Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 02, 1874, Image 3

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    Sunburn American
Railroad Time Tabic.
.nivAi. A!d nrr!m'iE or tiiains ATsrmirRT.
N. C. II. Y.. Son.h. P. . E. II. n. West,
almirti Mull, 11.15a in Erin Mall, fi.15 a m
le Mull, VJ.M " I Rcnnvo Ac. 11.1(1 am
lulfulo Ev. 3. 10" I Elinlru Mull 4.10pm
lurrishnnrAc. H.1U p m Dutlalo Fx, 7.10 "
StRIIlliT AM) I.ISW1STOW!) n. n.
Leave Snnhury for Lcwlstowri nt 0.85 n. m.,
nil 4.20 p. ;n.
Arrive nt Suiibury from I.cwistowu nt .:;A
Del 6.55 p. m. j
I.AVB I Aiinivn
iprcss, .4!)nin MnM, ll.UOn m
Mill 4.B0 p in Express, 4.00 p m
An accommodation train leaves Shumokln nt
Kin m, nrnvliif ul Mt. Curincl at 7 40 a in.
cluritiir. leave Mt.. Cannd ut 7.00 p lit, .iriiv
iir at Shumokin 7.30 p in.
Leaves Sim bury nt 045 a. ni., for York. He
rn nt 4.10 p. tn'.
TlMK St IIPlll l.K OVEll THE N. C. 1. V. FOll
asiiinoto Citt. SorTiiWAiin. Train leaves
inbniy at 13 55 n. m. and 11.15 n. in., arrives
Hurrl-bun: nt 5.10 a. in. nail U.10 p. m., nt
iltlinnre nt 8.50 n. tn. and 11.40 i. in., nt Wush
'tnn City at 10.;i5 a. in iiml 8.110 p. m.
Northward. Leaves Washington City at 4.48
in.. 11.35 a. m. anil o.:i3 p. in.; arrivo'nt Hal
nnre at 11.30 a. m., 12.20 p. in. anil 11.30 p. in..
Hurrlshtirg nt 1 00 p. m., 4.50 p. ni. nnd 2.55
m., nt Sunbiiry 5.15 n. in., 4.10 p. ni. and 7.10
Accidental Insurance Tickets cm be-hail of
Shipmnn, Ticket Agent, at the Depot.
luter Arrangement lor the I'owt
Olllce nt Niiubury, Ph.
let Open from C.50 a. (., to 8 p. in., except
on Sunday.
Arrives ns follows :
am the East at 5.15 n. ni., 4.10 p. m.,
" South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. in.
" West, 5.15a.m. ,11. 15p.m. ,4. lOp. m.,
" No. lh.1.50 n. in. ,11. 15 a. in., 4.H p.m.
Sliamokin, Mt. Carmel and points on
that line, 0.25 a. in., 4.00 p. m.
Malls close as follows:
r the. East, 5.45 a. in., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. tn.
" Sojdi, 10.50 a. ni., 4.50 p. tn. 8 p. m.
" Went, 10 50 a. in., 3.50 p. in., 8.00 p. m.
" Nonh 3.50 p. m., 8 p. in.,
ShamnklM proper 11.15 p. m.
Shamokiu and olllees on that route, 4.20
p. in.
ttoney orders will not be Issued nfter C p. m.,
.1. J. SMITH. P. M.
justness jl'oculs.
'he Impuuvkp (.uovei. & Uakhu Sr.iviso Ma
ne. These, celebrated machines are olfered
the most reasonable rate. For part'cnlars
ly to I). G. KCTZ, Agent,
i.22,73.-ly. Upper Augusta township.
'aiioi.inb Dai.ils, dealer In Musical Instru- i
nls and Sewing Muchines, Market street, near
rd, Suiibury, Pa. Call and examine Hie best
;ans, Melodeons, Sewing nnd Knitting Mu-
.n. I., ll.a .n.i i'l.' ..I ll',.t.. .... 1......1 tl.n X.'z,
, Silver Tongue, Smith's Amei lean. Mason iV: !
iilin Organs. Orders taken lor all kinds of
no nnd Musical Instrument, the Peoples7
r.rite Sewing Machines ; Domesl'e and dro
it Baker. Persons purchasing machines
n me will receive instructions. First-class
tting Machines for sale.
ios't suffer from colds constantly contracted
poor Boots and Shoes. V. V. Miller, of the
elslor Boot & Shoe store, keeps on hand n
ply which arc not surpassed anywhere, for
uty and durability. They arc dirt clieap.anil
me need lament about wet feet by wearing
se selected from his large, assortment. His
k of gum shoes has not be-n equalled in (hi?
t of the country. Cull and sec them.
. -.
lip. flue assortment of Dry (loods, (Jroccrlcs,
, at D. A. Finney's has been the tn ic of con
dition by the best judges during (lie holiday's.
' best bargains are daily made at Mr. Fiimy's
e on Market street. His stock has been se
ed with great care, which will be noticed nl
. by stepping itilo his neat store room. His
Is nro all new, and every one purchasing will
the articles of the best ns well as of the la
style. us Asn Cats. Samuel Faust, has Justif
ied from the city with a large; assortment of
latest eiylu hats. His stock is full, and the
t styles can bo had at his store, on Market
t at city prices.
haited Hands, face, muuli skin, pimples,
nn in, salt rheum nud other cutaneous ul
ons cured, bug (ho skin male soil nnd
olh, by using tile Juuier Tar Soap, inaile
,'aswell, Hazard V Co:, New York. Be cer
tu get the Juniper Soap, as there arc many
dtiotis made with common tar which are
(bless. 4w.
I'ociil Affairs.
N Ulllee lo real on second lloor frontiug on
set street, Suiibury, Pa. Possession given
diutely. Apply to
uanks. Mr. E. T. DriiinhelU r, proprietor of
City Hotel, extends his thanks to the boo!;
ladi'.cr company, nnd the citizens uud lire
i geuerally,who, through their extreuie exer
s, savid his property, the City Hotel, during
,ute coulhigratiop.
tal Act 1HENT. By tho caving in of ths
j of (hu Bufnside Colliery, at Shamoklu, on
'rday lasl, William Jones was Instantly l.ill
1 several others seriously injured.
he Rev. P. Malier, who for twcnty-tlvo
tb was pastor of St. Patrick's Catholic
irch, at Harris'surg, and for the past three
is lu charge of St. Patrick's Church at Nor
own, died ou Sunday Inst, of heart disease.
ockk.t Picked. Uriah Foulk, of Shainokln,
bis pockets relieved of tl7 while lu this
?e last week by a Mr. Hand of Lewisburg.
eral persons seeu Hand abstract the pocket
k, but presumed il w as done in a joke. Foulk
considering it a joke had a warrant issued,
Hand was arretted nnd brought before Es
Snyder who boui d him over for appearance
V.' Conn. It wj, a bn i Hand thai did that
'he neat looking garinci.u made by J. F.
lall'cr for the holidays, are aviiacting utlen
i everywhere. Mr. Sehatl'er bclcew tlio bust
ilitlcs of tlot h and Cassinieres, und none di.
e his ability to make up as neat a suit us
be had In any city. Call uud examine his
. SuoW. A latgo uuinbcr of persons are dnl
reuiludeil as they pass BuillclCs Poiiable
graphie Gallery, thai thera ought not lo be
delay lu gelling u true likeness. The lifo-
plcturus displayed lu case nt his gallery,
sultleleiit evidence that he is capable of coni
ng with any city establishment. The pic-
Ukeu by him are some of the finest thai
silo skill can produce. No ouo will bo dis
minted In obtaining a eood !iktnos by call
oc Mr. Bartlett opiwislte City Hotel.
V, Ma Kills His Wik. On Saluiday even,
an Irshuian named Kelly, on the road be.
en Trevortou aud Shamokiu, kicked his wife
the abdouieu until she fell. Shs was found
d in the moruing: A warrant has heu Is
; for his arrest, but be has not yel been appended.-
Ciikistmas Dat was generally observed in this
place, nnd more thnu the nsual qmt prevailed.
Everybody appeared to enjoy tho day In their
own way, nnd nllhough toino were seen on tho
streets who lind Imbibed the "(laid of detrac
tion," no broils were visible, and the police con
sidered it a dull day. Services were only held
In two churches the Episcopal (St. Matthew's
Church,) and the Reformed Church, where nblo
discourses were delivered. The interior of the
Si. Matthew's Church, was mugulllecnHy trim
med with evergreens, and appropriate mottoes.
The Reformed Church was also decorated. A
triple golhle arch of evergreens spanned the pul
pit, nnd u similar one crowd tho gallery. Tine"
Inure festodis sprung from tho centre of tlio
cciiu In dim-rent directions, and everything cv
en to the tripling of (he sentence "Glory to Ood
in I no Highest," pointed to tho Trinity. Ail tho
lilfercnt symbols weie connected, nud "Trlul'y
In Unity" was the iill-pi-evallinir jet Invisible,
motto. The name "Emanuel" hanging la gol
den tellers within (he cenlri; arch over the pulpit
in Its sigiillieatlon (Jod be with us three words
In one symbolized tile Idea of Trinity lu unity
to the fullest extent t nnd (ho three tellers I. II.
S., hanging In (ho left arch and the star, cross
nnd crown, In the right, also portrayed the same
In the nflernuon the children altncln d to the
Sunday school assembled nt the Church, and
wire presented with gifts.
In the Lutheran Church n largo Christmas
tree, loaded with gifts, presented n Que appea
rance. About six hvndred scholars and teach
ers were present on this occasion, nnd irlflswcrn
largely distributed to teachers, scholars and
friends, while (ho exercises ware of the most In
teresting character. .
Those who are acnualiilcd with the proceedings
of our Courts, arc aware or the great omount of
n I
time coiiBUined In taking down the testimony of
witnesses. On an avciage, perhaps, two thirds
of Hie time is lost In reducing the testimony to
writing, nnd then only (he answers and not (he
questions are reeoidcd. Now, when wo reflect
that the pay of the 30 jurors, and other ofllclals,
nud expense connected with tho court, amounts
to about one hundred dollars per day, or say,
ten dollars per hour for ten hours, which Includes
a long night session, we can form some idea of
tho great saving in time and money If some
means were adopted to take the testimony of
win e.-scs ns rapidly as delivered. This hat been
done for many years past In some of our cities,
by Phonography or short hand writing, and is
now practised by many of our Courts in tho In
terior of the Stale. A fair estimate we think
would snow that nt least one and a-Jialfdays,
nnd according (o others, two days per week
might be saved ill the county expenses, or from
?150 to $;00 pel week by the employment of a
competent and skillful reporlei, whose services,
wc understand, can he secured nt $5 per day or
o0 per week. It will be seen that a saving ot
only three hours, during the week, would psy
the salary of Hie reporter, and the clear gain to
county would not be less than 120 per week.
Mejides, in this oiiniate, ne have not Included
the great saving to suitors and others with their
waiting to be heaiif, nor forgetting the
,l'll' saved to lawyers, which In
would ,
"' l"
l amount lo even mure than H"
We have no doubt whatever, that jus-
tiee could bo dispensed more satisfactorily, be- i
j cause with less delay, with an annual saving of
; nt least $2'KJ0 lo the county. Uesides, the ICitl- 1
j moil y would be more correctly taken Including ,
the questions ns well ns answers, nnd whldi
1 could be referred lo olteu
: elucidated disputed point.-.
with sstvanlaL'e to i
The New Year's Address, deliveied lo (lie
subscribers of Hie .IminViiit, on Thursday last,
by our carrier, 11. C. Mar'.ln. in execution ui: l
design,! the neatest we have seen in this section
of country. The work upon it was all done by
himself, and considering that he is but nu ap
prentice of about two years in the service, prin
cipally cm culinary composition, it present', a
case, of more than ordinary workmanship. If
Harry continues as lie commenced, he will cer
tainly make a thorough printer, and the Ameii
can office, long after IST4, may look back with
pride toils former ihril. Ho returns thanks to
the liberality of the patrons of the .Inn i iVuu.
The new Presbyterian Church in Ibis place re
cently dedicated to the service of God. Is not on
ly nn elegant structure ill its exterior, but hand
somely nnd elaborately hnii-hcj inside with carv
el walnut pews, and Maiui d glass windows. Bui
what s, perhaps, more important, istlie fact that
the acoustic qualities are excellent, ns the lowest
tones of the speaker call be distinctly heard lu
any part of the audience room. The entire cost
of the church was about $:ltl,OU0 on which a debt
Of about f -'(KK) was due when linisned, but w hich
was extinguished on the evening it was dedicated.
Injiiiko. A young man named Henry Huir
of Suydertown, in attempting to jump on a mov
ing passengei train, near ihc depot, on new year's
morning, missed his foothold, und was violently
thrown against the signal light nud was serious
ly injured. Mr. Hull' was taken to the house of
Mrs. Mary A. Haupl, and Dr. Moody :i called
to attend him.
A Sluih r lull of snow on isiimlay last made
many young heart bound illi joy, lu anticipa
tion of a sleigh ride. Old Sol, however, epoiled
the sleighing by shedding too much heat nn the
Btulf, mulling it uway. lee dealers lire becoming
ncrvo"s about lining ice bouses.
A MrsiCAi. Convention will be held in Free
burg, Snyder county, commencing on Monday In
the last week of January. Singers ot neighbor
ing counties are Invited to attend.
The barn of Win. Fullmer, near Pottsgrovc In
Ch!llisiii iqile tow nship, was destroyed by lire
on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The ori
gi.i of the lire is supposed to have been (he work
of an Incendiary.
Mu. Wm. Sxiur.c, of Upper AugusU, was
arrested on Tuesday on comphiiut of II. S. Boy
er. Fish Wuidei, of Sc'.insitrove, for -violating
Ihc flsh law of this Slate. Mr. Snyder had been
catching Salmon and other fish, and brought
Hu m to market at this, place. Justice Suyccr
imposed u due of 70 and costs. We learn that
wai ranls have been Issued for other panics along
the river for violating the law.
Mr. Wm. Oossbtu, formerly of (his place, now
of Hickory, Van linreii county, Iowa, Is on a vi
sit to hi6 friends here, and places us under obli
gations for a copy of the J)e .folc Wmttru
Jlitue Journal, which paper gives the full pro
ceedings of (hu State Grange of Iowa. Mr. Ci.
veiic.rls4he Grange in that State a great success, j
H; Is highly with his western home, und
'ays il is the right place for a young farmer lo
1 1 vi. happy If he does not expect (o uinkc a living
witlnait working for il.
At a rtfular meeting of tho Farmer's and Ilor-liculinilsls-
Asrociatiou, ut Augusta Post-OHlee,
Dec. 27lh, tho tollowiug olllcer. were chosen for
ls.74 1 President, Joseph Emerlck i Vic, Presi
deal, Geo. Keher becr.iiuryi Jacob IE. Clark;
CorresKiiidiug Secretary, ftol. Maliek, Fsq.i
Treasurer, Juo 11 Snyder ; Storekeeper, Ellas
Joseph Emerick reported his expeilment wUli
Arnold's Hybrid Wheal I a model ale success.
Jacob K. Clark, from 3 pint ul While bcho
ner Onts, sown br.dcast at Hie rale of on.
bushel per acre, on well prepared soil, obtaiuvd
two bushe s of excellcut quality. The straw
grew very si roug, and stood up well. This va
riety of oats seems wall adapted lo this latitude.
Proceedings of Teachers' Inntit of c.
Pursuant to annnitncrnicut, lh nineteenth an
nual session of the Teachers' Institute of North
umberland County, convened In John't Hall, In
Shiiinnkln, December 15. 1873.
Tho exercises were opened with singing by the
Bin niuk In (lice Club, fol lowed by a I'm lion of
the Scriptures being read, and prnverbv Rev. A.
C. Clarke.
The President appointed K. T. Owon, Secretu
ry, pro. tem.
Nomination nnd election of officers being then
In order, the followlnir were nominated for Vice
President i R. T. Owen. W. II. tnur vn.
h,.i i.i... iv r. ' .. "
... .iiii miu, mm u. T . VvllllipUCII.
I W. II. tiillfcr. Ellas 8elilii.rfir oiwl tl V
I Caiiipbe.II receiving the highest number of votes
n ere iieeiaren elected.
11. T. Owen, on motion, was elected Secretary
by acelaiuation.
.T. 0. Savldirc, on motion, was elected Treasu
rer by accl .limit Ion.
Tho Secretary elect oHi-rel the following rcso
lulions which, on motion. Were adopted ns read i
Resolved, That the sessions i.r this bodv bu as
From 11 n. ni. to 1-2 n. m n...i ii' . ... .i w .
. - TH 1 I'l lllilll,', I
CVeiitmr nr.l.w. f n S .lit... ., '
..... ...... , , , ,, in,, iu uniiiiHi nt dis
cretion. Resolved, That it Is the sense of this Institute
Hint If a rupoitiT of our number be allowed to
record Hie pr-iceeiMnifs or this body, that said
proceeding be subject to the Inspection of die
Secretary, or a Committee appointed bv the
chair for Hint purpose.
Resolved, That as there are not to be nnv en
tertainment, to which any admission Tec will be
chnnrcl, that (ho registration leu wi.l be ll.cdat
60 cent", ror each and every teacher, n'.d cverv
other person wishing to purtielpato in the exer-
The Secretary chose for his nsslstanls Mr.
Stephens, of Suiibury, nnd (ico. II. Bhick, of
A rccc-ts was then granted for registration,
when 02 teachers reported from 16 districts.
The Institute being called to order, Professor
Schneider of Snnbury, made some remarks npon
fc'inryitfi'irtnani'y, rfibii-uiv. " rfogrefs or Ame
rican Independence."
U. . lainpliell moved to ann i I tho rcsolu-
l" ".' , , 0) .l"e !'' eri? '"" "'
ftniril.wl .1 .niL.tnn .mi flu. .....if...- tl... .....
was lost.
The following Committees were then appoint
ed by the chairman :
Kxrci tivr CoMMiTTP.r. Messrs. J. 8. Show
ers, J. M. Morgan, M. F. Nolan. Misses Lucy A.
Clarke, Kate M. Itrymire.
( owmittee on Resoi.i tions. S. P. Fink, Ma
ry Raup, W. E. Deibler.
The Institute then adjourned to meet nt 7pm.
Institute opened with singing by the Shainokln I
filee Club, niter which Pro!. Schneider was In-I
trodueed, who spoke at length on the subject of
"True Culture," intended more particularly for i
parents. j
The Sliamokin (ilco Club again furnished mu
sic, after which Prol. Beard, of Bhippensburg,
addressed the Institute on the same subject, in a
few well limed remarks. i
The Iiistitue adjourned to meet Tuesday morn-
lug, at I' n. in.
Tcesoay, Dec. 10th, 1 st:j.
The Institute was called tn order by the Presi
dent, at U a. lu. '
The exercises were opened by singing of 'That
Sweet Story of Old,' by thcShamokiii (ileuClub,
and reading of the thirty-seventh psalm by Mr.
Schiieldei. i
The roll was then called, minutes read approv- '
cd .
The President then appointed n critics, Mr. j
(loss, and Miss Mat'irie A. Russell. j
The subject of Penmanship was then discussed i
by Mr. Stephens, followed bv Messrs. Ross anrt
Prof. lieo. P. Beard gave his method of in
struction in Languages, preparatory so I he si in'v
of the soicnceol I nin'ii. " "'ei iiuiv I lie
iraeuer slioiiid make and uionid the chillis jail-
;.. ..... r,.,.! f.,r... II.. ..I. .Mil. I 1... I i...
,.I1M"":1I, ., ivic (cx(-book of language. The :
secret ol Hiauaulng littl
ctiililreu lie in skill Ir
fit-vising means to keep employed their energies.
The President then declared u recess of ten
The iccess being concluded, the Shomokln Glee
Club again supplied the Institute with music, af
ter which Mi-s Lima T. Parsons was introduced
who, after a lew remarks in regard lo the duties
i of u teacher, proceeded to give some, principles
! which she requested each teacher to remember
and practice.
1-t. Begin with (he senses. Never tell a chi id
nnvthing which il can discover for itself.
' yd. Require, full statements (or answers, and
: avoiil all questions that can be nii-wei'cd by yes j
or no.
! Mu- concluded by giving an tibjcet lesson, tuk- j
ing ii" her subject a key. The only ilillieiiliy un
: del which both instructor nnd scholars labored !
, evidently being an inability to reduce themselves j
! to I lie le-peetive positions of teacher nud little !
i pupils. j
i .Miss Parsons was followed by Mr. Beaid, who
continued di'.s instructions iu Language throimh j
to tin-subject of Etymology, previous to which
be claimed lie' in-n uelioo should be given with
out I be use of a lcx( tmok. He gave various mc-
tbods of instruction. Ills text In all being, "Let 1
practice accompany uud prove theory. '
I The lopie was ulloucd lo remain open for dis-
cus-lon for a few moments, alter which the In-
I Institute adjourned for dinner.
j The House was called to order by tho Presi
dent at 1:3) p. ni. After roil .all nud singing,
Mr. Ross engaged the uKcutiou of Ihc institute
by an ad li-ss on (he subject of "SittiiralncvS in
the School Room.''
He was followed by Miss Parsons, who gave a
, cla.s ili-ill in Cttlisllienic singing. Recess was
I (ben declared
After recess Mis Parsons continued ucr in
struction in Object Lessons. Mr. Schneider then
addressed (hu Institute ou the kuliject of the
Higher Mathematics. He was followed by Prof.
Board, who utrercd a plan for leaching Descrip
tive Geography. The -ciltics then reported. .
Institute t lieu adjourned to mex- nt 7 p. rn.
Institiita was then called to order, and. after
music, Mr. Eaton read an essay entitled " Aesthe
tics iu the School Room." This was followed by
t lie lcclun: of the evening, on tho subject of 'The
Coming Teacher,' by Prof. Beard.
The talk of the professor wa a clear exposi
tion nf the duties. (ualinVutious and requirements
of one who would bo i I rue teacher.
Institute (hen adjourned lo idh at l n. m.
Wednesday mori-iug.
Institute was called lo orib f by the President,
al II a. ii.. j
The exercises were opened with singing by the
Shamokiu Glee Club, and leading ot the Scrip
tures by H. T. Owen.
Mr. J. K. Uos lollowed on IheBubJeel of pen
manship, with u masterly effort.
Ha was I'oUowc I by Miss Parsons, mi the 'Mc
thod of Teaching Spelling,' which proved (o be
very Interesting aud instructive.
A recess was then declared for ill minutes.
Alter reccsd Mr. r'nik. was Introduced, who
spoke practically upon the subject of 'Etymolo
gy,' giving a clear exposition of the value and
practicability ol a knowledge of this branch,
with reference, not only to the placing of word.
In their proper position, iu conversation ami
coiiiiuunlcalioiis. but iilao lu u positive know
ledge of tin ir meaning ul the name time, with
out the. aid ol a dieliocaiy.
Miss Parsons then gave all interesting drill on
Calistheiilc Miming. '1 ho chaiiuiau tiller an
nouncing (he progiuiiimn of the alteruooii, np
priscd tliiriusiitutc of Hu) iioiniiialion and dec
lion ot the Couiiniltce ou Peiiiiaueul ( erlitli ales,
when Mr. W. II. Gilgu- oihr.d Hie tollowiug
motion ;
That all those present holding normal school
diplomas, and teachers" Stale ct nilicates, be con
sidered nominees us members of the Coinn ittce
tin Teachers Peiniaiunt Certificates, und thut
tin ir names be placed ou the blackboard.
'I ho motion wss carried.
Mr. Black was appointed towiilctlu nanus
on Hie blackboard.
Orting to sonic of the nominees reigning.
Hare was a spirited discussion ou the. lualtcr,
tin- hole, d'-libcriiilou, howcv r, without gain
ing any desired end.
Insiitulu adjourned lo un a at l1, p. in.
AVT KNOON srssloN.
intitule opened at Pj p. in., with singing by
tlit- jshamnkin Gicc Club after which the roll wa
called and absentees noted.
Thi President uhi-rwards dcelaieU u recess of
en minutes, for tho purpose nl prepnr ng ballots;
ihc leu inluulcs expiring, Hie. tellers proceeded to
collect and coiiul Ihc Votes, the result to be an
uotiuccd lit recess.
Prof. Schneider Iheu cmraged the alleution of
the Institute ou the subject of Malbt-mutic.
treating more particularly upou tho "Groulesi
Coiniiiou Divisor. Least Common Multiple, and
Fiaciious.' He was foilowod with music by the
Shauiokiu Glee Club, wheu Ml.s Parsous occu
pied the lloor on 'Inveiilivo Drawing.'
'1 he result of Ihu election ol the Committee on
Permanent CeiliUoalc was auiiuuuced as fol
lows I
Ellas f i-hiicider, Maguls Rtibsel, J. B. Savldge,
I R. T. Owen aud Carrie Bryiulro. These per sous
1 eousll'uled the Committee.
A reees wns then granted for ten minutes.
After recess Mr. John E. Ross ocenpltd the floor
on the subject of Reading, fronting espocinlly on
pcHiiltlons. Ho was followed by Prof. Bchnol
der witli n few remark. After announcing the
proginmmo for the evening the Institute adjourn
pd to meet at 7 p. m.
' i
Inslltnte opened at 7 p. m. wlih slnglngby the
Shninokln Cleo Club.
Discussion or Compulsory Education wn open
ed by Mr. Stephens, of Suiibury. followed by R.
1. Owen, when it wn closed until tho morning
session. "
After music again by tho Olco Club, the Stale
Superintendent, Dr. J. P. Wlckershain, wns In
troduced, who spoke nl length on the Common
School System t
1st. On the Design of the Common Reboot.
2d. On tho Nature of the Coir.mon Schools. I
He divided these topics Into their subdivisions, I
speaking whh enthusiasm nnd energy, holding
the iillciitiou of the niidianec a with a charm',1
so Hi it ho wa often npnlutnled with hearty i
cheers, which was a positive, assurance of the
manner In which he was received. After the Dr. :
wa sealed (he following resolution was ollered '
by R. T. Owen. ;
Resolved. That it Is the seno of lliisConven- i
(Ion of Teachers, and citizens present assembled, I
that Dr. 8. P. Wiekei sham deserves our warmest !
thanks Tor his presence, nnd His able and Inter- '
esllng nd bess. I
The resnlii.lon. was adopted unanimously.
The Institute then adjourned to meet at 9 a m. I
Thursday morning. !
Institute opened with singing by the Shnmo- i
kill Glee Club, and a mrtlon of the Hsrb.tnr... !
being rend bv Mr. 8. P. Fink. '
The roil was then called, absentees noted, and i
minutes of previous days session read and p- I
proved. !
Mr. Ross, ofSehnylklll Co.. then emrnireil the
attention of the Institute on tho subject of 'Ele
mentary Arithmetic.' which awakened oulle nn
Interest nmong Hie teachers.
I lie. (.lee Club again furnished music, nftor
Primary Heading,- nnrti'Hm-cd on 'Methods of
After recess Mr. tk-hneiuV.'..".-..
on the subject of Mathematics,' for n short timet
lie wa followed by Miss Parsons, who with n
class of It' tie boys and girls, exemplified hr me
thod of teaching 'Primary R-adinif,' by words
before teaching Hie letters. The Illustration was
n beaut'ful one, nnd fuil of Instruction.
Mr Win M. Boal, of McEwensvllle, was next
introduced, who spoke ably on the subject of
'History and Geography combined.
Tim President announced ihc programme of
the afternoon, nnd after music by the Glee Club,
Institute adjourned to meet at l's p. m.
T... j . Lin- ... i
the rie " 'lib F' "l
)r. Griswald, of Blooi.:-urg Btato Normal
School being present, he wn Introduced, nnd !
spoke fluently lu favor of County Institutes. their '
Import, success, nud beneficial results, eucour- '
uuiiik leaeiiein in mi nil nielli , mill, ie. u-.iiiiB '
i..v. vu....... .,..,,,v...u. ... ...r.i
The Cilco Club aiinlti lumisbfid music, wlicn
Dr. .f. J. of Shamokln boronirh, read nil nblo
iiipiui: iiiiiium i on .unit mib in .-i iiuiji 1iiveiuiB.
t.... I . -e a.. I 1 ni . f .
j ne essay was wen reccivea ; ii was a masicny
cliort, ewnelng practicable propositions, which
if followed out, would certainly benent (he
schools of the county. On motion of Professor
Schneider, tho essay was requested for publica
tion. So ordered.
Tl.n eiit.l.i..l ....,lt..t nfllin M.JV Wn lUCll OOCn
r.,- .o.-..' i telieit Miwiri. l-"itilf Si.hni.l.L.F !
on uisi .......... . , . ' ' " '
anil I'l. vi 1 is Hiu, loos, nil uei i , u pp-ri 11111 .
inufic, a recess f len liilnnles vn granted.
After ret ss Mis Parsons engaged the atten
tion or the Iustilutc. on 'LaiiL'tiage Lessons, 'w ith ;
practical illustinlion on the blackboard. Tho j
discussion ol" 'i1- I'o-stloii. nn Compulsory eilu- j
cation,' was opened, mid was fairly discussed by ;
Messrs. Kink and Eaton. j
The Institute (lieu adjourned to meet ut 7 p in. I
Institute opened at the appointed lime with .
music by the Sliamokin Glee Club, when Rev. S. 1
Homer of Miatnokin, engaged the attention of
the Institute on the subject of ' The Coining
School.' He spoke ably and to the point : his i
p marks were full of lnslruciioii -, practical and
radical In tlu-ir application.
The Glee Club afterward sang a beautiful ,
Qtiarlcl'c, when Dr. Griswald was introduced, ',
who spoke principally on the human brain, a ;
model of which he had In his possession.
lie afterwards read an essay by way ef expla
nation, of (be matter and faels lefoie Introduced
on tiic model of the human brain ; dwelling nl-o '
on the co nKiund properties of ni in.
After mu-ic by the filee Club, the Institute ml- i
joiiiuci to iiicel ll a. in., Friday morning.
Institute opened w ith singing by Glee Club,
after which Hie roll was called, minutes read und
The resolution of Permanent Ceitillcato Com-
inillce were read, and al(e r their reading, were,
explained by Mr. Schneider, (he chaiiuiau of'
said Committee. Mr.Millc.r of Bnnbury, then i
addressed the Institute on the subject ol 'Study,' :
causing considerable merriment because of a j
vein of humor ruiiniug through his remark", and ,
also giving some new and instructive ideas. -The :
discussion on this topic became general and was
participated In by several of the teachers. j
Mr. Boal. of Mc.M wciisvlllc followed with 1
lew rcmalks.
Miss Parsens gave another of her Interesting
nnd Instinctive lectures on "Object Teaching
niid'Dlseiplliie," until recess.
After recess the question, 'How can we best
create in our pupils n thirst Tor knowledge, and
a love for reading,' was discussed by .Messrs.
Lcnker, Schneider and other.
Mr. Campbell of Sliamokin was called to (he
Chair. Mr. W. II. Gilger olfered (ho following
resolutions :
Resolved, Thut this Institute hgree to pay
to Mr. Gublc ti for the use of his organ
during our meetings. Also, that we pay Mr.
R. T. Owen, Secretary, 10 for his services .it
his post dining Hie sessions of (he Iustitule, his
position so requiring his attention ns to deprive
him of much of the beneflt derived from the iu
striiclions given.
2d. That an order be drawn on the Treasurer
iu favor of R. T. Owen, to the amount of V3.00
tor the ubovo purposes,
On motion, adopted.
Resolved, That the retiring Treasurer bo in-
hlrneled by the Secretary to pay to his successor
iu otllce Hie amounl of funds of tho Institute in1
his hands.
On motion adopted. j
The Committee on Resolutions tbuu reported !
the following, which, on motion, were voted up
on seriatim.
1st. That the thanks of the institute are due
the Shamokiu Glee Club for (he excellent music
il discoursed during our successive sessions.
I. That the grateful acknowledgements of
this Institute are hereby tendered to Prof. Beard
and Miss Parsous. ol tlio uumoerland alley
Stule Normal School at Shipiensburg, for the
gems of Instruction and information so liberally
given in us us a body of Instructors.
3J. That II is the sruse and belief ol this Iusti
tule that tho Legislature of Hiu Statu should,
nud of right ought to, enact a law requiring eve
ry Board of School Directors iu the Common
wealth to grunt the time for Institutes to the
teachers of the respective dis.rll-ls, und requiring
said teachers to attend (ho Institute mil lo work
when there, especially If called upon by the Su
perintendent ; or should repeal Ihc present law
compelling County Superintendents to call a
meeting of County Teachers' Institute.
ttli. That it is to be regretted Ihatsome of our
teacher stand aloof from lualilule work, and
even oppose them altogether, notwithstanding
(hu evidence (hey have, of the imiiicuse amount
of good which has already resulted from them,
und the visible, signs of what benefit must and
will necessarily flow from continuance of proix-i-ly
conductou Teachers' Institutes.
.It Ii. That we highly appreciate tho Interest
manifested by the citizens of Shauiokiu, iu (heir
largo und orderly attendance upon our meetings
and in the hospitable manner with which I bey
euici'-d us while among them.
Gib. That wc fail not to appreciate the mas
terly muiini-r with which our County Superin
tendent continues lo conduct the functions of
his olhcc, and the inauifcsl improvement iu Hie
schools and scltool buildings, from year lo year,
during bis wise administration.
7th. Thai wo return our heartfelt grutltudo
aud acknowledgment to (ho Greal Presidcr over
all (he assemblies of the world, for tho unanimi
ty ol deling, und (bo harmony with which nil
our meeting were characterized, and for the
manilc.t beuctil wo have received, aud the pros
pective good that Is to result from onr having
assembled In Convention.
(signed by Committee,
Tho resolutions were all adopted but No. B, In
reference to legislative ucllon, thut one lu p.ull
culur bclug opposed by some of our teachers,
who. Instead of showing uu example to the
young teat-bars, by the iuterest they sbauld hav
takeu lu the Institute aud its workings, were di
rectly opposed to every project brought forth by
that body.
n..i ! -i.;.J ir:S9.4 i'tv';'-riv4vXi'"4
' ' a b :V'7- ihe Aririenn public
' . ' "! 1 V rear. It ban iut.t vet
. i : i . i-! Art satisfaction. h'iJ fia
ar - v' the ox-t-ie..i
:. un:j. Outs, Biiriis. Swellinir:,
Spuli..-, j.nils.s. &o &o., Iir Man and
Hessf v f--''lv sbonbl ! n nintrle iloy
Jfr. O'Kcefe offered (he following resolution!
Resolved, That the thanks of Hie Institute are
hereby tendered to the School Director of the
several districts for granting the time to teach
ers to attend Institute.
. On motion, adopted.
AISO, IU IhUV. O. lUIIIUI, Ul,' tw.' .....
encouraging, address on the 'Coming School,'
and to Dr. P, 8. Grlswold Principal of the Slate
Norinnl School nl Bloonisburg, for his elaborate
lecture on the 'Connection between the Brain nnd
Body," or the 'Union of Mental Mild Physical
Alter the resolutions were nil passed, and the
Glee Cub sung Hint beautiful piece, 'Home,
Sweet Home,' the Institute adjourned sfiM flic.
R. T. OWEN, Sccretnrv.
SiiAeos Stephen I
Gl-I). II. Bl.ACK,
I N. B. If any Director desire to know the lit
ii mil enmni
tendance of their teachers at Institute, they can
he Informed by applying to the Secretary.
Jor,,.in J Hrouk, hlumoklll. twp.
ruillesqiciniie. A. Iiingimnii, Uw vuhmio j
, Lower Aukus. (', Maui., itnid.
.1. T. iover,
Miller, puiut. II. llutkuimtr, frhiUiwiua,
. I U 1
"".in-", ismvit
i, i...i u.i.
1.. (tHi'i'lmll. Cimnf rim,
1. H.'r, Iiower Angus M. o'ltraiiin, Mt. ('iirmTl tji
, A. Hfl, UO A. Ii.HtKeniUltf, i'tlllillMjUH,
I .liic.)b MilvliiH, I'pv" AHrf ii .1. M'lij m:iii, Lkwht AiikubIu
; F. H Untr( .1onli:n. O. MiMii OI. Sti.itutikiii
I J. Lyoti, Htiubury, W Y. J. fKykle, Hnntnir e w.
WililcriliNf), rti;!,
.1. It. Atbinm.Khaim.kin w w
l. nlini'fll, Jackson.
'' w'ViiU''r' 'td-cr AiiKiishi
H. t-atlt, f 'hiliisqilaqlie,
A, tlojiKer, Ijower Aiiffiistu,
J. Ibiui't, Slioiiidkiii, w w.
V.. IV-itfcehsck, lVl iwarc.
.1. Usely, miiibilry, K IV.
J. V iiiiilerveinler, Norlhn'd
.1. Freiltiek. Nortliuiiibcrl'tt
.1. Campbell, Htianinkin twp
.1. A. Alleker, (lo w w
W. lb-iiu, do w w
.1. (i.iiiiiuh, Northumborl'il
W. fhuiser, liwpr Augusta
I. A. Hucner, Sllubmy w vr
.1. Kliij e t'pj er lut'ilsln.
S. J-just, Xniilairy w w.
P. li.m lit, falneriui.
A. lli-ist. Pi.iier Mill-
.1. H nulsuutnw,,
Vf, laootl, I'dll't.
i. !.-ipln, Jitcks'in.
('. Berkciibice, NiirllimiiM.
W. Pelisyl, Hliumiikill twp
Mir-oil, Twr Au.
.1. l'.n-lleln, Slliilnokin t-
f '. Newbury, Point.
K. miller. Sit. ramie! twp.
K, Mwaiik, Khamokin two.
M. Itwsl, Malunio).
W, Foley, l
J. Adions, Situmokiu twp.
.1. Vsteller, Turhiit.
K. Weist, Mt. f'aina-l lloro.
fl. burns, Wniitsolilown.
J. Irwin, WatHoittowii,
A, M.irtin, Mt. I'armel twp.
(.cider. JiiekS'iu
i. Welsh. I 'e;il,
W. Ktirseiniiii.f.'liilhsqinqiie .1. Kt-hrer, Kli.:mekla w w,
1 l i-iuitiiuii. .Ionian. . w . Amiuci mini, oo lp.
.1. hi. Id, WiishtiiKbm. M. Wioll. d" K W.
I.itt of CiiuMeM Tor Aljuriiol Court.
IOf-nilor 21tii, IHT.'t.
I. J. W. Frillng and Son, vs
II. F. Maligns,
Administrator o( Samuel Steblev.
J. Smith and Gciilher, vs II. F.
Manga. A-l-
uiliist rotor of S. Stehley.
:;. Samuel MeDaiiiclj vs l'enu'a R. K. oin
pany, lessees of P. iv. E. R. R. Co.
4. Levi Seasholtz, vs H. F. Mangas, Adminis
trator of isaninel Mehlcv.
fl. W. P. Witlilngton H-c, vs Michael Flnchcr-
0. J. B. Sehoolcy, Vb Henry Haupt.
7; Lanriis ll.isiian, vs II. K. Mangas, Adminis
trator of Samuel Slehley.
M. Win. II. llariranli, vs School liirc tois of
Delaware two.
It. John II. Courad. vs George Miller.
10. John H. Conrad, vs George Miller. I
11. John Barlholoincw. sr vs J. II. McCor-
Benjamin Williams, v J. II. MeConnick. I
George Bower, vs J. II. McCormiek.
James I). Gehrig, vs Lenar.1 L. Uidclmnu. j
Eva Schlichty, vs Aiilhony Hummel. '
James 11. Homes, vs Win. II Marshall. i
J. Sanders it M. Sanders partners c, vs I
Frederick aud Krebs. j
1H. Jacob E. Stricklcr, vs John VNeisl.
lu Daniel II. Maitrer, v Henry T. Bowman.
'10. George Miller, t John . ttnvder.
'.'1. .1. M. Frey for (he use of D. W. Smith, vs
J. C. Morgan aud Geo. Treon.
Hi. State Bank, vs Abraham Kissinger,
til). John W. Snook, v Henry Skull.
34. T. L. Fryinire and Co.vs John J. Wike.
35. E. K. Miller who sues lor himself nnd Sha
mokiu twp, vs Hugh II. Teals.
3d. A. G. Marr, vs Joualhan Hoover.
37. Ross, Shott & Co, vs J. E. Smith A Co.
3S. J. W. Davis, vs J. P. Beard & James Beard
3'.. Charles Koch, vs J. II. McCorinii k.
3li. Andrew Ford, vs Amanaus ivuiz.
To HpitallMtM. To Men of Medium
yioaiiH, ami lo all Wialiiuff
lltiuiesand IIiuh Avoid
fujiiig IteulM.
By reference lo the Watsontown Itteonl nnd
Sunbuiy "Ga.ctle" will be secu u full aud more
explicit description of the properly 1 otli-r lor
sale, either In lots or by tho acre. But what 1
wish to more particularly bring before the pub
lic Is the LIBERAL TERMS on which they are
"l wlVl SELL LOTS from SlOO to 8500 and
Lands by tho ACRE from M00 to 50(1, according
lotbo location.
Tbhvs i- Ten per cent, or the purcnase money
down, the balnuce 111 time and amounts lo suit
purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with
legal Interest rroui day ol sale.
The streets and alleys will be opened ns rust as
lots are sold, so thai nil may be approached, with
All persons who are now paying rent can have
nu opportunity of securing a home for less mo
ney Hiinuully'llian they are now THROWING
i WAY ir. rent.
Any person wishing to see the hinds or lols
will call on me, wheu every opporluuuy will lie
given them lo have a fair chance to see. the supe
rior udvuutuKi-s presented lo tho public.
In addition to tne (anus uoove rea ricn
now oiler for sale TI1KKK 1)H i-...i.i.u iiww
SES, siiuale on Water streel, iu Walsoutown bo
rough, the one being iue large una ..ui...,..
Hi-b it liwcllliic now occluded by mc, nil ot sum
dwellings having the noei-s-nry outbuildin
Immediate use.
Tor further nforiuallon can on or auun-s.
Waisoiiloivii, Pa.
Oelobcr Bl, IVo!. 1 yi. ....'..
The d'onlV kMiou ol wn luvulid.
Published by a warning and for the benelit of (
Young Mon and others wbosuder froin Nkiivoi s
Deuilitv, loss of Manhooii, etc., supplying the
means of suir-curo. Written by one who cured
himself utter uudergolng cousulerublo quuekery.
....a m....i ir... m nwu-ivinir a iol-raid illrectca
envelop. Siillerers are Invited lo address tho
June 14,73 0n Box l.VJ, llruoklyu, N. 1 .
Th advertiser, having loin .iu.snenll cured of
lUsI avr-ul disease, l'ou.uin)iiioii, by a simply reniwiy,
la aunoii. to mak kuow.i lo his I.-II. 'i0-l';r"
Ji,, ,, f uri.. I o all who dir il, he will "-I'd !
onu:prUt,Hiu u-d. (free of ohurg,,, "i'Jf'1'"
,Um. lor iirerlna and lunik- lh "'""''t'T,,'"
dud s auns l ure lor iHiiiauniWieu, Asthma, bromlul,
Partlss wiidilag he preacrlplU-uwiil pl. sdUrss.
1U. ISilin tt.. Willllll. Nw oi.
' Hot. at, I8la--ui.
.... ' " -j'- i4 .ii. -"ir- - .
v.-M.m K, Linlmcn'. The money re-
1 n.. i nlojg tho Liniment Is ft repre-
! "d pet the Pennine
by u'.l DruggiBls and Country Storm, at
2 c . COc. and $1 00 per Bottlo. otioe
vis, sia of bottle. Ac.
A geiitlemnn who suffered for years from Nervous
IMullty, Prvnialuir ly, mid all ll peffi-e's of yon.h
ful inibsei-"linn will, (, the snke i.f urtcriiiR hu
niHUily. scad Insi to nil wbo need il, the reei s mid ill-m-iifni
for nniKiiiR Ihc slnii. remedy bv which lie wu
cured, bulTnem wWiina t.iAroU by the (lvrtilMr
JUll.N u. I.,I1,., 4'ireilnr
HI,, New Vorl.
NOV. H, 1S7: Hill,
il fk amercha:
fl lllKRS will h
U m ,oll"il'
best inmre their shipments
siinniion ny using
r niiipi'im; tags !
liver I wo Hundred Millions have been used
within the past ten year, without complaint ot
loss by Tag becoming detached. All Express
Co" use them. Sold by Printers and Stationers
i everywhere.
I Ocl. ill, 1H73 0m.
Children ottrn look I'nlc nnd Kirk
from no other cause than having worms In
will destroy Worms without injury to Hit child,
being perfectly WllITE.and from all the coloring
or other Injurious Ingredient usually used In
worm preparation.
CL'RTIS & BROWN, Proprietors,
No. i!l5 Fallon Street, New York.
I Sold by Dmnflirtt anil ChemM; ami dealt In
; Mrtlirinc at Twenty-Five Cents a box.
.Inly 13, 173. ly.
Thirty Years' Dxperlence ofau Old
X ii rse.
Jlra U iuNlow'ii NootliiiiK Nyrup in
the rf-rlHoii of one of the best Female
il,y.i. ;.iiis and Nurses In the L'nlted States, nud
fins been used Tor thirty years with never failing
safety and success by millions of mothers nnd
children, from the feeble infant of one week old
to the aduK. Ji corrects acidity of the stomach,
relieves wind colic, regulates (he bowels, aud
gives rcs(, health nud comfort to mother and
child. We believe It to be the Best and Surest
I Remedy In the Wot Id. iu nil cases of DYSKN
ther It arises from Teething or from any other
I cause. Full directions for using will accompany
j each hot He. None Genuine unless the fac-simile
, oI CCRTIm A: PEKKIvs is on the outside wrap
per. Sold bv all Medicine dealers.
July 13, IWo. ly.
I'lic lloiiHlioId I'aiiaeoH,
I'aiiilly l.tnliiifut
Is Ihc bct remedy In the world for (he following
complaints, viz. : ( ramps in Hie Limbs and Slo
maeti. I'ain in the Stomach. Bowels, or Side,
lib, iiin.iiisiu in all it. I'oi'iii, Billions Colic, Neu
ralgia, holcru, Dysentery, Colds. Fresh Wounds,
Burns, Sure Throat, Spinal Complaints, sprains
uud Bruises. Chill and Fever. For Internal und
EMernal Use.
lis operation is not only to relieve the patient,
but entirely removes the cause of the complaint,
it pciiet rales and ?i vades (he whole system, re
sioiin:: healthy action to all its parts, and quick
ening I he blood.
Tlio HoiiMt'liold I'anuroa 1st purely
Vegetable ali i All Healing.
Prepared bv
No. 315 Fulton Street. New York.
Tor sale bv all druggi-ts.
duly 13, 1S7-J. ly.'
tin the lath hist., by the Rev. D. A. L. Laver
ty, Davih Pkti-.iis and Miss MahV M. Wii.vebt,
both of Matauioras. Pa.
On Saturday evening the BSih inst., ntthc Re
formed parsonage, by the Rev. C. 8. (Jerhard,
Mr. Wm. Mackeht, of Suiibury, to Miss
HETH J. Gass, of Lower Augusta.
ill Jncksou township Mrs. SUSAN FERTF.N
BACH, aged about 4.1 years.
of Trimmed Huts and Bonnets,
Plumes, Feathers, Ribbons, ('rape
Veils, Crape, Crupu Hats slid Uon-
I s- - nets, Biidal Hals and llonnets,
and a lull assortment of the latest styles in
M I Ii I. I X K M Y
Miss M. I.. GOSSI.EIi'S,
Fourth St., Iwlow the S. V. R. R.
Every effort will lie made to please (hose who
favor her with their pairontigc.
tsiinlmry, Nov. 7, 173.
: v
On 50 Cent for Dotih.
Il V
i it '
iia .
ATOTirr. I. bercbv iflven that an clectiou of
lN uianaiters of tho Aecommodatlou Saving
Fuudniid Louh Aaaoelallou. will lake, plana oo
Saturday, the SJTl li day of December, 1873, at V-i
o'clock p. ui., lu (he room of Clement 'e bulldlug,
Third St., Ituubury, la.
SAM'L FAC8T, Bar., Pre sd'.
Jcb S4iiii,r3e,Vy.
Bimbiiry, Dec. ...
i j .-. .. . - I. . . .' . . '
Tl-.. 1 . V ' ' ' . I 1 . .,''.'
f.. "I . Vs-.l. (. ' "-. J
i - " r.? .'X: tL
' .:'Oiiv-H..,n..t,a.,s,
" ... , . . . .i i I"
svusamui i ' ". , .
finol I1 i i - '
(Country M...- ' ...'
If';'-:: -.-'.rtlair.
. a cs) IT w ISJ Y K If
A pmfllable and tcrlabl tr
m'" have or can mke! aM wfah ta
iiT'J .'ll'S for circulars addrei BTAR iS?"
N A W AUK, 80 lleskraan Rl N. V "TA MMI-
. " - 4w.
J-1. . ri
ine Air. hitler's Venn .hi.'ii t " c""'".
FtlU.,40. A nuclei ahonid irrlu hr. Fit iVrTrV
1-ttlla. ,o. AHIIctl ahildwri.r.Fiia...""511,,.'r.'!
atorjr Pamphlrt A (ruaranl.Tatl WP.w.TJi.?!.
cures all Ilnmorw from the worst Rerotala to
?iv'; I,lo,' "" Pimple. From two u
il.J;. " "J .wnrrnnted incur Halt linear
i.n..eV r' lmr:10" nn Bollsirsr.
linni-lcM, Lrslprla and Liver torn
Pliilnt. FU to twelve Inlllca. warranted to cur
(hn iM rit siprornloua Swclllns:s and Korea
I'alns In Honrs and (sore 1 Croat esuscd
byi'nlaoii in Ulool nr mercurial treatneet,
i,,Ti!l1 "n''"rful I i. (lore. I pmpertles It will
in. ill mo nnd Is H.necUy snfe. loosenhlaeeiyilf
fooih iintr Inilntion, N relieving sore"o? 6,ut
by nil T)-nc--latfc ii. v. Iiri-i" ii ri
World'. W.poiiaVnLiul "
WANTED. Mcu nnd Women to work at
llOHIC ! f'J'l lo !i(l m-r tr..,.lr . nn a
quired ; best chance ever nffcrcd. For particu
lars send stamp to ..I. MITCH AM, Fetter Luuo.
Philadelphia, Pa. 4W.
" (! A M I' H O II I N E "
Xtl-firt'"t discovery for the Immediate relief
cure of Rhttiiinulisin, Nuuruluie, Spraius, Bruises
rams, i rams, euii joints, hwcIIIiiifs, Inflama
tions, Hiinious, Catarrh, Ac., Ac. It will not
irreitse or stain, und for the tollett is a luxury
iu every fumlly. Thousands win and now testi
ly lo its great merits. Try It. Price per bottle,
ss cents. KfcfBEN UOYT. Proo'r. 3)3 Grecn-
wich St., N. V. Decl9.4 w.
r3A.HTjl-2H sent by maU for 80e. that retail
lilies for 1U. tl. U WOMJOTT, 181 Cluthaio fiqaare, N.
.'ia. iw.
The Hlirhest Medical Authorities of Europe sav
the stronircpt Tonic, Purlller nnd Dcobstruent
known In the medical world is
T n i" n T " n
It arrests decay or vital forces, exhaust ioiof the
nervous sysiem, restores viiror to Ihe deblPtated.
cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstruc
tions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen.
Price 1 a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18
Piatt St., N. V. Decl9.4w.
I.opnlcil Hi M illlamisport, r.
KttabUthet 18(10. The BEST COLLEGE in the
Country. Has the best Penman in Pennsylva
nia. For College Paper, Specimens of Penmanship,
DccltMw William s port, Penn'a.
Vf fflnnie (TnmPi by mall to anyoneof
CIIC JlinjllC VLOUIl) ror tl. Will change any
colored hair to a permanent black or brown and
contains no poison. Trade supplied at low rates.
Address, MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield, Mass.
Deel9. 4w.
(1 llriiiRS ynu free by mail 'he verv liest
"Pi) ' 11 L. A H T I C T H U H H I
Wrile al mice lo 1-oukhot Co., Hi Broadway, JrV.
ln-c. p.i, 4w.
EI. lierniHli Silver auiuple IX. C'irulllars free. Btaf.
fniil M'jk Co., Gli Kulliiu St., N. V. lx-cl.4w.
New mid Keoulid-llaud, of First-Cless Mjlo-rs, will be
sold si 1.owit iriccs for casb. or ou I ustullmeula.ln city
or country, durii.a Ibis t'liiHllclal CriHiH and die Holi
days, by tlomce Walcrs aud Hull, No. 4s 1 Broadway,
tbuu ecr befnre otr.'i-cd iu N-w York. AKuta wanted
for tue sale of Waters' f Viebrutetl 1-iunos, fNnicerto and
llrclii-Hlri.1 Oraaltu. llluatruted Cataloffilt-s mailed.
Great Inducements lo Ibe Trude. A lartfe tlistsiunl to
MuiialciH, Cbarcai-a, HaiKlsy-Hchools, etc. lcclti.4w.
IIHSI IT RN I Flit"! 8-J.1
Wholesale am Ketai'l.
Finu Sual 8ncqi(C9,
1- ((ia Astrakhan Sacques,
Finn Sctil Turbiins,
Fine Lynx S.-18,
lrivino Gloves and Caps.
TIiu Lnrgcst Stock of Hockca in tho City.
All ol mnrb are olTcrtsl tielow coat of imnortation. at
the olil-es. jbbsbed and reliable sloit; of
I. t I IN ii K It B E It ,
Enolish Walking Jackets made to order.
ll Ul.4.
For Three 3-eent KlMiupn We will send
l UK atroha (a aire ot Y. ltliz) for a moiubs.
and as iremnnn any one of (be following articles : O.s
nut- curollio. 1 nne I'lloU'tfracU. i uu lsaoill i.iu. l sua
act sleeve bullous, 1 tiiie colljr biltlon. Hentt at ones
lo THE Al'llUKAPl ULIHHINUf'O., Hirll.b'fleld, Muaa.
fine iuu jtim ltied S'JO in 4 days, aellini Ibe l.'nmplets
linieaiic mnie, juai out. ew lyi.eauaiiiEenreatureii.
sun Kufriivni, aurior pa)H-r. t'.xiila eve:y way suit
sells quick. Hal tenua to Agents. Out lit free. For full
isirticulurn, a.lilrean, HC1014UU DUlin., rut a., va
bausoui bl I'bilaiii'b.Um. IocltlU.
lftSYrilOMANi'V. or Hull CHAKMlNlV How
X either H'i nmy fcimiti uj khiu the lov antl
fTtiiuus of any j mou tlu-y eliOtsiwi inatMtilly. Tbti
uu 1 )e metital aiMimrt'diaDt all inu (itnMiM,fiv,tiy luail,
fnr ibc, tuKHhtr witb a imtrrmK KUide, ryjttiau Orm
vr, UriMiun, Hint to Jjiuheii, Vdiliiik'-NiKlit Mhirta, tie.
A tuHT tMok. Aaurt-stn 4. w ilo-i am to. run, euuM.
Ik-o. 6.7a. 4w.
rani irrnwnawn
A Imm SjMift. full aff aral Ultl
. .n . ..rt .. f Inf. irrT.Klu.n A fnm two "
AiUna ldaKCa,tabiaiaAfsKswTk.
liv iv w. iil.tAHllN. 11. P. A maauittceul volutija
atuiiudiuK iu iiunirtant lufomialkiu, aud elestantly U-
luairuuHl. flue Agent 100a iw wruem iu n. -
Piles and ti.nna (o suit tHrtlaiM. or circular saaraai
H. N. M. KINSKY k Co.. IS S. 1th Ht., Pbila. lai-.S.4w
i-Ml'llT pniU'l.sHlTIO'll Notlea
Is hereby given Ihut the several Courts of Com
mon Pleas, General tjuarter Sessions of the Peace,
and Orphans court, luun oi uyer ana terminer
and General Jail Delivery, in aud for the connly
of Northumberland, will commence at the Court
House, lu the tiorougu oi oiiuoiiry, ai eiwa.
A. M .. on MONDAY. JANUARY the 5tU, 174,
and will continue two weeks.
The Coroner, Justices or tne reace ana ixrosia
bles in uud for Ihe county pf Northumberland ar
requested to be then and there lu their proper
persons, with their rolls, records, Inquisitions,
aud other remembrances, to do those thlugs to
their several officii appertaining lo be done. And
all witnesses prosecuting in behalf ol the Com
inouweallh against auy piisoper, are requested t
and counuauded to be then and there allendiug
lu their proper pcrsous to prosecute against him
as shall be Just and not to depart without ltxtvo
si their iieril. Jurors are requested to be punc
tual In tlKir attendance, at the tlma appoiuted,
agreeably to their notices.
Given under my baud at Suubury, (lie 5th dy
ol December, Iu the year ol our Lord one Ihou
sand eight hundred and seventy-three.
. tj. m II p U 1." I- f
j I M II t ur iiisv -
Reil Estat Aokst, and Ageut for the Puii-a-
Ulltl.rHIl Ml'TCAi. VHOTUrTIVB law
llertlUttU, A'ortlHHubtrlumi ViMuly,
ALL CLAIMS eutrusted iu bis bauds will reeelv
proiupt attention.
lUmdoo, Aug. M. TH. nios.