SUNBURY, JANUARY 10, 1874. Rail rd Tim Table. ABRITAt. AUD DKFARTl'HKor THJtlNS AT SVKirCltT. a R. W. Bonth. P. A E. R. R. Went. Elmlrn Mail, 11.15a ra i Erie Mall, 6.1a m Brie Mull, M M " Rennvo Ac. 11.10 am BnffaloKt. 9 50 " i Klmlrn Mall 4.10 pm UrrlhurgAc. 8.10 p m Buffalo Ex, T.10 tUNBUKT AUD LRWISTOW R. R. . Leave Sunbury for Lcwlstowa nt 6.85 a. ra., and 4 30 p. .n. - Arrive ut Sunbury from Lewistown at 1.3ft nod 6.55 p.m. SHAMOKttl TUVIBIOrt, H.C.R. W. I.CAVR I AKRIV" Express, ll.45 m MnM, 8.80nm Mail, 4.80 p m Express, 4.00 pm An accommodation Imln leaves Shamokln lit 7.10a m, arrivlnf il Ml. Ciirmcl nt 7 40 a m. Roturlnif, leave Mt. Carmcl at 7.00 p in, .irrlv. kiir at Bhamokln 7.80 m. PANVIIXK, IIA7.l.rTOJ A wn.KKsBAHRg r. R. Leaven Sunbury at 645 . m., Tor York. Re turn at 1.10 p. in'. Accidental Insurance Tickets cnH be had of 3. Bhlpmun, Ticket Agcnl, at the Depot. Winter Arrmiirriuriit for the Font OIHee nt Nuubury, I'm. OJtcs Opn from 6.50 a. m., to 8 p. m., txetpt on Sunday: TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAIL8. Arrives nt follows t From tlie Rant nt 5.15 n. m., 4.10 p. m., " South, 5.15 a. ra., 4.10 p. m. ' Wet, 5.15 a. m.,11.15 p. m.,i.l0p. m., " in. ,U.15.. in., 4.10 p.m. Shamokln, Mt. Carniel and points on that line, 9.25 a. in., 4.00 p. m. Mails clone as follows i For the East. 5.45 n. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m. " 8n.uli, 1J.50 a. in., 4.50 p. in. 8 p. in. Went, Id 50 a. in., 8.50 p. in., 8.00 p. m. ' North 3.50 p. m 8 p. m., Shamokln proper 11.15 p. m. Slinmokin and offices on that rontc, 4.30 p. m. Money orders will not bo issued after 6 p. in., on Saturdays. J. J. SMITH. P. M. jnshtcss locals. Tub Impkovkd Giiovek A Barer Sewing Ma iuine. These celebrated machines are oll'ered At the most reasonable rate. For part'culars apply to D. O. KUTZ, Agent, Feb.2'V73.-ly. t'pper Augusta township. Caroline Damcs, dealer In Musical Instru ments and Sewintr Machines, Market street, near Third, Sunbury, Pa. Call and examine the best Orleans, Melodetfiis, Sewing and Knitting Ma chines In the market. Always on hand the Es tey; Silver Tongue, Smith's American. Mason A Hamlin Organs. Order taken for all kinds of Pianos and Musical Instruments. Tlie Peoples' Favorite Sewing Machines ; Doinest'c and (i ro ver Baker. Persons purchaHlng machines from me will receive Instructions. Flrst-cluss Knitting Machines for sale. W. C. Roberts, ngent for B. L Rntidenbush, continues to receive all kinds of furniture at the Masonic Hall building. There is no disputing the fact that it is the cheapest and best place to purchase furniture. Every article necessary to furnish a well regulated house can be had, and thnt too at panic prices. Great bargains lately made. Don't suffer from colds constantly contracted by poor Boots and Shoes. W. W. Mil er, of the Excelsior Boot A Shoe 8tore, keeps on hand a apply which are not surpassed anywhere, for beauty and durability. They are dirt chcap.and no one need lament about wet feet by wearing those selected from his large assortment. His stock of gum shoes has not been equalled in this pan of the country. Call and see ihem. Tn fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ac, at D. A. Finney's has been the topic of con versation by the Dest Judges during the tin, may's. Tlie best hargalus are daily made at Mr. Finny'o store on Market ft reel. Ills stock has been se lected with great care, which will be noticed at once by stepping in'o hi. neat store room. His goods are all new, and every one purchasing will find the articles of the best ui well as of the lu test st vie. .. ... Hats and Caps. Samuel Faust, has Just re turned from the city with a 1 irge assortment of the latest inyW h its. His stock is rull, und the latest styles can ha b id ut his store, on "Market street at city prices. . CnAPPEn Hands, face, rough skin, pimples, ringworm, sult-i Ileum and nlber cutaneous ul fections cured, anc the skin rna l soil and smooth, by lining the Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, Hazard A Co:, New York. Be cer tain to get the Juniper Soap, as there arc many imitations made with common tar which are worthless. 4w. ocal Jffairs 5t An Offl e to rem ou second hor flouting on Market street, Sunbury, Pa. Possossiou given Immediately. Apply to HENRT I1AVPT. Tlie t. 'ON VOCATION OF WlLMAMSroRT The Convocation, embracing the clergy ol the Protes tant Episcopal Church, cauonlcally settled lu the counties of Centre, Clinton, Columbia, Lycom ing, Montour, Northumberland, Buyder, Bulll an, Tioga and Cnion, will meet at 8t. Mat thew's Church, Sunbury, ou Tuesday, Jan. 30th, 1874. The public services during Us session, will be as follows : Tuesday Evening at 1i o'clock, full choral service, conducted by the Rev. J. M. Feck, Rec tor of Christ Church, Danville, Peter Buldyjr., Esq., choir master, and about twenty rhoilsters. Sermon by the Rev. T. J. Caskey, Rector of Tri nity Chuich. YVllliamsport. -. Wednesday Morning at lOlf o'clock, morn ing prayer and sermon by the Rev. C. J. Adams, of St. Marks Church, Northumberland, after which the Holy Communion will be celebrated. Wednesday Evening at 1)i o'clock. Evening prayer, and Missionary addresses by some of tlie visiting clergy. Seats free,. Protracted meetings re now in progress in the Luther in and the M. E. Churches at this place. The Baptist congregation is nlsoholdiug a series of meetings Ft kr. On Wednesday morning the oil house at the N. C. repair shps In this place took fire, ud was entirely destroyed. Tub operators and miners have had several meetings at Shamokln and Mt. Carniel, ob Mon day -and Tuesday, at which they were almost unanimous in adopting the basis of 1873 for this year. Some of the operators have already agreed to continue mining on the 1873 busls. J. J. At ten, of the Watsontown Jiuord, '.slbe luckiest editor we know of. Every week we no tlce his thanks for sorao'hing In the eating line, 4 mr, turuips, cabbage, Ac, are enumerated ' among the articles. Beildes, John goes out among bis neighbors to get a square meal. LuVky chap is John. No wonder he is becoming portly. A Fair for the Grata Silver Cornet Band closed last week, the receipts ol which were 1874 33. A Little Dai ohtkk of John Bourne, on Wal nut street, broke through the lea on the Tuesday last. She was rescued from drowulug by Thomas Ray and Frank Pyera. Tub Court Proceedings lu tits Daily, and co pied Into this aer, were reported by oar young Mend Lewis Dewart,ho. as will be seen, show great ability In his nrst attempt. The proceed ing are full, aud very satisfactory. He will soon excell as a reporter. Aa argument Court will be held at this place ou Monday uezt. From Tit SrnaraY Daar.J Oart Proceedings. Thi-rsdat, January 8, J874. Davis when arraigned yesterday, plead not gntlty to alt three connts In the Indictment against him. The District Attorney than asked him how he would be tried, and upon his an swering "'By God and iny country," the attorney said. "May God send yon a infu deliverance." The Judge then placed a constable at each door of the court roam to prevent the Jury from leav ing, and then the Prothnnolary called each n.tme as It came nut In order. In- the whole thirty-se ven that wore called only one man had Conscien tious scruples, and his were strong, as he thought Hie civil 'law conflicted with the moral..' The Commonwealth are allowed four challenges, but they only took advantage, of three In this case while the defence challenged ten'ont of their allowance of twenty. The usual form ol questions to nil were, 'have yon formed or expressed an opinion as to- the guilt or innocence of the prisoner at the bnr t" Hav you conscientious scruple against capital punishment which would prevent yont convict ing In ense the evidence anthnrlzcd Itf 'Have yon hnd any conversation In regnrd tothlscnse.' Ac. From the answers to the last question, the ense docs not seem to have created much excite ment in the county, as none of the Jurors outside of tne coal regions have talked about it, at least not till they came tnconrt.nnd only two or three hnd farmed an opinion In regard to It. The names of the Incky Jurors, In the order they wero sworn, nm John A. Bueher, Win. Forsman, Jos. Irwin, Wm. Penal, Jos. VanDevender, 8am'l Swenk. Hiram Bloom, Jos. Permit h, Jacob Reh rer, Jos. Eyster, ITugh Call, and Fred. Berken Mna. . Dnvls Is a very young looking man. one, I should suppose, of no education and very lltt'e intelligence t and from his looks would be the Inst person yon would suppose would commit murder. His counsel, Messrs. Zulgler, Purdy, Brlce aud Kasc, who were appointed by the Court, bring to his aid long expcrlcnccnd gtent ability, whi e we have no riouht but that the counsel on tho part of the Commonwealth, Messrs. Clement und, Sober, will test the law points In the case to their lowest depths, and In the case of the Jury, if intelligence is necessary to acq nil or convict, we know from the looks of them that It will not be wanting. 1 Gen-ral Clement opened the case on the pnrt of the Commonwealth. Tho most Important witness on the part of this side wns Louisa Schoch, who saw the shooting aud held the girl's (Fietta Ernst) head when she died. Flctta ex pired in about fifteen minutes after she was shot. The doctor then I est I tied as to the direction of the shot, the extent of the wound. Ac. Mr. Kase opened the defence in a very good speech, and they then took their testimony, which all has a tendency to show that Davis Is a sim pleton, and i hat ho has attneks of insanity pe riodically. One witness said that while in Jail he chased the turkeys around trying to catch them to cat them raw, as he said. Thnt he built a lire against the stone wall in order to burn a hole in to escape, Ac. His father testified that he would be sixtcea years old the last of this month, and that he always considered his son to have a weak mind. REPORT Or THE GRAND ifRT.. To the Hon. Wm. M. Rockefeller. President Judge of the county of Northumberland, nnd Associate Judges i . Your Honors : Wc, the Grand Jury, Inquiring for the connty of Northumberland, State or Pennsylvania, respectfully report that we have attended to all lie business submitted to us; that we have acted upon thirty two hills, twenty one having been returned true uacl eleven ignor ed that we have examined all the county build- lrK. We Hint several boles along tho founda tion of the Court' House. The pavement and steps lu front of the Couit House need repairing. Borne native forest irees should be planted lu the yard on the west side of the Court House, for shading the building. The cornice on the east side of the Court House baa been injured by the fire that destroyed Friliu's building, und should be replaced with an iron cornice and properly painted. In the basement several doors of the heating chambers nre keiJl closed with boards. which the Commissioners should have fixed und repaired, so as io make them perfectly safe. The basement of the Court House Is in nice, clean, orderly condition, und Hie luruuees lu good order with the cseeptlon of the doors. We would ud- vise the Commissioners to purcb-iae hat and coat racks, arm chairs and good tables for all the Ju ry rooms, as the furniture in those rooms is not suitable for the comfort of the Jurors, and that all the old tables aud benches or unnecessary fur niture be removed. We tin J all the rooms of the different offices in the Court House in good order and condition with the exct ptiotof the Court Crier, which Is full of old trash und waste pa pers that should be removed, as they might en danger the safety of the building. We recom mend the purchase by the Commissioners of two books for the Recorder, to be marked Charter Books. One for recording charter and the other for this purpose only. We visited tho Jail, nnd find It in need of repairs, and recommend it to be attended to nt once. The matter of building a new Jail was discussed, and upnu a vote being taken, it was, ou account of the financial condi liou of the country, thought out to be advisable at the present time. We find in the Recorder's otllce a small book which has been used as a Charter Book. We recommend the transcribing of the charters in said small book into the large book to be purchased by the Commissioners. All of which is respectfully subm'tted. ' JNO. G. MARRLE, Foreman. FRIDAY. - The Da via Homicidr Caue. Mr. Sober was the first speaker last evening for the Com. and bU effort was a very good one. There It no man at the bar that uses better language than Mr. 8., and as to tautology, well, all that can be said is it does not come In under his nse of words. Mr. Purdy then spoke for the defeudaut. Ills speech was a very fine one, concise and to the point. Mr. Zelgler was the first speaker this morning. He certainly used all his ability, (which, by the by, la no small amouut io crimi nal cases, and for that matter in asy other kind) for the benefit of the prisoner at the bar. Gen. Clement closed for the Com. I hive heard him make speeches that he seemed to feel more inte rest In the subject discussed, but never one in which be put his case more clearly before the Ju ry. Io fact this is his forte, stating eloqueutly the lucts and the law. Tula ntternoou as soon as court opened, the Judge charged the Jury. The charge was very concisd aud impartial. The Ju ry came in at 5.15 this afteruoou with a written verdict of murder in the second degree, with recommendation to mercy. Fred. Burkcnblne, of Northumberland, was foremen. Tbey stood five for acquittal and alx for conviction when they first went out one man did not vote. Com. vs Henry Pelpher Rape. After quite a heated discussion between Messrs. Wolverton, nil! and Ma'lek, of the defence, aud the District Attorney, io regard to the legality of the indict ment In relation to the count in which this case was to be trlcj, the Court ordered Mr. W.'s ob jections filed and the Jury to be called, which took Just an hour. Mr. Clement elected Io go to trial on the first ?onnt nut of the seven lu the lu dictmeut, and Mr. Zeigler opened the case In be half of the Cominouwealth. Mr. Snyder, the ball of Mr. Dibner (who was convicted of embeulcmcnt.) here came inn court and delivered bUu up. The Court Ibea placed Mr. D. la the Band of the tberiS. Sattrdat. The case of Henry Pelpher created quite an excitement in Jackson township at the time It occur ted. Pelpher is a man about 50 year of age, and said to bo worth from 50 to 60,000 The girl. Isndore Seal, whom the rape was said to have been committed on, s nine year of age, nnd a mute. They wonld not allow bet to tes tify. The mnlu witness for the Commonwealth was her mother, nnd the principal idea of the defence wa to break down the character of Mr. and Mrs. Bent for truth and veracity. The charge of the Judge, a synopsis of which Twill give yon, will express the leading features of the case nnd the law, better than 1 can In my own words. TlmUfmrn of the Jury. The law of the land must be carried nut under all circumstances nnd In nil cases. We have no right to convict this man unless he Is gulltr t on the other hand, If he la guilty neither his age nor hi position iu so clcty should snve him from conviction. The Penal Code of 1800, says If any person shall hnve unlawful carnal knowledge of a wo man under the age often veirs. nkh or without her consent, such person sluill ho guilty of fclo nlous rape. There is no evidence In this carnal knowledge, there fore this part of the case cannot be" sustained. When the child Is under ten yeai of age, the law presumes that she Is not capable of giving her consent. In all case of felony where the evidence doe not show that the offcuce was com pleted, but shows thnt the defendant mndo nn attempt, the Jury may find him guilty ofthit at tempt. The mother of the girl In this case tes tide thnt on tho 11th of last July, In the after noon, she nnd her tinsband were working In a potato patrh. The little girl was with them. Pelpher came np while they ere,; there, and a little after sundown he nnd tho glr! disappeared. In about n quarter of nn hour, Mrs. Seal started home. Wher she had goue iibout half a mile she came to a low placo In tho fence, a fence corner. There she srw the girl sitting on the fence. Walked np a few steps und saw the old man near her, his hands np in front of him. Ftom this evidence you are to Judge the mini. The defendant to this hn put In a plea of not gulltv. If you have nn honest doubt, not one that is fancied to clear yon of an unpleasant verdict, but a nbtantlnl one, It must result In an acquittal. Mr. Seal said In his testimony that he and Pelpher talked the matter over the xt dny. They went river to' the place where the deed was alleged to have been committed, when Pelpher said he never would be guilty of the same offence again. Then it is shown that Mr. Beal was aftewards willing to settle. If his object in this eau was merely to make money, then the old man, if he did not commit the of fence, ought to be acquitted. A number of wit nesses have been brought to show that Mr. nnd Mrs. Scat do not sutaln a good chaiartcr In the community In which they live. On the other hand a nnmber of citizens swear that they do. Do you believe that tli character of these peo ple Is trot good, and does this evidence raise n reasoinblu doubt in your minds ns to the gui't of the person f If so you must ncqutt. If yon bo- tievc Mrs. Seal that the old man attempted a rape, then he wonld be guilty. This is not n ise In which the case controls the costs. Your plain duty is to find whether this old man U guilty or innocent. At he end of this charge a constable was worn to take charge of the Jury, and they went it. Mr. Hill then filed exception to the charge, and the court soon after adjourned. The Jury c.ime in Sunday morning with a ver ct of gul'ty of nn attempt to commit rape. Mr. Hill offered Jh V- icr ns ball In the Dinner case, for the appearance of Dihner on the first of next term. The Court ordered Mr. Hel ler sworn lis to tils roal estate, and accepted him, putting the ainonnt nt $300-. The question ofn w trial iu this case will be argued ut the argu ment court next Monday week. The following licenses were granted yesterday and to-day, although they hare not yet all beeu lifted. Henry Hiith, Mi'ton, tavern license, new stand. Peter Wirt, Lower Mahaniy, tavern license, old stand. Mieh iel Roseiiftelr :, Riverside, tavern license. new stand. A. 8. Gallagher. Kast War olinnvoklu, tn- crn license, new - John otniord. East Ward of Shamokln, tavern license, old stand. Patrick Daly, East Ward of Shamokln. whole sale liquor store, old stand. George 8. Burr, Northumberland, tavern li cense, old stand. Chas. ('. Jone, Northumberland, tavern li cense, old stand. Christina Neff, Sunbury, wholesale liquor store, old stand. II. E. Like A Bro.. Milton, wholesale linuor store, old stand. MONDAY. Sknyence op Old Man Peipiiek. The morn ing hour of the court was occupied by a few mo tions of minor Importance, the arguments of Mr. Malick for n new trial in the Pelpher oase, and Messrs. Clemeut nnd Zciglcr's argument against It. Mr. Hill closed In the afternoon in the affir mative. His Honor overruled the motion, order ed the prisoner brought Into court, und seutenced him to piy a fine of one dollar, the costs of pro- culion, which amount to over 1,000, and nn- diirgo Imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary for the space of two year and two months. Tlie defendant's counsel are having a record male with a view of getting a writ ot error to have a review by the Supreme Conn. I made- a mistake in my report of last week, which I wish to rectify. In the case of Com. vs. M. Bartholomew, I reported Mr. B. as defend ant and prosecutor, with the si-utence that be should pay the costs, as be was prosecutor alone and not defendant, and ns tho case wis felony, tlio I aw docs not permit the prosecutor to be sen tenced to pay cost. ''I'm." J. J. Avten, of the Watsontowu Jtrtord, ap" pear undisposed to bide the Imperfections of tha Democratic officials. We presume John knos whereof be speaks. In his last issue be pays hi respect to the present Register and Recorder, a follows i L'im. Shipman says ha purchased those b auks of Leiseuriiig fai below cost. That is he took part In Jake's meanness because it was cheap! Tub Commissioners ot tbit county have made the Io. lowing appointment for the present year t Clerk Peter W. Gray, of Sunbury. Attorney Wm. A. Sober, of Sunbury. Physician Dr. D. W. Shludel, of Sunbury. Janitor for Court House Jacob Cable, of Hun- bury. Mercantile Appraiser Daniel Druckemlller, of Sunbury. The uppuintefc ale nil the s.iuie u last year except the mercantile appraiser. In this ap pointment the Commissioners were uufortuuute as it i the most uupopular appointment that could have beeu made In the county. What the motive was to appoint Mr. Druckemlller we do not know, but we are satisfied that any of the other of the applicants would have been far more acceptable to both parties. A Shooting Match came off at Byerly' old stand, In Lower Mabsooy township, this county. oa Friday week In st, for a hrg' steer. There were a large number of sportsmen present, aud some good (hooting wus doue. Mr. Martlu Weaver of Berrysbur,;, Dauphin county, wu the successful marksman for th -steer, which wa e.osely contested. , ' : t'eBBcl nrdeelltK; -;r Oouisll met on Tussdsy nt- ln, Chief Rnrgsss, Bol. M .lick In the chslr. Msmh s I : smit, Msaa I. M. rsdwill.dsr, Rsnllh, Dark, c Milk. Ruhrtaoh, Irwin. lHMluger, HSusenhaeh, Diets sod. Ota, B. Csd-wsll-tdsr. Mlnu'ea of Issi mM'liig read and spnroTsd. Chlsf Buovsss iMd enmmanlcsttoa fiora Robert Am merman, Ovll E -sr err la rs.'snwes te Ujrhig out the ro d si Chss O ;Di iter's. On motion of M-.C.ks, Rmibs-1, That the work of ailing the raad al Chsa. Osrli,n ! below lbs dam, h a-ii ut ths street n.mmlss onrr. ui dsr At. action of ! Con eilj and that a strict aooonnt bskei'tof Ihsneis. O.i motion of Mr. O. B. Cadwnll td-, RuMlved, Ths the Chief Regiurr be authorised to older a I i-ge sm Hon hoae tor the 8-ssm Firs Kngln, and IVat the collec tor of taisa la hereby li atme ed to raise iy dollars tor that nrroae. Adoi led. n motion of J. M. Cadwsllsder, Ttvolred, Thst the street onnvmittee i.rocuieaa client saiosslble lbs alo: a fnf rh -mf! It,g the road In front of Chas. Ouriirge. . ted. Committee on roads and Inndlrg lu C ike's addition msde rtv.rt thnt they consider the woik done by E. O lk.s lsu entirely too bigb In rice nceordliiR to the woik dot e- Coniuimdcatlon from the Washington Btesm Fir Engli.e Company read, aaksYg au ai i roi datlon from omi.clf. O i motion it waa Unsolved, That the com ell arrro. priste (xnno to the Wi slilr g.o i H"enm FW Oomi any to beseen-ed by mor s; ge on enld eegt. e ad a, i sratns. wl'hoin Interea' t..Leo,,lyiild wben withdrawn from. ha use ui the bo.onirli 01 a Id. Adot ted. On motion of Mi, Cuke, Kcs..lved, Tii: t thcconi.cll g-ant the flood Intent Fi.e Oomp. y fl e hn .d-ed rt.d irrs,' rovided the comiiiy give s mor-gage for Ibe live bn.d ed and the fU'eei bm d'ed doll-rs j i-roi-rl ,ted a . me time, g araiul.t g I ors-ner -otwothmisn.d dnl lis, Ihe mo, ft xe ,o !., en without bile.-ist. Ad.. e.1, Bills i-reeeiited andordera gt-auted. Buiilni.y Uhis Ooniauy Lime m s tM,nn J o-ib We'eer, , 3ifl0 T'luinsa Midline a,Ml R.inuol Ovuin, i(7jv H solid polios- on the night of the fl.e, 1,7A eecir amounting to $in,7S, i., H. 8. HemMeks, O. It. Di umbelle-, Thomas Maluiie, J eoh Weiser, .terry Ve dy, lanac, Cysna Ge s.-y, Jos, It-chardson, Jo in Oiitnm' g, Wm. Hilght, Kd. Lsi.dan, Frank Mil e . Ed. O. E'a- lr. S.muol Miller, l'eler Rockefeller, J. C. Miller nnd V m. Boweii. Oeo. H. C .der for Ei'Riji Holce $2,10. Oa motlou adjourned. PETER W. OKAV, Clerk. Tin O 'on our nelirhbor of the Northumberland TYesa.we learn Ihe citizens of lhat'place find great enjoyment In mm uerad and receptions nt pri vate residence diiriint these mnnotinous times. One of these parties came off lately at the lesl deuce ofour e-tueraed friend, A. E. Rapp, which was an elcsant The chaiiictcrs, as far as we know them, were well chosen, and the com pany could not hnve been mole Select or more agreeable. The costumes worn by the different parties were first class, rich and beautiful, und wuld have done credit to many of our larirer cities. The miislu was also very select, while a bountiful supply of eleitnnt refreshments were ervc. to the truests, aud everything passed off In the best order, and most agreeable manner. Gone IIklow.--Sheriff Rothermcl, ou Monday night, took the several prisoners sentenced nt last Court, to the Eastern Penitentiary, except Mr Pelpher, who is nllowed to await the action of the Supreme Court on a writ of error sued out In his case. PmiTiMiKAl'iiT has bcc'i broughldown Io a flue point nt the Portable Gallery of Mr. Bartlelt, opposite the City Hotel. His "Photos" are tho finest ever seen in the placo. He has all the la test style cards, nnd puts them In some of the most handsome frames. He also keeps on hand I a large assortment of rlbums, nnd also musical albums. Snow fell to the depth of a few inches on'Tues- ' day night, un I n:th the extra rough roads we should ju lgo sleiirh ng would now be excel.cut for dyspeptic persons. The Qi'rr.sTioN Those eminent men, Dr. Ja. Clark. Physician to iiieen VU-to- ! ria, and Dr. Hughes Bennett, say that consnmp- ! tion can he cured. Dr. Wlstar knnw tliU w hen he discovered his now widely known Balsam of Wild Cherry, and rxperiutice'lias prov.d the cor- reel aess of bis opinion. ritiitwr-si TUWr. HKAiXAno's Mi'sirsi. Wo'ilp. The January numier of tue favotlte Musiexl Monthly l!ua ihe uleveuth an uual volume. The Miianul VYoild laoi.eof Hie oldest, aa well as one of the liesl journals l liblisord n luis e-miitiy. li la most ably edited bj 1-,-of. Karl .l,vr, assialeU by Ulntty or the lal mnsieri wrlterA-iu-Amor,, and reaeuta a much ho gir umouut ot orijrtual musirul U -ta e ttiuu any other Jmuuiil of thekii;d i.ow 1 ubltsh- ed. Besides tweuty agea of choice reading mutter, ea p ges tif good to ular mus: are given iu rvery n mis': . The ums-ci l..ue is worth many times the stib avi, " l-rire, whieh ieoiily $1,00 Muaiete.rh ers S h"3 rs, Auiutures, aud 11 intruded In the "Ii srioe a ' should c.TUinly t.ike the Miiairjl Woi Id. Aa ; the p eeent iiumlMr bettina a n;w volume, now la a ' a .ib'.e liu-e to subse.ibe. The nbliKb"' r I S eil wi cj es fsw to am m.r 8 rt'r ,n' Art" d a M. B- I M--. '-vl nd. O 1 KIr.CI.Ia XOTICKJ. ! KKItOltS OF VOl'TII. A gei'leniau who siiniied for ye-ira from Nervoua 1 li .bility. Fieuiatilie llee-y, and all the efiv's of youth ful iiul-arietiou will, for tha sake uf aufteting hil- i r.muity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and di reeliou lor miking the auuple retnvdy by wiiica ha waa oured. Hulfcieis wishing to 1 rout by the advertiser's experience can do so by addressing in perfect eoun ileuee, JOHN 11. OitfiKN, fi Cnlar Ht New York. Nov. ill, 187-ui. MERCHANTS nnd M A X I F A CT C R - '.RS will best tiir their shipments to their destination by using ISeil itlsioii'si PATLXT NllirrjXdi TKUS I kwi i o Hundred Millions nave Doeu used within the past teu years, without complaint of loss by Tug becoming d-tnclied. All F.xprcss Co's use them. Sold by Printers aud Stationers everywhere. Oct. ill, 183. 3tn. Thirty Years' F.xperlrnrt oTrtn Old Kurite. Mr WiutilOTV'N Nwothlnir Krrup la Ihr prrHfripllou oroncof the best Female Pliysiciaus und Nurses In the Lulled Staves, and bus been used for thirty year with never failing safety und success by millions of mothers and childreu, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach. relieves wind colic, regulutes the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Sunt,; Remedy iu tlie Wo'ld. In all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIAKKIKKA IN CHILDREN, whe ther it arises from Teethinr or from any other catiac. Full directions for using will accompany each hotil. None Genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS A PERKINS is on the outside wrap per. Bold by all Medicine dealers. July ia, 1S73. ly. To t'MpltliMts), To Wen of Mrtllum neaus, anuioaii wisniug llouif) wud thua Avoid liug Kruts). Bv reference to the Watsontown Itteord and Sunbury "Uuzette" will be seen u full and more explicit description of tho property I offer for sale, either In lots or by the acie. Hut what I wish to more partic'ilarly bring hcrore the pub lic Is the LIBERAL TERMS on which they are offered. 1 will SELL LOTS from IOO to SOO and Lands by the ACRE from I'JOU to 5U0, according to the location. Tekms : Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, the balance In time and amounts to suit purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with legal Interest from day of sale. I he street and alleys win be opened as fast as lots are sold, so tbal all may be approached with case. All persons who are now paying rent can have an opHrtunity of securing a home for less mo ney annually man tney arc, pus innuni.Mi WAY It: rent. Any person wishing to see the lands or lots will call on me, when every opportunity will be given them to have a fair chauceto see the supe rior udvaulage presentee to the public. In addition to (lis lands above reterred to. I now offer for sale THREE DWEZJ.INU HOU SES, situate on Water street, lu Watsontown bo roiiL'h. the one being the large und commodious Hrick Dwelling now occupied by ir.fl, all of sal.l dwellings having tbe necessary outbuildings for Immediate use. For further information call on or address J. M. FOLLMElt, Watsontown, Pa. October 81, 18TJ. 1 yr. TbC'oulealat aa Invalid. Published by a warning and for the benefit ot Young Men and other wnoauier from Nkhvim Pkiulitt, lob o? Mswiiooo, etc., supplying th mean of (elf-cure. Written by one who cure himself after undergoing considerable qnsekerv aud aent free or recuiving a post-paid dlrvcte envelop.. Sufferer are Invited to address tin author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Juus 14,'73 m Box. Ii3, Brooklyn, N, T. mi i Aim I ML A Mill 1 , TO 0rH'NITI . - . Ths advertiser, baring hoe i i e-niniis.,tly cured of that dread disease, t'oinum; "OII by a alim ly remedy, la auilnus to make known to his fellow sufferers Ibe meana of ear. To all who desire It, ha will send a on y of the prescription used, rree of charge), with the direc tions for prep aring aud using Ihe same, whlrh tbey will nd a sat Curs for Consumption, Asians, Brouehl'a, ato. Parties wishing the rn tpUou will i le ae address Rev. K. A. W I LSI IN, 1M Peuu Ht., Wilhamsbnrgh, MewToik. Nov. n, lsTI em. Children oltra look ! atntt Nick from no other cause thau having: worm In the stomach. BIIOWN'8 VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without Injury to the child, belmr .crrectly WlilTE.and from all tlie colorlnir or other Injurious Ingredients usually nsed In worm pret.ii nn Ions. CURTIS BKOWN, Proprietors. No. 215 Fulton Street. New York. Huhl by Arw77( ml ChnnMt. and uVafor in Mrrfifine al Tw knty FfVB Cents, box. July la. 1871) ly. . Tho Iloaarholtl Punucca, and Fa ml I' I.I- Imont Is the best remedy in tlie world for tlie following complaints, via. i Cnini In ihe Llmhs and St. much. Pain In the Moin.ieli Rowels, or 8ido, Rheiinialisin In all its lorn.s. Hillious Colic.Neu ralgla, Cholera, I)yeiiierv.Coids,Fi'csh Wounds, Burns, Sore Throat, 8piual Complaints, Sprains nnd Bruises, Chill and Fever. For Internal and External nse. Us operation Is not only In relieve the patient, but entirely removes the ennse of the complaint. It penetrates nnd perviult; the whole sv-teiu. re storing healthy action to all Its parts, and quick ening the blood. The llonflrholrt I'miacm 1st purely Vegetable und All Healing. Prepared bv CURTIS & BROWS, Nn. 215 Fallon Street, New Tork. For sale bv all driiugists. July la, l7o. ly. OtitrUstzacnf. CENTRAL DRUG STORE i,Ifl Q.B.CrXDVLLADER Is thi! place to buy pure and fiimh MLDIC1NES, DUL'IW, PAINTS. OILS. ULASS, I'KUFUMEUV, NOTIONS,. CTOAIUS, -TOBACCO, I.lCiTJOU for int'dirirml purpnaea. and nil other arti cles usually kept in a lirsl-cluaa Drug .Store. 'Seciitl uttciiliuu pniJ to iMitnpouiiiliiig pre scriptions; HUil fiiinily reueipta by uonipctctit iiru-giii. Sunbury, Nov. 7, 173. UKO. W. t Oltl.K, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Rki. Estvtk Aufnt. nnd Agent for the 1'iiii.a- l.AKKI.rillA Ml TI AI. I'UOTEl'TlVE 1.1VB , Insiksnce Comfast. llrriKloil, .VorthuiubnlaiKl County, 1'a. ALL CLAIMS eiitriisted In his hands will receive prompt attctiiloii. . Herndou, Aug. To. I inos. IIEPUT KATIJ IKII SK. i IS. E. Corner of Atcn and Third Slrcets.1 Oppositi: tiik Dkpot, 8 U N B U It Y, P E N N ' A . 1'omiix MrCastw, Proprirtsr. Of STEKS. Hot Coir. c, 8an.l witches. Bread & Butter, Ham, dec, served up in the best style. Passemreis leaving In the early trains will be furnished with refieshmenls, hot ruffcc, &c. The eating roiMii will be conducted on strictly teinieruiiee principles, and every cll'url made to Keei It ueiit and attractive. LADIES are invited to call. Refreshments and hot meals furrlshrd to resi dents as well as travelers. The patronage of the public la ,.rcruiiy so- "dtP"- THOS. MeGAW. cunbuiy, Dec. 19, IST3. tt. FOIl Till: HUM DAY. GREAT ATTRACTION. Toyw, CoulertloiirHv-ai ONtrrN. dc, Evcrybwly is invited to come nnd buy of tho handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIE8 at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoinittg Moore A Disaingcr's building, THIRD STREET, 8UMBIRY, PA. Just opened a fresh supply of Confcnlionuri?a of every description. TOY OF AM. HII)K constantlv on band. The best RAISINS, KIG8, CURRANTS DRIED FRUIT. rUKE kio coffp:e, tea & SPICES. fresh Bread, Bun & Cuke, every tunrulng. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS I OYSTEUS! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving up Oysters iu every style, Ladies uud Gentlemen will be accommodated with the boat bivalves in market, ut ull hoars during the day and eve.niuir. Families will he supplied at their" residence w ith the best Shell or ('mined Oysters, us is desirable, al the very lowest prices. Call nnd see my excellent assortment of good and ascertain the prices. 8. F. NEVIN. Dec. ;9, 18T3. CRUMBS Arc a modern stove-pAre better, because polish, far better than they give a liner gloss uuvotbir In existence. ui than any other polish. COMFORT Yield a brilliant silvery sheen, with less than hail the labor required when other polishes are used. CRUMBS Are a neat and cleunlynrjCao be used even in article, making uo dirt H Hike parlor without tha nor dust wben nsed. ui trouble of removing COMFORT furniture or carpet. Ha no disagreeble ulpherous or strong acid smell wben prepared for use, but are pleaxuul aud bunnies. CRUMBS Are tout aD.ii ueutstvle In each boi are 13 1 1 L 1 leUa i 1 slIrL la auffl. convenient for use tbatiwi eieul for auy stove. apy oiner pousii. luuaau waic usaiitini COMFORT Are the cheapest luilleh in the market, btcanse one box at ID cent will polish as much aurfuce us 25 cent worth of tbe old polishes. C It U M II S Have Just taken thcfyplu competition with 1st premium ut the In II H several of tbe beat of diunapolia Eposltion.WA the old stove polish ea COMFORT Bi'T Cat Mii of Cosipobt of your storekeeper, if be has them, or will procure them for you t if not, send ns oue dollar, your nans', and the tame of vour ucare.t express station, and we Aili send you tcu boxes, aud samples of Bart elf Blacking and Pearl Blueing, frc of cost. Cst sn or Comtoht can be bad of all Whole sale Grocer aud Dealers In the Coiled States, ind Retail Dealers will fliidtliuin tho most proti i ib e, from the fact that tbey arc the fastest clllug article of the kind in tlie market. H. A. BARTLETT & CO. IU North Front St., Philadelphia. US Chambers St.. New York. 13 Broad St.. Boston. Nov. 14, '?3. om.eom. " In order to make room for the magnificent stock of Spring Goods now being made to my order, the. whole remaining .stock of Gents Furnishing Goo:ls, HATd A. IN 13 CAPS, will be sold out at a reduction of from 20 to 30 per cent, at Popular Clothing Store. Corner Third and 3Jarket, Wist lias' been licfore tho American public tVER TllIU .'Y year. It haa never yet f ilcil to give perfect satisfaction, and inn just y been (.vI-.hI tho panacea for all ex ternal fioun-lt;. Cut-, Hurtis. RwclliiiTs, Sprains, ilru'Kes. &c, &o., for Jlin imd Hcat. Vn family shouM b" a Binulo ilnv Magnolia T Pure Blooming Ccir.p!e:ion. It la Purely YweUble, and Its oirat '. is r- n .1 feltstouce. ltiiK.sswaf wta Ir' eMlti.-a A;-;..-r-D, eauasd by 11 -at, l'atignu. ami l.k-it.-!i.-nu H -i s sod rsmoves stl I.Outelieaaud 1' niil- s. e.ijaiin .,j and anaihtly anou. Diiieaawti;- 'r.m, rrec' le. iim.i Huoburo, aud by Its r.-ni. but p-ve,-fui lndui-ucj mautle the ua l ct.-rx nh Y0UT1UTT. OOMANL BEAUTY. ' t atvy Ktnres. Dpot, Sold by i ni faa-k fin The IliL'best Medical Aulhorltiesof Europe say the strougesl Tonic. Puiilier aud Ieob.-tr'mnt known in the medical world is Jurnbebn It arrests decay of thai forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restoies vitior to tlie dcbil'tated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstruc tions and uct directly on tne Liver and Spleen. Price 1 a bottle. JollN . KELLOGG, 18 PI.Ul St., N. Y. J10 4W. for Three 3-eeut NImiiiim We will send Ths AcaoiiA (a 1 a ei N. V. Is-Jt'l lor a mouth., and aa lreimuin uny etie if til,- lnllouu antelea : our fiuv nhromo, 1 ni.. i boloi;r. li, I nu,- U.miiu Iii. 1 flue set sit eve l.tilton., I nne ,H,lh v 'l.-i'l'Ui. weiut at out'e toT II! AUHoltA Pl'lil. IMII Mil '.. iniieli.'M. U.I.S. GIVEN AWAY!! For ouly 35 cts., free by mall. An elegantly p'r fumed Sachel. Odor delightful, sine to please Agent Wanted. Make big pay. KLrXIIEKK Perfumer, 141 Chamber St.. N. Y. JUiA ' cAnriiHitm;" The Great Discovery for Ihe immediate relief A' cure of KlicuniatiMii, chronic and uetite. Spniius, Bruises, Pain in Cbet,Back,or Litnls. Still Joints, Straius.G land ilia r .Swell iiigsjntlaili mat ion, Nell ralgla. Bunions, Cnt.irrh, .Ve. p will not giease or stain I lie ino-t delieato fabric, which makes il a luxury In every luuii v. Try it and be con vinced of its great merit. Price. 'J 5 cents per bottle Si cents. KLLBEN HOYT, Prop'r !il3 ( reen icli KlX. Y- 4 A made wi'h our splendid Comuinstion PiiosPKCTi s. It represents Sam pie Page and Stvle of Building of Ml intensely Interesting and useful books, iliatscll iu every fuinll). Best thing ever tried by Canvassers. Agents wanted to liiuke u permanent business ou tlxse works. Send 1.!W for prospectus, the only outlit needed, cbou- territory aud com ineiiee at ome. For rated circulars and liberal teims.addrcs JollN F. POTTER .V CO., Pubs., Phiiad'a Pa. .J Si5 1 I RK I FI KS I t'l'HMt HSi Wllol tSil.E AMI RtTAU.. LADIES'. GENTLEMEN & MISSES' Fiuc Seal Siu-qm-a. Fine Aslrakhati Siicqucs, Eiuo Si-hI Turlmnw, Eiue Lynx Ss ts, Driving Glove anJ Cup. The Irceat Stock of ltuckcs in tliu City. AU ul waweu al nfl ld Iwluw ooat ul iuiuitalUn, al tha oUt-eubllahed aud reliable alorv Ol LIU IN (iEIIUKII, 825 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. S3 English Walkiug Jsckcla nmJe to order. lcl.4w. IP- without tliij Liniment. The money re fiimlnl unlosg the Liniment Is as repre sented lio sure and get the Pennine M KMC AN MUSTANG TJNIMENT. 8old l'jr all Drugict and Country S'tcr, nt 2 c . COc. anil $1 Ol per Bottle jp.'otioe !. Ri of bottle. &c. Por Conoid, I'OLu. , iiOMJSEXf:SS, AN li A LI j TI! lie ) AT DISEASES, ni:i.i.s' (AKitoi.ic taii.ets. 'IT tl'iivi.i in ii.i'i-ia.i' . A TUIED AND M KE HEMEDY. v. RSirSGjlj il T.-tTrltTofl,e-n' 1 . tf.. f I ) y. r' ir-ri''nf f-foct4 Dr. L icier '. Vt fret able UUuina(1a yron I pvnr&nuo Itu lo-ilibljwtfor Krr, kid- F. A. OSBOCUN. jio4m fbU. T"5 nT"vttt WfM C"i tt H, a"t "l astisf. aa? oas srr. 1-tns.nss.T !i.MarTtiT.n.r..Vr-sli -r- IhOsTsTf. II. I'-Ttn.Msdis.l. lT.-i.a.rarrisssn.l 0 H. Smith. rittafH.N.Y.PT..los Prs.'"'!' '.rri, 1 Mia.,-. Affiirva ahmM writ Pr.Fi'l. r.Phlla.,TTt; Bat'ry PampS)rt rosranls.sTsfls. SoPwirrlfTinlB- swabtosaa"acursMetiariaAratttr.84dbreni(siaU. k . . J .o...t.l io AolK at Y home ; tJO io 5i per week ; no capital re quired j last chance ever offered. For particu lars send st imp to M. M ITCH AM, Fetter Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w. C A n V II O It I X E " Tbe Grent discovery for the iinaiedinte relief A cure of Rheumatism, .SenrahTii; Bpi'ainslru'isc' Pains, Strains, Stiff Joints, Swellings, Intlama- Hon-.. Huiiinns, 1 atarrlt, A:c., o:e. It wlil not irrcase or stainr"ind tor the toilctt is a luxury I in every family. Thousands will and now testi I fv to its great 'merits. Trv it. Price per bottle, I J.'i cents. RFC BEN HOYT, Prop'r, 'J 3 Green wich St., N. Y. I)ucl.4w. HAIttl'I.lM isilt hy mail for toe. that retail a to, .In. 11. L. V. uLi'ii'l T, lsl t'tiailum Hiiuare, N. Drc.l,7;l. Iw. l.oetited at Willianisport, I'sv Kttablislud I'm. T4 BEST COLLEGE In the Country, lias the best Penman in Pennsylva nia. For College Paper, Specimens of Penmanship, Ac, address UYIS A OPL1NGER. l)i:cl'J.4w Williamspott, Penti'a. ?fic m !t P Si-nt hv iiihII to siivoneof lllllC U-OIllD for l'. Will cliamte any colored hail to u peiinaneiil blaik or brown and conluiiis ,,o poii.on. Trade supplied at low rate. Address, MAGIC COMU CO., Springfield, Mas. Uecly. 4w. J uriu'.' von fr, lv mail ths ew beat fP' 12 L, A'HTI't' TIUJHH' ins ai iii Pomkkov li Co., ?44 Brusdwsy, N. Y. lr Hi.". Iw. KN'l Wi IKTII'K hKY-HlNii ANDl IIKI K t'OMBlX l.l. in rinsu s-ler ..iiniilt IS. CircuUra tret. atAf l.,i.i M j- t'u tsi t'ulto'.i hi., N. V. Ita-el.. 200 ll.i.0 md ORta.lXN y-w si-.l Htx-Mtil-TUiul, if l-'iiBt-i'lh-a 14 -ken.. wCI b ul 1 ut Lower i . li a t.a ea.ti, or ou ltialaUrusula.iu city r i-olllitry, during tills FuinliClai frlNia and tna HoU-l.-., liy H'iraoe Wst.ra .ad mm, N.i. 4S 1 Hrua4ay, u.,14 evi r Isrlore uOered iu New York. Agent wsuusi M- Ine sJ ol' VVuisra' Oelel,rati-4 riauoa, Cuiet-rtu and ireliHslial ll'K:il'S. lllusiratnl Calalugoas maUed. 1 e:ll liaueenieiita to the Trade. A Isltf dlaeouut to f . - ., (' m.-1 ! .t,,.hu.l, .. twi, 4W( .: It 55i mnn from trre vvm Hcrtsila n i.-n 1'lotcft or I'll.lMlo. vra two to i i : c t. n.iiinl li,r"i Knit llbcusa !ci; Clnl un asucr, littllaw C'ur :rji.'lii-ti"i '" f'oai i;. . l tt-''-- UetA'S-WaTSiiwd toiur rotiil-xi" sv (lln"i Korea .' i-' l.'i: ill. f Hon" 'Hi tf 1 Urual fial-ol -,,lt n S.K' 1 rr nwurwi nvaiim-uv -, -. . .-.,. i i : fornl iTi.perttc It tll i' t'-i. ,i io.l"t tlie ltfsl llnpr-nrig Ct.mirU ': hir e line r,-,iar'i.l ly sty othrf i m ii- r,. u"l i , f- r' . t'y ,:tte. leniita; cove h. o 'i-- t-f i..,iii... r .1 .ilio' toat ."1-'. 'ld l ,v; ! , I ts II. V. Ilf:R('ij M. D-a Mui Mn UIpciiau-, LiuUksM. I. AK8iTi " WAJSTED. . A vmfi'ahlr and rearctalda businasa for sao or wo. Mu who lists or ew uu-ka sMsurelima and wlah la can . e.-t it iulo aiouey. t or tircuUraaddiaaa HTAB 1.A at I N A WAHF, SO hevkmau hi, N. V. 4w, l ii a fig. .f.4!9l-."'.-a, tV mm