i of the LARGEST mm Assortment of Gents Furnishing Goods,, ever offered in this place tit Popular Clothing Store. Corner Third 'arid - Market, SUHTiBim'SY GEO. EYANt K. G. MAIZE. FALL, 1873. We take pleasure In announcing to our friends and the Public generally, that we have opened a Hcantifnl assortment of Goods for FALL and WINTER. We politely solicit n call from nil who wish to get a Good fit, Kaperlor Workmanship, nd Kainbl Material. Our perfect system for Bolf-Menstiremeut, recom mends Itself to every one who may tlcfciro tn or. der Clotblner from a rf!tnn, onptos of rrhicL, with Samples of goods, will be sent on applica tion. Geo. JCvans fe Co., 014 Market Street, Philadelphia. "One Price" Merchant Tailors nnl Clothiers. Sempieinbrr to, 1R7.J. FA I.I. OPEXIX of Nk IKT G00T)8, GllOCKHIKS ABU N'OTIliKH. Cloths, Casslmeres, Calico, nnd cvcrytliinn in tho Dry Good line. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. Qneensware. Glassware, nnd Wood and Willow ware. GROCERIES. A larijo assortment Just opened, which consist of Tea, CorTue, Sugar, Molasses, Spieos, Meat, Fi'h, Ac. The Celebrated Allentown hand made BOOTS AND SHOES. Wan anted to five satisfaction. It fart a full assortment of everything kept in a flrst-claso store, "an be had t ereatly ; REDUCED PRICES. j for ca hIi. Call and sec the tine selcet'.r n of new t (joodo, nnd be convinced that I . F. J. BVROD'N, near the Lnthern Church, in Sunbnry, U the best aud cheapest place to bny all kind of store goods. No troubla to show goods October 8, 1S73. rXl'Nl'AL IXDI'CEMEXTS. New and attractive Goals, In every Department. WATCHES, HH11,1W, jr.WRLRT, S1LVHR AND PI.tTHD WARM. Cutlery. (Uocks, Bronies, Enjrltsb, Frrnch nnd (rrman Fancy Goodx In uew ol'thc I'eeliue In GOLD, we have re duced prices on our entire Stock of Foreign nir- ehnndie In Far Gold Kistefc, and purchaser will find it to tlu:ir Interest to make their selections NOW, while the ASSORT MFNT IS COMPLETE. Goo4 sent on approval for aelo'tions. Articles purchased now, for the Holidays, will be packed and retained until neh lime ns desir ed. BOBBIN'S, CLARK. & BIDDLE, 1121 CiiEeTXCT St., Pmi.APKi.rHiA. s on 50 CenU por Dottle, tt prmwrtce the GROWTH, PBESKBVM: Mm CU)B, stnd IncrtsKS th Vlw , , mm BKAVTV oftke II A III. fm Twwn Yum too I.tow'i Kiwinoj roa; wa Hum im flrst pu.fo.1 ta tk markui jf riokm . B. TariMss l.yoii, a prmlulo of lnnwto Coil.re. tWumt iadwivtxl tioiu tli Oiw1i,"Kiiiio,"Ii. . sufrina to rfttiu. t.uri7. rtfuvMuit. or rtzfr. Tno alMwilluinmrHd,tihi ttioiMpulntyitnMobtai&wl, ta tspncesMiW kind Incredible. It locreoa u OmovuiaaA kwcTY cf tli Xius. 3t is dvliebUut 4isitii. It nwtuMtcA liiU:itt. It iuvmta the Sms trass twaur par. it keix tha Ivwl ouol. ul srtvse tka Kmt a rich, iKXt, ain y i pr""0'. it is tbm SuiBwmni unj Uoai.it -i . '. maw m Catrrnav Am, an-t i-wm-i VaaatryBtonsittsuly t in.- 'Ulriii(uiUsD4 GIL'S h iT Hair. LYON'S AATHAIROn Only I BEST S CAP! &C. A. M. MEIXELL, DEALER I American Md Enreprsn WATCIIF.N. FIVE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE, PortVrtett Spectacle nnd F.jre GlnsiHen. OOLD HEADED CASKS. Watches and Jewelry neatly rcpnircd and war ranted. Market Sqnsre, Feb. 3. IST'J.-tf. Sl'NRl'RY, Pa. 9 a " 8 e. H e v O P- " M a. o .1 k W 5 C a - o 1 . a: 1 r- r r 7 'J. a 'O an r- K r V i H - r A. I. WAI.TFItJ. MONUMENTAL SHAVING PARLOR and BATH ROOMS. HAIR DRESSED BY MACHINERY. t-T" Do nt forget the place on the East side of Thiud 8TKEKT,a few doors South of Markel,fiua bnry, Pa. Braid, fiwltchea, Carl, and all kinds of LADIES' HAIB. Work made to order either out of combings or straight hair. AH or der left at the residence of A. P. Walters, corner of 4th sL and Hhamokin avenue, will receive prompt attention. A SjecUlty in CLULDRENS HAIR. CUTTING, cither at their home or Shaving Parlor. t,.,., WALTERS. July 5, 1871. if. ' Scto'ftbf Moments'. MlillOII NTOKF.I ' " - ' CHRISTIAN NF.FF, Second Street, opposite the Court House, SUN III KY, l'A., Respectfully tnvltcs the attention of Retailers and others, thnt he lias on band, and will con stantly kp nil kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, . Consisting of Pure Bratidlem Cognlne, Cherry, Ginger, Rocbelleand Otard. Whisklcsi Pure Rve Copncr-lllstllled. Menon. ' fmltnlii. Arinln and Nectar. FURE HOLLAND GIN I Wines: Champagne Wine, Sherry, Fori end Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. K. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, And all others Llqnor which van be fonnd lu the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a Unco lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. t5s7" Orders promptly attended to, end jnWlc patronage respectfully solicited . .1 sv.rr. Sunbory, Jtily 3, ISflO. ly. Dn. C. it. Marti. ' Gko. W. Bi.oom NEW DRUG STORE, No. IS, South Third Street, Clement Hone Bailflini, Sunliury, Pa. i DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO,! HAVE lust received a fieib lot of Tnro Drugs and Patent medicines. , We have also a full assortment nf DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Ha'r. Toolh. Nnll,Clotlie,8hoe and other brushes. TOI1.KT AD FANCY AnTICI.CN. rtrit EXTRArfrH, rocurr books, Ksrvr.s. c. RFED'H GRAND DUC1LF.S8 COLOGNE, thn s'vertest perfume In America, rarlwlaii.a Kid Klote WmmIi. warranted to clean perfectly the most rt iiente shades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, i NEftAltN. THE BEST IN M AKKKT, ruri Wide nnd Liquors. f..r uiedl.ial purposes. Physicians Prescriptions r.nd family icc-ipt ! compounded with cure. Thankful for pal favors we hope by fair deal- ; ln(t o twelve, n share of your patronage. Poptemurr 11, ISTIt. O. W. KKKVr.U. C. W. IlASSLF.Tl. Fall Goods! Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing j Goods, Groceries. Oil Cloths, Glass aud Nails of every varietv, nt one low price. ' Rl Keefcr & Hassler's Store, Corner of Fourth nnd Martu'l Stvc t-, SL NUURV. PA. Ail kinds of Grain tiikcn in eeliMiiH m- as RSh. fa", ri d f -e "s. liKI.ri'8 HASSI.H1. Banbury, Oa. :i. It''.'. 1S78. " KALI, SEASON. 17S. M1I.MF.KV AM FAXCV (iOODS, now open, FALL STYLES. Trimmed HntH nnd Hounds, Pitmies, Feathers. RihhoHs, Crape Veils, Crape, Crape Hats nnd Bonnets, Bridal Hats and A full "ortinent of tho latest stvles li IIII.l.lKltY, ' TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. Gloves, Collars, Cutt's, nnd every fashlonnlile article of ladles' wear. Call nnd sec the new otyies of Gouds cl MISS L. MIISSLER, Market Square, Snnbnry, Pa. jOetober B.JStS. M'liow, Jinnnry! COME OXE I COME AI.I. I !- THE Ktibscriber linviiig erected a Blacksmith Shop, on the lot adjoining the Oil Mill, formerly OMua uy MorKati & Manser, on Fourth st.,8un bury, la prepared i. J, General IllHrknnikinv, ou the fchortcft notice, and In the -best mar.no.. Custom work promptly nltended to. HOUSE SHOEING " made a siecialty. The patronage of town and couutry l respectfully solicited. PETER WILVEIt. Sunbnry. Nov. 7. 1S73. tf. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAinL, REbPECTFL'LLY informs tlie ciiiene I. nii he hat just received his Npring aud Nammer (loeils. at hi TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, In the Mullen building, and lhe.1 he Is prepared to tnaWe.up nil Winds of UEXTM AXD BOY'N NUT. of the latest styles. Having had much experi ence In the bnslnrss ho desires the public to (rive bim a trial. Mothiui; win be made tip In tlw latest Paris and American Fashions lu the most satisfactory rnanuer. al2,'T3. CHARLES MAIHL. FA I.I. MILLIKEHYUOOnK From FROM NEW YORK. AND PHILADELPHIA, BONNETS & HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMF.D. an extensive assortment of Fancy Goods at. MIoS L. WEIoER'S MILLINERY TORE, Mahket Pthert, St'PitrRT, Pa. My stock of tprins; irood is unusually large ted variad, comprising tbs latest and most at tractive styles, sclei'te,! with care from the lead ing importing houses and adapted for the present season. Oetober 8, 187S. " MI8S I.. WE1PF.R. 2 HAA.S MASS rpilE VICTOR PEWING' MACHINE A. want reliable and em riretle Aucnts in CO., this county. The "VICTOR" is a Lock-stitch, hhut. tlo Machine, with snlf-setiing Neodie, best flulsh ed and most perfect Machine ottered. An in crease of 500 per cent, on sales of lh79 over 1S71 . For terms, c., Address, VICTOR fcEWING MACHINE C0..1itt7 Cnestnut 8t.. Philadelphia. Ta. j.t. U, 16ja. 4uio. NEW GOODS for FALL AND WINTER - -at 91 lata Kate Dlavk't), Market Bquare, Buubury, Pa. LADIE'H DREoS GOODH of every nylc and qnulilf. . ( WOOLEN GOODS of every dUerlptlon, Fancy Goods, Notions and Trimmings a specialty. TOILET 80AP8 AND PERFUMERY. The finest assort mer.t of Ladies' goods. Everybody Is Invited to mil nnd sue them and bnv cheap. Oetober Kl, IbTJ. VICK'S Floral Uald FOR 1 873. 300 Paees, 600 F.ugravluxs, and Colored Plate. Published Quarterly, 85 els. a year. Firat No. for lb'i4 Juii kkued. A Germaa edition at the earn prlee. Address, JAMFS VICK, Rochester, N. T. actlltiJiXJu V t.r.itni.n ami ThU-fl Street, adjoining Phlla. A Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, BUNBURT, PA. JllA T. "CLEMENT, IS prcpnrcd to furnish every deelpt Ion of lum ber retired by the demands of the public Having all the Intent Improved machinery for mauufavinring Lunbtr, he la nctf ready to fill or ders of all kinds of FLOORING, PIDIN'L DOORS SHUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS 'MOULDINGS. VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nod nllklndaof Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, LAftriK ASSORTMKST Or HILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Tickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptlv filled, nnd sbhijied hv Ralrnwd or othTwiso: IRA T. CLEMENT. 1 deel-0:l7 THK GKEAT KEMEDY FOlt CONSUTtlPTION which can be cured hj a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, a.9 has heen proved by the hundreds of - testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to bo the most reliablo preparation ever in troduced for the relief and euro of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in ncasori it sel dom fails to effect a speedy euro in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar'a Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is Ihe case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses tho lungs, and allays irritation, Ihus removing ilio cause of the complaint. rRKPAREl I1T BETH V. FOWLE & 60H8, Boston, Hm., And sold by Jruggist and Dealers generally. NTOVE V Tl KK TAiil.lisll n i;.v r. MARKET STREET, SCNDl'RY, PA. ALFRED KTIAUSE, Tropi i. tor. st'CCKSSOR TO SMITH A OKNTIIFU. J n A VINO purchased the above well known e, taiAi.hrnent. Mr. Krnuse would respectful ly inlorm the puwn. ,u.,t ll0 now nag on hann A largo assonmeni oi COOKING STOVES. gpeer's Cook Anil-Dust, Regwiuior or RevolvUi" Top, Combination, busuehaiina sm others" which arc so arrnnired as to be used for Coai Wood, and uro warranted to perforin satisfactori ly or no sulc. HEATERS of all kinds put up to heat one or more rooms. HKATINd bTt'VES of different kind" nt very low rrlee. Tinware ofDter) Dt'Nrrlpliun kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spout irg I With the bet material, done nt short notice. t REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil ard Latnos eonstnntlv ou hand. Jaoan ware of A.nd. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give inc a ca'.l. A. KltAtrtK. np!24-ly THK Ki. IIAItUKR SHOP 1 8 THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and lonr uub uccii , ubi iiiitii uuti iur nin ivu toh Men have jjrowu old in our patronage Rabies on their mothers' breart To houueim; boys at play Aud youths by maidens fair caressed, To stalwart men with care oppressed, Ana oia men silver Cray. And among tho honored aud i.intinc Impres- i Ions- of time, and the crash of rerolntious in j circumstances, we stand a living monumental uii'im'iiiu ui uiu iw.ucuuiiy ana wrieverHuce ap pertalolnp; to the Identity of proRrcsf Ion, plying our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, nd apirluc to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable In our humble capaci ty, nnd the sentiment of respect and approbation which the presence of superior appliance and es tablishment are always wont to Inspire. Always to please We shava with eae Cut and comb w ith tafeto tho hair j rihumpoo the bead with soothing care, I And color the w bUkcrs black or brown, To suit Hie people about the tow u. ; Then allow me politely request you to stop. And not go past nor from around our shop. '4 To get st ared on the basis of ability nor as ' some nave ffone lor onr use or tne bnilol Tor prin- . clple sacred and rlRht nor tinder tho common ; secret and Invidious guise of enmity to complex ion for the cut of a ir.au 's coal, or the color of . hi skin, ought not to attocl his usefulness nor hi qualifications. A fair chance Is ull that wn ' demand, to five the proof to all the land. " JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. , Sunbury, April S, 1873; No. til, Market st. W. D. ME LICK, Druggist and Apothecary, At the old established stand on Market Square, M'lll UY, 1'A. Keeps constantly on haud a full stock of well selected - ' DRUGS & CHEMICALS. I Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, j PERFUMERY, ; rATENT M EDICINES, OI L8, PAINTS , GLASS, PUTTY, YA1TMKII, I Y F.STl' F FS, j in fact everything usuully kept In a well con I ducted I IDJVTJG STORE. I Particular atteution paid toeoinpoundiiis Phy- ' slclans prescriptions aud family receipt bv lh Propruitor himself. i Suubury, Pa., Jane 8, 187S. BUTCHERY I BUTCHERY ! 1 Third Btreet, opposite Central HoluC. 1 bUNBL BY, PA., i KliEP constantly on hand Ihe very choicest of fresh , BEEF, Ml'TTOX AND VEAL,- which Is sold at the lowest price. Meat cau'be had at all hour during the day. u&b-ry, Pa.. Jun 8. 1H7. isctlbnrous. , cf n Aciii w k'siioV ax im litis rotSMRV. GEO. riOliriBACH & RONS, Nnnbnrr, Penn'a, INFORM the, pnhlle that they arc prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with the Intent improvements, with the aid or skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of . NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given tbeuT, In a satisfactory man ner. Cralrs lo aalt may Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build ings, of all sized. BRASS CASTINGS, .Vc. Ornamental Iron Fencing; FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further Improved, and wilt always be kept on band. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. fliinbury, May !0, 1871. F. LURCH'S CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKING ESTABLISHMENT, ; CHESTNUT ST;, SUNBTJBY, PA.: Vehicles or all Ktxns. maor to Oicdhk. Tho latest styles and the beat workmanship. ' Samples mav be seen at tht shop. Give him call. Pnnbnry, Dec. 7, 1S73. ly. (Fubmeblt Wood Hakx.) STATIOHARY P0RT1BI.E Steam Engines. n Ilel k Moil roninle'e Assortment in the .Market. T.. . I'.rTir.i" ove nlw.ivs ouuntained the very h:ght Rin.lt.nl of cxollen. Wo make the manuf.icturr of Enirinf. BvnlfM and BwMillsa Kpenulty. hve tli'lun?"t anil nuwtworaplet worki of the kind in t'.io eountry, who mactunerr speiallv a.laptM to ttis work. and on the nhorteftt notioe. We build bncinai lhii ni uic Try iowr.i pnon -i.-ti..,,. to Jline. naw Mun, uni miiu, T:icw., ottoh uu.,"! aaij all munufattarinif. Wo i now huildinn the c librntod Lane Cirtm li.r How the b.t and mint eompleta saw null over invti.rM. Wo mk - tlkMnanufivtiire of Saw Mill outflta a spMial fwturo of our businoi, aud can furuiah eIvii, un '11 ilrtit noiioo. Our aim in nlleuwi is to furnish the best ma njiincrv in the maikH, ond work alMolutely un ej tibial foi Viiiityotditirn.roonmny aud strength. B"ud fur C uvular and Friee Lut. UTfCA STEAM ENCINECO. I'TIt'A, IV. Y. I 1 " l A (iood f bailee Tor a I'ook Nfove ! . - At J. li. REED S STOVE AND T.ivwAKF. STORK, Third 8c, opposite the Central Hotel, funuu.y. AM person purchasing i;oods to the amount of 13 00 at retail price, for cash, will be entitled to u Ticket for the drawing of a first class No. 7. Cook Stove with all the fixtures, valued nt $o0, warranted to (tive sulihfactiou. ! Notice will be (riven of the place and time of : orawing through tne paper" J. B. REED. j Hunhurv, July IS, 1STS. ' . . , . EARLY FALL STYI.KS. . . A full line ot 1 Jlillluerj tiooiln I from New York and Philadelphia, now opon at ! MIK8 M. L. GOPSI.ER'S ! . . MILLI.EUV NTOKE, turned and untrimed RON NETS AND HATS, j Flowers, Ribbons, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchief, i"-niif-, .imi n rt-ii.-iiii Tirit-iv ,i j MILLINERY GOOD! iOODS selected with great care from the leading Im porting houses in New York aud Philadelphia,! at j MISS M. L. GOSSLER, Fourth Street, below the S. V, U. R. Every effort will be tnado to plcntc ll)o,-e wo I favor her with their patronage. , j Oetober S, 173.- j . A f K 1 I I P 111 i ' If K 1 , ---CMl I 7V tor. J. nlkor's ( nlitoriiiit Vine gap Ititlois mo a purely Vegetable jn-rparntion, mado cliicfly 'rora tho native liei lis found on tho lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, tbe medicinal properties of which are extracted thorcfttmi without the use of Alcohol. Tho question U almost daily asked, " What is Ihe cause of the unpnr n Me led success of Vinkuau Uittkus f Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and tho patient recov ers his health. They are tho great blood purifier nnd a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator nnd Invlgorntor of ho system. Nover before in tho his tory of the world has a niedicino been compounded possessing tho remnrkable Qualities of Yijeuar Hitters iu healing tne sick of every disease matt U heir to. Ther are a gcntlo Purgative, as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and V isceral Organs iu Jlilioas Disease. The properties f DR- Walker's Vinkoac Hitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laiaiire, Diuretic, Sedative, Connler-Irritant, budoriCe, Altera tire, and Anti Uilious. ' U. H. MCSMS.KAI.D . COM pragyUiSB iid Uvurmt Atmta. tea Frauutaco, OsliAis. lua. aud eur. WsmuuikWu sua Cusrltvu bu., Mw Xork. my all Wrwf ;Ula ikMklvra. J.. TTICA STEAM ENGINE wm WW. FAltSOltf, HON CO., - No. 228 South SECOND Street, below DOCK, Philadelphia. WILLIAM FARMSON, HF.NRT HARNEO. NELSON PUGH, W. W. CRF.AUTHERS, ' Manufacturers of First-Class FURNITURE. Prices reesouaMe. Pleaso call nnd esmtnln. WINTER NT OR F.N. RYE WrTlSKT, (4.00 a gallon, f 11.00 a dozen. YELLOW PEAL SHERRY, In large bottles, HI, 00 a dozen. GOLD PEAL BRANDY, 18.00 a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RUM, SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WINE. ' OLD PORT WINE, .CHAMPAGNES, SEGARS, AC, II. A A, C. Van Reil. Tnr, Wi Merchants, 1310 Chetnul Street. Philadelphia. Oct. 84, 1973. I torn mum r."'- "Hmf. f.: 3 i t . . mimwnuft iik iiawlir ' JJ "fciaAt Send lor Illustrated Catalogue and examine imr prices before pnrehaslnir, ns we claim i c,l lower than nnv other c? tnlilislimenl In the Cilv. REMF.MUF.R Ihe Nl'MBER, 12:16 RIDGE AVENUE, Philadelphia. THE PARKER GUN. SEND STAMP fOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S WEST MERIDEN.CT. Thia Npaoc It Keaerved for Ibe ADVEnTlSEMENT OF PAINE & McCORMICK'S HARDWARE STORE Market Nt., Hunbnry, Pa. March '-"VI, 1 S73. ly. MX1UUT 91 A It It I. E YAKU, Fourth Klrrrt below Market, SUN BURY, PENN'A. I TllHE oudorsigned has retimed from the Ver- I lnoll! Marble Quarric with 58 Tons of Marble for Gre4(tBf, fM - &C.. &C. He ha b'Jueht at snch fl cores that will allow bim lo sell better (tone, for ii'u uiuney, iiian nervioiure. ineoesi Siithei-laml Fall Marble, which is belter than Italian. Rutland is now sold ns low as the Manchester. Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Monuments, Urave-Btoncs, or other purposes, w ill hud il to their interest lo cull and examine this large slock, as belter bargains can be secur ed than buying from parlies 'huckstering' round the country. All lel.ering will be doie iu the neatest and most Improved style. W. M. DAl'GHERTY. Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1S73. FW C'AKl'KKTMt NIIOI. Tho subscriber having erected a carpenter shop ou Front ht., below Pine, (Fryllr.gs uddltion,) Is prepared to do all kinds of carpenter work. rtPAmiKn or ii rmti rb and jonniso promptly attended to on short nolle. WALNUT PICTURE FRAMES n speciality. All kinds and sizes made to order. GOOD AND CnEir. CALL AND SEX. The patronage of the citizens of Sunbury, are rrspsclfully (oliolted. C. WOODCOCK. Nov. 28, 1878. 6m. Wnutrtl. A WHOLESALE Purchasing Agent, for the NEW AMERICAN BKWlNti MACHINE, self-threading, both in the shuttle and arm, self adjustlug teusions, aclf-setting needle, positive tuko-up, can be adjusted lo sew tbechcapeM and coarsest patent lluen thread i runs light, tew f.itl i cheapest, best made, best finished, most durable. Wrilteu guarautee for three year. For Circular, terms, Ac , address, AMERICAN BEWING MACHINE CO., No. IN North Second Bt., Harrisburg, Pa. Sept. HA, 1873. 8. mo. a. PENNNYLVANIA RAIL ROAD. PHILADELPHIA ERIE R R. DIYI8ION. TVINTEU TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday. December 1st. 1873 the Trains on th Philadelphia fc Erie Rull Road Divi sion will run a follows i WESTWARD. Buffalo Ecpres leaves Philadelphia, ' Hurrlsburg, 13.5S p m 5.05 p m 9 U0 p m 3.15 a tr 8.50 a m 10.80 p ra 8.05 a m 7.30 a ra 8.40 a ra 10.05 a ra 7. at) p m 8.00 a ot 1.30 p m .'.'0 p m 7.35 p m Wllllamsport, r.mporium, at Buffalo, " arr. Erie Mull leave Philadelphia, iinrricourg, . " " " Wllliamsport, " ' Lock Haven, " " " Rennro, " an at Erie, Elmlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Hariisburg, " " . " Willlam"ii)rt, " ' arr at Lock Haven, Renovo Aceomod'p leaves llarrlshurg, H.V5 a m " ' arr. Willintnsp't.l EASTWARD. 55 p m Buffalo Express leaves Buffalo, 8.25 p m " " Emporinni, tt.OO p m " " " Williamsport, 1.10 am " " arr. at Hnrrlsburg, 4.50 a m " " " Philadelphia, UU u m Erie Maii leaves Erie, 11.30 u in " ' " Renovo, 8.40 u in " " " Lock Haven, 9.65 pm " " " Wllllamsport, 11.10 pm " " arr at H!rishurg, 8.05 a in " " Philadelphia, 8.00 am Elmlra Mall leaves Lock Haven, 7 55 a m " ' " Wllliamfport, - 9.30 am ' " arr. at Harrlsburg . 1.5opm " " Philadelphia, 6.50 p in Hurrlsburg Accotn. leaves WHIhimsp't, 0..0 p in " " arr. at H.:rrisburg, 10.50 p m " " " Philadelphia, 2.50 a m Mall Eat connects cast and Wivt. nt Erie with L. 8. A M. fc. R. W. and at Corrv und Irvineton with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West w.th east and west trains on L. S. A M. 8. R. W. and at Corry nnd Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Elmlra Mail and Buffalo Eprcs muke close connections at williamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north, nnd at Harrinburg with N. C. R. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, OcnU Bup'l. READIX: RAILROAD. iW 1 X TEtt AURAXOEMENT, MONDAY, KOV. 10th, 1S73. l 1 rsiins leave Hurrifbnrg for New York ns fol- lows i at 5..W and 8 10, a. in., and ii.OO, p. m., ! connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Rail road, und arriving at .ew York at 12.35, 3.50 i and 9.43 p. m., respectively. Returniniug : Leave New York at 9.00 a. m. I 12.50 nnd 5.30 p.m., Philadelphia nt 7.S0, 9.15 a. m., and tf.30 and 7.15p. in. ' Leave HarrUburg for Readluf, Pousvllle, ; Tamaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Btinmokiu, Al lentown and Philadelphia nt 5.30 and 8.10 a.m., i 3.00 and 4.05 p. in., topping at Lebanon and principal way stations i the 4.05 p. m., train con nccting for Philadelphia, PottsvUle and Colum bia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haveu aud Auburn, via Schnylkiil and Susquehanna Rail road leave Harrisbnrg ut 3.00 p. ni. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for AUeiitown, Easton aud New York al 7.30 nnd 10.35 a. m., and 4.00 p. m. Returning, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 13.50 aud 5.80 p. m.. and Allentcwu at 7.20 a, ra., 12.35, 2.10, 4.3i and 8.55 p. m. Way Pussengcr Train leave Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting al Kuading with train ou East Pcnnn. Railroad, returning lenves Potls villo ut4.35 p. m., stopping at ull stations. Leave Pottsville at 6.00, 8.05 and U.10 a. m., and 3.30 p. m., Herndon nt 10.00 a. vi Bhamo kinatC.OOand 11.02a. m.. Ashlaudut7.lt a. m., and 12.20 p. m., Mahunoy City al 7.53 a.m. A 12.54 p. in., Tuuiaquaat 5.15, 8.35 a. m., and 3.15 p. in., for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Hurrlsburg, &c. Leave Pottsville via Bchnylklll and Susque ' huitna Railroad at 8.05 a. m., for Harrisburg, and 12.05 p. m., for Pine grove and Tremont. t Pottsville Accommodation Trnlu leaves Potts , ville at COO a. m., passes Reading at 7.?0 a. m., , nrrivlnr al Ptttladoipbia hi 10.10 a. m. Return , ing leaves PhiiudelphU at 4.45 p. m., passes Reading al 7.15 p. in., arriving at Pottsville at J 9.00 p. m. i Poltetown Accommodation Train leave Pott! towa at G. 45 a. m., returning, leaves PUiladel- f phia (Ninth aud Green,) at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at . 7.40 a. ni,, and 0.15 p. in., for Ephratu, Litlz, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac. ; returning leave Lau- . caster ut 8.30 a. m., and 3.30 p. m., and Coluui- ' bin at 8.15 a. m., and 3.20 p. m. Perkiomen Railroad trains leave Perkiomen ! Jurction at 9. 05a.m. ,2.25,2. 55 and 0.00 p.m.; re. I turning, leuve Pennbburg al 6.00 and 7.25a. to., I 13.15 and 4.15 p. m., connecting with trains on Keauiug Kuiiroaa. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phtc nixville at 9.05a. in., 3.05aud 5.50 p. ta. return ins, ,,,ave Byer at 6.30 a. m.. 12.40 and 4.20 p. m., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdulc Railroad trains leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. ra.und 1.05, 6.20 returning leave Mount Pleasaut at 5.50 and 11.25 a. ui. and 3.00 p. ra., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridge port at 8. SO a. m. 3.32 and 5.33 p. in., returning, leave Dowuiugiowu at 8.40 a. m., 13.20 aqd 5.40 p. ra., connecting with train on Reading Rail road, Ou Sundays! leave New York at 5. 80 p.m., Philadelphia at 8.00 a. tu. und 3.15 p. iu., leave Pottsville at 8.00 a. ni., and 3.35 p. in., leave Harrisburg at 5.30 a. m. and .00 p. ni. ; leuve AllcutoHU at 8.55 p. m. leuve Riding nl 4.15, 7.40 a. in. and 10.15 p. m. for Hurrlsburg, at 7.30 a. to. fur New York, aud at 9.40 a. m. and 4.10 . m., for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School aud Excursion Tickets, to and from all poiuU, at re duced rates. Baggage cheeked throngh ; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. J. F.. WOOTTEN, Gmtrai Mup't. Readino. Pa., Nov. 10, 1873. BOOK AGENTS FOR LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE, BT TUOS. W. XXOX, 49 riPHr(vo. ISO I'iu t urrav. viugti. Relate Incident and Accident beyond the Light of Day i Startling Adventuie in ail part of tbe World Mines and Mode of Working them Caverns uud tlieir Myste:ies; liown in Ihe Depths of the bua f NUhls in Opium Den: Life in Prison t btorle of Exile ; Journeys through Bewer and Catacombs Aeeiaeui in Mines; Underworld of the Great Cities, etc. For circular and term to agents, address tbe publishers. J. B. BURR A CO, Ran ford, Coun., or Chicago, 111. AdKNTS WANTED FOB, BULLS and BEARS of NEW YORK. By Matht Ialt Smith. Nearly 600 Octavo Pages. Profusely Illustrated. Ifvou wish lo know how Fortunes are Mad and Lost i how Shrewd Men are Ruined i how Panics are Created i how Stocks are Boutrht and 8old, Read this Book. It relate the biographies of the great leading speculator of New York, with a history of Wull Street aud It operators durinir the past 200 years. For circulars and terms, address tbe publisher. We send aa Elegant German Cbromo, mount ed and ready for framinir, free to every Ageut. J. B. BURR A Co., Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. Kanint, Hoerr mud Harlem Is the valuable book wo give to all- Full of faett figures and fun, 64 pacs, 90 pictures. Mullet! for two stuwp. A dares s O. Bl.ACKIE & CO.. T46 Broadway, N. Y. N7 4w ST&: PLATFORM Silver Lustre, Highly Ornamental. A erfect protector to put umler Stove. Ack yonr dealei for it. Circular aunt free. Address BTAE PLATFORM, SO Butkman St., N. Y, N7.w AtiEN'TS wanted for tbe Centennial Gaaetteoi or the t'ulted State i Showing th gigantic re. suits of the First 100 Year uf the Republic, 4 book everybody want. Send for circular. Ad dress,, ZEIGLER k McCUr.DY.M8 Arch St. ppii-, r. nt.8w: