ItfttlroRd Time Table. AHRtTAL ASD BEPAKTUKS OF THAWS AT SITOUORT. N. C. R. W.. South. Elmlra Mall, 11.15a m Krie Mall, 12.55 " Buffalo Ex. 8.50 " HarrlsburicAc. 8.10 p m P. E. B. B. Wont. KrlnMail, 5.15 am Renovo Ac. 11.10 am KlmlraMall 4.10 pm Buffalo Ex, 7.10 " SUNUUBT AND LEWISTOWM B. It. Leave Sunbury for Lcwistown at 8.85 a. m., and 4.U0 p. m. Arrive at Sunbury from Lewistown at 1.35 and 6.55 p. m. , RBAMOKIN DIVISION, H. C. B. W. LAT I ABRIVB Express, 11.45a m I Mall, 0.80 am Mail, 6.05 pro Express, 4.00 p m An accommodation tralu leaves Stiamokln at 7.10 a m, arriving at Mt. Carmcl at 7.40 a m. ReturinK, leave Mt. Carmel at 7.00 ? m, arriv ing at Bhamoktu 7.30 p m. , . DANVII.I.K, I1AZLF.TON A WILKESBARRB R. R. Leaves Sunbury at 045 a. m., for York. Re turn at 4.10 p. in. Accldoutnl Insurance Tickets can bo had of J. Shipman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Wluter Arrangement Tor the I'ost Olllce Ht fcuuburj , l'u. Offlce Open from 6.50 a. m., to 8 p. m., treept on Sunday. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives ns follows : ' ' From the East at 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m., " South, 5.15 a. ra., 4.10 p.m. West, 5.15a. ra.,11.15 p. m.,4.10p. m., : ' North.1.50 a. in. ,11. 15 a. m., 4.10 p.m. aiiamokln, Mi. Ouniol an J points On " that line, 9.25 o. m., 4.00 p. m. Malls close as follow : For the East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m. " South, 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. m. 8 p. m. " West, 10.50 a. m., 3.50 p. m., 8.00 p. m. " North 8.50 p. m., 8 p. m., Bbarnokin proper 11.15 p. m. Shainokin and pftlccs on that route, 4.20 p. m. Money orders will not b issued after C p. m., "on Saturdays. .1. J. PMTTII. P. M. gjjusincss locals. 1 .. The Improved Hkovkk & Baker 8uwino Ma iiunr. These celebrated machines are ottered U Uic most reusoniible rate. For particulars r.plv to D. . KUTZ, A(jent, JTub-aiTS.-ly. Upper Augusta township. 'Cahoi.'ap Pm.iv!, denlev In Musical Instru cts and 3evin Machines, Market street, near ird, Sunbury, Pa. Call and etaminc the best .ans, Mlodeous, Sewinir and Kuittinir ! :es in the market. Always on hand the Es-rt-y, Silver Torque, Smith's American, Mason & Hamlin Organs. Order taken for all kinds of Pianos ami Musical Instruments. The Peoples' Favorite Sewing Maehines j Domestic and Glo ver & Baker. Persons purchasing machines from mo wlil receive Instructions. First-class Knitting Machines fur sale. Anothkii Lot. luBt arrived, another lut of now fur niture at B. I lUudenbush's store iu Munouic building. The stock still increases iu attraction. Tho selection!! is tuo iu the country, and being large gives all a fair opportunity to gut the most fuiihionnUe ns veil as tbe best made. A riwu was made on W. H. Miller1!) Excelsior Hoot and Hhoo Store, during the wet weather of late for (linn allocs, but his large stock oanuot become exhausted booh. The very best of Gum boots aud shoes are sold at astonishing low prices. BeBides anj style made can be hud at his store. JIats and Caps. Samuel Faust, has just re turned from the city with a larye assortment of tlis latest stylu hats. His stock Is full, and the l..,.,!. otyies can no uau ui lila etort, on Market Btrcct at city prices. Tub Giirat Crash. D. A. Finney has the latest nssoitment ' " T1 .or. 1-..7S 'P!''cimed with great care iu (lie city mar kets, mu c . 0U. Mn bc Hoy.;;;!,1,, a the best. Ladles goods -of every description. -'loth and Cassitnercs for gentlemen. Boots and .Mil ics, notions, jewelry, and every urlie'.e usual ly kept iu stores, w ill be found iu his assortment. Everybody Is invited to examine his stock. The IW bargains are ivu.trnteed. otul Affairs. Wuehk TO GET You II Toudav Goods. For merchandise of all dcs.'ilHious.go to the stores of of Messrs Reed, Bio. and Seaslioltz, Reefer and Bassler, D. A. Finney nnd J. F. Byroif. For Groceries, G. W. Smith keeps the best and fresh est iu the tow n. For ready made clothing, 8.- Herzfeldcr not only sills the cheapest, but keeps the largest assortment ou hand. He has just received a new lot, expressly for the Holiday. Boots aud Shoes, for largo assortment of the H iu market, W. H. Miller' Excelsior store, takes the lead In the county. He bus the flucst assortment ever seen iu tills Section of tho coun try. For Toys, Books, Pictures, or any article suit able for Holiday presents, will be found iu ubuu. dauce, at C. 8. Hazleliues Store. Milmnkkv Goods. Our town ha never beeu belter supplied in miiliuery than now. Tbo stores nrelilkd to overflowing, and the loveliest hats und bonnets that ever woman guzed upon, are found at the stores of Misses A Hancock, Lou. S'nihsler, M. L. Gosslcr aDd L. Welser. Other fancy goods not enumerated are kept ex pressly for presents to ladles. Ladies Dress Goods of every description ean be lonnd ut Mits Kate Black' store. Fancy trticles suitable for presents, will be found ut the Drug stores of G. B. Cadwalladcr, Dr. C M. Martin & Co. and W. D.MolHck. In the cutlery line und Hardwure.Messrs Paine nnd McCormiek take the lead. No discount on anything they sell. They keep the best assort ment aud sell cheap. Those who have not got a good stove to get up a good holiday dinner, are reminded that A. Krouso and J. B. Reed, have the best made, aud sell at panic prices for cash. Coal. Our readers who expect to provide for tho getting up ol fine roasts, will be glad to learn 'hat Messrs Grant, Bro., Rhodes aud Haas, Val. Aitz, and J. M. Cadwalluder, sell the best arti cle iu market. Iu tho Jewelry Hue T. 8. Shannon and A. M. , Meixel, have received a largo supply for holiday presents. Their stock is equal to city establish ments, aud supplied with latest styles. Frank Lessenoek has become the proprietor of Purscl' ten plu alley and shooting galleiy, In the Moore aud Dissinger buildiug, and ha taken possession. Fruuk will keep a first class establishment. The Conirlave of thl place elected the follow lowiug officer lust week i Commander, Frank Bessengerj Vice-Commander, Bam'l Weaver) Herald, J. Adam Cake j Recorder, W. R. F. Wehuert Treasurer, i. M. Bostlan t Guard, Chas. Maihl Sentiuel, Wm. Fetter. J. M. Far row was elected representative to the Grand Conclave nt Philadelphia. The editor of the Dtmocrat ha been presented with a fat goose. New Eatiso Balook la Just been opened in ieulher' buildiug, opposite the depot In tbl iee, by Mr. Thomas McUaw.wbo wm lurnistt Is at all hour. Oyster, and all game In m will be served in the best style." t. Johksey Buapeh, late euginepr, ha been luted master mechanic or the May'svMleand lUjjton railroad, vlco Zadoc Dustiu, removed. Til Oprra llousi at Dasviu-E. Wo wers shown through this splendid structure a few day ago by Mr. C. B. WcUel, the architect, which It now about being completed. This en terprise originated with Mr. Jacob Snyder, who had but A small capital, but through good man agement and bard labor, has succeeded In building a honsa which, long in the future, will be regarded with pride by the citizens of our sis ter town of Danville. The Interior of the build ing Is well arranged, and divided off Into store rooms, offices, lodge toomi and an opera room. The audiance room bf the opera house is on the second floor, and Is admirably well arranged fur the purpose. The stage and scenery have been largely Improved upon, while tho audience room 1ms been lilted np with the latest Improved cush loned chairs, elevated and arranged so as to have a full view of tho stage from every part of the room. The gallery, likewise, contains cush ioned chairs arranged similarly to those la the parquet, while the painting and glldiug Is cor rcspondlngly neat, and when lighted Is not ex. celled In brilliancy by any house of entertain' mcnt In tho country. It Is calculated to seat 1500 persons comfortably. Great precaution was also taken by the architect for the protec tion of an audience hi case of fire, by means of doors which are thrown open in different parts of tho building. In passing through this part of the building we also noticed that ample pro vision had been made for dressing looms, clo sets, Ac. Tho scenery Is all new, and got ion up in magniiicent style. This operu room Is now about being finished with a view to a grand opening on Tuesday evening, tho 23d Inst., when It is designed by tho citizens of that place to give a complimentary benefit to Mr. Snyder as an evidence of their appreciation 6f his enterprise. Caroline Richlugs' Bernard Troup?, of Philadelphia, have already been en gaged to give one of their brilliant entertain ments on the occasion. An luvitution is extend ed to all uelghborlng towns to participate In the grand opening. A largo number of tickets have already been disposed of. Wo hope to see many from this place attend this grnnd entertainment given by our neighbors, and that some one may conceive the Idea of Imitating Mr. Snyder in the erection of a similar building In this place,where it is so much needed. It has become fashionable now-a days for De mocratic officials In this county, to give levees when going into olllce aud upon retiring. The present Register nnd Recorder gave an oj ster supper on Wednesday evening a week, when the editor ofthe .Democrat bud prepared himself with a clean shirt for tho occasion. It is said ho was the "hupplcst" man around tho festive board ou account or his expectations of getting the print ing for that fcfliee. In fact he Was so much de lighted that he msed his overcoat, and did not discover its wheici.b.uts for a week after. The following day, howev."!U duik cloud passed over his brigtit prospects of n.v.lcrengC(J UComcupon his learning that tho rctlrli.T-dlicer had provid ed a sufficient number of blan?fc, printed by his brother in Philadelphia, to lust fu"Hie next three years, which ho had disposed of to h.'s -ucccssor. This was cool, to eay the leaf t, iu a pul.'i. officer who received the support of his party pope ", md then not only gave his printing, during his term, to ponies iu Philadelphia, but also furnished his successor, at a cheap rote, with a sufficient number for the next three years, thus taking pat ronage out of the hands of his constituents for that length of time. But then when w e examine the county records for the past ten years, we must conclude that such acts arc coin-l-ttcnt with the principles of some of tho Dcnio cricy In this county. Tho retiring Registee and Iiccorder gave an entertainment nt ills resi dence iu Northumberland ou his retiring, but judging from the number of Democrats present from tlrts side of the river, his chances for the legislature uro rather slim, ns the number re r'va iv. wu otit. As wo were under lutTT. cient town clerk, Mr. P. V (;ra"v "wlt t,,c clU In the Council proceedings foV ZVCy IhiHv, we attached his name to the proceedings last week, copied from the JMihj. s!nc0 we were twice taken to task about attaching his " w "'M""' m question. First by Mr Gray who objected for the rcwon, , , that the proceedings as published iu the JMly were incorrect, aud again by the editor of that Paper who, it appears, does not entertain any of the best feelings towards Mr. Gray, and who says he reported the proceeding, himself. This accounts for the blundering manner in which they have heretofore been renortert. v ,.,, endeavor In tho future, to avoid difficulty ay giving credit to the report, so that our riders may Judge of their genuineness. iNCosii-iiEiiENSjiiLE. Wu lind the following local in the Suuimrv J)uu,j of luUiy last : nHi,'rr8T.0,'! ST(,LKN -e or the overcoats ofthe cd.tor of this paper. Tbe tinder . thief will be hberaliy rewarded by leaving tlia same at this Is it tho intention of the editor, through this advertiscmeut, to make his readers believe that he ever had more thou one overcoat I Promoted. It is with pleasure we announce the promotion of our friend H. I). Wharton. Eso.. to n higher position in the Clerk's office iu the House of Representaliees, at Washington. His promotion was unsolicited, which shows that bis abilities are appreciated bv his em nlo irs. Mr. Wharton has consented to give us a letter oecusiouully, from the seat of government, for puouiunuu in me ".imencaH," which will, no uuuoi, oe appreciated by his numerous friends, and tho readers of this paper. Poor House Convention. A convention was held at J. M. Huff's Hotel at Milton, on Monday last, to consider the propriety of establishing a Poor House and Farm for the use of the poor, in the upper end of the county, which was well at tended hy delegates of tbe different districts on that side of the river. Au executive committee was appointed who are to ascertain the costs aud procure Information from other places where poor houses are to workings and benefits, and to report at a future meeting. The following persons were appointed to the execu tlve committee i Morthuniberland, M. B. Priestly. Milton, J. F. Wolflnf;or. Tnrbut, J. W. Cll.,ger. Point, C M. Lesbcr. Chillisqunque, Samuel McNinch. McEwemvlllo, R. W Lowalt. Watsontown, Oscar Foust. Delaware, Robert M. Russell. Turbutville, Wm. Bavidge. WEnnderstncd that Mr. John Hang, County Treasurer elect.has engaged the service of G. W Armstrong, of McEwensville, to assist him iu performing the function of hi office. Thi position was not .ought by Mr. A. and he only accept it at the earueat desire of Mr. Haag. A more appropriate and better appointment wa never mado in thl county WaUotUown RitorJ. Anotuer Printer 'n LucK.-We are happy to notice that our neighbor of the StiHonian, L. M. Morton, has ben confirmed a rjoatmn.t.r that place. The appointment I a deserved one and a recognition of a brave .oldler during the Utow... We Will make au emeiHi. - Good. The register at the Cltv Hotel in ihti piace, exmoit the arrival of over 3000 tr.nn. between the lit of Aofnki and the 1st of Decent-' ber. Thl i an evtf' .4.t tk. nu tt.... . ' widely and favorablr iCewn.' CotmoiL Phocep.djnos. Council met on Tue day evening Dtlk flth, the ChlefBurgos belnf lib ent, J. M. -Cadwalladcr was called to the chair. Members present, Major Dewaii, O. B. Cadwal ladcr, Rohrbach, Benson bach, Deit,Cake,MIUer, Dles1ugcr,Irwln an Clark. Minutes of lft meeting read nnd approved. Committee on Rlvcf Bank, reported that they obeyed the directions of coun cil, In the resolution passed at last meeting, nnd advertised for proposals to do the work In the street nt Charles Gnrluger. Tho proposals to be at this meeting. ' On motion of O. B. Cadwalladcr, Resolved, That tho sealed proposal be returned to tbe re spective bidders unopened, aiid await farther action of the council. Cn motion of Mr. Dew art, Resolved, That tho committee on River Bank, is heroby Instructed to employ a corhpetcntClvll Engineer to layout the road at and near Charles Garingers residence on tho River Bank, and that salt! Engineer make a complcto specification of the amount of work and manner in which tho work should bo done, and submit the snme In writing to council for their approval. That tho Chief Burgess bo added to the said committee as chairman. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Millor, RcBolvod, That the communications of tho "Good Intent" and "Washington" Fire Companies, be laid over un til next meeting. Adopted. Bills presented nnd orders granted i J B Lcn ker, street commissioner, $117 0'2 j Edward Bow er, ?3 50; Bowen, Englo and Fryling, $3 00 1 Abraham Ohncr, 13 75 i Henry Buchcr, 3 93 j B. F. Delhi, ?5 87) Fryling, Bowen and Englo, 113 03 s Franklin Randnls, 14 43 ; Henry Zort mnn, f 6 12 Geo. Hoy, to 56 j Henry Yort, 15 75. Ou motion, ndjouruod. P. W. Gray, Clerk. Tub most desirable holiday gift that can bo presented I o your mother, sister, brother, wife, husband or friend, Is a phr to.rrai h of yourself which ean bo had at Bartktt's gallery, opposlto the City Hotel. Go at onco nnd see tho new stylos ho Is taking, nnd an album of a finer stylo than cau bo fotiud elsewhere. Calendars for 1874, Blotters, and first class Fire and Accident Insurance cau bo hid by call ing on J. Shlpmnn. Time ovrk tub N. C R. W. for Washington City. Southward. Tralu leaves Sunbury ut 1:2.55 a. m. and 11.15 n. m., arrive nt Hurrh-burg at 5.10 n. in. and 2.10 p. in., at Baltimore at 8.50 a. in. nnd 0.40 p. in., at Wash ington City nt 10.85 a. in. and 8.30 p. in. Northward. Leaves Washington City nt 4.48 a. m., 11.85 n. in. and 9.".8 p. m.j arrive at Bal timore at 6.30 a. in., 12.20 p. m. and 11.20 p.m., ut Ilarrisbnrg nt 1.00 p. in., 4.50 p. m. and 8.55 n. in., ut Sunbury 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. m. nnd 7.10 p. m. At a meeting of the Good Intent Firo Co., the following resolutions wcro unanimously ndoptcd: llViiTfnii, Emanuel Wllvcrt has, during tho past nine year?, filled the ollleo of PrcnhK-ni uf tbe Good Intent Fire Company No. I with tidelitv aud zeal a Zeal, indeed, scurcelv to be equalled seeing that almnst by bis Individual effort he kept together and maintained tho company throughout the wur of tbe rebellion, unaided, save by n few equally faithful members whom ho could call together, lie preserved the organiza tion ofthe oldest Incorporated compauy In the county during durkest houis it has ever expe rienced, when the most sanguine of our friends pronounced tho 'Goody' dead. Trusting In that turn of fortune which he felt must cast us up to better days, he ever remained watchful and pa tient. Nor" did he await in idleness tho hour of piMjiprity. He so managed that our treasury was tr.u,j wtl, fund upon which the revival of our vetenv. criLipony could bo based. When that reorgaui,,jn , ,-vas commenced, he devoted all Ins energies to.n0 0rk at hand, often at tho sacrilicc of valuable ,ni:iei)ts. Ho battled for ns and for our good, i, called us to our work, and kept us at It until i.a.-ige and truck were done, nnd the company panhi.'y equipped. At length be feels compelled to leivve ids post, and surrender all the enjoyments of (lie t lino he so h.bored for, because now as ever n,i company 1 uppermost in his thoughts its welfare his sin cere desire. Anl Wmrtat, Ibis company feels nnfeigncdly uratefui to KmauKcl Wllvcrt forhls labors ;n our ucuail, Therefore, be it Jletuh-td, That the heart fe.' thanks of this company be and arc hereby ten dered unto Emanuel Wilvert for the diligent, ..u.u nun impartial manner In which be has to so many years tilled the olllce of President ,'uc Good Intent Fire Company No. 1. AV(;,rr'. That we .r. .in,...L sorry to see linn leave the position which v ",cu,iPu,' to, tbo satisfaction of us all -l p u,"e the fruita of his eudeuvors arei"ut no rt'Pci by us, his cklldien. iu the derx'tmcnt. Hmoheil. rn"t 'U''-e resolutions be published in the u-pcra of tbe hnroih. and that the Secre lurv e instructed to p incur a copy hereof for sentauon to Mr. w i veil. CHARLES M. CLEMENT, SAM'L SLAY MAKER, It. A. FISHER, Committee. N P r.C I A I. X OTIC KM. Tol'iipitallMtH, To Men or Uleiliiuu nieniiM, it iil to nil lViNhiiic llonieit and tiiusi Avoid I'uying ICeutM. By reference tn tbe Watsontown lleeord nnd Sunbury "Gazette" will be seen a full und more explicit description of the property I oiler for sale, cither In lots or by tbo acre. Hut what I wish to mora particularly bring before t lie pub lic is tbe LIBERAL T Eli MS ou which they are offered. I will SELL l.u I 5 from KlOO to f500 and Lands by the ACKE from f '.'00 to ?500, according to the location. Terms : Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, the balance in tlmo and amounts tn suit Dureliatcrs, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with legal interest from day of sale. The streets and alleys will be opened ns fast as lots are sold, so that all may be upproached with case. All persons who are now paving rent can have un opportunity of securing a "home for less mo ney nnnnally than they uro now THROWING A w A i lu rent. Any persou wishing to see the lands or Iota will call on me, wheu every opportunity will bo given them to have a fair chance to see the supo- uuumKe rcscniea to 1 lie puullc. In udditiou to the lands above referred to. I now oiler for sale THREE DWELLING nOU- or., situate on Water street, in Watsontown bo rough, the one being tbe large aud commodious mica uweinng now occupied by me, all of said uneiungs iiaving tue uecessary outbuildings for immediate use. For further Information call on or address J. M. FOLLMER, WatBontown, Pa. October 81, 1873. 1 yr. Tbe llounehold Panacea, aud Fuuiily I.lniiuout Is tho best remedy In tho world for the following complaints, via. i Cramp In the Limbs aud Stiy macb, Puin lu tho Stomach, Bowels, or Side. Rheumatism in all its forms, Billion Colfe.Ncs' rnlgia, Cholera, Dyentery,Colds,Fresli Wounds, Burns, Bore Throat, Spinal Complaint, &ruiu and Bruises, Chill and Fever. For Internal and External use. Its operation is not only to relieve tbe patient, but entirely remove the cause of the complaint. It penetrates and lwrvade the whole evstem, re storing healthy action to all it parts, aud Quick ening the blood. 1 H The Household Panacea la purely Vegetable and All Healing. Prepared by CURTIS & BROWN, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. For sale by all druggists. July 13, 1873 ly. ritildreu olten looU Pale and Mick from no other causa than having worm In the stomach. .BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS willucslrov Worms without. Un.. ... . i.. .tin "'""y WlUTE.and from all the coloring or other lujurlon. iugredleut u.uall, u.ed in worm preparations. ' w ,u CURTIS BROWN, Proprietor., ir'ij a r0",-15 'ulloa Blreti York. Sold bu Druaoifi atul n ,.,. j. ... . MF.IWHANTrf and MANCPACTUR 1CP.8 will host tiiinr their shipments to their destination by nslng cnainon'M PATENT Nil ll'I'IMl TA- 1 Over Two Hundred Millions have been nsed within the past ton years; w I hunt complaint oi loss by. Tntr becoming detached. All Express Co's use them. Bold by Printers and Stationers everywhere. Oct. 81, '.1873. 3m. Tho C'ontVNsion of niT liiTaliflT" Published by a warning nnd for tho benefit of Young Men nnd others who suffer from Nervous Depii.itt, l.os.t or Manhood, etc., supplying the means of self-cure. Wrltteu by one who cured himself after nndergolug considerable qunckery, and sent free or receiving a post-paid directed envelop. Sufferers are Invited to address the author. NATHANIEL MAYFA1R, June 14,'7S 0m. Box 158, Brooklyn, N. Y. Thirty Years' Experience of nn Old Nome. Mrs) WiiiNlow'a Soothing Kj rup in the prescription ol'oneof the beat Female Physicians nnd NurseB In tbo United Stutes, and has been used for thirty years with never fulling snfety nnd success by "millions of mothers and children, from the feeblo infant of one week old to tho adult. It corrects Acidity of tho stomach, relieves wind colic, regulate tbo bowels, aud gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. Wc believe it to be tho Bept uud Sures". Remedy In tlui World, In all cases of DY8KN TKRY nnd DIAltUIKEA IN CHILDREN, whe thcr it arises from Teething or from any other ciiue. Full directions fur using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the facsimile of CUKTIs & PERK1VS Is on the outside wrap per. Sold by nil Medicluo dealers. July 12, 1873. ly. TO COXNl'TlPTIVEti; The dverlier, linlna boca j prinar.ontlv mired of thnt drond dinnniie, OuiiRUmiitio::, by a rancdv, is Stiltons U make knnwu to bin felhiw mifrerom tbe menna of cure. To all wliu diw lo It, he will ncml oepy ofthe prpseription uwd, (fro of dure), witbthe ilirce tliniH for l.iopurii.K and ubIdr the -lame, which they will nud a sure Cure for Ooimnuii.tijn, Asthma, IlrouuhitH, fcc. Tartios wihin(r the prenei -ljitiou will rleaac address ltev. E. A. WILSON. 194 I'enn Hi Nov. Hi, IS78 m. , WllusttMburirb, New York. I'. It ICO Its OF YOUTH. A RentleniMi who suffered fur yeats from Nervous Dablllty, Premature Dccwy, and ill the t flVcm of youth ful ind seretioa will, for the aiike of ncliering bu mnnKy, aond free to all who nwd it, the recipe and ili reotiou for imikiiiK the simple remedy bv which ho was cured. Sufferers winhinn to profit hy the advertiser's exieriouce eau do no by addressing in perfect cotifi deuee, JOIIN B. OQDEN, 42 Cedjr St., New York. Nov. 21, 1873 6m. ffclarnsjjjjs. Of the 0th of December, at tho residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. A. K. Zimmerman, Du. Gro. A. Smith, of Middieburg,Snydor co.,lo Miss Sarah J. Ki.ase, of Snydcrtown borough, Northumberland county. On the evening of tbe 0th of December, by the Rev. A. K. Zimmerman, Dr. Isaac Hi:ip of Klinesgroye, to Mies L., of Pax Inos, Northumberland county. In this place, Dec. lind, by' llev. G. W. Hem perley, Mr. William u."-u o.,.i iu. :,u Stroii, all orouuoury. In this place, Dec. 4lh, by tbe same, Mr. Mon timkk Chawkord, of Northumberland, and Miss Br.Li. C. Hanna, uf Norlli Point, Clinton County, l'u. jfjcb) Dbcriiscutcnls. PESiXSYLVAMl ICAIE KOAIfT nilLADELl'IIIA &'E1UE R. It.' DIVISION'. AVINTUIt TIME TABLE. Ou and nfter Sundav, Dcctmher 1st. 1873, the Trains oh the Philadelphia it Erie Rail Road Divi sion will run us follows : WESTWARD. Bndalo Express leaves Philadelphia, ' Ilarnsburg, " " " Willhrnsport, " " " Empoilain. 12.55 p m fi.Uo p in U.So p in a. 15 a il H.')0 u in IO.U'0 p m H. 05 a iu 7. oil a m S.40 a tn 10.05 a iu 8.00 a ii'i I. ::u p ui 6 '.'0 p 111 "t UH p in ' arr. nt liuffalo. Erie Mail leaves l'biladelptlu, iiarri,.t)ui'(r. " " " Williamson, " " " Lock Haven, " nll'at,i:re,,'" Elmlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, nun isuiirg, arr nt Lock llavcn." V l-w.ct.i-t neiro Accomod n Waves Harrisbur ' " urr. WllliuiiK.-1,1.55 p m EASTWARD. liuffalo EiV1'1 loiircs liuffalo, 3.25 p ni ' " Emporium, 11.00 p m " " " Wiiliamsport, 1.10 a ni " ' arr. nt Harrisburg, 4.5J a m " " " Philadelphia, 9.10 am Erie Msli leaves Erie-, 11.20 am Renovo, S.40 p ,n " " " Lock Haven, .5. p , " " " Wiiliamsport, 11.10 pm " " arr. nt Ilarrlsbuiv, ji.bS u ni " " " Philudolphia, 8.00 as Elniira Mail leaves Lock Haven, 7 55 a i,' ini.iui-! ort, 0.30 am arr. at Hamsbnrg 1.50 pm ".," ." Philudelpltin, 5.50 p ii' Harnsburg Aceom. leaves Williamsp't, O.'.o p m " " arr. at Harrisb'.irg, lil.JiO ii in '' r " " Phlladelt,hla, 2..',o n n, Mail East connects east aud west nt Erie with L. 8. & M. 8. R. W. uud ut Corrv and Irvinetou with Oil ( reek and Allegheny R.R. W. Mall West with east and west trains on L. 8. & M. 6. K. W. and at Corry aud Irvinetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny II. R. VV. Elmlra Muil and Buffalo Eprer-s make close connection at wiiliamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north, nud ut Ilarrisbnrg with N. C. R W. traius south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. JAMES II. JlrBDVITT, .Attorney at Ijaw and United States Commissioner. Olilco with S B. Boaer, Esq.. lu llrigbt's Buildiug, Sunbury, Pa. Aug. S3, '73. ly. Estate ol Mury A. Uouud OeecuNCd, ufeton iieira to Accent or ltd use STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, J COL'NTr Ol NollTllI'MnKULASI). t SS. At an Orplians Court licld at Sunbury i Bnd for said County, on the sisth dav of November, A. II. Je-.J, belore the jiniuiniM,. Willi..,., n Rockefeller, President, and Joseph Nicely one of his Associate Justices of said Court. hefrW V 1 i "'" ' '"" "ound, a sou and of Milton, Nonbumberlaud Co.intv. deceased : BBUnd, (icMdence ni ivesetit unknown,) Julia wl?S iT'i"' ifor",-rI' ,i0"d') and Intermarried p'l""-(: Madman, of Miulinlmrg, Union Co., Pa. and Joseph B. Force and I'hcbe Force, of Milton r-enn'a, heusut law of Margaretta Force, Bound, heirs aim persons interested and all o'ber persons in crested in tbo estate of said Mary Ann Bound, dee d to come into Court ou the first Monday of Jan.i.y, A. D., li,7o, ut two n,OClt PrM- ,f 6,'il1 Ul'1 nice to ae l ie the valuation, or show cause why tho samu should not bo sold. ' Wituoss the Hou. William M. Iiockefeller Presblent Jndgo of said Court, at Suubury , teuth duy of November, A D., 1S7II. GEO. P. REIMENSWliPP 38. 73. 4tUqn"y UL'rk Ur'ttU4 Court. Nov. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CIIAIILES MAIIIL, EBPETTFULLV Informs tho citizens that J- be ha Ja6t received his Sprluguu Siiruiner Goods, at hi TAILOR SHOP. kind, of prepared to make.up all CJEXTfi? AMI ItOVN NI I1M ofthe latest styles. HavlLg had much exiwrl- Dhn 'a trlaL UU" dire'' lLe pUbl' Clothing will be made nn In .I.. i..... r, , Smnue0''""1 Ktt,hlolre lu tue mo8t satisfactory TAnn U LA Tho Iiigbcsl Medical Authorities of Europe ay the strongest Tonic, Puritler and Deobttrucut i nown In the mcdlcul world Is , T u v ii 13 "b n It arrests decay of vltul forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigor to Hie debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vclclo obstruc tions nnd acts directly on tho Liver and Sploen. Price 1 a bottlo. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St., N. Y. Dec5.4w. Located at WiIllaiiiport, Pa. Etlablithcd 18(50. The BEST COLLEGE in the Country. Has tho best Penman In Pennsylva nia. For Collego Paper, Specimens of Penmanship, Ac, addrets DAVIS & OPL1NGER, Dee5.4w Wiiliamsport Penn'n. ; VW iikiaiii! ntii'fc i HiaJiTaiiiw rgt CTBsa Ir.Snro'' Catarrh armear curca ny ns mild, soothing and heal ing properties, to w h tho disease yields, when Kcmedv is used worm and svstem nut in unr- focti ord r bv tlio wonderful Bltcrall vo power of ur. rierce'suoiaeii Jiied IcBl Ii!COV)ry, Uilcen earnestly, to correct blood and system, which are al ways nt fault, nlso to act specifically unon diseOKCd glands and lining membrane ot . nnrs anil rimmnnirntlnir cllAmberA. Ia-s kugjtnrrh liemodv should be applied warm t r? j with Dr. Fierce' Naanl Ioiic!c, t ?i.l(h. nnlv inalnitnnnt n-il h tl.ilrl mnrf- I icinn ciin bn uprfmtJir nitnlind tn nil nrta Ktim tjoi iiafwiiirc nun cutoiiocrs in lviucn nieers rvjcxlst nnd from whiclidischarfre proceeds. Diii.'-anini i, .13 .ma i rc.uiiicin pniTCll, that tho nronrictor offers ASOO n. 3 k-awara ior a ease nr in iieati" or r- m lAUitrrn nn r in nnc ei mv i' in wn mm . j.cinrvriininsinimenr yg.nynn ilrilp-pinra. T-i,r it r nmari'itrrhtirr .imtsnv w AmrtiilTti Wi iifl " f 7 ?fie fflniTie iTninfi Senl ''' in any ono of tJllC JlltljllC VlDlllDfor tl. Will chnngo any colored hair to a permanent black or brown and contains no poison. Trade supplied nt low rates. Address, MAGIC COM3 CO., Springfield, Mass. Dcc.l. 4v. HAMPLEH Font by mnd for .we. that retell quick fur $10. Ii. WOLCUTT, lsl cbatbam Kiinnre, N. V. . lM.B,'7.t.4w. (T? lltierii yn fi-nc by mr.ii llie verv l'CHt ( ICS I, A hi T I O T Ii U H H urue at once in roMKllov ; Uo, lee. S'Til. '. 744 Uroadwey, N. V. I-AIUK'N CON PA MOV. tn article lni.g ilc.iicd und oiiht for lyeveiyhiiiy. Rent free fur two "lanil s. Addreaa Pro. r, '7H. 4w. J?Ji?i?- HENB.Y, Haunvrr, V.. FJiPiiOVJiKxr roYtAiTiTl T. S. Arthur's lust and greitcut work, CAHT AHUIFT is KilliCK Ly thouniniU nut nitliKtmiiliug the fimc. It is Inleum ly iiilerrating alul ia low in (.rice, tlnin having many iidvuiitagca over higher priced and heavy IhA. A liir ol thu Author i.reniMiti'il to evoiy aubsoriher. An i".'.t who hint never mil a t.ok before cliMrrii (HXIiaat week. 1iwcih;nth to Hull' Tim TiMKa. tlirculars fiw J. M. KTfUHiAHT OU., l'ub.,7'2t Hansom Kt., fhila. Icc. S,'7.). tvr. " ; A N l II it I sf e ,i iii"'"', I'MCoverj- of the Ape lor the relief and cure Ol, chronio and acme, Hpralus, llruises. i nn in t Lest, liji-k, r uiul,, Hrjff Joim., nuainn, (ilaliilular H,.ll,nR1., liiflniii.ulou, iMirBlKle, I5u,,;ni, f'ataiTlia, fcc Will not (.iv:is(. r Klnin tbe most ilciicate .......v. iiicii iii..Ki a luxuiy l,i cuiy f.iiniiy. Try it .i.,u ! i:.-nv iiici-i oi ii h HiiMT tiierit. Trice 2r ceiifH little. lthl.i:X 1KIYT, Prol.'r. W. (Jreouwi, ISt.. N. l)ec.r,'7:l, iy. R7XTKKN Oil. 1'AlXTlNiiS IN A HOOK 1 Never liefore was arch an idea attempted f , r hnok-il- .V' m" wbo ""''" il prorouiiciia it HI I LKH. Mna. Harriet ll-eclicr Htowi-V latest oi k, 'Vouutii in Snrrod lliKtory, i" a .cries of narrotive-ketrfics, drawn f:-oni the Scrir lurnl, hlKtoricil, ami legend mry eourw-H. Illustnitnl wilh Suteeti t'hoii-e Oil Cinoinon, after ,aintiiigs l,v the moat eelebiated artiata of the world, giving a rich" unit magnificent vaiiely of Oriental cuatume und Ih-uuIv Mm. Stowe in her c'm; r.liltK style hiu) written a book fu'll ot liilnicht, and without a dull I'.ige iu il, Hiiich eveu If not mummied would nell rapidly ; but tlie Wtll.I.IANT OIL rii'TCKllU niakril one of the. moat unique, original, ar.d remai kj a hie hooka ever otl'en I. 'l'l.e fieturea, if published Me, a rntcly, ,.u,d readily eell for t-j each or Hl'J, while the entlie l,ok, with the aixtivn pictures, together Willi auitivtuoUB biiidinga of die volume, can he hud lor one. Jj"" uf "'ul "-""mt. The book ia luukiug a treuicn- KENRATMN AMOii AOENT8 and aalepinen, brcatlae it iH alwilutely nvw au 1 '"iaa money in it.'; To grt pleasant ork and good py, Kiud 101 teru.N, circular, lo J. II. 1-oitU i- ill , New erk. Motion, I'hicigo, liaiifrancice. or (.'ir.einuati. UJJ Adr.N I'.S WANTlii, Haui l. vent free by A U i:TM WAXTKI. A profitable rod Hwprctuhk l.iiMuei.a for nu n or wo rn, u who have or can make leisure lime ard wwli toeon VTVe "'0,,"''-, '' eiieiiiam address Si'AIt LAMI. N A Alii., Ml H, oLni ili Mi., N, V. Dec. .-,'7;l.lw. "pSYC'HO.MANcy, or Soi l, ('llTllMTNv;lh X either sex tiv.y f., aud gaiu the love and atleelloliB or any ptrxon th.y choose iualautlv. Til's sinijile lueutiil aci'.iiieduieul all call roBacas.iiwjiy mad for together with a ninrri .-ige guide, iCgyptiau Ora cle, D.iialiiH, llmta to Ijidlrs, edding-Night Sliirlit Jtc A queer Imok. Adilrina T. W II.I.IA.M A Co. Pol, I' ,' Dl c. ji lree Ixxilt, full of Fid thinn. ln1ile secretn. aji.. n.-?liUiit ni!.,rnmti.,n. m.ilini fr,r two itumiH. Addrt".' i-li CO., in Ave., Hew Vm. A)H-VT WANTKI) l rvr.iiviun:v. ih.i ph vsktax. Hy W. til.KAMON, M. A liui(!inft.-i-nt volume iitioniiillug in iiiijiiirtHUt it,.'on,"itiou, mid eh-gumy il lustrutvil. One Ancnt look ."""Jern in one week. I'ricc and Icriim to unit tin- tinicii. l"ol"Urculuri( lulrircB VMclU.S Nl'.V Co., lti 7ih MT Pb.''il. Ihc fi.4w I.-or C(UO I IS, COLDS, 1IO ARSEif S3, AND ALL T1I HOAT DISEASES, ' hulls' t.i;li:t.s. ITT t'l' l)Sl,Y in r.i.n; r.oxi s. A TIMED AND KUHU REMEDY. Kold by l"rni!tf 'iit!t. j,,.C- s,'7a. 4vr. L W 1 1 .1 I V I ( 1 ( P. J..P. l"rris. beinn wmj, bit-5. I prsduited it t". r:rfoti Ur.Fltler's V Wt laI,U Hlieumct lu .,.61,1. ui . a m i vj.i. ana titer renr. tx oriL'ii r) rnn, i puiira Sj rnp. I ruiimitis it S& lutdlliLls enr for I.'iirre. K neysuifUheiuuliodiKiuri. Sworn u,thti&;tb April. 1 71. P a ri.iiniiTrii v ...i,. J! t ClrsraB re Cerod ij It, nd will iut iify my mrinii- iiur u.. K t'lV.Thoa.M n r.Vintf.Modiit.ra. K, ,l.l)..lranlitrr,!. S.Itii.hnn.n.l 'lHrn.. ln. li n Hiuitb, :itlsf(ir,l. V V llw .1... l.'uu.. ul.'.i.' Phi)m..Ac. AffiirUdhoulitwriu ilr.Flllr.Phita nahiry l'amphlet i ira,iranl.,)n'l i. r.u Hewnrd foroii ir.. Aulilor'M .Vol ire. F.HTATE nr (".W.K.I! U AllllKTT, IlEc'l). "VOTrcK i hereby Kive:f Hut the undiM.itfi.ra liu. I. u 1 ui.cuiiilcd Ainliior li Hie Or bun. t'ourl. of North, umlwr Uud CMunty, to iuk0 ,l;Htnl.iitIoii of tl.u u.oui, iu the baud ot Hai.ul J. llouscworth, Aduiiui.iraloi- of ltlr' ! """ ' ""'"" Tilt. Auditor will inert u)1 j.,rlim unci rn.vd t liiiollici.. i.i tin. ll.ii.u Kl, f Hiiubury, en Monday, Hcocmbcr 15, 187a, at I o'cloi'k 1' A. N. Eltlt K, Atnbti r. Sunbury, Nov. 20, 1S73.- IX I Jl A I. IMklltJl KXTM. New and attractive Coods, In every Department. WATdlErt, niAMONIlS, JEWKI.KV, 8II.VKK AN1 I'l.ATED WAIti:. Cutlery, Clocks, lironi s, Eiijrlisli, French aud ticrinan Faucv Goods. In view of the decline iu GOLD, wa have re. duced prices on our eutlre Stock of Foreign mer chandise to Par Gold Itute, and purchasers will find It to their interest to make their selections NOW, while the ASSORT MENT IS COM PLKTE. Goods tent on approval for Selection. Articles purchased now. for ttie Holhlava. will pa mwim ne parkf ii una retained mull such time as desir ed. ' . ' BOBBINS, CLARK & RIDDT i HSi ClIttTJO- I'U'LlEI.I IIU, J i Du. C. M. M'iitf-s. Oro. W. Bi.oosf NEW DRUG STORE, Ko. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Bjffli, SQEtoj, Pa. DJl. C. M. MAllTIN & CO, n AVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs and Patent medicines. Wo have also a fall assortment of DRESblNG AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, Nall,Clot lie,Sboeand other brushes. toim:t am faxcy articixn. riNB EXTHACTS, POCKKT HOOKS, KNIVPS, C., )C. REED'S GRAM) DUCHESS COLOGNE, the B'vcclest pcrfumo Ih America. ParlNlnn, a Kid (.love H ush, wartanted fo clean perfectly tbe most delicate shades without Injury to tbo kid Ail the lending preparations for the Hair, SF.tiARS, J1IE BEST IN MARKET, Pure Wine nnd Idipiors, for medical purposes, Physician Prescriptions und family tccoipts compounded wit h care. . Thankful for past favors wc hope by fair deal ing to receive a slmrc of yonr pnlroiinj'c. September 11, 1873. El 11 1. V PALI filTYI.F.f. A fi.I1 lino of Millinery ooct from New York and Philadelphia, now open at MISS M. I.. GOSSI.KK'S .him. i.i:itv ntoici:, liimcd and untrimed BONNETS AND HATS, Flowers, Ril,bin, Collars, Cutis, liandlteiThlefsi Nociitlcs, aud a grtlTill variety of Mli.MNEKy GOODS selected with (rreat enre from tho leading im porting houses iu New York and Philadelphia, ; at ! MISS St. h. GOSSLER, I Fourth Street, below the S. V. R. It. ' Every effort will bo made to please those who! favor her with their patronage. j October li, 1S73. UliuK'd. j A WHOLESALE Pnrchaslnit Aircnt, for the NEW AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE, ! sclf-tlircadintr, both In tbe shuttle nnd aim. self ! adjusting tensions, self-settiuir needle, positive j take-up, can bo adjusted to sew thcchcapcst and I coarsest patent linen thread s runs lltrht, sews j fast ; cheapest, best made, best finished, most ouraoie. uriitcn guarantee lor three years. For Circulars, terms, Ac, address AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE CO., No. aa North Second St., llarrisbut'L', Pa. Sept. I'.l,lb7b 11. mos. D' K. C. N. !!IAHTIX. Oniee in Dun Store, Clement Iioiiee Illoek. Olllce hours : from 11 n. in., to 1 p. in., und from C to 9 p. in., nt nil other hours, when not Professionally en gaged can he found nt residence, comer of v and Penn street, simntitt, I' A. Particnlar munition (riven to surgical enset. WjH visit Patients cltlier In town or country. AMia i(E.ii:i, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olilco In Haupt's buildinir, South East Corner of Market Square, Snnbtiry, Pa. Speciai, Attf.ntios Paid to Collrctionh. CEVrfRALDRUG STORE Q.B.(ADVLLADER Is thu place to buv iiuw nud fieuh medicines, inn;s, l'AIXTS. (JII.S, GLASS. l'EIU'UMr.lU', NOTIONS, CI OA US, TOIIACCO, LltUOll for nicdidrml put-poscH, ami till other nrti- I I'lcs usuitl'iy kept in n lirst-ulass Dniij Store. Special attention paiJ to compounding prc fscriptiotis and family receipts by competent druggists, Kuiibury, Nov. 7, 1373. T HIE VICTOR SEWINC, MACHINE CO.. re'.Inb'.e and rncru-ctic Audits in tliis county. The "VICTOR"' is a Lock-stitch. Shut tle Machine, with salf scttitifr Needle, beet tiuinli ed and most perfect Muehiuo oll'crcd. An in crease of 500 per cent, on sales of 137'J over IH11. For terms, A;e., Address, VICTOR tEWlNti MACHINE CO. ,17 Chestnut St., I'liiht Jul t hia. Pa. Sept. li,18",a..-4;nos. A. M. ME1XELL, DCAI.LIi IM Anirr!on:i nt:l I'-uropoisii VA':.JSI".K. FINEJEWEl.HV au.l .SILVI-inVAHE. I I'eeU vivii Krr' Ijk 1 K irtul (IOLD HEADED CANES. Watches nud Jewelry neatly repaired and war. ranted. Market S.juare, FUXBURY, Pa. -tt. Feb. 3. 1ST2. a. v. ai,ti:k. MONUMENTAL SHAVING PAULOR ill id BATH ROOMS. HAIIt DHESSED BV M AC1IINFUY. lit Dont forget (lie place on the Eat sido p( Tiinto SriiEETjU few Uoor6ouihol'litrket,S"ii. bury, Pa. 1 UraiilB, Switches, Curlu, und all kinds of LADIES' II Al ii. Work ti'mle to onW eithti out ol" ooinl)iiij;8 or btiaislit lmir. All or ders left ni the residence of A. 1. "Walters, corner of 4tb si. and Khumokin uvenuu, will rccvivo Vromiit attention. A Specialty in CIIILDRKNS' HAIR CUTTING, either at their homes or Shaving Parlor. . , . A. P. WA LTET.S. July 5, 1873. if. A- M : "'yw'.'S;- i .. :.;-t , .i:o. W. COBLE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Kbai. Estatk Auent, and Ajjeut for the Puu LAllKI.l'lllA MlTfAL Pbotkctive Lir C'OMl'ANr, lieruiiou, XorthwHbtrluul County, V ALL CLAIMS entrusted iu hi band will reeolr. prompt atuntlou. , ' reM,M Ueindon, Aug. UrJ, W. 1 oios iftcto Aibcrlbmtnls. flISTKIt MTHI-KS. A IIAOKIPICLNT STOCK of Trimmed lints nnd Bonnets, Yume, Feathrrir. Klbbons, Crnpa Veils, (Irape, Craps lints snd Bon net!. Urwial URts uud I'.onncts, and a full asortment of tti latest sjls In M I L L I X E K V AT Mi M. I-. OOSSLER'B, Tourtli St., bolow the 8. V. It. R. Eret7 cflhrt will be made to please those who fnvor her with their patronage. Sunbtiryj Not. 7.1S73. O. W. KEEFKlt. C. W, DASULER. Fail Goods ! Dry Goodc, Notions, Furiiisliing GooJh, (iroccricH, Oil Clollm, Glass and Nail , of ercry variety, at one low price, nt Kccfcr & llasslcr's fetorei Corner of Fourth and Market Rtrctls, SUNBURY, PA. All kinds of Grain taken ln exchange sumo ns ash. Cull and see us. , . ... KEEFEIt & 13ASSLEH. ' Sutibuvy, Oct. 31, 187:1. O Vl i-l g) r.. a ra W2 11 -it s ffl " s n. o or -wot e ft B S O ? 5'o " ft) a 3 a 3 : . 9 p-'b.ivSSs? cm 5 W (A -l -3 O ' (IEO. EVANS. IE. fi. MAJZIw. FALL, 1873. We take pleasure ln announcing to our friendJ und tbe Public ceuernlly, that we have opened a lieautifnl assortment of Goods for FA I I, and' UTNTKU. We politely solicit a call from al' who wieh to get a iool I'll, KiiMrlor Workmanxblpa kikI ittliublc ."Tlittcrial. Our perfect system for Pelf-Mensiirement, recom- inc.iui. iikcu in every one wno may desire to or der Clot liinir from a distnuee, copies of which, wilh Samples of goods, will be sent 03 anpllca tiou. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, Philadelphia. "One IVk-o" Mciflinut Tailors anJ Clutliirru. rienipteiiili -i' 10, !S?:i. fai.i, nii.i.i.vEi:Y(;ooD.s From rr.o.u new voun and piuladelpiiii, HON NETS .t HAT8, TRIMMED AND L'NTr.IMMED. nn extomlve as-ortinent of Fancy Goods at MISS L. WEISEU'S M1LLINEKY MOKE, .Mahkft Stukkt, St tuchv, Pa. My stock orriprinif coods Is unusually larpa nud varied, comprWnu' the latest und most at tractive stNlcs, n icctcd with care from the lead in.' importing lioutus and adapted for the presout se.-Min. October 1 1S7I1 MISS I.. WEISEI1 lt73. FALL SEASON, 10- MII.LII"H AM) F.tXCV 0MirV, now open, FALL bTYLFi. Trimmed Hats aud Koine's, I li;i..oc, Featbors, Hibutms, Craiwj Vcll, I rape, Crape Hut in id Bonnets, Bikini lints aud a full as koi'tiiuut. f the latest steles lu nn I.I.I M UY, " 1 RIM MINGS UF ALL KINDS. Gluvcs, Collars, Cutis, and every fashloueM) article of ladies' wear. Cull and see the uew styles of Good at MISSL. SIIIS8.1EK. Market tjoiiare, Suubury. Pa. Oct'her 3, 1S73. - W hoa, Jautiury J dm R ON El COM E ALL ! 1 ; THE mliKeriber bavinir - ereetud a Rl.iL.n.t.i. bhop, on the lot adjoinini; the till Mill, formerly .."i.tii o.t n.oiiiiiu .v .nusscr, on f ourth l.,Buu- umy, is prepareu to t, . the .hoi tea notice, and in the best manner Custom work promptly attended to. ' i house' shoeing made apccialty. The patronage of town and country i respectfullv oliciled. Sunbury, Nov, 7, l7d. tf. AlV73. CHARLES MA MIL.