TIIKSUNIUIKYAMKKICAN. I TUBLtSllED EVKIlt 8ATURDAT BT M'L WILVERT, Proprietor, Moore A Dlssluirer's Building, Market Squire At I.!0 In Atlvniire. II not paid nlllilu 6 Moiitha 92. : SubrerijHUmt taken for (u f fain nix Month. Cohnrctro with thisentuhllshmcnt issn oxten sivcNEW JOB OTF1CE, containing a vurlcty of pliiin mid rniicy type eipinl to udv establishment n the Interior of I lie State, lor which the patron age ol the public is respectfully solicited. Jrofcs9lonaI. r JI. A. NOUKII, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND COCNTT SOI.K'ITolt. Ofllce on Front Street below Market, Siinbury, Fi. Collections ami all legal biiBines..priiiiptiy attended 10. J A51i-:.i IIE.tKI), ' .. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OHlc- in llaupl' tin 1 1d i 11 if , South East Corner of Market Square, Banbury, I'm. Sl-ncIAI. ArTKNTUN I'AID TO COLLECTIONS. jam fn ii. juci:vFtt, -A.TTOUXKV AT IjAW AND L'nitrd States Coj-uissionku. office with 8. II. Uoyer, IC".., in Urihl's Untitling, Smiliurv. 1'a. A uir. "i3. ly. S. ItKICK, jL ATTOKNKV AT LAW, ami .utinh. JUSTICE of tub PEACE. Next Door tit Judge . Ionian's Kexldcnee, Chest niit Street. Banbury, l'u. Collections itnd ali leg:il mutters promptly at tended to. J Z3 Zm AH S NYDSR, : ATTOHNEV AT LAW, AND .Vl'TlXM .H'N I'K K OF THE I'E.U'E. Conveyancing, the collections of cliilius, writint;", nnd all kinds ol' Legal business will be attended to carefully mid w ith despatch. G m be conult d in the English mid lieriii.iu language. Olllce formerly o eupie I by Sulninon Malick, Esq., op posite Citv Hotel, S'lnbnrv, March '-".', 11:). ly. GA. ltOTIOItF, Attorni'V-iit-Iiw, ilF.OHGETOWX, Northumberland Co., IVnnn. Can be consnlte 1 in the English and German language. Collections intended to In North umberland and adjoining counties. Also agent for the Lebanon Valley Fire Insu rance Company. " in It 1 . T. II. It. KANE, Attorney at Law, SL'il- (adjoining the olllee of W. I. liiecnouirh, Eq.,) i ioiessionai uu-niies in this una adjoining coun ties promptly intended to. Sunbnry, March Hi, 172.-1-. w. crp acker' Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. November '.), 1S.73. tf. Sit. ItOYEK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Rooms No. a A 8 Second Floor. Blight's Uiilldimr, SUXBCUY, PA. Professlona b isiness atteu nl t , in the courts of Nortlimn nnrlan.1 and adjoininif counties. Also, in the O rctiit an I Dhtrict Courts for the Wiwtem Dis trict of Pennsylvania. Cliiiins promptly collect ed. Particular attention paid to cue In Jhntk rii'itsy. CoisaUa.ioii can be had in the Ger man luntziiiicc. inar25,'71. LII. HAS I"., Attorney at Law, SI'S UURY, PA., nllice ill Slasscr'a Uuildiinr near tin; Court Mouse. Front Room up stairs aho'e ill-1 Druir Store. Collections made in Nor t liuinli 'i lan I au l adjolninir counties. Hunbiiry, Pa., June , 187. It. CAOWAI.I. OF.lt. Market Street, . - SCNUUKY, PA. Healer In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, t'Hass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cljrars, Pocket Books, Dailies, Ac. Sl. IVOEVEUTOtf, Attorney at Law. Market Square, SU S BURY, PA. Profession al business in this and adjoining counties proiupt y attended to. HII. MASHER, Attorney at Law. SCN- Hl'RY, PA. Collect ions attended to in the counties of Northumberland, I'lilon, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. upllU-oit OOI.OMO. MAI.II H, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Olllee at liis residence on Areli street, one square north of the Court House, near the J.iH, SUN BI'RY, PA. Collections an I all professional business promptly attended to in tliis and adjoin ing counties. Consultations can bo had in the German language. July7-lS7:i. W. .IEOLKK. I.. T. llOllltilAf 11. 7.IE.l.i:it A ItOIIKItACIl. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Olllee In Ilaupt's Building, lately occupied by Judge Rockefeller and L. T. Rohrbaeh, Esq. Collections and all professional business pr inptly attended to In the Courts of Northum berland ami adjoin'mi; counties. Dee. 1ST I. DIt. C. M. MAKTIX, Olllee in Drug More, Clement House Block, Olllce hours: from 11 a. in., to I p. in., and Ironi C to 0 p. m., a l all other hours, when not Professionally en gaged can be IoiiiiJ nt re: id' nee, corner of Front inU Penn street, bl'SUCIiV, PA. Particular mention given to surgical eases. Will visit Patients either in town or country. 1 mi ijotcls anb cstunrants. CH AVI'OKl IIOI'SE, Cor. Third and J Mulberry. Business Centre, Williamson t. Pa. m. D. B. ELSE . CO., Proprietor. June 2I, 1S73. UMTF1 STATES IIOTFI., W. F. Kirt:ilE, Proprietor. Opposite the lle 4 Sll AMOKIX, PA. Every attention given to 'ravellers. ami the best ueeoiiimodatioiis given. A nH fi, lS7o.lf -VTT-lSlllM.TOX IIOI'NE, C. NEFF V Proprietor, Corner of Market A Second "Streets, opposite the Court House, Sunbury, fa. .May.:, " AI.I.F.ilIEV IIOI'SE, A. BEClT, Propria .a, Nos.Sl'J and 814 Market Street, above eight Ii, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, i per day. He respectfully solicits your patron age. J a lib' i J. TA'ITO'AI. HOTEL. AUGCSTC8 WALD, JVoprietor, Georgetown Norlh'd County, Pa., at Hie atatiou of the N. C. R. W. Choiftrwhics and cigars at the bar. ; 1 he able Is supplied with the best the market vfcfo ''ords Gisid fabling aud uttentive ostlers. X T I 'MM EIN hESTAIKAVr, X X. LOL'iSUCMMEL, Proprietor. . Commerce Si., bllAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having just relltted the almve Saloon for the raioino.intlou of the public, is no prepared to serve '.lWfiiends with lb; best lufreslimeiui, and fresh Lager tfjcr, Ale, Porter, and all other mult qliors. itsincss inriis. W . S. tlllOAUS. 1. I'ACKKK I1A1S WN. UIIOADN A CO., ! HUT All. DKiLtKa or 1 ANTIlltAjL'lTE COAL, BCXBUJtV, PENN'A. OrFicE witu Haas, Kauelt & Co., Orders left ul Bous'olt V Bra's., olllee Market ' tract, will receive prompt attention. Country u-loiu resimetfule solicited. ' .. ftp 4,.4b?l.f-4r: . .,v .-. . 1 ANTHBACITE COAL! VAI.ENViNE ItlETZ. Wboleeale aud Ketuil dealer n ever; variety of (. . ASl'liJAACiTK COAL UffER WHAKF. -fcUNBUlU, ricxs'x. All kinds of Grain taken iu exchange for Coal. Ordvrs solicited and lllled promptly. Orders left t s). F. h'evlu'e Coiifuiiooeri -Bture, ou Third lieel, win ueicve pro upt utleuttoii, and Ulouer tecelptedfor, the uoiu us at lUu olllcs SUN.BUET 12tatlltiel In ISIO. I'BK K 91 SO IN ADVANCE. ) IIENTISTItY. GEOUOE M. IlENN, In Simpimn'8 Muildiny, Market Squnre, ScsnfRY, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. Ho keeps constantly on hand a lurjre assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, from which lie will be able to select, mid mce me wants of his customers. All worn warranted to give satisfaction, or else the money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash nnd Tooth-Powders kept on hand. His references are the numerous patrons fur whom he has worked for the last twelve years. Siiubiiry, April Ml, Wi. - COAL! CO AIj! COAM OHAVrimos., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, Sl'NuTUY, V.. (I.OWEK WIIAHF..) Orders will receive prompt iitlentlnn. XEW COAlTvAItO. r'MlE undersigned having connected the Coal JL business with his extensive FLOCK A; GRAIN trade, is prepareil to supply faiiiiiies with the vf.isv ui:ntof ( ti ciii:ai run canii. ii'i. Stove and Nut, cimstnntly on hand. Grain taken in exehungo forConl. .1. M. CADWALLADEH. Sunbury, Jan. 15, lbTo. if. v? 1,H0 iX IFTN. A Grand Gilt Concert. A (1KAND GIFT OONfT.UT will Lo given a( Siiubmy, l'u., by Hie Indrirtnlrat WASHINllTON 8Tf.AM K1HI'. t'OMPAX V, Ou MOKDAV, rEWllTARY 53d, 1K74. Tlie ohject of this entcri'rlsf Is for tb luinios" of hi' Plll'tl.R u M e.m i'lre KiikIhp, which will 1h' uii mlvulit:if(" to all ueiMiibiii'iiifT towns tiecesitblo liy mil, from the fuet th it It will lie uu It '"prmlPiit r.inipauv. Anit s we have nser tuileil to d -eh iie our ibry v livu e illrd n -ou, we cs rtuiuly .,. i abl to nrpomi lisu more (jooil with the uiit of a si e oner. Taerp i no Icks tV.an nii.e eei, luie out riu ,11 towas wilhiii thirty miles of Muutmiv, nil ,,f wuieii e.ia lip reaeiied by ruiltwl, tuns uff.n iIi.Ik thH li.cili y in iiss'siii.g uny ni tlios" 1 ices in l.'ss tliuii nil Hour's lime ; while ul the sume time our towu will not be uniuiveci I. Dm-iiinji-c l,, ing H 1 md iblu one, we rel o jetlili nt lh.it all the tiek"i will lie ri.sj imed oi by tile timi ulsive uanietl fop druwiiiK. Til F, FOLLOWING IH A J. 1ST 1V ttli'TM: OVi: ORANO GIFT OF $l,nl ' " " " MINI " ' . .. umi ' ,"pHI aH. 2tKl no l,ox 1,1 Hh 1,IMK l.UfO l.tHHj lriW " Gift el I . 10 (llfln oi .VI.IKI. . .. . . 4UOillsol' 2.'.IHI 100 (linn of lO.IHI 2llUUillsof 6.110 6llUifisul' '2.IK1 IMW Gii'lB ol 1.00 1,S.'7 Tof..i 0" T iiH cutpririe 1r no inrtividuul Hj Pcu!a-!o , n ho.n Una itutt lurtiiiuif J nt up ut t ImluiiH j. ic Tu. iiitKltr ol' a riuv!trsuiul tiefcot will r'cniv uh J ti T ii CASH. T leit will 'Ji(.4HrO TUtflH of Aitniisniou to IhU Con cert, ut fl.00 e;.ili, ami at tlie time hlxiVf tat-d ine $ i,X'U in CASH iHi.B will 1 ilintribu.ed. !LN 0 ' PISTKIBlJTiOlN. Twenty tlioiiHiiid iiuinbt iK, reiinut atinp and ivrrrtsV IHMiiiitf wim iiiuiw on rbe retvipiM iMmifd, will he lp' 111 o if wiiwl uisxi (Mnlri cui'ltii-fd with t' u.uuepi of hv l'rt-'iuiUiuN in Kfjlt-d UixeH will ! i-Uci'd iu uno.lifi. Fntiii tuett' WiifclM, u nmultfr nd one ol th i!ihv in 111 hI inscrilrfd nrdri will ho ti;keu Hiiuult jiiiwuHly. Tut uuuiIkt m dntvru fn'.i tlie mif wIm I wnMirm the 1 1 iiiluin dKOHttil by tlie nard tttkui t im ft.nm titue tvom tue uiut'i-, Tai( o-tniliiu will iierforniptl y a bliutl I'frsoti, Hisd t'omiiiiifd iiulil Ki'itwh Hnudrtd ami Kiuy-Hevru l'rt iniumH jtp fLmiiM,d. It in evidt-nt that hy thin pniovt, fraud or iuvortinin will Ik iii-vonR.-le. Kvery iejKui inldinj niu kd will U- rn:i.ld U adm KHimi into ili Coihvi. All (iiiiAlVtid iu 'Art;i without difcount. M iiiev cu i (k wut lor Tioketi in it vit;-red letttMH, oj Pont i)Jtl(v Moiit-y OrdiTK, or tiy Kxprs ,a our rit-lr. I Ueir ni, Ticki'iK will lie wnt by Exitr'-rif, i'. . I. Tae iollowi"K t-in lfiiitn n.,f kindly cuUKrutcJ tt ft uu TriipiN't-H lor tiie ulK'e tiiit 4'oin:-t : 8. T. Uolvi i-.ou, lti., lUiwior J. H. a:nl H. K. ; Geo. Hill. AitoriH at hiw; Hon, V. I Iiw.ri, rx-tiu'iMtM-r oi ' CouifiTfi!-; Win. I. ( irrtruouh, iq,, IMitv tor Firtt Naiioii d 11 t.ib tt Suiibury; -loiui H.t..N, li-') , ditto; Iru l. I .e n-utt LUtriiKTiiiin ; wtu. I. ur.iu . Co:l M'.cuiiut, Suiilmiy, lat iiiMivc ii.iiiictl tri'iit li'int n n iiiKumiiKKtt ant liiinorul'li' lurii, wauviouM noi h'ud ilipir iiuin-t aiit give thfir aBfiniaiJoe to any uuworiiiy obj.ot. HM 1 M. m.MU.H It, UVM. M. HLNN, W M. H. MH.I.tit, m-;vi sKAKiioir., lJiu m. khimikIs, committee All cninuiiinloitJoii phf-crfully a;ihW'rtd. AddrNKt iu all c .vt'H, IMUMP M. HHINIil'.I.. N. 8. I'.n o lit, t'oiii'UdiuK Sft.n t.iry Trt'.iBurpr of rnudc. WINTER Millinery. MtHKHT ST., SEAR TIIF. SIMILHT, 1'A., PITY IIOTK1., now open, all the novelties of the season in KIHHOSt. VELVETS, BILKS, FI.0WKKS, FEATHERS, ETC.. triuinied aud u oi i in tncj IIA'IN AM) I OVKTS. Notions in every variety, call and examine the tine assortment and learn the low prices. Also. DrosNiiialiliig of the latest nnd mos fashionable styles. MISS AMELIA HANCOCK, Hnnbury, Pa., Oct. 17, 171!. E1Y faiODS, MINTF.lt NT V I.F.N of every description and variety such as lrNtt aOOllH compi iriug all Hie noVellW'S ill fabric and shade. Woolen UooiIh, I'uiti' 4itolM. Full Assortment of .Notions, which are being sold ut the lowest Cash Prices. Also, (iitocEiiiE and Piiovisions, pure and fresh. OlEENSWAUK. (iLASSWAHE, AND WOOL and Willow Wake, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on lmnd A very lurge ASSORTMENT OF WALL PA 1 Ell, both glazed and common, always on band. BOOTS AND SHOES from the celebrated hand made Boot und Shot Mu nil factory of Watsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HEADY-MA l)E CLOTUIXO, ofull sizes and of the lutest styles. F L O U K . A constant supply of western white wheat floui a speciality. The public are invited to ( all und examine out Goods tree of charge. Our imitlo is "Quick Sales and Small Prolits," and to please all. . The highest prices will be paid for all kiuds ol country uroduce. K siriet attention to business and keeping ul ail times the most complete stock, und selling at theAiiwest prices, we tioie to merit a f .ill share o patro.ago. RF.ED BROTHER BEASHOLTZ. ' Sunbur,, Dec. 8, 187ii. 1307. RIGHTER&GASKILL, 1307. American ani French WMoi Glass, Crystal Sheet, Roufb Plata, Colored, .Eoameitu aud OrnamrTital (llni, 19Q Market Bt v, Philadelphia. ' Jauuar; , ;87S. If. - SUNUURY, 1IAI.TI.1IOICE LOCK HOSPITAL JR. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, hr discovered the most certain, spe-dy. pleai-aul and pll'ectiial remedy In the wnild for nil DISEASES OF IMIKU 'FNCE. WcnkncRs of the Rack or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Invilun. tiry Discharges, Impotency, (leneral Debili ty, Nervousness," Drspcpsy, Lanitnor, Low Spirits, Conliion of Ideas, . Palpitation of the Heart. T'mldity, Trcmbllnits, liininess of Plirht or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, AfT-dlons of Liver. Lunirs, Stomach or Bowels thec terrible Disorders nrlslne from the Solttury Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices nioro fatal to their victims than the song of Svrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, bliglitimf their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendcriuir inurrlan", Im.jos eible. 1OUN0 MEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful nnd destructive liabll which annually sweeps to on iintimelv eruve thousands of yountr men of the most exalted talents nnd brilliant intellect, who mlirht other wise have entranced listening Senates with tlie thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the ll'tug tjre, mni uull n lit full mi imviirc .MA it A E Married Persons or Young Men contemplating inurritiirc, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Piocreative Power Iinpoteiiry), Nervous Ex eitabiiliy, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other DlSiiitulltlcalion, speedily relieved. lie who places hlm-u'lf under the care of Dr. J. may religiously coullde iu his houor as a gentle niaii, and conlideutly rely unon Ids skill as a Pliv. slcinii. OMtiANIC WEAKNESS. Impotency. Loss of Power, immediately Cured and full Viiror Restored. This Distressing Affection w hi 'h renders Llle iiiisernbleainl marriage impossible Is the penalty paid by tlie victims of improper indulgences. Young persons ure too apt to commit excesses from not beingaware of tlicdre nlfnl conseqen -es that may ensue. Now, who that undcrstun Is the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by "those fullitig Into impiuper habits than by the prudent I Uesid.'s being deprived tlie pleasures of lien tliyoffsprl nr, (he most serlo is and destructive syinpto ns to b ith body and mind arise. The system become i de ranged, the Physical and Mental Fund ms Weakened, Loss of Procreative Pov er, N i. vons Irritability, I'yspepsia, Palpitation of .(cart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting ol the Frame, Cou-b, Consu.nptioii, Ueeav ami Death. A CURE tVrt"'TFD IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned iiretep. b is who keiD them trim "" alter month, Hiking poisouous and injurious compoun Is. -IhjuIU upply iminediutely. Li.. ,li.SrO.N, Member of the lioyal College or Surgeons, Lou don, Grndmrted from one of the most eminent Colleges in the Un ted States, and the greater part of whose Ife has been spent ""V' '.V' lf. , , . . , ....,..ieipufa aud cbewlie e, lias etlected some of the most astonishing cur. s hut were ever known i iiiiiny troubled with ring ing in the head and eir. wluoi asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed nt sudden eoauds. bashliilness, with frequent blusbiug. ',''""' "iiinetiiiieB w ith derangement of p"i"wtcll'tl1 Ininiediiitelv. ' . ..,,,,,. iAhF 1ART1CULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. iiilnicstes all those who have injiimt ibuinteives by improper indulgence und solitary habits, whicli ruin both body aud mind, untitling tliem for cither business study, society or mar riage. 'I iiik are some of the sad and melancholy (fleets produced by early hnldts of youth, vi. : Weakness of the Uack unit Limbs, Patns in tno Hack in. d Head, Dullness of biht, Loss of .Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the lieurt, uy.pcpsy, Nervous lriitubiiity, Deraugemeut of Digestive Functions, deticrul Debility, Symptoms of Con sum lion, &e. Mentally The fearful elletis on the mind are much to be dreadeiU Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Atersioii to Society, Self-Distrust, . ove of Solitude, Timidity, Ac., art some of tlie evilsp dueed iuoisasiih of perMiiis ofull aires can now judge what is the cuusctd' their declining health, losing their vigor, liecomlng, weak, pale, nervous .nil emaciated, having a singular appearance iboul the eyes, coiijiliaud syniptouis ot consump tion. YOUNC. MEN Who have injured themselves by u certain prac tice indulged iu when aloue, a hubil frequently learned from evil companions, or ut school, the elicits of which ure nightly felt, even when asleep, and II not cured, renders marrluge iiupos il'le, and destroys but Ii mind and body, should iiimlv liiiiuedlateiv. What a pity that a young iiiun.the liopeof his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all iirot-uects aud enjoyments ol life, by the consequence of deviating from the putiiot nature and Indulging Iu a certain secret habit. Such persons mi st neiorc coiiieuipiaiiii;.: iAKIUAiiE. red i el that a sound mind and body are the most iiicestai v riuuisltes to iiromote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, the Journey through life becomes u weary pilgrimage the prospect I'ourlv darkens to the view; the miud becomes hadowed with despu.r and liileil Willi the meiaiv holy reueetiou, Unit tlie bappiiu.? ol uuoiuei b, collies blUjiited with ourown. CERTAIN IHSEASK. When the misguided aud iiiiprndent votary of nleusure tinds that he has Imbibed the see Is of i bis painful disease, it too often I appens that an ill-tiuied seuse of shame, or dread f discovery, Icier uiiu lioiu applying to those wh.t, from education und restttablllty, cau uione befriend him. ilehivinir till the eoustilutioiiul symptoms ot this horrid disease make their appearance, such s ulcerutcd sore throat, diseased nose, uocturul pains in the head aud limbs, dirauess of sight, leufness. nodes ou the shin bones aud uriiis, nlolehes ou the head, fate and extre uilies, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, sill at last the palate of the mouth or the boiiea of the nose fall in, und the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid obicct of commiseration, till death puis n Period to his dreadful sunering, by sending him to " thai Undiscovered Country fro.u wiieuee no traveller returns.' It is a meluucholy fuet that thousands DIE t'ictiins to this terrible disease, through fulling into the hands of Ignorant or unsklllf II PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that dea lly Poi son, Mercury, kc, distroy the coustilut mi, and Incupuble of curiug, keep the unhappy sullerer hoi. tb utter moiilu taking men noxious or Ml iiirioua compounds, and instead of being restored ui u renewal of Life Vigor and llnppiness, in dee pair leave him with ruined Health to sili over his gulling disappoint mem. 'I n such, therefore. Dr. JOHNSTON oledge him self 10 preserve the most Invlolab e Secrecy, uira 1 1 uin ui. extensive piaciiee sua novum mo. in ibo greul Hospitals of Europe, und the first iu ibis country, viz: Eugluud, Fruuce, PhiludulihU md elsewhere, is enabled to oiler the most cer tain, speedy und clfeeluul ruined)' iu lue world for all discuses of Imprudence. UU. juil.vSTON. OFFiL'E, NO. 7. 6. FREDERICK STREET. Caltimoh M. D. Left band side going from Uultiiuorestre -t, a low loors from the corner. Fail not to unserve uame und uuuiber. No letters received unless p istpald aud containing a stamp to be nsed on the reply. Per sons writiug should slule ae, and seul u poniou of udviitisellieill aeeulJiii(j syiuplo us. There ure so uiuuy Pultry, D'.slgniug uud Worthless luipnslers advertising themselves aa Pbysician. tntllug with und ruiulu l be l.ealtu of all who uuforluuulely full luto their power, that Dr. Jobu.luu ueeius ii uecessury to suy peeiuuy iu iuud uuaeuuiuiuu wuu uu reo.iiu llou luui in. vicueuviai. ur uipunuus uiway. bang iu hi. olllce. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PREBtl. The many thousands cured at this Eslublish mcul, year alter year, und the uuiuerou im portuul buigleal 0,iult i.i. performtul by Dr. Jobublou, wiluessed by lb represent il.vc of the press aud mauy other pap srs, uot cot of wlacb uave appeared uualu aud agvnbofoie the puohe, . cs det ma stand ug as a ifoutluiuuu of lurueler una fotiHtuslbilliy, Is uiUcieuiKUArauteetoiba all tctod. fcb n diMMee. spuwl.W cmr4. JiurvU I, ims-lj i PA.. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2.-1874. iOI.I n. I.OVE. ' Yon will not wish inu joy, then, Cousin ChllllJl! 1" 'I will nut wish yon linrm, Alino: nn, limy y ui lo linpjiy. n Imppy hh I will lie iiiisefiihli) hikI so s tyiiiu tliu spetiker walked littstily from tins rnoin. Clatiilu Mniiklnti mni Aline Di'liipluiii Were cousins, uiul iVnm ciil licfit cliililliiinil, 'dm wmlil Hiiiil.' tvero lovum ; but be that i its it niny, w lu n llic iiuiiilcii reached tin- ngo of t'lgliU'im mid tin; youtli liad p.issnl Ills twcnlv-wciiiiii ycur. iin tcul word bail liecn spiiki ti liclwccu lliciii to hind cni li otlicr in an ftigaat'iiit'iit ; n i'lmi8 ihcv be lieved wonls a ml lien unnecessary when etlch felt that tlicy possessed ' rt.n souls but a single iho'l'll'.t, Two hearts thai beat as one," At seventeen Claude went to West point us cadet, and Aline iviimiiied at lioinu uu ilcf tliu euro of n y.iveniiss ; and sudlv did ebo hush her cousin, for. being hii orphan, be. bud always lived with Ins undo and aunt, who really looked u;iun him more ns fl sou than it nephew. And thus the yonis pa shc.il, Claudu win ning tlm gold opinions lor himself at tliu Aoadi inv li'iiiu nlUi'i rs and coiurudcs, lor tie was daring, dashing, hands nm; lellmv. generous to a fault ; wliilu Aline, havitm returned from u lioardiug-Helionl. where she had Hpcul two teriiis. enUiiil society, and sunn became the, reigning hellu in her u i live lown, and justly so, for she was very beautiful, in character as well as person. Hula cloud Irll tip ui Allue, tor her la ther, having lost heavily in speculations, could scarcely keep his liead nbnvu water' so to speak, and 'catuhinj at a straw,' us would a drowning in in to save him iVnm ruin, listened luvorahly Ho pr-ipnsai of a foreigner, a Mexican otli .-cr of the. liegaiion l.ialliiiv him the privilege oi' oll'ei'iti hini self to Aline. Now. Don Altar Lope, was the possessor ol great wealth in his native laud, and lie sides standing high in tlmariuv, was a cou sin to Niuta Anna, and those; virtues in Mr. Delaphin's eyes decided hitn at once in accepting the suit of the voting Mexican. allhotljli he did ' ' i relict at tliu til 1 11 he felt It Would iiring upon Aline nnd Claude. To his daughter Mr. Dcluphiu made a clean breast of it, telling her frankly that her marriage with the MoxicKti wits ud thai would save him from ruin, while he hinted IW'Pb'W" ' tjJ . Ita.l ... ii .piii.iit.,1 suit against him. Aline turned as whitens marble vii con trolling herself by a " -' s;llJ luiei ly. .. ....... CiAiner, l win marry inu Attar.' Claude Munition gradualed at the head riiis class, and wild a heart hounding with iv set forth to visit his bovlio d's homo .n I make known to his uncle and limit and Aline his good fortune. I poii his arrival Mr. stud Mrs. D;l i plant were absent, and in rliu arkjr he found Aline and Dot) AW Lopez. His cousin greeted him wartnlv, and pre sented the D ui. who, after a few pleasant words, arose and retired, for the Mexican was decidedly a gentleman, possessing many noble qualities. Then, ttcteruiin-il in make me. nest oi it. Aline told Claude of Iter enjajjeuletit. and isked if he cmild not wish her joy. But without a word he left her. crushed by Ute blow mat had fallen upon him, and the days, weeks, in itillis, tlew by, mi l no news as to his whereabouts wits known. Upon the burning plains ot M sico. in I he early pait ol the war between thai cotiniry aim me t. niie.i suites, a muiuii army, sliellereil try me slurry cinmeiu oi America, was drawn up in line oi name, aud facing a (nrco of the. enemy far superior to il iu numbers. The gallntid Quitman sut upon his horse "iziiu through nis glass upon a slrotioly f.irtiliud hill, where the eneiuv had seemed it most tormiilahle position. 'That bill must l e stormed and taken. Colonel, ere we can make thu llank move ment il is a 'forlorn hope.' Who will lead it V" nnd as he spoke the (ieneral looked aiouud him upon his officers. If my general will trust 11 command to me, I will make the attempt,' said u youiiu oiliccr, riding from the line aud making the military salute. QuiUiiuu gazed into the p:tle but deter mined, apparently reckless, face, und with admiration in his tones asked : ' Vour name, sil '(" 'Claude M uikl-ui, sir. I was captain in the Texan army under Houston, but was promoted und oruered hither,' answered llle young man, modestly. I have heard of you. M ijor Milukton. Xcli'it vour men. and !o. d ilie charge.' A bright light da3hed over the lace of Claude us he heard tlie words, but, bowing; his thanks, he rode away to execute the or der. Half nn hour more a small hut daring band ol horseman were dashing on at full iced toward the fortress, led 011 by Claude M illkloll WHO Upon leaving mil- picacucc 01 Aline, when he learned of hur engagement. hud n'Hio to Texas and olfereii his services to the brave old Houston. On llicv rode like the wind, recklessly cliargiug Into t ie iiws of dentil ; and tiioiiiii: iiniuv lell hem alh the iron bail turtied upon tliem, it did not dieck their madcireer. The ee of their army was upon tliem. and over the l liin they tlew, utuil thesiecp bate of the te hill was reached, and than rain; out the ord.-r of their youtijt lender : Disiiiouut nieu and billow me.' Willi ti yeil the squulrou obeyed : nnd with a dug in one bund and his swoid in the other, Claude led the way up the sleep asienl, over the rocks into the 1 or tress. Ash ut hand to baud encounter, aud a cry for qu ir-ers was heard, uud then down came I; e col us of Mexico, au.f iu their nlaee went up thu Stars uud Stri ties. One loud cheer went up from the Ame rican lines when they discovered that the "red lield was won." Tlie commanding oftlcer desi re to t you. sir,' s ud a soldier, touchii ig Claude on thu arm, when he hud liinsh ed fasten ing the halyards on the it ig. ' ,lndeedvl heard he ivas slain.' N 1, sir, but dangerously wou ded.' nnd the soldier led the way to whe re a lurge tent slo k1. uud entering, Claud u saw an oillcor clad iu 11 c ilmi-d's uuif.triii. lying up- r , , . I ,i " ,i cauiii cot. while Ins ha ml w us pressed ( oil tl ii,u.n Iii. .i,lu IVniii uilii.iioi khIIh .1 n utivaiu upou.his side Iroin wluuie wclleu aslieaiu ,.i.l.11Ml . i . , i . i. j .. .. i.i. .a... 1 liu win imeu inn. eu p tor entered : the eves ot the I wo met; a start, a mutual recognition, and Don Altar Bill! II. I .ll.t'W'.l lil."lllll'll, llll'l '.. L me nnd Claudu M mUion, tl le rivals love, were fu. o to lUco a u F .M Vt . .,1 ll.,i A ricuu bowed h lUghlilyr ' ' 'I did; hut I knew not t'-ii. you, S our Wnulttou, lUat led -a.llau ' cli AMERICAN nR iiiiBt, me it won splendid ; hut be seated more by my side, mid hvnr no ill will .'iiinsi, me, for sen you nm I nm dvin y Hold ! iunr mn' through, for. in justice to ni8 lf iu jusiicv to lu-r 1 must spenk. and quickly, for murk you not how SAiltly til v hie ebbs from me ' The Mexican groaned, mid Claude, bun lulling unkind remembrances, thought only of the present -a fellow soldier dying iii the defence of hi land, so sitting down be side Ii tin. he took hold of thcsulicrino hand and said : ; '.Seiinr. is there nnv service I can do von in .yr.nr dying hour r' Speak, and I will pledge myself to do it." There is ; when I married Aline tiny, hear mu through I knew not that she loved another ; that she became my wife (o save her father fi i ruin, lis he upon his dying bed coulessed to me. for he is dead. I know not the truth, or I would not have taken her from you. to whom in love she was true, though iu duly she ucled for the welfare of her parent. ' Ted her that I appreciate all she has been to i uu ; for really bus sue acted as a will', though 1 hold tint her love it is J ours. .Seek her out ; for when I ennui here to serve my country in her trouble. Al'ne re mained at my request, with her moMier at the old hniiiesli'od.' Tell her you saw mo die. die on tlio lield and lighting for my llag. Tell her in my dying h uir 1 U essid her, and give, her baud to yon. for her love you already have, and when I am dead let nie die where I have fallen ; let me till a soldier's grave; and dike from me my wiilclinud chain and this miniature, ami bear l hem buck to her my sword I give to you, but use it mil against my countrymen. Comrado, Adios.' As quietly as though going to sicep. wiihoui tine word of regret, one word of anguish, Don Altar Iipez. Ihe noble Mex ican and gabant soldier, s ink l i his eter nal rest, still clasping the hand of the man I mm whom gold had stolen the bright lovi'-dream of1 his life. The Mexican war was nt nn end. anil in honor Colonel Claudu M uikt'ln relumed once more lolhe home of his youth, lo liud Aline tnoie bvnulil'ul still "in her dark mourning: weeds, for a blighted love had put llieu ami o,,.m., t,L. loveliness of her Iiibi, Warmly she greeted the denr companion of her childhood, the lover cousin whom she had mourned as dead, until she. saw his name, mentioned with honor iii'.Mex pers nan daring and gal:i"to the story of Don Al.'." - 11,11 txnutititl ey.-s were I, -y' with liars, for she admired and re spected her husband, though she had not loved him. Aim-, yon know till. I bad believed you untrue, tickle, willful, and now I crave, forgiveness and ask you to become my wife.' "O. Cliiude. Claude, now do the clouds of my life drill away.' Thus though jjiild conquered for uwhilt lovo triumphed. jHistcllaiKOUs. Keeping up Apirar:iiiff. Aristocratic pauperism is quite a popu lar element ill all large cities. 11 spreads out iu in-'St surpriMUg manner and has the liaoil 01 010114 i:i'iiiaui"un. t l spreads generally ii.nt.ttlii' tinoi: one, like consumption, nnd stays by linlil aiiuihiliauou comes to the rescue. Vou meet with aristocratic pau pers daily, aud don't know il. The penni less fops, and needy aristocrats, and in digent fashionables are somewhat numer ous. These admiringly two-faced indi viduals uiiike life one continued st ruggle. They are one thing, and apparently another. Tride and vanity are indulged in at the cost ol truth, honesty and principle I Every iota "f manhood and womanhood is sacrificed for elegant surroundings and su.niiiu. in liv.lig and all this home, spied- dor wears such a midly mien that lookers on never suspect that it's only -jloss and show, '11 sort of fcilver plaled nrrauge- menu lime belvays tlie will guarded tu- tW(.,ny.ive years of age. Willi nothing to ere I, . Ciddcd (invert), like murder, wiU bU.,.,",., ,,. ,,iid very little prospects of gcl- itome out, mid the penally paid lor all this ,,.in'jed. True," Mr. and myself are sham way of living is exceedingly severe. (.Hanged, but lie is too slow, and 1 feiir will Ciiy life is full of ca'amities ; pcriiaps then) veuiiuliy saver our ussociaiiou. If I is nothing s'i distressing in the joys and ihoiight so, and tuw uo favorable opport soriows of btvilless millionaires. The fie- Ul)ty of lining; better, I believe I would gain parasites are generally men t-ellitili. t lllIt,-,-y ltiiiy as a lust teaoit. Vou must cold, heartless, and destitute of bussiness ,,,1,,, 1L js a young niaii in some ability, tact. They begin thu w.u Id wrongly, , j (Hmvr ited that initv Ui. and his pros uud keep on doing the sume thing until , 1K.t.,3 ot- ,m,kii,g a living at least are pi-tly ihcv butt against the law. ,,,.,,,1 ,.,,ni,li.i-iior Mu. a ami Ids chilu- Now the smash-up ot tamily and ciuirue- 1 jMUIll.8H. After a lew years of coniacl with 1 sued lor a week or leu days wiliioui set ter lakis place, uud Mr. Uespeclable is all j ljs jvinking day world. 1 ihiiiK Billy will S ting 11 new supply. Ot course, youudd H12 nlioat-11 dcsolulo woe liegon, and subsist- , t)l! B, .unjtUiii;. itnd il not his siiijinissive dis- j usual quantity ot Hour, &c, every uight, ing at the expense of the Slate. All this i,(,siiim aiiU"iii-iiiine atlfftinii for me are I an I liual up well. wretcheilne.K daily grows and iiounsues. because civilir.atiou has become so high toned, so itslhetie, and magnificently vol- tfpiuous and wonderfully extriivageui. It is laughable anil yet pitiable I notice the ins and outs, the tips aud downs of ariitlo- i crutic p.ieK-r. How fraulically they work to keep up appearances ! 1 For example there is Mr. Exquisite. He docs something in bank. U lieu he lirst took his situatiou lie was quite hu 111- iitk-L-m boy, and indulged 111 ninny hopes ..i),;AU ;illy : Jt aeiit you brother' let of future gieatucss. Exquisite, at liitein, 1 , ,isiak,.. Mail it to him im- scorned lolling a 110, ai iwemj-nve in. . considered truth unworthy ot his notice, i At fifteen Exquisite loved work. At: iweuly-livo he absolutely adored luxun- , , O .s ease, ai uiiei 11 uie u..y nKu,eu up now grandly neioiui uve uuu iun'u lamily when lie sliou u amass a loriuue 01 of ilod,tK)J. At tweiiiy-livi' U figured up tliat he c tuld pl iy tho gentleman quite to hi satisfaction if he was worth 11 million. Exquisite hud been very industrious aud very saving, and at iw.uiy-livo be was worih tflb-,000. Exquisite had un idea how a gentleman should live. He was bu- couiiuj; disgusted with boarding housecoin- 1 i'...i. uu.l mull, iiipibi. liivnrc of a "brown sume Iroul" Inline. Kvouisile bud studied to be m-ntccl, and 1 ..;...i u....u liu i.l 1.0 wl '.i l-.imsell into fash tollable society, nnd so w ilhout preceiving it he bad grown aristocratic uud looked ll ........... .it tliin.rd witlk n vi.ritioll. UlM'll U lil'IIHU'iii lyssssiasr ' " i i I 111 Exnuisile iiiarries, reills a largo house, and forgi tiing that he was in the presence ol , J to powder.o lbs. apples, pared uud cbop bas it iiiagnilicently furnished; hires n : death, he oinmeueed to sum tt lively tune, j ,,vl : lbs. raisins seeded and chopped: French cook and quite a sin ill army of ! keeping time, with his liauitiier. Suddenly i p.,. sultana raisins, washed nud picked serianls Mrs Exquisite hkis to wear ', the corpse arose and exclaimed in a hollow ' over ; 2 lbs. currants washed uud csreluIlT costly jewelry and I'.nisiaii made costumes; i voice; "Wlun a man is iu tho presence of jked over. 3-1 Hi citron, cut up tine, 3 1 dioui.r iiiii tii s reccitlious. illiej soriecs are d nucr paint s, r.Lipii i s. uuu . l IlliU !! vu 1 merowusoi muiiiiius una ,.... i.;V(ll,i. I gOSSIplUg U'lenUS. -l couise, lliu Jj - aijui uii.-n L-i-i-iiM iln ir Homes uuu carriages uuu v - ------- V, -..- u ,.,,,, s,,,,,,,,,. ! It I ,.n,r rirain h. Saratoga, or NeWlioil. . - r- .1. -. , in 1 Ever) b sly resiecb Lxquimb s. und mauy I a poor uiechanio uiul s,eek lo-.kiux tlerk inA. ' I'll V V LliU IlllUi V LUCir IV kUlu nsiu; I ivtudd the W.Ud .mill, uud b .w l id Ex. "'' ' " ,, , ,V. r. ? - Iqui.ttcsif ibe knew that the family wcix nly urutocratic paurs w Kprlen. Vol. . .o. 40. ll NerleN. Vol.SI.Ao.S. For years poor Mr. Exquisite has had Ids head tilled with ligtins. specula! ing Sehemi'S. und pious lo get out of einlii y.zie ini'tit and ilillieuliies ; nnd nil hi cause he has lived liir above his income. This try illjj to keep up iippciiruiict is one of Ihe si ruinous (.'ishioiiah;e follies of the Hums. There is the small salaried clerk, who must wear fashionable eloihing ami liuuiil ut a fashioii:i.lile bonrdiii r house j lie pats a InsiiionnMe price tin- all he lins. anil so lie tlrilis I lie catalogue o iii isloclatic imupers. If Mr. Clerk rcuniins single and lu iii l-wlfolc he sl.iiids a eliuuee of dying without, gelling into dijht nnd deliiiiiiliiig Tom. Dick aud Hairy. There Is too much elegant deslilution tor poor gent letiicn lo get inn tried. The genlit 1 poverty is alarm ingly liishioiialile. Kveryiiudy in the city strive lo "live in style.'' The tenement house people measure their r'Sii clibilil y by Ihe lirst, second, third, loiutli and liflli llooi's. 1. title Maggie, who lives Iu the "sky parlor," .won crs if she will ever be so rich as lo live ,ike Kale 011 the lirst Hour, and have a piano nod pretty dresses. Maggie's parents are working like nil possessed tu make. It genteel home such us the liii (lour people have. And lln se lower region teneli'.s are colli l iving every way to keep up appearances and gel a homo like people who lent a whole house. ! Tie. ..I Iiim.Im ..I'd... I.......I..I ;.. .. I .... , o I., 1111: f jn in 1 1 111 in ,1 i.iiiij city are lighting desperately to live beyond their means, Iu the various grades ol sn ( iely titer', is nn abtindoiiee ot sham gliller and empty givulness. And too often ve iinhold great fratuls ; and eveii foul mtir di rs. ns a consiMjiieiice of launching out iu life Willi loo lolly notions of self, Hud too high an appreciation of luxurous case. The results of tiidyism me not wotn!rous !y hi tii'ttcial to poor struggling humanity. "This foreign geulccl vice appears lo find iu Democrat ic America. - Society wears a fascinating uli'i tin, irn sliliie, and said to be perfectly harmless, since the beta mrmh: bus a knack of gelling nit 1 print. It is all innocent iimmiiseiiieul, this gossiping about the Xn-idlu family going Lit Europe, uud llle Filz (t. ilds' In initial silver wedding. The iiiforiiintioii thai. Miss Silver is be trothed to Mr. .lol.n Henry Bunker is cer tainly important news. We I'lirn with adiiifratioii n"- m,p. I.ucy Snob was seen ileiving in thepaik. .Some kind IVieinl.it' society journal informs us that Miss Nellie (if tnt attends the church thai her f-' a iiieiiihcr ol. oaneful element Tody isin.i.i.j vel ils inllueiiee cannot he i'.vi lo ('.ercisi' tiny very Insiitig good. This desire lo be noticed is mi-' etviit cause ol the pcoiiln trying to keep u 1 such br.l iatit n ppi 11 1 11 net s tipuii mulling - living be yond thnir inciune nud b coming s.avcs to the fashionable lollies of t ic litti.s. From the Mobt e lie: JOM.S' VI'. :i.-tei. i.E'iTEU. IS It ' A young man, whom we shall call Billy ; .Join s, could lie seen ill Ihe l'ostollici! 1 f, w : days ago, boasting to a crowd of friends of i ihe soul inspiring letter which he would I soon receive 1 nun his Du'ci iea. The mail j being distributed, Mr. .1 'U s. hurriedly 1111 ' ..i l-.-.i bi ii,.v , unit lliere before him, to his i heart's delight, was the long looked i'.t . while Winged messenger,, hearing the well known ini.ials ol his punctual correspon dent. Desiring to show tlie production f her prohlie imagination to a couple ot his :...,..,, . ii,,,8. ,e sat down mi the iron ; Bl..!..w.lv m ,i. I, f5t ollice and hrok th i ,,s'ii. His bewildered countenance ,:;m!v showed I hat something; was not ex- 1 - . ...i . aclly rigiii. uiul. Mining 11 up. ne gave a u one of his companions to read. The com panion ha.-. Lindl.V furnished us with the . Pillowing copy : , Oct. full. 1S7:5. "My Daklino Biioriiiiit : 1 have just written Billy thesp oniesl It Uerever penn ed by a silly girl to a moonstruck youth. 1 dislike lo continue corresponding with i him while you sostreiiuously oppose it. but ; his niiiics'.tisieal auswcis to my foolish lei ! ters all'ord me so much amusement that I i cannot give it up at present. J. write him pages ol the most lamiliat quotations irnui , simkespeare, and he thinks it nil oritfjnul wll(l L1 iul lo vjuW 1I1V l(oii,ai more j .. . .,; ,.aiv Vou uiusi remouiOer Hi il 1 am , L.,1L.udable qualities in his composition, ! v-llW i-,,,IL.r . ojye your consent to 1 k i(.V niUi UHl I am sure what course Mr. will pursue iu relation to ;UI ellgageini ul. If y mi can spare me lifty cents, please send It to me so 1 cm have a ae 111 taken of me f ir Billy's wali h cnse. Vour loving s.s.er, Billy now went to his box again, uud re ceived a postal card bearing the lollowing 1 livi.-f uiul i.vnbllialorv IllesSaoe : nn-uinuiiv in and lie . will send you J.ur6i Your sweet chuck, ." 1,V is now in a quandary iu relation to ,,u) ,.,,,,. , K, pursued by bun in the lu tllri. l , Nor to in: I'ltiiurc-.NMCD. An old French sooi uiaker. who boas'.cd that uoth ing could scare him. was put to the test bv two young men. Oae of them pretended to be dead, and thu oilier going to tho shoemaker induced him to "sil up" with the suwosid corpse. Tie shoemaker was inn hurry with rune work he had prom- ised lo have completed the next mornino. I So he look his tools and Icalhur and b-gnu ; work beside the corpse. About twelve - i it'i lock nt night a cup ol black cofleo ws j He 1 i brought him to keep him awake I drank it nud resiuui-d work. About one I nV lin k ihe eoM'ce having exhilarated him. ileal l he s niu d uoisiug." - ( ' ....i,,",, d.-alt the iiinitcr niinni in. u o....-.- j ,...,.. tt hiow on the head, cxelaliiuna - it'll pne llle same tune ; Wheii a uuu is ueaii - I., 1 noisi-ak.' 11 was urn iusi lime ' ill. v tried lo Scare the fcliocuukcr. j , Th ii.'n'i.tn fir ih- ttUgMvinn of the cor- ....... - . , , - "-.e, o, - ed hi tun Hoard of Finance, tin. UrJ i provtu uy 9itui , adv khtisim; schkiujlk 1 0 Lines, or nbonl 1 00 Words, make u Sqnan i 8i '.' One week l.ixi 'i.(K' Two weeks l.fto. J.IK' - 8q 4 8n icoi J,Tol t pot fs I 8.IS1 ft.On 8.00 10 j 4-0 : 8.0 111.0018 TO 4. fi0: B.O ; .tM1U.00-.0.00 ft.ri' I H.ldl Kl.no lA.uO'Jtf.oO 6. i 7.0- 18.00 17.O03-..I1O 7. fttij 8.0 la.tHI .8.00 87.50 5. ftol ll.ll.i I o.lHI uo.l 0 W.tiO ".tie; lo.U.tiiO.Oll B.P0 4o.ee 1 I .O.ij iii.0,1 OH.IK) . 5.1 0 50.00 iii.o 15.U.1 ..5.uo ;.. 0 i.t 0 Three sj.oo" a.fti !2.M 4..'.i a.7o ft. uii H.IHI O.Ti. y.ari 7.ft- B.fs.i 8.U1 ' fl.tKi! U.ll 1 U.U 1 0.1 1' Four Five Six T.i tint's Three ' Mx " Nlm. One tcir 1 i 1,1 11 -o. 00 10.no 1... 0 tli.O. One of . c llirkmnii'M Tricks. Beau Hickniiiji n,.u 1,1,1,1,. ,i r.,i,j ,, tm Biilliiiiore r, stiiuinnis. U'lerinined to nine well that day or know ihe reason why. I 1.. 1L-...1 ...... 1'..... . . . .,i,ii,ii iiiLo wo, o resin ti r:i 11 1. a no uvifi.il lor the pi)iprietor. f.iir," hh ni he, "I want the best dinner yon can give inc." "All light, sir," said M r. fiuy ; "walk in 1'vrc." showing him imn a ,'.(, i t it private room. Tlie Beau ut and drunk of the Inst, mid, jusl al'li-r lie had lluishcd his cup of cute iioir. mid had lit his bulimia, a servant etili red w ith a lolded paper on 11 silver waiter, which he gravely handed lit the Ueuti. "What is this V' inquired the lletu. "De bill, sab." said the waiter. "Bill. . I don't waul, any bill. Ask tho proprietor in come here." Tue proprietor appeared, bowing nnd smiling : he hoped there was nothing wrong, und that his guest had liked his dinner "1 liked the dinner well enough, arid the wine." said Beau. but I want lo know what this means." That's the bill, sir," said tltc proprietor. "Well. I never pay any bills.. I mil Beau Iliehiuu'l. I 1I011T nav ninbodv. 1 U-rsitl.-s vou h ive 110 . '. lit to charge mu lor this dinner. I asked you for the Dust din- ner you could give me." "Well, lleiiu, you hiive. wiung in on Hie and got the belter of mu fairly. Now I'll not only forgive you for this trick, but. I'll give you i?J.i if you will play this trick on v the St, Clair. 011 ihe ol her side of the way." . The next dav the Beau fired sumptuous ly nt the st. Clair, and the scene wasreeu acted. The bill was presented, and tho proprietor wound up with, "Beau. I'll give von .of) if you will play this off ou tidy.'" "My dear sir," said Beiiu, "why didn't -I call here lirst. tiny lias give tno iiJt'i to play il on you." How tlK j IM.r.v lvd iu Jnpnn. There is nothing thatdelines tile charac ter ofaiiy nice belter ihan tlicir religious, ideas and ciwt-iuis. Tiiero are two .i'iin. Ions, so to tenn them, o--"- tloeirilles and and of very wi '.i itloiml religion is- called ciinloooi.oo, hut. lij Idnisiii is ever more ine prevailing belief. Tlie Shinto is, for example, of whom the Mikado was the spit -itii.il head a sort of l'ope bury their dead 111 large jars, and in 1 Sit ting i nuire. The Buddliisis burn their dead. The lirst worship no idols: but Ihe last have huge images which they devotedly reverence. In one respect, however, there is a curious rcsi'inbleiiee. for the Shintoos, if tlit-y omit idols, make up for this iu part by enormous foxes of stone placed at the entrance to tlicir ten pies, this animal having some sacied character in their worship. A Bild dbiS' funeral and bdlial is sol. 'inn. impres sive, and fud of tenderness, iu spite of its superstitious features. While heie takes the place iil'nur black as a 111 iiii'iiing sym bol. In the centre of a Buddhist ceni -te.ry thi le 19 il column or pedestal, and Wtien a burial is to occur, mis supports vessels of burning incense, and 11 pio.usiou of. tlow.os in t-leganllv fashioned casks. Iu ceiisc is utsoltui ued around the 6ides of tho ceiiicl iy. j IJEC'II'FS, AV. 1 tiltlDDLR-CAKliS, WAKILES, ETC. If you have nm used your griddie or wallle- iron for sume time, wash it oil' hard Willi ; hot soap and water ; wipe aud rub well j with dry s ill. Heat it and grease with a bit of salt pork on a fork. It is a uiislaku, ' besides being slovenly and wasteful, to put on more greasu ihau is necessary ; to prevent the cake from sticking. A pieco of pork an inch square should last lor sev i eral days. Put on 11 great spooulul of i buller for each cake, and before filling the i I'liddlc. test it wiih a Single cake, to be 1 sure that all ii ughl with it us well as tho i butter. i The same rules apply to walll.'s. Always ' lav hot cakes ar.d waill.'S upon a hot plate us soon a baked. J Bi'i lvWUUAT Cakiss. 1 quirt buck ! wheal lloiir. 4 tabli-siiooiisl'ins yeast; 1 lablcSjiooiit'iii salt ; 1 liaudlui Indian meal, two tahlespoonsl'uls molasses -not syrup. Warm water enough to make a thin bat ter. Beal very well and set to rise iu a warm place, If thu hatler is iu the leust sour iu the morning, stir in a very little j soda disolved in hot water. ! Mix in an earl hen crock, and leave some i in the hoi ton each morning; a cupful or so - to serve as a sponge for the uext nig lit, I instead of getliug fresh yeast. In cold weather this plan can lie successfully pur- Do not make your cakes too small. liuckw heals should be of a generous size. Some put Ivvo-ihirds buckw heat, Olle-tUird oat meal, nniiling the Indian. Flannkl Cakes. 1 quart milk ; three tabloBpooululs yeast ; 1 lablespoouful but ler, melted; i eggs, well beuleii; 1 teaspoon lul salt ; llour to make a good baiter. Set Ihe I'l-stol tho ingredients us II Sponge over night, uud iu the morning add the buller 1111. 1 eggs. Ml-SCK Ii ics (No. 1.) 4 lbs.' meat 1. e., tw- -thirds apple, oiie-thii'd nu-at II lbs. ra S ns, seeded und chopped ; one lbs. cur rants, warn d, picked over nod dried ; 3 qii.i.ts eider ; 1 pint I randy ; 1 hcupeuiiig luhifiq o Hiiiil iiuuatuoii ; i Ueapcuiu t tblesp HiJatiutuii g ; lliu same of clove, Und half Ihe quaulity of mace ; make very sweet with brown sugar. The tncaisliould . h i a oood piece of lean beef, boiled the day before it is needed. Half a pound of suet, inny be chopped Hue and added. Chop .he meat, clean out hits of Bkin nnd grisszlo, und mix with twice the quantity of hue 1 'he iiuil ne ' it( ( juicy apples, also cnopiteu ; men put tu xl tno sugar uuu spices, msiiy nuor. .Mi very iiiurougmy, cover closely, und 'el all stand together for 24 llOUl'S iH'kirij IIIUKIII mu pics. Mince Pies (No. 2.) 2 lbs. lean fresh U-cf, boiled, and when cold, chopjx.-d Hue ; 1 lb. heelouet, cleared ot siiings und nil ne i lauiespooiiuiiB eiiiiiaiivon , i "'"it, I ,.i.i..-,.,.,.,.ioi ..m. : 1 tables, mm.hIuI - i..vK ........ .....,..- , at cloves : 1 lablesias.nlul Hlsplce: I Ubl- ue : Bpo,,ulul Hue tall ; i ii. urowu luar - (mart urowu sinny ; i pint. tx.si, ui.iuuj. Mince incut made by this receipt will keep nil winter in ft cool. lace. Ceep Jn stoue jars. lied, over with double covers. Add . lii'.l.. nioro linuo.-(if il should dry out). i weu you iiiuku up a hatch of pie. Let j Hie iuUiui ti i-'tnd ui least tweuty-four bourt ftfar ii ii made before it it Used.