THESUNBURY AMERICAN. W FVBLtaUXD ktbrt Saturday bt EATIa WILVERT, Proprietor, iLaon A Dlsalngrr'. Building, Market Bquare At 1.50 In Advance. 11 not pexlil within 0 MoAth 99. SubmripUom taken for Im than rt 3fonth. Cakkhotrti with this establishment I. anexten tlreXKW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of jkIn and fancy type cqwal to any establishment a tbe Interior of the Bute, for which the patron go of the public la respectfully soticltcd. CONSTITUTION. Hew Coatttltntlon Proponed I Ilie 4'itlscim of this tlomiiion wewllh for Ihrlr Approval or Hrjocllou, by the Constitutional Convention Published by order of the Secretary of the Ooratuenweallh, in pursuance of the 4th section of an act of the General Assembly, entitled "An act to provide for calling a Convention to amend the CousUtuliou," Approved the 11th day of April, A. D. 1B72. PREAMBLE. We, tbe people of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, grateful to Almighty God for the Meet ings of civil and religious liberty, and humbly invoking Ills guidance, do ordain and establish " ..this Couftltuilsu. ARTICLE 1. vacLARATioa or right. That the General, great and essential principles of liberty nnd free government may be recognized and unalterably established, we duclaro that Section 1. All men are born equally free and Independent, and have certain lnhcicnt nnd inde feasible rights, among which are those of enjoy ing and defending life and liberty, ol acquiring, possessing nnd protecting property and reputa tion, and of pursuing their own happiness. Sec. 2. All power is inherent In the people, and all free governments are founded on their autho rity and instituted for their peace, anfety nud happiness. For the advancement of these ends they have at all times an Inalienable and indefea sible right to alter,refui in or ubnllsb theii govern ment In such manner as they may think proper. Sk 3. All men huve a natnral and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to tbe dictates of their own consciences ; no mun cun of right be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of. worship, or to maintain uny ministry u gainst his consent ; no human authority enn, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience, and no conference shall ever be given by luw to any rciiglous establishments or modes of worship Bec. 4. No person a ho acknowledge tho being of a God and a future stale of rewards uud pun ishments shall, an a ecu mil of his religious senti ments, bt disqualified to hold any office or place of trust or profit nuder this Commonwealth. Sec. 5. Elections shall be free and equal ; and no power, civil or military, shall at any time in terfere to prevent the free exeicise of the right of suffrage. Bsc. 0. Tria! by jury shall be as heretofore, aud the right thereof remain inviolate. 5kc. 7. The printing press shall be free to every person who may undertake to examine the pro ceedings of the Legislature or auy branch of government, sad no law shall ever be mude to retain the right thereof. The free communica tion of thoughts and opinions is oue of the lu valuable rights of man, and every citizen may freely speak, write and print on any subject, bu ng respousible for the abuse of that liberty. No conviction shall be bad In any prosecution for the publication of papers relating to tbe olUclal court not of ofllcers or men In public capacity, or to eny other matter proper for public investiga tion or Information where the fact that such pub licatiou was not maliciously or negligently made shall be established to the satisfaction of the jury i a til in all indictments for libels the jury shall B ivs the right to determine the law and the facts, under the direction of the court, us ill other cases. Bus. 4 The psople shall be secure in their per-, ous, houses, pipers, and possessions, from un reasonable searches and seizures, and no warrant to search any place or to seixi any person or thiags, shall issue without describing them as nearly as may be, nor without probable cause, supuorlc 1 by oath r affirmation, subscribed to by the it i flint. Btc. 9. Ia all criminal prosecutions, tho accus ed hath a right to be beard by himself and his counsel, to demand tbe uature and cause of the accusation against him, to meet tin witnesses face to faee, to have compulsory process for ob taining witnesses in his favor, ami in prosecu tions by lod.etinent or Inform ition, a speedy public trial by an impartial jury of tbe vicinage; lis eean.t he compelled to give evidence against himself, nor can he ba deprived of bis life, liberty, or property, anless by the jtidginont of his peers or tbe law of the land. Bso. 10. No person shall for any InJictable of fense e proceeded against criminally, by infor rnutioa, except in arisiug 'in the laud or navsl forces, or ia the militia, when in actual service. In time of war or public danger, or by leave of the court, for oppression or misdemeanor In of fice. No person shall for the same offense be twice PDt '.2 Jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall private properly be lakes or applied to public use with out authority ef law, and without just compen atloa boiug Irst made or secured. Bec. 11. All e.urts shall be open; and every mail for ai lujary done him in his lands, goods, persne, or reputaliou, shall h ive remedy by due course of law and right and Justice administered without sale, deuiai, or delay. Suits may be brought ugaiast the Commonwealth In such mau , yier, such courts, and in such eases as the Leg Anlature may by law direct. Bsc. l'J. No power of suspending laws shall be exercised uuless by tbe Legislature or by its au thority. Bsc. IS. Excessive ball shall not be required, not .excessive Hues Imposed, nor cruel puuishments inflicted. Sac. 14. All prisoners shall be bailable by suffi cient sureties, unless for capital offenses, when the proof is evident or presumption great ; and tbe privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be saspended, unless wbeu in case of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. Bbc. IS. No commission of oyerand lermlneror Jail delivery shall be issued. Bsc. 16. The person of a debtor, where there Is not strong presumption of fraud, shall not be continue! in prison after delivering ap bis estate for tbe benefit of his creditors, in such manner as shall be prescribed by law. Cbc. 17. No ex voir pacto law, nor any law impairing tbe obligation of contracts, or making irrevocable any grant of special privileges or im munities, shall be passed. Bec. 18. No person shall be attainted of treason or felony by the Legislature. Sec. i9. No attainder shall work corruption of blood, nor, except during the life of the offender, forfeiture of estate to tho Commonwealth, the estate of such persons as shall destroy their own lives shall decoud or vest as In eases of natural rVatb, and if any persou shall be killed by casu alty, there shall be uo forfeiture by reason there of. - Bee. feo. The citizens have a right in a peacea ble manner to assemble together for their com mon god, and to apply to those invested with .the powers of government for redress of grievan ces orotier proper purposes, by petition, address or remonsg-unce. 'Bec. 21. Vhe right of citizens to bear arms In defence of thnselves and tbe State shall not be questioned. Bko. 33. No ilmnlng array shall, in time of peace, be kept D without the consent of the Leg islature and the umury .ball, in all cases.laud stall times, bs in strict subordination, to' the civil power. 8ao. 18. No solder shall In time of peace ba quartered in any Sous without th. couscnt of the owner, nor In f me of far but in a manner to bs prescribed by lav. Beo. 84. The Legislature shall not grant any tills - or nobility or berdilary distinction, a or create any obVe the appointment of which shall H,"ol0ni?e,i r, Uan JaricIS eooi behavior. b.8pbibitJdml'frV',Bfro-,h Bl" not t,if,I0JfwaId S""' 'angrMlons or the high powers which we ha , . ,je td waaeci.,. thai everything in this i anlX? doe0c " tbe general power. ofvernweu.., ever remain inviolate. , ' ARTICLE IX. , - Bbctioic 1. The legislative power of this com monwealth shall be seated In a I A.Jtz" 'jly, which shall consist of a Seuale aud lions, of iepreseotativoe, - . 8o. a. Members of th. General Assembly ihall be chosen at the general election every sa lon d year. . Their term pf service shall begus aa he erst day or December next after their else Ion. Whenever a vacancy shall occur in either 'ouse. tbe presiding offloer thereof shall issue a vacasey- j r ' ' w Bt-sv fvvrnir- SUNBUET X2ta1llihel In lHlO. .1 riUt E 91 SO I IV ADVANCE Brio. S. Senators shall he elected for the term of four years, and Representatives for tbe terra of two years. Beo. 4. The General Assembly shall meet at twelve o'clock noon, on the first Tuesday olJan oarv evcrv second year, and at other limes when convened by tbe Governor, but shall hold no ad journed annual session after the year one thou sand elclil nuiiarea ana sevuniv-eiicni. case of a vacancy in the oUlce of United Stales Sena tor from this Commonweulth, In a recess be tween sessions, the Governor shall convene tho two houses by proclamation on notlco not ex ceeding sixty days to till lbs same. Bkc. 6. Senators elia.ll be at least twenty-five years of ngo, and Representatives twenty-one years of age. They shall have been citizens and Inhabitants of the Htnte four years, and Inhabi tants of their respective districts oue year next beforo their election (unless absent on tho publle business of tho United States ol of this State,) aud shall reside In their respective districts dur ing their terms of service. Bio. 6. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he shall hare been elected, be nppointcd to any civil oOlce under this Commonwealth, and no member of Congress or other person holding any office (except of at-torney-at-lnw or In tho militia) undertne United States or this Commonwealth shall be a member of cither house (lurlnir bis continuance In otllee. Sec. 7. No peison hereafter convicted of em bezzlement of public moneys, bribery, perjury or other Infamous crime, shall be eligible to the General Assembly, or capable of holding nny of fice of trust or profit In this Commonwealth. Bkc. 8. The iiiombers of the General Assembly shall receive such salary and mileage forregulur and sKcial sessions ns shall be fixed by law, and no other compensation whatever, whether for service upon committee or otherwise. No mem ber of either house shall, during the term for which he may have been elected, receive any In crease of salary, or mileage, under any law pass ed during such term. Bkc. 9. The Senate shall, nt the beginning nnd close of each regular session and at such other times ns may be in'Cfsury, elect one of its mem bers president pro tempore. bo shall perform the duties of the Lieutenant Governor, In uny case of nU-euee or disability of that officer, aud whenever the said olllce of Lieutenant Governor shall be vacant The House of Representatives shall elect oue of its members as Speaker. Each hi use shall choose Its other ofllcers, nud shall judge of the election aud quulitlcutions of its members. Sec. it). A majority of each House shall con siltutc a quorum, but a smaller number may ad journ from day to dav, uud compel the attend ance of ahi-rnt members. Sec. 11. Each house shall have power to deter mine the rules of Its proceeding and punish its members or other persons for contempt or disor derly behavior in its presence, to enforce obedi ence to Its process, to protect Its members atrainst violence, or oilers of bribes or private so licitation, und with the concurrence of two thirds, to txpel a member, but not a second time for the same cause, and shall have all other Eowera necessary for the legislature of a free t.ite. A member expelled for corruption shall not thereafter be eligible to cither house, and punishment, or contempt or disorderly behavior shall not bar an Indictment for the same nftense. Sec. 12. Each house shall keep a journal of Its proceedings und from time to time publish the sutne, except such parts as require secrecy, and the yeas and nays of the members on auy ques tion shall, at the desire of any two of them, be entered on the Journal. Sec. 13. The sessions of each house aud of committees of the whole shall be open, unless when the busiuess is such as ought to be kept se cret. Btx. 14. Neither house shall, without the con sent of the other, adjourn for more thau three days, nor to auy other place than that In which the two houses shall be sitting. Br.c. 15. Tbe members of the General Assem bly shall in all cases, except treason, felony, vio lation of their oath of office, and breach or sure ty of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at tho sessions of their respec tive houses, and In going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech or debate in either house, they shall not be questioned iu any olber place. Sec. 10. The State shall be divided Into fifty Senatorial districts of compact ai.d contigious lerritory, as nearly equal in population as may be, and each district shall be entitled to elect one Senator. Each county containing one or more ratios of population shall be entitled to one Sena tor for each ratio, and to an additional Senator for a surplus of population exceeding three-ufths of a ratio ; hut no county shall form a seperate district unless It shall contain four-fifths of a ra tio, except where the adjoining counties are each entitled to one or more Senators, when such county may be assigned a Senator on lees than four liriht, Ld exceeding one-half of a ratio, and no count r shall be divided unless entitled to two or more Senators. No city or county shall be entitled to separate representation exceeding one-sixth of the whole number of Senators. No ward, borough, or township shall be divided in the formntiou of a district. The Senatorial ratio shall be uscui tulned by dividing the whole popu lation of the Mate by the nuuihcr till y . Bkc. 17. Tbe members of the Hoaseof Repre sentatives shall be apportioned amoni; the sever al counties, on a ratio obtained by dividing the population of the state as ascertained by the most recent United Slates census by two hun dred. Every county containing less than five ratios shall have one representative for every full ratio, and an additional reprrt enlulivc when the surplus exceeds half a ratio ; but each county shall have at least one representative. Every county containing Gve ratio, or more shall have one representative for every full ratio. Every city containing a population ;qual to a rutlo shall elect separately its proportiou of the repre sentatives allotted lo the county iu which it is located. Every city entitled to more than four representatives, and every county havlug over one hundred thousand inhabitants, shall be di vided into districts of compact and contiguous territory, each district to elect its proportion of representatives according to its population, but no district shall elect more than four represen tatives. Bsc. 18. The General Assembly at Its first ses sion after the adoption of this constitution, nnd immediately after each Uuited States deecnaial census, shall apportion the State into Bcnatoriul and Representative districts agreeably lo the prevlsious of lbs two nuxt prccecditig sectious. ARTICLE III. I BOISLiTIOH. Section 1. No law shall be passed except by bill, and no hill shall be so altered or amended on Its passage through either house as to change its original purpose. Bsc. 2. No bill shall be considered unless re ferred to a committee, returned therefrom, aud pnuted for the use of tbe members. Bbc. I. No bill, except general appropriation bills, shall he passed, containing more than oue subject, which shall bs clearly expressed In its title. Sec. 4. Every bill shall bs read at length on three different days In each house ; all amend ments made thereto shall be printed for tbe use of the members before the final voto Is taken on tbe bill, and uo bill shall become a luw unless on its final passage the vole be taken by yee.s and nays, hte names of tho persons voting for and against the same be entered on the journal, and a majority of the members elected to each house be recorded thereon as voting in its favor. Beo. 5. No amendmeut to bills by one house shall be concurred in by the other, except by a vole of a majority of the members elected there to taken by yeas aud nays, and the names of those voting for and against recorded upon the journal thereof) and reports of committees of rou ference shall be adopted In either bouse only by the vote of a majority of the morubersj elected thereto, taken by yeas and uays, and the names of those voting recorded upon the Journal. Sec. S. No law shall be revived, amended, or Ibe provisions thereof exteuded or conferred by reference to its till, only, but so much thereof as is revived, amended, extended, or conferred, shall be re-enacted and published at length. Baa. T. The General Assembly shall not pass any local or special law t - Authorizing the ereatloo, extension or Impair ing of liens i Regulating the affair, of counties, cUlee, town ships, wards, boroughs, or school districts Changing- the names of persons or places Changing tbe venue la cUti or criminal eases i Authorising the lavfu nut. .Ii.rl.. tr -i-i . ra . -, -. iiwib roans, .i.ujn Sway., streets, er el. SUNBUKY, Rotating to ferries or bridges, Or Incorporating ferry or bridge companies, except for the etectlon of bridges crossing etreams which from bounda ries between this and any other Biate Vacating roads, town, plots, streets or alleys t Relating to cemeteries, graveyards or publle grounds not of the State Authorizing the adoption or legitimation of children Locating or changing county sent, erecting new count los, or changing couuty lines Incorporating cities, towus, or villages, or changing their charters ; For the opening and conducting of cloctloua, or fixing or changing tho place of voting Granting divorces ; Erecting new townships or boroughs, chang ing township lines, borough limits, or school districts Creating officers, or prescribing the powers and duties of ofllcers in counties, citios, boroughs, townships, election or school districts. Changing tbe law of descent or snccesston Regulating the practice or jurisdiction of, or changing the rulea of evidence In any Judicial proceeding or Inquiry before courts, aldormeo, justices of the peace, sheriff, commissioners, ar bitrators, auditors, mutters In chancery, or other tribunals, or providing or changing methods for the collection of debts, or the enforcing of Judg ments, or prescribing the effect of Judicial sales of real estate ; Regulating the fees, or extending the powers and dntics of aldermen, justices or tbe peace, magistrates, or constables i Regulating the management or public schools, the building or reputing of school houses, and tbe raising of money for such purposes Fixing the rale of interest ; Affect I ui; the estates of minors or persons un der disability, except after due notice to all parties In Interest, to be recited In the special enactment ; Reinitliug Biles, penalties and forfeitures, or refunding tuoueys legally paid iute the Trea sury ; Exempting properly from taxation ; Regalaliug labor, trade, mining, or matmfauc-tn-lngt Creatine corporations, or amending, ruuewlug, or extending tne couriers thereof; (ranting to any corporation, association, or In dividual any special or exclusive prlvilego or Im munity or lo uny corporation, association or In dividual the ritlit to lay down a railroad track. Nor shall Iho General Assembly Indirectly eauct such special or local law by the partial repealjof a general law, but laws repealing local or special acts may be passed. Nor shall auy law he pass ed granting powers or privileges iu uny case where the grnnliug of such powers and privileges aha!) have been provided for by generul law, n-r wlu-re the courts have Juris diction lo grunt the sumu or give the relief usk ed for. Sec. H. No local or sjiecial bill shall bo passed unless notice of the Intention to apply therefor shall have lit on published i'l the locality where the matter or the thing lo be a Heeled may be situated, which notice shall bo nt least thirty days prior to the Introduction Into the Gcucral Assembly of such bill, and in the manner to be provided by law; tho evidence of such notice having been published, shall be exhibited in the General Assembly beforo such act shall be pussed. Sec. . The presiding olllcer of each house shall, Iu the presence of the house over which he presides, sign all bills nud joint resolutions puss ed by the General Assembly, after their titles have been publicly rend immediately before sign, ing, and the fact of signing shall ho entered on the journal. Bec. 10. The General Assembly shall prescribe by law the number, duties and compensation of the ofllcers and employees of each house, and uo payment shall be made from the Stute Treasmy, or he in any way authorized to any persmi, ex cupt to an acting c Ulcer or employee elected or appointed In pursuance of law. Bec. 11. No bill shall be passed giving any ex tra compensation to any public otllccr, servant, employee, nirent or conn actor, utter services shall have been rendered or contract made, nor providing for tbe payment of any claim ncuinst the Commonwealth, without previous authority of law. Sec. 12. All stationery, printing, paper and fuel used iu the legislative uud other departments of government shall he furnished, and the print ing, binding and distributing of the laws, Jour nals, department reports, uud all other printintr nnd binding, and the repairing and furnishing the halls uud rooms used for the meetings of the General Assembly uud its committees, shall be performed uuder contract, to be giveu to the lowest responsible Wilder below such maximum price und under such regultitinns as shall be pre scribed by law ; no member or olllcer of any de partment of the government shall be In any way interested in such contracts, and all such con tracts shall be subject to the approval of the Go vernor, Auditor General and State Treasurer. Bkc. 13. No luw shall extend the term of anv public officer, or increase or diminish his salary or emoluments ufter his election or appointment. Bec. 14. All bills for raising revenue shall ori ginate in the IIouso of Repeseulatlves, but the Senate may propose amenduicuts as iu other bills. Se:. 15. The gcncrnl appropriation bill shall embrace nothing but appro,iiations for the ordi nary expenses of the executive, legislative und judicial departments of the Common Health, in terest J u tne puDiie aeiit, ami lor pulilic schools ; all other appropriations shall be mude by sepa rate un a, eacu cinoracing out one suiijcut. Bec. IG. No money shall be paid out of the Treasury except Uo:i appropriations made by luw ana on wuriant drawn by tbe proper officer in pursuance tl er -of. Bec. 17. No approprlutlou shall be made to liny charitable or educational institution not un der the absolute control of the Commonwealth, other than normal schools established by law for tbe professional training of leuehers for the pub lic schools of the State, except by a vote of two thirds of all the members elected to each house. Bec. 18. No appropriations except for ueuslous grutuities or military services shut! be made for charitable, educational or benevolent purposes, to any person or community, nor lo uny denomi nations! or sceturlan institution, corporullou or association. Bec. 19. The General Assembly may make ap propriations of uionry to Institutions whereiu the widows of soldiers are supported or assisted or the orphans of soldirrs are maintained aud educated; but such appropriation slmll be applied exclu sively to the of such widows and or phans. Bbc. SO. The General Assembly shall not dele gate to any special commission, piivule corpora lion or association, any power to make, super vise or Interfere with any municipal Improve ment, money, property or effects, w hether held In trust or otherwise, or to levy taxis or perform any municipal function whatever. Bec. iil. No act of the General Assembly shall limit Ihe amount to ke recovered for injuries re sulting In death, or for Injuries to persons or property, and lu enso or death from such Inju ries, the right of actiou shall survive, and the General Assembly shall prescribe for whoso Uau eHt such aclious shall ba prosecuted no uct shall prescribe, any limitations of lime within which suits may be brought against corporations Tor injuries to persons or proiieity, or for other causes different from those fixed by geneial laws regululiug actiens against ualurat persons, an 1 such acts now existing aro uvoided. Bec. 2-J. No act of the Geuerul Assembly shall authorize the Investment of trust funds by execu tors, administrators, guardians, or other trus tees, iu the bonds or stock of any private corpo ration, and such acts now existing are avoided, saving Investments heretofore made. Bec. 23. The power to change the venue In civil and criminal cases shall be vested in the courts, to be exercised In such manner as shall be provided by law. Bec. 21. No obligation or liability or any rail road or other corporation, held or owued by the Commonwealth, shall ever be exchanged, trans ferred, remitted, postponed, or in any way di minished by the Geuerul Assembly, nor ahali such liability or obligation be released, except by payment thereof Into tbe State Treasury, 8m. 25. When the General Assembly shall bs convened in special session, there shall be no leg islation upon subjects other than those designa ted lo the proclamation of Ihe Governor, calling eueb leasioa. , 8m. 8. Every order, resolution, or vote, to which the concurrence or both houses may be ne cessary (except iu lbs question or adjournment) shall be presented to (he Governor, andjtfore it shall lake effect bs apprised iy Mm, or being disapproved by two-lhlids of both houses, ao. eordUif to the rules enf Uialiattoai nreecr'oedm rat SV. ' - iar. r X I'aTpTf u' motPl "Pence PA.. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28. 1873. Sbo. 27. No State offlce shall be continued or croated for the Inspection or measuring or any merchandise, manufacture or commodity, hut any county or municipality may appoint fuch omcers wnen authorised oy mw. 8iw.SH. No law changing the location of the capital of the State shall be valid until the same shall have been submitted to the qualified electors or the Commonwealth, nt a gcucral electiou, und ratified and approved by them. Bsc. 29. A member of the General Assembly Who shall solicit, demand, or receive, or consent to receive, directly or Indirectly, for himself or for another, from any company, corporntlt , pur son, any money, offlce, appointment, employ, ment, testimonial, reward, thiug of value enjoy. mcnt, or or personal advantage or promise therc- ot, inr ntsvote or otncial influence, or lor with holding tbe eame, or with au understanding, ex pressed or implied, that bis vote orotHclal action shall be Iu any way influenced thereby, or who shall solicit or demand any such money or other advantage, mutter, or thing aforesaid for another, ns the consideration of his vote or ouTciul In fluence, or for withholding the same, or shall give o withhold his vote or Influence In consid eration of the payment or promise of such money, advanlnce, mutter, or thing to another, shall lie held guilty of bribery within the meaning of this Constitution, and shall Incur tbe disabilities pio vided thereby for said ofTcnsc, and such addition al punishment ns is or shall be provided by law. Bsc. 30. Any person who shall, directly or indi rectly, offer, give, or promise any money, or thing or value, testimonial, privilege, or personal ad vuntuite, to any executive or Judicial olllcer or member or the Gcucral Assembly, to influence hlra In the performance of any of his public or official duties, shall be guilty of bribery, and be puuished in such tuanucr us shall be provided by law. Bxc. 31. The offense of corrupt solicitation or members of the General Assembly or of public olllcers of the State, or of any municipal division thereof, and any occupation or practice of solici tation of such members or ofllcers, lo influence their official action, shall be defined by law, and shall be punished by One and imprisonment. Bbc. 'ii. Any persou may be compelled to testify In any lawful Investigation or Judicial proceeding, against any person who may be charged with having committed the offense of bri bery or corrupt solicitation, or practices of soli citation, ami shall not be permitted lo withhold Ills testimony npon the ground that it may crimi nate himself or subject him to public infamy ; but such testimony shall not uflerwurds be used agaiii't him in any judieiil proceeding, except for perjury iu giving such testimoncy, aud any person convicted of either of tlie olfeoses afore said, shall, as part of the punishment therefor, bo disqualified from boldlug any olllce or position of honor, trust, or profit in tbU Commonwealth. Bbc Si. A member who has a personal or prl vnt iutcrust In any measure or blil proposed or pending berore the Geuerul Assembly shall dis close tho fact to the house of which lie is a mem ber and shall uot vote thereon. ARTICLE IV. TUB EXECCT1VR. SacTto 1. The Executive Department of this Commonwealth shall consist ofa Governor, Lieu tenant Governor, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Attorney General, Auditoi General, Stute Treas urer, Secretary of Internal Affairs, and a Superin tendent of Public Instruction. Beo. 2. The supreme executive pojvcr shall be vested la the Governor, who shall take care that the laws be falthlully executed i he shall be chosen on the day of the general election by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth, at the places where they shall vote for Representatives. Tho returns of every election for Governor shall be sealed up and transmitted to the scat of go vernment directed to the President of the Senate, who shall open und publish them in the presence of tho members of both houses of the Generul Assembly. Tho person having the highest num. ber of votes shall be Governor by the joint vote of tho members of both houses. Contested elec tions shall be determined by a committee, to be selected from both houses of the Geueral Assem bly, und formed and regulated iu such mauuer as shall be directed by law. buc. 3. 1 lie Governor shall hold his office dur ing four years from the third Tuesday of January next ensuing his election, and (hall not be eligible to the oflico for the uext succeeding term. Sec. 4. A Lieutenant Governor shall bo cho-en at tbe sums time, In the same manner, for t lie same term, and subject to the same provisions us the Governor ; he shall be presidculofthc Semite, but shall bare uo vote uuless they be equally di vided. Sec. 5. No person shall be eligible to the office of Governor or Lieutenaul Governor cxccpl a citizen of the United Slates, who shall have at tained tho age of thirty years, aud have been seven years next preceding his election an inhabi tant of the State, unless he shall have been ab sent on the public business of tbe United Slates or of this Stale. Sac. 0. No member of Congress or rcrson hold ing any olllce under the United States or this Stute shall exercise the otllcu of Governor or Lieu tenant Governor. Sec. 7. The Governor shall be commander lu- chlcfof the army aud navy of the Commonwealth, aud of the militia, except when they shall Itu call ed into ibe actual service of the Untied States. Bec. 8. He shall uomlunte, and by and with tho advice and conscut of two-thirds of ai! the mem bers or Ihe Senuto, appoiut a Secretury of tha Commouweallh and an Attorney General during pleasure, a Superintendent of Public instruction ror four-years, and such other officers onhe Com monweulth as he Is or may be authorized by the coustilutiou or by luw to appoint ; he shall have power to till all vacuueies that may happen in otllee. to which he may uppoiut during the recess of the Senate by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their session ; he shall Have power to rill any vncurcy that may huppeu during the recess of Ihe. Senate, iu the otliee of Auditor Generul, Stute Treasurer, Secre tary of Internal Affairs or Siiperintedcnt of Pub lic Instruction, in a Judicial olllce, or in any other elective oUlce which he is or may be au thorized to Ull t U the vacancy shall happen during tho session or tho Seuale, the Governor shall nominate to tbe Seuute before their flnul adjournment, a proper person to Ull said vacancy. But iu any such case or vacancy, Iu an elective oflice, a person shall be chosen to said olllce at the next general election, unless the vacancy shall happen within three calendar mouths imme diately preceding such electiou, iu which case the election for suid olllce shall be held at the secoud succeeding general election ; In acting on Executive nominations, Iho Senate shall sit with open doors, and iu continuing or re jecting the nominations of the Governor, Iho vole shall be luken by yeas and uays, and shall be en tered on tbe journal. Sec. 0. lie shall hare power to remit flues and foifeitures, to graut reprieves, commutations of sentence and pardons, except In cases nf Im peachment, but no pardon ahull be grunted nor senlcuce commuted, except upon the recommen dation lu wilting c f Ills Lleutcuani Governor, Se cretury of the Common wealth, Attorney General and Secretary or Internal Affairs, or auy three of them, ufter full hearing, upon due public uotlce aud in open session, and such recoiiimeuduliou, with the reasons therefor at length, shall be re corded and filed In the oilice of the Secretary of the Com mon wealth. Sec. ID. lie may require information In writ log from Ihe ofllcers of the Executive Depart ment, upon any subject reluliug lo the duties of their respective offices. Bbc. 11. lis shall, from time to time, give to tbe Geueral Assembly Information of the state of the Commonwealth, aud recommend lo their con sideration such measures as he may Judge expe dient. Bsc. 12. lie may on extraordinary occasions, couvene Ibe Geu.ral Assembly, and iu rase or disagreement between tbe two houses, with re spect to the time or adjouruineut, udjourn tbein to such time a. be .hall think proper, uot exceed ing fonr mouth.. He shull have power to cou Veue the Seuate In extraordinary session, by pro clamation, lor Ihe transaction of executive busi ness. 8m. 13. In ease of the death, conviction on Impeachment, fuilnre to qualify, resignation, or oiber disability of Ibe Governor, the powers, da ties, and euioluineuts of the olllce for the re mainder of tha term, or uulll the disability be removed, shall dsvolve upou the Liuuteuaut Gov ernor. Bsc. 14, Ia ease of a vacancy In the olfiee of Llrutenaut Goveraor, or ahcu the Lieuleuaul Governor shall be Impeached by the House of Representative, or .hall be uuable lo exercise the duties of his offlce, ib posers, duties, and stetaeteei thevsef far tne remainder t !us term, or nntil the disability be removed, shall devolve npon the President pko tbmpohr of the Scnute ) and the President pro tompore of the Benale shall In like manner become Governor If vacancy or disability shall occur In the office of Governor) his sent as Senator shall become vacant whenever he shall become Governor, and shull be filled by election as any other vacancy In the Senate. Sko. 15. Every bill which shall havo passed both houses shall bo presented to the Governor i if he approve, he shall sign It but II he shall not approve, he shall return It with Ms objec tions to the house In which It shall have origl autcd, which house shall enter the objections at large upon their journal, and proceed to recon sider It. ir, after such reconsideration, two. thirds of all the members elected to that house shall agree to pass tho hill, it shall be sent with the objections to the other house, by which, like wise, it shall be icconsidcrrd, and If approved by two-thirds of all Iho members elected to that house, It shall be a luw j hut in such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the mem hers voting ror aud against the bill shull bo entered on the Jotirnsls or each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the Governor within ten days after it shall have been presented lo him, the same shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, uuless Ihe General Assembly, by their adjournment, prevent Its return, In which rase It shall tin a law, unless he shall file the same, with his objections, In the oflico of the Se cretary of tho Commonwealth, and give notice thercor by public procliimaliou wllblu thirty days after such adjournment. Sec. 1ft. I he Governor shall have power to dis approve of auy Item or Items of nny hi 1 making appropriations of money, embracing distinct items, nnd the part or pans of the bill approved shall be the law, nud the Item or Items of appro priation disapproved shall be void, unless re passed according to the rules uud limitations prescribed for the passage of other bills over tho executive veto. 8cc 17. Tho Chief Justice of tho Supreme Court shall preside upon thu trial of any contest ed election of Governor or Lieutenant Governor, and shall t'.eeide questions regarding the admis sibility of evidcuce, and shall, upon rrquesl of the committee, pronounce his opinion upon other questions of the law involved in the trial. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall excr ete the duties of their respective offices until their successors nhall bs duly qualified. Sr.c. 18. The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall keep a record of all official nets and pro ceedings of the Governor, and w hen required lay the same, with all papers, minutes and vouchers relating thereto, before either branch of the Gen eral Assemhly, and perform such other duties as may be enjoined upon him by law. Sue. ltt. The Secretary "or Internal Affairs shall exercise all the powers and perform all the dutic of the Surveyor General, subject to such changes ns shall be mndo bylaw. His depart ment shall embrace a bureau of Industrial statis tics, and he shall discbarge such duties relating to corporations to the charitable institution, tbe agricultural, manufacturing, mining, mineral, timber and other material or busiuess interests of the Stale ns maybe prescribed by law. lie shall uuiiually and nt such ntucr times ns may be required by law, ruukc report to the Genoral Assembly. Snc. 20. The Superlnteudcnt of Public Instruc tion shall cxccrclso all the powers and perform nil the duties of the Superintendent of Common Schools, subject to such changes as shall be made by luw. Si:c. VI. l he term of tho Secretary of Internal Alia Irs shall be four years, of tho Auditor Gene ral, three years, and of tho State Treasurer two years. These olllcers shall bo choseu by the qua lified electors of tho Stuto at general elections. Mi person elected to the olllce of Auditor Gene ral or Stuto Treasurer shall be capable ol holdiug the same olllce. for two consecutive terms. Sec. 2i. The present Cu e it Seal of Pennsylva nia shall be the seal of the State. All commissions shall be in the name and by authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, und he sealed with the State seal and signed by thu Goveruor. ARTICLE V. THE jrCICIlRT. Section 1. The Judicial power of this Com monwealth shall be vested in the Supreme Court, in courts of common pleas, courts of oyer nud terminer nnd general Jail delivery, courts of quarter ceesious of tho pence, orphans' courts, magistrates' courts, uud iu such oilier courts as the General Assembly uiay from lime to time es tablish. Sec. 2. The Supremo Court shall consist of se ven judges, who shall be elected by the qualified electors of the State at large. They shull bold their offices for the term of twenty-one years, If they so long behave themselves well, but shall uot be again eligible. The Judge whose commis sion shall first expire shall bo chief justice, und thereafter each judge whose commissiou shall lirst expire shull in turn be chief justice. Bec. 3. The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court shull extend over the Stale, ami the judges there of shull, by virluo of 'heir others be Justices of oyer and terminer and geuerul juil delivery iu the several counties ; they sbnll huve origiuul juridielion in cases of injunction, and where a corporation is a purty defendant, of habeas cor pus, of MANUAMis lo courts of inferior Jurisdic tion ; uud el gi o wahusnto as to all ofllcers of the Commonwealth whosu Jurisdiction extends over the Slate, but shall not exercise uny other original jurisdiction ; they shull have uppcllalo jurisdiction by appeal, cEiirioKsni or writ of er ror iu all cases, as is now or may hereafter be provided by law. Sec. 4. Until otherwise direct by law, ths courts of common pleas shall coutluuc as ut pre sent established, except us herein changed ; uol more thau four counties slmll, at uny time, bu included lu one Judicial district orguuised fuv suid courts. Sec. S. Whenever a county shall contain forty thousand iuhabilunts It shull constitute a sepa rate Judicial district, uud shall elect one Judge learned in the luw ; und the Geuerul Assembly shall provide fur additional Judges. Counties containing a popululion less than Is sufficient to constitute separate districts shull be formed Into convenient siugle districts, or, if uccessary, may be attached lo contiguous districts as the General Assembly niuy provide. The office of associate judge, uot learned lu the luw, is abolished In counties forming separate districts ; bin tho sev eral associate judges ill oflico wbeu ibis constitu tion shull be adopted shall servo for their unex pired terms. Sec. G. In the counties of Philadelphia au J AI leghcuy, nil tho Jurisdiction und poweis now vested lu tho District Courts uud Courts of Cum niou Pleas, subject to such changes cs may bs made by this constitution or by luw, shall be lu Philadelphia vested In four, and in Allegheny in two distinct and separate courts of equal aud co ordinate jurisdiction, composed of three Judgos each ; the said conns in Philadelphia shall be designated respectively us the Court of Ceiuinou Pleas number oue, number two, uumber threo, and number four, aud In Atlcghcuy us the Court f Common Pleas number one aud uumber two, but the number of said courts may be by luw lu creased, from lime to time, and shall in like munuer designated by successive be uutubers ; tbe number of Judges lu uuy of said courts, or in auy county where Ihe establishment of an additional court may be authorized by luw, may be increas ed from lime to time ; and whenever such in crease shull amount lu the whole to three, such thre Judges nhall compose u distinct und se pa ra to court as aforesaid, which shall be num bered us aforesaid. Iu Philadelphia ull suils shull be Instituted iu the said Courts of Com men, without designating tbe number of .aid court, aud the several court, shall distribute uud appor tion the busiuess among tbeiu in such maimer us shall bo provided by rules or court, aud each court to which auy tuil sbu'.l be thus assigned shall huve exclusive Jurisdiction thereof, subject to change of venue, as shall be provided by law. Iu Allegheny each court shall have exclusive jurisdiction of ail proceedings at law and in equi ty coiuiueuced therein, subject to cbauge of veuus us may be provided by law. Bec. 7. For Philadelphia there shall be one Prothonotury's office, and oue Prolhouotary for all said courts, uud lo bold olllce for three years, sul Jort I . removal by a u-ajoriiy or the said J u. lees .llie suid Prothouotary shall appoiut ucu assUlauts a. niu - be ueccssary aud authorized by said courts, aud bo and usslstuul. .hull re ceive fixed salaries, lo be determined by law aud paid by said county all fees collected in said olllce, except such as may le by law due lo the Commonwealth, shall be paid by the Prolbono tary into tbe couuly treasury. Each court shall hav Its separate dockets, except the Jedgmeat I New Berlen, Vol. 5, Xo. 86. i Old Merle), Vol. 83, No. 53. docket, which shall contain the Judgments and liens of all the said oourts, as is or may bo di rected by law. . Sbo. 8. The Said coerts lu the counties of Phi ladelphia and Allegheny respectively, shall, from time to time, detail one or more of their Judges to hold the courts or Oyer aud Terminer, und the courts of Quarter Sessions or the Ponce of suid counties iu such manner as may be directed bv law. ' Sec. 9. Judges or the Courts of Common Pleas learned In tho law shall be Judges of tho courts of Oyer nnd Terminer, Quarter B.sslons of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery, und of t he Or phans' Court, and within their respective dis tricts shall bo justices of the pcuee as lo criminal matters. Sec. 10. The Judges of the courts of Common Picas, within their respective counties, shall have power to Issue wrils of ( KRTiotitni t' Justi ces of the peace, and other inferior courts not of record, and to causa their proceeding to be brought beforo them and right and justice to bo done. Bec. 11. Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, Justices of the peace or aldermen shall bo elected in the ecverul wards, districts, boroughs and townships at the time nf tbe elec tion of constable, by the qualified electors I here of, in such manner as shall be directed by luw, aud shall bo cotuinrcsloncd by the Governor for a term of five years. No township, ward, district or borough shall elect more than two Justices of me peace or aiuernieu wttUEUt tho consent of a inujorlty of ihe qualified clcctois w ithin such township, ward or borough ; no person shall be elected to such olllce unless he shall huvt resided within the township, borough, ward or district foi one year next preceding his election. In ci ties containlui; over fifty thousand inhabitants, uot more than one aldcrmau shall bu elected iu each ward or district. Src. 13. In Philadelphia there shall be estab lished, lor eucu thii ly thousand inhabitants, oue court not of record, of police and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not exceeding one hundred dol lars ; such courts shall bo held by magistrates w hose term or office shall be five years, and they shall be elected on general ticket "by the qunlitied voters at large ; and in the election of tbe suid magistrates no v iter shull vote for moro than two-thirds of tho number of persons to be elect ed, when more than one are to bo chosen ; they shall be compensated only by tiled salaries, to be paid by said county ; and shall exercise such ju risdiction, civil aud ciiminal, except as herein provided, as is now exercised by aldermen, sub ject to such changes, not Involving an increase of civil Jurisdiction or conferring political duties, as may be made by law. In Philadelphia the oflice of uldermau is abolished. Sec. 13. All fees, ones and penalties in said courts shall be paid into tbe county treasury. Sec. 14. Iu ull cases of summary conviction iu this Commonwealth, or of judgment in suit for a penalty before u magistrate, or court uot of re cord, cither party may upieul to such court of record as may be prescribed by law, upon allow ance of the appt Hate court or judge thereof,upou cause shown. Skc. 15. All Judges required to be learned in the luw, except the Judges of the Supreme Court, shull be elected by the quulilled electors of the respective districts over which they are to pre side, and shall hold their offices for the period or ten years, if they shall so long behave themselves well ; but for any reasonable cause, which slmll not be sufficient ground for Itnpeuehmcnt, the Governor may remove any of them on the ad dress of two-thirds of each bouse of tho General Assembly. Bec. 10. Whenever two Judge, of the Supreme Court aro to be chosen for tho same torui of ser vice, each voter shall vote for one only, andwhen three are to be chosen, be shall vote for no more thau two ; candidates highest iu vote shall be declared elected. Sec. 17. gliould any two or more Judges of the Supreme Court, or any two or more judges of the Cuart of Couunou Pleas for the same district bo elected ut thr same time, they shall, us soon after the election as couvenieut, cast lots for priority of commission, and certify tho result to the Governor, who shall Issue their commissions in accordance therewith. Sec. IS. Tbe judges of the Supreme Court aud the Judges of the several courts of Common Pleas, and ull oilier judges required to be learned iu the law, shall, ut slated limes, receive for their services an adequate compensation, which shull bu fixed by law, and puld by Iho Stale. They shall receive no other compensation, fees, or perquisites of office lor their services from uny source, nor hold uny other olllce of profit i uuder the United States, this Stute, or uny other i State. Skc. 10. The Judges of the Supreme Court. during their coiitinuuuce in office, shall reside within tills Com mon wealth ; uud the other Judges, during their conliuuunce in ottle'. shull reside within the districts for which they 'hull be respectively elected. Sec. 20. The several courts of Common Pleas, besides the powers herein conferred, shall havo aud exercise within their respective districts, subject to eir.'h changes as may be mude by luw, sucli chancery powers us are now vested by law in the several courts of Common Pleus of this Commonwealth, ol as may hereafter becouferr.d upon them by law. Bkc. 21. No duties shall be Imposed by law upon the Supreme Court or any of the Judges thereof, except such as are Judicial, nor shull uny of the judges thereof exercise any power of appointment, except as herein provided. The Court of Nisi Prius is hereby ubollshed, and uo court of original Jurisdiction to be presided over by auy one or more of ihe judges of the Supreme Court shall be established. Sec. 22. lu every county wherein the popula tion shall exceed ope hundred and lifty tbousan J the General Assembly shall, and in any other cojnty may, establish a setwraie Orphans' Court, to consist of one or more Judges who -I...H i... , i.. .i... i. t ... .. , i sunn us irwincu lu l lie mw, wuirii co.lll taitll exercise all the jurisdiction and powers now vested iu, or which may hereafter be confer led upon, the Orphans' Cou.ts. and thereupon Ihe jurisdiction of the Judges of the Court of Coin mon Pleas wilbin such county, in Orphans' Court proceedings, shall ceae und determine ; in uny county iu which a separate Or) bans' Couit shall be established tiiu Reghiur of Wills shall be clerk of such court, uud subj.-ct to its direction iu ull matters pertaining to his office ; lie may appoint assistant clerks. Inn only with the con sent und of said court. All uccouuts filed with him as register or us clerk of the suid separate Orphans' Court shull be audited by thu court without expense to parties, except where all parties ill interest in a pending propelling shull nominate an auditor whom the court niuy, in its discretion, uppoint. In every county orpliuss' couits shall possess ull the pjwers and Jurisdiction of u Register's Court, ami separate registers' courts are hereby abolished. Sec. Ui. Tha slyle of ull process shall be "Tbe Commonwealth, of Pennsylvania." All prosecutions shall be curried ou lu the name aud by the authority of ths Commons eallh of Pennsylvania, uud conclude agaiiial Ihe peace and digi.ity of the sumo. Sic 24. Iu all cues of felonious homicide, aud In such other criminal cases ns may be pro vided for by luw, thu uccuse.1, after conviction and sentence, may remove the iiidielnicut. record, aud all proceedings to tbe Supreme Couit for review. Bec. 25. Any vacancy happrutug by death, resignation, or otherw ise, iu auy court or record, shall be filled by appointment by thu Goveruor, to continue till the first Monday of January uext succeeding the first geuerul election, which shull occur three or more mouths after the hap pening of such vscuuey. Bec. M. All laws relating to courts shall be general nud of uniform operullou, and I ho organ ization, Jurisdiction nud powers of all courts or the sams class or grade, so fur us regulated by luw, aud the force uud etl'uct of the protest and Judgmeuts of such courts .hall be uuiform aud the Geuerul Assembly Is hereby prohibited from creating oilier courts to exercise Ihe powers vested by this constitution iu th. Judges of lh. courts of common pleas and orphans' cours. Bsc. 27. Tbe parties, by agreement filed, may, in auy civil case, dispense with trial by Jury, aud submit the decision ol such rase lo the court bavlug jurisdiction thereof, and such couit shall hear and determine the same and the Judg ment thereon shall be subject lo writ or errors as in other casce. ARTICLE VI. lurBACuusaT axo ubmovil raou orrica. esc. 1. Tbe House of Representative shall have the sole power or, impeachment. Bbc. 2. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate i when sitting for that purpose, the saateil shall be po oath er afKrasalton ; no ADVERTISING SCHEDULE 10 Lines, or nbont 1 00 Words, make Sqflurc ! 8''' i 8''' 2 8T X KcotiTcfll One week l.OOi .0Ui B.ftt), 8.1)0. 5.00 8.0016.00 Two weeks 1.50: 3.001 8.5oj a.Oo' 8.0011.00 1 8.00 Three " 11.00! 8.50! 4.fto 5.0ft: . 18.00 20.00 Four " 8.50; 4.50i B.50j 6.00 10.(10 15.0022.50 Five 8.7.V 5.00: 6.5t! 7.00 13.00 17.00 2R.00 Biz " 8.00 0.7W 7.601 8.00 1'x.oe 18.0037.50 Te-omo's H.25j 7.50 8.50j .015.Wiao.O0 30.00 Three" ;8.5tti 8.0Hj W.50,10,OO).O0cfi.o040.0C Six - 5.00. 9.UVI1.00 i2.O0.O0'S5.tiOfl.OO Nine " iO.OulO.OHl8.Oliil5.Ollii5.0045.tiOrj5.00 One Year iS.Oo I'j.iKiin.ObiO.oOriO.OOtAl.lOllttiO. L i. ...'.."ui jr j1 ....'j. jjj!'v person slmll bo convicted without the concurs rence of two-thirds or thu members present. Bbc. 8. Tho Governor aud all other civil officers shall be liable to Impeachment for any misde meanor in oflice, but Judgment In such rase shall uot extend further than to 'removal from olllce and disiiuallflcntlon to hold any office of trust or profit under this commonwealth ( tha person accused, whether convicted or acquitted, hall nevertheless be llublo to Indictmeut, trial, judgment and punishment according to law. ' Sko. 4. All olllc-jis shall hold their offices on the condition thut they behave themselves well while iu olllce, and shull be removed on convic tion of misbehavior lu office or of any Infamous crime. Appointed officers other than Judges or the rouits of record und tho Bupcrintundrndent of Public Instruction, may be removed at the pleasure of tho power by which they shall hsve boen appointed. All officers elected by the people, except Governor, Lieutenant Governor, members of tho General Assembly, and Judges of the coui ts of record, learned In tbe law, shall be removed by thu Governor for reasonable cause;' after due notice nnd full hearing on the address of two-thirds of the Senate. ARTICLE Tit. oath or orncs. srfonil. Senators and Representatives and all Judicial, slate sml county olllcers. shall, before en terinif on the duties ol lhelrresiective oftlces, take snd subscribe tiie billowing ostli or KWrniatlon. -1 do solemnly swear (or alftrin) that I will sup port, obey anl ilelond Hie constitution of the Uni ted Ststes snd tho constitution or this oommou wenllh. snd that I will tlcharto the duties of my office with fidelity; that 1 have not paid oroonirlb uted, or promisee to pay or contribute, cither df--reetly ui Indirectly, any ruonev or other valuable thlr.g.Jto pmcuro my nomination or election (or appoiuiinriit). riecpt lor necessary and proper ex. penses expressly authorized by law: that I have not knowiiiKly violated any election law or this commonwealth, or procured It to be done by others In my hchnll; that I will not knowingly receive, directly or indirectly, any money or oilier valuable llilng for the performance or non. performance of any act or duty pertalulng u my ouice, other than -the compensaii'ai allowed by law." The lorenolmj oath shall bo administered by some person unihorlre.) to administer oaths, and lu the ease of State officers and Judges ofttieSuprvme eourt,!fhali;iie;tileii tn tbe oflice' of the Secretary nf the. comnionweslih. aud In thorasoof other ju dicial and con nly oflicers. In the otttce of tha l"ro tiionotary ol the county In which thu same Is tak en: any per m refusing to take said oath or affirm atloti shall forlelt Ids utttcc. and any person who shall Ik? convicted of having sworu ur affirmed falsely, or uf having vhduied sai.l oatbor affirma tion, shall be guilty of perjury, and be foreverdls quulitied from holding any oli;ce or trust or protit within tht commonwealth. The oath to tbe uiemhttrs of tin senate and house nf Kcpresuntthtlrcs shull lie administered by one of the Judges ol the Supreme court or of a court of n.uiuion please, learned In the lsw. In the hall of ths house lo whleh the member shull be olooled. JHTICLE VIII. SrrVBAII3 A?iD electiou. Stction 1. Every male citizen twenty one years ofngc. pi ."seeing ihe billowing ualltlcatluns, Shan he entitled lo veto at all eleetluns: Vim. He shall have lieen a cltlten of the United fitutei at least one month. Sow hi. I. Its shnil have resided In the s'ate one ysar (or If having previously beona qualified eloe tor or native Isirn eltisen ol thu slate, lie shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immsdlately preceding Ihe election. Third, lie shall have resided In tbe oloction dts. trlet where he shall offer to voto at least two mouths Immediately preceding the election. Fourth. If twenty two years ol age or upwards, he shall have paid within two years a state or county;tux. which shall have been assessed at least m two months, und paid at least one month before th" election. .S're. 3. Ths general election shall bshcldannu allvon t lie Tuesday uext following the first Monday oi S'oveinbsr. but the general assemhly may by luw tix a dlllercut day. two thirds of all the msm burs of each tiouse conslnting thereto. See. 3. All elections lor city, ward, borough, and township ulncers, for regular terms of seivlos, shall he heltl ou ths third Tuesday uf February. , .Sic. 4. All elections by the cttlzous shall bo by ballot. Kvery ballot voted shall Ihj numbered lu thu order In which it shall ho received, and tho number recorded by the election officers on th. list of voters, opposite the name of Ihe elector who presents the ballot. Any elector may write his name upou bis tlekui. or cause tho same to ba wrlueu thereon and attested by a cltlten of tbe district. Tho election olticers shall he sworn or attiruied not to disclose how uny oluctor shall have voted unless required lu do so cs witnesses In a judicial proceeding. Sec. 6. Electors shall In all eaes except treason, felony and lireaeh or surety ol the peace, be priv ileged lrom arrest during ttielr attendance on eleo tions and in going to and returning therefrom. Sec. ti. Whenever any of thu uuulitied electors of' tbiseommonwealth shall bu lu nciual military srvios, under a requisition from ths President uf the t'ul.ed states oi ly the authority of this pom nionwcalth, such electors may exercise the right o sullrnge In all elections by the citizens under such regulations as are or shall be prescribed by law, as fully as It they were present ut their usual pl&a es ol election. Sect. All laws regulating the holding of elec tions by the citizens or lor lbs registration uf a leclorsshuil lie uuilorm throughout tho state, but uo elector shall ou deprived uf thu privilege of voting by reason uf bis name uut being register-. J. Sec. S. Anv pors.m who shall give, or promise or oiler to give' to au elector, any uiouuy, reward or other vuluable const deration for bis vote at an e leetlon or tor witholdiiig the samo, or who shall give or promisu to give su-'h consideration to any other person or party for sueb elector's vote, or for Ihe withholding thereof, and any elector who shsll receive or agree to receive, for himself or for another, any money rewaid or other valuublu eon . slderathm lor his vote at ao election, or for wtth holdlng the same. shall thereby forfeit Ibe right to Vote at such election, und any elector whose right lovote shall K challenged tor such cause bufor the election ultlcers shall lie required to swear or athrin that the matter ul Ihs challuuge is uiilru before his vulu shall l received Sec. V. Auy larson whoshall, while aeandfdate for orlicc. lie guilty uf bribery, traud or will i ul vjolftt iou of an election law. shall be forover dis--ouuiilied lrom holding uu ollluu uf trust or profit In this commonwealth: and any persou convicted 'of n lllluUlelalloiiof the election laws, shall. In addi tion to any penalties provided bv law, he deprived of the right of .uU'ragu ahselutsly fur a term of four yeuis. 1 Sec. 10. Iu trials of contested elections, and is proceedings lor tiie tnvcsugallou of etuoilons. no ' l.erson shall hu iterinitiud lu withhold his testimo ny upou the ground that it may criminate himself or subject him lu public iittaiuy: but such testimo ny shall not aluwards lie use ! ugsinst hlui In any judicial proceeding, except fur purjury luglr tiig such testimony. Arc. 11. Townships and wards of cities or bor oughs shull loriu or hu divided tutu uleeilou dis tricts ul eouiiiact und contiguous territory, In such luuuuur us the court ol iuuuur session ul thu cltr or county iu which the same are located may di- reel, hut dlstiicts lu cities of over one hundred, thousand inhabitants shall bs divided by thu court sol iiuurtcr sessions tiavlug juiisdlctlou lliure lu w heuever at the bexl preceding uiecliou inura tliau two hundred and liliy votes shall have buea polled therein; aud uther uieetiou districts wuun ever theuourl ul the .ruwr county slmll bu of is pinion I hat the convenience ut the electors aud the public interests will lie promoted thereby. Sic. Vi. All elections by persons lu a leproscaia. . live capacity shall he viva vu.u. .Src. 13. For tiie of voting, no person shall be deemed to hue guiued a rcswonue by rua Soti ul Ids presence, ur lose it by ruuson of bis al sciicu while employed lu thu seivicu, uiibur civil ur military, of this stute ur ul Ihe I. ulted Status, uor whilu engaged iu ihe uavigatiou ut the waters ul the Stale d of the l ulled .-slates, or ull Hie hlli ssas, nur while a student of any lustttutiu u uf , learning, nor w hile kept iu uuy poor ouusu or oth er asylum at public expense, uur whlto cuulluoi lu public prison. Sec.i. lUstrlet fleciiou boards shsll consist eT a judge and twu Inspeelois, wtiu shall be choseu anuually by the citizens. Luch elector shall iiave the right tu vule lor the judgo uud ouu lurpuvlur und eueb liiriector shall upiulnt one clerk. Tbe lirst electiou boa rd uuy new district shall b. se lected, and vacancies in election hoards tilled au, shall be provided by law. lilucihm utheurs shall bu ' privileged from arrest ujiou dus of election and wiiDe vug-aged in tasking up uud transmuting re turns, except utiou whituui ol a court ol record ' ur judge thereof lurau elect Ion fraud, for lulony, or lur wautuu breach ul the puuee. lu cities they uiay claim exemption lrom jury duty during their terms ul ser lee. Sec. 16. No person shall he qualified to serv. a. an election uUjour whu shall huld, or shall wllhlu . twu uiouths huvv held uuy oltieu, apiioliiiiueut, ur employ ment In ur undur the govuruiueut of ibe V ulted Stales, oroi this state, or utauy city or county, or ui any uiuuleipal hoard, oummlasiun, ur ' tiusi In any city, save uuly justices uf thu peso, and aldenueu, notaries public, and persons In the militia service ut ths state uor hull any elsotlow otttoer be ullgllils lu any civil uffios tu be tilled at ' au election ut which hu shull set vs, save uuly tu such .ubunlluats uiuuiclpal or local umoes below, Hi gristle ufeily ur eouuiy uftioes as shall be da sigualetl by general law. Stc. IS. The courts ul coeinicn please of Ihe aer. era! counties of the commonwealth shall hav. puw er wllbiu their rut'ji'cilvujurisitlotluu to appulot overseers of election Ui supervise the proouudlngt ul electiou utnoers, and to make rviiorl tu tit. court as way l required; such appoluttuuuis to be luads for auy dlsulct la a city ur couuly. eoue be luftou ut Hv olllseus. lawlul votursuf sueb eluctfou district, selling funk tbat such appointment Is m reasouabl. prucautioe tu suouru the purity and lalrncsa uf elections ovurseers auatl be two lu nun. . ber for aa rlaulluu uutuiat, shall be reeideuis Ihsrw ia, aud shall be persous quallUsd tu avrvu aioau ' ecuou imarua, auu iu eu-n case uieaiiwr. oi omar- em pulltluel partlea; whenuvur tha uiaietcre ul au iluu board shall!ou, IU eversoM eiusMou IWeafrlvrwieJeH 'r.ft i'l-