigm, u oi
la making np garment of the latest styles.
. "wonder there Is such a ru h, for when we
,e into cousideration the excellent goods, and
: fp'.eadid fits, made by Mr. J. F. Schafier, it
lot ut nil astonishing that everybody goes to
line merchant tailoring establishment.
- - ia tragedy was enacted on the mail west, Penti-
I'nx tieauly of S. Faust's hats are only noticed j SyvalljA rai;r()aj, tt ti10It dlstancc west , or
en put upon the heads of imlivWuals, He has j jIount t;,,;,,.,. j. 3. Ettle went into the wa
k a larger assortment than has yetl.ecn seen b.voll4 Moullt fiilon, and at Fe-
suubury, which are sold ct the most nitrate j 'u.riilnirg about twcuSy nil!e9 wcst) G,.orge W.
.-c. Call aiidsecthcni. ! Snyder, conducter of the train, tried to open the
incc the strike in Iht coal region ha ended, ' door. Fiuding that it was locked it was broken
rthcr large lot r pew furniture has arrived at j in, and the first object that met the eye of the
Masonic Buildings in this place. The more j conductor was the bloody form of Mr. Ettle. In
Us brought from the city at such low prices, j his temple was a bullet hole, and beside the
; disposed of by Mr. Roberts, agent, the bet- j
furni- j
it is for lue poor, a wno,e cci oi
will coi no more than a single article cist suicide, Dul it is liiougiu to oe ;iic resuu oi unan
rs aco. Money saved is money earned. So cial troupes. Mr. Ettle was connected with the
of Roberts, ond you will save money, and firm c f Cobaugh & Ettle, who have for some
good furniture.
he Store room of P. A. Finney is constantly
hiding one of a bright summer day. The
'.iant display or goods, of the best quality,
prising a general assortment or Dry Goods
Grocctics, Notions, Jewelry, Boots and
?s, or anything that can lie round in a first
s store all new and and worthy the ntten-
of purchasers.
jtcral Affairs.
mvaSRcrs iu every towu and township to
urc subscribers to this paper. A liberal pcr
age will be allowed siiffirieut to make it an
r-t for auy one who desires to make some
g during these panic time. For further
iculars nddr-ss the proprietor or call at this
sitsoss wanting Business Curds printed will
at this oCQce an assortment of superior qual
nd fn'iuled in the Litest styles. Cards or en
mh printed at tbi ie-wett rates.
t dirwt attention to our terms oa the first
of this l-iper. Also to rates of advertising.
ST. A lady's gold breast pin with thre
s and ball in centre, was lost between the
enee of Mr. Mnrlin Broseious, aud the
:h on Shamokin creek, in Cpper Angusti
ship, ou Sunday cveuine last. The findei'
e suitably re w.i rdel tiy leaving it at this of-j
r at Mr. George Gaul's of I'pper Augusta ;
ship. I
: arc reciue-td to state thai James P.eard,
will tea candidate for Justice or the Peace
e Fast Wald, ut the ensuing borough elec-
r. wiuier has iM'ea so "open'" that a great !
boys have r-illeu through the ice.
i Expression "happiness is frequently jut :
oar nose" is beautifully illustrated in a I
' man struggling with his first moustache. !
iemkek when you enlT a printiug office I
talk to the compositors, leave their copy
and don't read over the matter. Remem- !
is! i
:At ens, my wile!" cxclaianj a man us he j
I out or the vara and clasped his better-I
"Mercy, my rufflVs," wa the adeclionate I
I this office.
E old stokey, with a philosophical turn of j
has said "a pretty pair of eyes are the j We regret to chronicle the death, ou Friday
Irrors to shave by," an J It must lie ad- J lURt, or an interesting little son or L. H. Kase,
that many a man has Ix-en shaved by j Es.p, or this place, rrom membranous croup.
j The remain were interred iu the cemetery of this
into thinks the is big enough to be en- place, and was followed to the grave by many
o a free lett-r delivery, and is making a j friends and relatives who sympathize with the fa
out it. niily iu their tad bereavement.
Siiipman. Register and Recorder of this I .
, has purchased the present residence of l
Purdy, Esi.. and will lake po.-se-"ion i:i i
ing- !
MiHtauf vagrants iipp'.W-d to the police lat
loV ""-ehelter for the night. Thev
x where room was furnished
ten' . hou-c is badly needed in this
,,-rus that a new railroad is to be
'i11,.r'a rn in SfhlivlViM rnnn(r
,,n o Jf
jlahnntongo Valley to Sunbnry. This
;o be built in the interest or the Penusyl
i;oa1 and in oj'position to the Read'u.g
., editor of the Bloomsburg lit
, ha reeeivvd the appointmcut of Post
at tlhit tftee.
BiooiUbiiuig ColtinJ'uiu has recently
a. Dew dresr.. nkich adds greatly to it
inee. It is a ably coad acted rn'l'ev,
icrving of hucccst pecuniarily. Its polU
e',1 it don't suit uf.
nembers of the I. O. of O f .t at Selins
rc making preparations to ciraxe n:Xt
uly in a becoming manner,
ditors of the Seliusgrove Timet am. jyj.
e Huarrelling over a brood of cbickcii.
ore j lpc liat. Where"! Au'sn.
The New Steam Fiue Esgike. The new stea
mer of the Washington Fire Eiifriue Company of
this place, will be delivered in few days, c
would remind tlioee who heretofore felt no inte
rest in the matter, that it is the duty of every
citizen to contribute soiiHthinjj towards the en
gine. The want of another engine has been felt
at every fire, and no one knows at what hour
this place will sustain iimiKuise damage for the
want of a second engine. The project of a gift
concert, instituted by the meuiliers of the com
pany, is meeting with better success abroad than
among our own citizens. Although many of the
prominent citizens of the place have been liberal
there are some who have done nothing. The
getting of the stcninc! is a settled fact, and the
manufacturers of the engine have also becu libe
ral with the company in purchasing tickets, re
lieving the enterprise to a certain extent. The
members of the company ask for the 'machine,'
and. as a compensation to the citizens, they
pledge themselves to do the work necessary
whenever oceasiou rc'iuiic. The present conUi
liouof our lire department if 'deficient, but all
have seen within a short time, that more than
double the price of un apparatus was saved at a
single fire by the means already at hand. Ou
the several occasions of which we speak, the ne
cessity of further improvements in the depart
ment was made manifest. We hope, there
fore, that every citizen, whether luudlor4 or te
nant, w ill at once lend such aid as they fee! able
to give, so that the company may at onec go into
active service.
A donation or surprise party came off at the
Rectory of St. Matthews, (Episcopal) ChHrch,on
Tuesday evening, at which a large uumber of the
members of the Church were present. A bounti
ful supply of refreshments, were soon spread on
the table. Mr. Hewitt, the Pastor, on this joy
ous occasion, was the recipient of over one hun
dred dollars in greenbacks, aud nearly as much
moie iu other articles. Although the Hector has
be. u many years In the ministry, (formerly in
the South,) tkis is the first surprise of the kind
he has met. Judging from the good humor and
cheer on the occasion, it is not supposed that he
will seriously object to a repetition of the offence.
Tub remains of George Prince of ll.nrisburg,
formerly of this place, were interred here on
Thursday last, aud now lie along side of those
of his wife wlioe remains were also brought
from llarrisburg a few years since. The de
ceased, who was 82 years old, came from Eng
land when aboy,aboutlS01,atthetiinethe Lyons
Watsons, and John Binns, the latter well knowu
afterwards as a leading editor and magistrate iu
Philadelphia, came to this country, and settled
in Northumberland. The deceased spent the
earlier half of his life in Sunbury, and left about
thirty years ago to take charge of the State Cap"
it nl Hotel, ct llarrisburg, which was for years a
leading hotel in that place. He also resided
some years in Philadelphia, but the aged couple
always regar Jed this place ns their real home,
and here their icmaius now lie at rest, mingling
their dust with many fi sends who have gone be
fore them, and amidst the recollections of many
yet ou earth, who drop a sympathetic tear over
the graves of husband uad wife, who, inseparable
while living, were united in death.
Col.. Ntrr, of Ike Washington Hoiiec, in this
j place, received a despatch on Sunday morning,
from BclicTontc, stating that Mr. J. B. Ettle, of
that place, had shot himself. Mr. Ettle was fa
vorably known to many of onr citizens, and the
burg, when lie w6 in excellent Ijeiuin. As no
further dep:itrh'S were received during the day
there were many conjectures as to the probable
manner of his death. Since then we learn the
follow ing particulars from the llarrisburg Tele
graph of Monday last :
Sricinr:. .1 -Vim Shoot Hinttflfvn a liallrwid
Trabi. On Saturday afternoon about 5 o'clock,
corpse lay me pistol wuicii naa tnscnargea me
fatal messenger.
No reason is assigned for the
.! time had charge of Wilson's distillery at High-
spire. His age was about fifty years.
After the above was in type we were informed
by reliable authority that, although nothing is
I kuowu as to the cause of Mr. Ettle's suicide, it
was nothing of a financial nature ut all, us his
affairs are in a prosperous condition. This state
ment eiuhrouds the affair in more mystery than
! Bund Tom is Coming. This w ouderful negro
! pianist and musical prodigy, will appear in the
j Court House, in this place, on Thursday evening
the 5th February. The notice or the time aud
place, is doubtless all that is necessary to secure
a Tull audience. Everybody has heard or blind
Tom as one or the wondeis or the age, aud us
this may be his last appearance, we wauld ad
vise all to go aud witness his wonderful musical
i feats.
'Thi:ft. Hthe person that carricj off that
sack or flour trom the editor's kitchen don't want
to be exposed, they had better return it. iJan
rille IiiUlligtncer.
That's pretty thin, brother Chalfant, to try to
make the community !clieve that editors have a
whnV oek of fiour at one time. Pou't give us
anv more sueh buncu.b sto:U ...
Mks. Kesleu, who mysteriously left her home
in Middle Creek township, Snyder county, some
time ago, has been round at a betel in Centre
county, employed as a servant. She revises to
return home ror the present.
The Cement House, kept by A. V. Cool, iu
this place, is gaining a reputation as one of the
most com fortablc resorts of the travelling com
munity. We can vouch for the truth of the ma-
1 ny flattering notices given abroad in regard to it
as one of tbe best kept hotels in central Pennsyl
vania. The rooms are all, in regard to comfort,
that the most fastidious can require, while the ta
bles furnish the best the market can supply. The
attendants are polite and agreeable, and the
landlord uu obliging business man who knows
how to entertain his guesl, and render them
Coin Toi table.
A Laki.i. Sale. The assignees of peter Borel
will sell at pubic sale, at Gcorgetowu,oii the 14th
February, a large lot of real estate, among
wb cli is the Mansion Farm. The lands to be
old are piineipally limestone, und produces ex
cellent grain. They are located near the r.iilroad
and depot at Geoigei.own. Sec bills printed at
t.I.CCTK)E I5ANK III KECTOKS. At 0 11 flection
held at the banking house on Tuesday last, the
following persous were elected directois for the
Firt National Bank of Sunbury, for the ensuing
year : J. B. Packer, Jas. K. Davis, Henry C
Eyer, W. II. Waples, Simon Cameron, W. I.
Greenough, Juo. Haas, Win. M. Rockefeller,
Wm. Cameron, Alex. Jordan, Geo. Smullrr, Geo.
Sehnurc, James Duffy.
A nvir was lately decided iu Snydereonuty, by
arbitrators that the executor of Peter Snyder,
deceased, need not pay for a tombstone worth
12, w hich had been ordered by the w idow of the
deceased, without consulting the executor.
The directors of the Sunbury Mutual Saviug
Fund and Loan Association, met on Monday ev-r
cuing last, and organized the new board by re
electing Kmaunei Wilveit, President for the eu
suingyea!". A house valued ot ?25l, belonging to I. J.
Rcnn, of Lower Augusta township, died or epl
ooty, last week.
Tne Royal German Imperial Band, now visit
lug this country ou a fourmpnth's rur!ough,gavc
two concerts in the Court House, on ) ednesday
and Thursday evening last. Their music was
Tccllent, find they gave general satisfaction.
The Si i-keme Coi kt. Nearly all the lawyers
in this county lea on Saturday night for Phila
delphia, to attend the Supreme Court, in ses
sion the past week hearing cases for the North
ern District, composed of the counties of North
umberland, Montour aud Columbia. We ap
pend a list or the causes on the calendar taken
up from the courts bIow :
James Malone vs. The Shamokin Valley and
Pottsville Railroad Company and the Northern
Central liailway Coirpany. 8. P. Wolverton
for plaiutiffnnd J. B. Packer for defendant.
The Danville, Hazlcton and Wilkcsbarre Rail
road Company vs. The North and West Branch
Rai!ro.-d Company. S. G. Thompson and S. P.
Wolverton for plaintiffs nnd II. M. noyt and R.
F. ClurK for defendant.
Nathau Luudenslager vs. Benjamin Snyder.
S. B. Buyer for plaintiff and S. P. Wolverton for
Same vs. S line.
The Directors of the Poor of Danville aud Ma
houing vs. The County of Montour. I. X. Grier
and E. H. B ildy for plaintiffs.
James Long vs. John B. Price. George Mill
for plaintiff, and S. P. Wolverton and L. M.
Kase Tor defendant.
Simon P. Kase an 1 Hugh W. McReyuolds,
partners trading under the firm name or The
Beaver Creek Coal Company, vs. A. Pardee and
J. Gillinghani Fell, trading under the firm name
of A. Pardee .V Co. S. P. Wolverton, Johi G.
Frieze and C. G. Baikley ror plaintiffs, and J.
B. Robison and J. W. Comly Tor defendants.
John H.Conrad vs. George Miller. W. H.
Oram for plaintiff and S. Wolverton for defend
ant. '
Hugh McReyuolds and others vs. William
Longenberger und James McAlarney, Executors,
&.c. J. G. Frieze, Samuel Linn and James
Thompsou for plaintiffs, and Jackson, Hoyt and
Woodward for defendants.
Jacob B. Masservs. Redwood F. Warner and
John Warner, Executors of Joseph Warner, de
ceased. Packer and Boyer for plaiutiff and
Comly aud Ball for defendants.
William I. Greenough vs. The Fulton Coal
Company, The Excelsior Coal Mining Company,
The Enterprise Coal Company, John B. Douty
and John H. Gable. Packer aud Comly for
plaintiff and Gowcu, Woodward and Wolverton
for defendants.
John Foy aud Martin Brymirc vs. Solomon
Miller. Wolverton and Comly for plaintiffs and
ruckerund Malick for defendant.
I. II. Torrcnec, Administrator oi Harman
Kline, deceased, vs. Ira M. Forrester, Exeeutoor
of Nancy Kline, deceased. Wolverton and
Comiv for plaintiff and Packer ond Zeiglcr ror
In Re. the petition of Joseph Bird, President
or the Northumberland Agricultural Society,
vs. Sebastiau Stepp, Jacob Hunsicker ami Amos
Vastiue, Commissioners o! Northumberland
couuty. W. A. Sober Tor defendants.
John Galcu Smith vs. George Garinan. S. B.
Boyer for plaintiff and Hill and Wolverton for
Northumberland County vs. Clark B. Zimmer
man. Maliek, Zeigler, Packer and Sober for
plaintiff, and Wolverton and Kase for defen
dant. Daniel G. Dricsbaeli vs. The President and
Mi.:.agers of the Lewisburg Bridge Company.
Wolverton und Comly for plaintiff, and Packer
for defendants.
Win. T. an 1 Thos. D. Grant vs. The Henry
Clay Coal Company. Greenough Packer aud
Kase for plaintiffs, and Comly, Wolverton nud
Zeigler for defendants.
William D. Mooi bead vs. John W. Huther.
MeC'leary and Tharp for plaintiff, and Brown for
Henry T. Bowman vs. Benjamin B. Leitzel.
Boyer for plaintiff, and Wolverton aud Kase ror
Geo. C. Wdker vs the Northern Central Rail
road Company. Hill aud Wolveitou for plaintiff
and Packer for defendant.
In Re. the petition of John E. Lenker, for the
assessing of damages occasioned by reason of
the opening of a public road through the im
proved lands of Mr. Lenker, leading from the
Centre turnpike, ou the east tide or the '-Gut,"
thence north to Reagan's addition to Sunbury,
in Upper Augusta township. Northumberland
county. Hour lur complainant and Sober Tor
Reuben Holleubach and others vs. Philip H.
Moore. Hill aud Wolverton for plaintiffs und
Packer, Greenough and Sober for defendant.
Thcmas Crevcling vs. The Danville National
Batik. Freeze and Reimeiisuyder for plaintiff.
James B. Jenkins and Amos E. Kapp, Plain
tiffs and Apellants s. Thomas Lindoti, Collector
of State and coituty taxes for the borough of
Northumberland. Amos Vastine, Jacob Hun
sicker and J. G. Durham, Commissioners of
Northumberland county. Wolverton and Simp
sou Tor plaintiffs and Sober for defendants.
Henry Peil'er vs. the Commonwealth. S. P.
Wolverton, Hill and Malick for plaiutiff, and
Clement and Zeigler for defendant.
Same vs. Same.
Same vs. Same.
A Coickixtion. An error occurred iuadvert
ly In setting up the court proceedings hvt week,
which we desire to correct iu order to do justice
to the reporter. In the case of Northumber
land county vs. Lydia Gutshall and David
Gutshuil, it should read "rule to show cause why
Judgment should not be stricken off. as to Lydia
Gutshall being a feme rorrrt nt the time she
signed judgment note upon w hich this judgment
was ordered."
A man named Ruhl, reading on the Baldy
farm, near Montauden, this county, was serious
ly injured by his clothing catching on a coupling
joint of a connecting rod of a horse power while
shelling corn last week. He had his ieg and "rm
broken, aud sustained internel bruises.
A heatuen of Lewisburg lately polluted the
Evangelical Sabbath school collection W-Z with a
mouthful of tobacco. He i snppescd to have
lately arrived from the Cannibal Island.
We notice a number of papeis ui jiug ladies
to iinnoiinee themselves as school directors.
There is no doubt there are plenty who would
fill the position better than some of the opposite
sex. But ladies arc generally relivenl in jxditicSj
and it will require a great deal of coax ing before
they will consent to mingle with th. great army
of pot house politicians.
The Danville Ainetiom says, Danville is bless
ed with three polite and accommodating ticket
airents Gcarhart, ut the L. tk B., E!l!s ut tbe P.
& R. and Divers, at the Danville A Hazlcton.
May ibey live long and die happy."
We have our who besides being polite, insures
the life of cveiy passrtiiier that buys a ticket
Ed. Ami-:u.
Ciias. P. Sr isiioi.TZ, of this place, is now so.
jouruing nt Aiken, South Carolina, in hopes or
restoring his health. We are giad to hear that
he is rapidly improving.
The Danville Iron Company elected the fol
lowing gentlemen us di eetors for the ensuing
year. Win. Fanx, S. P. Wolverton, Jas. S.
McCormiek, Jeremiah Savidge, and Wm. II.
Heiidrh-ks. The directors elected the following
officers : President, Wm. Faux. Secretary, Wm.
H, Hendricks j Treasurer, S. P. Wolverton.
Wm. Camkkon, Esq., of Lewisburg, presented
that borough with a Silsby Hie engine, three hose
carriages, and 2,500 feet rf bote, at a cost of
?0.750. .
The following persons have been elected mana
gers of the Sunbury Masouie Hall Association
for the present year : John Haas, 8. P. Wolver
ton, John Bowen, John B. Packer, John B. Len
ker, Guorge Conrad, and BenJ. Zettlemoyer.
The ''Sunbnry American" is now a large
handsome paper, frieud Wilvert having added
cousiderable iu length and breadth to it and
dressed it np iu new type. Daily.
Thank you neighbor. All correct except tbe
new type. Our type has been in nse for nearly
five years. The extraordinary qualities of our
new Potter press renders the American all it is in
On the evening of tbe 16th inst., our estima
ble citizen Andrew Hoover was surprised to find
his numerous friends call upon him to congratu
late him upon the anniversary of his birth. Be
fore leaving they presented him with two coats,
two pairs of pants, a rest.a shirty pairof hoots,
two plug hats, a gold headed cane, a ring, a
mccrshaum pipe, a plug ortobacco, and a prayer
Oi' nciijbors or Northumberland are begin
ning to tasie something of city life, judging rrot.i
the followUg copied from the TV of that place :
"A joung man by the name or Charles Morris,
who was unployed by Matthias Schmnck last
summer, hit at present engaged by Gearhnrt,
confectioner, at Sunbury, was knocked down In
front of the potoffice, in this place, on Wednes
day evening, and robbed of all his money, w hich
amounted to about two dollars. It is presumed
the roJbcrs were under the impression that he
had moreehnngc. He must have beeu struck with
a club; his head was very much bruised, and
pools f blood rould be seen on the pavement
next uPrning."
' A"'e citizens of London arc complaining
beeanf the price of gas has been raised from 90
cts. t Mao pcr.t.lumsaud cubic feet. Our citi
zens pay about ?.", aim would rejoice ir they
could get it at three times timet T".
Some ingenious workman at the Clement piqu
ing mill, iu this place, has invented a machiui.
ror niskiug woden pins Tor doors. Ac., which
turns out about 200 per minute. Mr. Clement
usts about 50 bushels of these pins per annum in
his mill, and saves twice the cost or a machine
yearly. A patent has been applied for.
Election of Bank Directors. The follow
ing directors for the First Nuntional Bank of
Northumberland, were elected on the I3th Inst.,
to serve the present year : President, A. E. Kapp;
D. G. Dreisbach, D. Voris, J. II. Jenkins, A. M.
Stone, W. II. Waples, Henry Watts, Steuben
Jenkins and II. E. Kapp.
The members os the Presbyterian Congrega
tion of this place, waited upon their esteemed
pastor, Mr. Millikcn, on Thursday evening of
last week, and made him a handsome donation.
The assemblage was a very pleasant one, and the
pastor and his estimable lady, highly appreciat
ed the many gifts and felt happy.
Bins BcBSEti Animals Destuoved. On Fri
day night the I arn on the farm of Mr. Dansingcr,
in Rush township, was destroyed by fire, and
ix horses aud four cows were burned np. A lot
of hay, grain harness and farming implements
were destroyed. Fonr of the horses belonged to
Mr. Dansenberger, who lives in Danville, one to
Mr. Ranthrnuff, his farmer, and one to Daniel
Voght, of the same vicinity. A mau'a hat was
found near the barn, and there were several
strange men seen near the barn a short time be
fore the lire broke out. They were tracked to
the river, but there all traces of them were lost
Daily of Tuesday.
Relics cv the Past. Charles D. Wharton of
this place, h is a table, four chairs, and a looking
glass over one hundred years old, imported rrom
England by Thos. D. Grant's great grand Tallier.
Ge. Simpson, an employee at the P. A E.
shops, at this place, accidentally cut himself in
the face with a hatchet, while repairing cars on
Friday Inst.
N. W. Wtss, an employee in Clement's
plaining mill in this place, had several fingers
6a wed off on Saturday last.
Another Solmek Gone. Freeman Haupt oi
this place, died ou Sunday night, after a linger
ing illness from consumption. He was a mem
bcr of Co. C, 47 Fa. Vols., during the late war.
He wa9 a brave soldier.
Sove sixty persons connected themselves with
the M. E. Church, nt this place during the pre
sent conference year.
J. P. PfitsEL nnd W. D. iTaapt, of this place
have leased the hotel lately kept by Mr. Fisher,
in Shamokin, and have engaged Geo. Stuck to
conduct the establishment. They propose to add
a bowling stloon and billiard hall to the house.
Rev. P. Maiik, of Lewisburg, favorably known
iu this place, died on Tuesday last, nt his home.
List or letters remaining in the Po6tofflec in
Sunbury, January 2S, 1ST4.
Geo. A. B.itdorf, Geo. W. Bassler, Wm. Bro
ker, Manuel Bine, Mary Derr, Mabel Forest, J.
G. Johnson, Limiie Reefer, W. G. Mcliek. Kate
Martz, Mary .U Malick. Edward Miller, Charles
Neidig, Jas. L. Parks Peter Slroh, Thomas
Mant Suffer rather than take nauseous medi
cine ; and this is not to be wondered at, as the re
medy is ofteu worse thtn the disease. Sutlerers
from coughs colds, iiiQuenza, sore throat, or ten
dency to consumption, will find in Dr. Wislar's
Balsam of Wild Cherry a remedy as agreeable to
the palate as effectual in removing disease.
Forthe Sunbury American.
Suubury liar, 1772.
Among the attorneys admitted to the Bar at
Sunbury at the tiist Court of Common Pleas of
Northumberland county, held upon the fourth
Tuesday or May, 177',, was Chrh-tian Huck,
Alexander Gray Jon (a captain in Col. Lam
bert Cadwallader's regiment, aud captured at
Fort Washington, ICth November, 1770, and
first Prothonotary or Dauphin county, 1795,)
published at llarrisburg, In 1811, "Memoirs of
hisiwn times," a book pronounced by John
Gait, a competent English critic, to be the best
Iersonal narrative that has yet appeared rela
tive to the history of the great conflict, which
terminated in establishing the Independence of
the United Stales. It was republished by Liud
say A Blakiston in 1846, edited by John S. Lit
tell, of Gcnnatitowii, and from the text and .foot
notes I gather the following loformatiois' of
Christian Huck. ''1
Mr. Graydon says, ''to the best of .my recol
lection it was early in the month or June (1777JJ
I met with Christian Huck, the lawyer, a rcfu-'
gee (tory) from Philadelphia, at Flatbnsh (Long
Island, Cols. Atlee and Miles, Major West, Len
nox, Griiydon and other American officers wero
ou parole confinement.) This Huck had read
law iu Philadelphia with Isaac Hunt, and had
received the early part of bis education at the
charity school of the Academy, when I was a
pupil there. He is spoken of iu our accounts of
him as a monster of profanity aud cruelty. But
this ferocity mut hare been acquired by the
fury with which the war was waged iu life 8outur
eru quaiter, as I remember 'nothing of these ti
ger qualities In him, and I knew him fiora his
boyish years up to those of manhood."
"If he was distinguished for anything, it was
for an affected sapience and a pretension to
more knowledge than he possessed. A waggish
fellow-student of his, the late Edward Tilghman,
aware of this trait in his character, once asked
him iTai Jo-aV- could inherit an estate, when
Huck, applying his fluger to his nose, in an at
titude ol profound thought replied, that iu some
cases, he believed he could."
General Henry Lee in his memoirs, speaks of
Huck's death (17S0-1), as follows: "Captain
Huck, of Tarleton's Legion, had been detached
by Lieutenant Colonel Turubull, commanding
at Hanging Rock, to disperse some or the exiles
of South Carolina, w ho had lately returned lo
the State, and were collected in the neighbor
hood to assist in protecting their .country. The
Captain with forty dragoons, twenty mounted
infantry and sixty militia, ventured thirty miles
up the country, where the very exiles lie was
wit todisperse, attacked and destroyed his de
tachment. The Captain notorious for his cru
elties and violence, was killed, as were several
others, aud the rest dispersed."
now long Huck practiced at the Saubury Bur
I am unable to say. He probably retired to
Philadelphia with the outbreak of the Revolu
tion iu April, 1775, as the atmosphere of North
umberland county was exceedingly unwhole
some for such characters.
Philadelphia also becoming a little too -Turin
for him, he Qed to the British at Lonj Island,
(where Graydon met him), subsequent!; joined
Tarleton Legion, and became eminently infa
mous in the annals of Southern warfare.
J. B. id.
A gentliTuau who sufTered for year from Nrvous
liability. Premature Iiecay, and all the etTeets of yottb
ful iudiscretiou will, for th sake of flnfferiug hu
manity, send free to all who need it, the rerii-e aud di
rectum for making tbe simple remedy by which he ea
cured. 8utferers wishing to rolit by the advert ker'a
experience can do so by addressing iu perfect confi
dence, JOHN B. OGliF.X, tt Cedar St., Xew Yrk.
Nov. Jl, 187:t m.
Children often look Pale and Kick
from no other cause than having worms In tie
will destroy Worms without injury to the child,
being perfectly WHITE.and from all the coloring
or other injurious ingredient usually used in
worm preparations.
CCRTIS BROWN. Proprietors,
No. 215 Fulton Street, New York.
Sold by Dmngittt amt Cfumlttt, and dealert in
Medicine at Twenty-Five Cents a Box.
July 12, 1873. ly.
Thirty Years' Experience fail Old
IV arse.
Mrs IVinslovv's .Soothing Syrup is
the prescription ofone of the best Female
Physicians and Nurses iu the United States, and
has been nsed for thirty years with never railing
safety and success by millions of mothers and
children, from the feeble infant of one jreek old
to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and
gives rest, health and comfort to mother and
child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest
Remedy in the World, iu all cases of DYSEN
ther it arises rrom Teething or from any other
cause. Full directions for using will accompany
each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-similc
of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the outside wrap
per. Sold bv all Mediciue dealers.
July 12, 1S73. ly.
To Capitalists, To 91 en of Medium
Menus, and to all Wishing
Homes and thns Avoid
Faying Kent.
By reference to the Watsontown Jlecord and
Suubury "Gazette" will be seen a full aud more
explicit description of the property I offer for
cale, either in lots or by the acre. But what I
wiib. to more particularly bring before the pub
lic is tbe LIBERAL TERMS on which they are
offered .
I will still LOTS from 100 to 8500 and
Lands by the acre from f 200 to 500, according
to inc location.
Tekms -Ten
i P"iit.or the purchase rAwYXltSj I
ice" jj. 'nc and amounts " I aud exp
,1. .1...
nurrhiiani i fATr tlT? Plcn - j . to suit
legal interest from da.? - - RS. itn
1 he streets and alle,
lots arc sold, so that a -
case. . V
opened as fast as
j be approached with
All persons who are Aow pa in? rent can hav(J
an opportunity or yarwg a home for less mo-
e,V .aSn.Ual y JL&'ti they are now THROWING
AWAY ir. rrrfC
Any rson wishinir to see the 1
wil'. call on me, when every opportunity will be
I i Ion I. .. .... - f. , I - . 1
. :d"T.;r
Iu addition to the lands above reierred to, I
now offer for sale THREE DWELLING HOU
SES, situate on Water street, in Watsontown bo
rough, the one being the large and commodious
Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, all of said
dwellings having the necessary outbuildings for
immediate use.
For further information call on or address
Watsontown, Pa.
October 31, 1873. 1 yr.
The Household I'anaeea,
Family Liniment
is the best remedy In the world for the following
complaints, ric. : Cramps in the Limbs and Sto
mach, Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side,
Rheumatism in all its forms, Billions Colic,Neu
ralgiu, Cholera, Dysentery,Colds,Frcsh Wounds,
Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains
and Bruises, Chill and Fever. For Internal and
External use.
Its operatiou is not only to relieve the patient,
but entirely removes the cansc of the complaint.
It penet rales and pervades the whole system, re
storing healthy action to all its parts, and quick
ening the blood.
The Household I'anaeea is purely
Vegetable and All Healing.
Prepared by
No. 215 Fnlton Street, New York.
For sale by all druggists.
July 12, 1873. ly.
The Confession of an Invalid.
Published by a warning and for the benefit of
Young Meu and others who suffer from Nervous
Dkihlitt, loss or Mamhvw, etc., supplying the
means of self-cure. 'Vriften by one who cured
himself after undergoing considerable qnackery.
and sent free or receiving a post-paid directed
envelop. Sufferers are invited to address the
June 14,'73 Cn Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y.
The advert ieer, having been 7Tnai!enlly enred of
that dread di-a Consumption, by simply remedy,
is anxious to make kuowu to bin ft-Uow aurTerera the
meaiia of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy
of the prencription ucd, (free of charge), with the direo
tiou for preparing and lining tbe sauie, which they will
flud a mire Cure for Consumption, A:huia, Brouchit,
PartM-a wishing the prescription will please aildrma
llev. K. A. WILSON,
134 I'cuu St., V;ihauiburgh, Xew York.
Nov. 21, ltf?3-m.
On the 21st Inst, at the rarsonage of the Rev.
Hewitt, iu this place, Mr. J. M. Gross, of Sha
mokin Dam, Snyder county, and Mis9 Amelia
Hancock, of Sunbury, formerly of Cornwall,
On the. 231 inst., iu Sunbnry, WILLIAM n..
son of L. II. and Susan A. Kase, aged about 2
years" and months.
On tbe litli tnst., near weed's waiion, rionn
umbcrlaRd county, Miss HARRIET FRANCES
WOLVERTON, aged 27 years, 4 rooutns ana it
Sfto ts'jstTihmzxits.
For Adcanctd Piano' For singers and young
riaiiers. rtanuis.
Putuia! desiring good mu-' Scud 30 oenta for Peera'
aie at a low price should Musical MoulUly, and you
aeud 50 cetils for a copy of will Kt t worth of xr
"La Cnmt iE la C'kemk. Music, t-very iiumliereou
Kverv number contaiua talna 4 to M nuiga, and 4 or
from f 1 to HI worth of good 6 iiistrumeutal pieces by
music by such authors aa aucBaiiihoKasujyK, Stew-
lieller, Uszl, toss, mine, art, luompsnii, imiiis
e:c 1 Kiukel, etc.
Published nKrathly.SOets.i Published monthly, SO eta.
eer uiunlx n $4 a year. per nurulier, K per year.
Pearls of Melody.
A splendid collection of Piano music of medium difli-
coitv. SJ in bcaras ; eioia ana ifuut . Auareas.
it ' . V " . ,1. L.PETERS,
.. ' 599 Broadway, Hoi 5229, N. Y
Jan. 874..-6m.
Ilrport or'The Fir I National Bank
f Sunbury, l'a."
Report of the couditlou of "The First National
Bank of Sunhury," In the Borough of jjbutmry,
in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of bu
siness, on the 2Cth day qi December, A. D. 1H73:
Capital Stock paid In '.
Surplus Fund
Discount, Exchange, Interest, and
Profit and Loss
Circulating Notes outstanding
State Bank circulation outstanding...
Dividends L'npaid .
Individual Deposits
United State Deposits
15,893 61
171, 084 00
C.043 00
4.709 IS
192,222 31
25.S61 07
1.169 00
I)eiOMt of U. S. Dishtirning Ollicers,
Due to National Bunks....
16.127 40
870 89
r)ue to State Bauk& and Bankers,.
$068,595 40
Loans and DUcounts $247,128 75
U. S. Bonds lo secure Circulation 200,000 00
U. S. Bouds to secure Deposits 50,000 00
U. 8. Bonds on hand 700 00
Other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages.. 1,850 00
Due from Redeeming and Kcfcerve
Atrenls 1$,999 13
Due from National Banks 10.101 US
Due from State Banks and Bankers... 14,08 81
Current Expenses and taxes paid 32 20
CafOi Items, including Stamps and
Protest Account 2,132 58
Bills of National Bank 12,051 00
Fractional Currency, including Nick
els, . :,510 90
U. S. Leuul Tender Notes 110,0t0 00
f 6CH.595 40
STA I t Or rh.v.VM I. AN I A :
I, Samuel J. Pucker, Cashier of "The First
National Bank of Sunbury," do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
Signed, - S. J. PACKER, Cashier.
bworn to and subscribed before me, this 13th
day of January, A. D., 1874.
Signed, Davit Rocjt f.fei.i.ek, Notary Tuhlic.
Correct Attest
W. I. (iREENOl'MI,
Sunbury, Jan. IS, 1874.
AdniluitratorM Notice.
TOTICE Is hereby given that letters of adniin
JLI istration havo been granted on the estate of
Susan Ferteubacb, late of Jackson township,
Northumberland County, Pa., deceased. All
persons indebted are requested to make imme
diate payment and those having claims to pre
sent them for settlement.
AB'M BLAS3ER, Adm'r.
Lower Mahanoy twp., Dec. 20, '73.-0t.
Talniage, Npurgeon.
T. De Witt Ta.mage is editor of The Chtutian
at llorfc; C. H. Spurgcou, Special Contributor.
They write for no other paper in America. Three
magnificent Chiomos. Pay larger commission
than any other paper. No Sectarianism. No
sectionalism. One aifeirt recently obtained 380
snbscriprions In eighty hours absolute work.
Sample copies and circulars sent free.
Chromos all ready. AGENTS WANTED. II.
W. Adams Publisher 102 Chambers street, Ner
a i
Sttu jkthtxtv&imzvfts.
Illustrated Home MAGAZINE.
TlrlKht, cheerful, earnest and pre.reHSi ve, the "HosfK"
takes rank with the beet periodicals of the day. It is the
cheapest first-class Magazine in the country, and more
thoroughly identified with the people iu their soeiul aud
domestic life than any other.
imitablo delineator of home life and character, has an
articil in every uuiuber.
A new fie
rila aiory
by T. S. Arthur, will be commenced iu the January
number of the Home Magazine.
chatty papers, lively, wumbk-aiid good, to V commenc
ed iu the January iium!er.
BUTTERICK'S and child. e:.' d-e-. u.e
given by special arnii'genieiit every miir.tu. ly nioie
of thwe pateriis, every woman may behtrown dre.s
XlliJ VJ It VjJ JL America give nior reading
forthe price, and a great ei- variety, suited to ev-ry mem
ber ot tlie family, yjuiig ai.d old, thin any other maga
zine pnbliHhfd.
A whole hok oa Hour Culture, ftua
ail ongrtiaV-Sf-'iiwcript, by a lady of
erience, will be gf 'iu auriug tam.
T)T? OT? h unto ,uiB houae" msg-jflcyt
1 JjAljij ateel eugravnig, the English dp- of
which sella for 15, ia -nt free to every auljcriber.
Cy-1 rn veir ia the price of "Arthur's Illustrated
Q2iOJ Uome Magraiue." It fa for sale by Nems
dealer. Pionas, Cabinet Organs, Sewing Jfjchiaei",
Books, fcc, almost given away as premiums for sl
cribeni. tJenil fur Premium list. Cauvasaiug ageuta
wauted everywhere.
cents will procure a sjecijneu copy of ''Author's
IiliiKtrnted Home Magazine." Send for one.
' Philadelphia, Pa.
Executor Xoliee.
NOTICE is hcieby given that letters testa
mentary, have been granted to the under
signed, on the estate of George Wagcnseller, late
of the Borough of Suubury, Northumberland
county, Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment and those having claims to present them
duly nnthenticated for settlement.
Sunbury Dec. 20, 1S73. Ct.
Is the place to buy pure aud fresh
for mediciiml purpo and all other arti
cles usually kept in a first-class Dru" Store.
Special aHentiou paid to compounding pre
scriptions and family receipts by competent
Suubury, Nov. 7, 1873.
American Qyclopdia.
ev Ke vised Edition.
Entirely rewritten by tbe a I "lent writers ou every sub
ject. Fritted from new type, aud illustrated with
Several Thousand Iugraving aud Mspn.
TlTe work oriinully .ubeaeed inuler the title of The
Siw American CrcLoi'.r.oiA was completed in lbM.
since whieh time the wide cii dilation which it has at
tained iu all parts of the 1'i.ilcd .States, and Ibe signal
develoj pieuta which have tukeu place in every branch of
cienre, literature, and art, havt inducedthc editors and
publishers to submit it to au exact and thorough revision
and to iiwue a new edilicu eutiiled Till: Amkbicam
Within the last ten years the progrci of discovery iu
every department of kuuw ietle hd a tew work
of reference an iiu) erative want.
The movement of political nffnira has kept pice with
fhe !:.' j.eneH of science, aud Iheir fruitful application
to the industrial and UMrful ana and the couvenieuce
aud refinements of sochI life, (jreut wars and couse
queut revolutions have occurred, involving uational
cUMr r ...ill., .mb-hi. w u
country, which was in its height when the last volume
of the old work eppeared, ha happily beeu euded, and
a uew course of commercial aud industrial activity haa
beeu commenced.
Lame accessions to our kuowledue have
beeu made by the indefatigable explorerea of Africa.
The lolltlr il revolutions of the great uecade.
with the natural result of the lapse oi time, have brought
inio public view a uiiiltiiude ol uew men, whose uamea
are iu every one's mouth, aud of whose lives every one
is curious to kuow the particulars, ureal mines nave
beeu fouo ami important fc-igts maintained, of which
the detail yet preserved uuly in the newspapers
or iu the -transient Publication of the day, but which
ought now to take their place iu leraiaueut u1d autheu-
! lit. lljMt.klV
Iu pre. sring the present edition for the press, it has
accordiugly beeu the aim of the editors to bring dowu
the information to the latest ajaible dales, aud lo fur
nish au accurate account of the moat recent discoveries
In science, of every fresh production in literature, aud
of the newest inventions iu the practical ana, aa well is
to give a ncetnet and origiual record of the progress of
political aud historical eveuta.
The work has beeu b.-ua after long aud careful pre
liminary lalr, and with the most ample resources
for carrying it on to a aiieceieful tetminution.
None of the origiual stereotype plates have been used
but every page has beeu printed ou new type, foruiiug
iu fact a uew t'yciopjrdu, with the same phiu aud com
pass as its predecessor, but with a far greater, pecuuiary
ileuditure, aud with sueh iruproveroeuta iu its com
pvsitiou as have beeu suggested by louger experience aud
enlarged knowledge.
The illusttraions which are introduced for the first
time iu tlie present edition have beeu added l ot lor the
Kike of pictorial effect, bill to give greater lucidity aud
fores to the ex bnatioii in the text. They embrace
all branches of si-ieuee aud of uat ural history, aud depict
the most famous and remarkable features of scenery,
architecture, aud art, aa well as the various 1 rocessea
of mechanic aud manufacturers. Althoug in:euded
for instruction rather than embellishment, no pidi.s
have beeu spared to lssure tuetr artistic execlleu cy, the
cost of their executiou ia enormous. Mid it in beheved
they will liud a welcome reception a au hduiimblu
feature of the fyclojipdia, nud wrrth;. of its high char
acter. The work i sold by subscription only, inyal le only
on delivery of each Volume. It will be compMed iu
ixteen large octavo volumes, each coutaming wl page,
fully illustrated with several thousand Vi.od Ku
graviuga, aud with iiuruTou colored Lithographic
Price and Styh of Jiindin'j.
Iu extra cloth, er vol.,
Iu Librauy Leather, i-er vtl.,
In Half Turkey Morocco, er vol.,
Iu Hall Ruasia, extra gilt, ) er vol.,
utl roc00 antique gilt edces, er vm,
I.. Poll I?,,tLlT'
, Vjeady uow. Succeeding volumn,
Three volumes r,NL . , ,
iuhu iviuj'iniiiu, .iu
.h.:-i. :';; r in ,:?",.";, ' x."ll"'t
Fiist Claa rnv.!i : Agent Wanted.
Address the I-ublibbein, ,
519 h 451 llroadwsy, N. T
Are a modern. stovenTj. r e better.
polish, far better ttianl I H they Rive
a liner eloss
unyotht-r in existence.1-1 than any other polish.
Yield .1 brilliant silvery hheen, with less than
half the labor required when other polishes are
Are a neat and cloutilyMnCau be used even in
unlcle, making nodirtlfthe parlor without the
nor ilunt when used. w trouble of removing
furniture or carpets.
Has no disagreeble sulpherous or strong acid
Btnell when prepared for use, hut arc pleasant
and harmless.
Are put up in uuat style .-In each box are 12
and in a form morel I U stick ; 1 stick is suill
convenient for use than' cient for any stove,
any other polish. thus all waste is saved.
Are tbe cheapest polish In the market, because
one box at 10 cents will polish as much surface
as 25 cents worth of the old polishes.
Have just taken tlieo-pin competition
1st premium at the ln-1 1 H sc
several of the liestt of
the old stove polishes
dianapolis Exposition.
Brr Cktmbs of Comfort of your storekeeper,
if he has them, or will procure them for you ; if
not, send us one dollar, your name, and the
name of your nearest express station, and we
will send you ten boxes, and samples of Bart-
let t 'a Blacking and Pearl Blueing, free of cost.
Crumbs of Comfort can be had of all Whole
sale (iroccrs and Dealers in the United 8tates,
and Retail Dealers will find them the most profi
table, from the fact that they arc tbe fastest
selling article of the kind in the market.
115 North Front St.. Philadelphia.
143 Chambers St., New York.
43 Broad St.. Boston.
Nov. 14. '7S. thn.eoin.
In order to make room for the magnificent
stock of Spring Goods now being made to my
order, the whole remaining stock of
Gents Furnishing Goods,
will be sold out at a reduction of from 20' to
30 per cent, at
Popular Clothing Store.
Corner Third and 3Iarket,
' the Aruerican public
t r-.ars. It lis- never yet
t satisfaction. anJ ha
-'.!'. the panacea for all ex
fnts, Burns. Ssreiiin-js.
: s"f. f.'c., kc., UiX nnd
. ; ::.v j.?it.v.vt ;s.;
f ...-. JtiMHa-AM w : i
o ui.f I by li at. !,ai !
s.t I rt:a'Va i'!utoli-i stini 1 m:
i t t nrisiig.'itiy 3rti. 1). r.-a
Tibi'-i, a : I v it I -m
I tit Grand Gift Concert !
A Fxdl Drawing Certain On TUESDAY-
31j of MARCH next.
In order to meet the general wish an,
the public and the ticket holders,
their magnificent gifts, anno--
exneetstioB of
Grand Gift Concert of the Pijced for the
the management have drfUje Ubrary of Kentucky,
cert and Drawing nntirerniiued to postpone the Con-
TueMtlajr tb
Slst of March, 1S71.
They have already
No doubt are a great many agents jet to hear from,
before thy s entertained of the sal of every Ticket
Coucert lAiwiiig, but whether all are sold or not the
take plaAudXwmg will positively and unequivocally
sold tu' on ,DSjay now fixed, and if auy remain u ik
ed iny b"" "Vi-lled, aud the prizes will l rediie
,rlrtiou to lb. ,lim)1J Xickeis.
12,000 Gift(t
will be distributed among the tirkev i.oiders.
The tickets are printed in onions,.., tenths, and all
fractioual paHs will be represented iu tk. drawing just
aa whole tickets are.
List orctrus
One Grand Cosh Gift $250,000
Oue Grsud Cnah Gift luo.tasj
One Grand Caah Gift 90,1100
One Grand Cash G'ft 5,1100
Oue Grand C isb Gift 17,500
10 Cash Gifts, f 10,1X10 each 1011,11110
30 Cash Gifis, S,i III each 150,(100
SO Cash Gilts, l,iJ each ft0,WW
Ml Cash Gills, 500 each 4H,m
100 Cash Gifts 400 each eti,!"
150 Cash Gilts, iWOeach 45,OisJ
250 Cash Gifts, 'JUO each , S,uuO
Cash Gifts, 100 each 3-0,300
11,0110 Caah Gifts, SOcai-ii..,, 530,000
Total, 12,0iiU Oifla. All iuia, amounting to $1,500,009 i
The cliuLrO lor a iii are aa out io air.
Whole tieketa, $50 ) Halves, $05 ; Teut ha, or each eon
n.... x. 1'kvKii U' Tiikelta lor Tit-kets
for $1,0U0; IU Whole Tu.'ke:a for $5,000; o-a7 Whole'
Tickets lor ilO.OUO. No discount ou lesa than $."00 worth
of Tickets.
The Fourth Gift Coucert will be conducted, in all re-
ar.ects. lik the thres which have already beeu given.
and full p.nriiculais may Ik learned from circulate which
will be seut free from this oilier to all who ai 1-1 for
Orders for tickeis and a i licatioiis for geucies will
be attended to iu the order they are received, aud It is
hoped they will lie seut in j roni tly that there may be
no disappointment or delay in filling all. Liberal tenne
giveu to those who buy to sell agalu. All agents are pe
remptorily required to settle up their accounts aud to re
turn all uuaold tiikt'ts by the tfJth day of March.
Agent Public Library Kentucky, and Manager Gift
Coucert, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky.
Dr. C. M. Martin. Gr.o. W. Bloom
No. 13, South Third Street,
Clement House BJJiii Snnlmry. ft
DR. C. M. MA11TIN & CO,
HAVE just received a fresh lotof Pure Drugs I
and Patent medicines.
We bave alto a full assortment of
Hair, Tooth, Naii,Clotbe,Sboe and other brashes.
the s"veetest perfume in America.
Parilau, a Kid Glove Wash,
warranted to clean perfectly the moet delicate
shades without injury to the kid
All the leading preparations ror the llair,
Pure Wine and Liquor?, for medical purposes,
Physicians Prescriptions and family teceipts
compounded with care.
Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal
ing to receive a share of your patronage.
September 11, 1873.
- QCM iiff KM
withoni tliis Liniment T SSef re-fucilt-l
:rile?s the Linimel . is aa repre
rvpl vi Ve -are and pet tb eeni'fn
l y all Irnpgist and Country Storji, at
50c aud SI 00 per DottV
vlo. siae of bottle, kc
selling articles out. Three valuable
f :unplet ror ten cents.
J. BRIDE, 767 Broadway, N. T. 4.
TaMe Shields, Plate, Water Pitchers, Tea and
Coffee Stands, Ac. Send one dollar and receive '
prepaid a sample of this elegant and ncful
Plate Table Fnrnitnre, ronnd or oval. Every
family needs and it ill bay these goods. Agents
are raakieg money. More wanted ladies acd
gentlemen. 4r.
STAR LIMIN Wrt, 80 Bcman St., N. N.
X either sex may fascinate and guin the love end
affections of any person rhey choose hut ant ly. This
aimjjie mental acquiretuneut all can FOsus,fn,bTinai,
for 2Tm: together with a nirria fruide, frptum Ura
de. Dreams, Hints to Ladies, WpdtUii(j-NiKht Shirts, ale.
A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM Co, I'oh, Pklia,
Dec 5, IX 4w.
The Highest Medical Authorities of Europe say
the strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deobttrnent
known in the medical world is
J urubeba
It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the
nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated,
cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstrne
tions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleea.
Price l a bottle. "JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 1
Piatt St.. N. Y. J16.4W.
For Three 3-ent Stamp We will send
The Ac bob a (a paiier size of N. V. Ledg) for 3 mouths,
and as prominm anv one of tbe following articlM : On
fine chruniu, 1 tine photograph, 1 fine bosom pin, 1 fine
set sleeve buttons, 1 fiue collar button. Bend at once
to THE Al'HOUA PrBI.IHUINO CO, ttprtognrlU, Mas.
J16.4w. "
An article loig dered and sought for by TerySiW
orer i,r two siampa, Adnress
IC6..S. 4W. Jl Un. I
BlMil, fJancver, Pa.
JA m pii o k IS E"
The -'
.rerit Tll&rnverv fir the tmnieiliiiti rwlif Jtr
ure of Rheumatism, chronic and acute, Bpratas,
Bruises, Fain in Chet,Racb,or Limbs, Stiff JolnU.
j Strain,!, landular, Swellings, Inflammation, Nen
, ra'cia. Bunions, Catarrh. fcr. It will not grease
nr stnin I hi- most delicate fuhrliv whirli makes it
' v ;Ti. 1T"'m
per bottle 25 cents. RET. BEN HOTT, Prop'r
ureenwicn ei- i . iw.
Fine Seal Sacques,
FiBe Astrakhan Sacquca,
Fine Seal Turbans,
Fitie Lynx Set9,
Driving Gloves nJ Caps.
The Largest Stock of Rockes in tbe City.
All of which are offered below cost of iinportstion, at
the old-established and reliable store of
English Walking Jackets ma.d to order.
8'Id by Druggists.
Tairtrutrpf I'sna'a is 1 ao4 aftar
r'rtsstea r. Filler's Veeetaa
Trap, InarastsettsaiaiaUasla
30 rears' saw Seleses.
i swr ar )isr, K-.i
awasn BseamatlesjssaseawOTtxthiiietkAiiriLCT.
wt5ti8to wwrs waroi CTIK ami win
1 satis Pt aai
Ksrint.Media.Fs. Rn.J.R.BwkMa.riarcens.!owaji.
rnua.,e.AaicMaDol1 writsUe.ritl.PhiU.Jhrjw.U-.
aaton Paraph let A guaraatssurratia. M ewarT foe so In.
t'"kL"'" n "-,-1 u,j rVnM bj drossjita.
woau mftenora irom me worn scrofula fa
ftwmmrm Bio tel. or Pimp!. 1'rom two i
ix bottles ro warranted to curs Salt Khenm
r Tetter, Pimple, ort Faee, lioll""
kanelo Eryaipela. and LlTer om
latnt. Six to twelve bottles, warranted to cure
F-alns In Bones and Sore Throat cs.ise.l
,rJh-wo,Hl.erfu, PropertleTlf Sll
Com. ln-W ihi tinTrTrenirrt ?2ZZg
medicine and is perfectly safe, loosei" ,Ci,
U or Id's oOiapeaaaurj, iuoUio, H.Y. ?
Oinsolatloa ef l'artnertihip.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the partnership
heretofore existing between W.H.Lamb
and John Wert, trading under the firm name of
Lamb & Wert, in the coal business, near Hern
don, Jackson township, Northumberland ea..
Pa., has been dissolved by mntnal consent on th
the 3d day of January, 1874. The notes book
accounts, Ac., are lea in the bands cf Wm. H.
Lamb, for immediate collection and settlement.
Those knowing themselves Indebted are request
ed to make Immediate payment to save costs.
Hemdon, Jan. 9, 1874.