Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 05, 1873, Image 2

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    Btmtarg American.
Tub riiBsiDEMT's Message. Wo to
day tesuo tho rrcsidcn'ts Mcssago in nn
extra for our subscribers. This document
is written ns directly by the President us it
was his babit to fight. Though not as po
lished, perhaps, as that of an accomplished
writer, his recommendations are wise, aud
giveu in a pointed add btisineSs liko wny.
It is a clear and satisfactory resume of lliu
affairs of tho nation of the past year, aud
pro-emineutly sensible and dignitied in its
treatment of the important subjects with
Which it deals.
The Cuban question receives a good
share of his attention, and the modest tono
of tho message in reference to I lie .Spanish
Cuban difficulty is greatly to bo commend
ed. In regard to the Virginius affair it is so
decided thai Spain can have no doubt of
the carncBlncss of our government, and
the course already pursued meets with the
hearty approval of tho coutitry.
The President suggests two amend
ments to the Constitution. Tho first to
authorize the President to approve or dis
approve of a portiou of a bill without being
compelled to approve tr disapprove of the
whole of it. To veto part of abill without
destroying tho whole of it. The secoud is
that when Cougrcss is convened for any
special legislation, that during the contin
uance of such extra session it confine all le
gislation to those subjects which the Exe
cutive may from time to bring before it.
In regard to the finances he recommends
that Congress shall prohibit National
Banks paying iutercst ou deposits, by re
quiring them to hold their reserves in their
own vaults ; that national clearing houses
bo established ; that tho Secretary of the
Treasury may issue at any liiao to Na
tional Banks, and of issue, any amount of
their notes below a third of one per cent,
upon the bonds, depositing with the Trea
sury au amount of government bonds equal
to the amouut of notes demanded, under
ccrlaiu forfeiture of interest. Tim l'reai
dent touches tho question of free banking
very Bhyly, but he is not certain that Con
gress should not consider it. lie wants a
resumption of specie payment, but sees no
wny to it until our exports arc equal to, or
in excess of, our imports. He shows by
various statistics that there is too little cur
rency ; that the volume of it lias been per
sistently contracted, while all forms of en
terprise which create wants of more money
have grown enoimously. Nothing could
be more satisfactory to the people than this
recognition of tho fact that the currency is
not sufficient to meet the demands for it.
The foregoing are some of tho most im
portant features of the message, which do
cument contains much matter of interest to
every citizen, and we earusstly suggest
that it be carefully read.
Oxe of the meanest acts of the modern j
Democracy, is that of turning ou their
friends when they fall into trouble. The
latest instauce of this kind occurs iu the
conviction of Boss Tweed. As long as
Tweed was carrying ou his nefarious po
litical operations seudiug public mouey ;
iuto Pennsylvania to influence voters for
the purpose of carrying this State for the
Democracy, all the little Democratic llings
sang Ilosanua uuto Tweed. Since the ;
Boss has got into trouble, and is to havo ,
twelve years of quiet meditation at Sing 1
Sing over his "ways that were dark and
tricks that were vain," and for that luxu-;
ry will bo required to pay his own board at
the rate of SI, 002 50 per year, ins former;
admirers are turning against him, and say
ilservcs him right. Even the two model
Democratic papers in this vicinity, iz : the
Northumberland Count j Dimocrat and the '
Selinagroec Touts, are now
dsuniiucing ;
Tweed, as we did three venra nc-o. ns a '
- j o i
bo as plain then ns it is uow. It looks as
though honesty was nothing with them
party advancement everything. As long
as they could use Boss Tweed for that pur
pose they stood up iu his defence, now they
kick him aside since a court of justice has
decided upon his dishonesty and just puu
ishnicut, as an injurious clcmeut in their
Our neighbor of the Democrat is much
put out about the conversation hetwecu
himself aud the King Calculator which was
published in the Amtriuun last weuk, and
accuses ono of our compositors, ilr. Jacob
Youngman, of being the author of the ar
ticle. Mr. Youngman is cutiraly innocent
in the matter, and knew otliino about the
dialogue uutil it was q type. Wc can as
sure our ncighlv ti,at ho is not correct in
Lis supposi; and tlmt the author is bct
r -0t'nuaiuied n illi tho operations of tho
' iting than is Mr. Youngmau, and he is pre
pared to give some astounding facts iu re
lation to tho Uiug "little irregularities"
iu certain business transactions to which
the editor of tho Democrat was cognizant,
and which he defended in his paper. That
"Erial" was correct in his report of the
conversation between the calculator and
the editor is proven by bis not answering
ourqucitions, aud by tho apology be makes
for not doing so.
The selection of Fernando Wood of New
York, by tho Democrats, as their caudidaio
for Speaker in Congress, does not speak
well for the honesty and reform of tho par
ty. Wood openly favored tho rebellion
was one of the leaders of the corrupt riug iu
New York, of which the chief, Uoss
Tweed, is now in the Penitentiary. Wood,
also, wes in favor of the "Salary Grab,"
and voted ior and pocketed the back pay
during the last" session of Congress, al
though worth his hundreds of thousands,
made as a leader iu the corrupt ring of
New York polities. To endorse Wood a
Las been doue in Lis selection for Speaker,
is to endorse the infamous Salary Giab aud
ncoundrel. Though a is right, it looks how the calculator will transpose the figures 8latC8 lll!lt lhey ,mia fiw cosl8 ftllll u.fons
strange to us lhat his partizaus should have . taken from the records, as they are not in I night had indulged in a heavy load of beu
set up a defence In his case w hich seemed to ! had pencil marks, as arc some duplicates of ine. lJechlel is a somewhat well-kno 11
back pay. .
OrrosmoH to the New Constitu
tion. Our neighbor of tbo Harrlsburg
Telegraph is opposed to tho new Constitu
tion, and assigns Bomo reasons for
that opposition tliat we cons.dcr un
tenable. But what wo deem worse is,
that ho qdbtes from tho Selinsgrovo Times
iu the support of bis opposition. This is
bad policy, to say the least, in a respecta
ble Itcpublicau journal. The Times has
reason for opposing tho new Constitution
that our neighbor of tho Telegraph would
novcr think of cudorsiug. Tho Times never
manifested much regaid for either tho old
State Constitution or that of tho general
government. During the rebellion its sym
pathies were cutirely with Southern Con
stitutions and the Confederate government.
Tho new Constitution being moro liberal
than the old, imposing more restrictions on
corporations, and being more democratic
in tho representation of tho people, would
naturally meet with opposition from that
class of Democrats who prefer tho Demo
cracy of the Calhoun school to that of Jef
ferson, or tho government of the few to the
government of tho many.
But a more serious objection urged by
tho Times is that the new Constitution re
cognizes a Supremo Bi'ing, by adding to
the preamble of the old Constitution the fol
lowing words :
"Grateful to Almighty God for the bless
ings of civil and religious liberty, and hum
bly invoking His guidance," &c.
That this recognition of God should bo
distasteful to that class of inlidels and un
believers, to which the editor of the Times
professes to belong, is not surprising, but
it is surprising that they should make such
objections public iu a Christian communi
ty. But what is still moro absurd is that
these same unbelievers assert that this re
cognition of the Almighty in the new Con
stitution is a declaration in favor of a union
of Church and Slate. A moro villainous
or absurd conclusion could not be drawn.
We venture totay, that in this whole com
munity, embracing every denomination of
Christians, not one individual can bo found
in favor of such a proposition.
Surely those iu favor or "civil and reli
gious liberty" should not object to its in
corporation in the Constitution, cveu
though they refuse to recognize God as ru
Iit of tl" universe.
The New Constitution. The Village
licrord, in an article pointing out a number
of defects in the New Constitution, and also
setting forth the advantages to bo derived
from the reforms made, winds it up as fol
lows :
"These amendments nro of Urn utmost
importance. Their effect will be to check
the tido of official corruption which has
Seemed for a time to bo sweeping every
thing before it, and to threaten the very
existence of our free institutions. The de-
i fects in the new Constitution are trivial in
' comparison with the advantages which will
accrue to public morals and to the public
weal, by the provisions made to procure a
j purer administration of affairs iu ihose
branches of the government most exposed
to demoralizing aud corrupting iullueuecs."
Such seems to be the opinion throughout
the State with but few exception. While
we all would prefer that the defects should
not exist, still as a whole, we consider it far
superior to the old Constitution, and there
! fore we recommend its adoption. Our read
1 crs must bear iu mind that the vote will be
' taken ou it on Tuesday, December ltilh.
As tho King calculator did not furnish
his figures iu time for last week's issue of ,
the JJauovrat, the wood cuts not yet hav
ing arrived, the editor makes the following
apology :
'It will take us two weeks to correct the
Aniericun,n ligurus last week and to under
stand the labored article of over a column
iu connection with the figures. We cannot
answer his article, therefore, till next week.
In the meantime wc will prepare a table of
finance that ho cannot help understand."
We expect this week the Demwral to be
ctnbcllifdicd wilh wood cute explaining how
the Riug didn't steal money ; but as Rrick
Poinroy. that model Democrat says, "tiui-
ply how they committed a few "irreguhiri-
ii,.u n i'. o..., vi.,...i.. .. .,;ii.... ... .,!
itu i v uuiuuui i ii aiiui iu n.i
! tax collectors.
. , .
Asourneigiiboroftho Democrat is very
loud iu his denunciation of the members of
i tho Tammany King of New York, afier
1 they are being convicted for the "little ir -
n-irill-il'il litu'l U-In I.i in ii wui ntnl i t tit 1 r n c t
.-" ""-'i " ."".'"v-
in- me democracy oi aciv lorn city, ii
would be well if he were to urge ihe inves
tigation of the "irregulaiities" of the,
Court House King in this county, while !
they held the nfllecs. !
It is uow iu order for those Democratic
papers which, iu commou with the Kepub
licau press, have deuouueed the back-pay
salary grab, to place ou record their views
concerning tho action of the Democratic
Congressional caucus held at Washington
ou Saturday, whereat a resolution favoiing
the repeal of the bill was voted down by a
two-thirds majority. It will be mighty in
teresting readiug.
Ou Thursday evening, a few minutes be
fore 7 o'clock, three intoxicated men named
Gabriel Kas, Anders Nas and J. llell.sirotn,
of I'iuluud, Kussiu, wero luetautly killed by
a passenger engine, at the west end of the
Keuova yard, near the freight depot.
About three years ago a coal bauk was
set ou tire witluu the limits of Ashland,
Schuylkill couuty, which lias been burniug
ever since, filling the air with uuhealihy
and even dangerous gases. Many citizens
oi Asiiiaud have been compelled to move
away ou this account.
United States Senator Eugene Cassorly,
of California, Las resigned his seat iu the
Internal Keveuuo receipts for tho month,
SG.TW.UOO aud for the fiscal year
Mr. Buckingham, of Connecticut, intro
duced in the Senate on Tuesday a bill to
provide for free banking, au clastic cur
rency and specie payments.
President Buer, of San Domingo, has
sent an apeal to Presideut Grant asking
that tho United States establish a pro
tectorate over that republic.
The nomination of Mr. Willlianis for tho
Chief Justiceship was read at the executive
session of tho Senate on Tuesday aud laid
over for future consideration. .
Tub Monetary Difficulties of the
World. The London Times, in itsartlclo
of tho 27th of October, gives tho following
explanation of the fact that there are finan
cial troubles in many countries at once :
It will perhaps be asked how it is' that
while money, like water, has tho constant
teudoncy to find a level, there can bo a
simultaneous scarcity iu all tho chief places
of the globe t The answer is that probably
at no previous period has llicro been bo
simultaneous a hoarding. , Not only has
tho improvident absorption in England
been beyond any former precedent, but
there is reason to believe that in America,
Spain aud France, from dillerent causes,
the process has leen on a still more unu
sual scale ; while iu Germany, although the
gold coinage is gradually paid out in ex
change for the old silver circulation, this
silver circulation is retained by the govern
ment, and practically amounts to a hoard
ing of tho-wealth obtained from Franco.
If there should be a return to pacific and
orderly government on the Continent, a
period of unsurpassed abuudauce would
probably bo witnessed, tho eflecls of the
American panic being certain to subside in
due course ; but the sigus in France give
little hope of such a consummation, aud
hence, although on this side the tendency
may be toward a recovery of steadiness,
there can in the relations between trade
and the money market be no ground ou
which, for the present, calculations can
be based with auy approach to certainty.
An Old Man's Jovkney and sad
Death. Some two or three months ngo
the daughter of Patrick Lenan, residing in
this place, purchased a ticket from Messrs.
E. W. Conkling it Co., and sent it to her
father in Ireland for him to come out to
America. She had not seeu him for twenty
or twenty-live years, and was anxious that
he should pass the few remaining days of
his life, free from the carts of this world,
under her roof. lie sailed from Liverpool
iu a steamer belonging to ihe lied Star Line,
called the Abbottsford, the latter part of
last mouth, and arrived safely at Philadel
phia oil Monday the 17th inst., where ho
was furnished transportation by the steam
ship Co., via. Peuna. Ceut. & N. C. II. It.
to Danville. As is so frequeut the case re
cently, that train was delayed and missed
the D. II. & W. connection at Suubury,
aud he cot off the train at the latter place.
a stranger in a strange land and kuew not
whero to go. Being anxious to reach his
destination, and learning that Danville was
only ten miles distant, he started to walk
here on the railrond track. A few milts
this side of .Sunbury he accidentally fell
through a trussel bridge and injured him
self severely. He got up, however, ami
proceeded ou his journey, leaving the track
aud takingto the wagon road. After going
a short distance, it seems the Injuries ln
reccivud iu the fall began to take effect and
he sought a neighboring house for rest and
rcliof Ho was admitted and cared for but
only lived A few hours. Thus, after travel
ing thousands of miles to reach his kin, he
died when lie had nearly accomplished his
jinirney almost within sighlof his children,
but without being permitted to cnpiy their
filial ullcction. Being a stranger iu the
neighborhood au inquest was held over his
body and ho was buried in the Kline'sGrovc
burying giouud. The friends, in this place,
knew nothing about the circumstances, al
though greatly worried that he did not ar
rive, until Mr. Conkling made diligent
search and elicited the facts. The body of
Mr. Lenan was brought to this place and
interred on Tuesday. Danville American
a last tveck.
Coining tueik Own Money. Mrs.
Daniel Boyer, who lives iu au old house on
the road leading from Washington Njuuro
across Merry's Mountain, near the intersee
lion of the Powel's Valley road, Jackson
township, recently made information before
'Squire llawk of' Wiconisco, against Sam
uel Bechtel aud George K. Lyter of Wash
ington Square, charging them with manu
facturing bogus nickel five-cent pieces. A
hearing in tiie case was had yesterday, and
drew together quite a number of persons
from Washington
Njuaro and vicinity
Mrs. Hoyer testified that Bechtel and Lyter
were iu lite habit of coining to her house at
a late hour at night aud remaining until
two or three o'clock iu the morning, and
that they occupied their time iu manu
facturing bogus live-cent pieces. SStie exhi
bited material of which the racial was alleg
ed to be made and a die, with which she
explained the process of manufacture.
Upon being questioned why she had not
made information before, Mrs. lJoyer stated
lhat she was throated with death by her
! husband if she divulged their secret work.
' lloyer is serving a sentence iu the county
: jail.
j Tho defendants wore represented by J.C.
Dm bin and M. H. Young, Esqrs., and af
ter considerable parleying and
ter considerable parleying and delay, the
i- i i . i1
: character, and his name has heretofore been
i coupicu w 1111 couu ivrieiiiii. 11 is ouuuvi.u
! that there has been a considerable business
t UoliU lllis huo Jui.iui; ,u j,abt r
, two by these parlies, and thai abundant
' evidence might bo secured from about
1 V"ol'iif;to Square to convict them. Why
i J.
llIU n.13 BUIllllllllllJ llinfUQCU 1I ut
the justice ot the peace, when so many pro
secutious ot a trivial nature are
sent below.
is not altogether clear to us.-
-L ikens ( I li-
it Danphui) Jiegiiter, Aor.
Ai'CiUKXT AT tiie Minks. On Wed
nesday of last week, Jeremiah Snyder,
blacksmith at llig Mt. colliery, met wilh a
severe necident. lie was engaged with
some others in putting a !raiu box in I lie
stable. Ity some means the box, which is
of considerable weight, fell several feet
strikiiig him on the head and neck, injuring
him severely. For some days he was un
able lo speak or swallow, but wc are glad
to learu he is improving, with prospects of
Ou last Saturday John Duttry, a boy
having charge of the dirt wagon at 1am
bert colliery, was hurt by the dump run-
nine; over the bank. A rail at the end of
the track was rased up suddenly, stiiking
the boy violently in the fall and knocking
out several of his teeth. Shauwkin Her
ald. Au InlVrual .WiM-liiiie fteut to u Pub
lic OltUer.
New Yoiik, Nov. 20.
A u infernal machine Clled with powder
and balls and lucifer matches was sent to
Comptroller Green by mail to-day. Tho
outside was covered over with glazed paper
aud the edges were covered wilh postage
stamps. Ou teariug oil' the paper it was
seen lhat the box opeued like draweis.
This, together wilh the fact that tho ad
dress ou the box w as made up of letters cut
out of a newspaper or some priuled docu
ment, created suspicion. A hole was cut
cautiously iu the top and the col tents were
theu discovered. Iu tho back part of the
drawer were arranged rows of mutches,
over which wasa slnp of sand paper ugaiust
which the matches would rub iu draw
log; out the slide. This would Lave inevi
tably sot off the couteuts of the uiachiue.
A fire which occurred at Parker's Land
ingFriday night destroyed twelve buildiugs.
Loss (25,000.
William M. Tweed was taken from tbe
Tombs, on Saturday, to tho penitentiary ou
UlutWwell's Islaud.
An Old tier man H'einnn Attacked.
For tho past twenty-fivo yonrs an old
German woman, whoso name Is supposed
to be Catharine Krohl, but who was famil
iarly kuown as "Old Aunt Katrinn,'.' has
occupied a building in what is kuowu as
"Peel's Hollow," which is situated in the
First ward ftud below Mish's farm, above
Eleventh street. She was s freebooter, ns
no one ever asked her for rent and no one mo
lested her. Why she lived all alone in bucIi a
secluded place no olio kuows. puo was m
oflensives and attended to her own busi
ness, and is between 70 and 80 years of age.
Nono of tho people in the vicinity seem to
know anything of her antecedents or her
business, and no one would havo thought
there was any danger of her beiug molest
ed. Last eveninc word was brought to the
Mayor's office that she had been brutally
beaten, and was lying in a precarious con
dition in the building she called her home.
As Coroner Porter's wagon was away on
another rrrend, Chief of Police Hoopes,
Coroner Porter and Dr. G. W. lluedi, pro
ceeded on foot to the locality where the old
and inollensive woman was found lying ou
the bed. with a bloody apron over her head,
besmenred Willi filth and nlmost dead.
Near the door was a pool of blood, and
blood was splattered aioiiud the room.
They took the door oil' tho hinges, placed
her on it. and with tho assistance of other
parties conveyed her to tho city liosp'tul.
After cutting oil' her hair it was discovered
that there were nt least live or six wounds
inllictsd on her head, supposed to have
been made with a boat pole with an iron
end on it, which was found in close prox
imity to wliere she was found. Her head
was almost black from the bruises and cuts.
Sim was properly washed, dressed, aud her
injuries attended to.
It is reported that two colored men were
seen lurking in the vicinity on Wednesday,
and it is supposed they are the parlies who
made the attack. j
What object tho assailants had in view J
is hard to 'imagine. The house or hovel i
was not prepossessing iu appearance, and I
was iu a fearful filthy and disgusting con-
dition. It was evident that the old lady'
was not in nnsstFsinn of monev. or she ;
would not have remained in such a seclud-1
ed spot or lived iu such an abject condition.
From the position iu which she was found,
in close proximity to the door, it is sup
posed the assailing parties attempted to
force tho door and were resisted by the old
ladv on the inside. '
The pole, especially tho iron portion, '
seems to be covered wilh blood, and spots ,
of blood are Blattered over the wooden
part. T'' woolen hood which Mrs. Krohl
had on her head is anu.t saturated with
blood. The polo, apron and nom an, .....v
at tho Mayor's ollice, and proper efforts are j
being made by the police to unravel tho j
mystery and secure the arrest of the as
sailants, it is to be hoped that they will I
be caught and brought to justice.
Mrs. Krohl is at the city hospital, and j
is receiving medical attendance, but is m
too exhausted a condition to give any ac
count of the a Hair.
heu she recovers more light may bo
shed ou the manner of the attack, and a
description obtained of the attacking party.
llun-Uiburtj 1U graph, oj last Friday.
fl'itK ANWt'KKII.
Washington, iov. ;tO. Ollieial in
formation was received by the Mate Depart
ment yesterday morning, continuing the
Madrid despatch dated yesterday relative
lo the agreement of the Sp inish Govern
ment with regard to the Virginias, with
the additional fact that her (lag is to bo sa
The negotiations between the United
Stales and Spai'i with regard to tho ques
tions growing out of the capture of the Vir
ginia were brought to a conclusion yester-
ilav. eclelarv
r ami Admiral I'olo
having agreed upon and signed a protocol, ttits latter soon atier leiegraptiea lo
As conflicting statements have appeared j
in the newspaper regarding the iutolligeuce !
received Friday night, and also yestsrday,
it can now be publicly staled that the terms
are substantially as follows :-
First. The immediate delivery to the
United States of the ship Virginias aud
all the surviving prisoners and crew.
Second. A salute lo oilr llag ou Decern- ,
her J"nh next, unless in the meantime Spaiu j
shall satisfy thu L'uiled Slates that the j
American tl:t l whs improperly carried on
lhat vessel : and further, that she had no !
right lo the American ll tg nor to Auieiieau '
papers. In this event thu salute is to be'
spontaneously withdrawn, and Spaiu is to,
formally disclaim any intentional indignity I
lo the llag in the acts committed by Spaiu i
against tiie l'uyiiiit!.t. j
'Third. If it shall thus be shown that the j
Virginias had no right to carry the Au.cri- ;
can and papers, ihe t'nited Slates
will institute proceedings agaiust the vessel
and the surviving parties who have violated i
the laws of thu L' idled States, und Spaiu
guarantee to institute proceed iuu's agaiusl ,
any of her authorities w ho may havo vio-'
lated cither law or treaty supinations.
Fourth. The matter of reclamations fori
damages is referred for future cousidera-,
lijti. I
Iu addiiiou to this action, it can also be
positively stated lhat within the next two j
days secretary 1' isli and Hie Jspauisn min
ister will determine the port at which the
Viruinius aud the siirviviui; passeugers aud
crew shall bo delivered lo the Uuitod
States. Tho words 'iiumediiito release," j
as applicable to the delivery of ihe Virgin-1
us, uud to the surviving passengers aud
crew, im jilies, of course, a reasouuble lituo
for ilH execution, ns some days must elapse
before Havana nnd Sauliugo do Cuba cun bo
This tijirecmeut is regarded in certain
o Ilk' I a I quartcr as covering nil the points
of our original Ueinanas, lliougli in a modi
li'iugll in a llioili-
n ii'u s The tiK
"Sir saiuS
fied toiiu, while it is consul
nnd honorable to both couulrii
ill" of IV-ceuiber '2" us the
out- llag is to allow the necessary oppor
tunity lo Spaiu to show that the Vtrginius
improperly carried the Auieiieau llag aud
There is a sensible relief in all quarters
that Ihe ucgoliatiou lias thus speedily cull
ed. Hoth Secretary Fish and Admiral
Polo have for two weeks past been engaged
in producing this result, on which they re
ceive the congratulations of their respectivo
lrogrrH or the .ikhaulee War.
I ..UN' ioN, Dec. 1. 1.30 A. M. Des
patches from Cape Coast Castle report au
oihereiigngeiueutwiih Ute Ashautues, uear
llicuquali, iu which forty English and na-
.: w. !:..-!..- I.III...1 ...n..n.l...l
uvo uuiillilllil ncio Mlliuu uuu nuuiiutu,
The Ashantets boldly attacked the Uritisu
.uttiti..n.t Ai,i.r..innit,. hut wer ri.iv.rn
oil, after au hour's tight, with a loss of 300
ineu. duo Untisli were prolecteu by Ueia
workt, aud their loss waa tritliug.
Death ok Ex-Pknatob Yates. St.
Louis. Nov. 27. Ex-Unitod htatoi Seua
tor Hiehard Yates, 6f llliuois, died sudden
ly at urn's Hotel here at U f, M. to-day.
226 Live Lost.
New York, Dec. 1.
Dispatches from London give the follow
ing particulars of tho loss of tho steamer
Vide du Havre :
The ship Trimountain, from New York,
arrived nt Cardiff at an early hour this
morning, bringiug Intelligence of a dread
ful disaster to the steamship Ville du
Havre, which left New York November
15, for Havre, uuder command of Captain
Surruout. At two o'clock in the morning,
2.'ld November, tho Villcdu Havre collided
with tho British ship Kock Eurm, London
for New York, and sunk shortly after. Two
hundred and twenty-six of tho passengers
on the steamer lost their lives. The Tri
niounlian rescued eighty-seven of the pas
sengers and crew and brought them to Car
New York, Dec. 1
No sleorago pasrengers are carried by
any of the vessels of the line to Havre.
Tlio cabin passengers numbered 130, and
the crew, it was Baid at the oflico of the
company, about loll, although the number
was not known exactly.
Captain M. Surmont, tho commander of
the Villo du Havre, is fleet commodore,
and lias been in the service of the line since
its organization. He has borne a high re
putation as au efllcieut officer.
Tho ofllcers of the Ville du Havre re
ported saved are tho captain, secoud otli
cer, third officer, fourth officer aud purser.
London, Dec. 1 6:30 p. m.
The ship Lochearn was so badly dam
aged by tho collision with the steamship
Villo du Havre that the persous rescued
by her from the wreck requested to bo put
on boaid the Tiimouutain. All were safely
transferred with the exception ot three per
sons, who were too badly injured to bo re
moved. After the collisiou the Lochearn
put about for (jucvnntown, nt which port
she was due about the 'i'.Hh ult., notwith
j standing her disabled coudilioii. Nothing
j has yet been heard of her.
; New York, Djc. 2.
A special from London nives further par
ticulars of the loss of tho Ville du Havre.
On the night of 'Jlst November there was
a heavy sea on, but bright and starlight.
The captain went below at inidniLht, leav
ing the second officer of the ill-lated sleam
pr in rleir.'!' Two hours later the collision
I Tim el I'llid? I hp fttpnm-
or amidsiiips, and made a chasm twelve feet
deep and from twenty-live to thirty feet !
wide. The exact position of the Ville du
Havre at the lime was hit. 47 21 ; long.
:s. i:s.
A TEUiiir.i.i: SCENE.
A panic tcok possession of the passengers,
l'ive minutes after tlw collision the main
and mizzen masts fell across the two large
boats, which were filled w ilh people aud
ready for launching. The boats were
1 cms bed, nnd many of their occupants kill
I cd and iujured.
! Miny passengers were too much terrified
' to try to savo themsevles. Many prayed
and many laid dowu wi'.h the calming of
uiter despair. Some, hearing water pour
ing into the ship, never quilted their slate
rooms. Whole families thus weut down
In the brief interval between the collision
and the sinking of the steamer the crew
were able to launch only a whale boat nnd
the captain's gig. The Lockearu went a
mile before stopping. Shu then got out
four boats to pick up tho people struggling
iu the water. Meantime the whale boat,
under the command of the second lieuten
ant of the Ville du Havre, picked up one
load of those who were clinging to planks,
spars, etc., and took llietu lo Ihe Lochearn.
.She returned to the sceuo and rescued uu
olher load.
Captain Surmount, who remained on
deck to tho last, was rescued by this boat
three-quarters oran hour alter the collision.
0ne of lig otiit.L.r8 swam a mile to ihe Loch
, enrll ulllj WiXi hauled on board with a rope.
The boats ciiutinued to search the waters
iu the vicinity of the disaster until there
was no hope of saving more lives.
Madrid, Nov. !'.. Firing was renewed
fiercely at Cartageua by both sides after the
termination of the few hours' armistice ob
tained by the officers of the foreign squad
London, Dec. 1.- -0 A. M. Spccinl des
patches report that tho bombardment of
Cartagena continued on Saturday. There
is great distress among the imu-coiubal-anls,
who have taken refuge iu the s uburbs
l'oniaa and Kscoiubreros. The city is till
ed wilh wounded. Seveuteeu houses and
the principal hospital have been destroyed.
The government fleet remains inactive out
side the harbor.
Thu Most Popular Mediciue Extant.
JH1U. Over 30 Year, 173.
i i: ic,
And lifter thirty years' trial, the "I'ain-
Killer" may justly be styled the great niedi
i cine of the world, for there is no region of
i the globe iuto which it has not found its
) way, and uouu where it lias not been large
I ly uud highly prized. Moreover, there iu
! no climate lo which it lias uot proved it
! self lo be well adapted for the cure of con
siderable variety of diseases ; it is admir
ably suited for every race. It has lost none
of its good name by repealed trials, but
coniiuues to occupy a prominent position
in cverv mediciue chest ; aud is still re-
i ......i;n...l ..,.;... ...,:l
cemug mo uiu uiiiiuamieu o.;'""i
to its virtues, irom persons oi tne nigiiesi, i Cli, M8 ov Comfout can be hurl of ull Whole
character and responsibility. Physicians I sale (iioeeis und lleulers In the United ftnles,
of tho first resnectabililv recommend it as and ltetuil Healers will it ml them the most protl-
mogt efflcluil, prt.paralion for the extinc-
! uf Paiu- Hi8otouly the best lemedy
lf: i
but for l)ysentary or Cholera, or any sort
ot bowel compiaiut, it is a reiueuy unsur
passed ior ellltiency and rapidity of action,
lu tho great cities of India aud other hot
climates, it has become V.e Standard Medi
cine for all such complaints, as well as for
lyspepsia, Liver Complaints, aud other
kindred disorders, F or Coughs and Colds,
Canker, Asthma, aud Hheuinatic difficul
ties, it has been proved by the most abun
dant aud couvincing testimony to be an
invaluable medicine. No article ever at
tained such uubouuded popularity. Asau
external and internal niediciane, the I'aiu
Killer stands unrivalled.
Thirty Years are certainly a long cuough
I time to prove the efficiency of a,ny mediciue,
and that the I'ain-Killer is deserving of all
; . , , ,111 .
f, proved by Uio unparalelled popuUir ty
' H lias atUmed. It is a sure and effective
remedv. It is sold in almost every country
lu the world, am! more popular every year.
Its healiug properties have been fully test
ed, all over the world, aud ll needs only to
known to be prised, lie sure you buy noue
but the genuine, manufactuetf by l'EUIlY
DAVIS & BOX, Providence, H. I.
fjtrSold by all Druggists.
Dec. 5, l(73.-lin.
fitti tibcrtisemcnls. I
Notice In Divorce.
IN the Court of Common 1
Plena of Northumberland Plurlcs Bnbpnna
County. I for a Divorce,
P. U. Randolph ' No. 170, Jnnn.
vs ... r Term, 1H74.
Augusta Mary A. Randolph.
To tho Respondent above named.
Yon are hereby rr-qncMed to appear at a Court
of Common Pleut, to be held at Suubury for the
Comity of Northumberland, on lh first Monday
of January next, to answer the complaint of tbe
llbcllant In tho above stnted ense.
Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, Pa., Dec. 1, 1873. 4t.
of every description and variety such as
Ifrcsts Good
comprising all thn novelties In fabric and sliado.
Woolen UoodM, Fancy Ciootln.
Full Assortment of Notions,
which are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices
Also, Groceries and Provisions,
pure and fresh.
Queensware, Glassware, and Wood
and Willow Waue,
Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hnud
A very large
both glazed mid common, always on hnud.
from the celebrated ha ml made Boot and Shoo
Manufactory of Wntsontown, for
of all sizes and of the luleU styles.
A constant supply of western liitc wheat flour j
o speciality.
Tlie public arc Invited to cull and examine our
Ooods tree of charge. Our motto is "Quick
Sales and finall Prolits." uud to please all.
The highest prices will be paid for nil kinds of
country produce.
Ry strict uttviition to business and kccpluii nt
nil times the most complete slock, unci selling at
thclowest piices, wo hope to merit n f jll share of
Suubury, Dec. 3. 1S73.
J" AJIZff Ki:.lKI,
Otllcj in llaupl's building', South East Corner
of Market Siiiuie, Sunbury, Pa.
Biwiai. Attention Paid to Collection.
SV.XY C.lltl'K.Vi'KK SItOI.
I The roll!
M-rilcr havimr creeled n cariieiilcr shop
St., below Pine, (Fryliia: addition,)
j P" "",'',t
I . . . .1 .. 1 I I. I...!.. -.4' .... -.... ...' L'
IS MeiAieu itiitoitii n 1 litis h iuijh iiili ...
l.Kr.tlltlNII OF Fl UMTl ltK AMI JolllilSO
promptly attended to nn i-hort nolle .
it speciality. All kinds and sizes made to order,
uooii ami cnr.Ar
The palrona'e of the citizens of Siinhury, arc
respeetlully solicited.
Nov. 28. 1S73. Cm.
l'.Htntfot .llarj- A. ItouiKl IHrcriiMoxI,
Itulo on Ilcirtt to Accept or KeluKC.
County of NoiiTiic.Mnnm.AMi,
At an Orphans Court hell at ISunlmry In nnd
for said County, on tint sixth day of November,
A. I). lST;i, before the Honorable William M.
Rockefeller, President, uud Joseph Nicely one of
his Associate Justices of said Court.
I' pon the pi til iuu of Franklin Hound, n son and
heir (of Mary Ann Hound, lately of the iloroni:h
of Milton, Nortliuinlierlan I County. ieeea-eil :
The Court entitled a mle on yo.i, WttMani II.
lUiind, (residence at 1 resent unknown.) Julia
Steadmaii, (fiiruirrly Hound.) mid Interinan'ed
with II. C. tt.'ailnuin, of NI illlltiimrir, Union Co.,
Ph., an I Joseph 11. Force and Phcbe. Force, of
Milton lVtin'a, heirs ut law of Margaret la Force,
(forinerley M. i ma ret ta Hound.) and FranuMn
Hound, heirs uud persons interested and nil o-iier
perfons inteiested ill the estate of sai l Mary
Ann Hound, ih '-'d, to come into Omit on the
Hist Monday of Jaunty, A. D., 1ST:!, ut two
o'clock P. M. of said day, then and there to ac
cept or refuse the real estate of said tlecascd at
the the valuation, or show cause why the same
should not he sold.
Willies the lion. William M. Rockefeller,
President Jiid-'c of paid Court, at Suubury, this
tenth day of November, A !.. 1C.M.
Deputy Clerk Orphans Court.
Nov. 2S, '7.I. 41.
Are a niouern sioven-p
polish, far lielterthanljH
unvotlier In existence.' i
Arc better, because
they give u liner nloss
than any other polish.
Yielil A brilliant silvery sheen, with less than
liull tlic labor reipiireJ lieu oilier polishes ure.
Are it neat unit eleaiilyp('nn be Ufcd even in
article, making no 1iit M H i he parlor without the
nor Uurt when uscil. u trouble of removing
furniture or carpi is.
Ha no (lifiiureehle nulpherous or ftruliir ueiil
smell when prepared for use, but are pleasant
and harmless.
Are put up lu neat style -In eael: box ure 13
and In u foi in in. net H sticks ; 1 stick is siilli
! conveiiieiit for use tliau" cicnt lor any stove,
j auy other polish. ihusull waste is saved.
I Arc the cheapest polish In Ihe market, because
' one box ut 10 cents will polish as much surface
i us -o ceuls worth of the old polishes.
C It
Have Just taken tlicrtpin competition with
1st premium ut the In MH several of the best of
diuuupolis Exposition, tho old stove
C 0 31 F 0 It T
Bi y Cui Mits or iXiMFOHT f your stiwkeeixT,
if be haft them, or will pmcuro tbt-ni for you ; ll
uot, ftend iu pne dollar, your imitic, uiul tbo
name of your iru rob t express htallon, ami wo
will tend vou lun toxoi, and eumiU' ' Hart-
, u.g BUt.killK Hll, ivurj Ulueinir, tree of cost
table, from the fuel thai lhey ure the fastest
sclllnB article Uf the kind ' jj ""f.
143 Chambers Kt.. New York.
43 Broad St., boston.
Nov. 14, '73.
Auditor' Kolire.
Estate or Caleb Bakhett, Hec'd,
VOTIOE is hereby given lhat the underelKliet. hl beeu
l api'uiiiled Auditor by the llr linii I'ouii, of North
uuiberlaud Ouuuty, lo make dmlrihuuuu nf Ihe luouiue
iu the baud of Haiuuel J. Uoueawurth, Adiuiuialrator of
uid eslale, to lliuee eulllled thereto. The A minor will
meet all uerllra luteraaled al klaoWee, ill the lioruliifhof
Huuburv, ou MuiiiU), IwcoluUr 15, 1873, at 1 o'clock V.
A. N. lillK'E, Auditor.
Sunbury, Nov. V, 1BI3.-f.
an extensive assortmi'iil of Fancy Goods at
. Mabkit Sthect, Bcsucut, 1'a.
My stock of Spring goods It unusually hr
aud Turlod, eunipridug tbe Utteat aud most at
tractive atvlei, asloeted with care from Ihe lead
ing Imyortlug bouaosaud adapted for the preaeut
October 8, 1878. MIS8 L. YEISF.R.
The Hlirhcsl Medical Authorities of Kiirmw
the strongest Tonic, Pnritter and Deobttrueui
known In the medical world la
J n t n r "K n
It nrrctts decay of vital forces, exhaustion of tfie
nervous system, restores vlor to the debilitated,
cleanses vitiated blond, removes vesicle obstruc
tions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen.
Price fl n Imtlle. JOHN Q. KKLLOGU, 18
Piatt St., N. Y. l)ec.Y4w.
Located nt Wllliamsport, Pa.
JC,(Mi$tud im. ,Th BEST COLLEGE In tho
Couutry. Hub the best Peumau in Pennsylva
nia. For College Paper, Specimens of Penmanship,
&c, address
Wllliamsport, Penti'ii.
cures all Ilnmnrs from Ihe worst Rcrofnla to
a emmnu liloteli or Pimple. From two lo
six L'trites rrc warranted to cure ftnlt Khritfn
rrTcrtrr, Pimple on Face, Ilollx, Car
knni'fm, FrTlprla aud Liver (um
plRint. Fix to twelve bottles, warranted to euro
!io wunt Srroftilonn Sivclllna; and Korrs
R'nlim In ISonrn and store Throat caused
l v 1'olsoil in Blood or mercurial trcutment.
Ity lis wonderful I'ertoral properties it will
cure the most severe recent or the worst lingerlnp;
oniili in hnlf the time reiiuired bv any ether
S'nithinir Irritation, find rclierlnir
iiiv'.ii 1110 nim i i, -1,11 rule, i.iv! g lAup-ii,
liy all IiiwirtMa. It. V. P-IEKCE,
, HI. !
World' likpeiiarr, liiuutKs a
3fic Finnic douifj 1
Pent bv mail to anv one of
colored hnirtoa permanent black or brown unit
I contains no poison. 1 r:ide supplied nt low rntes.
! Address, MAGIC COMB CO., Sprlugtlcld, Mass.
I Dec.l. 4v.
! HAMl'hl'H ictl.v mail fr tint retail
I ipikk fur fill. II. I.. WOLCOTT, 1S1 Sipi-ire, N.
1 V. 1 ee. V7:i. lw.
t llrinr- v. n .. l v tin
! ?P'J U 1 a A M T I J
! Write nt mire lo 1'omkuoy k t'o.,
744 Hn-ail ';!', N. V.
li -e. f, i.i. 4v.
i An artirl.' In- x ilrii:irl ::t d H'miht ;or 1 y exeryl-Oy. vvX
j free for two shiliii s. AiM'cws
I l)i c. f.,":l. lw. 11 us. :. Ill'NMV, llBiinver, I'u.
j F..nri.YMi-:vr rois am-i
I T. S. ArtlimV I si :nul p-c.nri! wmk. f VST APUIFT
l s'ilil.K liy not wilii-i.ili'' the t'lu,. It
! I"!- Int.-nHtii t! :w.a i l..w in i i-.-e. ilum In
Tu'Z uiV:7,t',A !?..Z't.lZ'-ll'
' . . '
si,M'!it who iifve: ...! a l.t.ol. I .ci'i . . (!... u .1 i-lt-o l.kt.
Wfi-k. Pl-ctrsT. To Si iv i iik I imi:., tirrul:oti free.
.!. M. STnlill.MtT .V CO., l'uli.,71 S.uiseni St., l'uiU.
In-.-. .1,'7;t. lw.
V A .M 1'
, The (ire i'cKl linr-ivcy
I of Hli-i:nmtitTll. eliroii
1 I.
1 tli.' Ac- lor l1' . .1 ur
innl :s. tee. S: '.h'n. TMiist s.
' ruin la t iit'Ht, hm-k, or I. lr: S:-;t .lon.ts, Sinui.M,
; (aniulul.r Si'l!ini;, lud on, Ni'iifal.e, lueiioiis,
Citarrlis, Ate. Wiii Hoi ni".isi' or stu'u tli.- most d"lient
f;tlirie, wloeli in: lii-M u !tiui y iu ee.y l.auily. '1'iy it.
! uud lie e.invneetl of its ure .'t merit. Pri.'e A 'litH -er
Imltle. lil.rilKX HOVT, l'roj.'r. '.Hi.l Oie-imieh St., X.
i Y. Ii-c..1,i:l. 4w.
"A xi:w i iui r.viiEK Tin: si v
t Xepr ls'fore wi:s ruell au ith'il uttemj'teil for lmok-ll-j
ltittr;tt:ou ; every one who hus Heen it ) roiioui.-i-ps il
: sri'Klll. M;is. llurriel lleeeuer Kto-Ae's latest work,
! 11 oiiiiiii in Nacreil Illnlorj,
is a series' of lnirrutiie-sketelies, drawn ftoru the Srr.f
i,, ami leyrmlKtty si.urefs. lllimtmt-d
Willi S lrli Oioitv Oi! l urolnes, :-f:i'i aim ilijls hy the
leoMt ecieliniteil iirlicts t f t!ie woilil, -iviug u writ hikI
' lu:iKuitiei-at v.Tie.y ot" O: ii' clM.uinr uud In'OI'.
, Mrs. S:oue in her cam e.iii k siyle w r:i ii"i tt U'nk full
' of intiMCMi, netl w'tiit.u. ii mi!) ntitt' in if, wh'cu eeu ii
, nut illUHtrutctl wutii'l hc:1 r..i-niy ; hut tia-
Ultll.MANT OIL l'!('Tl'l-.:..S
I niiike it o-.e of the most itnjju., t,viy n;il, :iii-l rem:nl.:
j utile tiooks eer oiri'i-eel. Tie .let ili r, it , lil.usln-t j-: -j
lu'ely, Wiainl re:,o.Jy t..-l! for i2 Hi-a .T s:i', wioii. tl.e
, e.ill.e lf.k, tie s x.i---.i I .:.!! , lofie no.- i.ita
Slliil tllOUH liimliiii;s ot li. oll:l
liltli ui lb-it uliiounl. 'lie Look
( uud s .le-iiiien. In it is ulis.
money I., it." 'I'u gr- !- Huin w
, lor ler-iis, ;i., lo .r.
Vu'k, lie.-, on, I'-.ic..', r..i.uui c:
i llec. .'i.'ol. 4w.
.11 In
lj:iii ior om -z
u titni.1..-
sr.-x a
..o l j. y, a
n iii , :v-v
or i.ii.eun.....
AtiKKTS V'.lX'rKn. riaiii; 1. s i.i-u'. live l.y
luuli, w.ili toi'iiis, to t li'.ir fuuii lo ;10 ltv
U.;v. A.hl .-ss N. !l. V iili'K,, N. .1.
I'if. ".,".'.- lw.
vii:Ms VYVH.i.
A profit, 'bit1 iiinl nf juvtiilii ltiWiiu-M lor mm or vi -nu'it
wliu haw or Ci.i lii:K-- ilfU' e i:i-;f in;il to rt -
wri it iniit fiiotit v. lVr rweiii.siKuUt'.i. s'l'.M: LAMI
NA AKK, Nt lt t hnmi si., S. Y. ltv. V7 t. lv.
l).iVMltiMANt V,
or StU J, t'll UVIN(i. ' H,iw
WX Jll.tV t'oUfiil,-..t t-Ltl tilt' Hllll
BlTwiiii.iii.f i'!.y 1 1'. n ni t.irj ciiivM- nititiiut );'. l ira
.m).L- HH-nti.l t :ia ciiuHMii .it! cl! i t.nn-r h,I; i-t ,1 y icaii,
for 2ir.. ti-:'i- iir vv-h h iiKim. t' irttf, I'uvi t t t-m-clf,
litoiiiih, H'li' lo I, .ui?, Vmh.ih:-N hlh h,ir't o.
A qiu-t?r UH.k. Au.luna T. II.LIAM i C., 1 ub. l uu.i.
litu. r,7.i.
A -rtrt lHn,k. f'llt of X'umii, VhhmMitstVTftjj
aii'l uniuuUiiit till rmnlinn, iti'ii'-.1 f-r t'i stttas.
AtltirvM,' l.Liu U CO., i.i t-iv-j Ae..:itsw Wr.
I i:vi:hykoi)vs ou. riivsH i w.
! liy l. W. i.l.VAS'N, M. 1, A li-i t'!, . m.i v.'hni.t!
t " in mm; ur-ii' n f- i -i:..; .. , a: -.1 . a K-utly il-
Im iuttil, oi.v i,t tt'k l t onif.h iu ii. WKk,
l'ri.-- ' '1 t t. nil ili i ft tf. l-'or fi'ful u h ituJtfn
II. X. M.MW! Y Co , Ut X. Tr:. I Lsi-t. Ii. i-.Vl
COUtJ I IS, ('( )L f ts'l jo MI SEX ESS,
ITT I P uM.v ix "i. ii: tiiiv .
ati:iei and sum: kemedv.
holii l.y liuu;ti r'. luc. .",'.':i. iv.
i i
Fm. i. P. Fttiii. Timlin nwrm, f v-f, fra'otHi at tV
V0lTeritT t. ynn mil .
f.f IVh-i's ia 1 .1'. uii 1 r : t J - .ri' ep?ri. n", '
ir.I'iric rb V fcrr-.Llc r.tieumaita 4
1 ((nrnte it aa ii.:nlli'-lc enrcf r Ktrve, KiJ- 1
euiuuoi c..-'. F'oro m. ti.U-.h rril. V I 1
h a. o: Tici; i;n, ;,.r, i uiu r: -::u
Torftctcd Dr.
fly run.
3 aud ilhe
incm.HoT Th'.M unVv,f P.. 1 runVf' r.Vhil X H.
l inng,MMi)i,la. R.v .1 K.rnrhunn, Ur.-fi
O Q Smith, I'ltuforit.N Y Vrr: ) jtlWrhurrh,
PhiU .Ac. AffirtM ahouM write Ir Ki!.T.PIiiU . f reT"
natorr Pamphlet A funrant.tfmti Mi V n1 fi ran tn-
cunbUMa.ucur &i&aige,rulit)-&oM by dnum'.
imsj il iuni.yn:is. "
New aud attractive Cood, lu every Department.
su.m:r AM) I'l.iirtl WAKE.
Cutlery, Clocks, Bnuiz. , ruictish, Freuch
lii rimin Fuuey lioods.
In vluw'of the dKfiino iu CiOLD. wo bnve re
duced piiei-s ou our entire Stock of Foiclgu mcr
lUuuUUe lu
Tar Void HkIcs,
and liurehusers will flnr! it to lhi-ir lutcre.t to
niiike I heir seleoliona NOW, while the AbSOUT
Ooods tent on approval for selections.
Articles purchased now, for Ihe Holidays, will
be packed aud returned until such tiuiu as desir
ed. ' nnnutvo f I 1! It A r.l HI 1 1 . IT..
SUUDI.f ll'rtH'. w ,. . . . .. (
n il I'i.itSi.. Pilll ADKI.rillA.
DR. C". SI. 5IAKTIX, Oiuco In Drug
btore, C'leiuenl House Block, OlHcv hour i
from 11 a. in., to 1 p. u., and trom to D p. m.,
at all other hours, when not Profe-sloually eu
ifuitod canWloiiuJal lilducc, ei .: i of rout
and Peiip .iroet, tlNBL'KY, PA. Pi. licular..
atteutlou given lo surgical euso., Will VlaH
Paliunti either la lowu or couutr.