Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 02, 1874, Image 2

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    B. NASSER,
Wa have secured the consent of Mr.
Locke, better known ns "J?ci. Petroleum
V. 2fasby," to give us a weekly letter from
New York for the ensuing yenr. His let
ters will combine information with humor
and gossip In such a manner as to make it
an attractive fenture for the renders of the
American. Our readers who are acquaint
ed with Mr. Locke' writiugs, will no
doubt appreciate our efforts in securing him
as a contrlbutar to the American. We
are determined to mako the American
one of the most attractive family news
papers in this part of tho State, by
securing the service of some of our best
writers. We hope therefore, that all who
appreciate our improvements, will use
their influence among thoir friends and
send in, thoir subscriptions. "Wo also
advise subscribers to file their papers, that
at the end of the year they may have a dal
ly history of events transpiring during tho
Tub Strikers. In consequence of the
reduction of ten per cent ou wages, sala
ries, &c, of employees on the different
railroads, there appears to bo a general
strika of engineers on all roads controlled
by the Pennsylvania Central weBt of Pitts
burg, who entertain tho idea that they
will be supported by tho engineers on the
eastern lines of their roads. During the
strike the past week several ads of violence
have been committed, such as interfering
with the running of iraius, ruinplacing
switches, throwing traius off tho track, and
generally putting the lives of passengers
in jeopardy. Notice has also been given
of a reduction of wages along the eastern
lines of the Central road to take effect on
tho 1st of January. The employees at this
place were notified ou Monday last, but as
tat as we can learn tho employees aie wil
ling to submit provided an increase is guar
anteed when the spring trade opens. The
Pennsylvania company does not anticipate
such a result as a strike,but if it should oc
their'tvtH.appear to entertain no doubt of
take the place of tmre.compctoni men to
We have never seen much goi.
ing from strikes, as tho employees gener
ally become the losers at the end. In the
present instance wo notice that the rcduc-
' tion is general, and effects the salaries of
officers as well as the wages of the employes.
In case any should contemplate a strike
they should consider well tho result that
is likely to accruo. At this time there aie
large numbers of persons out of employ
ment who are willing to fill any position
at, the most nominal wages, and arc ready
to take their places. Besides, strikers lose
more in lost time than the amount in dis
pute, and their families become the suffer
ers. Under the prcseut state of affairs, wo
would suggest that "a half a loaf is better
then none at all," and that it would be ad
visable to wait patiently for better times of
Which we have even now fair prukjiects.
Genrkal Sickles having resigned the
Spanish Mission, Hon. Caleb dishing, it
is siaieu, nas ueen selected by tho Presi
dent to succeed him. dishing is a highly
cultured man nnd well learned in interna
tional law, and is probably the most suita
ble selection that could havo been made to
settle the prcseut difficulties between the
Lfgislninre Under the New
The following calculation shows the num
ber of representatives in the Hoiwo to
which each county will be ontttled under
tho ucw Constitution. Tho computation
is based on tho census ofl870 : ,
Pop. Rep. Counties- - Pop. Rep.
,10,814 Juniata, 17,30 1
Sfla,904 1 4 Lancaster, l'Jl,840 0
43,M(cJ 9 Lawrence, . 37,298 3
'J Lebanon, 84.0WI 3
2(Lehlrh, 6fl,Wfl 8
0 Lucerne, 100,76.1
S Lycoming, 47,W
8MKcan. H,8-25
CMcreer, 40,077
8 Mifflin. 17..MW
8 Monroe, 18.364
1 . Montgonirrv, 81,302
2 Monluur, 15,344
3 Norlhnuipton,01,4ft2
4 Northumbcr'd 41,444
3 Perry, 85,447
lied fold,
D mil font,
20,085 .
lil'liliildelphln,674,02a 88
Cumberland, 43,013
1 Pike
8 Potter,
4 Bchuvlkill
2 8nydf,
3 Somerset,
8 Pullivan,
1 10.428
1 Piisiiiich'innn, 37,523
4 Tloira, 85.007
2 Union, 15,505
1 Venango, 47,025
8 Warren, 23,807
I Washington, 48.483
1 Wayne, 33,189
3! Wetmore!aml59,719
3'Wvomlnij, 14,585
1 York, 70,134
Population of the State, according to the
census of 1370, 3,521,991. Ratio on which
representation is based, 17,009 ; half ratio,
8,804. N umber of Representatives, 201.
According to the Constitution, Alleghe
ny, IJerks, Lancaster Luzerne, Philadel
phia and Schuylkill my be divided into
separate districts, Art, "J, Sec. 17, provid
ing that "every city entitled to four repre
sentatives, and every county containing
more than 100,000 inhabitants," may be so
Philadelphia and Pittsburg being the on
ly cities entitled to more than four repre
sentatives are the only ones that can bo
divided in that way, and tho six counties
wo havo enumerated are the only counties
thai cun be divided.
Wilkesbarrc, iu Luzerne county, will bo
entitled to one. member, Scranton. iu tho
sau.e couuty, to two, uud the county may
otherwise be subdivided. The city of Lnu
castcr will be entitled to one member, tho
city of Reading, in Berks, to two, Alleghe
ny City to threo. and the city of Pittsburg
to seven.
As to the probable political ..uiianftu;9
lew arrangement, the following guess is
of the lastatiiVfajr one, based on the vote
bo noted, does not iueluiuV'R.table it will
United States and Spain. As Mr. C'nnh.
ing is a Democrat, those who arc always
ready to condemn the President for every
thing he does, we hope will not now con
demn him on account of Mr. Cii8hing. poli
tical opinions.
A German named Godftied Kuhulc, a
baker on Frankfort road, Philadelphia, was
brutally murdered on Wednesday tuorniug
last by an apprentice named Fred, llei
denblud. Tho murderer was arrested and
sent to prison.
The Virginius and a coal bargo blockade
of the Spanish frigate Arapiles, mysteri
ously sunk in the New York harbor. It
is supposed that tho Virginius will be a
total loss.
'le.irlik.-ld. .
Kcp.Dem., Rep.Tjeu,.
2 Lancaster, 5 l
11 3 Lawrence, 3
3 - Lebanon a
8 -'Lehigh, - a
2 Luzerne, 4 5
I), Lycoming, - a
2 -;McKcan. I
U - Mercer, ;s
4 Milllin, 1 3
8 - Montgomery, - f,
8 Monroe, - i
1 -Montour, -
2 Northampton. - ::
4 - Northumberland.- 2
1 Perry, 1
2 Pike, - i
1 Potter, i
1 Srhuylkill, 3
- ' 8 Snyder, 1
4 - Somerset, 8
- 9 &Mllii.tll, -
" - Susquehanna. 8
8 - Tioirn, 3
1 Union, i
4 - Venango, 3
8 Warren, 1
1 - Washington. - 3
! - Wayne, o
1 Westmoreland, - 3
1 Wyoming. - 1
2 - York. 4
Pat Hester. We see it stated, that
certain parties are circulating petitions for
the release of Pat Hester, "tho king of the
dolly Masuires," who is imprisoned in the
.astern Peuitentiary. If "certain parties"
.re uot careful, they'll wake up one of these
aorniug with a never-dying record of in
lamy. 1 lie people arc sick and tired of
seeiug Governors swindled by iyin repre
sentations into turning loose upon "commu
nities villians who were only caged iu the
nrst place alter intinntn ,iim,..,ti.. .
hope that Governor llartranft will
some good, houest boot leather to whoever
iUMi uii presence any petition for tho
Pwi w of theJ"ou Pal Hester Potta-
Adam Leissy was arrested ou Monday
usunuuu couuty, lorliajw
.... u.n.-, vuiuiuuwu a larceny and net
hre to two barns. It is said that U has
confessed to all three of the charges. Ilia
aiucr, uu wiiuiu mo note was tor"ed is
very wealthy. He burned the barus'to 're
venge himself upon those who opposed his
trill PfVlllrv tliu .. I... 1 1
j "& nistunu lie loyeu.
George Dougherty, of York count v. wi
L.A ou.,. Ch .n"ar Slirawaburrj; last
..., ..,,1UJ vt Blea tillukBng
.1. JlV. hrofuU f coal from
Jm ,ncn:a8e ovcr th, of 1872
Mrs. Caroline Brown, of Pittston, was
fcund dead 1 ir, a stone quarry on Monday
havmg died from cold and xpmur ish,'.
Wasseco nunr rh nl...... ol"
. , - micro (USUOVCruU
on the pruvloua evening with a bottle of
S?,7hich h8 8aid 'h.uld be obliged
.iik.i miner man
with their requests.
army.tXad06"1 BiXi' f t,,e
The Emperor of Germany 1ms had a
light stroke of aimplexy.
Thirteen nersons were drowucd bv tho
Say" ferry boat on th0 Th,,ne. oS
Jefferson Davis is said by a newsier
corresp-ndent to be wnting a L?k ffi
I. rea.,n to suspect that he will. i coiumw
with other writers of the day, discuss ,m
what at length the follies J fclff ffi."
This would require the Hepublicaus to
carry seventeen of the thirty-eight meinhers
in Philadelphia to secure the House, pvph
by tho small majority of two. and twentv
of that number to give them a working mn.
jorit.v in the House I'ittaburyCotnmcrciul.
Rkdcctiov ok Wages on the Penn-
LVANIA HAII.ltOAU.-The following gi-u-
-it order has bi-i-n iii-,,,i...,....i 1... r.
sidentofthe Pennsvlvauia "railrnn.i .tw.'.
pany, to tako ntieCt. ns it will bo seen, ou
the tirstday of Ji,,i..,rv iw,vt 1. 1...
seen, also, that tho objeciio.ui'ble feature in
the reduction of wa'es 01 tin.
of employees, is entirely removed bynrnk
ing tho reduction equal (ten percent.) upon
Olivers' salaries and laborers' w.-fus. The
following is the order, and tho reasons as
signed, whilo they may not lie approeiablo
" I'twociii, are ueverinuiess luglily credit
able to the employees of tho company
General Order. Tho great demand for
the services of railroad employees in the
various departments of this und other rail
road companies haviti!.', during several
years past, gradually caused a-i iucreu&o of
tho various salaries and wages of those en
gaged by them, to an extent which the pre
sent condition of the business of the com
pany does uot warrant, and a reduction ap
jjearing to bo necessary to meet tho altered
liiiaueial condition of the country, tho
Hoard of Lirector8h:ivfliii-.l..r,i n... ..
form reduction often percent, bo made in
thu payment for services of all oihYers nnd
emijloyees ol every grade, to take effect on
and alter the 1st ot .laimary, 1S74. J
'-wiah Thompson,
ii -i , , . . , President.
Philadelphia, Dec. itith, 187:1.
W o learu that an order similar to the
above has been issued by the Xortl.ern
Central railway company to take ellect at
IheiMiiuu time. llurrisbuuj Tilfjraph.
There is, nrobablv. tl( wnv ill, A
can benefit our readers mora than by reconi
nieuing to them for general use Johnson's
Anodyne liniment. It is adapted to almost
all the purposes of a Family Medicine : und
as a specific for couj-hs, colds'whoopin"
cough, soreness or the chest, lamo stomach"
rheumatism, spitting of blood, and all luu J
ditliculties, t has no equal that ever wesaw
or heard of.
The propriety of L'iviny emi.liiin., ..,,i;
cinu to horses, c.ittlu nn.l
cussed and admited by many of tho Acri
cultural Societies throughout the Siate last
rail, and we believe that iu everv mm )
'iiu Ihev decided
f ... t t 1 - " t tilt! II
Cavalry Condition Poind,. f;.i i.wi.
ment. ' J o
John Murnhv Wn. br.,.,.l.l .1 : ,-,
,. . VJ .iKiicuuywH iu y 11-
ofTlTf;j,,:,br0aa dyKht. d robbed
of l y by three men. Two of the scound-
rem are in jail.
Tho Dciiurtnienr. ..P T.
thiittlm V5.; .7" ."urr""-" "unces
... .. ?.... m ue nroeeeueu against
in the District Court in i. v.Tj: ?'
triet of New Yo.k u".TT.:r' .. V'"-
Judge Uenedict. ""',u'
The decision of
the lintihli stuuuiHr r,,.. : r'
the Uniud Stat. MwJ,:
gling, was afflrmed by Judge V7oodrutf iu
Tub Great IHno What it Is What
Kf.ep it Up,and What wiil Kill it
.A Hrief IIisTonv Thk Panic
'iS'cto 1 'ork, Dec. 30, 1873.
When a noxious weed is cut down, it is
not always sure that It Is exterminated.
Thu roots must he dug up and cast out be
fore, tho work should bo considered com
pleted. When Hoss Tweed was arrested,
tried and sentenced to the penitentiary, tho
good people of New York litncied they had
cleansed tho Attgonn stables, nnd that
henceforth nil they had to do was to fold
their hands and sit down to the enjoyment
or good government.. Mistaken souls 1
Tweed was simply the trunk, tho routs ox
IrI as- vigorous and full of lit'u as ever, and
new shoots arc showing their heads every
I propose to devote, this letter mostly to
the "Hitig," for it is olo of tho most curi
ous chapters in tho hiBtory of this country.
The ring was, of course, a Democratic in
vention. Thu Tammany Society had con
trol of tho City of New Yotk, nnd, conse
quently, of the Stale. It becamo well
known that the solid mass of ignorance,
ruin and crime in the city, having hut one
head, could uotninate whomsoever it pleas
ed, and then elect or defeat. Every De
mocratic politician in tin: State sworo alle
giance to Tammany. It became the parly.
At tho beginning this strength was used
simply for purposes of plunder in a rather
moderate way ; but when Wm. M. Tweed
secured the control he was not content with
that. He aspired to the control not of tho
City nnd State of New York, but the na
tion. As the politicians of the State bowed
to him, because he could control a State
Convention, so the politicians of other States
courted his iiilluence, for New Y'ork is a
largo State and has power in a Nation
al Convention. Doubtless the great Tweed
had 1111 idea that after making a President
or two, ho might fill that great ollico him
self. It is not to bo denied that he played his
game shrewdly. He first got control of his
own party, aud then proceeded to debauch
the Republican party of tho State. Ho
found enough venial Hepublicaus who were
willing to slinro his stealiugs, and he or
ganized a Tammany ring inside that party.
Editors of prominent Republican journals,
Republicans oi iullueuco in nil parts of tho
Slate, came toa private understaudiHg with
him, the service required being t lie demora
lization of the party by bolls and splits, and
the consideration beiug a share, piopor
tioned to the service, iu the millions of
stealings he had control of. New York
City aud State w:w thus bound hand and
foot, und Uoss Tweed wielded more active
power than any inau in the United States.
Ho stretched forth his hand to New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, and Connecticut, and had
commenced to work in Ohio and the Slates
farther West when he met hi, Wnitiwu
ana ,i,vlli
Uoss Tweed is in me penitentiary, on
lllackwuils Island, but Twecdisnt is neither
VrVrValor scotched, it is rooted in the ruin
t hie ves ottne'i;.'!. vote, the gamblers und
vigorous to-day as cVtUt is as strong and
is all there, and other mcnjusi1.'.10 -.' .,1!U
Tweed and as unscrupulous, nio there' 'tu
mould il uud use it.
Several of thu principal men in Tweed's
ring aro out uf the way. Coinan, Miller,
Mine .Norton, John II. Walsh nro in hid
ing ; Connolly took flight in time nnd went
into nuung. Connolly, it will he runem
bered, put the "Salt say" between him and
prosecution tdiortly after proceedings were
commenced against Tweed. Ho look with
him not less than an even million, and is
living in great splendor in Ireland. The
others mentioned uni out of the way as
eu.-o ns iney were convinced that tho ih-ohm
cutiou of Tweed was in earnest, and cannot
1... 1 II .
uuiouuu. iiarry t.enet, one ol the most
nrazen ol the- thieves, was caught, tried
and convicted, und ou Monday last he was
to have been sentenced to joiti the throng
that moves toward Sing Sing, but on M-m"
nay morn in u' he was not to be found. Mr.
Matthew T.Bivnnau isSherill'of New York,
aud Mr. . is a Tainmanyiie whose term
is nearly out. nnd who desires a re-election.
How could Mr. 15n nnan go before the De-
inoeiiiey 01 .-sew l ork with his hands
stained with the punishment 01 a man like
ioneir so air. (tenet's imprisonment
was merely minimal. '-Harry' was about
me streets ot the citv. in cam of a IVontv.
it is true, for days, nnd on Friday night he
ni-ui iu ins noiiie 111 iiariem, thu Deputy
accompanying him. He retired with his
"lie at the usual hour, the accommodating'
11.., ,,,1.. 1..;.,.. : 1: n
J ' 'J'"- " uuoiiiniij room on 11
sofa. In the morning Mr. Genet was not
to be ioni d, "much lo tho chagrin of the
This instance proves what I staled at the
begiuning. The Tammany snake is hydra
headed and Tweed is only one of the heads.
Harry Genet's friends, . e., the rum-inills,
thieves, gamblers nnd murderers, whom he
controls, have power enough in their bauds
to beat Mr. Matthew T. Urenuau, for re
nonnnation, and had Harry gone to Sin
Sing, they would have beaten him. There
lore, this neriurod nhmd
11 f . . 111-
cd llnef, is permuted to quietly walk oil
and the courts are set at deliance.
Who are these lellowD. who r'ule'so boldly
over the tax-payers ot New York ? Most
ly Irish. The gieat mass or Iritdi emi
grants who land have no more idea or an
intelligent exercise or their newly acquired
rights than a Virginia mule has of the
Greek alphabet. They organize about
grogneries, the keeper of tho mill controls
a hundred of them for whieh'ho receives a
small ollice. Ilo, in turn, is coutroled by
a leader a little higher up, whose power iu
the government is auaged by the number
he id"'1 V'J"in'i, aud 80 on ul' to tlui 8Prene
A brief history of one oJ1 the" fellows will
throw a little light 011 the way they do it.
An Irishman, whom, f r the sake ofauamo
we wdl call O'lirien, though that was uot
his name, was ten years ago. a reporter on
a Liverpool paper, lie had a wile and four
children who were kiudly permitted to care
f ir themselves, for it was ull Mr. O'lhieu
could do to koop himcell'iii liquor and other
luuiii B. auair winch amounted to a
elony brought Mr. O il. to jail, froui which
by a technicality he escajied aud made his
u.iiu I.. X'..... VF 1. f ...
v. i-c. iin, jiere lie louud Ins op
portunity. He was a glib talker and lost no
umu in putiiug fiimselt at tho head or
r enmu circle, and gelling control of a bauil
of "repaythers," then his course was plain.
J weed leconized his merits uud apiioiuted
In... ...I... U ll'l 1 ..
nui, r ny, assihiaiil council to
niu commission lor condemning private
property ! nt a salary of 5w.HJ Ik.r Hiinum,
wnii uiiuiuiieu Bieauugs. Vou will re mem
her that this impostor had never been ua
luranzeu, was uot a citizen of the Uuiled
niutee, una had uo more right to hold an
ollice or even vote, Hum tho writer would
have in Egypt. Uesides, he was uo lawyer.
Hut that made no diUerenco in New York.
For tho lirst time in three years he re
nicinbored he had a family. Ilo broiPdil
over his oldest son a lad of eighteen -ami
putting him at work ss a type-setter in a
daily paper, had him apiiiitud ns hit
"chiefflertc." nt a salary olstmiii l,u 1.,.
other sons were also civeu places at re
sKctively JJ.-ioOnnd -HKJ0. Mr. O'lirien
drawing the salaries for all or them-they
merely appearing to sign receipts each
mouth. It was fortunate for thu country
that Mr. O'Urieu's 01 her child was a ijirl
else she would have been quartered on Hi.
city. The mother and daughter wero per
nutted to remain in Liverpool, where they
shifted ns best they could, the girl as a
shop-girl, nnd the mother as a washer-woman.
It Is needless to add that Mr. O'Brien is
ono of Boss Tweed's sincerest mourners,
and that ho inveighs loudly against the
"injoostice, sir, no shtato interference with
municipal goovernienls," nnd he has been
hoard to say that "tho rnight uv Ihepooplci
to silf-goovermont, sir, are stricken down."
and, likewise. h asks indignantly if "this is
a free cnontry V or is a dispotism "
Hut he mourns not ns one without hope.
John Mnrrisey will answer his purpose just
ns well ns Tweed, for Morrisey must use
the sumo material to do tho same work.
Mr. O'Brien nnd his throe sons will all bo
on the city payroll cro long, and trust them
to make up Tor their enforced nbsline.nee.
Tammany will bokilled whenever the de
cent men of the city tako interest enough in
polities to vote, ami use tho inllncticc they
posses. They outnumber the thieves nnd
can oust them if they will. Hut they never
will. Catch n New' York merchant, leav
ing his trade to vote, or to do political work.
Not he. He is too busy. And so New
York will continue to bo ridden by the
thieves to the end of the chapter.
There is a steady regular revival in
business in tho metropolis. There never
8liould have been a panic indeed, this Fall
nnd Winter business should have been
splendid. There was nocnuse for tho trou
bles that came upon tho country in Sep
tember. A parcel of gamblers, liko Jay
Gould, old Daniel Drew, and Vanderbili,
locked horns in a struggle over stocks.
Down they went, and tho business in-n,
fearing a panic, did exactly what was uc
cess'try to make one. They shortened up,
hanks suspended, decent men were deprived
of their resources, nnd an evil that was
fen red become real. Ilusines in resuming
because confidence is restored. Smith has
drawn out or tho hole into which he hid
himself in September, anil discovers that it
isn't much or a shower alter nil. Uu linds
tl at people nre going to cat. drink nnd
wear the same as ever, and must have his
goods, nnd so begets his money out of it
hidings-place, and pays Brown what he
owes him. Brown pnys Jones ; Jones
Thompson; the mill that stopped, resum
ed tin.4 so it goes. People wonder that they
were ever frightened at nil. Tbcru is noth
ing "hard" in the times, hero or atiy where
else. The "times" nre all right, nnd busi
ness will be very brisk the remainder of the
But there was one curious feature about
it all. During the worst or the panic, when
men Ik lived that the country had gone to
tho dogs, nnd every man straining to tho
lost point, there was no dimuuilinu id' thu
trado of the great dealers iu luxuries
Stewart s trout was crowded with car
riages, and the great jewelry stoics wens
thronged ns of yore. The New York
lady of fashion recognizes uo such
thing ns a panic or stringency in money.
It is her husband s duty to tind money
r.T " a iot or little will
she yield or her rights to speuu an .t... ...
ey she chooses. If there bo diamonds that
she wants she has them. The that
the set costs her husband must lurtiish, nnd
he must do il without murmur. For she
:s an imperious dame, and will staud no
.1 tlx. .nr. tltllJIia. IImI? tl..
... :i . - . .
miiurcs mat occur 111 .ew 1 oris may 00
charged o to this account. Fashion rules
w'J a rod ii.. from its decree there
is no appeal. Style nius.. -.i,it iiiiLtJ
for when it is relaxed in the least. Hie 4v.
luxe r drops out f sight, and the woman as
good us dies. Thai is she dies socially,
nnd there is not one or them who wouldn't
rather dio actually.
Once more, I thank Heaven, there is a
country to draw liom. Uu
of liesh blood and fresh ideas from th
country, the great cities would become
worse than cancers. But hs it takes ten
years to spoil a jhthihi iu New York,
and as thousands uiake their way here
every year, the old Sodom grinds allmg af
ter a fashion, nnd continue) to do go.
Christmas was moro generally observed
this year than ever. The rich gave gorge
ous dinners the poor modest dinners thu
dissolute got drunk, and the police stations
were full. Curious notions people have of
celebrating tho birili of Saviour !
IlruiNii 1 he late lir.-, all. r the bnrsiing of the
suction hohCofMeamiT No. 1, a ik.ateh was
sent to tho Danvill,- Op., cu part mi nt for hose
which met with prompt response as In exhibited
by the following convspoiiilenre bi-twien the fire
department ami our worthy Chief Burgess, which
f hows that a strong fn-'ing of fi iemlshlp exUts
between ll:e (lie ilc partmuutu of 1I1U i.laee, ami
the nilKhbiirlni; town of Danville.
IUnvii.u:, Die. -j-j, 1S7:1,
Mi-, linrije. lh Sir:
111 reniy 10 your l IfDale lien lor tin. snoi .
uusi- in uur ncuun-r, 1 lYiiu.d my llut il gavu
way ai a lire a lew months uirn. anil t U Hv.-.l
on in such u manner it i dillieuii to.'.-t nil
uud 1 Kent you a dispatch that you could have
1 in: engine nn.l all I lie enuipnn-nt, hut got no
uni-wvi j the boys were rea ly uud unxiuua to
count 10 your assistance. Any time you ne.-d
my Help let us know, aurt we will gladly ln-ln
j "11 11 1 .in.
Respectfully ynnm, Ac.,
M. D. I.. Srcni.rH,
t'liirt Kngiuei-r Kiro Department.
M. I). I.. Minn uu. Ksn.. t'hii f Ki Mlnci-r FirA lli.
pariuieiit, Danville, I'.i.
innr .in- ; ioum 01 ina y: int. on,,...
uanunioi night, in ivply to my dis patch of Satur
"lay night inciiiring lor thu loan of your bUctiou
hose. c, hilorming inetliat you win diitp.ilcht'
otU-riiig the set vices ol' vinir lirn m.inv
and all ciiuipuiciiu, and so KeneroiiBlv olieiing
your I uture hcrvicw., Ac. The inanful spirit ..I
your t-oniiuiiiili'.ittnii U very triklasr lu cor-
uminy ingniy apprcelatrd by our Kim Depart
ment ui well as the ilizmi nt" ,mr i,....i.
Ou Saturday lan, iu the early part of the een-
ug, our eituens weiu thrown into intense ex
lleim iil by an ipeumlinrv who ni,i,li. ,i . ... nK,i,
10 varloui, haildings, co!iiiiuing nnc dwelling
anil live stables, with their contemn, horse. Ac.
im nre roiniiauies were pieiuptlv on the ground.
1 ho 10111U were so beavv ilmi. it -..
possible to get the steamcrinmii- ,1. uil ,1,1.. ,...1...
u id before the the hud been exiingui.hed at tho
111 1.1 mace, ine alarm was given one si west
(the air drawing tothu ca,i.) Assoon as It was
possible, tho hose were uirectcd to tho so.
ml lire, wheu. uftei tlu-v I....1 1,.
lire into their control, ihe suction hoso burst
nm not to your invnluablo medic'ne. Pain-
Killnr. I tormed Its acquaintance in 1M
nnd I am on most intimato terms with it
still ; experience In its nse confirms vnr be
lief thnl thero Is no medicine equal to Pain
Killer lor tho quick nnd sure euro ol sum
mer Complaints, Sore, Throat, uroup.
lirniacs nnd Cuts, Lhave Ufcd it in nil
and found n snccdy cure in every case.
.Yours Truly, T. J. ti AllUl.N Kit, M. 1.
Judging by our own exiierietico whoever
once makes a trial of Perry Davis' Pain-
Kiler. win not tail in recommend; it widely
ns nnd unequalled liniment. and valuable in
ternal remedy lor colds nnd various other
complains.- Eve ry Month.
lheellleacy of ferry Davis1 world-re
nowned Pain-Killer in all diseases or the
bowels, even 111 that terrible scourge, the
Asiatic cholera, has been amply attested
by tho most convincing nuthoiity. Mis
sionaries in China and India havo written
home in commendation ot this remedy in
terms that should carry conviction to the
motil skeptical, while its popularity in com
munities nearer home is ample proof that
the virtues claimed Tor il nro real nnd tan
gible. Among family medicines H stands
unrivaled. Jlnnton Courier.
Thu Soturiidj Kiai'uhj (r'lzctk of Boston,
says :
It is impossible to find a place on this
broad land where Perry Davis' Pain-Killer
is not known ns a most valuable remedy
for physical pain. In tho country, miles
from physician or apothecary, the Pain
Killer is cherished as thecxculsive panacea,
nnd it never deceives.
"Perry Davis' Pain-Killer is really a val
uable medicament, and, unlike most of tho
ariielo of the day, is used by many physi
cians. Il is particularly desirable in loca
tions where physicians are not near ; and.
by kerptOK li ni liitn.l, minutes nlll often
save the necessity of S'"li(linit out nt mid
night for a- doetor. A bottle should be
kept in every house.'1 Huston Truvd'cr.
"Wc have tested the Pain-Killer, and as
sure our renders that it not only possesses
all the virtues claimed for it, but in many
instances surpasses any other remedy we
have ever known.'1 Ikrn'd of GisikI Lib
erty. .
Jan. 2, ls"l. lm.
FALL. 187.3.
jiiiUS I
.1 1 , J . 1 V 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 J)
of the
Assortment of
Gents Furnishing Goods,
ever' offered in this place at
I!eoiilor XoHro.
"TOTK.'E if- hcn-hy given tlial. l.-ltcrs tefta
mentary. Iimvc been granti d to the under
signed, on the cst:ito of George Wugeuseller, lain
(if tho Korouuh of Hunbury, Northumberland
county, I'.i.. deceancil. All persons imlebtcd to
said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment nnd thine having claim to present them
ilulv anthetiiicutul settlement.
;kok;f. iuli,,
Sanbury Dec. .0, 1S13. lit.
AdmiiiiNlrator'H Nolico.
1 13 '- -!- ..lien that Iclter-Mimlmin-i- 1011 have been gianteii 011 lue estate of
Susan Feiti-nbaeh, lute of Jackson township,
Northumberland County, l'a., ik'ecas-e.l. All
persons hull-liter: arc re uoti-d to make iaimc
diate iiiyinent ami those having daium to pre
sent tlieui for M tllement.
Lower Mahanoy tw,Ww?f.Eri:
Tho Firit ullonaI It 11 11 K of Nniibti
ry, l't-un'ii.
"VJOTICF is herebv given thai the regular an-
Popular Clothing
Corner Third and Market,
till ii Hml I C oiK-prt !
ri '111,1c Mint iky or kv.
.-I VlV Im.i-i'ii.j YlO'lH 0,1 Tl'ESllA y.
;Ut ufM AllCll '.nxt.
T.'vcriiH, ltcMtHiii-aiit nnd I.Iqaor
Store I.iceiiHcs.
if OTICE Is hereby yiven that tho followlne
pel sons have tiled petitions In Ihe t onrt of
; O, Hurler Sessions of Hie Peace of Notthuiuherland
County, l;ir Tavern. Hei-taurant a::d Liquor Store'-n-i-s. anil that tile sainu will be presented to
tlie ai.l Court on the 111th (5th) of January next.
- .1 .!...,..,.,
lli.llll. UllllH ,
Directors of "The First Na-
will be tield on
T......1 1... ...... " H' - i
... . 1 K, ,, ua y .,... . v
at the Uankimr Hou-e. in ihe no'roiipi of'tfunbu
ry, la., bet ween tlie lioin-s of 10 u. m.. u,..i .. ..t
i nnn p. in., 01 saw uav, m
in., 111,1
nccorilaiu-c iih Km
for tho influx I pro iiln9 of the act of roii''re-.s.
b.j. r.i n.r.11, .a?hier.
j Suiihiiry, I'.i., Die. .'(,,
ir.ioT i:tiu noiKi:.
IS. E. Coiner or Arch and Third Mrcets.
Orrositi! the Dki'ot,
U N H U II V, P E X X ' A .
TnuiiiM Me(;iiu, I'roprietur.
OVSTF.HS,' Hot O.ll'.e, Sandwitclie, Ihead .t
Uutter, Uam, Ac, served up in the hctt
I'as'eiitvr ten Vint; in the early trains will be
faiiiilu-il iviih refrohm.-nij, liot cotr-e, A,
The catiui; moin will be conducted 011 strictly
temperance pi iiieiplci, and i-Vi-ry cd'.irt m ule to
keep it m at and altrnci ive.
LADIES uu- invited to call.
hiTiohim-nts and hut niea!
dents as will as traveleis.
The vitina-e of the Mibll
. I'ltrrl.-hcd 1" r.-!-s
lesjici-tfnlly so-
i til oril. r I-. rje. ! 11:.- n 1;. r Mm-Ii ;iml t l .-! ;:l inn of
I Hit- uhlii- am) tm t'..-k..-t lK.hle s, lor llir iitll ) uymeiit of
j tli.-it- liuruilii-i-lit iri'ls, UI1111.111K-. tl tr tin- rut-.rtli
j (li-uiid Oill C'jnci-ri ut en- l'ull:i- ol' Keuiui-lly,
1 li- muniK-uit ul liuw tu n liuint-.l ui 1 .s.iuiii- tile ('011
crt Hint Iniiuii.,; until
..,iv M. ;nt ol- 11 a i ii, i7i.
T'ley liai. iiueiHiv ii-n.i,.. A MILLION lloLLAlts,
Ami lime a jti'it m my!g yet to ht-ai- iroia.
Nixl..ulit is ,':iti-rt:iilii.l of tilt- s:ile of eery Tiekct
l-li.rc Ou-ilruwiufl, litn v. l-.ti her nil fnlil nr nol Oih
t'oiii-ei-l anil i.-,iMnit will voioiely iintl ninqimoi- tlly
II. ki- l laef ou tilt' (1 . now I.xi-.l, ;oitl :f ..ny n-innili Uu
soltl llit-y will In o.ilir iin.l llle( i will In- l'i"iii,.-t-.l
in Toj .irtioii to Uu1 tlli-i.M 'i'u'ke s.
IS.OUU Cus.Ii Oit tH
w ill I.- .Iil rllmit-il tlif li,-Uet hoKl- r.
1 .1,' tii-k. .. :ni- riii!-l 111 i-oiij oni.,
fr..r'ioit..l i-i, r: h will In- icj i-tr-.-nirJ in
ui. Wi.olt' t:i-ket- nit-. ot .irti.
O-it? Ot-au.l C'oli Ui:l
Oiie Oratn! l!.- iitll
11. e Oi-ui..l c in Oni
One l.r.iml C. s.i oil!
line ili jn.l c .ini 1.1. r
In 1 ' on ,-, -liuioo i-.i-1
Franci It. Matter rihuniokin Hor.,
Antbuny lliiifrhori' Cameron twp.,
A. V. Cool, unhtiry.
II. J. Wiiliz,
Henry Until, Milton boroti!;h.
Charles C. June--, NorthM hor.
li-'O. !. lluir, '
Thomas laubnian, "
; .ioliii Llilliml, Meiuiokin bnrouijh,
Kobei t NielioL-iOl), '
! Michael Flahertv, "
( Patrick Kin Ins," "
t' (ieo. ;s. Fi-lier,
, A. J. (iiillaL'her. "
riiinli Fiurcr. .Mt. Carmel boroiiBh.
Snyderlowu hor.
SliatMokin Iwp,
trial-, nn.l all
l-e llit.Wll. jllSt
W I'.nli lilt'-.,
..i) r.,r.a om,
HI i!l lilt'.,
lml ion-.,
l'nj I' .sn Oil!.-.,
-J'sl r..sii OiTi.,
;ii i'..-.i ill!.-.,
11,0.10 C'jkU Uiii,
j.nihl i' .c.i .
1,WI l-.eli .
ion t tt"i .
loii c.i-.i.
.-.SI .'..I'll,
'J.KI l' i-i( ,
inn c.n-.i .
',ooil I
n,:tto 1
li-n.iMHi j
r.ii,inm t
!i,lOU !
in.iH.i ;
4j,lllltl j
jn.nnti '
II. F. Hov
TliomiiB Nisliit
Jesse llensvl,
J11I111 Itnv.l,'
Patrick i'vneii,
Daniel 11. Fo.v.
John I.. Mioop,
Peter Wcit,
Joint Sent!.
j J.nnis Tv-tni,
Mich i -1 ; 11.
Coal t w p.
Lower Aiiitnt!i twp
new stand
old stand
old stand.
new stand,
old Huiid.
uew etaml.
old stand.
new stand.
old stand,
new stand.
oi l stand,
new stand.
old stand.
Tel 1), l.'.oonoii..,,
'I'll.- C....1.. e H.i- .
St 113-
iiiu i-cuirt'. mill lheri liiMmr I..M1.... ........
a.u l IUIIU i),
next, we deemed it udvitableto 111 ike iniinlry lor
assiunce. In the ineanlliue a lurfc.-a uumber of
-i-iiu, .o ,L-riiie-i were uppniiited to patrol the
town, winch wt done most ctlectually, aud quiet
re.loinl. 1 1,0 Hre d.-pariiuent wt a.lmied the
lutlcs ot telunrui.hluir, which was attended wiih
some dillleuliic-s, ud Inter (I ho otlices beiiut
cli.j,l) were unable to advise you of Hie situa
. ui uo uohoi mey received yonrdipatelies
is the department wa in full posers-don of the
...... our roe iiep.irtment aud citizens fully
apprwiatliKf the situution, re-wived tUo liuhinine
U i-lie. iron, Danville with eatl.utlusm ami con
Idcnce ; although ninny citizens waichej their
own iiioperiie-j. Uopinirour nei-jiiboi of Dan
ulle may never be so unlortuimte, but nro ever
leady to reeiproeaie their kind otterinos nn.l
ricnidiip in the future. I therefore, on bchall
l the boroiiBh of Snnuury, its Hie department
Uleerg uud ell ileus, returii our profound thank
to the euifinerrs, liru departiiidiit, olllcer und
eili7.itis ol Danville for their prompt uuewr lo
our call and sympathy in time of need.
Acec;t Diy tliauks. un believe mo tir,
Yourob'tserv't, Sou. Mai.icic.
141. U tVUItl.(.
Tho AisnciateJ lterormed P renhvlorioii
iiy For years Terry lMvis' Tuiu-Killer
.ma ihjcu hunwn ns u most usitlul titinily
neiliuiuo. For puius mid ui-hes wo know
inthinjr so goo.) as the I'uiu-Killer. I'm
imuy interiml Uieae it is equally iod.
Ve 8Hal from exerieneo, nnd teotily u
hal wo know. No family ouL'ht to hi
-vilhout bottle of Da i-i.' IVink'ill..r
Mkmus. Peuu y Vavi Son, i'rov. It. I.
uenia AithvouU t straajrer lo you 1
Ssinbury, Dec. 10,
iioi iDiv i'iti:si.T.s.
EWELltr and eiLVEUWAIlE-the liu
j iriin.-nl ol (joikIs iu ftore.
GOLD mid PII.VE1J W ATCIIES-vrood and
GJ.OLD KINGS. (TUIXS. PINS. and everv ar
A tide Manufactured iu the jewelry line."
Q1LVEII SETTS, and Silver Pl:lle, War- in
KJ Kreat variety.
Spectacle ami Eve-Classls.
Market Sijuaie, tnnl urv, V;i.
Suubury, Dec. 1'J, ls;;;.
ISit ItlUXMt I'OK IH71.
The unexampled favor accorded to tills
tnic my mu iniuiic, enaoicB ua to enter upon the
comins; year with the un-aini of luukine it more
nttrative and valuable thin ever before lo ita
larire und increasing nuinber ol readers on both
ides of the Atlantic. The Set in I Storv of ihn
Kullirriuo l.Hrle,
by Mis Trafton, Is a eli.irminif Love Story by
a pitted w liter, which Isdi-Mim-d to widcpoiui
Inriiv. ' 1
There will lie IlrilM.iut Novelett.s .....l n... u....
Short Stories, by S.ixe Holm, It ret Itirt.-, and
other delightful story-telleis.
A series of striking and unique Pis-ms, with
Illustrations, '-OLD TIME Mi nn'."
by Uenl. F Taylor, known for liis brilliant con
irlbulioii to the Western Press, will .'net i ns
iL'am the music ol Ihe Spinning Wlie'.l. The Flail
I he SliiL'e Coach, Tho Mill etc. '
Portraits aud Biotraiihical Sketeln s
can Alllhors; papers, on Dairy F.irmhur and
Stock )laislu..r in Kui.uv. on Househol.l l. ,,r,..
lion and Furniture, beside more than liitv nth..
Illustrated Aitlees are now In rrciaiiit!rii.
"The Greul Monlk,"
the most Imi.ortant and c-vpt-nsive, series of lilns
irate I Papers ever undertaken by uuy Maicaiinu,
w ill be continued tliroucli I hi- vaiir. ' In H... ii.
eember Number we com lute tiie pnjK'rs ou Lou
isiaua. The next in onlor will he. The Lone Star
oiuib! ino Aiouiitalu KeuloiwortheSoutli ; Tho
Iron Itcttions of Missouri, Ac, Ac. These with
ihe Essays and Editorial Discussions of Litera
ture, Science and Ail, Sketches of Travel, ocea--loiiiil
Pocinsand Etchlnirs, w ill inke npa Mae:i.
zinc of Christian l.iteralurc desiBiied tu be
'Hi Uem In Ihe U orld.
1 he December Number (now ready) has an
iblo Article on The Kesnmptiou or Paymeui, by
Dr. Atwater, Poems bv Bret, llarto M,.v .'i
uJotl.'ers; The conliniiation of tin, iwn k..p,.,i
Stoilen, Shorter Stories, Splendid Illustrations of
vi ii-.iin., mo raris oi Atncrtea I etc.
Editorials by a law uud utile corps of writers.
Topics of the Time by Dr. Holland, iu which ho
icpiiei to "Pome ltelllj,'inus
aii'hablc Etehiuu;, Ac, Ac.
The Hoi I Ida y No. of ET. NICHOLAS, our
tpicudiil New illustrated Maimriiiu for (iirls and
toys, the Ouesi ever lsul, will be tent to ull the
iubcrlper of Sci-lbiier' Monthly for ls?4. Also
ho November aud December uumber of St.
Nicholas Mill free to those who subscribe lor
ioth Magaxlhct. The July numbi-rof Si-rlbner's
Monthly containing the Introductory Article of
ht Sonili Si-ries, seal to subscribers t
Vribuer who reuet il when luakiuif their sub
chpllons. Scribner's Monthly 4.00. St. Nicholas
year, or C7.U0 for both.
SM BreJwuy, N. y.
All Cih, iiiiollt ' . i :if t'j I ..i K'.li.
i !. m ill t- ; on.- '. i. li e.
1'liICi: 1I TICKKTS :
Whole t-eli-'s. -Jl'; ILIv.v.lJ-,; T !l!h., ur i. cU eot '
l'on, ; 1 1-Mii it,.k- I'aUeits l.n- f.'sm; Tukt-K
fo- si.n.Hi; n;i w, T.i-ke.s lor .v': :? vw..,!e
'1' t-k.-.s it r jilti.iKMi. No a-,o. .mi t uu l. Ms in. .il ?-.! i tn
of Tii-ke't..
't'ae Kounh loft Conert will lie et.niliu-lr.l. in nil i,,
I,ki- On- llnee ll.ui- ,-ilii:t,l, U-en p:ieti.
l.n.l lull 1'intlelll.ii-! iii..j I. , .ri.i.l t! eireuUt-s wln.'li
will Iv p. lit li.-.-liom t'.:- i.:ti e to i.:l l.o i.. t.! t'..r '
Orillrs for ti.-k.-ls in 1 ..j lie iliotis lor '.-llc'ii. will '
L( ..tte.-i.le.l u, in Ibl i.r.l.T tii.-i ul'.- leviv, .1, ,..l il ; 1
li"l .-.( lie.-y will l- p.r.t m i tfi:il in.-ie in.. Iw. j
lio ili.iii i ...lull, .1.1 ot- .1. I:t- in tltlinil all. 1.U 1 I, on- I
Kiien lo tho(.e win, l.nv to s.-il !,.. nn. All u, nt- lire i - 1
tt-ni.toi ily -e.iiii,-it lo s-ltle llf. l hen- n,-e,.niiM i.r.1 lo '
tnru itl! llliM.i.l tu-kels l.y tin- J.,: Ii ili.y ot .roll. 1
TIIO. L. IllltMLl.TTl..
At. ut fal.lie Library Kentucky, met .M:iaui;i r (lilt 1
Concert, Public UlliMini,', Loni.iiUe, Ky.
Lower Mahanoy twp,
Ml. Carmel twp,
Minlniry borough
t.-in nivciside.
Wm. C. Votinir, Suubnrv horn.'iivi Ite Wvnii,
M. L. Fisher".
Anthony Nurrl).i-h, Shamoklu hor.
Junes Miilian,
Aii liew Jauo.-kv,
(icortre Hack, ' '
James Mahan Coal tw
Mill v Devllt.
Frank liote. Mt. Carmel tivf
I'l ii- y i- . iM-eny. Jack-on tup, '
John II. Ktsailti;cr, sliamokin bor.
H. C. Lttiz ,t Hi.... Miltou old stand
( liti-li in Neir. Sunbitry hor. old stand.
Patrick Daly, Shamoki'n bor.
Clctk of the Court of Quarter Sessions.
Ill Yulue For C3!j
Holiday, Birthday. WedJi llir or
Hie oi ii;inil, popular, large
new stand,
old stand
old Maiid.
new stand,
old stand.
new stand.
old staud
Tjm, Contact ioiict-M-N OyslrrN, Av.
Everybody is iinited lo eotiie nnd liny.of Ihe
handsome assortment of
in irainc iitiiniiiiir, adjoinim: .Moore tV Dtssin
bnildiiijr, T11IH1) STUFF.', Sl'.MIVHV,
Just opened a fresh supply of Con feet ioiieri;
every uescriptiou.
tovn oi' a i.i. iii vns
pouKtantlv on Impd. The h, t HAISINS, FIOS
1 1 KIIA.NTS.V DlilED Fit I' IT.
fresh Ihcad, Buns it Cukes, every niornln.
Having tilted up a room expressly for serving
up Oysters in every style. Ladies aiid Ocutlemcii
will be accommodated with tlie best bivalves in
market, at nil hours ilu rill IT 1 lio f1nv a mi eieniii.r.
hiimilies w ill be supplied at their residence with
the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as l desirable,
ut the very lowest prices. ' i
Call und see my excellent assortment of goods I
and ascertain the pric. ,
Dee. iO, 1873.
A Seuihlid
Fri-ndly Present
and cletr int Oil t In onto.
"The ol I ,. lien liuek. 1 the 11 on-U.uml t ucket
Tin- ni'-s-oowml hnekel, wlneli Liliitf i;. the well."
(alter Jerome Thompson,) size l?x-,'(i inches.
The best parlor picture ever published for 15.
This larueuiiil truly splcmlid Chromo, iu all its
oriirhial beauty atul excellence, is ollcrcd as a
premium to each 3 yearly subscriber to Demo
rest's Monthly Ma-uziac, the Model Pallor Ma
gazine of America.
The Chromo is sent varnished and on a roller,
po-tn;;c t.-n cents extra j or mounted on canvass
and stretcher, asnn oil paintiutr, tilty ecuts extra;
(which includes liauspoitutioii) ( or mounted on
canvass, and in an elegant S', inch j.'tillt frame
aiauasipie corners, iiin-c yaids of crimsou
, coid, ana packed forf;!; niakiuif the whole com
' jilete. (iucliidiui; frame, Cluomo and subsciip-
tion to the Mairaiiie, ) only 0.
I Do not fail to send sally uud ml the tnaiWili
1 cent Cliioinn. the -Old Oaken Bucket,' which, in
' size ii -.til aiiistie merit, is iuite nUal to an Oil
! Piiiiiliui; woith live hundred dollars.
Now- ready I Sent any where In the U. 8.
j on i, ccl t of the amount of the subscription.
i as Hriiiidway, New York.
Aotouuiliui; Oiler.
j SI in Value for ti.
1 S::il iu Value for (6 !
51 in Value lor 9
73 iu Value for :3!
1 lie Umest, li and most popular Chromo. In ih
world, in all ineir l.-.uiy slid mrosuc eiei-llii.i-,). from
tin-o. iKm.l b.uu.-. I i.lluilu ue ITijii mines. Price
Sl .e. i li. iilveii ii. premium, to yi .irlj .nt iu-. i '
TLe loiHlei Man-iiue of Aim nes, st j r er.
.newspapers ;" a
An enteilatuinr
Is thu place to buy puro nutl fresli
MLDIC1XES. Dlil'fiS,
for medicinal purposes, mid nil other orli
'eks usualiy Uept iua lim-cluHs Jru store.
Spec-mi ii'tcnliiin paid to e.iiiiiolindin pre
Hcriptiotis and luiuily receipts by coniiieteut
Sitiuhury, Xov. 7, 1173.
VICK'M llorul Uuitle
00 Pa ires, IVM) Engraving., aud Colored Plato.
Published Quarterly, 'ii en. a year. First No.
for 1674 just issued. A (ieimau edition ul the
same pile. Address,
JAMts vick Rochester, N. T.
I Having .itrei,e, the eopyiigiii st enornious in,
I v ita ihe en n-ution of sn-ui li u ttu l ii((. t cliculaliou
I ol any M on ill: lie ill Auieriej. we delsruunisl n
; linOiinK sa uiiertrsllelleU oflor in the Jusiy ci-lebisttd
f iroiuo, the "old O ken Hiirket," Alter Jerome Tuolin-
ic, u. u .ie iniu, lor I'sntioo Cuil.l," sfier Je.
louie Tutimi .ii, as u l'leiuiilln lor IH75. 'llonie, mvit
Home," - tier Ji rouie Tlnen son. is (iremlu 3 tor ls
Alter thu suiru,, Is. 1 . II. U. IV Hbss, preiuiiiui
for 1SI7.
Kieu firomo oi of rt, is jiilljr etiu.a 10 au Oil
1't.inlll: Will i I'oe lluutf e.l llolUiH. .
l iiel'ur..ioiireii,m 1 1- dy, und sre unit l.y mail on
rT.-i.i ,, i!irsiilMcri. lions lormllier, or all ol Ihe voara
sboi.-. las-lilMird.aud on a roller, oan.(j 111 cen'la
tl-.i, waieu includes the wnee, or niouuled on call'
ii.ud .lieielier, in elt-((ii i ; i,,eu gilt irauies iviih
Amlii.aile ( ornr llrumeais. Hum yardaol ci nuaou
cord, ..lei J .ielosl, il e:ra eic'.
S.5 Uloidwu), N,w Velk.
of E. V. Hrhfhl, dee'd, tor the
use of Win. I. irecutini;li.
Micbaul J. Ilalue. . I
In the Oourt
Cotumoii Please,
liie Count v of t h u m be r- -Uud.
" V. u. No, UU, of Noteniber 10i 187S.
"OTICK la hereby niven Ihut the underslened
Auditor appointed by the said Court, to
distribute the money ruised ou above stated writ,
sill p.. hi Into Court, will in eel all parties Inter
fsicd at his otlirv, In the lloroinjh of unbnrr,
on 8ntui,hiy, ihe S4 day id January, A. D. 1874,
t 10 o'clock A. M., for Ihe purpose of atteudiuv
la the duties of bis sppoliilmciit.
UEO. HILL, Audit.
Dee. 13, 1873.