Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 05, 1873, Image 4

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    The New Con will ntlon-Contlnuert
from Flrnt I'lie
Src. 17. Tho trlnl nnddctoTminntlftn ifoontpnt
M election "f Hi-wom of rrrfldcnt ont Vive
I'mcl h'nt, memlHTf unite it-'-mnil nwrnMy, btim
of nil f'nhlte olittep whether unto. iuH'1t, muni
tpl, r U'tnl. chail he hy he mmr. of Irw, or by r mure hC the Ju.tpoe thereof, the trenoriu
nMcnU-lv lmU, hv nvra tnw, lr.Knnto the
rrnrtdnml iikIph ly whom tho eYrrnl elntwei f
efertlen ecntiwmi'hninta tried, rrpiilato the
umnnt'roltrifil am! nil tnatlri therrto:
nt no pwrh lnw itwlpnlnir JMri"ll"tln, or rrjcriln
HrvK le exercifio, i-hall apply to nny ntet arte
injf vul of tin elcetiun hold before ltd ruM-fOjcc
5rr. 1. All timet rfiull l nnlffcrra tipf. the fame
flwp ftfeuhieetit within the tarrliorlHl limits of
the minority Irwin the Mix, and p-hiill to IrvM
end cfillwteiinntTftenenil Inw; hut tlii tfrnrrnl
hwinhly mv hy general liwf, exempt from tax
atlnn tmhlic iropT'y iif-oil forpnhlle plirinCF, ne
fnal iIhob of relltrlww, worf hip pla. of luiiinl
nt uwd or ln-MfVir private or twpnrato profit.
...I inalllHtlm.l nf l.lirnlv ntllllii. fhlirtl V.
Sec. 2. All tawfi exempt inu pmirty (rem tnxa-
tlnn MltPrllinnlhit DMlDPrLV ttbOYO mUinCratO'l.
Phnll te ToiU.
See. 3. The power to tax corporations nnd corpo
rate pmportv ("hall not I mrrtndorefl or nipr-rnil
ed hv any rt.n tract or urunt to which Ihe Htnte
MmH ho o larty.
JVc. 4. No tMt rtiitll N created hv on itennir
ef the Ftato. except to mipply oofth1 dehrti net?
of rvvctmo, rcpo. InvaFlon, o -.ires Inrnrrwllen
IctVo'l the state in war, or to J'liv exiting debt,
ami thedoht errntod to pnpi ly 'uelit k'nciu- In rev
rnne hall never exceed In the aggregate at any
ime time one million of dollar.
Sec. 6. All Iiiwp nnthori.lnjr tlie borrowing of
money by und on Itohall ol the suite ft. all epeviTy
the purpiW for which the money Is to be wl
end the money ro homtwwl rhajl 1 u?tl fi r the
purpose ppMitied and no other.
tire. 0. The credit of the eoininonwenlth shall not
twi plctlgnl l.'Uned to auy ImllvidiiHl, et mpuiiy,
corporation, or anoxia, ten, nor phall the toinim n
wealth lieooine u Intowneror ftwkhtlttiT in any
Hmpnnv. nwoetaliun, it coror;ttlon.
txc. 7." The (fcnernl awembly phnll not anthorle
nny eoimtv, oi:vt ltoroiih, townpMp or inoorpora
iv dlftiii-'t tobvM-ine u ft'Kiktu Idcr in nny coin
l'nnr, ftfsot'iation or corporntloD, or to obtain or
iipp'roprittle n tey for or to loan ite credit to nny
tin ior.t ion. aovf alien. Institution oi individual.
.Vr. . The del-t of any l omd v, r ltv, Iwtronirh,
tewucliip, win 1 illplriot, or other inuntelltty.
tr Inoorj rHled tiHirloL. excopt herein provided
ahall neicr oxeood coven per ct tittnn npun the w
Mi(Ml value ol the taxable property tnereln. iht
hali nnv wvh iininniiuUtv or diRtiiet Incur any
ufw debL or IncroiiKO t IiKicbUMitunj to an a
ineitttt escmilnar two p r centum npon mch p.fp
urd valuation id propirtv without th; ftpent vf
(ho flocturn thorrof. at a piildic election, iu Hich
manner e. nlisll be prnvi td bv law. but noyrity,
the dbt ol wbii hr.i w txeeoile K ven per ceutuin
ti Pitch asHCFsod va!atior. may be aiithoriroil by
law to lneroiie the funu: three per centtim In the
ft;Tirropate at any one time upon focIi vuluntion.
Vr, v The coi'iini.nweulih f!ih!1 not atFiunc the
rtebt, or p.irl thereof, ot nnv city, county, btr
ouph or towrichip. tutKi,'H!it'h ttobt pliall have been
mmrteJ to enable the etale to n pi'l Invnlon,
nupprc inmestlu ittniiTee;ion, deb nd i tPell in
time ol nur, or to nblxl the 'ate in the dlechnre
if nnv portion ol lie present IntlobtcdnoFft.
Fcc'). Any euin'.y. twiifliip, ne!noi :Htrlel. or
ether inunteipitllty tncurriit? any iiid- btediion,
ch.ill. at or boiore the time ot fo doiiu . provide h-r
the otUoctioii ot an annuttl tax Million nt to pay
the Intercut nnd nieo the priudal thereof willuu
thirty enra.
Sec. 11. To for tb payment of (he pres
ent Siate del- nnd any ndditional debt rontracted
i nloreNiid, the general it!iemblv Pball continue
ft kl maiutalu the i-lukhiir fundtnittt'eioTit to pay llm
aocruini Interest on mirh debt and armtitiHy to re
diico tin principal theroof, by a cum not cn tb:ui
two hundred uiid lilty tliou:ind dollar, the fiild
8lnk1n lun l shall (vnUt ol iho pmcoeds of the
mi Iff ii ihe nuUlle v. orki or miv Tar I thereof nu.i
of the tueotue or prwewtp of ibo enl ot huv PtK-kn
owued by the commonwealth, tf.teother with other
lnmi and reponree that tuny be dcpifniatod y
Jaw , ond ?hitll beincron'cd from tlnii lo litn eby
aeiiiniln(r to it nny part of the taxep or other reven
ue o i-f lite state not required lor the orJiunry and
onrrcnt expense of iroverntnent: and unle lu
ca&e of war, Invafl'in. or inpurrccibm. no pnrt vt
the said RinkiiiK fund vhall be iipcJ or applied oth
erwise thau iu the oxtlniuisuiuent ol Ltie public
Stc. 12. The meneyiof the Kate, over nnd a
bove the neeeMary rewrve, shall be tt-ed In the
payment ot the debt of the Mute, either directly oi
through the tdnkinr fund, and tlm moneys ol the
plukinjr fund chiill never be Invented In or loaned
upon the eecurlty ot anything rxecpt the bunde of
the Vnlted Stiie? or ol thin Plntv.
Sec. 13. The moneys held a. neoec.jary roKerve
ehull be limited by law to the amount required lor
current expouM !. and phall bo ceeured and kcj t
SB may be provi.uil by Inw. Montldy piatemomg
rhull bo published huwinjr the amount of fueh
moneys, where thu iauie are depoclU-tl, nnd how
Si c, 14. The mnkhiK of profit out of the publie
money p or u?lng the same tor any purple not au
thorlzed by law. by nny oflieer ot t tie Ktate or mem
ler or oflieor of the general iipfx mhlv, tliall be a
mitklonicnnor. aud Phall be punished ne may be
provided by low. but part ot nieh punahmont
rball bo a taecLiullih-utlu to held oibcc Ur a ju rk-U
! tit' i ivm (ian live yturf.
art in i: .y.
Kin:t'AT.tx. I
hc. 1. The penerat npoinbly i-Iih.I pnnide fi.r j
be malnU'iiauee and support ' ot a tliunuli and:
f UUienl pybum ot public M-hoolc, wherein ull. the j
ihildren oi tbl cvminonwealih. ulovu the Dire of i
if ix vcare. may l-o wlueite;!, and shall nppropt lute
at b"uf:l ouu million dollars each your for that j ur
ivce. Stc. 2. No nioucy iaUed f'r the piipport of the
public wbouls of tLc couimoiiwt alt li ft. ail bo up.
f'ruprtated to ur used lur ihe support ot any stctar
au M'houl.
fir. 3. AVonun twenty i tie irrc cf ae and up
wards shall be visible to tiny olUoc ot eontn I or
mamigeuieiiL uud-r the f L -t 1 luws tfLl.lcStr.te.
1. The freemen of thip commonwealth rhnll
lo HiineU . organized nnd dieipliitetl lor li delt tue ,
wheuaud lu su:h mantiLr ac may be dirt rud by
law. The general assombly tlmll jirovlde I.'r !
muintftiniuK ihe miMtia by Hppropriatlon from the i
Treasury ol the commonwealth, t.rui mny exempt 1
from uitlitiiry service pcritoutf haviug conscientious
teruplca against bearing anus.
ri'itMc omciiRH. j
5rf. 1. All officer whose cob-etlon Ip not provide I I
tor tn thUoonMUutluu shall he elecitni or appidiib j
ed hp niay be dlret-tod by Piw.
Sec.V. No member of conrep from this state.
nor any pvrsou huldtuK or excreting m.y oftlee or
HpiKiintmeiit ut triirft tr irotit under the t idied
Suite, pbull at the same time hold or cxereUo any
ottht In t tilr aiato to which a suliny. fee?, or per
qn ltd les shall be ftttif htd. 'I' lit" icenonil anseinhlv
may by law dtvlare what otjicts are ibcuuipati
ble. Sec. 8. Auy pt-rsou who shall MkIiI 0 duel or send a
challenge tor iliat purpose or be uider or abettor in
tiprhtiitK a tiuel, shall be deprived of thy rirht of
holdiug auy otliee of honor ur prolit in this statu,
and mar be otborwlso puaiuhe.1 utr Pbn!J ba pre-frm-lbed'by
.Vc- 1. No nw count r sbnll 1-e ertnblifbc 1
wbUh shuil rouut-o any county to loss than lour
hundred squtiro inilvs, or lo lesi tUati twenty
thousaud iuiiubl'.unts; uur nit:. 11 any euiuity be
foriui-d or b's area, or e mtaiitlnK a le?p popula
ttt n, uor shall any lino thereof pan wtthlu teii
miles id' the CLUuiy sei:t of a ay county prouvted
to b UivlJI.
Are. 1
Ciuntycn:n-r thall consist of sluitl,
. i rot h not hi i s. n gisfeu id lils, record
'W !;. ceiiiuiiM-ioiierH, treusurTS, nurveytrrs,
''((Utndieis, eltrka of the ciurts. ols
q such others s may Itom tinij
cd by Ian; aud no sle-rlll or
igli.le hr the loim nut suc
hieh he may be elected.
vta t-hiil I l"e eleeted at the
-nd shli hold their uttU-ts for
ye. us, beUiijing on Ihe llrft
.uury next alter t lo ir eUelious. und
Ui-cess.n s shall be duly quullltl all
... not uthtrwlsc provided lorsJmll be tilled
.uili manner us may be pro idel by Imv.
Arc. No person Mia II bo antoiiud to any otlV
r It bin nnye.atnly v ho shall not have been a citi 'en
au d an inh iliiUiul then in one e:ir next b: lore iil-ttpp-'iiit!tteut,
il the coiih'V sb.ill have her n so long
trtetfd, tut II 1: shall n-ji have beiu so 1 aig trcei-
I. thin wltbln the timitsoi time un.y or counties
rut ot which li sn.'til liave Ikou taken.
.Vc. 4. i'io;b.iioiaiie. clerks ot the courts, re
eordeii ol ileed. r-'Klsteis of wills. e.unly mrvey
ors, uui rlteritin frtiall keep ttieir oilnw iu th
t luuty low not the cuury lu w hb li they rcsicolive
iy f iitUl be oibeeis.
.Sec. 6. The compensation of eountv officers shall
bo rogulaled by law. uud all county olJicors w ho
am or may hu salaried shall pay ull toes which
they may bo authuri.ed to reo ive Into tho treas-u-ry
o! thecoutity or state, ns may be directed by
law. In count Us com Hiiilng over ono hutidrl and
liliy thousand inhabitant all county olhcerw shall
bt mid by Hilary, uud lite salary ul any such iMi
ver and bin clerks, hcretotorc aid by Kcu. shall
tMt exteed the ugr .ate ainouut ot bts earnod
fciui lug bis term and collected ty or hr him.
Stc. ti. The genoml ai-m inldy chall provide bv
law lor the the strict uc- untubllily ol all ccuuly,
lownship and iKtn ugh olheerM. um well for the h c
which iii.i y becidb eud tiy lln ot its lor all publiu
or iniinieijtal iuoiit- which may bo paid lo them.
Sec. 7. 'i lireeiDimty Cumiuiioiicrs and three
iv.nniy audiua-thall bo elected iu each count v
when mi. h i-llieerji are chosen, in tho venr one
iru unundciirnt hundred and seven) v five uudevery
tnim year theieatler; und iu thu election ul said
otieers ouch qtialiiud eloeior shall ute lor uu itioia
thin two persons, an I the three pi'iuim having
in hlghc.-t ol voc5 shull b.t c. ettMl; any
earuMl vuauey lu the othee ot count v ci.miultsioiieis
oreuuutyauiitGrsliallbehlliti by tim euuriuf cum
mou pleaeot ihcouuuty in w hich such vacancy shall
oocur, by the appoint litem of an f leelor ur the prop,
r oouoty who shull have vutecl forthe otmmUsiuii
er or auditor whose place is to be tilled.
Are. 1. Citiosuisybe chart c rod whenever a ma-
terliy ofthe electors uf any Luvd or loruuuh having
a imputation ui at leuu uui thousand shall vole at
auy general election In lavur ol the saiuu.
inc. S. NoUebt shall be-ountiaciod or liability In
euned Ly auy muuicipal eouiuilslun, exctqii m pur
suance ol U4i a pprupi (at luu previously tua icthor.
lor by the nMiuiciiAl uoveruuicnt.
See, a. Every uiiyHhail create a sinking fuud
wbb'h shall lie Inviolably yiedged forthe payuunt
ui it rumicdb(.
Jre. 1, AllexIPtlntrehartcrp;, or)irnntofppeclRl
or exclusive prlvlb-piefs under which a boon (ldeor
ufinlr.atlon Phall not have taken plaoennd business
been Cfiiinneiioed In (lotwl, faith at Ihe lime nl the
R'loitlon of this constitution, shall thereafter have
no valldltv
fine. 2. The (renerftl aswembly Plmll not remit tho
forfollnrnnl tho charter ol any corporation now ei
irnlnir, or alter or ninend tho swme, or paps any olh
er (renoral special In w forthe, benefit of inch cor
poration, except npon tho condition that pnehcor
poratlon shall thereafter bold Hp charter pnbjoctto
ilie provision, of this const It nl ton.
Stc. 8. The exercino of the rift-lit ef eminent nn
mnin shall never be nbrldfted nrso ennstrne! npto
prevent thoKennrol nwembly Irom taking the
pmiiesty and franchisee ol Incorporated companion
nntf Pnolectlnir them lo public use, tho same an
t tic property of Individuals ; and the exercise of
the police power ofthe stato phall never be -brtdffcd
or sreoitPtrned bp to permit eorporatlon
tooonduet thelrbnslnepeln pm-h mnnner aetoln
frlnfrothe equal riiehtp ol IndivldnaJp or the gener
al well being ol t he slate.
Sec. 4. Jn nlleleclons ferdirecnrn ormanafrcrfl
of it eorpTf1n each member or eharehidder may
ens ihe whole number of hip Tiee for one candi
date, or diaribiic horn npon (wo or more candidates
an he may prefer
See. 6. Noforelp-n eorporaionphalldo any bnpl
nessln Ihls Pan wlhonf having one or more
known places: of bnpim-sa, nnd an nnhorl.rd agenl
ornens inihcpiune,nion whom process may be
See. 9. Noeerpornlon hall onsge In any busi
ness! cher than bar expressly uufhnrtxcd I n 19
eharer, nor shall it rake or hold any real csae, rx
tJ such ftp may be necessary ami proper for lis leg
fJiinnfo btislnc!.
.Sec. 7- Nocorporafion phalltppue pm'kfi or bonds
CxeeiiMor money, labor done, or money or yropery
ftctillv reeelreil; and nil Aeflflcun Inoreasuol aiark
or indehfedncpp shall be void; the etoek nnd ln
ilebtvlncsput corporations shall no bo increased
exoeptinpi.rvoanee of K'ncrl lw uor wl'houl
(he consort nf he persons holding he larger n
moun in value of he otk lirs obuinod nn rnoe
lug obe held afcrslxy cloys noiee given in ursu
nnoeot law.
Arc. 8. Munielrtalandohercorporalonp findlu
ilivldiinlPinvescdwWhhcprivikit of aklngprl
vaepropcry lor public use. shall make jus coin
peupaien lor propery hih n, IninreJ or desroyed
by becoupneion orenlurptnunof heir woiks
bifrhways or improvomen.'s; whlrh com pen sn Hun
shall be'pablor pooured beloresueh faking, Injury
or ib'MnieMt n. Thegenerjfcl assembly, is hereby
prohtbicl from depriving nny person of nn appeal
Irom any preliminary nsPt-PsiiH-n of damages a
triifiisa'uy sueh corpora1 ns or ludlvidnals. made
by viewers or uherwiho; and he ntnoiiu of such
durnp gr. In ail enst e ol appeal, shall en he demand
ot elhir parfy. I c dcemiinod by a jury aeoording
lo be course of he common law.
See- o. Jivery banking law shnll provide for he
reirisry and ciaiuei-Pigning by au ollicer of he
Shi-.oI all nocp or bills uesignod for vtrculabm
audhaair.ploseeuiiy ohe full amount fberlof
shall be deposied wih be nudlurgeneral fi.r he
redenipfion ol sueh noes or bills.
Sec. in. The general assembly shall have he pow
eroaberrevi hoorannul any etiniMTui lucori ora
Ion now exising and revocable a Ihe atloptloa of .
hlpcotitfinrlon or on haiuny hi realVt r bncroaf-
cd whenever iu llteir opinion it may be injurious to
hcc llrens of 'bis commonweal h, iufut h mnnnor
however ha no iujusice shall be done o he cor
porators. No Inw herealer enuoed shallcreiie re.
now or e.veu J he churvr ol more Imiione corpora
tion, SecW NocnrtKinicbody ojiossesbimklug and oMs
cnuninK rivilvg-s shall heerciicd or orgaul.ed In
pursuitueeofuuy luw wlhoiiMhree iiioiiflut previous
public noie a tie pluce of bo Inentb-d liM'alon
ofthe iutention toapplyforsuch privileges in such
manner as hIihII be prescribed by luw norrhull a
charter for such privilege t e gruntedkr a longer
pcrlolthan twcni years.
Sec. 1J. Any ns?oelaiion or corporation organli
cd for the purpose, or and Individual, shall have
i the ribt to construct and maintain liuosot tele
graph within this state, nnu to connect tuo same
vsiiii oilier lines; and tho Genera! Assembly shall,
by prime rat law oi u.iiuvi .nrnidm, provide rea
sonable rognlatioiMto give iulleifeol u ti.ti ,-0.
lion. No telei;raph iMinpnny shall couEtdidato
witborhoKl aeoHirolllng interest in tho sioek or
homlsofauv oiher telegraph company owning a
competing tine, or acquire, by purchase or other
wise, any other competing lino of telegraph.
Vc. lit. The term VurKirat Ions,'1 us used in
thlsarticlc, shall be construed lo include ull.iolnt
stock companies or af-sitclaLiuns having any oft lie
powers or privileges of corporaticiie not postfers
ed by individuals or partnerships.
Section 1. All railroads nnd canals s!i:ill be pub
lic highways, and all rilli'oad and canal compan
ies shall be common curriers. Auy UMiMaiton or
corporation organized l-r the purpose shall have
the right to construct an I operate, n railroad be
twocn any points within this state and to connect
at the sta'te line with railroads of other stales.
Every railroad company shall have the right with
its rmd to inteiboct, connect wkh. or cross any
other railrou-i, and shall receive and transport
each tin: others puspjiigors, tonnage, and cars load
ed ur empty, without delay or diserimiuiMion.
Sic. '1. I-.veiy railroad and caiml corporation or
ir'iuiod in this slatctiball maintain an utliee there
in , where tap.hters it sUck thall be infloe, and
where Itf bv-oks sliall be kept for Inspection by any
sim k holder or creditor ol such corporal ion. In
wit icli shall be recorded Ihe amount of capital
HU'k Hibs'-rlht-d oi paid in. und by whom, thu
ntinirs id the owners ot it.1 st jek and the uir.ouiitH
owned by tin in. respectively, the transit tb of said
pluck, aud the liunue and placid uf res-ideuee ol lis
Stc All Individuals, iiseciatlous. and corpor-
a ;i. ut shall have equal rltrbl to have person' and I
j.roperty trtiuspc i ted oer railroads und canal.
ami no uimue itr uureaonaide di-ci imlnatton ebPli i
be made in clutrgi s l-r or In lac.iiuies tor iranspor-
tuiiou of ireiuht or pmi-mt-iti rs within the slut
c nilng Iroiu or going to any other stale. Der
pmils and properly iianportod over any railroad
shall be dclivcivdat any station ul ehurg s not ex
ceeding thu charges lor 'transportation of persons
and property ol (be same class l.i the same direc
tion to any more distant station; but excursion and
cuimmuuiiuu tickets may b it sued ul special
Sec. 4 No railroad, canal, or other corporation,
crthe lessees, purchasers, or managers ot 'any rail
road or canal corporation, shall consolidate the
stock, pro(Hriy, or IranehfscB of such cor)Kratoii
with, or lease or purchase the works or franchises
of. or in auy way control any other railroad or ea
rn' 1 corporation ow ning or having under Its control
u pamllt l or competing Hue, nor shall any otboor
ol Mo-h railroad or ennui corporation act n'sauofil-n-r
ol M.y other railroad r etnul coipitraiion ow
nii gi r having thectintnd ol a parallel ui coiiiik'
tiii line, and the question whether railroads or
ennaU ittv parallel or Convicting lines shall, w bi n
demanded by the party complainant, bo decided
by a jury a lu other ei II issues.
.Vcv. It. No lne-rporated coutfianv doing the
business of a common carrier, shall illroctly or In
directly, prosecute or engage in mining or iiutnu
faeiuriitg irtbles lor lransotintiun over lis works,
nor thntl sii':ii eoinpany. dicifity or Indlreoily. en
gage in any other business than lhat ot eontnion
canii'is. i-r loi i or acquire binds, Iroeln Idor Kae
hold, directly or Indirectly, except such us shall
be necessary lor carrying on its business: but any
mining ur utanuracturluif company may carry the
producthot its mines and manulacturles oh lis
railroad or canal nut excotulng fitly miles iu
Air. 0. ?o president, director, officer, agent or
cmployeo of anv railroad or canal uoinpnnv shall
be interested, directly or Indirectly, lu the furnish
ing of material or supplies to sueh company, urJu
the business ul transportation as a common car
rier of tn -Ight or passengers over the works ow n
ed, leaded, eontrolb-ii or worked by sueh coiupanv.
Air. 7. No dlscriminlation In charges urt.i ili
ties fur traiiKporlalk'H shall be made between
truusportatfon companies and Individuals, ur 'i fa
vor oi either, by abatement, drawljack. ur oihtr-
wise, a u I no railrt ud or canal company, or any les
see, mnnairvr. or employee thoreol, 'shall make
any preler ncis in lurnltlit;1 cart ur motive pow
er. Sec. . So railroad, railway or other transport
ation company shull grjiit tree paFsesor pa.-svti at
to dl.-cuuiil, to any peifotm except oliiccrs or cm
ployeisol the company.
Stc. W. No st ret-t jmsVuger railway shall be con
st meted w li bin tbo limits ol any clt v, borough or
township wi! h- ut the cviiscnl ol'its Ihu1 atuhorl
tits. Air. 10. o railroml, canal or other transporta
tion eon. puny. Pi existence at the time ofthe ado
lioii 1. 1 (hi artlcb-. shall have tho bench! u uny
luiuiv bgit-bitlou by general ur special laws, ex
cept on condition ot complete acceptance ol all tho
piovi.-dons ol t his art iele.
See. 11. The cxisttrg powers and dot Its of ihe
AutlitorUcucral In regard to railroad, cimals.
.'i 1 othei tirtiit-iMirtation cmp.inies. except us to
iUeir uin-ouutp, are hereby traitered to the Secre
tary of internal Albitrri, who shall
supervision over them, subject to mch rouulutlous
an I atteiaiioitsns shall be provided by piw : und lu
sd:ition to the annual reMiris now required to bo
made, said Secretary iuhv requiio keclul reiturte
nt any time upon uny riiljct relating to the busi
ness of s.iid companies from uny uihecr or otliccrs
Sec. i. Tho General Assembly shnll enforce bv
nipropriale Uglatatiuu the provieloui of this arti
Section 1. Auy amendment or amemimnnts to
this constitution may be proposed lu the Senate or
House ot KcprLsentatlvcp, and il the suinc shall
be agreed to by a majority ut the members elected
to each house, such promised umendiii' ut or a
inendmeiits shall be entered on their journals,
uuh 11. e yen and nays Ukcn thereon, ami the
Srcrotury o the Commonwealth shall cause thu
saine to be published three months be tore Ui next
K'iicial election in nt least two newsjmper lu ev
ery county in which suchnewspuersshull be pub
lished: HJliI it. in tha GeiiKrul AsmiiiIiIv ncit alior.
wants cloiM'ti.iieh proposed amendment oramend- iw u.rJ,.i ...i.,
iH-r t leettil lu Hitch bouse, the Secretary ot the
Commonwealth shall eauie the same again to txt
.uo)ibiii in me iiiuiiuer uiurefeaiti, ami surn pro
PommI amendiuent or amendments shull bo sub
mitted to the qualified electors of the State lu
Mich manner, und at such time, at least three
mouths alter being o agreed to by the two hous
es, ns the (Kiierul Asko-mldy shull piceerine ; aud
if such amend uteut or amendments thull be appro
ved by a majority uf tlu so voting theieou, such a
monument or amendments fehall tamo me a part of
the constitution; but no auieitdment or amend
ments shull be submitted ultener tn
hve years; when two or more amendments shall
o BubmllleU tiiey shall be voted ujaai avparulely.
That no inconvenience may i.rtse from the chart
gee In the eoueiiUitlou uf the ("omimuiwfuilih
aud in on lor Ui carry the same Into complete op
era t Ion, it Is hereby deelarotl that:
Srl Thfseonsiltutiuu shall take efTect on the
Bret day of Januaay, in the j ear J one tbeuiod
eight hundred and peTcnfy-ftifir, for all pnrtrfpe
not. utherwlse provblcl for therein.
Sue. '2. All laws In force In Ibis tnmmonwealth
at the time ol the adoption ol this eonsi It nthm not
luionslsieut therewlih, and all rights, aodons,
proptHuilons. nnd eontraetP, shall oonllnno as if
this constltiiiion had not been adoptel.
Wrc. a. At the general election In the years one
thou Hint d eight hundred and seventy-ionr and one
thousand eight hundred nnd Po,vonty-ftve Senators
shall (reelected In all dlPtrlete where there shall be
vacancies. Those elected in the year one thou
sand eight hum i red and seventy-four shall serve
for two years, and thoso elected In the year one
thousnntl eight hundred and seventy-five shall
serve lor one year. Senators now elected, nnd
those whoso terms are unexpired phall represent
tho districts In which they reside until theend of
the terms for which they were elected.
Sec. 4. At the general election in the year one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, Kena
tors shall b elected from the even numbered dtp.
trlets to serve for two vearp, and from odd numb
ered districts to serve mr four years.
See, tV The tirsi election of Governor nnder
this constitution shall be at the general election,
In the year one thousand eight hundred and sev- j
enty-live, when ft Governor shall be elected fori
throe years! and the term ofthe Governor elected j
tn tho year one thousand eight hundred and sev
enty.clght and of those thereafter elected shall be
for four years, according to the provisions of this
See. 9. At the general election In the year oue
thousand eight hundred and seventy-four a Lieu- .
tenant Governor shall be elected accord lug to the 1
provisions of this constitution.
.SYe. 7. The Mecretary of Internal Affair shall ;
be elected at t he first general elect Ion alter t be a
itoption of this consi hut Inn; and when the said of
ficer shall he duly elected and qualified, the office
of Surveyor General shall be abolished, nnd the
Surveyor General in olflce at the time ol the adop
tion ol t his consiilui Ion shall com Inue in office un
til the expiration ot the term for which he was e
lected. Nrr. 8. When tho Superintendent of Public in
st ruction shall he duly qualified, the office uf Su
perintendent of Common Schools shall cease.
.Sir. 9. Nothing contained In this constitution
shall 1 construed to render any person now hold
ing nnv State omce for a hrst ollieial term ineligl
Ide for're-electiun at the end of such term.
.Vc. 10. Tho Judges of tho Supremo Court in
otliee when this cousilUit Inn shall tnke effect shall
continue until their commissions severally expire.
Two judges in addition to the number now compos
ing the said court shall be elected at the first gen
eral election alter the adoption ot this constitu
tion. Arc. 11. AH Courts of record and all existing
courts which n re not spei iiied in this constitu
tion shall continue In existence until the first day
of December, in the year one tin usnnd eight hun
dred aud seventy-live, without abridgment of their
Iiresout jut isulction, but no longer. 1 lie e uri of
irst criminal jurtsdlet ton for the counties of Schuyl
kill, Ijohiinoii and Dauphin is hereby anoliHu-o;
nnd all causes and proceedings pending therein in
the eoutv of Schuylkill shall be tried tind tlisoP
cd of In the couts ol ver and Terminer and (Quar
ter sessions ofthe peace of said county.
Sec. lii The registers cruris now In existence
shall be abolished on the first day of January
nuTt Kii.ftftliirr iln ndonthtn of this constitution,
Sec. VA. The General Assembly shall, at the
nex t session alter the adoutlun of this eontJiu
tp,ni ticMgnnte tlie revernl judical distilets up re-
nuired bv ibis constitution. The Uulires In com
mis?lon" when such desliruntion phall be made
hull ennttnue riurlnir their unexpired terms tudu
esol the uew distrieihln which they reside, ltul
when there shall be two judges residing In the
same district, the president judge Hi it 1 1 elect to
which district he shall be assigned: and the ud
ditb.rnl law judge fbull be Designed to the other
See. 14- The general assembly shall, at the
next suctvcdlnu session after each decennial cen
pu. und not odoue.r, designate the seveial ju;l-
clal ilistrletsas rcqutreii by tins coiisiiiunon.
.SVc.lA. Judires learned in the law ot wiy court
of record hold in ir comtnlsiuiiH In lene at the ad
option of this constitution shal bold their respec
tive oJlioos until the expiration of tho terms for
which thev were commissioned, and until their
successorsshall bedulvquulltied. Tho Governor
hall eiimiiiUwion the nresldeut ludire of lite court
M Hrl criminal jurisdlellon lor the count let ol
Schuylkill. libation and Dauphin as a judge ot
the court id common pleas oi NeiiuyiKiti eouuij
loi tik unexpired term ol his olltoe.
Sec. 10 Alter ih xiirath)u ofthe term of any
president judge ol any (H'urt ol common pleas iu
commission at the adoption of this coustltm ion,
the udge ol such court learned In the law und nl
dost In coitimbsion shall be the president judge
thereof, and when two or more judges are elected
at the same time in anv indies! district, they shall
decide by lot which phall be president juouc; but
w hen the urcsidcut ludge ol a courl shall be re-e-
Keted he thall contiuuo t be president judge of
thatcourt. Associate judges, noi iearnei in me
law. elected alter the ndoptlonol thtsconslltuthiu,
shall be ct'inmissioned to hold their nthcos lor tho
term of five years I nun tho lir:l day ofJauuary
next alter their election.
.Sec. 17. The general assembly at the first scs
slon alter the adopt lou ot this constitution shall
fix and determine the compensation of the judges
ol the supreme court end ol the judges of ihe sev
eral nidh hil districts of the ouiuinoiiwoalt U, and
the proishms of the hltecuih section of tlu art I
elc on the b uislatton shall not be deemed inconsis
tent herewith. Nothing contained In th Is consti
tution shall le held to re lii" the compensation
now paid to nny law judge of this commonwealth
now In commission.
Sec. . The courts of C"inm-n pleas In the coun
ties or I'hltudolphla and Alexin ny rhall be com
posed ot the pn silent judges ol the district court
and court of cmmoti pleas of s ud h unties until
theirofhciH shall severally end. and ul such other
judges us may from time to time be selected.
r or ine iiurpose oi ursi organization iu i huh
!clt.hia the judges ol tho court numier cue snuii
lo Judges Allison, rief-e and t'axstn; t-i me court
number two. Judges Hare. Mitchell hii1 one tub-
or jiutge to he elceteii: ol tne court nuniuer inrce
.fudges Uu How. Vinlctter and I.ynd, nnd ot
j the eotirt number lour, Jm gis Thayer, lriggs
and one other judge to be elected.
The judge first named shull be the president
; judge ol en id courts respectively, and thereafter
the president judge shall the lil lge oldest in
I commission: bm any president judge re-elected In
the same court or district shall coulu.uc lo ite pre
sident judge thereof.
The additional judges for courts number two
and four shall to voted lor and elected at Ihe first
gem rul election alter the adoption of this consti
tution in the same maimer as the two additional
judges of the supreme court, at d they shall de
cide by lot to winch court they shall In-long.
Their'term of ofhee shall commence on tho lirst
.Monday of .lnuuary. In Ihe year onu thousand
eight hundred aud seventy-five.
See. IV. In tho county of Allegheny, for the
f urpope of first organization under this constiiu
ion, the fudges ol the court uf common pleas at
the time of the adoption of this constitution Mm II
be the judges uf the court numler one, aud Ihe
jnlgogut the district Court at the same dale
shall be the judgus of the common pleas number
The prcsldcn judges of the common picas nnd
district courts shall be president judges of said
court numlH-r one and two respectively until their
othees sha II end. nnd thereat tor the judge oldeft
In commission thai! be president judge; but any
president judge re-elected In the same Court or
district shall continue tube president judge there
of. See. CO. The organization of the courts of com
mon pleas under this constitution, tor the coun
ties ol Philadelphia and Allegheny, shall lake ef
fect on the first Monday of January, one thousand
eight hundred nnd teventy-lire. and existing
courts In said counties shall' continue with their
present powers and jurisdiction until that date;
(tut m new suits shall l-o Instituted iu the courts
of Nisi i'rius alter the adoption of tbie constitu
tion. Arc. HI The causes and proceedings pending In
the court cd Nisi 1'rius. court nf coin in ru pleas,
und district court iu 1'hlladelphl a shall la tried
and disposed of tn the court of com mou pleas.
The records and docket ol said eourts shall Ite
transferred to tho I'ruthunotary office of said
See. 2J. Tho causes and proceeding pond in it In
the court of common pb-ns In Ihe county of Alle
gheny shall lie tried and dis)a-sed ot ili the court
number one; and the causes and proceedings (ten
ding iu the district court shall bo tried and dlspo
cd ol in the court number two.
Ar e. 1W. The I'rothonotary of the court of coin
mon pleas ut Philadelphia shall be hrst appointed
by the judges of said eouit on the hrst Monday of
iteeemiw r, in me year one iiiuuuiai eight hun
dred und seventy-live: und tho i-reta-nt I'rothotm.
tnry of the District court In said county shall In
tho I'ruthoiiotury ntthoald court of common pleas
uuill said date, when hi commission una II ex
pi if, uud the present clerk of the court of liver
und Terminer und quarter sessions ot the peacu In
j'liiiuticipiuu snail ne ine ciera ui sucn courl un
til the expiration of his presMit ooininiMaion on the
fust Monday of Iieceuilwr in Ihe veur one thou
sand eight hundred aud seventy-five.
See. '21. In cities containing over fiftv thnusniiW
inhubiiunts temvnt I'liilutlelidiiu) nil aldermen in
ulftce at tho time of the adotition o this eonsiltu.
tb it shall eoniiuue in oinec until (tic expiration of
their commissions, ami at ino election lor city and
ward officers In the year one thousand eight hull- 1
tired aud sevcnly.ftve one aMcrmau shall Ik- t-leo-led
In each ward, as pruvlded iu this .ooyiuiu- '
tion. i
Ac.25. In Phlladelphiii magistrates in lieu r
al lernten. blinll lc chosen x required iu this con
stitution ui inc. eiccuon in sam city auu ward of
ficers In the year one thousand olht bund re. I und- !
evcnty-tivc; their term of ufftce shall euinmenee I
on the first Monday ol April sucecdmg their e-lci-'toit.
The terms of ofllco of aldermen In said city, hold
irg or entitled in ooinmlssu n at the time of .he
adoption ot this ouustitutlou shall nut be effected 1
bec.wb. All persons In omce In this common
wealth ut Ihe time ofthe adoption of thlsconsfl
tnl ion, and at the first elect lou under it, shall hold
their respective ottux-s until the term for which
they have hocu elected ur appointed shull eiplre
and until their successor shall tie duly quaiitlod
unless otherwise provided In this constitution. 1
See. 2T. The seventh article of Ibii ennstltu
tlon, prewribiiig au oath of office, shall tuke (1vH
on und slier the lirst day of January, oue thou
sand etgh. hundred and seventy live.
, Sec. lie. The terms of office of county oommls
s I ouers and county auditor chose d prior lo the
year one thousand eight hundred uud seven ty
fivo, which stmll uut have expired Ite lore the firLl
Monday ol Jununry, iu the year one thousand
eight hundred, and aovculy-six, shall eiplre uu
that day. 1
See. 2W. All State, county, eity, ward, borough
and towuslilp ofltours lu olhee at the tiiuo ot ibe
adoption ot this ounstliuiloo, whuae compensation
lu uK pnivldcMl lur by suluries alone, s hall contin
ue lo receive the eompenuutlon allowed I hem by
luw until the explnttluu ot the ir respective terms
ot otttoe.
Sec. W. All state and judicial officers hereto
fore elected, sworn, aUirmHl, ur lu office when
this ounfttilutloii shall lake effect, shall severally
within one month after such aloptiuu. tuke and
subsi rlbe ao oaia tor aitlrmalioiit tu ut-nort this
oonmituiiuii. 11
Arc. SI. The itenaral uAMtnhl mt it. n.
siuo, or as eoon as mey be after the adoption of
,--..l.., ru.,, HUiii nnu ny n
nceessnry to carry tne patdc Into fail force end ef
fort. Arc. ft J. The ordinance passed hy Ihls (vmven
tlon, entitled "An ordlnnnoefor snhrnittlng th
amended constitution of rennsylvanta to a vote
of the elector thereof, M shnll be held to be valid
lor all tho purposes thereof.
Arc. aa. The words "ommt eommtss1oncm,u
wherever nseil in this constltntfoh. and in nny or-dlnauceafx-ompanvlna:
the same, snail he held to
Include tho commissioners for theclly ofi'hiladel
phia. Adopted at ritilnlelphla, on the. third day of
November, in the year ot onr Lul one thouiaml
eight hundred nnd seventy-three.
OmnrH of
Bart-JrTARYtirTPraOoviiowcAr.Tn, S .
lUuntflBt ro, Nov. 18, 1A73.
1 certify that the foregoing Is a correct esft of
the new constitution, propopod to the people of
theeommonweHlLh of Veiinsylvanla, for their ap
provul or rejection, as the lame appears of ree rJ
In thlsolTleo. Si. H. QTTAY.
eVc rotary of Commonwealth,
PORairnxrrrtitQ trb amknded txJsarrruTiox uf
fft U tn-dalned by the Conttitutlonnl Co mention of
th Commonwealth of Penn$ylvania, follow
I. That the amended constitution prepared by
this convention, bo snbmittod to the qimliiitHl c
lectors ofthe cominonwoalth lor their adoption or
rejection, at an eluettou to be bold on the third
Tuesday of iecniber nextj except as hereinaf
ter ordered und directed, the said election sbsll 10
held and conducted by the regular election olileer
tu the several election districts throughout the
comtnouwculih, under all the regulations aud
provisions of existing laws relating to general o
IcctlonP: and t he Pbcrilts of the several counties
shall give at least twenty tUya notice ol said elec
tion by proclamation.
'2. The Secretary of the commonwealth shnll,
nt least twenty days beforo the said election, fur
nish to the commissioners of etch county, a sutll
clent number of properly prepared circulars of in
structions. Tho comurissioners of tne several
counties shall cause to be printed at least three
times us mauy ballots ol affirmative voles as there
arc voters in each county aud the same number
of negative votes: and the said commissioners
shall, at least flvo (lays before said election, cause
to be fairly distributed to the several election dis
tricts in their respective counties, the said ballots,
tally-lists, returns, circulars ot Instructions, aud
such other books aud papers us may be necessary.
The ballots shall be primed ur written lu tho lull
owing torm: On the ouislde the words New Ou
st! tuiiou; in the Inside for all persons giving affirm
ative votes Ihe words 'Kor the Newt 'oust Hut Ion
nnd for all persous giving uegative voles the words
Against the Now Onsttintiou.'1
4. It it shal) upK-ar that a majority of the
votes polled are tor the new constitution, thou I
shnll oe the constitution of the commonwealth of
reniisyhunia on und after the first duyol Janu
ary, In the year ul our Lford one thousand eight
hundred nnd seventy-four; but If It shall appear
that a majority ol the votes polled were ngulust
the new constitution, then It shall be rejected and
be null nnd void.
4. 'lve commissioner of election, vli: Kdwln
II. Filler, Kdward ltrowning, John I. Ver roe,
Henry S. Hagert, ami John O. James, are hereby
appointed by this convention, who shall have di
rection ol the election upon this amended consti
tution tn the city of Philadelphia, The said com
missioners shall be duly sworn or al finned to per
form their du'h s with imparl bill ty and fidelity.
They shall al-o have power to bfl vacancies In
their own number. H shnll bo the duty ol said
commissioners, or n majority of them, and they
shall have authority to make a registration of vo
teis for the several election divisions of said city,
uu t b InriibU Mie lirs so made fo (he tlocfbm of.
ftcors of each precinc r division; odlsrlhue he
tickers fbr said eiy provided by his ordinance fn
be ued at he clecon; appoin a judge and (wu
inspecnrs tor each eleeiondivisioii, by whom lie
elecion herein shall beheld and cofutuccd, and
fo give all necessary lns7rucShiif fo ne clecion of-
llrcro ....ll, i..i..!rl,,i holding llC elcC-
lon and in making reurns hereot. -,, tl, rpin
shall serve as an leeion oflieer who will Ite u un
qualified under Neciou Ariclett, of be now
cousfiruMon. The general return ot he ebvlon
In he said cly shall be openel, compued und cer
HiihI beloro (be said commissioners, and wih
(heir approval which approval shall be to lor sod
uKn the rouin. They shall make repor, dl reef
ed (o ho presidonf ol lils couvenlon. ol heir offi
cial aWlon under (his ordinance anl concerning
he conduct of he said elecion wihin he said ci
ty. ' The judges and in specor s aforesaid shall eon
duc (he eloeion lu all respe.-s conformably (o i0
general elecion laws of his comntonwealrh, and
wih like powers nnd dufie o hi se of ordinary
elecion officers, rlach lnspecnr shall appoin one
clerk (o a-sis he ttoard lu he performance of is
dufh s, and all bceleclon ofheers shall te duly
sworn or affirmed aiTordingo law, nnd shall
po- ss all he qualillcnlons require-) by law of
elecion olhccrs in his coininouwcaih. At said
tlich n any duly qualified elector who Phall be
iMiregiscieil, shall be permiliHl tu roe uion mak
ing proof of his rtghf to Ik- tbclon ottictrs. hp
cordtuirti the general election luws uf his com
Tiiouwealfh, lieurn lnpeettrii jnd heir clerks
ami an hourly c tunof he votes shall bedlspens
ol w ilh. I ut "merseerp of election maybe selected
for nny precinct by said rb cilon commlsyieners,
whofe duties nnd po wers rhall be the snme as
ho.-o of overseers of t lcei-.n In said city under
efcisino" i lecion lsws applicable bereo He.
uiif o be eb-eli n shall be made lu said e!y as
In the ease of an eloeM-m for governor, but a rip
HcHte teitcral return for-aldeify rball be m o.e
out nn I lor'.vanled to the I'rosiden ol this convrn
flon iJ Harris ttirir. s ii herein:.! for pruvldud In
ca.-e l coituy returns.
f. In each of the counties of the commonwealth
fevei. Philadelphia.) (ho returns ol he clcc'b-n
shall oe made a in the case o( in clecb n for g v
ernor. but the reurn judges in each county shall
make out a triplicate counfy return nnd fr'ansiiilf
the same, within live days after the election di ree
fed ohe president of his touvenlon, nt Ilarrls
burr. lonclu convcnMon his bird day of Novemler,
in be ycarofourly rd, one fhoosand eight hun
dred and seventy-three.
J NO. H . V AI-K KU'Prfiident.
I. 1. IMIU(IF.,.r.' Jl.
A rue copy of ordinance of submisflon.
M. S. Ut AY,
Seeretuey of the ommonveaith.
I .ip folt nt Inst supplied by the Inaproved
Willi niljustablc Wanliarn, recently nddetl, in
rreahiuir ill ulililv fit) p r rrnl, iiinntrd unj
putrnUM ty 8 M. SMITH, York, J'u.
It I'leaiiR nil UimlR of Clotliinsr belter find
qnii ker limn any oilier Wnslier. It eleann per
'eet'y nnd without injury, nny nrliele frmn itiu
finept l.nee Curtain to tins lieavirt Bed Clot hint;.
It will clennnea lialT dozen (tctitlcmcn'e Stiirts,
badly soiled. In from 5 to S mimitcf, iucludini;
Ihe Collam nnd Wristband.
The ttenin beinir conlined In the Washer, the
elotliinii while brine washed is ulno bleached.
Over b0 Machines were sold In York an ! Lan
caster Counties mid over 170,000 worth in this
State, und Ohio, w ithin a venr ; irivlnir satisfac
tion. The celobruted Self-Adjtitini; El' R F. K A
Wrlnper Is attacked to Ihe inaeiin. &f In
from one to twohuuiaa ,irge Family's Wnth.
ran be done nnd rinsed, with less thun half the
labor required by hand.
IliuMiiig Ih tlouo lu tli In MtM'lilue
tlioroiiKhly itutl rupidlj.
Wo atk no ono to purchase without first trying
its meiltg
Single Machines, J1S. With Wringer, $'J5.
fif Address ull orders to
Manufacturer and Ai;cu!,
Hunbiiry, 1'a.
Sunbury. April '.'6, 1873.
A Uood C'liMut-e for n C ook Move I
Third 8t, opposite the Central Hotel, Sunbury,
ANY person purcliusiui; goods lo the aiaount
of fa 00 at retail prices, for cash, will be
entitled lo a Ticket for the drawing of a first
ciui. No. 7. Cook Stove with all the flstures,
valued at -H0, warranted lo give satisfaction.
Notice will be given ol the place and time of
drawing through Ibe papers.
Sunbury, July 18, 1873.
Third Street, rippoalte Central Hotel.
KEEP constautly 011 baud the very choicest
of frevh
which Is sold at the lowest price. Meat can't
had at all hours during l lie day.
BttB'iry, p., Jnn 1, JS75.
Everybody Is Invited to come and buy of .the
handsome assortment of
In frame bnlldlnr, ndninln Moore A Plsslngcr's
builrilnjr, TUIKD BTREKT, fiU?tBUKYf PA.
Just opened n fresh tupply of Confcotlonerise of
ercry description.
conitantly on band. The best RAISINS, FIGS,
(realk Bread, Buns A Cakes, every morning.
Having fitted up ft room expressly for serving
up Oyptera In every style, Ladles and Gentlemen
will be accommodated with the best bivalves In
market, at nil hours during the dny nnd evening.
Families will be supplied at their residence with
tho best Shell or Canned Oysters, ns Is desirable,
at the very lowest prices.
Cull nnd see my excellent assortment of goods
nnd asccrtalu the prices.
Dec. 16, 1871.
(This Kftit- i ItoKrved tor l!o
II A U 1 WAR K S TO li E
jtlnrlirt fit., ftiunbiirj , I'm.
Muixh 2fl, if.13. ly.
'" -Cri '-i. A4l
M fTOHt:s.
?4.00 n (lallon. (11.00 it
In larpc bottles, f 1 1 ,00 a dozen.
18.00 a dozen.
II. A' A, Vun i:ri).
The Wink Mfrciiants,
liilO Che.-tnut Street.
Oct. 54,
Send for Illustrated dialogue uud examine
our prices before puichafiuir, us we claim to sell
lower than nnv other ci-tnhlii-hmciit in the City.
1230 RIDGE AVENUE, Fbjladdpjiliu
Nl'.Mtl IIY MA It BLR YAIll,
Fourth Klrrel hvlow Market,
riHE undcrsiirned has returned from the Ver
1 tnont Marble Quarries with 56 Tous of
Marble for
FX Mouuuicnttj, Urave-NtoueN,
ifill 1 He has bought at such fl'-ures that
LUA will allow bill to sell better stone, for
less mouey, than heretofore. The bent
Sutherland Falls MarMe,
which is better than Italian. Rutland la now
sold as low as the Manchester.
Those who need anything in the Marble line,
for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes,
will Hud it to their interest to call and examine
this lari:e stock, ai better bargains can be secur
ed than buying from parties 'huckster! ug' round
the country.
All lettering will b done tn Ihe neatest and
most Improved style.
Sunbury, Jan. 11, 1873.
No. S28 South SECOND Street, below DOCK,
Maaufaotarer of Firsl-Claa
Prices rtuonabl. riease call and ex'auln.
FALL. 1873.
Assortment of
Gents Furnishing Goods,
ever offered in this place at
Popular Clothing Store.
Corner Third and Market,
Dr. .. lYii'kor's Cnliforiiin Vino
pill' Dillors nro n ymifly VngHaMo
) i i ii.ii iUinii. tiiiid.-cliiofly Irom tlie native
) lis fiiiutd on tl;c lower i.niu'cs of tho
Sii'ii.t N'pv:k1:i iiituiiitaiits of California,
llio ini'dicinal jn-opci lies of which arc
cxtractocl thfii'lroin uitlnuit the llo cif
Alcohol. The (K-. lion is almost daily
risked. " What I'-i tho ratiM of tlio unjiar
r.!!i'lci R!iorw (if Viseiiai: f "
f.itr answer is, that tiny remove- tho
(iiiiM1 of disoiK', iiinl tho jiatiotit ie-ov-ers
hi.s health. 'J'hty ro tho prf::t
I !ood pnrilier nvA n life-civin jiiinci
j.Us :t pcrfert Itonovalor !ind Inviirorator
of t-ho M'KtPin. Never hol'nre. in the his
tory (f the world liar, n medicine heen
coiiipountied i.ii:; c.'.siim the rcina! Uabic
(jiiiilitif.iol' ViNKUAK lii iTE::y in healing
tlif sick ( f dvery lieno mna i; l.eir to.
Ihvv are a peMth- I'mpativn ti-: veil n
'J'uiae, ri-lievinp Cuiitrestiim ov I irnm .rrtiii
ef tlin Liver iiml Visceral Orgniu i:i Kilit .15
Hie y'0;cri !os f Ii:. v.'alker's
Vikkkau JIiitfks nro Aperietit, liiiinlioictie.
Ciirmitiutive, Nutritious J.uxiitiv. Diuretic,
Sislutive. Counter Initant, f tulorilie, Alleiu
live, ntid Ant: DiMmit'.
il, Li. .1. . Ai.O A. Vi.t
liiuci t-. nun lifiii-.iii .tf-:.l- . .iii . ni'i
!.m. u:.d t iti. MiLi'.iniliij n.i.i i iiiii ito'i hi... Ni a V"..
Hold tV nil l.UKk'lil nm l.-itt.
mkiiim: siior and ikon
Sinibtir), I'onn'n,
INFORM the public that they arc prepareit to
do nil kinds of CASTINGS, and bavins; added
a new Machine Shop In connection with their
Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New
Lathes,' PlauinR and Boriiii: Machines, with the
latest improvements. With the uiil of skillful
nu chimin, they are enabled to execute nil orders
that may be glvn tliein, in a satisfactory man
lier. ruti fo wtift Hiiy Move.
IKON COLUMNS, for chinches or other build
inirs, oT hII
Ornamental Iron Fencing
The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su
periority, have been still further improved, and
will nlwnvs be kept on h.i'id.
Punbury, MayViO, 1ST1.
THE undersigned having connected the Coal
business with his extensive FLOUR & GRAIN
trade, is prepared to supply families with the
vi:kv II E.ST OK COlli,
Egg, Stove and Nut, constantly 011 hand. Grain
taken iu exchange for Coal.
Sunbury, Jan. 15, J70. If.
Veiiici es or all Kinds made to Ovdkk. j
The lutest styles aud the best workmanship.
Samples may bo seen nt the shop. Give him
Sunbury, Dec. 7, 18T8. ly.
1307. RIGHTER&GASKILL, 1307.
American an! French Window Glass,
Crystal Sheet, Rough Plata, Colored, ;Eaameltd
and Oroameutal OIiii,
' 1307 Market Stceet, PWladelphia.
January 11, 1873. ly.
Mulberry, Business Centre, Wllllanisporl,
- D. B. ELSE A CO., Frojvletor,
une 90, 187X
Tliitd Street, niljolninjr Phlln. A Erie U. R., two
Squares North of the Central Hotel,
I ? prepared to furiiKlt every description of lum
ber re-iuired by the demands of the public.
llnvinu all the latent Improved mnchlnety for
manwfaeturlni; l.unber, he is now ri'ndy lo till or
ders of all kinds of
and all kind" of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn
lua of every depcript ion promptly executed. Also,
HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, rtckoM,
Lathe, Ae.
Orders promptly tilled, and shipped bv Railroad
or ot herwlsc. IK A T. CLEM li.NT.
New Dkt (.nous, (;ne tkif Ar Notion.
Clot lis. Cnpklnieres, Culleok, nud everythiujr lu
the Dry Good line.
Cucct wiiii, til: tiuc. nnd Wood and Wlllow
a re.
A lnrce nsnirtment Jiift opened, vhli h consists
of Tta. Coflee, piifiir. Mo'asses, Spices, Meat,
I'ith. Ac. The Ce'el. rated Al!i nlown hand mude
Wnri r.nted to pive fat ii-faetion. In fact a full
e-sortment ot everything kept iu a llrtt-class store,
Kan be had lit ureutly
for cai-h. Call and tec the tine election of new
poods, aud be convinced that
near the l.uiln-rii Church, in Suuhury, isthebost
and cheapest place to buy all kinds of store
goods. No tiotiblti to show goods.
October u, IsTli.
imt npoulv iu lilne Roles.
DrtiKgit-ts. Oct3-4w
Iron in the Blood
The Peruvian Syrtip, a Protect
ed Solution of the Protoxide of
Iron, is so combined as to have
the character of an aliment, a
easily digested and assimilated
with the blood as the simplest
food. It Increases the quantity
of Xature's Own Vitaliztnff
Agent, Iron in the blood, and
cures "a thousand ills," simply
by Toning up, Invigorating anil
Vitalising the System. The en
riched and vitalized blood per
meates every part ofthe body,
repairing damages and waste,
searching out morbid secre
tions, ami leaving nothing for
disease to feed upon.
This is the secret ofthe won
derful success of this remedy in
curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com
plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dlar
rhorn, IJoil. Nervous Affections,
Chills and Fevers, Humors,
Loss of Constitutional Viffor,
Disease of tho Kidneys and
Bladder, Female Complaints.
and all diseases originating in
a bad state of the blood, or ac
companied by debility or a lout
btate of the system, lieing free "
from Alcohol, in any form, its
entrgizing effects are tiot fol
lowed by corresponding reae
tioM, but are permanent, infu
sing strength, vigor, and neut
life into all parts ofthe system,
and building up an Iron Con
stitution. Thousands have been changed
by the use of this remedy, from
weak, sickly, suffering crea
tures, to strong, healthy, and
happy tnen ami women i and
invalids cannot reasonably hes
iiate to give it a trial.
See that each bottle hat PERU
VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass
Faoipuletaj Free.
SETH W. FOWLC 4 SONS, Proprietor;
Ho. 1 Mtlloas Ma, Boat.