Smtimnr " 3imcric;uu 8TJNliURY, NOVEMBER. 21, 1873. , .. --- Rail roust Tl m Table. &BHITAI. A1B DBTARTCRBOIfTRAIKi ATMHBUHT. if. a R. W. 8onlh. Elm Ira Mall, 11.15am Erie Mali, 13.10 " Buffalo Ex. 8.60 " DarrlsburgAc. 5.10 p m P. A E. R. R. West. Erie Mall, (5.15 am Renovo Ac. 11.10 a m ElmlraMall 4.10pm Butlulo Ex, 7.05 " tiMtiitnT mn i.kwistown H. H for Lewtstown at 8.85 a. m., on p. ui. Arrlvo at Banbury from Lewwtown at 1.85 and 6.65 p.m. ., snAwoKrw Division, w. 0. R. w. UtAVB- I ABRlYB Kxpreaa, 11.45a m I Ma'l, 9.85 a m Vail, 5.15 p m I Express, 4.00 p m An accommodation train leaves Shnmokln at 7.10a m, arrlvlii? at Mt. Carmcl at 7 40 a ra. Retnrlng, leave Mt. Carmcl at 7.00 p m, arriv ing at Bhamokln 7.30 p in. DXUVIt-I.E, HAi!I.ETO! WH.KFflnAItMt n. R LEAVK. I ARI11YB. Mall, C.45 a m I Aeooinoila., 10.45 a m Accotuoda., 6.05 p m Mall, 4.10 p in LACRAWANMA AXD BLOOMSHUKG R. R. Leave Northumberland at 5.85 a. m. 0.40 a. m. and 6.10 p. m. Arrive at Northumberland at 10.47 a. m. 0.30 p. m. and 11.12 p. in. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had of J. Sliipman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Winter Arrangrmrnt for I ho l'ont Olllce at Sun bury, Ph. OJjlct Oncn from 6.50 a. m., to 8 p. tn., txcept on Sunday. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives ns follows i From the East at 5.15 a. ra., 4.10 p. m., ' South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m. " West, 5.15a. m., 11. 15 p.m., 4. 10p. m., North, 1.50 a. in. .11. 15 a. in., 4.10 p.m. Shamokln, Mt. Carmcl ami poiuts on that Hue, 0.'i5 a. m., 4.00 p. in. Mails close as follows : For the East, S.45 a. m., 13.50 a. tn., 4.50 p. in. " South, 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. in. 8 p. in. " West, 10.50 a. m., 3.5;) p. m., 8.00 p. m. " Noi'h 3.50 p. in., 8 p. m., Sliamikln propur 11.15 p. in. Sh.'iniokin anil olllce on that route, 4.20 p. m. Money orders will nol be Issued after 0 p. m., ou Saturdays. ,T. J. SMITH, '; I-n. iusincss joeals. Tun Improved tl rover A Uakrii Sewinii Ma iiiink. Thusa celebrated machines are ollered it th'i most reasonable rate. For pait'culnis apply to 1). i. KUTZ, Agent, Feb.2iV3.-1y. Upper Augusta township. Pami'. dealer i'i Musical Instru ments and Sewing Machines Market street, near Third, Sttnhury, I'a. Call and ev.nmino the b?st Organs,, Sewing and Knitting Ma chines In the market. Always on hand the Es tey. Silver Tongue, Smith's American. Mason A Hamlin Organs. Orders taken for nil kind of Pianos and Musical Instruments. The Peoples' Favorite Sewing Machines ; Dnmest'c and dro ver A linker. Persons purchasing machines from mo wlil receive instructions. First-class Knitting Machines for sale. Hats and CArs. Samuel Faust, lias Just re turned from Cue city with a large assortment of tho latest stylo hats. His stock U full, and the 1 itcsl styles can bo had at hU store, on Market street at city prices. The Great Ckabti. D. A. Finney has the latest assoitment of goods In market. Every ar ticle Is purchased with great care In the city mar kets, and everything In his store can he relied on as the best. Ladles goods of every description. Cloth and Cussiuiercs for gentlemen. Hoots and Shoos, notions, jewelry, and every article usual ly kept in stores, will be round in his assortment. Everybody Is invited to examine his stock. The best bargains are guarnteeil. fCocal Affairs. Botmuou OiiDKna. Kubtcilif rn to tha Avehman, kuowing thoiiiselvoH iui,-btcd, ami iiuvo li trough ui!e:tt ou baud cau pay ui in order rt their full vuliu We publish the pro;oft'l Caiiti. iulm in thin Ihfuc Ui full which nUouM be carefully r-.iU by every sotc-. " The adopt iou by t.i people organic hws winch nre to direct their government for your, in uti net ot the ffraveat iiu portauoo aud cUIa for their Wnt net ion, Every c.lzcu ehould weigh lta virtu? and it defect, mid give bin votj"for theCooritituti m,"or ".'.giiiiiit theCVtmi ution," a tie deems be it fur lle gcuent. wi-Uur. YvtT new boiifttw are btiug eitctt-d on NVrth rourtU Htrtwt by Juhu 13. Leuke-, Es.j., which wiil le re.idy for occuiwicy in the Hpring. They ure till iutomU-d an ttu aut housw, and aro being built with all the luojoru 011- Hard Times. AV in. II, Miller of tho Exotlfior Boot aud Hhofl Store, who bun ulwu.vs au eyo to tlie poor, in now Helliug hia immttLne atock of Uuota and tihmta at re duced price, aud at mu!i rat that uo oue ueed auffer for tha want of wear oa their fee. The jour we receive the money due ua for aubcrii -tiou aiid advertiHii, the aooiicr we will be euubled lo cularge aud Improve the Auekicak, We state thia fact that those who are dilatory will uudera'arrd the delay. Hand ou your inouey and we Will immediately put it into circulation, aud hard times will cease kucn-kiug at the door. l'ay the printer and money will become p leu tier. Removal. W. A. Sober, E... Attorney at law and Couuty Hdicitor, la about to rcmoe U'.h law (noe to hiH reaideuoe on front street t low Market, fl at door below tho First Natioual bank buildup, where he will be pleas ed to have h jt numerous ft ienUa to cjII ami se him. Clients wiil always flud hfm ready to attuud to their wauts. PEBtoHAL. Prof. Huw-d i.ty( the colored orator, jia our sanctum a viait oa Wediieaduy luat, while on hi$ wy uorth to recruit hia boalth. Tho Pfofeaaer is a gitloinao of ability, aud ojo of the utoal talented tratord; of the day. n, Eng., bubout taking up his abode in Richmond, VU.t whero ba prchaeed a brewery to man ufacture lager beur. A Ball wiil b given onrucLty evening next, iu Lyou'a Ilall, Muikel 8t., by le Suiibury Comet Baud. The eutertaiuruent should bwbllpatrouizedaathebaud is iu need of funds. No one tould refuse to take a ticket veu if they can not atteud, aab proo-v ids go to a worthy cause. BAIlTLETT'a TOUTAUm PUTOUAAfH OaLLEBY. A Portable Photograph gallery haibeei ej ected opiKwita the City Hotel in this place by Mr.iartrtt, where the most accurate picturea will be taken lurilg any kiud of wea ther. Extra facilities- for taking pinlirea will be found iu this gilU'ry, aud iuduceiuoutoffied better than can be had iu city eatabliNhmeulH. lr. U-irth tt intends to remain here a "hurt luue, and allwht desire a first class picture should avail lhi;mstdves tf tha opportuaity. The c; L;iateutui taC.uerou colliery, at Bha mokiu, for the month of CHtot v wore Vhe largest ever made iu oue mouih from that laoe. TaVINO TO KbE CP. Tha flKAiiaiui .. u,.. . unum uuMlY lu tha Miuwulc builjing, B. L. !Uuaeit,U4h, 1m trjiug to ""e l' unnieui, wi u coiD"U'l to seud daily tat new mppUw, uj yet bin twk diuuiintic u mnidlv M h iwu grt ot .tuck. Tlii luo.uus.iof sje J uuim1 by bun wlUug low, aud ku.lig tha tumt f. Ii1uu1j1o uaortmeut on biud, Ula stock li eousitf. ol tha moat uo-jero nnprove.1. Tub gift concert to bo given by the Waahlugtoa 8ieam Firs Company on the Xld of February uest, prutaiaea to be TOTT .UOOMUtful. Lalue liumhMF of I .Or... u h.v. i ... diapoMd uf. Aa au example our old friend Ovo. Cuurad.of Furdytowu, to euourag. th. vuterprue, purchaaud ous huudred tickeU a fow dava auo. Muv .i..,..,.,. ,... also largely luvwted. The prooeedaof tbooouoert b. applied to purckaaiug a uiouu Fir. Euglne, and trust that vy oltueua wui gi. evtuy enoouragumeut to the 0Jin4uy, for tljir .alerprlt j. The object ia ous lO .VOT arav Wtirthv ...4 wi.ll. .... ,ii , - ' j i ".... wn tavi m inu . trlfl th. agratata amount will MUnliah au organisation 41.1 will K . , . . ... wuiy . run oeseiH 10 our town, but toaec to tho Jr. rliparunuit of Banbury, Hiotiko T HHAMOKrs. On BnturdsylaatheuiftKirs aud laborers about Shsniokln wore rid off by tholr m pluyers. The amount pId out was lurfjor than on any previous pay d.iy,amounllrig to all to atiout ono huudrod and twelve thousand ilollura. Bmn aflsr th. men were paid Aifhllng onmmanoed, which was eonttnneil from Saturday ewnlnff until Monday. Tbs pesos offlonrs altmptd to qmll ilia riot but wen roughly handled, and not until tba military made their i pearanoa could tba rioter, be eompellod to stop. The result of th. riot was a large number of battered beads. Several arrests were roarlo of the ring leaden. On Tuesday morning Onorge Phllit , Abraham Decker slid Hobort MeOlaiie were brought to Hie J-ifl at this jdane for resisting Con stables KiBRlnger and Hauntr-go'viml Jereniluh Zlnnnor mau for assault slid battery ou D. Etseuhurt. Ooustable Risahiger eilleit at our office, and by bla appearance be must have had a rough time of it. He statea that during the meli at least twelve mea made an attack upon him, tearing hia clothing off of him, aud robbed him of about forly dollars iu money. A sipiad of Cpt. May's Company aeoompanlcd the officers n bringing the rloicielo prison to await a trial at next court. Foil the satisfaction of those who wore araid, after the Commissioners gave nolloe that they intended to pay off the whole County debt ou th. of this month, that they would be uuutilu to curry out their intention, we will state that the'y Trm aurer has considerable of an ovorplus o:i bunt sbovo tb.b:dob!eaness, and that th. money la .tr.ii'i . - eery oider now outstanding whichwere not prs viio.Vi'd ouwhich the interest ce Bid on Saturday Lwl. We state ibis fact for the b.utll'. of those who eadiavolvd to cmhirrass tho Cominir-slouera from acooini !iK'..ii4 tLfir object. Even tbosa rdltors who eipnatod doub's In tlmir ,Ioiiruiilsof the ability to pny off tho debt, will now lctm that the ConimiHsiocors understood their own biiBineaa bettor than they did. A Land A slide occurred eirly on Wednesday morning aboro Oeorgi'towu.on the N. C. ltollroad which detained the Erie M.dl fur several hours. A freight train ran into the slide, and damaged the locomotive and a number of cars. No ono was seriously injured, sever;.l brckatuan received some bru:aea al.d one had bis nose broke. Johm D. Poctt Ea4.,one of ivuil pioneers In the Shomo klu regions, died at Sliainoklu on fsahirday last, aged about 01 years. Mr. Douly w is an llidtiitriotia besinos mm, and amussi'd qut'e a fortune in the coal business. Ilia funeral Wis lugly attended on Tuesday rck t one, frlendn aud tho M::sjnic fraternity of whhh he was a member. HiNf; Mr. Cot.l has becom? the prorieior of the Cle meut Home iu this j lac, r.ul'.e'-a in that estal.i:lunenl move along as amnutlily as ever. Mr. Cool is mildly gaining a wide rei uliitioli as nn uble man aa a landlord, possessing Hie lioecHwy ijii.:llliealon nf l luisinj bis guests, and making all fl at bon.o In l.ii jreseuce, while I'apt, Ford, beY.l.d the hir lievrr n:'ss.n a good Joke, and is eve;- le ly tn an j !.. tlio l-s.' iu M irket in the apt' II 111'. All w'l.o UrivJ cc.pi lii.K d Willi N" .t Foril soon di. c .er tliai hisclji icl ( mnkoa his u.nny iilouds :'o I Iraj py all over, Wur Pont lie takk ui Mossy. i)e..rn the la'e e'.cc io", aud wll'Ml th-.' C i;n:iii "ijiie;Ti adverlisi d that t'ley In'einle.t to pay ell' all ion t i r lors ou Hie of November, the n- ni ht als !. n'.iU 1 throughout the ouilnly lliat til" Commit lc:i.-..i trail I i:ot liable lo) ay, and tint Oir iiotiiHi w;!S o. ly jri.e'i for politicr.1 elect. Among th- nmai til itint o;' toead DemoeraiB Was our frle :d J cob LetviriMg. ltegiatr and Recorder. Mr. Li-laenring holds some sevc i thnnsaiid dollars In count v orders, aud when tho nuiir.y waa tendert'l lo litm on Sjlnnlay last in legd le..,!er befoie witnesai hi. relu-d to receive i . I.j..k ..s :l.ea ,li Mr. Lisom liig in teoda lo forer lln- coiiuly ('. nnli s-ionera to ay him in terfat as long tb he feels d:Hiio,o.l to niaae tbnn do so uotwithstuudb g frit Ibe county hi a no use for the mo ney. Uut ra ,-i tender va nude lu regular form tho lu te r -at will be slopped. It may lie perhaps too, aa has t e 'U suggested, that the refusal is one of Jacob's elec tioneering schemes. The To.. We beer a g-eat .led alunt pior men go ing from house to hoaie l g ;i'ig for fo.,d. Wlrl? some of these parties nnv be v.n fiy of sn.j atby, a largeror tion of them nir.kc H n en U-; to e iauiiuo the premises of citizens to plniid.r at nigj'. K.ei family should keep a strict watch over th- parlies, and when tby shows'gns of Intent to plunder, inform the police the flic, bj Ihey can keep a wa'ch on th-m. A liir aed about 11 years naine.l Albert ltow man, foil deatl, in Itnkmtown, Dauj iiin couuty, on VTednea 1 i.v of last week, while on his 'ay to school. He hud uc-c.i stil.Ject to Bi'Canis of the heart, ltrv. .J. r. Ilrns.i.:, r f Willt.n.isi ort, kn-t h.'s watehon the cars tietweei! tint lace and Stuil,;iry, on Tuesday hisl. Tuo v..ich was found on the railroad track ;.bove the djnt, iu this lace. TllKelitoro.' tUe Maxy returns tllii.ks to Dr. Awl for a c il.haoe head. V e b.., e it ia more sou.d thau the ouc he baa to loi.g possesseil. List of I,eters remaiali: in tlie l'ost Olllce in Sun bury, Nov. lit, John X. A Ihuis. M:bs Ilunna O. llohl , J. H. rt..sler. Joseiili Contxm, l m r'allylMnk. lirti KvIi.t, Jik-1 Fink, Win. 1. Fisii-r, U. NI. tiroes, Gtvru'eG:lnior". Hairy t -zet'n, M s, amiie Hall, M-ss Ilclieii J. iiel.ur, A. 1.. Meixler, K. 'juj de: , T. Tliatcher, J. J. J. HMiTH, r. M. QfC.T. A fow di-ya ago while lu CakeUmu, we l otlc ed a vei-y hr.r.dsonie dwelling which is alsnit be ing eiec'el iu that pait of our town by oue of the late "court ho w rb g,' who, it was rei-orted, lert office iu deatitute clrcuu.a.a: ccs. It reminded ua of the miller's fat hogs. A ne'gaU.r remarked they were very fat, but he oould not say wlose torn they bad oaten. The Cirt IIotel in this plicj now ranks aa one of the foremost in the eouiitry ca a after el by the large nuuiber of arrivals daily. Mr. Ed, T. Ifi.hiji.-llr, the propriclor, is now running a free bus to, .i, where Fred, the Porter, is heard above til others ihrieg as aengera to take a free ride to a flist class hotel. The houae Uaa every couveuleuee for gue:s, ciemdiuess and the boat order prevailirg, w'jtle Ibe tuYes c nr.jmro with any hotel iu th. country. Mr. Oliver Pruroh'ile', the chief clerk, ! always on hai:d loseolht. i;uep'A i.te comfortable, nud koeja, things inovi. g epuil to any ho tel iu our Lirgij citb.. Jicob Rrrz 4ANof Willi uiiSjMrt, was kdled by (I virge Mebs, lu Armstrong township Lyeajmti g county, ou Wednesday of I. st week. Melw waa arreate,! aud alledg- ed that the deed waa committed in se:f defence. After a bearii g ho w.-.s acquitted. The Philadelphia and Heading coal and iroUMuipauy suspended ope-atioua at tLcir Trevo tou oolllery iaat weik. J. D, James waa injured iu Clement's atttuu mill ou Thursday of last wut-k by lieiui; atrin It on the forehead by aonie heavy timber. Ills forehead was cat ojwu aoiue two iuehej. BiKre the first 0 . a of anew made their apiwarauce. givii g indications that winter ia ai.i or.cblnK, ourfrieud F. Hcaaff er baa emi-loyt 1 more him Ja, aud ia woi king almost day and ljgt to ae.oniii.ol..t hia numerous customers witu w.irm ad apleudidly tt'.ting garuieuts. Oeutleiuen will ulw.oi be guaranteed a lit wbiiu the gooda be furnialiea are tba b.a: iu the uiaikct. A HrABTLi;ia TSI TB ! Tut.USJUlla die aimuullv from UeKleclwl euugUa and Ciits, .ia"l wkiu lij eu lino ouu auuiptiuu, or other emu;.! , l..tnl U.e-sea of tuo Iuuks ; wbeu by the timely u i a al::gl bjule oi l)r. Wiaiar'a Halauui or Wild Cneury their hea have boeu preaerved to s greeu old age. Tribute of Iteatpect. At a reffulnr s'ated meetinarof "i.u J, k.l.V,h" Degree I-udKa, No, MO, 1. o. of O. V., tlie lollowiug pre aiuole aud rcaulutioua wuro unanimously adopted : ur.MKAa, ii mtojuuu gouu Ui eur llvAVelily lather iu Hia ililiuHe wiadoui, to remove by delh aflvr Ujug auf fering uuder most exoruciiOin i-aius, uitreateiued aud Ullen restweted aiater l:leauur Header, Iheieltire, lleaulved, Tliat wlille e aulanit to the Will of Una who "duetb all things well," we aurfly fetl aud Uuiply mouru tlie luaa ol our departed atur ; tliat iu this se vere atroke we fully realizj tbs faet 'Mhat we too uiuat follow her; aud that wo tea Ilia liaud uf our tieaveuly . Hiinniu, HI .IIUUIUM, IWaolvttd, That iu her death wa have loat oue of our beat members and wariueat frietids of our Older; oue wIunis gracea ai bariuouiouaiy devolojU iu a Usiuiilul Cblallau ciiarsoter. lUwoive.1, XUal wa deeply sviuualhiz with our be reaved brother, Haluuei Heiler, liulaiud of our deceaaed aiater, aud bla family aud fr.etida, uoiumeuiblig liieui to lue au-wiae auu meieiiui (ou, pru lug tuat lie may com fort them, aud sanctify Una ant.ctiua to their elerual good. . ueaolved. mat a cony of the, raaoluiloua be xait Ui tba tjereaviMt family, kud liiat U.S aaiue ba .ublianed LuT u iwt oouuty pa; eia. U. it. U lit I IIOWIME'.V, H. J. Hill K. t. liAUTUOliOMKW, Coiumlllas. r LTSua, Sov. it, 1873. (rou tea amebhoah. Messhs. Editousi Iu your Amebicam of October 1st, an extract beaded, " Advlco to Ldh," but Ua earefullr and iudlg-iautly read, aud the fcnoll of which It the tubmllllu( of this to your eoiumns. We. who arffall fentlulnes are not funetlcttllj aealont ov our rights, aud do not believe lu nor wiab naWratlon of tho liniuuuitlos of men ; we moat emfibnrleally wuut our place at decreed Uy the Divine Author of eue belug, which, to fa as goes our comprehension of Iho luwr In holy wit, has not constituted woimin As other than titan' "onipiinlon. hi" eqttnl, bis help mute, not h's slnve, no the rrratlllnr ol his every enpr'ce. Wo do not want tho liberty of the polls: with Its Kccompnnlmcnt of meanness not the Itifrlnife ment of tnitn's sphere) wu are content with home, wotnsn's realm, wherein virtues shine, Drtgntesi. - it man so en ants mt part in tuo mnlrlmonlnl dramu that tho boundary be not so circumscribed at to deprive woman of her unit llonnhle rights, which, when done compels Iter to dissolve herself of trite feminine nature and transform Into masculine so for as prncllcuble, conireulnlity not the Incentive, necessity becoin hit: her law Tor nct'on, hence It it nol Uncommon to hear denuiiclittlons of women who, III spirit, have become men, because, I say, driven by the lack of siipcrloilty In men, by that very imbecil ity which is accompanied by an exacting nuturo exacting; It truly Is when exuciimr of women atonement for man's deficiencies hit Imperfec tions, which teems to be the Idea In " Advice to I.tidles," wherein Is said, " the wife must do so," and thus must devote tier lll'e to the happiness of whom ? of him who litis vowed to be her sus tiiincr, her protector." " Shu nint not Irritate," " must not draw on his patience." " not Increase his obstinacy," "not retaliate," In short, she must not be, human ornf n natiirenpproxliniitiiiir humanity. Now, In the name of u 1 1 i;ood com mon tense, where would this rode plnco man lie who claims supcri.u liy, w ho would stand as (lod created liltn, a imbl bcluir. who would bo the oak round which tic vine c.lturs for support, in the fninillnol'wliicli he do nnu Is the respect of his wile, nnd only this, respect, oh ! bus. band, Is the " greatest boon you can he-tow In y.ur home ;" of far prcntcr Value in its happi ness than tlirj " little lime, patience, Intrigue," et cetera, pictured lu llu extract. Is it possible 10 command honor when there is not an equiva lent therefor I Many women who would ho the " b'.cssed amon? women ns wives an I mothers," have been most cruelly transformed by the great dearth of auiflit ciiiinblini; In the characters of nominal husbands, lie class of which, It is well, art In the minority woll, too, that there are exceptions lo every rule. Ill her true nature woman I. not exacting, does not "sih for more woilda to conquer," if in her domain her riulils are respected. Have you -ecu differences in families, some happier than others ? It Is not nn Herculean effort to divlip! tlie wliure fot. Little kindnesses, little appreciations have been wauling t little, vety little actions on the part of husbands have alienated affection, changed love to balled, honor to dishonor. The preservation of matrimonial virtues is a mutual right. The one-sided udvlee ia unnecessary. Home happiness Is in mutual keeping. Wc study the nature of the soil, the sunshine or the shade for flow eis, whose beauty and fragrance we would possess. Home happiness Is in value a deeper I heme, nnr Is It the exclusive til lit of tho wile. 011 I husband, '.n the keeping of which In thy remembrance thou inayest greatly enliaiiee thine own lia;; hu's.-s nnd that of tlio?e given to thee by thy (L'rcutor. Ma t:i. Asiiallo ( lioloru iu t'hi.i:i. ALMOST EVK11Y CASK C'UHED WITH i a i k i i. ia i: tl I Dr.AK Pins : Dtirint! it rpMilctiee f snmo tell years in Sinni and Cliina. ft luNsitm my, I fnuitil yottf rain-Killur in n of hot water nwci-li in il with ; then, after about lifli'itti initiulcs, biting to ivo about a talilespotiiiliil ol'llm same mixture every few miuutea until relief was obtained Apply hot njiplicati'ins to the cxtreniities. Hatliu the Btotniiuh with the Pain-Killer, clear, nnd rub the limbs briskly. Of those. who had the Cholera, pun iook i"o niutn citio faitlifully, n way states above, eiHit out of ten refcvet'etl. Kev. 11. Tl'V.t'OKU. Missionary in Cliina. I)KAR S"!S ' Tlurinp; a long residt nro in China 1 1:1 vu ,lst t' our valuable Pain-Killer, both i my own famiiy and among the (Jhitv'se. and have fouud it a most excel lcat medicine. In tho Smniners of LSti2 and 18ti:l, while resitlinsi in .Shanghai. I found it nn almost eeitatn cure for cholera, if unci! in time. Intlecd,; it in n n.nt, many instances, I do not icinemlicr failing in a single case. For three years 1 have been residiii!! in this place, more than hlly miles from a physician, and have been ob liged often to fall upon my own resources in cases of sickness. Tho Chinese come, to us in great numbers for medicine nnd ad vice. Though without medical knowledge ourselves, the few simple remedies wo can command nre so much in advance evcu ot their physicians, that wo have almost daily applications. 'o allow them to come, be cause it brings us in contact with them and opens a door of usefulness. In diarrhea, colic, vomiting, cholera, coughs, etc., your Pniu-Killer has been my chief medicine, yours, very truly. Key. T. P. CliAWFOUD, Tungehow, China. Thoso using Pain-Killer should strictly observe tho follow ing directions : At tho commencement of tho disease, take a teaspoonl'ul of Pain-Killer, in sugar and water, anil then blithe freely across the stomach and bowels with the Pain Killer clear. Should the diarahea and cramp continue, repeat tho dose every fif teen minutes. In this way tho dreadful scourge may be checked and tho patient re lieved in the course of a few hours. X. 1$. He sure and get the griiuino ar tielo ; and it is recommended by those who have used the Pain-Killer for the cholera, that in extreme cases the patient take two (or more) teaspoonfuls instead of one. Tho Pain-Kiiler is sold by all tho Drug gists and Dealers in Family Medicines. Price, 2." and 5(1 cent's and 1. PKI1UV DAVIS & SOX. Mnnuf"s A Trop's. 13d High, Prov., 11. I Oct. 31, 1H73. ltn. Ki'i:(iii,.uii(i:s. Tot ttialislN, To .lien oi' Medium Means, mill lo nil Vi iliing IlumeH itiitl links AvoiU I'uj iua Heutis. Uv referenee to the Wntsoiitown Itteord and Suiihnry "UtiKettc" will be seen u full and more explicit deseriptiou of the property 1 oiler for sale, either In lots or by the ueie. Uut what I wish to more piutle'ilnrly tiling before the pub lic Is the LIBI'.HAI. TKli.VS ou which they ure Olfered. I will SELL LOTS from to t50 and Lands by the AC'ltK horn f (iu lo f 'Ui', aecordiug to ttie locution. Tekms : Ten per pent, or the ptuelmse money down, ibe balance in time end iiinrtitil- to aiiit purchasers, i'roiu N E to KKillT YKAKS, with Wgn Interest from iby of sale. The streets und ulleys ill be opened us fust as lots are told, to Hi it nil mny bu a)prou bed with ease. All persons who nre now paylni; rent can have an opportunity of eeciitiui; a homo for less mo ney mutually tbun lli'.'V urn uow THROWING nWAV lu reul. Any jiersou wislilng to teo tho lands nr lots will cull on me, wbeu every opportunity will bo ffiven them to have a lair chance lo see the supe rior udvantngct presented to the public. In addition to the lauds uhove reierred tn, I now otter for sale TllKl'.E DWELLING IIOU K3, situate on Water street, In Wiilsoniown bo roUL'b, the one being; the luri;o anil comiundioiit Brick Dwelling now ixeueied by me, nil of sold dwellings having the neeesaaiy out building for iinmediiile use. For further Information call on or address J. M, ftll.i unt. Wauoiitown, ra. October 81, 1S73. 1 yr. MERCHANTS and M ANUKACTL'K i.Ks will beat inauis their shipmcuta to their detthiHtion by ii-in Ipii iiIhoii'm t'.Ti:XT NIII11I.U TAUH I over l wo Hundred Millions have been used I within the pai-t ten years, without complaint ot losa by Inn becomlm; iieluciieii. All r.xprest Co' use them, bold by Printer mid blalliuicrt everywhere. Oct. 81, 1S73. Sin. t'hiltlreu olHen look Ile aud Kirk from no other cause than having worm In the itoiuueb. BltOWN'8 VEUMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without Injury to the child, belli if perfectly WHITE, mid from nil the coloring or other injurious Ingredient UbUully used in worm preparations. CURTIS . BIIOWS, Proprietors, No. ai5 Fulton htreel. New X in Sold by t)rw)ijUlt uiut I'tumisU, aufix, MmiiriH4 at T T-FiV C'r--luly W,MW. ly. - IS The purest nnd sweetest Cod Liver Oil Is Ilnr. nrd A Caswell's made on the seashore, from rrnsh, seleeled llvdrs, hy Cuswoll, Hai.iid ri Co., New York. It Is absolutely pure nnd sweet, Patients who have once taken It prefer it to nil others. Physicians Lave decided it tttpcrlor to any of the other oils In thn market. N7.4w. The I'onfVsmioii ol nn Invalid. Published by a warnlmr nnd for the benefit of Youni; Men nnd others wlioaullcr from Nkuvoi s Uitmi.tTT, boss or Makhood, etc., sitpplylug tho means of self-euro. Written by onn who cured himself nfler ntiderirnlntt considerable qusck 'ry, and sent free or receiving n posl-puid dlrueted envelop. Billferors are invited to address the author. NATHANIEL M A YFA1U. June U,"?3 Qui. llox lM.JHroiiklyn, N. Y. Tho IIoaHcholtl Cuuncen, and Family I.llinnt Is tho best remedy lu the world for tho following complaints, vli. t Cramps In the Limbs and Stu much, Pain In the Stomnch. llowels, or Mdc, Hlivttmnt lem In nil Its tonus, Pillions Colic, Ncti rnlrfln, Cliolern, Dysentery,Colds, Wounds, Ilcrns, Sine I'll roflt, Spinal Complaints, Sprains find Brnlfts, Chill und Eever. For Internal und External use. Its operation Is not only to relieve the patient, but entirely remove the cause of ll.e complaint. It penetrates and pervades the whole system, re stoilui; healthy action lo all its parts, nnd quick cnini; the blood. The lIouMPholt I'aimrcn l purely Vccetable and All Healing. Prepared bv cuiiTis .fe nittnvK, No. 215 Fulton Street, New YotU. For sale hv nil druggists. July I a, 18T11. ly. Thirty Year' S'.sporieiice oTnii Old NUI'NC. MrsWInslow's SoolSitnr; Svrup in the iirenvrlittioil ot'onenf ibe bi-st Keintiie I'll) ici:itm nil. I Nurses lu the United b'tates, and ha been used for thirty years with never fuilinsr safety ond success by millions of mothers und children, from the feeble Infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, rcirulnles the bowels, anil L'lves ret, health nnd comfort to mother and child. Wc believe it lo be the Best nnd Purest Reniedv In the Wnild. In ull cae of DY8EX TEltY'und DIAHmifK.V IS CHILDREN, whe ther It arises from Tcetbinif or from any other caue. Full directions for usinif will accompany each bottle. None (Jenuliie unless 'tw fae-simile ofCUKTI t PEUKIS is on tli outside wrap per. told bv all Medielpa dealers. July 12, 1H73. ly. TO r K I' 'I 'T i v i:s. The attvi-'t'-er, h-iving lie:i f ominpenlly eu'el of tliat dre. d d.', Consumption, by a simi ly renipily, 1h bi.uuii. to inke known to bis fellow suti'ei-H the ,. e.ina of rare. To till who desire it, he w ill a cii y ul ihe pret..ii tiou uaeit, (free of eh n iiel, it 1, t 'i di; ec lions for It! iiriltg and iminK the ajine, Mh:el: th"y vill Mad a a'iiu Cute lor C-uauuipti in, Ah'-Lhih, liioueallH, 4". l'artli a wlsliiarr the in-epcription wid please nddrees liev. K. A. WILSON', 1'.'4 Tiiuii .St., V.'jlliiiiabur,;1.!, New York. Nov. 51, 1S7J (Sin. ElUt-UEt.S or VOtTll. A Gentleman who KUffere.l f,,r ye.TiM from Nervous f -1 ill y. 1'ieniMtuiv Ilei- .y. ftixl atl the i ifi c'.. ot youin ful iud -"ei-etion -'U, for lln s.ike i.f aullcriiiir ha ul .nay, oend iree to ail who need I', tin, reeij e and ll leenou fur lntkiui!' 'be pimple remedy by wtrch he wna cure;!. Satfeieia waliii.g lo prolit l.y ttie advert:i.e' a PXperieuee can do no by -itliiii.i.l.g in erfect e'l'G deiiCi', JOHN U. OODV.", 42 Ce.l-.r St., :w Yoik. Niv. '21, ltri.l thn. On the 111 h list., by A. N. llrlce, Faq , Mr. Hamoul Milleb and Ahklia Manty, all of Suubury, Ta. KhTATK Of CALK HAItllF.TT, PlH'l. "V"OTICn in btt by (jivnii th it Hip uiult'rRitfure tin Im-mi J.1 ai j : i1 AmliNir hy Hi. ().- Im'kn Court, of North (iniiferiiiml I'utiiity, to in .1' d'H'nltti'ion t'f th nnuiiM tn (lit h 'ntl of Snniut l J. II-iif.viirthf Ainiltiiri'rntor of nuitl p-'-ttp, to ihu PMi'k'J DitTf'o. Tin- Auliur will ini-t nil j.dHirH lntt'ri'ftfd t km (nif, in ihv 1 iroi;ti of Hiuibury. ou Moml , Uff. mWt l VAT.L ut 1 oV1m (c I. M. . A. N. Kr.ICF, A j.Iitor-. Suiibmr, Nov. 'l-it h 71. I. c .i - :. - e , . ' , ir'-tv ' A.'.',-' sj . : 'it hi! .:...: . iiaitijLsiA 1 8 tVSZLS A vr.':r.TAl-.T.J5 inrPAEATIOS. com. X po",dluirljri."v.cJ t-io.urtcoTB, HERB3 cd FRUITS, rou'oiid wiih oiher propeities, whioh iu tbtir nam o a o ( !. -t, Areriuut, Ku trttioua. liurlle. .i:,rALv cu I Ai.ti-b b.ous. Th whole is priso.'vel i i r. t ut ijuii.ti'y of pi. lt from lu , i. t v '.'-. tJ t-v t-uul lu suy oliiuate, wLlU itl Cs i-l:a.i4 (' t n ( t ti ,4 WJOUl e ias 4a aa aiwaa MATTERS odb of thi mnit rlwImWti Tonlf anrl CMttir ti m iU W-Jiid. 'jtA i Uiten.l. J gtrictij fc JLemp only to be uaod m tv xi-Jicine. anl tawaji according iu direction. 1 hey ra the hect-anchrr of the fceblo actl debill t&td. 1 iiey ftit upon a diKUMPed Uver, aud tliuuita to auch a dfitivo tiiit a LuaUhy action i at ouco brought about. Aa a temedy to nhtch Wonivn r enpeciUiy uhjet.'t it l auiarHduig eTery other imulkiatL Ana kurlnrz ntul HunimcnTtinta ttimulai.1. V..-fc,;ar1B!:Xl(fiHftl- '-rJ aud ettiUa ir! . la ..: -,i.-l' "IX. Purify tu blood. atroiig. Ibejr purl y and invi(orai. lh. JII".1? yaMpia. c'ouatirt:on and 11, ada,-ba. 1 b y a. t aa aapacific iuailaitiira of oiaord.ra -abich i.n uiuune ib bodily aixciiUih aud break down, the uiiual :uita feDot. 63 Park Place. Hew York. O. W. KKlil'EU. C, W. I1ASMLEH. Fall Goods ! Dry Ootids), Notions, FuruUhing Goodi, Groceries, Oil Cloths, GlaB and Nnil.H of every variety, at one low price. Kccfcr & i--l0I',s Store, . , fourth and Market Streets, BUNBURY, PA. AU kinds of drain taken In exebuuge sumo 1 . vhii Run aw us, o w REEFER k BA68LER Sunbury, Oct. SI, 1S78. W 'vfTTi-s----.-S 7 vLit-'A-nA-.-v i -vX tai,;-.i!--i;;tV-'fV-'--" --a' ' . . .- . . i - -l f. .1 . 1 $ltb) bbttii-ciitcnta (.'iiiulriHioiivi-V Nnlo of tlnaicalcU I.uikIn. The following Trnrts of Unsented Lands it nutod In the County of Northumberland, having been purchased by tho Commissioners of said county for tho use of said county In accordance with the provision of an Aet of Assembly, pass ed thn loth day or March, 1-115, and suppleiiiciils thirclo, nnd rcirtninlnif unredeemed for more than live years afl-.r sale thereof to said Com missioners, They will bu soli at Public Sale ut Ihe Court House In Snnliitry, on Thurtdiiy tho. tlth day of December, 1873. Bale to coir uicncc at i0 o'cloi'k, it. in. Hi j J ai ll f 5 s :2.i B.i b i t : i i i. : i I i I i I -.ill ? 5 .'1 O w t -1 C w .i o i tucs . , - ' i' SS;lll.-.3 3 ' 53' o s ? o ? : . S- 3 B o- : 3 . .' 5 v 2 ; o g 2 Wa c : jr r ; t t r ' r i rr 7? r : ; I ! 5i ; ? j I : "5 i i "5 ' : ; ? ft t H. : 2. r' NJ n 5 '5 o- : b .-i a . 2 u o . s. 33 t ; : tr 3 -1 !:::::: cr. t. -s jr- V : y-E'l P f 1 tl -"in .-!!: ; a -1 . -j i i ? Ill ri i tr .-i - ! " E . J o -s 3 r- 3 a 3 ;5 11 --3a -t i a. ? T - J r-.; 2. Zi. - ? S 5 c'.5 3 - : : c - rr : o xZ X. - : S rf 2 '5. : S -3 . i : ?y : i ' r- r 5 j S : ft : : ; 15 : . . e s ": s -r S I S b s 5 -s 3 T S V : --: -i " .t-Srl-" S. s 2. i Z. " 3 .2 - 3 t- - zr , s 2 n r - B"-t r.Sa J;-?3ac2 Conditions wiil be made knowu 011 day of sale. ins wiil be made knowu 011 AMOS V.aSTISK, ) j. (i. ni'iiii.v .', Jcomv u. is. nr.rrz, S i3s:om:i(3. Attpst P. V. CIIAV, Cl.-rk. CRUMBS Are a modern ftovi voot, r 1 1 r o better, becatn-e liolii-h. far belter thai 1 1 11 1 lie v frive 11 1 ner l'Ioss Hiijothir in cxlstenee."' than any other polish. COMFORT Yield n brilliant silvery sheen, with less than half Ihe labor required lieu other j olisln ure 11 fed. C R U II B S Are a neat and eleanly-ip(an be ufed eveu In article, makim; no ilinl I H the parlor wilhutit the nor dui-t when used. ' trouble of removing COMFORT furniture or carpus. Has no disairrechlc sulplicroii or strontr aeld smell when prepared for use, but are pleasant und liarniU's. CRUMBS Are put up ill neat style cnel: box tiro 12 aud in 11 form morel j d -tieks ; 1 stick U hiuli convenient for uae tliaiiUi e'.ent for nuy stove, ury other poli;h. thtisall waMcisauved. COMFORT Are the clii-apest polish In the markit, becauvc one box at 10 cents will pnli-ta ns mack biiri'ace us '.'j cents woith of llm old polisbes. CUU 31 S Have just 1st nrcni'iu taken thc" ln competition with several of the be-t i f 1st preiniuni at the In lljl diuna polis K position tlie old stove yoliahui C 0 M F 0 II T Bl'Y C'hi miis or Comfoiit of your lorekclptr, if bo b ia them, or w ill procuro them for you ; if not, send ua one dollar, your name, nnd the name of vour neureat exprca station, nnd we will send you ten boxes, and samples of H.ut letl's Hlackiin; ami Pearl Hlueinii, free of cost. C'ki mus of C'oMroitT can be had of ull Whole sale Uiocers nnd Dealers In Ihe I'uite l States, and Betail Dealers will tin! thein the most prod tab o, Iroin tho fact Hint they nre the fastest cllinif urtlclc ef the kind in tlie market. S II. A. UAHTl.ETT & CO. US North Front St., Philadelphia. Ull Chambers St.. New Vork. 43 Broud lit., llohton. Nov. 14, '7U. oin eiim Oi'y tO ConU per Poit'o. pr.iiiotci tV-o GTSOT7TTI, PS".i:tn". "ol-OU, litcrcosea tr.e XI; x ilX't' oft:; K.liile : A-.- tub JiAtn nti 1 l'.n-t u-i.1 : f: , flkul l ItlWI ' - w,:.l. t s lOJ jP l..Y .t la UI pri-i-K-.r.'.l 1.' ! -H 1 t.. . . I'-.-r :'' li.O Oaowruaiut !t'-.AVTir rt o iix i. It iia 1 .iKt.l .i Ci'l, nud ii.ath r m ia- VI .Is Ii4 . aiottt. -. jr.,;-, uxvm iite l i.ii t 1 - H-" i tuui in tii' Ii;t ' tn..:v Auo, rut 1 I v-- ml i tea's &iy h He LYON'S a" "i"i-i sil 'Isr 2s 1 PI 'S W THaifiON Utbi bbctllamcnts. OrphaHsi Court Hale. IN pursnanre nf an order of tho Orphans' Court of Northiimberlnnd county, will be sold at public sale, at tbi late residence of (leo. Zerhy, dee'd, In Lower Mnhar.ny township, Nor thmnhcrland comity, Ph., about two miles from UcoiRetown, on Monday the 1st day ol Decem ber, 1873, the following real estate, lo wit t A Ti Ht- t or I.n ml situate In Lower Muha'ioy township, rom-tv of Northumberland, bounded by binds of Catharine VVitmor, Thomas A. Zerby, Jacob Holbrrmel, and Samuel Wllmur, conlaliilnii four acres, more or less ; whernon ure en-eted a dwelllnir house, a barn, and other outbuildings, and a sprinir of water near the lioupe. Thi property is well lo cated for a vineyard and rt fruit nursery. Bale to comuence at 10 fVlo, n. ni., on said day, when the conditions will h" Hindu known by O. A. BATDOHF, Adm'r. Low. Mnhanoy, Nov. 7, lb"3. CEUTRALRUQ STORE q.b.cXdvilader Iii Iho pl.ico to buy pure nnd frchh MEDICINES, DUUGS, TAINTS. OILS. GLASS, I'KIIFUMKUY, NOTIONS, C'ICAUS, T0I5ACCO, I.I.'iUOU fur tneJicintl purposes, rtinl nil nilu-r nrli clts usuiilly kept in n I inij Store. Spccinl n'tonlinii pniJtti cnitipouiiiiiiio piu pcripliona and family rccoipts l.y uoiiipL'tont druairists. Sunbury, Nov. 7, 1S7:. Jtlf -U.Vt.t- 11' llt.N 1 I it'V of l l'ln,ni' ' "ut Honnuts, ,t"i Plumes. Feathers, HiMions, ('rape .7 Veils, f 'rape, ( rapj lints en 1 Hon. " ni-t, Iiiiilal 11 ut. and Uorniuts, und 11 fuii assortment of the Inlest stvlea l i M ILIiI N E It Y AT Miss M. L. (iOSSl.EIt'ri, Fourth fl., below the IS. V. K. It. Every effort wiil be 11111 le to please tho.o who fuvor her with their patronage. Siinbtiry, Nov. 7, 1S73. i.t;s '.4i "TOTICF. Is hereby L'iven that I ha e ea'iirht n X number of lo's Uoatinir m the river Sutiie hnnna, ut Fixhcr'a Ferry on the 1st of October, 1M7:i,bavlii2tliefiilloiiii(inaik upon tliem 1 one Y, one P M I, one O. oi V K h, one F II .t K, one J N O, one W It I. Co., one N (J F, cue I. The owner or owneis nre rupiested to collie for ward, prove property, pay charges, or tiny will be sold according to In. fiFo. a. nopprr.. Flaber's Ferry, Nov. 7, li7H. lit. Yi'hoti, Jauutirj'! COilK ONE ! COME ALL ! ! THK subscriber havim; vrecled a !!!i Shop, on tlie lot ndjoinibi; the till Mill, formerly owned by Mortrtin .V Masaer, on Fourth St., Sun bury, is prepared to do (irncrul t51ahs:nltlilii-, on the shorte.-t iintlce. and in the Lvsl manner. Cui-toui woik inomptiv ntti nded to. house" shoeing made, a spceiull. The patronage of town aud country Is res,ectfullv soiicited. PETF.R W1I.VEI:. Siinli'iry, Nov. 7, TSTf). tf. FALL IS' ON EAST JIAUKtT ST., M:AH THE CITV HOTEL, SUNUCIir, I'A., now open, nil t he novelties of the season in RIBBONS, VELVETS, SILKS, TLWEIiS, FEATHitinS. ETC.. tiiiiiuie.l and uiitiiiuiiied IIA'IM AM) IJWXSJ'.TS. Notions in every variety, call an 1 evamiite the Hue Hanoi tmcut and learn tint low price-i. Alio, nrcMNi:i;ikiitg of Ibe ln'.ccl nnd tnn.-t fathioaabUt stylo. MISS AMELIA HANCOCK, Stiubury, Pa, Oct. 17, 173. AtiiuiiiiKt rat or's utioc. (Estate of Cl.ii-.tian Miller, dee'd.) "VJOTICK is hen by eiveti that l iters of ii.liniti J. irt'iilioii havintr been ciaii!. .l to the nuder siL'ue I 011 the e-tate of 1 liri-lian Miller, late of Siiaiiiokin lovrtbi, Nortiiuuilerland ciiur.ty, Pa., dee'd. Ail ! iv-ons Indebted to said estate 1 are rciUested tn make immediate payment, and those having claims to pivscnt thet'.i authenti cated for fiitlcmci.t. ESTHER MILLER, Admiult tialrix. S!iamokin twp. Oet. 81, 1S73. lit. ' iMJSW GOODS for FALL AND WINTER at Si::, Kate ItlticK'n, Market S.piare, Punburv, P.i. LA DIE'S DKESS U)ODS of every style und iplaltt v. WOOLEN tiOODS of every inscription, Fancy (jnods, Notions and Triaindii'.;s a apecialty. TOlLIiT SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. The ilue-t aoitlnei.t nf L lilies e;.."! Is. Ec ijliody l iuviteJ Ij call tin I sea them nnd bt!V cheap. October 111, 17!. v. Htitia. Vwnoi NEW WHOLESALE Piiteli t-in-' Air.'M. for the AMERICAN sKWlNli MACHINE, scil'-thteadiiti.', ' "Hi in tliu xIiiiILUi and anil, self M ll 1 ltl ill ir ,..t:L!..,.d o:.t l'. w.U, i .1 ,1 ...Iti. K.i.illl'.i take-up, can be adjVlcd loVethc t-hcupol und eoaiai.'M paieni uueu inreua ; runs Hirill, rcw t last ', cheape-t, best iii.i le, be-t ILil-hed, most! dtirable. Written guarantee for three yeais. j For Circilars, lerniH. Ac , address, j AMERICAN SEWlNti MACHINE CO., I No. '.''J Ninth Second St., Maiiiahurir, Pa. Sept. l'.l. I'j7;i. 3. rex. AID IJAiiE Il.Ll'STRATI'.l) IO! LlAilE of Momv CATA inukliii! Hooks sent ou rcceiit of lamp: Inolndlbcr the liitct and be-t bo .ks fur agent s. E. B.TKKAT. Publislu i, llroadway. N. Y. N7.4w. li u n i ii t , li li '' r a n ;l K iTr i it i la the valuable book we give to all- Full of fad llgure. and lull, bl pages. 50 pictures. Mailed for to stawps. Address G. ULACK.1E A CO., 740 llroadwav, N. Y. N7.4w. STiUV: PL ATFOKaM Silver Lustre, Highly Ornamental. A perfect protector to put under Stoves. A- k your dealer for it. Circulars pent free. Add'icn STAR PL A 1 FORM . hdIle4kui:iiiHl., N. Y. N7.4w. AtlENTS wanted for the li.nettecr of me I'niled State i Showing Ihe gijantic re- iilts of the Firi-t UW Yetir of Hie Ri public, A book everybody wauts. Send for ciicalar. Ad r ciicalar. Ad- , bl Arch Si., N7.Sw, ,,iPvviij dress,, ZElliLER A McCl iiDY Phila., Pa. FOR COL' fills, COLDS, llOAUSEXES AND ALL TI1UO.VT DISEASES, tSE WELLS' CAnilOLIC TABLETS Pin i ouly iu Blue Bones, remedy. A tried 1 auro M.t. Ak ua WL' t ! To meet the urgent r1 " ""J r "10 lIlnf 11,0 Florence Sewlni' i -. '. have dclermiued to JiVlDUCE PKICF.N and will bereafter sell their ijj Machine forilS, aud other slyles In proooril.-u. 3 vnt. n.OKES'CE Is the o"V sewing Machine thai feeds the work h;,Aiird and forward, or to right and ioft, us the iinrchaser mav ureter. It i..i been irremw linprovud and sluiplioeo, audi far better Ihnu any othei MaeUina In the market. It i4 nw the cheapest. N7 4w Floreaee, Mas., Nov. 1, "78. AjenU Wanted! Db. C. M. Munri'. Oro. W. Biotf NEW DRUG STOKE, No. 13, South Third Street,5 Clement fee EiiiSi, Miirjf, Pa DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVK jue( received a frefh lot of Pure Dnnf end Patent mrdiclnes. We bine also a fall nssrmmtit of HRF.S3INO AND PACKHT CO MB 3. Hair, Tooth, Nai:,C'.othe,Sliro and other brasher, tim;t aki rixci aktec rrsB cxthaois, i-ockkt books, knivks, o., AC. KEEIV8 CI'.AND DOCHF.59 CO).0NE, the sn-eetcst perfume In America. Psrlilun.a Kid (Jleve Unsli, wai raiilrd to clean perfectly the tnoet delicate shade without injury lotho kid All the leiMlinsf preparations for the ITlr, KKii.irSS, THK BEST IN MARKET, rare Wine and Uijuor, for medical purposes, l'bvsii ians I'nsci'ptioiis nnd family compounded with cure. Thankful for past favoi wa hope by fair deal ing to receive n alnre of yo;ir patrouagc. Septemlur 11, 1 iT.I- rvi,i, gooom From FROM NEW YORK. AND PHILADELPHIA, E0NNET8 & HATS, TRIMMED AND UNTIUM.MF.D. an extensive ns'ortmetit ol 1'ancv Goods at MltQ U. WijiSC.I.'C eill.l-ttlulIT uTtillU, MaiiKHT Siitnur, Surni'itT, P. My toclt of Sprliis pood Is unusually largo anil varied, compriMiiK 'the latest anil most at tractive stales, selected with care from the lead Inif lin fortius liotipcsiind adapted for the present season. October 3, 1S-3. MISS L. WF.I8F.H. COUUHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS AN1 A 1.1. T1IKOAT bISKASnS, iVKLI.'.S CAKIIOI.IC T.ilJLETrV. put up onlv in blue Roxe". . A TRIED AND 6LKE REMEDY. Sold by Druiriri-ts. Oct3-4w il a it lYTa f aTHt x l:s. A full line of Millinery oIm from New York and Philadelphia, now open at MISS M. L. tlOSSl.F.It'S ii,i.:M;itY Nioitt, trimed ami untrimcd BONNETS AND HATS, Flowers, Ribbons, Collars, Culls, Handkerchiefs, Neciilles, ami a ircm-ml variety of MILLINERY (iOODS selected with rreat care from the lending Im porting houses iu New York nud Philadelphia, SUSS M. L. GOS9LF.R, F'oitrth Street, below tho S. V. R. R. Every effort will he made to pleats thoio wllo favor her with their patronage. October Ii7M. ITS. FALL SEASON, 1H73. Jiii.i-::ti:;:Y asi faxcy goods, now op. en. FALL STYLES. Trimmed Iluis and Hounds, Plumes, Feather. Ribbon, Crape Veils, Crape, C'rupo Hats nnd Hotiiii Is, Bridal Hat nnd a full as sortment of til' Inte-t stvles 111 ii.iji:ky, ' 1rimminosof all kinds. (jloves, Collar, Cutis, nnd every fushionuhln article of Indies' wear. Call and slc the new style of Goods nt NISSL. SIIISSLER, Mar!:tt S inure, Suubury, Pa. Oct ber 3, 1673. t;r.o. w. ( OUI.E, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Leai. Estate Aotnt, nnd Agent for tho Ynin i.ADUi.ritu Mi Tt AL PimrEc'TivE Lire hst KASIT, Co.MI'.VNV. I3crii!r.u, 'j-.-th'iuilerUitul (Vunfy, Pa. ALL CLAIMS entrusted Iu his hands will receive prompt attention. . Ileriidon, Aiig. J, 73. 1 nios. v ' '-:. V ,t,-. c;;';;-;---,."-'-; S- ' 1 . . -i-' V T MIE VICTOR SEWING XACHlSE CO.. want reiiiible and enei irctie Alien Is n n county. Tlie "lClOR is a Lock-stitch, Shut lie Machine, with salf-st-ltiug Needle, best Qiriah e l nnd 1110-t perfect Machine ollered. All ln-crea-i- ot fO'l H r cent, mi sales nf llS7t3 over 1871. For I 'm is Ac, Address, VICTOR SEWINU MACHINE CO.,17 Che-taut lit.,Pbiladelphia, Pa. Sept. 1J, 1873.--4nios. STOVE A TIX F.NTAK1.1SIIMKXT. MARKET STREET, SUXBCRY, PA. ALFUED K'.IAESE, Proprietor. HLr'i:ioit to smith oiiNinrn.J II A VINO purel tise l the cbovewell known ca- laljlishini'iit, Mr. Kraute would respccttul- ly iiiloi in tbe I'libltit mat he u jv lias on band a large nssoiTinetit of COOK l.N'G STOVES, Sprer'a Cool; AnU-Du.-t, Regulator or Revolvliij; Top, Coinl.itialloii, Sas.iiielianiia and others, which are so arranged as to be used for Coal or ' Wool, and are warranted to perform aatisliictorl ly or no alc. HEATERS of nil kind put up to beat one or more rooms. 1IF.AT1NU STl'VES of did nut kinds at very low prices. I in -.tar' ul' I'.wr.v Iscitcrlpt Ion kept constantly on band. Rooting and SKutlng itli the be-t niatei ial, done ut short notice KEPAIRINli alten.led to Willi iliapatcb. Coal Oil nil Lamps constantly ou hand Japan wuro of u x.ndj. Store opposite Conley s linnlwaro loic. tiivo mo u caL. A. Kl.AUSL, upl'il-ly Wocti'd iieapers and .Mewe r. Br.iiHYsUUitu, Pa., Oct. 10, 1S73. Ei:io!J S. Bowman, Esi)., Sec. Upper Duuphla As-ocinliou, Dear S.r : botrr, Walls und Sliriner, miiuiifucturera of tho ''Buok-eie" Mowers and Reapers, circulated, ut the Suubury Fair u Pamphlet selling forth that thev h id hecii a warded by Ihe Judges at the lir.itid Field Trial of the Upper-Dauphin Agri; cult in ut Association, the Lipioma lor Ibe best Mower at d Rcnp'-r. This evidently is a mistake t tlie Waiter A. Wood Manufacturing Co. bold" now In their possession llu Diploma for the "bet Mower,'1 awarded theia by Judges at that trial. Be kind enough to w riio me the facts concern ing the award of Diplomas ns reported to the A Docialiou by tbu Judges of said Trial, A oblige Very Truly Yours, DAVID WETZLER. Mu.i.Fksuruo, Pa., Oct. 11,1873. Daviu Wetzi.kii, Kq., Agent of 'Wood" R.afi cr. und Wowors, Ben jburg, Pa., Dear Sir: Your letter of the 1MU i line duly to h j in reply would st ile that !'" ''Buckeye' I ei and Mowers wi-ie -warded nt ivir Kx in 1S73, tlie pie" '''"'1 f 'rihi' "beat Dropp that tho '"'lr- A- Wood ' received tl Your letter of the 1MU i iiue duly to hauil.iied llnckiye" Kcap Kiihlbitiot, opier,-'iiii 1 1 Hie iPi in. lint lo-'He "t'e-l ilUdayof Mower and Reap- ' era ot-si .iiowiir." I The circular printed and ciiciiHted by St; T - nuns nun Miriacr, niaiinlHclui' of the ' i eye" Reaper and Mowers. lutlu they were awar.led the Lr.-t I lemiiii- ''r " bi si re.iperuu1 tnoer is Mot eorr-- their awutil in only for the "bet display Machine," and for the "best Mowing Mn-11" ' above staled. 1 inn rv Tni,y Youi. - . SIMON S. BOWMAN, Sec'f 1'nr ' Dauphia Aarleultural A.soclailon fi-.. !, 1S7S. It. JA.MI s II. Mclii;VITT, -Attorney at Law and- Unitkd State Cojmissionmk. Ofilee nn g, B. Bojer, Kao.. In biltrki't riutlding, buuburr' Pa. Auir "",14. if. ' ' t I . f r-.."H" V.'.-'' - ' .'-ur - '., ; -j - iw.fv.'.-.ii.'r;;.,v-.'. 3