Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 19, 1873, Image 2

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    unburn American;
ceg-g--L t.'1'ii ' - ' "
Otjr kew Powen Tress. In anhcipa
tion of enlarging the American next month,
we have thii week put up one of C. Totter
Jr., & Co's., new power presses, purchased
direct from Uieir establishment a New
York, and manufactured by thorn. The
press works eplendidly, even beyond our
expectation. It Is strongly built, and all
the machinory compact, taking tip
but little space while its construction
Is most beautifully designed, and supplying
every want needed In a machine for a
country printing office. Its Cuish is most
boauliful and adds greatly to an olllco as a
useful ornament. So far we have not dis
covered anything defective or needed to
make it perfect. In fact we cannot see
whuroin the Totter Tress can bo improved
upon for use in country offices. Besides
these gentlemen furnishing first class
presses, we flud them gencrons In all their
dealings and will do jU3t what they pro
mise. We would invite all printers in
want of a good printing press to pay us
a visit and examine ours before purchas
ing, as we feel confident that after a
thorough investigation, they will agree with
us that the Totter Tress .is as neat, and
complete a machine, as can be placed in a
printing office.
Enlargement op tiie American.
We have now put up a Tower Tress in our
office with a view of enlarging the Ameri
can somo time during the month of Janu
ary, to furnish our readers with a pa
per, in a largo form at a low price. We
fcol unable to accomplish theso improve
ment without the assistance of our friends.
We have largo amounts upon our books,
which if it were in our pockets would almost
liquidate our indebtucss, but wc find it slow
in coming in, and it is loss of time and ex
pense for us to go" after it on account of it
being scattered. We will therefore ndopt
the plan of sending bills to all who owe,
trusting that they will at once remit and
give us relief. Tubiishing a large sheet
will necessarily put us to more expenso
weekly, and wc liopo that our friends
throughout the county, will spun- . littlr
time in assisting to Increase the subscription
list, as well as furnishing us with job work,
which we are prepared to do in every style.
Susncious. Wc have on several occa
sions referred to the fact that the "Demo
cratic King" that existed iu this county for
some years past, had sold the duplicates to
different tax collectors iu tlie county, at
prices varying from five dollars unaru.
It appears now by an investigation of the
duplicates of the collector iu this Borough,
that the amount of the duplicates were
charged less than the assessments amount
ed to against the collectors, and on final set
tlement the duplicates were not produced,
but the collector would only pay the
amount charged against him, although the
amount in the duplicate was considerably
more. We have an illustration of this mo
dus operandi, in tho collector's account of
this Borough. When tho collector was
pressed to make a final settlement lately,
he claimed to have torn up the duplicates,
and stated that ho always settled tho
amount ho wa3 charged with in tho olllco
without producing his duplicate. ' Believ
ing something was wrong, the commission
ers had tho assessment books examined,
and found that the amounts charged against
him, on several duplicates, were nearly live
hundred, dollars less than tho assessments
called for. Jjui lunanutch n8 tllc duplicates
are destroyed, tho commissioneio i.w no
remedy but to fall back on the assessment
books, from which this same collector took
a transcript and was compensated for mak
ing out his own duplicates and footing thom
up, and done the calculating for the King.
The fact that nothing was said about the
destruction of these duplicates, when ho
was first notified to settlo up, some three or
four months ago, and ouly produced some
torn parts lately, looks suspicious, and we
let the publio judge whether they were de
stroyed designedly or not. Terhaps our
neighbor of the Democrat can give us some
light on the subject.
The, trial of George Wenrich, for the
niurdcrofDr. T. R. Wagenseller in Sulins
grove Snyder Co., in August.camo off at the
Snyder county court last week. The testi
mony produced was similar to the state
ment published in the American at the lime
oljts occurrence. The jury consisted of
the following geutlemeu.
Samuel S. Bailey, Jacob Hendricks, II.
B. Hej:ick, Jacob Miuium, Chas. Tell
man, David Goy, Enos Gross, II. S. Spi
gelmyer, J-isoph Boust, Lewis Amig, Isaac
Row, James K. Davis.
The trial continued from Tuesday uutil
Friday moruit.,., wheu the iury returned
a vedict of niurfcr in tho second degree.
Wcnrich was scuncea lo 7 years and 4
month's solitary coafinement in thcEasteru
Teuitentary, one dolir fine and costs.
i Ue counsel employed were Me&srs Linn
Simpson for the prisoner, and Messrs
6 and Herr for the commonwealth.
The vm - -"
received t t .E rK.-Tl returns
from the d.Krentl'uiH ol. B "s 0 1"".
foots up uo.oct rr :,a the
Btitution. ThiESf:rth0e:
theMwc. 2plim vo 27,00
thenwrw.:,.w: r "vo (,IJUU tor
Trof. Loorais reduces" tC.
reports of the last two years , G,n'-her
fg!?le Vf P'OJF of a storm i..''yer
s 080 miles a day, and its avcruge
74(i tuilea aud ;a direction thirteen dear'
north east ; March, MU miles, cleh-u du
Rrecg uorth of Cftgti aud ft f A "
miles, sateen degreesnorth of east. '
,?iyxT0tf,tho FlUi0";il Assembly, Mar
D Lf10" h?8 Utt ostublisl ed as
Tktata t hi r8Ucerfor, t seven years.
Asis the end of the Treuch Koiiublie
ch as it was. It is a watt, of sem'uneut
U. moDcn over the result, fursoZS
ti.-V'L-",d loco'e- TheFieuchpoDula
? '"I - atikfy the must earnest frieud of :T?? "t siro the
pitssiugs auorded by h republic.
The New Constitution. As. wo an
ticipated, tho peoplo of Tennsylvania ou
Tuesday last, decided in iavor of the New
Constitution by an overwhelming majority.
It was evident that tho people desired a
change, and although there are some ob
jectionable features in this now organic law,
they were ready to risk it adoption, as a
great improvement on the old.. Tho new
constitution has many excellent features
and w hope will accomplish much good,
particularly - iu tho suppression of Rings
aud monopolies, which had. becoiuo such
an evil that they had become alarming.
Whether this new law .will be acceptable
and satisfactory iu all its aspects is a ques
tion which only timo will solve. The peo
ple who adopted it have still further duties
to perform, aud it will not do for them, to
rest content with the victory won on Tues
day. To inako tho reforms aimed at prac
tical will require constant watchfulness.
Tho new constitution will not of itself do--stroy
bad government and establish good,
it puts in the bauds of tho peoplo tho power
to do it, and if not used wisely will provo
Xortlinuiberlunil Couuly -OUIclnl
Vote ou the w C'oiiNtitutloii.
For I Au'et
Delaware, .
McEwcnsvillc, .
Turbut, .
Milton, s. Vurd, .
Chillisqunquc, .
Foint, Northumberland,
c , )E. Ward,
Upper Augusta,
Lower Augusta,
Shauiukin township,
lu , noil i j.,
1 E. Ward,
W. AVard,
Mt. Carmul township,
Mt. Carinel borough,
Came i on, . .
Upper Mahanoy,
Little Mahauov.
Jordan, . . " .
Lower Mahauoy,
Uiverside, .
:,M 7:1 1020
Death of Trok. Louis JonN Rudolhi
Aoassiz. Frofessor Agassiz, whose death
at Cambridge, Mass., was announced M011
dav last was iu iUU iunau ,n.iwfc..,vt,
iic'iakc of Ncufchalcl, iu 1807. His
father was a Protestant divine. Young
Agassiz studied tho medical sciences at
Zurich, Heidelberg and Munich, where ho
graduated about 18;!0. In 1827 ho was
selected by Marlins to describe the species
of lish which SSpix had brought from Bra
zil, and ou which he produced an able work
in Latin two years later, lie had
previously, during the college vacations,
visited many parts of Europe lo study the
fossil and fresh water fishes. In 132 or
1.3.'! he was appointed professor of natural
history of zoology atXenfcliatel. lie pub
lished a "Natural History of tho Fresh
Water Fishes of Central Europe" in 1S3'.i,
and "Researches on Fossil Fishes," a work
of high order, in which he made important
changes in classification.
The transactions of tho British Associa
tion, tho "Annak'S lies Science Natnrelles,"
and other journals contain many contribu
tions from Agassiz ou fossil fishes and ou
geology. He propounded some new and
remarkable ideas on geology aud tho agency
of glaciers, in his capital work, entitled
"Etudes sur les Glaciers," and his "Sys
teino Glaciere," the former published in
1S10 and the latter in lsl7.
In 1840 ho visited the United States on
a scientific mission, aud about tho end of
'r7 wsis induced to accept the professor
ship of zoology aua jalopy nt Harvard
From that time the biography of Pro
fessor Agassiz belongs to the scientific his
tory of the United States. Nearly his
Mlo life was devoted to scientific research,
and the works he has written showing the
result of his investigations, will bo a monu
ment to his fame ii.,.e enduviu" than "ra
nite. " "
Alexander Stei'Iiicns docs not nppar
lo concur iu the average Bourbon estimate
of President Grant. Here is what, in con
versation with a friend, he said, a few days
ago concerning the bete noir of Democracy :
"When I first met him, in lSGli, I made
up my mind that Graut was one of the
most ri-markablc men of the age. I said
so, and wrote to that effect, before Grant
was ever thought of for the Presidency,
aud every year since has strengthened my
conviction. Ho has shown a wonderfully
clear conception of his duties nud powers
as President. Ho has executed the laws
as ho has found them, and is as little in
cliucd to usurp power as any President we
ever had ; in this respect he is a great con
trast lo Jacksou, who had an imperious
will. Even iu the Louisiana troubles ho
has illustrated his character. He euforced
the decrees of tho United States Court, and
when asked to scud another Judge to New
Orleans iu place of Judge Durell. he replied
that ho could net interfere with the assign
ment ol Judges made by the Supremu
Court Not much Ctesarism in that."
Surrender ol tbe VlrglniiiH.
New York, Dec. IS.
A special from Key West says Admiral
Scott, commander of tho North Atlantic
squadron, has received official dispatches
relative to tho delivery of tho Virginius.
She was surrendered to the United States
representatives at nine o'clock on Tnesday
morning. The commander of the Spanish
frigate Isabella Le Catoltca, tho man-of-war
which had convoyed the captured ves
sel from the harbor of llavaua, formally
delivered the Vidimus to commander
Whilin?, of the tnitcd States steamer
IX-spatch, at Bahia Honda.
On tho arrival of the Despatch at Bahia
Honda tho Spanish commander, who was
Wailill" Iiit m ri vnl viuif,.,l il.n .. ,
n , fc.ivj . Lent 1 nuu
ithu instructions of their respective goveru-
iiiiii . 1 ru '"usually lutercuangea. Com-
LieuteLWhiUng lf,eu Platcd 11,0 'lu
tine men ' of ,tllB squadron, wiln thirty-
co.yoyed her'te00'!'1'8 Vir''Ui. and
Virwniug X-n stan1"111 owt to 8eiu luo
tota "01, u ?lu1"-Y for tho Tortugas
sloop of war bs'" 1,01 1 lu charS the
s.cians, is to sail lo ill1" oltlU'8 !
nst Judge ElwelUrCohimom
of Wilhamspori, and Dean, of B aiT.iavi
Voluuti nrc. n fill I... .vl' ..." r " .
fil...i iu tun extent
01 Uioir power during his absour.
A panic conundrum "How many mills
make a dollar ?" "
The British navy has 2000 vessels at sea
in different ports of the world,
Tho oil produced In Western Pennsyl
vania tho past year, it is estimated, would
fill a canal 25 feet wido at tho top, 12 at
tho bottom, 7 deep, and 70 miles long.
A young man of Mincrsvillo, Ta., at
tempted, suicide one night last week, bo
cause his girl insulted him.
Tottsvillo will contribute a highway rob
ber to tho House of llofuge in tho person of
a twelve year old girl.
Schuylkill Is happy. There Is money in
tho County Treasury to pay all Almshouso
orders issued prior to December 1.
Twenty-live persons wcro murdered .by
Indians twenty-livo miles trom fcau Anto
nio, Texas, ou tho Ath iusl.
Alexander II. Stephens mnde a speech in
tho House of Representatives against tho
repeal of the Salary bill.
In Rhode Island there aro seven divisions
of Baptists.
Tho amount of limber annually consum
cd in tho form of toothpicks may be judged
by the fact that a toothpick lactorv at Can
ton, Mo., recently bought GOO cords of wood
for making mto toothpicks.
"Grangers, I will sell you coffins cheaper
than any pthcr man in tho city," is what
a Council JiluKs man advertises.
A Milwaukee brewing company has im
ported 180,000 bushels of barley and IJOO
bales ol hops lrom Italy.
A Boston court has decided that if a wo
man lends money to her husband she cau
not get it back. Tho decision Will not bo
new lo many wivcS.
A four year old child of Mr. John Del
wilcr of Williamsburg, Blair county, set-its
clothes on fire with a lighted stick, during
tho absence ot its mother, cu 1 riuav last.
and was so shockingly burned that it died
in a lew hours.
The difficulty which tho Philadelphia
and Reading Kailroad Company is at pre
sent experiencing, lv the striko ol its train
hands and miners, is very seriously allect-
mg 1110 coal trade niong the line uctweeu
Port Richmond and the coal mining dis
tricts. Tho dissatisfaction regarding tho
'.en percent, reduction at wngcit, is prova
lent among nil the employees of the com
pany, and there arc at present strong indi
cations that the strike will become general
iu the mining and transportation depart-
Five thousand minors and mechanics in
and aboulScranton have agreed to subset ibc
ten cents per mouth each towards a memo
rial fund for the support of the Lackawanna
hospital in that city.
A child is living in Tottsvillo who has
had 1,000 convulsions.
A Postal Dilemma. To pav nosta
uiulur tho present rates ou the document
now on hand in the Senaio and House
would .o,j,,;,v, r,u. hundred thousand dol
lars' worth of stamps, and so tho House
I'ost Ulllco Committee will report a bill to
have them stamped free and sent out this
winter, as well as the usual supply ol gar
den seeds.
Alexander Thompson, an a:cd and pro
mincnt citizen of Porter township, Schuyl
kill county, died last week, aged sixty
vcars. Jle was the lather of twenty child
re 11 , seventeen of whom with their mother
Tho Philadelphia Pre, offered a prize of
a nan-chest 01 lea lor tne best essay p; lea
parties, to be written by a boy or gu l Mi
tier sixteen vcars of age, and it was won bv
W. G. O. Keys, a Lebanon boy of thirteen
Tho people of Omaha are variously plea
santly alluded to by autsiders as "Oma
hogs" "Omahosses," "Omahorribles," etc.
The Texas cattle crop of the present year
is estimated lo have brought 8.000,000 into. 1
the Slate.
David Story, a saloon keeper near tho
outskirts of liazleton, Pa., was killed ou
Saturday night during a fight. The police
have made eight arrests of suspected per
sons. Hazleton is supposed to have Local
Option laws in force, but there arc over
seventy saloons selling liquor.
A Berks county lyceum has discussed the
Spanish unpleasantness, and decided in
favor of war. Secretary Fish and that
other fellow after having gono to consider
able trouble to lix things for peace, will re
gret to hear of this decision.
Ono of Charles R. Buckalew's- Fishing
Creek (Columbia county) constituents went
to market, the other day, with a wagon
load of hickory nuts. When ask how he
sold thorn, he said : "Two dollars a bushel,
or twenty-live cents a peek." Of course
everybody bought by tho peck ; and when
the creeker discovered his blunder, his
language was not scriptural.
The Bender family, who arc charged
with having committed a number of mur
ders iu Kalians, wero arrested in Bivens
villo, !-p;irtanbuif! county, S. C, a few days'
ago. The father and mother, and a daugh
ter living iu North Carolina, aro being
sought alter by officers of tho law. Tho
family name is Webb.
A Bostou court has decided thai if a wo
man lends money to her husband she can
not ;ct it back. The decision will not be
new to many wives.
Oregon has a surplus of four million
bushels ot wheat, this season, and is selliug
it at. Sri per bushel, gold. This is pretty
Well for a population of 100,000. The State
was never so rich and prosperous.
Five thousand miners' and nicchauics in
aud about Scrautou have agreed to sub
scribe ten cents per mouth each toward a
memorial fund for the support of the Lack
awanna hospital in that city.
Persons who have becomo thoroughly
chilled from any cause, may have their
oiroulutiou At ouoo rcritoi'o.l by lukii, into
the stomach a tcaspoonl'ul of JuhnmnVs
Aimhtitc Liniment mixed in a little cold
water, well sweetened.
Every farmer who owus a goo.1 stock of
nurses, came aud sheep, and lutentls to
Keep mem inrougu tho winter, should get
at once a good stock of SlicrUrdiVs Varulri
1 nmuitiin ruwatM. uuo dollar's wortl:
will savo at least a half ton of hay.
lu tho drawing for seats in tho IIouso of
ivepresentative Genoral Butler got a plat e
in a comer kuown ns "Sleepy Hollow,"
from the fact of its having been a favorite
section for Democrats of not very heavy
legislative ability. Bi n. won't sleep long
in that quarter.
A man namod John Groves went out
hunting' in Clearfield township, Cambria
county, one day last week. Duriug his
travels, he came across the cub of a bear,
which ho shot at aud wounded. TJa cub
set up a terrific howl, and presently the
mother bear nudj' appearance ou the
scene fac'1"'1' fruo to her maternal iu
.ti.n, she attacked the tunii with great
ferocity, and a struggle for life or death
ensured. Groves was'a powerful mu, out
ho proved unable to cope with tho vicious
brute. Ho was thrown to the ground, and
horrible to relate was absolutely torn
to pieces ! Tljo ouly eyo-witnees of the
dreudful scone, a companion and friend of
Groves, escaped a liko fate only through
sudden aud precipitate flight.
v.,rwi 01 nogs slaughtered iu Ciuciu
nati siueo November LiUSUJOO ; to the
samo timo last year, 2('B 000
Tho Pottsville Standard rotates the follow
ing strange coincidence : "Ono of tho
strangest incidents that wo ever had occa
sion to chroraiclo has come to our notice
Tho facts of tho case as sunt us, aro as fol
lows : Mr. Tatriek Brennan and family
took up their abmle at a hotel in Mount
Pleasant, which was lately occupied by his
son Edward. Yesterday afternoon about
three o'clock, Mr. Brennan was seized with
a fit of sickness and iustantly dropped dead.
llu wito at tho limo was at liilbcrton,
whero sho-and her husband had previously
resided, lo which place the sons of tho de
ceased hastened to inform her of the sudden
end of their father. On arriviug at Gilbcr-
ton, to their great surpriso-and astonish
ment, they found their, mother in the same
state. On making inquiries; they learned
that sho died about tho samo limo as her
husband. From tho fact-that they both
died in different places aud at about iho
samo lime, makes it a singular coincidence.
Tho old couple wero well kuown through
out tho couuty, and wcro highly respected,
one of their sons, Mr. Michael Brennan,
being a clerk in tho l'rothonotary's olllco
at Tottsvillo. Tho body of Mrs. Brcnnau
was brought from Gilberton last evening,
and with that of her husband, will bo in
terred in the lleckscliprvulc cemetery to
day." Last week, for tho first limo in Iho his
tory of Tioga county, two colored men sat
as jurors iu a court of record and partici
pated in rendering a verdict.
The Ii'o;ocl Krnernl Enrollment.
Havana, Dec. 10.
Tho proposed enrollment for military
duty of all men bclwccu 18 and 15 years of
nge, a fourth of whom aio to be conscripted
for active service, is gaining advocates.
The JJiurio says : "Wo are now at tho 15th
of December, and have raised no means and
done nothing new lo crush the rebellion.
Let us give a fresh impulse to Iho winter
campaign 'if we would advauce ou the road
to the pacification of this islaud. The
enemy will gain lime nud territory, and
wc will have cause lo deplore our criminal
vacillation. Without a great and united
movement on our part the war will drag
ou as it has to the present hour.
"It has consumed annually ten li fifteen
thousand soldiers and $40,000,000. When
we find ourselves fallen never to rise again
wo will bitterly regret our short-sighted lack
of preparation." The Voz h Culm shows
that the prolonged resistance of Cartagena
is draining tlu resources of Spain and
weakening her power.
Castelar is nut strong enough now to op
pose the exactions of foreitrli uovernmenls.
which nearly all tend to tho destruction of
Cuba, and the longer his declining power
is respected and obeyed in Cuba the greater
Is the probability that the ohjecls 01 inose
foreign demands will bo accomplished.
Letters appear in the evening journals ad
dressed to General Jnuvcllar, and calling
ou him to declare Cuba 111 a state of siege
Import ant I.etlor ol' 4Ii Nrcrolnry
ol tlio treasury.
Washington, Dec. 13.
The following letter from the Secretary
of the Treasury is ot importance :
12, l73.JJcar Sir : I have the honor to
acknowledge the roccint of vour letter
of this date transmitting a resolution of
the committee of Ways and Means of the
House ol liepresentalives, asking the .ccr0'
tary of tho Treasury to uive his reasons
in writing for an increase of taxation, and
why ho has selected the articles named iu
his communication as the proper objects
for increased taxation, and that ho inform
the committee snceilieallv as to the cspeudl
lures aud condition of tho revenue which
renders tho nronosed increase necessary.
Iu the report which, iu accordance with
law, 1 had tho honor recently to submit to
Congress, 1 used tho lollowing language :
"Should there uot be a revival of business
at nn rnriv d:v. and an increase in the re
ceipts over those of the past two and a halt
months, additional means will ue rcnuircu
to meet expenses. Should such ho the cao
I recommend additional taxation, judicious
lv laid, so as to bo tho least burdensomo
tipou the peoplo and business of tho coun
try, rather than a resort to borrowing nw
uev and inereasins the public debt. It is
ou tho irrouud here 'cnerally stated that
suggested increased taxation. The receipts
from customs aud iuternal taxes have not
materially increased, and it is apparent
that no considerable augmentation or uiosu
receipts is soon to bo expected under tho
laws- now existing,"
Tho public ilobt v iuorcasud by de
mands which could not he avoided during
tho mouth of November to tlm extent of
over nine million dollars, and it is apareut
that it will be still further increased during
the current, month by many millions.
While tho current receipts are. but little
more than sufliecut to pay the interest on
the public debt and other coin expendi
tures, it will not bo prndeut to 6cll gold to
increase the supply of curreucy.
Tho current expenses of the government
have already consuinud about eighteen
million dollars of what has been called Iho
'"reserve," and there remains only about
twenty-six millions which cau bo used be
fore the extreme limit of issue of I'nited
States notes authorized by law can be
reached. Tho public credit cau ouly be
maintained by kenpiug the receipts of the
treasury fully up to the expenditures for
ordinary expenses, and for interest ou the
public debt, and for the purchase of bonds
for the sinking fuiul to the extent provided
by law.. It is manifestly the true policy,
iu view ol the necessity if maintaining that
credit, so to levy taxes as to make it cer
tain that the required amount will be raised,
willi the possibility of some surplus re
venue, rather to incur any risk of a deli
cieney, which would make it necessary to
borrow money and thereby increase the
Iu selecting lea and cotVce for taxation 1
am inlluenced by the consideration that
taxes ou these luxuries aro easily collected
and are not oppressivo to the consumers.
Iu selecting spirits, tobacco, gas, railway
steamboat receipts, express, insurance aud
telegraph companies as subjects of taxa
tion, 1 am governed principally by the rea
sons expressed by the Commissioner of
Iuternal revenue iu his letter already for
ward to tho committee, in tho following
words :
lu selecting sources for possiblo taxation
I have taken those that would give tho
revenue probably uccded without any ma
larial increase of the present force or "any
amuudmcnt to the present system, consid
ering that it is wis4 to get tho public re
venue with as little interference as possiblo
with tho gouetal business of the country,
aud that the tax gatherer should greet the
public eye as rarely as practicable.
I have presented the bills for iucreased
taxation to the committee thus early that
tho subject may atouco bo called to the at
tention of Congress for such action, at an
early day, as may be deemed expedient.
It bUould bo taken into aecouut that m
effect of anv lr which may-bo enacted to
iijcn'i! taxation will not lurily appear for
several months after its passage, and that
in the appareut disposition among tho peo
ple to reduce expenditures the rates which
may tixed will not produce the sameamouut
of revenue as would accruo under ditlereut
I have the honor to be, very respectfully,
William A. Kicuauesox, Sec'y.
To Hon. II. L. Daw, cimluuuu of the
Committee of Ways and Meaus, House of
Washington, Dec. 12.
Although there Is to-night no official con
firmation of tho report that the steamship
.Virginius was towed out of tho harbor of
Havana this morning, it is considered to
be reliable in view of tho fact that the re
cent agreement between Secretary Fish and
Admiral Polo contemplated her surrender
to a vessel of the United States within no
more than a week from Iho time It was
made and this movement is regarded ns a
preliminary to the fulfillment of the stipu
lation. Tho impression is that the surviv
ing crow of tho Virginius will bo delivered
on tho samo day.
Havana, Dec. 12.
The steamship Virginius was towed out
of tho harbor of Havana at half past four
o'clock this morning by tho Spanish man-ol-war
Isabella la Catolica. Tho tug that
assisted tho boat roturncd to the city at
Bcvon o'clock. Tho destination of Iho Vir
ginius is supposed to bo Key West.
Havana, Dec. 12 evening.
The Virginius has gone to the port of
Bahia Honda, 00 miles west of Havana,
where sho will be delivered by tho Spaulsh
man-of-war lo a vessel of the United States
navy. Captain Gcucral Jouvcllar has
given tho necessary orders for tho trans
fer of tho Virginius prisoners at Santiago
do Cuba lo an American man-of-war to
day. Tho Captain General is certain that
his orders will bo carried out aud the men
delivered at the proper time.
Mr. John Snyder died sudenly in Lykcns,
Dauphin oouuty, on Sunday, of rupture of
the bowels. 110 was seventy-years old.
The Most Popular Medicine Extant.
1SIO. 0T 80 Yearn, 1H7.1. J
V A I . K I L I, i: It,
And after thirty years' trial, the "Pain-
Killer" may iustly bo styled the great medi
cine of the world, for there is no region of
tho globe into which it has not found its
way, and none where it has not been large
ly and highly prized. Moreover, there is
no climate to which it has not proved it
self to bo well adapted for the cure of con
siderable variety ol diseases ; it is admir
ably suited for every race. It has lost none
of its good name by repealed trials, but
continues to occupy n prominent position
in every medicine chest ; aud is still re
ceiving the most unqualified testimonials
lo its virtues, from persons of tho highest
character aud responsibility. Physicians
of the first respectability recoinineud it ns
a most effectual preparation for tho extinc
tion ofpaiu. It is not ouly the best i cmedy
ever known for Bruises, Cuts, Burns, &c.,
tint ru, ij..nUi.jf nr :holcra, or any sort
oi uowci complaint, it is a remedy unmir
passed for efficiency and rapidity of action.
In the great cities of India and other hot
climates, it has become the Standard Medi
cine for all such complaints, as well as for
iW""siji. i.ivcr Complaints, and other
kindred disoruc.o, - ..,,: .,,, (, h.
Canker, Asthma, and Rheumatic difhcur
ties, it has been proved by tho most abun
dant and convincing testimony to bo an
invaluable medicine. No article ever at
tained such unbounded popularity. As an
external and internal mcdiciane, the Pain
Killer stands unrivalled.
Thirty Years aro certaiuly a long enough
time to prove the cllieieucy of any medicine,
and that the Pain-Killer is deserving of all
its proved by tho unparalelled popularity
it has attained. II is a sure and effective
remedy. It is sold in almost every country
in tho world, and more popular every year.
Its healing properties have been fully test
ed, all over the wuild, uJ it nool only to
kuown to be prized. Be sure you buy none
but the geuuinc, manufactucd by PERRY
DAVIS & SOX. Providence, R. I.
K' Sold by all Druggists.
Dec. 3, 1S73. lni.
itch) bbcrtiscmcnts
, .
FOU IS?:!.
UOt) Pages, WO Engraving, nml Colored l'inte.
Published (Quarterly, 25 cts. u year. First No.
for li 4 just Ksuod. A dcrtnan edition ut me
same price. Address,
JAMES VICK, lioeliester. N.
The l lr I .iillonaI Uttnk of Sunbii
rj, I't'inra.
"VTOTUiiE -a Uerctiv jrivu that Hie rejrulur on
mini election o! Hiruciorn ol "Tlio First Na
tionn! Uauk ol bunliuiv, I'll.," will bo held on
Tuesday the 27lh day of January, A. 1)., Ih74,
nt Hie banking IloiihC, In the borough of Punbu-
l'a., between the hours ol 10 a. in., and is o -
clock p. iu., of said day, in accordance with the
provisions ol tne act ot Conirresa.
8. PACKER, Cai-hier.
6tm bury, Pa., Dec. Sfi, 1S73.
m:roT katixc; hoim:.
S. E. Corner of Arch and Third 8trcet-i,
OprosiTB tiif. Dr.i'OT,
S U X 11 U U V, PE X X ' A .
TomuM McUinv, l"rorifter.
OYSTERS, Hot Coffee, Siindwitclics, Broad &
Uutler, Ham, ,Vc, served up in llie best
Passeii);crs leavini; hi the. early trains will be
furnished with rcfrc-limunts, lint cotlec, ckc.
TI10 ratiiic room will be conducted 011 flrictly
temperance principles, and every el!ii'l made lo I
keep it neat and attractive. j
LADIES are Invited to rail. j
Refreshments and hot meals fiirrUhcd to rest- I
denu us well as traveler);.
The patronage of llie public Is respectfully so- I
THUS. .Mci; uv.
Suiihury, Dee. 10, IS::!. 4t.
JEWELRY and SILVERWARE tjic finest as
sort incut of Goods in store.
OLD and SILVER WATCHES good and.
COLD KINfiK. CHAINS, PINS, nnd every
7 tide manufactured iu the jewelry line.
KJ great vunety.
Spectacles and Evu-ii.B''
Market B.1u'. -suiirury, Pa.
Simbttry, Dec. JU, 1S73. !
1S in Value for W. ...
30in Vulif'f.,1'! , ,
j v Value for t'3 '.
7J hi Value for $13!
The Unrest bet and moat popular chromoa in the
world u all weir beauty aud artiatie eae.-ll.-uce, rom
tl". "CJ I'uifoiul ...l; luchea. 1'ric.
15 e.1 d.veu aa preiiuuiua 10 yearly auUrlbera to
TLe mod. l'MaKzinc of Amerlcs, al tiOO per ear.
Having purchaM-d the copyright at
wuh the upcctalieu of securing Ihe Urgeal ciicuUliou
r u Mogatiun iu America, vie have deteruii"- J
UlaklliK au iliilun-alleiled oleiur of the eeb-lwate
i.nron.o, Ihe -Old O-keu II nek -.-"" Jerome lUomi
soe, i a a preE iuiu. fo -Captive Child," after Je
rome Thunii, . Premium lor 1H7.1. oi((im Bwe..t
Home " Jei-ome Thompaou, aa a prelum g fr lass.
At-' the atonu," ba F. al. li. lie Haaa, as a Preuuuia
lor 1S77.
Lach Cliromu aa s work of art, ia jully ritual to au OU
Paint iug worth Five Huudred itollara.
The Chromoa are uour redy, aud are sent by mail ou
reoim of theaubacriptioue forwiihar, or all of the-18,
aa above, varulahed, aud ou a roller, piwtai'- u ccuta eK
Ira, whiili iucludoa the poalage, rr niouuted ou cau
aa aud .lrloher, iu elegant Inch gill frame., wjlh
Arabuaquo .Ovj-ucr (Irualdeuta, turea ) al da ot crlluaon
eor.l, taid iiauAk-a, $ii vLtrs tacll.
S-tS Hroadway, New Yerk.
1873 CHRISTIVIilS. 1873
Go to Hazlctinc's
For everything in the Toy line, everything in the Chinaware line, every
thing in the Doll line.
Fancy Boxes for Gloves, Handkerchiefs and
Jewelry can be found at
Brackets, Pictures,
Picture Frames, Picture Cord,
Wagons, Sleds,
Wheelbarrows and Rocking Horses,
Writing Desks and Work Boxes.
A Ueautiiul variety of BOOK8, and
mention ean he found at
Ifazletine's Popular Book and Stationery
Please Call and Examine,
lth Uraud Gift Concert !
A Full )muLq Certain On TUESDAY,
31 f of MARCH next.
In order lo mint the Reuernl wirti onl rxiecUUon of
th i.ublle anil llie lii krt Iwlde t. for tbe full paymeul of
their iiiaciiillreut Kiltn. announced for the Fourth
(Iratid (Iiit Concert of the Public Library of Kentucky,
the uiannKeniFut bixxr determined to oaiiutie the Con
cert and lirawinjz until
TiM-Nlay the lt of March, 1S I.
Tliej have already realized
And have a (treat many aneuta jet to hear from.
No doubt i entertained of the tnlo of every Ticket
before the drawiiiK, but whi ther all ale Bold or' not the
Concert and Drawing will I'onitlvi-ly anil unequivocally
take j. lace on the div now bu d, anil if anv remain uu
aold they will be c uiifllrd, and the prizes will l reduc
ed iu l-ropoitton to the unxolil Tickf.H.
l'i.OOO (llhh Gift
will be distiibllle.l ainonx the ticket huMcr.
Tlie til :;et are printed in coilpoiit. of tcntlm, unit all
fractional porta will be ti pri wiiinl iu the drawiDR juat
an wlu'tr lli-kr;. ill.'.
i.ut 4rirtM.
One 1 1 mil. 1 Cosh (lift
One ttraml Canh nift
(Inedrand I'aali Hilt
One liranil t'aah Oift
O110 (Ininil Taidi tint
Ill t'aah Hifta, Jlli.tiOO each
:iil Caall Oifla, n,il each
ft) Bail ilif: M1":: ':!:
loo Ciiah niftK, 4WVf
l."0 Caah CiftK, anoeacb
J.VI Caali eiiflu, voomch
:i'i. Cash tiii'ta, liHieach
11. noil ( ab (idle, M (su b
nm. OKI
1 011, mo
10, mm
Total, 12,mm (.ilia. All C.o-h, amountinK to il.Mi.mio
The cliahc a for a gift are aa one to tive.
Whole tii-keta, f0 ; Haleea, f'J." ; Tenth", or ech cou
pon, .-; Kleveu Whole Tickclta for f.VKl; Tickets
for l,iKK); ll:l Whole Tickets for .',ii WJ Whole
T.rketa fcr f ltl.nno. Hodiaeount ou leaa tllalif-VlO worth
of Tickets.
The Fourth Gift Concert will be conducted, iu all re
si ecta, like the three winch have already la-cu Riven,
and full jawliciilaramav ! learned from circulars which
w.ll Ik- aent t re. from tbi idlice to all who apply for
tlrdi'l-M for tilki'ta aii.t fl-ldtciiliot '" BU"cin will
m aiu-uiifcU 10 in tbe order they arc received, and it ia
boiMMl they will be aent in promptly that there may lie
no iliHiipKiintui'iit or delay lu fdbni all. Liberal tcima
given to thoac who buy to iiell attain. All agents are pe
remptory requin d to nettb' up their aceoiinta and to re
luni nil uuboIiI ticket by tlie .11th day of March.
THO. K.DKAMLtrri:.
AKrnt PuMic Library Kentucky, und Muui.giT (lift
Concert, IMililic Library lUnldiUK, Louisville, Ky.
dawimi; O I Kit A 1IOISI.
11 V TUB
1113 building lias jiitt been completed and is
lilted out in cverv respect in appearance
and appliances eijual with tlie best anywhere in
the country.
The entertalnmin. on the opeulng night Is lu
tho hands of a committee of citizens, and will be,
given for the benefit of the proprieter.
Excursion tirkeis at hulf faro will bo issued to
Danville and return, from any station along the
hue of the 1.. & It. It. U. A special train will
leave Dauville for Northumberland on the even
intr of tbe entertainment, at 11 o'clock.
Reserved seats cau be secured on application
to J: ('. Rhodes, Chairman Ticket Comniitttee.
II. II. 11haI)LF.y, Sec'rv.
Danville, Dec. l'J, It.::).
"VTOTICE U hereby clven that an election of
malingers of the Accommodation Saving
Fund aud Loan Association, will take place p
Saturday, the 'I'lh day of December, 1S73, a'. ' -o'clock
p. m., In llie room of Clciiient'o !' "
Third st., Sunliury, Pa. r,-,,;
SAM'L FAL'ST, He - r"" l
Jacoh Siiipman, Sec'ry.
Sunbury, Dec. 10, 1ST:!.
FOU Tin:
rllouerlt'H Ojwtrr.
Toy m, t'oi
Vv ,h'iv ' 'nv'l'l ' ome and buy of Ihe
r.veij n t of
in franio building, adioining Moore A- Disinger's
Just ojKMied a fresh supply of Coufeciioneri.'S of
every description.
constantly on hand. The Iiest RAISINS, FIGS,
fresh Bread, Buus Jc Cukes, every morning.
Having titled up a room expressly for serving
up Oysters iu every style, Ladies und Geullenicu
will be aecoiiiniodnted with the best bivalves in
market, at nil boars during the day and evculug.
Families will be supplied ut their residence with
th best Shell or Cuuued Oysters, us is desirable,
ai the very lowest prices.
Call and sectny excellent assortment of stixxl'
aud ascertain tue prices.
Dec. 79, 1873.
of E. Y. Bright, dee'd, for the
use of Win. 1. Greunough.
Michael J. II. Ine.
Iu the Court
Common Pleuse,
the County of
Nori h umber
land. '(. Fa. Ho. 10A. ' November 10, 1873.
NOTICE ia voreby given that tbe undersigned
jk-jiu'ir spiHjlnicd by Ihe said Court, to
.nbute Ihe money raised on above slated writ,
and paid into Court, will meet all parlies iutei
esled at ids office, in the Borough of Suubury,
on Saturday, the lid day of January, A. D. 1H74,
at ID o'clock A. M., for the purpose of attending,
to Ibe ilulles of Ills sppoluttncut.
GEO. HILL, Audit.
Dec. 18, 1ST
fact things too numerous to
C A )1 r II O It I N E "
The Qrcat fliscnvpry for the Immediate relief A
Palnn, Blralns, Stiff Joints, Swellings, Inflnma-
tions, Bunion, Catarrh, fec, &c. It wlil nut
grease or main, and lor the toiiett Is a luxury
in every family. Thousands will and now testi
fy to its great merits. Try U. Price per bottle,
25cenls. REUBEN HOYT, Prop'r, 313 Green
with St., N. Y. . Decl9.4w.
SAMPLEH acut bv mail for 50c. that retail
quick for $10. It, L. WULCOTT, 11 Chatham Square, K.
Y. Llec.lO.'Ta. aw.
The Highest Medical Authorities or Europe say
the strongest Tonic, Purifler nnd Deobstrueut
1 known In the medical world is
J urubeba
It nrrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the
nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated,
rleanscs vitiated blood, removes vesicle obstruc
tions nnd nets directly on the Liver nnd Spleen.
Price, tl a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18
Piatt St., X. Y. , ' Decl9.4w.
Lornted nt Williaiusiport, I'a.
totablithed 1S0G. The BEST COLLEGE In the
Country. Has the best Penman In Pennsylva
nia. For College Paper. Specimens of Penmanship,
Ac, address DAVIS A OPLINGF.K,
Decli.4w Wllliamsport, Pcnn'a.
OhC 011.1(110 CLOlllb for t. Will change any
colored hair to a permanent black or brown and
contains no poison. Trade supplied at low rntes.
Address, MAGIC COMB CO., Springfield, Mass.
Decltl. 4w.
$ ltriiiga vou free by niail the verv tieat
1 la TIC TltTJHH'
Write nt ouee to PoMKiior ft Co., 744 Broadway, i. V.
Iec. lo, '71). In-,
'.P. (ierman Silver sample 15. CircuUra free, htaf
ford M'jg Co., fti rultouHt., N. Y. Iecl9.4w.
J V1.1v and Seconil-Ilaiid, of Firat-Claaa Makers, Will lie
mid at liwcr pricea for caah, or on city
or couutry, during this Financial Crisis aud the HoU
1 daya, by Horace Waters aud Skin, No. 4M Broadway.
than ever liefore ollered lu New York. Ageuts wauled
, for tlie Bale or Waters' Celebrated Pianos, Concerto nud
(irchesmil Organs, llluatratcd Cataloguca malkl,
1 (ireat Iuduceuicuta to the Trade. A large discount to
j Ministers, Cliurchea, Huuday-Hchoola, elc. Iecl'J.4w.
j S25 F F R S J V l" lis! FI RS ! S25
Wnoi.rsAi.E and Retail,
j Fine Seal Sacqucs,
Fine Astrakhan Sacques,
Fine .Seal Turbans,
Fine Lynx Sets,
Driving (.1 loves and Caps.
Tlio LarfjcBt Stock of Kockcs iu the City.
Al! of which are offered below cost of importation, at
the old-ci'.abliahel aud reliable store of
Mil IS ( K II E R ,
Enslibli Walking Jackets made to order.
For Three 3-i-rnt SlHuipai We will send
TUK At'lioitA (a pui er size of N. V. i-dg) fur 3 moutha,
aud aa premium auy oue of the following articles : One
line chromo, 1 hue photograph, 1 fine boeoni pin, 1 flue
aet aleeve bullous, 1 tine collar button. Head at ouce
to THK Al UOllAI'l ULlhUlSitiCO., bjiruiglield. Mass.
Oue ui.u ua( cleuiea evaj lu 4 days, selling the Complete
Poiueicic uioie, Juki out. Aew type sua taavn jeaiurea.
Hoo FngraMuga, aillierior paper, txc every way and
tell. iuu-k. Uig terms to Ageui- Outrtt free. For full
particular., ..Idre-d, HI" pAHD DUOS., Pubs., 7JS
H.lliaoni W'.. fhiladclpl.'-'. leclll.4w.
la Vnlue For 93 Ij
A Splendid Holiday, Birthday. Weddine- or
Friendly Present. Tbe orlgiurl, popular, lurge
I nnd elegant Oil Chromo,
! 'The old o.iken buckef the irou-bouud bucket
The moss-covered bucket, which bung in the well."
I (after Jerome Thompson,) size 17x20 Inches.
i The best parlor piclure ever published for $15.
I This lar'e and truly splendid Chromo, iu all its
original beauty and excellence, is ollered as a
premium to each t'i yearly subscriber to Derao-
rest's Monthly Ma;;azia,'the Model Parlor Mu-
: gaziue of America.
j Tlio Chromo is sent varnished nnd ou a roller,
: po-taKC ten cents extra ; orinouuted on canvass
j uud stretcher, as an oil paiutlug, Hfly cents extra;
(which includes transportation) ; or mounted ou
I canvass, aud In au elegant 2;j inch guilt frame
I with atabasqiie corners, three yards of crimson
cord, ami packed for ti: makiiii; the whole com
i plelo, (ineludiug frame, Chromo aud subscrip
I lion to tho Maguziuc,) ouly tO.
Do not Tail to send (. any aud gel the magnifi
cent Chromo, the 'Old Ouken Bucket,' which. In
size and artistic merit, Is quite equal to au Oil
Painting worth five hundred dollars.
Sow ready 1 Sent any where In the l 8.
on receipt of tho amouut of tbe subscription.
! b'M hroadway, New York.
I .oll'e Iu IHvorco.
i I N tho Court of Common
! Pleas of Notlliumberlaiid
Count v.
1 i'. 11. Randolph
I vs
; i uitii.tR Mai-v A. Ruudolidi.
Pluries Subpovna
ror a Wvorce,
So. 170, Janti
ry Term, 1874.
To the Uespondcut above named.
You are hereby requested to appear at Court
or Common Pie, to be held at Wunbuiy for the
County ef Northumberland, au tlis lirst Moudny
of January next, to auer the complaint of IU
libelhmt in the above elated case.
liDciiani s u HOTllERMKL,
. B he rill.
Bheriffs Ollhe, gunbnry, Pa., Doc. 1, 1873 .4t
tfTHEREAS the Honorable W. M. Rorkefel- ,
y ler. Prcsideut Judtre, aud his Associate,
for till Dlatricl, have lui their mandate for
u adjourned Court for Northuuiberlund county,
to he held on Monday the 2tftu day of Docember,
A. I.,lS7d,boiugthe 6tn Monday ot said month,
lu tSuubury. 1 therefore give notice, tbiU all ier
soua Interested, lo be and appear at the place-
roresald al 10 o'clock a. iu.. ot ni day. .
SAM I' EL II. BOTHFKM EL, Sheriff. '
Hhorltr OIHcc, Hunbury, fept. 'itt, 1873,