ghtnlmrn mcritafe. UNnUIlYri)KCEMBEK 51873. Ilftllroad Time Tabl. ( ARRIVAL ASD DEPAUIURS OF TRAINS AT IXSBCRT. N. C. R. W.. South. Elmlrn Mall, 11. 16 n m Erie Mail, ViM " Buffalo Ex. 8 50 ' HarrlsburgAc. 8.10 p m P. E. R. R. Wert. I Erie Mall, S.15am Rcnovo Ao. m Elmlrn Mall 4.10 pm Buttnlo Kx, 7.10 " SUNBtTRT AND LBWiSTOWN R. R. Leave Sunbury for Lewlstown at 0.85 a. ni., and 4.80 p. m. Arrlva at Sunbury from Lewistown at ,1.80 and 0.63 p.m. : SRAMOKIN tJIVIRION, 1. O. . W JWATB i I J ARR1TR Express," 11.45 ft tn I Mai, 11.30 ft m Mail, 8.05 p m Express, 4.00 p m An accommodation train leaves 8lmmokln at 7.10a m, nrrlvins at Mt. Cnrmol at 7.40 a in. Returlne, leave Mt. Ciirmcl at 7.00 p m, arriv ing at Shumoklti 7.30 p in. OANVIM.K, IIAJSI.KTOW A WII.KESBAHIIB R. R. Leaves Sunbury nt C45 ft. m., for York. Re turn at 4.10 p. m. Wittier Arrannemrnt for tlie rout Oiiice ml Mnuur't a. Ojjli-i Ojiea froth 0.50 a. ., to 8 p. m. tretpl on Sumtayt. TIME O? ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrive! its follow i From the East at 5.15 n. m., 4.10 p. ra., " Soiith,5J5n.m., 4.10 p.m. " West, 5.15a. m., 11.15 p.m., 4. lOp. m., " North, 1.50 a. m., 11.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m. , dhamokln, Mt. Curtnel and points on that line, 9.25 a. m., 4.00 p. m. Mails close as follows : For tho East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. m., 4.50 p. in. " South, 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. m. 8 p. m. " West, 10.50 a. m., 8.50 p. m., 8.00 p. 111. " North 3.50 p. m., 8 p. m., Shnmokln proper 11.15 p. m. ghamukin and olllccs on that route, 4.20 p. in. Money orders will not be Issued nfter 0 p. in., on Saturdays. i. S. SMITH, P. M. j. 1 1 i . i ' locals The iMi'iiovrii (iitovmt & Bakeu Sf.wimi Ma jhine. Thse relelirated machines are offered it the most reasonable rate. For particulars apply to I). (J. KUTZ, Asrent, Felj.aJ,'7.l.-1y. I'pper Augusta township. dealer In Musical Instru ments and Scwim; Machines, Market street, near Third, Sunbury, Pa. Call uud einmlnc the best Unpins, Melodeons, Sewing uud Kuittlnt; Ma chines In the market. Always on hand the Es ley, Silver Tongue, Smith's American. Mason & Hamlin Ortruns. Orders tuken for nil kinds of Pianos and Musical Instruments. The Peoples' Favorite Sewinj; Machines t Domest'e .and iro ver o Baker. Persons purchasing maehines from mrt wlil receive Instructions. First-class Knitting Machines for sale. yon u life liko 1'aoti.g.iij'h, go to Uarllett'a Portable ijl!ir)' niKMile the Cay Hotel. PictuteB are taken erU.i) to ;u ill iny cilj at less coal. Ail Bartle'.l'a I ic-tm-rH f xeei in correctness and appear uutund, mill are a nun i eis.inincition of the pel-sou tuken from. Now is thu tnae to procure a true likeness. Mauy would pay huiiUr.'-lri of dollars for a likoneaa of detarted friend, Kj duu't delay iu providing for your friends u good i h ture to U- k' pt freah ill memory. ANOTl!i:lt Lot. Just arrived, another lot of new fur niture at 11. L. llaudeuliunh'a store lu Masonic building. Tlie stock tlU increases ill attraction. The selections is i In- lineal in the country, and being largo gives all a lair opportunity to get the most fashiouublo as well as the best A rush was mude ou W. H. Miller' Excelsior Hoot aud Huoe Store during the wet weather of late for Gum sIioch, Jiut his large stuck c.uuiot become exhausted soon. The very 1hc of Hum tsjots mid shoes ure sold at astonishing low pricos. Besides any style mude stove. in be hud at his ; 11 at ami Cats. Samuel Faust, has Jtift re- notified of the bad condition and the probable re turned from the city with a large assortment of , suits that would accrue from It. The damages l lie hiiest btylu hats. His stock is full, ami the ( done w ill probably reaeli eight or ten thousand latest styles can be had at his store, ou Market ; dollars, and it is no more tliuu right that those street at city prices. Tin: Gufat Cuasti. I). A. Finney has the latest assortment of goods in market. Every ar ticle io purchased with great care In the city mar kets, uud everything In his store can be reliedoii as the best. Ladles goods of every description. Cloth and Cassinieres for gentlemen, Boots and Shoes, notions, jewelry, and every article usual ly kept In stores, w ill be found in his assortment. Everybody is invited to examiuc his stock. The best bargains are gn.irntecd. Eiinoii. Iu our notice last week of Lein Ship man taking possession of the Register & Recor der's ollke, our compositor inadvertantly made us say "nearly" Instead of "newly" elected. A New Sctieiuxe went Into effect ou the D. II. & W. R. R. on Monday last. The mail train now leaves Bunbury, at 12.15 p. in., aud returns ut 4.10 p. m. An aceominodutiou train leaves tit r.:;o a. m, aud ruus to Cultuwissa aud returns ut 1J.40 a. m . IIoLtoAV Pbesents. C, H, Huztdtiiie is now opening his II liil.iy Hoods. Call early if you wish noruntking hiud.-umt to preseut to your frieud. Advertisement next wetk. Mil. tiKo. REiMENSNYDBit has bceu retained in tho Register oi Recorder's offlee for a short time as deputy. Mr. Reimensnyder is a worthy young man, and a good clerk, and we doubt whether he will content himself long iu that po sition surrounded by the King, us he will be. A new Lodge of Knights of l'ythiua was Instituted in tuia place, ou 1'rlday evtuii.g lust. We are without par ticulars. Wk arc not aware that it is customary for Democratic ouiciais vvheu tliey leave office, to take everything with them or uot, llut we do kuow, thut wheu the present Trea surer came into u!nce,be did uot have a ceutof theeouu ty funds. Now wc are informed, that wheu the newly elected Uegi.tei' and Kecorder took charge of hia office, on Monday last, there waa'ut a pcu, penholder, or even a blotter left to commence. AititKsrEU. Ou Wudueeduy evening a man and his wife were found ou the street by Policeman Van Dyke wi'hout money to procure themaelvea shelter. The woman entered several places to beg, uud because she did so the man mocked her dowu aud bruised her ludly. Ofticer Van Dyke took the man to jail aud found lodgiug for the woman at Mrs. Mullin's, on Chestnut street, agreeing to,pay for the aame himself. Daily. The New EmuwicOhiieiieij, The Washington Steam Fire Company ordered their new Eugiueou Wedueaduy, which ia to be delivered to them iu seventy days. A large number of ticketa to the Gift Concert, to be held ou the 'J3d of February next, have already been disposed of, uud spi licatioiia are sent in for more. (iKAKli RvYl. The Suubury Steam Fire Co. will hold a grand ball iu their Eugiue House, on Friday evening the 1'Jib iuut. Price of ticketa $1,00. Those m Uo delight iu "tripping the light fantastic" are luvlted to attend. Cheap. We notKe tkst Mam. Nevlu is aelllug cauoya teis at Itf oenta. That is Ihe beat out. Man. Catueuimk Kspehl, the Ocrmau woman, who was ao badly beaten ou Thaiikegiving day at Harrla- burg, died ou Haturdxy eveidug last, from the effects o her injuries. . . HcniiKS Death. Mr. David DtUaruian, a farmer liv ing iu Lower Mauauoy township, lSoraliumbtiruuidoouu ty, aud a brother of Mr. Daulal iiittermau, of thia bor ough, visited thia place with hla aon on Thursday of huit week, and started for hoiae.oii trrfctav. ftva youug man lfi hia father ou the road at &hadle botel.whiiftjie drove up the mouuUin and loaded his wagon wuu sxtajiileud ing to J jiu tha old Heath mm at Hoffman ra, a mile bclaw. Mr. Ditlerman reached tiv tfli,' i while warming himaelf -was stricken vth paralysis. which terminated uia Ufa baf ore SuedtoC ooukr: .' -nroeur."!. Decsiaed wis 6J year .f axe,--Liucb Jcioii.itj In the accident which occurred on last Wed nesday night resulting In the death of Augustus Myers, the rerdlct of the Inquest was of an In definite character, and may require an explana tion as to such rendering. Tho clrcumstnnccs connected with the case which "Involved it In toys ry" are these i all who were examined upon the case as witnesses proved to the satisfaction of the Jury that none who ware with him on that even ing had seen the deceased for some time pre vious to the passing up of the train which, from facts elicited, must have passed over him. Mr. SIccdcr, his employer, testified that he had paid the decerned three dollars on the evening previous and ten on the evening of the accident, all in one dollar bills. Out of this amount it was found that he bad paid a debt ol II 85, and had spent two or three dollars at tho bar for liquor. It wot sworn to by some of his friends who were with him that evening, and who were known to bo very much Intoxicated nt the time, that deceas ed was not very drunk, while one of our polica- inen testified that lie was helplessly drunk an hou r or two previous to the discovery of his body. It was proven that ho had borrowed a small amount of money for tho purpose of treating his friends. It was also testllled that his habit was to do so when he had money lu order to conceal his possession of It, when Intoxicated with his THcmls. Thts all points to a verdict of acciden tal death. After the body had been removed, nnd the Jury returned after daylight to make an examination of tho ground, one of iti number picked np a half-pint bottle and a ono dollar bill torn In two. The bottle nnd the bill lay directly opposite tho deceased about ten feet west of tho west track, the body lylug between tho rails of the east track. It was perfectly naked from the shoulders down to tho knees, arouud which his clothing seemed to be spun In shreds by some forciblo Instrument. His watch was found close to his body uninjured. It was one with an open crystal, and was usually worn in his vest pocket attached to a guard. His pocket book contained nothing. The wounds on the bend, according to the opinion of Dr. D. W. Shliulcl, the examining physician, were of a con tused character, nnd could have been Inflicted with a blunt instrument lu the bands of a man, or by being drugged on the truck. Here are correlative circumstances involving the affair in mystery. Rut the origin of this snd occurrence, whether accidental or otherwise, is ho mystery, nnd it should he a lesson to all who, i through the abuse of liquor, neglect their duty to themselves, their families mid society. If the I deceased hnd not been addicted to the use of II quorto the extent that ho was, it is not proba ble that he would have met with so terrible nn accident, iflt has beeu such, and if otherwise, ear lier hours at home would have placed him out of danger of falling Into the h inds of midnight ma rauders. And were it not for the same cause i men would not be placed in the'htitnillatlng posi- tion of answering ns to their whereabouts before : nn inquisition, as was the case 'in the death of j Augustus Myeis. It was properly suggested by one of the Jury, that the borough council be asked to pass nn or diuanec requiring ail drinking places to be clos ed at 13 o'clock against that class who allow whisky to keep them from their homes and their families during the night, and that the police sue that the ordirnncc be respected. We notice that the West Branch & Susque hanna Canal Co., hnyo positively refused to re pair tho damage donu to the embankment in front of the resilience ef Mr. C. (iaringer by the water last spring, which was caused through the negligence of tho company In not keeping the Shamokln dam iu good condition, and that suit will bo Instituted by the borough authorities for damages. This is no more than Just, as tho damage was created through negli- genco after tho company had been repeatedly l who present a deaf car to a friendly warning ' should suffer for their delinquency. Both the j borough and .Mi', (iaringer have suffered Lea'vy i damage, and the company should be made pay for it. SEitiors Accident On Saturday last, Jacob Seasholu, Esq., of Upper Augusta township, left home In the morning to come to Sun bury to transact some business. In com ing through the narrows he wulkcd on the railroad track, aud when about half way, was overtaken by a train, and stepped oil" the track until it passed when lie again got on the track, but not observing u second train appreaehing un til close upon lilin, heutlempted to jump, but be fore he cleared the triiek he was struck by the engine, and kuoeked dowu the embankment, re ceiving serious Injuries luterually uud about the head, shoulders uud hip. The engineer Imme diately stopped the train, aud put him into the caboose, and brought him to town, w hen he was taken to his sou's residence, C. P. Seushollz, on Chestnut street. Dr. I). W. Shiudel was imme diately summoned who dressed his wounds. IIu is now lying in n critical condition with poor prospects of recovery. Dhawing Lessons. Wo tire happy to nolo that Prof. Ueorgo Iiardcast'.e, late of the State Normal I'nlvcrslty of the State of Delaware, Inis taken up lis residence iu this place, and is now giving eveuing lessons to a number of young men iu the north-east school house, in drawing, Geometry Lenear Perspective, drawing lor mo. dels, Alc Wo were sliowu sevoiul specimens of his drawings which aie pronounced of a most sm -.1.1.1 . I .. .... pcrior character. Prof. II. will devoto his even ing hours, us ho is otherwise engaged during the day, to teaching youug men desirous of learuing to draw. This is a line opportunity for those who desire a knowledge of this branch of educa tion, so important to all mechanics uud yet so much ueglecled. His charges are exceedingly moderate, and wo ure happy to sec that his in tentions ure appreciated, us hu has only room left for a limited number of scholars to till the class. Prof. Hardcastlc comes highly tccoin mended not only us a theoretical, but us practi cal mechanic uud teacher. Almost a Fikb. On Tuesday morning about 11 o'clock, smoke was seen Issuing out of un up per window iu the building occupied by Mrs Anna Gyscr, ou Third street, ubove Market. Several persons rushed lu, and found a number of bugs of carpet rugs ou lire, w hich they hastily threw out of the window. It appears that Mrs. Gyser has been ill the habit of locking her little boy iu the room while she weut out, and ou this occasion locked him in, and weut to a neighbor. The little boy had beeu playing with matches, uud threw them on the rugs, and when ho saw they were on fire he crept into bed lu a back room, where he was found. Uud not a timely discovery beeu made, a disastrous Are would have been the result, as the houses lu that vici nity are all built of frame, and of light material. Th "Historian," E. B. Hulues, we notice, has lately done up the Duuvilllans in history lu bis usual bluuderlng way. Of course they aw considerably disappointed In not fini'lug any no tice of the oldest Institutions of the place In It because Haines didu't receive greenbacks as an Inducement for a notice. For our part we think the citlzeus ought to be iu4 be did not write a , history of them, as they probably would have been put to blush. -There .are few Individuals, however, ta this place, who would be glad to see Hulues for InsUuce, a Justice' of (be) Peaue, sua aA OOitaDte. iu regard lo some eoata nn a itfY5 'hUI.orleaI trkn"tlo ConwoiL PaooaanrHoa. Tbs Oounotl of Banbury mt In tvgnlar SMutoa. on Tuesday evralns:. Th following report was made by the Chief Burgmt The undersigned reports that he called on the Engi neer, Mr. R. Wlarman, and Gen. Wlatar, President of the Wee Branch and Susquehanna Canal 06., to, an answer to former eommunloattona to repair the lirer bank and street in Bunbury, aud that he received from said officials a refusal to repair the same, as Council re quired them to do. The following resolution by W. L. Dowart was adop ted! Iteaolved, That the Chief Burgess be dlreoted to em ploy Hon. J. B. Tacker, W. I. Oreeumigh r.ud J. W. Comley to proceed against the W. B. aud Bus. Canal Co., and enforce the removal of the nuisanee on Broad way, at Chaa. aariufrer'a reeideiica. . Ou motion of YV. L. Dewnrt, the following was adop ted: Whereas, The Legislature at Its last session passed' a supplement to the former act authorizing the Town Council of Bunbury to borrow mouey, by which said tnbplemeut new orders and debts are allowed to be' funded in the boroug'l bauds, and the aanra allowed to be borrowed. Is extended to (fso.OOO ; therefore, Ttosolved, By the Town Council of the Borough of of Bunbury, that aaid supplement to said act be accept ed ; that it be placed on the minutes of the Council at length, filed among the papers of thcborouga, and pub lished in the uewspapeis of the town. Ou motion, the audits of the uocounta of C. Itohrlmoh, ex-Borough Trensurer ; M. C. Gearhart, Borough Treas urer, and L. T. ltohrbae'j, ex-Treusnrer of Bchool Board, be udopted. A resola.'iou w:is also pr.sscd authoring the Chief Burgess to HdvertJse for bids to repair the river bank below tho, uud fill up the wi shed out road Bills were granted and Council adjourned. 1'. W. CIKAY, CLERK. Hc.MS hiudlotds ill Danville have commenced to reduiMi rents. This is right. We ho)ie to sue landlords In this place follow the example set by our neighbors, aud come down in proportion with other thina. It gives ub much ploasuro to announce that our friend aud former, MiiJ. I II. Rdiroyor, has been pro looted to the imiHirtaut position of head eleik iu the Postal Car department, ut nn increased salary His ca pabilities and attention to business have earned for him bis present promotion, aud we doubt uot will earu for him still further advancement. Mii.toman. Goon, C.ipt. Hchreyor was a noble soldier and mukee an exc' ll ut civil olllcer. We hope that hig'ier honors still await him. WllK s luuiden Inly is engaged to be married to quite a young man, the other girls say "she is going to a boy to raise," which is very cruel. ltev, K. N, Lightucr ut:d family removed from ltiver side to Muuey, ou last TuUisdi-;-. He purpos: to nu-ke that his fil'ure home iiid he eirries with him from the 1 eople iu this, his former purish. the best wishes of a lartte cilcleof .riends. M.isxia'B Amkhican. Teachkus' Institcik. The next meeting of the Teachers' Institute will be held ut Shumokin commencing on Monday tho 15th Inst. Excur sion tickets on tho Philadelphia fi Reading rail road will be issued good from the 15th to 'Mx. The Omaha Tobacco 6tore iu Simpson's build ing, appears to keep up Us attraction by keeping the best brands ol tobacco aud scgars constantly ou hand to supply his large amount of custom. The largo assortment enables the proprietor to guarantee satisfaction lonll his fi lends, nnd tho public generally. Ilis'lnc 6lock of pipes, merc schaums, tobacco cases, fcc, present un attrac tive feature lu that well conducted establishment, while Mr. Allen, the proprietor, has always a smile, nud a thank you for every one. Mn. (IKO. FAs.4oLI,of I'pper Augualu towiisbip,ou his way home, on Saturday n week, was thrown out of his carriage near the Fairmuunt Hi.use, in l'urdy'a addition, and was considerably hi uised about the face and head. A little grand daughter was also thrown out, hut receiv ed uo injury. Mr, 1'i.ssold w:.a unconscious for some time, lie has so far recovered us to be able to be attend ing tg business. Lkmi el SUll'JIAS t: kes charge of the Hegister and KccotdkM' olttco to-day. He has too uhili;y to and doubt less will make uu ttllcieut and i mimotlatlug ofticer. Mr, I.eiscnring, the retiring otlicer, always had a smile for every one. There is uo doubt that he conducted the atfuiisof the otlice v.ith cxattnest iti.d minuteness. Iiaii.y of Monday lasl. TUe editor imphaslzuigtUe word "ex c'neKw"by putlirg it iu italic letters, we supt ose h '.s reference lo MesBrs, Leiseuring and Kne.wles'charite of $'.l."0, for tralitcrihiug a docket lor the Commissiuuci a a lew years u;o, WE ure glad to LOle that charter bus la-en granted to the Union 1' uud Ajp'icultuial Association of this place. This wiii give the members of the issoeUition a bet er chance to iueietse their utock and make it a Let ter 1 syii g institution than ul.ything of the kind iu this pari of the country. I'M IN r.vliK ASO AoillCfLTfllAL ASSOCIATION. Take uot ice that a lnceiing of the H:ncliiuhlc re uud otlicers of said association, will lie hcM iu ti.e Aihiiruton room, at Suubury, Pa.f ou Siturd y !!!; 1. a d y of lcccuilier Ilex, lit 1 o'clock, p. m. Alc.'l ll'i iil1 is liqucsted us business of imj ortali'-e v. ;': be !r:u cVd. fcl'i.. V-Al.:: Ilcidcut, P. H. Moi.ia., S.e'iy. PlIKPAlllNO ou 1 UK HoLIOV Milliners, Jewellers aud lo, aton :, Our merchants, utet.uey iu prejr. ing for the holidaya. All are re; Wuishing their slock with the beat of goods, among which will be found. Borne of ILe finest article auituble for hobdjy prcacuts. List of letters remaining lu I lie Tost Ofllcc in Suubury, Dec. B. Buyer, Sarah C. Burns, M. Connor. Daniel P. Conrad, Mr. Diemer, Henry Drum, I. Dolphin, Wiiliaupiu Felt, Kppauy Frederick, A. 11. Fisher, May tireen, Dr. W. II. Good, Steven Guard, Mr. Haggard, John A. llilc. John llotltnau, Marshal I'upton, Michael Hull, W. it. Johns. J. J. Johns W. C. Luwson, Stanlv J. Morell, Wiiliam Miller John Marty., John A. Miller, D. II. Morrison. S. B. Nichols, Frank Over, William ltoss, Hou Levi Rooke, Jiuuu Rook. J. J. SMITH, v. M. SI'M UI. NO I II I.N. To 4'Hpitulistsi, To !lon of Medium Mi'iliiN, tiiMl lu till Wishing, ICOMM'N tiixl tlniM Avoid I'uj lug Kent. i liv liv reference to the Watsontown Heeortl uud puiii, till' V "Gazette" will be seen a lull and mure explicit description of the property 1 olfcr for sale, either In lots or bv the acre. But what I wish to more particularly bring before the pub. lie U the LIUEltAL TEltMS on which they ure ottered. I will SELL LOTS from ttlUO to 1500 uud Lands by the ACRE fiom f 2tJ lu i'tW, according to the location. Tkiims : Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, the balance in time and amounts to suit purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with leUAl Interest from day of sale. . The streets and alleys will be opened as fast as lots n io sold, so that ull may be approached with case. All persons'who nre now paying rent can have uu opportunity of securing a home for less mo uey annually than they uiu uow THKOW1NG AWAIT in rent. Any person wisbiug to sea the- lauds or lots will cull ou me, wheu every opportunity will be given them to hure a fair chance to see the supe rior advantages presented lo the public. Iu additiou to the lands above relerred to, I now oiler for sale THItEE DWELLING HOU SES, situate on Water street, iu Wuleoutown bo rough, the one being tho largo and commodious Brick Dwelling uow occupied by me, all of said dwellings having tho necessary outbuildings for Immeuiule use. For further Information call ou or address J. M. FOLLM Ell, .. . Walsoulown, Pa October 81, 1873. 1 yr. t'liildreu olleu look I'ale uud (sick from uo other cause than having worms iu the stomach. BKOWN'S VEKMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without Injury to the child, being perfectly WlllTE.und from all the coloring or other Injurious Ingredients usually used iu worm preparations. CUKTIS & BltOW.V, Proprietors, No. 2li Fulton Street, New York. Si -LI by DruQtjMt ami VhtmitU, and dtuitrt in Mtdiciu at Twkmtt-Five Cunts a box. July 13, 1873. ly. TlieCouffMiiluu ol uu luvulltl. Published by a warning aud for the benefit of Young Mcu aud others wno sutler from Nkhvops Dfiiilitv, lAtit or Mamhoou, etc., supplyiug the means of self-cure. Written by one who cured blmsa.lf after uudergolng considerable quackery, aud suut free or receiving a post-puid directed envilop. ' tiufferors are invited to address the author. NATHANIEL M A VFAllt, ' June 14,'73 flm. Box 158, Brooklyn, N. X- ft MERCHANTS and MANUFACTUR ERS will best ftiturs their shipments to their destination by using Oennlsnn's PATENT NIliriMXU TXUH t Over Two Hundred Millions have been used within the pnst ten years, without complaint of loss by Tag becoming delnohed. All Express Co's use them. Bold by Printers nnd Stationers everywhere. Oct. 81, 1873. 3m. Tho Uoasehold Panacea. snd Family IMMlniciit Is the, best remedy lu tho world for the following complaints, via. Cramps in the Limbs nud Sto mach, Pain in the Stomach. Bowels, or Side., Rheumatism In all its forms, Billions Colic, Neu ralgia, Cholera, Dyscntery,Colds,Frcsh Wouuds, Burns, Sore Throat, Spinal Complaints, Sprains nnd Bruises, Chill nnd Fever. For Internal mid External nso. Its operation Is not only lo relieve the patient, but entirely removes the cause of the complaint. It penetrates nnd pervades the whole system, re storing healthy action to all its parts, end quick ening the blood. Tho Ilousteholtl Pauacra Is) purely Vegetable and All Healing. Prepared by CURTIS BROWN, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. For sale bv nil druggists. July ia, 18711. 1y. " Thirty Yearn' Experience of un Old NurNC. IIrn Winslow'st Noolhlnp; Sj riip H I he prescript Ion of one of the best Femnlu Physicians nnd Nurses In tho United States, and has been used for thirty years with ncvor failing safety nnd success by millions of mothers nnd children, from tho feeblo infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach. relieves wind colic, regulates tho bowels, nnd gives rest, health nnd comfort to mother nnd child. Wo believe it to bo the Best nnd Sures. Remedy in the World, In all cases of DYSEN TERY nnd OIARRIKKA IN CHILDREN, whe ther It nrlscs from Teething or from any other cause. Full directions for using will nceompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-siniilc of Cl'UTls A PEItKI'S is on tho outside, wrap per. Bold by all Medicine, dealers. July l'j, lNitf. ly. TO COXNl'.ttPTI YEN. The advertiser, hiving been permanently cured of that disease, Consumption, by a simply remedy, is auxloua to makrt known to his fellow snft'eiers the nifHiiB of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a cony of the prescription used, (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the sann, which they will una a sure C ure lor coUBumptlon, Asinuia, iroucni.s. Parties wishing the preeripdiotl will please address ltev. K. A. WILSON, 14 t'enn Ht., Williamsburgh, Now York. Nov. 41, 1H73 m. EKKOICS OF YOI Til. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous p.ibilitv, Ptemnture llecay, and all the efieets of youth ful liid.acrcliou will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, send free to all who need it, the reeit e and di rect ioil for making the aimple remedy by which be was cured. Hufleiers wishing lo profit by Ihe advertlsor'B experience cau do so by addiessii.g iu crfect coull- uenee, Ullli 11. UUUf..v, i Li'aar rtT., iora. Nov. 21, 1X74 fial. 'iiia Hbcrliscntcitts. toiiimlMKioiier' Nulc of l iisealoil I.uimI. The following Tracts of Unseated Lands sit uated In the of Northumberland, having been purchased by the Commissioners of said countv for the use of said county In accordance with the provisions of tin Act of Assembly, pass ed the lftth day of March, 1S15, nnd supplements thereto, and remaining unredeemed lor moie than tlvo years after sale thereof lo said Com missioners. Thev will be soli nt Public Sale at the Court House in Sunbury, on Thursday llio 11th day of December, 1S7J. Sule lo con nicnce at 10 o'clock, a. in. 5 3 n S S 3 3 : 5' s: v rr : : 3 5-! ! 3 ST2.: -5 : L' I 5 ev -I or P if a. "J o-. a- c- -i z 22 N ? ? C C- II 3 ? f. i is ; . o 5-?r sr-t-wrSTr-isrsS rr, 5 ' s - . 5' 3' ' a c e ; sec2o. c ? N: 5" ; -.' r-" . 5:5-5: Jt5s,:f:5a 5:. 9- ? V 3- 3- J s : jt i ; ; 3 . 2 ; !-. a - 3 3 o; : 5': I s i : .S" .-V?53D33 o A 3 S 7L - 5" S; C S-C i - - 3 Z. r3 t i t L M n o c o u o P c a 3 -v . 2. ? W 3 r- 'A a r- - n r rr3 r 55 "3 .- ' - . C ft z fr;l i ; 2 " s : Jr; o a S- Set-; tr P 5 3 Bf 3? o r J a 3" 3 3 3 3. 3 33 cr :. S"- 1 - 3?: S' ' Is f if n S o &si.S 3 E' : ?: S . . t- 3 W. CI n i b 3 a 3 ji Conditions will be made known ou day of sale. AMOS VaSTINE, 1 J. (). Dl'KIl A S COMM1S.S10NK11S. D. b. KE1TZ, S Attest P. V. GRAY, Clerk. Whoa, Jauuaryl COME ON El COME ALL ! I THE subscriber having erected a Blacksmith Shop, ou the lot adjoining the Oil Mill, formerly owned by Morgan di Musser, ou Fourth sl.,buu bury, Is prepared to da tbieucrul ItlurkauiitlilnK, on the shortest notice, aud lu the best mauuer. Custom work promptly attended to. HOUSE SHOEING mads a specialty. The patronage of town and country is respectfully solicited. PETEK WILVER. fiuubury, Nov. 7, 17S tf. AiTI(.i.',. VI WAl'K li 41ia .W44 Wv4?!V,'J.'l m I rA5f4W:,s 'fi'.HJr."- il Is punET.Y AV"'r.,.'".i r!:rr.Mvnos, coni ptwdsiniv'.yfv.c'l l.'-.ov.:i FIOOT8, HERB3 end FRUITS, d wlta o'.h'r properties. whi.b In itieir e:o "!. aitio. Arerieut, Nu tritious, PiureUe, vi t::. AnlMMHous. Th whole is nri se.-v. .! l.t a vt-.utity of sr'rit from tim si A'l tj liv tu.m in anj climate, whi-'UiiijrtL 'v-r -i r j tt ii . n n ono of XYvs rrff fVBirrlil(Tonlri ttnt Citthar ttvA iu ilia woild. 'iku u-e ictvniVd strictly aa a TcmporancG Bitters only to b used ua a mcllclno, o-d always according to directions. They sre the shoot-anchor cf the feeble snd debiH-taU-d. TUey act upou n tliocapcd liver, aud stimulato to surh a dt'tvreo thut a hr&lrliy artioo in at onto brought about. As a lemcOy to which W'orarn arc eflpfualiy pnbjcrt it is surerfleduig every other stiuiulfiit- Asa pilit a; ami MumnifrToiilo tbey hvc no quul. They are a mild snd petitlo turpjitiv'' a well ts Touic. liioy l urify tho lilood. They aiti a spluudid Apjotiacr. lbcy niikke t be weak Bi.; 'lltny .uri:y and iuvi Rural e. Tu-y cure Dyspi'pna, C'"nfltition aud Hradacbe. H. stas aspef-iHc mall upecits of omorr'ers whirh i.n- " uinirt the bod! ly mrii(.'th and bn k down ti muu.i ixits. I erot, 63 Park Place, Now York. 1 p V r- Only CO Cc: It j.mi.v .(. t !ie CT; ml... (. -i;f-i!, r.n . cl '.ho II 1 - Ovn Tmr.TT Ti." THi. hAIIl lirsl J...i K. Tli-'hiiir. 1 vvi-i, i' Tho minio h .fTiv ( - . :t I.; 1 n n fnvt'r it l.!ts ' i i all.. i.f f r i:lv th:i It iuv.r.'a:i4 t': U i.- a iMihtl'i.! 1. V.:1IM t!io , t!;" 1 eiv,l, :'l 1 'I,.- IllLl.J in uiiprfCMi'irt' l i it tiH"Wr;i an 1 1'i.rr. tflri-mitir. 1 Tni.. llmr Hum ( t;!vi; ! if: jrivt's the tin ; i' a 1 .w.. : Hame in Wt an m t im TKRof nt i:viV!iv As I i...AJ.:' uu I i ly Hi fAR- '1 1'! bm i mm WiiiiKmI. WHOLESALE Vurebasinir Airent, for the A NEW AMERICAN tl.WiNti MACII1NK, self-tlireadin, both in the shuttle ami aim. self ndjustini: tensions, self-settinr needle, positive take-up, can be adjusted to sew thecheapest aud coarsest patent linen thread ; runs lii:ht, sews fist; cheapest, te'jjl made, hcM finished, most durable. Written guarantee for lliree years. For Circulars, ti-rms, iVc , addre", AMERICAN SEWINti VAC1MNE CO., No. SJ-J North Seeond rt., Hurriishurtf, Pu. Sept. Ill, ISTo. It. inos. i'vO. FALL -. ON TAST MAKKKT ST.. Xr.AH TiiK CITY HOTII., M'Nlll l!T, I'A., now o'en, all the novelties of the season in j IvIUllONS, VELVETS, SILKS, FL'JWE'IS, ! FKATHKIIS, ETC.. J trimmed and uiitiimmed ii vi s axi oxe;ts. I Notions In every v. ui. IV. call ami examine t lie ' line assortment and learn the low prices. Also, , lrosvMiiialilu of tlie latest and most, fashionable styles. MISS AMELIA HANCOCK, Sniibmy, Pu., Oct. 17, 173. Adiniuislriitor'N Kolirp. (Estate of Christian Miller, dee'd.) VTirril K is hereby uiven tliat lettcrsol iidmiu .11 istration iiavinj; been uraiitl to the uuder siitne.l on tlie estate of Christian Miller, late of Shamokiii lowntJiip, Noitliutubcrland county, Fa., dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate ure iviiifMed to make immediate paymcut, and those h ivintr claims to present them uiiiheull cated for settlement. ESTHER MILLER, AdminUtrutiix. Sliuinokiii twp. Oct. 31, 1S711. Ot. NEW fGOOD3 FALL AN I) WINTER at MInm linltv liluck'H, Market Sipiare, Sunbury, l'a. LADIE'S URESS UOOUS of every stylo uud quality. WOOLEN (iOODS of every Uiacrlpliou, Fancy tioods, Notions and TriuiiiiiKL's a sieeialty. TOILET SOAPS AND I'ERFU.MERY. The finest assortment of L idles' uooils. Everybody is luvlted to call and see them and buy cheap. October 31, 1S73. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CIIARLE3 MAIITL, t ESI'ECTFl'LLY Informs the citizens thut JL he has just received his Kltriug stud hummer tUoodai, at his TAILOR SITOPv ou Fourth Street, below Market, lu the Mullen buihliu!.', und that he is prepared to u'.ake.up ail kiuds of CiEXTN' AMI IJOV'S NUTS, of the luteal styles. Having had much experi ence In the business he desires the public to give him a trial. Clothing w ill be made up io the latest Fails and Ainericun Futhious iu the most satisfactory tuauuer. al3,73. CHARLES MAIHL. if m atU Watt ei W n n m mn Mi lnnnTT fr IfUillUDlJ. Diu C. M. Martin. (Iko. W. TIloom f.EW DRUG STORE. No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House BttL Sitoj, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN. & CO, HAVK lust received ft fresli lot of Pure Drugs nnd Pntetit medicines. We have nlso a full assortment of DRESSING! AND PACKET COMBS. Half, Tonth, .Nult.Clothn.Hhoe nnd other brushes. TOIMrr ANI t'AXtl'Y AKTICLKN. riNK EXTHACTS, PO:KlM HOOKS, KSIVKS, 40., C. HEED'S CP.AND DUCHESS COLOGNE, tho sncctest perfume H America. INirlMlaii, u Kitl a!oVC Watli, warranted lo clean perfectly the iHost delicti to shades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations lor the Jinir, KF.UAKN, THE BEST I.N MARKET, Pure Winn nnd Lienors, for medical turpiscs. Phvsii'inns Prescriptions nnd family jccelpts compounded with rare. Thuiikiul Tor past favors wo hope, by ralrtltal lim lo receive a slru e of your patronage. Scpteininr ll,.li?;l. KAHtLY I U.Ii BTYI.!'.S. A full line of 9IilliiMry ;o!s from New York nml l'hilailelphia, notv open ut MISS M. L. (iOhSI Kli'S MJM.IM.SSY stoke:, ti lined and untrlinetl I ltONNETS AXOIT ATS, I Flowers, Hiblnns, Collars, t'uh, HandUerehlefK, j NecKties, and a general vurletv of MILLINEKY (I'iOIW Beleeled with (rreat care front Ihe lemli-ijr liu portint; houses in New Y ork atnl l'hllndelphln, , at MIPS M. L. fiOSSLF.R. I Fourth Street, be'ovv the S. V. R. R. ' Every efTort will be made to please Ihoso who favor her with llielr pntronuue. j October 3, Is; IS. STOVE A TIX ESTABLISH NEXT. ! MARKET STREET, SUNRL'RY", I'A. ; ALFltET) KKAUSK, Proprietor. j sl CCi-SSOlt TO SMITH 4 OKNT1IER. J ; HA VINO pnreliaseti the above well known es tablishment, Mr. Krauxe would respeetful- ly ititorui the public that he uow has on band a j lare assortment of COOKING STOVES, i Speer's Cook Antl-nust, Reeulator or llevolvlny I Toi, Combination, Susquehanna and others, , which are so nrraiu'ed as to be used for foal or I Wood, mill lire warranted to perforin .iti-l'aotorl-! ly or no sale. II EATERS of all kinds put up to I heal one or more rooms. HEATING bTt'VES i of dill'erent kinds nt very low prices, i Tinware ofEi'i" iMrltloii : kift oiit.tniiy on hand, llouti utr and Spouting I witli the best material, done at short notice, j HEI'AIRI Nfi attended to with dispatch. Coal I Oil oliI Lamps constantly on hand. Japan ware I of a x.nd.v. Store opposite CouleyV hardware ' store, (iivc me a call. A. KUAL'SE. 1 nvVJ-i-ly l CEKTRALJ)RUG STORE Q.B.Cr'ADVLLADER Is Uii! iil.tco to buy pure autl fresh lLUJClXES, DRl'fiS, 1'AIXTS, OILS, GLASS, l'KUFUMEUY, NOTIONS, Clf.AUS, T015ACCO, LIO.UOH for mctlii'inttl purposes, tuitl all other arti cles usually kept iu u lirst-eluss Dm a Store. Special aUeiitiou pai.l to compounding pre scriptions aud t'iiiiiily receipts by competent ilmpo'isls. Sunbury, Nov. 7, 1ST3. j -. ..- .1... - IHAUk MAAM rpilE VICTOR SU'.VlNCr MACHINE CO., L want reliable and enerirelie Audits in this county. The " VICTl Hv" is a l.oeU-sthch. Sliiu tle Machine, with sulf-sctiinu- Needle, beettinish- ; ed and most perfect Machine oflered. An in- ereas" of ;0; per cent, on sales of over 1ST1. For terms. .Ve., Address, VICTOR tsKVYlNU MACHINE (d..l-.'7 Chestnut S-t., Philadelphia, 1 l'a. Sept. 1'.', lTJ.--4mos. A. M. MEIXELL, IT ai.i:u IX Amoricaii itiitl I'.iiropenn ATfir.. PINE JFAVELUY and SILVEKKAUE. l'vriVctfti Njn-ftiK'It'N i! nil Ejo (IllMSil. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired au.l war ranted. Market 8piui'e -If. SI NBI RY, l'a. Feb. , is;;. A. I WAI.TEKM. MONUMENTAL SHAVINU l'AI'vLOU nud B AT II ROOMS. HAIIl HUESSF.I 11Y .MACIIISERY. Jflhint forget the place ou Ihe East sideol Tiiiitn Snitt:T,a lew door. South of Maiket,Suu bury, l'a. Uraids, Switches, Curli", nud u!S Kinds of L.vDlES' HAUt. AVork niiiilo to tirdi-r either out of combines or slruight lmir. All or ders left ut the resilience of A. P. AVulters. corner of4th si. aud Sliainokin uveiiuo, will receive prompt alteution. A Specialty in CIIILDUENS' HAIIl CUTTING, etlbcr at their homea or Shaving l'arlor. A. P. WALTERS. July 5, 1873. tf. i.i:o. w. (ohm:, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Rkil Esiats Aobst, arid Atfenl for the FitU-a- L11KI I'lllA Ml 11 AL l'UOTECTlVK LlfK lSl UiNL K C'OMl'ANT. Ilcrudou. Xjrihumb4rlaHil CouhUi. Pa, ALL CLAIMS eutrusted iu hi hands will receive ' prompt atteutlon. I UerndoB, An;f. 2-J, 78. i mo, v. w.-w;..fvj fcbctlJsuitnts. WIXTF.K -'svt a iiAtiAii'ii.hnr ai juiv . : CT Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, ll'inies. Feathers, Ilibbons, Crnpe Veils. Crape, Crape Hats snd Boii- ! h ?l m.te, Hrhhil Hats and Bonnets, and a full assortment of the latest styln lu j 11 I L L I X J2 It Y AT Miss M. L. GOSSLER'S. Fourth St., below tho fi. V. K. K. Every efTort will bo made to plcuse those who fivvor her with their patronage. . Sunbury, Nov. 7, 1873. O. W. KEF.FEIt. ' C.- 1 nAPSLEIl.. iTall Ooocls ! I ll'r llikflflj Nvtvrvvva- H H l'liluli l n cr Goods, Groceries, Oil Cloths, Glass and Xails of every variety, nt ouo low price, nt Keef'er Si Dasalcr's Store, Comer cf rourth nnd Market rTtreets, SUNBURY, IM. All kinds of (.rain taUcti In eiclnuio s-tmb as usb. Call and see it?. KEEFER Si BASSLEIi. San.'niry, Oct. 31, 1H73. 3 2 n n art 3 ts B 2 . 5 ? s k y so n O P. n 2 n 5 C Z C5 mM rr - 173 . 5-5 5 a , C m 5 fry " PI o 55 c 4 w m J A M H II. McOKYlTl, VtTORNEY AT IjAW AND L'mtkh States Commissioner.. Ofllco with S. II. Hover, Fx., in Hi iglit's building, Suubury. A hi;. S3,'73. ly. LKM OK NTUKE! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, opposite tho Court House, SUN lll UY. FA.. Kexpi'ctfu'.Iy invites the nttentlou of Retailers him others, that lie has ou haud, aud will con-t-t.ii'tlv ki en all kinds of FOREItiN.ANU DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting nf l.ire Hraivlie: Couiac, Cherry, (iin.'i r, RueheUeai.J Otanl. Whi.-khs: Pure Rye Copper Distilled, Mo"u- V .....1 Cw...... JTRE HOLLAND Ul:, '. I "iVincs: Chumpaue Wiuo, Sherry, Port and ' Clari l. Crab Ci.ler, Champatnic Cider, N. E. Kuui, lirou u Stout and Seott li Ale. STOMACH Nl BAR BITTERS, And ull others Llquora which cau be found In i the city markets, which will be sold tit Whole- ; sule nnd Retail. Everv article (taarnuteed n j represented. Also, a lartre lot of UEMIJOHNei ! uud POTTLES, always ou hand. .-I .... i .. .... ......... i.i iA j I'lutiB iiooiuij iiiiciuojo ', huu jiuuut: i pationaife respectfully boliiitcJ j C NFFF. Sunloiry, July 3, 1W.). -iy. GEO. EVANS. FALL, 1873. We take pleasure in tinnounclns to our friends and the Public tccnerully, I hat we hsve opened a Ihaiililui assortment of Hood for FALL and WINTER. Wo politely solicit A call froai all who isii to j;et a aOO,l l it, Superior WorkinauMhlp. und Ki'liablty .Material. Our perfect system for Self-Measurement, recom mends itself to every one who uiay desire to or der Clot him; from a dislanee, copies of which, with Sam pies of goods, wi.lbo scut ou upyllea tiou. Geo. J5vaii & Co., P14 Market Street, IMiihtJeljihia. "One l'ricc" Merchant Tailor ntv.l Clothiers. Sctupt ember IU, lTi. l7:t. FALL SEASON, 17S. 9I1I.I.I.EHV AU VAXVX HOODS, UOW 0HUt, ' FALL STYLES. Trimmed Hats hud Itoniuts, Pinnies, Feother.", Ribbons. Cr.ijw Vtils, Ciupe, t a. Ham uud Ilonueis, llridal lint, aud a full u so tinent of tho latest stvlH lu !Hll.I,I 51V, " 1 RIMM1NOS OF ALL KINDS. Cloves, Collurs, CutTs, aud evury la.hlonablo article of ladle' w ear. Call und see the sew styles of Ooods at MISSL. SillSlsLFR. ' -. Market Suuaiv, SouOiirtr F:. O. tabor 8, H73, !