Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 28, 1873, Image 4

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The New Conalltriilon-Contlaned
Trout l inl I'asr.
Jt they ahall M as;rl Uiorton, shall itrelil the
U-mlna ofilllfon'nce; In sprmlnllnir. overeeeri of e
Imtlfflti all IM law jnilgvs tit the proper court a
hie In tot l the tiioc shall oonour Id lb appoint
tnxnte mode.
Sec. 17. Tha trlnl srol determination of contest.
ni elMlonsnf elector! or l'rtiflileut and Vlw
preelilent, tnemtieroofthe a;cnernl assembly, ami
of all public offlocs wlietlwr state, judicial, muni
cipal, or local, thall Ih by tho enitrtsol luw, or by
no or more of the law Jndgca there., the fri-ncnil
amwmldy ahall, by griieral law, desltrnnte the
nrtn and jilrct by whom the swvornl el.mes of
election emilr-sts shall he tried, and irgttlitto the
wanner of trial and all mane innucnv iiiun-
hut ao such law sMla-nlna: jiirlaillcllon, or rrRiila.
tlnir lieeiornlso. ahull apply to any contest aris
ing out of an election held before lit passage.
tjxatio aso riKAsra.
Aae 1 All laxri shall be nnirorm upon the earns
elws of subject! within I he territorial
the aulhorilT Icvyiim the ta. and s hall be levied
and rnllooted under general lewsj tint the general
assembly may, by Kncrnl lawf, exempt from tax
atlon public properly used lor public purpojeB, ac
tual place of religions, worfhlp placet of burial
notnVednT hold lor prlvaio or eorponite pront,
and Institutions of purely public charity.
Src. i. All lawn exempting proiicrty from taxa.
Hon other Ihnu tho projury abuTe enumerated,
thall be void. , ,
Sec S The power to lax corporations and corpo
rate property sluill not be mirrvndercd or snspeml
id by any contractor grunt to which the blute
thnlf be a party.
Sep. 4. No neht shall bo created by on behnir
eftlie elate, except to tupply carnal deliclonele
of revenue, repel Invasion, tuppmt Insurrection
iteffnit the slate in war. or to pay existing debt,
and tho debt erratic! to tupply uVltelcmks In rev
enne thall never exceed In the BKtfrrgato at any
one time one million of dollar.
Sect) All laws authorising the borrowing of
rnonev by and on belmlf l tlio state thall specify
the purpose for which the money it to bo used
anil Iho money so borrowed thall bo used for tho
purpose epcelticd tnd no oilier.
Sec. . The credit or the commonwealth thall not
be pledged or louiicd to nnv individual, company,
orporatlon, or assjelallon. nor tlmll the common
wealth become a joint owner or Bto.-lihi.Mcr In any
cvmpanr, attoclution, or cirp:rn'lon.
Sec. J.'Tlie general astfinhlv thall not antliorlie
any inuntv. eitv, Imniugli. township or Ineorpora.
to.1 district to become a stufklioMcr in nny com.
lumy, association or coriirtttloii. or to obmln or
appropriate money for or to lonn lit erodli to any
corporal ion, assoelut Ion. Insiltutioii oi Individual.
See. 8. Tlie debt or nnv county, city, borough,
township, school district, or other iiiinlclp.iltiy.
or incorporated ilisirlol. esccpt as herein provided
thall never exceed seven per centum upon t he at
tested value ol the taxable property therein, nor
thai) anv men municipality or illstrlct Incur any
new debt, or increaae lit Indebtedness to nn o
moiint exceeding two pur centum upon such asset
ted valuation oi property without the assent or
the elector thereof, nt a public election, in such
manner us shall bo provided by law, hut any city,
the debt or which now exceeds seven per centum
tif tuch assessed valuation, may bo authorised by
law to increase the nine three per centum in the
aggregate at anv one time upon such vulual Ion.
Ace. . Tiiecoiuinonweallh slinll not assume the
debt, or anv part thereof, of any city, county, bor
ough or township, unless such debt shall have Ipccii
eoiaraeled to enable the stato to repel Invnslon,
suppress domestic Insiirreetlon. defend! Istli in
tltuaol wnr. or to nesist the state in t lie ulccharge
f anv portion of Its present Indebtedness.
.WlO. Anv conntv, township, school district, or
other munlcipiillly incurring any tndebte Inest,
tball. at or before the time ot so iloimr. provide lor
Ihe collection or an anmml tux tufhclent to pay
the interest an! alto the principal thcrcoi williin
thirty years. To provide for the payment of tho pret.
ent Siaie debt and any Additional debt contracted
as aforesaid, I he general nttrnildy shall continue
bd i malntuin ihusiiikln lundsiilbcient to pay tho
accruing interest on suli dctit and unmiiilly to re
duce the principal thereof, by n sum n-t lets tlmn
two hundred and liiiv thonsiind dollars, the said
sinking fowl shall eonsist of the pr.ieooda of the
ulet of tho public works or any j art thereof and
or the lucomc or proceeds of the sale of nnv stocks
owned by the commonwealth, together with other
fundt nnd resources Hint mav bo designated by
law , and thull be Increased from time to tim eby
Btslgulng to It anv pari of i he taxes or other reven
ue! of the tlale not required lor tho ordinary and
current expenses of government; nnd unlejs in
case ofwar, Invasion, or insurrection, no pnrt of
the eald sinking fund shall be used or applied oth
erwisa than la tho exiinguiaiiincut uf the public,
Sec. 14. The moneys of the elate, over and a
bove the necessary reserve, shall be used lu the
payment of the debt of the ttute. ellher directly oi
through the sinking lund, and the moneys of the
inking fund shall never he invested in or loaned
upon the security of anything except the bonos of
the United Slates or of this 8tate.
Sec. 13. The money! held as necessary reserve
hall be limited by law to the amount required for
current expenses, and shall be eectirod and kej t
at may be provided by lw. Monthly slatcmenis
hull be published showing the amount uf tuch
moneys, where llie tame arc deposited, and how
Stc. 14. Tho making of profit out of the public
monevaor using the same lor any purpese not au
' tborlted by luw. by any oflicer of the slate or mem
her or orhcer of the general assembly, shall bo a
misdemeanor, and thall bo puiilehed as may lu
prov ided bv lnw, bui part of tuch punishment
ball be a d'isipiallneatlou to hold olllce for a period
oi cot it n man live years.
Stc. ). The general assembly thall provide for
the maintenance and tupKirt ol a thorough and
utrlclent tvslem of public seitoids, wtiereiti all the
vhiidrcn el this commonwealth, above the age of
tlx year!, may be educate I. and thull appropriate
at least one million dollars euili year lor Unit pur
yoac. See. 2. No money raised for the support of the
public tchoolt of t he coiutnonweulth shall he up
proprlated to or used lor the tupport ol'uny (eclar
lao school.
See. 3. Women twenty one years of age and up
ward! shall le eligible to any olttce ol control or
management ui.derthc tchool laws of this Slate.
See. 1. The freemen ofthit commonwealth thall
he arined . organized and ucclplined lor lis detente
when and In such muuer as may be dlrec:ed by
law. Tile general ashcuibly shall provide ir
maintaining the mllitlu by appropriation from the
Treasury of the commonwealth, nnd may exempt
from military service persons having cousciuuttous
tvruple against bearing anus. .
rraLto OFFICE H8.
Sc. 1. All officer! whotejselectlou Is not provide J
lor in this cons' Itui Ion shall bo elcoled or appoint
ed as may te directed by luw.
See. U. No member or congress from this state,
nor any person holding or exetclsli g any cliue or
BpKlutmcnt of trust or proht under l no I nltcd
Status, sbull at the same tiineholdor oxercitc any
oitice In this state to which a salary, les, or per.
qulsites shall be attached. The general ucscinhly
inay by law declare w hat olflccs are iucouipall
bio. Sec. 9. Any person who shall fight a duel or send a
challenge lor thai purpose or be alder or abettor In
fighting a duel, sliull lie deprived ol the right of
holding uuy olllce of honor or profit in tills statu,
and may be otherwise punished es thall ,b pre
scribed by law.
Ate- 1. No new counlv thall
which shall reduce any county to less than lour
hundred square miles, or to loss thuii twenty
thousand luhubitauls: nor ahall auy county be
formed ot less ureu. or contulnlng a less popula
tion, uor shall uuy lino tbereor pass within leu
miles ot the county sent ol any cjuuty proK scd
te ht divided.
Sec. 1. County oftlcers shall consist of sheriff,
eorouers, prothonotaries, registers of wills, record
ers of deeds, coininibslonera. treasurers, surveyors.
auditors, or control lers, clerks of the courts, dis
trict attorneys, and such others us inuy from tiiuu
to time be established by law; aud no sheriff or
treasurer shall lie eligible lor llie term next suc
ceeding the tne for which he may be elected.
Src. 't. County utlicers shall bo elected at the
general t lections, and ahall hold their oftlcee tor
the term ot three yours. In-ginning ou t lie first
alouday or January next alter their elections, and
uulll their successors shall be duly quuliiied all
vacancies uot otherwise provided lor shall be filled
in such munner asm;ty lie provided by luw.
Sec. 'A. JNo person shall la- apoliited to any office
williin anycouuty w ho sbull not have been acitizeu
Bu d au Inhabitant therein one year next lielore his
appointment. It the county shall haie been so long
erected, but If it thill not huve la-en so long creel
ed, theu wphiu the liniiisui the county crocuntles
eut ol which It shall have been taken.
Sec. 4. Prothonoturies, clerks td ih-i courts, re
eordora of duels, registers ot wills, county aurvey.
era, Bud aherills sliull keep their etncea in the
oouuty townof the county lu which they respective
ly thall be officers.
Sec. 6. The couipeuratlon of county odlccis thall
! regulated by luw, Bnd all county oriicert who
are or may be salaried shall pay all feca which
they may bo authorised to rouel've iuto the treasu
ry ol the county or atute, as may U tilrccied by
law. In counties containing ovur one hundred and
fitly thousand inhabitants ull county ottlcers sliull
be paid by salary, and lite salury ol uny such oitt
cerb aud hfa clerks, herelotoie aid b lues, shall
not exceed the aggregate amount of ieea earned
during his term uud collected by or for lilin.
Sec. d. Tho general useemhly shall provide by
law for the Die airiot accountability ot all county,
township and borough olhivra, us well for the foes
which may lie collected by Iheui as lor all public
or municipal moue.vs which may be paid to iheui.
Sec. 7. 'I hrcecouuty couimissiuners and throo
etiumy auditors ahull be elected iu each county
where audi t Ifu-ors urn elu.M,i,- In Him vju
tbousaudoighi buudred and seveuty live uud every
.Jmr f U,J lu .'"r. i,r,'"n 01 a
thu ImiSi tK
th" lIu-aT S
ireuuui auiitorgiiaiitcUIleJ by the ouurtof tvu
moailft4iiifiUecuuut la wiiichucb
ooour, by the iuliitijaeutiuf an tlertur or ibe prup.
mr county who? hall buvruted tor tho euiuDilulou
tr or auditor woom pluou ia W be fllltrJ.
Ssc. 1. ntleaDiayv5 chart tared vhcuerer anu.
joriiy ol the olocioi ot any n or bonURh haTliiK
pujruUlioQ ul at Itaei teuniuiiMind ahall rota at
any gene ml aleoilon In favor of the lame.
Stc. i. Nodeht ahallbaeuntraoted or llablllt) In.
, 'wrrad by any muoteltial euiuiulMUai, eioept tupur
auanoa of an appropriation prov loual made tbwa-
tvrity vuw luuuiciuai koto rum on i.
btc, i. Kvery city ahall real a a alukinK fund
ef its ra-la4dM.
AVe. 1. Allexlttlngchartert, or ir ran 1 1 oftneclal
or exclusive privileges, under which a bonandeor
gslilullon shall not haretaknn place and huslnet!
been commenced in flnodi faith Bt Iho time ot the
adoption of this constitution, shall thorenltcr have
no validity
Soc. a. Thegcneral astcmbly thall nntremltth
forfellureol tho charlcrof any onriorBllon now ex
Isllng.or alteror amendthe tame, orptsa anyot li
ar general tclal law tor the benclH or tuch cor-l-oratlfin,
except UMn the c-onditlon that tuch oor
ptirnlion thall ihereafterhold lis charier subject to
theprovlslontof Ihlteonttltullon.
Src. S. Theexorolteortho right of eminent do
main t hall never he abridged orto eonetrucd as to
prevent the general assembly Irnm taxing tho
property and frnnchltct ol lncormrateil companies
and tuhjcellng them lopubllo lite, the tame ot
the pnnwrty of Individuals- bikI tho exercise of
the txdlce Kiwer of the state thall never tie a
.briilgedor aonontlrucila! tn permit eorinratlon
toeonduct their buslneat in tnch manner at loin
fringo the eiinl rights ol Individual! or the gener
al well beingof the stale.
Src. 4. In nil election! for ill rector! or manager!
tr a corporainn each member or shareholder mav
east the wholcnumber or his votes for one candi
tlnfe, ordisfrlhufefhcraupon fwoor more eaudldnei
us he may prefer
Sec. 6. No foreign corporation shall do any butl
nettln fhlt tfne without having one or more
known nlucct or business, and an nurhortr.od agenf
nragenfs Infhctamo, Un whom prooctt may be
served .
Sec. Noenrporaion thnllengngo In any butl
iicssj other flinn that expressly 1 n lit
cliariT, nor shall it fakoor hold any renlesfu.o, ex
cept such as may be necessary and proper for ls leg
Iflinae business.
Src. 7- Nocorpornlon thall Issue stocks or bonds
except for monev, htbor done, or money or properfv
neully recniveJ; and nllnctifiout increase of stock
or Indebtedness thall be vohl: tho stix k and in
debtedness of corpornt ions shall not be Increased
execptin pt.rsuaneo of general luw, uor wlhouf
(he consent ol the persons holding tho larirer a
niounf in value ol tho stock lirt obtalneil nf u meet
ing (obe held after sixfy dnyt noliee given In pursu
ance nt'lnw.
.Sic. 8. Municipal and other cnrnornflont and lit.
(llviduitlsinveseil wlhhc privilege of faking pri
vate pro-rly (or publlcuse. shall mako just com
pensation for proairy fak'-n. Injured or uoBfrood
by fbeeonsfi uetlon or enlargement of their works
highways or Improveniens; wbi.-h comiensBilon
shall bo paid or secured heforcsuch taking, injury
or destruction. The general assembly, is hereby
protiiliifivl from depriving any person of an appeal
from any preliminary assessment of damages n-
f rains any such corporalim or individuals, made
ly viewer's or otherwise; and the amount of such
damngot. In all onset of appeal, shall on (he demand
oi eilier parfy. bo determined by a jury' according
to the course til the common law.
See-1. livery banking law shall provide for fho
regifry nnd coitnersiirnlng ty nn oltlcer of the
Sno.ol ail mtet orbills desluned Tor circulation
and tbaf ample security tofheliilt amount fherlof
rball be deposited nlfh flie auditor general fur ho
redeinplhui ol such notes or bills.
Src. 10. The general assembly shall have flic pow
eroalcrrcvokcoraunul any eharerof incorpora
tion now existing nnd revocable at (be ndopil-nof
thisconsKuion or any hain:iy hcrcafer becreu
ed whenever in heiropiiii-m imuy tie Injurious to
(he citizens ot Mils commonwealth, in such manner
however (ha( no injusdee shall bodono to the cor
porators. No luw liereafter enacted shall creae re
new or exicu l (he chftrer ol more than one corpora
tion. .S'i'f 11 No corporate tody (opotseFt banking and dis
counting privibges sliall bccre.Ked tir organized in
pursuance ofauy law without (hree monlis previous
public uolicc uf'die place or (he intended location
oftlic Intention tonpplyfornich privileges In such
manner as shall be prescribed by lawnorshalla
charter for such privilege be gruntedfor b longer
period than twenty yenrs.
Sec. lit. Any association or corporation organis
ed for the purioc, or and individual, shall have
Iho right to const met and maintain lines ol tele
graph within this slate, end to connect tho tame
with other lines; and the lleueral Assembly shall,
by general law of uniform operation, provide rea
unublo regulations to iclvo lul 1 ellect to this sec
tion. No telegraph company ehull consolidate
with or hold a cm roll lug Interest in the stock or
bonds of nnv other telegraph company owning a
competing line, or acquire, by purchase or other
wise, uny other competing line of telegraph.
Sec. i:i. Tho term -corporations,'' us used in
thisarliclo. shall be construed to include all joint
stock companies or associations having any ol Iho
lowert or privileges of corporations not possess,
cd by Individual! or partnerships.
Section . All railrondt nnd cauuls shall be pub
lic highways, and all railroad and canal compan
ies shall be common CHrrieis. Any nrsocintion or
corporation organized for the purpose thall have
the right to construct and operate a railroad lie
tweeu anv pointt within Ibis ttate and to connect
at tho ttate line with railroad of other ttute.
Kvery railroad company thull have the rlglil with
lit ro'ad to interBcet, connect with, or crost any
other railroad, and thall receive and transjairt
each the others pussengers, tonnage, and cars loud
ed or empty, without delay or discrimination.
Src. 2. Kvory railroad and canul corporation or
ganized in tills state sbull maintain an olllce there
in , w here taruslers ot its slock shall be mane, and
w here Us books shall be kepi forinspcclloiiby.any
Slock holder or creditor ol such corporation, lu
which thull be recorded thu amount of capital
stock subscribed or paid In, and by whom, the
naincsor tho owners ol Its stjck and the awioimts
owned by them, respectively, the transfer ot said
sl'ick. and inc uuuics anu piueesoi reticence oi in
! ofheert.
Src. 3. All Individual, associations, and corpor
ations shall have equal right to have persons nnd
property transported over railroads and canals,
and no undue or unreatonable discrimination thall
be made 111 charge! for or In facilitlei lor transpor
tation of freight or passeugets within the ttate. or
coming Irom or going to any oilier ttate. Per
fhs and properly transported over any railroad
shall be delivered at any station at chances not ex
ceeding the cbargeg for transportation of jiertons
( and property ot inc tame class In the same dlrec
! tlon to anv more distant staiion; hut excursion and
commutation ticket! may be issued at special
Sre. 4 No railroad, canal, or other corjicratlon,
or the lessees, purchasers, or managers of any rail
road or eaMal coriioratloo. shall consolidate the
slock, proiK-riy, or franchises ol tuch corjioratton
with, or lease or purchase the works or franchises
or. or in any way control any other railroad or ca
nal coriHirution owning or having under its control
a parallel or competing line, nor thull uuy otiicer
ot tuch railroad or canul corporation act as anofh
cerofuny other rullroad or canal corporation ow
ning or having the control of a parallel or compe
lling line, und the question whether railroads or
canals arc parallel or competing lines thull. w hen
demanded by the pany coiiipluiuant, be decide!
by a jury as lu other civil Issues.
Sec. b. No li'CorKira!ed cimpanv doing the
bus iness of a common carrier, shall directly or In
directly, prosecute or engage In mining or manu
facturing irthles for transportation over its worke,
nor thuilsiich ooinpuuy. directly or indirectly, en
gage in any oincr buslucst than thut of common
carriers, or hold or acquire Undt, freehold or lease
h dd, directly or Indirectly, except tuch as thall
be necessary ror carrying on lis business; but any
mining or manufacturing company may curry the
products of its mines and manufactories on Its
railroad or eunul not exceeding filly miles lu
See. 6. No president, director, officer. Agent or
employee of uny ruilroud or canal coinpnuy sliull
lie, directly or Indirectly, in lliefurnish
lug ol niuicrial or supplies to tuch company, or In
the business of transportation as a couimou car
rier or freight or passengers over the works own
ed, leased, coulrolb-d or worked by such company.
.Sec. 7. No dUcriuiintuilon lu churircs or taclfl-
i ties lor truns)Kiriui!on thull be mode between
truiiPimrlutUn. cuiiihniilt-f and Individual . or In fft
vur ol cither, hy aUaLfiDfittf drawback, or other
wiro, und nu railroad or canal company, or any let,
ere, luaiiHer, or vhi.lvv thi-reor, Khali inuke
any prciurvticri lu tuniUhlug vrt$ or motive pow
er. Stc. H. No mllmad, rail w uy or other traniHrt
ath'ii coin pany blmll nrint free paeMtr pa!fii at
a ilin-ount, to'auy person txci-)l ulticcri or eiu
phyecf ot the iN'iupany.
Stc. U. No eirevl pafeutiger railway rhall be eon
truMel wlihin thu liinlia of any city. hrouKb or
luwnaliip wiilitul thu coueunioHti hcal nuihorl
Sir. 10. No rnilrcad, canol or other traupporta
tluu iviiipativ, hi iilmtMicc at the time f tlio a lut.
thai ol this urllrlf, frhall hate the bontllt ol any
luture li'iclaiUii by general or tpci'Ial laws, ex
cept on condition ol complete acccjdancc ol all the
pri'vitlone ol this article.
Src. 11. 1 he cxifuiriK powers and dut lea of the
Auditor (icueral lu rrjtjurd In ruilroatlD, 4annli,
and other transportation oouipanicP, except its lo
their atvouiHtt, are hcroby tranvtered to the Kecre
larv of Internal AfT.itrs, who shall have a irene ml
npervIloii over them, subject to such refill. It .is
ani alterailousas shull lm provided by law; anu iu
addition to tho annual reurts now rt-tjulred to be
made, tald Sct-ri tary may requite special reports
at any time upon any subject relatiim to the busl
uefaufaald cuuipauKi trom any olllcer or olhcers
btt , VS. The ueneral Assembly shall euroree pv
ttiproprlate legislation the provisions ol this aril-
Section 1. Any amendineut or amendments to
this constitution uiay be prupscd lu thu Seuate or
jiuuse oi iteprescuiauves, ami ii mo same Mian
b agreed lo by a majority of the meiiihert elected
to each house, such proposed auiendinut or a-
uienduieuta shall be entered on their lournals,
with the yeas aud nays takeu thereon, and the
Secretary ol Die ('ouiuionwealth shall CJtUMS the
kuiue to fio publUhtMl throe nntntlis befoiethe Uext
general election in at leust two uewipiiei"s lu ev
cry Otiunly In Hhlcli such newttpaars fhall be pub
i lUhed; and il. In the (leuerAl Atembly next alter-
ward ehoHeu. such pni-oiwl amenlment or amend
! meutti tihall he artetl to by amaiorlty of the uiem
1 warn elwttd to each Iiouac. the Sucretarv of the
I'ouiuionwealtb shall cause the same agalu to be
i '"U'J .,,?.!, 7
1 luutd !" Vile Mu!,i
uunsneo in me mauuer atoreNilil, anu sucn pro
i or uineuumciita anaii io suu
ouulliied electors ol tlie State In
,u,!h """'." ' well time, at least tl.r
. 'nonlh. uller being aoagree-dlu by the iwo hoi
""V"" Amiably thalf pretcrl.-, , a
leuHt three
ii sucn amenumeni or amendments shall be ajipro
ivu u lUMiwiiT ui iniK voiinaT incrvoo, sucu a
mendineut or amendiueuta shall Uc-'ine a part of
tue constitution; out no aiuonuiucut or amend
ments shall be submitted olttmer than one In
five years; when two or inure amendments shall
l suDunuea luty snail ie voted upon separately
That no lneoaTenlenee mar rrlse from the oh an
of In the eonslltutlon of the Commonwealth.
and In order to carry the same Into compleia oy-
iBiivii! ia uorao uooiareu mai;
Stc. 1 This eonatltutlon ahall take affect on the
Drat dar oi January, In the year one thousand
alght hundred and aeventy-fbur, for all purooeet
Stc. u. All Ian i la ferea ta this Commoawaallk
at the time of tha adoption of this efinntltotlon not
Ineonslstent therewith, ami all rights, aetlona.
firoaecutlons, and eontrncta, ahall continue as If
his eonatltutlnn had not been adoptml.
Src. a. At the Kenrnl eloctlon In the years one
thoutnnd eight hundred nnd scvmly-tour and one
tliounnnd elKht hundred and sovonty-flve Sonatori
shall be nlected In all districts where there shall he
vacancies. Those elected In tho year one thou
sand right hundred and serenty-four shall servo
for two years, and those eloetei In the year one
thousand eight huudrcd nnd seventy -flvo shall
serve lor one year. Senators now elected, and
those whose terms are unexpired shall represent
the districts In which they reside until the end of
the terms for which they were elected.
Src, 4. At the arenoTal election In the yearone
t not i sand eight hundred and seventy-six, Sena
tors shall he elected from the even numbered dls.
trlcts to serve for two vears, aud from odd numb
ered districts to serve for fouryeftre.
Sec. 5. The first election of Governor tinder
this constitution shnll he at the general election
In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five,
when a Ouvcmor shall be elected for
three years; and the term of the Oovcrnor elected
In the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight
and of t hoae thereallcr elected shall be
for four years, according to the provisions of this
Src. fl. At the general election In the year one
thousand eight hundred and seventy-four a Idea
tenant Governor shall be elected according to the
provisions ofthit constitution.
Sec. 7. The Secretary of Internal Affnlrs shall
be elected at the ttrst general elect Ion alter the a
doptlon of this constitution; aud when the said of
ficer shall he duly elected and qualified, the olllce
of Surveyor General shnll be abolished, and the
Surveyor General In office at the time of the adop
tion ol thlsoonstltutlon shall continue In off ice uu
lll the expiration of tho term for which he was e
lectcd. Sec. (t. When the Superintendent of Public In
struction shall tie duly qualified, ihe olllce ol .Su
perintendent of Common Schools shall cense.
Sec. if. Nothing contained In this constitution
shall lc construed to render any ersoti now bidd
ing any State ouicc for n first official term Ineligi
ble lor're-eleetiun at the end of such term.
.Vrc. 10. The Judges of the Supremo Court In
office when this constitution shall take effect shall
continue until their coinmlisions severally expire.
Two judges In addition to thenumbemow compos
ing the s-ild court shall be elected at the ilrt gen
eral election after the adoption ol this constitu
tion. .Src. 11. All courts or record and nil existing
courts hich arc not specified In this eonstltu
tiou aim 1 1 continue lu existence nntil the first day
of December. In the year one thousand eight hun
dred and seventy live, w ithout abridgment of their
present ptrlsd lei Ion, out no longer. The court of
first cHiiilim I jurisdiction fur the count Icb of Schuyl
kill, Lebanon and lauphin 1m hereby abolished;
and till causes and proceedings pending therein In
the cuty of Schuylkill shall be tried and dispos
ed of In the couts of Oyer and Terminer and Quar
ter 6csst.iufi oi the peace oi sum county.
Sec. VI The register' euurts now In existence
shall be abolfhed on the first day of January
next succeeding the adoption of this coital Jiutlon.
Se c. Yd. Thu Genu nil Assembly shall, at the
next session alter the adopth u of this constitu
tion, designate the severul judicnl districts as ro
(j uirod by this cous:ituthin. The judges In com -missslon
when fuch designntion shall be made
shall continue during their unexpired terms judg.
csol the new districtuln which they reside. Jiut
when there shnll be two judges residing in the
siinic district, the . resident jude shall elect to
which district be id in 11 be assigned; und tho ad
ditional law judge shall be assigned to the utht r
Stc. 14. The general aFsciiibly f-ball, at the
next succeeding "cion aPer each decennUl eii
sus, aud not oltcner. designate the several judi
cial dttftrlctsas reouirvd by thin constitution.
Sec. 15. Judges learned In the law of any court
of record holding c-tinmilons In furce at tho ad
option of this C'ltistitutinn sluil hold their respec
tive offices until the cxptrat inn of tho terms for
which they were commissioned, and until their
successors shall be duly untitled. The Governor
shall commission the preMdcnt ju Igo of the cuurt
oiHrft criminal juris iieiimi f.r the Countbsof
Sohuvlkill. Lrchamn and l'aupbln as a ju:guof
iheo'urtol common ple:is o1Schulklll (.ounty
for the unexpired term of hlsothee.
Sec. 10 After the expiration of the term of any
presl. lent judge of any court of common pies iii
commlt-shm at the adoption of thl oousiitu-btn,
the judge of suh court lea mod In the law and ol
dest In cuiumlP'don shall be the president judge
thereof, and when two or more judge are elected
at the same time In any judlcufdlst rlet, they shall
decide by lot which shall le president judge; but
when the president judge ol a court ahall bo re-elected
he idiall continue t be president judge of
Unit Court. Associate judges, md learned In the
law, elected after the adoption of this constitution,
shall he eommiJ-k'md to bob! their olhecp for the
term of fiveyears from the first day of January
next ulter their election,, The general aFembly at the first scs
slon alter the adoption of this constitution shall
fix aud determine the compensation of the judges
of the supreme court and ol the judges of the sev
eral judicial district of the commonwealth, and
the provisions ol the filteeiilh section of the art I
cle on the legislation shall not be deemed inconsis
tent herewith. Nothing coutaincd lu this coimi 1
tut ion shall he held to reduce the compensation
now paid to Any law judge uf this commonwealth
now in commltiflon.
Stc. 18. The courts of common plens In the coun
ties of Philadelphia and Alegheny shall be coin -posed
of the president judges of the district tvart
and court ol common dcaii of said counties until
their offices shall severally ead, and ol such other
judges as may from time to time be selected.
'or the purjHiae of hrst organization In l'hlla
delphia the judges of the court nuinter one shall
be Judges AlH-on, pierce aud Painon; of the court
number two, Judges Hare, Mitchell and one oth
er judge to be elected: of the oourl number three,
Judges Ludlow, Flnlettur and l-Mid, and of
the court number four. Judges Thayer, lirlggs
and one other judge to bo elected.
The judge tim named shall be the president
judge of said courts rcpieelively, an 1 thereafter
the president judge shall he tho judge oldest In
cnmmlPrdon; but any president judge re-elected In
the same court or d'isirlct shall continue to be pre
sident judge thereof.
The additional judges for courts number two
and four shall ho voted lor and elected at the first
general election after the adoption of this constl
tutlon in the sumo manner as the two additional
judges of the supremo court, and thev shnll de
cide by bd to which court they ahall belong.
Their term of office shall conn lie nee on the first
Monday of January, In the year one thousand
eight hundred and seventy-five.
Stc. II. In tho county of Allegheny, for the
puriHise of first organization under this otnstlta
tlon. the judges uf the court of common pleas at
the time of the adoption of this constitution ahall
be the judges of the court number one, and the
judges of tho district Court at the same date
shall be the judges uf the ooniinon pleas iiwaU
The president judges of ft he common 'pleas and
district courts shall be urctldent judices of an Id
court n u tn ber one and two respectively until their
omccspuaii etrj, ami thereafter the julge ubtert
in comiiiirvMOH uuuii oe presmem juoge; out any
president judge re-elected In the puiup cuurt or
district shall eontluuu to In bresiueiit iuduc there
Sec. 20. Ihe organization of the courts of com-
moii pleas under tills constitution, tor the coun
ties ot 1'hiladelprfta and Allegheny, shall lake ef
fect on the tiret Monday of January, one thousand
eight hundred and seventy-live, and existing
courts lu said counties shall' continue with their
C resent towers and jurisdiction until that date;
ut no new suits shall be Instituted In the courts
ol Nisi Frlus after the adoption of this constitu
tion. Sec. 21 Tho causes aud proceedings neudlnir in
the court ol Nisi i'rius, court ot oo in in on pleas.
ami illalrlct court in 1'biladelphia shall be tried
and dl up ced ot lu the court uf common pleas,
The records and dockets of eald courts shall be
transferred to the i'rolhuuoiary'a office uf said
Sec. 'i. The causes and Droeeedlnics nendlnir In
the court of common pleas in the county of Alle
gheny shall bo tried and disposed of In the court
n u m Iter onk; and the causes and proceeding ten
ding lu the district court shall be tried aud disput
ed of in the court number two.
Sec. 23. The Prothonutary of the court of com
mon pleas of Philadelphia shall be first annulmed
y me junges oi ram court ou inc nrsi auonuay ui
ici'riiiui:r, me rur ouo iiiouriiiiti rigiii Hun
dred aud seventy. live; aud the present Pruihono
turv ol the tlistrlct court In said countv shall be
the PruthunuUry ol the said court of couimuu plea
until said date, wheu his commission shull cx
Plre. and the present clerk uf the court ol Over
aud Terminer aud quarter sessions of the peace In
i iiiuweipiita snau oe ine ciltk oi sucii court un
til the expiration of his present couuubsluuon the
nrst .uounay oi i)ecemierin the year oue thou
sand eight hundred and seventy-five.
Sec. 2. In cities eon tain in if over iiftv thousand
Inhabitants (oxeept riiiladelphla) all aldermen In
olllce at the time uf the adoiiilon ol this oon nil lu
ll on snan couuuueiu oiuce utim ine expiration or
ineir commissions, anu at ine ciectlou lor city aud
ward ottlcers In the year one thousand clvht hun
dred and seventy-five oue alderman shall be e loo
ted in each ward, as provided iu this conatilu
tiuu. Sec. 25. In Fhlbkdelphla m air tt rates in lieu of
ahiermen, snail be ciioscu as reouired in tills eou.
stitutiou at the election In suld city and ward of
ficers in the year one tliuusaud elvht hundred and-
aoveuty-hve; their term ol uthce shall commence
on the first Monday of April tucooding their
i he terms of office of aldurmen in said city, hold
lug or entitled to wiinmlr.Mons at the time ol ihe'
atioptiou uf this constitution shall uot be c fleeted
Stc. 20. All pi sons la office In this oouunon
wealth at the time of the adoption of this consti
tution, and at the first election under It, shall hold
their respective othces until the term for whioh
they have been elected or appointed shall expire,
and until their successors shall Ixtduly qualified,
unless otherwise provided lu this constitution.
Sic. 27. The seventh article of this constitu
tion, prescribing an oath of otlioe, shall take effect
ou aud alter the first day uf January, uue thou
sand clgh hundred and seventy-five.
Stc. 2a. The terms of olhoe of county commis
sioners and county auditors chose u prior to the
year one thousuud eight hundred aud seventy
ovo, which shall not have expired before the first
Monday ol Jununry, iu the year one thousaud
eight hundred aud cvcuty-slx, ahall expire on
that day.
Sec. 2U. All Slate, county, city, ward, borougw
and township officers lu otnoe at the lima uf tue
adopt lou uf this coustituliun, whose, euiuensatioo
la uot provided fur by salariea alone, shall contin
ue to receive the comieusatlou allowed them by
law until the ex pi nil lou of their respective terms
ol office.
Sec. bo. All state and judicial officers hereto
fore elected, sworn, alii r toed, or in otilce when
ll.l. ma. ..tli.ill -1. II .t L - V. II
tin uuuiuiuuimi iiuit vuwi, iiibii
wllhlu one month alter such adoplluu, take and
subscribe an vatb (of affiiiuatlou) lo supjMirt this
Stc. dl. Ttie Meneral assembly, at Its first eea.
slon, or as aoon as may be after the adoption uf
thleeonetttutlou, ahall paaa such laws as may be
nocoeaar to carry the same lulu full luree aira ef
Sec tX The ordinance pasted bvtbtseonvea
tlon, entitled "As ordinance for submitting tbe
aavvadtd coast It aiiea el reaasylvasla te a vete
of the electors therwnf," eh nil be hoM to be valid
lor all the purposes thereof.
Sec. 83. The Won Is "coant mmlsslrftiAra,''
rherever card In this constitution, and In anv or
dinance arxsompanvlns; the same, shall be held to
Include tbe oommUsluuort for the oily ofi'hiladol-phia.
Aoopieti si I'niiiMinipnia, on ine iniru uny w
Novrmlior, In tht yonr ofnur f.ird ou tliguiai4
eight hundred and aaronty-tb reo.
Vmrt or
PT )
i, Nur. IS, 1B7I.
SucntrrAiiT UF Til! Or
llAHItlSHI Kll,
1 terllfy that tho frryoln(t Ii aor rect eopjp of
the new constitution, iiropoan-1 to llie people of
the oimmmiwealih of I'enntylTBiila, for their Bp-
iathleotuee. M, S. QUAY,
Secretary of Comtuotivrealtb.
wm BTBitrrnKO mi amc5pcd ooivaTrnrrrois ut
Bt it ordained by the CQmtilutional Contention if
th$ Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. B follower
1. That the amended constitution prepared by
this convention, be submitted to the qualified se
lectors of the ooiuraonwealtn lor their adoption or
rejection, at an clooilontobe held on the third
Tuesday of lieeember next; except aa hereinaf
ter ordered and directed, tho said election shall be
held and conducted by the regular elect Ion o Ulcere
In the several election districts throughout tbe
commonwealth, nnder all the regulations aud
provisions of existing laws relating to general e
lections; and the sheriffs of tbe several counties
shall give at least twenty days notice of said elec
tion by proclamation.
2. The Secretary ol the commonwealth shall,
nt least twenty days before the said election, fur
nlsh to the oommlloners of each county, a su t ti
tle nt number of properly prepared circulars of In
structions. The commissioners uf the several
counties shall cause to be printed at least three
times as many ballots ofafnrniatlve votes as there
arc voters in each county and (ho snme number
of negative votes: and tho sai l commissioners
shall, ut least five days before said election, cause
to be fairly distributed to the several election dis
tricts In their respective counties, the said ballots,
tally-lists, returns, circulars of instructions, anu
stich other books and papers as may be necessary.
The ballots shall be printed or written in tho foll
owing form: On the outside the words "Now Con
stitution; In the Inside for all persons giving affirm
ative votes the words "For thu New Constitution,"
und for all persons giving negative votes the Words
"Against the New Constitution."
. If H shall appear that a majority of the
votes polled are lor tho new constitution, then I
shull be the constitution of the commonwealth of
Pennsylvania on and after the first day of Janu
ary, in Ihe year of our Jyrd one thounaud eight
hundred and seventy-four; hut If It shall appear
that a majority of the votes polled wero against
the new const iiutiuu, then it shall bo re.ieciud and
be null and void,
4. Five commissioners of election, vli: F'dwln
II. Fltler, Edward Itrownlng, John P. Yerree,
Henry S. linger), and John O, James, are hereof
appointed by this cm ent ion, who shall have di
rection of Ihe election upon this amended consti
tution in the city of rhtliulolphla. The said com
missioners shall be duly sworn or affirmed to per
form their duties with Impartiality and fidelity.
They shall aNo have power to fill vacancies' in
their own number. It shall t e the duty ol said
C'-inmlPidoncrs, or a majority of them, nnd they
shall have authority to uiwkr a registration of vo
ters for the several o lee Ion divisions of sMd city,
and fo furnbh he lifs so niadefo fhe ele-flon of
ficers of each preclnci or division; fo dis'rlbue lie
tickets for said cly pre v ided by ibis ordinance fu
be used nf fhe e leer Ion; to appoint a judge and (wo
lnpe"fon lor each elccdoudivision, by whom fho
fleeton herein shall beheld and couduecd, and
ogive all necessary tnsrueloB lo ne eleclon of
ficers regarding (heir duies lu holding he elec
ion and in making reurns thereof. No person
shall servo as an tdecflou ollicer who will be dls.
qualified under Scch n 1ft. ArMele. d he new
conriiUhn. Tbe general rcrura of he eleclon
In he said cly shall be opened, computed an 1 cer
fhd bet ire he said eoinud"rlou rs, and wih
ihoir approval -whii h apor.tval dmll bern loreed
upnn the refuin. They MiaU msne roporf. direer
cd to he prei den of his cnv nlon, o! loir om
eial lu'ion under his ordinance arid concerning
heconduc ol be said clecion williin fhe said ui-
The ju.lgt s und lnfoecfors aforepaM shall eon
due be cleWlon in all respo conformably lo he
general elccion laws of Ihis ctuninonweaKh, and
wlh like pwers and duties fo hose of ordinary
elccion officers, fcarh Jnspt7cr f hall appolnl one
cb'i k to nftlf he Nard in he performance of ls
duties, and all fhe eleWii'Q e-rhcers sliall re duly
sworn or attlrmtd acorMuno law, and shall
lm?Hes nil he qualifications rwpilred by law of
eleclon ollicer in his commonwealth. At said
eleeion any duly qualified elecor who shall be
unregistered, shall be permitted ovoe upon mak
ing proof ot bis righf h lie eleron oll.cers, ao
conllng h fhe general election laws of fhis com-inouws.-alh.
lieurn iu spec tors And fhelr clerks
und nn hourly e uuot be vofes sliall be dispens
ed wih, bit overseers if elecion may be Pelecird
for any preclnci by s;iM eleclon conimlBMoners,
whose duii-s und powers shall be he same aa
hose of ovcrs.-ers of eleclon In said cly under
I'xlsing elccion laws applicable hereo. He.
urns ot he eleclou shall be made lu said cly aa
In he case of an eleclon for governor, hul a Irlp
lleae general reurn for said cly shall be made
ou and forwarded lo he 1'reslden of his enven
iou a Harrisburg. as Is beroiiiivler provided In
case of couuy n urns.
b. In e;oh of be eounlcs of he eommonwea'h
(excep I'hlliideli'ftt,) he returns of he election
hhall be made as in he caso of m clechtn for g-v
ernor, bu he refu' n juds In e:ieh county shall
makeoua (rlpllcae couny rourn an I ransmil
he same, wlhln five duys afcr The eleclon direc
ted ohe presldenf of his convention, a llarrla
burg. lone in convenfb'n his bird day -f November,
In he year ofour 1 -rd, one h-usand etgh bun
tired and scveny-three.
JNO. II . WAIaE,Pretidftt.
Ii. V. IMimiK, Citrk.
A rue copy of ordinance of submission.
M. S.qUAY,
Sccrrtary ofths commonwealth.
Sch) .bbcrtiscmcnts.
Veuiclcs or all Kimia maps; to Ohpkk.
The latest styles nnd the bnst workmanship.
Hainples may be seeu at the shop, (jive him
ISuubury, Dec. 7, 1972. ly.
March 29, 1873. ly.
Every boily la Incited in come and buy of .the
hauilsouio Htsortuieut of
lo frame building, adjolnlnit MooreA PUslnger'i
buildinir. THIKU P TKr.KT, Ml. SHI BY. I'A.
Justopeued freak tupply o( t'oiifctionerl)! of
every deacrlption.
constautly nu hand. The beet KAISISS, FIG3,
fresh Bread, Buna A C'akea, erory ntorulnt.
Ilavlug lit ted up a room expressly for serving
up OjMters In every style, Ladies aud Gmilleineu
will be accouiinoduted with the beat bivalve! In
Dinrket, at all hour duriuif the day and eveuiue.
Families will be supplied attbeir resldeoe with
the best hliell or Cauned Oysters, as Is desirable,
st tbe very lowest prices.
Call and see my excellent assortment of goods
and ascertain the prices.
Dee. 18, 1871.
No. 28 South SECOND Btreet, below DOCK,
Munufarturera nf First-Class
Prices rtaaousbls. Pleas eall and eSBiio.
(Fobmerli Wood Hakk.)
Steam Engines.
Tbe Bast St Most Complofe Assortmtnt
la the Market.
Thc-a TMfrinet have always maintained th rrrf
highest ttaadHnl of xwllonre. Wi moke tba
toanufactum of EnaHnes. Uoilcm and fUw Mills b
ipaeialty. Vie liavn the lniyest and maabcompleU
works of the kind in tha oovintry, wita manhinary
pecially adaptfl to the work.
We keep ronaUntljr in proms larjre mmben at
Kiurinea, which we furnish at the Ten lowest pricea
and on the shortest notice. We build Enirines)
tneeiiUlr adapud to Mine. Haw Mills, Orlst Mill.
Tannt-rum, IMtoa Qlu, Thnahera and bIIcUusm
of rnauufiMturinB;.
We are now builfllnir the eelebrated Lan Clmv
larBaw Mill, the Usl and most cemplet aaw null
Brer inrentcd.
We ninke the maanfactnre of Saw Mill ontflte a
tpeeial future of our buainoas, and can funuab,
complete on the shortest notice.
Our aim in all easea ia to furnish the beet mm
binary in the market, and work Bbeolutely un
qualetl tor b.ut y of deawrn, economy and atrenftn.
ctend for Circular and Prioa LmU
I TIC A, If. T.
A complete Ntock of Choice Nelecv
Ooiift la every Itcpnrtinent
forod Bt Nperlnl prlcew, dur
luff the Summer neniiou,
WatchcB, Plated Gotuls Cutlury,
Clofkn, BroDiri k Fancy Oooda.
July 12. 1873.
which can bo cured by n
timely resort lo this stand
aril preparation, as has been
proved by tho hundreds of
testimonials received by tho
proprietors. It is acknowl
edged by many prominent
physiiinin to be the most
reliable preparation ever in
troduced for the relief and
cure of all Lung complaints,
and is ollcred to tho public,
sanctioned by the experience
of over forty years. "When
resorted to in reason it sel
dom fails to effect a speedy
euro in the most severe
cases of Coughs, Bronchitis,
Croup, "Whooping Cough,
Influenza, Asthma, Colds,
Soro Throat, Pains or Sore
ness in the Chest and Side,
Liver Complaint, Bleeding
nt the Lungs, &c. "Wistar'a
Balsam does not dry up a
Cough, and leave the cause
behind, as is the case with
most preparations, but it
loosens and cleanses tho
lungs, and allays irritation,
. thus removing the cause of
the complaint.
rREranF.D nr
BETH W. FOWLS & 60N8, Boston, Hat!.,
And sold by PmggUtt and Dealer! generally,
Kuubnry, l'enn'st,
INFORM the public that they are prepared to
do all kinds or CASTINGS, and having added
a new Machine Shop In connection with their
Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New
Lathes, Planing and Boring Machines, with Ihe
latest improvements. With tbe aid of skillful
mechanics, tbey are enabled to execute all orders
that may be given theui, lu a satisfactory man
ner. Urates to soil sty Stove.
IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build
lugs, of all sixes.
Ornamental Iron Fencing:
Tbe PLOWS, already celebrated for their su
periority, have been still further Improved, and
will always be kept on hand.
Banbury, May . 1871.
1307. R1GHTER dt GASK1LL, 1307.
American and French Winlow Glass,
0rstal Sheet, Bough PlaU, Colored, enameled
aad Oraaneatol Olass,
1S07 Market Street, Philadelphia.
January Jt,"llTS.-ly.
gS L J
i a-rf.Fi - sb isi
clo bbftlistrntnta
ThN Mpace la Krsrrwed for the
Market St., Sunbury, I'm.
FALL, 1873.
We take iilrasure In atinnnnrinp to nttr filcn'is
aud the Public cKiirally, lh:it we bavi- nieii.d a
Honutlful atsiutnitiit of (ionds fur P.M.I, and
WINTER. We politely tolicil a call from all
wlm wish to jr.t a
Good I'll, Nuperlor Workmanship,
uuil Itrllulsle Mttteriul.
Our perfect tysten for Self-Meattireineut, reeom
llie'ids itsi'lf to rrery one who may desire to or
der Clulliiiit: from a distance, copies of which,
w'uh Sauiples of (fondB, will be tent on applica
tion. j Geo. Evans & Co.,
914 Market Street, l'hiltulclphia.
"One Price" Mercliant Tailor aud
BeiwptemliT 19, lt7S.
1st and Apothecary,
At the old established ttand ou
Market Kqiure, Ml XCl ISY, IM.
Keeps constantly nn hand a full stock of well
Druggists Fancy Goods,
in fact cveiytliing uuallv kept lu a well con
l'ailietilnr ntlention paid to compounding Phy
sicians prescriptions nnd family receipts by the
I'll pi iatur liiinself.
Sunbtiry, Pa., June 8, 1S73.
baa been ; ak hUtoiy and the will tell you
Men have grown old In our patronage
Rubies on their mothers' breast
To boiineinfr boys nt play j
And yoiilbs by maidens fair caressed.
To tlulwnrt men with cms oppressed,
And old men sliver gray.
And among the honored and lasting Impres
sions of time, and the crush or rtvolutious in
circumttiineet, we stand a living motiumeutal
memento or the ingenuity and perseverance p.
pertaining to the identity ot progression, plying
nur vocation nun me highest style ot art ami
perfection, aud umpiring to achieve the highest
reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci
ty, and the eenlimeut of respect aud approbation
Mhich the prcEcnce ot superior appliances una es
tablishment ore always wont toiusplre.
Always to please
We share with eae
Cut aud comb with taste the hair i
Ehutnpoo the head with soothing cure,
And color the whltkers black or brown,
To suit the people about the town.
Then allow me politely request you to stop.
And not go past nor from around our shop.
To gel shaved on the basis of ubility nor as
some huve done fur our use of the ballot for prin
cipletarred and right uor under tho cotnmou
secret and luvldlous guise of enmity te complex
ion for the cut of a mini's cout, or the oolor of
his skin, ought not to atrect bis ntcl'ulness uor
his quuliBculiout. A fuir chance is ull tbut we
demand, to give the proof to all tbe Und.
Snnbury, April 5, 1878 ; No. 91, Market st.
lifDont forget the plare on the East aids of
Thibo bTHSET.a few doors Soul b of Market,8un
bury, J.
Braids,' Switches, Curls, and all kinds of
Work made to order
either out of combings
or straight hair. All or
ders left at the residence of
A. P. Walters, corner of 4th st.
and Shamokin avenue, will receive
prompt attention. A Specialty ia
either at their homes or Sharing Parlor,
July B, HT8. tf. L
fcto A)btriismtttt.
r. J. "Walker's foTifbrnfit Vfn.
gar Bitten nre a purely Vegetafefe
E reparation, made chiefly from tbe nattr
crbs found on the lower rangei of th
Sierra Nevada mountains of California,
tho medicinal properties of which are
extracted therefrom without the nse of
Alcohol' Tho question ia almost daily
asked, " What la the cause of the unpar
alleled success of Vinegar Bitters t
Our answer is, that they remove th
cause of disease, and tho patient recov
ers his health. They are the great
blood purifier nnd a life-giving princi
ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigoratox
of the pystem. Sever before in the his
tory of the world has a mediciue- beea
compounded possessing the remarkabla
qualities of Vinegar Uitters in healing
the eick of every disease, man is heir ta.
They are a gentle I'urgative as well as s
Tome, relieving Congestion or Inflammation
of tbe Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious
The properties of Dr. Waxkzb'b
Tinkoar Hitters are Aperient, Diaphoretic,
Carminative, nutritions, Laxative, biuretio,
6edative, Connter-Irritant, Sudorific, AJtersr
tive, and Anti-Bilious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vnr-
SCAB Bittebs the rnost wonderful Invigor
ant that ever sustained the sinkiug system.
No Person can take these Bitten
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones are not de
stroyed by mineral poison or other means,
aud vital organs wasted beyond repair.
Bilious, Remittent, and Inter
mittent Fevers, which are so prev
alent in the valleys of our great rivers
throughout tho United States, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Hetl, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro
anoke, James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout cur
entire country during the Summer aud
Autumn, and remarkably so during sea
sons of unusual heat and dryness, r
invariably accompanied by extcusiv
derangements of the stomach nnd liver,
nnd other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful influence upon these various or
gans, is essentially necessary. Thcrs is
no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dm.
they will speedily remove tho dark
colored viscid matter with which th
bowels are loaded, at the 6ame tims
stimulating the secretions cf the liver,
nnd generally restoring the healthy
functions of the digestive organs. fc
Fortify tko body against diss
by purifying all its fluitla with Tinioa
BrrrEr.s. No epidemic cau take hold of
a system thus fore-armed.
i)VHpctria or Indigestion, Head
ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs,
Tightness of the Chest, DiizineR", KJour
Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Tssle ill
the Mouth, Bilious Attucks, I'aljtitr.tiou
of tho Heart, Inflammation of the Lunga,
Tain in the region ef the Kidneys, and a
hundred other painful symptoms, are
the oOsprings of Dyspepsia. One bvttle
will provo a letter guarantee t-f its
merits than . lenjtthy advertisement.
Scroftiln, or Kim-'s Evil, White
Swelling, fleers. Erysipelas, Swelled
Neck, Goitre, f crefulous Inflammations,
Indolent Inflsmrratinns, Mercurial Affec
tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of ths Skin,
Soro Eves, etc., etc. In these, as is all
other constitutional Diseases, WiLiii'i
Yixeoar Bitters have shown their
great curative powers in the niobt ou
stinnto nnd intractable cases. ;
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Eeaai;
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Dioeases
of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad
der, these Bitters havo no equal. Such
Diseases are eauaed by Vitiated Blood.
Herhanirsl Diseases. Perscss en
gaged in Taints and Minerals, such as
I'lumbers, Type-f-etteis, Clold-bealars,
and Miners, as they advance io life, are
subject to paralysis of the. Bowels. To
guard against this, lake a dose of Walk
er's Vinegar ttivriKS occasionally.
For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet
ter, Solt-UhetiBi, Blotclie.'', Spots, Fiasples,
Pustules, BoiU, Carliuutles, Kmg worms,
Scald-brad, Sura lr, Kvy.ipslas, Itch,
Scurfs, Dii-coloratiems cf the Ss.iu, Homers
aud Di'taex of the Skin cf whatever aania
or nature, ore literally dug tip and tarried
out of tiie system in a short tiuio by the uea
of these Hitters.
Pin, Tape, and oilier Warms,
lurkiiip in the system i.f an nittiy theuiands,
are ettcetnally aeslitrtd and reuoved. Ho
system of nisdisire," no vermifuges, Be an.
tholmiuitin will fieo tho system from worms
like the? Hitters.
For Female Complaints, in young
or old, married or eirgle. at Ihe tlawa f wo
ruaiibood, or tha tars f life, Iheaa Tenit Bit
ters display to decided an iullusuca that im
provement is Foou perevpliiil.
Cleanse the Vitiutftl Blood when
ever you find it iinpurilie burntiug through
the akin in Pimple. Enjjitious, er Seres:
cleanse it wheu ywa find it ubrlruoled And
Blupgish in the veiui; eleaitse it when it is
foul; your feelings will tell you when, lp
the blood pure, and th health .f Uia system
I will follow.
H. 11. McDOKlLD CO.,
DruenrisU and lien. Aru.. S Fiianaie, CjUforoU,
iUlil cor. uf WaahuiBi ul Ckarlma hu., I .
kola by tl Diugtsu " llr. -
14.00 a gallon. 111.00 a doxep.
In lurge bottles, 111,00 a doaen.
f 18.00 a dotcn.
rcotcit vrnisKT,
n.t A,n Vain Bell,
tji Wins Mebcbahts,
1110 Cneelnut Street,
Oct. W, IMS.
THE underlined having eo?" ihGRAlN
business with his exteosiva PLOU R w"'"
ttJguw "PP' tomllle. withtb.
VERY best or :roH CA,.
Egg, Btova and Hut, eonsy M hand. Grata ,
taW lu axotaug for Coal- w
Bnabary, Jan. 15, 1ST0.-TF.