TIIESUNBURYAMBRIOAtf. IS rTBLtBBXD ETKTTT iATURDAT BT CM'L WTLVERT, Proprietor, Kot A DlsslnseCa Bnlldlmr, Market Bqtiara At 91.RO la AsHrattftss. Siasot I1 trtthla 6 nontha fa. Hfttr4pHoM fa " ls (Am tim Month. Cowmwrntn with this establishment li an eiten MveNEW JOB OFFICE, containing variety of pi Kin and fancy type eqnnl to any establishment n the Intsrlor of the 8tat, for which the patron ngo of the public la respectfully solicited. CONSTITUTION. Hiw Oonatitntlon Propeaed to the aJUIaena of thin dommenwfallh Tor their Approval or Rejection, by tho CoDMtltntloaal Coaventlon. 'Published by order of the Secretary of the Qommeaweallh, In pursuance of the 4th section of an act of the General Assembly, entitled "An act to provide for calling a Convention to amend the Contttituliou," unproved the 11th day of April, A. 1. lo72. PREAMBLE. "We, the people of the Ubmtnon wealth of Penn sylvania, (cratcful to Almighty God for the clean ing!) of civil and rellirlotis liberty, and humbly ' 1 nvoklng Ills guidance, do ordain and establish this Constitution. ARTICLE 1. DSCLARATIO OF RIOHTS. Thnt the General, (Treat and essential principles of liberty and free government may bo recognised und unalterably established, we dwlaro that Section 1. All men are born equally free and Independent, and have certain It) her out and lude lensiblc riirlitc, uuiong which aro those of enjoy ing and defending life and liberty, of acquiring, possessing and protecting property and reputa tion, and nf pursuing tliulr own happiness. Ceo. 2. All power Is inherent Injhe people, and nil free coverument are founded on their autho rity nud instituted for their peace, safety and happiness. For the advancement of these ends they have nt all times an inalienable and indefea sible riirtit to alter,refoi m or abolish theli govern ment in such manner a they may think proper. Pec. 3. All men have a natural and indefeasible rluhl to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences ; no man can of ritht be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry ngalni-t his ponsent ; no human authority can, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience, and no conference shall ever be given by law to any religious establishments or modes of worship. " Sr.c. 4. No person who acknowledges tho being of n God and a future state of rewards and pun ishments shall, on account of his reunions senti ments, bi disqualilled to hold any ollice or place of triM or prollt under this Commonwealth. Snc. 5. Elections shall he free and equal ; and no power, civil or mllitaiy, shall nt any lime In terfere to prevent the ficu exercise of the right of sutTrage. Sec. 6. Trial by Jury shall be at heretofore, nud the light thereof remain inviohite. Sec. 7. The printing press shall be free toevery person who may undertake to examine the pro-j ccedings of the Legislature or nnv brunch of government, and no law shall ever be made to I restrain the right thereof. The free communica tion of thnuuiits and opinions is one of t lie in valuable rurlits of man, and every ritir.cn may freely speak, write and print on any subject, he ine responsible for the abuse of that liberty. No convict in shall he. had in any prosecution for tho publication of papers relatinir to the official conduct of officers or men In public capacity, or to any other matter proper for public investiga tion or information where the faet that such pub llcatlon was not malluionly or nctilim-ntly made shall be established to the satisfaction of the Jury ; and In all indictments for libels the Jury shall have the right to determine the luw and the facts, under the direction of the court, us in other capes. Sr.c. 8. The peoplo shall be secure In their per sons, houses, papers, and possessions, from un reasonable seaiehcs and seizures, and no warrant ) to search any place or to seize any person or things, shall issue without describing them as nearly as may be, nor without probable cause, supported by oath or iilliriiiiilion, subscribed to by the alllant. Sr.c. It. In nil criminal prosecutions, the accus ed hath a right to be heard by himself nn I his j counsel, to demand the nature und cause of the accusation against him, to meet thu witnesses face to face, to have compulsory process for ob taining witnesses in his favor, and lu prosecu tions by indictment or information, n speedy pnblie trial by an Impartial Jury nf the vicinage; lie cannot be compelled to give evidenco ngainst hi'nself, nor can lie be deprived of his life, liberty, or property, unless by the judgment of his peer or the la of the land. Sec. 10. No person shall for any Indictable of fense be proceeded against criminally, by infor in itlon, except in case arising in the laud nr nnvsl forces, or in the militia, w hen in actual service. In time of war or public danger, or by leave of the court, for oppression or inUdemeanor in of fice. No person shall for tho same offense be twice put In jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall private property be taken or applied to public use with out authority of law, and without Just compen sation being flr.H made or secured. Sec. 11. All courts shall ha open j nnd every man for an injury done Mm in his lands, goods, person, or reputation, sh ill have remedy by due course of luw and right and justice administered without sale, denial, or delay. Suits may be brought sgaiiist the Commonwealth in such man ner, in such couits, and in such cases as the Leg islature mnv by law direct. Sec. 13. Nn power of suspending law shall be exercised unless by the Legislature or by its au thority. Sec. 13. Excessive ball shall not be required, nor excessive tines Imposed, nor cruel puuishmeuts inuiriea. Sec. 14. All prisoners sha'l be bailable by suffi cient sureties, unless for capital ofienjes, when the proof is evident or presumption great; and the privilege of tile writ of habeas corpus shall not lie suspended, unless w hen in case of rebellion or Invasion lie puhlie safety may require it. .'SB!. 15. No commission of oyeraud terminer or jail delivery shall he Issued. Sec. 16. The person of a debtor, where there is nol strong presumption of fiifud, shall not be continue! in prison after delivering up his "-state for the benefit of his crcditors,ln such uianuer ns liall be prescribed by law. Sec. 17. No ex post facto law, nor any law impairing the obligation of contracts, or making . irrevocable any grant of special privileges or Im munities, shall be pussi d. Sec. 18. No person shall be attainted of treason or felony by the Legislature. Sec. i9. No nttainder shall work corruption of blood, nor, excopl during the lire of the offender, forfeiture of estate to the Commonwealth, the estate of such ,ersous as shull destroy their ow n lives shall descend or vest us In cHSesof natural I'euth, aud it' any person shall be killed by casu ally, there shall be no forfiituie by reason there of. . I'.ec. DO. The citizen have a rlpht In a pacea b'e manner to assemble together for their com mon good, and to apply to those invested with the powers of government for redress of grievan ces or olher proper purposes, by petitiou. address or rcmoiistrauce. . , - Sec, 21. The right of citizens to bear arms in defence of thernselTes and lite State shall not be questioned. . ... Sec. 23. No stauiiing .army shall, la time of peaer, be kept up wit bout the consent of the Leg UlaMre anj (he military shall. In all cases, und at all times, be in strict subordination, to the civil power. Sec. tn. No soldier sbuU In time of peace be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be prescribed by luw. Sec. 24. The Legislature shall not grant any title of nobility or hi riditary distinction, nor create any office the appointment of which shall be for a limger term than duiii-g good tiehavior. Sec. 25. F.migrutiou from the Stale shall not be prohibited. bt:o. To gnurd aruinst transgressions of the high powers which we havedeleg ated, we declare that everything in this urticle isexecpted nt of the geoej.il powers of government, aud shall for- - -ever remain-Inviolate. 'ARTICLE II. IfcrrtiaNM. The legislative power of this Com monwealth shall be vested ill a General Assem bly, which shall consist of a Serxte and House of llvprewnUUtVcs. . . ' Sue.. 3. Members of the Gcueral Assembly I shall be chosen at the general election every se ' cond year. Their tern) of service shull begin on the first day of December -next after their elec tion. Win-never a vacancy shull occnr ia either ilohse, the presiding officer thereof shall issue a writ of election to till lUcb vacancy for tba re lu'alnder of the .turtri. '. '-. Sec. 8. Senators shall be elected for (he term f four years, and Representatives for (be term ,-f tyio j tare, ' smbubi lCrallltiel In ISiO. I ritltE fl BO IN ADVANCE. 6no. 4. The General Assembly shall meet at twelve o'clock noon, on the first Tuesday ol Jan uary every second year, and at other times when convened by the Governor, but shall hold no ad journed annual session after tbs yenr one thou sand right hundred and seventy-eight. In cuse of a vacancy in the office of United Stales Sena tor from this Commonwealth, in a recess bo tweeu sessions, the Governor shall eouvene the two houses by proclamation on notice not ex ceeding sixty days to All the same. 8ro. 5. Senators shall be at least twonty-flvo -years of age, and Representatives twenty-one years of age. They shall have been citizens and inhabitants of the State four years, and Inhabi tants of their respective districts one year next before their election (unless absent on the puhlie business of tho United States oi of this State,) and shall reside In their respective districts dur ing their terms of service. Sec. A. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which be shall have been elected, bs appointed to any civil office under this Commonwealth, and no member of Congress or other person holding any ofDee (except of nt-torney-at-hiw or in the militia) nnder the United States or this Common wealth shall he n member of cither house during his continuance In office 8xc. 7. No person hcrcnfler convicted of em bezzlement of public moneys, bribery, perjury or other Infamous crime, shall be eligible It the General Assembly, or capable of holllng any of fice of trust or profit In this Commonwealth. Sec. 8. The members of the General Assembly shall receive such salary and mileage for regular and special sessions as shall be fixed by law, and no other compensation whatever, whether for service upon committee or otherwise No mem ber of cither house shall, during the term for which he may hnve been elected, receive Bny In crease of salary, or mileage, under any law pass ed during stith term. Sec. it. The Senate shnll, nt the beginning and close of each regular session and nt such other times as may be necessary, elect one of its mem bers president pro tempore, who shall perform the duties of the Lieutenant Governor, In any case of absence or disability of thnt officer, and whenever the said office of Lieutenant Governor Shall be vacant The House of Representative shall elect one of Its members as Speaker. Kach hi use shall choose its other olliceis, and shall Judge of the election and qualification of Its members. Sua 10. A majority of each House shall con siitutc n quorum, hut a smaller number may ad journ from day to day, and compel the attend ance of absent members. Sec. 11. Each house shall have power to deter mine the rules of Its proceeding und punish Us members or other persons for contempt or disor derly behavior In its presence, to enforce obedi ence to Its process, to protect its members against violence, or oilers of bribes or private so licitation, and with the concurrence of two thirds, to expc! m member, but not a second time for the. same cause, and shall have all other powers necessary for the legislature of a free St.it i'. A member expelled for corruption shall not thereafter be eligible lo either house, and punishment, or contempt or disoidcrly behavior shall nol bar an indictment for the same ntlense. Sec. 12. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings and from time to time publish the same, except such parts as require secrecy, and the yea and nays of the members on liny qucs. lion shall, at the deBire of any two of thein, be entered on the Journal. Sec. 13. The sessions of each honsc and of committees of the wholo flr.ill be open, unless when the business is such as ought to be kept se cret . Sec. 14. Neither house shall, without the con sent of the olher, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than thnt iu which the two houses shall be sitting. Sec. 15. The members of the General Assem bly shall in all cases, except treason, felony, vio lation of their oath of office, and breach or sure ty of Hie jience, be privileged from arrest during their attendance nt tho sessions of their respec tive houses, and in going to and returning from the sumo ; und for nnv speech or debate In cither house, they shall not be questkned in any other place, Sec. 10. The Statesman bo divided Into fifty Senatorial districts of compact ui.d contiglous territory, us nearly equal in population ns may be, and each district shall be entitled to elect one Senator. Each county containing one or more ratios of population sh ill ho entitled to one Sena tor for each ratio, audio an additional Senator for n surplus of population exceeding three-Ufllis ot a ratio; hut no county shall form a scperute district unless it shall contain four-fifths of a ra tio, except where the adjoining counties are each cm it led lo one or more Senators, w hen such county may be assigned a Senator on lets than four-fifth, ni.d exceeding one-half of a rulio, and no count f shall he divided unless entitled to two or more Serntors. No city or county shall be entitled to separata representation exceeding one-sixth Of the whole number of Senators. No ward, borough, or township shall bs divided In the formation of a district. The Henatorial rutin shall be ascertained by dividing the whole popu lation of the State by the number ufty. Sec. 17. The members of the House of Repre sentatives shall be apportioned among the sever al counties, on a ratio obtained by dividing the population of the State u nscertaiiied by the mosl recent United State census by two hun dred. Every county containing les than five ratios shall have one representative for every full ratio, nud nn additional representative when the surplus exceeds half a ratio; but each county shall have ut least one represelitative. Every county containing five ratios or more shall luue one representative for every full ratio. Every city containing a population iqual to a ratio shall elect separately its proportion of the repre sentative allotted to the county in which it Is located. Every city entitled to more than four representatives, and every county having over one hundred thousand inhabitants, shall be di vided into districts of compact and contiguous tcnitory, each district to elect lis proporllon of representatives according to its population, but no district shall elect more than four represen tative. Sr.c. IS. TheGeucrnl Assembly nt its first scs sion after the adoption of this constitution, and immediately after each United State decenuliil census, shall apportion the Slate ii to Senatorial nud Representative district ngree.ibly to the previsious of the two next proceeding sections. ARTICLE III. LEGISLATION. Sxcttos 1. No law shall be passed except by bill, and no bill shall be so altered nr amended on its passage through either house as to Chungs its origlnnl purpose. Sec. 2. No bill shall be considered unless re ferred to a committee, returned therefrom, and printed for the use of the member. Sec. 8. No bill, except gcueral appropriation hills, shall be passed, containing more than one subject, which shull be clearly expressed in its title. Sec. 4. Every hill shall be rend at length on three different days in each bouse; all amend ments made thereto shall be printed for the use of the members before the Html vote Is taken ou the bill, and no bill shall become a law unless on its final passage the vote be tuken by yers aud nays, the names of tho person voting fur und against the same be entered on the jnurnul, and a majority nf the member elected to euch house bo recorded thereon lis voting In its favor. Sec. 5. No amendment lo bills by one bouse shull be concurred in by lh other, except by a vote of a majority nf the members elected there to taken by yea and nays, and tbo names of those voting for and agniust recorded uon the journal thereof ; and report of committees of con fcrcuce shull be adopted in either bouse only by the vote of a majority of the members elected thereto, taken by yeas and nays, und the names of those voting recorded upon the Journal. Bec. 0. No law shall be revived, amended, or the provisions thereof extended or conferred by reference to Its title only, but so much thereof as Is revived, smeuded, extended, or conferred, shall be re-enactM and published at length. Sec. 7. Tbs General Assembly shall nol pass auy local or special law i Authorizing the creation, extension or Impair ing oi nenst Regulating the affairs of counties, cities, town ships, wards, boroughs, or school dl sulci Changing the names. or persous or places Changing the venue ia civil or criminal cases ( . Authorizing the laying out, opeulug, altering, or maintaining roads, highways, streets, r al leys j Relating to ferries or bridges, or locoTporatlns; ferry or bridge companies, sxcept for the erection of bridge orosslug streams which from bounday rles bet w ess this sod any other Binte AJLL'irj.iZ- Vacating roads, towns plots, streets or aBeys ) Relating to cemeteries, graveyards or pnblie grounds not of tbe State ' Authorising the adoption or legitimation of children t Locating or changing . county scats, erecting new counties, or changing conuty line Incorporating cities, towns, or villages, or changing their charters f For the opening nnd couductlng of elections, or fixing or changing the place of voting Granting divorces ; Erecting new township or boroughs, chang ing township lines, borough limits, or school districts i Creating officer, or proscribing tho powers nnd duties of officers in counties, cities, boroughs, townships, election or school districts. Chnnglng tho law of descent or succession Regulating tlic practlco or Jurisdiction of, nr changing the rule of evidence In any Judicial proceeding or Inquiry before courts, nldermeiif Justices of the pence, sheriffs, commissioners, ar bitrators, auditors, matters In chancery, or other tribunals, or providing or changing methods for the collection of debts, or the enforcing of Judg ments, or prescribing tho effect of Judicial sales of real estate ; Regulating tho fees, or extending tho powers and duties of nldernion, Justices of tbo peace, magistrates, or constables ; Regulating the management of public schools, the building or rcpui lug of school bonses, nnd the raising of money for such purposes ( Fixing the rate of Interest ; Affecting the estates of minors or persous tin der disability, except alter duo untlce to all parties lu Interest, to be reclttd In the special enactment ( Remitting fines, penalties nnd forfeiture, or refunding moneys legally paid into the Trea sury ; Excepting property from taxation t Regulating lubor, trade, milling, or inanufauc turing ; Creating corporations, or ninonding, ro.ue.wlng, or extending tne charters thereof; Grunting to tiny corporation, association, or In dividual any special or exclusive privllego or im munity or to any corporation, association or in dividual the right to lay down a railroad truck. Nor shall the General Assembly Indirectly enact such special nr local law by I lie partial repeal of a generul law, but luw repcnllng local orspcelal acts may be passed. Nor shall any law be pass ed grautlng powers or privilege In any case where the granting of euch powers aud privileges shall have been provided for by general law, nor w here the courts have Juris diction lo grunt llui satuo or give, the relief ask ed for. Sec. 8. No local or special bill shall bo passed unless notice of the lutcutlou to apply therefor shall huvo been published In the loculity where the matter or the thing lo be alii cled may be situated, which notice shall be at least thirty days prior lo I In lnte..vi. i.m tiun tne Oeueiui Assembly of such bill, mid ill tliu manner to be provided by law ; the evidence of such notice having been published, shall be exhibited lu t lie Generul Assembly before such act shull be passed. Sec. I). The presiding officer of each house shall, In the presence of the house over which be presides, sign all bill and joint resolutions pass ed by the General Assembly, after their titles have been publicly rend Immediately before sign ing, and the fact of signing shall bu entered ou the journal. Sec. 10. The General Assembly shall proscribe by luw the number, duties and compensation of tlie officers and employees of each house, and no payment shall be made from the Stale Treasuiy, or be in any way authorized to any person, ex cept to an ucting otlicer or employeu elected or appointed In pursuance of law. Sec. 11. No bill shall be passed giving say ex tra compensation lo auy public officer, servant, employee, agent or contiuctor, after services shall have been rendered or contract made, nor providing for the payment of any claim against the Commonwealth, wilhuut previous authority of law. Sec. 13. All stationery, printing, paper and fuol used lu the legislative and other dcpurtmeuU of government shall be furnished, aud the print ing, binding and dinli Hinting of tho laws, jour nals, department reports, and all oilier printing and binding, nnd the repairing and furnishing the balls and rooms used for the meetings of the General Assembly and its committees, shall be performed under contract, to be given to the iow est responsible bidder below such maximum price and under such regulations us shall be pre scribed by law no member or officer of any dc pai'ttiieut of the government shall be In auy way interested In such contracts, and all such con tracts shall be subject to the upproVHl rf the Go vernor, Auditor General and Male Treasurer. Sec. 13. No law shall i Men I the Icnu of any public otlicer. or Increase or diminish his salury or emolument after his eleetiou or appointment. Sec. 14. All bill for r.- V.ig revenue sbull ori ginate ill the House of Rc csentHtlves, but the Senate mnv propose e..nei..l:i.ei;l us lu other bills. Sec. lo. Tho general uppiopi lutioii bill shall embiacu nothing but appro, u ialioiis fur the ordi nary expenses of the executive, legislative and Judic'al departments of the Commonwealth, In terest on the public debt, nnd for public schools ; all other appropriation shall be made by sepa rate bills, each embracing but one subject. Sue. 16. No money shall be paid out of the Treasury except upon appropriations mude by law aud on warrant drawn by tho proper officer in pursuance thereof. Sue. 17. No appropriation shall be made to any cliantab'e or educational institution not uu der the absolute com rid of the Commonwealth, other than normal schools established by law for the professional training of teachers for the pub lie schools of the Slate, except by a vote of two thirds of nil the iticmhers elccled to each house. Sec. IS. No appropriations except for pensions gratuities or military services shall be made for charitable, educational or benevolent purposes, to any person or community, uor to any denomi national or sectarian jrti'.ul'.on, corporation or association. Sec. 19. The Generul Asseinblv may make ap propriations of money to institutions wherein the widows of soldiers are supported or assisted or tbs orphans of soldiers arc maintained and educated; but such appropriation shall be applied exclu sively to tliu support of such widow and or phans. Sec. 20. The Grn.-r.il Assembly shill not dele gate to any special couniiis-ion, private corpora tiou or ushiHMulloo, any power to make, super vise or Intel fere with any luunlclpil Improve ment, money, property or effect, whether held In trust or otherwise, or to levy tuxes or perform any municipal function whatever. Sec. 21. No net of the Gereral Assembly shall limit the amount to Ise recovered for Injuries re sulting In death, or for Injuries to persons or property, and in ruse of death from such Inju ries, the right of actiou shall survive, and the General Assembly shall prescribe for whose ben efit such actions shull bo prosecuted ; no act shull prescribe any limitations of time within which suits may be brought against corporation for Injuries to persons or property, or for other causes different from those fixed by gcueial iuws regulating uctiviis against natural persons, au I such nets now existing are avoided. Sec. 23. No act of the Goucrul Assembly shall authorize the luvesliuent of trust funds br execu tors, administrators, gunrdiaus, or other trus tees, iu the bonds or stock of any private corpo ration, nud such acts now existing are avoided, buving Investments heretofore made. Sec. 23. The power lo chunge the venue In civil and criminal cases shall be vested in the courts, lo be exercised In such manner us shall be provided by law. Sec. 21. No obligation or liability of any rail road or other corporation, held or owued by the Coinmonwcaltb, shall ever be exebauged, trans ferred, remitted, poslioued. or iu any way di minished by the General Assembly, nor shall such liability or obligation be released, except by payment thereof into the State Treasury. Sec. 25. When the General Assembly shall be convened la special session, there shall bs o leg islation upon subjects other than those designa ted iu the proclamation of the Governor, calling such session. ' Sec. 26. Ever)' order, resolution, or vote, lo which the concurrence oi toiu nouses may oe ne cessary (except In tbs question of adjournment) shall be presented to the Governor, aud before It shall take eflect be approved ry bins, or being disapproved by two-tbirds of both bouses, ac cording to the rules and limitations prescribed lo eute of a bill. Bsc. 27. No State office shall be contluucd or created for the Inspection or measuring of any merchandise, soanufaotnr or commodity, out any county or nsanklpallty may appoint snch officers when awthe-rustd 9J SUNBURY, PA., FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1873. Sao. S3. No lair changing the location of the capital of the Stats' shnll be valid until the same shall have bcea Mbmltted to the qualified electors of the Commonwealth, at a general election, and ratified and approved by them. Sec. 29. A member of the General Assembly who shall solicit, demand, or receive, or consent to receive, directly or indirectly, for himself or for another, from any company, eorporntb , per son, any money, office, appointment, employ ment, testimonial, reward, thing of value enjoy ment, or of personal advantage or promise there of, for hie vote or official lufluencc, or for with holding the same, or wltb an anderstnnding, ex pressed or Implied, that his vnto or official action shall bo In any way Influenced thereby, or who shall solicit or doinand any such money or other ndrnnlago, inn tier, or thing aforesaid for another, as the consideration of his vote or official In fluence, or for withholding the same, or shall give o withhold hi vote or iiilluenco In consid eration of the payment or promise of such money, advantage, matter, nr thing to another, shnll be held guilty of bribery within the meaning of this Constitution, and shall Incur tho disabilities pio vlded thereby for said offense, auc such addition, al punishment as Is or shall be provided by luw. Sec. 30. Any person who shuli, directly or Indi rectly, offer, give, or prorrjso any money, nr thing of value, testimonial, privilege, or personal ad vantage, to any executive or Judicial officer or member of the General Assembly, to Influence hirq In the performance of any of his public or official duties, shall be guilty of bribery, end be puulshod in such manner us shall be provided by law. Sec. 31. The offense of corrupt eoHcitntton of members of tbo General Assembly or of public officers of the State, or of any municipal division thereof, and any occupation or practlco of solici tation nf such members or officer, to influence their official action, shall he defined by law, nud shall be punished hy fine and imprisonment. Sec. 32. Any person may be compelled to testify In any lawful Investigation 'or judicial proceeding, against any person who may be charged with having committed tbe offense of bri bery or corrupt solicitation, or practices of soli citation, and shall not be permitted to withhold hi testimony upon the ground that If may crimi nnte himself or subject him to public Infamy ; but such testimony shall not afterwards bo used against blm In any judicial proceeding, except for perjury In giving such testimoney, and any person convicted of either of the offenses afore said, shall, as part of the punishment therefor, be disqualified from holding any office or position of honor, trust, or profit In this Commonwealth. Sec. 33. A member who has a personal or pri vate Interest in any measure or bill proposed or pending borore the General Assembly shull dis close the fact to the house of which he Is a mem ber and shall not vote thereon. APTioiiK IV. TUB EXECUTIVE. SncTios 1. The Executive Department of this Commonwealth shall consist ol a Governor, Lieu tenant Governor, Secretary of the Common wealth, Attorney General, Auditor Genornl, Stain Treas urer, Secretary of Internal Affairs, and a Superin tendent nf Public Instruction. Sec. 2. Tho supreme executive pocr shall be vested Is the Governor, who shall take Care that the laws be f.iilhlully executed ; he shall bo chosen on tho day of the general election by the qualified electors of Ihe Commonwealth, at the places where they shall vote for Representatives. The returns of every election for Governor shall bo sealed up and transmitted to the seat of to vernineut directed to tin 1'icsldcni ol the Senate, who shall open and publish them in Ihe presence of the members of both houses of the General Assembly. The person having the highest num ber of volts shall be Governor by the Joint vote of tbe members of both houses. Contested elec tions shall be determined by a committee, to bu selected from both bouses of the General Assem bly, and formed aud regulated iu such manner as shall be directed by law. Ski). 3. The Governor shall hold his office dur ing fotvc years from the third Tuesday of January next ensuing his election, and shall not be eligible to the office for Ihe next succeeding term. Seo. 4- A Lieutenant Governor shall be chosen at the same time, In the same inuuncr, for the same term, mid subject to the same provisions as tlie Governor ; lie shall be president of the Senate, but shnll have no vote uulces they be equally di vided. Sue. 5. No pe: son shall be eligible to the office of Governor or Lieutenant Governor cxcepl a citizen of the United Slutes, who shall have at tained tho age of thirty years, and have been seven years next preceding his election an Inhabi tant of tlie State, unless lie shull have been ab sent on the public buslues of the United States or of fills Stale. Sec. 6. No member of Congress or person hold ing any office under the United States or this Slate shall excreiso tbe office of Governnr or Lieu tenant Governor. Skc. 7. The Governor shall be commander in cl'lef of the nriny and navy of ihe Common wealth, and of the uillilla, except when they suall be call ed Into the actual service nf the Culled Slates. Sec. S. lie shull uomlnnte. nnd by and w ith the advice and consent of two-thirds of all the mem bers of the Senate, appoint a Secretary of ilia Commou wealth and an Attorney General during pleasure, a Superintendent of Public Instruction for four years, aud such other officers of the Com mon wealth ns ho Is or may be authoi ized by the constitution or by Uw to appoint ; ha shall have power to till all vacancies that may happen in office to which he muy appoint dm ing Ihe recess of the Senate by grunting commissions shieh shull expire at I lie end of their session ; lie shall have power to fill any vacancy that may liappeu during the recess of the Senate, in the ollice of Auditor Generul, Slate Treasurer, Secre tin') of Internal A Hairs or Stipei intcdent of Pub lic Instruction, In a judicial ortlee, or in uny other elective office which he is or may be au thorized to till t If the vacancy shall happen during tho session of the SeiiHte, the Governor shall iiominatetothe Sruule before their final adjournment, a proper person to fill said vacancy. But in auy such esse or vacancy, iu on elective office, a person shall be chosen to said office nt the next general election, miles Ihe vacancy shall happen wttblu.lhreecaleudiir months Imme diately preceding snch election, In which cne the election for said office shall be held at the second succeeding general election ; In acllug ou r.xeculivs nominations, tlie Senate shall sit with open doors, and in eon tinning or re jecting the iionjluntlona of the Governor, the vote shall be taken by yeas ana nays, una snail ue en tered on the Journal red on tne journal. Sec. . He shall have power to remit flues and foifeltures, to grant reprieves, commutations of ,. ,,Ulil.t ,, rate courts of equal and co senlence and pardous, except In ease ol lui- . olllm.lU. jul udiclm.!, composed of three judge peachinent, but no pardon shull be granted nor , C;u., ,,e said couits iu Philadelphia shull be sentence commuted, except upon the rceouiinon. ,,tvi!,lll.,,.d r....,..,.iivelv us the Court of Common dation iu writing of tbe Lieutenant Governor, Se cretary of the Common wealth, Attorney Gcueral and Secretary of Internal Affairs, or any three nf them, after full hearing, upon due public make aud lu open session, and such rccominendulion, with the reason therefor al leugth, shall be re cord 1 and tiled In tbe od.ee of the Secretary of the Common wealth. Skc. 10. lie may require Information In writ- lug from the officers of Ihe Executive llepirt- nirnt. upon any subject relating lo the duties of their respective offices. 8ec. 11. He shall, from time to time, give to ! rule couit us aforesaid, whu.li sliail tie nuin e General Asseinblv Information of Hie stale of i bcred a aforesaid, lu Philadelphia all suits shull the General Assembly Information of tho stale of the Commonwealth, and recommend lo their con sideration such measures as he may judge cxw dieni. Sec. 12. Ue may on extraordinary occasions. convene tbe General Assembly, and iu case of disagreement between the two houses, with re spect to tne tune ot sojournment, aajourn iiieui lo such time as he shall think proper, not exceed ing four mouths. He shall have power lo eou vene the Seiiaue lu extraordinary session, by pro clamation, lor the trausaellon of executive busi ness. Sec. 13. In rase of the death, conviction on Impeachment, fsilure to qualify, resignation, or other disability of the Governor, the powers, du ties, and emoluments of the office for tbe re mainder of lbs term, or until Ihe disability be removed, shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Gov- .ernor. Sac. 14. In case or a vacancy in tne otnee or Lleutenaut Governor, or ben tbe Lieutenant Governor shall be Impeached by Aha House of Representatives, or shall .be unable to exercise tbs duties of bis office, lb powers, duties, and emoluments thereof for the remainder of the term, or ouill the disability bs removed, shall devolve upon the rresldcnl rao Tssrass oi me liens nf all I bo said courts, as is or may Do ai Seoataiand the President pro tempore of the , reeled, by is w. tfsnMt shall la Ilk manner became Governor If bKCi $. yy,, f Ad courts lo tbe counties of Phi AMEEICiS a vacancy or disability shall occur In the office of Governor) his scat Senator shnll become vacant whenever he shull become Governor, and shall be filled by election as any other vacancy in the Senate. Sec. 15. Every bill which shnll have passed both houses shall he presented to the Governor i If he approve, he shall sign it but it he shall not approve, be shall return It with his objec tions to the house In which It shall Itavo origi nated, wbich bouse shall enter tbe objections at lurge upon their journal, nnd proceed to recon sider It. If, nfter such reconsideration, two thirds of all the member elected to that house shall agree to pass the billi it shall be sent with the objections to the other house, by which, like wise, It shall be leconsldcrcd, and If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to that house, It shall be a law ; but In such cases the voles of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the members voting for and against the bill shall be entered nr. the Journals of euch house irsprrlivcly. If any bill shall not be returned by the Governor within ten days after it shall have been presented to him, the same shnll be a law In like manner ns If lie had signed if, tiulc the General Assembly, by their adjournment, prevent lis return, In which case It shall bu a law, unless he shall file the same, with his objections, In the office of the Se cretary of tho Commonwealth, and give notice thereof by public proclamation wlthiu thirty days alter such adjournment. Sec. 16. The Governor shall have power to dis approve of any item or Items of any bill making appropriations of money, embracing distinct Items, and the part or parts of tho bill approved shall be the law, and the item or items of appro priation disapproved shull be void, unless re passed according to the rule and limitations prescribed for the passage of other bills over the executive veto. Src 17. The Chief Justice of tho Supreme Court shall preside upon the trial of any contest ed election ot Governor or Lieutenant Governor, and shall t'.cclde questions regarding the admis sibility of ctldence, nnd shall, upon request of the committee, pronounce his opinion upon other questions of thu law Involved in the trial. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall exer cise the duties or their respective offices until their successor shall be duly qualified. Sec. 18. The Secretary ol "the Commonwealth shull keep a record of all official nets and pro ceedings of the Governor, and w hen required lay the same, with nil papers, minute and voucher relating thereto, before either branch of tho Gen. oral Assembly, nnd perform such other duties us niny be enjoined tipou him by law. Bite. 1H. The Secretary "of Imernal Affairs shall exercise all the powers and perform nil the duties of the Surveyor General, subject to such changes as shall be u. uric bylaw. His depart ment ii embrace a bureau of industrial statis tics, and he shall discharge snch duties relating to corporations to the charitable institutions, the agricultural, manufacturing, mining, mineral, limber and other material or liticincss Interests of Hie Stale us may be prescribed by law. He shall nunually nnd nt such other times as may be required by law, make report lo the General Asseuibly. Skc. 20. The Superintendent of Public Instruc tion shall exeercise nil thi puwcis nml trifoiui all the duties of the Superintendent of Common Schoo's, subject to such changes ns shall be made by law. Sec. 21. The term of the Secretary of Internal Affairs shall be four years, of ihe Auditor Gene ral, three years, and of the State Treasurer two year. These olliceis sdiull be chosen by the qua lllied electors of the State ut general elections. No person elected to the office of Auditor Gene ral or State Treasurer shall be capable ot holding the same office for two consecutive terms. Sec. 22. The present Great Seal of Pennsylva nia shall be Ihe seal of the State. All commissions shall be in the nnmc and by authority of the Common wealth of Pennsylva nia, and be sealed w ith the State seal aud signed by the Governor. ARTICLE V. TUK JCMCIAHT. Section 1. The Judicial power of this Com monwealth shall be vested lu t lie Snpicme Court, iu courts of common pleas, courts of oyer alio terminer and general jail delivery, court of quurler sefsions of the peace, orphans' courts, magistrates' courts, and in such other courts us tbe General Assembly may from time to lilue es tablish. St c. 2. The Supreme Court shall consist of se ven Judge, w ho shall be eleefed by the qualified electors ol the Slate nt large. They shall hold their offices for the term of twenty-one years, if tliey so long behave themselves well, but shall not be again eligible. The judge whose commis sion shall first expire shull be chief Justice, und thereafter each judge whose commission shall first expire shall in turn be chief Justice. Sue. S. The Jurisdiction of the Supreme Couit shall extend over t tie State, and the judges there of shall, by virtue of 'heir offices be justice of oyer aud terminer and general jail delivery in the several counties ; they shall have original juridiction In cases of injunction, und where a corporation is a party defendant, of habeas cor pus, of manuami s lo couit of inferior jurisdic tion ; and of ot i waiiiianto ns to all olliceis of the Commonwealth whoso Jurisdiction extends over the Stale, but shall not exercise any olher origiuul jurisdiction ; they shall have appellate jurisdiction by apia-al, cektioiiaiu or writ of er ror lu all cases, as is now or inuy hereafter be provided bv law. Sac. 4. Until otherwise directed by law, the courts of common plea shall continue ns ut pre sent established, except ns herein changed ; not more limn four counties shall, ul any time, be included iu one judicial district organized toi said courts. Sec. 5. Whenever a county shall contain folly Ihonsuud inhabitants It shall constitute it sepa rate Judicial district, and shull elect one judge learned in the law ; an I the General Assembly shall provide lor additional judges. Counties containing a population less than is sufficient to constitute separate tlistiicts shall be formed into eomcnient single districts, or, if neeessory, may be attached to contiguous districts usthcGciicrul Assembly may provide. T he ollice of associate judge, not learned in thu law, Is abolished in counties forming separate districts ; but tliu sev eral ussoclute Judges in office when this (ous'.liu tion shull be adopted shall serve for their unex pired terms. I dec. u. in the counties oi rtiiluncipuia ami Al ! Icghcny, all Ihe jurisdiction and poweis now I vea.c.l III the Uistiict t'ouns and Courts of Cum ! mon Pleas, subiect to such, changes as may be made by this constitution or bv law, shull bu iu ,,,,,, ,..,i,i ,.si,..i i inr .,a i Aii...ri,. i j Picas number one, numb, r two. number three, I and number four, und lu Allegheny us tho Court of Coipmon Plea number one nnd number two, I but the uumber of said oouils may be by luw In j cruised, lioiu time to time, nud shull ill like : manner be designated by suects-lve uumber i I lie number of judges in uny of said coui ts, or in any county where the establishment of au additional j court "inuy he authorized by luw, may be increas ed from lime lo time; ami whenever such In i reuse shall amount lu the w hole to three, such j three Judges i.bull compose u distinct and scpu- be Instituted In the said Courts of Coiiimeu Pleas, without designating the number of suid court, und the several court shull distribute und appor tion the business among them in such uianuer us shull be provided by rules of court, and euch court to w hich any suit shall he thus assigned shall have exclusive jurisdiction thereof, subject to chauge of venue, us shull bo pruvlded by law. In Allegheny each court, shall have exclusive Jurisdiction of all proceedings at law und lu equi ty commenced therein, subject to change of veuue as may be provided by luw. Sec. 7. For Philadelphia there shull be one Proihonotary's officii, and one Prothonotury fur ull said courts, and to bold office for three years, subject to removal by a n.ujorliy of the said Judges ( the suid Prothonotury shall appoint such assistants us may be ueceMtry and authorized by said courts, and bu and hi assistant shall re ceive fixed salaries, lube determined by law and paid by said county ; all lee collect-d iu suid office, except such us may be by law due to the Commonwealth, shull be paid by the Pnahnno tary lulo Ihe county treuury. Each court shull bava Its sewraie niMkil,' except tne judgiiieut ; docket, which shall contain the Judgments und New Kerlea). Vol. 5. Xo. 87. 1 Old Nert, Vol. 81, No. 9. ladelphia and Allegheny respectively, shnll, from time to time, detail one or morn of their judges to hold tho courts of Oyer and Terminer, nnd the courts of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of said counties In such manner as may be directed by law. Sec. 0. Judges of the Courts Of Common Picas learned In the Inw shall bs judges of the court of Oyer nnd Terminer, Qrtatrtor Session of the Pence, nud General Jail Delivery, und of the Or phans' Court, and wlihln thelr resncdire dis tricts shall be Justices of the peace us locrliniiinl matters. Sec. 10. The Judge of the courts of Common Pleas, within their respective counties, hall have power to Issue w rits of cehtiokaki to Justi ces of the pence, nnd other inferior courts not of record, mid to cause their proceeding to r.e brought before, them and right and justice to be done. Sec. II. I'xcept ns otherwise provided in this Constitution, Justices of the pence or aldermen shall be circled lu the several wnrds, districts, hnrongh nnd townships at the time of the elec tion ol constable, by Ihe qualified electors there of, iu such manner a shall be directed hy law, and shall be commissioned by the Governor for a term of live years. Nn township, ward, district nr borough shall elect more than tw o Justices of the pence or aldermen wit liEut the consent of n majority f Uie qiftillllrd doctors within such township, ward or borough ; no person shall ho elected to such office unless he shall have resided within the township, borough, ward or district foi one yenr next preceding his election. Iu ci ties containing over fifty thousand inhabitants, not more than one alderman shall be elected iu each ward or district. Sec. 13. In Philadelphia there shall be estab lished, lor each thirty thousand inhabitants, one court not of rerorl, of police und civil causes, with jurisdiction not exceeding one hundred dol lars; such courts shall be held by magistrates w hose, term of office sl-.all be five year, and they shill be elected on general ticket by the qualified voters nt large ; and in tho election of the said magistrates no v iter shall vote for more than two-thirds cf the number of persons to be elect ed, wliuu more Hum one are lo be chosen ; they shall be compensated only by fixed salaries, to be puid by said county ; unci shall exercise such Ju risdiction, civil and criminal, except as herein provided, us Is now exercised by aldermen, sub ject to snch changes, not Involving an Increase of civil Jurisdiction or conferiing political duties, us may be made by law. In Philadelpliiu th': office of alderman is abolished. Site. 13. All fees, tines and pinnltles In said courts shall bu paid Info tho county treasury. Sec. 14. In all cases of summary conviction In this Commonwealth, or of judgment in suit for a penalty before a iniigi-trute. or court not of re cord, cither !. upiwni lo such court of record may be prescribed by law, upon allow ance of the upptllr.te court or judge lhcrrof,ur-on cause shown. sjislc. 15. All judges required to bo learned In the Inw, except the judges of iho Supreme Court, shall be elected by the qualified electors of tlie respective districts over which they are to pre side, und shall hold their office for "the period of ten years, If they shall so long bt have themselves well"; hut for any reasonable cause, which shull nol be sufficient ground for impeachment, the Governor muy remove uny of iheni on the nd-dre-s of two-thirds of each house of thc tlciicrul Assembly. Sec. 10. Whenever two indues of ihe Supreme Court are to be chosen for tlm same term of ser vice, each voter shall vote for one only, unu when three m e to be chosen, he shall vote for no more than two; ruudidates highest ill Vute shall be declared elected. Sec. 17. Should any two or more Judget of the Supreme Court, or uny two or more Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for tlie same district be elected at Hie same time, they shall, as soon after the elect Ion us convenient, oust lot for priority of coiiiiiii-sion, and ceitifv the result to the Governor, who shall issue their commissions in accordance therewith. Seo. IS. The judges of the. Suprenir Court and the judge of tlie eerc.ul courts of Common Pleas, anil ull oilier Jiulgeaxeiiiiired to be learned in the law, shull, ut Hated times, receive for their services an adequate compensation, which shall be fixed by luw, und p.ii 1 by the Stale. They shall receive no other coin eolation, fees, or perquisite ot ollice for their services from any source, nor hold uny other office of profit under the United States, lids State, or uny other Stale. Sec. V.I. The Judges of the Supreme Court, during their continuance in office, shall reside within this Commonwealth ; and the other judges, during their conlinuance In ntlloe, shall reside within the districts for wiiich they shall be respectively elected. Sr.c. 20. The several courts of Common Picas, besides the powers herein coul'crred, shall have und exercise within their respective districts, subject to su?h changes us may be made by luw, such chancery powers ns are now vested by law in the sc oral "coui ts of Common Pleas of this Commonwealth, oi us may hereafter be conferred upon I he in by law. Src. 21. No duties shall be Imposed by luw upon tho Supremo Court or any of the Judges thereof, except such us are Judicial, nor shall any of the judges thereof exercise any power of appointment, except ns herein provided. The Couit of Nisi Priiis is hereby abolished, and no court of oiigloul Jurisdiction to be presided over by any one or more of thu jujges of tbe, Supreme Court shall be established. Sec. 22. In every county wherein the popula tion shall exceed one hundred and fitly thousand the General Assembly shall, und iu uny other eoM.ty may. establish a separata Orphans' Couit, lo con-lst of one or more judges who shall be learned iu the law, which court shull exercise ull tho jurisdiction and rowers now vested in, or widen may herenner be conferred upon, the Orphans' Courts, and thereupon the jurisdiction of the Judges of tliu Court of Com mon Pleas within such county, in Orphans Court pioceedings, shall ce.ire and determine ; In any county in which a separate Orphans' Couit shall be established thu Register of Wills shull he clerk of such court, pud subject to lu direction in all matters pertaining lo his office ; he may appoint asM-la V clciks, but only with the con sent and approval of said court. Ail nccoiints Hied with him us register or as clerk of the said sc pal ale Orphans' Court shall bu audited by the court without exRlie lu parties, except where nil parlies in Interest in u pending prot ceding shall nominate mi auditor whom the court may, in its discretion, appoint. In every county orphans' count shall possess nil the powers und Jurisdiction of a lcgitei's Court, una separate registers' courts are hereby abolished. Sec. 23. The style of nil process shall be " The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." All prosecutions shall be carried on In the name and by ihe authority nf lu Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and conclude Ofeuiust the peace and dignity of thu same. Sec. 24. Ill all case of felonious homicide, and in such o;hcr criminal tases us muy be pro vided for by law, the licensed, after conviction and sentence, may remove ihe Indictment, record, und all proceedings to tbe Supreme Com I for review. Sec. -5. Any vacancy happening by death, resignation, or otherwise, in any conn oT record, shall lie tll:ed by appointment hy Ue Governor, to continue till Ihe Urst Monday of January next succeeding the first general election, which shall occur thiee or more muutbs after the hap pening of stub vscHiicy. Sec. 20. All laws relating lo court shall be generul and of uniform operation, and lb" organ ization, Jiuisjielion mid pgwers of ull court of the same i lass or grade, so fur a reguleled by law, uuJ the force aud effect nf I he process anil judgments of such court rliull.be uinloiin ; mid the Generul Assembly i hereby prohibited from creating olher court lo exercise thu aiwer vested by this constitution In the judges of the courts of common pleas and orphans' eours. Skc. 37. The parlies, by agreement filed, may. In any civil case, dispense w ith tilal by jury, aud subruli the decision ol such case to ti e court having jurisdiction thereof, aud such court shall hear and determine the same and the Judg ment I hereon shall be subject to wrll of errors as lu other eases. ARTICLE VI. lMriACMMBNT AMI HKMOVAL VKOw OFftCI. Sec 1. The House of Representative shall have the solo power of impeachment. Sac. 2. All Impeachment sbull be tried by the Senate when silling for that purpose, the Seualois shall be upon oath or affirmation ; uo vr-ou shull be convicted without the concur rence of two-thirds of the members present. biw. t. The Govfsrnorandall olliar civil officers shall be lh.b!u to liopc icbni.ut for any imsde roflsesr la QoVa, bat Judgment la each eases ADVEKTISIIVG SCHEDULE 10 Liitets or About 100 Word make a BqnaH One wook 1.V V.00 .00 .6Ui .(H)! .501 4.501 .uf B. cur o.wjimw Two weeks l.ftO! 3 Throe tB.oo: -9.50! 8.MM 4.B0I 6.00) ft.00.1 8.00 20.00 4.50i S.fioj 0.00 10.00ilR.00 28.60 S.OOj 6.50) 7.00 ia.00 17.0025.00 6.7fti 7.50 8.00 13.00 18.0037.60 7.M)i 8.50j g.0 15.00 10.00 80.00 8.00; tt.50 10.0O-a0.00K5.0040.0t Four " FIto " Bix " Tfro tno'g Thrc " Six Nine " On Tear 3.75: 8.00; 3.25 ;8.50: 5.00. tf.Will.OOljS.OO 28.00 SA.ua 50.00 .n.oo lo.ooi i s.otiiu.ooto.oo 45.00 75.00 iH.Of 1 li.UOi 1 .ViniiiW.Otl 40.00 b0.l0100. 1mll nut (-xiQiid fur Hi or tbnti to removal from ollice nnd diquRlineUnn to liolj nnf ofBoo of trust or profit undur this ooinmonwfHlth th l-crron accuiwd, whether convicted or acquitted, nhflll nercrtho.t!fts bn llnhle to Indictment, trial, judgment and punlsbmeut according to law Brc. 4. All olllcMt ttbt.ll hold their office oa the condition that they behave thtttnuelret well while In ntllce, and shall be removed on convic tion or UiUbebavlui' lu olflce or of any Infamous crime. Appointed officers other tbnn Jadsree of the coutttt of record end the uperintendendent of Public InMruciioii, mny bo removed nt the pleasure of the power by which they shall bave been appointed. All officers elected by the people, except Governor, Lluutcnnut Governor, mem here of tho General iembly, and Judges of tho couits of record, Ibnrned l:i lha law, limit be removed by the Uoveruar tor reasonable cause; nfier due notice nnd full hearing uu the address of two-thirds of tbo Sun at. article nr. oath or omra. Stctitm 1. Senator aud Kepreeentatlvos and alt ju'liclut. stati' nnd county oHImrn. Flmll, bnt'uro ti WiiiK on th duih-a of their rePimsllTeoflloea. tak ami uibrvrlhe thu lollnwiiiir mil h or Hllirmntlon . 1 do Mlf niiily Rwenr (or atltrtn) that I will p tip port, vhny oii'l iictund the fonst liutlun of the TJnt tisl Statin Kail tho cnutuHtuihin ol this ootnmno wtMilth. umJ that I Will liiachanrfl tho duties ol my olti'-e with fidelity: that 1 bve not pah) orcomrlU uieil. or prutniue tu pay vr contribute, either dl--rlly or linHrwtly, any nmnev or other rnluabla th(nr, to procur!- tny uointiiHtbrn or election (or sppointniiDi ). ivifpt lr necisary and proper ex pcinn fxpn'ly autborlied by Ihw: tlm l I have not knowingly violated Any Wt'fUnn Ihw of this cmnnHniwenirh. or tnMurMt it to ho rtonn by othurs In my b''hal(; that 1 will pot Unimtnuly receive, dlrently or In-llret'tly, any money orfotner valuable thliijx vr the performance or non-pert'urnianoe of any nt or duly lartiilnlujf ti tny nltice, other than the compensation alio win) hy law. The lovt'itriilnsr nalh Plmll 1 Rtlmtnlatnred br ume pcrv'm iintli'u Ired tondmiplftrroaths. and In the i-act ot Slate oiliceib und J u lire of iheSuprvum C'tnrt. PhHllJie.lih'd lu the olMee of the Hoereta of the eomtnoiiHeult h. and In the cone of othrji-dli-lal :uid enuiiiy oWe-ere. In tholt!oe of the Pro thonotmy ol the county in whleh the enmo lMk. en; any p) pon relufitisV to take suid oath or afllrmv at Ion shall forfeit hln ollice, nnd auy pcrflon who shall le ronvli'ted of having HWorn or af)lnno4 falFcty.orol imvtnr vhduted fnld oath or allirma. tion. Hhall he Kuiliy ol perjury, and tw forever dim ((iiulitied from holding any ofllee of tnnt or proflt within thiHcomuioiini'alth. The oath to the nuMiil.ern of the PonatcAod house of Ipn entatlve fihall he administered by one of the judnen of the Supremo curt or ol a oourl or common plenc. lettruvd In the law. In the hall nf thu huuitu to which the member Hhall bo elected ARTICLE VIII. SCl FRiCL AND ELECTIOXJ. f SftttQn 1. Kvery mnlc cltl7n twenty ono yoars of, ix'Fse-sihtf tbo following quallticatiuaj, shall be entitled to vote at all elect lona: Kind. He Rhall have been a citizen uf the TJntted Statetmt lea-lt.no month. Second. Hot-hall hint- resided In the Ptato one year (or if havlnir previously hocna qualified oleo tor or nuitvu burn cttlscu ot the slate, he shnll have removed therefrom an I returned, thon six ni 'ii ih-) linnied bitely preceding tlie eleetiou. Third. He shall luive resided In the olectton dls-' trier where he chilli oiler to volo at least two mnth Imno' ltaJt ly preceding the election. Fourth. 11 tweiiyt wo years ol ai0 ur upwards, he jshrtll luiv.' pat 1 w Ithln two years a malo or eounty tat, which shall have been aescsaod at least two months, and paid at least one uiunlu tutor th" election. See. 3. The (rencrul election shall h held ftnnu tlly on the Tur-tduy utM follow 1 mr the first Monday ot Nuvenili r. but the general assembly may by law ti. a dilli-rcnt day, two third ol all tho mem bers ol euch house ciiHlnt Ina thereto. . Sec. 3. All election lor city, ward, borough, an! township ntileers. for regular terms of service, hall be held ou th" third Tuesday of February. Sit. 4. All election by the citizens shall bo by ballot. Kvery ballot Toil shall be numbered iu theorter In whhdi I shall be received, and the iiuinoer recur led by the election of Doers on th lift of vuii-r.-. opposite the unmoof tho elector who I repents tlie ballot. Any Plextor may write bi lia e upon bin ticket, or eau-te tho laruo to hu written thereon and nttesre 1 by a citizen ol the ilistriot. The il.'i-tlnn oillcrshall b sworn or atlli -tiled not to dlpclut- how any elector shall bava voted utiles iepitr l to do so nn witnesses In a judicial pruLvedinir. Vr. . r.U'C.urs shall In all cz9 exeept treason, felony and breach or Mirety ot the pesce. Im prlv lleod trom arrost during their attendauca on oleo- . tion and In going to and returning therefrom. Sir. . Whenever any of the iiualifled electors of thi commonwealth shall be in actual military survive, under a requisition Irotn the Freeldont A the fulled Stales or by the authority of thl eom iiinweaJth. such electors may exerciio the right of rju!rr:m In all elections bv the cltlzeus under suoM regut-Mlon as are or ehn In presvrllod by law, u fully as If they were prtfeut at their usual plac er of election. sec. 7. All laws reulatlnrx the holding of elee Hons by the cltleiis or for the registration of e lactors shall be uuliorm throughout the state, but no elector hall bo th-prive.1 of tho privllego of voting bj rfasou of bis namo not being register-, ed. See. K Any person wh shall give, or promlfe or otlcr to give' to an elector, any money, reward of other valuable etHisi Watioti lor his vote at an e ieetiou or for wltholdlng thu nne. or who shall give or proru.ifj lo give- su:h canllcrailon to any to her ronton or party for siich eleotor's vote, or for the withholding thereof, and any elector wti f hall receive or agree to receive, for himself or for another, any money reward or other valuable ooo Hldenilii'ii for his vote ut an election, or lor with holding the suine. shall thereby lorh.lt tho right to xote at Mudi election, and any elector whoso right, to vote shall bj chullenged tor such cauae bvforo Ihe elccUuit ottlcers shall l required to swear or attirm that tlie matter of the challenge is untrue be lore bis vole thall lie receive 1 Src. M. Anv person who shall, while a candidate fur office, be" guilty of brtlH-ry, fraud or wllllul violation of an clrotlou law. shall be forever dis qualified fruin held ing au office ol trust or profit tn this comuioiittealth: and anv peraon convicted of. wlllfulvlolation or the election ltvws. shall. In addi tion to auv penaltl3 provided by law, bo deprived of the right of suOrage absolutely for a loru of funr years. See. Vk Tn trials of contested elections, and In proeeedlnes for the investigation of elections, no erdou shall Ih permitted to withhold his testimo ny upon the ground that it may criminate hlmsetf of tu' ic.'t blm to public Infamy; but nch testluio u v shall not afterwards be used agrtinat'hlm in aiiyjuih iu t pi-.- cuing, except for perjury tn giv ing sued tttimuy. Arc. 11. Townships und Wf.nls of cities or bor oinrhs slrill form or lc divi hd Into clctton dis tricts td' compact and contiguous territory, luaac lu'ituu-r as t he court ol Quarter scs-Ion ol the city or county tn nlii.di the suna are loot tod may dl-' rcct. t'Ut'dtsti b-'.f In cities ol over one hundred, thousand tnh.ildunt dial! be divided by tba courts ol quarter .r.ii having jurisdiction Umro In whenever at the next preceding election more thau twj hundrod and fifty votes khall have loei. polled i her in: and other election dttdricH wheu evvr theotairt of the proper et itnty vhall be of o billion that the convenience of the let-ton ami tbe pub IK- interests will he promoted thereby. Sec PJ. All election by per vtis lu a icprcsnta tire capacity shall be viva viitk. Src. 13. Fr the pui hho ot voting, uo person shall be deem'"! l' b ve stained a residence by roa on of his prt -seuee, r low It by reason of his ab seiu-o w hile iiiplcyed fu the sen Ice, either civil C" military of this smte or of the V lilted States, nor wiille engaged lu I !fV navlgathm ol the waters of theSta-eorof the V lii'. Mates, or on the high ess. nor while a tudcia y tns'ltutlou of le. ruing, nor while kept In J."' .'"7 , house or oth er asvlmn at public i'u uor 7.nlle "-i111 puidic pnsen. IA llislrlol fl.xiMiiit hi.ar.lol .11 insist of ju.igr n i iwo in.-ii.ciors. who snail no c,.t w seU aumiiilty by the cltlcu. KaWi ilectur shall ha., the right to vote br the judge and oue inspector umi each Inspcclur sliail apptjtnt ouo cb ik. The fust ekv.'ion board any new district vhall be stjv leetcd, and vu Alleles in election board nlled as tdir.ll be provided hy law, Klcctlou others shall ba privileged Irtim arn-fl ujmu days of election auu while engaged lu limiting up and tr.n.r-iuiitin r tut us, eicvpl Hpoii wariMUi u( a v urt uf rvourU or judge thereof for an election Iruu I, for tclodv, or fur wanton breach of the pram, lu cities they may cluiu ejkoiupUou iruiu jury du( during ibufx terms of uervltX. , Vi . I V No person shall he qunllUod to serre as an election oiheer ho shall bold, ur shall wlihlu tao months have held any olhee, aptolntmout, or employment In or under the government of the I ulled Slates, or ol this statu, or olany city or count v. or ol auy miiiib ipnl bord. comiuU.-qou, or trust In auy city, save only justices of the p aca and al lerineii, uotaiies public, aud persons in the inllilla service d the s.ate iior eh all any election officer be eligible to auy civil ortico to Im'ililtd at an lcciloii at which be shnll stive, wnvv only to such suUirdliiatu muuicipai or local oinces below the grade of city or county olUcts as shall b tie signaled by general law. Sec. 16. Tlie courts ol common please of the sct- ' oral oouutiesol theuimiuuuweallh shall tapiw. er wtlhlu their res-jectlve jurisdiction r appoint overseers of election to supervise the proceeUtog ol i lie tiou oiheers. Had to make rcptTl to tb court as may te required: a h Mpxdiitiaeiit to b made fur any dltdm-t iu a city or ixmnty, upoo pa tlthm of five cltUeiis. lawlul voters id such eioctlua district, selling fouli tnt such appointment ia a rcaasyiiuhlu prc3utU'U U accure the purity and fatruess ul election overeecrs shall be two lu uuuw lr lor an ebcttoudlsirict, hall be residents l hers ' In, and shall be ierou-iuuHAcd to serve upunei tvlii'o boaros, and lu each ease members ol dltter- eul political parties; whenever tbs Uieuibers of au ' elee. ion uua,rd sua! I dl Her pluton, Ua vvrsoere II they ahaUtss agreud iIkivwi. hhall deubia iu question oldlllerettce; In npn It'Uhg overseer ol lecuou, all the law juogt-a ul the props aourt a Die to act at ma uiue Uitu coucur iu tba epi.kurat iuu jnau. 4t4 Tm$ ?.