Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 12, 1873, Image 4

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    The Kew ConfttltalloifContlniitd
from Firnt Ps.
fire. IT. The trlnl and determination nfconlcst
fl .leetlnnsof cleetnrs of rrcshlent srol Vlcc
irreittnt, momlHMS ol Iho Koneral assembly, ami
if nil piiMlnnfltm wlmth, r state, Jildlrlal, muni.
etpal, ur local, euall be hy Ihe nmrtsol law, or by
one or innre of I lie Inn IikIbti'S thereof, the general
HMonil'lr shall, by n'cneral law, dnslirnate the
anurtsahri lutlpres hv whom tho several rlnsre of
et-ctlnn comceie she'll be tried, and retrulate the
manner ol'trlnl and all matters tnrtilciit tlirrctn:
.Ititt no sacli law assigning liirlalletloii, or rrgula
ftnR lis encrelen, shall niiiily to any contest aris
ing on I uf an election held be lore tlx pomnjrc.
article tx.
See. 1. All taxes shnll be uniform npon the same
etnas of snhtcels with In the territorial limits of
tlr authority levying the lex, nml shall tie levied
sih! collected antler Ktint'nil laws; hut the ironerul
aeecnirtly may, oy gcuerai inwn, eenipi irom tax
ation oulillo property nsecl for public pnriHiws, ac
tual places of religious, worl hip plaers of burial
not used or hel'Hur private or corpornte profit,
and Institutions of purely public charity.
Bee. U. All laws exempting pmtiorly Irom tsxa.
lon other than the prupercy above enumerated,
elm II lie vrld.
Are. a. The power to tux corpora! Ions and corpo
rate property shall not I rarreiKleroa or ensw'inl.
etl by any nuntraot or Kraut to which Ihe etuue
shall a party.
r. 4. No rtcbt shall lie created by on behalf
ef the state, except tu supply ontiinl detletrnelee
of revenno, rt'i! invasion, en prees Insurrection
defend the stule In war. or Hi fay existing debt,
and the debt created to I'licncli-ncKe in rev
enuo elinll never exceed in the aggrcgato at. any
one time one million of dollnrs.
Dee. e. All laws anthuiirleir the borrowing of
money by end an bclmll ol the suite shull specify
tie purpose lor which tho money is Ui lie uso,l
and the money so borrowed shaft lie used for tho
paratope spocifUml and no older.
Str. 6. Tlie crwtll of Ihe ouinnionwcallh shnll not
be pledged or limned tn any individual, company,
nriMmiion, or aspoclstlon, nor shall the c.iuimou
wealth lievoinoejotutimncrur stockholder In any
acmpaoy, association, or corporation.
Ace. 7. The general eeeinbly slinll not authorise
any cennty, city, boronKb, township or incorpora
ted district to become a eteck holder In any com
puny, aFPOciatlon or corporation, or to obtain er
i'1'proprlate money lor or to loan ltecrcllt to any
corporation, association, iiistiintton oi inmvninai,
ifc. 8. The debt of any county, city, borough.
township, school district, or other municipality,
er Incorporatoil district, except as herein pvovldcd
shall never exceed ecven per ecntiMn ni the ai
ensnl value of the Unable, properly therein, nor
shall any siKh niiinlcipiilily or ills, i let lacur any
acw dobt, er tncreaae lie IndebtetlneM to an a
monnt exccciling two per centum upon ench asses
sed valuation of property without the asrent of
the electors thereof, at a public election, in such
manner a shall tie rovhted by law. but any city,
the debt ol which now exceeds seven icr centum
of such assessed valuation, may be am hori7.ed by
law to Increase the satne three per centum In the
'aggregate at any one time upon such valuation.
Stc. 0. Tiiocominonwealih shall not nssnmethe
slebl, or any part thereof, of any city, county, bor
agh or townpuip. unless such (fcht ehall bare been
eoulraetiHl to enable the elate to reiel invasion,
suppress domestic iimirroction, delindttsrll in
time ol war, or to assist the state in the discharge
i kiij pun ion w lis present inaciiieoncss.
e in. any county, township
school district, or
Iber municipality Incurring any Indebtedness,
tne collcctlou of au annual tax sulUc ent to pay
the Interest and also the principal thereof wilblu
ILlrty years.
Sfc. 11. To provide for the paymont of the pres
ent State debt end any aldltional debt contracted
as aforesaid, the general assembly shall continue
and maintain the staking lund snfliclent to pay the
accruing Interest on such .iht nml annually to re
duce the principal thereof, by a sum i than
two hundred and tlfty thousand dollars, the satu
sinking fund shall consist of tho proceeds of the
sales of the public works or any part thereof and
of the Income or proceeds of the sale of any slocks
owned by the commonwealth, together with other
funds and resources that may 1 destgratod by
law, and shall be Increased from time to time by
asrlgntngio It any part of the taxes or other revrn
uca of the stale uoi required lor the ordinary and
onrrent expenses of government: and sulci's In
ease of war. Invasion, or Insurrection, no part of
the said sinking turn! shall be tifed or applied oth
erwise than lu the exilnguitnmvnt of the publlo
Sec. la. The moneys of the state, over and a
bove the necessary reserve, ehall be tiseil tn it.c
pavuietitof the debt td the state, either directly oi
through the sinking lund. and the moneys of tl.e
sinking f und shall never be Invented in or loanc 1
pon the security uf anything except the bonds of
the Vulto.1 States or of tills suite.
Sec. 18. The moneys held as necessary reserve
shall be limited by law to the amount required for
current expenses, nnd shall be secured and kcit
as may be provided by law. Monthly statements
shall be published showing the amount of cuch
moneys, where tho sume ate deposited, and how
rc. 14. The making of profit out of the publlo
nuineysor using the same tor aitv purpose not au
thorized by law- by any officer of the state or nteiu
fcer or officer of the general assembly, shall be a
misdemeanor, nnd shall -be punished as may be
provided by law, but pert of such punishment
shall be a dlsquallHeatlon to hold ottice for a period
f ut less thuu five years.
Cm. 1. Ths general ssscmldy shall provide for
the maintenance and tup)ort ol a thorough and
student system ol public schools, wberelu all the
ehlldrcn of this commonwealth, atiove the age of
six years, may be educated, and shall appropriate
at least eue million dollars eucn year tor thut pur
peso. Stc. 2. No money raised for the support of tho
public schools ol the commonwealth shall be ap
propriated to or used for the support ol any settler
uu school.
Src. 8. Women twenty one years ofj"f(tBrfii or
wards shall becUK'W 'school luwt vftLlt blate.
Sss. 1. The frocmcn of this commonwealth shell
be armed .organtied and decipllurd lor Its delrnse
when and In such manuor as may be directed by
law. The general atmeuihly shall provide (or
maintaining the militia by appropriation from tho
Treasury otitic comnunweahb, and may exempt
from military service parsons having eousulvniikut
svraplus against bearing arms.
rt'BLic erricitiis.
er. 1. Alloffioers whose selection Is not provided
r lu Ibis constitution shall be elected or appoint
ed as mav be directed by law.
!c. !l. So member of congress from this slate,
sxir any persou holding or exercising any office or
appolutmout of trust or protlt under the l uited
States, shnll at the samo lime hold or exercize any
etllce In this slate to which a salary, lees, or per
quisites shall be uttached. The general atseni tlv
way by law declare what olhccs are lucouipail
ble. See. (.Any person who shall fight a duel or send a
challenge lor that pun rose or be alder or abettor In
fighting a duel, shall lie deprived ol the right of
koldlug auy uttlce ol honor or profit lu this state,
and may be otherwise punished, as shall be pre
tsrlbed by law,
ae- 1. No new county shall be estsMlshed
which shall reduce any county to less than lour
hundred square miles, or to less than twenty
tbousaud luuabttauii; nor shall any county be
formed of lets area, or ocntalulug a les popula
tion, nor shall any line thereof pass witPln ten
miles of the county vent of aoy county proposed
te We divided.
S. 1. County officers shall consist cf sheriff,
coroners, proihonoturtes. registers ol wills, record
ers of deeds, commissioners, treasurers, snrvcyurs,
auditors, or coutrullers. clerks d' the courts, cis.
trlci attorneys, uito such otltors as may Irom tiuie
to time be established by law: and no sherilf or
tret-suror shall ie elitril'lu lor the torin next kuo
seeding thaoiie lor which he may be elected.
ktc. i. Coauiy officers shall be elected at the
general elections, and shull hold their offices tor
the term ot threu cars, beginning on the first
Colli , JeU succers' ilmlT be duly' quallfVed all '
. .uli, eoic. .,e..i,i,l..l l..e .I...11 U 1. I
Monday ol January next alter their elections, and
vacancies not uilu rwtns tirovided lor shall be tilled
in toich manner as may be provided hv law.
Stc Z. No person shall be appointed to any office i
ullhlu auycounty who shall not have leen acltixeu i
an d au inhibliaut therein one year next beioiv his I
app-diitmout, II the county shall have been so long
erected, but II it shall not have beeu So long erect
ed, then within the limits ol the county or counties
ualol which it shall have been ukin.
Sec 4. Wothonolaiiev, clerksof the courts, re
corders of deeds, registers ot wills, county survey
ors, and shuritts shall keep thuir oihues In the
eounty luwuot the county in which they respective !
ly shall he o Ulcers. i
Sec. 5. The compensation of county officer! shall 1
be regulated by luw. an I all county officers who
re or may be salaried shall pay all fees which
they may be authorized tu receive into the treasu
ry o l he county or state, as may be directed by
law. In counties containing o.-er one hundred and
Alty thousand inhabitants all county officers shall
be paid by salary, and the salary of any such ottl
eers and hU clerks, heretofore paitj by lets, shall
not exieed the aggregate amount ol tVe earned
during his term and collected 4y or for him.
Sec. 0. The general assembly shut I provide by
law lor the the strlut aoeouutabilliy of uli county,
township and borough ofticera, as well tor the tees
which may be collected by them as for all public
er municit'ul moneys which may be paid tu Hum.
Sec. T. I hreeoouuty commit loner and threu
eouuty auditors huU be elected tn ea-h coumy
whie such tdtietris are choseu, in the year oue
thousand eight hundred and seventy live and every
ihlrtl vear thereitltcr; ami In the electiou ol said
olhcera each qua li lied doctor shall vote for no mure
than two eroi.a, and the three persons having
the biuhtst numler uf votes shall l-e elected: anv
easual vacancy In theofhee ototHinty coiniuueioneis
or count v auditor snail ue nusHi nytue iHurtot coin
iuud pleas ol the county in which such vacancy shall
eccar, oy tne api-onumenioi sn elector or tne prop,
et ocuuty who snail have voted for the ooniuilssiou
r auditor whose place is to be Oiled.
Bm. 1. Cities may 1 chartered whenever a ma-
jertty of theeleutorsof any town or borough having
ft population ot at least Un thousand shall Vole at
any general election lu lavur uf the same.
Etc. il- Nodebl shall beeoutractod ur liability n-
eurred by aoy muuiclial ooiniulaston, except in pur
suance of an appropriation previously made there
fur by the muuiclttal government.
Sec, I. Every olty sball create sinking fund
Which shall be Invlulablf eVeag4 fef tae mjsb!
oUm fuff4e44eH.
trivatb coRroRanorrg.
Itet. 1. Altexlstlngcharters, nrininl ofsnerlat
er exclusive privilege, tinder which a bona tide or.
trniilr.ntlon erinll not have taken place ami burincM
been commenced In flood,ralth at tho time ol the
adoption of this constitution, shall tbcreattor have
no validity
Soe. a The Kcnerat assembly shall not remit Ilio
forleitureo the charter ol any cortornt ton now ex
isting, or alter or nmendthe samo, or pass any oth
er general special law lor the lienofit of such cor
poration, execptupon the condition Hint such cor
poration shall thereafter hold Us charter euhjout to
the provisions of this constitution.
Src. 8. The exercise ot the right of eminent do.
malnshall never be alitldgcd orso construid asto
prevent the general assembly fnm talcing the
property and franchisee ol Incorporated companies
and subjecting thcin to pnlilio use, tho fume as
the pronurty oi Individuals j and the exercise of
uie imiice power oi me state snail never be
: e;": Y . i" I'vimi,. wii-iiiou. i vreu iiisiricis loserve tor tour years.
to condnct thilr business in such manner astoln- j Src. 6. The Brsi election of Oovnuor nnder
IHngs the eiiinl rights ol Individuals or the gencr- this const II ui Ion elinll lie at tho general election
al well lielngoU ho state. In the year one thousand eight hunored and sov-
ire. 4. In till elections for dlrec(ore ormanagers enly-livc, wlien a Uovernor shall be elected for
o! a corporation each mcnlwror shareholder may ! three yours: and the term of t lie Governor elected
ensf ho wlioloniimhor of his votes for one cnndl- In the year one thousund eight hundred end sev
dne,ordisiibu(e(henintK,n(woor more candidate ! entv-ilght and ofthose thereafter elected shall be
as he mnv prclcr
nespin nils sMe wlhouf having one or more
known places of htndncs. nni nn aurliorlzed agenf
or ag.ens In (he rntne, upon whom proecse jnsy be
Str. S. Noeoyporalon shall engage tn any busi
ness nher than thai cxpresjtlv nuhorlretl I o Ifa
oharor. nnrshnll itfnkeor hofd any real cMufc. cx
oepf suh as may be necessary and proper lor 1s leg
1linsfc buhicsK.
Srr. 1- Noeorpnrafinn shall Irene soeks or bonds
Bxoeiii for money, lutior done, or money or property
futolly received; and allnclflous Incrcaseol sfocfc
or Indobfrdncss shall be void; the stock and lo
dehU'dneseo! corporations shall nol be incri-ased
cxceptln pKrsnDuee of general law, nor wlfhouf
lie consent of the persons holding ho larger a
moun in value ofbe sotk His obtained sis mert.
lug (ol e held nfer sixty days uolce given in purcn
anrcot luw.
."ice. . Municipal and nfher corporaions andtn-dlvldunlsinvesi-dwl(ii(heprlvilcge
or taking prl
vao property lorpuhlicU!e.eha rotike jns coin
ticnsnion for propery (nki n. Injured or destroyed
by flioeoneruclon orenlargeihruf of (heir works
highways or Improvements; which compenRs(fon
shall lie iald or secured helo re such faking, injnry
or destrucitn. The general assembly, is hereby
prohibited rrnm depriving any person of an appeal
from any preliminary atBessinenf of damages a-
Catnsf any such corpornioiis or individuals, made
y viewers or olicrwlsc: sn.l (he amotiul of such
damages, In all onse t, shall on the demand
ol either par(y, tie detertiiintMl by a jury aecordiug
io (he course of (he common law.
Stc-V. Kvery banking law shall provide for (he
registry nnd omin(orsigulug by an otllccr ol II, o
rWao.ol alinntcs orbllls iieKiniit (or clrculalb n
nn I (hn( ample SLCUiiy tu (he lull amount fhcrlof
snail iiedeKsl(ed wlli (he ami ilor fur he
! rtdempdunofsuch tioes orldlls.
Sec. 10. The general assembly shall have (he pow
' er(oal(errevi keorannul nuy chai.vrof lucori ora
llon now exlfingand rcvocut lcn( lie adutlLn of
(hisconFfiuiku or any (ha( mv herenfer becreaf
; cd wheuover In llieiroplnion it may be iuiuiii us to
I fhecficus ot 'his cimiiHnwtaWh, in mAi inanurr
howcverlianuinuiieshall be done o hecor-
I rMd'lll.rS .l Ij4U i.ol'f.ll f.V clmll nrnnl, ca
... -,i..,,.i .,..-..i .... .... n .
SfcU Nocrrporne bodv fofi.tFPocpiliankiii.ti: ond
coun.'in (irtvili ef rimil hecretwtJ vr tvxauizrA n
purFitKiK-eofun.e law wlfhuu lireeiM nth (iievious
(.ulilic nt Mrc a he liu3 ol lio (r.i nnr.i locsUici
of the liiu-utlon toiiil,v ioruch trivilref in m li
monnnr 8f fh.t.1 b-prefcrihed ty Uw nor dull a
chart .t rttrtjiicli priviU'Kt be tfrauitiiiur a lunger
pericMlthun twn;y yiiup.
&c. An MHiwc.tttu-n or curporaliun organ,
rd furthe puriHe, or auU lu, fhull huro t. .u,nalriu.t ami Diuiutitin Unci vf teltN
graph wltb n (his taie, a.., ?(ull(.t.t the Bi.ine
with othvr 1 fncs; and the Ui'in-rnl Atrici.t.-iy .itHj
by p:! if nil law of uuifonn (ipcratinn, pruvtde rea
foiiahla rculatfonsto jftve iuililteui tu thi eo
Hod. No telegraph cxmipany tihull wnpoiit.utsi
with or buhl a controlling lmereitt In the atok or
bonds of anv other telegraph company owning a
competing line, ur acquire, by puivhaMe or other,
wine, any other competing line of telegraph.
Sec. 13. The term corporation!, '"ns used Id
thl article, hull be construed to Include all joint
tM.K-k pimpHiilee tr anstn-ialionr' having any ol the
)Hwers or prlvllogce of oororsninni uut pueocki
ed iMUiriuualv ur irtnerihlp8.
Section 1. All railroad? and canali shall be pub
llo highwnys. nnd all railroad and canal csmpan
let ehall be common curriers. Any apeociiulon or
corporal ln organized furthe purpose nhall have
the right to construct and operate a railroad be
tween any point! within thU gtato and to connect
at the state line with railroads uf other states.
Every railroad company ehall have the right with
Its road to Intersect, connect wl'.h, or ciops any
other ruth oat J, and phall receive and transport
earn the other pafcngers, tonnage, and care load
ed or empty, without delay or dihciimluaiion.
Urc. '2. hvery railroad and cunal corjoratioD or
gaui7ed Inthfs Htatehall iiuiintalnnn ollice there
in , where tarnsk-rs ol Its slock vhall be mane, nnd
where lis books Hhall be kept for liitpectlou by any
stock hoMcr or creditor ol .such corporation, in
which shnll be recorded the amount of capital
Stock subscribed or paltl in. and by whom, the
namcsof theoHnersoMtsstxk un.t the amounts
owned by them, respectively, the Iran Her ul said
stock, and the names and place ol residence of lta
0 thee re.
Sec. '6. All Individuals, associations, and corjKir
a linns shall havecqnal right toluue irerns antl
jrpcrty transported oer railroads and canaln,
ami nu undue or unreusonabledlHcrimlnailon sliMl
be inaiie in charges lor or In facilities tor transpor
tation of Irelulu r pHrssengers within the state, or
coming In m or gwing to any other Kate. Ter- j
sons auu property transported iver anv ."
shall lif ilcJtttsVisivt. Kti'vrAv.'wnuiiioii of persons
and property of the same cluss in the same direc
tion to anv uioredistaut mutton; but excursion ami
eutnmtnu' U'kets iu lasucd at ipeciul
Sec. 4 No railroad, cnnal, or other corporation,
orthe lessees, purchasers, or managers td any rail
road urcaual corporation, shall coitsolioate the
lock, proeny, or Iraiu'hisce of su h corKratlon
wltb, ur lease or purchase the works or franchises
of, or in any way control any other railroad or ca
nal corporation owuing or having under Its control
a parallel or competing line, nor shall any oil.cer
ol u.h railroad or canal corporation act as auolil.
cerofany other railroad or canal corporation ow
nlug or having the control of a parallel or compe
ting line, and the question whether railroads or
canals are parallel or competing lines shall, when
demanded by the party complainant, be decided
by a jury as in other civil Ueucs.
Sec. 6. No Incorporate! company doJnp the
businet-s of a common carrier, shall ill reel K or in
directly, prosecute or engHKe In mining or'inanu
facturing tn ides tor trai.siHirtatlon uvcr its works,
nor slia.l such company, dlrectlv or Indirectly, eu
gage lu any other business than that ol common
cjin lcrs, or hold or acquire lauds, freehold or lease
hold, directly or Indirectly, except such as shall
be necessary for carrying uu Its business; hut any
mining or manufacturing eoiupanv mav carry the
products of Its mines and mauuiactofles on Its
railroad or canal out exceeding fitly tulles lu
Act. 6. No president, director, officer, agent or
employee oi any railroad or canal company shall
be inn-rented, directly or ludirectiy. In thefurntsh
Ing uf material or supplies tu such company, or In
the business of transportation as a common car
rier ot freight ur pantsengcrs over the Works own
ed, leased, controlled or worked by such company.
Sec. 7. Nu diiwriuilniatiou in charges or facili
ties for truiifportallou shall be made letween
transisortution companies and Individuals, or In lu
vor ol either, by abatement, dram buck, or other
wise, and no railroad or canal company, or any leg.
re, Uiunauer, or tuj loyee thereof, 'shall make
any pre.eitnces In furnishing cars ur motive pow
er. Stc. t. TCo railroad, railway or other transport
ation company tdiall grul tree passes or pusses at
a difcount, to any peisous eicept olilecr ur em
ployee sot the company.
Sec. W No sireet passenger railway shall be con
structed within the limits of any city, borough or
township ftlihoui the consent ol its local authori
ties. Site. 10. No railroad, eanul or other transnorta
tlon ci uipany, lu existence at the time ol the adop
tion ut this article, shall have the U-ncht ol any
lulure lcgilnlltiu by general or special luws. ex
cept on condition ot complete acceptance ul all the
Provision, 'ytl. ar.icl
At C t 11- I 111 X lltl II)
if nowers and dut Irs of the
Auditor General in rtaard tu railroads, canals.
ani othertnusporlatfoii companies, except asto
lltdr accounts, are hereby tra lowered to the Seere
tiry ot Internal Afl.tirs, who shall have a geueral
supervision over them, subject to such regulations
and alterailonsas shall be provided by Iww; and In
addition to the annual reports now required tot
made, said Secretary may requite special reiHrts
t mu) 1 1 mo upju stnjr mojcfi relating io me uusi
nessofsald companies troin auy othcer or oOicera
Sec. 12. The General Assembly shall enforce hv
appropriate legislation the pruvislons uf this arti-
rcTcai a h cw dm kkti.
Section 1. Anv amendment or amendments to
this constitution may be proposed tu the Seuate or
House of Kepresentativts. and If the same shall
be agreed to by a majority ol the members ducted
to each house, sut h proponed umeiiduvut or a-
mendmeuts shall be entered on their journals,
with the yeas uud uavs taken thereon, aial the
Secretary ul the Commonwealth shall cause the
same to be published three mouths indole the next
general election iu at least two newspaHrs lu ev
ery county iu w hich such newspatershall be pub
lished; and If, lu the (leneral Assembly next olier
wards chosen, such proposed amendment or amend,
lueuls shall be agreed tu by a majority of thciuem-l-ers
electetl to eu h houe, the Secretary ul the
Commonwealth shall cause the same again to le
puitlished in Ihe manner aloroaid, and sm-h pro
psed amenduieiit or amendments shall he sub
mitted lo Ihe qualified doctors uf the State iu
such manner, and al such time, at least throo
mouths after bviitg so agreed to by the two hous
es, as the tleuerul Assembly shall piesorloe ; and
11 such aiuondmeut or aniendmeuls shall be appro
ved oy a majority ol tho votluir thereon, stub
meudinenl or auiendmenta shulT Imuoiue a part ol
the constitution; but no amendment ur amend
ments stall be sabniiUed olteuer than once In
five years; when two or more atuendiuente shall
b submitted they shall be voted upon separately.
That no tnoonvenlenoe soay i rise from Ihe fcnn
in i ha auistitutlon of the Cummoowealia
and In onler to carry the same Into complete op
eration. It 1 Hereby ueeiarou tnau
6m. 1 This constitution anal I take effect on the
ret ewy 9i Jasraary, te tiie year ; ewe tlicnjeane
eight hundred and ttcvenly fonr, ftir all pnrposee
not otherwise provlilcd lor therein.
See. a. All laws In foreo Id this Commonwealth
at the I Into ol the adoption of this constitution not
Inotiusislent therewith, and all rights, actions,
proseeni lone, nnd contracts, shall continue as if
this constitution had not been adopted.
Arc.S. At the general election In the years ont
thousand eight hundred and seventy-lour and one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-lire Senators
shall be elected In all districts where then' shall be
vacancies. Those elected In tho yenr ono thou
sand eight hundred and sevoniy-lour shall serve
lor two years, nnd those, elected In tho year one
inonsanii eigni nuniiren ami seventy-live snail
surve lor one year. Senators now elected, and
those whose tonus are unexpired shall represent
the districts In which tlioy reside until the end of
the turms for which they were elected.
Src. 4. At the general election In the ycarone,
thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, Sena
tors shall bo elected from the even iinmhercd dla.
Irlt'lB in ttrvtl Oil twi, voora otirl fnnii ralil unmh.
lor lour years, according tu the provisions of this
Sec tt. A t the general election In th year one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-lour a Lieu
tenant Governor shall bo elected aouordlng to the
provisions ol this constitution.
Sec 7. The Secretary of Internal Affairs thn
be elected at the first general elect ton alter the a
doplion of this const i.utlotit anil when the said of
ficer shall be duly elected nnd qualified, the ollice
of Surveyor Oeneral shall be abolished, and the
.Surveyor General in ollice at the lime ol the adop
tlon ol this constitution shall continue In oUtee un
til the expiration of the term fur which be was o-
.Sfc.'s. When the Superintendent of Public In
strnot ion shall beduly qinl'l1ed, the office of bu
perlntondcm id Nminon ISchools shall eesse.
Sec. 9. Nothing contained in this constitution
shall h construe.! to render any person now hold
ing any S'ale oliioe for a first olticinl term Ineligi
ble ior re-elect I jH al the end of such term.
Sec. 10. The Judges of (lie Supreme 'onrt In
ofJicc when this eons. iiutton shall luke efleel shall
continue uuiil their commissions severally expire.
Two judges In sxtdlilon to the nuuilvcr now cumin-sing
the said court shall be elected at the first gen
eral election alter the adoption ol this con dilu
tion. AW. 11. Allconrts of record ami all existing
court a which are not specified In this constitu
tion shall continue In existence until the first day
of l'cccinher. In Ihe year one thousand eight hun
dred and seventv-flve. without abrldument of their
present jntisitlcilon. but no longer. '1 he c-.-url of
II rsicrim ina (jurisdiction for the counties ulSchu 1
kill. Is'ibanoi'i ami Dauphin Is hereby ,i. t iifiiu.;
and all causes an.) proceeding pending then in In
the ct uiy of Schuylkill shall he tried and dispos
ed ol in the couis ol Dyer ami Terminer and Quar
ter cessions ol the pi ace ol said couniy.
Src. 1- The registeis' c aris uow in extstenco
shall be abolished ou thw brst day uf Jar.uary
tiexl rucctedlng the aooptlou ol this cotistiutiion.
Sec Id. The Oenerai Assumbly su.ill, at the
nrx t session alter the adoption ot hls consil'.u
tion, designate the several judical dlstilcts as re
quired by this constitution. The judges In com -in
ft ion when fuch ticslgnntion shall le made
shnll continue during their unexpired terms judg
es o the new district In which they re?ldc. imt
when there shall be two judges residing lu the
same district, the president jurge shall elect to
which diMrlrt lie snail to r.tHgucu
and the ad-
diib nal law jtu'ge shall be assigned
tu the other
uis: net.
Sec. U.rThe ircnerftl . assembly sholl. at the
next succeeding session niter each ueceunlal cen
sus, and not oKener, clerinuio ttte several juui
rial dlstriclsAS reii-ilred 1 y this couKUa lou.
Sec 1&. Judges learned In the law ol auy court
of record bidding commissdoiis In feree at the ad
option of this constitution shnl hold their respec
tive ollivt s until the cxplrath u ol the terms lor
which they were coinmlttdoiied, and until tl.elr
sucA'cssors shall be duly qualihed, '1 he 0" eruor
shall commission the president judge of t h ! i
nl Mur rrlitili.wJ uirtxiileiitai tor 1 he cou II t les ot
tschuyiLiii Lehmu.n and Itauphln as a julge of
tuoitiun ui eouiujou picue i m-duj mm luuuij
fur the unexpired term of hlsolhce.
Sec. 10 Alter the expiration of the term of any
president judge ol any court uf common pleas in
commlssiou at the adoption of this constitution,
the judge uf such court learned lu the law and ol
dest in commtr-sion shall be the president judge
thereof, and nheu two or mor judge are elected
at the same time In any judical district, they shall
decide by lot which shall be president judge; but
when the president judge ol a court shall be re-elected
he shall eoul inue U bo presldcut judge of
that court. Assoeiate judges, not learned in the
law. elected alter the adopt ion of thlsconsiltutioii,
shall be commissioned to hold their o dices tor the
term of five years Irom the first day ot Jauuary
next alter their election.
Src. K. The general assemtdy at the first ses
sion after the adoptlou ut this constitution shall
fix nnd determine the compensation uf the judges
ol the supreme court and ol the judges of the ser
erul jutlli-ial districts uf the commonwealt h, and
the provisions ot the tiiteentb section of the arti
cle on the legislation shall uot be deemed Inconsis
tent herewith. Nothing contained lu this consti
tution shall te held to reduce the compensation
now paid to any law judge uf this commonwealth
now lu commission.
Sec. H. The courts of common picas In the coun
ties of J'hiladelphla and Alcgheny shall bo Com -posed
ol the president juogeii ol the district Court
and court of com mo u pleas ol saia counties until
their oiliees shall severally end. and oi such other
judges aft may troru time to time bo selected.
Kor the purpose of ti rut organization in Phila
delphia Ihe udges ol the Court number oue shall
be Judges Altlfou, Tierce and l'axsoii; of the court
nutniuT two, judges i-inre, iniciieu auu oue i i
cr judge Io be elected; of tho court number th1
Judges Ludlow, Kinlctter and I'Vnd.r J;riMK4
The I ut I iff. first named shall be the president
judge id raid courts respectively, and thercaller
the president judge shall he the judge oi-iesi in
commission: but any president judge re-elected In
the same court or district shall continue tu be pre
sident judge thereof.
The additional judges for court number two
and lour shall lo voted fur and elected at the first
general election after the adoption of this consti
tution In the suiie manner as the two additional
judges ol the sup.eme Court, and they shall de
cide by lot to which court they shall belong.
Their term of office shall commence on the first
Monday of January, lu the year one thousand
eight hundred and seventy-live.
See. 1. In the county of Allegheny, for the
fmrpose of first organization under this oonslltu
lon. the judges ot the court uf common pleas at
the time ul the adoption of this constitution ahad
be the judges ofthe court number one, and the
Jnlgesuf the district t.lourt at Ihe samo dte
shall be the judges of the common pleaa peuibor
The preslden judges of theemmn pleas and
district courts ahalll.e president ju -K n''
court numtr one and two resjctlvely until their
uiliees shall end, and therei'ipr the judge oldest
In cuimnission shall be ('resident judge; but any
president judge re-elected In the same court or
district shall continue tube president judge there
of. Sec 20. Theorgantxatlon orthe courts of com
mon pleas under this constitution, tor the coun
ties ol J? hi lade) phi a and A llegheny, shall take ef
fect on the first Monday of Jauuary, one thousand
eight hundred and seventy-live, and existing
courts In suld counties shall continue with their
1resent powers and jurisdiction until that date;
ut no new suits shall be Instituted tn the court
ot Nisi 1'rlus alter the adoption of this constitu
tion. Sec. 21 The causes and proceedings pen-He g In
the court of Nisi Trius. court ot common pleas,
and district court In i'hlladelphl a shall be tried
and disposed ot lu the court of common pleas.
The records and dockets of said courts s hull be
transferred to the I'rothonoiary'a othce of ald
count v.
Sec. The causes and proceedings pending In
the court ol common pleas in the county of Alle
gheny shall le tried aud disposed of In the court
number nm; and the causes and proceedings pen
ding In the district court shall be tried and dispos
ed of In the court numbe two.
.Src. 23. The I'ruthonotary of the court of com
mon pleas of Philadelphia shall te first appoluled
by the tudircs of said court on the first Monday of
1 ieeeinber. In the ear one thousand eight hun
dred aud seventy-five; and the present I 'rot ho no
tary ol the district court In said eounty shall be
the I'roihonotary ol the said court of common pleas
until said date, wheu his ommlssion shall ex
pi re, and the present clerk of the court of Oyer
and Terminer and quarter sessions of the peace In
Philadelphia shall be the clerk of uch court un
til the expiration uf his present commission on the
first Monday of l-cemtcr In the yea one thou
sand eight hundred and seventy-five.
Ser. 24. In cities containing over fifty thousand
Inhabitants (except Philadelphia) all aldermen In
oihec at the time of Ihe adoption ot this constitu
tion shall conl Inue tn ottice until the expiration of
tbelr commissions, aud at the election for ell aud
ward olheers In the year one thousand eight hun
dred and seventy-five one alderman shall he vine-
ted In eacu warn, as pruuoeu in mis constitu
tion. Sec. 26. In Philadelphia magistrates In lion of
l.lermen. shall be chosen as required In this con.
siliution at the election In said city au J ward uf
htvn In the vear onethousand eight hundred and-
seventy-five; their term of uftlce shall commence
on the first Monday ut April tuweuing their e-
The terms oi omce oi aiuemiou ui nun cny, nois
ing or entitled to commissions at the time of he
adoption of thla constitution shall not be e floe tod
Sec'JA. All persons m omce in mis common
ealth at the time of the adoption of this consti
tution, and at the first election under It, shall bold
Ihelr reHciive orheea until the term for which
they have noon eieeieii or (iioiiiiiu piisiii expire, ,
and until tneir suctwr fhhu nvnuijr quauueu, i
unlets otherwie provided iu this ooustituiion.
Sec. 27. The seventh article of this austttu
iit.ii t.ieoMirlbloa an oath ol other, shall take ellect
on and alu-r the first day of Jajiuary, oue thou
sand eigh huudreu auu seventy nve.
Sec'iH. The terms of office of county commis
siouns and county auditors ehoatm prior to the
vear one thousuud eight bundled and seventy
rive, which shall uot have expired before the first
Monday ol Januury, lu the year one thousand
eight hundred and seventy-nix, shall expire on
that day.
arc 'it. All State, county, city, ward, borough
aud township utlhwrs lu oil toe al the lime ol the
aluptluu ul this oonsiltuttttn. whose compensation
la not pruvhtod tor by salaries alone, shall contin
ue to receive the compensation allowed I hem by
luw until the apirailon ut the Ir rvapeeUve torus
ol othoe.
Sec 30. AH state and judicial officers hereto
fore elm-ted, sworn, afltitucd, ur In t ttioe when
this constitution shall take edoot, shall severally,
within oue month aker iucb adiiptiou. take and
subet-ribe an oath (or atlirmailoni to aupiwrt this
Sc. The-ftj aseemblv , ai Ha first aea
slon, or aa soon as tu, , ( opiion of
this etvitltntlc, shall - nay re
rtwssary u mrry the sirM fnto rtril force and ef
fect. Sec. 83. The ordlnanoe tMWM by thli Nuiteiw
Hon, entitled "An orUlnanoe fop aabmlitlng thv
amended constfttitlon of lnnsylvnnla to a vote
ol Ihe elocto'i thereof' shall bo hold to bo feilil
lor all tho purH)sca ihrrcof.
Src. S3. Tho words c nnlT firrUTtw-shTfca,
Tfherever wsod In iblscvnstltniion. and in attfor
dlnatiteaeoompunvttig llm samr, ahall be fcsVl to
Include the ootiiiniVsloncrd lor theclly of PhlladeV
Adopted nt IMtlladflphla, on Iho" third dy ftf
November, In the year nlonr lVrd tt Uionsaiid
eight hundred ami seventy-three.
OvFtnt o
HAHnmntma, Nov. 18, lBTa, )
1 oerliry IhM the forru'lng Is a correrH enny of
the new constttuilon, pmposml to the people of
the commonweHlih of Pennsylvania, r Ihelr ftp.
proval or rejection, aa the aa'tna ap;oard of rec ord
In this odiuu
Ji. n. 4 u n i,
Becretary of Com moo wealth.
Ait oamxAwa
TOU BrBHrtTTIlfO THB A TirtWtET ctfrfceTrTOTioir oa
Beit ordained by the CoAttiMional Convention of
the Commonwealth of Penntytvanio, MMfcr
1. That the amonded constitution preparedly
(his cunvention, bo submitted to the qnallflvsl e
lectors of the O'liuiutinwuidih for their adoption -ot
rcjeeilon, ut mi eKHJtlonlobo held on the third
Tuesoay of December ncxlj except ashtreinaf
ter ordered aud directed the said eVctlon shall be
held and conducted tlv the regular eloot Ion offlccrs)
in tho several election districts throughout the
commonweal. h, under all the regulations and
nrovltdons of exUiing laws relating to general o
lectlons:nnd the shcriUs of Ihe several counties
shall gito nt hs twenty dnys notte of said eleo
tlon by proclamation.
i, Tne beeieiary ut the cotnmonweaHh sJiall,
at least twuuty days belore tho said election, lur
nlsh to the cumtnlssloners of each county, a autH
tient number of properly prepared circulars of In
struction. The commissioner of the several
. unties shall eanse to bo printed nt least three
limes ns many ballot a t fathrmai ive voles as there
are volets In each couuiy and the same number
ol negative votes: utxt tho stld commissioners
shall, at least five dnys before said election, cans
to be fairly distributed to the several election dis
tricts In ibeir r-sptciive ccuntles, the said ballots,
tally-lists, returns, eireulnis ot I islruvllona, and
such other books and jm pei s as may be necessary.
The ballots snail la primed or written In the (oil
nwlng form: On the tutsldethe wonls 'New Con
st I tut inn; In the inside lor all pern us glv lug affirm
ative votes the words "For the New Const itut Ion,"
and for all persons giving negative votes tut words
"Against the New Constitution."
It. li n snail appear thai a majority cf the
votes polled are h i the new cousiltu. Ion, then 1
shall ie the constitution ofthe commonwealth of
Pennsylvania on and Alter the first dayof Janu
ary, In the year of our Lord one thousand eight
honored and seventy-four: but If It shall appettr
that a majority if the voles polled were against
the new constitution, then it shall be rejeoied aud
be null and void.
4, Five cuinuiUMnncrsnr election, vlt: Kdwtn
11. Filler, Ilwaid Itrowning, John P. Verroe,
Henry IS. Hagerl, and John O. James, are hereby
appointed by this convention, who shall have df
rcc.Inti of the election upon this am uded const j.
tmiun In thecii vof Philadelphia. The said com
mi'sioiicrs shall be duly sworn or affirmed to per
forin their duties with Impartiality ami fidelity.
They shall uNo have pi.wttr to fifl vacantlca In
theirown number. ltshalUe the duty tl said
cnmmissieners, or a majorliy of them, and thoy
fchull have .uihrity to make a registration ot vo
ters lor the several dec, ion divisions of said ell v,
an io tun ! h (l e Itss so nade to he elecHon of
Peers uf each preciivf o.Hvlrdo.i, to dlsfrlhue (he
th kes lor uh! ely provided ly his onlinance Io
l-e used hi t)iv dec ion: o appidut a judge and wo
lupecois tor each elNiou division, by whom (be
decrh.iiht.rclushiill beheld and eondnced, and
o give at. iiM, ii;h.f uwi-.,. rn lne elecioii of
fictrs regnrdi'ig helrduMes In boidu.a eleo.
Ion and in making rt (urns (hereof. Nu person
ehall serve as an cleWlou officer who will be dis
qualified under Sec(inn 16, Ark les, cf (he new
ConsKudon. Theg-neral reurn of (he eloclon
In he said ely shall be opened, computed and eer
fifietl before the said commtssloners, and wih
heir approval whlcli approval shall besndorsod
upon Ihe rem in. Tht-y shall make reporl, direct
cd (o he presl leu of (his convenion. ol (heir offi
cial acdon under (hit ordinance and concerning
rhecondue ol he sait! election wlhin he said ci-
The judges and inDrWors aforeantd shall con-dtu-
he elex'liou in all rspes conformably io (he
general eleclon laws of (his commouweaKb, and
wih like powers aud tluries tu (h ne of onllnary
eleclon officers. 1-jtcl Iuspecor shall appoloi one
clerk io assis( be boatl lu he performance ef 1s
duies, and all (heelclou ofheers shall le duly
aworu or artirmwl icconlingo law, end shall
possess all (he qualifcaloos required by law of
decIon oflicers in tli commonwealth. Al said
eleclon any duly qaslified decor who shall be
uuregisere I, shall I permi(ed Io vo(e niton mak
ing proof of his rigid to (he eleclon officers, ac
cording (n he gcnorid election laws ef his eotn
monnealh. lieura lnsiectors and heir clerks
and an hourly cjnnof he voes shall bedlsiiens
e l wlh. bu( overseers of elecloQ maybe selecred
for any preclnc by sahl eleclon commissioners,
whose duies and powers shall be Ihe same as
hose of overst-rn of decit n in s d I ci(y uu.ier
exiting elecb u lsws applicable (herelo. Ke
(urns of (he rlerlb a shall be Uikde In said cly aa
In (he cas of hi eleclon for governor, hnf a Irip
lieae general rr(nra for aaUcJ(V.fUilU.l,..nIY?
"V.'A7 il'irrisburg. as Is hercinafor provided In
cose of couuv re urns.
b. In ewh'of he eonaUl of Ihe oommonwenb
fici. philalelt Ida.) (he reuruf id' be tlvclou
shall he m.'s1n ,h fT",
shall h. n.t. m. tn h-- lorii,,n for ft;iir
' . 7 ul lli. reurn jn.lnfs In e r!i c.untj
iAJ,C' g frtpllrae cuuny return and transmit
the samo, n flv. ,l.ys afff r flie rU-ctinn illrt-c-iWnflie
rit,lc-Bt of flits coiirunfkn, at Hanls-
i' ra
Iii. ne la ci-nrenMi'S this llilr.l day of Koretnner,
In tlie vn.rof inr 1 r.l, one thuasand eltflil liua
tired and serenfy-three.
.1 NO. H . WALK EK.Ire.nfral.
P. I.. 1MI1RIE, (.Vet.
A fraeeou of ordls.nee of nhmltalon.
M. S. ClUAT,
5rrrsei-y e Hit eommenwtaitH.
, .ig fall at last supp'ld by ths Iioprore 1
With atljnstable Wa.hsrs, recently added, Ib
rreasitiK it. utility M per rrtit, lueented and
patented by 8. M. SMITH. York, i'a.
It cleans all Unda of Clot hint; belter and
quicker than any other Washer. It cleans per
rerti.v and without Injury, mty article from the
finest Lnce Curtain to the heaviest Bed Clothlnc.
It will cleanse a half dozen Orntlctnen's bliirts,
badly soiled, in from S to 8 minutes, Including
the Collars and WrUlb.ind.
The steam belli confined In the Washer, the
clothing while betnx washed is also bleached.
Over S(i0 Machines were sold ill York and Lan
caster Counties and over 170,000 worth In this
State and Ohio, within a rear t plvlne satisfac
tion. The celebrated Self-Adjusting EL'RF.KA
V linger is attacked to the machine, t-if In
from one to two hours a Urire Family's Wash
can be done and rinsed, with less than half the
labor required by hand.
KioMlug Is done la this) Machine
thoroughly aud rapidly.
We ask no one to purchase witheut first trying
Us met its
SiNOLB Marmxes, $13. With Wrluger, $25.
Uf Address all orders to
Manufacturer and Alien'.,
Suubury, I'a,
Busbar. April 26, 1878.
A Oood Chance for at Cook Stoye I
Third flt, opposite the Central Hotel, Bunbury.
ANV person utirehiisinir sriio Is to the amount
1 V ot'$a Ul) at ri-liiil prices, for cash, will be
emitted 10 a tii krl Tor tlie drawing or a Bret
ctars No. 7. Conk Stove with all the fixture,
valued al $:10. warranted to irive si'faeiiou.
Notice will be nlvrn ol the place aud time of
drawing turotigti the papers.
Buubury, July 18, 187.
Jtleissr. IIEFFEW sfc BOWER,
Third Btre.-t. opposite Central Ilotet
KEEP constantly un baud the very choicest
of fresh
wblcb Is sold at Ihe lowest price. Meat can'b
had al all hour during the day.
eoal-n-y, fa., Jaas 8, IVT9.
wi 1 s - - - --,..r .,. . -,-f r r mvvfu r sjt. j j
Ereryhody Is Invited to come and bny of the
hantlsotno assortment of
tn frame bnlMlnr, (dolntne Moore.t Tllssingcr'i
Just opened a fresh enpply of Con foot lonerlss of
every doscrlptlon.
constnntly on hand. The best RAISINS, FI0B,
fresh Bread, Buns r Cokes, every morning.
Having fitted np a room expressly for serving
up Oysters In every style, Ladies and Gentlemen
will be accommodated with the best bivalves In
market, at all hoars dnrlng the day nnd evoulng.
Families will he supplied at their residence with
the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as Is desirable,
at the very lowest prices.
Call and see my ex eel leu I assortment of goods
and ascertain the prices.
Dee. 1$, 1871.
I'hlsj Mpare Isj Reserved for the
Market Nt., Nuuburj, I'a.
Mar.h S, 1S7I. ly.
4.00 a gallon, f 11.00 a doten.
In larce bottles, $11,00 a doscn.
118.00 a doxen.
scorcn WIIISKT.
II. A, V. Van 111,
Tu Wiwi Mkhchit,
lait) Chastnut Ktlret,
Oct. St, 1873,
Beud for Illustrated Catalogue and examine
our prices before purchasing, as we claim to sell
lower than anv other establishment in the City.
1236 RIDGE AVENUE, Philadelphia.
Foarlb Bit reft bt-low Market,
TIIE undersigned has returned from the Ver
mont Marble Quarries with 50 Tons of
Marble for
Nonnmcat, Grave-Stones,
He has bonght at such figures that
will allow him to sell better stone, for
less money, than heretofore. The best
Sutherland Falls Marble,
which is better than Italian. Rutland is now
sold as low as the Manchester.
Those who need anything Io Ihe Marble line,
for Monuments, Grave-Blones, or other purposes,
will find It to their Interest to call and examine
this laryie stock, as belter barvains can be secur
ed than buying from parlies 'huckstering' round
ths country.
All lettering will be done In Ihe neatest and
most improved (tyle.
Banbury. Jan. 11. 1878.
No. 228 South BECOND Street, below DOCK,
Manufacturers of Flrst-Clae
FMrtss raus-onaMev Pleas ewTl aid eemmlne.
FALL, 18T3.
Assortment of
Gents Furnishing Goods,
ever offered
Popular Clothing Store.
Corner Third and Market,
ifornia Vine.
gar Bitters are a purely- VcRctaWa
in-cpm-ation, made chiefly from the native
herba found on tho lower ranges of tho
Sierra Nevada mountains of California,
the medicinal properties of which nre
extracted therefrom without tho uso of
Alcohol. The question is almost daily
asked, " TA'hat is the cauee of the unpar
aHeled success of VimaAR Bittbrs t
Our answer is, that tliey remove tho
caii6e of ditte&sc, and tlio fntic '(n-eat
ers his health. .Tbe.pi'pHncI
$ .T2 ,re'irnenovator and l.ivlSorator
ofiuosvsiem. reer nmn in m -tory
of the woild has a mcdicino liocn .
compounded posseRsinp; the remarkable
qualities of Visioih Bittehs in healing j
tha sick of every disease inau U heir to. 1
They are gentle Purgative a well as a
Touic, relieving Congestiun er Inflammation
of the Liver and Tisceral Organs iu bilieas
Tho properties of Dn. Walker 3
VlUKOAR lilTTKRS are Aperieut, Diaphoretic,
Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative. Dioretic,
Sedative, CoaiUr-Irritaiit, budorific, Altera
tive, and Auti-Rilions.
It. II. ncIMsNAI.O CO.,
"niBBi.w aut u.a.ral rm ranctsc.., fali'nr
aia.Vud eor. Wwuiaaaiu suit Ukarltou w . ko" '
Suu by stlt Oruggiale and Isealvra.
Nan bury, 1'enn'B,
INFORM the public that they are preparctl to
do all Winds of CASTINGS, and havinv addid
a new Machine Simp in connection with their
Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New
Lathes, Platting and Boring Machines, with the
latest improvements. With the uid of skillful
mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders
that may be giveu tliem, in a satisfactory man
lier. ; rat est to ault any Move.
IRON COLUMNS, for churches or othor build
i ti if k. of all sizes.
Ornamental Iron Fencing
The PLOWS, already celebrated for their sti
perlorily, have been still further improved, and
will alwavs be kept on hand.
Sunbuiy, May 3i. 171.
TIIE undersigned having connected the Coal
business with kit exti-naive FLOUR GRAIN
trade, is prepared to supply families with the
VERY IIi:fsTOK t'Otl,,
Eptr, Btove and Nut, constautly ou hand. Grain
taken In exchange for Coal.
Bunbury, Jan. 16, 570. If.
VtHict.ts or iu Kinds madi to Okdek.
The latest styles and the best workmanship.
Samples may be seen at the shop. Give him
Bunbury, Dee. T, 1879. ly.
1307. RIGHTER&GASKILL, 1307.
American M Frencli Wintlow Glass,
Crystal Sheet, Hough Plate, Colored, ;Eaaael4
and Oruameatal Olass,
1307 Market Street, Philadelphia.
January 11, 187S. ly.
CRAWFORD IIOVaK, Cor. Third and
Mulberry, pusloese Centre, Wllllamsport,
D. B. IUI CO., rreprtetofw
Jime 90, 18t
ir. J. .Talker's ( al
ill Mil illy ill
in this place at
ThUd Street, adjoining Plilla. Erie X. two
fcmiarca ,orth of the Ceutrul Votel,
IS prepared to furnish every deecrlptlon oflnsn
her re-(uired by th deniauds of tne pahlto.
Ilnviii oil the latest Improved mactilaery for
nianufartuting Lutiber, he Is now reaiy W IU or
ders ef all kinds of
and all kinds of OrunmenUl Serowl Work. Tam
ing of every description promjitly executed. Alas,
a ijttifiit AfwoRTMvytT or
HEMLOCK aud PINE. Aleo, Shingles, Plofteu,
I-athe, te.
Orders promptly Oiled, andshtpped bv Ralsroad
or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT.
FA I.I. on: ! KG
New Dr.T nornm, OsmrKiss ami kum..
Cloths. Cn.slnieres, Calico, aud everythinr la
the Ury Good Hue.
'"1 and WUiow.
fz eopri
A !ni pe assorttrpnt Just opened, which consists
of Tra, Coffee, Sugar. Molasses. Fpices, Kesl,
Fif h. Ac. The Ce'ebreted Alh ntown had made
Warmnted to cive sati.factioa. la fact a full
.;tiiHnl ol evet ytltitijc ke) t tu a f.r.l-e:o.s .lore,
van be hail nt greatly
for rtikti. Call and ser the Hue se'.rctici ef e
guilds, and be CiiYttired that
v. J. itviton-M.
near the Lutln-rii ( lunch In Bunbury , Is tas bost
and clieuiest place to bur all kiuds of store
goods. No trouble to show goods.
OctoBer 8, 1S.1.
pnt tip otjlr In blue Poxes.
DruffgUts. Oct-4w
which can bo cured by a
timely rcHort to this ntand
ard j)reparaliou, h lias been
proved hy tho himdred.4 of
testimonials received by tho
proprietors. It i acknowl
edged by many prominent
physicians to be tho most
reliable preparation ever in
troduced lor the relief and
euro of all Lung complaints,
nnd U oflered to the public,
sanctioned by the experience
of over forty years. "When
resorted to in reason it sel
dom fails to effect a speedy
cure in the most severo
cases of Coughs, Bronchitis,
Croup, "Whooping Cough,
Influenza, Asthma, Colds,
Soro Throat, Pains or Sore
ness in the Chest and Side,
Liver Complaint, Bleeding
nt the Lungs, c. "Wi6tar'a
Balsam does not dry up a
Cough, and leave the causo
behind, as is , the caso with
most preparations, but it
loosens nnd cleanses tho
lungs, and allays irrit&tior
thus removing tho causo
the complaint.
parrABBD ar
SETS V. rOWLB 4 SOUS, Beetsa, Kasa.,
Aad AI by rnfg(ie otrfsvVfnoMsmaar.